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Bourbon News. (Paris, KY) 1900-10-26 [p 5].

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THE BOURBON NEWS PARIS FRIDAY OCTOBER 26 1900 C I j K 0 I w jx w 1i Y 9 f I > > TIE mint if 1 S th Year Establlbbed 1881 at the at Paris Ky eiond class mail matter TELEPHONE NO 124 SUBSCRIPTION PRICES Payable in Advance aflyeM 2 00 3100 rake all Checks Money Orders Etc CITY TAXES A penalty of ten per cent will be attached upon all City Tax Bills remaining unpaid Thursday November 1 1900 RK Collector rented the Kenney residence of Winchester street FLOUR exchanged for wheat EF SPEARS SONS THE public schools of Cynthiaria have been closed on account of scarlet J ver WALLACE STEELE has rented resi- dence of Mrs Ev Rogers on Main ttr3t SEE the new and pretty French I flannels in all shades and figures Heymans THE Hill Tap Gun Olub will give a fhoot at Alfred Olays next Tuesday and Wednesday INSURE your tobsfoso all farm with T Pcrfcer SmitlU as low as the lo es j v I THE State Poultry Assdeia tion will hold its annual show in Louis- ville January 14 to 19 FOUND In the opera house a cape Also a pair of spectacles Inquire of Manager Porter i i I have a few good buggies yet on j hand which I close out at cost JAMES H HAGGARD f SHOES that please in style fit and price are what the purchaser wants All these guarantee at Davis Thomp EOJ Isgrig B F BUCKLEY has taken of the Cummins place near j which he bought recently He will continue in the tobacco business 4- DERIAS CURRENT colored who is charged with cutting Lydia Tillman of i Claysville waived his examining Wednesday morning before Webb- T T TEVPLI has the contract to j build the cattle pens at the Paris Co and left yesterday morning for Rockcastle county to buy the lumber to be used THE Paris Distilling Co will begin running in about three weeks Simon Neil of Lexington has purchased the slop and will feed eight hundred cattle at the distillery pens s ROBINSON GREEN who has been in the employe of the Adams Express Go for several years resigned yesterday to accept a position with inans omnibus line ALLIE MANN who has been an ac- commodating employe of Mann Fuhrmans bus some time left yesterday for Carlisle to engage in other business LOST Wednesday morning between Paris and the first toll house on Win- chester pike a feather boa Finder please leave at THE NEWS office MRS W T GiLKEtv ANTHONY WILSON colored was tried Wednesday before Judge Smith on the charge of obtaining goods under false pretenses He was held over in 200 bond to Oircuifc Court Gov BBOKHAM on his return to Frankfort Wednesday affixed his signa ture to HdfKJO Bill 18 the new election law and to several minor resolutions The new Yaw tuiU go into effect in nine CARL CnAtf ftJKOS barber shop is easily the lJfl fc send most convenient place in to got a aluivc bath hair- cut or shine Three expert barbers fur nish a quiok and ffttiufactpry service Good bath service attached tf DR JOSEPH of Cincinnati who is known to many persons in Paris and Bourbon had an exciting experi- ence this week with his automobile- It jumped into his neighbors yard ten feet below snorted forth a cloud of steam and ran into a Dr Eichberg copt his seat and finally controlled machine The Doctor escaped injury J wen as i SIx palable to the order of CHAMP BRO j t j j RussELL IowEhas j J I I i at I I i I ttf I R t n n n 1 J I I dec8tf iI I possession I Jo I trialI j t t u I i I Mann linefor tv d3V r I M i Paris EIOIl ImO stonewall l th 1 Post ofce i l f j r CAR I I the prop- erty Rotes or- b I hand- some I R Jackson- ville w 1b Dis- tilling Fahr t A 1 ¬ < > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = > Speaking Appointments PURSUANT to the plan announced by- e National Democratic Campaign ommittee to have a Democratic Rally each precinct in the United Statesmen Saturday Oct 27 the Bourbon County Campaign Committee announces the following appointments Buddies E Mcore Jr and J Williams Millersburg HonW P Kimball and Hon Jno S Smith Little South Trimble and M MoVey North Middletown Hon Jno R Allen and Hon EM Dickson Earl Ashbrook arid Joseph Johnson x Jacksonville Judge C D Webb and C Fisher Hutchison Hon Chas H Miller of Lexington C Fisher Speaking at all