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Breaking Dawn EPOV

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1. Engaged The moment that Bella told me that she wanted to tell Charlie about us getting married, I was astonished. When I placed her ring on her third finger, it sent wonderful warmth down my cold spine. We sat on the loveseat waiting for Charlie to go come home. I didn't know what kind of mood he would be in after work. I didn't know how his day at work had gone. But I knew that no matter what Charlie was like, I was not going to allow Bella to leave this room without telling her father the wonderful now. I figured that telling Charlie about us getting married wasn't going be easy for Bella. I knew that it was going to be more of challenge for Bella to tell her father. I turned to look at her, hoping that she would smile back at me and reassure me that this was what she truly wanted. Her body was here but I could only imagine where her mind was. Suddenly I heard Charlie's cruiser turn the corner and headed down their street. At this point, I heard Charlie thoughts. Man, it was a good day at work today. Boy, I 'm tired. I wonder what Bella is making for dinner tonight? OH MAN! You have to be kidding me! HE is here again! I swear he spends more time here then I do. Now what is the reason for him being here? When Bella is not around, I am going to have a talk with him about spending less time here at our house. Or has Bella asked him to move in without telling me? Charlie scoffed. I chuckled quietly so Bella wouldn't hear. I didn't want to make her feel more nervous then she already felt now. He parked while grunting to himself. I saw him slug his way towards the door. I saw the keys rattling in the door and Charlie stomped his boots at the door. I saw Bella trying to move hand out of view. If I hadn't known better, I could have sworn that Bella was trying to hide her hand from Charlie. "Stop fidgeting, Bella. Please try to remember that you're not confessing to a murder here."
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1. Engaged

The moment that Bella told me that she wanted to tell Charlie about us getting married, I was astonished. When I placed her ring on her third finger, it sent wonderful warmth down my cold spine.

We sat on the loveseat waiting for Charlie to go come home. I didn't know what kind of mood he would be in after work. I didn't know how his day at work had gone. But I knew that no matter what Charlie was like, I was not going to allow Bella to leave this room without telling her father the wonderful now. I figured that telling Charlie about us getting married wasn't going be easy for Bella. I knew that it was going to be more of challenge for Bella to tell her father.

I turned to look at her, hoping that she would smile back at me and reassure me that this was what she truly wanted. Her body was here but I could only imagine where her mind was.

Suddenly I heard Charlie's cruiser turn the corner and headed down their street. At this point, I heard Charlie thoughts.

Man, it was a good day at work today. Boy, I 'm tired. I wonder what Bella is making for dinner tonight? OH MAN! You have to be kidding me! HE is here again! I swear he spends more time here then I do. Now what is the reason for him being here? When Bella is not around, I am going to have a talk with him about spending less time here at our house. Or has Bella asked him to move in without telling me? Charlie scoffed.

I chuckled quietly so Bella wouldn't hear. I didn't want to make her feel more nervous then she already felt now. He parked while grunting to himself. I saw him slug his way towards the door. I saw the keys rattling in the door and Charlie stomped his boots at the door. I saw Bella trying to move hand out of view. If I hadn't known better, I could have sworn that Bella was trying to hide her hand from Charlie.

"Stop fidgeting, Bella. Please try to remember that you're not confessing to a murder here."

"Easy for you to say."

I grabbed her warm hand and placed it in my stone cold hand. I placed both of our hands to where Charlie could see the reason why we were here. Once the door opened, Bella's heart rate jumped and her breathing became uneven. She started to hyperventilate.

"Calm down, Bella".

Suddenly Charlie lost control of the front door and it slammed against the wall. Bella jumped, nearly leaping into my lap.

I hope they heard that. Why is it that every time I 'm here, he always has to be here? Doesn't he have a house of his own and family too!

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"Hey, Charlie," I said, with ease in my voice.

"No!" I heard Bella tell me under her uneven breath.

"What?" I turned to face her with narrow eyes. I saw fear in her eyes, which only told me that she was worried about the outcome of the matter.

"Wait till he hangs up his gun!"

I couldn't help but laugh under my breath. How silly my Bella was being. If she only knew, what Charlie was thinking now.

Oh God! What does he want now? Something does not seem right…I have a strange feeling in my gut right now. Maybe I should keep my gun on my just in case.

I smiled to myself and ran my free hand through my hair. Charlie came around the corner with narrow eyes. He spotted us sitting in the loveseat with our hands together. I saw that he quickly changed his facial expression before Bella noticed.

This is really starting to get old. Why does he always have to touch her… "Hey kids, what's up?"

"We'd like to talk to you." I said to Charlie. "We have some good news to tell you."

In my heart, good wouldn't be the perfect word to use at this moment. It was wonderful news. No, It was unbelievable news. Endless words couldn't describe what I was feeling at the moment. My sweet Bella would be my wife. Finally, today would be the day that I could say it aloud. If Bella wasn't so embarrassed by the idea, I would shout it from the highest mountain top or building. I would even post it on a huge bulletin board for the whole world to know.

I don't like where this is going. I knew it! I felt something different! I was right to have my gun on me. I have one thing going through my head right now and it's not good. Not good at all! I'm going to let Bella say it first before jumping to the wrong…or should I say right conclusion. Charlie grunted.

"Good new?" He said, as he looked directly at Bella.

"Have a seat, Dad"

Charlie stomped his way to the recliner and sat at the very edge.

Okay, I'll have a seat but you had better get to the point young lady! I don't have time for tricks or silly riddles today. Not while HE is here!

"Don't get worked up, Dad." she said to him. "Everything is okay."

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I grimaced to myself and tried my best not to look at Bella. Once more, I was thinking about the way she used the word okay. As I was thinking before, the best word to describe what was about to happen would have to be wonderful. I knew the way Bella viewed the world, it was much more different then the way I viewed the world. I've gone many decades walking this lonely damned world and now I found the one I wanted spend forever with. Priceless was all that really came to mind everything time I thought about it. If Bella, Charlie or Renee only really knew, how much that meant to me, that Bella was my only reason for existing.

"Sure it is Bella, sure it is. If everything is so great then why are you sweating bullets?"

"I'm not sweating." Bella responded quickly.

I took a peak out the corner of my eye and sure enough, Bella was sweating. Her heart rate showed no sign of slowing down. The more Charlie looked at her the more it pound against her chest. If only I could cradle her in my arms right now and let her know that everything was going to be just fine. My silly Bella was making everything more harder then it had to be for her. She was making a mountain out of mud pile.

I resisted touching her anymore then just holding her hand. I didn't want to give her a heart attack in front of Charlie.


"You're pregnant!" he said, as he jumped up and down like a child. "You're pregnant, aren't you?"

My word, why was he thinking that? Why couldn't two people who are deeply in love just be with one another? I couldn't believe the crap that humans think about! After all, doesn't he understand what Bella meant to me? I already told Bella and myself that I couldn't… NO! I wouldn't live without her. I wouldn't rest until she was truly mine. .

I could feel Charlie's eyes burning a hole right through me.

"NO! Of course I'm not!"

Oh, thank God! Okay then! Then if Bella is not pregnant…um, then what is the good new? "Oh. Sorry." Charlie said, embarrassed by the suddenly outburst.

"Apology accepted."

As Charlie sat back down in the recliner and the color to his face came back. I knew that he believed Bella. I didn't need to read his thoughts for that. Just the look in his eyes and the sincerely in his voice said it all. Bella once more started to sweat again and now her blood pressure was going up. Charlie and I gave her a few minutes to collect herself.

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The minutes passed and I became worried that Bella might not have the courage to tell her father. After all, she was human and fear was always the one reason not to follow through with things in life. Bella turned to me and I just smiled back at her.

I rather hear it from my daughter what the news is! But I guess I have no choice but to hear it from Edward! Charlie scorned.

"Charlie, I realize that I've gone about this out of order. Traditionally, I should have asked you first" -What does a teenage boy about traditions- "I mean no disrespect, but since Bella has already said yes and I didn't want to diminish her choice on the matter" - I can't see why? After what happened last year- "instead of asking you for her hand, I am asking you for your blessing. We're getting married, Charlie. I love her more than anything in the world, more than my own life, and-by some miracle-she loves me that way, too." -Yea I can't see why either on why she loves you! -"Will you give us your blessing?"

MY BLESSING! FOR GETTING MARRIED? This has to be some joke! I 'm waiting for someone to jump out and say 'Just joking Charlie'! After everything, that HE put her through last year! Leaving her all last year and nearly causing her to lose her mind! All the crying she did when HE left! Then after nearly 6 months, she forgives HIM for all of that!

I saw Charlie quickly scanning us before he spotted the ring on Bella's finger. Charlie began holding his breath when his eyes caught sight of it. First color to hit Charlie's face was red, red to purple, purple to blue. I saw that Bella was holding her breathing, looking similar to Charlie. Bella started to get up and I quickly grabbed her hand, giving her a light squeeze.

"Give him a minute." I said to her. I said it so low that Charlie didn't even notice that I said anything. She waited, allowing Charlie to come around.

The silence grew in the room.

The color returned to Charlie's face. I saw his lips pursed and his eyebrows drew together.

Okay…I got three options. Option one I could shoot him. I could ask Bella to give us a moment alone outside and then shoot him. But then again that would only hurt Bella and I really do respect Carlisle. Option two, I say no and make her wait by locking her in her room until I felt that she was ready. Make her drop out of school and keep her home school. But what would really stop Bella and Edward from running away together and never seeing her again. I guess then really, I will go with option three and just give her what she wants.

"I guess am not surprised," Charlie exhaled. "I knew I'd have to deal with something like this soon enough."

I felt Bella exhale and her heart slowed down.

"You sure about this?" Charlie demand.

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"I'm one hundred percent sure about Edward."

That's not what I asked. Charlie mumbled.

Bella's answered surprised me. There was now confidence in how she answered Charlie.

"Getting married, though? What's the rush?" Charlie shrugged. Because after everything that he put you through, I don't want you to feel that you own him anything. I mean he owes you more after all.

I knew that Bella knew the answer as well as I did. I knew the only way to make Bella be my wife was if I agreed to damn her to this lifestyle. Bella continued to believe that I had a soul. But I had a plan after the wedding, while on out honeymoon. My plan would be to show Bella the benefits of being human. I knew that once I married her I would be able to show her all the human experiences that she would miss. I didn't want her to miss anything like I did. After all, I had to think about keeping Bella human for as long as possible. But for some bizarre reason she believed that she would miss nothing. The very thought of Bella not being human…cut me more then anything else in the world. She thought that she had to give up being human to be with me forever. How selfish was I being? Bella never really understood that I would be with her forever. But I knew how Bella felt at the thought of growing old around me and it pained her. I couldn't take Bella being in pain for anything.

"We're going away to Dartmouth together in the fall, Charlie," I said to him. "I'd like to do that, well the right way. It's how I was raised."

"Knew this was coming" Charlie said more to himself. On the other hand, possibly…

"Dad?" Bella said to Charlie. I felt her eyes on me, she was looking for some clue as to what her dad was thinking. I didn't look at her. I continued to listen to Charlie thoughts.

I got it! Option four… Renee. I know how Renee feels about Bella. But for her to hear that Bella is getting married at a young age. She would back me up on this matter. Charlie schemed. I might be able to postpone it long enough for Bells to decide-to really decide- what she wants in life. "Ha!" Charlie said aloud.

When Charlie shouted, Bella jumped by his sudden explosion. I watched Charlie laugh about the matter and it made me want to laugh. The very thought of how he was counting on Renee to stop the wedding from going forward made me even want to laugh more. Charlie's humor was quite amusing. Come on, was he serious about having Renee stop us? I knew how she felt about me but she also knew how I truly felt about Bella. Bella told her how she felt about me. I knew that Renee would want to see her daughter happy and if that meant being with me…no way would Renee talk Bella out of it.

"Okay fine" Charlie said, through his laugher. "Get married". Let us see how she handles this one. "But…"

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"But what?" Bella demand.

Bella's heart began pounding against her chest again as Charlie said But. I knew that his plan was to have Bella tell Renee, but no doubts. Bella had nothing to fear, I knew Renee would be happy by the wonderful news.

"But you have to be the one tell your mom! I am not saying one word to Renee! That is all you!." Oh, man! I like option four! Yup! She can tell Renee. We all know how she feels about getting married so soon.

Bella's mouth dropped and her eyes widen. I couldn't wait, I took hold of Bella and hauled her towards the kitchen. She hesitated for a moment, looking at me like a child trying to squirm her way out the situation. But I knew that Renee would want to know, more then Charlie, that she was happy. I titled my head, pulling her hand towards me and placed a soft kiss on her hand. I smiled my crook smile at her. I knew that would make Bella's heart soar, which would then encourage her to make the call.

"Breath, Bella." I whispered.

She exhaled. Took the phone of the hook and began dialing.

"Hey Phil. Good and u? Yea, doing good. Can I speak to my mom? Thank." She smiled, looking at me.

"Everything will be okay." I reassured her.

"Hi Mom! No, just fine. Yea, he's great. No. Yea," Bella muttered. "Well, I have so news to tell you." She said, biting her lower lip.

2. Long Night

If there were ever a heaven in the world it would be right here with Bella. Bella's sweet, sinful kisses send me floating away. Never before in my existence have I felt anything so great. I felt light as a feather every single minute that I spend in Bella's arms, in her sweet scent. I had never felt as high as I did now, kissing Bella the night before our wedding. Listening to her heart hammering against her chest was like a melody to my ears.

I don't deserve you. I don't deserve you.

The only thought running through my head every time I was her

I had never believed that there was a God, but having Bella in my life…there was a God. This God had delivered a flawless, priceless, so forgivable creature into my world. A creature with chocolate brown eyes, and every time I looked into her eyes I saw heaven. When she looked at me, in her smile was the most amazing dream. A dream that everyday I had to remind myself was real. The warmth of her skin against my cold skin felt like I was sitting in the sun all day.

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The way her skin felt like touching fresh-blossomed rose petals. Touching her hair was like touching silk, fluffy like white clouds in the sky.

I don't deserve you. I don't deserve you.

I didn't deserve this perfect human in my world. I could feel her on my skin and taste her on my tongue. She was the sweet taste of sin. The more and more I kissed this creature, the more I wanted of her. But I had to keep in mind that Bella was human. Just the slightest change in my soft kisses against her lips could hurt her. Even the slight changes in my body weight could crush Bella like a paperweight.

