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Bowden 29TipsForAHealthyLife

Date post: 25-Dec-2015
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Welcome!In this special report you’ll find 29 easy tips for making life healthier and richer.These are tips, tricks and suggestions I’ve found to be very helpful over the years.

Remember, the key to success is to keep showing up. Stay in the game and enjoy the journey!


Dr. Jonny Bowden


1 Eat nuts frequently. Nut consumption is associated with lower rates of certain kinds of heart disease. It’s important to buy nuts fresh and to make sure they aren’t rancid. Keep them in an air-tight jar, and avoid buying from open bins where they are exposed to oxygen all day long.

2 Get your selenium. This wonderful mineral is a powerful anti-oxidant and anti-cancer agent. Proper lev-els of selenium have been linked to lower levels of cancer and to a healthier immune system. Three Brazil nuts provide over 200mcg of selenium.

3 Soak nuts in pure water. You can soak some raw almonds in purified water overnight, and it will make them far easier to digest. You can also dry them off and toast them in the oven for a crunchy, oil-free snack.

4 Get your fiber. Higher levels of fiber in the diet have been as-sociated with better blood sugar control and may have protective effects on some cancers as well. Get soluble fiber from fruits, oats, barley and legumes. Get insoluble fiber from bran, whole grain breads and vegetables.


5 Take a breath break. Most of us breathe far too shallowly most of the time, especially during times of stress. Expand your diaphragm (from the belly) and then slowly expand your chest, filling it with air. Let it out slowly and fully in the reverse order. Train yourself to take a few breaths like this at least several times in each day.

6 Love an animal. A relationship with an animal lowers blood pressure and raises important brain chemicals needed for a sense of well-being. Dog own-ers live longer and have fewer heart attacks.

7 Take a walk before dinner. It raises your metabolic rate as well as those important “feel-good” brain chemicals. Just nine minutes a day of walking was found to significantly lower the risk of heart attack.

8 Eat earlier in the evening. Avoid going to bed on a full stomach which can make it difficult to burn fat during the night. Eating late at night can also lead to sleep disturbances.

9 Start the day with protein. Protein in the morning is associated with


greater energy, higher levels of mental alert-ness and less mid-morning cravings.

10 Wash your vegetables and fruits. Minimize pesticide and toxin exposure with a good vegetable wash using pure water. It’s an inexpensive way to make these great foods even healthier.

11 Add olives to your salad. Black olives are loaded with heart healthy monounsaturated fat, and add wonderful taste and texture to any salad.

12 Stretch after exercise. Stretching cold muscles is like stretching cold taffy- the muscles are hard and brittle when they’re cold and can be much more readily injured if you force a stretch. If you prefer to stretch before doing your exercise routine or before going for a run, at least do a few min-utes of light warm-up first. Muscles respond much better to stretching when they are warm.

13 Have some green foods everyday. Foods like wheat grass, barley, and green magma are a wonderful way to add valuable enzymes and nutrients to your diet. These foods and juices also help to balance out the overly acid typical American diet.


14 Spice up your life. Ordinary spices and herbs are an amazing nat-ural pharmacy of nutrients, antioxidants and other healthy compounds. Plain ordinary cin-namon has been found to have a positive ef-fect on blood sugar levels. Garlic can enhance circulation; turmeric has long been known to have profound anti-inflammatory properties as well as being a tonic for the liver. Rosemary, thyme, parsley and other fresh herbs and spices have many health benefits; they’re also a great way to make great foods like vegeta-bles even more palatable and interesting.

15 Respect your body’s need for sleep. Choose a cut-off time for e-mails, phone calls and business talk in your home, and allow the last hours of the day to be filled with re-laxation, peace and rest.

16 Go to bed earlier. Sleep experts have found that it’s far easier to get extra needed sleep by going to bed earlier than it is by sleeping later.

