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Booklet for EP_NGO Summer project 2013

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Welcome to the NGO_Summer project!!

•Please, read the entire document.

• Please, communicate all open questions to us (Incoming

Exchange team), so we can provide the information quickly.

• Prepare your trainings, which you can find in “Preparation for

trainings” part. We expect both pair and single trainings outlines

by Sunday, June 9th, 23:00

1. Our team

2. NGOs in the project

3. Trip Advisor

4. Dormitory

5. Special offer

6. Preparation for trainings

Diana Organizing Committee President E-mail: [email protected]

FB: https://www.facebook.com/diana.kleczkowska?fref=ts

Veronika a.k.a Nika OCVP Incoming Exchange

E-mail: [email protected]

FB: https://www.facebook.com/nikakoala?ref=tn_tnmn

Bohdana a.k.a Dana OC Incoming Exchange

E-mail: [email protected]


Natalia OC Incoming Exchange

E-mail: [email protected]

FB: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000804069328&fref=ts

Dominika OC Incoming Exchange

E-mail: [email protected]

FB: https://www.facebook.com/dominika.antosik.3?fref=ts

Monika E-mail: [email protected]

FB: https://www.facebook.com/monika.chmielewska.180?fref=ts

Piotr E-mail: [email protected] FB: https://www.facebook.com/piotr.r.35?fref=ts

Ewa E-mail: [email protected] FB: https://www.facebook.com/gaappa?fref=ts

Joanna a.k.a Asia E-mail: [email protected]

FB: https://www.facebook.com/joanna.miszkiel


(most web-sites are in Polish only, however you can use Google Translator or just look through them in

order to have a general idea

• Otwarte Drzwi (Open Doors) http://www.otwartedrzwi.pl/index.php/o-nas/open-door-association--presentation-in-english

• Katolicka Fundacja Pomocy Osobom Uzależnionym i Dzieciom KARAN (Catholic Foundation helping people with abuses and children “KARAN” http://www.karan.pl

• Katolickie Stowarzyszenie Niepełnosprawnych Archidiecezji Warszawskiej (Catholic Association of Disabled under Warsaw Archdiocese) http://www.ksnaw.pl/

• Stowarzyszenie "mali bracia Ubogich“ (‘Little brothers of poor” association) http://www.malibracia.org.pl/

• Towarzystwo Przytułku Św. Franciszka Salezego w Warszawie (Refuge Association of St.Franciszek Salezy in Warsaw) http://www.przytuleksalezego.pl/

• Ośrodek Hospicjum Domowe Niepubliczny Zakład Opieki Zdrowotnej Zgromadzenia Księży Marianów (Hospice Center for healthcare by Marian Priests) http://www.hospicjum-domowe.waw.pl/?page_id=11

• Dom Kultury Warszawa Wesoła (Wesola town Community Culture Center) http://www.domkulturywesola.net/ • Dom Kultury Warszawa Falenica (Falenica Community Culture Center in Warsaw) http://www.domykultury.waw.pl/?87,klub-kultury-falenica-

• Dom Kultury Józefów (Jozefov Community Culture Center) http://www.mokjozefow.pl/

• Ochotnicza Straż Pożarna Warszawa Wesoła (Voluntary Fire Brigade in Wesola town under Warsaw) • Polskie Stowarzyszenie Osób Bezrobotnych "Potrzeba“ (Polish Association for unemployed)

For your own safety we kindly ask you to have with you: - Valid medical insuarance - ISIC card, because with this card you get: •50% discout for transportation in Warsaw •Discounts for train tickets (inside Poland) •Discouts in some EU countries *if you don’t have possibility to make it in your country, you can make it in Warsaw with valid student document from your University

While staying in Warsaw you will need to buy: 30 day personal travel card: Bying this card you get free aceess to all means of transport in Warsaw and surbubs Cost: 100 zł (50zł with student discount) More info: http://www.ztm.waw.pl/index.php?c=110.&l=2

NGO project provides you with the accommodation, which is the dormitory of Warsaw University.

The accomodation is for free for the whole term of the project, plus if you come earlier and want to stay some days after the end it’s more then ok.

While check-in you need: • to pay a deposit 200zł (50$), which will be given you back while check out, unless you brake the furniture and crash everything inside) • have one passport size photo (bring them with you, if you don’t want to spend money on it here) The internet access costs 10zł (3$) per month, and there is only wire connection, so we kindly advise you to take you cords with you

while check-in you get: bedclothes, lamp, blanket, and washbowl.