I stopped kissing her for a moment and gazed at her. Just looking at her sends the world spinning, and I couldn't feel the ground. Our eyes meet, and I felt so light headed. She was so much better than I was. I was so unworthy of her in my life, in my world. She pulled my face closer to her and breathed her warm scent on my face.

"Definitely staying," I whispered back to her.

"No, no. It's your bachelor party. You have to go." I knew that Bella was just being brave and modest. I knew that the thought of leaving Bella pained me more then it did her.

She moved one hand to my back and the other hand coiled in my hair. I don't deserve you. "Bachelor parties are designed for those who are sad to see the passing of their single days. I couldn't be more eager to have mine behind me. So there's really no point."

Please tell me what human or creature like me could even think about having a bachelor party? I mean, was getting married to the one person you planned to spend your life with that bad?

"True," my sweet angel said back to me.

I knew that I had to spend as much time as possible with her before leaving with Jasper and Emmett. I would be leaving in a while to hunt and then return, not even able to see Bella until the wedding begins. Alice was not making things fair for me. Being away from Bella for more then a couple of hours drove me insane. Although, I knew that if I even tried to cross Alice tomorrow, I would definitely be in a dilemma with more than one person in my family.

But a part of me thought that seeing Bella all dressed in white for our wedding would be worth it. Then again, I had waited this long to be with someone like Bella. I think that waiting a little longer wouldn't really hurt.

I brought myself back to my angel, bundled in an afghan in front of me. I knew that Bella hated being rolled up in something warm and would rather be in my arms. Yet, with my bare chest, I knew that the temperature of my skin in such close contact with her warm skin would cause her to shiver. I loved it when Bella took her warm index finger and traced circles on my chest. If my heart could beat, even once, it would be hammering harder against my chest than Bella's usually did.

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I found my lips kissing Bella's fire burning lips again. She carefully traced my stone lips with her warm tongue. I sighed to myself. If only we could continue this evening of romance before it ended. I began pulling myself away for her. I knew that if I continued kissing her lips, it would lead down her jaw line and so forth. And to finally come all this way and lose my self-control over something so silly and so virtuous.

"Wait," my angel, said to me.

Bella gripped my shoulders and hugged herself to me. I felt her warm leg kick up against my waist.

"Practice makes perfect."

I couldn't help but laugh. How easy it was to be overpowered by human hormones.

"Well, we should be fairly close to perfection by this point, then, shouldn't we? Have you slept at all in the last month?"

"But this is the dress rehearsal," Bella said to me, "and we've only practiced certain scenes. It's no time for playing safe."

Bella was hoping the last part of her sentence would make me smile or laugh. I stiffened and my body became motionless. She had no real idea of the danger I could put her in by not playing safe. She seemed to easily forget how fragile she was to someone like me.

"Bella…," I had begun whispering to her.

"Don't start with this again." She told me. "A deal is a deal."

"I don't know. It's too hard to concentrate when you're with me like this. I-I can't think straight. I won't be able to control myself. You'll get hurt."

I wanted dreadfully to explain to her how serious our situation would really be when it came down to it.

"I'll be fine," she reminded me with such coincidence.

"Bella…," I trailed off.

If Bella only really knew how she made me feel every moment we spend together. Something unexplainable happens when she looks at me. I forget to speak. When she kisses my mouth, I become so weak.


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She placed her sweet, warm lips against my lips. She always had the upper hand when she kissed me. Like her, I would agree to anything she wanted. Even if it meant the very thought of putting her in danger. But I couldn't really put so much passion into this kiss. It petrified every nerve in my body. I yearned for Bella to understand.

"How are your feet?" I asked her, trying to keep ease in my voice.

"Toasty warm."

"Really? No second thoughts? It's not too late to change you mind."

The thought of Bella wanting to change her mind broke my already lifeless heart. I knew that Bella would never change her mind. My beautiful Bella was more stubborn than any creature I have ever met in my existence. Once her mind was set to anything, she was undeniably moving forward. Nevertheless, a gentleman would ask anyway.

"Are you trying to ditch me?"

"Just making sure. I don't want you to do anything you're not sure about," I said trying to control my laughing.

"I'm sure about you. The rest I can live through."

I didn't like the sound of that last past. I didn't want her to just live with the rest of it. I wanted Bella to have it all. I wanted her to have so much that it sickened her to the point of wanting to give it all away. I felt more selfish then any other time before. Why was I asking so much of the priceless woman? Why, why does she choose to stay?

"Can you?" I said quietly to her. "I don't mean the wedding-which I am positive you will survive despite your qualms-but afterward…what about Renee, what about Charlie?"

"I will miss them."

"Angela and Ben and Jessica and Mike."

"I will miss my friends too." I could see that she was smiling about something. "Especially Mike. Oh, Mike! How will I go on?"

I growled just hearing Mike's name. I knew that Bella was just playing around with me. Besides, I didn't like the way Bella said his name with just a little bit of appeal. At least I was thankful that she didn't mention that mutt's name. I saw that Bella took pleasure with my reaction and once more became serious.

"Edward, we've been through this and through this. I know it will be hard, but this is what I want. I want you, and I want you forever. One lifetime is simply not enough for me."

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I couldn't believe what Bella was still asking for, for this damned life.

"Frozen forever at eighteen," I teased

"Every woman's dream come true." she said back to me.

Every woman's dream, huh? Perhaps every woman's dream was to forever look eighteen, but not frozen forever at eighteen. No person, man or woman, could possibility want this forever.

"Never changing…never moving forward?"

"What does that mean?"

I had to think about how exactly I would say what I was about to say to Bella. I didn't want to upset her or frighten her.

"Do you remember when we told Charlie we were getting married? And he thought you were…pregnant?" Just saying the last part, I could feel a lump in my throat.

"And he thought about shooting you," she said laughing. "Admit it-for one second, he honestly considered it."

I knew that Charlie was thinking about it, but that wasn't really the point.

"What, Edward?"

"I just wish…well, I wish that he'd been right."

"Gah," she huffed out.

"More that there was some way he could have been. That we had that kind of potential. I hate taking that way from you, too."

At this point, I wanted to read Bella thoughts. I wanted to know what she was really thinking. It took Bella a minute or less to think it over.

"I know what I'm doing."

"How could you know that, Bella? Look at my mother, look at my sister. It's not as easy a sacrifice as you imagine."

"Esme and Rosalie get by just fine. If it's a problem later, we can do what Esme did-we'll adopt."

Adoption? I didn't think that adoption would really be the best idea here. I knew and I had seen the bond between parents and their children. I saw the bond between Bella and Renee. The

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unbreakable bonds between a mother and child. Even adoption couldn't make up for what any woman would be losing.

I sighed and said with fierceness in my voice, "It's not right! I don't want you to have to make sacrifices for me. I want to give you things, not take things away from you. I don't want to steal your future. If I were human-"

Bella placed her hand over my lips, "You are my future. Now stop. No moping or I'm calling your brothers to come and get you. Maybe you need a bachelor party."

I was making Bella unhappy, the very last thing I wanted to do before leaving her.

"I'm sorry. I am moping, aren't I? Must be nerves." I knew clearly well that it wasn't my nerves.

"Are your feet cold?"

"Not in that sense. I've been waiting a century to marry you, Miss Swan. The wedding ceremony is the one thing I can't wait-"

"Oh, for the love of all that's holy!"

Edward, we have given you more than enough time to be with your Bella. I'm asking you nicely to get down here or am coming in. Now!

Some times Emmett could be a big pain in the ass when he wanted something.

"What's wrong?" Bella asked.

"You don't have to call my brothers. Apparently Emmett and Jasper are not going to let me bow out tonight."

I'm sorry Edward. The man couldn't wait five more minutes. Jasper said.

Bella pulled me closer to her. I took one deep breath of her scent and as she slowly let me go, she said, "Have fun."

How would I possibly be able to have fun? I hated leaving Bella alone all night long. I knew that nothing could go wrong with Alice promising me that she would keep an extra close eye on Bella tonight. Before I could kiss her once more, Emmett leaped and stood outside of Bella's window.

Time is up and I going to get you out of there one way or another. Have some pride man and come out on you own.

He placed his fingernail against her window and moves downward, causing a horrible cover you eyes, goose bumps down your spine noise.

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Okay, I am done playing nice. "If you don't send Edward out, we're coming in after him!"

Damn it, Emmett. He would regret this night. I rolled my eyes and started getting up from Bella's side.

"Go, before they break my house," Bella said laughing. At least she found humor in Emmett's playing around.

I swiftly got my shirt from the floor and put it back on.

Oh, I'm sorry! Did I interrupt something? Emmett sarcastically said.

I rolled my eyes at Emmett and leaned into Bella. I placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Get to sleep. You're got a big day tomorrow."

"Thanks! That's sure to help me wind down."

"I'll meet you at the altar." I said, smiling at her.

Edward, you've got less then 30 second to say your final goodbye or I am breaking something on Bella's house to let Charlie know you're in there! Emmett said to me again

I hissed under my breath at Emmett. I knew Bella wouldn't be able to hear.

"I'll be the one in white." Bella said smiling at me.

"Very convincing," I said laughing. I crouched down and sprang out the window toward Emmett. I was able to catch him off guard and pounced on him.

"Shit!" Emmett said, hitting the cold ground. I couldn't help but laugh hard under my breath. People rarely caught Emmett of guard

"You'd better not make him late." I heard Bella whisper out of her window.

I panicked a little and with that emotion coming off me I heard Japer say, "Don't worry Edward. I'll go reassure her."

He took one step forward and landing lightly on Bella's house. I saw him stick his head through her window. "Don't worry, Bella. We'll get him home in plenty of time.''

"Jasper? What do vampires do for bachelor parties? You're not taking him to a strip club, are you?" I heard Bella ask Jasper.

Shit! Jasper better not a say a word! Bachelor parties are just for the boys, the men. "Don't tell her anything!" Emmett growled at the window.

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I backed away from him, crouched down, and once more pounced on Emmett. I rolled over laughing. That was twice in one night.

"Relax. We Cullens have our own version. Just a few mountain lions, a couple of grizzly bears. Pretty much an ordinary night out." I heard Jasper tell Bella.

With of course a couple of wrestling matches and maybe some arm wrestling,Jasper said in his head. I knew that Jasper wanted to relax Bella and not freak her out about rough play. Bella would probably worry about me getting hurt if Jasper said anything aloud to her.

"Thanks, Jasper" she said with ease in her voice.

Come on! The night is young and I'm ready to hunt me some grizzly bears! Emmett said, jumping up and down.

Jasper rejoined us. He and Emmett began running in the direction of the jeep. I hesitated for a moment, looking at Bella's window. I wished so badly that I didn't have to leave or hunt tonight of all nights. The longing to want to stay with Bella until the sun rose was overpowering the thirst that I felt in the back of my throat.

I saw Emmett slow down and turn toward me. I don't think so! We have waited long enough, Edward! Don't make me drag you kicking and screaming to the jeep! I swear I will duct tape you to the jeep!

I turned my back on Bella's house and started running toward my brothers. I couldn't give over the feeling of panic that was whirling around in my gut.

"Before you know it, tomorrow will be here," Jasper said.

"Yea, that what I'm troubled about." I mumbled.

3. Bachelor Party

"Don't worry, Edward. Everything will be just fine. Trust me."

It was easy for Jasper to say, with Alice being at home and able to check up on him anytime. Emmett and Jasper really had no clue what it felt like to leave Bella behind. Rosalie and Alice could take care of themselves. I would be lucky if Bella made it through the night with no bumps or bruises. After all, it wasn't as if my sisters slept anyway. I knew Bella would have a hard time sleeping. Why did I let Emmett talk me into leaving the night before the wedding? Why couldn't we leave two days before the wedding?

"You can do this, Edward. You will make it through one night without Bella," Jasper said to me as he climbed into the front seat.

As the three of us got into the jeep, I leaned over the backseat, still staring at Bella's house.

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I felt Emmett looking at me in the rearview mirror as he started the jeep.

"What, Emmett?" I gave him a quiet glance.

Edward, chill. Alice is watching out for her. Beside bro, Esme said that she would stop by from time to time to check on her.

Oh, great! Now we can start the party. Stupid me, why didn't I think about that before. I shouldn't have my family babysitting Bella. I should have been with her, not having a bachelor party. I should be there humming her lullaby to help her sleep, watching her and taking in every bit of her sweet scent. I should be feeling her smooth, warm skin beneath my stone cold hand. I suddenly felt an energy coming off Jasper.

"Jasper cut the crap. I'm not in the mood for whatever energy you're trying to spread."

"Sorry, Edward. I am trying to help you ease your anxiety right now."

Easing my anxiety wasn't a good idea. As Emmett turned the corner, and Bella's house was no longer in sight, I felt alone and empty. It had been only ten minutes away from Bella and I was already losing my mind. I didn't feel like celebrating the whole bachelor party thing that my brothers planned for tonight. I laid myself down and turned my back to them. I didn't feel like talking or looking at them.

"Should we say something or just let him be?" Emmett asked Jazz.

"Just let him be right now. You push too hard and he is going to push back. You know Edward has a short temper."

I sighed to myself and closed my eyes. I wished so badly that I could dream, dream about my beautiful Bella. I guess thinking about her would have to do for now. If only it could be tomorrow already

I thought about her beautiful chocolate brown eyes and her soft, sweet tasting lips. I loved how warm her pale skin felt against mine. I loved it when I was near and could hear her heart hammering against her chest. I loved it when she said my name in her dreams. I loved it when she looked deep into my eyes; I swore she could see a soul somewhere in me. I loved her enchanting strawberry scent that engulfed her entire body. I missed her like the sun misses the flowers.

"Edward, this night will end soon enough. It's just one night away from Bella. You know the precautions you must take before the wedding."

I wished Jasper wouldn't feel what I was feeling. It drove me crazy having him so close to me. Especially when I felt like I was Romeo missing my Juliet. If I only had an off button in my head for one night, to have my mind go entirely blink, entirely black.

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I could call Alice, so my mind would be at ease until tomorrow. I wanted to make sure that she was sleeping well for the night. Before I could even reach for my phone, it began to vibrate in my back pocket.

"Hello, Alice," I said with a smile on my face.

"Edward, everything is fine. She fall a sleep sometime ago. She is doing fine," she said. "Please tell me why you are giving the guys such a hard time. It's not as if they are doing this to torture you, just for the hell of it. You know very well that they mean well and want you to have fun."

