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Booklet Draft 10.2.15 FINAL - Feinberg School of · PDF filemeet creden aling recommenda ons...

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Page 2: Booklet Draft 10.2.15 FINAL - Feinberg School of · PDF filemeet creden aling recommenda ons of the American College of Emergency Physicians, ... u liza on. Our ancillary training


Welcome from the Program Director 2

Welcome from the Department Chair 4

Welcome from the Chief Residents 5

Life in Chicago 6

Training Sites 7

Elec ve Opportuni es 13

Diversity 14

Wellness and Work-Life Balance 16

Clinical Rota ons 17

Simula on 18

Didac c Curriculum 19

Global Emergency Medicine Health Ini a ves 24

Research 25

Why Four Years? 26

Alumni Demographics 27

Job Placement of Recent Graduates 28

Fellowship Opportuni es at Northwestern 34

People - Current Residents and Faculty 35

Contracts, S pends, and Benefi ts 44

Grand Rounds 45

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2 Northwestern Emergency Medicine

Welcome from the Program Director

Northwestern University is proud of its long tradi on of na onal leadership in emergency medicine (EM) educa on and our state-of-the-art care for acutely ill or injured pa ents in the greater Chicago area. It is my pleasure to provide this brief introduc on to our excep onal training program.

The fi rst Northwestern EM resident graduated in 1973 from a program started at our former community affi liate, Evanston Hospital. In 1980, the Evanston EM program combined with a parallel residency that was housed at Northwestern Memorial Hospital – this merger created the current administra ve structure for our residency program. We are the 6th oldest EM residency in the United States.

Northwestern EM residents care for and learn from a diverse popula on of pa ents at specially-chosen training sites. Our clinical curriculum is deliberately designed to produce residency graduates with advanced skills in life-saving and resuscita ve procedures, cri cal care, trauma, and complex pediatric illness. The emergency departments (ED) of Northwestern Memorial Hospital (NMH) and Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago are both Level 1 Trauma Centers, with a combined annual ED census of over 136,000 pa ents. The two hospitals are located within three city blocks on the Chicago campus of Northwestern University, in the Streeterville neighborhood. The high-volume, high-complexity ED popula ons at these two ter ary care centers allow for a centralized training experience for our residents – 39 of the 48 months of our program occur within these neighboring hospitals.

Addi onal clinical training sites include Methodist Hospital ED (Northlake Campus) in Gary, IN (3 months), Northwestern Lake Forest Hospital ED in Lake Forest, IL (3 months), the Trauma Unit of Stroger Hospital of Cook County (2 months), and the Toxicon Consor um/Illinois Poison Center at Stroger Hospital

(1 month). All clinical rota ons outside the emergency department occur only in cri cal care units – our program does not off er training experiences on general hospital wards. EM residents spend a total of 8.5 rota ons in an ICU se ng, spread across our four-year curriculum. Of these, our residents provide senior coverage as admi ng team leaders for two months in the NMH Medical ICU and one month at the Stroger Trauma Unit/Trauma ICU. EM residents also receive training in both adult and pediatric anesthesia, orthopedics, sports medicine, OB/GYN, and ultrasound. Three elec ve months are off ered. All graduates complete the requisite number of ultrasound scans and didac c hours to meet creden aling recommenda ons of the American College of Emergency Physicians, with image confi rma on by RDMS-cer fi ed EM faculty.

The NMH ED provides a challenging learning environment for our residents. There is no separa on of acuity assignments between junior and senior residents. Under faculty and senior resident supervision, interns and second-year residents care for pa ents of any complexity level and are supervised as they perform all needed procedures. Interns par cipate in a resuscita on procedures “boot camp” throughout their fi rst year that prepares them to translate skills to the bedside. Importantly, our senior residents benefi t from true “graduated responsibility” – rather than simply “see more pa ents”, our third- and fourth-year residents serve as the junior a ending. In this role, they receive presenta ons from all junior residents, medical students, and mid-level providers on their team. They interview and examine each of these pa ents, write supervisory notes on all of their charts, and assist in coordina ng appropriate disposi ons. Each senior resident is responsible for teams that care for 12-20 pa ents at one me – they learn to be highly effi cient, drive throughput from the wai ng room, and provide pa ent-centered, quality care. Residents receive forma ve reports of pa ent sa sfac on through Press Ganey surveys, separate from their supervisory faculty. Our graduates learn both the science and

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business of emergency medicine – they can expertly transi on to an a ending role in any se ng and are highly sought a er by prospec ve employers across the na on.

Our didac c conference curriculum is designed for adult learners and is rigorously evaluated on a yearly basis. Residents par cipate in a modular curriculum that focuses on a specifi c organ system or topic each month, which includes tradi onal lectures coordinated with simula on, small group learning, individualized interac ve instruc on, procedure labs and ultrasound labs. Two leadership development curricula are embedded throughout our longitudinal, four-year program: our Academic Colleges and Seminars in Professional Development. Research methodology is emphasized in our monthly Evidence-Based Conference series, our PGY-2 Research Rota on, and through faculty-mentored scholarly work requirements. All residents prepare at least one publishable manuscript prior to gradua on.

Northwestern University accepts applica ons to our EM residency program only through the Electronic Residency Applica on Service (ERAS). We par cipate

Michael Gisondi, MD, FACEP, FAAEMAssociate Professor of Emergency MedicineResidency Program DirectorDirector, Feinberg Academy of Medical Educators

in the Na onal Residency Matching Program (NRMP) and off er 12 PGY-1 posi ons each year. Compe ve candidates demonstrate success throughout medical school, as evidenced by course grades, USMLE scores, le ers of recommenda on, leadership roles, and volunteerism. We welcome applica ons from candidates with a wide array of past experiences and strongly encourage applica ons from under-represented minori es in our specialty.

Thank you for your interest in the Northwestern EM Residency Program. Further details about our educa onal program, rota on sites, MS 4 clerkship, and residency applica on process can be found throughout our Department website.

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4 Northwestern Emergency Medicine

Welcome from the Department Chair

In emergency medicine, the challenges are extreme, and a sound balance is tough to achieve. Yet doctors and nurses of extraordinary skill are drawn to the prac ce, perhaps because they honor the ability to serve those in need. Service is, in itself, the primary reward. Invigorated by the challenges, rejuvenated by our con nued improvements, and fulfi lled by caring for those in need, we are drawn to and remain in this special environment.

Thank you for taking the me to learn more about our Department and the many people that are key to its success.

James Adams, MDProfessor of Emergency MedicineDepartment ChairSenior Vice President and Chief Medical Offi cer, Northwestern Medicine

It is a great pleasure to welcome you to emergency medicine at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. This booklet captures only a few of the ongoing developments and improvements in the quality and effi ciency of clinical care, achievements in science, success in medical student and

resident educa on, and breakthroughs in technology that are all improving pa ent care delivery.

All of the programs within emergency medicine are geared toward a single vision, which is the achievement of the best pa ent experience. This requires care of the highest technical quality, though technical quality alone is not enough. We must also assure effi ciency, guarantee safety, promote communica on, and achieve sa sfac on. This broad vision sustains, mo vates, and energizes our clinical and scien fi c enterprise.

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Welcome from the Chief Residents

Thank you for your interest in emergency medicine! The program at Northwestern is among the strongest in the specialty and we are proud to train the best emergency physicians in the country.

Our 4-year program includes a variety of clinical se ngs around the Chicago area, giving residents wide exposure to pa ents of every socioeconomic class and acuity. Our primary training site is Northwestern Memorial Hospital, a Level 1 Trauma center and premier academic medical center. We care for most of downtown Chicago and serve as a referral center for many hospitals and surrounding communi es. Our Department is led by our Chairman, Dr. James Adams, and our faculty consists of the best clinicians and researchers in the country. Our clinical experience is well-rounded, with a depth of cri cal care experience that allows our residents comfort when caring for severely ill pa ents. Our residents have the privilege of training alongside leading researchers in the fi elds of sepsis, venous thromboembolic disease, and hospital resource u liza on.

Our ancillary training sites include Methodist Northlake Hospital in Gary, Indiana, which provides residents with exposure to a community based se ng in an underserved area. Northwestern Lake Forest Hospital in the city’s northern suburbs provides

a suburban community ED environment. Lurie Children’s Hospital provides world-class training for our residents in pediatric emergency medicine. Our trauma experience is supplemented by rota ons on the Trauma Service of John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital of Cook County, one of the busiest and most respected trauma units in the country.

With a popula on of over 2.7 million, Chicago is the third most populous city in the country. When it comes to the arts, entertainment, and dining, the Second City is second to none. Our comedy and improv scenes are legendary and if you’re a foodie, Chicago off ers a collec on of world-renowned restaurants, farmers markets, and breweries. The Lake Shore trail has miles of pathways for biking and running, and there are intramural leagues for whatever sport interests you. Our street fes vals, lakeside beaches, and concerts make summer me in Chicago unsurpassed.

We are all very proud to be part of the Northwestern Emergency Medicine Family. We hope that you strongly consider coming to Chicago and training with us for the next four years. Please take a look at our website and feel free to contact us with any ques ons. Good luck on the interview trail!

Becca, Colin, Kory, and SamiaNorthwestern EM Chief Residents 2015-2016

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6 Northwestern Emergency Medicine

Life in Chicago

Chicago’s cultural, intellectual, and commercial vibrancy make it a unique place to work, learn, and play. Home to over 2.7 million people and host to nearly 40 million visitors annually, residents training in the Windy City enjoy diversity at every turn. The city is truly a mel ng pot in many ways - only 58% of Chicago residents were born in Illinois and over 20% were born in another country.

Though Chicago is also nicknamed “The City That Works,” there is no shortage of things to do during me off . Twenty-six miles of lakefront provide a

stunning backdrop for ac vi es and events to suit all interests. Si ng on the southwestern shore of Lake Michigan, many league sports teams take advantage of the 15 miles of beaches and over 500 parks in Chicago. For those that enjoy roo ng for the home team, Chicago is one of only three ci es in the US with six professional sports teams. The many collegiate teams here also add to the op ons for spectators.

Foodies will fi nd that, in a city of over 7,300 restaurants, there is always something new to explore. Saveur Magazine even dubbed Chicago, “America’s new culinary star.” Chicago boasts world-renowned shopping and truly off ers something for

everyone, from the Magnifi cent Mile to the many independent shops and bou ques. Hundreds of art galleries and theatres and some of the largest fes vals in the world also keep Chicagoans busy year-round.

Learning throughout the city is easy, thanks to Chicago’s nearly 50 museums, including those dedicated to art, history, science, and technology. From the beloved Shedd Aquarium and Adler Planetarium, and in every building along the city’s many architectural tours, the Second City is home to much that inspires and interests.

As a mul cultural city that thrives on the harmony and diversity of its 77 dis nct neighborhoods, Chicago today embodies the values of America’s heartland - integrity, hard work and community. It is the 3rd largest city in the US, with a unique mix of cozy neighborhood communi es surrounded by a bustling urban metropolis. It is a great place to live, work, and play. Northwestern Emergency Medicine is proud to call Chicago home.

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Training Sites


Northwestern Memorial Hospital, in partnership with the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, is a na onally recognized academic medical center and a major Midwest referral center, with more than 1,700 physicians represen ng virtually every clinical specialty. Pa ent accommoda ons include 894 beds between Northwestern Memorial and its Pren ce Women’s Hospital. The Northwestern Memorial Hospital Emergency Department cared for 86,096 pa ents in 2014.

Northwestern Memorial Hospital (NMH) is the only hospital in Illinois on the US News and World Report Best Hospitals 2015-2016 Honor Roll. This year’s Honor Roll highlights just 15 hospitals, of which NMH ranks 11th na onwide for its breadth and depth of clinical excellence. Northwestern Memorial is recognized in the Best Hospitals ranking for outstanding performance in 13 of the 16 ranked special es, including cancer, cardiology and heart surgery, diabetes and endocrinology, ear, nose and throat, gastroenterology and GI surgery, geriatrics, gynecology, nephrology, neurology and neurosurgery, orthopaedics, pulmonology, rheumatology, and urology.

NMH is the second largest provider of charity care in Illinois. In 2013, Northwestern provided $419.8 million in charity care, unreimbursed care, research, educa on, and community benefi t. Northwestern Memorial Hospital’s pa ent- and community-driven mission has led to the development of partnerships and ini a ves designed to have a measurable, posi ve impact on the health of medically underserved residents in our communi es.

For 16 consecu ve years Northwestern Medicine has been recognized as one of the Top 100 Best Companies for Working Mothers. Northwestern is proud to be a leader in fostering a family-friendly workplace.

