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BO's FAQ's1

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  • 8/4/2019 BO's FAQ's1


    Business Objects FAQS

    3. What is Conformed Dimension?

    Ans: One dimension used for two fact tables is called conformed dimension.

    Galaxy Scheme is having more than one Star schema like

    Conformed dimensions can be used to analyze facts from two or more Data


    Ex: If we have two data marts one are Sales and second are Shipping

    Facts. Those two facts are using Customer dimension is called conformed


    Conformed facts: In addition we need conformed dimension, you needconformed facts.

    4. What is Data mart?

    Ans: Logical Subset of complete data warehousing.

    5. What is Surrogate key?

    Ans: Surrogate key is a substitution for the natural primary key. Surrogate keys

    are keys that are maintained in the Data warehousing instead of keys taken from

    source data systems.

    Use of Surrogate key is

    Data tables in various source systems may be use diff keys for the same


    Surrogate keys are maintained in the Dimension tables, not in fact tables.

    Suppose if we have one field Price in source table. That source Price will

    change every year. But in Target we put different keys for maintain the

    History of data so we can use Surrogate keys.

    6. Data Staging Area?

    Ans: Its nothing but Data Presentation area. Relational database into which data is

    extracted from data source, transformed into common format, checked for

    consistency and made ready for loading into the data-warehousing database.

    Fact table contain foreign keys represents. Other tables one to many.

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    7. What is Aggregation?

    Ans: Aggregation is process of calculating summary data from detail sources. The

    use of Aggregation table used to improve query performance.

    8. What is shared dimension?

    Ans: Shared dimension is like normal dimension but its shared and used by all

    components and data marts in the data ware housing.

    9. Data cleaning tasks

    Combine multiple name fields into one field.

    Breaking down date fields into separate year, month, and day field.

    Common codes like false to 0, True to 1.

    Common formats using like Telephone numbers, Credit rating codes to

    common like good poor. Creating and applying Surrogate keys for dimension tables.

    10. What are the advantage and disadvantage of Snowflake schema?

    Advantages ` Disadvantages

    The size of the dimension table is

    reduced and data value redundancy is

    avoid because parent-child hierarchies

    are no longer collapsed.

    Increasing the tables may affect query

    performance because of necessary

    addition joins.

    11. What is Denormalization?

    Ans: According to ware housing concept Denormalization is process to improve the

    performance of the warehouse.

    Denormalization nothing but allowing redundancy of data in our dimension

    tables. If this happen with our data performance will increase and query time is


    12. What is schema?

    Ans. Schema is a graphical representation of database structure. Schema containstables and joins.

    14. What is Factless Fact?

    Ans: If fact table does not contain any measures. Then its called factless fact table.

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    30. Normalization means one table split into different tables. So when you use

    Snowflake schema.

    That means finding hidden patterns and relationship in data.

    31. What are the differences between Star and Snowflake schema?


    Star Snowflake schema

    Denormalized Normalized

    In Star central fact table surrounded by

    De-normalized dimensions.

    Contain central fact table and

    Normalized Dimensions.

    It contain Redundancy It does not contain Redundancy

    It will take large space It will take less space

    Maintenance is not required Maintenance is required

    Star schema performance is very high Performance is very low because

    numbers of tables are increase so joinswill be increase. Performance is slow.

    33. What is Data Mining?

    Ans: Data mining is process of extracting the knowledge hidden from large volumes

    of raw data.

    36. What is Junk dimension?

    Ans: Junk dimension is a convenent grouping of flags and indicators.

    117. What is difference between Data warehousing and Data mart?

    Ans: Data mart is a logical subset of Data warehousing. That means it is specific

    subject information it contains.

    The Data warehousing is a collection of Data marts.

    That means Data warehousing is used an enterprise level and Marts are used

    on Division/Department level.

    123. What is advantages and disadvantages of the snowflake schema?

    Ans: The snowflake schema is an extension of the star schema.The main advantage of snowflake schema is the Disk storage space. It takes

    less space.

    The disadvantage is the additional maintenance effort needed due to increase

    number of lookup tables and query performance will decrease.

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    15. What is Aggregate aware?

    Ans: It is a BO function. It accepts Aggregate table object. These table objectscontain pre-calculated data. You can use the @Aggregate_Aware function in select

    statement for improving the Query Performance.

    16. Object: - Object is Column or Function.

    17. Aliases: - Aliases reference to existing tables in schema.

    18. Context:- Context is a collection of joins which provide valid query path for BO

    and WI to generate SQL.

    19. Loop: - A Loop is a set of joins that defines a closed path through a set of tables

    in Schema.

    20. What is Charm Trap?

    Ans: A Charm Trap is a type of join path between three tables when Many to

    One join converge a single table.

    21. What is FanTrap?

    Ans: Fantrap is a type of join path between three tables when a One to Many join

    links a table, which is in turn linked by another One to Many, join.

    22. Compatible and Incompatible objects?

    Ans: Suppose in Universe one Inventory Fact table is there. So Inventory fact table

    has vendor dimension then the Vendor dimension is not require for Inventory so its

    called Incompatible fact table.

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    23. Generally in Data warehousing prepare B-Tree indexes and then Bitmap


    24. What type of Universe is there in BO?

    Ans: Linked Universes or Master Universe or Detail Universes are there.

    26. What is Security Domain in BO?

    Ans: Repository for storing security information.

    32. How will you give Row level security in BO?

    Ans: Two ways are there first one is Creating database and assign permissions.

    In supervisor we have one options command Restricting Dialog Box.

    34. Difference between BO 5.0 and 6.0?

    Ans: In 6.0 we can create multiblock reports. That means we can create multiple

    tables and charts in single Report.

