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Book II Rpc Art 114 - 367 With Notes

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7/25/2019 Book II Rpc Art 114 - 367 With Notes http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/book-ii-rpc-art-114-367-with-notes 1/31 Treason Crimes Against National Security ART 114 ELEMENTS: 1. Offender is a ili!ino citi"en or an alien resident #. T$ere%s a &ar in and '$ili!!ines is in(ol(ed) and *. Offender eit$er +  a. Le(ies &ar against t$e go(ernment) or  ,. Ad$eres to enemies- gi(ing aid or comfort 'ERSONS LA/LE: 1. ili!ino + !ermanent allegiance) can commit treason any&$ere #. Alien Residing + tem!orary allegiance) commit treason only &$ile residing in  '$ili!!ines Notes: Treason committed in a foreign country may ,e !rosecuted in t$e '$ili!!ines. 0Art.#- R'C Treason ,y an alien must ,e committed in t$e '$ili!!ines. 0EO 44. Treason + ,reac$ of allegiance to t$e go(ernment ,y a !erson &$o o&es allegiance to it. Allegiance + o,ligation of fidelity and o,edience &$ic$ indi(iduals o&e to t$e go(ernment under &$ic$ t$ey li(e or to t$eir so(ereign- in return for !rotection t$ey recei(e. Treason is a &ar crime 2 !unis$ed ,y state as a measure of self2!rotection. Committed in times of &ar 0not !eace &$en  2 t$ere is actual $ostilities  2 no need for a declaration of &ar. 1
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Crimes Against National Security

ART 114


1. Offender is a ili!ino citi"en or an alien resident

#. T$ere%s a &ar in and '$ili!!ines is in(ol(ed) and

*. Offender eit$er +

  a. Le(ies &ar against t$e go(ernment) or

  ,. Ad$eres to enemies- gi(ing aid or comfort

'ERSONS LA/LE:1. ili!ino + !ermanent allegiance) can commit treason any&$ere

#. Alien Residing + tem!orary allegiance) commit treason only &$ile residing in



Treason committed in a foreign country may ,e !rosecuted in t$e '$ili!!ines.

0Art.#- R'C

Treason ,y an alien must ,e committed in t$e '$ili!!ines. 0EO 44.

Treason + ,reac$ of allegiance to t$e go(ernment ,y a !erson &$o o&es

allegiance to it.

Allegiance + o,ligation of fidelity and o,edience &$ic$ indi(iduals o&e to t$e

go(ernment under &$ic$ t$ey li(e or to t$eir so(ereign- in return for !rotection

t$ey recei(e.

Treason is a &ar crime 2 !unis$ed ,y state as a measure of self2!rotection.

Committed in times of &ar 0not !eace &$en

  2 t$ere is actual $ostilities

  2 no need for a declaration of &ar.


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Mere acce!tance of !u,lic office and disc$arge of official duties under t$e

enemy do not constitute !er se t$e felony of treason. /ut &$en t$e !osition is

!olicy2determining- t$e acce!tance of !u,lic office and t$e disc$arge of official

duties constitute treason.


1. Le(ying &ar against go(ernment 2 re5uires:

  a. Actual assem,ling of men

  ,. 'ur!ose of e6ecuting a treasona,le design- ,y force

#. Ad$eres to enemies + follo&ing must concur toget$er:

  a. Actual ad$erence

  ,. 7i(e aid or comfort


Le(ying &ar 2 must ,e &it$ intent to o(ert$ro& t$e go(ernment as suc$- not

merely to re!eal a !articular statute or to resist a !articular officer.

Re5uirements of le(ying &ar

  1. Actual assem,ling of men)  #. To e6ecute a treasona,le design ,y force)

  *. ntent is to deli(er t$e country in &$ole or in !art to t$e enemy) and

  4. Colla,oration &it$ foreign enemy or

  some foreign so(ereign

Not necessary t$at t$ose attem!ting to o(ert$ro& t$e go(ernment ,y force of

arms s$ould $a(e t$e a!!arent !o&er to succeed in t$eir design- in &$ole or in


Ad$erence + intellectually or emotionally fa(ors t$e enemy and $ar,ors

sym!at$ies or con(ictions disloyal to $is country%s !olicy or interest.

Aid or Comfort + act &8c strengt$ens or tends to strengt$en t$e enemy of t$e

go(ernment in t$e conduct of &ar against t$e go(ernment- or an act &8c

&ea9ens or tends to &ea9en t$e !o&er of t$e go(ernment or t$e country toresist or to attac9 t$e enemies of t$e go(%t or country


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1. Treason

  a. Testimony of at least # &itnesses to t$e same o(ert act

  ,. ;udicial confession of accused

#. Ad$erence

  a. One &itness

  ,. Nature of act itself

  c. Circumstances surrounding act


To con(ict: testimonies must relate to t$e same o(ert act + not t&o similar acts.

f act is se!ara,le + eac$ &itness can testify to !arts of it) ,ut t$e act- as a

&$ole- must ,e identifia,le as an o(ert act.

Confession must ,e in o!en court.

Reason for #2&itness rule

s!ecial nature of t$e crime re5uires t$at t$e accused ,e afforded a s!ecial!rotection not re5uired in ot$er cases so as to a(oid a miscarriage of <ustice.

E6treme seriousness of t$e crime- for &$ic$ deat$ is one of t$e !enalties

!ro(ided ,y la&- and t$e fact t$at t$e crime is committed in a,normal times-

&$en small differences may in mortal enmity &i!e out all scru!les in sacrificing

t$e trut$.

7eneral Notes:

n$erent circumstances 2 t$ey do not aggra(ate t$e crime.

