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Bowlin Gerald Geneva 1957 Mexico

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THE WESTERN MEXICO CHRISTIAN Inciudin" Mexican Bible Semmar\ News Vol. IX. No. 2& 3 Summer & Fall, 1957 ^y-rr~ Mexican Bible Seminary student preachers M. B. S. PREACHERS FOR WESTERN MEXICO Shown above are the student preachers of Mexican Bible Seminary, your Christian train ing school in Western Mexico, Spring Semes ter, 1957. All have been busy during the School term and plan to work for the Lord during the summer. With their state of origin and assigned posts they arc, left to right: Bcnaias Laborico, state of Coahuila, Nogales; Dionicio Atondo, state of Sinaloa, Benjamin Hill; Tomas Orozco, state of Nayarit, Ass't. (Continued on Page 2) MISSION DIRECTOR ILL In mid-July Bro. Gerald D. Bowlin suffered an attack of chronic ulcerative colitis, fulmi nate type, with underlying cause, severe cases of amoebic dysentery in 1944 and 1949, plus the emotional, mental and physical strain of more than a decade on the Mexican mission field; immediate causes, the emotional strain of seeing his Mexican fellow-workers without food (See "Laborers Worthy Of Their Hire"), plus another case of amoebic dysentery, plus light food poisoning. A Clinic checkup is planned as soon as he recovers his strength sufficiently to travel. Your prayers are requested. "LABORERS WORTHY OF THEIR HIRE" Or so the Scripture says anyway, but seems Divine truth and human practice are poles apart at times! To wit, our worthy, hard work ing Seminary teachers, who also serve as preachers, Sunday and D.V.B.S. workers, evangelists, construction workers, etc., etc., suf fered a period in early summer of actual starvation—hearing their children, one a tiny baby, cry themselves to sleep because they were hungry. This because the Mission Gen eral Fund, from which they are paid, stood at an all time low, in the red and deeply so, having borrowed to the limit from other funds to pay these teachers" salaries. Missionaries were unable to help, being only slightly better (Continued on Page 6) THE CHURCH ON THE MARCH January 1— June 30, 1957 (Attendance figures are weekly averages for the six months' period) RANCHITO (Hcrmosillo) Bible School 50 Sunday Eve 43 Prayer Meeting 23 Gospel Nite 22 Young People 19 (Continued on Page 4)
  • THE WESTERN MEXICO CHRISTIANInciudin" Mexican Bible Semmar\ News

    Vol. IX. No. 2 & 3 Summer & Fall, 1957


    Mexican Bible Seminary student preachers


    Shown above are the student preachers ofMexican Bible Seminary, your Christian training school in Western Mexico, Spring Semester, 1957. All have been busy during theSchool term and plan to work for the Lordduring the summer. With their state of originand assigned posts they arc, left to right:Bcnaias Laborico, state of Coahuila, Nogales;Dionicio Atondo, state of Sinaloa, BenjaminHill; Tomas Orozco, state of Nayarit, Ass't.

    (Continued on Page 2)


    In mid-July Bro. Gerald D. Bowlin sufferedan attack of chronic ulcerative colitis, fulminate type, with underlying cause, severe casesof amoebic dysentery in 1944 and 1949, plusthe emotional, mental and physical strain ofmore than a decade on the Mexican missionfield; immediate causes, the emotional strain ofseeing his Mexican fellow-workers without food(See "Laborers Worthy Of Their Hire"), plusanother case of amoebic dysentery, plus lightfood poisoning. A Clinic checkup is plannedas soon as he recovers his strength sufficientlyto travel. Your prayers are requested.


