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The brachial plexus: normal anatomy, pathology, and MR imaging Brian C. Bowen, MD, PhD a,b,c, * , Pradip M. Pattany, PhD a,c , Efrat Saraf-Lavi, MD b , Kenneth R. Maravilla, MD d a Division of Neuroradiology/MRI Center, Department of Radiology, University of Miami School of Medicine, 1115 NW 14th Street, Miami, FL 33136, USA b Department of Radiology, Jackson Memorial Medical Center, 1611 NW 12th Avenue, Miami, FL 33136, USA c Miami Project to Cure Paralysis, University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USA d Neuroradiology and MR Research Laboratory, University of Washington, 1959 NE Pacific, Box 357115, Seattle, WA 98195, USA MR imaging of peripheral nerves at high spatial resolution, with and without fat suppression, has been shown to detect features of intraneural anatomy not previously seen on diagnostic imaging studies and to localize pathologic lesions in conditions where electrophysiologic and physical findings are nonspe- cific or nonlocalizing [1]. The improvements in nerve imaging have led to the increasing use of MR imaging in the evaluation of peripheral nervous system dis- ease, including brachial plexopathy. Images with high spatial resolution and sufficient signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and tissue contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) for diagnostic evaluation can now be acquired routinely because of improvements in gradient coil technology, MR pulse sequence design, and radiofrequency (RF) coil design. In particular, the use of phased arrays and integrated arrays of RF coils for dedicated brachial plexus imaging has made it possible to directly evaluate the plexus components (ie, roots, trunks, divisions, and cords) and, frequently, to distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic pathologic changes. The traditional approach to evaluation of the plexus focused on morphologic evidence for a mass lesion infiltrating perineural fat. The approach has been broadened and now includes an assessment of the intrinsic MR features of nerves, such as signal inten- sity on short tau inversion recovery (STIR) or fat- saturated T2-weighted fast-spin-echo (FSE) images, the appearance of the intraneural fascicular pattern, or the pattern of postcontrast enhancement on fat-satu- rated T1-weighted images. By analyzing the signal characteristics of the nerves (and innervated muscle) and the regional morphologic features, radiologists have a larger database from which to formulate a dif- ferential diagnosis. Based on published case material, the additional information promises to yield more accurate diagnoses in patients who have plexopathy [2–5]. Anatomy Each component of the brachial plexus has the basic endoneurium-perineurium-epineurium organi- zation and fascicular structure that have been de- scribed for isolated peripheral nerves, such as the median and ulnar nerves. The largest components are approximately 5 mm in mean diameter [6]. To localize plexus lesions detected on MR imaging, knowledge of the anatomy of the plexus and the relationship of the plexus to adjacent muscles, ves- sels, and osseous landmarks is necessary [1]. Descriptions of brachial plexus anatomy (Fig. 1) begin with the roots, which are continuous with the 1052-5149/04/$ – see front matter D 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.nic.2003.12.002 * Corresponding author. Division of Neuroradiology/ MRI Center, Department of Radiology, University of Miami School of Medicine, 1115 NW 14th Street, Miami, FL 33136. E-mail address: [email protected] (B.C. Bowen). Neuroimag Clin N Am 14 (2004) 59 – 85
  • The brachial plexus: normal




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    , Miami, FL 33136, USA

    al Center, 1611 NW 12th Avenue, Miami, FL 33136, USA

    y of M


    A 981

    Neuroimag Clin N Amdiagnostic evaluation can now be acquired routinely

    because of improvements in gradient coil technology,

    MR pulse sequence design, and radiofrequency (RF)

    coil design. In particular, the use of phased arrays and

    integrated arrays of RF coils for dedicated brachial

    plexus imaging has made it possible to directly

    evaluate the plexus components (ie, roots, trunks,

    divisions, and cords) and, frequently, to distinguish

    between intrinsic and extrinsic pathologic changes.

    The traditional approach to evaluation of the plexus

    focused on morphologic evidence for a mass lesion

    the additional information promises to yield more

    accurate diagnoses in patients who have plexopathy



    Each component of the brachial plexus has the

    basic endoneurium-perineurium-epineurium organi-

    zation and fascicular structure that have been de-

    scribed for isolated peripheral nerves, such as the

    median and ulnar nerves. The largest components

    are approximately 5 mm in mean diameter [6]. To

    localize plexus lesions detected on MR imaging,* Corresponding author. Division of Neuroradiology/spatial resolution and sufficient signal-to-noise ratio

    (SNR) and tissue contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) for

    have a larger database from which to formulate a dif-

    ferential diagnosis. Based on published case material,MR i

    Brian C. Bowen, MD, PhDa,b

    Efrat Saraf-Lavi, MDb, KaDivision of Neuroradiology/MRI Center, Departmen

    1115 NW 14th StreetbDepartment of Radiology, Jackson Memorial Medic

    cMiami Project to Cure Paralysis, UniversitdNeuroradiology and MR Research Laboratory, Un

    Seattle, W

    MR imaging of peripheral nerves at high spatial

    resolution, with and without fat suppression, has

    been shown to detect features of intraneural anatomy

    not previously seen on diagnostic imaging studies and

    to localize pathologic lesions in conditions where

    electrophysiologic and physical findings are nonspe-

    cific or nonlocalizing [1]. The improvements in nerve

    imaging have led to the increasing use of MR imaging

    in the evaluation of peripheral nervous system dis-

    ease, including brachial plexopathy. Images with high1052-5149/04/$ see front matter D 2004 Elsevier Inc. All right


    MRI Center, Department of Radiology, University of

    Miami School of Medicine, 1115 NW 14th Street, Miami,

    FL 33136.

    E-mail address: [email protected]

    (B.C. Bowen).iami School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USA

    ity of Washington, 1959 NE Pacific, Box 357115,

    95, USA

    infiltrating perineural fat. The approach has been

    broadened and now includes an assessment of the

    intrinsic MR features of nerves, such as signal inten-

    sity on short tau inversion recovery (STIR) or fat-

    saturated T2-weighted fast-spin-echo (FSE) images,

    the appearance of the intraneural fascicular pattern, or

    the pattern of postcontrast enhancement on fat-satu-

    rated T1-weighted images. By analyzing the signal

    characteristics of the nerves (and innervated muscle)

    and the regional morphologic features, radiologistsanatomy, pathology, and


    , Pradip M. Pattany, PhDa,c,neth R. Maravilla, MDd

    adiology, University of Miami School of Medicine,

    14 (2004) 5985knowledge of the anatomy of the plexus and the

    relationship of the plexus to adjacent muscles, ves-

    sels, and osseous landmarks is necessary [1].

    Descriptions of brachial plexus anatomy (Fig. 1)

    begin with the roots, which are continuous with the

    s reserved.

  • B.C. Bowen et al / Neuroimag Clin N Am 14 (2004) 598560ventral rami of the spinal nerves. In the most common

    configuration of the plexus, there are five roots: C5,

    C6, C7, C8, and T1. Continuing peripherally, the

    roots form three trunks: upper (from the C5 and C6

    roots), middle (from the C7 root), and lower (from

    the C8 and T1 roots). Each trunk separates into an

    anterior and posterior division, resulting in a total of

    six divisions. The divisions form three cords: lateral

    (from the anterior divisions of the upper and middle

    trunks), posterior (from the three posterior divisions),

    and medial (from the anterior division of the lower

    trunk). In the lateral aspect of the axilla, each cord

    divides into two terminal branches: musculocuta-

    neous nerve and lateral root of median nerve (lateral

    cord), axillary nerve and radial nerve (posterior cord),

    and ulnar nerve and medial root of median nerve

    (medial cord). The upper branches of the plexus,

    which arise in the neck rather than the axilla, include

    Fig. 1. The brachial plexus with selected vascular and musculoske

    subclavian/axillary artery and the lower is the subclavian/axillar

    intersect the following landmarks: A, interscalene triangle; B, later

    trunk and its posterior division are located posterior to the subcla

    corresponding approximately to planes A and B are shown in Fig.

    plexus. In: Bradley W, Stark D, editors. Magnetic resonance Ima

    with permission.)the dorsal scapular, suprascapular, and long thoracic

    nerves, and the nerve to the subclavius.

    Branches of the lateral and medial cords innervate

    the anterior muscles of the upper limb, and branches

    of the posterior cord innervate the posterior muscles.

    This pattern also may be expressed in terms of the

    plexus divisions: the anterior divisions innervate

    anterior muscles and the posterior divisions inner-

    vate posterior muscles. Of the upper limb peripheral

    nerves, the ulnar nerve is the only one derived ex-

    clusively from the medial cord, which is a favored

    site for plexus involvement in metatstatic breast

    carcinoma, or from the lower trunk, which is usually

    involved early in superior sulcus carcinoma (Pan-

    coasts tumor). Therefore, in patients who have breast

    or lung carcinoma, lower trunk plexopathy or ulnar

    neuropathy should raise suspicion for early tu-

    mor infiltration.

    letal landmarks. Of the two vessels shown, the upper is the

    y vein. The three dotted lines indicate sagittal planes that

    al margin of the first rib; and C, coracoid process The lower

    vian artery, which appears translucent. Sagittal MR images

    4. m, muscle; n, nerve. (Reprinted from Bowen B. Brachial

    ging. Philadelphia: Mosby-Year Book.; 1999. p. 182132;

  • small field-of-view (FOV) with a high SNR. By

    B.C. Bowen et al / Neuroimag Clin N Am 14 (2004) 5985 61By identifying the anatomic landmarks shown in

    Fig. 1, the location of the plexus components may be

    estimated (Fig. 2). The first landmark is the cleft

    between the anterior and middle scalene muscles

    referred to as the interscalene triangle (see Fig. 1,

    plane A). The anterior scalene muscle originates from

    the transverse processes of C3C6 and inserts on the

    first rib anteriorly. The middle scalene originates from

    the transverse processes of C2C6 (FC7) and insertson the first rib posterolaterally. On the medial aspect

    of the interscalene triangle, the plexus is composed

    primarily of roots, and on the lateral aspect, primarily

    of trunks. The trunks continue inferolaterally and

    form the divisions before, or in the vicinity of, the

    plane of the second landmark, the lateral border of

    the first rib (see Fig. 1, plane B). As the plexus

    Fig. 2. Gross anatomy of the brachial plexus (frontal view).

