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“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE boldly”


................................“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE boldly”

What is writtenin your Staff?

Ever wonder why David took his staff with him to fight Goliath? Why did he need a stick, when he was going to use the sling and the stones? Was he just keeping his options open? One would argue that he had thought, “If the rocks don’t work, I’ll use the staff”.

It is my understanding that the staff was not only a walking stick, but it was also used as a reminder of all of the wonders and blessings of God. You see, if there was no other place to write on, they carved on the staff. David, I can imagine, could had carved on his staff the day he killed the lion, the day he killed the bear while watching the flock. So David went running towards the giant, with all of the deliverance’s of God written in his staff and he was armed with all of God’s past blessings, as reminders of His power and deliverance that day.

There is a lot of power in our thoughts, so take time to write all of God’s blessings in your life. Carve your heart with His word and when the giant comes menacing, you will remember what He has done in the past and say, “You come to me with a sword, with spear, and with javelin. But I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you and take your head from you” (v45-46) Don’t bring to memory failures. If He supplied in the past, He will continue to do so today. If He healed you in the past, He can certainly do it in the present and in the future.

So take your staff, pick up your stones, ready your sling, and run towards the giant! Great deliverance awaits to those that remember his blessings. I ask you this question: What is written in your Staff?

Then he took his staff in his hand, chose five smooth stones fromthe stream, put them in the pouch of his shepherd’s bag and,with his sling in his hand, approached the Philistine.

_1 Samuel 17:40


Canlet ¿Que es?CANLET es un proyecto de ayuda social, desarrollado por nuestra organización, que busca establecer Micro Empresas en Haití. Nuestro enfoque está basado principalmente en el desarrollo personaldel individuo.

El proyecto CANLET utiliza basura que es transformada en hermosas artesanías las cuales le proveen empleos a personas que nunca lograron ver el potencial que había a su alrededor.

A través de este proyecto, equipamos y adiestramos a personas para poder transformar la basura en acceso-rios decorativos. Al mismo tiempo, llevando un mensaje del amor de Dios para sus vidas. La organización Alive a través de Canlet proporciona los materiales y equipo a las Micro Empresas, a las cuales les compra el producto terminado. Este producto se revende y se reinvierte en Micro-Empresas existentes y adicionales. Esto crea un efecto multiplicador y es de beneficio para muchas mas personas en extrema necesidad.


................................“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE boldly”

Dropping of the stones

She got up that day to sin and make someone else fall. But she was caught in the act and she was going to die for it. Her day was not going well. Her accusers made a mockery of her and brought her in front of a crowd gathered to hear Jesus. Her accusers were religious leaders with ample knowledge. Men that could boast of what they knew, but not of what they lived. They came with the accused, the verdict and the stones. Yet in the precise moment that all would end for her, Jesus made a simple statement: “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” And as they realized their own lives, one by one left the scene dropping their stones.

How amazing it is to know that just as Jesus forgave this woman from her accus-ers, he still does the same for us every day. We should always remember that we were forgiven by his sacrifice at the cross and our acceptance in our hearts of that sacrifice by the son. We are called to accept the forgiveness for our sins, regardless of what it has been. Your forgiveness, my forgiveness, was bought on the cross by Jesus himself.

We live in a fallen world, filled with sin that haunts us at every moment. We are prone to fail, to fall and to sin. But the Grace of God overflows and restores us, time and time again. It is not that we will have a consequence free life and a license to sin badge. We will have consequences, and we are told to sin no more if we want to have a life with significance. A restored life. So even when men won’t forget our sins because they are many, He has made it clear that He does not condemn you. He is always looking for ways to draw you near to him, because he loves you. He loves you so much that he gave his life for you sins at the cross so that no one could throw a stone at you, no matter what they have been.

You might be in a difficult situation today. You might have sinned, exposed, accused, declared guilty and people are lining up with stones in hand to throw them at you. But don’t be afraid, Jesus will be at your side and confront your accusers. You will hear the clashing of the dropping of the stones and will lift your eyes and see their backs disappearing in the sun.

Then Jesus stood up again and said to the woman,“Where are your accusers? Didn’t even one of them condemn you?”“No, Lord,” she said. And Jesus said, “Neither do I. Go and sin no more.”