The Emergency Nurses Associa on issues the Lantern Award to emergency departments that exemplify excep onal prac ces and innova ve performance. Northwestern Lake Forest and Lurie Children’s were two of only 16 hospitals to earn Lantern recogni on in 2014.

Northwestern Memorial and Lurie Children’s fi rst received Magnet recogni on from the American Nurses Creden aling Center in 2006. In 2012, Lurie was re-designated and Northwestern was re-designated in 2015. Northwestern Lake Forest earned Magnet designa on in 2010. Only 6% of US hospitals receive Magnet recogni on and only 3% receive re-designa on.

Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital is one of only 13 children’s hospitals in the na on on the US News & World Report Best Children’s Hospitals 2015-2016 Honor Roll.

The Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine ranks 19th among the na on’s research medical schools.

Northwestern Medicine and Lurie Children’s were named Leaders in LGBT Healthcare Equality in the 2014 Healthcare Equality Index report published by the Human Rights Campaign.

Methodist Hospitals earned a Gold Plus Performance Achievement Award in 2014. This award, given by the American Heart Associa on and the American Stroke Associa on, recognizes outstanding achievements in stroke care, outcomes, and quality.

Northwestern Memorial ranks 11th in the na on on the US News & World Report Best Hospitals 2015-2016 Honor Roll. NMH also ranks 1st in Illinois and 1st in the Chicago metro area.

In 2015 Methodist Hospitals earned the Neighbor’s Choice Award - Best Hospital in Lake County, IN.

In 2014 Northwestern Lake Forest Hospital earned a Top Hospital ranking and an ‘A’ grade from The Leapfrog Group. An ‘A’ le er grade is the highest score possible assigned by the nonprofi t pa ent safety group.

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8 Northwestern Emergency Medicine


Northwestern has provided trauma care for the downtown Chicago area for over 30 years. With a popula on of over 2.7 million, there are only four Adult Level 1 Trauma Centers in the city of Chicago. During the summer months, 1 out of every 3 trauma pa ents at Northwestern presents with penetra ng trauma c injuries.

NMH is the only Level 1 Adult Trauma Center in the Chicago Loop area, and the Northwestern trauma catchment area extends beyond the Loop from the southern edge of Lincoln Park down to the southeast side of Chicago.

“Trauma care is a mark of excellence for a high-quality organiza on,” says Dr. James Adams, Chair of the Northwestern Department of Emergency Medicine. “The ability to care op mally for every type of cri cally ill pa ent is a defi ning characteris c of the best hospitals.”

The prac ce of bedside ultrasound is integral to pa ent care in the Emergency Department and ultrasound skill development is an important objec ve of our training program. The Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) Curriculum at Northwestern follows the American College of Emergency Physicians Guidelines providing didac c training throughout all four years of residency training, as well as documenta on and review of creden aling exams. Northwestern EM residents learn to incorporate the use of POCUS in their daily prac ce for diagnos c, therapeu c, and procedural applica ons.

The POCUS curriculum is directed by Emily Baran, MD, FACEP, RDMS; CCH-fellowship-trained Danielle McGee, MD, and the Ultrasound Chief Resident (Rebecca Caton, MD 2015-2016). The Ultrasound Chief is a unique PGY-4 leadership role focusing on innova ve ultrasound educa onal and opera onal objec ves. An Introduc on to POCUS Course occurs during the PGY-1 year which combines didac cs in the form of lecture, online modules, hands-on scanning, and simula on experiences to cover the core applica ons of emergency ultrasound: EFAST/Trauma, Procedural/IV access, Cardiac, First-trimester OB, Renal, Biliary, Aor c and Musculoskeletal. Advanced ultrasound didac c sessions covering addi onal emergency applica ons are integrated into the core curriculum and occur throughout our four-year training program for all residents. Northwestern is also very proud of our Excellence in US Educa on (EUE) small group sessions which occur weekly and allow hands-on scanning in the ED. These sessions provide valuable me for one-on-one bedside teaching, as well as image review to improve bedside POCUS skills. All residents have the opportunity to become a member of the Ultrasound Leadership Commi ee, to teach ultrasound at the medical student and resident level, and to par cipate in the annual SAEM-sponsored Sonogames.

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Northwestern Memorial Hospital is among only 5% of the na on’s hospitals designated as an Academic Medical Center (AMC) hospital by the Associa on of American Medical Colleges. AMC hospitals in aggregate deliver a vastly dispropor onate share of the na on’s trauma, intensive care and ter ary services, provide 28% of all Medicaid care, and underwrite 41% of all hospital-based charity care. NMH is commi ed to providing healthcare to all members of our community regardless of their ability to pay.

NMH recently completed a comprehensive Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) to iden fy the highest priority health needs of residents in our community. One example of Northwestern’s outreach is the Denny Community Health Center, located at the Lawson House YMCA. Since August 2000, the Center has provided free medical care to the residents of the Lawson House YMCA, a popula on comprised of low-income, formerly homeless Chicagoans. With Northwestern Memorial providing staff and fi nancial support, the Center accommodates approximately 2,500 pa ent visits per year.

The Chicago Cardiac Arrest Resuscita on Educa on Service (CCARES) is a community outreach organiza on started in 2011 by Northwestern EM faculty and alumni. Dr. George Chiampas and Dr. Amer Aldeen (NU EM ’06) founded CCARES with the simple mission to “increase the survival of sudden cardiac arrest vic ms in Chicago.” CCARES partners with City agencies, communi es, schools, and businesses to educate and raise awareness of the importance of bystander CPR and AED use. In 2011, Illinois Governor Pat Quinn joined members of CCARES and the Northwestern Medicine community to commemorate the signing of the Illinois Good Samaritan Act. The law encourages bystanders to provide lifesaving CPR to vic ms of sudden cardiac arrest outside the hospital se ng and marks an important step in support of hands-only CPR. Residents play an ac ve role in CCARES.

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10 Northwestern Emergency Medicine


Pren ce Women’s Hospital at Northwestern Memorial opened in October 2007, when it moved from its original facility to a new, one-million square foot state-of-the-art hospital dedicated to providing care for the unique needs of women through all stages of life. With 328 licensed beds, care at Pren ce extends beyond obstetrics and gynecology, to women’s heart health, neurology, bone care, and mental health care. In partnership with the Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine, the Women’s Health Research Ins tute at Pren ce plays a cri cal role in research and health policy advocacy at ins tu onal, state, and federal levels.

Northwestern EM residents have two rota ons at Pren ce in their second year: obstetrics/gynecology and the Neonatal ICU. Pren ce facilitates 13,600 deliveries per year, making it the largest birthing center in the Midwest and among the top fi ve birthing centers in the na on by volume of births. The Renee Schine Crown Neonatal Intensive Care Unit contains 86 Level III bassinets, making it one of the largest NICUs in the country. Northwestern’s commitment to providing quality care to all pa ents regardless of their ability to pay extends to Pren ce Women’s Hospital; annually, nearly 30% of infant care provided in the NICU is reimbursed by Medicaid or provided as free care.


In June 2012, a er 130 years in the Lincoln Park neighborhood, Children’s Memorial Hospital moved to the Northwestern downtown campus and became the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago (LCH). Though the name is new, the rela onship between Children’s and the Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine spans over 60 years. LCH is one of only 13 pediatric hospitals in the US to earn 2015-2016 Honor Roll designa on by US News and World Report. Overall, US News and World Report ranks Lurie the 11th best children’s hospital in the na on.

The LCH ED treated 50,172 pa ents in 2014. As a whole, the 288-bed hospital annually cares for children from every legisla ve district in Illinois, all 50 states, and over 30 countries. Pa ents come from far and wide to seek care at Lurie.

“Working at Lurie alongside a endings that are fellowship-trained is invaluable. You see rou ne pediatrics and also

take care of extremely medically complex kids and interact with various pediatric sub-specialists who are experts in their fi elds. The endless supply of Teddy Grahams and

Popsicles is also a bonus! ” Gabrielle Ahlzadeh, NU EM ‘19

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JOHN H. STROGER, JR. HOSPITAL OF COOK COUNTYNU EM residents rotate in the trauma unit at Cook County once during their second year and again during their fourth year. The trauma unit/trauma ICU at Cook County was the fi rst in the country and is one of the busiest in the US. The role of second year residents on the rota on is that of a junior on the service; senior residents act as the team leader for the 24-hour call day. In this role, senior residents have the same responsibility as the senior County residents on their call days - leading resuscita ons and supervising all care within the unit. At Stroger, trauma pa ents are seen in a separate trauma unit, not in the regular ED. This pa ent care model is diff erent than that of Northwestern Memorial, where trauma pa ents must be managed at the same me as all other pa ents on the trauma half of the main ED. This contrast in care models provides for outstanding, comprehensive trauma educa on for our residents.

All residents complete a one-month toxicology rota on at Stroger during their third year. Residents work with members of the Toxikon Consor um, a collabora on of healthcare providers from mul ple academic ins tu ons in Chicago who are dedicated to clinical care, training, educa on, and research related to poisoned pa ents. Residents divide their me during this rota on between the Illinois Poison

Center, rounds with the Toxikon faculty and fellows, and didac c sessions.


Methodist Hospital - Northlake Campus is located 35 miles from downtown Chicago. The rota ons at Methodist provide an opportunity to work in a busy, inner-city community ED with a large trauma popula on and high medical acuity. There are no other residents at the Northlake Campus, so our residents have the chance to work in a true “unopposed” community environment, one-on-one with the a ending physician. The Northlake Campus Emergency Department treated 35,469 pa ents in 2014.

Methodist Hospital plays a major role in addressing the health needs of underserved pa ents of Northwest Indiana. In addi on to support of community outreach programs, Methodist Hospitals provided nearly $98 million in unpaid Medicare, charity care, and community services last year. Local consumers ranked Methodist as the most preferred hospital in Lake County, Indiana in 2014.

“Methodist is the wild west of emergency medicine - your skills and knowledge are truly tested.”

Greg Apel, NU EM ‘16

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12 Northwestern Emergency Medicine


Northwestern Lake Forest Hospital is a 215-bed community hospital located in Lake Forest, IL, 32 miles from downtown Chicago. Northwestern Lake Forest Hospital (NLFH) is a Level II Trauma Center and is ranked by consumers as the most preferred hospital in Lake and Kenosha Coun es.

NLFH is an Emergency Department Approved for Pediatrics (EDAP) and 30% of its pa ent volume consists of pediatric pa ents. Cer fi ed by the Joint Commission as an Advanced Primary Stroke Center, Lake Forest has the resources to provide the highest level of care for stroke pa ents. The Lake Forest ED treated over 21,370 pa ents in 2014.

Our residents currently spend one block at Lake Forest during their second, third, and fourth years. Residents are provided op onal housing during the rota ons, as well as a complimentary membership at a fi tness center on campus. Residents have the opportunity to work alongside many former graduates of the Northwestern Emergency Medicine Program, as well as highly dedicated nursing and ancillary staff . NLFH was recently awarded the Emergency Nursing Associa on’s Lantern Award, a recogni on given to emergency departments that exemplify excep onal prac ce and innova ve performance in the core areas of leadership, prac ce, educa on, advocacy and research.

NU EM residents may moonlight at the Lake Forest ED and its affi liated Grayslake ED, a stand alone emergency department.

Northwestern Emergency Medicine Training Sites

“Lake Forest is a great addi on to the program - it is an excellent example of community emergency medicine.”

Jordan Kaylor, NU EM ‘16

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“An advanced airway course and Grand Teton Na onal Park - what more could one ask for?”

Andrew Piro e, NU EM ‘15

“My elec ve me in West Africa broadened my scope as a person and as a physician. I improved

exis ng skills and acquired new ones. Those weeks are among the most enriching I have spent

in my life.” Benjamin Sayers, NU EM ‘11

A total of three blocks of elec ve me are available to all residents. Elec ve blocks are unrestricted and residents may choose to go anywhere in the world. NU EM will assist with out of state licensure, malprac ce insurance coverage, provide immuniza ons and evacua on insurance. Salary and benefi ts are paid during elec ve rota ons.

“ I spent my elec ve in Ireland with Dr. Andy Neill, emergency physician at the Mater Misericordiae

University Hospital in Dublin. Dr. Neill runs the blog Emergency Medicine Ireland and is an avid proponent

of FOAMed. Exci ng things are in store for EM educa on and I am glad to be a part of it.” Lauren

Gallagher, NU EM ‘14

In 2009, Jon Van Roo and Ma Lazio (NU EM ‘10) spent a month on Aconcagua (22,841 ). They worked alongside

Argen nian physicians at base camp and ul mately published four peer-reviewed ar cles and two le ers to the editor based on their work there. During their

elec ve they also summited the mountain.