    R, T, D, and C identify the approximate locations of the

    roots, trunks, divisions, and cords. SCA, subclavian artery.

    Note the sizes of the trunks relative to the subclavian artery.courses between the first rib and the clavicle to

    enter the axilla, the divisions form the cords. These

    relationships are variable, and for example, the lower

    trunk often extends into the axilla before dividing

    into a small posterior division that completes the pos-

    terior cord and a large anterior division that continues

    as the medial cord. On reaching the plane defined by

    the medial border of the coracoid process, which is

    the third landmark (see Fig. 1, plane C), the cords are

    fully formed.

    The subclavian artery passes posterior to the

    anterior scalene muscle, whereas the subclavian vein

    passes anterior to the muscle. The second part of the

    subclavian artery, which is the part immediately

    posterior to the muscle, accompanies the plexus

    through the interscalene triangle. The C5C7 roots

    are located superior to the artery, whereas the C8 and

    T1 roots have a more horizontal course posterior to

    the artery. The trunks and divisions are usually foundcombining the signals from the multiple coil ele-

    ments, an image (Fig. 3B) can be produced that has

    the high SNR of each element yet encompasses a

    composite FOV similar to that of a single larger

    surface coil [8,9]. For the six-element phased array

    shown in Fig. 3A, three elements span the neck-to-

    shoulder region on each side of the body. To image

    the left plexus, for example, the three elements on

    the left side and one element on the right side are

    activated. The dedicated brachial plexus phased ar-

    ray [9] has not been widely used for routine clinical

    studies, in part because of its limited commer-

    cial availability.

    Alternatively, an integrated array of RF coils,

    which is achieved by combining multipurpose phased-

    array and other coils, can be implemented on some of

    the commercially available MR scanners. For exam-

    ple, in Fig. 3C, the phased-array neck coil, quadrature

    head coil, phased-array spine coil, and a quadrature

    multipurpose flexible coil are shown in place and cansuperior and posterior to the third part of the subcla-

    vian artery. As the plexus and the subclavian artery

    emerge from the interscalene triangle, they carry with

    them a sleevelike diverticulum of the prevertebral

    fascia, which accompanies them to the axilla where it

    contributes to the axillary sheath [7].

    In the axilla, each of the three cords is named

    based on its anatomic relationship to the axillary

    artery: lateral, posterior, or medial. In the vicinity of

    plane B in Fig. 1, the divisions and cords are bordered

    posteriorly by the serratus anterior muscle and ante-

    riorly by the clavicle or pectoralis major muscle. In

    the vicinity of plane C, the cords are bordered

    posteriorly by the subscapularis muscle and anteriorly

    by the pectoralis major and minor muscles. Just la-

    teral to the pectoralis minor muscle, the cords divide

    into the terminal branches. Axillary lymph nodes lie

    in the loose connective tissue around the major neu-

    rovascular structures.

    MR techniques and image contrast

    Radiofrequency coils

    High-resolution images of the plexus can be

    obtained by using a phased-array RF receiver coil

    designed specifically to cover the plexus anatomy

    (Fig. 3A). Phased-array RF coil technology combines

    the signal data from multiple small coils. The RF

    signal from each small-coil element is collected

    independently of the other coil elements in the

    phased array and each contributes signal from a

  • B.C. Bowen et al / Neuroimag Clin N Am 14 (2004) 598562be combined. Fig. 3D shows an image produced by

    combining specifically the elements of the anterior

    neck coil, the upper two elements of the phased-

    array spine coil, and the flexible coil.

    With the coil configurations described previously,

    the goal is usually to image either the right or left

    plexus at high spatial resolution, rather than a bilat-

    eral examination with lower resolution. A compre-

    hensive MR study extends from the roots and trunks,

    located in the supraclavicular region, to the terminal

    Fig. 3. Radiofrequency receiver coils for brachial plexus imaging. (

    on the right, three on the left). The MR scanner operator determine

    weighted image of a normal brachial plexus obtained using the co

    locations for the roots, trunks, divisions, and cords. (Reprinted f

    nervous system: evaluation of peripheral neuropathy and plexo

    permission.) (C) Commercially available integrated array of co

    the brachial plexus. The coils shown are the anterior neck coil a

    chest of the volunteer, and the head coil. Not shown is the spine c

    the flexible coil array, one element of the neck coil array, and two

    saturated T2-weighted image obtained using the integrated array

    mate sagittal locations for the roots, trunks, divisions, and cords. N

    neck on the right. This results from incomplete fat saturation due to

    SCA, subclavian artery; tm, thyroid mass.branches of the cords, located in the infraclavicular

    region just lateral to the pectoralis minor muscle.

    For optimal results, the MR study is targeted to a

    specific region (Fig. 4) of the plexus by a careful clin-

    ical examination.

    Pulse sequences

    At field strengths of 1.0 to 1.5 T, the brachial

    plexus is commonly evaluated based on its appearance

    A) Dedicated phased array consists of six coil elements (three

    s which of the six coil elements are active. (B) Coronal T1-

    ils shown in A. The arrows indicate the approximate sagittal

    rom Maravilla KR, Bowen BC. Imaging of the peripheral

    pathy. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 1998;19:101123; with

    ils, which can be combined to image the entire course of

    rray and flexible general-purpose coil, both resting on the

    oil array located underneath the supine volunteer. Typically,

    elements of the spine coil array are active. (D) Coronal fat-

    of coils illustrated in C. The arrows indicate the approxi-

    ote the hyperintensity of the intermuscular fat in the lower

    magnetic susceptibility variation in the region being imaged.

  • Fig. 4. MR appearance of the normal brachial plexus. (A) Gross anatomy of the roots of the brachial plexus (sagittal section).

    The C5T1 roots are indicated by five arrows. Note that the T1 root is located immediately inferior to the first rib. (Reprinted

    from van Es HW, Witkamp TD, Lino MPR, Feldberg MAM, Nowicki BH, Haughton VM. MR imaging of the brachial

    plexus using a T1-weighted three-dimensional volume acquisition. Int J Neuroradiol 1996;2:26473; with permission.)

    (B) Sagittal T1-weighted image of the roots. The distribution is similar to the anatomic specimen in Fig. 4A. The plane of

    the image corresponds approximately to plane A in Fig. 1. The roots are surrounded by fat and thus easily seen. The C5 root

    is depicted with an arrow. (C) Sagittal STIR image of the trunks. The trunks are located superior to the subclavian artery. The

    plane of the image is slightly lateral to that shown in B. With fat suppression, the trunks are distinguished by their mild

    hyperintensity relative to muscle and fat. (D) Sagittal STIR image of the divisions. The divisions are located primarily superior

    to the subclavian artery in the retroclavicular region. The plane of the image is near the lateral border of the first rib and

    corresponds to plane B in Fig. 1. Fig. 4C and D are reproduced from Maravilla KR, Bowen BC. Imaging of the peripheral

    nervous system: evaluation of peripheral neuropathy and plexopathy. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 1998;19:101123; with

    permission.) A, subclavian artery; a, anterior; m, middle scalene muscles; V, vein; 1r, first rib.

    B.C. Bowen et al / Neuroimag Clin N Am 14 (2004) 5985 63

  • B.C. Bowen et al / Neuroimag Clin N Am 14 (2004) 598564on T1- and T2-weighted images with flow compen-

    sation. Standard two-dimensional Fourier transform

    (2DFT) spin-echo or FSE sequences are used to

    generate the T1-weighted images, although some

    investigators prefer T1-weighted three-dimensional

    gradient-echo images [10,11]. The T1-weighted

    images display regional anatomy, including the vari-

    ous muscles, blood vessels, and nerves outlined by

    tissue fat planes. The 2DFT T2-weighted images

    are generated with FSE sequences and are useful to

    detect pathologic changes within components of the

    plexus. Because abnormal intraneural signal from one

    component of the plexus, such as a root or a cord,

    may be obscured by adjacent fat signal, various

    methods of fat suppression are used in conjunction

    with the FSE sequence. The two most common

    methods are as follows: (1) STIR, with nulling of

    the signal contribution from fat, and (2) frequency-

    selective saturation of the fat resonance.

    In general, the STIR method has proved to be

    more reliable because it gives uniform and consistent

    suppression of fat signal from patient to patient while

    maintaining excellent T2-like contrast on long TR

    images. There are, however, three disadvantages to

    the STIR method. The first is relatively low SNR.

    The second is greater sensitivity to blood flow

    artifacts that can degrade the resulting STIR image.

    Flow saturation bands are used to reduce the intensity

    of these artifacts. The third disadvantage is the

    inability to generate images with tissue contrast that

    resemble T1-weighted spin-echo images.

