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Brand Developement After shave spray

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Brand Developement After shave spray
Acknowledgement First of all we would like to say our special thanks to almighty God and pay deep respect to Ms. Adiba Nazia, lecturer in marketing, department of BBA, Premier University,Chittagong due to her generous and friendly guidance. We are also grateful to her for helping us to understand some minute issues as well as those issues, which we have failed to understand. We would like to express our deepest gratitude and thanks to those people who have provided us assistance, guideline, support and co-operation while preparing this Assignment. We also like to give our heartiest thanks to Ms. Adiba Nazia, lecturer in marketing, department of BBA, for her valuable advice. Without her support it would have been very difficult for us to complete this Assignment. We would remain every different personnel’s of various person who have helped us. Our special thanks goes to the respondents and my friends for their kind inspiration, patiently, understanding and co-operation, extended to us during the course of the Assignment. 1
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First of all we would like to say our special thanks to almighty God and pay deep respect to Ms. Adiba Nazia, lecturer in marketing, department of BBA, Premier University,Chittagong due to her generous and friendly guidance. We are also grateful to her for helping us to understand some minute issues as well as those issues, which we have failed to understand.

We would like to express our deepest gratitude and thanks to those people who have provided us assistance, guideline, support and co-operation while preparing this Assignment.

We also like to give our heartiest thanks to Ms. Adiba Nazia, lecturer in marketing, department of BBA, for her valuable advice. Without her support it would have been very difficult for us to complete this Assignment.

We would remain every different personnel’s of various person who have helped us. Our special thanks goes to the respondents and my friends for their kind inspiration, patiently, understanding and co-operation, extended to us during the course of the Assignment.


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Executive summary:

After Shave Spray is manufactured by Black Boss Company limited. So much research has gone into making it safe and gentle and effortless. After Shave Spray products are marketed by individual distributions who receive sales commissions ranging from 10%(for enrolling five customers in 30 days) to 15% (for enrolling twenty customers in 30 days).Detailed sales figures from After Shave Spray are available company account sector. Black Boss company account sector represent active claimed that After Shave Spray achieved monthly sales of 45 thousands taka in every month. That it was the company’s most successful new product. So several Black Boss of Company currently developed products have patents pending and local market research indicates that there is great demand for these products. We are coming with a new product at Bangladesh namely,” AFTER SHAVE SPRAY”. The product contains a high volume of nutrition. The product is mainly available in the first world country. I am introducing this product for the first time at Bangladesh. I have to promotion this product because without promotion it is not possible to sales increase. The product has been formulated to be gentle and easy to use. No brainier! And they can be great products if used correctly.

If your face seems brassy and dry but you condition it regularly, try using Black Boss After Shave Spray. The After Shave Spray will remove chronic, non-inflamentory scaling of the scalp. And also refresh the face. The After Shave Spray content -100 ml.This After Shave Spray is for the people of young aged as well as for adult or old people.

The Assignment were very astonishing and it was given to notice that there is very much demand for this product in the market. I have planned to meet with the ever-increasing requirements’ of the people at large of category who intend to procure best quality products at reasonable price.


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What is Brand: is the "name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's product distinct from those of other sellers Initially, Branding was adopted to differentiate one person's cattle from another's by means of a distinctive symbol burned into the animal's skin with a hot iron stamp, and was subsequently used in business, marketing and advertising. A modern example of a brand is Coca Cola which belongs to the Coca-Cola Company.

What is Brand Development: In 2001 Hislop defined branding as "the process of creating a relationship or a connection between a company's product and emotional perception of the customer for the purpose of generation segregation among competition and building loyalty among customers." In 2004 and 2008, Kapferer and Keller respectively defined it as a fulfillment in customer expectations and consistent customer satisfaction.

What is Brand management: is a communication function that includes analysis and planning on how that brand is positioned in the market, which target public the brand is targeted at, and maintaining a desired reputation of the brand. Developing a good relationship with target publics is essential for brand management. Tangible


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elements of brand management include the product itself; look, price, the packaging, etc. The intangible elements are the experience that the consumer takes away from the brand, and also the relationship that they have with that brand. A brand manager would oversee all of these things.

How to Develop a Brand: If you are ready to brand yourself or your business, you need to have a clear understanding of what developing a brand actually involves before you really get started. Your brand-development process should always follow these major steps:

1. Decide what you’re going to brand.

Are you branding a product, a service, a company, or an individual?

