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Botswana Education Hub Newsletter Vol 3 Edition 1

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The newsletter comes out on a quarterly basis detailing the events of the previous 4 months
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Botswana Education Hub Newsletter August 2014 AUGUST 2014 VOLUME 3• 1st edition Online Newsletter August Edition BOTSWANA FEATURES: Adopt a School Launches Top Achievers Scholarship Update Ducere Foundation Peace Center BOCCIM Northen Trade fair EDUCATION HUB CONTENTS EDITOR’S NOTE 03 FROM COODINATOR’S DESK 04 PARTNERSHIP UPDATE 06 ADOPT A SCHOOL UPDATE 08 Gabane Primary School - Continuity SA – Computer Laboratory Mokoboxane Primary School Receives BWP2.4 million from Orapa Letlhakane Diamond Mines BITC builds a Guidance and Counselling Centre at Ikageng Junior Secondary School BEH SHOWCASES AT THE 2014 BOCCIM 12 OHIO UNIVERSITY SETSWANA FELLOW 13 DUKE OF EDINBURGH AWARD 13 2014 TOP ACHIEVERS SCHOLARSHIP ROADSHOW 14 Special Edition
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Editor’s Note

Botswana Education Hub Newsletter August 2014

AUGUST 2014VOLUME 3• 1st edition

Online Newsletter August Edition


FEATURES:• Adopt a School Launches• Top Achievers Scholarship Update• Ducere Foundation Peace Center• BOCCIM Northen Trade fair






ADOPT A SCHOOL UPDATE 08Gabane Primary School - Continuity SA – Computer Laboratory

Mokoboxane Primary School Receives BWP2.4 million from Orapa Letlhakane Diamond MinesBITC builds a Guidance and Counselling Centre at Ikageng Junior Secondary School






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HUB“At BEH when asked what quality we are promoting, we have indicated to our customers that it is what they want. We may be experts and experienced in our fi elds, but we can never prescribe what the customer wants. Our job is to see that they get the right service that they demand, at the right time and in a proper package. “

Editor’s Note

Botswana Education Hub Newsletter August 2014CONTENT

Mr Labane E. MokgosiDirector Botswana Education Hub

Let me take this time and welcome our readers to yet another of our newsletter that updates you on Botswana Education Hub activities on quarterly basis.

This time I want to focus on the word ‘quality’. It’s a buzz word in MoESD strategies, visions and performance reports. I too like the word. But what is quality to us? My Concise Oxford English Dictionary defi nes it as “general excellence, as the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind”. I guess many other people, especially academics will provide many varied defi nitions as well. I have attended forums where debates were held on what ‘quality’ is. I cannot remember a conclusive answer to it, may be a close compromise.

Nevertheless, I stick to the customer’s defi nition of quality. As a service provider, I know that the customers have expectations of the type of service I should give. If they are not happy, then I am not providing quality as per the standard they want. This is the only defi nition that I fi nd reliable to defi ne one’s existence, as an individual, unit, department or ministry. Parents and guardians want results that will get their children to the next higher level, that will get them a job and that can make them open their own businesses. That is quality to them. Period.

At BEH when asked what quality we are promoting, we have indicated to our customers that it is what they want. We may be experts and experienced in our fi elds, but we can never prescribe what the customer wants. Our job is to see that they get the right service that they demand, at the right time and in a proper package.

The questions we should be asking ourselves are; Do we know what the customers want? Do we provide it in the way they want? Do we serve them at the time they want? There is no better way to have answers to this if we do not engage our customers to provide feedback. Our clients have the answers and they can actually make our work much easier if we can only listen to them. They even have answers to cost eff ective ways of doing it, and they are ready to assist at no cost. There is no harm in disclosing to them how much resources we have. If they know, then they will know our limitations hence their demands will be limited to the budget for instance. The problem is that we think too much for them when we should be organizing, planning and coordinating teaching and learning, which is our core mandate by the way. We wear hats of a customer and technocrat at the same time; that will never work!This time I want you to take a refl ection on this matter. And please provide us with feedback. You are our customers, and your word is invaluable.

Enjoy reading our fi rst quarter edition for 2014/15 fi nancial year.

Editor-in-ChiefLabane Mokgosi

Editor’s Note


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From the Coordinator’s DeskFrom the Coordinator’s Desk

04 05

The Botswana Education Hub quarterly newsletter is now in its seventh edition and gaining wide readership. We still welcome feedback from our readers.

BEH has just been granted the status for delivery of the prestigious Duke of Edinburgh International Award, the world’s leading youth achievement award. As an independent award centre, BEH will be coordinating participation of young people aged 14 to 24 years in collaboration with some schools and regional education offi ces. The Award gives recognition to young people who excel in various aspects of their lives, through special skills, community service, etc. Read more about the Award in this Newsletter.