places at 2 oclock pm Saturday nignt at 7 pm Ion South Trimble Col Jno R Allen ind Hon W P speak at he CourtHouse Hons South Trimble of Frankfort and Campbell Cantrill of Georgetown and Miss Margaret Ingels of Paris will speak Friday night at 730 Neville C Fisher will address the Democratic Campaign Club of Hutchi son No 2 at Hutchison school house on Friday evening Sept 26 at 7 The Democratic Band Wagon The Democratic band wagon is the greatest political hit that was ever made in Christian county Three more big meetings were held and nearly 1500 people were addressed and fifteen miles of territory covered The meetings are growing every day and the third day culminated in two monster meetings only three miles apart in which there were nearly a thousand people The speakers were divided and Hon WR Howell spoke to the miners at Empire while the others addressed the main meeting at a Republican stronghold- IN the Southern part of Kentucky a Democratic band wagon is a very unique of the campaign The wagon carries a band and several orators and is making successful campaign several counties It attracts large crowds Kentucky Knights of Pythias THE Grand Lodge of Kentucky Knights of Pythias was in session in Winchester this week The following officers were chosen Martin oE- Oweusboro Grand Chancellor V G R Logan of Louisville Vice Grand Chancellor Jouette Henry of Hopkins ville Grand Prelate Wade Sheltman Grand Keeper of Records and Seals Jule Plummer of Newport of Exchequer JoeG Covington- of Bowling Green Grand Masterat Arms W T Scheurman Grand Inner Guard John Swift of Dayton Grand Outer Guard Harrison Clay Farm Sold THE Harrison B Clay farm contain ing 150 acres on the Winchester pike five miles from Paris vas sold yester- day at public sale by Auctioneer A T Forsyth to Wm B and Mrs Gano Haldreth for 9001 per acre Mrs Hildreth gets the improvements on the farm The price of Mrs Bettie G Clays farm which was bought by Catesby Woodford was dollars per New Telephone Company A CYNTHLVNA capitalist was in the city Tuesday night in the interest of getting up an independent telephone company for Paris and building plant at once We understand that he received considerable encouragement The independent telephone companies- of the Bluegrass held a meeting at Lox ington Tuesday and signed an agree ueiic xiwt M Loll out to the Cumberland- or Bell Company Youtsey In Excellent Health Henry Houtsey who was taken to the Frankfort jail Tuesday from George town is in excellent health His relatives have employed Dr Wallace a local pbysician to look after him Many of the old friends of the prisoner called on him at the jail Tues- day afternoon and Wednesday morning He conversed with all of them Supplemental Registration rTHB supplemental registration will by County Clerk Paton on Monday Tuesday and Wednesday October 29 80 and 81 The registration will be bj affidavit and only those can registe who wore prevented regular registration by absence from the city or sickness Accidentally Shot ROBERT TRUMBO son of DA Trumbo was accidentally shot Monday by j young Wallace Rash while the out hunting in the Clintonvill precinct Young rvtolik was shdt i the groin and the woiiiid may prov very in MillsT RockHon J ClintonvilleT N ShawhanNeville ParisOn at Center pm Crofton feature Yewell Grand- Master Woodford j seventysix acre the- I I i I t be- held I were I dan f Kimball will from so doingat th ous ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ THE JOYIIGiTBBDIG Notes About Our Guests Arrivals and Departures Society Doings J A Stern is in Portsmouth 0 on a business trip Miss Alice Spears is at home from- a in Cynthiana Mrs Scotland Highland was in Cincinnati Wednesday Mrs Ossian Edwardsvisited friends in Cynthiaua yesterday Mr Chas Jones of Flemingsburg the city yesterday- Mr Amos Turney returned from Chicago Wednesday night Hon Richard Stoll of Lexington was in the city Wednesday Mr Lau Butler left Wednesday for a business trip in the South Mr James T Davis Mr David j M Dodge are on the sick list Mrs W W Kenney was a Paris visitor in Lexington yesterday Lida Ferguson was a Paris visitor in Lexington Wednesday Miss Josie Cronin of the Fordham- is ill being threatened with fever Miss Stella Roberts left yesterday