    We can save the Report in Excel format.

    In Universe we can select multiple values in List of Values.

    We can create Derived-table in Universe.

    Horizontal Charts Included.

    A new column or a Table has been added in the Repository.

    Crating the Universe using XML data provider.

    Find Option in Query panel.

    BO allows dynamically switch languages change from English to French.

    Change language option Dialog.

    37. What type of connections is there in Universe?

    Ans: Personal Connection

    Shared Connection

    Secured Connection

    Connection parameters are stored in PDAC.LSI file. Its Static cant update.

    Personal:- To access Personal data on Local machine.

    To access the specific database to test Sql sample through the free

    hand sql options in BO.

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    Shared:- Allows access to data for all BO and WI users.

    Shared connections are use full in a Universe testing environment.

    Secured: Centralized and Control access the data. Its stored in Repository.

    It is useful we can update at any time. You must connect a repository using the BOrepository key file. The default name is BOMAIN key.

    38. When will you go for Alias and Context?

    Ans: When a join is a self join then it will go to alias and remain joining then go for


    When in Designer we have more than one fact table than you can go for

    context. Otherwise if it is normal snowflake schema then you will go to alias.

    An important thing is you dont create alias for fact table.

    39. What are the Universe Parameters?

    Ans: Definition name, desciption

    Summary Information

    Strategy- its a script that extracts the structural information like joins,

    objects, tables.

    Controls tab-Limit the size of result set.



    40. Components in Designer?

    Ans: Universe Pane, Structure Pane, and Table Browser

    41. Extensions

    . rep We can save reports

    . Unv Universe save extension

    . SBO Query fetch parameters in SBO file

    (optimizing universe)

    . PRM Order of tables weights. You can specifyorder of tables base of weight.

    . PRM File used to configure the Universe


    . LOV List of values

    . RET Templates have this extensions

    . UDO User objects are stored in this file

    . REA BO addins

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    43. @Functions

    Ans: @Aaggregate_function:

    Aggregate_Aware ((table. object), sum (table2.object)sum (tablen.objectn));


    @Prompt (message,type,[lov],[mono/mlti],[free|Constraints]);

    A= alphabetical

    N= number


    @Script:- It is useful for VBA macro. You can specify VBA macro each time

    query that includes objects.

    @Scipt (variable name,type,script_name);

    44. What is Loop? When it will occur?

    Ans: Loop is set of joins that defines a closed path through a set of tables in schema.

    Loops Occur when joins form multiple paths between lookup tables.

    45. Why Loops come in Designer but not in Database?

    Ans: Generally in DB each path is included individually in a query. So its not

    return duplicate rows.

    But in Designer needs to allow queries that included more than one path.

    46. When you will go for Alias and Context?


    Only one lookup table Alias

    A lookup table that receives only one end

    of join


    Two or more Facts Context

    47. What is Incremental Exporting of Universe?

    Ans: When you export a Universe Domain (in repository) you can either export

    entire Universe or export only modifications made to a Universe since last export.

    This type of export is called Incremental Export.

    Tools->Options->General tab -> check Allow Incremental Export.

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    48. How you will optimizing Universe?

    Ans: Optimizing Universe in 4 ways

    Optimizing the Array fetch parameters in Universe parameters.

    Allocating the weight to each table.

    Using shortcut joins

    Using and creating Aggregate tables in your Data Base.

    Array fetch parameters -> SBO file in RDBMS change

    Table weight -> .PRM file change

    49. What is limit of Prompt message?

    Ans: The limit of Prompt is 58 characters.

    50. Any limitations for Tables and Joins in Universes?

    Ans: No limitations.

    51. How to export User Objects?

    Ans: You can create user-defined objects. It will create .udo file. Then in properties

    tab you can check the export user objects

    Other than just copy that file to your local system to another system.

    52. What is a derived table? How you will create in BO?

    Ans: Instead creating views we can create derived tables.

    53. When you move Universe one system to another system and which files you can


    Ans: One is .UNV and .LOV files and .UDO files. (you can move one system to

    another otherwise use repository).

    54. List of Values where it is stored in local system?

    Ans: The list of values data is stored in .LOV file that is stored in BOs path User

    Docs folder.

    When you export the List of values in to Repository in Repository

    Document Domain has these values.

    Format cell only to tabs important those are Number, Alignment (settingwrap text)

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    Format table Pivot (we can arrange objects in report), Appearance(appending).

    55. How to set table width and height?

    And: Go to file page setup in that we can set the table width and height.56. How to set dynamic report size (not append one report to bellow report)?

    Ans: Using bellow report definition select below report go to format table and goto appearance and go to horizontal or vertical width set to 1. Then its not overlap.

    57. Suppose in your document has 3 or 4 reports if one query is running very slow

    how to find?

    Ans: Using Data Manager Tool. In Data manager tool its display all queries in leftpane and select that one and see go to Definition tab it will display all information in


    58. What is the use of Data Manager?


    You can see how many queries are running in current report.

    You can modify the name of result.

    You can test the same query in different Universes.

    You can link the one variable to another variable.

    You can see the query report and time it will take that particular query.

    59. How to display the values in list of values like Jan, feb, march, apr..?

    Ans: In month object double click and open edit properties tab and select edit

    button query panel will display select sql button and write query for that like

    Oracle: select distinct month_name from table_name order by month_number.

    Sql server: select A.month_name from (select distinct cast (month_number as

    numeric) as Mon, mon_name from date_dim) A order by month.

    60. How to display in cross tab report like Jan, Feb, and Mar?

    Ans: Display Cross tab repot and select above month and go to format sortandclick add button and select month then close ok.