This is also an exciting time for the Top Achievers Programme as for the fi rst time the local participating schools will graduate students at Advanced Level and International Baccalaureate Diploma for placement at higher education institutions abroad. This is a signifi cant milestone in the development of capacity of some of the local institutions in off ering these international pre-university programmes. We look forward to the results and to saying farewell to those successful.

Happy Reading!!!

Lucky T MoahiCoordinator

Mr Lucky MoahiCoordinator Botswana Education Hub

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BEH continue to create linkages and facilitate partnerships for local institutions at all levels. This last quarter, several memoranda of understanding were crafted to facilitate partnerships.

The long pending MOU between the Ministry of Education and Skills Development and Ohio University was signed and is being implemented. Graduate scholarships will be off ered at OU as of summer 2015. Masire Foundation Scholarship is running and a potential recipient will be identifi ed for the scholarship in due course.The Central Region is active in facilitating partnerships and cementing agreements by way of MOUs. MVA Fund is adopting Makalamabedi CJSS, Ishmael Umar Enterprises chose Etsile Primary School, Moreomaoto Primary School has Meno A Kwena Tented Camp as a partner, Botswana College of Agriculture adopted Pilikwe Primary School, Lerala has partnership with Hutchesons’ Grammar School from Scotland and lastly University of Loiusville MOU with Maoka CJSS is at draft stage. Swansea University from UK is interested in establishing partnerships with our local institutions through staff and students programmes and curriculum development. An MOU is likely to be developed for the collaboration. While many collaboration are at discussion stages, including those under adopt A School, we see a lot of interest to internationalise or education from schools and higher institutions. The realization that Botswana education can only be best when compared to education in other countries, is not just a dream but a reality.



Thanks to the partnership between Dūcere Foundation and the Sir Ketumile Masire Foundation, with funding from the Australian High Commission in Pretoria, two more Peace Centres were opened in Kasane and Pandamatenga Primary Schools on the 18th July 2014.

For more than three years, the two Foundations have been working together to promote peace education programs across Botswana in Chobe, Kgalagadi and the South East. The fi rst Peace Centre was opened in November 2012 at Ithuteng Primary School in Gaborone. Most recently, with a grant approved by the Australian High Commission, Pretoria in 2013, two further centres have just been opened with a dynamic focus for the entire community.

The Peace Centres were opened by Australia High Commissioner to Botswana and South Africa, H.E. Mr Graeme Wilson and Assistant Minister of Education and Skills Development the Hon Keletso Rakhudu. The Assistant Minister thanked the Australian High Commission not only for funding the Peace Centres but for putting faith in the school community to work as a team with the Dūcere Foundation and Sir Ketumile Masire Foundation to realise this project.

Mr Wilson said, “The Australian Government sees value in partnering with organisations such as Dūcere because we support its fundamental philosophy of developing passionate and motivated learners and leaders.”

Since the Dūcere and the Sir Ketumile Foundations partnered in 2011, they have led this peace project with the aim of empowering children to understand and engage in a meaningful dialogue, promote peace and equality, become advocates for positive change and to use their learning experience to develop into future leaders.

The Kasane and Pandamatenga Primary School Peace Centres signify only one of the activities that the Dūcere Foundation is championing.

For more information on the Dūcere Foundation visit www.ducerefoundation.org

06 07

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From the Coordinator’s Desk

Adopt a School Update

Adopt A School continues to do well as evidenced by the number of companies and Individuals who have pledged to work with government schools. The fi rst quarter of the fi nancial year 201/15 recorded an increase in the number of adopted schools. Below are some of the launches:

Gabane Primary School - Continuity SA – Computer Laboratory;

Mr Jacob Mothobi, Managing Director of Continuity SA handed 11 computers with internet connectivity and 50 computer chairs to Gabane Primary School. Mr Mothobi said that they fi rst started their project with Palapye Primary School after hearing about the initiative and they intend to continue expanding it across the country.The project was handed to the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Education and Skills Development, Mr Richard Matlhare. On his acceptance remarks, Mr Matlhare pointed said, “I wish to see all students learning and using computers in larger numbers and eff ectively because this is where the world is going.” He said he is concerned that despite eff orts that the Ministry is making to get everybody involved in the running of schools, parents’ participation is not satisfactory yet. However, he thanked Continuity SA for giving a helping hand saying “this is a means of promoting advanced learning in public schools”. The occasion was graced by among others village chief Rre Seeletso Pule, Sub Regional Council Chairman and the Director for Kweneng Region Mrs Rammekwa.

