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Boston VMUG UserCon - Run your first Ansible Playbook tomorrow

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Ansible From zero to running you 1 st playbook tomorrow!
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From zero to running you 1st playbook tomorrow!

Page 2: Boston VMUG UserCon - Run your first Ansible Playbook tomorrow

Jonathan Frappier

Senior Technical Consultant, Dell EMC


@jfrappier | @commitmas | @vbrownabag






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Always assume:

• When I say how awesome something is what I really mean “In most cases” that thing is awesome

• Here is one way you could do it, there are many others

• I can’t draw 7 red lines all perpendicular with red, green, or transparent ink

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Why Ansible?

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Your career

Get your bosses to buy in! http://www.cio.com/article/3197670/application-development/why-ansible-has-


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Use cases

Think of a thing you did by hand this week…

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Use cases

Think of a thing you did by hand this week…

THAT is probably a good use case!

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Use cases

• Created, delete, manage and VMware VM

• Created, started, stopped an EC2 instance

• Archived log files

• Installed Apache

• Setup an ACL on a Cisco ASA firewall

• Verify server configuration is in a desired state or put it in the desired


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Example - What can Ansible do for you?

Deploy VM’s:

e.g. vsphere_guest, ec2, azure, gce

Apply and enforce configurations

e.g. yum, apt-get, postgresql_db, win_iis_website

Backup files, databases

e.g. copy, mysql_db state=dump

Deploy software

e.g. git, subversion, hg

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Control machine setup

Ubuntu – sudo apt-get install software-properties-common

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install ansible

CentOS – sudo yum install epel

sudo yum install ansible

Source – git clone git://github.com/ansible/ansible.git –recursive

cd ./Ansible

source ./hacking/env-setup

git pull --rebaseRequires Python 2.7


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Connecting to hosts

Ansible connects to hosts using SSH or WinRM

SSH Key – Key based authentication

Password – append --ask-pass

and --ask-become-pass

Windows – PowerShell and WinRM

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A few hosts pre-reqs


Python – at least 2.5, no issue with modern distributions

SSH – SSH/Port 22 must be open from the control machine to the host (agentless and all)

SSH Keys – Ensure user account used by Ansible has SSH keys added from control-machine to all hosts

User account – Account used by Ansible has correct permissions on hosts (e.g. sudo for installs)


PowerShell – 3.0 or higher

WinRM – Enabled/Port 5986 must be open from the control machine to the host

User account – Account used by Ansible has correct permissions on hosts

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Located in /etc/ansible/hosts - can be as simple as you want/need it to be













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Awesome as you wanna be…



10.3.1.[1:10] ansible_connectin=ssh ansible_port=2222 ansible_user=prodgod




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Dynamic Inventory

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Stuff about your managed hosts

• OS – build, family

• Hardware info – processor, memory

Refer to facts in playbooks

Gather facts anytime by running ansible hostname –m setup

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How do I do stuff

Core – Ansible supported

Curated – Ansible and Red Hat partner supported

Community – Community contributed

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Playbooks, plays, and tasks


- hosts: sysdig


- name: install sysdig

apt: name=sysdig state=present

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Playbooks, plays, and tasks


- hosts: sysdig


package: sysdig


- name: install sysdig

become: true

become_user: appgod

apt: name={{ package }} state=present


- start-sysdig


- name: start-sysdig


name: sysdig

state: started

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Running a playbook

[ansible@control-machine ~]# ansible-playbook sysdig.yml

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Running a playbook

[ansible@control-machine ~]# ansible-playbook sysdig.yml

PLAY [all] ******************************************************************

TASK [Validating download directory] ****************************************

ok: [default]

TASK [Install Sysdig] *******************************************************

changed: [default]

PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************

default: ok=1 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0

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Handy playbook options

--ask-pass – prompts for a password to connect to the specified host(s), used when not using SSH keys

--ask-become-pass – Use when sudo is required to run the playbook/command

--check – Checks the playbook to see if it will work, but doesn’t execute on the remote host (or –C)