    And select custom option and click and change what you want display (move

    up, move down).

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    61. How to display All option in list of values?

    Ans: I will change in query panel

    Select All from dualUnion

    Select distinct from

    62. How to test the Reports?

    Ans: We can test the report in database. We go to database and write query what

    you want to test and get the result and test the report. This query same in database

    also. But in report we will get the duplicate values. Because of joins in Designer.

    63. How you will export the data from BOs?

    Ans: Using data manager (dataview data) we can export the data to excel format,text, xml, export to RDBMS, copy to DDE.

    64. How we will write a condition for hide a variable?

    Ans: To hide a variable you can go to report select which object you want to hide

    and right click and select format table or chart and its open table format in that

    select appearance tab in that click hide option and write bellow condition or select

    edit formula button write condition.

    65. What is implicit join?

    Ans: Implicit join is a join you can join same table like original table to alias table

    join is called implicit join.

    66. What are the limitations of BOs?

    67. Is it possible one Universe to connect different database?

    Ans: No, it is not possible. You can develop two Universes and link those two


    68. How will you connect database that database is some where (not in LAN how

    you will connect what are the steps)?

    Ans: generally we use VPN tool.

    69. In BOs where you will use PL/Sql code?

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    Ans: Generally we use only function used in BO not PL/Sql code.

    70. How improve performance?

    Ans: Using index you can improve performance.

    71. What is the use of Scope of analysys in query panel?

    Ans: The scope of analysis dialog box allows you to select dimension to include your

    drill scope of further analysis.

    Suppose in query panel if you dont want to any hierarchy you can use scope

    of analysis.

    72. What is Disadvantages of Context?

    Ans: The disadvantage of Context is it will expose the data base structure to users.When you refresh it will ask what Context you want. So that is exposing the

    structure of DB.

    73. Is it possible to hide the information in BO?

    Ans: Yes it is possible tree means fold of columns. In breaksselect fold option isthere.

    74. What are the features not support in WI comparing with BO what is that?

    Ans: Multiple Data Providers not support.

    Linked Universes are not support.

    VBA macros are not support.

    75. What types of filters are there in BO?

    Ans: Two types of filters are there in BOs

    Block filters (Local filters): which apply only to a specific table or chart or

    cross tab.

    Global filters: which apply the whole report?

    Select Block (means table or chart) and Insert filters. In that display Global orLocal select Normal and click add select values and click ok.

    Same as select Global filter and its treated Global filter for contain report.

    76. What is KPI?

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    Ans: Key Performance Indicator.

    77. What are the components in format tab?

    Ans: Breaks, filter, sorts, rankings.alerts, blocks, selection.

    78. What it Check Integrity has?


    Check Universe structure

    Parse objects

    Parse join

    Parse condition

    Check for loop

    Check for context

    Check for conditions

    79. How many levels are there in check integrity?

    Ans: Two levels are there

    Quick parsing (syntax only check)

    Thorough parsing (syntax+ semantic checking)

    80. One Repository has multiple domains, like Document domain has two domains

    in repository?

    Ans: Document and Universe Domain have multiple but security has only one

    domain. In Document and Universe we have Test and Develop, Production

    Document and Universe domains are there. Just we can connect and use and sign

    out the domain.

    81. Some situations Rankings are not support. What are the situations?

    Ans: Generally Rankings are put on the Dimensions.

    If in the Dimension has Previous () function [ex: previous (year)]. Its will not


    82. Why it is not possible to export the Shared connection Universe?

    Ans: Shared and Personal connections Universes are not possible to export in to

    Repository because these metadata is stored locally. But secured connection

    metadata is stored in Repository.

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    83. Which date format you are using?


    84. What are the special fields in BOs?


    Date and time --> Current, Lost save, Last print, Last Refresh.

    Page numbers-->page #, page # of #

    Global filters

    Drill filters

    Query prompt

    85. What is Linked Universe in BOs?

    Ans: Linked Universes are Universes that share common components such asparameters, class, objects or joins.

    When we link one Universe is called Core Universe another one is

    Derived Universe.

    Core Universe has common components.

    86. How many ways to link the universe?

    Ans: 3 ways are there to link the universes

    Kernel approach

    Master approach

    Component approach

    Kernel approach:- In kernel approach core universe has common components and

    derived universe have some new components. In derived universe have core

    universe components as well as those specific components.

    Derived universe=core universe + own specific components.

    Master approach: In master approach the derived universe are always a sub set of

    the master universe. That means there is no new component added specific.

    Component approach: The component approach involves merging of one or more

    universes into one universe.

    Derived universe=universe1+universe2

    87. How you will deploy the universe in different domain?

    Ans: Generally deployment domain and production domains are there and

    development domain is used for developer and production domain is used for


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    You can use export option in designer file --> export. You can select which

    domain you want export and rename the universe back universes. Identification is

    stored in locally so two same names are not allowed. So you can change the universe

    name in different domain in same repository.

    88. What is shortcut key to open VB editor?

    Ans: Alt+F11.

    89. What types of Alerts you are created?

    90. What types of errors you faced in BOs?

    Ans: Generally I faced


    #Multivalvue--> if you get this error solution is use Max () function.

    91. Suppose you created universe then you give secured then you want change the

    connection type. How will you change the connection type?

    Ans: Using Supervisor in that tool-->Universe click edit. Then you can change the

    universe connection type.

    92. Can we give more than one Universe in a Report? If yes how?

    Ans: Click insert-->report or create it will display new data provider.


    In Data--> New data provider then its display new data provider.

    93.Have you worked on BO macros?

    Ans: Yes I worked with some little macros.

