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Bordeaux : A region of opportunities

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Research - Innovation - Optics/Photonics / Lasers - Invest in Bordeaux © 2014
Popular Tags:
2014 – 2015 ! 2014-2015 2 ! 2013 Results 3 ! Research 4 ! Innovation 5 ! Training 6 ! A region open to the world 7 ! Metropolis Attitude 9 ! Aeronautics /Space/Defence 10 ! Optics/Photonics / Lasers 11 ! Wood/Paper/Cardboard 12 ! Eco-industries 13 ! Digital Technologies 14 ! Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) 15 ! Life sciences, Health and Related Service Industries 16 ! Chemicals/Materials 17 ! Agri-Food and Wines 18 ! Service Sector 19 ! Bordeaux Invest 20 ! Bordeaux Invest: Members 21 ! Maps 22 Bordeaux France A REGION OF OPPORTUNITIES
Page 1: Bordeaux : A region of opportunities

2014 – 2015

! 2014-2015 2

! 2013 Results 3

! Research 4

! Innovation 5

! Training 6

! A region open to the world 7

! Metropolis Attitude 9

! Aeronautics /Space/Defence 10

! Optics/Photonics / Lasers 11

! Wood/Paper/Cardboard 12

! Eco-industries 13

! Digital Technologies 14

! Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) 15

! Life sciences, Health and Related Service Industries 16

! Chemicals/Materials 17

! Agri-Food and Wines 18

! Service Sector 19

! Bordeaux Invest 20

! Bordeaux Invest: Members 21

! Maps 22

Bordeaux France A region

of opportunities

Page 2: Bordeaux : A region of opportunities







The Greater Bordeaux is pursuing its ambition of becoming a European Metropolis by 2020. With sustained demographic growth, high-speed train connections, many deve-

lopment programmes bringing jobs and innovation (Euratlantique, University, Bassins à Flot...) and a power-ful university, it fulfils all the conditions to attract investors and consolidate its dynamic economy.

Think polling institute, for example, ranked Bordeaux as the N°3 French metropolis for entrepreneurs and business creation, while FDI Magazine placed Bordeaux in the TOP 10 "European Cities of the Future" 2014/2015.

High-performance competitiveness clusters (in aero-nautics, lasers, wood and agri-food) and the emergence of innovative business clusters (digital technologies, renewable energies and wine, etc.) provide the foun-dations on which to build the future economic growth of Bordeaux and its region.

Not forgetting the exceptional quality of life that has made Bordeaux the favourite metropolis to work in a nd live.

AquitAine Gironde BordeAux urBAn AreA

Density (inhabitants/km²) 79,6 147 713

Population in millions (01/01/2013)Population projections 2040

Annual population variation rate 2006-2013

3,303 3,878 0,8 %

1,4911,7821,0 %


0,8 %

GDP 2012 – € billionGrowth 2011-2012


n.d n.d

Industry (excluding construction) :! Establishments! Employees

20 808143 106

7 792

57 232

4 201

39 842

Service Sector ! Establishments! Employees

275 666815 597

126 942420 897

77 800

324 614

Number of companies 406 335 171 987 93 776

Employees in all sectorsChange 2011-2012

1 063 324+0,35 %

531 436+1 %

391 030+0,85 %

Business creation (including self-employment) - 2013

Change 2012-2013

30 596


16 401

+8,0 %

10 080

+7,7 %

Sources: INSEE population estimate 2013– * 2011 - GDP INSEE 2012- Employment and establishments INSEE CLAP 2012-

Page 3: Bordeaux : A region of opportunities







! Bordeaux in the TOP 10 "European Cities of the Future" 2014/2015 (FDI Magazine)

! Bordeaux the most dynamic French city for its eco-nomy (Think Institute)

! 2nd most attractive city for young graduates and workers (APEC survey)

! N°1 county council for net job creation in 2013 (Trendeo)

! TOP 3 most dynamic cities for real-estate investment (Explorimoneuf)

! Aquitaine, 4th French region for business creation - Gironde, 3rd French department

! TOP 3 regions for GDP growth by volume 2008-2011 (+0.9%/year)

! Bordeaux, 4th French tourist destination (Tripadvisor).

MAin CoMpAniesAirbus Group – CEA CESTA – Ceva Santé Animale – CNB – Couach – Dassault Aviation – EADS Sogerma – EDF centrale du Blayais – FORD – GDF Suez – Getrag Ford Gmbh – Groupe Sud-Ouest – Herakles – IBM – Laser Cofinoga – Lectra – Sabena Technics – Saft – Sanofi Aventis – Smurfit Kappa – SNCF – Thales – Véolia…

5 ACCredited nAtionAl CoMpetitiveness Clusters in AquitAine! Aerospace Valley – “Aeronautics, Space and

Embedded Systems”: a worldwide cluster – 1st region for employment in the sector in Europe with Midi-Pyrénées – 120,000 jobs – Sales €10 billion – 1,600 establishments – 8,500 researchers.

2013 results…! Route des Lasers® – Lasers, Photonics and

Applications: 85 companies – 8,850 jobs – 700 researchers - 200 graduates/year. Dedicated real-estate offering. A world-renowned scientific facility: the Megajoule Laser - 10 laboratories.

! XyloFutur – Cultivated Forest Products and Materials: 29,000 jobs – 1,700 establishments with employees - 200 researchers. 23 research centres – 15 training centres.

! Avenia – Future Energy and Environment: the only cluster in France in fossil energies, geothermal energy and CO2 storage – 3,580 researchers - 125 companies, large petrochemical groups and regional SMEs - 20 training courses.

! AGRI South-West Innovation: joint agriculture and agribusiness cluster with the Midi-Pyrénées region – 220,000 jobs, of which 55,000 directly linked with agri-food – 1,530 agri-food industry establishments – sales of €12 billion.

reGionAl Business Clusters ! Aeronautics and Space: Aerocampus Cluster, TOPOS

Satellite Applications, AETOS (UAV systems)! Digital Technologies: Digital Aquitaine, application

for “French Tech” accreditation ! Life sciences: Aquitaine Digital Health, Cosmetics in

Aquitaine, 2ACBI! Renewable Energies: Aquitaine wind energy cluster,

Sysolia (Aquitaine industrial solar systems) ! Agri-Food: Inno’vin (vine and wine sector) ! Yachts: Bordeaux Super Yachts Refit ! Robotics: Aquitaine Robotics! Construction: CREAhD cluster (Sustainable

Construction, Resources, Environment and Housing)

… And MAjor projeCts ! Paris/Bordeaux high-speed rail link in 2 hours in 2017

and connections with Toulouse and Spain in the medium term. 20 million passengers expected in 2020.

! Creation of a multimodal hub around Bordeaux Saint-Jean Railway Station.

! Bordeaux Euratlantique: with 738 hectares, €5 billion in investment and 25,000 jobs, this new business and innovation district will see its first deliveries in 2016.

! Campus Operation: programme to renovate and enhance university facilities over 25 years to create a high-quality living environment and raise the international profile of the University of Bordeaux. €538 million.

! 6th road bridge over the Garonne River: J.J Bosc Bridge (2018). €110 million.

! Bordeaux Tram, 3rd phase: investment of €582 million, almost 33 kilometres of additional tramlines, including 7km of tram-train lines and an objective of 200 million travellers by 2020. Dates: 2015 to end 2017.

! The Digital City (Cité Numérique): future cluster of excellence in digital usages (incubator, co-working, business hosting facilities, schools).

! Future facilities: new stadium, Cité des Civilisations du Vin, Center for the Creative Economy and Culture of Aquitaine, new concert Hall, Museum of the Sea...

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! Aquitaine is the N°1 region in France in terms of budget percentage invested in research and tech-nology transfer (10%). ! In total, over 13,000 people occupy R&D-linked posi-

tions in Aquitaine (+30% over 10 years). ! Aquitaine is ranked 5th region in France for the

number of private-sector researchers and 6th for public-sector researchers.

! 57% of them work in companies of more than 1,000 employees

! One-third of private-sector researchers are in com-panies of under 250 employees.

The University of Bordeaux is one of the first three beneficiaries of the “Initiative d’Excellence” pro-gramme and is one of the universities with the strongest research performances. It represents: ! 3,300 teaching and research staff ! 3,000 PhD students, 700 theses presented each year ! 130 laboratories, 52 CNRS units ! Presence of all the leading national research centres: CNRS,

INSERM, INRA, INRIA, IRSTEA, INRETS, IFREMER, CEA… ! Research laboratories ranked above the national

average for their excellence (in chemistry and mate-rials, in particular)

The Bordeaux “Initiative d’Excellence” (IdEx) programme aims to boost the university’s leadership in 8 scientific areas: archaeology, bio-imaging, environment, materials, neurosciences, optics/lasers, health and society, and ICT.