--module-name – specific the module you want to run for ad-hoc commands (or –m)

--module-path – path to the module if required (or –M)

--tree – path to log output (or –t)

--verbose – more output from the playbook run (or –v)

--limit – limit the playbook run to a specific host/group (or –l)

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- hosts: sysdig


package: sysdig

sysdig_key_url: https://s3.amazonaws.com/download.draios.com

sysdig_key: DRAIOS-GPG-KEY.public

sysdig_url: https://s3.amazonaws.com/download.draios.com/stable/install-sysdig

dl_dir: /downloads

sysdig_ins: install-sysdig

sysdig_repo: http://download.draios.com/stable/deb stable-$(ARCH)/

linux_headers: linux-headers-{{ ansible_kernel }}

remote_user: sshgod

become_method: sudo

become: yes


- name: Validating download directory

file: path={{ dl_dir }} state=directory

- name: Download Sysdig public key

get_url: url={{ sysdig_key_url }}/{{ sysdig_key }} dest={{ dl_dir }} validate_certs=no

- name: Installing Sysdig public key

apt_key: file={{ dl_dir }}/{{ sysdig_key }} state=present

- name: Adding Sysdig apt repository

apt_repository: repo='deb {{ sysdig_repo }}' state=present

- name: Update apt repositories

apt: update_cache=yes

- name: Install Linux Headers

apt: name={{ linux_headers }} state=present

- name: Install Sysdig

apt: name={{ package }} state=present

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Example playbook for a role


- hosts: web

become: yes


- sensu

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Example playbook for a role


- hosts: web

become: yes


- sensu

- web

- openssl

- nginx

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Example main task


# tasks file for ansible-gocd

- include: debian-srv.yml

when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"

- include: redhat-srv.yml

when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat"

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Running a role

[ansible@control-machine ~]# ansible-playbook sensu.yml

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• Stuff about vault

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Shell Module

• Don’t just convert existing bash scripts with

the shell module

• Use native modules whenever possible

• There isn’t always a module, that’s when you

use shell

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Got APIs?

uri (not University of Rhode Island)

# Create a JIRA issue

- uri:

url: https://your.jira.example.com/rest/api/2/issue/

method: POST

user: your_username

password: your_password

body: "{{ lookup('file','issue.json') }}”

force_basic_auth: yes

status_code: 201

body_format: json

# Check that a page returns a status 200 and fail

if the word AWESOME is not in the page


- action:

uri url=http://www.example.com


register: webpage

- action: fail

when: "'AWESOME' not in webpage.content"

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Using vSphere 6.5 REST APIs with Ansible


- hosts: localhost

become: no


- name: vcenter login


url: https://cloudvc.student.lab/rest/com/vmware/cis/session

force_basic_auth: yes

method: POST

user: [email protected]

password: P@ssw0rd

status_code: 200

validate_certs: no

register: login

- name: disable ssh


url: https://cloudvc.student.lab/rest/appliance/access/ssh

force_basic_auth: yes

method: PUT

body_format: json

body: "{{ lookup('file','sshoff.json') }}"

validate_certs: no


Cookie: "{{login.set_cookie}}"

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Using vSphere 6.5 REST APIs with Ansible Links

Getting Started with the vSphere Automation SDK for REST by Kyle Ruddy


Ansible uri module documentation


Shameless blog post and examples



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Ansible can be useful using just two files (though you can do a lot more as well)

Inventory (hosts file) – List of all hosts for Ansible to


Playbook – List of commands processed in order (no

guessing) for the specified hosts

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Easy to backup

All you need is love… no wait wrong presentation

All you need is GitHub (or a backup of your playbooks and hosts file)

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https://www.udemy.com/learn-ansible/ by Mumshad Mannambeth


Patch Windows Example






https://www.ansiblefordevops.com/ by Jeff Geerling (@geerlingguy)


edition by Jesse Keating