    Suppose I want refresh the Report I will ask do you want refresh the

    Report message and if you click yes then refresh and no no refresh.

    94. How to link the data providers done?

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    Ans: Generally when you link the data providers means you link the Dimensions.

    Using Data manager you can link the two Dimensions. (Linking only possible

    Dimension not possible Measures).

    95. How to give order to prompts?

    Ans: Use 1.Enter string like message

    2. Enter end date ex

    96. What types of images BO supports?

    Ans: BO can accept only Bitmap and Tiff images.

    BO does not support BLOB type images from database.

    97. How many shortcut joins can support BO?

    Ans: Only one short cut join supported more than one it will not work.

    98. What is Micro Cube?

    Ans: In BO micro cube is Data manager.

    99. What is Group cross tab?

    Ans: Group cross tab means in cross tab Report. You can group the objects that

    called as group cross tab.

    100. If you have three prompts in your reports how do you order the report?

    Ans: Its simple in the prompt first you are giving message. That time you give just


    Ex: @prompt (1.Enter start date,D,LOV, multiple values,)

    101. What is SDK and what are the types?

    Ans: SDK means Software Development Kit. Using SDK you can build interface. In

    SDk means macros.

    BO SDK-->VBA

    WI SDK -->Java script| Vb script


    102. Linking the Data providers?

    Ans: Linking the data providers means you can link different sources.

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    103. What are the situations require to link data provider?

    Ans: BO automatically links the Data providers with common Dimensions. You

    must have same name.

    104. What is the difference between the for each and for all?

    Ans: for each, for all use full for customizing reports.

    105. If you save multiple tab report as HTML. How will data will data display?

    Ans: When you have multiple tabs when you save file save as HTML HTMLOptions Dialog box will display. In that you can select current report or all Reports

    in Document or select reports.

    Then you can select all reports in document and click ok. Its saved two

    links and one Download option (link).

    That links are Report1, Report 2 link. When click Report 1, and click Report2 display Report 2.

    106. What are the differences between Styles and Templates?

    Ans: The main difference is Style deals with Formatting and Templates deals with

    Formatting and Structure.

    107. What type of formats is available in BO?

    Ans: Tabular format and Graphical format.

    108. What is fiscal calendar?

    Ans: Fiscal calendar is your created calendar Report with some filters. Then its

    called fiscal calendar.

    109. What is Report Bursting?

    Ans: Report Bursting means One Report break into parts. If you are sending

    report using BCA you only send some specific users some specific part of report.

    Ex: You have 40 users in that 10 users are North ,10 users are West, 10 users

    are East, 10 users are South like that in report 4 blocks are there like East, South,North, West. So first 10 North people only see the North Block. And send 10 East

    people only see the East block remaining are not visible. Like a row level security.

    110. What is difference between for each and for all?

    Ans: For each operator tells the BO to add Dimensions on default context.

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    Ex: Suppose your report have only Year and Sales revenue. You want add

    Quarter but dont change the object (only year and sales revenue) just you can use

    for each.

    For all operation tells the BO to remove the Dimension from the default

    calculation context.

    111. What is Dimension object, Detail and Measure object?

    Ans: In Designer an object has qualifications that are Dimension, Measure and

    Detail object.

    Dimension object: It is an object that is character data such as Name, City

    and Dates.

    Drill down hierarchies contains only Dimension objects.

    ` Measure: A Measure object that retrieves the numeric on dimension objects.

    This value will change depend on the Dimension data.

    Detail: A Detail object always associates with Dimension object. It isadditional information of Dimension object.

    112. What is difference between Condition and Filter?

    Ans: A condition is applied to Query to limits the data retrieved from database.


    The filters are applied to the data in the document to hide the information

    and display only information that you want to appear.

    113. What are the requirements to link the Universes?

    Ans: To link the Universes we have following conditions

    Kernel and active (Derived) universe are created from same RDBMS.

    Both Kernel and Derived universes are in same Universe Domain.

    Both kernel and Derived class and objects are same.

    You must be authorized to link the given universe.

    To link active universe to Kernel universe. You must have exported

    the kernel universe at least once.

    114. What is Calculation Context in BO?

    Ans: Calculation Context has one or more Dimension that Dimensions is used in

    input and output of aggregate calculation.

    Context options are In, for each, Forall

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    Ex: Aggfunction

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    In Break the report will display sum section but different blocks. But in

    Master detail report the section will display individual blocks will different.

    122. Suppose one report will send to user to user then that report where it stores in


    Ans: It will store in Document Domain only.

    124. What is difference between @variable and @prompt?

    Ans: The main difference between @variable and @prompt its not display the

    LOVs. so we cant restrict the user.

    125. How the BO supports the user define functions?

    Ans: in .PRM file you can insert the function name and parameters return values.

    126. Fact table types?

    Ans: Fact table contain facts and foreign keys to Dimension tables. The primary key

    of fact table is usually a composit key is made up of all foreign key.

    Types of facts


    Semi additive

    Non additive

    Types of fact tables



    127. What is slowly changing dimension?

    Ans: The SCD is problem of Data warehousing we can solve using 3 types

    New record replaces the original record. No trace of the old record


    A new record is added in to the customer dimension table. So its

    maintain History but large space required and performance is low.

    New field add to table. So its keep some part of history. Disadvantage

    is it does not keep all historical.


    Ans: Online analytical process

    MOLAP: In MOLAP data is stored in multidimensional cube. The storage is not in

    the relational data base. But in proprietary fonts.

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    Advantages: Excellent performance. MOLAP cubes are built for fast data retrieval

    and is optimal for slicing and dicing operations.

    Can perform complex calculations. All calculation s have been generated

    when the cube is created.