"Thank you, Alice. You know that I don't mean to give Emmett and Jasper a hard time. It's just…" I sighed into the phone.

"It's just what, Edward? One night? One night is all that we are asking of you. You will have Bella to yourself after tomorrow," she hissed. "You will have her when you finish saying 'I do' at the wedding ceremony. You will have her on you honeymoon-alone! Just the two of you at Esme Isle for who knows how long? Do you think Bella would be happy you see you moping like this?

Did everyone have to play that card on me? 'Oh, let's all tell Bella that Edward is not having fun.' Everyone knew that when Bella was unhappy, I would do anything to make her happy again.

"NO! No, Alice don't do that. Look, I will try to have fun, okay? Just promise me that you won't wake up Bella," I growled into the phone. I heard Emmett and Jasper trying to hold back their laughter.

"Good. Besides, I have too many last minute wedding details to take care of tonight. Have fun, Edward. Oh…one more thing! If I hear from Jasper that you still choose to give him a hard time…well, let's just say it will not pretty! Love you! Bye!"

I hung up with Alice and slowly got up from the back seat. I couldn't believe with Alice, being so small and sweet, she could be very intimidating at times. Suddenly I heard the guys laughing in the front seat. I tried my best to hold back from laughing with them.

"Alice can be one scary little creature, don't you think?" Jasper said, laughing.

"Yea, you can say that again."

Emmett looked in the rearview mirror and said, "So, what do you say, little brother? Going to have a good time with us or should Jazz get Alice back on the phone?"

"Do I really have a choice?"

"If you want, I can get her back on the phone again," Jasper said over his shoulder. "Believe me, Edward. I don't want to do that. Alice has enough on her plate right now."

"No, that won't be necessary. I'll play."

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It only took an hour and a half to get to North Cascades. Emmett seemed to be in more of a hurry than he usually was when we went hunting. As soon as we saw the last car pass us, Emmett made a sharp turn to the right, and into the forest. He drove a couple of miles in to get to the clearing.

We finally came to a stop in front of a rocky mountain. Before stepping out, I listened to everything in the forest. I heard the water running a couple of miles away from us. I heard the night birds chirping and the herds of prey running around. I listened more narrowly, to see if any humans might be around, but it seemed luck was on our side. No one was out hiking or camping tonight. I checked my phone and saw that I had a very faint signal, but enough to receive am emergency call.

"Edward, do you really need your phone?" Jasper asked as he climbed out of the jeep.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I do."

"Ha-ha! Little brother, what do you think is going to happen? Bella is going to leave in the middle of the night?" Emmett laughed.

"Hey, you never know what could happen," I growled.

They both began laughing as we started heading toward the mountain. One quick jump and we were on top, looking at the landscape below us. Playing no mind to either one, I let my other senses take over. I picked up a strong aroma of a nearby mountain lion and his mate. I crouched down and headed in the direction of the sweet aroma.

Edward, Em and I will meet you back here in one hour. Enjoy.

I nodded at Jasper and started running. I felt the cool, crisp wind hitting my face, as I made my way through the forest. I felt free from any stress that I had earlier. I made my way to the two mountain lions within minutes. I crouched low in the grass and studied them for a moment. I saw the two, relaxing on the green ground. I leaned forward a bit and saw them more clearly. I took a long good sniff of them. I figured that letting them know that something was hunting them would allow for a better surprise of attack.

I figured separating the female from the male would be more efficient. An attack on me would be less likely. I moved a bit in the grass toward them, that single movement drew their attention. The two were on their feet looking towards my direction. With my vampire reflexes, I moved to a nearby tree, crouching carefully on the edge. I let out a growl to get their attention once more.

The male walked over toward the tree. I saw that the female started heading the opposite way. I saw my opportunity to take my prey by surprise. I pounced on my prey, knocking the wind out of him. I crouched down in front of the male and growled at him. He tried to take a swipe at my face as he roared back at me. I sensed the female heading back toward the two of us. I needed to attack quickly before an ambush could happen. I leapt in the air, knocking him over on his side. In one quick motion, I sank my teeth into his neck.

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I felt warm liquid running down my throat. The last couple of seconds, I heard fresh blood pumping through his body. My prey struggled under my grip, as I sank my teeth further into his neck. Within seconds, my prey, once vigorous, was limp and drained of all blood. I unhooked my teeth from his neck, just in time to see his mate charging at me. I rolled to my side and crouched down in front of my next prey. Once more, I knocked my current prey to the ground, and sank my teeth in its neck.

Within thirty minutes of my first attack, the two had been drained of all blood. I decided to take a break from hunting. I started heading back in the direction of the jeep. While running back, I checked my phone. Nothing. I stopped running when I sensed Jasper nearby. I turned my body in his direction and started running toward him. He was lying along a tree branch, looking at his phone.

"Edward, I got a text from Alice a minute ago. Everything is fine and everyone, including Bella, is doing just fine. Tell me something, Edward…why is Alice texting at this hour?"

"Your guess is as good as mine," I said.

"What's really on your mind? I'm getting a feeling from you, and it's not just anxiety about being away from Bella," he said, still looking at his phone.

"Jazz, can I be honest with you?" I asked.

"You can always be honest and up front with me. What's up?"

I took one step forward and landed on the tree trunk across from him. I leaned my back against the tree, stretching my legs out in front me. I sighed deeply, thinking about what to say.

"Em isn't be coming back anytime soon. He got a good scent of grizzly bear and headed north just after you left."

"I am worried about Bella after the wedding party. I'm worrying about the physical part of our relationship."

I tried not to look at Jasper. In all the years that we had been together as brothers, I had never felt so ashamed to ask a question. I give Jasper a couple of minutes before I feel calm between us. I turned to look at

"Edward, believe me when I say this. There is nothing to be ashamed of. I can understand why you have worries and even doubts, but I'm afraid I can't really give you the answers that you're looking for."

I sighed and looked away. I guess I expected that.

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"Edward, don't misunderstand me, please. I can't give you advice on how to control your strength during sex. If you are asking for my opinion, I can tell you that. that relationship is unimaginable pleasure."

I turned back to him and saw a huge grin on his face. The thoughts running through his head were unbelievable.

"Come on, man. Alice may not be related to me by blood, but I don't want to see her like that. Please think about something else." I closed my eyes and chuckled to myself.

"Sorry, my brother. I can't help up it when I am this far away from Alice. You should be happy that it's me here and not Em. Believe me. The visions that Alice got are way worse."

"I know. Don't forget that before you and Alice moved in with us, I had to hear and see the things those two would do. I remember the things that the two of them would destroy."

We both looked at each other and started laughing. I should have been thankful that it was Jasper here with me and not Emmett. The things Emmett thought about, I didn't think any normal person, human or vampire, could possibility be thinking of. I caught Emmett's scent coming from just north of us.

What's so damn funny?

We both stopped laughing and jumped down from the tree. Jasper planted himself on the ground, his back against the tree, still laughing. I got ready to pounce on Emmett. I always had to be on my guard with Emmett around. Sure enough, he crashed right into me, and we both fell to the ground. I was able to pin him and place him in a wrestling hold.

"Anyone planning on telling me what's so damn funny?"

I looked at Jasper, trying not to loosen my hold on Emmett.

If you want to tell him, I am behind you one hundred percent.

I knew that Emmett never took anything too seriously, always the joker in our family. I lost control over Emmett and was kicked back a couple of feet. I heard Emmett running at me. I quickly rolled to my side. I sprang to my feet and jumped toward the tree. Suddenly, I felt Emmett's hand wrap around my ankle and he threw me to the ground. Before I could get up, Emmett pinned me. I heard him laughing, and then he released me.

"So, little brother, enjoying yourself?"

"Yea, I guess you can say that. Although, I must say, 'enjoying', would not the best word to use here. I would say more like, content, in being here." I said, with a faint smile on my face.

"Whatever, you say Einstein."

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Emmett turned his back on me and started heading toward Jasper. I sprang from the ground and jumped on Emmett's back. I put him in another wrestling hold as I tackled him down to the ground. I heard Jasper laughing at us.

Oh, it a rematch you want then little brother. Bring it on! We have all night.

We did have all night. Alice told us we couldn't be back until an hour before the wedding started. She warned me, two nights before the wedding, she would come for blood if I saw Bella before the wedding. The thought of seeing Bella on our wedding day kept me sane for the night. How beautiful my future wife would be that day. A wonderful memory that I would keep with me for my entire existence. I knew that after tonight, everything would be different…forever.

4. Physical Love

When the night was long gone, the colors of the day began to sweep the sky, and I became engulfed with ecstasy. The drive home seemed to take forever, even with Emmett driving like a crazy man. I laid in the back seat and my thoughts were on Bella. With the thought of our wedding being hours away, I became anxious.

"Why so anxious Edward? I thought that this is what you have always wanted?" Jasper asked.

"Of course it is! It never occurred to me that this is what I was searching for throughout my existence."

I was beginning to feel utterly human; almost grateful that I had found someone to send my life with. My "forever" within this world. The feeling of anxious turned to anticipation.

"Okay, Edward make up your freakin' mind here? Which feeling is it: Anxious or anticipation, huh?"

"I'm sorry, Jasper. That amazing creature drives me crazy. I have never felt so many emotions in my life."

I heard Emmett laughing in the front seat. You think your feeling human now? Just wait until the honeymoon. Then talk to me about feeling human Edward. Believe me little brother, the word 'unsatisfied' will take on a whole new meaning after tonight.

Jasper and I both sighed. I knew that he could feel what Emmett was feeling. But if he only knew what he was thinking, it would be a completely different story.

"Em, do I really need to see anymore here? It was bad enough that I have to hear it. I don't want to have to think about it…again!"

He sighed before laughing. "Don't worry little brother, you will see soon enough. The unimaginable power that women have over men. We may not feel human hormones running

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through our bodies, but bro, we are men and that desire to make women and ourselves happy is what's so overpowering."

I really didn't want to have this conversation with Emmett.

Um…Edward ,his being serious this time. Do you think that one of those bears may have given him something? Possibly rabies or something?

It was impossible to think that Emmett was being serious or taking anything serious He never took hunting down James seriously or when it came to hunting down newborns last year. Everything that Emmett did was always for fun or sport. I must admit seeing this side of Emmett was unusual. Jasper and I exchange looks before looking at him.

Edward, talk to me man? What's going on here?

"Emmett, I don't know what to say. I have never heard you be so damn serious about something before," I stated, "Well, I mean I know how much Rose means to you. But it's a little freaky, hearing you talk so…so passionate."

He looked at me with narrowed eyes before roaring into laugher. He pulled over and turned off the engine. He turned back at us, placed his back against the driver's window, and continued laughing for a couple of minutes before he addressed us.

"I may not be serious all the time. I find it much easier to make a joke out of our...this life style ... If you know what I mean. Beside little brother, I can be serious when I need to be. But someone needs joker in the house, 'cause there are way too many of you serious people." He laughed again. "I will say this little brother, physical pleasure is second best to human blood. Depending on your mood, one will always have the upper hand."

I saw Jasper cringe at the very thought of human blood. "It's so sad to admit this, but I agree with that statement." He confessed.

We all sat there, silently, for a minute or two. I became speechless and motionless. I couldn't believe what I was hearing from the both of them. I recognized that I needed to speak with Carlisle about this subject again. I knew of all people that he would make more sense on the matter.

"Okay, everyone good now?" Emmett said, suddenly laughing. The faster we get home, you married and to your honeymoon… you'll get what this whole thing was about.

Without further word, he started the Jeep and we took off. The rest of the ride, we never spoke another word to one other. Emmett thought about Rosalie and what she would be wearing for the wedding. Jasper thought about Alice and longed to be with her, as well.

My thoughts were drifting in and out throughout the drive home. I longed to hold Bella in my arms and smell her sweet scent again. But I had to speak to Carlisle, immediately.

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We arrived at the house about an hour before the wedding. I wasted no time in stepping out of the jeep. The moment I stepped out, Bella's scent slapped me in the face. Oh, how wonderful it was to smell her once more. My heart ached for her every moment I couldn't be with her. A feeling of distress swept over me. I rushed to the front door, yearning to see Bella. Even if it meant my neck on the line.

I walked through the door; I saw that Alice has been working hard. There were dozens of flowers, everywhere, engulfing every room in the house. There were dozens lights, white tablecloth, endless amounts of candles, a white tent over a manufactured dance floor in the back yard. I made my way through the house, astonished by the details that went into making this day flawless. I made my way towards the kitchen, where I found Esme in the kitchen instructing some waiters. I saw the counters and stove covered in sliver holders. Alice planned the perfect wedding, along with the perfect menu.

I smiled to myself. Today would be the last day that Bella would be my girlfriend. In less then one hour, we would be husband and wife, together forever.

"Edward, I'm so please that you're home. Have a great time?" I looked up and saw Esme standing in front me, with a smile.

"You could say that. I'm happy to finally be home." I bent over to kiss her lightly on the forehead.

"That's great, dear."

"Do you know where Carlisle is at the moment? I would like to speak to him."

"I believe that he is upstairs. Would you mind asking Jasper and Emmett to help me please?"

I nodded and turned towards the stairs. I saw Emmett and Rose kissing and Jasper near by, leaning against the wall, shaking his head.

"Jasper? Emmett? Esme needs help with something," I instructed.

"Oh, thank god! Watching and feeling what these two are feeling is making me sick." He said, walking toward the kitchen.

Emmett and Rosalie unlocked from their passionate kiss, but continued looking enthusiastically at each other, as he made his way towards the kitchen.

She turned towards me and smiled. "Edward, enjoy your bachelor party?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Sure, if you like that type of thing."

I began walking up the stairs. Suddenly I felt Rosalie grab me. Edward, I wouldn't do that if I were you. Alice might be in a great mood, but testing her is not the right thing.

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I smiled at Rosalie. I knew better then to test Alice. I placed my hand on top of her hand, loosing her hang on me.

"Don't worry. I need to speak to Carlisle. Trust me Rosalie."

She dropped her grip and before I could take another step forward, she moved to the top of the stairs to prevent me from heading towards Bella's room.

I smiled and started heading up, I gestured, with my head, that my plan was to speak to Carlisle and nothing more. She looked at me for a moment before nodding. I turned my back on her and walked towards the office door. I stopped, knocked and waited for an answer before heading in.

"Come in," I heard.

I entered and found Carlisle sitting behind his desk, reading a book. He looked up, smiled and placed a bookmark in his book. He gestured for me to have a sit in the chair in front of his desk.

