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Book: /Writer: Ostrander 1 - cdn.shopify.comTESLA ROYALE Hgt: 6’1” Wgt: ... Book: /Writer:...

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Book: /Writer: Ostrander 1

Book: /Writer: Ostrander 1

Book: /Writer: Ostrander 2




New characters

HOWITZER Real Name: Howard Weitzer Age: 53 Hair: brown/gray, curly, widow’s peak Hgt: Initially 5’10” Eyes: blue. He ordinarily wears glasses. Backstory: Weitzer is an inventor and employed by a large firm doing business with the military. When the recession hit, he was laid off and unable to find another job. (This ties in to our hero, Bernard Cavanaugh, and taps into a lingering anger in our general population, I believe.) His health insurance ran out shortly before he discovered he had a fatal disease. He’s been unable to find another job. He has a testy personality and alienated his family. All he had was his job and now he doesn’t even have that. He blames Wall Street for his problems/ He, and we, will discover that he is being backed by the Family Royale (see below). There are two versions of HOWITZER. One is the one we meet right off and then a vastly improved model for the main fight. The first version of Howitzer is what Howie creates himself. Large chest plate on an exoskeleton frame and, in the middle of the chest, the main weapon. Round, protruding slightly from the surface of the chest plate, glowing, it shoots round explosive fireballs. The fireballs are Compressed Energy Spheres (CESs) that expand on contact with a solid object, resulting in terrific explosions. It’s not a finesse weapon. There is also rudimentary armor plating the exoskeleton. On the back is a LARGE bulky power source to power the exoskeleton and the CESs. We should be able to see Weitzer’s face through the helmet he wears – either clear faceplate or no faceplate. The second version is a souped-up one created by the Royales. It has, in addition to the CES device in the chest, wrist gauntlets that spit out CES “bullets”. It also has ankle jets that enable Howitzer to fly. Most significantly, there is no power pack on the back. The Royales turn Weitzer himself into an energy source, powering the suit, the wrist gauntlets, and the jets. He looks bulked up in this version but his skin glows with the energy

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that he’s giving off. No more glasses – yellow/red eyes, crack ling with energy. The energy, in fact, is building and heads towards an explosive meltdown by the climax of the story.

THE FAMILY ROYALE The Royales are both a clan of vampires and a clandestine organization devoted to control of the world through any means. They don’t want to openly and overtly RULE the world; that would make them targets. Better to CONTROL it from behind the scenes. Borgias meet Hydra by way of the Godfather. With fangs. They have money, influence, a ruthless streak, and a member of the extended family in every circle. They can also be used in other stories with other characters if anyone feels like using them. None of them are physically related. They also control the vampire population; too many vampires would draw attention to the fact they exist. Rogues do the same. So they are culled. Solaris’ powers represent a real and deadly threat to them. ANASTASIA ROYALE – lawyer and facilitator. More of a public face than some of the rest of the family. She represents legal interests for the Royales. Hgt: 6’0” barefoot, higher with heels Wgt: 130 lbs Eyes: blue Hair: black and long, down to her waist, straight Dresses in black business with short skirts. She has long legs. Pale skin, red red lips. TESLA ROYALE Hgt: 6’1” Wgt: 190 lbs. Eyes; black In his sixties. Scientist. Inventor. White hair pulled back, white mustache. Square jawed. NIKOLAS ROYALE – head of the family/organization. Seen mostly shadowed. Hgt: 6’1” Wgt: 210 lbs Eyes: blue Hair: brown. Also has a spade shaped beard and mustache. Long face. Hair straight, slightly long, and pulled back. Model: Nicholas Romanov, the last

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of the Russian czars. In fact, without saying so, a concept is that the Family Royale started with the Russian royal family who became vampires and thus survived the Russian Revolution. We’ll only glimpse Nicholas at the end. Not all of the royals with be Romanovs, however. All of the Family Royale have traits of the vampire – come out at night, great strength, mesmeric abilities. However, we won’t even suggest they are vampires until the very end of the story.