    Disadvantages: Limited in the amount of data it can handle.

    129. What is a user object?

    Ans: Suppose if any object is not included in Designer that object is created in

    report level that object you can use in query panel.

    130. What are the drawbacks of user objects?

    Ans: The drawback of user objects are stored in locally. So you can manually copy

    and paste in another system.

    131. What types of users are there in Supervisor?

    132. What is the default path of universe?

    Ans: C:\Documents and settings\administrator\application data\business objects\bo


    133. What is the default path of report?

    134. Path of BOMAINKEY?

    135. What is the path of LOVs?

    136. Can you link different databases? Like Oracle Universe and Sql server


    Ans: No it is not possible.

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    137. Granularity:- Granularity refers to the level of detail or summarization of the

    units of data in DWH.

    If data is more detail then granularity is lower.

    If data is less detail or summarized data the granularity is very high.

    138. Important table in Repository?

    Ans: class informationunv_classObject informationunv_objectTables informationunv_tablesUniverse informationunv_universeUserinformation obj_m_actor

    Total tables 50 tables in Repository andObj_tables24Unv_tables24Ds_ 2

    139. Partioning the data?

    Ans: portioning of data refers to the break up of the data into separate physical

    units that can be handled independently. Portioning data can be done by in different


    By Date, By line of business, by geography, by organizational unit, by all of

    the above.

    Generally in DWH portioning date By date is popular.

    140. What are fact and dimension tables?

    Ans: In DWH tables can be classified into two ways

    Dimension tables are containing vital information to analyze the business.

    Facts contain the measurable quantities to measure the business.

    141. What are the user types in BO?

    Ans: General supervisor



    Supervisor designerUser

    Versatile you can define anything142. What are the tabs available in Supervisor?

    Ans: Configuration, Universe, Stored procedure, Document, Repository.

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    143. How you will give the row level security in supervisor?

    Ans: In supervisor select Universe tab and r/c open properties window in that

    Object tab: if you want hide any object you can use hide object.

    Rows: in Sql it will append the where condition.

    Table: mapping it allows you to replace a table reference universe by anothertable.

    144. What is cluster and node?

    Ans: Cluster is a node or collection of nodes that provide 3 tire BO solution.

    A node is a computer or virtual machine with in a cluster.

    145. Isolated join:- This join is not covered by any context. That join is called as

    isolated join.

    146. What is table space?

    Ans: Table space is a logical entity to group. The objects are like tables, indexes etc./

    Table space is a logical storage units.

    A table space is divided into logical storage unit called table spaces.

    147. What is Casual Trap?

    148. How can you increase performance of a Report?

    149. Why do people say Fan trap is bad?

    150. Which is good while resolving loops either charm trap or Fan trap?

    151. How to restrict the data using prompt?

    Ans: By using the prompt we can restrict the user means the user has to select the

    value from list of values. So according to the values the report could be generated.

    152. What the problems you faced while creating reports? Which is problematic

    report explain?

    Ans: Some times I cant understand the logic. Once I understand the logic I wont

    get any problem.

    153. How can you specify hierarchies in report?

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    Ans: By using the scope of analysis tool in query panel we can specify hierarchies.

    154. What is Awarenes Index? Why we use?

    155. How can you get data from two data providers?


    156. Why do you get three select statements?

    Ans: While creating the object we use Case statements. So in the case statement we

    define select parameters depend upon number of statements we get number of


    157. We created one template? Can we use this template in another system?

    158. What is Complex Report?

    159. In report I want to display only Negative results like -10000 not +10000. how to


    Ans: Using the filter in filter we have to specify the condition as less than zero.

    160. Object level security in Supervisor?

    Ans: Security Access level Priority User

    Private 1 Merry Olen, Peggy

    Controlled 2 All VPs

    Restricted 3 Finance Users

    Confidential 4 Users> three months

    Public 5 All

    161. What is materialized view?

    Ans: Materialized view is a static view. It contains data. To create materialized view

    we should have sufficient privileges.

    162. Suppose Universe1 is there from Universe1 one report is generated. Universe2

    is there this universe is exact copy of Universe1. Unfortunately universe1 is deleted

    so is the report work generated from universe1?

    Ans: Yes the report can work even though the universe1 deleted because the base

    tables of the both universes are same so it can work properly.

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    163. What is KPI and Metric? How these appear in report?

    164. Difference between Condition and Filter? And which is fast?

    Ans: Condition which applies to query to limit the data retrieval. And Filter which

    can hide the data means it will show what ever the data we want.

    Condition every time interact with the database and check the data whether it is

    exist or not. So it will be slow. Filter will be fast because it will not go for database

    every time because data will be stored in microcube. It will fetch data from


    165. What are complex calculations?

    166. Suppose in designer two tables are there but they are not joined. So when you

    run check integrity what message you get?

    Ans: Table_name not linked to anything. Suppose if we have number of tables then

    the number table names and not linked to anything.

    167. What is derived table?

    168. How to restrict the number of rows in report?

    Ans: If users want to limit the number of rows returned by a calculation, they can

    use only existing objects as a condition in a query.

    169. What are the features included in WebI 6.0?

    Ans: WebI version 6.0 narrows the functionality gap between two platforms,

    providing improved graphics, a more intuitive interface, simpler workflow, multitab

    and multiblock reports, and report variables and formulas. Web based reports

    never been so rich! Where as users previously had to sacrifice functionality for thin-

    client computing, WebI version 6.0 removes many of those barriers and offers even

    more enhancements.

    170. Can we pull the views into structure pane?

    Ans: Yes we can pull the views into structure pane like the tables into the structure


    171. In slowly changing dimensions generally which type we use?

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    172. Whats exact difference between the rolap and molap?

