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BOOP synd.

Date post: 08-Apr-2018
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  • 8/7/2019 BOOP synd.


    An interesting case ofAn interesting case of

    unresolved pneumoniaunresolved pneumoniaModerator: Dr.Moderator: Dr. GovindappaGovindappa

    Presented by: Dr.Presented by: Dr. JeevanJeevan

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    A 40yr old male patient, referred fromA 40yr old male patient, referred from

    chikkamanguluruchikkamanguluru general hospital, presentedgeneral hospital, presented

    to us with following complaints:to us with following complaints:

    C/o Fever of 2 weeks durationC/o Fever of 2 weeks duration

    C/o Cough with scanty sputum for 15daysC/o Cough with scanty sputum for 15days

    C/oC/o HemoptysisHemoptysis for 10 daysfor 10 days

    C/o breathlessness for 10 daysC/o breathlessness for 10 days

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    H/o Present illnessH/o Present illness

    --fever, intermittent, moderate, no chills and rigorsfever, intermittent, moderate, no chills and rigors

    --cough with scanty sputum withcough with scanty sputum with hemoptysishemoptysis

    --breathlessness on minimal exertionbreathlessness on minimal exertion

    --nono pleuriticpleuritic/ ischemic pain/ ischemic pain--no exposure to STDSno exposure to STDS

    He has received antibiotics before coming to ourHe has received antibiotics before coming to our


    He is not a smoker/ alcoholicHe is not a smoker/ alcoholic

    No past H/O major medical illnessNo past H/O major medical illness

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    Examination findingsExamination findings


    Male patient, moderately built/ nourishedMale patient, moderately built/ nourished

    Conscious, orientedConscious, oriented

    tachypneictachypneic Vitals:Vitals:

    BP: 110/70 mm of hgBP: 110/70 mm of hg

    PR: 82/min, regularPR: 82/min, regular

    Temp: 100 FTemp: 100 FSPo2: 82% at RASPo2: 82% at RA

    91% with 491% with 4 litslits O2O2

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    Examination findingsExamination findings

    Resp. system: Bilateral scatteredResp. system: Bilateral scattered crepitationscrepitations

    andand rhonchirhonchi

    CVS: heart sounds are normal, no murmursCVS: heart sounds are normal, no murmurs

    PA: soft, no tenderness/PA: soft, no tenderness/ organomegalyorganomegaly

    CNS: no deficitsCNS: no deficits

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    Summary of historySummary of history

    Here we have a 40 yr old male patient withHere we have a 40 yr old male patient with

    features of acute febrile illness withfeatures of acute febrile illness with

    scattered bilateralscattered bilateral creptscrepts andand ronchironchi, a, adiagnosis of acute bronchitis was madediagnosis of acute bronchitis was made

    and investigated further.and investigated further.

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    CBC:CBC: HbHb-- 15.9 gm%15.9 gm%

    TLCTLC-- 1000010000

    DCDC--NN-- 93.1, L93.1, L--5.9, E5.9, E--0, M0, M--0.9, B0.9, B--0.10.1

    ESRESR-- 3232

    RBS: 265 mg%RBS: 265 mg%

    Se.Se. creatininecreatinine: 1.17: 1.17

    Se. electrolytes: Na+Se. electrolytes: Na+--135, K+135, K+-- 4.4,Cl4.4,Cl-- 104104 meqmeq

    LFT: TBLFT: TB--0.4, DB0.4, DB--0.05, TP0.05, TP-- 6.4, Alb6.4, Alb-- 2.9,2.9,

    SGOT/SGPTSGOT/SGPT-- 150/94, Alp150/94, Alp-- 115, GGT115, GGT-- 6161

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    Chest XChest X--ray PA view: bilateralray PA view: bilateral

    inhomogeneous opacities, suggestive ofinhomogeneous opacities, suggestive of

    ARDS/ARDS/ pneumonitispneumonitis and bilateral mildand bilateral mild

    pleural effusion.pleural effusion.

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    Chest X rayChest X ray

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    Dengue, malaria,Dengue, malaria, widalwidal: negative: negative

    Sputum for AFB smear: negativeSputum for AFB smear: negative

    Arterial blood gases:Arterial blood gases:pHpH-- 7.4, pCO27.4, pCO2-- 30.5, pO230.5, pO2-- 53.5, HCO353.5, HCO3-- 20.6,20.6,


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    Hospital course: worsenedHospital course: worsened

    Patient shifted to ICU on the same day eveningPatient shifted to ICU on the same day eveningas his O2 saturations were fluctuating betweenas his O2 saturations were fluctuating between75 and 85%75 and 85%

    In ICU he was put on continuous BIPAP, andIn ICU he was put on continuous BIPAP, andstarted on IV antibiotics {started on IV antibiotics { MagnexMagnex,, LevodayLevoday },},antiviralsantivirals {{ T.TamifluT.Tamiflu,, VirenzaVirenza rotacapsrotacaps }}

    O2 saturations were maintaining around 85 toO2 saturations were maintaining around 85 to

    90% with BIPAP.90% with BIPAP. Repeat chest XRepeat chest X--ray showed persisting bilateralray showed persisting bilateral

    patchy opacities.patchy opacities.