2. Do your research.

First, find out everything there is to know about your market. Then, find out everything there is to know about your product or service.

3. Position your product or service.

Find and win a place for your offering in the marketplace and in consumers’ minds by providing unique solutions to problems or needs that aren’t already being addressed by competing products.

4. Write your brand definition.

Your brand definition describes what you offer, why you offer it, how your offering is different and better, what unique benefits your customers can count on and what promise or set of promises you make to all who work with and buy from your business.

5. Develop your name, logo, and tagline.

Your name is the key that unlocks your brand image in your consumer’s mind. Your logo is the brand mark or symbol that serves as the face of your brand. Your tagline is the memorable phrase that provides consumers with a quick indication of your product, brand, and market position.


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6. Launch your brand.

Your brand goes public when you unveil your name, logo, and slogan, and when you begin to tell your market the story of how your brand reflects what you stand for.

7. Manage, leverage, and protect your brand.

This is the “care and feeding” phase of the branding process; it’s the step that leads to a strong, healthy, resilient brand. Just like good parenting, good branding management can be summed up in a single word — consistency.

8. Realign your brand to keep it current.

Occasionally, you can (and should) change how your brand is presented. From time to time, you need to update your brand presentation (the face of your brand) to keep it relevant to the market in which it lives.

A Brand Development Model: How to Define and Measure Brand Equity

A high equity brand gives its owner many advantages. In addition to the obvious benefit of driving market share, a strong brand can command a price premium, augment customer relationships, ensure successful line extensions, help an organization attract talent, and boost stock prices. There are many facets to defining a strong brand, so it is important to examine all of these in the framework of a Brand Development Model. Such a model categorizes the stages of development for a brand, identifies how to measure progress in each stage, and prescribes the marketing priorities for moving a brand to a higher stage of development.

The origins of the Rockbridge Brand Development Model go back to an engagement where we were charged with developing a comprehensive brand equity measurement process for a client interested in potential brand alliances.  It was important to properly define what constituted a strong brand because of the large number of alliances under consideration and the fact that the measurements would be used to negotiate with potential partners.  We started the process by convening a “summit” with several marketing directors in the organization and brainstorming on what constituted a desirable brand partner, that is, one with a


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high degree of equity that would complement our client’s brand name.  After compiling a list of brand equity components, we reviewed several public and private brand equity studies to identify best practice metrics that could be applied to each of the areas identified by the stakeholders.  Ultimately, we incorporated the best metrics in a multi-brand study that scored all potential brand alliances. 

A Brand Development Model is a diagnostic tool that integrates many proven metrics into a framework that guides strategy. Marketers need to consider six stages of development for a brand, each equating to a different marketing priority, starting with creating basic awareness and concluding with building customer loyalty. The following identifies these stages, recommended metrics, and strategy implications for brand management.

Stage 1: A Brand should be Recognizable - half the battle in building trust is for buyers to recognize the brand, or say "Yah, I've heard of them". The standard measure for this stage is aided awareness. A weakness in this stage implies a need to get the name out, and can be addressed through advertising and publicity to boost name recognition. It may be hard to imagine a large company like a Fortune 500 with such an issue, but some of Rockbridge's clients operate in niche markets that are defined by lifecycle, such as higher education services or mortgages, and have low name recognition among first time buyers.


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Stage 2: A Brand should be Memorable - once a brand has recognition, the next logical step is to become salient or "top of mind", so that buyers may consider it as part of their evoked set of purchase options. The best measures for this stage include unaided awareness and top-of-mind awareness (mentioned first) within a product or service category, and perceived level of familiarity. The implication for brands with weakness in this stage is to educate the market about the brand, such as the type of products or services the brand offers.

Stage 3: A Brand should be viewed with Favor - in addition to awareness, a brand should be viewed as meeting the needs of potential buyers and be respected by influencers. This includes a basic trust of the brand as well as belief in its value proposition. A classic measure for gauging this stage of development is an excellence rating (e.g., a scale ranging from poor to outstanding), but the inclusion of "best in class" status and brand momentum metrics provides additional context and variation for tracking. Brands lacking in this area are advised to build trust and respect in messaging. The message may be tangentially related to the value proposition, emphasizing features such as community involvement or concern for the environment, or it may directly establish credibility for the brand in its ability to meet needs, such as stressing its track record or reliability.