    173. How ZABO is installed is it exe file or link?

    174. We have two prompts like Start date and Ed date so if start and end date aresame Table should be displayed and both dates are different Chart should be


  • 8/4/2019 BO's FAQ's1


    175. What is Calculation Context?

    Ans. A powerful feature of Business Objects is that you can reuse the same

    calculation in different parts of the reports. Business Objects recalculate according

    to the context in which you place the calculation: a grand total at the top of the

    report, section total for each section. You can also define the calculation contextusing specific syntax, which tells Business Objects which dimension objects you

    want to exclude or include in the calculation context.

    176. What is Chart Legend?

    Ans. A Chart Legend is essential here to explain what the different lines and

    columns on the chart present.

    177. How many items can I choose from a LOV picklist?

    The default is 99. You can increase the limit to 256 using the MAX_INLIST_VALUESparameter. In v5.1, this parameter is set in the driver.prm file. To use it, you must enter it inthe [RDBMS] section under the (GENERAL) subsection. If you do not enter this parameter, thedefault value is 99. In v6.5, the parameter is not set in the driver.prm file. Use the File,Parameters, Parameter dialog within Designer. The setting is stored with the .unv file, and istherefore universe specific.

    178.How can I implement row level security?

    How to Implement Row-Level Security

    First -- what is Row-Level Security? When you want to specify which rows of dataeach userid is permitted to retrieve from the database, based on some column of

    data, or combination of columns of data -- that is row-level security.

    Row-level security can be implemented in BusinessObjects in several possible ways.

    If you have a tech support login, you can look at some of the techniques and thepros and cons in Steve Krandel's 2002 International User Conference presentation

    Using Designer to Implement Row-Level Security.

    Here are some of the ways possible:

    1.) By letting the database do it. This is usually the most secure, although for logistic

    reasons, many sites do not find it feasible. To make this work, individual logins haveto be set up in the database for each user, and those logins need to correlate to the

    BusinessObjects login and password. A possible way is to have a security table that

    is joined to the fact table(s) -- via a view -- and use the view in BusinessObjects. Forthis to work, the universe connection will need to specify "Use BusinessObjectsusername and password". (This has sometimes been called "Advanced Login

    Strategy" in the past.)

    2.) In BusinessObjects Supervisor -- for a given group or user, select the universe.Go to the Rows tab of Universe Properties. Click the Add button, and select the

    table to be protected. Enter the appropriate WHERE clause to be imposed. However,only 256 characters of a WHERE clause can be entered in this panel, which many

  • 8/4/2019 BO's FAQ's1


    folks find very restrictive.

    3.) A workaround to this is to define the WHERE clause in a special object inDesigner, and impose that object in Supervisor, using @WHERE(special_object) for

    the WHERE clause.

    4.) You can impose the security restrictions in Designer, by using self-joins and amaintained lookup table. You might end up with self-joins along the lines of:


    DataTable.Region in ( Select Region From SecurityLookup Where User =


    179.How do I create cascading or nested prompts?

    Let's create a Series of Cascading Prompts for the Island Resort Marketing Universe. We'll

    simply work our way through the Resort class for a quick example. All of the prompts will be

    fairly similar, and I am going under the assumption that everyone has some Designer


    Let's start at the Highest Level that we'd need a prompt for. That would be the Resort itself,

    since we need to know what Resorts we're interested in.

    * Edit the List of Values for the Resort object.

    * Check the Automatic Refresh Before Use option.

    * Click Edit.

    * Bring Country into the Conditions and set it to: in list Prompt('What Country are

    you interested in?')

    * Click Save and Close

    * Click Apply and edit the next LOV object.

    Edit the Service Line and set up the same Prompt on Resort as: in list Prompt('WhatResorts are you interested in?')Again... Save and Close, ensuring that the Automatic Refresh Before Use checkbox isselected then Edit the next.

    Service will have: Service Line in Prompt('What Service Lines are you interested in?')with the Automatic Refresh...

    --------Save this Universe and let's generate a report.--------

    Generate a report that pulls in the Country, Service Line and Revenue. Set a prompt onService Line and apply a prompt as a condition asking: 'What Service Lines are we


    Refresh this report.

    For the Service Line, click on Values.... A new Prompt should appear, asking about theServices. Again... click the Values button, and so on... and so forth.

    Once you've answered the questions, you only need to hit the Values button when you needto backtrack to another level.

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    180. isolated join?

    Select View > List Mode.

    3. Decide which context you wish to include this join in.

    4. Double click on the context name to bring up the context editor window.

    5. Find and select this join from the list provided.

    6. Close the window.

    Further checks of the integrity should show no divergences in structure

    181. How do you create an @Prompt for an aggregate aware object?

    Define two aggregate aware object in two different classes:

    - Object1 in Class 1

    Select clause:



    - Object2 in Class 2

    Select clause:


    Where clause:

    @Select(Class1\Object1) = @Prompt('Question ?','A','Class1\Object1',,)

    Referencing the Object1 in the where clause of the Object2 will permit to use the prompt function.

    Next you just need to hide the Object1 for the final users.

    181. What is the character limitation for the names of objects, classes, and


    The limit is 35 characters for creating classes, objects, and universe names.

    There is no character limitation for their descriptions (contextual help).

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    182. Within an object definition in the universe, can you use set operations like union or


    Set operations, like union and intersect, cannot be used within an object definition in the


    183. How can you add a join to a pre-existing context?

    Here are the steps to follow:

    1. Open your universe in Designer.

    2. Go to View > List Mode.

    3. Double-click on the pre-existing context.

    4. Highlight the join you wish to add.

    5. Click OK

    The join will then be added to the context.