  2 E(ident !remeditation are needed to see t$is !icture.

  2 su!erior strengt$

  2 treac$ery

Treason is a continuing crime. E(en after t$e &ar- offender can still ,e



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No treason t$roug$ negligence since it must ,e intentional.

No com!le6 crime of treason &it$ murder + murder is t$e o(ert act of aid or

comfort and is t$erefore inse!ara,le from treason itself.


  2 =uress or uncontrolla,le fear

  2 O,edience to de facto go(ernment


  2 Sus!ended allegiance

  2 ;oining t$e enemy army t$us ,ecoming a citi"en of t$e enemy

Cons!iracy and 'ro!osal To Commit Treason

Crimes Against National Security

ART. 11>.


1. n time of &ar)#. T&o or more !ersons come to an agreement to 2

  a. le(y &ar against t$e go(ernment- or

  ,. ad$ere to t$e enemies and to gi(e t$em aid or comfort

*. T$ey decide to commit it.


1. n time of &ar

#. A !erson &$o $as decided to le(y &ar against t$e go(ernment-  or to ad$ere to t$e enemies and to gi(e t$em aid or comfort

*. 'ro!oses its e6ecution to some ot$er !erson8s.


As a general rule- cons!iracy and !ro!osal to commit a felony is

not !unis$a,le 0ART.?. Art 11> is an e6ce!tion as it s!ecifically

!enali"es cons!iracy and !ro!osal to commit treason.


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Mere agreement and decision to commit treason is !unis$a,le.

T&o2&itness rule + not a!!lica,le since t$is is a crime se!arate

from treason.

Mere !ro!osal e(en &it$out acce!tance is !unis$a,le- too. f t$e

ot$er acce!ts- it is already cons!iracy.

f actual acts of treason are committed after t$e cons!iracy or

!ro!osal- t$e crime committed &ill ,e treason- and t$e cons!iracy

or !ro!osal is considered as a means in t$e commission t$ereof.

Mis!rision of Treason

Crimes Against National Security

ART. 11@.


1. Offender o&es allegiance to t$e go(ernment#. Not a foreigner

*. as 9no&ledge of any cons!iracy 0to commit treason against t$e go(ernment

4. e conceals or does not disclose t$e same to t$e aut$orities in &8c $e



Offender is !unis$ed as an accessory to t$e crime of treason.

/ut is actually !rinci!al to t$is crime.

Crime doesnBt a!!ly if crime of treason is already committed and

it is not re!orted.

t is a crime of omission.


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R'C mentions 4 indi(iduals 0i.e. go(ernor- !ro(incial fiscal- mayor

or city fiscal- ,ut &$at if you re!ort to some ot$er $ig$2ran9ing

go(ernment. official

E6: 'N' =irector ;udge 'imentel says any

go(ernment. official of t$e =L7 is OD..

Mis!rision of treason is a crime t$at may ,e committed only ,y citi"ens of

t$e '$ili!!ines.

T$e essence of t$e crime is t$at t$ere are !ersons &$o cons!ire to commit

treason and t$e offender 9ne& t$is and failed to ma9e t$e necessary

re!ort to t$e go(ernment &it$in t$e earliest !ossi,le time.

3$at is re5uired is to re!ort it as soon as !ossi,le.

T$e criminal lia,ility arises if t$e treasonous acti(ity &as still at t$e

cons!iratorial stage.

Any !erson in aut$ority $a(ing t$e e5ui(alent <urisdiction 0of a mayor-

fiscal or go(ernor- li9e a !ro(incial commander- &ill alreadynegate criminal lia,ility.

/lood relations$i! is al&ays su,ser(ient to national security.

Article # does not a!!ly $ere.

Fnder t$e Re(ised 'enal Code- t$ere is no crime of mis!rision of re,ellion.


Crimes Against National Security

ART. 11G.

ESPIONAGE + is t$e offense of gat$ering- transmitting- or losing

information res!ecting t$e national defense &it$ intent or reason

to ,elie(e t$at t$e information is to ,e used to t$e in<ury of

t$e Re!u,lic of t$e '$ili!!ines or t$e ad(antage of a foreign nation.


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1. /y entering- &it$out aut$ority- a &ars$i!- fort- or military or

  na(al esta,lis$ment or reser(ation to o,tain any information- !lan or

  ot$er data of confidential nature relati(e to t$e defense of t$e



  1. T$at t$e offender enters a &ars$i!- fort- na(al or military

  esta,lis$ment or reser(ation)

  #. T$at $e $as no aut$ority t$erefore) and

  *. T$at $is !ur!ose is to o,tain information- !lans- !$otogra!$s or  ot$er data of a confidential nature relati(e to t$e defense of t$e


#. /y disclosing to t$e re!resentati(e of a foreign nation t$e contents

  of t$e articles- data or information referred to in t$e !receding

  !aragra!$- &$ic$ $e $ad in $is !ossession ,y reason of t$e !u,lic

  office $e $olds.


  1. T$at t$e offender is a !u,lic officer)

  #. T$at $e $as in $is !ossession t$e articles- data or information referred

  to in t$e first mode of committing es!ionage- ,y reason of t$e !u,lic

  office $e $olds) and

  *. T$at $e discloses t$eir contents to a re!resentati(e of a foreign nation.


1. irst mode:

  a. ili!ino

  ,. alien residing

#. Second mode:

  a. Offender is a !u,lic officer.



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/eing a !u,lic officer is a re5uirement in t$e second !aragra!$

t is aggra(ating in t$e first.

Es!ionage is t$e offense of gat$ering- transmitting- or losing information

res!ecting t$e national defense &it$ t$e intent or reason to ,elie(e t$at

t$e information is to ,e used to t$e in<ury of t$e '$ili!!ines or

t$e ad(antage of any foreign nation. t is not conditioned on citi"ens$i!.