    Or so the Scripture says anyway, but seemsDivine truth and human practice are polesapart at times! To wit, our worthy, hard working Seminary teachers, who also serve aspreachers, Sunday and D.V.B.S. workers,evangelists, construction workers, etc., etc., suffered a period in early summer of actualstarvationhearing their children, one a tinybaby, cry themselves to sleep because theywere hungry. This because the Mission General Fund, from which they are paid, stood atan all time low, in the red and deeply so,having borrowed to the limit from other fundsto pay these teachers" salaries. Missionarieswere unable to help, being only slightly better

    (Continued on Page 6)

    THE CHURCH ON THE MARCHJanuary 1 June 30, 1957

    (Attendance figures are weekly averages forthe six months' period)RANCHITO (Hcrmosillo)Bible School 50Sunday Eve 43Prayer Meeting 23Gospel Nite 22Young People 19

    (Continued on Page 4)

  • Page 2 THE WESTERN MEXICO CHRISTIAN Swnmer & Fall, 1957


    (Continued from Page 1)Ranchito church, Hermosillo; Angel Palf^Tiares,state of Sonera, San Benito Mission, Hefmo'sillo; Jesus Antonio Rojo, state of Sinaloa,mountain village of Seguadeguacht.

    Others are making early inquiry concerningavailable scholarships in Mexican Bible Semi'nary. $30.00 per month will make you a"Student Sponsor." Use form below. G.D.B.

    COVENANT BLANKWestern Mexico Christian MissionApartado Postal 350Hermosillo, Sonera, MexicoDear Friends:

    I will, as God prospers me, and to thebest of my ability, support a student at$30.00 per month for nine months start'ing with September^in the Mexican BibleSeminary. Send me a photograph andbiographical sketch of the student as'signed to me.

    I am enclosing $


    St. or Box:

    City & State:


    From personal experience we know howmuch faith, toil, tears and prayer is requiredto launch a new venture for Christ in Mex'ico. Few there are who accept the challenge,but some time ago Joe and Verna Gracianoof San Jose, Calif., began a new work' forChrist in Mexicali Valley, Lower Calif., underthe sponsorship of the El Centro, Calif., ChnVtian Church. This venture has met with unusual initial success.

    Late this Spring one of our own, Bro. Epi-fanio Gutierrez (Mexican Bible Seminary,1953), was called to minister to a new Missionin the village of Puebla. near Mexicali. Pifasreports an average Sunday evening attendanceof 200many merely curious of course^with50 baptized believers. Congratulations Bro.Graciano, especially in your choice of workers.Our prayers are with you in this new workfor Christ in Western Mexico. G.D.B.

    TEMP0|1ARILY DOWN BUT NOT OUTThe military service of our United States

    was mostly hard work for those who werein it during the last war. There was alwaysK.P. which lasted from 3:00 A.M. until 7:00P.M. The barracks had to be scrubbed andequipment' kept clean. Guard duty was atwenty-four hour shift. All of these and thenthe front line duty made for a grim sort oflife but through it all, there was always a greatsense of humor. Here is one I would like totell about the rigorous physical training program of the Air Force.

    It seems that one day the outfit was running the cross country course to build uplung power. Seeing a man lying on the ground,the drill Sergeant- came running while shouting, "Get* up, Mac! What do you think thisis, a slumber party!" To which the soldierteplied, "I can't, Sarge. I think I broke myleg!" The irate sergeant then yelled, "Well,don't just lay there! Start doing push ups!"

    I guess we're sort of in the position of thesoldier. Deloris became ill with the infectioushepatitis in the latter part of April and hasbeen under pretty close doctor's care for abouta month and a naif. We are happy to reportthat she is doing very well and is practicallyrecovered except for a period of rest. However, the doctor has ordered her not to returnto Mexico until the end of summer as thisextreme hot weather is detrimental to herhealth. In his words, "To go back to Hermosillo now would just be asking for serioustrouble."

    At the time of writing, the temperature isstanding at an even lOO" and has been uparound 11Of the past several days. It willget hotter! Between this heat and the dangerof becoming ill with something else whichwould complicate the hepatitis, the doctor feelsit is too big a chance to take.

    So . . . like the man doing pushups . . .we will be traveling back in the states inthe vicinity of Minnesota to visit thechurches and camps in that area in behalfof the Mission. Funds have been running veryshort since the beginning of the summer andwe hope to help this condition by presentingthe work to new groups who will be willing to help with this work. Deloris will beable to visit with some of her relatives andget her much needed rest while I am doingthis work.

    (Continued on Page 6)


    Village "Comisario" being baptized by BrotkefEzeQuiel ("Zeke") Laboiico


    BE SAVED."