Stage 4: A Brand should be Distinctive - when prospective buyers are ready to act, they will choose a brand that fulfills a promise they desire, but this credibility is not sufficient alone to drive choice. The brand promise must be distinctive and unique, or the brand identity will be vague and the brand will become commoditized. Consumers perceive brands at a functional and emotional level. The functional has to do with various promises, such as offering value, having high quality, or being relevant to likeminded customers. The emotional delves into aspects of brand personality, such as being edgy, playful, masculine or serious, attributes that can be developed from projective qualitative techniques (e.g., if this brand were a person, what kind of car would they drive?). A solid and tested approach to measurement in these areas is to quantify image by rating the brand and its competitors on a series of carefully selected image attributes. A chief goal for marketers is to position their brand through communications that stresses attributes that drive purchase intent and are unique to the brand. Working with perceptual maps that provide a visual "war map" and with quadrant maps that reveal strengths and weaknesses, marketers can craft and test a message strategy.


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Over time, the progress in execution of the strategy can be assessed by tracking changes in the image dimensions that are core to strategy.

Stage 5: A Brand should be Preferred - deep awareness and a clear and distinct value proposition should translate into preference among prospective buyers. Many solid metrics can be used, but two key ones are preference from a set of choices and a measure of behavioral intent qualified with a time frame or context (if you were to buy one today...). If preference is low even if consumers believe in a unique value proposition, the logical strategy is to encourage trial in order to shift purchase inclinations. Many products and services involve habitual buying patterns - for example, a traveler may like one hotel brand but routinely book a competitor, so a special promotion may disrupt the pattern and change preference.

Stage 6: The Market should be consuming the Brand and be Satisfied - it should be obvious that the best communications strategy cannot overcome the fact that a product is inferior or service is poor, while an excellent product may build its own momentum through referrals. The short term outcome of low satisfaction is that repeat purchasing will drop and the brand will have detractors. The long term impact of satisfaction is that the reality of the product or service will drive the perception. Thus, brand equity measurement is not complete without questions about consumption, satisfaction, and willingness to recommend. If the brand suffers in this area, don't blame the agency. Work needs to be done to improve product or service quality.

To sum it up, there are many facets to brand equity, including awareness, attitude, image, preference and satisfaction. All of these areas need to be considered in order to craft the appropriate Branding Strategy for developing a brand. Some brands may merely need to raise awareness of their name, others may need to work on building confidence, while still others may need to work on differentiating themselves from competition.

A solid system for measuring and diagnosing brand equity includes a wide range of measures, including usage and satisfaction. Experienced researchers know what measures to use and how to weave them into a survey to minimize bias. Working with such information, savvy marketers know how to craft a message strategy and direct resources to develop a brand over time.


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After Shave Spray Situation Analysis:

After Shave Spray is entering its first year of operation. its products have been well received and marketing will be the key to the development of brand and product awareness as well as the customer base. Situation analysis is a marketing term, and trends are a particular company’s market. Situation analysis is often called the three’s C’s which refers to the three major elements that must be studied: Customers, Costs and competition. So at first research After Shave Spray, who customers and what position this product is the market. Must be analysis three C’s and after provide After Shave Spray in the market.

Brand Development Summary:

After Shave Spray possesses good information about the market and knows a great deal about the common attributes of the most wanted customers. This information will be leveraged to better understand who is served, what their specific needs are, and how After Shave Spray can better communicate with them. After Shave Spray must carefully target specific market segments.

Target markets: Dhaka City, Chittagong City, Narayanganj city.

Market Demographics:

The profile for the typical After Shave Spray Customer consists of the following geographic, demographic and behavior factors.



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After Shave Spray mainly research sector geographic place. After Shave Spray total target people generally young aged people at least 3 or 4 corers customer in the market.


There is almost equal ratio between male and female users. Ages 28-40 with 45% clustering around age’s 32-42.the recreational users

tend to cover the widest age rang, including adult users. Of course who have over 30, 65% have an under graduates degree or

substantial under graduates course work. The users have a median personal income of 25000tk.

Marketers typically combine several variables to define a demographic profile. A demographic profile provides enough information about the typical member of this group to create a mental picture of this hypothetical aggregate. The five types of demographics in marketing are Age, Gender, Income level Race and ethnicity.

Behavior factors:

Users enjoy a better face dye After Shave Spray not as a means for a clean face. But for antidandruff, smooth, black shine glassy face.