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14 Northwestern Emergency Medicine


The Department of Emergency Medicine strives to create and maintain a provider popula on that mirrors our diverse pa ent popula on. We believe that a diverse faculty, workforce, and student body is essen al to our long-term success in academic medicine. We embrace all types of diversity as strengths.

Email addresses are listed below for leaders of the Diversity Ini a ves Commi ee. Feel free to contact any commi ee member.

Open Door Policy - On Interview Day and Everyday

The Department of Emergency Medicine strongly encourages applica ons from minority candidates

who are under-represented in our specialty, including women, racial and ethic minori es, and

LGBTQ students.

Northwestern University does not discriminate or permit discrimina on by any member of its

community against any individual on the basis of race, color, religion, na onal origin, sex, sexual orienta on, gender iden ty, gender expression,

parental status, marital status, age, disability, ci zenship or veteran status in ma ers of

admissions, employment, housing or services or in the educa onal programs or ac vi es it operates.

The Feinberg Offi ce of Diversity works with students, residents, staff , and faculty to further

our mission of achieving a campus environment of belonging and inclusion for all.

Recruitment ini a ves, community partnerships, and campus collabora ons all help facilitate our


Please let us know if you are interested in mee ng with anyone from the Offi ce of Diversity - we are

more than happy to arrange a visit in the a ernoon once your interviews are completed.

For more informa on about Diversity at Northwestern, including interviews with residents, please visit:

h p://mcgaw.northwestern.edu/diversity/resident-voices

John E. Franklin, MDAssociate Dean, Minority and Cultural Aff airs

[email protected]

Larry Faines, MDAssistant Professor

[email protected]

Danielle McGee, MDAssistant ProfessorDirector, Ultrasound Educa on

[email protected]

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Diversity Ini a ves

The Feinberg Offi ce of Diversity is proud of its longstanding commitment to diversity and excellence. Through mentoring programs, community partnerships, recruitment ini a ves and inter-campus coopera on and collabora on, we strive to help facilitate in every domain. Our campus communi es have tremendous strengths and bring a wealth of ideas and experience that inform and guide our work.

Northwestern McGaw Underrepresented Residents & Fellows Forum

Northwestern McGaw Underrepresented Residents & Fellows Forum (NMURFF) is an inter-departmental group for trainees at the McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University. The NMURFF leadership consists of residents and fellows who carry out programming in four areas: mentoring, networking and career development, outreach, and strategy and collabora on. NMURFF welcomes members of all backgrounds who support its mission. NMURFF work centers on diversity and representa on and is focused on, but not limited to, race, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orienta on.

Northwestern Chicago Out Network

The campus- and affi liate-wide networking group for LGBT iden fi ed individuals and allies began informally mee ng several years ago and quickly became a regular social networking group for the Northwestern Chicago campus. It currently draws par cipants from the medical school, graduate school, law school, and affi liated hospitals and clinics. Affi liated hospitals, schools, and prac ce groups are pleased to off er formal support of the group’s quarterly mee ngs. It is the collec ve goal of the Out Network that providing sponsorship for faculty, staff , and students who iden fy as LGBT or allies will ensure that our campus and affi liates have welcome and inclusive environments.

Spanish Courses

The Offi ce of Diversity off ers Spanish language courses at four levels, in partnership with Northwestern Medicine and the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM) Chicago extension. Classes are open to health professions graduate students as well as faculty, staff , and employees of Northwestern Medicine. Individuals already fl uent in Spanish may obtain a formal comprehensive profi ciency evalua on from UNAM.

LGBT Safe Space Training

The Offi ce of Diversity off ers LGBT Safe Space Training in partnership with individuals from the Northwestern LGBTQA Campus Advisory Network and the Feinberg School of Medicine Queers and Allies group. The Safe Space Program is an ini a ve to educate allies who support LGBTQ individuals in our campus community. Training consists of four modules that cover topics ranging from language and inclusive conversa ons, clinical encounters that promote health for all, and promo ng knowledge and openness in clinical environments.

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16 Northwestern Emergency Medicine

Wellness and Work-Life Balance

Our annual two-day retreat is an important part of resident wellness. All residents are excused from clinical du es to spend me at a rural retreat center outside Chicago. Our retreat agenda includes team-building ac vi es, class mee ngs with faculty leadership, ropes courses, scavenger hunt compe ons, class skits, and campfi res. Sugges ons for residency program changes and future goals are also discussed in work groups during the retreat.

Our monthly Adams Club evenings provide another opportunity for residents and faculty to gather off -campus, in a relaxed environment. Hosted by faculty members in their homes, Adams Club consists of dinner and faculty-led teaching sessions. During certain months, Adams Club allows the NU EM Family to celebrate holidays together, as well. Whether there is a Halloween costume contest, a backyard barbecue, or a game of Orthopedic EM Jeopardy on the agenda, the atmosphere at Adams Club is always laid back and fun.

The Northwestern Emergency Medicine Wellness Commi ee meets throughout the year and is open to all residents. With the mission of educa ng, promo ng and suppor ng wellness and resiliency among emergency physicians at Northwestern, the commi ee works to develop wellness ac vi es and prac ces, and to recognize the scholarly poten al of examining wellness programs for emergency physicians.

A resident wellness ini a ve of a monthly class social helps foster camaraderie and relaxa on. Each class works with the Chief Residents to schedule a night free of clinical duty every month.

“I’m a long way from home, but this residency has become family to me.”

Elizabeth Byrne, NU EM ‘17

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Clinical Rota ons

PGY1Emergency Medicine (NMH/LCH) 8 Blocks Medical ICU (NMH) 2 BlocksCoronary Care Unit (NMH) 1 BlockAnesthesia (NMH) 1 BlockSurgical ICU/Trauma (NMH) 1 BlockOrthopedics/Sports Medicine (NMH) 1 BlockUltrasound (NMH) 0.5 BlocksInterven onal Pulmonology (NMH) 0.5 BlocksVaca on 3 Weeks

PGY2Emergency Medicine (NMH/LCH) 9 Blocks Emergency Medicine (NLFH) 1 BlockEmergency Medicine (Methodist) 1 BlockMedical ICU (NMH) 1 BlockTrauma (Cook County) 1 BlockResearch (NMH) 0.5 BlocksOB/GYN (Pren ce) 0.5 BlocksNeonatal ICU (Pren ce) 0.5 BlocksPediatric Anesthesia (LCH) 0.5 Blocks Vaca on 4 Weeks

PGY4Emergency Medicine (NMH/LCH) 10 Blocks Emergency Medicine (NLFH) 1 BlockEmergency Medicine (Methodist) 1 BlockTrauma (Cook County) 1 BlockElec ve 2 BlocksVaca on 4 Weeks

PGY3Emergency Medicine (NMH/LCH) 10 BlocksEmergency Medicine (NLFH) 1 Block Emergency Medicine (Methodist) 1 BlockToxicology (Cook County) 1 BlockElec ve 1 BlockMedical ICU (NMH) 0.5 BlocksPediatric ICU (LCH) 0.5 BlocksVaca on 4 Weeks

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18 Northwestern Emergency Medicine

Simula on

Simula on is a key component of our educa onal curriculum. The residency program works closely with the Simula on Center within the Department of Medical Educa on to deliver a dynamic curriculum that supplements and enhances tradi onal didac c sessions. Simula on sessions take

place in the 7000 square foot center which contains high-fi delity simula on and innova on spaces with state-of-the-art simulators, task trainers, and audiovisual equipment. Within the center are fi ve replicated pa ent rooms with advanced high-fi delity simulators, a virtual reality space, and an area for procedural and task based training.

Simula on sessions are a required component of the monthly educa onal experience for all residents. The curriculum is divided into three main categories: boot camps, core simula on sessions, and procedure/skill sessions.

The boot camp curriculum is a resuscita on procedures curriculum designed specifi cally for interns. This curriculum provides fi rst year residents signifi cant me for prac ce and the opportunity to demonstrate mastery-level learning of cri cal procedures performed by the intern learner in emergency medicine. Boot camp sessions begin during intern orienta on and occur regularly throughout the year. Taught by EM faculty, boot camps cover central lines, basic and advanced airway skills, chest tubes, paracentesis, thoracentesis, lumbar puncture, transvenous and transcutaneous pacing, and mock codes.

The core simula on curriculum occurs monthly and is designed to introduce new content that is not covered during didac c curriculum lectures. During the 90-120 minute simula on sessions, residents work in a junior/senior learner pair, similar to the

model in the emergency department, to manage 2-3 pa ents simultaneously. These simulated encounters include both adult and pediatric pa ents. Following the simula on, learners debrief cases with a faculty member to iden fy performance gaps and areas for improvement. The small faculty to resident ra o ensures ac ve par cipa on and specifi c feedback for all learners. Simula on sessions provide residents an opportunity to learn and prac ce diff erent aspects of emergency medicine in a safe learning environment. The carefully developed 4-year curriculum of simula on cases allows residents to progress through the en re training program and not duplicate learning experiences.

Residents also par cipate in specifi c simula on sessions focused on the acquisi on and prac ce of procedural skills. These sessions include ultrasound labs, diffi cult airway sessions, and pediatric procedures.

Our simula on program also provides residents an opportunity to prac ce their skills as teachers, explore research, and experience simula on from the “other side of the curtain.” Teaching opportuni es include leading airway and suture labs for 4th year medical students during the emergency medicine clerkship rota on, introducing 3rd year medical students to the ini al management of a variety of medical condi ons, and teaching 1st and 2nd year medical students during simula on-based learning in the pre-clinical curriculum. Senior residents may par cipate in an elec ve in simula on to par cipate in case wri ng, simula on-based teaching, and assist with boot camp instruc on. Some residents complete educa onal research projects using simula on and have presented at numerous na onal conferences.

“Our simula on experience is impressive - the lengths that the faculty and staff go to in order to create

clinically relevant, high fi delity cases truly augments our curriculum.”

- Colin McCloskey, NU EM ‘16 - member of the 2015 EMRA Resident SIM WARS Championship Team

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Academic Colleges

Northwestern provides a comprehensive educa onal curriculum that combines small groups, faculty didac c lectures, innova ve research and leadership training, monthly suggested reading, and Rosh Review tes ng. Adult learning theory is a focus of our modular curriculum design, with diff erent physiologic systems covered each month. Resident feedback helps faculty recognize the most successful educa onal ini a ves. Our residents consistently excel on ABEM cer fi ca on examina ons.

Special skills labs occur throughout the year in our Simula on Center. Faculty members host monthly Adams Club mee ngs to provide informal se ngs in which to learn. Na onal leaders in emergency medicine are invited as guest faculty for Grand Rounds throughout the year. Residents gain teaching experience through formal lectures to their peers and medical students.

The Emergency Medicine Founda ons curriculum is specifi cally designed for intern-level learners and provides a comprehensive founda on of knowledge in emergency medicine. The course involves three phases - Fundamental Skills, Founda ons Course, and Advanced Skills. Self-directed learning, textbooks, primary literature, and online resources keep interns on track, even while off -service.

For over 10 years our Department has off ered a unique leadership skills training program, the Academic Colleges. The Colleges are divided into Research, Administra on and Business, and Educa on tracks; residents opt to par cipate in the College that best matches their academic interests or future career goals. Each College meets with its faculty advisor on a monthly basis to review the development and progress of their scholarly projects. Addi onal didac c sessions or guest speakers supplement the sessions. Longitudinal progress of projects is supported and monitored by faculty, ul mately leading to manuscript prepara on.

Excerpts from: Regan L, Stahmer S, Nyce A, Nelson BP, Mosca R, Gisondi MA and Hopson LR (2010). “Scholarly tracks in emergency medicine.” Academic Emergency Medicine, 17: S87–S94. PMID: 21199090

“In the 4 years prior to the Colleges, 33% of graduates entered academic prac ce and the number of resident peer-reviewed publica ons was 24. In the 4 years a er, 67% entered academic prac ce and the number of resident peer-reviewed publica ons was 56.”

Academic Emergency Medicine, 17:S87-S94, page S92

Didac c Curriculum

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20 Northwestern Emergency Medicine

Course ContentHandoff s and FumblesQuality CasesMalprac ce and High Risk Defensive MedicineOld, Drunk and CrazyCommunica onIntroduc on to Teaching and Learning: What Makes a Good Teacher?Lecture SkillsProcedure TeachingClinical TeachingFeedback and Assessment

PGY2: Medico-Legal & Pa ent Safety Issues in Emergency Medicine I and Residents as Teachers I The Medico-Legal and Pa ent Safety Issues in Emergency Medicine course establishes a founda on for the learner to knowledgeably lead change to improve pa ent safety in emergency medicine. This includes an introduc on to legal issues in emergency medicine that focus on ways to avoid errors. Instructors review the most common types of medical errors and use clinical cases to illustrate how high-risk errors can be mi gated in the emergency department.