    184. How long can an object description be?

    You are limited to a number of characters when entering the description of the object in

    the Designer module. You can enter approximately 30000 characters for a descriptionwhich corresponds to 96 records of 240 characters.

    The descriptions are stored in the column OBJ_DATAVALUE VARCHAR2(240) of the

    table UNV_OBJECT_DATA.

    If the description does not fit in one record, then several records will be created for thesame object

    Note: The Select and Where statements of an object are stored in the

    OBJ_DATAVALUE field as well. The description is where the field OBJ_DATATYPE

    = 'H'.

    185. In Designer, how can you refresh all the List Of Values (LOV) of the objects in a universe atthe same time?

    In order to refresh all the LOVs of a universe do the following:

    In Designer 6.5 and Designer XI, click Tools>List of Values >Refresh button.

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    In Designer XI Release 2, click Tools>List of Values >Edit a list of Values>

    Refresh button

    186. Q. How does BusinessObjects decide whether to recommend Contexts over Aliases

    or vice versa?

    A. The detection algorithms used by BO is as follows:

    The product will firstly attempt to propose Aliases for tables which cause a loop in thedatabase schema. These are typically found on the outer parts of the schema, and often

    referred to as leaf nodes.

    Secondly, the product will attempt to resolve loops caused by a centralized FACT table(a

    table containing two or more MANY relationships as exits and not containing any ONE

    relationships as exits) by proposing one or more Contexts.

    187. External strategy script for TeradataSELECT






    WHEREDatabaseName = 'BOJ_V'

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    You have a condition like the following:

    Table.Column IN ( decode ( @Prompt('Select name?','A',{'a1', 'a2', 'b'},multi,free))

    This will display a prompt with a LOV button in which you can select each single value.

    In Designer, you want to set an LOV that has a set of grouped values to choose from likethe following:

    Choose "a1" & "a2", or "b", or all values "%" ?



    BusinessObjects version 5.1.x

    Oracle 8i and 9i


    Create your condition in the object Where clause or in a Predefined Condition in your

    universe using a syntax like the following:

    Table.Column IN

    ( decode ( @Prompt('Select name?','A',{'a1 & a2','b','%'},multi,free), 'a1 & a2', 'a1' ),

    decode ( @Prompt('Select name?','A',{'a1 & a2','b','%'},multi,free), 'a1 & a2', 'a2' ),

    decode ( @Prompt('Select name?','A',{'a1 & a2','b','%'},multi,free), 'b', 'b' )


    or '%' = @Prompt('Select name?','A',{'a1 & a2','b','%'},multi,free)

    This condition will generate a prompt with an LOV button that will display the followinglist:

    { a1 & a2 , b , % }

    For example, if you select the value "a1 & a2", then the condition that you apply will be:

    Table.Column IN { a1 , a2 }

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    Note: The @prompt() must be replicated exactly the same way for each of the possible

    values in the "decode" function.

    189. How can you implement contexts and shortcut joins in youruniverse?


    You have a universe that has a number of contexts and shortcut joins. In BusinessObjects,

    you are selecting objects from different context routes. They should then produce a dialogue

    box for the different contexts, however the box does not appear.


    Shortcut joins are not included in the contexts.



    BusinessObjects version 5.x


    Make sure that you have an entry in the appropriate parameters (.PRM) file for your

    database that includes the following parameter:


    190. How do I generate a correlated subquery in the universe?

    A condition such as "maximum date" can be complicated to implement in

    BusinessObjects. The following example explains how to embed this complex definitionin a predefined condition in the universe. This will allow you to drag-and-drop this

    predefined condition in the Query Panel to obtain the desired result

    1. Open the Designer.

    2. Select Insert > Condition.

    3. Enter a name for your condition, such as "Last reservation date."

    4. After modifying it to suit your universe, copy and paste the following statement in the

    WHERE clause window:

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    max( T1.RES_DATE )






    191. How do you create a List of Values based on the value of a previous


    Here are the steps to follow:

    1. Create two objects.

    2. In the "Select" of the first object, add the name of the column that will be deduced from the

    first prompt (the subgroup). For example:


    And in the "Where," add the following:

    Table.region = @Prompt('Type a region','A',,mono,free)

    In this example, the "Select" string has "city" (the subgroup) and the "Where" string has "region"

    (the group).

    3. In the "Select" string for the second object, put the fields you want displayed after the "group-

    subgroup" drill. For example:

    Table.budget, table.city

    4. In the "Where" clause, put the following:

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    table.city=@Prompt('Select name?','A','class_first_object\first_object',multi,free)

    Note: The second object can use a table other than the table used in the first object.

    192. What does array fetch size mean?

    The array fetch size setting allows the universe designer to select the maximum number of rows

    that is authorized during the fetching procedure. This controls the packet size on the network. If

    the designer specifies 20 and when performing the query it is planned to retrieve 100 rows, the

    module executes five ("5") fetches to retrieve the data. If you retrieve binary long-object (BLOB)

    objects, the value 1 should be entered as the array fetch size.

    Note: Some data sources will not allow modifying the fetch size; all rows will be returned in a

    single fetch in this case

    193. How can you change the default sorting for the List ofValues (LOV) of an object?


    The default setting for the sort on a List of Values (LOV) is to sort in ascending order.

    You want them to be sorted in descending order.



    Designer version 5.x


    Here are the steps to follow:

    1. In Designer, right-click your object.

    2. Select "Object Properties".

    3. Go to the "Properties" tab and click the "Edit" button.

    4. Click the "Manage sort" icon (the "A-Z" icon on upper-right side).

    5. Select the object on the Query Sort side.

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    6. Click the "Descending" button and then click OK.