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    Chest X rayChest X ray-- repeatrepeat

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    As the patient is not responding to BIPAPAs the patient is not responding to BIPAP

    and IV antibiotics, Venous Doppler lowerand IV antibiotics, Venous Doppler lower

    limbs was done to rule out pulmonarylimbs was done to rule out pulmonary


    Report showed no evidence of DVTReport showed no evidence of DVT

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    Hospital course andHospital course and

    InvestigationsInvestigations After 6 days of treatment with antibiotics,After 6 days of treatment with antibiotics,

    antiviralsantivirals, bronchodilators and BIPAP, bronchodilators and BIPAP

    saturations didnt improved, so we considered asaturations didnt improved, so we considered a

    possibility of AR

    DS ?cause/

    ? Atypicalpossibility of AR

    DS ?cause/

    ? Atypicalpneumoniapneumonia

    Sputum AFB, sputum cultureSputum AFB, sputum culture-- negativenegative

    Nasal swab cultureNasal swab culture-- negativenegative

    H1N1: negativeH1N1: negative

    Repeat CBC: TLCRepeat CBC: TLC-- 12800, DC12800, DC-- NN--91%, L91%, L--5.9%5.9%

    Serial repeat chest X rays done doesnt showSerial repeat chest X rays done doesnt show

    any improvement in shadows.any improvement in shadows.

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    Chest X rayChest X ray

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    Later ,HRCT chest was doneLater ,HRCT chest was done

    -- Extensive patchy and confluentExtensive patchy and confluent

    consolidation in bilateral lung parenchyma,consolidation in bilateral lung parenchyma,suggestive ofsuggestive of bronchiolitisbronchiolitis obliteransobliterans

    organizing pneumonia.organizing pneumonia.

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    CT ChestCT Chest

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    CT ChestCT Chest

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    Pulmonologist opinion was taken,Pulmonologist opinion was taken,

    possibility of BOOP syndrome waspossibility of BOOP syndrome was

    considered and started on IVconsidered and started on IV


    Patient started responding to treatment atPatient started responding to treatment at

    this stage, chest x ray repeated showedthis stage, chest x ray repeated showed

    improvement in shadows.improvement in shadows.

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    Chest x rayChest x ray

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    Patient shifted to wards with intermittentPatient shifted to wards with intermittent

    BIPAP, as saturations were maintainingBIPAP, as saturations were maintaining

    around 85%.around 85%.

    IV steroids were shifted to low dose oralIV steroids were shifted to low dose oral


    Patient started mobilizing, going to toilet,Patient started mobilizing, going to toilet,

    walking around in wards.walking around in wards.

    His O2 saturations were maintainingHis O2 saturations were maintaining

    around 85 to 90% with 3around 85 to 90% with 3 litslits ofO2ofO2

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    Patient was discharged after 15 days ofPatient was discharged after 15 days of

    hospital stay with saturation maintainedhospital stay with saturation maintained

    around 90% at room airaround 90% at room air

    He was discharged with oral steroids andHe was discharged with oral steroids and

    advicedadviced to review after 2 weeks.to review after 2 weeks.

    Chest X ray done after 2 weeks showedChest X ray done after 2 weeks showed

    resolving changesresolving changes

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    Chest X ray 2 weeks after dischargeChest X ray 2 weeks after discharge

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    Topic discussionTopic discussion

    BOOP SyndromeBOOP Syndrome

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    BronchiolitisBronchiolitis ObliteransObliterans

    Organizing PneumoniaOrganizing Pneumonia


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    First described in 1901 by LangeFirst described in 1901 by Lange

    19851985---- More cases reported byMore cases reported by EplerEpler et alet al

    Age incidence: 4thAge incidence: 4th-- 7th decades7th decades No gender predominance seenNo gender predominance seen

    Incidence: 6Incidence: 6--7 per 100,000 admissions7 per 100,000 admissions

    Smoking isSmoking is notnot a risk factora risk factor

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    Inflammatory lung disease that involvesInflammatory lung disease that involves

    both the terminal bronchioles and theboth the terminal bronchioles and the


    Characterized by its pathologic andCharacterized by its pathologic and

    histologic featureshistologic features

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    BOOP: confusion of termsBOOP: confusion of terms

    BOOP is sometimes referred to asBOOP is sometimes referred to ascryptogenic organizing pneumonia, a termcryptogenic organizing pneumonia, a termthat is considered more general andthat is considered more general and

    representative of what happens clinically,representative of what happens clinically,pathologically, and structurally within thepathologically, and structurally within thelung tissue. However, the term BOOP islung tissue. However, the term BOOP isspecific for a lesion that occurs in thespecific for a lesion that occurs in the

    distal bronchioles and alveolidistal bronchioles and alveolisimultaneously and is a popular term usedsimultaneously and is a popular term usedthroughout the worldthroughout the world