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SPLASH We start in NYC on the pedestrian bridge over Trinity Place in lower Manhattan which is near the American Stock Exchange and facing east towards the river. The American Stock Exchange would be to our right (check out Google maps) Howitzer, in the first version of the armor, is stands on the Trinity pedestrian bridge spanning Trinity Place, braced, as one of the CESs bursts from his chest device towards the Stock Exchange which is not in the panel. Solaris is in the air and just coming up Trinity Place above and behind Howitzer in response to the situation. (Trust me, it will be a dynamic shot.) It’s daytime, mid afternoon, and everyone has already run for cover. CAP (above the title) A freak accident gifted former fund manager Bernhard Cavanaugh with heat and light powers, turning him into the champion called. . .Solaris! Justice – like a flash of light! TITLE Power and Duty CAP The location -- Trinity Place, lower Manhattan, right by the American Stock Exchange, 3 PM on a Monday. . . S/FX CHOOM! HOWITZER (burst) Die, you money grubbing bastards! You ruined my life, now I’ll take yours! You thought I was nothing! Well, I’m Howitzer! How do you like me now?! CREDITS (here or somewhere else?) Writer – John Ostrander Penciller – Gordon Purcell Inker – Pete Krause Letterer – Colorist – Founder and head honcho – David Watkins

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PG. 2 PANEL 1. CU inset panel of Solaris’ face as he races in. SOLARIS (thought) Great. The markets’ have just closed but there’s still plenty of people in there! PANEL 2. Largest panel on the page.. Solaris POV as the burst from Howitzer strikes the American Stock Exchange and explodes. Some of the lettering on the side of the building starts to fall and some other rubble as well. There should be another hole or two in the side of the building to show this isn’t the first blast. S/FX Buhdoom! PANEL 3. Some of the rubble and a letter or two fall towards a young woman who is running out of the building and is now frantically trying to get out of the way. S/FX Aiiieee! PANEL 4. Solaris zooms in and grabs her out from where the rubble falls. He yells off to Howitzer off panel. SOLARIS That’s enough, Howitzer! You could hurt someone here! PANEL 5. Howitzer shoots another sphere as he screams at Solaris. HOWITZER (burst) That’s the whole idea, moron! Kill all of them! S/FX CHOOM!

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PG. 3 PANEL 1. Solaris, zooming in, gets in front of the sphere in mid air and creates a solid light wall. SOLARIS (thought) Okay, I’ve got his attention! Now --focus! Like Kensheev said, light is my servant! Pull it together, make it solid, picture a wall. . .! PANEL 2. Big Panel. The sphere hits the solid light wall and explodes. The wall explodes and Solaris goes reeling back with the force of the explosion, in pain. S/FX BUHDOOM! PANEL 3. Cut to a bunch of cops on the street, by their police cars, guns raised towards Howitzer who is still on the pedestrian bridge above. COP This is the police! Surrender or we’ll open fire! PANEL 4. Howitzer now focuses his attention towards the police below, his face full of rage, as the charge builds up, the chestplate glowing. HOWITZER You want to defend these bloodsuckers?! You can die with them!

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PG. 4 PANEL 1. Solaris swoops in and hits Howitzer with an intense burst of light, blinding him. Howitzer throws up a hand but grimaces. His aim is thrown off but he still fires anyway. SOLARIS Killing cops is a bad idea, Howitzer. S/FX CHOOM! PANEL 2. Solaris flies after the sphere, reaching out with one hand, a hard light line (similar to Spiderman’s web but NOT Spiderman’s web) darting towards the sphere. SOLARIS (thought) Okay, learn from past mistakes! Hard light line from behind. . . PANEL 3. Solaris has grabbed the sphere with a line that wraps around the sphere. He uses the line to swing the sphere (like a mace attached to a chain). SOLARIS (thought) . . .use the momentum and alter the trajectory. . . PANEL 4. Solaris is hovering in midair, facing 180 degrees from where he was, and releases the sphere (the line starts to vanish) back towards Howitzer. SOLARIS (thought) . . .and let go!