Seminars in Professional Development

Northwestern Emergency Medicine residents par cipate in a four-year, class specifi c curriculum of workshops and didac cs designed to enrich their professional development. Example curricula are outlined below.

PGY1: Medical Decision Making in Emergency MedicineThis course uses clinical cases to help interns develop the knowledge and skills needed to effi ciently evaluate common undiff eren ated pa ents in the emergency department. Each session incorporates a brief review of clinical research methodology or sta s cal concepts that resident learners are likely to encounter when reading medical literature. This seminar introduces the applica on of evidence-based decision-making to a clinical se ng.

Course Content Sta s cal ConceptChest Pain Sensi vity and Specifi cityDyspnea ReviewStroke Posi ve and Nega ve Predic ve ValueSyncope/Seizure ReviewLow Back Pain Pretest and Post-Test ProbabilityWound Care/Lacera ons ReviewAbdominal Pain Posi ve and Nega ve Likelihood Ra oTrauma ReviewFever P Values and Confi dence IntervalsGI Bleed Power and ErrorsHeadache Overall Review

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PGY3: Medico-Legal & Pa ent Safety Issues in Emergency Medicine II and Residents as Teachers II Building on the PGY2 seminar, this course prepares PGY3 residents for administra ve roles within emergency medicine. Residents are encouraged to develop their presenta on, leadership and teaching abili es through coursework and the supervision of medical students and junior residents.

Course ContentBedside Teaching and Listening to Presenta ons and SignoutsTeaching ProceduresTeaching the Intangibles: ProfessionalismLecture SkillsTeaching and Learning in Small GroupsFeedback and AssessmentTeam LeadershipThe Problem LearnerEvidence-Based Teaching

PGY4: Career Transi ons ProgramThis course prepares senior residents to compe vely search for post-graduate employment. Sessions in the la er part of the year include discussions of wellness, lifelong learning, and the proper assimila on to new administra ve roles within a medical staff .

Course ContentCV and Cover Le er WorkshopWhat Kind of Job Do You Want? Academic vs. CommunityApplying for Your First Job: The Nuts and Bolts of the ProcessInterviewing SkillsContract Nego a onsFinancial PlanningFinding MentorshipLifelong Learning: How to Stay Current in the LiteratureWellness, Balance, and When to Say NoTen Secrets of the Successful A endingIntegra ng into a Medical Staff

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Check out @nm_365 on Twi er and nm_365 on Instagram to see a year in the life of residents and fellows training at Northwestern.

Northwestern Emergency Medicine

Northwestern Emedres

Northwestern Emergency Medicine Residency


Northwestern Medicine

I think procedures are the best. Procedures are rad. Did I men on that I love procedures? In all seriousness, I am a big supporter of the independent, self-suffi cient emergentologist, and I revel in the endless skill poten al of our specialty. Outside the hospital, I do my best being a husband and a dad - the most challenging procedure of them all!

John Sarwark, MD (NU EM ‘16), Editor, www.emcurious.com/procedures-club

Michael Macias, MD (NU EM ‘17), Founder, www.emcurious.com

Creator, NUEM Blog

Check out our PD hos ng ALiEM’s #EMMatchAdvice web series

Follow Ma Klein (NU EM ‘18) @MKleinMD and #emconf for live twee ng during conferences

#FOAMed and Social Media Educa on#FOAMed and Social Media Educa on@NorthwesternEM@NorthwesternEM

FOAMed really allows residents to take control of their learning and gives them the opportunity to network, develop educa onal skills and become an important member in the next genera on of medical educa on.

Follow Northwestern EM on Social Media

New this year, the NUEM Blog is a resident-run educa onal site devoted to enhancing emergency medicine educa on through online, asynchronous learning. It allows residents to explore their interests in EM, share their deep dives, and develop as writers, researchers, and peer reviewers.

Live in November 2015: www.nuemblog.com

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Sports Medicine

Emergency Medical Services

Leading the Sports Medicine team in the Department of Emergency Medicine at Northwestern are Dr. George Chiampas, Dr. Sanjeev Malik, and Dr. Christopher Hogrefe. Dr. Chiampas, Dr. Malik, and Dr. Hogrefe are board-cer fi ed in emergency medicine, fellowship trained and board-cer fi ed in Sports Medicine, and hold Cer fi cates of Added Qualifi ca on (CAQ) in Sports Medicine.

The sports medicine faculty members con nually work to expand the musculoskeletal and sports medicine curriculum for the residency with an enhanced orthopedic/sports medicine rota on and the development of an op onal sports medicine selec ve. During the orthopedic/sports medicine rota on residents divide their me between orthopedic cases in the ED and the sports medicine clinic run by Dr. Hogrefe. In addi on to their clinical, academic, and community commitments, the sports medicine faculty members regularly work with mul -disciplinary teams on sports medicine and disaster/mass-gathering research projects and publica ons.

Dr. Chiampas is the Medical Director for the Bank of America Chicago Marathon and he is the Chief Medical Offi cer of US Soccer. He also serves as the Team Emergency Physician for the Chicago Blackhawks. Since 2014, Dr. Chiampas and other NU EM faculty have served as on-site emergency physicians at every Blackhawks home game.

Together Dr. Chiampas and Dr. Malik serve as co-directors of the Shamrock Shuffl e and the Hustle up the Hancock climb. Their work within the community means that Northwestern EM residents have not only special access to their exper se, but also unique opportuni es to volunteer at mass gathering events, prac ce sports medicine in the fi eld, and collaborate on research in an exci ng and rapidly expanding subspecialty of Emergency Medicine. Northwestern EM residents have served as volunteer emergency physicians for collegiate basketball games, golf tournaments, cycling events, yacht races, marathons, triathlons, and runs and walks of all types.

The Chicago Fire Department responds to over 500,000 calls annually. Northwestern shares the tle of Resource Hospital for Chicago EMS with the

University of Chicago Medical Center and Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center. As a Resource Hospital, Northwestern shares the authority and responsibility of the en re EMS system in the City of Chicago (Region XI). The EMS team at Northwestern provides medical supervision and training to hundreds of paramedics, emergency medical technicians, and dispatchers. Residents at Northwestern complete an asynchronous EMS curriculum during which they a end opera onal mee ngs, par cipate in ambulance ride-alongs, and develop a thorough understanding of the emergency physician’s role in medical oversight and disaster response.

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24 Northwestern Emergency Medicine

Global Emergency Medicine Health Ini a ves

The Global Emergency Medicine (GEM) ini a ves in the Department of Emergency Medicine focus on the health of individuals and popula ons in emergent and dynamic environments. Collabora ons focus on inter- and intra-university partnerships through research, educa onal eff orts, and the support of organiza ons providing health and services in emergency se ngs. Under the direc on of Global Emergency Medicine Director Jennifer Chan, MD, MPH, the Department engages in global health ac vi es and the prac ce of interna onal emergency healthcare through collabora ons with the Center for Global Health, Northwestern Non-Profi t and Humanitarian Logis cs groups, and other academic organiza ons around the world.

Residents have the opportunity to seek out global health opportuni es within the Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University community, and beyond. Poten al support for GEM educa onal and clinical opportuni es of high quality are available through the compe ve Spirit of 2010 grant. This grant was graciously established by the Class of 2010, a diverse group that pursued equally diverse interests during their me at Northwestern. This Award encourages future classes to maintain this spirit and seek out diverse medical and cultural experiences. It supports selected 3rd or 4th year residents, and thus far, the Spirit of 2010 Award has funded Global Emergency Medicine elec ve rota ons to Ethiopia, Honduras, Guatemala, Ireland, and Cambodia.

• Alison Marshall (NU EM ‘17) par cipated in the two-week Humanitarian Response Intensive Course hosted by the Harvard Humanitarian Ini a ve. The Course focuses on primary frameworks in humanitarianism and prac cal issues that arise in humanitarian fi eldwork.

• Elizabeth Dearing (NU EM ‘15) spent her PGY4 elec ve teaching ultrasound skills at Clinica Esperanza, a small clinic in Roatan, Honduras that provides pediatric, medicine, and obstetric care to over 100 pa ents per day. Elizabeth worked closely with the team at the clinic to fi x ultrasound equipment, train providers, and integrate basic ultrasound exams into everyday prac ce.

All residents and fellows are eligible to par cipate in the McGaw Global Health Clinical Scholars Program. This two-year competency-based global health cer fi cate program trains residents and fellows in clinical care delivery in resource-limited se ngs worldwide. Program components include lectures, journal club, asynchronous learning modules, global fi eld experience, a scholarly project, and faculty mentorship in global health. The simula on por on of the program teaches the skills needed to provide care in a resource-limited se ng, and to diversify procedural and pa ent care. For details about the program, and to learn more about global health ini a ves at Northwestern, visit www.globalhealth.northwestern.edu.

For more informa on about Global Emergency Medicine in our Department, please visit our website. Links to current project details and our Global EM blog are in the “Ini a ves” sec on.

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The mission of the Northwestern EM Research Program is to be a leading na onal academic department that provides pa ent-centered, me-dependent, acute care in a manner that op mizes effi ciency, safety, and outcome. In the past 10 years, four faculty members have obtained or completed K training awards, two faculty members have obtained R awards, and an addi onal fi ve faculty members have completed formal master’s degrees and mentored fellowships in health services research. Residents learn research skills through scholarly projects mentored by faculty who are both federally and privately funded inves gators and na onal leaders in administra on and educa on. Each resident is required to produce a publishable manuscript prior to gradua on.

In April, 2015 Danielle McCarthy, MD, MS (NU MD ‘06, NU EM ‘10, NU MS ‘12, NU Ins tute for Health Services Research Fellowship ‘12) received an R18 grant from the federal Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) to study communica on methods to promote safe opioid use. Building on her previous work done in conjunc on with the Northwestern Center for Healthcare Studies, the current study aims to leverage electronic health records to implement a mul faceted strategy to be er educate ED pa ents about opioid medica on risks and safe use.

In September, 2015, Emilie Powell, MD, MBA, MS (NU EM ‘09, NU MS ‘11, NU Ins tute for Health Services Research Fellowship ‘11) received an R18 grant from the AHRQ to inves gate how clinicians in the rural emergency se ng can op mize the mely recogni on and treatment of severe sepsis and sep c shock.

Interdisciplinary work is another important aspect of our research program; residents and faculty have collaborated and published with colleagues from the Northwestern’s McCormick School of Engineering, the NU Center for Healthcare Studies, and Medill School of Journalism. Interested residents work with faculty on ac ve studies and par cipate in prepara on for IRB submission, subject enrollment, data collec on, sta s cal analyses, and the publica on and presenta on process.

Over the past fi ve years, residents have published in:

Academic Emergency Medicine, African Journal of Emergency Medicine, American College of Emergency Physicians News, American Journal of Disaster Medicine, American Journal of Emergency Medicine, American Journal of Medical Quality, American Journal of Therapeu cs, Annals of Emergency Medicine, Clinical Radiology, Cri cal Decisions in Emergency Medicine, Cri cal Pathways in Cardiology, Current Cardiology Reports, Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, Disease-a-Month, Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America, Emergency Medicine: The Prac ce Journal for Emergency Physicians, Essen al Emergency Imaging, Health Aff airs, High Al tude Medicine & Biology, Interna onal Journal of Clinical Medicine, Journal of Clinical Medicine, Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock, Journal of Emergency Medicine, Journal of Emergency Nursing, Journal of Graduate Medical Educa on, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Journal of Neurotrauma, Journal of Pallia ve Medicine, Journal of the American Medical Associa on, Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, New England Journal of Medicine, Prehospital and Disaster Medicine

The research rota on is a dedicated week-long rota on during the PGY-2 year. During this rota on residents have protected me to start their research project, complete CITI training, receive one-on-one feedback from research faculty, par cipate in individualized training sessions at the Galter Health Sciences Library, and learn all aspects of clinical research from grantwri ng and IRB submissions to screening, enrolling, and consen ng pa ents.

Residents par cularly interested in research are eligible to par cipate in the Northwestern Physician Scien st Training Program (PSTP). The intent of the PSTP program is to support and facilitate the transi on from residency training to a produc ve career in clinical research. The PSTP program in Emergency Medicine is designed to meet the research-intensive training needs of the individual within the collabora ve interdisciplinary culture of Northwestern. All interested applicants are invited to explore the PSTP op on further by visi ng our website and by speaking with the residency Program Director.

The Residency program supports travel costs for residents to present their work at qualifying regional and na onal mee ngs. Please visit our website for more informa on about current research and recent resident publica ons and presenta ons.

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26 Northwestern Emergency Medicine

Why Four Years?