3ireta!!ing is not es!ionage if t$e !ur!ose is not connected &it$ t$e defense.

n t$e first mode of committing t$e felony- it is not necessary t$at t$eoffender

succeeds in o,taining t$e information.

nciting To 3ar Or 7i(ing Moti(es or Re!risal

Crimes Against National Security

ART. 11?.


1. Offender !erforms unla&ful or unaut$ori"ed acts)

#. Suc$ acts !ro(o9e or gi(e occasion for a &ar in(ol(ing or lia,le

  to in(ol(e t$e '$ili!!ines or e6!ose ili!ino citi"ens to

  re!risals on t$eir !ersons or !ro!erty)



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Crime committed in time of !eace.

ntent of t$e offender is immaterial.

n inciting to &ar- t$e offender is any !erson. f t$e offender is a

!u,lic officer- t$e !enalty is $ig$er.

Re!risals are not limited to military action- it could ,e economic

re!risals- or denial of entry into t$eir country.

E6am!le: H ,urns C$inese flag. f C$ina ,ans t$e entry of ili!inos

into C$ina- t$at is re!risal.

iolation of Neutrality

Crimes Against National Security

ART. 11I.


1. T$at t$ere is &ar in &$ic$ t$e '$ili!!ines is not in(ol(ed)

#. T$at t$ere is a regulation issued ,y com!etent aut$ority for t$e !ur!ose of

  enforcing neutrality) and

*. T$at t$e offender (iolates suc$ regulation.


T$is crime is committed only in time of &ar.

Neutrality of t$e '$ili!!ines t$at &as (iolated.

T$ere $as to ,e a regulation issued ,y com!etent aut$ority for enforcement of

neutrality + offender (iolated it.

/eing a !u,lic officer or em!loyee $as $ig$er !enalty.


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Corres!ondence 3it$ ostile Country

Crimes Against National Security

ART. 1#.


1. T$ere%s a &ar in and '$ili!!ines is in(ol(ed)

#. T$at t$e offender ma9es corres!ondence &it$ an enemy country or territory

  occu!ied ,y enemy troo!s)

*. T$at t$e corres!ondence is eit$er +

  a. !ro$i,ited ,y t$e go(ernment- or

  ,. carried on in ci!$ers or con(entional signs- or  c. containing notice or information &$ic$ mig$t ,e useful to t$e enemy.


1. Notice or information mig$t ,e useful to t$e enemy.

#. Offender intended to aid t$e enemy.


 Circumstances 5ualifying t$e offense:

  1. notice or information mig$t ,e useful to t$e enemy

  #. offender intended to aid t$e enemy

A $ostile country e6ists only during $ostilities or after t$e declaration of &ar.

Corres!ondence to enemy country is corres!ondence to officials of enemy

country e(en if said official is related to t$e offender.

t is not corres!ondence &it$ !ri(ate indi(idual in enemy country.

f ci!$ers &ere used- no need for !ro$i,ition of t$e go(ernment.

f ci!$ers &ere not used- t$ere is a need for !ro$i,ition of t$e go(ernment.


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t is immaterial if corres!ondence contains innocent matters. f !ro$i,ited-

corres!ondence is !unis$a,le.

lig$t To EnemyBs Country

Crimes Against National Security

ART. 1#1.


1. T$ere%s a &ar and '$ili!!ines is in(ol(ed)

#. Offender o&es allegiance to t$e go(ernment)

*. Offender attem!ts to flee or go to enemy country) and

4. 7oing to enemy country is !ro$i,ited ,y com!etent aut$ority.


1. ili!ino citi"en

#. Alien residing in t$e '$ili!!ines


Mere attem!t consummates t$e crime.

T$ere must ,e a !ro$i,ition. f t$ere is none- e(en if one &ent to enemy


t$ere is no crime.

An alien resident may ,e $eld guilty for t$is crime ,ecause an alien o&es

allegiance to t$e '$ili!!ine go(ernment al,eit tem!orary.

'iracy n 7eneral And Mutiny On T$e ig$ Seas

Crimes Against National Security

ART. 1##.


1. /y attac9ing or sei"ing a (essel on t$e $ig$ seas or in t$e '$ili!!ine &aters0'= >*#)


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#. /y sei"ing t$e &$ole or !art of t$e cargo of said (essels- its e5ui!ment or

!ersonal ,elongings of its com!lement or !assengers- t$e offenders ,eing

strangers to t$e (essels.

PIRACY + it is ro,,ery or forci,le de!redation on t$e $ig$ seas- &it$out la&ful

aut$ority and done &it$ animo furandi and in t$e s!irit and intention of

uni(ersal $ostility.

MUTINY + t$e unla&ful resistance to a su!erior- or t$e raising of commotions

and distur,ances on ,oard a s$i! against t$e aut$ority of its commander.

ELEMENTS of PIRACY:1. A (essel is on t$e $ig$ seas or '$ili!!ine &aters)

#. Offenders + not mem,ers of its com!lement nor !assengers of t$e (essel)


*. T$at t$e offenders +

  a. attac9 or sei"e (essel 0if committed ,y cre& or !assengers- t$e crime is

not !iracy ,ut ro,,ery in t$e $ig$ seas- or

  ,. sei"e &$ole or !art of (essel%s cargo- e5ui!ment or !ersonal ,elongings

  of its com!lement or !assengers.


ig$ seas 2 any &aters on t$e sea coast &$ic$ are &it$out t$e ,oundaries of t$e

lo& &ater mar9 alt$oug$ suc$ &aters may ,e in t$e <urisdictional limits of a

foreign go(ernment) !arts of t$e sea t$at are not included in t$e e6clusi(e

economic "one- in t$e territorial seas- or in t$e internal &aters of a state- or in

t$e arc$i!elagic &aters of an arc$i!elagic state 0Fnited Nations Con(ention on

t$e La& of t$e Sea.