5 laboratories of excellence (LabEx) and 2 excellence clusters – accredited in 2011 – are stakeholders in this multidisciplinary research project:! AMADEus LabEx - functional materials! COTE LabEx - continental and coastal ecosystems! BRAIN LabEx - functioning and pathologies of the brain! LaScArBx LabEx - studying usage of the world by

reseArChancient societies

! TRAIL LabEx - translational imaging! LAPHIA Cluster - a world-level cluster in laser sciences

and technologies! METISS - interdisciplinary research methods on rela-

tions between health and society

Other projects included in the Future Investments Programme (€700 million, 26 projects in total):! A Technology Transfer Acceleration Company

(SATT), Aquitaine Science Transfer! Member of the France-BioImaging (FBI) network in

“health and biotechnologies” ! I-Share project (Cohort: monitoring the health of

30,000 students)! Liryc IHU (University Hospital Institute), Institute of

Cardiac Rhythmology and Modelling! INEF 4 – Institute of Energy Transition for Sustainable


MAjor Current sCientifiC projeCts! Neurocampus, research centre dedicated to neuro-

sciences! Liryc, research, application and training centre on

cardiac electric pathologies! INRA-FCBA Forestry-Wood Research & Innovation

Centre ! MEGAJOULE Laser and PETAWATT PETAL Laser.! Arcachon Oceanography Centre! Aquitaine IT and Electronic Technology Centre (CATIE)

privAte r&d Centres BAsed in BordeAux! LYRE, Lyonnaise des Eaux! SAFT, World Research Centre! Solvay, Laboratory of the Future! Airbus Group! Herakles (LCTS)! PSA - Competitive Intelligence Open Lab

Page 5: Bordeaux : A region of opportunities



innovAtionRanked by Australian consultants 2Thinknow 5th among the most “Innovative Cities” in France in 2014 (24th in Europe and 54th in the world), Bordeaux and its region are cultivating a spirit of enterpreneurship by investing in an innovation-friendly ecosystem.The Factory of the Future Plan initiated by Aquitaine Regional Council in 2014 aims to support innovation and competitiveness among companies in the local territory; 100 companies have been selected to date.According to Canadian publisher Thomson Reuters, 5 researchers working on the Bordeaux Campus rank among the most-cited scientists in the world.

reCent exAMples of innovAtions in BordeAux CoMpAnies And reseArCh lABorAtories:! The INSERM - Bordeaux University Laboratory is

one of the few around the world to use laser-assisted bioprinting to produce biological tissues.

! The cardiac stimulation and defibrillation unit of Bordeaux University Hospital implanted the smallest mini-invasive stimulator in the world, the Micra™ TPS.

! According to a study by the INSERM in Bordeaux published in US journal Science, a molecule pro-duced by the brain provides a natural defence mechanism against the harmful effects of cannabis.

! After six years of research, 100,000 hours of work and 10 patents, Bordeaux company Exoès has desi-gned a new technology with its 12 engineers, trans-forming heat from vehicle exhausts into electricity.

! Young start-up Hace, based in the Bordeaux Ecoparc, has created a world-first technology to produce energy 24/7 using the power of waves, whatever their size and form, and also capable of removing the salt from seawater.

! Sunna Design, a manufacturer of solar-powered street lighting, received the prize for solidarity in innovation from the “MIT Technology Review”.

! Recently established in the Ecoparc incubator, Blue Shark Power System has developed an innovative

new marine current turbine with great potential for job creation.

! A team of researchers from the LaBRI, the Rhoban Project, has been selected to take part in the Robocup, the robot football world cup, in the small humanoids category.

! 3 Gironde researchers from the Astrophysics Laboratory took part in the discovery of the first inhabitable exoplanet, Kepler 186f.

teChnoloGy trAnsfer struCtures23 transfer units5 accredited Carnot Institutes :! 3 forming a network: LISA Carnot “Lipids for Industry

and Health”, Irstea Carnot “Water, Ecotechnologies and Territories” and ARTS Carnot “Energy and the Environment”

! 2 labels: INRIA Carnot Institute (ICI) and the Institute for the Sustainable Engineering of Fossil Resources (ISIFor)

Aquitaine Development Innovation supports inno-vative projects of companies, alongside its regional partners. It supports innovation in the following sectors: bio-industries and medical technologies, wood and housing, chemicals and materials, environment and energy, food industry, ICT, transport and mechanical industries. An “Investor Relations” Department accom-panies the fund-raising of regional high-tech start-ups, as does a Design Unit.

Aquitaine Science Transfert, the Aquitaine Technology Transfer Acceleration Company (SATT), supported by the Future Investments programme, is a one-stop-shop for the transfer and incubation activities of Bordeaux University, research institutions (CNRS and INSERM) and the State. Its objective is to boost innovation in Aquitaine using the outcomes of academic research produced alone or jointly with businesses.

8 Technology Resource Centres, including in the Gironde: AGIR and ITERG (agri-food), Rescoll (gluing materials), Alphanov (lasers), CTBA (wood construction) and CRT Nobatek (sustainable technology and construction)

Structures linked to innovative business creation: the Technology Parks (Bordeaux Unitec, Bordeaux Montesquieu, Bordeaux Technowest), the Bordeaux Productic incubator, the Auberge Numérique, the NODE, the Bordeaux eco-creative incubator, DARWIN (co-working spaces) and a whole host of other venues.

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trAininGThe University of Bordeaux, created by the merger of Bordeaux 1, Segalen and Montesquieu Universities, is the third-largest in France by number of students. It offers over 40 international training programmes at all levels.

hiGher eduCAtion :! 80,000 students on the Bordeaux campus, the

largest in Europe ! 75% of the students are from Aquitaine! 10% of the population of the urban area study or

work on the campus! 30,000 new university graduates/year! Bordeaux INP (Bordeaux National Polytechnic

Institute) includes 8 public engineering schools! 4,900 engineering students in Aquitaine! 3 international business schools ! Ten or so private schools or campuses in digital

technologies, imaging, visual arts and fashion

MAjor projeCts! The Campus Operation is a major real-estate and

development project at the service of a scientific and educational project. The aim is to make the Bordeaux Campus a major university at the heart of an attractive, dynamic territory. It is driven by University of Bordeaux and its partners: Bordeaux Montaigne University, Bordeaux Political Science Institute, Bordeaux National Polytechnic Institute and Bordeaux Agri Sciences.

! Extensions of the Aquitaine Aerocampus ! Extensions of Bordeaux Political Science Institute

and Kedge Business School! #Digital Bassins à Flot: higher-education schools in

web technologies, data mining, e-marketing, deve-lopment and networks

enGineerinG sChools in BordeAuxNational Polytechnic Institute (INP), 8 schools of which 6 in Bordeaux Area: ! National School for Chemistry, Biology and Physics

(ENSCBP) ! Bordeaux National School for Electronics, IT,

Telecommunications, Mathematics and Mechanics (ENSEIRB – MATMECA)

! Bordeaux Agri Sciences! Bordeaux National School for Biomolecule

Technology (ESTBB)! National School for Cognitics (ENSC)! National School for the Environment, Geo-Resources

and Sustainable Development Engineering (ENSEGID)

Bordeaux Talence Arts et Métiers Paris-Tech Centre (ENSAM)Centre for Higher Industrial Studies (CESI Aquitaine Poitou-Charentes)

BordeAux universities in 2013-2014

other hiGher eduCAtion sChoolsKedge Business School, Bordeaux Political Science Institute, Bordeaux School of Architecture and Landscape, French National School for the Judiciary, Maritime Affairs Schools Group, Insignis Business school , Bordeaux Journalism Institute, IDRAC, Higher School for Electronic, IT and Computer Graphics Technologies (ESTEI), Bordeaux Art School, Campus de Bissy, EFAP, Web International School…








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10 226

11 62012 570

5 030

7 013


Bordeaux Montaigne University

14 484

Bordeaux University

Page 7: Bordeaux : A region of opportunities



A reGion open to the worldWith 26 international investment projects and 570 new jobs announced in 2013, Aquitaine has returned to growth in terms of the number of projects (+18%) and the number of jobs created (+22%). For the R&D, design and engineering function, Aquitaine ranks 6th among the French regions. Bordeaux Invest worked with 13 international companies on their investment projects representing 225 jobs.International trade in the Bordeaux area is characte-rised by the predominance of wine and aeronautics construction. Together they represent more than 50% of the region’s exports.

internAtionAl trAde in AquitAine (sourCe: frenCh CustoMs 2013) ! Exports: €12.989 billion Main exports: beverages, aeronautics construction, agriculture and agri-food, commodity chemicals, pulp paper, paper, cardboard.

! Imports: €12.965 billion Main imports: refined petroleum products, commodity chemicals, aeronautics construction, automobiles, machines and equipment.! Main export clients: USA, Spain, Germany, China

(8th ranked)! Main import suppliers: Spain, United States.

Leading Positions: ! 1st French region for exports of pulp paper, paper

and cardboard, wood! 2nd French region for exports of beverages and fruit

and vegetable-based products! 3rd French region for exports of aeronautics and

space construction products

TOP Exporters in Gironde (Source: JDE 2013)Fayat, Touton, JA Delmas, Le Belier, Castel frères, Vidalies, CVBG, Constructions Navales de Bordeaux, Ballande et Meneret, Sabena Technics, Baron Philippe de Rotschild, Maison Johannes Boubée, Etablissements Decons, Bardinet, LD Vins, Maison Ginestet, AFM Recyclage, Strycker Spine, …

internAtionAl Groups presentin the reGion! Germany: Allianz, Evonik Degussa, Deutsche Post

World Net, Getrag Ford Transmissions, Hillebrand,

Kloekner Distribution, KSB, Siemens, Linde AG, Merck, Biodevelopment, OTTO, Laser 2000, J.W. Ostendorf, CompuGroup Medical AG…..