    The frequency-selective fat saturation method

    has a higher SNR, fewer blood-flowrelated arti-

    facts, and can generate T1-weighted images. The

    major disadvantage of this method, however, is

    the variability in fat suppression across the FOV.

    The variability is primarily from inhomogeneity

    in the main magnetic field (B0) caused by the

    magnetic susceptibility of various body tissues. Be-

    cause of these effects, T2-weighted (or T1-weighted)

    images may have some areas with incomplete sup-

    pression of fat signal and other areas with water

    saturation rather than fat saturation, which can result

    in poor discrimination of peripheral nerves and the

    anatomic landmarks shown earlier. The problem may

    be accentuated by nonuniformity in RF signal trans-

    mission (B1 inhomogeneity).

    Several approaches to improving the suppression

    of fat signal, or removing it from the plexus images,

    are currently under investigation. The simplest ap-

    proach uses the current method of frequency-selective

    fat saturation combined with the following techniques

    for reducing B0 inhomogeneity: (1) bags containing

    clay suspensions, such as attapulgite, placed againstthe neck and suprascapular region to reduce magnetic

    susceptibility effects in the plexus region [12], and

    (2) careful second-order shimming of the magnetic

    field over a volume encompassing the region of

    interest. A more ambitious approach uses multipoint

    Dixon fat-water separation [13,14] with steady-

    state free precession (SSFP) or FSE imaging methods

    [15]. This rapid-acquisition approach yields water-

    only or fat-only images in a relatively short scan time.

    Hargreaves et al [15] have shown water-only images,

    acquired with high resolution (1 mm3) and with T2-

    like contrast, that clearly distinguish small peripheral

    vessels (bright signal) from muscle (low signal). This

    technique, which has not yet been applied to plexus

    or peripheral nerve studies, also may be useful for

    contrast-enhanced imaging.

    T1- and T2-weighted images of the plexus are

    obtained in the same plane of orientation and using

    the same imaging parameters for FOV, location, and

    slice thickness. Coregistration of the T1- and T2-

    weighted images allows direct comparison between

    them, thus facilitating the characterization of the

    signal properties of anatomic or pathologic structures

    of interest (Fig. 5). Coregistration is necessary be-

    cause the fat-suppressed T2-weighted images often

    lack delineation of normal tissue planes (usually

    outlined by fat), making identification of anatomic

    landmarks difficult. The radiologist must then rely on

    the direct comparison between T1-weighted images

    with high-signal fat and the T2-weighted images to

    locate critical landmarks and correctly recognize ple-

    xus components.

    Images are obtained in two orientations. In-plane

    imaging of the brachial plexus is done in the direct

    coronal plane. Although it might seem preferable to

    obtain angled coronal images for evaluation of the

    plexuses, experience has shown otherwise. Long

    segments of the brachial plexus have a rather shallow

    obliquity to the true coronal plane of the body and

    may be imaged in one or two coronal sections (see

    Fig. 3B, D). Cross-sectional imaging of the brachial

    plexus component nerves is accomplished using

    either a true sagittal or an oblique sagittal plane for

    the side of the body of clinical interest. True sagittal

    images are preferred by some investigators because

    anatomic landmarks are recognized more easily with

    this orientation, and the images can be compared with

    those typically found in atlases of sectional anatomy.

    The oblique course of the plexus, however, inevitably

    results in some components being imaged obliquely

    in the sagittal sections (see Fig. 4). Oblique sagittal

    images can provide views that better approximate a

    true cross-section of the plexus, and these images

    may allow better detection of nerve enlargement or

  • alteration in signal or fascicular pattern than conven-

    tional anatomic sagittal images.

    The FOV for plexus imaging is targeted to the

    side of clinical interest. Image quality is improved

    with the use of a dedicated phased array or an

    integrated array of RF coils, as noted previously.

    For direct coronal images: FOV = 17 22 cm,matrix = 512 256 or 512 512, slice thickness =3.5 4 mm, and interslice gap = 0 - 0.5 mm. For sag-ittal or oblique sagittal images: FOV = 14 17 cm,

    Fig. 5. Schwannoma of the lateral cord. Coronal T1-weighted (A), STIR (B), and postcontrast, fat-saturated T1-weighted



    al T1

    . The

    scle a

    B.C. Bowen et al / Neuroimag Clin N Am 14 (2004) 5985 65(C) images show a lobular, sharply marginated mass (arrow)

    superior and lateral to the axillary artery. The mass is hyp

    contiguous cord is hyperintense without enhancement. Sagitt

    superior and anterior to the flow void of the axillary artery

    sagittal images. (F) The mass (arrow) abuts the subclavius mu

    T1-weighted image.uous with the left brachial plexus in the region of the cords,

    se in B and demonstrates enhancement in C, whereas the

    -weighted (D) and STIR (E) images show the mass (arrow)

    location corresponds to the distribution of the lateral cord on

    nd enhances homogenously on the postcontrast, fat-saturated

  • B.C. Bowen et al / Neuroimag Clin N Am 14 (2004) 598566matrix = 512 256 or 512 512, slice thickness =4 mm, and interslice gap = 1 2 mm. The largerinterslice gap for cross-sectional imaging permits

    adequate coverage of the plexus in a reasonable

    scan time. Before the conventional imaging, coronal

    or axial images with a large FOV covering both right

    and left plexuses may be obtained with a body coil, if

    comparison between symptomatic and asymptomatic

    sides is warranted.

    Spatial presaturation pulses are used to saturate

    the signal from tissues outside the imaging slab and

    suppress blood-flow artifacts [2]. Obliquely oriented

    saturation bands are placed over the heart and aortic

    root to saturate arterial flow, especially for long TR

    images. An oblique band also may be placed over the

    lateral axilla to saturate venous flow; however, this

    additional saturation band increases acquisition time

    and typically is not implemented. Respiratory motion

    may degrade both coronal and sagittal images of

    the brachial plexus region. Although respiratory gat-

    ing may be added to the imaging sequence to reduce

    motion artifacts, it results in considerably increased

    scan time and is therefore rarely used.

    Contrast-enhanced images of the brachial plexus

    are obtained routinely in patients being evaluated for

    Fig. 5 (contisuspected neoplasm, radiation injury, inflammation

    or abscess formation, and following peripheral nerve

    surgery. In addition to these indications, contrast-

    enhanced images also have proved useful in some

    cases of nerve entrapment and stretch injury. In

    patients who have acute severe traumatic nerve injury

    and simple compressive neuropathy, a noncontrast

    examination can be sufficient. For contrast-enhanced

    studies, a standard dose of 0.1 mmol/kg is adminis-

    tered as an intravenous bolus. T1-weighted spin-echo

    images, with frequency-selective fat saturation, are

    acquired immediately following injection. In some

    cases, delayed imaging, 10 to 20 minutes post injec-

    tion, may be useful to better define abnormal areas

    of enhancement.

    MR imaging: normal versus abnormal plexus

    On T1-weighted coronal images, the normal bra-

    chial plexus has the appearance of an elongated

    bundle of fibers that are isointense to adjacent scalene

    muscles and frequently interspersed with thin strips

    of adipose tissue (see Fig. 3B). This bundle is

    identified as the plexus by its location superior and


  • lished series [20,21] of surgically treated primary non-

    neurogenic brachial plexus tumors collected over a

    B.C. Bowen et al / Neuroimag Clin N Am 14 (2004) 5985 67posterior to the curvilinear flow void of the sub-

    clavian-to-axillary artery and by its mild hyper-

    intensity (relative to adjacent muscles) on STIR or

    fat-saturated T2-weighted FSE images (see Fig. 3D).

    Differentiation of the plexus from the adjacent sub-

    clavian/axillary vessels may be difficult if there is

    slow flow in the artery, or flow-related enhancement

    in the vein, paralleling the plexus.

    On the sagittal images, the individual components

    of the plexus have the following appearances and

    locations: (1) the roots (see Fig. 4B) and trunks (see

    Fig. 4C) are round or oval-shaped and located supe-

    rior and posterior to the flow void of the subclavian

    artery in the region of the interscalene triangle (see

    Fig. 1, plane A); (2) the divisions appear as dotlike

    structures in a triangular-shaped cluster that is located

    superior to the subclavian artery flow-void and ante-

    rior to the serratus anterior muscle (see Fig. 4D); and

    (3) the cords have rounded or elongated shapes,

    sometimes incompletely resolved from each other,

    and are found adjacent to the axillary artery in the

    following locations (in clockwise order): anterosupe-

    rior (lateral cord), superoposterior (posterior cord),

    and posteroinferior (medial cord) [2].

    Abnormal brachial plexus findings include the

    following: loss of fat planes around all or part of a

    plexus component, diffuse or focal enlargement of a

    component (especially the presence of an eccentric or

    nodular mass), and marked hyperintensity on T2-

    weighted images or enhancement on T1-weighted

    images with fat suppression. An altered fascicular

    pattern is also abnormal, although this finding may

    not be apparent in the brachial plexus. Demonstration

    of a fascicular pattern may be more difficult for

    plexus components than for individual peripheral

    nerves, such as the sciatic and tibial nerves, because

    of the lower spatial resolution of plexus images and

    because of the difficulty in obtaining true cross-

    sectional views of most plexus components [1].

    Isolated hyperintensity of plexus components on

    STIR images may not be abnormal and should be

    viewed cautiously when unaccompanied by morpho-

    logic or other evidence of disease or nerve injury.