for a visit to friends in Cynthiana Miss Margaret Lane of Cynthiana- is the guest of Miss Eddie Spears on Mfr Airy avenue Mrs Morris Renick of Middle town 0 is a guest at Mr W H Renicks on High street Mrs E M Dickson and daughter MissLizzette left yesterday for a to relatives in Richmond Mrs W L Davis and daughter Miss Mary Irvine Davis have returned from a in Louisville Miss Lida Rogers Up from Msysville Wednesday afternoon for a visit to Miss Gertrude Renick Miss Margery Turney attended a card party given in Cynthiana yesterday afternoon by Mrs W M Turney Mr and Mrs Wm Judy of Nich- olas are guests at Mr W H H Johnsons on Mr Airy avenue Miss Margaret Butler to leave in a few days for a visit in Va and Washington- D Mr Arthur Davis who lived at Jacksonville many years ago is visiting Mrs Frank Shropshire near Leesburg He now lives in Texas Dr Clay Stone and Mr Oakford Hinton attended a euchre party in Tuesday night given byMrsSarah Allen of North Mill street Mrs Horace Miller jastej dav for California where she will spend ih Wiuter with relatives She will stop off at Robinson Utah to visit her daughter Mrs Mrs David Depue Mrs Newton Mitchell of Duncan avenue entertained fourteen young lady friends at a charming five course dinner Wednesday evening in honor of her sister Mrs Garrett of Woodford The decorations were La France roses and the place cards were pretty water colors painted by Mrs Mitchells kins- woman Miss Katherine Bird During the evening the Chafing Dish Club organized with fourteen members It will meet every two weeks Miss Gertrude Renick entertained the new euchre club Wednesday even- ing in handsome style at her home onj High street There were about forty club members and pests present and euchre was played until eleven when lunch was served The rooms were decorated with American Beauty roses and Mermets The players were Misses Sue Buckner Louise and Marie Parrish Lida Rogers Maysville Mrs Sidney- G Clay Anita Bell Mississippi Milda McMillan Fannie Johnson Margaret Lyne Cynthiana Katie Lucas Eddie Spears Lizzette Dickson Sallie Joe Hedges Mary Best Tarr Margaret and Ollie Butler Katherine Simms Jessie Turney Mrs Scott Ron ick Middletown 0 Messrs Sam Clay Sidney G Clay Dr M H Daily Dr Will Kenney Dr Will Kenney Dr Clay Stone Dr Silas Evans Hugh Brent Ed Tucker J W Bacon Clell Turney John Brennan Dr Chas Dickson John N Davis Spears Talbott Clay Oakford Hinton Walter Champ The prize for was won by Miss Fannie Johnson while Dr Evans won the prize for gen tlemen The next meeting of the club will be with Miss Mary Best Tarr on November 7th Rev Dr K N Craig of Atlanta dropped dead in the pulpit morning while addressing the Presby teriari Synod of yirginia sesaioi at Newport Nows J T MCMILLAN dentist office ove THE NEWS on Broadway tf A Louisville saloon keeper gives afternoon papar with each drink Mrs H Keenon wife of a banker died yesterday of blood poison caused by a carbuncle Simon Weil the Lexington stop buyer has returned from a two trip to Europe T aE bird season does not open unti but the pot hunters ari at work according to report wasin I isit came i CharlestonW C was I JohnSpears 4 Wednesda in t 0- t I L r 3 f I visit and Mrs visit expects Lex- ington left a ovsniberd5 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ THE FARM AND TRUE For the Farmer Trader andStock Raiser At the big Hereford cattle this Kansas City Columbus AVil a yearling Hesoid bull sold to Rockefeller of Cleveland for 5050 Beau Donald XXVIII a Dull bred by W H Curtis of Eminence Ky sold for 2000 and Beau Dpnald XX a bull owned by H D Martin also of Eminence brought 430 Mode Mitchell of Lexington has sold his fancy saddle horse Sousa to Lawrence Jones of Louisville for 1500 Sousa was a big winner at the Louisville horse show Col J E Pepper of Lexington sold England Wednesday his valuable colt Kings Courier to Mr Sevier a bookmaker for 25000 Simon Weil bought several cars of heavy cattle at Shelbyville this week at 450 to 475 Lexington will vote on the question- of building a 200000 hall Frank yearling in News sale week at Grand Opera House L H RAMSEY Lessee and Manager R S Resident NIGHTS AND SATURDAY MATINEE Commencing MONDAY OCT 29 The Versatile Comedian Mr GEO B HOWARD Charming Soubrette