"Edward. I didn't know that you would be back so soon. How was your night?"

"Agreeable, but I must say I feel much better now that I am home."

"What can help you with today my son?"

I deeply sighed and looked out the window behind him. I haven't really thought about how to word what I wanted to ask Carlisle. There had been so many discussions on this matter. I felt embarrassed by the mere thought of asking him over and over again.

"Whatever it is, Edward. Please tell me. I don't like to see you so trouble."

"Carlisle, I need to ask you about Bella and me…again. I need to ask you what I should…" I trailed off, looking away from him.

He stood up from his chair and walked over to me. He sat at the edge of his desk, watching me. He appeared so proper, almost perfect, sitting up straight, hands folded gently on his lap.

"I have told you everything you need to know. What more is there?"

"How badly might I hurt Bella?"

He took a deep breathe, but did not seem annoyed.

"I must say it is pretty dangerous, as well have discussed several times before. Our physical strength is 10 times more powerful then any human. You know very well that without caution, Bella can end up with broken bones, bruises, and crushed internal organs. Although, my son, you have nothing to worry about. We have spoken about this matter many times and you know what you need to do to protect her. "

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I flinched at the thought of hurting of Bella. I couldn't bear to think something horrible happened to her because of my carelessness.


I looked up at Carlisle and smiled faintly. I could tell that he didn't believe that I had been convinced.

"Carlisle, I don't know anymore about this. I have over come the temptation of Bella's blood. I have spent years keeping her out of harms ways. Now to come this far and possibly putting her in danger by my own doing. I don't think I can do it… I don't think I have that kind of faith in myself."

"Edward, I know that you would never or could ever hurt Bella. Trust in yourself ... trust that you can do this."

"And if what I can't?" I confessed.

"Edward, physical love is a very powerful thing, a powerful emotion. It is a very beautiful emotion. It is not to be taken lightly, but it can be controlled. You know that and understand the matter in question. It's unlike anything else that you have or will experience in the whole world. Love can alter the way someone sees the world. However, physical love is something that can permanently change someone." I have already seen that Bella has done that.

"Its just…" I heavily sighed, once more.

"Edward, my son, I have faith in you." I have faith that you can overcome anything.

I felt sick to my stomach. Carlisle having faith in me was more faith then anyone should be placing in me. What if I ended up hurting Bella in ways unimaginable? What would Carlisle think of me then? Would he think that I was a soulless monster unable to control itself?

"Edward, I see that my faith in you is troubling you. May I ask why?"

I stood up from the chair and walked towards the window overlooking the wedding tent. I stared out, trying to find my words.

"I'm not sure that you should have so much faith in me, Carlisle. It's so unbelievable that Bella has faith in me. I am a monster, a soulless creature that happened to fall in love ... in love with a perfect human. I shouldn't be getting married to someone so innocent. I think that Bella has no real clue as to what type of person I am."

I felt Carlisle's hand on my shoulder, pulling at me to look at him. I turned toward him. He looked deep into my eyes.

"Your love for Bella can overpower anything."

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I slightly opened my mouth to argue with Carlisle.

"Edward, I don't wish to argue with you anymore about this matter. And wish to never hear you call yourself a monster or soulless for that matter. However, the one thing that I can say to you is…"

There was a knock on the door and he stopped min-sentence.

"Come in."

Rosalie entered.

"I'm sorry Carlisle. Alice has asked me to make sure everyone, especially Edward, is dressed and ready for the ceremony."

"Oh yes, of course. Thank you, Rosalie. We will only be a couple minutes more."

I stared with narrow eyes, before she turned and left the room. Her thoughts showed nothing of Bella, only of herself. She smiled at us and walked out. I continued to follow her thoughts as she walked away from the office, in hopes that I would learn something about Bella.

I don't like this color on me. Why couldn't Alice have to pick a color that doesn't match my skin tone?

I chuckled to myself. Alice had been working very hard on keeping Bella top secret today. How crafty of Alice to keep something from me. I saw Carlisle smiling at me from the corner of my eye.

"Alice has been working very hard to have everything turn out perfect today. She has been the only one to see Bella all day. Soon enough, she won't be able to keep it all a secret much longer."

"I must be going. Don't want to keep my future bride waiting for me."

I pulled myself away from Carlisle and headed toward the door. I heard him clearing his throat. I stopped and turned towards him.

Edward, may I say one more thing before you leave?


"Think about it this way, my son, next time something troubles you in the near future: 'We like people for their qualities, but love them for their defects.'"

5. Big Day

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I walked out of Carlisle's study. I deeply thought about our conversation. I couldn't quite understand what Carlisle was trying to tell me. 'We like people for their qualities, but love then for their defects.'

Hey little brother! We're down here. Alice told Jasper that we need to stay down here until the wedding! Emmett said.

I saw Emmett leaning against the counter in the kitchen. He was looking at the food in the silver holder and wondering what was in it. I smiled to myself and headed down stairs.

As I head down, heard Rosalie from down stairs.

What do I play?

I saw Rosalie looking at booklet of piano composers.

"Play Yiruma 'Kiss the Rain' and then 'Beloved'."

She turned to look at me. "Who?"

I huffed and walked towards the piano.

"Yiruma. Excellent composer, I must say so myself. Go on the net and get the music sheet."

Whatever you want, it your wedding. Rosalie said, rolling her eyes.

She exited the room, still whining about the dress Alice picked out for the wedding. Rosalie, that woman thinks of no one but herself. Hopefully one of these days she'll thinks of someone other than herself.

Edward, Alice wants you to dress in the garage. Jasper called out.

I headed towards the garage. I heard cars approaching the turn off and their thoughts on the wedding.

"Any bet on the wedding, Jasper?" Emmett whispered.

I swear today was not the day to be betting on anything. A house full of humans, vampires and some werewolves. Alice, Esme and Renee didn't need something bad to happen and these two knuckle heads are placing bets. I made it down and saw Emmett in Rosalie's car playing with the radio. I saw the tuxedo hanging against the wall and a panel for changing. I couldn't even change into my tuxedo in my own room.

"NO, betting today," I said with firm tone.

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Emmett leaned over the seat toward the passenger window. "Awe, come little brother. Just a little one."

I growled.

He laughed "Okay, then little brother. On the other hand, I got your get away car ready. Thinking twice about this whole wedding thing?" Emmett grinned.

"Never." I snarled.

He snorted. I was just making sure.

I moved behind the panel and quickly got into my tuxedo. I heard Rosalie playing in the room and Esme still in the kitchen. I turned my focus towards Alice's thought, but she was thinking about fashion designers. I smiled to myself.

As I stepped out from the behind the panel, I leaned against the wall, closed my eyes and listened to everything going on around me. I heard the guest getting out of their cars. I heard Charlie talking to Renee and I saw Seth Clearwater helping Billy out of the car. I took a moment to listen to Billy's thoughts. Nothing on Jacob or any signs that Jacob planned to make it today.

Do you think that Jacob will show up? Jasper asked.

"Billy is here and with the Clearwaters. I don't see anything about Jacob, but if he does then we can't do anything about it. Jacob and Bella are best friends." I muttered.

"Bro, you may not be able to do anything about it. But that doesn't stop me from playing fetch." I heard Emmett laughing harder then unusual.

"Do anything to ruin this wedding and Esme, Renée and Edward would be the least of your worse." Jasper snapped.

Emmett looked at me and then shrugged his shoulder.

Okay, Edward. It's time. Alice said.

"Alice says its time." I whispered.

I made my way up with Jasper and Emmett trailing me. We headed into the ceremony room where our friends and family awaited us. Angela's father was the minister, he waited for us at the alter. I headed straight towards him and turned to face the crowd. I heard Alice tell Bella to count to five and then follow behind. As Alice turned the corner, she was thinking about Jasper. She walked down the aisle and I heard Jasper from behind me. Beautiful.

Rosalie started playing the Wagner's tradition. Before I could see what Bella looked like I heard Alice call me. I turned to make eyes contact, quickly.

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Edward, no peeking! Just give her 50 seconds and you can see how she looks.

Bella came around the corner with Charlie at her side. The most breath taking moment in my life. A masterpiece walked towards me. If my heart could beat it would stop at the breathtaking beauty in front of me. Bella's beautiful silky brown hair pulled away from her face. Her creamy ivory-snow skin shimmered against her white dress. Her beautiful face was radiant. Through all the eye makeup, I could still see those breathtaking brown eyes of my love. I saw her searching from something and then her eyes locked with mine. I couldn't help but smile at me love, my life, my sweet everything. I heard everyone's thoughts around me on how stunning she looked.


So graceful and breathtaking…

Bella is so amazing…

How perfect she looks…

How lucky she is to have Edward…

If only that someone knew how lucky I was to have Bella in my life.

As Bella grew near, I suddenly heard Charlie's thoughts. I saw him thinking back to when he first found out that they were having Bella. The day that Bella was born, the first time she smiled, talked and walked. The day that Renee took her away, the day he got her back, the months that passed when I left. Everything up to this very day. I tried not to think about the pain I caused Bella or Charlie the day that I left.

As Bella finally stood in front of me. I stepped forward and extended my hand towards her. She extended her hand towards mine and we locked together. I heard Charlie's last thoughts before releasing Bella to me.

I can't believe this! I just got Bella back and now to give her up again. This is what she wants, Charlie. Let her go. She is no longer your little girl. She is now a young woman. But then again, Bella will always be my little girl.

As Charlie took his seat next to Renee. I walked Bella toward the alter. She placed her hands in mine, our eyes still locked together. Her heart was racing like a humming bird, but she showed no sign of it. As Rosalie stopped playing and took her seat next to Emmett. The ceremony began.

Minister Weber began. "Dearly Beloved, we are gathered together here to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony, which is commended to be honorable among all men; and therefore – is not by any – to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly – but reverently, discreetly, advisedly and solemnly. Into this holy estate, these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together – let them speak now or forever hold their peace."

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The room fell silent.

"Okay then, may we begin," Minister Weber said, "We are here today to witness the joining in marriage of Edward Anthony Cullen and Isabella Marie Swan. This occasion marks the celebration of love and commitment with which this man and this woman begin their life together. By gathering together all the wishes of happiness and our fondest hopes for Edward and Isabella from all present here, we assure them that our hearts are in tune with theirs. These moments are so meaningful to all of us, for 'what greater thing is there for two human souls than to feel that they are joined together' – to strengthen each other in all labor – to minister to each other in all sorrow – to share with each other in all relationship stands for love, loyalty, honesty and trust, but most of all for friendship. Before they knew love, they were friends, and it was from this seed of friendship that is their destiny. Do not think that you can direct the course of love – for love, if it finds you worthy, shall direct you. And now exchange of vows."

Minister Weber turned toward Bella. "Do you Isabella Marie Swan take Edward Anthony Cullen to be your husband in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse, in sadness and in joy, to cherish and continually bestow upon him your heart's deepest devotion, forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto him as long as you both shall live?"

I saw that Bella started to cry while Minister Weber was speaking to her. She managed to choke out the words. "I do."

Minister Weber then turned towards me. "Do you Edward Anthony Cullen take Isabella Maris Swan to be your wife in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse, in sadness and in joy, to cherish and continually bestow upon her your heart's deepest devotion, forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto her as long as you both shall live?"

I looked deep in the eyes of my beloved. "I do."

"May we have the rings?"

Alice placed a solid gold band and one covered with diamonds in Minister Weber's hand. He gestured back towards us, extended his hand with the rings. I took the solid gold ring that was for Bella out of his hand as she took the ring that was covered in diamonds for me. I carefully placed it on her ring finger as she did mine.

"May these ring be blessed as the symbol of this affectionate unity. These two lives are now joined in one unbroken circle. Wherever they go – may they always return to one another. May these two find in each other the love for which all men and women yearn. May they grow in understanding and in compassion. May the home which they establish together be such a place that many will find there a friend. May these ring on their fingers symbolize the touch of the spirit of love in their hearts.

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May you always share with each other the gifts of love – be one in heart and in mind – may you always create a home together that puts in your hearts – love – generosity and as much as Edward and Isabella have consented together in marriage before this company of friends and family and have pledged their faith – and declared their unity by giving and receiving a ring – are now joined. You have pronounced yourselves husband and wife but remember to always be each other's best friend," Minister Weber smiled, "And so, by the power vested in me by the State of Washington, I now pronounce you husband and wife – and may your days be good and long upon the earth."

He gestured towards me. "You may now kiss your bride."

I leaned down towards Bella, lightly taking her chin in my hand and pulled her lips to my lips. Bella reached up toward me on the tip of her toes and she threw her arms around my neck. I felt her sweet and salty honey lips against my stone cold lips. I kissed her gently, passionate and adoringly.

Edward, you might want to wait until the honeymoon. Carlisle suggested.

I pulled away from Bella-as painful as it was- and unlocked our lips. I slightly smirked to myself at how passionate Bella was in front of everyone. I felt overwhelmed with joy and happiness as Bella and I were married at last. The crowded erupted into applauses. I turned us toward our friends and family. Everyone ran up to congratulate us. Our eyes unwillingly unlocked and I saw so many people grabbing and hugging Bella. I tighten my hand more firmly around Bella's hand.

Jasper came up and shook my hand, "Congrats, Edward."

Emmett came up to me after him. "Congrats little brother. Soon the fun part will begin." He joked.

"Really nice, Em." Rosalie sneered. "Congrats Edward. I hope you're happy." She whispered.

I saw Esme hug Bella and then turn towards me. Edward, I'm so happy for you my son and thankful that Bella and you have found one another. She whimpered as she hugging me.

I leaned down to hug my mother. "Thank you, mom."

Edward, congrats. I would hug and kiss you but I got some things to take care before you and Bella head outside. Alice cried out.

I smiled to myself at how hard Alice's flawless wedding plan went off with a big bang. I suddenly saw Seth fighting his way through the crowd. How trusting he was with a house full of vampires. He hugged Bella first and then shook my hand. I lightly pulled my bride down the aisle, making our way through our friends and family.

"I love you," I whispered to Bella.

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6. Gesture

I led Bella out into the back, where a white tent was lit up. Alice timed the whole ceremony to where it was just twilight. The smell of pine and fresh water stung my senses. I saw everyone behind us heading towards empty tables. Alice had just lit the candles and was walking out with the 5-tier wedding cake. I sighed, smiled and shook my head. I will never understand why Alice does things like that. A three-tier cake would have been just fine.

