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42 800-228-9670 [email protected] Brakes Item Code Required Textbook ABX.1 Equipment parts such as pipe bracket and pipe connections, service and emergency portion ABX.2 ABU brake cylinders, dirt collector and Dynaball cut-out cock, reservoir, retaining valve, and hose connections ABX.3 Operation of the ABDX control valve and plates (schematics 1 through 4) ABX.4 Emergency accelerated release ABX.5 Emergency: final stage Course Objective: The student will become familiar with the new ABDX Control Valve and its features, such as, how it improves service braking, the new service piston, diaphragm and diaphragm clamping arrangement, continuous quick service function improvements and other benefits of the ABDX-Type Control Valve. Review diagrammatic drawings for functional analysis only. Who this is for: Anyone needing a general description and operation of AB-Type Single Capacity Freight Car Air Brake Equipment with the ABDX-Type Control Valve as approved by the AAR for cars in inter- change service. Freight Car ABDX-Type Control Valve Enrolled students may take individual lessons. Please contact student services for individual lesson and textbook pricing. Item Code Lesson Description ABX1FC Freight Car ABDX-Type Control Valve $129.80 BKABDX AB Single Capacity Freight Car, Air Brake Equipment with the ABDX-Type Control Valve This book not available separately Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Textbook) Price
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42 800-228-9670 [email protected]


Item Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

A B X . 1 Equipment parts such as pipe bracket and pipe connections, service and e m e rg e n cy port i o n

A B X . 2 A BU brake cylinders, dirt collector and Dynaball cut-out cock, reservo i r, retaining va l ve, and hose connections

A B X . 3 Operation of the ABDX control va l ve and plates (schematics 1 through 4)

A B X . 4 E m e rg e n cy accelerated release

A B X . 5 E m e rg e n cy: final stage

Course Objective: The student will become familiar with the newABDX Control Valve and its features, such as, how it improves servicebraking, the new service piston, diaphragm and diaphragm clampingarrangement, continuous quick service function improvements andother benefits of the ABDX-Type Control Valve. Review diagrammaticdrawings for functional analysis only.

Who this is for: Anyone needing a general description and operationof AB-Type Single Capacity Freight Car Air Brake Equipment with theABDX-Type Control Valve as approved by the AAR for cars in inter-change service.

Freight Car ABDX-Type Control Valve

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.Please contact student services for individual lesson and textbook pricing.

Item Code Lesson Description

A B X 1 F C Freight Car A B D X - Type Control Va l ve $ 1 2 9 . 8 0

B K A B D X AB Single Capacity Freight Car, Air Brake Equipmentwith the A B D X - Type Control Va l v e

This book not available separately

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

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B K S C T D The Single Car Air Brake Test Pro c e d u re Manual

S I N G 1 D F C Single Car Air Brake Test Procedures $ 2 0 7 . 0 0

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

Item Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

S I N G 1 . D Single car test device, brake cylinder pressure gauge, and system ove rv i ew, D a i ly Test, and testing of air brakes (Chart A )

S I N G 2 . D Single Car Test, before you start, brake cylinder pressure gauge fittings, B r a ke Pipe Leakage Test, Continuous Quick-Service Va l ve Test, and Separate Vent Va l ve Test, System Leakage Test, and hand brake inspection

S I N G 3 . D S e rvice Stability Test, Emerg e n cy Test, Release Test After Emerg e n cy, Retaining Va l ve Test, and Minimum Application and Quick-Service Limiting Va l ve Te s t

S I N G 4 . D B r a ke Cylinder Leakage Test, Slow Release Test, Accelerated Application Va l ve (AAV) Test, Recheck of piston travel, Manual Release Va l ve Test, completing test on a loaded or an empty car not equipped with empty/load equipment, completing test on an empty car equipped with empty/load equipment, disconnecting test device, Retaining Va l ve Test, Slack Adjuster Test and piston travel adjustment, Brake Cylinder Pressure Tap Leakage Test, B r a ke Cylinder Leakage Test Using Gauge, and Empty/load Te s t

S I N G 5 . D Job Aids: WA B C O PAC/Nycopac piston travel and handbrake adjustment, control va l ve identification, general inspection of ve rtical wheel hand brakes, slack adjuster field test and adjustment procedures

S I N G 6 . D Job Aids: Empty/load va l ve identifi c a t i o n

S I N G 7 . D Job Aids: Piston travel, Nycopac II, Nycopac IIA, T M B - 6 0

S I N G 8 . D Job Aids: Pressure taps

Course Objective: The student will learn, through expertly designedflow charts, the proper steps to follow when doing brake tests. Theywill also use troubleshooting tips to look for possible causes, solutionsand repairs.