_ John 8:10-11 NLT


Canlet ¿Que es?CANLET es un proyecto de ayuda social, desarrollado por nuestra organización, que busca establecer Micro Empresas en Haití. Nuestro enfoque está basado principalmente en el desarrollo personaldel individuo.

El proyecto CANLET utiliza basura que es transformada en hermosas artesanías las cuales le proveen empleos a personas que nunca lograron ver el potencial que había a su alrededor.

A través de este proyecto, equipamos y adiestramos a personas para poder transformar la basura en acceso-rios decorativos. Al mismo tiempo, llevando un mensaje del amor de Dios para sus vidas. La organización Alive a través de Canlet proporciona los materiales y equipo a las Micro Empresas, a las cuales les compra el producto terminado. Este producto se revende y se reinvierte en Micro-Empresas existentes y adicionales. Esto crea un efecto multiplicador y es de beneficio para muchas mas personas en extrema necesidad.


................................“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE boldly”

Water in the Valley

Three kings made a pact to fight against the Moabites. They had to cross a desert, and after seven days of walking, found themselves without water. Can you imagine a huge army in the desert without water? Needless to say, they cried out for an answer, and the kings themselves went to see a prophet, Elisha. The answer they received was extraordinaire!

How often we are in situations that are similar to the desert, and when we think that things can’t go more wrong, they do! Do we negate our beliefs, our Father, our Lord? Do we desperately focus our attention to the lack of resources, ideas, health, or even friends? In verse 18 the scripture says, ’And this is a simple matter in the sight of the LORD;’

Why do you look at your circumstances? Don’t you realize that this is a simple matter in his sight? Can’t you see that you serve the Almighty God? He wants to do extraordinary things in you and through you, so that your dependence in Him grows stronger and stronger. You will see His amazing deliverance, when you praise Him, act in obedience, and give Him your personal offering. You will realize that this is a simple matter for God and you will then see, Water inthe Valley.

For thus says the LORD: ‘You shall not see wind, nor shall you see rain;yet that valley shall be filled with water, so that you, your cattle,and your animals may drink

_ 2 Kings 3:17


Canlet ¿Que es?CANLET es un proyecto de ayuda social, desarrollado por nuestra organización, que busca establecer Micro Empresas en Haití. Nuestro enfoque está basado principalmente en el desarrollo personaldel individuo.

El proyecto CANLET utiliza basura que es transformada en hermosas artesanías las cuales le proveen empleos a personas que nunca lograron ver el potencial que había a su alrededor.

A través de este proyecto, equipamos y adiestramos a personas para poder transformar la basura en acceso-rios decorativos. Al mismo tiempo, llevando un mensaje del amor de Dios para sus vidas. La organización Alive a través de Canlet proporciona los materiales y equipo a las Micro Empresas, a las cuales les compra el producto terminado. Este producto se revende y se reinvierte en Micro-Empresas existentes y adicionales. Esto crea un efecto multiplicador y es de beneficio para muchas mas personas en extrema necesidad.


................................“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE boldly”

…depart to the other side

How amazing it is to know that if He said to depart to the other side, He knows we will get there. Jesus gave the command. It was not a suggestion, much less a question, a command. If you read carefully the scripture, He was also the first on the boat, and then His disciples followed him.

We see all of the turmoil around us and we consciously rationalize, I’m not going that way. But deep down inside His voice is saying, “depart to the other side”. We know it, but we are afraid, we feel uncertain and uncomfortable. Haven’t you noticed that He is the first one on the boat? Jesus knew that a storm was on the horizon, and maybe his disciples saw the sky and realized, it’s going to get ugly. Nevertheless, Jesus was the first on-board. His power over everything was later manifested in the middle of the storm.

What is it today that is depriving your sleep? What has surrounded you that keeps you unease? Are you concerned about the future, the what ifs’ of life. Those situations and mental outcomes that we create and dread so much. He is already in the boat. He knows your condition, He knows what you are lacking, wanting, needing. He knows. In middle of the situation we often don’t see Him. We just see the waves. We just see ourselves, alone. Our hearts fill with fear of the unknown.

His command is to -depart to the other side-. And if He said it, we believe it and that settles it. He intends and will perform his word. His thoughts for you are thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. He is already in the boat. He is waiting for you to get in and start sailing. Yes, a storm might be in the horizon, a difficult situation is probably around the corner, or maybe you are already in one, but the good news is that He is in the boat, and more importantly, He said to depart to the other side.