We walked to where the dance floor started. Our friends and family embraced us again. This time Seth made his way towards us before anyone else.

"Congrats, guys."

I don't understand this boy! A house full of vampires and he acts like everything is all-good. I wish he were more like Leah. Sue said.

I smiled quickly to myself. Seth's mother, Sue, had nothing to worry about. Everyone here would be on their best behavior. Alice had foreseen it-even with parts of her sight blacked out- and there was nothing to be worried about. Just as any other mother would do, she was chained to her children and Billy. Leah thoughts weren't as pleasant as Seth's were.

I don't get why we have to be here. She broke Jacob's heart ... who gives a damn if she is happy. I don't want to be here and pretend as if everything is all fine. We fought with them last year, who freaking cares! Leah sneered.

I saw through Billy's eyes, the joy that was colorfully painted on Bella's face. His thoughts were innocent and there was no remorse towards us. I figured that perhaps after everything that happened last year with Jacob, Billy would be the last person to want to see someone, like myself, happy. Billy thoughts were of hope that Jacob would show up to see Bella.

Seth extended his arm out to give me a hug and I gladly did the same with my free arm. I still refused to let Bella go today. Sue shuddered at the gesture that her son had proposed.

OH MY GOD! We are going to have a serious talk when we get home about this.

"It's good to see that things worked out for you, man," he said, with a faint smile on his face.

"I'm happy for you." Despite what everyone else thinks. He threw a glance at his Leah.

"Thank you, Seth. That means a lot to me." I said, quickly pulled away from him. Sue thought that maybe I had change my mind and wished to hurt Seth.

I moved my body toward Sue, Leah, and Billy. "Thank you so much, as well … for letting Seth come … for supporting Bella today."

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I saw Leah make an ill face at my comment. Whatever bloodsucker. Support Bella? I'm just here to support my brother and watch his back like Sam ordered me to do.

Sue Clearwater was a little nicer towards my comment. I'm just here for my son and for Billy. Please don't read too much into to it.

Billy, on the other hand, understood what I was trying to say. Charlie is my best friend and Bella has been like a daughter me. "You're welcome."

Behind the Clearwaters and Billy, more friends and family had started forming a line. Seth peeked behind him and turned towards me.

Oh man, sorry about that. We'll talk late. Cool.

I gave him a nod and he waved goodbye. He wheeled Billy out of the way, with Leah behind them. Sue held one hand on Billy and Seth, as they made their way through the crowd.

I don't like this one bit. Let us hope the night goes by quickly. I can't follow these three every where, all night.

As the Clearwaters and Billy moved aside, Angela and Ben were next.

Wow! She looks so beautiful and happy. I can't wait until I get married. I hope that I am as happy has Bella is, on my day.

I always loved hearing great things about Bella in Angela's thoughts.

The crowd continued to give their congratulations to me and Bella. But my mind was always on my sweet Bella. With each person that greeted us, I saw how blissful Bella was to be married.

"Ah, Edward" Tanya said, walking towards me. "I've missed you." Wow, Edward. You look so great. She said, wrapping her arms around me.

I chuckled to myself at Tanya's gesture. I wasn't quite comfortable with her hug and placed a little bit of pressure on Tanya, pushing her away from me. I placed a hand on her shoulder. I gestured to her that our embrace was long enough.

"It's been too long, Tanya. You look well."

"So do you." I am so glad that you invited us today.

I smiled to myself and turned towards Bella. "Let me introduce to you my wife."

I felt such satisfaction and freedom in calling Bella my wife. I could dance around the world, shouting to everyone how happy it felt to say it. My life had finally come full circle with Bella at my side as my wife.

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"Tanya, this is my Bella." I said.

So, this girl had you running to us. I must say Edward, she really is exquisite. She really is the lucky one. Tanya said, raising one eyebrow.

I was glad to hear that Tanya thought she was exquisite. She smiled and nodded at Bella. I hadn't noticed until now, that Bella was holding her breath the entire time. Her heart spiked and the color in her face was starting to fade away.

Tanya reached out to touch Bella. Edward, she is not bothered by our body temperature?

I whispered under my breath, a simple "No." I didn't want to say it too loud. I didn't want to scare Bella any more then she was all ready.

"Welcome to the family, Bella," Tanya said with a smile. "We consider ourselves Carlisle's extended family and I am so sorry about the, er, recent incident when we did not behave such. We should have met you sooner. Can you forgive us?" Really, Edward, I am so sorry that we were not there to help. Please forgive us for that mistake.

I smiled at Tanya and nodded my head. It all worked out just fine. Everyone came out of it, somewhat unharmed, and everything is now perfect.

"Of course," Bella answered with the little bit of breath she had in her body. "It's so nice to meet you."

Poor thing, Edward, I don't mean to frighten her. "The Cullens are all evened up in numbers now. Perhaps it will be our turn next, eh, Kate?" she said with a grin on her face.

Oh yes and then everything would be just perfect. "Keep the dream alive," Kate said, rolling her eyes at Tanya. She stepped forward and taking Bella's hand out of Tanya's hand. "Welcome, Bella."

I chuckled to myself quietly.

Carmen and Eleazar were anxious to move forward and meet Bella. Their patience was wearing thin for Tanya and Kate. Carmen placed her hand on top of Kate's hand and faintly smiled.

"I'm Carmen. This is Eleazar. We're all so very pleased to finally meet." Que linda. Me gusta, Edward. Mira los ojos de marrone, que exquisito.

"M-me, too," Bella said, as she stuttered.

Okay, just let them say hi as long as they want. I don't feel comfortable bothering this group. I overheard someone from behind Tanya.

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I looked behind Tanya and saw some of Charlie's friends. They waited patiently to say their congrats to Bella and me. The look on their faces, I must say was priceless. Tanya saw me make eyes contact with the couple behind her.

Oh, sorry Edward. We'll talk later. "We'll get to know each other later. We'll have eons of time for that!" Tanya said and laughing to herself. Edward you must come by soon, so we can get to know Bella a little better.

I smiled and nodded at Tanya. One last smile and Tanya's family stepped a side, allowing Charlie's friend to greet us.

After greeting everyone, Bella and I made our way to take our wedding pictures. Alice insisted we take dozens of photos. From couples, like Bella and me, all the way down to single photos. After pictures, Bella and I had our first husband and wife dance. We danced to Claire de Lune from Debussy. We swayed to the music like entwined ivy. The classical music brought back sweet memories the first time I spent with Bella. It was at that moment I knew that I couldn't keep away from her.

After our first dance, Alice rushed us over to cut the cake. She told me it was all part of the façade of having a traditional wedding. Once more, Alice wanted dozens of photos of us cutting the cake. I gently shoved cake into Bella's mouth as she did the same to me. I swallowed my piece with a lot of will power. I saw her eyes widen as I swallowed my piece. I smiled at her, to reassure her that all was well.

After the cake, Alice said it was time for Bella to throw the bouquet. Bella stood in the middle of the dance floor and threw it over her head. It just so happened to land in Angela's hand. Her thought ran wild, while Jessica thoughts were a bit more negative about not catching it herself.

Once the bouquet was thrown, Alice placed a chair in the middle of the dance floor and had Bella sit. I got down on one knee and placed my hands, gently, under Bella's dress. Before I pulled the garter completely off Bella, I heard Jasper and Emmett howling with laughter.

Come, little brother. You're a married man now! Take it off with your teeth! Emmett shouted.

I sighed to myself and carefully placed my teeth around the garter and pulled it off her.

Ha-ha little brother! Look how red she is getting!

I quickly took the garter off of Bella's leg. I didn't want to embarrass her in from of everyone on her wedding day. As I stood, I saw a crowd was gathering. I saw that Mike was near the front of the crowd. I turned my back and winked at Bella. I wanted to calculate it just right, I tossed the garter and it smacked Mike in the face. I heard Jasper and Emmett, howling louder.

Finally, the night began for Bella and me. The music began playing and I pulled Bella into my arms, once more. She willingly came into my arms and I became breathless, as I held my wife. I

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knew that she feared dancing in front of everyone, but I would take the lead. I placed her on my feet and swayed our bodies, together, to the music.

"Enjoying the party, Mrs. Cullen?" I whispered to my beloved.

"That will take a while to get used to," she said, laughing.

"We have a while," I said back to her.

I leaned forward and our lips met in the middle. I felt her sweet honey lips against my stone cold lips. I would never tire of kissing her.

I saw Charlie move towards us. He tapped my shoulder and asked to dance with Bella. I handed Bella over to Charlie. It took every fiber in my body to give my wife up. I figured that it was time to go find Esme to ask if she wanted to dance. I saw her sitting with the Denali family.

I extended my hand towards her, "Mom? Would you like to have this dance with me?"

She smiled and took my hand, "Thank you Edward."

We made our way to the dance floor. We passed Bella and Charlie as I spun Esme around on the dance floor,

I'm so happy for you Edward. You are tremendously lucky to have found Bella, my son. She said with a smile.

I smiled and lightly laughed, "No, Esme, I am the lucky the one here. I couldn't imagine my life without Bella. Why I left her in the first place, is behind me. I could never leave her, again."

"My son, you did what you thought needed to be done. But that is all in the past and now you and Bella can start a beautiful life together."

"Yes, forever and ever."

The song ended and I turned my body to Bella's direction and I began walking back. Suddenly Alice jumped in front me.

Please, Edward?

I smiled down at Alice, "I must make my way back to Bella."

She grabbed my hand and pulled me away, to the other side of the dance floor.


I know, Edward. However, at the moment, Mike is dancing with Bella.

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I snapped my head around and saw Mike's hand wrap around Bella's waist. My body became tense and a growl started to grow in the back of my throat.

"Edward, behave yourself tonight. It's just one dance."

I turned back around to Alice and hissed at her, "If you could hear what he is thinking, you would do something about it!"

Please Edward! I worked my ass off on this wedding, and am not going to let you ruin this human experience for Bella by being an idiot.

The vicious beast in me was telling me to go and teach Mike a lesson. Nevertheless, no matter what that side wanted out of me, I knew that I didn't want to ruin this for Bella. After all, Alice was right about giving Bella all the human experiences that I could possibly give her.

"One quick dance, Edward? And then you can go back to Bella."

I looked back down at Alice, I couldn't say no to her. Those puppy dog eyes and frown painted on her face was just too hard to say no.


As quickly as the dance began, it was over. I kissed Alice on the hand and made my way towards Bella. I moved a little too quickly for human speed, but I knew that if I didn't get to Bella, someone else would take up more of her time.

Wow, it feels great to be here with Bella. If only dreams could have come true for me. Bella would be my wife and I would be the one dancing with her, not Edward. I would be the one holding her during the honeymoon. I love her and she doesn't even know it. I wonder if I asked her for one more dance, would she say yes?

I pulled Bella out of Mike's grip and whirled her around on the dance floor.

"Still not that fond of Mike, eh?"

"Not when I have to listen to his thoughts. He's lucky I didn't kick him out. Or worse."

"Yeah, right."

"Have you had a chance to look at yourself?" I asked.

"Um. No, I guess not. Why?"

"Then I suppose you don't realize how utterly, heartbreakingly beautiful you are tonight. I'm not surprised Mike's having difficulty with improper thoughts about a married woman. I amdisappointed that Alice didn't make sure you were forced to look in a mirror."

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"You are very bias, you know." Bella sighed.

I sighed deeply. I couldn't believe Alice didn't give Bella a mirror before bestowing this beautiful angel on us. I turned Bella around to face the house. The side that we were on reflected some mirrors. I needed to show Bella how breath taking she was tonight. I pointed at us in the mirror.

"Biased, am I?"

She turned and saw the reflection that looked back at us.

Okay, I'm going. Shit, quit pushing! I don't want everyone to know that I am here. I just want Bella to know. Edward!

I suddenly stiffened, my forehead wrinkled and eyebrows drew together at the sound of a husky voice that came out of the dark. I turned towards the direction of the forest and stared deep into the blackness. I saw Jacob standing just behind the thousands of lights.

"Oh!" I smiled at Jacob, significantly. I turned back to Bella.

"What is it?" Bella asked me, looking in the same direction.

"A surprise wedding gift"

I saw confusion written on Bella's face, "Huh?"

I started spinning her toward where Jacob was standing. I didn't stop spinning her. I didn't want to spoil the surprise. Bella spinning in my arms made her look like a flower dancing in the wind. When we finally made are way to where Jacob was waiting, I stopped spinning her and held her in front of Jacob.

"Thank you," I said to Jacob. "This is very…kind of you."

"Kind is my middle name," he said as he stepped into the light. "Can I cut in?"

Bella's heart spiked and she was breathless.

"Jacob!" she choked out. "Jacob!"

Bella stumbled forward. I moved my hand and gripped her elbow. I moved her away from me and placed her in Jacobs's hands. Jacob embraced Bella in a bear gripping hug. As she buried her face into Jacob's muscular chest, he smiled to himself, lightly placing his cheek on the top of Bella's head. I didn't want to intrude on Bella's wedding gift.

"Rosalie will not forgive me if she doesn't get her official turn on the dance floor," I mumbled toward the two.

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You can go back to the party. I promise to return her just like this, you have my word. No funny busy tonight. I have my orders.

I turned my back to Bella and Jacob, to give them a moment alone.

7. More Complication

I took my time walking back up towards the wedding party. My heartache with every step I took away from Bella. I knew that I had nothing to worry about. Jacob being here and being with Bella wouldn't change what happened today. We were married and nothing could change that. But I heard the beast inside of me roar loader then before as I walked away from Bella.

You trust that mutt being with Bella?

"Yes, Rosalie." I sighed, rolling me eyes.

I finally get to the top where I had shown Bella her reflection. My brothers stood like gothic statues looking down on Jacob and Bella. I saw Rosalie standing with her hands on her hips. Her head in the direction of where Jacob and Bella were sharing a moment. Hers eyes full of anger at the very sight of Jacob. But I saw -through her eyes- how happy Bella was with Jacob.

I don't like! I don't like those mutts being here. Do something about it! Rosalie sneered.

I stepped in front of Rosalie and placed my hands on her shoulders. I forced her to look at me.

"It makes Bella happy, having Jacob be here today." I spoke slowly, trying to make Rosalie understand, but I think it was more for me to understand.

Ugh! You are so damn stubborn, Edward. If it were Emmett down there in the arms of another woman. I would rip her heart out and serve it to her on a nice shiny silver platter.