! Belgium: Agfa Healthcare, Belgacom, Sea Invest, LASEA Engineering, PELCO, Solvay…

! Canada: CGI, Envirosim, Tembec, Masonite, SNC Lavalin, Alcan, Vermilion Energy, De Marque, Clemex…

! Spain, Portugal: Albea, Porto Cork International, Amorim, Anon, Freixenet, Exa, Saica Emballages, Sonae Industria, Finsa, Proségur, Acelaria, Leita, Seone, Trans Jaylo, Vidrala, Volotea…,

! USA: Booking.com, Commscope Inc, Cummins Marine, ESI (Electro Scientific Industries), Ford Aquitaine Industries, Stryker Corp, Zimmer, Carpenter, Chanel, Mondelez France Biscuits Production S.A., IBM Corp, Johnson & Johnson, PNY Technologies, OI Manufacturing, Oracle Corp, OTIS, Quiksilver INC, Microsemi, Symphonie Technology Group (STG), Steris Surgical Corporation, VSG, Laser Operations, …

! UK – Ireland: Barclays, Smurfit Kappa, R&R Icecream, Rexam, Salvesen, Sage Group, Hays, Renewable Energy Systems, Mercer Design, Lincor, Pro Lite Technology Ltd…

! Itay: Ficep, Italcementi, Metaltemple, Beltrame…! Japan: Ezaki Glico, Furuno, Keyence, Suntory, Toyo

Aluminium, Toray Industries, Fujitsu Siemens, RICOH…

! Netherlands: Argos, Akzo Nobel, ABN Amro, Hiscox,

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Enovation, Lindt, Nestlé, HEMA, Ipaq, OCI Agro…! Scandinavia: Arpeggio AB, Ahlstrom Paper Group,

Corenso United, F-Secure, Metso, Yara, Schades, Meda, Securitas…

! Switzerland: ABB, Capvis, Sopra Group, Liebherr, Adecco, UBS, WIAG, SGS, Zurich…

! China: Guolong Yin, Longhai International Trading Co.Ltd, Hongkong A & A International, COFCO Wines among the 80 Chinese investors in the Bordeaux vineyards, HUAWEI, SANY…

internAtionAl relAtions ! The University of Bordeaux offers over 40 international

training programmes, from Bachelor’s Degree to PhD level! 12.3% of foreign students in the Bordeaux education

authority area! A Maison Internationale welcoming foreign resear-

chers and students! 5 Masters and 4 PhDs with the Erasmus Mundi

excellence label ! An international school – BIS (Bordeaux

International School) and many European and international sections in middle and high schools issuing dual diplomas.

! Dual diplomas issued at the IEP, Kedge Business School, National School for the Judiciary

! 2nd city in France for hosting international congresses! 56 consulates and diplomatic representations,

including the USA, UK, Germany, Spain, Italy… and Turkey since 2013.

! A cooperation and twinning network: Ashdod, Bilbao, Bristol, Fukuoka, Land Hessen, Los Angeles, Madrid, Munich, Porto, Quebec, Saint-Petersburg, Wuhan (Maison des Produits du Sud-Ouest)….

! Aquitaine Europe Office in Brussels! Members of international associations: club of

“UNESCO World Heritage” cities, Eurocities, Community of Ariane Cities, World Wine Capitals, Atlantic Arc Conference.

! Maison de l’Europe Bordeaux-Aquitaine (MEBA) a mem-ber of the French network of Maisons de l’Europe (FFME).

! Networks hosting foreigners: Franco British Business Association, Franco-German Business Club, Bordeaux Quebec Association, Bordeaux-USA, Amitiés Aquitaine-Chine and the Bordeaux-Aquitaine Alliance Française…

! BORDEAUX ALUMNI: a Bordeaux Invest initiative aiming to create links between a community of students on the 5 continents, local businesses and higher education institutions.

loGistiCs ! Almost 32,000 jobs in Aquitaine, of which half in

Gironde, and over 2,000 establishments in 2013! Major logistics facilities: Bordeaux Freight Zone – 7

port zones – airport platform – Bordeaux Hourcade Combined Hub – logistics facilities in and around Libourne – MIN - Cestas Pot au Pin Logistics Park...

! A logistics management training and research centre: Presence of the ISLI (Institute for Industrial Logistics), the European leader in supply-chain trai-ning, University Technology Institute (IUT) in Logistics and Transport Management, AFT IFTIM (CERELOG, ISTELI….)

! Logistics hub on the Atlantic North-South Route Multimodal logistics platform for the European Atlantic area

! Major logistics operators: Daher Aerospace, DHL, Geodis, GT Logistics, LR Services, Norbert Dentressangle, Schenker, Olano, Sea-Invest, STEF TFE, Boueix Logistique, Montané, Heppner, Leroy Logistique, MSF Logistique …

loGistiCs infrAstruCtures! Rail hub for services to the Iberian Peninsula and

the Toulouse region. 3rd regional rail station – 9 million passengers/year (20 million by 2020)

! Motorway hub: A 10 (Bordeaux Paris), A 62 (Bordeaux Toulouse), A 63 (Bordeaux Bayonne), A 89 (Bordeaux-Clermont-Lyon) and A65 (Bordeaux-Pau)

! 7th French port - 9 million tonnes ! 7th terminal created in Grattequina specialising in

aggregates and oversized loads ! 2 rail-road multimodal platforms ! Bordeaux Mérignac Airport, in the TOP 5 regional

airports with 4.6 million passengers (+4.4%)! 70 direct scheduled airline services (including 35

international links)! A 15,000m² air freight terminal

MAjor infrAstruCture projeCts! Paris-Bordeaux high-speed line in 2 hours in 2017

and renovation of Bordeaux St Jean Rail Station! South-West Rail Project: new high-speed line to

Toulouse after 2020! “Atlantic Eco Freight” rolling road in 2016! A 6th bridge over the Garonne, J.J Bosc Bridge (2018)! New railway bridge alleviating the railroad bottleneck

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hArMony! UNESCO World Heritage-listed sites in the Gironde:

Bordeaux, St Emilion, Citadelle de Vauban…! An accredited “City of Art and History”! Unique urban amenities: the Water Mirror and

Garden of Lights, roller-skate park, tram stations, St-Michel sports area, botanical garden…

! Future major facilities: City of Wine Civilisations, concert venue, Cascades de Garonne, Digital City…

! Some of the finest 18th-century architecture! 150-hectare listed area in the city centre! 47 museums, 205 listed monuments! Creation of a Museum of the Sea and Navy! Over 600 summer cultural shows in 200 towns

quAlity! Bordeaux among the most attractive metropolitan

areas for quality of life (APEC)! 4th among the top French tourism destinations in

2014 (TRIPADVISOR)! Bordeaux is the N°2 metropolitan area by level of

purchasing power (EUROCOST)! The world’s only city with vines in its city centre! N°1 fine wine region in the world! 250 km of ocean coastline! Port of call for river and ocean cruises! The Bay of Arcachon 45 minutes away by road,

Pyrenean skiing resorts 2½ hours away! 3 of the 30 surfing spots on the international circuit! 2nd French department for golf, with 14 golf courses

within 1 hour of Bordeaux! 1st network of cycling routes in France (800km in


CreAtiveness! Bordeaux digital metropolis, FRENCHTECH accre-

dited! An Aquitaine Creative Economy and Culture Centre

(MECA) in 2015 ! A focus on architecture with Agora, the architecture,

urbanism and design biennial! A land of cinema: 3rd region for filming movies and

television fiction, Historic Film Festival! An Imaging Centre as part of the Terres Neuves

Creative Economy Park ! Darwin, an incubator dedicated to creative and eco-

logical activities! 2nd French capital of cartoon strips ! Renowned creative culinary talents! A pioneering territory for the collaborative economy

sustAinABle developMent! Bordeaux, N°1 of the 10 most exemplary cities for

the preservation of biodiversity! A metropolis of nature: a programme of 55,000

hectares of green spaces ! 4th most bike-friendly city in the world

(Copenhagenize Index 2013) ! 3rd city in France for the number of co-working

spaces! 3 tram lines with a network of 44km, 89 stations! Construction of a 4th tram line to serve the north-west

of the urban area ! River shuttle service on the Garonne, the BatCub! Development of eco-districts (Euratlantique, Ginko,

Bastide Niel, Terres Sud…)! Some fifty community-supported agriculture pro-

grammes! Gironde, a prize-winner in the “Fair-Trade Territory”


Metropolis Attitude

Page 10: Bordeaux : A region of opportunities

leAdership in… ! Energy, propulsion and engines: gas turbines, tur-bojet engines, solid propergol rocket engines, propul-sion systems, propellant charges, specialised batteries… ! Mechanics and materials: jet nozzles and heat shields in thermostructural composites, re-entry sys-tems and thermal protection, high-performance com-posite parts, energy materials….. ! Embedded electronics and simulation: cockpit sys-tems, display screens, surveillance systems, radar, embedded software… ! Civil UAVs ! Military and civil aircraft maintenance ! Aircraft interior fittings ! Tests: atmospheric re-entry simulation, extreme condition tests, engine tests, space environment tests, first space surgery in weightless conditions, UAV test-flight centre with dedicated services…

trAininG ! 2 sites for maintenance training: CR-IMA (Aeronautics Maintenance Institute) and Aquitaine Aerocampus ! 90 PhD students trained each year in R&D for aero-nautics ! 190 specialised training courses from secondary vocational diploma to Masters level ! Specialised Masters in Management “Aeronautics and Space Engineering” ! National Polytechnic Institute (INP) ! Arts et Métiers ParisTech – ENSAM

reseArCh ! Over 2,500 people dedicated to public and private R&D, 26 public-sector research laboratories ! MIB (Materials and Systems Institute of Bordeaux) and its 9 research laboratories ! INRIA Bordeaux South-West: specialised skills centre in ICT for embedded systems.