    194. How can you create an object with a constant value ?


    You want to create an object that will return the same value independently of thedatabase (for example, "1"). This is not a BusinessObjects feature, but it can be done.



    BusinessObjects version 5.x


    Here are the steps to follow:

    1. Create your object in Designer and give it a name (for example, "ONE").

    2. The select part of the object should contain the constant (for example, "1").

    3. Do not associate any tables to your object.

    Your object will not parse, but it will run fine as long as you associate it with other

    objects in your queries.

    195. How does BusinessObjects decide whether to recommendContexts or Aliases?


    You want to know how BusinessObjects decides whether to recommend Contexts or Aliases.



    Designer version 5.x


    The detection algorithms used by BusinessObjects are as follows:

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    The product will first attempt to propose Aliases for tables which cause loops in the database

    schema. These are typically found on the outer parts of the schema, and often referred to as

    leaf nodes.

    The product will then attempt to resolve loops caused by a centralized FACT table (a table

    containing two or more MANY relationships as exits and not containing any ONE relationships

    as exits) by proposing one or more Contexts.

    195. What is the difference between a personal, a shared, and asecured connection?



    Designer version 5.x


    A SECURED connection is used to centralize and control access to sensitive or critical data. It is

    the safest type of connection.

    A SHARED connection is used to access shared resources.

    A PERSONAL connection is specific to one user on one computer.


    For more information on the different connections, refer to the BusinessObjects Designer's Guide.

    196. How do you lock/unlock a universe for


    Note: This feature exists so that only one Designer can make modifications to a universe

    at any one time.

    Here are the steps to follow:

    1. Open Designer and go to File > Export > Add.

    2. Choose a universe and click Open.

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    3. Double-click in the space just to the left of the File name path. A lock will appear or

    disappear to indicate that the universe is locked / unlocked.

    197. How do you make a range-based object?Symptom

    You want to create a date-based object on the database.



    BusinessObjects version 5.x


    This resolution involves making modifications to your database. This is not an operationsupported under normal procedures of BusinessObjects, therefore we recommend thatthis operation only be performed under the direction of your database administrator.

    Create a backup of the database before making any changes.


    Here are the steps to follow:

    1. On an 'Employee' table in your database, create a column called 'Emp_Age' containingtwo-digit numeric values.

    2. Create an additional table called 'Age_range' containing three columns called 'Low',

    'High', and 'Text'.

    3. Open Designer and add this table to your universe structure.

    4. Create a complex join between the 'Emp_Age' column on the 'Employee' table to thenew table 'Age_range'.

    Note: The join for this would be 'Employee.Emp_Age' between 'Age_range.Low' and


    5. Create an object named "Age Range" based on your column called 'Text' to allow youto group employees into age ranges.

    198. How can you increase the performance when you insert a table into a



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    You insert a table into a universe and experience poor performance. The operation takes a

    significant amount of time.


    Designer may be extracting joins, detecting cardinalities, or creating default classes andobjects from the tables. It analyzes these prior to inserting the table which increases the

    amount of time dramatically.



    Designer version 5.x


    Here are the steps to follow:

    1. Start Designer and open your universe.

    2. Go to Tools > Options > "Database" tab.

    3. Near the middle of the tab you will see options enabled by default. Uncheck the

    following options:

    - Extract joins with tables

    - Detect cardinalities

    - Create default classes and objects from tables

    199. Designer will not detect more than 500 loops?


    You attempt to detect the loops in your universe and the process stops at 500.

    For example, in Designer, open or create a universe with many tables and joins, creatingat least 500 loops.

    Verify that the Auto Join Detection option is set to "on".

    Go to Tools > Detect Loops.

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    Observe that no matter what aliases are added to the universe, Designer will not detect

    more than 500 loops.


    500 is the maximum number of loops that Designer can detect.



    Designer version 4.x, 5.x.


    200. Why are the contexts defined in the core universe not present in the linked

    universe ?


    Contexts defined in the core universe are not present in the linked universe.


    For integrity reasons, it is not possible to transmit the contexts (or hierarchies) defined in the core

    universe to the linked universe.

    When you link a universe, you inherit the tables from the core universe. After this, you can still

    make changes on the linked universe which are not replicated in the core universe. Therefore, you

    can destroy a context without being aware of it and thus create problems which can be difficult to

    solve on large universes.

    . What is Infoview?

    Ans: Using Info view we can access the documents that have been created using

    BOs and WI and also we can view other Documents like word documents, Excel,Pdf.

    Using Info view we can view, manage, distribute and download the

    documents in worldwide.

    13. What types of joins are there in Designer?

    Ans: There are 5 types of joins in Designer.

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    Equi join

    Theta join

    Outer join

    Shortcut join

    Self restricting join

    Equi join:-An equi join links two tables on common value in the two tables.

    Ex: table1.table=table2.table

    Theta join: A Theta join that links two tables based on relationship other than

    equality, between two columns.

    Generally Between is Theta join.

    Shortcut Join: - A shortcut join links two tables that are already joined in a

    common path. You can use shortcut join to reduce the number of tables that areused in query.

    25. What is Hash Partition?

    Ans: Partition is based on the Hash value. Hash value is am mere number, which is

    based on Hash algorithm.

    27. How do you delete duplicate rows in EMP table?

    Ans: Delete ename from EMP a where rowid< (select min (rowid) from emp b

    where a.ename=b.ename);

    28. Explicit Cursor attributes?

    Ans: Cursor_name%Found

    Cursor_name%not found


    ` Cursor_name%Isopen

    29. Implicit Cursors?

    Ans: Sql%Found