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PG. 5 PANEL 1. Howitzer dodges it barely but still gets hit with the explosion and thrown by the blast. S/FX Buhdoom! HOWITZER (burst) Yaaaah! PANEL 2. Before Howitzer can recover. Solaris soars in and, while in midair, hits Howitzer in the back with a big heat blast. SOLARIS (thought) Big pack on his back has to be his power supply! Turn up the heat a little and maybe I can cause a meltdown! PANEL 3. The power pack shorts out spectacularly, almost electrocuting Howitzer. S/FX Tzzzzkkktt! HOWITZER (burst) GYAAAAH! PANEL 4. Solaris now stands next to the fallen Howitzer, who lies face down. SOLARIS (thought) Not exactly what I had in mind! Good lord, I hope I haven’t killed the guy! SOLARIS Howitzer? You okay?

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PG. 6 PANEL 1. Howitzer lifts his head. Defeated, dejected, but still angry. HOWITZER No. I’m dead. HOWITZER Or I will be. Not because of you! Don’t flatter yourself! I’m sick. Had one last chance to get the bastards that ruined my life – and you’ve taken that from me. PANEL 2. Solaris has kneeled next to Howitzer to hear him better. Howitzer can barely stand to look at him. HOWITZER Jerks inside there played with the economy and guys like me paid the price. Lost my home, my family, my business. . .my health insurance! PANEL 3. CU reaction shot of Solaris as Howitzer’s voice comes from off panel and below. The words hit home; he’s not personally responsible but as Bernard Cavanaugh, Solaris knows all too well what has happened. HOWITZER (below) I found some money and built this rig. I was going to have some revenge before I died! Can forget that. You killed that! Hell, they probably pay your salary, don’t they? SOLARIS (small) No. PANEL 4. Solaris stands up and turns away. Howitzer yells after him. SOLARIS I’m sorry for what happened to you but it doesn’t give you an excuse to kill innocent people. HOWITZER (burst) There are no innocents! Those who helped the thieves are their accomplices and my enemies!

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PANEL 5. Howitzer is being pulled to his feet by the police but his focus is still on Solaris who is off panel. HOWITZER Just like you, Solaris!

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PG. 7 PANEL 1, We cut to an image on a TV screen.; The TV screen acts as a second panel border. The image on it is Howard Weitzer, now stripped of his armor, hands handcuffed behind him, being led away by two cops. Weitzer looks bitter and dejected. TV REPORTER (electric, no balloon) The accused’s real name is Howard Weitzer, fifty three, former owner of Weitzer Industrial. His was one of hundreds of small businesses that were wiped out during the Recession. PANEL 2. We stay with the TV set. A shot of Solaris getting knocked backwards by the sphere as his solid light wall gets blasted. TV REPORTER (electric, no balloon) Howitzer was defeated by the intervention of Manhattan’s newest defender, Solaris, although a police spokesman, while thanking Solaris, claimed they had the situation in hand. PANEL 3. Stay with the TV set look. The newscast cuts to the anchorman, Dennis Frang. White hair, coiffed, white guy, slightly overweight, with a suitably grave expression. FRANG (electric, from TV) Thank you, Mark. Howard Weitzer, himself another victim of this terrible economy. Hard not to feel some sympathy for him. PANEL 4. Spin away from the TV screen and we see Kenzheev Svetlana in his wheelchair, looking thoughtfully at the screen. Bernard Cavanaugh (Solaris) stands behind him and hits the remote control to turn the TV off. Bernard is irritated. BERNARD Give me a break! The guy was trying to kill people! The only reason he didn’t was because I stopped him! SVETLANA True. Is also true no one died. Many have suffered in this country as this Howitzer has. They will know his anger. I feel some of it myself.

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PANEL 5 Bernard lowers his head feeling guilty. Svetlana turns his wheelchair towards him and smiles. BERNARD I know, Mister Svetlana. I feel terrible. . . SVETLANA So you have said, Bernard Cavanaugh. Many times. As I have said, many times, I do not think it is your fault. As I have also told you to call me Kenzheev. Many times. PANEL 6. Svetlana holds up an admonishing finger and frowns. Bernard looks at him a little exasperated. SVETLANA What you should be apologizing for is your performance which was pitiful. BERNARD Excuse me? I caught the bad guy! I saved lives!