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    Idiopathic (Cryptogenic organizingIdiopathic (Cryptogenic organizing


    Secondary to infection, drugs/toxins,Secondary to infection, drugs/toxins,rheumatologic/connective tissuerheumatologic/connective tissue

    processes, immunologic disorders, organprocesses, immunologic disorders, organ

    transplantation, radiation therapytransplantation, radiation therapy


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    Types and Classification of BOOPTypes and Classification of BOOP

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    Inflammation in theInflammation in the

    walls of the alveoliwalls of the alveoli

    and bronchioles andand bronchioles and

    an increase inan increase infoamy, lipidfoamy, lipid--ladenladen

    macrophages in themacrophages in the

    alveoli arealveoli are

    significant and leadsignificant and leadto accumulations ofto accumulations of


    connective tissueconnective tissue

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    ProliferationProliferation of granulation tissue within smallof granulation tissue within small

    airways and alveolar ductsairways and alveolar ducts

    Chronic inflammation in alveoliChronic inflammation in alveoli

    PatchyPatchy peribronchialperibronchial distributiondistribution

    Absence ofAbsence of granulomasgranulomas, necrosis,, necrosis,

    neutrophilsneutrophils/abscesses, hyaline membranes,/abscesses, hyaline membranes,

    vasculitisvasculitis, interstitial fibrosis, or, interstitial fibrosis, or eosinophiliceosinophilicinfiltrationinfiltration

  • 8/7/2019 BOOP synd.




    Onset typically 4Onset typically 4thth or7or7thth decades of lifedecades of life

    Women and men affected equallyWomen and men affected equally

    Fever, malaise, cough, fatigue, DOE, weightFever, malaise, cough, fatigue, DOE, weight


    InspiratoryInspiratory ralesrales (74%)(74%)

    Hypoxia (>80%)Hypoxia (>80%)

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    Leukocytosis (50%)Leukocytosis (50%)

    Elevated ESR and CRP (70Elevated ESR and CRP (70--80%)80%)


    Mild to moderate restrictive diseaseMild to moderate restrictive disease

    DLCO reducedDLCO reduced

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    CXR: diffuse alveolar opacities, frequentlyCXR: diffuse alveolar opacities, frequently

    peripherally distributed, usually bilateralperipherally distributed, usually bilateral

    CT: patchy airCT: patchy air--space consolidation, groundspace consolidation, ground

    glass opacities, small nodular opacities,glass opacities, small nodular opacities,

    bronchial wall thickening and dilation, usuallybronchial wall thickening and dilation, usually

    peripherally distributed and in lower lungperipherally distributed and in lower lungzoneszones

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    Pathology: diagnosis of exclusionPathology: diagnosis of exclusion

    Proliferation of granulation tissue within smallProliferation of granulation tissue within small

    airways and alveolar ductsairways and alveolar ducts

    Chronic inflammation in alveoliChronic inflammation in alveoli

    Patchy peribronchial distributionPatchy peribronchial distribution

    Absence of granulomas, necrosis,Absence of granulomas, necrosis,

    neutrophils/abscesses, hyaline membranes,neutrophils/abscesses, hyaline membranes,vasculitis, interstitial fibrosis, or eosinophilicvasculitis, interstitial fibrosis, or eosinophilic


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    Prednisone 1Prednisone 1--1.5mg/kg/day (max1.5mg/kg/day (max

    100mg/day) for 2100mg/day) for 2--3 months, if improved,3 months, if improved,

    decrease to 0.5decrease to 0.5--1mg/kg/day for 11mg/kg/day for 1--2 more2 more

    months, then slowly tapermonths, then slowly taper

    IV methylprednisolone (125IV methylprednisolone (125--250mg q6hrs)250mg q6hrs)

    for 3for 3--5 days can be used initially for rapidly5 days can be used initially for rapidly

    progressive diseaseprogressive disease

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    TwoTwo--thirds of patients completely resolvethirds of patients completely resolve

    with steroid treatmentwith steroid treatment


    One--third have persistent diseasethird have persistent disease

    Relapses are commonRelapses are common

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    King, T.E.King, T.E. Cryptogenic organizingpneumonitisCryptogenic organizingpneumonitis..

    UptodateonlineUptodateonline.. 2006.2006.

    Epler, G.R.Epler, G.R. Bronchiolitis Obliterans OrganizingBronchiolitis Obliterans Organizing

    PneumoniaPneumonia. ARCH INTERN MED.. ARCH INTERN MED.2001;161:1582001;161:158--164.164.

    Katikireddy, etal.Katikireddy, etal. A 24A 24--yearyear--old woman withold woman with

    bilateralpulmonary infiltrates, pericardialbilateralpulmonary infiltrates, pericardial

    effusion, and bilateralpleural effusions.effusion, and bilateralpleural effusions. CHEST.CHEST.