'$ili!!ine &aters + all ,odies of &ater- suc$ as ,ut not limited to seas- gulfs-

,ays- around- ,et&een and connecting eac$ of t$e islands of t$e '$ili!!ine

Arc$i!elago- irres!ecti(e of its de!t$- ,reat$- lengt$ or dimension- and all

&aters ,elonging to t$e '$ili!!ines ,y $istoric or legal title- including territorial

sea- t$e sea2,ed- t$e insular s$el(es- and ot$er su,marine areas o(er &$ic$ t$e'$ili!!ines $as so(ereignty and <urisdiction. 0Sec. #- '.=. No. >*#


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No&- Art. 1##- as amended ,y R.A. G@>I 'iracy and Mutiny in '$ili!!ine &aters is


/efore R. A. G@>I amended Art 1##- !iracy and mutiny only on t$e $ig$ seas &as

!unis$a,le. o&e(er- t$e commission of t$e acts descri,ed in Arts. 1## and 1#*

in '$ili!!ine &aters &as under '.=. No. >*#.

'iracy in $ig$ seas + <urisdiction of any court &$ere offenders are found or


'iracy in internal &aters + <urisdiction of '$ili!!ine courts.

or !ur!oses of t$e Anti2encing La&- !iracy is !art of ro,,ery and t$eft.


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Jualified 'iracy

Crimes Against National Security

ART. 1#*.


1. Sei"ure of t$e (essel ,y ,oarding or firing u!on t$e same)

#. A,andonment of (ictims &it$out means of sa(ing t$emsel(es) or*. 'iracy &as accom!anied ,y murder- $omicide- !$ysical in<uries- or ra!e.


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f any of t$e circumstances in Article 1#* is !resent- !iracy is 5ualified.

'arricide8infanticide s$ould ,e included 0according to ;udge 'imentel.

T$ere is a conflict ,et&een t$is !ro(ision and t$e !ro(ision on ra!e.

  E6: f ra!e is committed on someone ,elo& G yrs. old + !enalty is deat$

  under t$e ne& ra!e la&. /ut if ra!e committed on someone ,elo& G

  during t$e time of !iracy + reclusion !er!etua to deat$.

T$e murder8ra!e8$omicide8!$ysical in<uries must $a(e ,een committed on t$e

!assengers or on t$e com!lement of t$e (essel.

'iracy is a crime not against any !articular state ,ut against all man9ind. t may

,e !unis$ed in t$e com!etent tri,unal of any country &$ere t$e offender may

,e found or into &$ic$ $e may ,e carried.

QUALIFIED PIRACY + a S'ECAL COM'LEH CRME !unis$a,le ,y reclusiKn!er!etua to deat$- regardless of t$e num,er of (ictims.

Murder- ra!e- $omicide- !$ysical in<uries are mere circumstances 5ualifying

!iracy and cannot ,e !unis$ed as se!arate crimes- nor can t$ey ,e com!le6ed

&it$ !iracy.

Alt$oug$ in Article 1#* merely refers to 5ualified !iracy- t$ere is also t$e

crime of 5ualified mutiny. Mutiny is 5ualified under t$e follo&ing circumstances:

  013$en t$e offenders a,andoned t$e (ictims &it$out means of sa(ing

t$emsel(es) or

  0#3$en t$e mutiny is accom!anied ,y ra!e- murder- $omicide- or !$ysical


Note t$at t$e first circumstance &$ic$ 5ualifies !iracy does not a!!ly to



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Ar,itrary =etention

Crimes Against t$e undamental La&s of t$e State

ART. 1#4


1. T$at t$e offender is a !u,lic officer or em!loyee 0&$ose official duties

  include t$e aut$ority to ma9e an arrest and detain !ersons)

#. T$at $e detains a !erson) and

*. T$at it &as &it$out legal grounds.


Ar,itrary detention is t$e de!ri(ation ,y a !u,lic officer of t$e li,erty

of a !erson &8o any legal ground.

T$oug$ t$e elements s!ecify t$at t$e offender ,e a !u,lic officer or em!loyee-

!ri(ate indi(iduals &$o cons!ire &it$ !u,lic officers can ,e lia,le as !rinci!als.

Legal groun! for "#e e"en"$on of an% &er!on:  a. commission of a crime

  ,. (iolent insanity or ot$er ailment re5uiring com!ulsory confinement of

  t$e !atient in a $os!ital

Groun! for 'arran"(le!! arre!":

  a. Crime is a,out to ,e- is ,eing- or $as ,een committed)

  ,. Arresting officer must $a(e !ersonal 9no&ledge t$at t$e !erson !ro,a,ly

  committed t$e crime) or

  c. 'erson to ,e arrested is an esca!ed !risoner.


1. /y detaining a !erson &it$out legal ground

#. =elay in t$e deli(ery of detained !ersons to t$e !ro!er <udicial aut$orities

*. =elaying release

A !u,lic officer is deemed suc$ &$en $e is acting &it$in t$e ,ounds of $is


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official aut$ority or function.

  A !olice officer &$o em!loys force in e6cess of &$at is necessary is

  acting outside t$e ,ounds of $is duties and is considered acting in $is

  !ri(ate ca!acity.

n a case decided ,y t$e Su!reme Court a /arangay C$airman &$o

unla&fully detains anot$er &as $eld to ,e guilty of t$e crime of ar,itrary


  T$is is ,ecause $e is a !erson in aut$ority (ested &it$ <urisdiction

  to maintain !eace and order &it$in $is ,arangay 0Milo (. Salanga-1I?G.