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PG. 8 PANEL 1. Bernard turns away, a little angry. Svetlana continues his admonishment. SVETLANA You are lucky not to lose your own life! You saw what his blasts did to a building and yet you stand in the way of one with solid light wall! What you think would happen, hah? SVETLANA Blows it to itsy bits! Lucky you not blown to itsy bits, too! PANEL 2. Bernard turns back to his mentor, arguing. Svetlana crosses his arms. BERNARD Okay, so I wasn’t perfect! I wasn’t born doing this! SVETLANA Steelfist was also not born doing this. PANEL 3. Bernard looks confused for a second. Svetlana turns away, caught in a sad memory. BERNARD Who? SVETLANA Steelfist. I knew him back when I first was Champion. He also was not born knowing how to do this. NOTE: I’m not sure what Svetlana’s superhero name was so I gave him one. Please feel free to substitute. SVETLANA Steelfist was on scene no longer than you when he was killed. Is why you never heard of him. No one remembers him. But I do. PANEL 4. CU on Svetlana, looking tired, lost in memory. Ghostly forms of the characters he mentions behind him.

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SVETLANA So many I knew. Friends. Comrades. Golden Hawk. Nightslayer. The Iron Mistress. Titan. And others. SVETLANA All dead. Or, like me, crippled. PANEL 5. Svetlana looks up at Bernard. Quiet, hard look. Bernard looks back understandingly. SVETLANA This life we live – that you have chosen – it is hard. I should like to see you succeed in it and also survive. SVETLANA Fate brought us together. You saved me from my foolishness. That made you Solaris. You have the hero’s heart. Maybe – maybe – I can teach you enough so you are not Steelfist. Hokay?

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PG. 9 PANEL 1. Bernard starts to put his coat on, smiling at Svetlana. Svetlana smiles back. BERNARD Hokay. I do have a question for you, though. You’ve never actually lived in Russia, right? Born and raised here in New York City. So how come you have a Russian accent? SVETLANA Born here – in Little Odessa. Spoke only Russian in my home until I go to school. Still think mostly in Russian. Also, I like it. So sue me. PANEL 2. Bernard laughs as he heads for the door. Svetlana raises an inquiring eyebrow. BERNARD Fair enough. Listen, I’ve got to run. I’m meeting Teresa for dinner later. SVETLANA You tell her yet that you are Solaris? PANEL 3. Bernard dodges the question as he slips out the door. Svetlana grimaces in the background. BERNARD Hasn’t quite come up in conversation yet. I’ll get to it. See you later. SVETLANA Hrmpf. PANEL 4. Bernard is gone and Svetlana wheels himself to a table by the window. There’s a lamp on it and some framed pictures. Svetlana holds one in his hand. No words. PANEL 5. Svetlana’s POV. The picture is of him and a pretty young brunette back forty years ago, in the Seventies. Both are in their early twenties. Svetlana has an arm around the girl and is laughing. She has a slight smile. Both are looking into the camera. Urban background. No words. Svetlana’s hand holds the frame. No words.

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PANEL 6. CU on Svetlana’s face as he looks at the picture. His face is in shadow and he looks weary. SVETLANA (small) Ah, Sofia. . .