Users spend money on large amount, typically for beauty cosmetics products.

Users have a standard life style & they want better products.

Brand Place:

After Shave Spray providing the using community with a wide range of features for all variations of using. This product has much demand in the market, because it is very wanted. After Shave Spray high quality of others. So the customer spends money and take enjoy in this product so the company seeks to fulfil the following benefits that are important to its customers:

Quality craftsmanship: the customers work herd for their money and do not enjoy spending it on disposable products that work for one week or 9/10 days.


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Well-thought-out-design: The face dye After Shave Spray market has not been addressed by well-thought-out-products that serves users needs.

Customer service: Exemplary service is required to build a sustainable business that has a loyal customer base.

Brand/Product Growth:

After Shave Spray distinguish itself by marketing products not previously available to users. The number of users is not restricted to any one single country, continent, so there is a world market. After Shave Spray is for the young aged people. In general; when companies an increase in the demand for particular product or service over time market growth can be slow it consumers do not adopt a high demand or rapid if consumers find the product or service useful for the price level. In general when After Shave Spray says there is strong market growth, they mean that the overall demand for the product has increased. In other word there is a larger market for the After Shave Spray which are trying to sell.

Brand/Product Offering:

After Shave Spray is a attractive product. At first produced this product and supply in the market. A new product After Shave Spray offer in young aged customer, who’s face turn the original color into black in the few age. Customer accepted this product After Shave Spray trade marketing this product is currently in progress.

Key to success:

The key to success are designing and producing product After Shave Spray that meet market demand. In addition After Shave Spray must ensure total customer satisfaction. If these keys to success are achieved, it will become a profitable, sustainable company.


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Critical issue:

It should be created brand image at first. Product quality must different then the other competitors. More sales with minimum profit easily transportation media. If I can do that activity we can earn more profit.

Branding strategy:

Branding Strategy is very importance of any new product After Shave Spray is focusing on the face’s blackness and freshness. After Shave Spray can cover about 45% percent in the market.

There are two types of strategy of marketing plan. One is long term strategy and another is short term strategy.

Here we take long term strategy. Because our duration 3 years. Within three years we fill up our target.

Mission: After Shave Spray are goal cover the country easily. In this product mission is to provide the customer. We exist to attract and maintain customers. Our services and products will exceed the expectations of the customer.

Marketing Objectives:

= After Shave Spray main objective good service provides.

= After Shave Spray achieve a steady increase in market penetration.


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= After Shave Spray maintain position, strong growth each other marketing objective.

= After Shave Spray marketing objective less price and real product produce.

Financial Objectives:

= Increase the profit and sales good product.

= Yearly income increase.

= Maintain a significant research and development budget to spur future product developments.

Target Markets:

After Shave Spray mainly target market in young aged customer, who’s face turn the original color into black in the few age. Target market main sector Dhaka city and big big market place. After Shave Spray are targeting the healthy permanent face protector and recreational groups. These groups are gearing themselves to ward health and fitness and combined they can easily grow to 75 percent of the market in the next three years.

Marketing mix:

The marketing mix is generally accepted as the use and specification of the four P’s describing the strategy position of product in the market place the marketing mix is a set of controllable tactical marketing fools that work together to achieve company objectives. Elements of the marketing mix are often referred to as the four P’s include Product, Price, Promotion, and Place. New product After Shave Spray must be following Product, Price, Promotion and Place.


A tangible object or an intangible service that mass product or manufactured on a large scale with a specific volume of units. Intangible products are often service based like the tourism industry. Products include product Varity, quality, design, features, brand name, packaging, sizes, services, warranties, returns, etc.


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Product variety:

Product variety means how many types of product produce in a company. In order to survive in the market each and Energy Company should have to produces variety Product. We do that and we hope that After Shave Spray occupy best position in the market. We have also other types of market.


We produce quality products based on healthy, safe and natural products. The quality of the product is very important to survive in the market. As a manager, I tray to provide best quality After Shave Spray

Design : It is extended output of product After Shave Spray external at put is very attractive and we hope that it is well accepted in the market. After Shave Spray design is very attractive in the market.


In order to introduce the product it very much important to mention the product features.

= Moisturizes normal to dry skin. Absorbs quickly; relieves tight-feeling, tenders just shaved. Skin looks healthier and fresher.

= It prepare specially for 18-above years people.

