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Brandy Rip Open This

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In Loving Memory Of Brandy Brehm
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In Loving Memory Of

Brandy Brehm

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A prayer to an angel........ From Jason Tate

A lonely cross stands on an empty hi-way.Wood for her strength and warmth

Words of loveFlowers for her fragility and beauty.

It was built with love and blessed with tears.It bears the name of a loved one taken to soon.

A mother.A wife.

A daughter.A sister.

A friend...

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An amazing person who brought light with her where ever she went. This light has left us.

Even in death to see you laying there so still brings so much peace where there is only pain and sadness. This was your way. This IS

your way.To this angel sent to us, know this....

You will live forever in my thoughts, prayers, smiles, tears, good times and bad.

You brought so many blessings to this earth. You helped my friend become twice the man he was .

You gave your friends guidance and compassion no matter what they were going through. You brought a little boy to this earth as beautiful

and amazing as you are. You have changed lives for the better and touched so many of us lost

in darkness.

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I am not a religious or emotional man but I have shed more tears and prayed more in the past few days then I have in a long time.

I have asked god to keep you close so that those who loved you may find you again someday.

Know that I will stand by the side of your husband and child until the day I see you again. So rest well friend.

We will take care of things here on earth, please watch over us from heaven. I WILL see you again.

I love you.A lonely cross stands on an empty hi way,

Wood for her strength and warmthWords of love

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Flowers for her fragility and beauty."I'll live this life until this life won't let me live here anymore.

Then I will walk yes I will walk with patience through that open doorI have no fear; angels follow me wherever I may go.

I live this life till this life won't let me live here anymore."Live this lifeBig & Rich

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Brian’s Thoughts

I hate writing these damn things. I hate having to bury my friend too. Especially close ones. Brandy one of those. It always amazed me

that someone so small in stature could fill a room with her presence.

She changed my life, hell everyone's life somehow. I don't even know where or how to start writing this because there's so much

to say. I know that as much as this hurts all of us right now. (Chris I can't

even began to try and comprehend how you feel.) we shouldn't focus on her dying.

We should focus on her, We should focus on the girl who even in her darkest moments was a light.

There was a strength to her that was inexplicable sometimes.

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She had a whiteboard in her room at her moms house with something I came up with in one of my moments of sleep

deprived glory that made no sense but she loved it because I rationalized it to her and it cracked her up.

I remember driving absolutely nowhere with her and just listening to her talk about the most random $#!^.

She used to bring me out of the most %$#% up moods just by

hugging me or talking to me. I have countless memories of her.

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Living with her was a test on our friendship and I wish it had worked better. I wish I'd been able to apologize for some $#!^ I said in anger but I cant and that's my cross to bear. This is really *%

$#ing hard for me. I don't think I've cried this much when writing a blog. This isn't about me though. This is about one of the most beautiful and genuinely happy souls I've ever met. The other side got a lot brighter when she left this place, and all our worlds got a

little darker. Brandy I'll miss you. I love you and I'll see you again when its my

turn to cross the river. B

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Memories From Scott Pamplin

last memory of her was when i was working at shell and she came by with some friends and told me that she had just gotten clean.

I was so happy for her. for most of the people who write about this, what they write will never come close to how brandy touched everyone's

lives. She is a great person and will live forever with all of us that remember her.

R.I.P. you sweet, sweet soulblade

to a friend...to a friend who is very kind.

to a friend that has a pure heart.to a friend can enlighten a room.to a friend who shows kindness.to a friend that is a friend to all.to a friend, be forever happy.

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Good Times

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Full Of Love

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"As we all know she was a one of a kind, incredible woman that can never be replaced" Chris B.

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Words from Chris Brehm

I've been stating that there is a lot that I have wanted to say about Brandy and the current situation and the tragedy that has

happened to all of us. I now have some time and I think that I will be able to get most of it out. No promises.

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The tragedy that has struck all of our hearts by surprise is a very hard thing to deal with for all of us. I'm sorry for everyone's loss. I know for fact that no matter who you are, she touched your heart

and soul just by entering the room. I wish that there was something that I could do to change what had happened, but there isn't and I'm sorry for that as well. I know it isn't my fault

and I do NOT blame myself, but I can't help but feel though as if I

had not been gone for the last 4 months she'd still be here.

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Again, I'm sorry for that. I know that there are a lot of you that miss her very much, and I know that a lot of you will feel a hole in your hearts for time to come. I assure you that she is not gone... she

is still with all of us in spirit and not to worry, but she is in a better place and happy. I wish that there was something I could do to bring her light back into this dark world, but as you all know we

did have a child together that holds the same light that she did. I know that he can do the same, so don't forget that he carries her

as well in his innocent soul.

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For everyone out there that she held a special place in your heart, I feel for you the most. I know exactly how you feel and what you are going thru. I sometimes wish that you could feel what I do, but I would never wish that even on my worst enemy. The pain that I have is MY inner demon to fight and all I can do is assure everyone that I will conquer this demon for Logan if anything. I

know that Brandy wouldn't want anything different. As for those of you who I wish to speak about directly, this is the

best that I can say. All of you should know who you are when I mention your name.

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There are a few of you out there that I would like to mention directly. I will get to that in a minute. For everyone first, I want you all to

know that she DID care about you all and wished nothing but the best for all of you. I know for fact, and with no doubt what-so-

ever, that she would have done anything she possibly could have to help each and everyone of you. If you do not believe that she has helped any of you, I implore you to search your soul and tell me that she never touched it and made it a brighter place. There are a few of you out there who's hearts she touched in a different way and I want you to know she cared very deeply for you and

loved you. As one of my wishes, and surely one of hers, I would like for all of you to remember the good times that you have

spent with her. Keep whatever happiest moment image of her in your heart, soul, and mind. As long as you do that, then keep a smile on your face, embrace that light she brought you and you

will continue to make her happy with that.