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PG. 10 PANEL 1, Establishing exterior shot of the New York Criminal Court building located at 100 Centre Street. It’s now night or dusk at the very least. CAP Criminal Court Building, 100 Centre Street, NYC. 8:15 PM. PANEL 2. Interior of the court. Large enough panel to show Howard Weitzer, minus his Howitzer suit, in jeans and a loose work shirt, handcuffed behind the defendant’s table. Next to him is his public defender, a harried and tired middle aged white guy in a rumpled suit. Weitzer looks dispirited. Behind the prosecutor’s table is Teresa Ronineaux who, as we will discover later, is Bernard’s girlfriend. (I like the fact that we don’t even identify her as such at this point but that the reader will learn it later.) Teresa’s about a year or so younger than Bernard, smart black professional, working as an assistant DA. She’s gorgeous, sleek, and professional. I’m thinking Gina Torres as she appears on the TV show SUITS. Maybe a little younger but doesn’t need to be much. The judge is in his fifties and is also going through the motions – at the moment. TERESA . . .and given the severity of his crimes, the State requests that Mister Weitzer be remanded without bail, your Honor. PANEL 3. Anastasia Royale strides into the courtroom, confident, arrogant even, headed for the defendant’s table. Heads turn. ANASTASIA If it please the court, I’m Anastasia Royale, counsel for the defense. PANEL 4. She has shouldered her way between the Public Defender and Weitzer. The PD protests a little; Anastasia doesn’t even look at him. Howard studies her with a questioning look on his face. PUBLIC DEFENDER Wait a minute! I’m Mister Weitzer’s attorney. . .! ANASTASIA

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Was his attorney. Go find some public to defend. WEITZER Do I know you? PANEL 5. The PD has left. Anastasia addresses the judge while Teresa looks scoffingly at her. Weizter looks confused. ANASTASIA Your Honor, Mister Weitzer poses no flight risk and has ties to the community. The Defense moves he be released on his own recognizance. TERESA You’ve got to be kidding me! This guys blows up part of Wall Street and you think. . . PANEL 6. The Judge, will a slightly avaricious gleam in his eye, bangs his gavel. JUDGE Bail is set at a million dollars, cash or bond. Next case! S/FX Bam!

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PG. 11 PANEL 1. Teresa, stunned, protests but Anastasia is already hustling Weitzer out of the court. TERESA Your Honor, you can’t be serious! JUDGE (off) Matter is settled, Ms. Robineaux. . . ANASTASIA Thank you, your honor. The family is most appreciative. PANEL 2. In the corridor outside the courtroom, Anastasia has Weitzer by the arm and is hurrying him along. He looks at her with confusion. ANASTASIA This way, Mister Weitzer. We’ll use the back stairs. We have a car waiting out in the alley. WEITZER Do I know you? PANEL 3. CU on Anastasia. She has a slight smile. ANASTASIA I am part of the Family Royale, Mister Weitzer, and whether you know it or not, we are your partners. PANEL 4. Cut to: a dock warehouse, West side. Exterior. There’s a town car parked by the entrance. CAP “Come with me. The Family has a warehouse on the West side by the dock. I think you’ll find it interesting.” PANEL 5. Interior. Cavernous and lots of shadow. One light burning over head creating a tight pool of light. In the center of it stands the updated version of the HOWITZER suit as described before. Weitzer stands at the

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edge of the circle of light, visibly shocked at what he sees. Anastasia stands at the very edge of light, partly in shadow. WEITZER My Howitzer suit! But how did you. . .?!

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PG. 12 PANEL 1. Tesla Royale materializes out of the darkness. One moment he’s not there and the next moment he is, simply standing. Anastasia stands next to him. Both have slight, predatory smiles. Weitzer, startled, turns to them. TESLA Your design, yes, Herr Weitzer. My improvements. Our suit, yes? ANASTASIA Howard, I’d like you to meet my Uncle Tesla. He’s the genius of the family. PANEL 2. Howard glares suspiciously at Tesla who, smoothly, ignores him and brings the focus on the suit. WEITZER How the heck did you get a hold of my designs?! TESLA Please, Herr Weitzer. Do not be upset. The loan you got to build the Howitzer suit? It came from us. We simply advanced your ideas to the next level, yes? Please to note the improvements. PANEL 3. Tesla has lifted one of the arms to show the gauntlets. Despite himself, Weitzer is impressed but still has questions. TESLA Boot jets channel the same energy that produces the Compressed Energy Spheres – CESs – that come from your chest plate. Also, wrist gauntlets shoot energy out like bullets. WEITZER Okay, I’m impressed. But how’re you producing that energy? I don’t see any battery pack. PANEL 4. Anastasia has come up next to her uncle and both have turned their full attention on Weitzer who ponders. TESLA It will come from you. We have a device can alter you so you generate as much energy as Solaris.