    Recently, Chappell et al [16] provided evidence of a

    magic angle effect for peripheral nerves by showing

    that there is a 46% to 175% increase in signal

    intensity in the median nerve as its orientation rela-

    tive to the main B0 magnetic field changes from 0(parallel to B0) to 55 (the magic angle), accompaniedby an increase in mean T2 relaxation times from

    47.2 ms to 65.8 ms. Images depicting the signal

    intensity changes in the ulnar and sciatic nerves and

    in the brachial plexus as a function of orientation

    relative to B0 suggest that the effect is likely to be29-year period. Of the 48 reported tumors, 44% were

    benign and included fibromatosis (most common),

    lipoma, myositis ossificans, ganglioneuroma, heman-

    gioma, and lymphangioma. The information from

    MR imaging aids in preoperative planning and may

    help to shorten the surgical procedure [3,5].

    Wittenberg and Adkins [22] retrospective study

    of 104 patients who had nontraumatic brachial plexo-

    pathy and who underwent imaging (FOV 28 cm,

    matrix 256 256 or 192, and slice thickness 7 mmgeneralized for peripheral nerves and nerve plexuses.

    The components of the brachial plexus are likely to

    exhibit the effect because they are generally oriented

    at 55 to the body axis and B0 when a patient is in theconventional supine position during scanning. The

    magic angle effect, which has been well documented

    in tendons and ligaments, is a manifestation of T2

    anisotropy attributed to the densely packed, hydrated

    collagen in peripheral nerves.

    Indications for MR imaging of the brachial plexus

    The accuracy of MR imaging in detecting plexus

    lesions has not been widely reported. A 1994 study

    by Bilbey et al [17] found conventional spin-echo

    MR imaging without gadolinium to be 63% sensitive,

    100% specific, and 77% accurate compared with

    clinicopathologic results in the evaluation of 43 pa-

    tients with suspected brachial plexopathy. Accuracy

    increased to 88% when the evaluation involved only

    the subset of patients (n = 34) with neoplastic or

    traumatic disorders. With current high-resolution MR

    techniques and the use of gadolinium contrast agents,

    accuracy is likely to be increased further [18].

    Mass involving the plexus

    MR imaging techniques can often determine

    whether a mass is intrinsic or extrinsic to a compo-

    nent nerve of the plexus and, for extrinsic masses,

    determine the site of the displaced and compressed

    nerve fibers before surgical intervention. This infor-

    mation is valuable in the diagnosis and management

    of patients who have plexopathy caused by neoplastic

    processes, such as nerve sheath tumors (see Fig. 5),

    metastases (Fig. 6), direct extension of non-neuro-

    genic primary tumor (Fig. 7) and lymphoma, or

    benign processes, such as aggressive fibromatosis

    (desmoid tumor) and nodular fasciitis. Saifuddin

    [19] has summarized the results of two major pub-

  • Fig. 6. Recurrent breast carcinoma in a 60-year-old woman with a history of right mastectomy and radiation therapy for breast

    cancer. Coronal T1-weighted (A), fat-saturated T2-weighted (B), and postcontrast, fat-saturated T1-weighted (C) images

    demonstrate a lobular, hyperintense, enhancing mass (arrow) diffusely involving the trunks, divisions, and proximal cords. The

    distal cords and peripheral nerve branches are distinct, yet are hyperintense and minimally enhancing (arrowhead). Sagittal T1-

    weighted (D), fat-saturated T2-weighted (E), and postcontrast, fat-saturated T1-weighted (F) images. The plane of the images

    approximates plane C in Fig. 1. The lobular, eccentric mass (arrow) engulfs the lateral, posterior, and medial cords, and abuts the

    axillary artery (arrowhead).

    B.C. Bowen et al / Neuroimag Clin N Am 14 (2004) 598568

  • Fig. 7. Pancoasts tumor (adenocarcinoma) involving the T1 root of the left brachial plexus. Coronal T1-weighted precontrast

    (A) and fat-saturated postcontrast (B) images demonstrate a moderately enhancing, apical lung mass (between large and small

    arrows) invading the extrapleural paraspinal space inferior to the left first rib (1r). The T1 (identified as 1) and T2 vertebra and

    the left T1 neural foramen are involved. In B, susceptibility effects are responsible for the lack of fat saturation in the upper

    mediastinum (*) and the inhomogeneous signal in the enhancing mass at the left lung apex. Sagittal T1-weighted precontrast

    (C) and fat-saturated postcontrast (D) images. The plane of the images corresponds to the interscalene triangle and approximates

    plane A in Fig. 1 and the image plane in Fig. 4B. The mass invades the periapical soft tissues inferior to the body of the first rib

    (1r) and involves the second rib (2r), which is hypointense in C and enhancing in D. The arrow points to the location of the T1

    root, which is involved by the mass. Immediately inferior to the T1 root, and along the inferior margin of the arrow in D, there is

    an oval hyperintensity, which represents a combination of tumor enhancement and susceptibility effect at the lung apex. The

    tumor involvement of the T1 root in C and D is confirmed on the sagittal STIR image (E), which shows the normal mild

    hyperintensity of the C5 (arrowhead) through C8 roots in the interscalene triangle and the confluence (arrow) of the T1 root with

    the markedly hyperintense invasive mass. Invasion of the second rib (2r) is also evidenced by marked hyperintensity in E.

    A, subclavian artery; V, vein; 3r, third rib.

    B.C. Bowen et al / Neuroimag Clin N Am 14 (2004) 5985 69

  • B.C. Bowen et al / Neuroimag Clin N Am 14 (2004) 598570with a 3-mm interslice gap) found that 75% of the

    explainable causes of plexopathy were attributable to

    three processes: radiation fibrosis (31%), metastatic

    breast cancer (24%), and primary or metastatic lung

    cancer (19%). MR imaging of the plexus in patients

    who have suspected cancer is useful in the detection

    of malignant primary (see Fig. 7) or recurrent tumors

    (see Fig. 6) that infiltrate nerve structures. High-

    resolution coronal and sagittal images are especially

    beneficial in cases where clinical examination and

    routine imaging studies are not able to distinguish

    whether a patients symptoms are caused by recurrent

    tumor, postoperative or post-treatment changes asso-

    ciated with scarring, or compressive neuropathy re-

    sulting from regional deformity. In patients who have

    plexopathy and Horners syndrome, axial images are

    useful to demonstrate paraspinal extension of tu-

    mor. If a mass is contiguous with the ipsilateral lon-

    gus colli muscle, the sympathetic chain usually has

    been invaded.

    Brachial plexopathy caused by metastatic disease

    is most often seen in patients who have carcinoma of

    the breast or lung. Metastases from breast carcinoma

    are the most common and involve the plexus mainly

    by lymphatic spread [23]. Other primary malignan-

    cies, such as melanoma and gastrointestinal or geni-

    tourinary carcinomas, which metastasized to lymph

    nodes, soft tissue, or bone and resulted in brachial

    plexopathy, have been reported [17,2325]. True

    hematogenous metastases to the plexus are rare [19].

    Clinically, most patients who have tumor infiltra-

    tion of the brachial plexus from metastatic breast

    cancer or direct extension of primary lung cancer

    present with moderate to severe pain as the initial

    symptom. Typically, the pain begins in the shoulder

    girdle and radiates to the ulnar aspect of the forearm

    and hand, primarily in a C8T1 distribution [23,26].

    On neurologic examination, most patients also dem-

    onstrate weakness (eg, intrinsic muscles of the hand),

    atrophy, or sensory changes in a C8T1, or lower

    trunk, distribution. This relationship between the dis-

    tribution of plexopathy and cause has not been ob-

    served by all investigators, however [27,28]. Horners

    syndrome (ptosis, anhydrosis, miosis, and enophthal-

    mus) occurs in at least 50% of patients who have

    infiltration of the brachial plexus [23,26].

    Lymphoma can involve the brachial plexus in two

    ways. First, enlarged lymph nodes can compress or

    infiltrate the plexus. Enlarged axillary and medias-

    tinal lymph nodes may involve the lower plexus,

    affecting the C7T1 distributions, whereas cervi-

    cal and supraclavicular nodes may affect the upper

    plexus, causing pain and neurologic dysfunction in

    the C5C6 distribution. In Hodgkins disease, theprevalence of plexus involvement ranges from 5% to

    15%. Perineural spread of lymphoma is a common

    feature, resulting in epidural and intradural extension

    of tumor with or without vertebral involvement.

    Second, neurolymphomatosis, which is a rare mani-

    festion of lymphoma primarily involving the pe-

    ripheral nerves, can affect the brachial plexus. MR

    imaging in two patients with B-cell lymphoma re-

    vealed diffuse thickening of plexus components, with

    hyperintensity on T2-weighted images and postcon-

    trast enhancement on T1-weighted images [29,30].

    Neurolymphomatosis may occur in isolation or in

    association with systemic or primary central nervous

    system lymphoma,

    The differential diagnosis of infiltrative lesions of

    the brachial plexus also includes soft tissue tumors,

    such as sarcomas and fibromatosis [24,31] Aggres-

    sive fibromatosis is a benign fibroblastic proliferation

    that occurs in the deep soft tissues, mimics fibrosar-

    coma but does not metastasize. It tends to invade or

    surround muscles, tendons, and nerves and vessels,

    and to recur locally following excision. The principal

    location of the tumor is the musculature of the

    shoulder; Chui [31] noted involvement especially of

    the serratus anterior and the scalene muscles, with

    infiltration of the brachial plexus. Aggressive fibro-

    matosis accounted for the largest fraction, one third,

    of the benign, primary non-neurogenic tumors in-

    volving the plexus in the two published series of

    plexal tumors [20,21] reviewed by Saifuddin [19].

