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Bosco Quizzard '13

Date post: 03-Jul-2015
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X was first discovered thousands of yearsago by the Native Americans, the first evidence of X is from 3600 B.C. was foundin New Mexico. The English who came to America in the 16th and 17th centurieslearned about X from the Native Americans. During the Great Depression, X was comparatively cheap at 5-10 cents a bag and became popular. Thus, while other businesses failed, the X business thrived and became a source of income for some struggling farmers. X is the official state snack food of Illinois. What is X?

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X was originally white with blue fringes. Following the great catastrophe of 1950,X was criticized for lack of patriotism.So, the local newspaper, Correio da Manhãheld a competition to design a new versionof X. The winning design was byAldyr Garcia Schlee, a nineteen year old from a small city Pelotas. The new Xwere first used in March 1954 ,and since then has been in use since then. What is X?

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The year when A was born, electricity had reached the country A belonged to. To commemorate this major happening, the father of A decided to name him after Thomas Alva Edison, the founder of the electric bulb. Who is A?

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X was born in 1884 in Bristol, England, anddied in September 1895. In 1898, three years after X’s death, Francis painted a picture based on a photograph of X listening intently to a wind-up Edison-Bell cylinder phonograph, substituting a disc gramophone for the phonograph. The painting was sold to Y in 1900 for a 100 pounds ,was to be the turning point ofY to be one of the most successful brandsin the world. Identify X and Y.

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The biblical Y has been interpreted in many different ways. Some say its resin whereas others say that it is the excretory product of aphids. The interpretations of Y ranges from mushrooms to fungi to even popcorns. In botany, it is used to refer to any form of sugary liquid or semi liquid sap exuded from a plant. What is Y?

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