Who this is for: Carmen, brakemen, mechanics, maintenance workers,supervisors, inspectors and anyone else involved in the repair and prop-er maintenance of the air brake.Item Code Lesson Description

Single Car Air Brake Test Procedures

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44 800-228-9670 [email protected]


B K A B DW A B DW Contro l Va l v eItem Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

Course Objective: Inspect, service, repair and test AB single capacityfreight car air brake equipment with the ABDW Control Valve. Performtesting, inspection and repairs of freight car and train air brakes.

Who this is for: Carmen, brakemen, maintenance worker, supervisors,inspectors and anyone involved in the repair and proper maintenance ofthe air brake.

ABDW Control Valve

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.Please contact student services for individual lesson and textbook pricing.

Item Code Lesson Description

B 1 5 F C A B DW Control Va l ve $ 7 3 . 2 5

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

B. 1 5 Freight car brake equipment with A B DW control va l ve: general information, description of parts, introduction

B. 1 6 Operation of A B DW brake equipment: full release, charging, service positions, emerg e n cy positions, release and relay va l ve functions (Pa rt 1)

B. 1 7 Operation of A B DW brake equipment: full release, charging, service positions, emerg e n cy positions, release and relay va l ve functions (Pa rt 2)

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Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

B K B 4 1 Air Brake Equipment

B. 4 1 26L locomotive brake equipment

Item Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

Course Objective: Identify the components of the 26-L locomotivebrake system used on single and multiple unit operations. Understandthe inspections, their application and when they should be done.

Who this is for: Anyone working with 26-L brake systems.

26L Brake Equipment

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.

Item Code Lesson Description

B 4 1 F C 26L Brake Equipment $ 3 1 . 0 0

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46 800-228-9670 [email protected]


B E . 1 A 26C brake va l ve, auto brake operation, independent brake operation

B E . 2 A 26F control va l ve, J-1 relay va l ve, MU2A va l ve, F-1 Selector Va l ve

B E . 3 A O verspeed and safety control functions: with P-2 brake application va l ve

B E . 4 A Automatic split reductions during penalty brake application: with A-1 reduction selector va l ve

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.Please contact student services for individual lesson and textbook pricing.

Item Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

Objective: The student will gain an understanding of the 26-C BrakeValve, 26-F Control Valve, and the High Capacity “J” Type RelayValve. The student will study the operation and functions of thosedevices that are unique to the 26-L Brake Equipment.

Who This Is For: Carmen responsible for the inspection and repair ofthe 26-L Brake Equipment and Locomotive Operators who will beusing the 26-L Brake Equipment on their train.

Item Code Lesson Description

B E 1 A F C 26-L Brake Equipment $ 1 1 0 . 0 0

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

B K 2 6 L Instruction Pamphlet No. 74

26-L Brake Equipment(Instruction Pamphlet No. 74)

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Course Objective: The student will gain an understanding of the airbrake, the parts, how it works and its roles in the braking action (brak-ing ratio). Understand the differences between brakes used for freightversus passenger cars.

Who this is for: Anyone who works on brakes, or has a general interestin how brakes work.

B K A B C ABCs of Air Bra k e s

Note: The following three courses were developed in 1971-72 andknown as the Chalk Talk Books. The brakes discussed in these booksa re still being used on some equipment today, thereby making some of the information still valuable.

ABCs of Air Brakes (Chalk Talk One)

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.Please contact student services for individual lesson and textbook pricing.