    OKeefe et al [32] reported that aggressive fibroma-

    tosis was iso- to hypointense to muscle on T1-

    weighted images and heterogeneously hyperintense

    on T2-weighted images, although hypointensity on

    both T1- and T2-weighted images has been observed.

    Postcontrast images demonstrated diffuse tumor en-

    hancement, which was found to be useful in assessing

    the extent of tumor invading muscle. Usually, the

    tumor appears as an irregular mass with no cystic or

    necrotic component. These findings differ from those

    typical of larger benign and malignant nerve sheath

    tumors, which tend to be more well circumscribed

    and may have cystic areas [31].

    The most common neurogenic tumors of the

    brachial plexus are the benign nerve sheath tumors:

    neurofibroma (50%65%) and schwannoma (18%

    20%) [20,33]. Malignant peripheral nerve sheath

    tumors (MPNSTs) account for 14% of the neurogenic

    tumors. Nerve sheath tumors may involve any com-

    ponent of the plexus, although the roots are the most

    frequent site [25]. The schwannoma (see Fig. 5),

    which commonly occurs as a solitary lesion, is a

    well-defined, encapsulated tumor that typically has an

    eccentric location relative to the nerve axis. Adjacent

  • uninvolved fascicles are displaced rather than infil-

    trated, and their identification on high-resolution MR

    imaging can be helpful to the surgeon in planning the

    approach to resection of the tumor.

    The neurofibroma, which characteristically occurs

    at multiple sites, is nonencapsulated and exhibits

    infiltration of the nerve fascicles histopathologically.

    One third of these lesions occur in patients who have

    neurofibromatosis type 1, and two thirds occur spo-

    radically. It is difficult to resect a neurofibroma

    without permanent damage to the nerve. Plexiform

    neurofibromas diffusely enlarge major nerve trunks.

    The clinical signs and symptoms of nerve sheath

    tumors include pain (which may radiate during

    manipulation of the tumor and is more often associ-

    ated with schwannoma than neurofibroma), paresthe-

    sias, numbness, sensory and motor deficits, atrophy,

    and a palpable mass.

    The MR signal characteristics of schwannomas

    and neurofibromas are similar. The tumors are iso-

    intense or hypointense to muscle on T1-weighted

    images. On T2-weighted images, the lesions are

    variably hyperintense and may have a central area

    of inhomogeneous hypointensity, referred to as a

    target sign [34,35]. The peripheral hyperintense

    signal has been attributed to myxoid tissue, and the

    ght br


    dly de







    B.C. Bowen et al / Neuroimag Clin N Am 14 (2004) 5985 71Fig. 8. Traumatic pseudomeningocele and neuromas of the ri

    (B) images show a pseudomeningocele (arrow) at the site of

    trunks to the cords (arrowheads) is hyperintense and marke

    several weeks before MR imaging and also sustained an inf

    traction on and compression of the plexus. (Fig. 8A and B re

    nervous system: evaluation of peripheral neuropathy and pl

    mission.) (C) Coronal STIR image shows nodular hyperinten

    arrows) of the trunks and divisions. More proximally there is d

    right C5 nerve root. For comparison, note the minimal hyperinachial plexus. Coronal T1-weighted spin-echo (A) and STIR

    lete avulsion of the right C8 nerve root. The plexus from the

    formed. The patient was involved in a motorcycle accident

    displaced clavicular fracture. Plexopathy was attributed to

    d from Maravilla KR, Bowen BC. Imaging of the peripheral

    thy. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 1998;19:101123; with per-

    representing traumatic neuromas near the junction (opposing

    hyperintensity and nodularity (arrow with adjacent 5) of the

    y and uniform contour of the left C6 nerve root (arrowhead).

  • B.C. Bowen et al / Neuroimag Clin N Am 14 (2004) 598572central hypointense area to the presence of fibrocar-

    tilaginous tissue [34,36]. The variable tissue compo-

    sition reflects the distribution of Antoni A and B cell

    types within a tumor. Tumors with cystic necrosis

    do not exhibit the target sign. On postcontrast

    T1-weighted images, nerve sheath tumors enhance,

    usually homogeneously for small tumors and hetero-

    geneously for larger tumors (see Fig. 5C, F).

    MPNSTs occur less frequently than benign tumors

    and are found mainly in patients who have neurofi-

    bromatosis or a history of previous radiation therapy

    to the brachial plexus region [33,34,37,38]. Tumor

    size does not predict malignancy. In the few reported

    cases of MPNST involving the brachial plexus,

    conventional MR imaging findings were indistin-

    guishable from those of schwannoma or neurofibro-

    ma [25,28]. On dynamic contrast-enhanced MR

    imaging, Van der Woude et al [39] found that the

    presence of early peripheral enhancement and a type 1

    pattern of progression of enhancement were highly

    specific for malignant lesions. This technique, how-

    ever, has not been widely used. An uncommon

    vascular neoplasm that may mimic nerve sheath

    tumor on conventional MR imaging is hemangioperi-

    cytoma, and a case involving the C8 root of the

    plexus has been reported [2].

    Traumatic injury

    Injury to a peripheral nerve caused by trauma can

    range from disruption of axonal conduction with

    preservation of anatomic continuity of the connective

    tissue sheaths comprising the nerve (neurapraxic

    injury) to severed nerve with complete loss of conti-

    nuity of the nerve (neurotmetic injury) [40,41]. By

    demonstrating the location and severity of injury and

    the morphology of the injured nerve, high-resolution

    MR imaging complements the electrophysiologic

    studies in determining the exact site and type of

    nerve injury, and the potential for surgical treatment

    versus spontaneous recovery. In addition, MR imag-

    ing can show the relationship of the intact nerve to

    post-traumatic lesions, such as spindle, lateral, and

    stump neuromas, and focal or diffuse perineural

    fibrosis (Fig. 8). When MR imaging is unable to

    determine which plexus component or terminal

    branch has been injured, its identity can often be

    deduced from the pattern of abnormal signal intensity

    involving the skeletal muscle or muscles innervated

    by the nerve (Fig. 9) [42].

    Brachial plexopathy following trauma can result

    from compression, stretching, or laceration of plexal

    components; perineural fibrosis; or avulsion of nerve

    roots from the spinal cord. Typically, the mechanismof injury is traction on the plexus (Fig. 10). A simple

    classification that is useful for surgical manage-

    ment divides lesions into supraclavicular and infra-

    clavicular (includes retroclavicular), the former being

    approximately 3 times more common [43]. Supra-

    clavicular lesions may involve the roots or trunks of

    the brachial plexus or the nerve roots extending from

    the spinal cord to the neural foramen. Erb-Duchenne

    palsy results from injury to the C5 and C6 roots or

    upper trunk of the plexus and accounts for approxi-

    mately 90% of obstetric brachial plexus injuries [44].

    Much less common is Dejerine-Klumpke palsy,

    which results from injury to the C8 and T1 roots or

    lower trunk.

    It is important to distinguish intraspinal nerve root

    avulsion (preganglionic lesion) from brachial plexus

    interruption (postganglionic lesion) because the sur-

    gical treatment differs in each case. Nerve root

    avulsion cannot be repaired directly, and neurotiza-

    tion by nerve-crossing using the intercostal nerves or

    spinal accessory nerve has been recommended [45].

    Brachial plexus interruption can be treated by local

    repair, and nerve grafting is the usual method of

    plexus reconstruction. Differentiation of nerve root

    avulsion from plexus injury is aided by electromyo-

    graphy (EMG) studies, because abnormalities of the

    paraspinal muscles indicate that an injury is proximal

    to the plexal trunks. Somatosensory evoked potentials

    routinely have been used to diagnose nerve root

    avulsion; however, because these do not enable

    physicians to discriminate between incomplete avul-

    sion and intact roots, or between intraforminal root

    avulsion and rootlet avulsion from the spinal cord, the

    inclusion of imaging studies (myelography, CT mye-

    lography, and MR myelography) in the diagnostic

    evaluation has been recommended [46,47].

    The two major causes of cervical nerve root

    avulsion are motorcycle accidents and traumatic

    delivery at birth. Sunderland [48] proposed two

    mechanisms of injury: (1) a peripheral mechanism,

    in which lateral traction on the plexus results in

    tearing of the dural sleeve around a nerve root, with

    or without complete root avulsion, and (2) a central

    mechanism, in which there is root avulsion caused by

    cord displacement in the spinal canal without associ-

    ated dural sleeve laceration. Laceration of the dural

    sleeve can result in an extradural collection of cere-

    brospinal fluid (CSF), termed a traumatic meningo-

    cele or pseudomeningocele (see Fig. 8A, 8B). Thus,

    traumatic meningocele may occur with or without

    nerve root avulsion, and avulsion may occur without

    meningocele. Although there is a strong association

    between the finding of root avulsion and the finding

    of traumatic meningocele, their distinction is impor-

  • Fig. 9. Subacute stab wound to the left side of the base of the neck. Injury to the upper plexus was suspected based on the

    location of the wound and moderately increased signal in the C5C7 roots or the upper trunk compared with the other plexus

    components. Signal abnormalities and postcontrast enhancement in the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and subscapularis muscles

    were consistent with subacute muscle denervation in the distribution of the suprascapular and subscapular nerves. These nerves

    are primarily derived from the C5 and C6 roots, confirming these two roots or the upper trunk as the site of most severe

    penetrating injury to the plexus. Coronal T1-weighted (A) and fat-saturated T2-weighted (B) images. The supraspinatus (long

    arrow), infraspinatus (short arrow), and subscapularis (large arrowhead) muscles are hyperintense relative to the trapezius

    (small arrowhead) in B. The same muscles are isointense to trapezius in A. Sagittal T1-weighted (C) and fat-saturated

    T2-weighted (D) images confirm findings (arrows, arrowheads same as in B) observed in A and B. Sagittal fat-saturated pre-

    contrast (E) and postcontrast (F) T1-weighted images demonstrate minimal abnormal enhancement of the same muscles (arrows,

    arrowheads same as in B) that were hyperintense in B and D.