and Ingenue MISS FLORA with their company of Dramatic and Vaudeville Artists presenting a series of melodramas comedydramas com edies and farces CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCES VAUDEVILLE BETWEEN ACTS PRICES Night Matinee 10 20 30 cents 10 cents to all Opening bill Monday night the four act sensational comedydrama THE WINNING HAND Ladies admitted free Monday night when accompanied by a paid 30cent ticket which must be reserved at Brooks drug store by 6 p in I WINDSOR r prepared to promptly dye clean press and repair clothing in a satisfac tory manner at reasonable prices They ask your patronage nov2Slyr i I have just placed two 50 porcelain lined bath tubs in my bath rooms at my shop and offer an excellent bath service to the public Comfortable Tooms polite attendants Your patron- age solicited BUCK F W Shackford actor 4 and Builder PARIS KY P O Box O Public Sale Small House and Lot 1900 at 3 oclock at the Court House door a frame house and lot situated the North side of Eighth street and known as the Connelly property The j house contains four rooms and lot is 4 45x145 feet j Property is bringing a good rental AT FORSYTH Auct EXECUTORS SALE I The undersigned will on the premises at 10 am on expose to public sale the home of late Mrs Sallie S Adair located in Bourbon County Kentucky on the PariS turnpike near Mt Carmel Church containing about 175 acres of land comfortable all stock barn C About 7 12 from Paris 1 12 miles f rom Shawhan station or onethird cast balance in one and years with six 1 percent interest from date y iROBT c TAJGEtOTT Exor Mrs Sallie iS t SIX I I Andthe DORSETT i OLOTHlN CLEANED THMASBROS y HOTEL Are NEW BATH ROOMS I I I FREEMAN 1 PI Stll1E1ll OG1Dn8ra1tn I I i on- t OF lot 3OtD 1900 I and Townsend I necessary outbuildingstobacco barn TERMSCash tW t OPPOSITE barber I I Con OF j BOFBONFAR1L u I Adair q ¬ ¬ > > LARGEST DR GOODS STORE CITY TABLE LINENS and NAPKINST- his season we are showing an entire new line To be uptodate you should have a stripe with napkins to match Why Not Daffodils on Bar Roses on Stripes Maid on on Carnation Pinks on Stripes Hare Bells on Napkins to Match OUR SPECIALS Cloaks Furs and Capes G Tuoker Y IN THE 111111 unu lUll rnun 111111111 rullIlIIUIUI cloth p Stripes I OCR Clothing Wants In Style FOURTH MAI STS PARIS KY If you cannot read this small print at a distance of 14 inches yous eyesight is failing and should have immediate attention Imperial spectacles and eyeglasses have perfect Jensen perfectly made of purest set In frames of the highest eliisfrsliyapd orreru of greatest with the utmost lljrhu n ctt fina and lens ar are scientifically fitted r i r JJ T r en avfij re for they are perfect l 3 Hce Nor of men not know how to fit lil gal pooiij udjijsied spectacles or poor imperfect lenstn nod are butt 3ro8 vlthoa aly a with either these imperial spectacles of a skillfn deal jr and the will last longer without c ang9 be cheapest in end We ha e engaged the services of EF C H Bowen who Willvisite out store on the second and last Thursdays of each mouth and invite all to have their eyes for which there is ne charge Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded Next visit Thursday Nov 8 1900 Hello 170 rld k JAMES rt IU d v 1n I tl i i tax defec I calland d1 Meets Your- QuaIity- e rice l PAI 9 ti r ra > t g aisf b action 1 t 3 who a lasaes of s y ref lanls a the r c j < > At least ha e had trouble in keeping a cook during the Summer Much of their worry could have been avoided ed DOW SPEARS We have lots of readyprepared foods and many things needing little preparation Everything- in stock is we havent what you call for it only takes a moment to get it Call us up 469 Paris Wives t r f J however if they had called onor call freshif DOVV 8p aS- r s s WITH HER GOLDEN LINES AND ROYAL GREET INGS IS HERE But we have taken the hint from her advance agent and procured a large stock of Fall Clothing to be sold at popular prices Best top coats patterns silk lined can be had from 10 to 20 THE SUITS ARE Good quality at 10 1250 15 Boys and Chit drens Suits just the thug for school 250 to 5 Autumn U T iTi Ti- i latest 4 t and I RRICE3CQ 1 CLOTHIERS I e ¬ < < °
Page 1: Bourbon News. (Paris, KY) 1900-10-26 [p 5].