Equipment platforms and project pooling: ! AEROfan (aircraft engines), P-TAU (machining), CANOE (Aquitaine Consortium for Nanomaterials and Organic Electronics), ATA (Aeronautics and Advanced Technologies Platform).

Sector / Transfer Associations ! Aerospace Valley (cluster governance structure) ! Aquitaine Development Innovation ! BAAS: Bordeaux Aquitaine Aeronautics and Space ! Bordeaux-Technowest Technology Park ! SPL Bordeaux Aeroparc ! Aquitaine Sciences Transfert

MAin CoMpAniesAIRBUS – HERAKLES (Safran Group) – DASSAULT Aviation – Thales Avionics – Thales Air Systems – EADS Sogerma – Composites Aquitaine – Sabena Technics – Catherineau – Expliseat - Serta – DGA Flight Test Centre - AIA (Atelier Industriel de l’Aéronautique) – CEA – DGA Missile Tests – Turbomeca (SAFRAN Group) – SAFT – RESCOLL - Roxel Propulsion – APAVE – SIMMAD - Fly-n-Sense - BMIA…



Aerospace Valley, dual-region worldwide competitiveness cluster for Aeronautics, Space and Embedded Systems: 689 projects accredited since its creation, 334 projects funded for an amount of €888 ! 26 main contractors and 630 establishments linked with aeronautics and space construction ! 40,000 related jobs and €4 billion in sales in Aquitaine ! 3rd region for exports of aeronautics products ! Flagship civil and military aeronautics programmes: Falcon, Rafale, helicopter engines, landing gear, ATR wings, subcontracting for Airbus, Galileo…

! 3rd region for armaments industry sites: 16,000 employees (10% of French workforce). ! 2 emerging clusters: UAV systems (AETOS) and satellite applications (TOPOS) ! Pilot region for Electric Aircraft (EFAN) and Software and Embedded Systems ! National centre for through-life support (MCO) ! Aquitaine Aerocampus: a benchmark training centre ! Bordeaux Aéroparc, a technology park dedicated to aeronautics activities ! Presence of dedicated trade shows: UAV Show Europe (micro & mini UAVs) and the ADS Show (international trade show for defence aircraft through-life support.

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leAdership / Centres of exCellenCe in… ! Laser sources and their applications in laser micro-

machining ! Bio-imaging ! Instrumentation, ! Non-destructive control ! Medical-surgical applications of laser technologies ! Biophotonics ! Materials for optics

university trAininG ! National Masters in Fusion Sciences ! Vocational Masters in Lasers & Processes ! CuCiPhy Professional Masters (technical sales) ! International Masters in Lasers, Material Sciences and Interactions ! Inter-University Diploma in Lasers and Medicine ! Research Masters in Physics (laser optics, nanopho-tonics and biophotonics) ! Vocational Degree in Laser Control & Maintenance

reseArChCollaboration between 10 University laboratories: ! LP2N Laboratory (Laboratory in Photonics, Digital technologies and Nanosciences), a mixed research unit between the Institut d'Optique Graduate School - IOGS, Bordeaux 1 University and the CNRS ! Lasers and Plasma Institute – ILP ! Intense Laser and Applications Centre– CELIA ! Aquitaine Laboratory of Waves and Materials - LOMA ! Power Lasers Department – CEA – CESTA ! Bordeaux Institute for Condensed Matter Chemistry – ICMCB

! Laboratory for Materials and Systems Integration – IMS ! Bordeaux-Gradignan Centre for Nuclear Studies (CENBG)

Sector / Transfer Associations ! ALPhA: structure for coordinating the sector and governance of the competitiveness cluster ! Alphanov: technology transfer platform ! Bordeaux Imaging Centre (BIC): photonics imaging centre of the functional genomics platform ! COLA Platform: Optics and Laser Centre in Aquitaine ! LYNCEO: virtual and augmented reality platform at the service of humans ! CEA-Tech Platform, Technology Research Centre of the CEA

MAin CoMpAnies linkedto the optiCs seCtorArgolight - CEA Cesta – Thales Avionics – Lectra – Acteon – Proditec – Polyrise – I2S – Amplitude Systèmes – Eolite – Lyracom – EBC Medical – Cilas – ES Technologies – Imagine Optic - Laser 3S – Laser 2000 – Lasea - Cordouan Technologies – Gerac Electromagnétisme – Nexeya - Oxymétal – Edit Laser– Photonis – ISP Systems - Azur Light System (ALS) – Musquans – Quantel – NKT Photonics – Prolite Systems…



The “Route des Lasers®, Lasers, Photonics and Applications” competitiveness cluster: 334 accredited projects, 167 projects funded, financing of €232 million ! 700 researchers, 8,850 jobs, 85 businesses ! The Megajoule Laser: a total investment of over €3 billion ! A scientific facility open to the international community: PETAL (Petawatt Aquitaine) ! Laser Integration Line (LIL), prototype of the Megajoule placed at the disposal of laboratories ! PYLA, National Centre for Continuous Learning in Lasers – 200 graduates a year ! Optics Institute of Aquitaine, a unique structure in France with 20,000m² encompassing the Institut d’Optique Graduate School, the Pyla platform, Alphanov technology centre and the LP2N (Laboratory of Photonics, Digital Technologies and Nanosciences)

! World-leading technology companies: Amplitude Systèmes, Eolite, Argolight… ! Sites dedicated to laser/optics activities: Laséris 1 and 2, City of Photonics ! LaPhia LabEx: consortium in light sciences – optics, photonics, lasers ! Collaboration between physics and biomedical: BIC bio-imaging centre, Laser and Medicine platform ! BIPSA, a network of excellence for projects in Bio-imaging, Photonics and Health in Aquitaine ! PETAL+ (high-energy laser): a facility of excellence accredited by the Future Investments programme ! Invest in Photonics: two-yearly international business convention


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industriAl leAdership in ! Decoration: resinous parquet flooring and panelling (78%), resinous mouldings (66%)

! Wood packaging, including pallets (60%) ! Wooden wine cases: 1st region in France (90%) ! Cooperage ! Panels (31%) ! Sawmills 1st region in France ! Kraft paper for cardboard boxes and large-volume bags (100%), laid glazed kraft paper and fluff pulp (N° 1 in Europe)

! Wood construction / Passive houses of the future

forMAtion ! XYLOSUP: higher training platform in forestry and its products ! Bordeaux University: 5 Vocational Masters, 2 Research Masters ! Unique in Europe: Masters in “Timber Forest Governance and Management” ! Sciences Agro Bordeaux Engineering School ! Engineering Diploma in Integrated Management of Agrisystems and Forests ! 2 Vocational Degrees: Wood Construction and Quality and Industrial Processes in Bordeaux ! Wood Commercial Promotion Institute (IPC) ! Bordeaux National School of Architecture and Landscape (ENSAP)

reseArCh ! International Centre for Forest-Wood Research and Innovation (INRA – FCBA Forest Cellulose Wood Construction Technology Institute): over 250 resear-chers

! Technological skills: plant fibres, wood-based composites, paper chemistry, wood physics and mechanics, gluing, forest biotechnologies, tree genomics, innovative forestry systems, biomass…

! XYLOFOREST EquipEx: shared innovation platform for cultivated forest systems – wood products and materials and its 2 technical centres: Xylomate (wood-based composite products) and Xyloplate (advanced wood engineering) ! Civil and Environmental Engineering Department (GCE) of the Mechanical and Engineering Institute (I2M) ! European Cultivated Forest Institute ! Maritime Pine of the Future Scientific Interest Grouping ! FCBA Technology Institute ! European Fluff and Derivatives Technical Centre (Tembec)

Sector Associations / Transfer ! Xylofutur Association ! Aquitaine Wood Industries Federation (FIBA) ! Regional Forest Ownership Centre (CRPF) ! Aquitaine Development Innovation (ADI) ! Aquitaine Sciences Transfer

MAin CoMpAniesCoopérative Agricole et Forestière Sud Atlantique (CAFSA) – Smurfit Kappa (4 establishments) – FP Bois – Fonmarty - Tembec Cellutions – Metso SAS – Corenso – Gascogne Wood Products – Lamecol - Papeteries de Condat – Egger Rol – Casco Industrie – Papeteries de Bègles – Abzac SA – PGS Aquitaine – Ciris Ingénierie – Saica Pack France - Sapso Emballages (Saica) – Menuiserie Grégoire SA – Carmo - Aquitaine Bois Construction – Office National des Forets…