    B.C. Bowen et al / Neuroimag Clin N Am 14 (2004) 5985 73

  • tant because it is only when the former is present that

    neurotization is indicated.

    In the last 10 years, studies comparing myelog-

    raphy, CT myelography, or MR [46,47,49,50] for

    detection of nerve root avulsion and traumatic menin-

    gocele have been reported. In the detection of nerve

    root avulsion, some studies [46] found that myelog-

    raphy/CT myelography was the most accurate ap-

    proach ( > 90%), confirming separate reports of the

    reliable demonstration of root avulsion with CT

    myelography [51] and a 92% accuracy of MR mye-

    lography compared with CT myelography [52]. Other

    studies, however, found that myelography/CT mye-

    lography and MR imaging achieved similar accuracy

    [49]. Recently, Doi et al [47] reported that both

    approaches had the same sensitivity (92.9%) for

    detecting nerve root avulsion, which was documented

    by surgical exploration with or without spinal evoked

    then be more accurately documented by additional

    targeted MR imaging or myelography/CT myelogra-

    phy [47].

    On MR imaging, traumatic meningocele appears

    as an area of CSF-equivalent signal intensity extend-

    ing from the spinal canal into the neural foramen

    [24,44,50]. Dissection of CSF along the roots of the

    brachial plexus may result in a paraspinal fluid

    collection [2]. Because the most common sites of

    nerve root avulsion are C7 and C8 [53], traumatic me-

    ningocele is likely to be found at these levels [50].

    Using 2- to 3-mm-thick T2*-weighted axial and

    coronal images, Miller et al [44] detected traumatic

    meningoceles in four of five infants with brachial

    plexopathy following traumatic delivery. The C7 site

    was most commonly involved. The meningoceles

    corresponded to the segmental level of neurologic

    deficit, which was persistent in the four infants who

    ial ple

    and 4


    d) and




    ch of

    e, is

    D) re



    . (F, G

    trate r

    ions o

    in F


    m J

    B.C. Bowen et al / Neuroimag Clin N Am 14 (2004) 598574potential measurements.

    In the detection of traumatic meningocele, con-

    ventional spin-echo MR imaging is equivalent to CT

    myelography, which is more accurate than myelog-

    raphy. Volle et al [50] found that MR and CT

    myelography demonstrated 16 of 16 cases of menin-

    goceles, compared with 14 of 16 cases (88%) for

    myelography. The rate of association between trau-

    matic meningocele and completely avulsed nerve root

    was 83% (15 meningocles per 18 avulsed roots at

    corresponding levels), whereas 1 meningocele of the

    16 (6%) was observed in the absence of root avul-

    sion. The high sensitivity with which meningocele is

    detected on multiplanar MR imaging and the strong

    association between meningocele and nerve root

    avulsion make conventional MR useful as a first test

    in screening for the presence of avulsion, which could

    Fig. 10. Stretch injury to axillary portion of the right brach

    imaging was performed at 2 weeks (A), 4 weeks (BE),

    T1-weighted image (lower resolution image obtained with the

    of the coracobrachialis and biceps brachii muscles (arrowhea

    These findings initially raised concern for possible metastatic

    pain, and a higher-resolution study was recommended. Higher

    (C) images. The nerves and muscles are isointense in A; how

    arrow) are diffusely hyperintense in C. The subscapular bran

    cord and superior to the medial head of the median nerv

    Corresponding postcontrast fat-saturated T1-weighted image (

    and median nerve (long arrow). The adjacent, posteriorly loc

    arrowhead), radial (single arrowhead), and median (arrow) n

    blood-nerve barrier secondary to the subacute stretch injury

    compared with the corresponding images D and E, demons

    except the axillary nerve (double arrowhead in G). The locat

    nerve (single arrowhead in G), and median nerve (long arrow

    nearly resolved at the time of this study. (Reprinted from Mar

    evaluation of peripheral neuropathy and plexopathy. AJNR Ahad meningoceles and reversible in the infant who

    did not have meningocele.

    For overall characterization of traumatic brachial

    plexopathy, MR has an advantage over CT and

    myelography because MR is better able to show

    plexus lesions (postganglionic), in addition to detect-

    ing pseudomeningocele. Examples of post-traumatic

    lesions of the plexus that have been demonstrated on

    spin-echo images include neuromas (tangles of regen-

    erating nerve fibers), focal or diffuse fibrosis, and

    masses that compress or stretch the plexus, such as

    hematoma, clavicular fracture (see Fig. 8), and hu-

    meral dislocation [10,17,25,54].

    Gupta et al [55] described the MR findings in

    10 cases of injury (9 traction injuries and 1 knife

    wound) to the roots or trunks of the brachial

    plexus, with surgical confirmation. Neuroma (n = 4)

    xus secondary to positioning for a surgical procedure. MR

    months (FG) following surgery. (A) Axial postcontrast

    RF coil as receiver) demonstrates enhancement in the region

    focal enhancement posterior to the axillary vessels (arrow).

    se in this patient who complained of right shoulder and arm

    ution coronal T1-weighted (B) and fat-saturated T2-weighted

    the posterior cord (short arrow) and the median nerve (long

    the axillary artery, which is located inferior to the posterior

    labeled with an A in this and all subsequent images.

    veals diffuse enhancement of the posterior cord (short arrow)

    image (E) demonstrates enhancement of the axillary (double

    . Enhancement of the nerves likely reflects breakdown of the

    ) Postcontrast fat-saturated T1-weighted images F and G,

    esolution of the contrast enhancement for all of the nerves

    f the nonenhancing posterior cord (short arrow in F), radial

    and arrow in G) are identified. The patients symptoms had

    KR, Bowen BC. Imaging of the peripheral nervous system:

    Neuroradiol 1998;19:101123; with permission.)

  • B.C. Bowen et al / Neuroimag Clin N Am 14 (2004) 5985 75

  • Fig. 10 (continued).

    B.C. Bowen et al / Neuroimag Clin N Am 14 (2004) 598576

  • that extends from the first thoracic rib to an elon-

    B.C. Bowen et al / Neuroimag Clin N Am 14 (2004) 5985 77and focal or diffuse fibrosis (n = 4) were isointense

    to normal neural tissue. Neuroma was identifiable as

    a discrete fusiform mass either replacing (end or

    stump neuroma) or projecting eccentrically from

    (lateral neuroma) a component of the plexus. Focal

    fibrosis appeared as thickening and raggedness of

    the borders of plexus components. Diffuse involve-

    ment was characterized by marked distortion and

    thickening of plexus components, and severe cases

    demonstrated a confluent mass without distinguish-

    able components.

    Other investigators have found post-traumatic

    neuromas to be hyperintense on T2-weighted spin-

    echo images [17] and on long TR STIR images (see

    Fig. 8C) [1]. The variable signal intensity of neuro-

    mas on images with T2 weighting may depend on the

    time interval between injury and MR imaging. Gupta

    et al [55] suggested that high signal intensity occurs

    at short time intervals and is caused by neural edema,

    which later resolves. Neural edema, however, as the

    sole cause of T2 hyperintensity remains speculative.

    Diffuse hyperintensity of plexus components has

    been observed in patients who have nontraumatic,

    and traumatic, plexopathy [1,25]. Diffuse postcon-

    trast enhancement of plexus components and ter-

    minal branches in the subacute phase following

    stretch injury also has been observed [18] and seems

    to be a reversible process. The cause of these find-

    ings is unknown but presumably results from tran-

    sient alteration in the integrity of the blood-nerve

    barrier or possibly from intraneurial venous conges-

    tion (Fig. 10).

    Although clavicular fractures, with or without

    associated hematoma, may injure the plexus because

    of acute compression or stretching, subsequent callus

    and scar formation may also contribute to plexopathy.

    Bilbey et al [17] reported the results of a patient with

    persistent plexopathy who was imaged 4 months after

    clavicular fracture. A soft tissue mass extended from

    the callus at the fracture site to involve the plexus.

    The mass was isointense to muscle on T1- and T2-

    weighted images. At surgery, the mass proved to be

    scar tissue, which encased the plexus trunks. In other

    cases of clavicular fracture with associated soft tissue

    mass, presumed to be callus and scar tissue, involv-

    ing the plexus, the mass was hyperintense to muscle

    on T2-weighted images, as were the involved

    nerves [54]. Although used infrequently, T1-weighted

    three-dimensional gradient-echo acquisitions with

    multiplanar reformatting, surface rendering, and seg-

    mentation of data show promise as a means of

    demonstrating the relationship of clavicular fracture

    and hypointense scar to the components of the

    plexus [10].gated transverse process or a rudimentary cervical

    rib (Fig. 11). The C8 and T1 roots, either immedi-

    ately before or after they form the lower trunk, are

    stretched and angulated around this band. As shown

    in Fig. 11, coronal images may demonstrate only sub-

    tle displacement of the plexus and should be corre-

    lated with the findings on plain radiographs. Sagittal

    MR images provide additional evidence of distor-

    tion of the lower plexus and interscalene triangle.