T$ere must ,e an actual restraint of li,erty of t$e offended !arty.  T$e crime committed is only gra(e or lig$t t$reat if t$e offended !arty

  may still go to t$e !lace &$ere $e &ants to go- e(en t$oug$ t$ere

  $a(e ,een &arnings.

f t$e offender falsely im!utes a crime against a !erson to ,e a,le to arrest

$im and a!!ear not determined to file a c$arge against $im- t$e crime is


detention t$roug$ unla&ful arrest 0/oado- Com!re$ensi(e Re(ie&er in CriminalLa&.

Rolito 7o (. CA is an e6am!le of ar,itrary detention 0;udge 'imentel

Ramos (. Enrile:

Re,els later on retire. Once you $a(e committed re,ellion and $a(e not

,een !unis$ed or amnestied- t$e re,els continue to engage in re,ellion-

unless t$e re,els renounce t$eir affiliation. Arrest can ,e made

&it$out a &arrant ,ecause re,ellion is a continuing crime.

  Ar,itrary =etention llegal =etention Fnla&ful


1. Offender 'u,lic officer &$o $as 'ri(ate !erson or Any !erson.

  aut$ority to ma9e arrest 'u,lic officer &$o is  detain !ersons. acting in a !ri(ate


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  ca!acity or ,eyond t$e

  co!e of $is official


#. Criminal =eny t$e offended =eny t$e offended !arty Accuse t$e

offended ntent !arty of $is li,erty of $is li,erty !arty of a crime $e

did not commit- deli(er $im to t$e !ro!er aut$ority and file t$e necessary

c$arges to incriminate $im.

=elay n T$e =eli(ery Of =etained 'ersons To T$e 'ro!er ;udicial Aut$orities

Crimes Against t$e undamental La&s of t$e State

ART. 1#>.


1. T$at t$e offender is a !u,lic officer or em!loyee)

#. T$at $e $as detained a !erson for some legal ground) and

*. T$at $e fails to deli(er suc$ !erson to t$e !ro!er <udicial aut$ority &it$in:

  a. 1# $ours- detained for crimes !unis$a,le ,y lig$t !enalties- or e5ui(alent)

  ,. 1? $ours- for crimes !unis$a,le ,y correctional !enalties- or t$eire5ui(alent) or

  c. *@ $ours- for crimes8offenses !unis$a,le ,y ca!ital !unis$ment or


  !enalties- or t$eir e5ui(alent.


T$e felony means delay in filing t$e necessary information or c$arging of!erson detained in court &$ic$ may ,e &ai(ed if a !reliminary in(estigation is

as9ed for. T$is does not contem!late actual !$ysical deli(ery.

T$e filing of t$e information in court ,eyond t$e s!ecified !eriods does not


illegality of detention. Neit$er does it affect t$e legality of t$e confinement



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!rocess issued ,y t$e court.

To !re(ent committing t$is felony- officers usually as9 accused to e6ecute a

&ai(er of Art. 1#> &$ic$ s$ould ,e under oat$ and &it$ assistance of counsel.Suc$ &ai(er is not (iolati(e of t$e constitutional rig$t of t$e accused.

Contem!lates arrest ,y (irtue of some legal ground or (alid &arrantless arrest.

f arrested ,y (irtue of arrest &arrant- !erson may ,e detained until case is


LEN7T O 3AER:  2 Lig$t offense + > days.

  2 Serious and less serious offenses + G to 1 days.

  2 f offender is a !ri(ate !erson- t$e crime is illegal detention.

T$is is a!!lica,le ONL 3EN t$e arrest is &it$out a &arrant.

At t$e ,eginning- t$e detention is legal since it is in t$e !ursuance of a la&ful

arrest.  =etention ,ecomes ar,itrary &$en t$e

  2 a!!lica,le !eriod la!ses &it$out t$e arresting officer filing a formal

  c$arge &it$ t$e !ro!er court.

T$e !eriods stated are counted only &$en t$e !rosecutor%s office is ready to

recei(e t$e com!laint or information.

  2 Nig$ttime is NOT included in t$e !eriod.


Sayo (. C$ief of 'olice 01I4?

  =eli(er means t$e filing of correct information &it$ t$e !ro!er court

  0or constructi(e deli(ery 222 turning o(er t$e !erson arrested to t$e

  <urisdiction of t$e court.

  2 'ur!ose is to determine &$et$er t$e offense is ,aila,le or not.


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'eo!le (. Tan 01II?

  T$e elements of custodial in(estigation are:

  2 T$e sus!ect is de!ri(ed of li,erty in any significant manner)

  2 T$e interrogation is initiated ,y la& enforcement aut$orities)  2 T$e interrogation is incul!atory in c$aracter.

Sanc$e" (. =emetriou 01II*

  3$ere t$e in(itation comes from a !o&erful grou! com!osed !redominantly of

  ran9ing military officers and t$e designated interrogation site is a military

  cam!- t$e same can ,e easily ta9en- NOT as a strictly (oluntary in(itation.

  2 t is an aut$oritati(e command t$at one can only defy at $is !eril.

=elaying Release

Crimes Against t$e undamental La&s of t$e State



1. T$at t$e offender is a !u,lic officer or em!loyee)

#. T$at t$ere is a <udicial or e6ecuti(e order for t$e release of a !risoner

  or detention !risoner- or t$at t$ere is a !roceeding u!on a !etition for

  t$e li,eration of suc$ !erson) and

*. T$at t$e offender &it$out good reason delays:

  a. t$e ser(ice of t$e notice of suc$ order to t$e !risoner- or

  ,. t$e !erformance of suc$ <udicial or e6ecuti(e order for t$e release

  of t$e !risoner- or


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  c. t$e !roceedings u!on a !etition for t$e release of suc$ !erson.