B. 1 A R a i lway train brake control

B. 1 B B r a ke va l ve functions

B. 1 C E q u a l i z a t i o n

Item Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

B 1 A F C ABCs of Air Brakes (Chalk Talk One) $ 9 7 . 0 0

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

Item Code Lesson Description

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48 800-228-9670 [email protected]


Course Objective: The student will learn through illustrations andwritten explanation about car air brake devices, such as, various typesof valves, automatic slack adjusters, retainers, safety valves, centrifugaldirt collector, brake-cylinder release valves and how they work.Includes the AB, AB-1-B, AB-4-12, ABLC, brake equipment and theAC brake valve for freight cars; D-22-P, electro-pneumatic brake,speed-governor control, D-22-PD with 3AP decelostat equipment, uni-versal control equipment with U-12-BD universal valve for passengercars.

Who this is for: Operations personnel responsible for repairing orreplacing air brakes on trains.

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.Please contact student services for individual lesson and textbook pricing.

Car Air Brakes (Chalk Talk Two)

B K C A B Car Air Bra k e s

B. 2 B r a ke application va l ves - relay va l ve s

B. 3 Slack adjusters - retainer va l ves, safety va l ve s

B. 4 AB freight car brake equipment

B. 5 Passenger car brakes: D-22-P brake equipment, D-22-AR control va l ve

B. 6 U-12-BD universal va l ve

Item Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

B 2 F C Car Air Brake (Chalk Talk Two ) $ 1 4 1 . 0 0

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

Item Code Lesson Description

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B. 7 24-RL locomotive brake equipment

B. 8 24-RL brake equipment, Rotair va l ve s

B. 9 D-24 brake va l ve s

B. 1 0 D-24 control va l ve s

Item Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

Course Objective: The student will learn through illustrations andwritten explanations to recognize the various locomotive devices, suchas, safety valves, vent valves, feed valves, air compressors and miscel-laneous devices; and how they work. The student will also recognizethe 24-RL and D-24 brake equipment, parts and how they function.

Who this is for: Anyone working on Locomotive Brakes.

Locomotive Air Brakes (Chalk Talk Three)

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.Please contact student services for individual lesson and textbook pricing.

Item Code Lesson Description

B 7 F C L o c o m o t ive Air Brakes (Chalk Talk Two ) $ 1 1 9 . 0 0

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

B K L A B Locomotive Air Bra k e s

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Course Objective: The student will gain a general knowledge of thehistory of brakes, the features of brakes and the principles upon whichthey work.

Who this is for: Carmen, brakemen, section crews and personnel thatneed to understand the braking system and principles.

Air Brake Equipment - History and Development

B K B 1 Air Brake Equipment

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.

Item Code Lesson Description

B 1 D evelopment of basic principles, modern features

Item Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

B 1 F C Air Brake Equipment $ 3 1 . 0 0

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

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B K B 1 1 Air Brake Equipment - Compre s s o rsItem Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

Course Objective: Provide the student with an overall understandingof air compressors and how they function. Recognize the various types,identify the working parts, their function, how to maintain them, andhow they work for airbrake equipment.

Who this is for: Carmen, brakemen, section crews and personnelworking on brakes with air compressors.

Air Brake Equipment - Compressors

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.

Item Code Lesson Description

B. 1 1 Air brake equipment - air compressors, operation, maintenance

B 1 1 F C Air Brake Equipment Compressors Full Course $ 3 1 . 0 0

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

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52 800-228-9670 [email protected]


B K F C B R U n d e rstanding and Servicing Freight Car Brake Rigg i n g

Course Objective: Identify the various types of air brake rigging, theparts of an air brake, and the basics of an inspection of rods, levers,piston travel, brake rigging etc.

Who this is for: Inspectors, carmen, or anyone responsible for servic-ing brake rigging.

Understanding and Servicing Freight Car Brake Rigging

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.Please contact student services for individual lesson and textbook pricing.

Item Code Lesson Description

B. 2 1 Freight car brake rigging (Pa rt 1)

B. 2 2 Freight car brake rigging (Pa rt 2)

Item Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

B 2 1 F C Understanding and Servicing Brake Rigging $ 5 7 . 0 0

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

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OA . 4 1 The AB Brake $ 3 1 . 0 0

OA . 4 B Freight car and train air brakes: testing, $ 3 1 . 0 0inspecting, and repairs

* Each lesson comes with textbook

Item Code Lesson Description P r i c e

Course Objective: Learn the basics of the AB brake system and along withan introduction to freight car and train air brakes, inspection, service, repairand testing AB brakes. This course introduces the fundamentals of how vari-ous components of the brake system function together. Covers angle cocks,combined cut-out cock and dirt collector, flanged union fittings, control valveportions and more. Control valve release and charging is explained along withrelease and recharging after service application. Emergency action and othercontrol valve functions are discussed.