“Xylofutur, Cultivated Forest Products and Materials” Competitiveness ClusterThe only cluster in France dedicated to the wood sector, 164 accredited projects, 103 projects financed by €57 million in subsidies. ! Themes: forestry resources and supplies, wood construction, green materials and green chemistry ! 1st cultivated forest in Western Europe – 1.8 million hectares (43% of the territory of Aquitaine) ! 2nd French region after Rhône Alpes for the number of employees ! 38,000 jobs in the sector (12,400 in Gironde), 13,250 establishments ! 1st employer in the sector: woodwork and sawing, followed by wood construction ! 2nd industry in Aquitaine in terms of sales (€2.6 billion) ! 1st French region for exports of wood, pulp paper, paper and cardboard ! Presence of large international groups in the sector: Tembec, Gascogne, Smurfit Kappa…. ! First region in France to join Pan-European Forestry Certification with 930,000 hectares ! National leader: wood working, production of pulp paper, paper and cardboard, wood for joinery ! A new Engineering and Structural Wood Technology Centre ! Technological innovations: microwave drying, surface coating, wood composites, gluing, green wood jointing… ! Emerging activities: wood-construction, wood energy, green chemistry ! A Facility of Excellence: the Xyloforest project, network of six experimental platforms in wood and forestry ! COTE Laboratory of Excellence (LabEX) (interactions between forest, agricultural and coastal ecosystems)


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201420152 competitiveness clusters: AVENIA Energy and Environment of the Future, XYLOFUTUR (cultivated forest products and materials) ! 2 renewable energy clusters: Aquitaine Wind Energy, SYSOLIA (Aquitaine industrial solar systems) ! 1 regional cluster: CREAHd (ecoconstruction, sustainable housing) ! In the TOP 3 regions for green job creation (TRENDEO) since 2009 ! Strong position in green chemistry, renewable marine energies and ecoconstruction ! Photovoltaic: 2nd region for connected power, 600 jobs, 6 equipment manufacturers ! Dedicated sites: Ecoparc, Environmental Intelligence Park, Montesquieu Technology Park, Le Verdon Port Terminal, Pauillac, Grattequina Port Terminal

! Natural resources: biggest cultivated forest in Europe, solar and hydraulic energy resources, biomass, geothermal energy…

! Installation in Bordeaux of the world’s first river current turbine tests (SEENOH) with the firm Energie de la Lune ! Tailored rail/sea supply chain facilities for transport of over-sized parts ! Creation of a regional agency for biodiversity


leAdership in… ! Marine current turbine design ! Production of solar panel trackers ! Wind farm facilities ! Biomass energy production ! Organic and hybrid photovoltaic solar energy ! Recycling and re-use (plasma torch…) ! Energy storage ! Lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles ! Micro-algae ! Wood-frame construction ! LED-OLED technologies

trAininG ! 82 environment-related training courses in 75 esta-blishments in Aquitaine ! National School for the Environment, Geo-Resources and Sustainable Development Engineering (ENSEGID) ! Bordeaux National School of Architecture and Landscape – ENSAP ! “Sciences and Environment” Doctoral School ! Masters in “Forestry and Sustainable Development” and “Earth and Environmental Sciences, Ecology” ! University Diploma in "Energy Reduction and Renewable Energy Law" ! High School for Housing, Public Works and Transport

reseArCh ! 250 researchers, PhD students in some twenty research laboratories ! 2 Carnot Institutes accredited by the Future Investments programme: ISIFOR (Sustainable Engineering of Fossil Resources) and IRSTEA (Institute for Research into Environmental Sciences and Technologies) ! 4 laboratories in photovoltaic energy: ICMCB, IMS, IPREM, LCPO ! I2M Laboratory, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department

! INEF4 (Institute for Energy Transition Excellence Factor 4) for sustainable renovation and construction ! Observatory of the Earth, Sea and Universe (OASU) (300 researchers) ! IFREMER Oceanography centre ! Forest Cellulose Wood Construction Technology Institute – FCBA ! EGID Institute (Environment Geo-Engineering and Development) ! Applied Geosciences Development Centre - CDGA ! Technology platforms: ITERG (Fats), Xyloforest ! Private R&D Centres: Areva Bioénergies, Eurovia, Saft, Veolia, Lyonnaise des Eaux (LYRE), European Institute for the Environment…

Sector Associations ! Aquitaine Development Innovation ! Aquitaine Sustainable Chemistry ! Aquitaine Carbon Association ! CDPEA Association (Sustainable Construction and Energy Performance in Aquitaine) ! Nobateck Sustainable Construction Technology Resource Centre ! French Institute for Building Energy Performance – IFPEB

MAin CoMpAniesAboxia – Arkema – Bertin Technologies – Biolandes - Blue Shark Power System – BMS Ventec - Diester Industrie – Europlasma – Exosun – Exoes – Fonroche – Evtronic – Vertige – Ecocoon – Énergie de la Lune – Epsilon Composites - Evtronic – Fermentalg - Hace – Herakles - Innoveox – Instream Energy systems - IPAQ - Kipopluie – l’Atelier d’Agencement - L’Electrolyse – Laboratoire Excell – Saft - Sunna Design - SOPREMA – PENA – Plastinov – Rescoll – Valorem – Vertige…

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leAdership in… ! Video games (50 SMEs, 500 employees) ! Immersive and collaborative 3D ! Medical IT/digital health ! Navigation, geolocation and smart transport ! Mobile payment, client loyalty and marketing

applications ! Heritage digitisation and promotion ! Embedded/optical/medical electronics ! E-learning and serious games ! Web services – data processing and use ! E-Commerce and client relations

forMAtion ! 140 training courses in 50 establishments ! National Polytechnic Institute: 8 engineering schools (including cognitics, IT, electronics..) ! Masters: MIAGE in IT systems and healthcare mana-gement, medical IT, bio-imaging ! Training in embedded electronic systems engineering ! PhD in Bioinformatics and IT ! E-commerce and Digital Economy School (ESCEN) ! #Digital Bassins à Flot: group of specialised higher-education schools (2015)

reseArCh ! 1,000 researchers ! INRIA Bordeaux, Research Institute in Digital Sciences ! National School for Cognitive Sciences ! 3 main laboratories: ! Bordeaux Laboratory for IT Research – LaBRI ! MIB Institute (Materials and Systems Institute of Bordeaux) ! Laboratory for Materials and Systems Integration – IMS ! Ausonius Institute – French Centre of Virtual Reality for Archaeology

Sector Associations ! Aquitaine Science Transfert (SATT) ! Aquitaine Development Innovation (ADI) ! Players in the Aquitaine digital ecosystem ! Association for the Development of the Electronics and IT Industries in Aquitaine (ADEISO) ! Bordeaux Games, Aquinum, Aquinetic (Aquitaine free technologies cluster), Clusir Aquitaine, SYRPIN, ECom33… ! Aquitaine Europe Communication (AEC)

MAin CoMpAniesVideo games: Asobo Studio, BeTomorrow, Motion Twin, Mobiles Republic, Digital Health: AGFA Healthcare Entreprise Solutions - E.Novation, - Maincare France – Immersion – Imagine Editions – CIS Valley– Lincor solutions - eDevice, …Mobile payment, client loyalty and marketing appli-cations: Snapp, Concoursmania, Aquitem, BeTomorrow..Web services – data processing and use: Allgoob, @t Internet, Xiti, Dolist, Siderion Technologies, Systonic, Temesis, Alienor, Cartegie, Webreport, Cheops Technology, …Virtual image and reality technologies: AXYZ, Immersion, Lumiscaphe, Stantum, I2S…IT: CIS Aquitaine Valley – CVF– Deal Informatique – Sage France – Bull – IBM – CGI – Atos - Laser Cofinoga– Capgemini - Primobox - SopraE-commerce and e-tourism: Cdiscount, Millesima, Mollat, booking.com, Terres Lointaines…E-learning and serious games: ADDEO, IDSC Group, StantumCollaborative economy: Samboat.com, Happycapital, Jestocke.com, Jelouemoncampingcar.com, 1001 Pneus…Electronics: Lectra - Furuno France SA – Thales – Cap Ingelec – A Puissance3 – Acteon – Serma Technologies –Temex – INS Technologies – PNY Technologies Europe – Racia Alvar – Xmod Technologies


20142015 ! Creation of the Digital Cluster of Aquitaine ! Bordeaux awarded the FrenchTech label ! 23,300 jobs in 7,275 establishments (77% in Gironde) ! 1st region for growth in the number of digital-sector companies ! Between 2012 and 2013, 18 companies raised funds (€20 million) ! Aquitaine Digital Health cluster, 1,200 jobs, 50% of national sales ! TOPOS Cluster Satellite applications, geolocation, smart transport ! Aquitaine Robotics Cluster ! 3rd region for call centre, telecom service and IT service activities ! Digital technologies and wine: Wine Startups ! Digital City: future head of the Bordeaux digital ecosystem ! Hosting facilities dedicated to businesses: Bordeaux Unitec, Auberge Numérique, Le Node co-working

space, Bordeaux eco-creative incubator, Darwin ! Joint research laboratories with industrialists: PSA, Thales, STMicroelectronics ! New technology platform CATIE (Aquitaine Centre for Information and Electronic Technologies)

Digital Technologies

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leAdership in… ! Traffic lights and signage ! analogue electronic systems ! radio frequencies ! automation ! software ! interactive mapping ! embedded systems ! man-machine interfaces ! indoor and outdoor geolocation ! M2M communication electronic systems, ! geosecurity ! road coatings ! Ni-Cd ! Ni-MH and Li-ion batteries ! traffic regulation…

trAininG ! E NSEIRB-MATMECA (electronics, computing, tele-

coms, mathematics and mechanics) ! ENSC (cognitics) ! ENSGTI (energy, process engineering) ! University Technology Institute in Logistics and Transport Management ! Vocational degree in Logistics and Transport Management ! Aerocampus / Insiteo: training centre dedicated to geolocated mobile applications ! ISLI: Institute for Industrial Logistics

reseArCh ! Eurovia Research Centre ! Saft World R&D Centre ! Centre for Studies and Expertise in Environmental Risks, Mobility and Development - CEREMA - ! National Polytechnic Institute, including the Laboratory for Materials and Systems Integration - IMS ! INRIA Bordeaux- South-West ! Bordeaux Laboratory for IT Research – Labri ! CEA Tech

Technology Platforms, Test Centres ! EarthLab 1st integrated operational centre in Europe for environmental surveillance ! PSA Peugeot Competitive Intelligence OpenLab ! CESA: test and service centre dedicated to flight tes-ting and development of UAVs, the only one of its kind in France.