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ANASTASIA We ask only you launch your first attack when and where we say – and destroy Solaris. After that, any attack is of your choosing. I must warn you, the process is dangerous and you could die. PANEL 5. CU on Weitzer, eager and angry. WEITZER I’m willing to die before so long as my enemies died too. Let’s do it.

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PG. 13, four panels PANEL 1. Medium long shot. Cut to a restaurant not far from Times Square. Not naming a specific one but it’s not on the Square but one of the side streets. Upscale place with lots of warm woods. It’s after the shows have let out, about eleven PM or so. Bernard is at a small table with his girlfriend, Teresa. She is still steamed over what happened in court today and Bernard is incredulous. Note: they are sitting about a third of the way in and Teresa has her back to the windows that line the front of the restaurant. Again, not a huge place but well appointed. CAP Several hours later, Roscoe’s, off Times Square. . . BERNARD I can’t believe it, Teresa! The judge let this Howitzer guy out on bail?! TERESA Stinks, doesn’t it? Smells like a bribe to me. Of course, if I even suggested such a thing, the judge would have me locked up. I’m just an Assistant D.A. My boss would probably fire me. PANEL 2. Bernard is trying to puzzle it out while Teresa sips more wine. BERNARD Why would anyone want to bail this Weitzer fellow out? TERESA Wish I knew. The bond was paid for in cash. PANEL 3. Teresa puts her napkin on the plate and sighs. She looks discouraged. Bernard turns in his seta towards the back and signals for the waiter. TERESA What say we skip dessert and just go home? My heart’s not in this tonight. BERNARD Whatever you want, babe. Waiter? Check?

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PANEL 4. Big panel. Medium long shot. An explosion blows out the windows with enough force to knock Bernard backwards and throw Teresa forward. Lots of other people in the restaurant also go flying. Debris and flying glass. Should be a very violent panel and hopefully, catch the reader off guard. S/FX BUH-DOOM!

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PG. 14, five panels PANEL 1. Floor level. Foreground: Teresa’s face, towards us, eyes closed, blood dripping down her face from the back of her head. Medium background, Bernard reaching for her, scared that she’s dead. BERNARD (burst) Teresa?! PANEL 2. Bernard, kneeling, holds her, examining Teresa with his eyes, holding her in one arm, feeling for her pulse with another. BERNARD (thought) No, she’s alive but she’s hurt! How badly. . .?! PANEL 3. Bernard, same pose, but looking up in shock at the voice he’s hearing. HOWITZER (burst, no tail) Solaris! PANEL 4. Small panel. Bernard’s stumbled out to the street. The restaurant was only a few paces from Times Square on a side street. Signs of an explosion right in front of it – maybe a car or taxi upended and burning. The front of the restaurant in shambles. Bernard is in shock at what he sees up the street. HOWITZER (burst, no tail) Solaris! BERNARD (burst) Howitzer?! PANEL 5. Biggest panel on page. Howitzer in his new suit in the center of Times Square, letting off another blast from his chest device. We should see enough of Times Square to really establish it. Note: most of Howitzer will/should be covered up by the suit BUT, if we could see him, we’d see the outline of his body and the skeleton underneath. Everything else would appear as energy, starting with yellow, then going to orange and then, in his final stages, red. His eyes glow with energy.

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HOWITZER (burst) Solaris! HOWITZER Face me, you coward! You sided with my enemies, defended them! Face me now or I swear I’ll bring the entire city down! S/FX CHOOM!