More info: http://www.uw.edu.pl/en/strony/facil/dom_nr3.pdf

Gallery: http://www.uw.edu.pl/galeria_ds3/

Localisation: the dorm is situated 20 min from city center by tram https://maps.google.pl/?ie=UTF8&ll=52.248827,21.080167&spn=0.001816,0.005284&t=h&z=18&vpsrc=6&iwloc=A&q=Kic+Dwa.+Dom+Studenta+nr+3+Uniwersytetu+Warszawskiego&cid=2923229179299571527

1. SCOUT CAMP We offer you a 4 days journey to the forest (near Warsaw). It will be unforgettable advanture, a real survival school. You will have chance to learn how to built a house, to make fire, as well as enjoy the beautiful nature. There will be other groups of Polish scouts, so its a fine opportunity to get to know with them. Tents provided Cost 150 zł (50$)

2. WOODSTOCK Fest One of the biggest rock festivals in the world. Start:1 August.

More info: http://www.last.fm/festival/3348087+Woodstock+Festival+Poland+2013+(Przystanek+Woodstock+2013)

Cost (transportation) 100 zł (34$) On this trips we provide you with overnight stay and meals. As we do not

cover transportation costs, it is your decision whether to participate or not, please confirm your participation

Till 26 May, Sunday 23 :00

As soon as you arrive in Warsaw you will have a number of trainings, which will help you to prepare yourself for the work in NGO, but before the start of the project there are still few expectations, which we must communicate. WE EXPECT THE FOLLOWING FROM YOU: • You have one month for the preparation. Therefore, we expect you to use your time wisely and ensure that you have completed all of the tasks listed at the end of this document. • If you participate in NGO_Summer, you must participate in the whole NGO_Summer. During the project we will not give time for interruptions. For example: If you are expecting to have some privite meetings or trips, please inform us and we can plan around it. If you do not inform us, you will not fulfil our expectations. We also will not accept statements such as: “I have to visit a family friend for a week, so I will miss that part of NGO_Summer”. No, you will miss the entire project. Any absence from the process disturbs your development and the development of others. In addition, if other things in your life are a priority on the period of the project (e.g. AIESEC work, special family visits, trips etc.) then be responsible and agree now not to come to NGO_Summer. • We expect you to act sustainably during project and maintain your health as much as possible. This means enjoy the breaks, sleep at night, eat well, drink well, etc. OUR COMMITMENT IS: • to prepare all the conditions, both working and living, so that you obtain the most out of your participation and for your development as traineee • to clearly communicate with you before the project, so that you are fully informed about it at the time you arrive to site. • to be open for your feedback and suggestions of project improvement


Before coming to Warsaw you need to prepare:

-10 songs from your country (have them on your laptop or memory card)

- 3 photos made by YOU (not downloaded) of anything (your city, your flat, your friends

etc.) for people in NGOs

- a game, preferable traditional one from your country, which is possible to play both

with children and adults (may be outdoors)

- take with you some visual material to present your country (flag, clothes, food sample


DEADLINE: send the list of songs, photos and description of the game (with materials

needed) till JUNE 9th 23:00

We would like you to prepare a short story ( 6-7 slides presentation or up to 3 minutes YouTube video) Both kids and adults love to listen different stories, relations and fairy tales. The action and characters attracts them to watch and dream. This is one of the ways how we could show ourselves, our country and a piece of our cultural background.

I. The short story involves: (you may choose one) a) Main character that typifies the person from your country b) A famous/ interesting place from your city/country c) Short adventure/story/legend/myth d) One issue to be solved *Please remember that participants may represent different level of English and some of them may do not know it at all. That is why we decided to create a story without using that much written English language. Please remember you are preparing the presentation for the people that might live in orphanages or have disability issues and may had different hard situations in their lives

Time: 15 min

DEADLINE: send your presentation (in any format) till JUNE 9th 23:00

As you may already read in TN form, you will be divided into pairs while working in NGOs, so we want you to be prepared for that.

In one of the NGOs you will need to prepare a presentation about food in your country. You are divided into pairs and your task is to prepare a joint presentation. Contact each other to set the outline. *making a presentation with particular person doesn’t necessarily mean you will be working with this person during the whole project

Time: 20 min

DEADLINE: send the outline (plan) of your session till JUNE 9th 23:00

Please send the prepared tasks, individual presentation and pair session’s outline till

JUNE 9th 23:00

on www.Dropbox.com Login: [email protected]

Password: 17062013

*In case of any questions, contact any member of Incoming Exchange team

We are looking forward to meeting and supporting you during NGO_Summer_Warsaw project!

If you have any special inquires (special food diet, allergy)

don’t hesitate to contact us(any memeber of Incoming Exchange team)!