MAin CoMpAnies Dassault Aviation, Airbus Group, Hérakles, Telespazio, Thales, Cap Gémini, Insiteo, Geoloc Systems, M3Systems, Heliléo, MaxSea, Furuno France SA, Atlantic Innovation Electronic Solutions, Bull, Aguila technologies, Eurovia, Bmia, Aximum Electronic Products, Fly-n-Sense, Signature, Saft, Evtronic, Akka, Robosoft, Ersya, EGIS, GMT Editions, Cycloboost, MT3, GT Logistics, Boueix Logistique….


20142015 ! Bordeaux, a pioneering region leading the way in ITS ! Innovative initiatives: Gertrude (electronic urban road traffic regulation management), ground-level power supply (APS)

on the Bordeaux tram system, ALIENOR (user information system on traffic conditions on urban express roads)… ! A major event in October 2015: World ITS Congress in Bordeaux ! 2017: Paris - Bordeaux high-speed railway line and multimodal hub at Bordeaux St Jean Station, plus opening of the 4th tram line

! 3rd city for self-service electric cars ! e-c@r – 1st high-service-quality inter-urban coach service in France ! 4 areas of leadership: ! Navigation & geolocation ! Signage, surveillance and safety ! Transports of tomorrow ! Logistics ! Renowned scientific expertise in research laboratories: digital technologies, mobility, cognitics, lasers, smart grids, telecommunications, batteries and electric vehicles.

! Topos Cluster - Satellite Applications: navigation and location by satellite system and intelligent transport systems ! Aerospace Valley: worldwide competitiveness cluster in aeronautics, space and embedded systems ! AETOS Cluster dedicated to UAV services and systems ! 2 dedicated hosting sites: Bordeaux Technowest and Pulseo on the GNSS (Global Navigation Satellites System)

Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)

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20142015 ! 10,000 industrial jobs, 26,000 jobs in total in the sector, 2,500 establishments ! Aquitaine a pioneer of the Silver Economy ! 3rd University Hospital in France, one of the Top 3 Universities in France in health ! Presence of a large number of establishments of international groups ! Aquitaine Digital Health Cluster (1,200 jobs, 74 companies) ! 3 main therapeutic areas of excellence: Neurosciences, Cardiology, Cancerology ! Neurocampus, one of the world’s leading centres in research dedicated to the brain ! Presence of the Liryc University Hospital Institute (rhythmology and cardiac modelling) ! Industrial research: Ceva, Sanofi, Johnson & Johnson, Meda, Merck… ! The ENSTBB acknowledged as the N°1 biotech training centre in France by pharmaceutical companies (LEEM) ! Business parks: Bioparc Technology Park, Montesquieu Technology Park

Life Sciences, Health and related Service Industries

industriAl leAdership in… ! Pharmacy and related services ! Biotechnologies ! Medical devices, biomaterials and implants ! Digital Health

trAininG ! Bordeaux University: 23 masters, 12 doctoral schools ! Bordeaux National School for Biomolecule Technologies – ENSTBB ! Doctoral School in Biological and Medical Sciences (300 doctoral students) ! Industrial Pharmacy Institute of Bordeaux - IPIB ! Institute of Public Health, Epidemiology and Development – ISPED ! National School of Cognitics - ENSC ! Inria Bordeaux and Labri

reseArCh ! 1,500 public-sector researchers, of which 600 in neurosciences ! 1st public-private platform in clinical research for indus-trial promotion, Accelence ! Neurosciences: 1 laboratory of excellence (Brain) and 3 EquipEx (BioImaging, Opto-Path and Phenovirt) ! Cardiology: Liryc University Hospital Institute (IHU), MUSIC EquipEx ! Medical devices: Trail Labex and the PETAL EquipEx dedicated to medical imaging ! Cancerology: BRIO (Bordeaux Integrated Oncology Research, South-West France Cancer Centre ! Human nutrition: “Lisa” Carnot Institute (nutrition, health, lipids) ! BIPSA, a network of excellence for Bio-imaging, Photonics and Health projects ! European Institute of Chemistry and Biology – IECB

! National Institute for Health and Medical Research – INSERM – 32 laboratories, 400 researchers inclu-ding: ! Bordeaux Neurosciences Institute: 1st regional centre for studies of the nervous system ! Bordeaux Centre for Clinical Investigation ! Bergonié Institute (cancerology) ! Aquitaine Institute for Research in Human Nutrition – IRNHA and INAQ

Sector / Transfer Associations ! Inter-Professional Group of the Pharmaceutical and Health Industries of the South West – GIPSO ! Aquitaine Biomaterials and Implants Association - 2ACBI ! Aquitaine Development Innovation ! Functional Genomics Platform ! Biomedical Innovation Technology Platform ! Bordeaux Imaging Centre Platform - BIC ! Alphamed, unit for use of lasers in health ! CenTest Platform for biomechanical tests on implant designs ! Aquitaine Science Transfer

MAin CoMpAnies Merck Biodevelopment – Stryker Spine – B.Braun - Ceva Santé animale – Fermentalg - Flamel Technologies – Fluofarma – Groupe Galenix– Unither – Maincare France – BMS UPSA – Sanofi Aventis – Acteon – Meda Pharma - LDR Medical – LNC - Ademtech – Zimmer – Imagene – Skinlabs – Bertin Pharma – Comipso – Disposable Lab – Implanet – Agfa Healthcare – Creapharm – Boiron – Creaspine – Steris – Interaction Healthcare, Poeitis, Cheops Technology…

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20142015 ! 1st sector in regional industry: 450 companies and 16,000 jobs ! 100 to 150 companies manufacture or machine composites ! Chemicals: 10,000 direct jobs (excluding the pharmaceutical industry), 140 establishments ! Presence of major international groups ! 4th sector for exports ! Development potential in green chemistry and advances materials chemistry ! Laboratories with an international profile ! 3rd region for scientific output, 10% of French output ! Presence of European private research laboratories (Solvay Lab, Eurovia, Saft, Herakles-LCTS) ! Regional Composites and Advanced Materials Plan: 160 companies and 500 actions supported ! Regional roadmap for Plant Chemistry and Biofuels


leAdership in… ! Thermostructural composites ! High-performance structural composites ! Nanostructured organic composites ! Nanomaterials, biomaterials ! Industrial pultrusion ! Plant chemistry: bio-refining, plant extraction and

bioproducts ! Oenology products ! Sulphur chemistry, preparation of active principles ! Varnish, detergents, nitrocellulose, explosives,

fireworks, rubber ! Chemistry of “cosmetics, nutrition, health” ! Energy storage

trAininG ! 5 Chemistry Masters specialities at Bordeaux University ! Bordeaux National School for Chemistry, Biology and Physics – ENSCPB ! New course at the ENSCPB – “Structures and Composites” Engineering ! FAME European Masters (Functional Advanced Materials and Engineering) ! Doctoral school in Chemical Sciences ! IUP in Materials Engineering ! Vocational Degree in Composite Technologies

reseArCh ! Chemistry represents 12% of the researchers in

Aquitaine (800 researchers) ! One LabEx: AMADEUS (customised advanced

materials) ! 2 EquipEx: ELOR PrintTEC (printable organic

devices and systems) and Xylomat ! European Institute of Chemistry and Biology – IECB ! Accredited Carnot Institute: ARTS (Materials,

Processes, Mechanics) ! Bureau Veritas Laboratories Polymers and

Composites Skill Centre

! MIB Institute (Materials and Systems Institute of Bordeaux) includes 9 laboratories, including:

•PaulPascalResearchCentre–CRPP •Institute for Condensed Matter Chemistry of

Bordeaux – ICMCB •LaboratoryforMaterialandSystemsIntegration–

IMS •InstituteforMolecularSciences–ISM •LaboratoryforOrganicPolymerChemistry–LCPO •LaboratoryforThermostructuralComposites–LCTS •InstituteforMechanicsandEngineering-I2M

4 technology platforms ! Canoe (Technology Centre Advanced Materials and Composites) ! Cheminnov ! Placamat (Characterisation of Materials) ! Xylochem (Wood chemistry) ! ITERG (fats chemistry)