Northwestern University sponsors a comprehensive residency program in emergency medicine that strategically u lizes the addi onal training me and fl exibility aff orded by the PGY 1-4 format. We believe that four years is essen al for the expert prepara on of a 21st century emergency physician. The expanding breadth and complexity of our young specialty is best taught across a longitudinal four year curriculum.

Northwestern is proud to be among a rela vely small number of peer ins tu ons that off er a PGY 1-4, university-based, research-oriented, EM residency. The best universi es in the na on want to produce the very best graduates from their programs, to lead in their respec ve fi elds. These ins tu ons recognize the importance of the PGY 1-4 format for emergency medicine. We benefi t from the commitment of Northwestern University to develop such graduates.

We are not “three years of EM + one year of something else.” We are not the equivalent of “three years of EM + one year of fellowship” – such a training path off ers only three years of emergency medicine training and one year of something that is not emergency medicine. Our program is fortunate to have the necessary fi nancial support that allows the funding of a fourth year dedicated to emergency medicine educa on.

Our PGY 1-4 format ensures two years of clinical training in the senior role as “junior a ending.” NU PGY-3 and PGY-4 residents care for hundreds more pa ents during residency because they supervise en re teams of junior residents, medical students and mid-level providers. Rather than seeing a few more pa ents per shi individually each year, they are able to interview, examine, and coordinate the care of signifi cantly more pa ents every shi . This form of true graduated responsibility ensures that our residents develop a deep understanding of effi ciency, pa ent safety, pa ent sa sfac on, opera ons, quality assurance, and bedside teaching. These are marketable skills that are important to prospec ve employers.

The extra year of training allows for a comprehensive educa onal curriculum. We have the me to u lize mastery rather than competency evalua ons for procedural skills development. Our didac c curriculum covers the en rety of the Model of Clinical Prac ce of EM, with a diverse array of teaching methodologies and simula on experiences geared towards diff erent types of adult learners. We have the fl exibility to accommodate formal curricula in leadership skills, ultrasound, pre-hospital care, pallia ve medicine, ED opera ons and administra on, and cri cal care medicine. Northwestern off ers 10 clinical rota ons in cri cal care units, with EM residents as supervisory seniors in various se ngs.

Exposure to more pa ents and procedures in a mastery model of learning

Addi onal me for research and scholarly work, leading to the development of a substan ve academic or administra ve niche

Opportuni es to prac ce teaching skills at the bedside as a supervisory resident

Time to explore a variety of career paths through mentored, experien al learning

Be er job placement and post-graduate employment opportuni es - prospec ve employers prefer graduates of four-year programs

Dynamic curriculum that can accommodate the increasing breadth of knowledge in our fi eld

Ability to off er both junior and senior level training in several cri cal care units

Professional skills development in prepara on for leadership roles in academic or community medicine

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Where do NU EM grads go?







What do NU EM grads do?Alumni Job Titles 1973-2015

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ni Jo

b Pl


ent Kori Sauser Zachrison, MD, MS - NU EM ‘12

Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine Massachuse s General HospitalHarvard Medical School

How did the Northwestern Emergency Medicine Residency prepare you for your RWJ fellowship? Beyond the superior clinical training we received at Northwestern, my four years in the residency program were instrumental in shaping my career direc on and preparing me for fellowship. My interest in health services research was piqued through a project we did in the Research College. Then, as I explored EM research, I was supported and encouraged by incredible faculty mentorship. And because the faculty was so deeply invested in both my clinical and my research development, I was prepared to pursue a compe ve health services and healthcare polity research fellowship through the Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Program.

What is great about your job? There are so many wonderful things about my job - where to begin?! I fi nd my clinical me to be more than sa sfying. In addi on to clinical work, I spend about half of my me on research, and I fi nd this to be a great balance. While clinical shi s are busy and dynamic, with fast-paced moment-to-moment decision making, my research me is slower, more though ul, analy cal and cerebral. The two components of my job are very complimentary. They inform one another, they use diff erent skill sets and sa sfy diff erent components of my personality, and they are both very rewarding in very dis nct ways.

Manish Asaravala, MD, FACEP - NU EM ‘10Senior Emergency Physician Permanente Group-Kaiser Santa Clara Medical CenterClinical Instructor Stanford University

How did the Northwestern Emergency Medicine Residency prepare you for prac ce in a community-based academic se ng? Northwestern provided me the founda on to excel as a community-based academic EM physician. The well-defi ned graduated responsibility during training, and par cularly the junior a ending role in the third and fourth years, fostered my bedside teaching skills and provided ample opportunity to improve my effi ciency within the ED. Addi onally, the elec ve me off ered during training prepared me for fellowship in point-of-care ultrasound at UCSF and helped me fi nd a niche within emergency medicine.

What is great about your job? My job is great because I get to work alongside superbly-trained physicians, nurses, and staff to provide care for apprecia ve pa ents, all while training future genera ons of emergency physicians.


20.5%Community-Based Faculty

What do NU EM Grads Do?

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Amer Z. Aldeen, MD, FACEP - NU EM ‘06Chair and Medical Director Presence Saint Joseph Medical Center

How did the Northwestern Emergency Medicine Residency prepare you for private prac ce?I joined community emergency medicine a er spending eight years as faculty at Northwestern. I loved the academic world and I wanted to learn more about the community environment to experience fi rsthand how emergency medicine was prac ced in the majority of hospitals throughout the country. Northwestern’s residency training prepared me equally for the rigors of academics as well as the challenges of community prac ce. I work for US Acute Care Solu ons and am leading the busiest community ED in the state of Illinois. My experience at Northwestern has been the single most important contributor to our success at Presence Saint Joseph.

What is great about your job?I am honored to have the opportunity to work with extremely dedicated physicians, nurses, pharmacists, administrators, and other team members to help improve the care of ED pa ents. I am a valued member of the leadership team of an excellent community hospital and I get to work with well-trained and mo vated young physicians in their post-residency careers. Northwestern’s emphasis on both clinical and professional excellence has trained me well to develop as a physician leader in a complex and rapidly changing health care environment.

Frederick Korley, MD, PhD - NU EM ‘07Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine Johns Hopkins University

How did the Northwestern Emergency Medicine Residency prepare you for prac ce in a university-based academic se ng? At Northwestern I recieved training that allowed me to become not only an excellent clinician but an eff ec ve clinician-educator. The bredth of the educa on experience I recieved also provided me with the founda onal training that has allowed me to launch a successful career in clinical research. As an academic emergency physician, the only path to excelling in clinical care, resident educa on, and scien fi c discovery involves pu ng pa ents fi rst in all you do. Nobody teaches “pa ents fi rst” be er than Northwestern.

What is great about your job? As an academic physician, I have tremendous fl exibility with my schedule. Although I work very hard, I do so because I want to, not because I have to. I also enjoy collabora ng with a mul -disciplinary team of very smart individuals who are all passionate about pushing the boundaries of discovery and transforming pa ent care.

31%Private Prac ce



Na onal Average:

Academics: 10-20%Private Prac ce: 80-90%

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30 Northwestern Emergency Medicine

Job Placement of Recent Graduates

Name Ins tu on Loca on Prac ce Se ng

Krista Brucker, MD Indiana University Indianapolis, IN Academic/FacultyAlicia Peterson, MD University of Kansas Kansas City, KS Academic/FacultyBenjamin Roth, MD University of South Carolina, Greenville Greenville, SC Academic/FacultyAdriana Segura, MD University of Texas, San Antonio San Antonio, TX Academic/FacultyNathan Olson, MD US Air Force, Brooke Army Medical

CenterSam Houston, TX Military

Lexie Doré, MD Methodist Hospital Gary, IN Community Teaching Affi liate of Northwestern

Alison Foster-Goldman, MD Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Los Angeles, CA Community Teaching Affi liate of UCLA

Lauren Gallagher, MD, MA St. Luke’s Hospital New Bedford, MA Community Teaching Affi liate of BID/Harvard

Amy Kiraly, MD Northwestern Lake Forest Hospital Lake Forest, IL Community Teaching Affi liate of Northwestern

Ma hew Pa on, MD Northwestern Lake Forest Hospital Lake Forest, IL Community Teaching Affi liate of Northwestern

Evan Pushchak, MD Wake Emergency Physicians Cary, NC Community Teaching Affi liate of Wake Forest

Brian Sellers, MD Northwestern Lake Forest Hospital Lake Forest, IL Community Teaching Affi liate of Northwestern

Jason Koob, MD Kaiser Permanente San Francisco, CA Private Prac ceCharles Pearce, MD Madison Emergency Physicians Madison, WI Private Prac ceConor Schaye, MD, MPH Sherman Hospital Elgin, IL Private Prac ce

Class of 2014

Name Ins tu on Loca on Prac ce Se ng

Theodore Elsaesser, MD University of Wisconsin Madison, WI Academic/FacultyKristen Grabow Moore, MD, MEd Emory University Atlanta, GA Academic/FacultyAaron Kraut, MD University of Wisconsin Madison, WI Academic/FacultyJason Palma er, MD Loyola University Maywood, IL Academic/FacultyElizabeth Dearing, MD Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN Fellowship, UltrasoundDana Hirsch, MD Mercy Hospital Chicago, IL Community Teaching

Affi liate of UICJude Kieltyka, MD, MPH Methodist Hospital Gary, IN Community Teaching

Affi liate of NorthwesternJuliet Seery, MD Advocate Lutheran General Hospital Park Ridge, IL Community Teaching

Affi liate of UICChristopher Frantz, MD Sherman Hospital Elgin, IL Private Prac ceMa hew Kuhns, MD Northwest Community Hospital Arlington Heights, IL Private Prac ceAndrew Piro e, MD Lawrence Memorial Hospital Lawrence, KS Private Prac cePeter Samuel, MD, MBA Presence Saint Joseph Medical Center Joliet, IL Private Prac ce

Class of 2015

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Name Ins tu on Loca on Prac ce Se ngNicholas Hartman, MD, MPH Wake Forest Bap st Health Winston-Salem, NC Academic/FacultyAndrew Lee, MD University of Wisconsin Madison, WI Academic/FacultyBrian Pa erson, MD, MPH University of Wisconsin Madison, WI Academic/FacultyAmit Phull, MD Northwestern University

Bain Consul ngChicago, IL Academic/Faculty

Consul ngNatasha Wheaton, MD University of Iowa Iowa City, IA Academic/FacultyUsha Periyanayagam, MD, MPH, MS

Brigham and Women’s Hospital Boston, MA Fellowship, Interna onal Emergency Medicine

Shelby Kaplan, MD, MBA West Suburban Medical Center Oak Park, IL Community Teaching Affi liate of Cook County

Melissa Marinelli, MD Lutheran General Hospital Park Ridge, IL Community Teaching Affi liate of UIC

Molly Weiner, MD Exempla St. Joseph Hospital Denver, CO Community Teaching Affi liate of Denver Health

Nicholas Borm, MD Emergency Medical Associates Manha an Beach, CA Private Prac ceJacqueline Khorasanee, MD Kaiser Permanente Woodland Hills Woodland Hills, CA Private Prac ce

Name Ins tu on Loca on Prac ce Se ngHolly Bar mus, MD Lutheran Medical Center Brooklyn, NY Academic/FacultyMary McHugh, MD Loyola University Medical Center Maywood, IL Academic/FacultyLauren Pierce, MD SUNY Downstate Brooklyn, NY Academic/FacultyMa hew Piro e, MD Loyola University Medical Center Maywood, IL Academic/FacultyLucas Rosiere, MD Baystate Medical Center Springfi eld, MA Academic/FacultyNavneet Cheema, MD Toxikon Consor um Chicago, IL Fellowship, ToxicologyChristopher Richards, MD Northwestern University

Northwestern University Ins tute for Healthcare Studies

Chicago, IL

Chicago, IL

Fellowship, Emergency Medical ServicesFellowship, Health Services Research

Kori Sauser, MD University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI Fellowship, Robert Wood Johnson Founda on Clinical Scholar

Heather Leonard, MD Har ord Hospital Har ord, CT Community Teaching Affi liate of UCONN

Robert Lockwood, MD, MA Wake Forest Bap st Health Winston-Salem, NC Community Teaching Affi liate of Wake Forest University

Eunice Park, MD Vista Health Care Waukegan, IL Private Prac ceMasood Zaman, MD Sherman Hospital Elgin, IL Private Prac ce

Class of 2013

Class of 2012

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32 Northwestern Emergency Medicine

Name Ins tu on Loca on Prac ce Se ngColleen Hickey, MD John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital of Cook

CountyChicago, IL Academic/Faculty

Wesley Self, MD Vanderbilt Medical Center Nashville, TN Academic/FacultyMay Yen, MD Nashville General Hospital, Meharry

Medical SchoolNashville, TN Academic/Faculty

Joshua Hilton, MD University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA Fellowship, Health Services Research