I smiled at her. "Yes. I know that you would. The images running through that pretty little vain head of yours is very disturbing. However, Rose…" I took a deep breath and turned back to look down on Bella.

"Immature love is only wanting someone to be happy when you're with them. Mature love is when you want someone to be happy…period."

I still don't like it, Edward.

"You don't have to like Rosalie," I hissed.

"Relax, boys," I said as I placed on hand on each shoulder. "Sam doesn't wants to start something. Not right now, at least. We have the Clearwaters and Billy here."

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I saw Emmett looking into the forest at the glowing eyes looking back at us. "Come little brother, can't we have a little bit of fun? You now, I would love to wrestle that Quil." He grinned, displaying a wrestling hold.

Rosalie hissed towards Emmett, shaking her head. Damn idiot!

"Has anyone told Carlisle?" I questioned.

"Yes," Jasper answered. "He's with Alice."

"Where's Alice?" I asked.

"She is in the house, something happened in the kitchen." Jasper whispered. She had to go inside, she became disturbed when she saw Bella and you disappear into the dark.

"Ah, I see." I said. "And Esme? Has anyone told her?"

"Why would we?" Rosalie scoffed.

"So, little brother…what do we do now?" Emmett said a like little kid.

"Nothing. Bella is happy and I plan to keep it like that. But," I slightly turned towards Emmett and smiled wickedly at him, "If you just so happen to stay here just to get some fresh air. I couldn't possible get mad at you guys for it."

That's not like you, bro. But I like it!

I surprised myself at the way I acting, it was not like me. I was civil with Jacob for so long and the next second, I couldn't stand him being with my wife. The inner beast inside couldn't help but pump jealousy into my cold, lifeless veins.

"This is crazy, Edward!" Rosalie said, throwing her hands in the air.

Go, Edward. Don't worry. Jasper smiled at me.

"No! No! No! I think we should all go down there and throw those mutt out of here!" Rosalie howled.

I felt Jasper wash a wave of calmness towards Rosalie. I took that moment to distract her from chewing the three of us out any further. I grabbed her hand and started to pull her towards the dance floor.

"Shall we?" I said to her with a smile on my face.

I didn't give her a moment to object to my request. I spun Rosalie towards the center of the dance floor. I knew my sister loved to be the center of attention, even when it wasn't her day to be. She

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loved it when everyone stared at her and admitted everything she did. I wrapped my hand around Rosalie's waist and spun ourselves around the dance floor.

Edward, I need to say something to you.

"Rosalie, remember the façade we need to maintain." I muttered.

She sighed. Sorry.

She took another sigh. "Is this it for you? Is Bella the one that makes you happy?"

I stopped, dead in the middle of the dance floor and looked at Rosalie. I couldn't believe what escape out of my sister's mouth. I grabbed Rosalie and begun spinning ourselves around the dance floor, again.

My temper flared up and I was beginning to boil. "Before, I get more pissed then I already am. You better explain yourself, Rose!"

"Wait! Wait! I don't mean it like that, Edward." She quickly defended herself.

I growled at her. "Explain fast then, Rosalie!"

She inhaled. "What I meant is… I know that your one wish is to make Bella happy. To give her everything that she has even wanted. Excluding actual objects of course," Rosalie huffed as her raised her eyebrows. "I just want to know what you plan on doing when the day comes that Bella wants something you can't give her. Like a baby?"

"Oh…I didn't mean to growl at you like that."

She smiled at me. Me too. I should have reworded what I wanted to say.

"Well, my plan is to keep Bella human as long as I can. I bought a house near the college where she was accepted. I plan to talk her into going to college for a couple of years. You know, try to give her all the human experiences of college. I want her to experiences all the human things that we never got to experience."

"I haven't heard you plan for giving Bella motherhood."

"Rosalie, we both know that it impossible for anything like that to happen. It can't be done. We are frozen forever in this unchangeable body."

"Anything is possible, Edward. I thought that I would never find happiness, but I found Emmett. A miracle happened when a part of my past crossed paths with my future." She said.

I smiled at her. I knew that Emmett meant a great deal to her and her life would mean nothing if anything were to happen to him.

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"I know, Rosalie. Bella has express to me that she wishes not to have any children."

She pulled away from me and looked at me. I saw Rosalie cringe at my comment. Her eyes showed me of a woman whose heart was breaking all over again. She began to cry a tearless sob into her hands.

How could she think like that?

I walked over to her, pulled her in a hug and stroked her hair. My sister may be many things. Sometimes vain, selfish, and self-seeking. But I knew that Rosalie would give everything up to have someone walking around calling her mommy. I understood -to a certain level- the pain that Rosalie felt at not being a mother.

"Rose, I am sorry. I shouldn't have said anything."

I can't believe SHE would walk away from something so grand…so wonderful. I can't believe you can love someone who is willing to throw everything away for immorality.

"Rosalie, Bella is not like that," I tried explaining, "Bella is an unselfish person who…"

Who is what, Edward? Mocking those who wish for little ones in their lives. Laughing in the faces of women who can't have babies! She snarled.

How stupid of me to tell her what Bella thoughts were about not being a mother. Suddenly I heard Jasper.

Edward, come quick! It's Bella.

My body stiffened and my muscles became tense. I left Rosalie in the middle of the dance as I raced towards Bella. As I raced back, my only focuses was on Bella. I saw through Jasper's eyes, Jacob had grabbed Bella and began shaking her violently. I moved faster then a gust of wind through the crowd on the dance floor. Suddenly I felt a gush of warmth by my side. I snapped my head around and saw Seth next to me.

What's going on, Edward?

I ignored him. I didn't have much time to explain the situation to him. I pushed passed my brothers and headed down to go get Bella.

I'm coming too little brother. Don't want to miss all the fun. Emmett smirked.

"NO!" I yelled over my shoulder.

I grow closer to Jacob and Bella, I saw rage and fire boiling in Jacob's eyes.

"Take your hands off!" I said, coldly to Jacob.

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As I moved to grab Bella out of Jacob's death grip, I heard snarling coming from behind. Quil and Sam made their way toward the situation.

"Jake, bro, back away," Seth said to Jacob. "You're losing it." Man, I can't believe that he would hurt Bella like this!

Jacob froze, horrified and stared into outer space. He seemed to be fighting with himself. Jacob, dude, what the hell are you doing? You say to yourself that you love this woman. Yet, you're shaking her like a rag doll.

Seth took a step toward Jacob and whispered. "You'll hurt her, let her go."

I heard Bella's heart fighting to pump fresh blood to her body and unable to due so because of Jacob's death grip. I couldn't take it anymore. I stepped forward really to yank her out of his arms.

"Now!" I said more coldly and firmly towards him.

Jacob dropped her and I pulled her away, quickly moving her to a safe distance. The fresh blood that was fighting to pump in Bella's body made its way through. I placed my hands on her arms where Jacob's fire hands were holding Bella. The heat was like hot spikes against Bella's body. I placed my body in front of her. I crouched slightly ready to spring into action.

Quil and Sam stand between Jacob and me.

Quil! Stay where you are. Sam ordered. Don't do anything.

I focused back on Jacob, whose body was shaking with rage. Seth wrapped his arms around him and began pulling him back.

"C'mon, Jake. Let's go." Buzz kill! I don't think that we are welcomed here anymore.

"I'll kill you," Jacob whispered under his breath. "I'll kill you myself! I'll do it now!" We locked eyes and I saw fury and revenge swimming in his eyes. I SWEAR TO GOD! You sick son of bitch! You think this shit is over with! I'll hunt you down, where ever you go on your so-called honeymoon. I will tear you apart! You filthy tick! Don't you dare touch her! YOU SICK SON OF BITCH!

I saw in Jacob's mind the conversation him and Bella were having before the hostile shaking began. Bella told him about experiencing a human moment with me. The inner beast inside of me roared with angry at him for interfering in the matter.

Sam stepped toward Jacob, growling at Seth. I saw that Jacob was so engulfed with rage that with Seth being so close, he could really get hurt.

"Seth, get out of way." I hissed at him.

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No, Edward. I got this. Don't stress about it.

Seth tugged on Jacob, putting every ounce of strength in to him. Jacob overpowered Seth with such fury, that Seth struggling to pull him back into the dark forest.

"Don't do it, Jake," he said. " Walk away. C'mon."

Sam saw Seth having a hard time towing Jacob away from Bella and me. He stepped forward and started shoving Jacob in the chest toward the forest. Seth towed and Sam pushed Jacob trembling body. They disappeared into the swallowing darkness.

Quil turned in the direction of Sam, Seth and Jacob.

I felt Bella's body shift. "I'm sorry," she whispered towards Quil.

"It's all right now, Bella." I murmured back to her.

Quil looked back at me with rage in his eyes.

I heard everything between Bella and Jacob. I think you're sick and you will pay for what you have done here tonight. You and your whole tick sucking family. I don't know who you think you are bloodsucker, but this fight is not over. We WILL see you very soon. That is... once the treaty of ours is broken.

I nodded coldly at Quil. He huffed at me, turned towards where the other had disappears like shadow in the night. I knew that he meant, what he said about this fight between my family and the tribe not being over. Once the treaty was broken the war would spill into our lives and wash over us like a dark plague.

8. Gesture

Once pack faded into the dark, I knew that I needed to get Bella back to the party.

"All right," I said to myself. I turned around to face Bella. I saw the horrified look painted on her face.

"Let's go back."

"But Jake-" She stuttered.

"Sam has him in hand. He's gone." I said, looking over my shoulder.

"Edward, I'm so sorry. I was stupid-"

"You did nothing wrong-"

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As Bella stumbled over her words, I became enraged by the situation. I couldn't believe I left Bella in the company of uncontrollable werewolf. What the hell was he thinking? I did my best to control my temper and show no sign of being distraught.

"I have such a big mouth! Why would I…I shouldn't have let him get to me like that. What was I thinking?" Bella continued to explain to me what happened.

"Don't worry." I moved forward and began caressing her face. "We need to get back to the reception before someone notices our absence."

I knew that the only people who noticed that Bella was gone had been my family. Hardly anyone really paid much attention to where Bella was. I saw Bella shaking her head. I feared that maybe she was going into shock.

"Give me two seconds," she pleaded to me.

I was worried that being handled by an enraged wolf caused serious harm to Bella. I still saw the horrified look on her face. As she collected her, I saw small red marks on her arm where Jacob had shook her. Her heart was returning to its normal rhythm, but I worried about the memory that would haunt her.

"My dress?" She asked.

I smiled to myself. "You look fine. Not a hair out of place."

I saw Bella take in a couple of deep breaths. I still worried about her and thought, strongly, about taking her to Carlisle. I worried that Bella had post-traumatic shock.

"Okay, let's go." she said to me.

I placed my arms around her and led her back toward the party. Once we passed the thousands of lights, I began to spin her towards the middle of the dance floor. It felt so remarkable to have Bella back in my arms. I held her close to my heart. I didn't want to let her go anymore. I wouldn't be able to hold it together if Bella got hurt again.

I saw that Jasper and Emmett had moved more toward the edge of the dance floor. I saw them sweeping the forest.

Damn it! I missed the freaking fun! Again! Emmett huffed.

I saw out the corner of my eyes that Bella was looking around. As I had, she saw Jasper and Emmett standing at the edge of floor. I had to say something. I needed to know that everything was okay with Bella.

"Are you-"

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"I'm fine," she interrupted. "I can't believe I did that. What's wrong with me?"

"Nothing is wrong with you."

I couldn't believe that Bella felt that something was wrong with her! I wanted so much to go find Jacob and talk some sense into him. I knew that we wouldn't be talking much. I couldn't believe that I trusted him with Bella. What was wrong with me? I had a gut feeling not to let them share a moment. But I wanted to make Bella happy. Perhaps Rosalie was right. I shouldn't have left Bella alone with Jacob..

"It's over," she said, suddenly. "Let's not think of it again tonight."

I knew what Bella meant. I couldn't help but think about it. I shouldn't be alone with this amazing creature. I should be caged and never let out. I knew that after the wedding we would complete our vows by making love. Huh…making love? More like hurting the one that I loved. I knew that I would hurt Bella and I would never forgive myself. I would be a monster in her eyes. It was just a matter of time before Bella would see it.


I closed my eyes, leaned forward and touched my forehead to her forehead. "Jacob is right." I whispered to her. "What am I thinking?"

"He is not," she said to me. "Jacob is way too prejudice to see anything clearly."

"I should let him kill me for even thinking…"I murmured low to myself.

"Stop it," she intensely said.

I felt her baby soft hands grab my face. I couldn't stand to look into the eyes of my beloved. I didn't want to see the hope and faith that she had in me. I took my time opening my eyes.

"You and me. That's the only thing that matters. The only thing you're allowed to think about now. Do you hear me?" She insisted.

"Yes," I sighed to her.

"Forget Jacob came," she intensely said, once more. "For me. Promise that you'll let it go."

I stared deep into her eyes. I loved it when Bella was trying to be ferocious as a tiger. Despite the fact, she was more like a playful kitten.

"I promise."

"Thank you. Edward, I'm not afraid."

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"I am," I whispered to her.

After all these years, Bella still couldn't see that I was the most dangerous predator to her. It was just a matter of time before the predator finally attacked its prey.

"Don't be," she said.

I saw her take a deep breath and smile at me. "By the way, I love you."

I couldn't help but smile at her. After all that could happen she still loved me.

"That's why we're here."

I saw Emmett wrinkle his nose as he made his way toward Bella and me.

Edward, bro, she smells like wet dog. You should shower her before having fun with her. And I do mean any fun, man !"You're monopolizing the bride," he said. "Let me dance with my little sister. This could be my last chance to make her blush." Jasper needs to speak with you.

He laughed to lighten the mood between Bella and me.

Go little brother. Everything is okay now. Lighten up and go talk to Jasper. Don't worry I'll take great care of her. She'll be back, mutt free, when you're done talking.

He whirled her back towards the middle of the dance. I took one longer look at both of them before leaving to speak with Jasper. As I made my way towards Jasper, I saw he continued to be cautious.

"What's it Jasper?"

He turned to face me and the aura I felt coming off him was of distressed. "How is she?"

"Fine. No need to feel so distressed."

"I can't help it. I felt it rolling off of everyone earlier."

"Well everything is fine now," I said as I took a deep sigh.

"No disrespect Edward, but that's not what I'm feeling from you right now."

"It's nothing really." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"Don't lie to me," he said looking at me.

"I'm just worried that Bella might be in shock or go into shock. I'm too worried about the honeymoon."