= Having no side effect to use After Shave Spray.

Brand name:

In order to survive in the market each and every company should have to create good brand name. I think that After shave spray above to create good brand image.

Packaging: Packaging is the science, art and technology of enclosing or protecting products for distribution, storage, sale, and use. The act of packing something; the materials used to pack something; the industry that produces such material; the manner in which a person or product is promoted.

Sizes: A product size grading system comprises a roller bed having a plurality of rotary shafts wherein each shaft supports product sizing roller members. After


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shave spray product packaging sizes must be small because any person easily care this product.

Services: A product-service system also known as a function-oriented business model is a business model, developed in academia that is aimed at providing sustainability of both consumption and production. After shave Spray Company try given best service.


The price is the amount a customer pays for the product. Price include various sector such as:

List price: List of security products that can be tested in Proactive Security Challenge and their vendors. After shave spray price 120tk per bottle.

Discounts: Discount product catalogs to save our money. For example, especial day after shave spray discount two taka.

Allowances: Rather than price specific products or materials, many contractors prefer to use product allowances, an amount included in the contract to be used toward the purchase of these products and materials as they are selected by the consumer. For example purchase 10 bottle after shave spray & free two bottle.



We are planning to invite Andy lau as our spokesperson. Andy lau has taken part in more than 100 films, and has a huge fan base in China with the success of both his movie performance and his music career. His healthy and gentle image matches our high-end products.


We will produce a series of advertisement campaign with our spokes person including TV commercials, magazine ads etc. We are planning to broadcast our TV commercials in CCTV and the major TV stations in the first tier cities e.g.


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BTV. As for the magazine promotion, we will pose some plain advertisement in various fashion and business magazines targeting at the higher income male group.

Place: Place represents the location. Where a product can be purchased. It is often referred to as the distribution channel. Such as:

Channels: Chain of intermediaries, each passing the product down the chain to the next organization, before it finally reaches the consumer or end-user. This process is known as the 'distribution chain' or the 'channel.' Each of the elements in these chains will have their own specific needs, which the producer must take into account, along with those of the all-important end-user. After shave spray following A number of alternate 'channels' of distribution may be available:

Distributor, who sells to retailers Retailer (also called dealer or reseller ), who sells to end customers

Advertisement typically used for consumption good

Transport: Transportation is one of the most important factors to supply the product in different areas. We use our own delivery cargo ban to supply the product in different areas of a country. I think it is the best way to minimize the transportation cost.

Financial Analysis: This sector will offer the financial overview of after shave spray related to marketing activities. After shave spray will address sales forecasts, expense forecast, and indicate how these activities link to the Branding Strategy.


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Sales forecast:

After shave spray feels that the sales forecast figures are conservative. It will steadily increase sales as the advertising budget allows. Although the target market forecast listed all of the potential customers divided into separate groups the sales forecast group’s customers into three categories such as, younger or all age. Reducing the number of categories allows the reader quickly discern information, marketing the chat more function.

Monthly sales forecast:

Table of sales forecast

Sales Year 2010 Year 2011 Year 2012

Younger tk2,00,0000 tk3,00,0000 tk3,50,0000

All age tk50,0000 tk1,00,0000 tk1,50,0000

Total tk3,50,0000 tk6,00,0000 tk8,00,0000

Expense forecast: The expense forecast will be used as a total to keep the department on target and provide indicators when correction/modification are needed for the proper implementation of the marketing plan.

Monthly expense budget:

Table of marketing expense budget

Marketing expense budget

Year 2011 Year 2012 Year 2013

Advertising tk10,0000 tk12,0000 tk14,0000

Web site tk8,0000 tk6,0000 tk10,0000

Printed material tk5,0000 tk8,0000 tk6,0000


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Marketing expense tk10,0000 tk14,0000 tk20,0000

Salaries of job holder

tk20,000 tk30,000 tk35,000

Revenue: A Black Boss company maintains monthly and annual revenue.

Expenses: A Black Boss company produced any new product total expense cost maintain monthly and annually.

Customer satisfaction: how much new product after shave spray get customer satisfaction maintain monthly or annually.

Implementation: As a marketing manager, I hope that the following identify the key marketing programs. And it ensures lot of profit from the market. It is important to accomplish each one on time and on budget.

Conclusion: So Brand development of Black Boss after shave spray shown in this assignment gradually and we prefer company should go through this Brand Development process.


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