Mokoboxane Primary School Receives BWP2.4 million from Orapa Letlhakane Diamond Mines

Orapa Letlhakane Diamond Mines launched their partnership with Mokoboxane Primary School in Boteti Sub-district.When briefi ng the dignitaries and Mokoboxane community, the Mokoboxane/Debswana Project Coordinator, Mr. Thatayaone Sithole said, “This is part of the OLDM corporate social investment themed ‘Orapa Today, Boteti Tomorrow’, which is intended to infuse developments in surrounding societies so that they benefi t from the precious stones mined in their area. These developments are targeted at education, small businesses, arts and culture development, health support and sports development.”Mr Sithole informed the listeners that OLDM intends to set up a Game Park, a sanctuary, a museum, a school and a hospital in Boteti. He mentioned that they have hundreds of applications which are at times diffi cult to assess hence involvement of the District Commissioner’s offi ce to help select priorities. Mokoboxane Primary School got priority because of the extraordinary needs it presented. The school will therefore be built three Class rooms, a computer lab, a library and an administration block. This is the fi rst project with a lump sum invested in it.While addressing the gathering the Acting Minister of Education and Skills Development Hon. Mokgweetsi Masisi expressed his concern towards developments like these, saying quality and timelines should be maintained. He said the OLDM through their initiative ‘Diamonds for Developments’ should impart the skills and knowledge in the Boteti residents not just by injecting money for facilities such as these, they should be exemplary to the youth of Boteti so that tomorrow Botswana can have responsive citizens.

08 09

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From the Coordinator’s Desk

Adopt a School Update cont...

BITC builds a Guidance and Counselling Centre at Ikageng Junior Secondary School Botswana Investment and Trade Centre (BITC) embarked on an inaugural Corporate Social Investment (CSI) project in the form of a donation of a Guidance and Counselling Centre at Ikageng Junior Secondary School at Metsimotlhabe in the Kweneng District. BITC CEO, Mr Letsebe Sejoe said that, “The construction of the project was aimed mainly at continuous creation of a conducive environment for learning, staff team-building and participation in community developments, stakeholder engagement and leaving our footprint sas an entity in the lives of our people.”The Botswana Investment and Trade Center through this project, hopes to play a critical role to support and enhance student performance and improve their annual results.Prior to the construction of the Centre, there was a ground breaking ceremony held at the school. This ground breaking was held on the 7th February 2014 in Metsimotlhabe to signify the commencement of the construction of the Center. The ceremony provided an opportunity for BITC employees to join hands as a team in delivering this pioneer milestone CSI project for Botswana Investment and Trade Centre. The ceremony had in attendance the Chief Executive, Letsebe Sejoe, the BITC Executive Management, Ikageng Junior Secondary School Head, Ms. Kelebogile Mokete, the school Parents Teachers Association (PTA) Chairperson, BITC employees, Ikageng J.S.S teachers, students, members of the community and the media. Speaking during the handover ceremony of the project on the 3rd of July 2014, Ikageng headmaster Mrs Mokete stated that Ikageng community is exuding with joy, excitement and appreciating today for an idea born well and well accomplished. “My role at this juncture is to welcome all the invited guests who have come to witness the celebration of this important event. This school was born out of a donated piece of land by Mrs Rose Aboneng, the school was incepted in 1990 at the capacity of 12 streams up to 14 streams now.

Upon this desire to grow further and excel guidance and counselling centre will be a major boost.” The donation of the Guidance and Counselling Centre therefore came at an opportune time when government through the Botswana Education Hub is encouraging individuals, organisations and businesses to adopt a school and contribute towards the betterment of the education system in Botswana.

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Held under the theme ‘Investment: My Opportunity to play a role in an evolving Global Economy, Tapping into Unlimited Opportunities.’ the 2014 BOCCIM Northern Fair brought together diff erent organizations from every sector of the economy and it was fi tting that Botswana Education Hub exhibit at the fair representing the education sector. The fair was held on the 21st to the 25th of May at the BOCCIM grounds in Francistown.

The BEH team came out in full force with a team of four that interacted with the general public and created awareness about the various programs that the Hub is currently executing in the likes of The Top Achievers Scholarship, Study in Botswana, Invest in Botswana and Adopt-A-School. Scores of people thronged the Education Hub stall to enquire and to really get an insight of what the hub actually does and to off er suggestions and recommendations on how to improve the quality of service and delivery that the hub off ers. With emphasis on education, the fair provided opportunities for possible collaborations with the diff erent organizations in attendance in an eff ort to raise the bar high for our general education structure and wellbeing of our scholars.

The fair brought together stakeholders from various industries, local and private under one roof to network, collaborate and share ideas on opportunities that are available.

