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Boost Metabolism and Lose Weight

Date post: 25-Jan-2017
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We all want to look slim and attractive. Being able to rock a body of god/goddess is everyone’s dream. But what many people fail to understand is the fact that having that hourglass figure, takes a lot of time and change in almost everything we do. Starting with the food we consume, to regular day to day training for few yours, jogging, running and many more thing in order to lose whatever fat we want and straightened our body to the point we can feel comfortable in our own skin.

Daily on the Internet, and in many magazines we see men with six packs, big biceps and great body standing next to beautiful women with curvy body and no fat on their stomach, nor their legs. But in doing so many people try misleading diets and wrong exercises. Not all that we see in the online diets and booklets is true, and not everything that is fast is effective.

To have the body you desire most of the times requires a lot of time and devotion, giving up foods that we love to eat every day, but are full of calories, right ways and amount of exercise, all that and most importantly strong will and support in order to achieve what we want.

What is metabolism?The first thing we need to know, is how and what is the metabolism!

I am sure you have heard about this many times before, but do you really know what metabolism is and how our body manages to last for 24 hours every day with 6 to 8 hours of sleep.

Metabolism is the process which keeps our body going, all day, every day. The human body is powered by two different, and in fact contrary, types of metabolism, one being catabolism, and the other anabolism. This two processes regulate the homeostasis of our body, and transform all the things we consume into energy only after which our body is able to use it afterwards.

The catabolic processes are aimed towards breaking bigger components into smaller pieces that our organism can later on use. Most of the time, the catabolic final products are oxidized and transformed into energy, but sometimes they are used as starting points for the opposite anabolic processes.

The main connection between the anabolic and catabolic metabolism of the food, is to produce the energy our body needs, and also to produce the needed building elements for other processes.

Throughout the metabolism, the breaking and forming end products as being the two major points in function, there are also intermediaries that are used in different metabolic cycles or just stored in our body for future purposes.

The end product of every metabolic cycle is creating ATP, a form of energy our body can using. So had we been working something that requires a lot of energy, for example lifting weights or other heavy objects, the ATP created will be used. On the other hand, if we were just lying home and watching TV after a meal full of calories the energy created will be stored, but unlucky for us as fat.

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So in other words, if we want the perfect body, we need to make a plan how to equal the calories we consume with how much of them we actually spend. Of course, with the right training and every hard workout we do, we stimulate the body to alarm us we need more calories, in fact more food. As we work out our body once again transforms the fat, or lipids, into ATP and once the deposits are burned to a certain point we feel hunger. But, worry not, as this is completely normal!

How to boost your metabolism the right way!Now, when you know how important the understanding of the metabolism is, we are going to have a look at how one can boost their own metabolism.

First, let’s explain what boosting the metabolism means!

Boosting metabolism means your organism can use the energy in more efficient way. This mean your blood flow and circulation will be better, the blood will be more oxygenated, and the mitochondria, the power stations of our body, will work more efficiently and produce more energy.

What is the end effect of this, you might ask? Factually, your body will be able to burn more calories, and at the same time the fat stored will be spent in most efficient way, and will be the starting point for production of energy, which will help you lose weight and build up muscles.

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Most of the programs that are constructed in order to boost your metabolism are based on 3 steps:




Exercise, is the most important part of this process. Unless you want to gain more weight than you initially had, making an exercise plan is of highest importance.

Whenever we take any kind of exercise, our body uses the calories as a source for energy. Whether it is the food we consumed earlier or the stored fat, both ways end up the way, as energy. Unlike if we sit or watch TV the whole day, when we do exercise the body needs more energy to fuel the “engine”. This means that some of that energy will come from the metabolites stored in our body, primarily the fat. This mean that by doing exercise you lose the stored fat, that piled before, and you will see changes in your weight.

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Bear in mind that this is not an instant weight loss regime, and that it takes a lot of time and patience to get there!

The body does not make a difference between what food is healthy and what food is not. This is why the diet plays a role in shredding weight and losing fed pounds. Picking the right diet is essential if you want to see results faster.

Being on a diet doesn’t mean that you need to starve yourself. By doing so, even though you may lose weight, because it is not lost naturally, rest a sure that it will backfire, and once you stop the diet you will gain the lost weight with a bit of a bonus.

The main idea of picking a diet, is to choose one that will both satisfy the needs of daily caloric income, but not exceed the limit. With a correctly nutritional value of the food you consume, and food rich vitamins and hydrants, with addition of some natural stimulators, or as we commonly know them as additives, your body will be able to work properly.

Even though, you won’t see results overnight, like most of the diets say, this is the right way to shred few pounds and make your way to the perfect figure.

Always have in mind that cutting food and eating less, is a shock to the body. The body struggles to maintain the organs functions and this can lead to severe damage, and that is the not the outcome we have in mind when we started with the idea to lose weight.

All of this will indeed lead to a brand-new, changed lifestyle. You will find it easy to work out every day, you will have the energy to go to work and do all the day to day activities, and you will see the results you want!

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Adopting a new lifestyle can sometimes be tricky, especially at the beginning. But try to get priorities straight. No one ever said that looking fit and losing weight is easy. You will need a strong will, and positivity at all times in order to be successful and make it to the end.

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Sleep is important!Even though this might not look that important, but sleep is really crucial!

When you start with exercises, the whole body is starting to work different. If you have never tried any similar regime such as this one, make sure you sleep at least 6 to 8 hours. The body needs rest, and time to rewind.

Regular sleep is as important as all the other part of programs such as this. Never should you compromise sleeping less as no benefits can come from doing so.

Conclusion:Nowadays, more and more people are starting to put a lot of time and efforts in looking as fit as possible. We are willing to go to the extremes in order to fulfill the dreamt body. From countless so called organic pills, to weird and useless exercise paths that are both ineffective and unhealthy.

What we fail to accept is the fact that, losing weight is a long process that cannot be done overnight. No magic pill can help us drop sizes in matter of days. Not eating, never will be beneficial and good options if you want to shred the fat.

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Only the right set of exercises in combination of new healthy habits can help you drop to the size you desire and give you the body the way you want it to be.

Success never comes easy in life, as such losing weight won’t be a piece of cake.

Having a strong will and patience, love and determination can lead to your dream transformation!