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TIE mint if1 S

th Year Establlbbed 1881

at the at Paris Kyeiond class mail matter



aflyeM 2 00 3100

rake all Checks Money Orders Etc

CITY TAXESA penalty of ten per

cent will be attachedupon all City Tax Billsremaining unpaidThursday November 1

1900R K

Collectorrented the Kenney

residence of Winchester street

FLOUR exchanged for wheatE F SPEARS SONS

THE public schools of Cynthiariahave been closed on account of scarletJ ver

WALLACE STEELE has rented resi-

dence of Mrs Ev Rogers on Main

ttr3tSEE the new and pretty French I

flannels in all shades and figuresHeymans

THE Hill Tap Gun Olub will give afhoot at Alfred Olays next Tuesdayand Wednesday

INSURE your tobsfoso all farmwith T Pcrfcer SmitlU as

low as the lo es jv I

THE State Poultry Assdeia

tion will hold its annual show in Louis-

ville January 14 to 19

FOUND In the opera house acape Also a pair of spectacles

Inquire of Manager Porteri i

I have a few good buggies yet on j

hand which I close out at costJAMES H HAGGARD


SHOES that please in style fit andprice are what the purchaser wantsAll these guarantee at Davis ThompEOJ Isgrig

B F BUCKLEY has takenof the Cummins place near j

which he bought recently Hewill continue in the tobacco business


DERIAS CURRENT colored who ischarged with cutting Lydia Tillman of i

Claysville waived his examiningWednesday morning beforeWebb-

T T TEVPLI has the contract to j

build the cattle pens at the ParisCo and left yesterday morning

for Rockcastle county to buy the lumberto be used

THE Paris Distilling Co will beginrunning in about three weeks SimonNeil of Lexington has purchased theslop and will feed eight hundred cattleat the distillery pens s

ROBINSON GREEN who has been inthe employe of the Adams Express Go

for several years resigned yesterday toaccept a position withinans omnibus line

ALLIE MANN who has been an ac-

commodating employe of MannFuhrmans bus some time leftyesterday for Carlisle to engage inother business

LOST Wednesday morning betweenParis and the first toll house on Win-

chester pike a feather boa Finderplease leave at THE NEWS office


ANTHONY WILSON colored was triedWednesday before Judge Smith on thecharge of obtaining goods under falsepretenses He was held over in 200

bond to Oircuifc Court

Gov BBOKHAM on his return toFrankfort Wednesday affixed his signature to HdfKJO Bill 18 the new electionlaw and to several minor resolutionsThe new Yaw tuiU go into effect in nine

CARL CnAtf ftJKOS barber shop iseasily the lJfl fc send most convenientplace in to got a aluivc bath hair-cut or shine Three expert barbers furnish a quiok and ffttiufactpry serviceGood bath service attached tf

DR JOSEPH of Cincinnatiwho is known to many persons in Parisand Bourbon had an exciting experi-ence this week with his automobile-

It jumped into his neighbors yard tenfeet below snorted forth a cloud ofsteam and ran into a DrEichberg copt his seat and finallycontrolled machine The Doctorescaped injury

J wen

as i


palable to the order of CHAMP BRO





RussELL IowEhas





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Speaking AppointmentsPURSUANT to the plan announced by-e National Democratic Campaign

ommittee to have a Democratic Rallyeach precinct in the United Statesmen

Saturday Oct 27 the Bourbon CountyCampaign Committee announces thefollowing appointments