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PG. 15, four panels PANEL 1. Back to Bernard as he pauses, hesitates, looking back towards the inside of the restaurant where Teresa lies. BERNARD (thought) I can’t! I can’t run off! I’ve got to get Teresa to safety before anything else! PANEL 2. CU on Bernard’s face and, behind it, the ghostly image of Svetlana’s face. Bernard closes his eyes, struggling with his decision. He’s remembering what Svetlana has said to him before. SVETLANA (ghostly lettering) Someday you will have to make decision between those who matter most to you and the good of many your duty. Will be very hard. The decision you make will determine who you are. PANEL 3. Long shot. No one sees Bernard as he rockets into the sky to get to his costume. BERNARD (thought) Forgive me, Teresa! PANEL 4. Cut back to Howitzer, who lets rips with a series of energy “bullets” from the gating gun like gauntlets he has on his wrists, blowing cars or buses as the bullets hit. He rages while he does it. He doesn’t see a streak of light behind him diving down; this is a light trail – a laser like light that shows up where Solaris is. HOWITZER Come on out, Solaris! I can do this all night! S/FX Chuddachuddachudda Boombuddaboom

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PG. 16, four panels PANEL 1. Solaris (now in his costume) rams into Howitzer from behind at high speed, working like a football tackle, putting his shoulder into it, tucking his head, letting a thin light aura buffer him. Howitzer staggers under the impact, arms and legs going akimbo. S/FX Wham! SOLARIS You don’t have all night, Howitzer! HOWITZER Uft! PANEL 2. Solaris zooms up and turns. Aiming both arms at Howitzer, he hits him with a heat blast but Howitzer just spreads his arms and acts like he’s drinking it all in. His color is starting to turn orange-yellow. SOLARIS I took you down this afternoon without much effort. I can do it again. Surrender now and avoid the bruises. HOWITZER I’m better than I was. Let me show you! PANEL 3. CU on the boot jet openings around the ankles as Howitzer sends energy roaring out through those vents. S/FX broaaaar! PANEL 4. The boot jets rocket Howitzer into the air towards a surprised Solaris. Howitzer now uses the wrist gauntlets to shoot “bullets” towards Solaris who twists to barely avoid them. HOWITZER You can’t beat me by taking away my power pack this time! I am my power pack!

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PG. 17, four panels PANEL 1. Solaris now reverses what he did before. He pulls his arms towards himself as if drawing the energy OUT of Howitzer – which in fact he’s doing. The energy flows out of the vents and face plate of Howitzer towards Solaris. Howitzer staggers in mid-air. SOLARIS Light’s a form of energy and light is mine to command – so I’m betting I can command that energy right out of you! PANEL 2. Attempting to overload Solaris, Howitzer cranks up his own energy, now starting to reach red hot levels. He snarls and laughs as he does it. HOWITZER I’ll just amp it up! Can you take it if I make it?! PANEL 3. A blast out of Howitzer’s chestplate is met with a shield by Solaris. HOWITZER There’s plenty more where this comes from! S/FX CHOOM! PANEL 4. The shield explodes driving Solaris to the ground. He grimaces in pain. That makes Howitzer happy. S/FX Buhdoom! HOWITZER Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!

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PG. 18 PANEL 1. On the ground, street level. Solaris, foreground, is trying to get up. The energy still snaps and sparks around his body and he’s in pain. In the background, Howitzer has landed behind him and is advancing towards Solaris. He’s powering up the chest plate and it starts to glow white. HOWITZER Just lie there, Solaris! I want to remember you that way! The way you died! PANEL 2. Solaris scrambles to a kneeling position and puts a hard light shield right over the chest device. SOLARIS If I can’t shut up you, maybe I can shut down your weapon! PANEL 3. The chest plate fires and the solid light shield explodes but it’s like plugging the barrel of a gun – mo9st of the explosion is forced back inside, into Howitzer. He screams and there are cracks in the armor and energy blows out of any available vent. S/FX Shwoomp! HOWITZER (burst) Aaaaahhhhh!