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"Have you taken her to Carlisle?"

"No, I don't want to freak her out anymore today. I think being thrown around by a dog is more then anyone should take. Don't you think?"

I turned back around to face him and saw him looking at Bella.

"May I have the next dance with her?"

I wrinkled my forehand and my eyebrows drew together. "Can you control yourself?"

"Yes. I think I can," he said with ease in his voice.

I moved more towards him and placed one hand on his shoulder. "I don't want you to think that you can. I want to know that you can. Can you?"

He titled his head slightly towards me. "Yes."

"All right. After Emmett then you can dance with her."

"Thank you," he whispered to me. "I will be on my best behavior with her. I know how much she means to you."

Jasper was feeling calm and hopefully in complete control of his emotion. I still had my doubt, but I knew that I could trust him more now then ever before.

I nodded at Jasper the moment that Emmett was done dancing with Bella. I saw on Bella's face a fearful look, but the expression quickly changed when Jasper lightly wrapped his hand around Bella's waist. Emmett turned around and smiled at me.

Don't worry little brother, she smells way too much like dog for him to sink his teeth into her.

I growled under my breath at Emmett. Sometimes I don't know what goes through that dense head of his.

After Jasper , Carlisle was next to spin his new daughter in law around the dance floor. Alice also made her way towards Bella for a dance. Once Alice was done dancing with Bella, I reclaimed her. Once more Bella was in my arms, her whole body was relaxed and the expression on her face was full of joy. Bella laid her head against my chest and I couldn't help but tighten my hold around her.

"I could get used to this," she said to me.

"Don't tell me you're gotten over your dancing issues?"

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"Dancing isn't so bad with you. But I was thinking more of this," she pressed her body tightly against my body, "of never having to let you go."

"Never," I promised to her.

I closed my eyes and leaned down to kiss her beautiful plump lips. As our lips met in the middle, I became light headed and weak. I pressed my stone cold lips against her sweet lips with a little more force. I felt that maybe I could overcome this fear of not hunting Bella on our honeymoon. Perhaps Carlisle was right. He had faith in me and Bella had more faith in me to do the right thing. Perhaps I could do this without being a soulless monster.

Edward, it time for your honeymoon. Please let Bella go. Ugh! Edward! Alice ordered.

I saw Alice walking over towards us and start tugging on Bella. "Bella! Its time!"

We ignored her. I held on to Bella a little more tighter as I continued to kiss her lips. I heard Bella's heart spike and her palms became clammy.

"Do you want to miss your plane," Alice demanded. I don't think Edward that you can run and swim while carrying Bella on you back. Remember the suitcase I packed. It's Gucci, Edward!

"I'm sure you'll have a lovely honeymoon camped out in the airport waiting for another flight," she said to us. I'm sure Bella would love to remember her first time in an airport.

I slightly pulled my lips away from Bella's lips and I turned my head towards Alice's little stubborn butt. "Go away, Alice."

I moved my lips back towards Bella's lips and resumed my kiss with her. I couldn't take having our lips being apart because Alice wanted something.

I saw her turn towards Bella. "Bella, do want to wear this dress on the airplane?" she demanded once more.

Damn it Edward! Okay you want to play games? Try this one, brat!

"I'll tell her where you're taking her, Edward. So help me, I will." she growled towards me. Don't mess with me Edward!

I froze. I quickly lifted my head and stared angrily at her. I couldn't believe that Alice would do that to me. After all I went through to make these plans and to buy Alice off, to get her to keep her mouth closed around Bella.

"You're awfully small to be so hugely irritating."

Oh! You know I try my best. She said sarcastically.

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"I didn't pick out the perfect going-away dress to have to wasted," she snapped back at me as she took hold of Bella hand. "Come with me, Bella."

I saw Bella tug against Alice's overpowering strength. Bella stretched up on her tiptoes, trying to kiss me for one last time.

I'm taking her to go get dress and you clothes are waiting for you too. Everything is up in your room. GO! Alice yelled.

I saw Alice jerk Bella away and haul her in the house. I heard some of the guest around us as they chuckled to themselves.

Those two are so cute together.

They can't seem towait until the honeymoon.

I made my way to my room. As I walked through the threshold, I saw on the bed a pair of denim jeans and a button down silk shirt. I undressed from my tuxedo; I quickly put on my fresh clothes and made my way down stairs. I leaned against the stairs and waited for Bella. I saw Jasper pulling the car around for us.

"Goodbye, Mom. I love you." I heard Bella tell her mother.

I looked up and saw Bella wearing a strap-less blue dress. It hugged her body perfectly and showed of all her slender curves. Her hair was let down and it laid in the middle of her back. I saw tears streaming down her face. I extended my hand towards her. She leaned away and was sweeping the crowd that was waiting to see us off.

"Dad?" she asked me, as she searched the crowd for Charlie.

"Over here," I murmured to her.

I saw the guests make a pathway for us. I saw Charlie leaning against the wall just behind the crowd. Their swollen eyes locked.

I can't believe this! My baby a woman now and off to her honeymoon. Oh God, thank you for making her so happy. I know that Edward is not a bad guy and I know that he will make her happy.

"Oh, Dad!" Bella said as he hugged Charlie.

Bella began to cry again. I saw that Charlie had been crying, but did his best not to show Bella.

"There, now," he said while patting her back. "You don't want to miss your plane." Get a hold of yourself, Charlie. Bella will be back before you know it.

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I smiled to myself. Charlie never did like showing emotions in front of everyone. But the man always expressed it in his mind.

"I love you forever, Dad," Bella said to Charlie. "Don't forget that."

"You, too Bells. Always have, always will." Forever and ever. My sweet baby girl. My sweet Bells. Nothing will ever change that.

Charlie and Bella both leaned in to kiss each on the cheek.

"Call me," Charlie said to her.


I heard Alice shouting at me. EDWARD! COME ON!

"Go on, then," he said sternly to her. "Don't want to be late." Let her go now, Charlie. She is a married woman.

I knew how hard it was for Charlie to let go of his only daughter. Charlie slowly pulled away from Bella, I took that moment to pull Bella closer to my side.

"Are you ready?" I asked Bella.

"I am."

As we made our way through the crowds once more, I leaned in to kiss Bella at the doorstep. The crowd applauded at our kiss. I quickly rushed her down to the car as a shower of rice hit us.

All right then little brother. Enjoy yourself. Emmett grinned.

As we reached the car, I saw that Alice had decorated the car. She covered it with dozens of flowers, ribbons, streamers and shoes that trailed the back. As Bella climbed in the car, I used my body to shield her from the rice storm. With Bella safely in the car, I rushed to get in. I turned the car on and starting driving down the driveway. I saw Bella wave out the window and shout out a couple more 'I love you" to crowd on the porch.

I saw my family waving back at us. I saw all the guests waving back at us, too. I saw Renee and Charlie sharing a moment together as they saw their only daughter drive way.

"I love you," I said to Bella as I squeezed her hand in mine.

I felt her head lean against my arm. "That's why we're here," she said back to me.

I smiled to myself and placed a kiss on her head.

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As we drove now the lit pathway, I suddenly heard a husky voice near by. No! NO! This can't be happening!

I saw Jacob running through the forest back towards the party. As we turned the corner, on to the dark highway, I hit the accelerator. I didn't want any more trouble from Jacob. I saw through Jacob's eyes, that he could see our car driving down the highway. I knew that with all his might he could never keep up with us. I knew that Bella could hear the howling but I made no effort to point it out. As we drove, I suddenly heard a piercing, heartbreaking howl cut through the darkness.


As we drove more down the highway, it grew fainter in the background. The last image I saw of Jacob was of him standing the middle of the highway with rage and sadness in his eyes.

9. Isle Esme

"Houston?" she said to me, with one eyebrow raised.

I grinned towards her. "Just a stop along the way."

We made our way through the ticket counter, the security checkpoint, and then boarded tour plane. As the plane started to make its way down the runway, Bella feel asleep. I watched her sleep and I felt such peace at watching her. How lucky it felt to have someone and never be alone on this earth again.

When the plane landed in Houston, I pulled Bella in my arms. I cradled her the whole way the through the airport. I saw Bella trying to open her eyes as I stopped in front of the international counter to check in for Rio de Janeiro.

"Rio de Janeiro?" she said to me.

"Another stop." I smiled at her.

Once more, we made our way through the security checkpoint and then boarded our plane. I laid Bella down in the first-class seat, still cradling her in my arms. She back to sleep again as the plane departed. As she slept, I laid my chin, lightly, on her head and inhaled she sweet scent.

My mind began drifting. I couldn't believe that after all the bad luck that was following me, I could be so lucky to have some good luck. Bella was the one who pumped life through this dead body of mine. I was starting to think that possibly I did have a soul. She woke me up from a nightmare that once ate away at me. Bella was in deed that one who made me feel more human then ever before. Indeed, Bella was my soul, my sweet wife.

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I lightly kissed her on the forehead. I felt Bella beginning to awaken from her sleep, as we grew closer to the Rio de Janeiro airport. As the sun began to set, I saw the lights of Rio de Janeiro dancing along the windows of the plane.

Once we landed, I wrapped one arm around Bella as we made our way through the airport. Once I had our luggage, we stepped out onto the streets of Rio de Janeiro. As I placed the luggage down to wave for a taxi, I felt Bella's heart spike. I figured that she knew that we were getting closer to our destination.

Once in the taxi I said to the driver. "O Rio de Janeiro deduz, por favor."

"Sim, Senhor," the taxi driver said back to me.

As we drove through the streets of Rio de Janeiro, I began feeling anxious. I wanted to get Bella to Isle Esme quickly. I knew that she would love it. As the traffic around us grew thinner and thinner, I felt Bella's body become tense and I knew that she was nervous. I could now see the ocean and the docks as the driver started to slowing down.

Once the taxi stopped, I paid the driver. I helped Bella out and carried our luggage in one arm. I led Bella down the darkened dock and stopped at a small boat. Not a yacht, like I would have preferred, but it will do for the short trip to Isle Esme. I stepped into the small boat and placed our luggage on the deck. I turned to help Bella into the boat. I carefully gripped one hand around her waist and the other in her hand. Once Bella was safely in the boat, I began preparing for our departure.

As I pulled out of the dock, I took a quick peek out of the corner of my eye to see how Bella was doing. She seemed to be at ease but still nervous as to where we were heading for our honeymoon. I headed east, away from Rio de Janeiro. I placed one hand on the boat's accelerator and the other on the wheel. I slowly made my way through the ocean.

Once the lights of Rio were behind us and swallowed into the darkness, I pushed on the accelerator a little more. As the boat began to pick up speed, I felt a smile dancing on my lips. It felt remarkable to have my mind to myself for once. It felt remarkable to hear the boat crashing against the waves. It felt remarkable to feel the wind cutting through my hair and to have the salty water stinging my senses. I suddenly heard Bella through the roaring of engine.

"Are we going much farther?"

I turned my head slightly towards her and I saw that Bella's hands were clenching the seat. I grinned to myself.

"About another half an hour."

As we continued through the waves, I suddenly saw Isle Esme sticking out of the water like ghost. My eyes narrowed and saw the sand on the beach glowing from the moonlight. I smiled to myself and turned my body towards Bella.

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"Bella, look there," I shouted to her over the roar of the engine.

I pointed straight headed toward the island sticking out of the ocean. I knew that Bella, with her human's eyes, couldn't see Isle Esme properly. I knew that she could only see a dark figure sticking out in front of her.

As we grew closer to Isle Esme, I pulled back on the accelerator a little bit. I turned the wheel and began moving north toward the dock that was in front of the island.

"Where are we?" Bella murmured.

"Isle Esme," I said with a smile on face.

Once I saw the dock, I positioned the boat to slide gently next to it. I cut the engine and stood at the wheel for a moment. I looked at the house that faintly glowed in the moonlight. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and smelled the warm moister in the air.

I heard Bella's voice cut through the dark silent night. "Isle Esme?"

"A gift from Carlisle-Esme offered to let us borrow it."

I quickly made my way through the boat and grabbed the luggage. I placed them on the dock and turned back to get Bella. I couldn't fight the smile that was permanently stuck on my face. As I scooped her up in my arms, it felt wonderful holding her warm body against mine.

"Aren't you supposed to wait for the threshold?" she said breathlessly to me.

I bounced out of the boat and grinned at her. "I'm nothing if not thorough."

As I held my sweet Bella with one arm and the luggage in the other, I began walking through the sandy pathway toward the house. As we made our way through the dark, I heard Bella's heart pounding against her chest. Her breathing started to become uneven. I looked down at her, opened my mouth slightly to ask what was on her mind. However I decided against it. As we drew closer to the house, I started to feel uneasy about the up coming situation.

As we arrived at the front door, I placed the luggage on the porch and opened the door. As I looked down at Bella, I waited patiently for her to look back up at me. As our eyes locked, I stepped through the threshold.

I continued to cradle Bella as I made my way through the house. I flipped the light switch on to the kitchen, the dining area, the living room, the hallway that led to a couple of the rooms including the master bedroom. As we got to the master bedroom, I flipped the light switch and watched Bella reaction.

The room, that Bella and I, were standing in was one of Esme's favorite rooms in the house. She called it Paraíso Celestial (Heavenly Paradise). Everything in the room was dripping in white. In

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the middle of the room was a huge custom-made king-size bed with custom-made white sheets. Hovering over the bed was a huge mosquito netting. At the end of the room were, once more, custom-made French doors that opened up to see the waves dancing on the beach.

Bella's reaction was speechless. I didn't want to press the matter any further and placed her down on her feet.

"I'll…go get the luggage."

I quickly went through the house and turned off all the lights. I went to the front door, grabbed the luggage and took one more look at the surroundings around us. I swept the darkness-which was more like daytime to me-to make sure no predators were around. I neither heard nor saw anything, but the sound of the seawater dancing along the sand. I closed the door and slowly made my way back to Bella.

I knew that our moment was approaching and I felt completely bewildered at the matter. I knew that this was Bella's first time in doing anything physical. I was not quite sure if she would go through with it. I was more then ready, but after all, I was a man. Moreover, I needed to remember that Bella was human and I was still her predator and needed to be gentle.

As I approached the room, I took in a deep breath and entered the room. I carefully placed the luggage on the white dresser and opened it for her. I saw her moving around the room looking at the items in front of her. I imagined that this place was more like a dream to her then reality. I saw a beam of sweat rolling down the back of her neck. I walked forward and extended my index finger to wipe it away. I had taken into count that it would be hot, but not deathly hot to cause Bella to be uncomfortable.