Sector / Transfer Associations ! Chemical Industries Union ! Aquitaine Sustainable Chemistry ! Rescoll Technology Resource Centre ! Aquitaine Development Innovation ! Aquitaine Science Transfer

MAin CoMpAnies Abengoa - Solvay - Arkema – Airbus – Composites Aquitaine - Saipol Diester - Orion Engineered Carbons – Herakles – Eka Chimie – Yara Ambes – Eurovia – Fermentalg - Berkem – Michelin – Comipso – Innoveox – DRT– Europlasma – L’Electrolyse – Laffort et Cie – Epsilon Composites – Soficar – OliKrom - SIAP – Produits Chimiques du Ciron – Saft – Strato Compo – Toray Carbon Fibers Europe - MLPC International – PolymerExpert – Rescoll – Polyprocess - AEC Polymers - Vermilion REP SAS

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Centres of exCellenCe ! Fats, food fat chemistry, ! Œnology, polyphenols ! Food quality and safety, toxicology ! Food transformation technologies ! Nutrition, health, genetic traceability ! Plant biotechnologies, varietal selection

trAininG ! Bordeaux National School for Chemistry, Biology and Physics - ENSCPB ! Bordeaux National School for Biomolecule Technologies– ENSTBB ! Bordeaux Sciences Agro (Bordeaux-Aquitaine National School for Agricultural Sciences) ! Regional Food Industries Training Institute – IFRIA Aquitaine ! International School for Sommellerie ! European Masters in Vinegrowing and Oenology ! Wine and Spirits MBA

reseArCh ! LISA Carnot Institute (Fats for Industry and Health) ! National Agricultural Research Institute – INRA ! Fats Institute – ITERG ! European Centre for Oil-Product Development - CEDOP

! Interprofessionnel Oil Crop and Hemp Technical Centre - CETIOM ! Vine and Wine Sciences Institute – ISVV ! French Institute for Research and Studies on the Sea – IFREMER ! Aquitaine Institute for Human Nutrition Research – IRNHA ! Institute for Biochemistry and Cellular Genetics – IBGC

Sector / Transfer Associations ! Regional Association for the Development of Food Industries in Aquitaine (ARDIA) ! Aquitaine Development Innovation ! CADA, Aquitaine Centre for Agri-Business Development of the ENSCBP ! BiotechÐeva at the ESTBB ! ISVV entities: Biotech Polyphenols, Vit-Innov, Amarante Process and Microflora

MAin CoMpAnies Mondelez France Biscuits– La Compagnie du Biscuit – Cacolac – Castel – MILLESIMA - Lesieur – Vitagermine – Castel - Jock – Roncadin – la Martiniquaise – Labeyrie – Delpeyrat – Saipol – Pampryl – Lindt et Sprüngli – Bongrain – Bonduelle – Euralis Génétique – Frigor – Lou Gascoun – Le Petit Basque - Les Eaux Minérales d’Arcachon - R&R Ice cream – Lillet – Ricard – Laboratoire Excell...



An inter-regional competitiveness cluster: AGRI South-West Innovation ! 282 accredited projects since its creation, for funding of €635 million ! Bordeaux Aquitaine INNO’VIN Cluster ! 1st industrial employer (excluding wine): 23,000 employees, 700 establishments ! Sales of €6.4 billion excluding wine, ranked 5th nationally ! 1st sector in Aquitaine for exports ! 27 facilities of international groups ! 1 wine estate in 100 belongs to a Chinese investor (70 vineyards) ! 1st French region for quality labels: 83 AOC, 54 Red Labels and 14 PGI ! Strong industrial expertise in bioproduction, extraction, nutrition and food conservation, nutrition and brain functions, fat technologies

! 2 technology resource centres: the AGIR and ITERG platforms ! Vine and Wine and Sciences Institute, centre for excellence in vine and wine research

wine in fiGures ! 1st region in the world for production of PDO appellation wines (30% of national production) ! 3rd region for organic wines ! 35,000 direct jobs (wine and winegrowing, trading, brokerage and cooperatives) ! €4.3 billion in sales, of which half for export ! 300 trading houses, 95 brokers or agents ! 14 bottles of Bordeaux wine uncorked each second somewhere in the world ! Bordeaux annual production: 700 million bottles

Agri-Food and Wine

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leAdership in… ! Financial and banking activities ! 3rd city for brokerage in France ! Client relations centres ! IT services ! Private R&D centres ! Logistics and international trade ! Business tourism

trAininG ! Bordeaux University: 57 Masters specialities in law and economics ! Bordeaux Montaigne University: languages, informa-tion and communication, social careers… ! Kedge Business school: masters in Property Asset Management, Masters in Risk Management … ! Bordeaux Political Sciences Institute ! National School for the Judiciary ! Bordeaux School of Architecture and Landscape ! Institute for Higher Economic and Commercial Studies – INSIGNIS ! Institute of Business Administration (IAE) – Masters in International Management ! Higher Institute of Industrial Logistics - ISLI ! IUT Bordeaux: Business and Administration Management, Logistics and Transport Management, ! Sales Techniques ! Bordeaux Aquitaine Institute of Journalism (IJBA) ! Bordeaux Art School ! 1st school for e-commerce and digital technologies in France (ESCEN) ! Business School (IDRAC Group)

MAin CoMpAniesAudits and Consulting: Ernst & Young, KPMG Entreprises, PwC, Deloitte, Grant Thornton, Mazars

IT Directorates: CA Technologies (IT EIG of the Crédit Agricole), Caisse d’Epargne SEDI, La Poste DISF, EDF SEISO-GDMI, Pôle Emploi DSI, Sanofi Aventis, Orange…Regional Directorate of the Caisse des DépôtsPensions and Solidarity Directorate of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations groupIT Services: headquarters of Cheops Technology and Aquitaine Valley, Atos, Bull, CGI, Capgemini, CS, SQLI, Sogeti, Steria Sopra, Coframi, IBMInsurance and Brokerage: headquarters of Filhet Allard, AMV and Myriade, claims management centres of BPCE Assurances, SPB, MARSH, Filiassur, management centres of Gan Prévoyance, Gras Savoye and Hiscox, regional directorates of AXA, AGF, AON Conseil, Pacifica…

Banks, Insurances, Collection, Asset Management: ! Inter-regional directorates (including BPACA, BNP

Paribas, Caisse d’Épargne Aquitaine Poitou-Charentes…) and international directorates (Abbey National France, Barclays Bank, Cortal Consors, Fortis Banque, Hiscox, UBS Private Banking), Lazard, Européenne de Gestion Privée (EGP), Compagnie Financière Edmond de Rothschild, ASF Patrimoine, JP Morgan, Pouey International…)

Presence of the leader in consumer credit: COFINOGA in the LaSer Group (Galeries Lafayette/BNP Paribas)Natixis Lease, property and equipment leasing for BPCE, second banking group in FranceInvestment Financing: AquiInvest, AQUITI Gestion, Galia Gestion, Finaqui …Call Centres: Bouygues Télécom, Sage, LaSer Cofinoga, LaSer Contact, Orange, Teleperformance Grand Sud, Free, EDF, BPCE Assurances, Banque Casino, La Poste, CPAM Gironde…


20142015 ! 2nd most business-friendly city in France ! 70% of regional wealth is produced by services and commerce ! Over 200 headquarters (companies of over 100 employees) ! 70,000 employees working in the upper tertiary sector: financial services, knowledge-intensive services, high-technology services, representing 1 employee in 5.

! Expertise in services and international trade (brokerage, exports, legal and financial consulting, insurance...). ! Highly specialised in financial and insurance activities ! French Tech Bordeaux: excellence in the digital sector ! 4th French banking centre: over 10 international banks, international directorates, private banks ! 3rd city (outside Paris) for client relations centres ! 3rd region for telecom and IT services ! Future business districts: Bordeaux Euratlantique, Digital City, “45ème Parallèle”, Bassins à Flot ! World Trade Centre in Bordeaux in 2017 ! Over 5 congress centres with 280 international professional events ! 2nd French centre for international congresses: Vinexpo, Intelligent Transport Systems 2015, ADS Show, UAV Show Europe, medical congresses...

! Bordeaux Financial and Services Business Association

Service Sector

Page 20: Bordeaux : A region of opportunities



Bordeaux invest

eConoMiC developMentAGenCy

Bordeaux Invest supports companies in their projects to set up, extend or relo-cate in the region of Bordeaux. Missioned by the local authorities, Bordeaux Invest

provides responses to businesses’ expectations in the following areas:! Analysis of the project and assistance in defining

the specifications. Strategy consulting. Establishing relations with local partners (technological, industrial, academic....) and with the local public authorities (local authorities, State departments)

! Presentation of the environment: economic infor-mation and data

! Identification and pre-selection of real-state solutions! Regulations, taxation and support with administra-

tive authorisations. Search for financing solutions and public subsidies

! Support with recruitments and training efforts. Professional geographical mobility

! Networking and integration into the local network thanks to our members who are stakeholders in the Gironde economy.

Bordeaux Invest offers an effective match for busi-nesses’ objectives: to make a success of their deve-lopment in the Gironde.

The 195 members of Bordeaux Invest, businesses and socio-professional organisations alike, provide effective support while helping to consolidate the local economic fabric and the business image of the local territory.