Buddies E Mcore Jr andJ Williams

Millersburg HonW P Kimball andHon Jno S Smith

Little South Trimble andM MoVeyNorth Middletown Hon Jno R

Allen and Hon EM DicksonEarl Ashbrook arid

Joseph Johnson x

Jacksonville Judge C D Webb andC Fisher

Hutchison Hon Chas H Miller ofLexington

C FisherSpeaking at all places at 2 oclock pm

Saturday nignt at 7 p mIon South Trimble Col Jno R Allenind Hon W P speak athe CourtHouse

Hons South Trimble of Frankfortand Campbell Cantrill of Georgetownand Miss Margaret Ingels of Paris willspeak Friday night at 730

Neville C Fisher will address theDemocratic Campaign Club of Hutchison No 2 at Hutchison school houseon Friday evening Sept 26 at 7

The Democratic Band WagonThe Democratic band wagon is the

greatest political hit that was ever madein Christian county Three more bigmeetings were held and nearly 1500people were addressed and fifteen milesof territory covered

The meetings are growing every dayand the third day culminated in twomonster meetings only three milesapart in which there were nearly athousand people The speakers weredivided and Hon W R Howell spoketo the miners at Empire while theothers addressed the main meeting at

a Republican stronghold-IN the Southern part of Kentucky a

Democratic band wagon is a very uniqueof the campaign The wagon

carries a band and several orators and ismaking successful campaign severalcounties It attracts large crowds

Kentucky Knights of PythiasTHE Grand Lodge of Kentucky

Knights of Pythias was in session inWinchester this week The followingofficers were chosen Martin oE-

Oweusboro Grand Chancellor V GR Logan of Louisville Vice GrandChancellor Jouette Henry of Hopkinsville Grand Prelate Wade SheltmanGrand Keeper of Records and SealsJule Plummer of Newport

of Exchequer JoeG Covington-of Bowling Green Grand MasteratArms W T Scheurman Grand InnerGuard John Swift of Dayton GrandOuter Guard

Harrison Clay Farm Sold

THE Harrison B Clay farm containing 150 acres on the Winchester pikefive miles from Paris vas sold yester-day at public sale by Auctioneer A TForsyth to Wm B and MrsGano Haldreth for 9001 per acreMrs Hildreth gets the improvements onthe farm

The price of Mrs Bettie G Claysfarm which was bought by CatesbyWoodford was dollars per

New Telephone Company

A CYNTHLVNA capitalist was in thecity Tuesday night in the interest ofgetting up an independent telephonecompany for Paris and buildingplant at once We understand that hereceived considerable encouragement

The independent telephone companies-of the Bluegrass held a meeting at Loxington Tuesday and signed an agreeueiic xiwt M Loll out to the Cumberland-

or Bell Company

Youtsey In Excellent HealthHenry Houtsey who was taken to the

Frankfort jail Tuesday from Georgetown is in excellent health

His relatives have employed DrWallace a local pbysician to look afterhim Many of the old friends of theprisoner called on him at the jail Tues-day afternoon and Wednesday morningHe conversed with all of them

Supplemental Registration

rTHB supplemental registration willby County Clerk Paton on Monday

Tuesday and Wednesday October 2980 and 81 The registration will be bjaffidavit and only those can registewho wore preventedregular registration by absence from thecity or sickness