Emilie Powell, MD, MBA Northwestern University Ins tute for Healthcare Studies

Chicago, IL Fellowship, Health Services Research

Name Ins tu on Loca on Prac ce Se ngJeremy Branze , MD University of Washington Sea le, WA Academic/FacultyDave Lu, MD, MBe University of Washington Sea le, WA Academic/FacultyMa hew Kleinmaier, MD Northwestern University Chicago, IL Academic/FacultyManish Asaravala, MD University of California, San Francisco San Francisco, CA Fellowship, UltrasoundPatrick Lank, MD Northwestern University Chicago, IL Fellowship, EpidemiologyKatrina Leone, MD Oregon Health & Science University Portland, OR Fellowship, Medical

Educa onDanielle McCarthy, MD Northwestern University Ins tute for

Healthcare StudiesChicago, IL Fellowship, Health Services

ResearchPatrick Coleman, MD Inova Fairfax Hospital Falls Church, VA Community Teaching

Affi liate of GWUCynthia Galvan, MD Methodist Hospital Gary, IN Community Teaching

Affi liate of Northwestern

Ma hew Lazio, MD Madison Emergency Physicians Madison, WI Private Prac ceJon Van Roo, MD Madison Emergency Physicians Madison, WI Private Prac ceSteven Zahn, MD Sherman Hospital Elgin, IL Private Prac ce

Class of 2010

Class of 2009

Name Ins tu on Loca on Prac ce Se ngJulie Cooper, MD Chris ana Care Health System Newark, DE Academic/FacultyKelly Williamson, MD Advocate Christ Medical Center Oak Lawn, IL Academic/FacultyEmily Doelger, RN, MD University of Sydney Sydney, Australia Fellowship, Medical

Simula onShana Kusin, MD Oregon Health & Science University Portland, OR Fellowship, ToxicologySara Friedman, MD Mercy Hospital & Medical Center Chicago, IL Community Teaching Affi liate

of UICErin Qua romani, MD Methodist Hospital Gary, IN Community Teaching Affi liate

of NorthwesternAnne Chung, MD, MPH North Shore Medical Center Salem, MA Private Prac ceKendra Cole, MD Advocate Condell Medical Center Libertyville, IL Private Prac ceAndrew Foster, MD Madison Emergency Physicians Madison, WI Private Prac ceAshley Peko, MD, MS Porter Hospital Denver, CO Private Prac ceBenjamin Sayers, MD Forsyth Medical Center Winston-Salem, NC Private Prac ceShera Teitge, MD, MA Tacoma General Hospital Tacoma, WA Private Prac ce

Class of 2011

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Name Ins tu on Loca on Prac ce Se ngBritney Anderson, MD University of Colorado Denver, CO Academic/FacultyFrederick Korley, MD Johns Hopkins University Bal more, MD Academic/FacultyStacey Chamberlain, MD University of Illinois, Chicago Chicago, IL Fellowship, Interna onal

Emergency MedicineSanjeev Malik, MD Resurrec on Medical Center Chicago, IL Fellowship, Sports

MedicineAmy Zosel, MD Rocky Mountain Poison Center,

University of ColoradoDenver, CO Fellowship, Toxicology

Michael Pearlman, MD St. Francis Hospital Evanston, IL Community Teaching Affi liate of UIC

Kers n Dostal, MD St. Catherine Hospital East Chicago, IN Private Prac ceChristopher Jenson, MD Lawrence Memorial Hospital Lawrence, KS Private Prac ceRachel Reisner, MD Northwest Community Hospital Arlington Heights, IL Private Prac ceBryan Trueworthy, MD Providence Portland Medical Center Portland, OR Private Prac ce

Name Ins tu on Loca on Prac ce Se ngErin Lareau, MD Northwestern University Chicago, IL Academic/FacultyRandall Myers, MD University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM Academic/FacultyDanielle McGee, MD Northwestern University Chicago, IL Academic/FacultyDaniel Cas llo, MD Evanston Hospital Evanston, IL Community Teaching

Affi liate of NorthwesternNoah DeGarmo, MD Evanston Hospital Evanston, IL Community Teaching

Affi liate of NorthwesternRachel Norris, MD, MBe Evanston Hospital Evanston, IL Community Teaching

Affi liate of NorthwesternRitesh Bhayani, MD Kaiser Permanente Woodland Hills, CA Private Prac ceMark Carney, MD Emergency Medicine Associates Germantown, MD Private Prac ceChris an Herrera, MD California Emergency Physicians –

Kaweah Delta Health CareVisalia, CA Private Prac ce

Andrew Louie, MD, MPH Li le Company of Mary Hospital Torrance, CA Private Prac ce

Class of 2008

Class of 2007

Name Ins tu on Loca on Prac ce Se ngDavid Salzman, MD Northwestern University Center for

Simula on Technology and Immersive Learning

Chicago, IL Fellowship, Medical Simula on and Immersive Learning

Heather Costello, MD, MA NorthShore University Health System Evanston, IL Community Teaching Affi liate of U of Chicago

Sarah Donlan, MD NorthShore University Health System Evanston, IL Community Teaching Affi liate of U of Chicago

Daniel Reaven, MD Methodist Hospital Gary, IN Community Teaching Affi liate of Northwestern

J. Ambrose Insua, MD McNeal Hospital Berwyn, IL Private Prac ceJennifer Locke, MD St. Anthony’s Hospital Chicago, IL Private Prac ce

Class of 2009 - con nued

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34 Northwestern Emergency Medicine

Fellowship Opportuni es at Northwestern

Medical Educa onThe two-year Northwestern Emergency Medicine Medical Educa on Fellowship provides comprehensive formal training in medical educa on scholarship and ample experien al opportuni es to assimilate prac cal skills necessary for eff ec ve medical educa on leadership and administra on. Weekly fellowship conference includes didac cs and medical educa on works-in-progress mee ngs, and fellows receive fi nancial support for a master’s in medical educa on or equivalent graduate degree. Fellows receive travel support and conference registra on to major emergency medicine mee ngs and are encouraged to a end addi onal medical educa on conferences that align with their fellowship and career goals. Fellows are appointed to the rank of Instructor in the Clinician Educator academic promo on track and are appointed as Interim Assistant Residency Director or Interim Assistant Clerkship Director.

Hospice and Pallia ve MedicineThe HPM fellowship at Northwestern is a one-year program open to EM-trained physicians, leading to subspecialty board eligibility. Collabora on opportuni es are available throughout the University as well as with the Educa on in Pallia ve and End of Life Care (EPEC) Project, the Buehler Center of Aging, Health, and Society, and with the Robert Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University.

Pediatric Emergency Medicine Northwestern’s Pediatric EM fellowship is based at the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago. Fellows in this three-year training program obtain a broad clinical experience in the ED at Lurie Children’s as well as the ED at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. Teaching, research, and elec ve experiences all contribute to this well-rounded fellowship that leads to subspecialty board eligibility in PEM.

Health Services ResearchIn collabora on with the Northwestern Center for Healthcare Studies, fellowships in Health Services Research provide physicians with interdisciplinary training that prepares graduates to carry out the na on’s health services and outcomes research agenda. During this two-year program, fellows also work towards a master’s degree in health services research. Much of the fellowship training is achieved through mentored rela onships between fellows and dis nguished faculty mentors from across the University.

Emergency Medical ServicesThe EMS fellowship program is designed to prepare physicians to become leaders in the rapidly growing fi eld of Emergency Medical Services and to conduct all aspects of EMS system direc on. Working closely with the Chicago Fire Department, EMS fellows focus on the educa on, training, research, administra on, and treatment aspects of a successful EMS system. This one-year fellowship leads to subspeciality board eligibility in EMS.

Administra onNorthwestern’s Administra on Fellowship involves ac ve par cipa on in the opera ons of our department. Administra on fellows develop key skills essen al to becoming successful clinical opera ons leaders. Administra ve fellows may focus on quality measures systems, faculty and staff educa on, risk management, advancement of clinical opera ons innova ons, fi nancial opera ons, coding and billing, and clinical mentoring. Administra on fellows may pursue a master’s degree in a relevant fi eld.

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Northwestern Emergency Medicine 35

The People - Current ResidentsPGY4 Residents - Class of 2016

Lora AlKhawam, MDUndergraduate: Northwestern UniversityMedical School: Northwestern UniversityHometown: Chicago, [email protected]

Gregory Apel, MD, MAUndergraduate: Northwestern UniversityMedical School: University of Illinois at ChicagoHometown: Glenview, [email protected]

Rebecca Caton, MDUndergraduate: Macalester CollegeMedical School: University of WisconsinHometown: Whitefi sh Bay, [email protected]

Samia Farooqi, MDUndergraduate: Harvard UniversityMedical School: Northwestern UniversityHometown: Riyadh, Saudi [email protected]

Kory Gebhardt, MDUndergraduate: University of Pi sburghMedical School: University of Pi sburghHometown: Greensburg, [email protected]

Jordan Kaylor, MDUndergraduate: Duke UniversityMedical School: Emory UniversityHometown: McLean, [email protected]

Colin McCloskey, MDUndergraduate: University of Pi sburghMedical School: Tu s UniversityHometown: Spencerport, [email protected]

Ricardo Rivera-Yagnich, MDUndergraduate: University of Puerto RicoMedical School: University of Puerto RicoHometown: San Juan, Puerto [email protected]

Teddi Rusinak, MDUndergraduate: University of OklahomaMedical School: University of OklahomaHometown: Edmond, [email protected]

John Sarwark, MDUndergraduate: Northwestern UniversityMedical School: Northwestern UniversityHometown: Chicago, [email protected]

Grant Sco , MDUndergraduate: Haverford CollegeMedical School: University of Cincinna Hometown: Springfi eld, OHgrant.sco @northwestern.edu

Victoria Weston, MDUndergraduate: Duke UniversityMedical School: University of MichiganHometown: Highland Park, [email protected]

“Having gone to both undergrad and med school at NU, I was very open to moving for residency and felt excited about the poten al to live somewhere

new. I interviewed all over the country, but truly could not fi nd a program be er than this one in terms of the opportuni es for mentorship, the fantas c

clinical experience, and the camaraderie of the residents. I am so glad I stayed!” Lora AlKhawam, NU EM ‘16

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36 Northwestern Emergency Medicine

The People - Current ResidentsPGY3 Residents - Class of 2017

William Burns, MDUndergraduate: Marque e UniversityMedical School: Loyola University ChicagoHometown: Chicago, [email protected]

Elizabeth Byrne, MDUndergraduate: University of FloridaMedical School: University of FloridaHometown: Miami, [email protected]

Rachel Haney, MDUndergraduate: University of Notre DameMedical School: Temple UniversityHometown: Wenonah, [email protected]

Ryan Huebinger, MDUndergraduate: Texas A&M UniversityMedical School: University of Texas, SouthwesternHometown: McAllen, [email protected]

Adnan Hussain, MDUndergraduate: Saint Louis UniversityMedical School: George Washington UniversityHometown: Homewood, [email protected]

Sushil Jain, MD, MBAUndergraduate: University of California, Los AngelesMedical School: University of ChicagoHometown: Anaheim, [email protected]

Andrew Ke erer, MD, MAUndergraduate: University of IowaMedical School: Northwestern UniversityHometown: Iowa City, IAa-ke [email protected]

Michael Macias, MDUndergraduate: University of California, San DiegoMedical School: Northwestern UniversityHometown: Upland, [email protected]

Alison Marshall, MDUndergraduate: Oberlin CollegeMedical School: Temple UniversityHometown: Santa Cruz, [email protected]

Carrie Pinchbeck, MDUndergraduate: George Washington UniversityMedical School: George Washington UniversityHometown: Ridgefi eld, [email protected]

Meghan Quigley, MDUndergraduate: Cornell UniversityMedical School: University of Pi sburghHometown: Franklin, [email protected]

Logan Weygandt, MD, MPHUndergraduate: Washington and Jeff erson CollegeMedical School: Johns Hopkins UniversityHometown: Johnstown, [email protected]

Joshua Zimmerman, MDUndergraduate: University of IllinoisMedical School: University of ToledoHometown: Glenview, [email protected]

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Northwestern Emergency Medicine 37

The People - Current Residents

Ashley Amick, MD, MCSRUndergraduate: Georgetown UniversityMedical School: University of MichiganHometown: Chicago, [email protected]

Charles Caff rey, MDUndergraduate: American UniversityMedical School: Saint Louis UniversityHometown: Kansas City, MOcharles.caff [email protected]

Evan Davis, MDUndergraduate: University of MichiganMedical School: Northwestern UniversityHometown: East Lansing, [email protected]

Victor Gappmaier, MDUndergraduate: University of UtahMedical School: University of Illinois at ChicagoHometown: Salt Lake City, [email protected]