    In several issues of "THE WESTERNMEXICO CHRISTIAN" I have written ofthe need for village evangelism work. I toldhow many of these villages are eager to hearthe Gospel preached. I also presented to youthe need for ministers or evangelists who couldspend their full time at this work and howthat two hundred people sending only onedollar each month could keep three of theseworkers going with a little left each monthto help with some of the buildings.

    A number began to send their pledges andofferings to this work. We began the villagework by going as we could with the nativeworkers but this was, of course, limited asthey have just about all they can handle asfull'time ministers and teachers. We continuedto pray for a full'time village worker and forfunds to support him.

    Finally, a man was contacted and he arrivedhere in Hermosillo just one week before Easter.He preached each night for that week atthe Ranchito church where he showed hissuperior ability as a minister. Following Easterhe took a few days to get rettlcd and somewhat organized and then was off with BrotherPina to visit some of the villages. They wereto spend a week getting acquainted with thedifferent villages and decide where would bethe best to begin. During the week they

    held services nightly in La Mesa and eachday went out to some of the other villagesto hold services. By the end of the weekthey had held a number of services and decidedto start with La Mesa and certain of theneighboring villages. He will also help thepeople in La Victoria organize and to get theirbuilding up

    "I planted, Apollos watered; but God gavethe increase." Some years ago all of this areawas evangelized by Brother Pina as he traveledon foot from village to village. He had anumber who were converted and planted muchseed of the Gospel. His health and age finallystopped him from traveling so far but theseed was sown. Now as we work in these villages, we find many who remember the preaching of Brother Pina and as the evangelist,Ezequiel Laborico, continues to sow the seedand to water, God is giving the increase.

    Brother "Zeke" has baptized nine soulsinto the body of Christ. As he continuesto work, there will be many more. Amongthose baptized in La Mesa was the "Comisario." He is the combined mayor, judge, sheriff,and federal agent for the village. He is veryinterested in the Gospel for his village andfor those around him. In his position hecan do a great deal to help and I am surehe will. Also an elderly store owner who hassince died.

    In helping the people in La Victoria, wehave been able to trade the lot that theyhad for one in a better position adjoiningthe property of the public school and theyarc already preparing to start with the building. It should not be too far in the futurewhen these folk will have their own full-time preacher and their own church building.

    Yes, many of these people are anxious toreceive the Gospel of Christ. You who aresending dollars to this work have a definitepart in giving it to them. The offerings marked"Village Evangelism" go entirely for this workand are not used for any other expenses.

    Wc thank the Lord greatly for those ofyou who are helping but we are still considerably short of the two hundred. We pray thatyou will also join forces with us to win theseto Christ. J. W,



    (Continued from Page 1)Easter Week Meeting 100Pastoral Calls 6Baptisms 13

    SAN BENITO (Hermosillo)Bible School 20Sunday Eve 16Gospel Nite 9Easter Week Meeting 15Pastoral Calls 6Daily Vacation Bible School 29Visitation Evangelism 6State Prison 10

    VILLA DE SERIS (Hermosillo)Bible School 22Sunday Eve 17Gospel Nite 18Easter Week Meeting 26Pastoral Calls 3Daily Vacation Bible School 13Visitation Evangelism 6

    MARIACHI (Hermosillo) Jan.-April only.(ClosedLost the Meeting Place)Bible School 18Sunday Eve 19Prayer Meeting 15Gospel Nite 14Pastoral Calls 3

    LA VICTORIABible School 19Sunday Eve 26Prayer Meeting 19Gospel Nite 30Pastoral Calls 5Baptisms 4LA MESASunday Afternoon 25Pastoral Calls 9Baptisms 5Daily Vacation Bible School 14

    GUAYMAS (Bimonthly)Bible School !. 18Gospel Nice 10Pastoral Calls 4

    BENJAMIN HILLBible School 20Sunday Evening 30Prayer Meeting 20Gospel Nites (2) 25Young People 6Easter Week Meeting 34Pastoral Calls 15

    DAILY VACATION BIBLE SCHOOLMexico is a hot country in the summer

    time, but in spite of the heat, the workersof Western Mexico Christian Mission are laboring to carry on the work of the Lord. Thenative workers are busily engaged in conducting Daily Vacation Bible Schools, and plansare to hold a total of ten schools throughoutthe summer which will pretty well cover severaldifferent sections of the State of Sonora.