Don’t fear, He will arise in middle of the storm and rebuke the wind and the sea. Remember, He said, “depart to the other side”

And when Jesus saw great multitudes about Him,He gave a command to depart to the other side.

_ Matthew 8:18


Canlet ¿Que es?CANLET es un proyecto de ayuda social, desarrollado por nuestra organización, que busca establecer Micro Empresas en Haití. Nuestro enfoque está basado principalmente en el desarrollo personaldel individuo.

El proyecto CANLET utiliza basura que es transformada en hermosas artesanías las cuales le proveen empleos a personas que nunca lograron ver el potencial que había a su alrededor.

A través de este proyecto, equipamos y adiestramos a personas para poder transformar la basura en acceso-rios decorativos. Al mismo tiempo, llevando un mensaje del amor de Dios para sus vidas. La organización Alive a través de Canlet proporciona los materiales y equipo a las Micro Empresas, a las cuales les compra el producto terminado. Este producto se revende y se reinvierte en Micro-Empresas existentes y adicionales. Esto crea un efecto multiplicador y es de beneficio para muchas mas personas en extrema necesidad.


About the authorMy full name is Daniel Enrique Maldonado Mercado, but everybody calls me Danny, Prime or DP. On April 1st, 1969 in New York, the adventure of my life began. My parents, Daniel and Carmen, decided to move to the extraordinary island of Puerto Rico in 1972, due to my asthma condition and my recurring stays at the hotels, I mean, hospitals.

Just a it has happened to you, many different experiences have marked my life and formed and transformed my way of thinking and of approaching life. One of my favorite quotes of all times is the one made by William Shakespeare which says: "Some men are born great, others achieve greatness, yet to other greatness is thrust upon them". It's my favorite because I can relate to it, not because I was born great, or that I have achieved greatness, but because on March 27, 1981, greatness was thrust upon me, since that was the day that my life was changed with the great experience of all. That day I surrendered my life and my heart to the Greatest, Jeshua, Jesus.

From that point on, everything that I might have achieved, will achieve or will never achieve, derives from the greatness that has been thrust upon me. Other three life altering experiences that have impacted me deeply. The Greatest, decided to thrust into my life more greatness and on 1994 I met a wonderful women by the name of Alexandra, but we all call her Sandy. She became my wife two years later. Dreams and adventure have become true in my life in ways I cannot fathom. Such was the day my son Alexander was born. He was born to life and I was born to the adventure of being a dad. As so happened when Amy, our youngest, colored our lives when her arrival marked the first girl in the Maldonado's heritage.

Dreaming is a necessity for me. It fuels all that I do and it marks always the beginning of God showing up and showing out to me and to those around me. Currently I have the privilege to dedicate time to inspire and mentor incredibly talented individuals; real world changers. Men and women that are influencers of their fields, and are making a huge impact to all around. These are the kind of people that every day when their feet hit the ground, they mean business.

Currently I work as a financial advisor, and I have done so uninterruptedly since 1988, an with three mayor brokerage firms since 1997. My life is filled with coffee and connecting people to their purpose. I love to travel. My favorite words are Courage, Integrity, Honor, Truth, and Loyalty. I value true friendship, I believe in people, I believe in God and I am in awe of his unfailing love for me. I really believe that when my heart is right I am very dangerous because greatness has been thrust upon me.

So I encourage you to do as I do: Breathe expectantly, Live confidently and Move BOLDLY!


Canlet ¿Que es?CANLET es un proyecto de ayuda social, desarrollado por nuestra organización, que busca establecer Micro Empresas en Haití. Nuestro enfoque está basado principalmente en el desarrollo personaldel individuo.

El proyecto CANLET utiliza basura que es transformada en hermosas artesanías las cuales le proveen empleos a personas que nunca lograron ver el potencial que había a su alrededor.

A través de este proyecto, equipamos y adiestramos a personas para poder transformar la basura en acceso-rios decorativos. Al mismo tiempo, llevando un mensaje del amor de Dios para sus vidas. La organización Alive a través de Canlet proporciona los materiales y equipo a las Micro Empresas, a las cuales les compra el producto terminado. Este producto se revende y se reinvierte en Micro-Empresas existentes y adicionales. Esto crea un efecto multiplicador y es de beneficio para muchas mas personas en extrema necesidad.