Bordeaux InvestEconomic Development Agency15, Quai Louis XVIII 33000 [email protected] Tél. : 0033 (0)5 57 14 06 40

Tram line B –CAPC station






Page 21: Bordeaux : A region of opportunities

150 CoMpAnies 2B Consulting, Ace Management, ActifRéso, Addeo, Adecco, Ad’missions, AERO SEA, Agence Triple A, Air France, Air Liquide France Industrie, Alcion Environnement, Aliac Immobilier, All Suites Appart Hôtel, AQMO, Arcadis, Arthur Watson, Atelier bilto ortega, ATEM, A.T.I., AtoutVeille, Banque Patrimoine et Immobilier, Banque Populaire Aquitaine Centre Atlantique, Be@home Bordeaux Accueil Mobilités Professionnelles, BE UP Formation, Booster Academy, Bordeaux Consulting Group, Bordeaux International School (BIS), Bordeaux Saveurs, Boueix Logistique, Cabinet AXA Aoustin, Cabinet Trans-Missions, Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, Caisse d’Épargne Aquitaine Poitou-Charentes, Cap Ingelec, Caroline Visser Développement Touristique, CBRE Agency Bordeaux, CECA, Château Fonchereau, Cinéma Science Production, Clever Age, CN4, Cofely Services GDF Suez, Communication Alain Ribet, Coolworking, Courtage Girondin Pro, Crédit Mutuel du Sud-Ouest, Dauchez Payet, Delcade, Deloitte & Associés, De Marque, Depack Design Artckitecture Commerciale, Disposable-Lab, Dosatron international, DS Avocats, DTZ, ECCTA Ingénierie, EDEN Immo, eDevice, EDF-Commerce Sud-Ouest, Entreprise et Patrimoine & MBA Capital, EOL Entrepot On Line, ERDF Direction Régionale Aquitaine Nord, ERDYN Sud-Ouest, Ernst & Young, Exa Coach, Excelerate Systems France, Expectra, FAYAT Entreprise TP, Fluofarma, Formasup Campus, Foncière Pichet SAS, Galia Gestion, Garang Conseil, Gaz de Bordeaux, GDF Suez, GERIM, Gironde Haut Débit, Groupe EDH Bordeaux, Groupe Esquisse, Groupe La Poste, GT Logistics, Hancock Hutton Langues Services, Herbeo, HERAKLES, Home Explorer Relocation, Hôtel Burdigala, HSBC France, Inflexsys, INSEEC, KEOLIS Bordeaux, Koliane Développement, Lazard Group Real Estate, Legalyspace, Les Ortigues, LinkPerformance, Lyonnaise des Eaux, mabouteille.fr, Majencia, Manpower, MARSH, Mathieu Varis THELEM Assurances, Mazars, Mercer Design, Microclimat, Mobility Aquitaine, MONDELEZ France Biscuits Production SAS, Monique Levy Management, Moter SAS, MTOP Atlantique, NDA, Neodoxa, Nova Bossa Conseil, Osphère Le Management Biologique, Pacifica (Crédit Agricole Insurance), Park & Suites Appart-hôtels, Parmenion, Phone Régie, PRO-LITE Technology France, PwC, Quedo, Randstad Search and Selection, Real Factory, REALTIS, Restaurant Le Chapon fin, RTE Système Electrique Sud-Ouest, Rustmann & Associés, SAFT, SEAMAR Engineering, Sefiso Aquitaine Atlantique, SEIV, SERT groupe AROM, Simorep et Cie (Michelin plant), SIPLAST-ICOPAL, SNC Lavalin, SOLVAY Laboratoire du Futur, SOVAL, Steelcase /Atrium, Sud-Ouest Mobilité Globale, Territoires & Co, Territoires RH, Tourny Meyer, Transmillésimes, Vermilion REP SAS, Vinci Construction France, Wall Street Institute.

54 soCio-eConoMiC pArtners – loCAl Authorities – puBliC estABlishMentsAcadémie Régionale des Dirigeants, ADEISO, AEC - L’Agence des Initiatives Numériques, Aerocampus Aquitaine, Alliance Française Bordeaux-Aquitaine, APEC Bordeaux, Aquitaine Développement Innovation, Aquitaine Emploi Service, AQUITI Gestion, Bordeaux Accueille, Bordeaux Aeroparc, Bordeaux Aquitaine Pionnières, Bordeaux Convention Bureau, Bordeaux Euratlantique, Bordeaux Games, Bordeaux Productic, Bordeaux Technowest, Bordeaux Unitec/Bordeaux Montesquieu (technology parks), CALI – Communauté d’Agglomération du Libournais, Cap Sciences, Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Bordeaux, Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Libourne, Chambre de Commerce Française au Canada, CILSO (Comité Interprofessionnel du Logement du Sud-Ouest), Club d’Affaires Franco-Allemand, Comité Régional Aquitaine des Conseillers du Commerce Extérieur, Communauté Urbaine de Bordeaux, Congrès et Expositions de Bordeaux, Conseil Général de la Gironde, Conseil Régional d’Aquitaine, CREATI Aquitain, Fédération Bancaire Française, FRAC Aquitaine, Grand Port Maritime de Bordeaux, Jeune Chambre Economique de Bordeaux, KEDGE Business School, Hauts de Garonne Développement, LConnect, Mairie de Bordeaux, MEDEF Gironde, MFQ Aquitaine, Observatoire de l’Immobilier Bordeaux Métropole, Pédiatres du Monde, Pôle CREAHd, Préfecture de la Gironde, Sciences Po Bordeaux, UIMM Gironde-Landes, Union des Côtes de Bordeaux, Union des Industries Chimiques d’Aquitaine, Union Maritime et Portuaire, Union Régionale des Ingénieurs et des Scientifiques d’Aquitaine (URISA), Bordeaux University.

204 MeMBers in 2014



Page 22: Bordeaux : A region of opportunities












vers Madrid








vers Paris






Le Verdon Périgueux



La Rochelle




A 62 E72

A 65A 63 E5 / E70

A 89/E70


ce :



— A


r Bilto



Autoroutes / Voie rapides


Aéroport international

Sites portuaires





Page 23: Bordeaux : A region of opportunities

+ 20

0 km

























A31 M3M4














Strasbourg Munich







































MarrakechTGV / Transport ferroviaire européen

CapitaleAutoroute / Voie rapide

25 allers/retours TGV Bordeaux/Paris-Montparnasse




2h58 (2h en 2017) 4h00 2h (1h en 2020) 5h40 5h40 6h20

BORDEAUXTemps de parcours en train au départ de :


ce :



— A


r Bi

lto O


National andinternAtionAl Air links



Page 24: Bordeaux : A region of opportunities

Économie créative Tramway

Enseignement supérieur et recherche

Extension ou création de ligne de tram

Éco-activités Autoroute

Équipements Ligne TGV

Sciences de la vie Parcs technologiques

Logistique Projets urbains majeurs


Aéronautique Spatial Défense

TGVBordeaux /Paris



LGV Bordeaux /Paris







Extensionligne C

Création ligne D

Extensionligne A

Extensionligne B



Le Haillan


Le Bouscat






















Bordeaux Aéroparc





GrandProjet de ville



Parc del’intelligenceenvironnementaleCité de la







Bassinsà Flot


Cité des civilisationsdu vin

La Meca



Nouveau Stade

PontJ.J Bosc

Toulouse : 242 km

Lyon : 557 km

Espagne : 225 kmA62/A65

A63/E5 E70





Paris : 577 km

A10/Autoroute Atlantique/Ecofret <

< Bassin d’Arcachon

< Côte Atlantique

Médoc Le Verdon



lier B





N -


BordeAux metropolitAn AreAmajor projects



Page 25: Bordeaux : A region of opportunities





vers Paris

vers Lyon

vers Toulouse

vers BayonneEspagne


La Brède

La Sauve



La Réole




La Teste-de-Buch



Lège-Cap-Ferret Andernos-







Entre Deux Mers


Bassin d’Arcachon


Saint Émilion



Le Porge


n At




Parc Naturel des Landes de Gascogne

Pessac- Léognan



Le Verdon

N0 10 km5

Sites Unesco Spots de surf Pistes cyclables





Golf1. Bordeaux2. Saint-Émilion3. Bazas4. La Sauve Majeure5. Soulac

Port de plaisance

Réserve naturelle

Unesco sites Surfing spots Cycle tracks


Main roads


Golf courses

Marinas Forests

Nature reserves

tourism sitesin Gironde



Page 26: Bordeaux : A region of opportunities

the BordeAux wineregion



Page 27: Bordeaux : A region of opportunities





Terres Sud

Le Dorat




Place Ravezies

Quarante Journaux

Palais des Congrès



Hôtel de Ville


Gare St Jean

Porte de Bourgogne

La Belle Rose

Stade Musard


Barrière St GenésFontaine d’Arlac

Pin Galant

Hôtel de Ville Mérignac

Frères Robinson

Les Pins



Cenon Gare


Stade Chaban Delmas

Hôpital Pellegrin

Campus MontaigneMontesquieu


Gare dePessac Alouette








Parc de Mussonville

Gare deBègles








CAP Métiers









































Z.I du Phare








www.infotbc.comAlloTbc : 05 57 57 88 88


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78 lig






de tra

m1 7

00 VCub


s en








En 2015,le réseau trams’étend

BordeAux metropolitAn AreAthe tram network



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