Who this is for: Carmen, brakemen, maintenance workers, supervisors,inspectors, and anyone involved in the repair and proper maintenance of theair brake.

Air Brake Equipment

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.

OA 4 1 F C Air Brake Equipment $ 6 2 . 0 0

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

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54 800-228-9670 [email protected]


Enrolled students may take individual lessons.Please contact student services for individual lesson and textbook pricing.

F C A B 1 F C Guide to Freight Car Air Brake s $ 2 8 8 . 7 5

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

B K F C A B Guide to Freight Car Air Bra k e sItem Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

F C A B. 1 H i s t o ry, System Ove rv i ew, Hoses, Angle Cocks, and End Cocks

F C A B. 2 B r a ke Shoes, pipes, and fi t t i n g s

F C A B. 3 Combined dirt collector, cut-out cock, levers, and badge plates.

F C A B. 4 Hand brakes, brake beams, rods, pins, and safety support s

F C A B. 5 Control va l ves and control va l ve pipe bracke t s

F C A B. 6 R e s e rvoirs, and auxiliary brake pipe reduction dev i c e s

F C A B. 7 Retaining va l ves, J-1 relay va l ve, and empty/load equipment

F C A B. 8 Foundation brake cylinders, automatic slack adjuster, WA B C O PAC and Nycopac truck-mounted brake systems.

F C A B. 9 WA B C O PAC II, Westinghouse TMX, Ellcon-National 8500, and Thrall t ruck-mounted brake systems.

F C A B. 1 0 TX/Misner (air bag) truck-mounted brake system, air bag actuator for single axle truck and TMB-60 air brake system

Item Code Lesson Description

Course Objective: The student will learn through text and illustrationsthe proper care and inspection of Freight Car Air brakes.

Who this is for: Carmen, brakemen, mechanics, maintenance workers,supervisors, inspectors and anyone else involved in the repair andinspection of the air brake.

Guide to Freight Car Air Brakes

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Course Objective: Identify the safety standards for freight and othernon-passenger trains and equipment and end-of-train devices. FollowsFinal Rule; Code of Federal Regulations Part 232 - The Brake SystemSafety Standards for Freight and Other Non-Passenger Trains andEquipment; End-of-Train Devices.

Who this is for: Anyone working with freight and non-passenger brakesystems.

Enrolled students may take individual lessons.Please contact student services for individual lesson and textbook pricing.

Item Code Lesson Description

B S S . 1 B General information and requirements

B S S . 2 B B r a ke System Safety Standards, Pa rt 232, Subparts, C, D, E, and F

B S S 1 B F C B r a ke System Safety Standards Full Course $ 5 7 . 7 5

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

B K B S S FRA Brake System Safety Standards for Freight and Other N o n - Pa s s e n ger Trains and Equipment, End-of-Train Dev i c e s

Brake System Safety Standards

Item Code Lesson Description

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56 800-228-9670 [email protected]


Enrolled students may take individual lessons.Please contact student services for individual lesson and textbook pricing.

H B 1 A F C Hand Brake s $ 5 7 . 9 5

Item Code Full Course Title (Includes Tex t b o o k ) P r i c e

BKHB BK Hand Bra k e sItem Code R e q u i red Tex t b o o k

H B. 1 A H i s t o ry, terms, safety tips, AAR and FRA rules and regulations, various types of hand brake s

H B. 2 A H i s t o ry, terms, safety tips, AAR and FRA rules and regulations, various types of hand brake s

Item Code Lesson Description

Course Objective: Be knowledgeable of the Interchange Rules andRailroad Safety Appliance Standards governing hand brakes, also load-ing rules are discussed.

Who this is for: Carmen, brakemen, section crews and personnelresponsible for the safe usage and regulations covering hand brake use.

Hand Brakes