    Two other subgroups of TOS involve the brachial

    plexus: the disputed TOS (2b and 3b in the previous

    list) and the traumatic TOS resulting from clavicular

    injury, usually a midshaft fracture (3a in the previous

    list). As suggested by the title, disputed TOS is

    controversial, and the reader is referred to a review

    by Wilbourn [57] for a full discussion of this sub-Entrapment syndromes

    Guided to the location of entrapment/compression

    by the clinical and neurologic examination, the MR

    imaging study is used to detect objective findings of

    nerve compression [56]. The brachial plexus or the

    subclavian/axillary artery or vein encounter three

    possible sites of compression along their course: the

    interscalene triangle, the costoclavicular space be-

    tween the first thoracic rib and the clavicle, and the

    retropectoralis minor space posterior to the pectoralis

    minor muscle near its insertion on the coracoid pro-

    cess. Clinical symptoms and signs caused by entrap-

    ment/compression are classified under thoracic

    outlet syndromes (TOS) as follows [57]:

    1. Vascular: blood vessels only are affected

    a. Arterial

    b. Venous

    2. Neurologic: brachial plexus only is affected

    a. True/classic

    b. Disputed/nonspecific/symptomatic

    3. Combined/neurovascular

    a. Traumatic (caused by clavicle disorder)

    b. Disputed

    The true and/or classic neurologic TOS, which is

    also referred to as cervical rib (and band) syndrome,

    is almost always unilateral and predominantly affects

    women. The syndrome manifests as a chronic lower

    trunk (C8T1) plexopathy in which there is wasting

    of the hand and sensory disturbances, typically ach-

    ing or paresthesias along the medial arm and forearm,

    sometimes extending into the medial hand and fin-

    gers. Entrapment and/or compression of the lower

    trunk usually results from a congenital fibrous band

  • B.C. Bowen et al / Neuroimag Clin N Am 14 (2004) 598578group. The traumatic TOS is an uncommon compli-

    cation of clavicular fracture and occurs when the

    blood vessels and the brachial plexus located between

    the midportion of the clavicle and the first thoracic rib

    are injured secondarily. Although these lesions may

    present immediately after fracture occurrence, they

    frequently are not manifested for days, weeks, or

    even years. This subgroup differs from most cases in

    Fig. 11. Neurologic thoracic outlet syndrome in a patient with a l

    STIR MR image (B) of the cervicothoracic region. The left cervical

    displacement of the brachial plexus. Sagittal T1-weighted spin-ec

    interscalene triangle in the region of the cervical rib (arrow). The r

    appear as hyperintense foci located superior to the arrowhead a

    hypointense band is contiguous with the cervical rib in D. (E)

    portion of the partially resected cervical rib (arrow).which there is clavicular fracture and plexus injury

    because, in most patients, the trauma is so severe as

    to cause simultaneous fracture and plexus injury, with

    the roots or trunks of the plexus sustaining traction

    damage (see Fig. 8).

    In the traumatic TOS subgroup, the proximal

    aspects of the cords of the plexus, the terminal

    portion of the subclavian artery, and the initial portion

    eft cervical rib. Anteroposterior radiograph (A) and coronal

    rib (arrow) is shown in B to be associated with a mild inward

    ho (C) and STIR (D) images demonstrate narrowing of the

    oot/trunks (arrowhead), which are isointense to muscle in C,

    nd superoposterior to the subclavian artery A in D. A

    Anteroposterior radiograph showing the residual posterior

  • B.C. Bowen et al / Neuroimag Clin N Am 14 (2004) 5985 79of the subclavian vein may be damaged alone or in

    various combinations. Although medial cord lesions

    are the most common, medial, lateral, posterior, and

    pan cord lesions have been described [57]. The

    plexus injuries can result from compression by dis-

    placed fracture fragments, manipulation of the frac-

    ture, hematoma or pseudoaneurysm of the subclavian

    artery, hypertrophic callus, and nonunion. Hyper-

    trophic callus and nonunion are the two causes of

    injury for most cases that present long after the frac-

    ture has occurred.

    There is some disagreement on the value of MR

    imaging in diagnosing neurologic or combined/neu-

    rovascular TOS [58,59]. Panegyres et al [58] found

    relatively good correlation between distortion of the

    plexus on MR imaging and clinical symptoms (sen-

    sitivity, 79%; specificity, 87.5%). The authors also

    noted the frequent detection on MR of a fibrous

    band presumably causing the distortion; however,

    the band was detected in asymptomatic controls in

    addition to symptomatic subjects.

    Recently, some investigators [60,61] have pro-

    posed that patients who have TOS be imaged with

    the arm on the side of interest in abduction and

    alongside the body. The measurements by Smedby

    et al [60] for assessing plexus compression were

    targeted to the costoclavicular space, thus excluding

    evaluation of possible entrapment/compression at

    the interscalene triangle or the retropectoralis minor

    space. Demondion et al [61] obtained additional

    measurements to assess all three sites of possible

    compression and found that only three thoracic outlet

    measurements differed significantly in the patient and

    control groups: patients with TOS had a smaller

    costoclavicular distance after the postural maneuver

    (P < 0.001), a thicker subclavius muscle in both arm

    positions (P < 0.001), and a wider retropectoralis

    minor space after the postural maneuver (P < 0.001)

    than did volunteers. The postural maneuver consisted

    of hyperaduction to 130 and external rotation ofthe arm.

    A hypertrophied anterior scalene muscle, some-

    times accompanied by a hypertrophied middle sca-

    lene, compresses the plexus against the first rib,

    producing symptoms (scalenus anticus syndrome)

    similar to those of the cervical rib syndrome. When

    the subclavian artery is also compressed, diminution

    in the radial pulse occurs as the head is turned to the

    side of the plexopathy. Using multiplanar reformat-

    ting of three-dimensional gradient-echo images with

    T1 weighting, Collins et al [10] have shown com-

    pression of the plexus and subclavian artery at the

    interscalene triangle by an enlarged anterior scalene

    muscle. With the same MR technique, these authorsalso demonstrated an example of plexopathy caused

    by a scalene muscle anomaly, which splayed the roots

    of the plexus.

    Post-treatment evaluation

    Patients who have a history of cancer and clinical

    evidence of plexopathy following radiation therapy

    may have recurrent tumor or radiation-induced plexo-

    pathy. Imaging features that favor recurrent tumor are

    nonuniform, asymmetric diffuse or focal enlargement

    (Fig. 12), and especially the presence of an eccentric

    mass with postcontrast enhancement [22,28]. Imag-

    ing features that favor postradiation injury of the

    brachial plexus are diffuse, uniform, symmetric

    swelling and T2 hyperintensity of the plexus nerves

    within the radiation field (Fig. 13). Diffuse, uniform

    postcontrast enhancement for months to years after

    treatment also may result from radiation injury

    [22,62]. Radiation fibrosis often has low signal in-

    tensity on T1- and T2-weighted images [63], and this

    finding may represent the more common appearance

    for chronic radiation injury, although a correlation

    between the time interval following radiation therapy

    and T2 signal intensity has not been reported.

    When diffuse enlargement, T2 hyperintensity, and

    postcontrast enhancement of the plexus (and sur-

    rounding tissues) are present on MR imaging of

    patients who have a history of breast cancer and

    radiation therapy, differentiation between radiation

    injury and local/regional recurrent cancer with axil-

    lary/supraclavicular metastases may not be possible.

    Preliminary results suggest that 2-(fluorine 18)fluoro-

    2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG) positron emission tomog-

    raphy (PET) helps to confirm metastases (see

    Fig. 12E) in patients with indeterminate MR imag-

    ing findings and is useful for depicting metastases

    outside the axilla [64].

    Injury to the brachial plexus following radiation

    therapy is associated with three distinct clinical

    syndromes: (1) classic delayed, progressive radiation

    injury or radiation fibrosis; (2) reversible or transient

    plexopathy; and (3) acute ischemic plexopathy. The

    frequency of classic radiation-induced brachial plexo-

    pathy in patients who have cancer depends on the

    dosage of radiation but has been estimated generally

    at 5% to 9% based on studies published since 1990

    [38,65]. Kori et al [23] found that radiation fibrosis is

    unlikely to occur with total doses of less than 60 Gy.

    If more than 60 Gy is given and if neurologic

    symptoms appear within a year, the diagnosis is

    probably radiation damage. If symptoms appear after

    1 year, they may be from radiation damage or tumor

    recurrence. The incidence of radiation-induced plexo-

  • Fig. 12. Tumor infiltration of medial cord of left brachial plexus from recurrent breast carcinoma. The patient had new onset of

    left arm and hand pain several years after left mastectomy and radiation therapy for breast carcinoma. Differential diagnosis

    based on clinical neurologic examination was neoplastic versus radiation-induced plexopathy. Coronal T1-weighted spin-echo

    (A) and STIR (B) images of the plexus show subtle, diffuse enlargement the medial cord (arrows) of the brachial plexus. Oblique

    sagittal T1-weighted spin-echo precontrast (C) and fat-saturated postcontrast (D) images (at the level of the acromioclavicular

    joint) demonstrate the abnormal enhancement of the enlarged medial cord (arrow in C and D). The flow void located superior

    to the medial cord is the axillary artery. (E) FDG-PET image reveals uptake in the distribution of the medial cord (arrows)

    consistent with diffuse tumor infiltration of the cord, which was confirmed on subsequent clinical follow-up. (Reprinted from

    Maravilla KR, Bowen BC. Imaging of the peripheral nervous system: evaluation of peripheral neuropathy and plexopathy.

    AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 1998;19:101123; with permission.)

    B.C. Bowen et al / Neuroimag Clin N Am 14 (2004) 598580

  • nt pre

    n and




    d wit


    B.C. Bowen et al / Neuroimag Clin N Am 14 (2004) 5985 81pathy also depends on fractionated dose, treatment

    with cytotoxic drugs, patient age, and the premorbid

    state of the irradiated nerves [6567]. The average

    interval between the last dose of radiation and the

    development of plexopathy has been reported as

    approximately 5 years (range, several months to

    Fig. 13. Radiation injury of the left brachial plexus. The patie

    2 years after radiation therapy to the left supraclavicular regio

    clinical neurologic examination was neoplastic versus radiat

    STIR (B) images show enlargement of the roots, trunks, and

    involvement of all visualized components of the left brachial

    brachial plexus structures are markedly hyperintense compare

    Bowen BC. Imaging of the peripheral nervous system: ev

    Neuroradiol 1998;19:101123; with permission.)>20 years) [23,68,69].

    The clinical findings associated with radiation

    fibrosis often differ from those of plexopathy caused

    by tumor infiltration. In 50% to 80% of patients who

    have classic radiation injury, plexopathy is relatively

    painless [23,26,28]. Kori et al [23] and others [70]

    found that neurologic signs were predominantly dis-

    tributed in the upper trunk, involving C5, C6, or C7

    roots, with weakness usually involving shoulder

    abduction and arm flexors. Also, progressive lym-

    phedema and swelling of the ipsilateral arm occurred

    approximately 5 times more frequently in patients

    with radiation-induced plexopathy. Some investiga-

    tors, however, have not found a predominance of

    upper trunk signs [26,65]. Needle EMG findings are

    valuable, because characteristic electrical activity

    so-called myokymic dischargesin limb muscles

    is associated with radiation plexopathy and not tumor

    infiltration [26,71].

    Two other clinical syndromes that occur following

    radiation therapy are as follows: (1) delayed, revers-

    ible brachial plexopathy and (2) acute, ischemic

    brachial plexopathy. Reversible or transient brachial

    plexopathy has been observed in patients who havebreast cancer following radiation therapy to the axilla

    [72,73] The clinical findings differ from those asso-

    ciated with classic radiation injury or tumor infiltra-

    tion and consist of paresthesias in all cases, with

    weakness and pain less commonly seen. The syn-

    drome occurred in 8 of 565 patients (1.4%) who

    sented with signs and symptoms of a progressive plexopathy

    axilla for breast carcinoma. Differential diagnosis based on

    duced plexopathy. Coronal T1-weighted spin-echo (A) and

    ons of the left brachial plexus. Note the uniform and diffuse

    s within the radiation field. On the STIR image (B), the left

    h the contralateral right side. (Reprinted from Maravilla KR,

    on of peripheral neuropathy and plexopathy. AJNR Am Jreceived an average axillary dose of 50 Gy in 5 weeks

    [73]. The syndrome did not conform to a specific

    anatomic pattern, but more often affected the lower

    plexus. The median time interval between the end

    of radiation therapy and onset of symptoms was

    4.5 months (range, 214 mo), with subsequent spon-

    taneous resolution in all patients. Seven of the

    patients received adjuvant chemotherapy, and in six

    of these patients, symptoms began following drug

    treatment. Although a possible relationship to adju-

    vant chemotherapy exists, the cause of this plexo-

    pathy remains unclear, and no characteristic MR

    imaging findings have been reported.

    A rare cause of radiation-induced brachial plexo-

    pathy is acute ischemia from occlusion of the sub-

    clavian artery following radiotherapy. In a case

    reported by Gerard et al [74], painless panplexopathy

    developed acutely and was nonprogressive 21 years

    following radical mastectomy and radiotherapy for

    carcinoma of the left breast. This presentation and

    clinical course differ from the description of classic

    radiation fibrosis described previously. The EMG did

    not show any myokymic discharges. MR imaging of

    the plexus and cervical spinal was reported as normal.

  • interventions for peripheral neuropathy. Experimental

    B.C. Bowen et al / Neuroimag Clin N Am 14 (2004) 598582Blood pressure in the left arm was markedly reduced,

    however, and conventional angiography showed a

    segmental occlusion of the left subclavian artery with

    collateral revascularization distally. Although sub-

    clavian artery occlusion has been recognized as a

    complication of radiotherapy for breast carcinoma

    [75], only two cases with accompanying plexopathy

    have been reported [74].


    When the clinical examination does not reveal a

    cause of the patients neuropathy, MR imaging may

    identify a focal or diffuse peripheral nerve or plexus

    structural abnormality, such as occurs in chronic

    inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP)

    [76,77], multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN) [78],

    hereditary hypertrophic motor and sensory neuropa-

    thies (HMSNs) [79,80], and inflammatory pseudo-

    tumor [81]. Hypertrophy and diffuse hyperintensity

    of the plexus components, especially the roots, have

    been detected on T2-weighted images in cases of

    CIDP, MMN, and HMSN. In cases of unexplained

    plexopathy, demonstration of a normal-appearing

    nerve is also useful because it narrows the differential

    diagnosis and may eliminate the need for biopsy or

    invasive therapy. Not uncommonly, patients who

    undergo imaging for unexplained plexopathy will

    have idiopathic, probably postviral, inflammatory

    conditions, such as brachial plexus neuritis.

    Patients who have idiopathic brachial plexus neu-

    ritis, or plexitis present with sudden onset of severe,

    constant pain in the lateral neck, shoulder, scapula, or

    upper arm [82]. Involvement is bilateral in 10% to

    30% of patients [67,83]. The pain is exacerbated by

    arm or shoulder movement. Within a few weeks, the

    pain is followed by a profound weakness and atrophy

    of the painful muscles, usually those of the shoulder

    girdle. The most frequently affected muscle is the

    serratus anterior. The most commonly affected nerves

    include the axillary, suprascapular, and long thoracic

    nerves, whereas the ulnar nerve is rarely affected.

    Onset of symptoms may be preceded by a viral illness

    or immunization. A rare heredofamilial form exists,

    and the syndrome also has been observed in patients

    who have newly diagnosed lymphoma [67]. Partial or

    complete resolution of symptoms usually occurs,

    although recovery may not begin until 6 months after

    the onset of symptoms and may require up to 3 years.

    In Bilbey et als [17] study, 4 of 64 consecutive pa-

    tients who underwent MR imaging for suspected

    brachial plexus abnormalities had a clinical diagnosis

    of idiopathic or viral plexitis. In all 4 patients, spin-

    echo MR findings were normal. Posniak et al [25] re-studies using mice already have shown that the

    introduction of replication-defective viral vectors

    directly into dorsal root ganglia using microneurosur-

    gical technique leads to long-term expression of

    reporter genes along the length of the sensory neuron,

    from its distal portion to the ipsilateral nucleusported a case of brachial neuritis in which the nerves

    of the plexus were diffusely enlarged and hyperin-

    tense on T2-weighted images. These findings were

    attributed to inflammation and edema but not corrobo-

    rated by subsequent imaging or other methods.


    High-resolution MR imaging of peripheral nerves

    and nerve plexuses is an area of rapidly growing

    clinical interest and importance. The number of

    studies performed is rapidly increasing in response

    to the need for more detailed in vivo information

    about neuropathic changes and regional neural anat-

    omy before treatment planning by peripheral nerve

    specialists [84]. Specific information gained from

    peripheral nerve imaging studies is being used to

    determine the need for biopsy or surgical treatment.

    In patients who have small tumors, peripheral nerve

    imaging has proved useful in planning the surgical

    approach and in predicting the prognosis for preser-

    vation of nerve function postoperatively. In cases of

    traumatic nerve injury, MR imaging results are being

    considered as part of the clinical assessment regard-

    ing (1) the likelihood of spontaneous recovery versus

    the need for surgical repair and (2) the progression of

    nerve recovery postoperatively.

    Additional applications and new developments for

    the MR techniques used in peripheral nerve imaging

    are on the horizon. Among these are improvements in

    the homogeneity of fat saturation methods and alter-

    native approaches to removing fat signal, such as

    multipoint Dixon fat-water separation with SSFP or

    FSE imaging methods. Rapid volumetric data acqui-

    sition with high CNR may allow the presentation of

    the largest peripheral nerves and their branches in a

    three-dimensional display, analogous to the three-

    dimensional maximum-intensity projection images

    of the vasculature available with MR angiography.

    This presentation will provide the referring physician

    with a more complete picture of the affected periph-

    eral nerves, facilitating localization and diagnosis of

    peripheral neuropathy.

    Improvements in imaging of peripheral nerves

    coupled with the availability of MR-guided interven-

    tional systems should eventually lead to therapeutic

  • three-dimensional volume acquisition. Int J Neurora-

    diol 1996;2:26473.

    B.C. Bowen et al / Neuroimag Clin N Am 14 (2004) 5985 83[12] Cox IH, Dillon WP. Low-cost device for avoiding bulk

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    tion may be superior to other therapeutic approaches,

    such as intraneural injection into more distal periph-

    eral nerve segments [86]. Targeted expression of

    foreign genes in the peripheral nervous system has

    several potentially valuable applications, including

    gene therapy of neuromuscular diseases, neuroana-

    tomic studies, and the elucidation of mechanisms of

    axonal flow.


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