17 Give love. Studies have found that giving love has as great an effect on health and wellness as receiving it. In one study, even taking care of a plant extended lifespan. Find places in your


life and community where you can make a difference and then do it.

18 Keep your word. You can increase your sense of power in the universe in all things that you undertake by making what you do and what you say be the same thing. Practice this in some small way on a daily basis and miracles can happen.

19 Daydream. Down time is not wasted time. Far from being unproductive, some unstructured time alone with yourself allows you to replenish, rejuve-nate and renew the best parts of yourself.

20 Vary your workouts. Every two months or so change your exercise routine. A change in routine prevents bore-dom and presents fresh challenges for your muscles and cardiovascular system.

21 Keep a journal. A food journal allows you to make connec-tions between what you eat and how you feel, as well as to take more personal respon-sibility for your relationship with food. It also increases mindfulness and reduces uncon-scious eating.


22 Never arrive hungry. Much overeating is due to poor planning. If you arrive at dinner after not having eaten for seven or eight hours, you are far more likely to eat anything put in front of you. A small healthy snack in mid-afternoon, such as a little cheese or fruit and nuts, or even some veg-etable or V-8 juice will take the edge off your appetite and help you to eat better at dinner.

23 Don’t trust your thirst. Thirst is a highly unreliable indicator of your body’s need for water, particularly in older people. If you wait to drink water till you’re thirsty, chances are you are already under-hydrated. Under-hydration leads to poor per-formance and can also lead to overeating. At the very least, drink eight glasses of pure fresh water on a daily basis.

24 Eat the “reverse pyramid”. Eat breakfast like a queen, lunch like a prin-cess, and dinner like a pauper. This is much more in keeping with your body’s natural rhythms and needs, and is also far less likely to lead to unwanted weight gain.

25 Lift weights at least twice a week. Weight training shapes and tones your body, and helps you preserve valuable muscle which


is where fat is ultimately “burned”. Muscle is your best ally in keeping your metabolic rate high and keeping unwanted fat at bay.

26 Rotate your foods with the seasons. In-season foods are more in tune with the body’s needs. For example, tropical fruits cool us in the summer; heavier soups sustain us in the winter.

27 Be a winner. When beginning an exercise program, set yourself up for a “win”. Understand that you are building a habit- doing something consis-tently is more important than what you do.

28 Lose the stress. Stress can make you fat. Stress hormones cause cravings, overeating and hormonal im-balances that lead to weight gain. Stress re-duction is one of the best weight-loss strate-gies in the world.

29 Be conscious. Most overeating is unconscious. Use a food diary as a tool to pay attention to what you’re eating and to discover the relationship between what you eat and how you feel.


About the Author

Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS, (aka “The Rogue Nutritionist”) is a nationally known expert on weight loss, nutrition and health.

Dr. Bowden is a board-certified nutritionist with a master’s degree in psychology and the author of nine books on health, healing, food and longevity including two best-sellers, “The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth” and “Living Low Carb”.

A frequent guest on television and radio, he has appeared on every major network as an expert on nutrition, weight loss, and longevity. Dr. Bowden is a regular contributor to several online health portals and has contributed to dozens of print publications.

He is the author of several books including:

• “The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth”• “The 100 Healthiest Foods for Pregnancy” • “The Most Effective Natural Cures on Earth”• “The Healthiest Meals on Earth” (with Jeannette Bessinger)• “The 150 Most Effective Ways to Boost Your Energy”• “The Most Effective Ways to Live Longer”• “The Live Longer Cookbook” • “Living Low Carb” • “The Healthiest 15-Minute Recipes on Earth”

Dr. Bowden has a Master’s Degree in psychology and counsel-ing and a PhD in nutrition, and has earned six national certifica-tions in personal training and exercise. He is board certified by the American College of Nutrition, a member of the prestigious American Society for Nutrition, and a much in-demand speaker at conferences and events across the country.

You can learn more about Dr. Bowden at JonnyBowden.com.