3ardens and <ailers are t$e !ersons most li9ely to (iolate t$is !ro(ision.


Crimes Against t$e undamental La&s of t$e State

ART. 1#G.


1. T$at t$e offender is a !u,lic officer or em!loyee)

#. T$at $e e6!els any !erson from t$e '$ili!!ines- or com!els a !erson to c$ange

  $is residence) and

*. T$at t$e offender is not aut$ori"ed to do so ,y la&.


1. ,y e6!elling a !erson from t$e '$ili!!ines) or

#. ,y com!elling a !erson to c$ange $is residence


Acts !unis$a,le:

T$e crime of e6!ulsion a,sor,s t$at of gra(e coercion. f done ,y a !ri(ate

!erson- act &ill amount to gra(e coercion.

Crime does not include e6!ulsion of undesira,le aliens- destierro- or &$en

sent to !rison.

f a ili!ino &$o- after (oluntarily lea(ing t$e country- is illegally refused

re2entry is considered a (ictim of ,eing forced to c$ange $is address.

T$reat to national security is not a (alid ground to e6!el or to com!el one to

c$ange $is address.


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T$e C$ief E6ecuti(e $as t$e !o&er to de!ort undesira,le aliens.


illa(icencio (. Lu9,an 01I1I

  T$e city mayor of Manila committed t$e crime of e6!ulsion &$en $e ordered

  certain !rostitutes to ,e transferred to =a(ao 3TOFT o,ser(ing due


  since t$ey $a(e not ,een c$arged &it$ any crime.

Marcos (. Mangla!us 01I?I  T$e re5uest or demand of t$e Marcoses to ,e allo&ed to return to t$e


  cannot ,e considered in lig$t solely of t$e constitutional !ro(isions

  guaranteeing li,erty of a,ode and t$e rig$t to tra(el &$ic$ are neit$er

  a,solute nor infle6i,le.

  2 Considering t$e unusual circumstances and t$e attendant national security

  issues- t$e matter can ,e a!!ro!riately addressed ,y t$e residual !o&ers

  of t$e !resident &$ic$ are im!licit in and correlati(e to t$e !aramount duty  residing in t$at office to safeguard and !rotect general &elfare.

iolation Of =omicile

Crimes Against t$e undamental La&s of t$e State

ART. 1#?.


1. T$at t$e offender is a !u,lic officer or em!loyee)

#. T$at $e is not aut$ori"ed ,y <udicial order to enter t$e d&elling and8or

  to ma9e a searc$ t$erein for !a!ers or ot$er effects) and

*. T$at $e commits any of t$e follo&ing acts:

  a. entering any d&elling against t$e &ill of t$e o&ner t$ereof)

  ,. searc$ing !a!ers or ot$er effects found t$erein &it$out t$e !re(ious

  consent of suc$ o&ner)


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  c. refusing to lea(e t$e !remises- after $a(ing surre!titiously entered said

  d&elling and after $a(ing ,een re5uired to lea(e t$e same.


#. !a!ers or effects not constituting e(idence of a crime are not returned



T$e <udicial order is t$e searc$ &arrant.

f t$e offender &$o enters t$e d&elling against t$e &ill of t$e o&ner t$ereof is


!ri(ate indi(idual- t$e crime committed is tres!ass to d&elling 0Art #?.

3$en a !u,lic officer searc$ed a !erson outside $is d&elling &it$out a searc$

&arrant and suc$ !erson is not legally arrested for an offense- t$e crime


,y t$e !u,lic officer is eit$er:  2 gra(e coercion if (iolence or intimidation is used 0Art #?@- or

  2 un<ust (e6ation if t$ere is no (iolence or intimidation 0Art. #?G

'u,lic officer &it$out a searc$ &arrant cannot la&fully enter t$e d&elling

against t$e &ill of t$e o&ner- e(en if $e 9ne& t$at someone in t$at

d&elling is in unla&ful !ossession of o!ium.

Fnder RFLE 11* O TE RESE= RFLES O COFRT a !u,lic officer- &$o

,rea9s into

t$e !remise- incurs no lia,ility 3EN a !erson to ,e arrested enters said


and closes it t$ereafter.

  2 T$e !u,lic officer s$ould $a(e first gi(en notice of an arrest.

According to 'eo!le (s. =oria 01III and 'eo!le (s. Elam!aro 0#1-t$e follo&ing are t$e acce!ted e6ce!tions to t$e &arrant re5uirement:


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  2 Searc$ incidental to an arrest)

  2 Searc$ of mo(ing (e$icles)

  2 E(idence in !lain (ie&)

  2 Customs searc$es) AN=  2 Consented &arrantless searc$.

  Sto! and fris9 is no longer included.

Against t$e &ill means t$at t$e offender ignored t$e !ro$i,ition of t$e

o&ner &$ic$ may ,e e6!ress or im!lied as &$en t$e door is closed e(en t$oug$

not loc9ed 0/oado- Com!re$ensi(e Re(ie&er in Criminal La&

Searc$ 3arrants Maliciously O,tained And A,use n T$e Ser(ice Of T$oseLegally O,tained

Crimes Against t$e undamental La&s of t$e State

ART. 1#I.


1. !rocuring a searc$ &arrant &it$out <ust cause


  1. T$at t$e offender is a !u,lic officer or em!loyee)

  #. T$at $e !rocures a searc$ &arrant) and

  *. T$at t$ere is no <ust cause.

#. e6ceeding $is aut$ority ,y using unnecessary se(erity in e6ecuting a searc$

  &arrant legally !rocured

  ELEMENTS:  1. T$at t$e offender is a !u,lic officer or em!loyee)

  #. T$at $e $as legally !rocured a searc$ &arrant) and

  *. T$at $e e6ceeds $is aut$ority or uses unnecessary se(erity in e6ecuting

t$e same.