Accidentally ShotROBERT TRUMBO son of D A Trumbo

was accidentally shot Monday by j

young Wallace Rash while theout hunting in the Clintonvill

precinct Young rvtolik was shdt ithe groin and the woiiiid may provvery








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Kimball will

from so doingat th








Notes About Our Guests Arrivals andDepartures Society Doings

J A Stern is in Portsmouth 0 ona business trip

Miss Alice Spears is at home from-

a in CynthianaMrs Scotland Highland was in

Cincinnati Wednesday

Mrs Ossian Edwardsvisited friendsin Cynthiaua yesterday

Mr Chas Jones of Flemingsburgthe city yesterday-

Mr Amos Turney returned fromChicago Wednesday night

Hon Richard Stoll of Lexingtonwas in the city Wednesday

Mr Lau Butler left Wednesday fora business trip in the South

Mr James T Davis Mr David j

M Dodge are on the sick listMrs W W Kenney was a Paris

visitor in Lexington yesterday

Lida Ferguson was a Parisvisitor in Lexington Wednesday

Miss Josie Cronin of the Fordham-

is ill being threatened with feverMiss Stella Roberts left yesterday

for a visit to friends in Cynthiana

Miss Margaret Lane of Cynthiana-

is the guest of Miss Eddie Spears onMfr Airy avenue

Mrs Morris Renick of Middle

town 0 is a guest at Mr W HRenicks on High street

Mrs E M Dickson and daughterMissLizzette left yesterday for ato relatives in Richmond

Mrs W L Davis and daughterMiss Mary Irvine Davis have returnedfrom a in Louisville

Miss Lida Rogers Up fromMsysville Wednesday afternoon for avisit to Miss Gertrude Renick

Miss Margery Turney attended acard party given in Cynthiana yesterdayafternoon by Mrs W M Turney

Mr and Mrs Wm Judy of Nich-

olas are guests at Mr W H HJohnsons on Mr Airy avenue

Miss Margaret Butler to

leave in a few days for a visit inVa and Washington-


Mr Arthur Davis who lived atJacksonville many years ago is visitingMrs Frank Shropshire near LeesburgHe now lives in Texas

Dr Clay Stone and Mr OakfordHinton attended a euchre party in

Tuesday night given byMrsSarahAllen of North Mill street

Mrs Horace Miller jastej davfor California where she will spend ihWiuter with relatives She will stopoff at Robinson Utah to visit herdaughter Mrs Mrs David Depue

Mrs Newton Mitchell of Duncanavenue entertained fourteen younglady friends at a charming five coursedinner Wednesday evening in honor ofher sister Mrs Garrett of WoodfordThe decorations were La France rosesand the place cards were pretty watercolors painted by Mrs Mitchells kins-

woman Miss Katherine Bird Duringthe evening the Chafing Dish Cluborganized with fourteen members Itwill meet every two weeks

Miss Gertrude Renick entertainedthe new euchre club Wednesday even-ing in handsome style at her home onj

High street There were about fortyclub members and pests present andeuchre was played until eleven whenlunch was served The rooms weredecorated with American Beauty rosesand Mermets The players were MissesSue Buckner Louise and Marie ParrishLida Rogers Maysville Mrs Sidney-G Clay Anita Bell MississippiMilda McMillan Fannie JohnsonMargaret Lyne Cynthiana KatieLucas Eddie Spears Lizzette DicksonSallie Joe Hedges Mary Best TarrMargaret and Ollie Butler KatherineSimms Jessie Turney Mrs Scott Ronick Middletown 0 Messrs SamClay Sidney G Clay DrM H Daily Dr Will Kenney DrWill Kenney Dr Clay Stone Dr SilasEvans Hugh Brent Ed Tucker J WBacon Clell Turney John BrennanDr Chas Dickson John N DavisSpears Talbott Clay Oakford HintonWalter Champ The prize forwas won by Miss Fannie Johnsonwhile Dr Evans won the prize for gentlemen The next meeting of the clubwill be with Miss Mary Best Tarr onNovember 7th

Rev Dr K N Craig of Atlantadropped dead in the pulpitmorning while addressing the Presbyteriari Synod of yirginia sesaioiat Newport Nows

J T MCMILLAN dentist office oveTHE NEWS on Broadway tf

A Louisville saloon keeper givesafternoon papar with each drink

Mrs H Keenon wife of abanker died yesterday of blood poisoncaused by a carbuncle

Simon Weil the Lexington stopbuyer has returned from a twotrip to Europe

T aE bird season does not open untibut the pot hunters ari

at work according to report



































For the Farmer Trader andStockRaiser

At the big Hereford cattle thisKansas City Columbus AVil a

yearling Hesoid bull sold toRockefeller of Cleveland for 5050Beau Donald XXVIII a Dull bred byW H Curtis of Eminence Ky soldfor 2000 and Beau Dpnald XX a

bull owned by H D Martinalso of Eminence brought 430

Mode Mitchell of Lexington has soldhis fancy saddle horse Sousa toLawrence Jones of Louisville for