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PG. 19, four panels PANEL 1. Howitzer screams at Solaris. The energy is spilling out and the armor is melting. Solaris, standing, extends a hand towards Howitzer. HOWITZER (burst) What did you do to me?! SOLARIS Nothing I wanted to do! Look, you’ve got to power down! PANEL 2. Medium shot. Howitzer, shocked, looks at the gauntlets and sees that the weapon is melting and sealing the energy in. His head piece is also starting to melt. HOWITZER I can’t! I can’t control it! SOLARIS Let me help you! Let me help vent the energy! You don’t have to die! PANEL 3. CU on Howitzer as he screams in rage and agony. HOWITZER (burst) I DON’T CARE SO LONG AS EVERYONE ELSE DIES! SO LONG AS YOU DIE! PANEL 4 . Medium long shot. Solaris encases Howitzer is a solid light ball and keeps pouring the energy on. SOLARIS (thought) Can’t save him! Can only try to keep him from destroying Times Square! SOLARIS (thought) Maybe. . .a solid light sphere. . .contain his explosion! Let his energy feed the sphere. . .!

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PG. 20, three panels PANEL !. Same perspective as previous panel. The sphere goes white with contained force and spikes from the energy puncture out. But the sphere holds Feed back throws Solaris back. S/FX FWOOMP! SOLARIS Uhhhn! PANEL 2. Same panel perspective. Solaris struggles to his feet. The light sphere is dissipating into smoke but Howitzer is not there. SOLARIS (thought) Howitzer’s. . .gone! Vaporized! PANEL 3. CU on Solaris’ face, fear and concern for his love etched on his face, SOLARIS (small) Teresa. . .!

PG. 21 PANEL 1. Cut back to the blown up restaurant. Teresa stirs as Bernard stumbles towards her. BERNARD (burst) Teresa?! TERESA (shaky lettering, small) Bernard. . .? PANEL 2. Bernard cradles Teresa and she clings to him. TERESA (shaky lettering, small) Bernard? What happened? BERNARD

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Explosion outside. Something. Whatever, it’s over. You’re going to be okay. . .?! PANEL 3. Teresa manages a weak smile into Bernard’s face. Bernard, He manages a small smile for her. TERESA (shaky lettering, small) Hurt, babe. It hurts. . . BERNARD I know. I’m sorry! I’m here. PANEL 4. Some EMTs have moved in with a stretcher and politely move Bernard to one side as they start to move her to a stretcher. EMT Excuse me but you need to let us through and do our jobs. I’m sure your lady friend will be okay. TERESA Bernard?! Don’t leave me! BERNARD I won’t, babe! I swear! PANEL 5. CU on Bernard, mirroring Svetlana on Pg. 9, Panel 6. Scared and feeling guilty. BERNARD (small) Ah, Teresa. . .!

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PG 22 PANEL 1. Establishing shot of the Chrysler Building. It’s a beautiful, great, iconic building of NYC and having it also serve as the HQ for the Family Royale is all the better. CAP The Chrysler Building. . . PANEL 2. Cut to – the Board Room for the Family Royale. Dark, wood paneling, expensive looking central table. It’s a long table and the father and head of the family, Nikolas, sits at the head. He is back lit and his features are largely in shadow. As described before. Anastasia sits to his right and Tesla to his left. They are deferential but not fearful. CAP The penthouse – headquarters for the Family Royale. . . NIKOLAS Report. What has tonight’s experiment cost us. . .taught us? PANEL 2. CU on Tesla. Calm, offhand. TESLA The suit is a loss, Nikolas. Hard to say if it was design flaws or operator flaw. I’m inclined to think the latter. TESLA In any case, we have the designs. When desired, we can make another Howitzer. Perhaps with more stable operative. PANEL 3. CU on Anastasia. Again, cool but very deferential. ANASTASIA We have learned that night does not affect Solaris’ powers, father. He is adaptive and resilient but not, we think, as of yet greatly experienced. ANASTASIA The million dollar bond put up for Weitzer is, of course, forfeit. There is the cost of the suit and the bribes but, overall, not the most expensive experiment we have run.

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PANEL 4. CU on Nikolas, backlit. NIKOLAS Acceptable. We will continue to observe this Solaris and learn all we can of him. His true name, his family, his friends. If he should develop into a true threat. . . PANEL 5. CU on Nikolas’ mouth. He smiles and we see sharp vampiric fangs. NIKOLAS . . .we will bring him into the Family. CAP End?