Erik Handberg, MDUndergraduate: Arizona State UniversityMedical School: University of ArizonaHometown: Phoenix, [email protected]

Keith Hemmert, MDUndergraduate: Harvard UniversityMedical School: New York UniversityHometown: New York, [email protected]

Kimberly Iwaki, MDUndergraduate: University of California, BerkeleyMedical School: Northwestern UniversityHometown: Monterey Park, [email protected]

James Kenny, MDUndergraduate: City College of New YorkMedical School: Albany Medical CollegeHometown: Staten Island, [email protected]

Ma hew Klein, MD, MPHUndergraduate: Yale UniversityMedical School: Brown UniversityHometown: Park Ridge, ILma [email protected]

Spenser Lang, MDUndergraduate: Indiana Wesleyan UniversityMedical School: Ohio State UniversityHometown: Colorado Springs, [email protected]

Simiao Li, MD, MSUndergraduate: Pomona CollegeMedical School: University of Pi sburghHometown: Elgin, [email protected]

Andew Moore, MD, MSUndergraduate: University of WashingtonMedical School: Virginia TechHometown: Gig Harbor, [email protected]

Arthur Moore, MDUndergraduate: Emory UniversityMedical School: Emory UniversityHometown: Evans, [email protected]

Mitali Parmar, MDUndergraduate: Johns Hopkins UniversityMedical School: Northwestern UniversityHometown: Dubai, United Arab [email protected]

Quen n Reuter, MDUndergraduate: University of WisconsinMedical School: Vanderbilt UniversityHometown: Milwaukee, WIquen [email protected]

Duncan Wilson, MDUndergraduate: James Madison UniversityMedical School: Emory UniversityHometown: Fairfax, [email protected]

PGY2 Residents - Class of 2018

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38 Northwestern Emergency Medicine

The People - Current ResidentsPGY1 Residents - Class of 2019

Gabrielle Ahlzadeh, MDUndergraduate: Northwestern UniversityMedical School: Northwestern University Hometown: Los Angeles, [email protected]

Jonathan Andereck, MD, MBAUndergraduate: Vanderbilt UniversityMedical School: Vanderbilt UniversityHometown: Dublin, [email protected]

Andrew Berg, MDUndergraduate: University of California, Santa BarbaraMedical School: University of California, IrvineHometown: Sacramento, [email protected]

Jessica Bode, MDUndergraduate: University of FloridaMedical School: University of TennesseeHometown: Memphis, [email protected]

Steve Chukwulebe, MDUndergraduate: Loyola University ChicagoMedical School: University of PennsylvaniaHometown: Lansing, [email protected]

Katharine Colton, MD Undergraduate: University of California, BerkeleyMedical School: Duke UniversityHometown: Wellesley, [email protected]

Andrew Cunningham, MDUndergraduate: University of California, DavisMedical School: University of Southern CaliforniaHometown: Vacaville, CA [email protected]

William Ford, MD, MBAUndergraduate: University of WyomingMedical School: University of ColoradoHometown: Stagecoach, [email protected]

Danielle Miller, MDUndergraduate: Ohio State University Medical School: Ohio State UniversityHometown: Cincinna , [email protected]

Aaron Quarles, MD, MPPUndergraduate: University of Notre DameMedical School: Harvard UniversityHometown: Cleveland, [email protected]

Sarah Sanders, MDUndergraduate: University of Wisconsin, MadisonMedical School: Northwestern UniversityHometown: Plymouth, [email protected]

Jacob Stelter, MDUndergraduate: Elmhurst CollegeMedical School: Loyola University ChicagoHometown: Lombard, [email protected]

Jesús Treviño, MD, MBAUndergraduate: Rice UniversityMedical School: Harvard UniversityHometown: Edinburg, [email protected]

Paul Trinquero, MDUndergraduate: University of GeorgiaMedical School: Northwestern UniversityHometown: Peachtree City, [email protected]

Hashim Zaidi, MDUndergraduate: Rice UniversityMedical School: Baylor College of MedicineHometown: Houston, [email protected]

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Northwestern Emergency Medicine 39

The People - Northwestern FacultyJames G. Adams, MDProfessor of Emergency MedicineChair, Dept. of Emergency MedicineSenior Vice President and Chief Medical Offi cer, Northwestern Medicine

Medical School: Georgetown UniversityResidency: University of Pi sburghFellowship: Medical Educa on, University of Texas, Southwestern

Stephen L. Adams, MDProfessor of Emergency MedicineProfessor of Internal MedicineChicago Cubs Team Physician

Medical School: Ohio State UniversityResidency: Northwestern University

Emily A. Baran, MD, RDMSAssistant Professor of Emergency MedicineAssistant Director, Residency ProgramDirector, Ultrasound Educa on

Medical School: Northwestern UniversityResidency: Stroger Hospital of Cook County

Christopher B. Beach, MDAssociate Professor of Emergency MedicineVice Chair, Dept. of Emergency MedicineChief, Northwestern Lake Forest Hospital Department of Emergency Medicine

Medical School: UMDNJ - Robert Wood JohnsonResidency: Brooke Army Medical Center

Jennifer Chan, MD, MPHAssistant Professor of Emergency MedicineDirector, Global Emergency Medicine

Medical School: Northwestern UniversityResidency: Harvard University (HAEMR)Graduate: Tulane UniversityFellowship: Interna onal Emergency Medicine, Harvard University

George Chiampas, DOAssistant Professor of Emergency MedicineAssociate Director, Illinois EMS Region XIEMS Director, Chicago Police DepartmentChief Medical Offi cer, US Soccer Federa onMedical Director, Chicago Marathon

Medical School: Midwestern UniversityResidency: Stroger Hospital of Cook CountyFellowship: Sports Medicine, Resurrec on Medical Center

D. Mark Courtney, MD, MSCIAssociate Professor of Emergency MedicineDirector, Research

Medical School: Baylor UniversityResidency: Carolinas Medical CenterGraduate: Northwestern UniversityFellowship: Research, Carolinas Medical Center

Sco M. Dresden, MD, MSAssistant Professor of Emergency Medicine

Medical School: Loyola University ChicagoResidency: Boston UniversityGraduate: Northwestern UniversityFellowship: Health Services Research, Northwestern University

Larry Faines, MDAssistant Professor of Emergency MedicineDirector, Diversity Ini a ves

Medical School: UMDNJ - New JerseyInternship: Rush St. Luke’s Medical CenterResidency: Stroger Hospital of Cook County

Abra Fant, MD, MSInstructor of Emergency MedicineFellow, Medical Educa on

Medical School: Rush UniversityResidency: New York-Presbyterian HospitalGraduate: Northwestern University

Michael A. Giosndi, MDAssociate Professor of Emergency MedicineDirector, Residency Program

Medical School: Loyola University ChicagoResidency: Stanford UniversityFellowship: Faculty Development, Stanford University

Colleen Hickey, MDAssistant Professor of Emergency Medicine

Medical School: Northwestern UniversityResidency: Northwestern University

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40 Northwestern Emergency Medicine

The People - Northwestern FacultyChristopher Hogrefe, MDAssistant Professor of Emergency MedicineAssistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery

Medical School: University of IowaResidency: University of IowaFellowship: Primary Care Sports Medicine, University of Iowa

Dale M. Kaufman, MDAssistant Professor of Emergency Medicine

Medical School: University of Illinois at ChicagoResidency: Lutheran General Hospital

Howard Kim, MDInstructor of Emergency MedicineFellow, Administra on

Medical School: Duke UniversityResidency: Denver Health

Ma hew A. Kippenhan, MDAssistant Professor of Emergency MedicineAssistant Director, Opera ons

Medical School: University of WisconsinResidency: Northwestern University

Amy V. Kontrick, MDAssistant Professor of Emergency MedicineDirector, Medical Student Clerkship

Medical School: University of Pi sburghResidency: University of Chicago

Demetrios N. Kyriacou, MD, PhD, MPHProfessor of Emergency MedicineProfessor of Preventa ve MedicineSenior Scien fi c Advisor

Medical School: University of MichiganResidency: University of Southern CaliforniaGraduate: University of MichiganDoctorate: Epidemiology, University of California, Los Angeles

Patrick Lank, MD, MSAssistant Professor of Emergency MedicineAssistant Director, Residency Program

Medical School: Albert Einstein CollegeResidency: Stroger Hospital of Cook CountyGraduate: Epidemiology and Biosta s cs, Northwestern UniversityFellowship: Biosta s cs, Northwestern UniversityFellowship: Medical Toxicology, Toxikon Consor um

Erin Lareau, MDAssistant Professor of Emergency Medicine

Medical School: Northwestern UniversityResidency: Northwestern University

Ma hew R. Levine, MDAssistant Professor of Emergency MedicineDirector, Trauma Educa on

Medical School: Northwestern UniversityInternship: Mt. Sinai HospitalResidency: Long Island Jewish Medical Center

Dave W. Lu, MD, MBEAssistant Professor of Emergency Medicine

Medical School: University of PennsylvaniaResidency: Northwestern UniversityGraduate: University of Pennsylvania

Sanjeev Malik, MDAssistant Professor of Emergency MedicineDirector, Opera ons

Medical School: Northeastern Ohio UniversityResidency: Northwestern UniversityFellowship: Sports Medicine, Resurrec on Medical Center

James J. Mathews, MDProfessor Emeritus of Emergency Medicine

Medical School: University of IowaResidency: Northwestern University

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Northwestern Emergency Medicine 41

The People - Northwestern FacultyDanielle McCarthy, MD, MSAssistant Professor of Emergency Medicine

Medical School: Northwestern UniversityResidency: Northwestern UniversityGraduate: Northwestern UniversityFellowship: Health Services Research, Northwestern University

Danielle McGee, MDAssistant Professor of Emergency MedicineDirector, Ultrasound Educa on

Medical School: University of ChicagoResidency: Northwestern UniversityFellowship: Emergency Ultrasound, Cook County Hospital

Kenneth S. Pearlman, MDAssistant Professor of Emergency MedicineMedical Director, Emergency Medical Services Illinois Region XI

Medical School: Northwestern UniversityResidency: Northwestern University

Ma hew Piro e, MDAssistant Professor of Emergency Medicine

Medical School: Loyola University ChicagoResidency: Northwestern University

Emilie Powell, MD, MBA, MSAssistant Professor of Emergency Medicine

Medical School: Indiana UniversityResidency: Northwestern UniversityGraduate (MBA): Indiana UniversityGraduate (MS): Northwestern UniversityFellowship: Health Services Research, Northwestern University

Christopher Richards, MD, MSInstructor of Emergency MedicineAssociate Medical Director, Illinois EMS Region XIResearch Fellow, Center for Healthcare Studies

Medical School: Stanford UniversityResidency: Northwestern UniversityFellowship: EMS, Northwestern University

David Salzman, MD, MEdAssistant Professor of Emergency MedicineAssistant Director, Residency ProgramDirector of Simula on for Undergraduate Medical Educa on

Medical School: Northwestern UniversityResidency: Northwestern UniversityGraduate: University of Cincinna Fellowship: Simula on, Northwestern University

Michael J. Schmidt, MDAssistant Professor of Emergency MedicineAssociate Chief Medical Offi cer, Northwestern Medicine

Medical School: University of ChicagoResidency: University of Cincinna

Benjamin Schnapp, MDInstructor of Emergency MedicineFellow, Medical Educa on

Medical School: Brown UniversityResidency: Brown University

Robert Turelli, MDInstructor of Emergency Medicine

Medical School: Tulane UniversityResidency: Yale UniversityFellowship: Administra on, Northwestern University

David N. Zull, MDProfessor of Emergency Medicine

Medical School: Northwestern UniversityResidency (EM/IM): Barnes Jewish Hospital

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42 Northwestern Emergency Medicine

The People - Lurie Children’s Hospital Teaching FacultyMark Adler, MDAssociate Professor of PediatricsAssociate Professor of Medical Educa on

Medical School: University of Pi sburghResidency: Johns Hopkins UniversityFellowship: Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Johns Hopkins University

Jacqueline B. Corboy, MDAssistant Professor of PediatricsSite Director - Pediatric Emergency Department at Northwest Community Hospital

Medical School: UMDNJ - New Jersey Residency: Columbia UniversityFellowship: Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Children’s Hospital Boston

Walter Eppich, MD, MEdAssociate Professor of PediatricsAssociate Professor of Medical Educa on

Medical School: University of HeidelbergResidency: Duke UniversityGraduate: University of Cincinna Fellowship: Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Yale University

Susan Fuchs, MDProfessor of PediatricsAssociate Division Head, Pediatric Emergency Medicine

Medical School: Chicago Medical SchoolResidency: Michael Reese HospitalFellowship: Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Northwestern University