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As for those of you who I wish to speak about directly, this is the best that I can say. All of you should know who you are when I

mention your name.

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Brian L.

I know she meant a lot to you and I know how you felt for her. I feel your pain like no other. You need to know that she cherished

your friendship like she did the free spirit life that she had. You need to know that she loved and cared for you very deeply and wanted nothing but the best for you and your new found family. There were many times that I know she would go be with you just for a drive in your car and she would come back with the

most warm hearted feeling that I have ever seen her with before. Times like that is what she cherished the most about you... just

the pure feeling of being safe with you and knowing that she could just be her. She would have walked around the whole

world for you if that's what it meant to help you. Just know that what I say is true fact.

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Jason T.

You meant a lot to her. For a long time, she talked to me about how much fun she had with you "back in the day" and how she

missed just hanging out with you and "kick’n it." There is nothing she wouldn't have done for you either. She loved and cared

about you very much. Every time that she heard that you were doing well with your life, she smiled and said "I'm happy that he

is doing so well and I hope that continues for him." She just wanted the best for you as well, and I hope that she touched

your heart and soul in a very special way.

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Dale, Shannon, Tyler, and Stefnie

She loved all of you very very much. Especially those kids. She would walk thru hell for them. Just being able to spend time with Stefie made her so happy as well. She could just let go and be a kid again with her. As for Tyler, being able to have Blake over so Tyler could see him was her way of showing him how much she loved him. She wished that she could have spent more time with Tyler, but she felt happy enough just seeing that innocent smile

on his face when she did what she could for him. Dale and Shannon, she cared so much for the 2 of you, I don't think that you will ever truly know. When you were sad, so was she. She felt your pain and despair when you had problems in any sort.

She would have MADE us do anything we could to help you out in any way, shape, or form. She loved hanging out with you can

drinking more than anything. Just making the 2 of you smile brought out a light from her.

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She cherished you more than you will EVER know. There is so much love that she sent your way that it is indescribable.

Anything that you would EVER need in this universe she would have done everything in her power to accomplish for you. The

friendship that you gave to her was one of the most powerful that she felt. She was so happy to hear about your new coming one,

she wanted nothing but to be there for you and that new one. There is a lot more that I want to say but I don't have the words

to express it to you. I'm sorry.

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You need to know one thing and one thing only. She LOVED you very much and Miss Brianna as well. The same goes for you as it does to the others that I have previously stated. She would have walked the world for you and her. She would have done anything for either one of you in a heartbeat. She cared for you so much and just wanted to see you get your life together so bad. I hope

that you understand that. Maybe this is the motivation to help you even further in your life. But don't do it because she is no longer

here physically, do it because you want to and because she guides you in your heart.

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That goes for everyone. Whatever you do now, let her guide the way for you. Use the joy and happiness that she brought your spirit and your life to guide your heart in the right way. Let her show you the right path and be your light. She loved all of you

very much and this is what she would want.

I hope and pray that the words I have said to all of you are heard not only by your mind but by your heart and soul. Even if you do not listen to country, make sure that you find a song that I know

will mean a lot to you in this time of need. It has helped me though this like nothing else ever has before. Try to find "Stand" by Rascal Flatts. Listen to the words very carefully and you will

then know what it is that she would want for you to do at this time pain.

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As for me, I know how she felt about me. I know what she would have done for me. I know all of this without the slightest c-hair of

a doubt in my mind, heart, and soul. This may be hard for me, but I have to be strong for her and especially for Logan. I don't

get any other option. I thank you all for everything you have said and everything you have done for me. Just being there for me to support myself on just a little has been a huge help. I know what it is that I must do to continue to make her happy and I know that she watches over me and Logan. I also know that when it is my time to go, she WILL be the one there to meet me. Until then, I will do what I have to for the precious soul that she has left here on this Earth, Logan. Her and I will be a family again when it is time. I know that she will guide me using her incredible light to

show me the right path even in my darkest moments.

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I love you all. Thank you for everything. I can't thank you all enough.

Sincerely with love and pain,

PVT Christopher P Brehm

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Message to Brandy

I don't have a doubt that the memories everyone has of you will forever be remembered.

I have so many memories of you that I wouldn't know where to begin.

I just hope that you remember the good times and watch over all of your friends knowing that we will

be thinking of you. You are gone but not forgotten.

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Message to Logan

I want you to know that your mother was a great person and that she will always be there

for you. She Will watch over you and be proud of who you become.

Your father will be there for you always. We support him and we support you.

Be a good boy and make the most of your life with no regrets.

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Message to Chris

Your friends and family will always be there through thick and thin. Remember that and cherish all

that you may endure. As it will make you stronger in the end...

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Message to Brandy’s Family

Though I have never met any of you. I am sorry for your loss. Brandy was a incredible girl with a good head on her shoulders. I

want you all to know that she was our friend and a part of our family. And with that said you are a part of our family as well. We are all here for you in your time of need. I want to say thank you for bringing such a great person into this world and into our lives.

If there is anything you need, please don’t hesitate to ask.

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We are There for You

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RIPBrandy Brehm

1985 – 2007

Loving Mother, Wife, FriendMay you Rest in Peace

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Music Credits

EvanescenceAlbum :FallenTrack : Hello

Black Label SocietyAlbum: Mafia

Track : In this River

Rascal FlattsAlbum : Me and My Gang

Track : Stand

Jessica AndrewsAlbum : Now

Track : Never Be Forgotten

Rob ThomasAlbum : Something To Be

Track : Now Comes The Light

Elliot YamenAlbum : Elliot Yamen

Track : I will wait for you

Written by Roy Frields Copyright August 15, 2007

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