1500 Sousa was a big winner atthe Louisville horse show

Col J E Pepper of Lexington soldEngland Wednesday his valuable

colt Kings Courier to Mr Sevier abookmaker for 25000

Simon Weil bought several cars ofheavy cattle at Shelbyville this week at

450 to 475

Lexington will vote on the question-of building a 200000 hall





saleweek at

Grand Opera House

L H RAMSEY Lessee and ManagerR S Resident



MONDAY OCT 29The Versatile Comedian Mr

GEO B HOWARDCharming Soubrette and


MISS FLORAwith their company of Dramatic andVaudeville Artists presenting a seriesof melodramas comedydramas comedies and farcesCONTINUOUS PERFORMANCES



10 20 30 cents10 cents to all

Opening bill Monday night the fouract sensational comedydrama

THE WINNING HANDLadies admitted free Monday night

when accompanied by a paid 30centticket which must be reserved atBrooks drug store by 6 p in


prepared to promptly dye cleanpress and repair clothing in a satisfactory manner at reasonable prices Theyask your patronage nov2Slyr


I have just placed two 50 porcelainlined bath tubs in my bath rooms at my

shop and offer an excellent bathservice to the public ComfortableTooms polite attendants Your patron-age solicited BUCK

F W Shackford

actor 4 and Builder


Public SaleSmall House and Lot

1900 at 3 oclock at the Court Housedoor a frame house and lot situatedthe North side of Eighth street andknown as the Connelly property The

j house contains four rooms and lot is4 45x145 feetj Property is bringing a good rental



I The undersigned will on the premisesat 10 a m on

expose to public sale the home oflate Mrs Sallie S Adair located in

Bourbon County Kentucky on thePariS turnpike near MtCarmel Church containing about 175acres of land comfortable all

stock barn C About 7 12 fromParis 1 12 miles from Shawhan station

or onethird castbalance in one and years with six

1 percent interest from datey

iROBT c TAJGEtOTTExor Mrs Sallie iS



I IAndthe












Stll1E1ll OG1Dn8ra1tnI


i on-



lot 3OtD 1900


and Townsend

Inecessary outbuildingstobacco barn


















TABLE LINENS and NAPKINST-his season we are showing an entire new lineTo be uptodate you should have a stripewith napkins to match

Why NotDaffodils on BarRoses on StripesMaid on onCarnation Pinks on StripesHare Bells on

Napkins to MatchOUR SPECIALS Cloaks Furs and Capes

G TuokerY

IN THE111111 unu lUll rnun 111111111 rullIlIIUIUI





Wants In



Ifyou cannot read this small print at a distance of 14 inches youseyesight is failing and should have immediate attention

Imperial spectacles and eyeglasses have perfect Jensen perfectlymade of purest set In frames of the highest eliisfrsliyapd orreru of greatest

with the utmost lljrhu n ctt fina and lens arare scientifically fitted r i r JJ T r en avfij re for theyare perfect l 3 Hce Nor of men not know how to fit

lil gal pooiij udjijsied spectacles or poor imperfect lenstn nod are butt 3ro8 vlthoaaly a with either these imperial spectacles of a skillfndeal jr and the will last longer without c ang9 be cheapest in end

We ha e engaged the services of E F C H Bowen who Willvisiteout store on the second and last Thursdays of each mouth and inviteall to have their eyes for which there is necharge Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded

Next visit Thursday Nov 8 1900 Hello 170



rtIU d v 1n

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Meets Your-

QuaIity-e rice

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At least ha e had trouble in keepinga cook during the Summer Much oftheir worry could have been avoided

ed DOW SPEARS We have lots ofreadyprepared foods and many thingsneeding little preparation Everything-in stock is we havent whatyou call for it only takes a moment toget it Call us up

469 Paris Wivest



however if they had called onor call


DOVV 8p aS-r





But we have taken the hintfrom her advance agent andprocured a large stock of FallClothing to be sold at popularprices Best top coatspatterns silk lined can behad from 10 to 20 THE

SUITS AREGood quality at 10 1250

15 Boys and Chitdrens Suits just the

thug for school250 to 5


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