Searc$ &arrant is (alid for 1 days from its date of issue.


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f t$ere is no <ust cause- t$e &arrant is un<ustified.

T$e searc$ is limited to &$at is descri,ed in t$e &arrant- all details must ,e

&it$ set fort$ &it$ !articularity.

E6am!le of a &arrant maliciously o,tained:

  H &as a res!ondent of a searc$ &arrant for illegal !ossession of firearms.

  A return &as made. T$e gun did not ,elong to H and t$e &itness $ad no

  !ersonal 9no&ledge t$at t$ere is a gun in t$at !lace.

E6am!les of a,use in ser(ice of &arrant:

  1. H o&ner &as $andcuffed &$ile searc$ &as going2on.  #. Tan9 &as used to ram gate !rior to announcement t$at a searc$ &ill ,e


  *. 'ersons &$o &ere not res!ondents &ere searc$ed.

An e6ce!tion to t$e necessity of a searc$ &arrant is t$e rig$t of searc$ and

sei"ure as an incident to a la&ful arrest.

Searc$ing =omicile 3it$out 3itnesses

Crimes Against t$e undamental La&s of t$e State

ART. 1*.


1. T$at t$e offender is a !u,lic officer or em!loyee)

#. T$at $e is armed &it$ a searc$ &arrant legally !rocured)

*. T$at $e searc$es t$e domicile- !a!ers or ot$er ,elongings of any !erson) and4. T$at t$e o&ner- or any mem,er of $is family- or t&o &itnesses residing in t$e

  same locality are not !resent.


Order of t$ose &$o must &itness t$e searc$:

  2 omeo&ner

  2 Mem,ers of t$e family of sufficient age and discretion


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  2 Res!onsi,le mem,ers of t$e community

alidity of t$e searc$ &arrant can ,e 5uestioned only in # courts: &$ere issued

or &$ere t$e case is !ending. T$e latter is !referred for o,<ecti(edetermination.


A searc$ &arrant is an order in &riting

  2 Signed ,y a <udge

  2 =irected to a !eace officer- commanding $im to searc$ for !ersonal

!ro!erty  descri,ed t$erein and ,ring it ,efore t$e court.

Re5uisites for issuing and searc$ &arrant:

  2 'ro,a,le cause- in connection &it$ one s!ecific offense- to ,e determined

  !ersonally ,y t$e <udge

  2 ATER e6amination under oat$ or affirmation of t$e com!lainant and

  t$e &itness $e may !roduce

  2 'articular descri!tion of  2 'lace to ,e searc$ed) AN=

  2 T$ings to ,e sei"ed &$ic$ may ,e any&$ere in t$e '$ili!!ines

EEN t$e searc$ &arrant is (alid t$ere is (iolation of domicile in t$e

follo&ing situations &$ere:

  2 T$e officer e6ceeded $is aut$ority under t$e searc$ &arrant)

  2 e em!loyed e6cessi(e se(erity or destruction in t$e $ouse)

  2 T$e searc$ &as made &$en t$e occu!ants &ere a,sent and t$e searc$ is

  conducted &it$out at least # &itnesses residing in t$e locality &$ere

  t$e searc$ &as made

An officer may ,rea9 o!en any outer or inner door or &indo& of a $ouse or any

!art of a $ouse or anyt$ing t$erein 3EN t$ese circumstances concur:

  2 e is refused admittance to t$e !lace of directed searc$)

  2 is !ur!ose is to e6ecute t$e &arrant to li,erate $imself or any  !erson la&fully aiding $im &$en unla&fully detained t$erein)


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  2 e $as gi(en notice of $is !ur!ose and aut$ority.

T$e &arrant must direct t$at it ,e ser(ed in t$e day time.

  2 O3EER- it can ,e ser(ed at any time of t$e day or nig$t 3EN t$e  affida(it asserts t$at t$e !ro!erty is on t$e !erson or in t$e !lace

  ordered to ,e searc$ed.

A searc$ &arrant s$all ,e (alid for ten 01 days from its date.

T$e officer sei"ing t$e !ro!erty under t$e &arrant must gi(e a detailed recei!t

for t$e same to t$e la&ful occu!ant of t$e !remises in &$ose !resence t$e

searc$ and sei"ure &ere made.  2 n t$e a,sence of suc$ occu!ant- t$e officer must lea(e a recei!t in

  t$e !lace in &$ic$ $e found t$e sei"ed !ro!erty in t$e !resence of

  at least t&o &itnesses of sufficient age and discretion residing in t$e

  same locality.

'ro$i,ition- nterru!tion- and =issolution of 'eaceful Meetings

Crimes Against t$e undamental La&s of t$e StateART. 1*1.


1. Offender is a !u,lic officer or em!loyee)

#. e !erforms any of t$e follo&ing acts:

  a. !ro$i,iting or interru!ting- &it$out legal ground t$e $olding of a !eaceful

  meeting- or dissol(ing t$e same 0e.g. denial of !ermit in ar,itrary

  manner.  ,. $indering any !erson from <oining any la&ful association or from

  attending any of its meetings

  c. !ro$i,iting or $indering any !erson from addressing- eit$er alone or

  toget$er &it$ ot$ers- any !etition to t$e aut$orities for t$e correction of

  a,uses or redress of grie(ances.



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f t$e offender is a !ri(ate indi(idual- t$e crime is distur,ance of !u,lic order

0Art 1>*.

Meeting must ,e !eaceful and t$ere is no legal ground for !ro$i,iting- dissol(ingor interru!ting t$at meeting.