The aim of BEH showcasing at the expo was to raise awareness among the general public about the mandate of the Hub and meet potential investors/partners who may be keen in investing in the education sector of Botswana thus diversifying the country. Also part of this year’s fair proceedings was the Offi cial Opening Ceremony which was graced by Botswana Telecommunication Corporation CEO Mr. Paul Taylor. Mr. Taylor in his speech urged and encouraged investors and businesses to invest in the development of the City of Francistown and contribute to Francistown’s vision 2022 that will see it as a business centre. BEH’s relentless work and eff ort at the fair did not go unnoticed as it scooped position one in the parastatals category and got a trophy and a certifi cate of recognition at the annual BOCCIM Prize Giving Gala Dinner.


Mr Keith Phetlhe, BA Humanities holder from UB has been selected to join Ohio University, in USA as a Setswana Fellow. Mr Phetlhe, who just completed his Post Graduate Diploma in Education, topped his Bachelor of Humanities class of 2013, which provided him the opportunity to benefi t from the fellowship. MoESD and Ohio University have an existing Memorandum of Understanding that among other things gives Batswana scholarship opportunities at the university for both undergraduate and graduate programmes. Ohio University is also a depository for Botswana Collection. Setswana Fellowship comes with opportunity to study for a Masters Degree and Doctorate while teaching Setswana in the Ohio University. Part of the personal stipend will be provided by the Botswana Government, but the Fellow will get an allowance from off ering teaching and associated services to the university.Keith has fi nished his application process and left to US in August this year.

DUKE OF EDINBURGH AWARDBotswana Education Hub is proud to have been given the status of The Duke of Edinburgh Award ‘Independent Award Centre’ (IAC) from April 2014. The Award was started in UK in 1956 by HRH The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh K.G.K.T. in London England, and over eight million young people have participated in the Award. The Award is meant for young people between the ages of 14 and 24. It off ers them a balanced, non-competitive programme of voluntary activities which encourages personal discovery and growth, self-reliance, perseverance, responsibility to themselves and service to their community.To mark BEH as an IAC, the Award Regional Offi ce in Kenya presented BEH with a glassy plague and a certifi cate, printed with Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Foundation Logo.

Young people design their own Award programme, set their own goals, and record their own progress. They choose a service, physical and skills activity, go on the adventurous journey and, to achieve a Gold Award, take part in a residential project. Upon completion, they will be recognized for their achievements with a Bronze, Silver or Gold Award. Already some top achievers students

studying in the UK have benefi tted from the Award. Four programmes are covered: Community Service, Personal Skill Development, Physical Recreation and Adventurous Journey.

A team of education offi cers and guidance and counselling teachers have been identifi ed to pioneer the Award in Senior Secondary School in January 2015. The team went for the initial training in Nairobi, Kenya at

the end of July. From the training they will train Award supervisors in senior secondary schools in readiness for implementation. Mr Mokgosi, is the overall coordinator at the Education Hub and he will provide support and monitor the implementation of the Award. We take this opportunity to wish students that will participate in the Award an adventurous and exciting experience that will be memorable in their lives.

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Botswana Education Hub introduced Top Achievers Scholarship Road Show (TASR) for the first time in July/August 2013 and it has now developed into an annual event. This is an awareness activity targeting Senior Secondary Schools country wide. This year, TASR started on the 23rd June and ending on the 14th July 2014. The main aim is to motivate learners so that they can work hard to qualify for this lucrative scholarship hence enforcing and encouraging competition among young learners in schools.

Top Achievers Scholarship is a unique support given to learners with outstanding academic performance to pursue courses that are of strategic economic importance. Learners are first sponsored to do A’ Level or International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) or equivalent pre university programmes and this enables them to access the best most sort universities in the world. The requirement for the scholarship are that prospective learners should obtain a minimum of 6A* for Category A or a minimum of 4A* for Category B at Botswana General Certificate of secondary Education (BGCSE) or equivalent examination in one sitting. If a learner qualifies for Category A, he/she starts her pre university course abroad while those who qualifies for Category B start locally before going abroad for their first degree programmes.

In 2014 all senior secondary schools were visited and presentations were done as a way of motivating the learners. Four (4) different groups were formed and each led by Botswana Education Hub Officers. Other members of each group were current beneficiaries of the Scholarship, Student Network representative and officers from local schools which offer A’level or IBD programmes. Presentations were done in the mornings during assembly time while some were done in the afternoons at 1400 hrs and they mostly lasted for one to two hours. In total all 32 senior secondary schools were addressed.BEH would like to thank the schools for the preparations they made in readiness for the talks. We trust that these go a long way in influencing quality in senior secondary school education.

2014 Top Achievers Scholarship Road-show


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