Russ Horowitz, MDAssistant Professor of Pediatrics

Medical School: SUNY Downstate Residency: Children’s Na onal Medical CenterFellowship: Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Northwestern UniversityFellowship: Emergency Ultrasound, Cook County Hospital

Yiannis Katsogridakis, MD, MPHAssistant Professor of PediatricsAssociate Medical Director, Pediatric Emergency Department

Medical School: SUNY BrooklynResidency: Albert Einstein Medical CenterGraduate: Harvard UniversityFellowship: Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Children’s Hospital Boston

Steven Krug, MDProfessor of Emergency MedicineDivision Head, Pediatric Emergency Medicine

Medical School: Tulane UniversityResidency: Yale University

Karen Mangold, MDAssistant Professor of Pediatrics

Medical School: University of RochesterResidency: Yale UniversityFellowship: Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Northwestern University

Elizabeth C. Powell, MD, MPHProfessor of PediatricsDirector, Fellowship Program

Medical School: Indiana UniversityResidency: Northwestern UniversityGraduate: University of Illinois at ChicagoFellowship: Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Northwestern University

Sally Reynolds, MDAssociate Professor of PediatricsMedical Director, Pediatric Emergency Department

Medical School: Loyola University ChicagoResidency: Northwestern UniversityFellowship: Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Northwestern University

Suzanne Schmidt, MDAssistant Professor of PediatricsSite Director, NU EM Residency

Medical School: University of ChicagoResidency: Children’s Hospital of PhiladelphiaFellowship: Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Northwestern University

Karen Sheehan, MD, MPHProfessor of PediatricsProfessor of Preventa ve Medicine

Medical School: Northwestern UniversityResidency: Northwestern UniversityGraduate: University of Illinois at Chicago

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The People - Methodist Hospital Teaching Faculty

The People - Northwestern Lake Forest Hospital Teaching FacultySteve Edelstein, MDHealth System ClinicianAssistant Medical Director, Northwestern Grayslake Emergency Center

Medical School: University of MichiganResidency: Northwestern University

Aaron Epstein, MDHealth System ClinicianMedical Director, Northwestern Lake Forest Hospital Department of Emergency Medicine

Medical School: Rush Medical CollegeResidency: Resurrec on Medical Center

Trevor Hamilton, MDHealth System ClinicianVice Chief, Northwestern Lake Forest Hospital Department of Emergency Medicine

Medical School: Creighton UniversityResidency: Northwestern University

Steve Hodges, MDHealth System ClinicianAssistant Medical Director, Northwestern Lake Forest Hospital Department of Emergency Medicine

Medical School: University of KansasResidency: Northwestern University

Amy Kiraly, MDHealth System ClinicianSite Director, NU EM Residency

Medical School: University of Connec cutResidency: Northwestern University

Michael Peters, MDHealth System Clinician Director, Emergency Medical Services

Medical School: University of Illinois at ChicagoResidency: Northwestern University

Geoff rey Bauer, MDInstructor of Emergency MedicineAssoc.Medical Director, Emergency Medical ServicesVice President of Financial Opera ons, NEA Physicians Group

Medical School: Northwestern UniversityResidency: Northwestern University

Cynthia Galvan, MDSite Director, Indiana University ClerkshipDirector, Medical Educa on

Medical School: University of ChicagoResidency: Northwestern University

Nicholas Johnson, MDVice President of Opera ons, Methodist Hospitals Emergency MedicineAssoc.Medical Director, Emergency Medical ServicesVice President, NEA Physicians Group

Medical School: Loyola University ChicagoResidency: University of Chicago

Ruby Long-Tounsel, MDQuality Assurance DirectorMedical Director, Methodist Hospitals Advanced Life Support Courses

Medical School: Indiana UniversityResidency: Summa Health System

Michael McGee, MD, MPHChief and Medical Director, Methodist Hospitals Emergency MedicineMedical Director, Indiana University Student Health CenterPresident and CEO, NEA Physicians Group

Medical School: Rush Medical CollegeResidency: New York Medical CenterGraduate: University of Illinois at Chicago

Airron Richardson, MD, MBADirector of Customer ServiceVice Chief and Assoc. Director, Emergency Medical Services

Medical School: Vanderbilt University Residency: University of ChicagoFellowship: Sports Medicine, Duke University

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44 Northwestern Emergency Medicine

Second Looks

A “second look” visit is an opportunity for you to shadow a Northwestern resident in our emergency department. The second look is not required and we do not rank applicants based on whether or not they return for a second look visit. Please use this me only to help your decision-making process.

All second look visits require no fi ca on. Contact Jill Craig at 312-926-9512 or [email protected] to schedule your visit. You are also welcome to par cipate in any residency ac vi es in conjunc on with your visit, including conferences, journal clubs, and Adams Clubs.

When arranging your second look, please keep the following in mind:• As dictated by hospital policy, second looks must be limited to a maximum of 3 hours.• Please dress appropriately in business casual a re. You MUST bring your white coat and a photo ID badge

which must be worn at all mes during your visit. • Candidates typically have a more accurate and informa ve visit during the a ernoon and evening hours, as

the department tends to be slower in the morning.

The McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University is a diverse consor um of hospitals in the Chicagoland area recognized for excellence in pa ent care. McGaw is the 16th largest provider of Graduate Medical Educa on in the US. The combined resources of all McGaw loca ons provide a dynamic learning environment for over 1,000 graduate medical educa on trainees.

McGaw administers contracts, s pends, and benefi ts for all Northwestern residents. Benefi ts include overnight meal allowances, medical, dental, and vision insurance, a 401(k) plan, a USMLE Savings Program, as well as life, short-term disability, and long-term disability insurance. Op onal benefi ts include Flexible Spending Accounts, Employee Assistance Program, on-site childcare, discounted health club memberships, so ware discounts, and more.

The Department of Emergency Medicine provides residents with ACLS, PALS, NRP, and ATLS cer fi ca ons. In addi on, the Department covers dues for SAEM and AAEM, and subscrip ons to Academic Emergency Medicine and Rosh Review. All PGY3 residents a end the SAEM Annual Mee ng.

Details about benefi ts and contracts, as well as s pend rates, are available online at: h p://mcgaw.northwestern.edu.

Contracts, S pends, and Benefi ts

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Grand Rounds2015-2016

Guest Faculty Affi lia onAlden Landry, MD, MPH Beth Israel Deaconess Medical CenterSarah Williams, MD Stanford University

Larissa Velez, MD University of Texas SouthwesternJennifer Wiler, MD, MBA University of ColoradoHilarie Cranmer, MD, MPH Harvard UniversityLalena Yarris, MD, MCR Oregon Health & Science UniversityErik Hess, MD, MS Mayo Medical School

Frederick Korley, MD, PhD Johns Hopkins University

2014-2015 Guest Faculty Affi lia on

Drew Fuller, MD, MPH Emergency Medicine AssociatesJoshua Broder, MD Duke University

Benjamin Sun, MD, MPH Oregon Health & Science UniversityJeremiah Schuur, MD Harvard University/Brigham & Women’s HospitalKevin Biese, MD, MAT University of North CarolinaJan Shoenberger, MD LAC/University of Southern CaliforniaErik Laurin, MD University of California, Davis

Sean Bryant, MD Stroger Hospital of Cook County

2013-2014Guest Faculty Affi lia on

Paul Biddinger, MD Harvard University/Massachuse s General HospitalRonald D. Stewart, MD Dalhousie UniversityStacey Chamberlain, MD, MPH University of Illinois at ChicagoKip Benko, MD University of Pi sburghRobert Hendrickson, MD Oregon Health & Science UniversityAlex Manini, MD, MS Mount Sinai HospitalDamon Kuehl, MD Virginia Tech School of MedicineJeff rey Klein, MD Indiana UniversityJoel Geiderman, MD UCLA/Cedars-Sinai Medical Center/ ABEMLinda Regan, MD Johns Hopkins University

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2012-2013Guest Faculty Affi lia on

Adam Singer, MD Stony Brook University Health CenterAmy Zosel, MD, MSCS Medical College of WisconsinBritney Anderson, MD University of Colorado, DenverJavier Gonzalez del Rey, MD, MEd University of Cincinna David Schriger, MD University of California, Los AngelesZachary Meisel, MD, MPH, MS University of PennsylvaniaEdward Callahan, MD, MS Medical College of WisconsinColleen Roche, MD George Washington UniversityO. John Ma, MD Oregon Health & Sciences UniversityJanis Tupesis, MD University of Wisconsin, MadisonBrian Zink, MD Brown UniversityRichard Levitan, MD Thomas Jeff erson UniversityLaura Hopson, MD University of Michigan

2011-2012Guest Faculty Affi lia on

Udo Hoff mann, MD, MPH Harvard University/Massachuse s General HospitalEdward Jauch, MD, MS Medical University of South CarolinaKerry Broderick, BSN, MD Denver Health Medical Center; ABEMErik Kulstad, MD Advocate Christ Medical CenterAlan Jones, MD University of MississippiN. Ewan Wang, MD Stanford UniversityGreg Henry, MD Past President, American College of Emergency PhysiciansMark Mycyk, MD Toxikon Consor um/Stroger Hospital of Cook CountySco Weingart, MD Mount Sinai School of MedicineGene Hern, MD Alameda County-Hichland General HospitalBentley Bobrow, MD Maricopa Medical Center/Arizona Department of Health


2010-2011Guest Faculty Affi lia on

Derek Robinson, MD, MBA Center for Medicare and Medicaid ServicesVicki Noble, MD Harvard University/Massachuse s General HospitalGus Garmel, MD Stanford University/Kaiser Santa ClaraJessie Pines, MD George Washington UniversityHenry Epino, MD Harvard University/Massachuse s General HospitalPhil Fontanarosa, MD, MBA Execu ve Deputy Editor, JAMAFracis DeRoos, MD University of PennsylvaniaChad Kessler, MD UIC/Jesse Brown VA Medical CenterBrent King, MD University of Texas, Houston

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2009-2010Guest Faculty Affi lia on

Rob Rodgers, MD University of MarylandTeresita Hogan, MD Resurrec on Medical CenterKathleen Clem, MD Loma Linda UniversityJohn Presco , MD Educa on Chief, AAMCSusan Stern, MD University of WashingtonRobert Muelleman, MD University of NebraskaSteve McLaughlin, MD University of New MexicoStephan Bohan, MD, MS Harvard University/Brigham & Women’s HospitalVincent Verdile, MD Dean, Albany Medical CollegeWilliam Brady, MD University of VirginiaBinh Ly, MD University of California, San Diego

2008-2009Guest Faculty Affi lia on

Benjamin Abella, MD, MPhil University of PennsylvaniaAlan Kumar, MD University of Chicago/Lutheran General HospitalJ. Chris an Fox, MD, RDMS University of California, IrvineAlan Storrow, MD Vanderbilt UniversityDebra Houry, MD, MPH Emory UniversityRita Cydulka, MD Case Western Reserve UniversityGail D’Onofrio, MD, MS Yale UniversityRachel Chin, MD University of California, San FranciscoJeff Kline, MD Carolinas Medical CenterAndrew Perron, MD Maine Medical CenterTrevor Mills, MD, MPH Louisiana State University

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2007-2008Guest Faculty Affi lia on

Keith Wrenn, MD Vanderbilt UniversityJonathan Davis, MD Georgetown UniversityChristopher Carpenter, MD, MSc Washington University in Saint LouisRobert Wears, MD University of FloridaKaren Cosby, MD John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital of Cook CountyLaura Bontempo, MD Yale UniversitySusan Stone, MD University of Southern CaliforniaDiane Birnbaumer, MD UCLA/Harbor Medical CenterTom Scale a, MD Edward Hospital; President, AAEMEric Nadel, MD Harvard University/Brigham & Women’s HospitalSheryl Heron, MD, MPH Emory UniversityCarlo Rosen, MD Harvard University/Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

2006-2007Guest Faculty Affi lia on

David Talan, MD UCLA/Olive View Medical CenterJill Baren, MD, MBE University of PennsylvaniaWilliam Brady, MD University of Virginia

Andra Bomkalns, MD University of Cincinna David F. Brown, MD Harvard University/Massachuse s General HospitalTracy Sanson, MD University of FloridaFrank Counselman, MD Eastern Virginia Medical School; ACEPDouglas Trocinski, MD University of North Carolina, Chapel HillBrian Zink, MD Brown Medical CollegeKatherine Heilpern, MD Emory UniversityWallace Carter, MD Columbia/Cornell University

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Northwestern University Department of Emergency Medicine

211 E. Ontario Street, Suite 200 Chicago, Illinois 60611

www.feinberg.northwestern.edu/sites/emergencymed [email protected]

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