"It's a little hot there," I said apologetically. "I thought…that would be best."

"Thorough," she murmured back at me under she breath.

I nervously chuckled. "I tried to think of everything that would make this…easier," I said honestly.

I heard her swallow loudly at my comment. She still had her back towards me. As the seconds started to become minutes, I knew that Bella need a moment alone. I knew as well that I needed a moment. I needed to get my head on straight and think more clearly, as to how I planned not to hurt Bella.

"I was wondering," I said slowly to her, "if…first…maybe you'd like to take a midnight swim with me?"

I paused for a moment and waited for Bella's reaction. She said nothing nor turned around to look at me. My heart ached so badly at not being able to hear her thoughts. I needed to know what she was feeling. Was my sweet Bella feeling sacred? Nervous? Overwhelmed?

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Bewildered? The more I question myself, the more the feeling to know what she was thinking ate away at me.

"The water will be very warm. This is the kind of beach you approve of." I said this time with ease in my voice.

"Sounds nice," her voice broke.

I knew at that point that Bella was everything that I had just thought about. I needed to quickly leave and give her time to think about whatever it was she was thinking.

"I'm sure you'd like a human minute or two…It was a long journey." I said softly to her.

She nodded at my suggestion. I moved towards her and just below her ear, lightly brushed my lips against her throat. Bella's scent overpowered all my senses and I became vulnerable.

"Don't take too long, Mrs. Cullen." I said in her ear.

I felt Bella's body slightly jump. I smiled to myself at how amazing it felt to call her Mrs. Cullen. Life times would pass by and calling Bella, Mrs. Cullen, would never tire out.

"I'll wait for you in the water."

I walked passed her and over to the French door. I simply opened them, allowing the seawater to enter the room. As I made my way through them, I started to unbuttoned my silk shirt, I pulled my way out it and it fell to the floor. I quickly looked back at Bella, I couldn't bear to leave her, but I knew that I had too.

As I walked towards the salty ocean water, I felt the grainy sand shuffling under my marble stone feet. I saw the moonlight dancing along the sand as I walked alone. I stopped at a nearby tree, taking off the last of my clothing and continued down to the warm ocean. As I entered the water, the warmth of the water felt odd against my stone ice skin. I decided to take a quick swim around the island for any signs of near by predators in the water. Nothing was near the island.

As I stood alone in the dark, waist deep, I noticed I glowed under the moonlight like a distant star. I looked down at my bare chest and thought about how far I had come in my life. I remembered the many days that I felt hallow and empty inside. I knew that I could never have blood running through my veins or my heart pound in my chest again. I remembered the many times I played a part in front of Carlisle. I couldn't allow him to feel the way I was feeling when I was born into this life.

I suddenly glanced at the moon. I remembered the many nights that I glazed at it. The many nights that I wondered what else was beyond this life. The nights that I hunted alone, I would think about anything and everything. I wondered what it felt like to escape to another world or reality. Would nighttime always begin the same phenomenon? Would daytime also begin that

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same phenomenon? Some nights, I would wonder why our kind was left to roam alone, among the living.

As I continued to look at the moon, I heard Bella walking behind me. As I closed my eyes, her sweet florist scent slowly crept around my naked body and danced along my scenes. Once Bella had entered the water, it rippled lightly and crashed against my waist. Shortly after, I felt Bella's warm body next to me. Above the warmth of the water, I rested my hand and I felt her place her baby soft hand in my own.

"Beautiful," she said to me.

I peeked out the corner of my eye and saw her looking at the moon.

"It's all right," I said apathetically.

I slowly turned to face my love. I looked deep into her eyes, seeing the moonlight reflecting off her brown eyes. It looked like thousands of tiny diamonds in her eyes. I twisted my hand up and coiled our fingers just beneath the water. The heat from the water equaled everything out between Bella and me. One cold like winter and hot like summer, now more neutral like spring.

"But I wouldn't use the word beautiful," I continued. "Not with you standing here in comparison."

I saw Bella half smile at me. She moved her free hand and placed it on my chest over my heart. The sudden warmth against my marble skin caused me to shudder lightly at her touch. I heard Bella's heart beating calmly and her body was peaceful. As I continued to look at her, I felt my breath leaving my body, it became more abnormal and my body became tense.

"I promised we would try," I whispered to her. "If…if I do something wrong, if I hurt you, you must tell me at once."

Bella nodded seriously still looking at me. She took another step forward and placed her head on my marble chest.

"Don't be afraid," she murmured. "We belong together."

I wrapped my arms around Bella's body. I suddenly felt overwhelmed and vulnerable at holding my beloved.

"Forever." I declared as I pulled us deeper in the water.

10. Our First Time

As I pulled Bella deeper into the water, we continued to look deep into each other's eyes.

"You sure about this?" I whispered to her.

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She half-smiled, wrapping her arms around my neck. "Of course."

"I love you, Edward."

I took a deep breath and whispered into her ear. "I love you, Bella."

I felt Bella's body become more passionate. Her arms still wrapped around my neck, I moved my hands rounded her waist and started to kiss her passionately. Our kiss sent an electric current through my body. Every nerve in my body was tingling.

I continued to kiss her soft sweet lips and moved my way down to her neck. I heard her heart thrashing against her chest. I moved my hands down to her calves, pulling her legs up and hitching them around my waist. We were entwined and clinging to each other. Our breathing became jagged and intense.

My kisses were gentle, but forceful as I moved my way down from her neck and to her throat. My tongue lightly traced the hollow base of her throat. Bella's breathing became louder and more uneven. I slowly pulled away and looked at her. I saw her eyes closed and her head tilted back. I chuckled to myself. She opened her eyes and gazed deeply into my eyes.

"What's wrong?" she gasped out.

She ran her slender fingers down my cheek. I began panting in short breaths and there was a tingling in my spine, again.

I saw her lips curl into a smile as she asked. "Are you worried?"

I breathed a nervous sigh.

I saw the hunger in her eyes filling with desire like little flames dancing in her eyes. She dropped her head and her lips found mine. I suddenly felt our tongues dancing together. Unlike Bella, but I knew deep down inside the overpowering hormones that overtook her body. I felt Bella's hands twirling through my hair. I became lightheaded and overpowered. I felt a sensation. The sensation inside of me was indescribable. The strange sensation that filled me seemed to be getting bigger, bigger, and more pleasurable by the second until finally it reached its peak and overtook me in the most powerful way.

Despite my cold body temperature, I was utterly on fire and never before had I been as aroused as I was at that very moment. Our lips unlocked and I saw Bella tilting her head back and her body gasping for air. I took that moment to move back to the base of her throat as my tongue once more began caressing it. Trailing kisses as I moved more down to her collarbone. Bella's body began quivering. I pulled back, moving my body slightly away from my love.

I became frightened, not at the reaction to Bella's body, but as to what could happen once I lose all control over my intelligence. I loved Bella and wanted to make her first time as pleasurable as possible, not running for her life.

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"I'm sorry," I said breathlessly to her.

She looked down at me. "Edward, everything will be okay. We belong together."

I unhitched Bella from around my waist and gentle wrapped my arms around her body.

"I could hurt you, Bella. You have no idea how tormented I would feel."

She grabbed my face looking into my eyes. "You won't. I promise. Trust me and trust in you. Our love is powerful."

I couldn't fight the feeling any longer. I moved Bella beneath the water into a cradling position. I started to make my way out of the water and back toward Isle Esme.

"Where are we going?" she said.

As I held Bella's naked body in my arms, I felt this surge of fire blistering against my ice skin.

"Back to Isle Esme. I think we are done with our midnight swim. If anything happens, I don't want to be in the water. I don't want to leave you alone and vulnerable in the water."

"Nothing will happen."

She lightly traced circles against my bare chest. We hadn't gone far in the warm water. Once my marble feet could touch the warm grainy sand, I started to jog back to the white room. As we got closer to the house, I felt Bella heart hammering against her chest.

Once through the French door, I lightly laid Bella on the bed and made my way back to close the doors. The room was no longer swimming in seawater and the only light in the room was the luminous moonlight.

"Edward?" she whispered.

"Here, Bella," I whispered back to her. I cupped her chin and raised it gently so that I was staring into his eyes once again.

I stood in front of her and looked down at her bare skin. She placed her hands on my chest. I gentle scooped her up in my arms and laid her down on her back as I carefully hovered over her body. I leaned into Bella and I found her sweet plump lips. I started to kiss her passionately again.

As our lips danced together, I felt Bella put more strength into our kiss. She started to kiss me hungrily, eagerly, desperately. I suddenly felt her pull away and struggle for air. As Bella was gasping for air, I began kissing her sweet jaw line and tracing soft circles with my lips. Yet again, I moved my way back down to the hollow base of her throat, then her collarbone. At that point in time, she wrapped her legs around my waist, pulling me in closer to her warm body.

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In that instant, Bella and I became one. I looked up to glance at her flawless face, but I saw Bella's forehead wrinkled and her eyebrows drew together as she bit her lower lip. Bella trembled underneath me and groaned in pain

"Bella, love, what's wrong?" I whispered to her.

"Nothing...just hurts a bit. Nothing to worry about." she choked out.

"I'm stopping this now. I don't want you to be in any kind of pain," I said to her sorrowfully.

I felt Bella jerking at me. "NO! No, Edward. Just give me a minute," she softly said.

I felt Bella push closer to me trying to melt into my marble skin. She was soft and warm underneath me and molded to me almost perfectly.

"See," she said wholeheartedly. "Everything is fine. Nothing to worry about."

She smiled at me and ran her slender fingers down my cheek. From Bella's touch, I felt at the top of my spine a small tingle begin in my scalp then pleasure racing down my spine like lightening shooting through my body. Bella pulled me closer and we kissed for a few minutes. We locked together in a deep and passionate kiss.

Once more, we became one entity. We fit perfectly together like two puzzle pieces. Bella was the ying and I was the yang, our bodies moved together as one. My nervousness was cast aside as passion took over. I heard Bella's breathing match me own. It was rough, jagged and irregular. I shivered as waves of pleasure washed over me. I leaned down to kiss her, but she tilted her head up so I could kiss her neck instead, breathing faintly with pleasure.

As our bodies continued to move together as one. I started to realize the power a woman could have over a man. As a man, I felt heavenly ecstasy and everything felt amazing. Suddenly a smoldering fire within my core began to come alive and consume my fevered body. Still kissing my beloved neck, I could smell her florist scent and it was pleasantly intoxicating. Suddenly I smelled fresh blood running through her veins.

The sound when I realized what it was both frightened me but excited my senses, provoking a momentary and inexplicable hunger. I suddenly felt my body stiffened as my other senses took over. I leaned into the warm object pulsing under my body. I felt adrenaline coursing through my veins, as I smelled sweet blood, causing my nose to tingle. I felt the object underneath me trembling and I knew that I had to pin it down before it got away.

With all my power, I pinned my prey. I heard its heart racing and blood fighting to get to the rest of body. I leaned in more slowly, mere inches way from draining my prey dry.

Immediately I felt a surge of pain burning in the back of my throat.

"Mmm...Edward," my prey suddenly sighed.

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I pulled away from my prey's neck, shook my head and saw that it was Bella underneath me. I noticed that I had pinned her down to the bed. I quickly took my hands off her and leaned away. I couldn't believe that I was going to sink my teeth in my love. I felt Bella's legs wrapping more tightly around my waist.

"I love you," my innocent angel whispered to me.

I needed to remember what happiness was coming from our lovemaking. I needed to keep focus on what was happening now and not the pain in my back of my throat. I leaned in again and gentle kissed Bella's lips. I felt her body intensify as we were synchronize to one another.

Once more, I felt it take over. I felt the burning pain stabbing the back of my throat. I could smell the blood; the scent became stronger then before. I moved my way back down to the hollow base of my prey's throat and lightly licked it. I could almost taste the sweet hot liquid soothing the pain. I leaned in, teeth bare and ready to strike my prey. The suddenly movement was to fast for a human eyes. I suddenly felt something lightweight and feathery in my mouth.

If not my prey...I thought to myself. I pulled myself up to see what I had struck. I saw that I sunk my teeth down into a pillow. I once more shook my head and began breathing rapidly.

"No!" I inaudibly said.

I brutally shook my head again. I needed to keep my head clear. Fortunately, Bella had moved a mere inches from where I stuck. Her blood would have been oozing out from her soft neck and making its way down my burning throat.

"Mmm, Edward. Hold me closer," my innocent angel whispered to me once more.

I needed to think quickly. If my other senses have taken over two times tonight, what would happen if I held Bella closer to me body? I lightly wrapped my arms around her body, pulling her closer to me. I could feel her moist, warm breath on my throat sending shivers of goose bumps across my cold skin. As I continued to love her with my body, I felt Bella's heart racing and her breathing began imbalanced. I kept thinking, yet again, what happiness was coming from our lovemaking. I felt Bella's back arch, a sound of pleasure escaped her body and a wave of heat emergence off her.

Blissfulness descended between the both of us.

Without thinking further more, I vigorously pulled Bella toward my body. I leaned in to sink my teeth into the surfacing heat underneath me. I bit more vigorously. Once more, I felt a lightweight feeling in my mouth. I yank myself away and I saw that I sunk my teeth into another pillow. Every sense seemed heightened and I was now fully aware of everything. I saw Bella's body being held down by my furious hands.

I unhooked my hands from Bella and unhooked our bodies, commanding myself to move across the room. I saw the feathers from the sunken pillows descend all around her.

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"I can't keep doing this!" I whispered to myself.

I saw Bella's body limp against the bed. I slightly moved toward her, but before I could come any closer, I heard her breathing slow down and return to normal. I breathed out a sign of relief. I dropped to my knee and looked at my sweet Bella draft into a slumber sleep. I knew that something life threatening was going to happen. I allowed myself to become vulnerable and now look what happened. How could have I allowed this to happen?

"Everything that happened tonight was unnatural," I said to myself.

I took a sharp deep breath in and moving slowly towards Bella. I wouldn't allow myself to be so close to her, after all that happened to night. I placed my head at the edge of the bed, looking at my sweet angel. I extended my hand and cautiously caressed my love's face. I heard her breath leaving her body.

"Never again...can I allow myself to hurt you. I thought I could handle it, but what would have happened if some guardian angel was not looking out for you," I mumbled.

"Never again...my love." I whispered into the night.
