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Bourque&Parmentier SGposter

Date post: 15-May-2017
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Introduction Students in a college community have a plethora of op- portunities at their fingertips. Between clubs, sports, in- ternships, college events and sorority/fraternity groups, students can be involved in almost anything and every- thing. It has become a new standard to be “well-rounded” expressing your interest and involvement in a variety of outlets. But when is being a well round high achieving in- dividual just too much and when do the positive effects of this active life style turn to have negative effects? How Students Spend Their Time &RPSOHWLQJ 6HPHVWHU &UHGLW +RXUV 6WXG\LQJ :RUNLQJ 3DUWLFLSDWLQJ LQ 6SRUWV 3DUWLFLSDWLQJ LQ ([WUDFXUULFXODU $FWLYLWLHV 6OHHSLQJ Involvement in Extracurricular Activities, Sports and Work effect a students performance in classes and therefore the students’ GPA “Well-Rounded Student” :H GHILQH ZHOO URXQGHG DV D VWXGHQW ZKR SDU- ticipates in a variety of extracurricular activities, LV D FDPSXV OHDGHU RU ZRUNV GXULQJ WKH VFKRRO year. Methods &UHDWHG D FRPSUHKHQVLYH 6XUYH\ SROOLQJ VWXGHQW LQ- volvement in the categories listed above 7KH VXUYH\ OLQN ZDV DGPLQLVWHUHG WKURXJK JRRJOH and required a University student login allowing us to control our sample 7KH VXUYH\ ZDV FRPSOHWHG E\ D WRWDO RI VWXGHQWV 0XOWLYDULDWH UHJUHVVLRQ PHWKRGV ZHUH XVHG WR DQD- lyze the data collected. Although we found a negative correlation between extracurricular participation and GPA there are many benefits to being a well- rounded student not captured by GPA. Discussion 0XOWLYDULDWH UHJUHVVLRQ WHFKQLTXHV H[SODLQHG RI YDULDWLRQ LQ *3$ +ROGLQJ DOO RWKHU IDFWRUV HTXDO ([WUDFXUULFXODU KDV WKH ODUJHVW HIIHFW RQ *3$ ,QFUHDVLQJ ([WUDFXUULFXODU DFWLYLW\ E\ RQH KRXU FDXVHV *3$ WR GHFUHDVH E\ 6LQFH *3$ LV PHDVXUHG RQ D VFDOH D FKDQJH RI is a fairly significant difference. +ROGLQJ DOO RWKHU IDFWRUV HTXDO LQFUHDVLQJ VSRUWV E\ RQH KRXU FDXVHV *3$ WR LQFUHDVH E\ :H EHOLHYH VSRUWV KDV D SRVLWLYH HIIHFW GXH WR WKH *3$ requirement for varsity players and the team helps orga- nize studying :RUNLQJ KDV D QHJDWLYH HIIHFW LQFUHDVLQJ ZRUN E\ RQH KRXU GHFUHDVHV *3$ E\ 7KLV HIIHFW LV PXFK OHVV VLJ- nificant. None of our results were statistically significant, a larger sample pool, and a more random sample may lead to stronger conclusions. Does Student Involvement in Extracurricular Activities Have an Affect on Their Academic Success? By: Nikita Bourque & Anne Elise Parmentier
Page 1: Bourque&Parmentier SGposter


Students in a college community have a plethora of op-portunities at their fingertips. Between clubs, sports, in-ternships, college events and sorority/fraternity groups, students can be involved in almost anything and every-thing. It has become a new standard to be “well-rounded” expressing your interest and involvement in a variety of outlets. But when is being a well round high achieving in-dividual just too much and when do the positive effects of this active life style turn to have negative effects?

How Students Spend Their Time

Involvement in Extracurricular Activities,

Sports and Work effect a students performance

in classes and therefore the students’ GPA

“Well-Rounded Student”

-ticipates in a variety of extracurricular activities,



-volvement in the categories listed above

and required a University student login allowing us to control our sample

-lyze the data collected.

Although we found a negative correlation

between extracurricular participation and

GPA there are many benefits to being a well-

rounded student not captured by GPA.


is a fairly significant difference.

requirement for varsity players and the team helps orga-nize studying


None of our results were statistically significant, a larger sample pool, and a more random sample may lead to stronger conclusions.

Does Student Involvement in Extracurricular Activities Have an Affect on Their Academic Success?

By: Nikita Bourque & Anne Elise Parmentier