    While we think of the Vacation BibleSchools as being only for the children, here inMexico we find all ages eager to hear thestories about Jesus. "While there is Life, thereis hope," is a saying we hear often, and wehave seen an example of how one woman,104 years old, heard the Gospel very, verylate in her life, and she is now filled with thejoy and knowledge of her Lord. Since her decision was made three years ago, she has hadthe joy of seeing others of her family makethe decision to serve Christ. And followingin her footsteps are the children, her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. How wonderful it is that these children have the opportunity to learn about Jesus while they areyoung and have a full life-time to "grow inthe grace and knowledge of the Lord."

    Your contributions of money and gifts ofmaterials have helped to make these schoolspossible. We want to thank you for the manyboxes of used Christmas cards and SundaySchool supplies that have been sent for thispurpose. How eagerly the children work withscissors, paper, and crayons to make books,filled with pictures, that they will take homewith them and cherish for a long time. And

    (Continued on Page 5)

    NOGALESBible School 13Sunday Evening 14Prayer Meeting 14Gospel Nite 12Easter Week Meeting 8Pasioral Calls 8Baptisms 2

    TOTAL WEEKLY ATTENDANCEAVERAGESBible School 153Sunday Evening 171Prayer Meeting 76Gospel Nite 156Young People 25Easter Week Meetings 183Pastoral Calls 54

    TOTAL Baptisms (6 mo. period) 24

  • Summer & Fall, 1957 THE WESTERN MEXICO CHRISTIAN Page 5


    \Nurse Bowlia treating burn victim

    DAILY VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL(Continued from Page 4)

    other children, seeing the books and thingsthat they have, will want to come and sec,and then stay to have their part in the classes,and there they, too, will learn of Christ,the Savior.

    Really, D.V.B.S. work this year started.se%'eral months ago. As it is rather hard tobuy lesson materials in Spanish, Mrs. GenevaBowlin and Mrs. Esther Julian decided tomake colorbooks, pictures drawn on stencils andthen run off on our old-worn-out mimeograph,and plaster-of-Paris plaques for the children tocolor. All of this took a lot of planning anda lot of work and time. We are very gratefulto these ladies for this painstaking pieceof work that they have done. Also theyhelped to plan and make arrangements for theschools held in the various places. As a resultof this work, we expect to be able to reportat the end of the schools one of the mostsuccessful summers we have had in the historyof the Mission.

    Several schools are now in progress andattendance has been averaging 25 and SO.As mentioned above, it is hoped to have otherschools during the summer. It costs about$30.00 per school, and since finances are atan ail-time low in the General Fund, (Lessonbooks on credit!) we are hoping and prayingthat you folks in the churches at home willdecide to send your D.V.B.S. offerings andhelp to make these schools possible. Help usto not only be able to report the most successful summer but to be able to report "allexpenses paid!"


    Medical worktreatments, maternity care,layettes, used clothing, blankets, foodis avery vital part of our Evangelistic program.Our Missionary Nurse, (Mrs.) Geneva S.Bowlin, by her constant concern for the needyof Mexico is able to sow the seed of theGospel and prepare ground for sowing alongwith her practice of the healing art; openingup whole new frontiers for the preachingof the gospel; homes that a preacher couldnever enter beg Mrs. Bowlin to bring her"Botiquin", i. e., Doctor's bag (a large fishing tackle box!).

    Yes, and they ask the questionsshe hasno need or desire to force Christianity uponunwilling listeners"How much, DocCora?""No charge." A surprised and sometimespained expression"Why not, Doctora?" Thenshe or her companion gives the story of theGood Samaritan and Christ's admonition, "Goand do thou likewise," explaining to themthat she is only a Christian, not a RomanCatholic, not a protestant, but a simple follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. Then a Gospelportion, a Life of Christ Visualized or aScripture tract is given with the words, "Thisis God's Wordin it you will find what Ibelieve, for I believe God who is true andno liar, and why I attempt to help my fellow-man. Read it. It is food for the soul."