Offender must ,e a stranger- not a !artici!ant- in t$e !eaceful meeting)

ot$er&ise- t$e offense is un<ust (e6ation.

nterru!ting and dissol(ing a meeting of t$e munici!al council ,y a !u,lic officer

is a crime against t$e legislati(e ,ody and not !unis$a,le under t$is article.

T$e !erson tal9ing on a !ro$i,ited su,<ect at a !u,lic meeting contrary to

agreement t$at no s!ea9er s$ould touc$ on !olitics may ,e sto!!ed.

/ut sto!!ing t$e s!ea9er &$o &as attac9ing certain c$urc$es in !u,lic meeting

is a (iolation of t$is article.

T$ose $olding !eaceful meetings must com!ly &it$ local ordinances. E6am!le:

Ordinance re5uires !ermits for meetings in !u,lic !laces. /ut if a !olice sto!s ameeting in a !ri(ate !lace ,ecause t$ere%s no !ermit- officer is lia,le for

sto!!ing t$e meeting.

T$e go(ernment $as a rig$t to re5uire a !ermit ,efore any gat$ering could ,e


  O3EER- t$e go(ernment only $as regulatory- NOT 'RO/TOR- !o&ers

&it$ regard to suc$ re5uirement.

T$e !ermit s$ould state t$e day- time-and !lace of t$e gat$ering.

f t$e !ermit is denied ar,itrarily- OR t$e officer dictates t$e !lace &$ere t$e

meeting is to ,e $eld- t$is article is OLATE=.

f in t$e course of t$e assem,ly- &$ic$ started out !eacefully- t$e !artici!ants

committed illegal acts li9e oral defamation or inciting to sedition- a !u,licofficer or la& enforcer can sto! or dissol(e t$e meeting.


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T&o criteria to determine &$et$er t$is article &ould ,e (iolated:

  2 =angerous tendency rule a!!lica,le in times of national unrest suc$ as to

!re(ent cou! d%etat.  2 Clear and !resent danger rule + a!!lied in times of !eace. Stricter rule.

nterru!tion Of Religious 3ors$i!

Crimes Against t$e undamental La&s of t$e State

ART. 1*#.


1. T$at t$e officer is a !u,lic officer or em!loyee)

#. T$at religious ceremonies or manifestations of any religion are a,out to

  ta9e !lace or are going on) and

*. T$at t$e offender !re(ents or distur,s t$e same.


Jualifying circumstances:

1. (iolence) or

#. t$reats.

Reading of /i,le and t$en attac9ing certain c$urc$es in a !u,lic !la"a is not a

ceremony or manifestation of religion- ,ut only a meeting of a religious sect.

/ut if done in a !ri(ate $ome- it%s a religious ser(ice.

Religious 3ors$i! includes !eo!le in t$e act of !erforming religious rites fora religious ceremony or a manifestation of religion.

  E6am!les: Mass- ,a!tism- marriage

H- a !ri(ate !erson- ,o6ed a !riest &$ile t$e !riest &as gi(ing $omily and

maligning a relati(e of H. s H lia,le H may ,e lia,le under Art 1**

0Offending religious feelings ,ecause H is a !ri(ate !erson.

Jualified if committed ,y (iolence or t$reat.


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Offending Religious eelings

Crimes Against t$e undamental La&s of t$e State

ART. 1**.


1. Acts com!lained of &ere !erformed +

  a. in a !lace de(oted to religious feelings- or

  ,. during t$e cele,ration of any religious ceremony

#. Acts must ,e notoriously offensi(e to t$e feelings of t$e fait$ful)

*. Offender is any !erson) and

4. T$ere%s a deli,erate intent to $urt t$e feelings of t$e fait$ful- directed

against  religious tenet.


f in a !lace de(oted to religious !ur!ose- t$ere is no need for an ongoing

religious ceremony.

E6am!le of religious ceremony 0acts !erformed outside t$e c$urc$:'rocessionsand s!ecial !rayers for ,urying dead !ersons ,ut NOT !rayer rallies.

Acts must ,e directed against religious !ractice or dogma or ritual for t$e

!ur!ose of ridicule- as moc9ing or scoffing or attem!ting to damage an

o,<ect of religious (eneration.

T$ere must ,e deli,erate intent to $urt t$e feelings of t$e fait$ful- mere


or rudeness is not enoug$.


1. 'eo!le (. /aes 01I*I

  An act is NOTOROFSL OENSE to t$e religious feelings &$en a

!erson:  2 ridicules or ma9es lig$t of anyt$ing constituting a religious dogma


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  2 &or9s or scoffs at anyt$ing de(oted to religious ceremonies

  2 !lays &it$ or damages or destroys any o,<ect or (eneration ,y t$e fait$ful

  3$et$er Or Not an act is offensi(e to t$e religious feelings- is a 5uestion of fact &$ic$ must ,e ad<udged only according to t$e feelings of t$e Cat$olics

and not t$ose of ot$er fait$ful ones.

  3$at $a!!ened in t$is case &as t$at a Cat$olic !riest com!lained against a

grou! t$at !assed ,y t$e c$urc$yard as t$ey &ere $olding t$e funeral rites of

a C$urc$ of C$rist mem,er.

  Laurel =issent: T$e determination s$ould NOT ,e made to de!end u!on more

or less ,road or narro& conce!tion of any gi(en religion. acts andcircumstances s$ould ,e (ie&ed t$roug$ an un,iased <udicial criterion.

  T$is later ,ecame t$e ma<ority decision in 'eo!le (. Tengson.

#.'eo!le (. Nanoy

  T$e crime is only FN;FST EHATON &$en t$e act is NOT directed to t$e

religious ,elief itself and t$ere is no intention of causing so serious a

distur,ance as to interru!t a religious ceremony.