    The "Doctora" is now well known it seemsin all the little mountain villages northeastof Herfnosillo, the region from which the"burned boy" pictured above comes. Recentlyan epileptic was brought for examination. Thefollowing letter was received a few weeks later.The mother was especially grateful as she hadraised two sacks of wheat to pay for treatment but they were stolen!

    "Dear Brethren (Even friendly unbelieverssometimes address us thus as a term of respect) : God bless you. I am- writing thesefew lines to tell you that my little girl ismuch improved from taking the pills you gaveher. She had no attacks during the time shewas taking them, and even now her attacksare less severe. Brof/iers, how I wish you couldcome out here; I want so much to hear theWord of the Lordthere is no one here totell one of the Lord for no one \nows anything about Him."

    Your prayers and gifts of money, medicineand bandages are evangelizing Mexico thruyour Missionary Nurse, (Mrs.) Geneva S.Bowlin. G.D.B.

    Page 6 THE WESTERN MEXICO CHRISTIAN Summer & Fall, 1957


    If we may judge by current periodicals,the Restoration Movement of today in theUnited States has almost forgotten the examplethe Campbells, Barton W. Stone and others leftas they "restored" denominational preachersand congregations to the non-sectarian, simplicity of the New Testament Church"Christians only, but not the only Christians."

    Not so in Mexico, as a recent case in pointwill illustrate: After many hours of teachingby Seminary teacher, Andres Gutierrez, Brother Dionicio Atondo (2nd from right instudent picture), minister of extreme pentecos-tal ("holy-roller") congregation, requested anopportunity to study the Church in Seminaryclasses. Granted: result, he united his groupwith the Christian group in Benjamin Hill.Bro. Gutierrez helped them organize, and theyare enthusiastically at work evangelizing andbuilding a church building. The RestorationMovement marches on in Mexico.


    {Continued from Page 2)We arc praying that all of you who have

    been contributing to our support will keep upyour offerings so that all of the funds raisedcan go into this work here. As we travelwe do not want to ask for funds for ourselvesbut for the Mission work here to pay thenative preachers and teachers and for theoperating expenses of the Mission itself. (Thenative workers are all about three weeks behind, but just recently each family gave aweek's wages to pay for a church lot.)

    Please continue to address all our mail toJerry D. Watkinson in care of the Mission,Apdo. Postal 350, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mex-

    Funds to help the Mission needs should besent to Western Mexico Christian Mission atthe same address. The Lord is indeed blessingHis work here but toe need your help. J. W.

    ADDRESS FOR OFERINGSAll Funds deposited in bank in dollars. Usepersonal, church or bank checks or money orders(No P. O. money orders, please). Mail to:Western Mexico Christian MissionApdo. Postal 350Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico

    Seminary Teachers and Families

    "LABORERS WORTHY ..."(Continued from Page 1)

    off. "My Brethren, these things ought not soto be."

    "And they will not be if you who read thiswill each one pledge something toward ateacher's salary. These faithful workers haveno resources of their owntheir only meansis to appeal for funds thru this printed messengerappeal to you. Don't say, 'They reworthy; someone will help them." You helpthemyou, an individual Christian, you, acongregation, you, a youth group, you, aBible school class, you, a young people'sgroup, YOU HELP THEM.

    All are veterans, experienced workers, wholong ago should have been cared for: Bro.Alejandro Julii'in, seated left (one child notshown). Seminary Director, with seven yearsservice, has only $38.00 per month pledgedof $130.00 needed. Sister Elva Garcia Palo-mares, seated center, with 4 years service, ha.sa mere $15.00 per month pledged of $70.00needed: Bro. Andres Gutierrez, seated right,needs $90.00 per month and has no pledges.You pledge today, large or small, but pledgeto these who preach and teach Christ in yourstead. G.D.B.

    ADDRESS FOR PACKAGESMexican customs duty, as high as 1,175*A, forcesus to return all packages sent to our Mexicanaddress, marked "Rehusado" (refused). All parcelpost, freight or express must be addressed to:FORDWARDING AGENT. Western MexicoChristian Mission P. O. Box 1530, Nogales,Arizona. U.S.A.
