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Breese'stest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1883/...And her eyelldi are drooplug...

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DOVER, MOBRIS COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15,1883. NUMBER •-**••*»• JOSEPH H, BEACH &S S. J. SEARING, Proprietor. Sussex St. livery "Stable Attached. nil lar tin; t rk.-tl witti (lrii.kH..f iil fine Millinery SLEIGHS]-;- {(>i.t on liaiMl, vliii'h wo are itfikc i* n»t ctiimllfil i«r tin We pa (..-ulitrl) invitr Miss AbbisM. Bloom mil DHKSSMAIUNU : her !>••» with di*l>i Great Inducements lo call Lt tlelr BUW Hoods* P|1 O p t ' l S O D S 1)11 v i t l n 81 present.. To wrnli IIIGF give it body ftbuuhl tube porlnuitv. Of tbl.H D|J- TBBOLDllELIABLE AND MOST SUCCESSFUL CARRIAGE PAINTER OF THE AGE 18 CHAS. G. GKDTIN, Clinton St., Dover. II linu-i at si- ll r tliu U-»t c.l lliH WDlk. If He H i bo fuu shop, wlieie ho work Heguiirii , , j'ou want an.vtbiupr tain in Ikr palnlini! line give him a call. Fia motto is tn plane nil. Bound to Give Sntisfuction to my Customers! MULFOHD KIHG, Blacksmith -ANl>~ Wheelwright, THE BLACKWELLST. Darpei Weaver DOVER, N. .1. CLINTON SI'.. l)OVi;u. N. .1. nvrrv day. HOIiSESHOElNd ,lon tort order. Uive.n 1 "rail »'"' lm on WBE.& KSOWN John Drummer, Prop'r. k tt E. W. HALLEE, Baker and Confectioner, Rockaway, N. J. ilia ntore in well etc^k™! with , Jnicories, Provisions, '*' ' Vruits, Nuts, Candies, 1 Yankee Notions. ''•CHRISTMAS TOYS 111 niiuudimco fortlie Holidays. OYSTERS —ASD- LUNGH Dyessiag ghaving Saloon ports, rtloulsr attention jiaid to Slaapooip, I Dyeing, Udles Hair Irresalag ami Chll- §>'. Hair Cultof. Shap on tan Street, I door, from G«o. ltloaanlsfcC».'« .ton. TO (HVi; SATISFACTION IN EVEHY I'AllTKTLAK. BBPAIRilfa L JUDSOII COS, J.1OVKR, N . «T. isurance Agent, Auctioneer and General Dealer and Second-hand Goods, liHiu «iint.if nii.vHiiiiKWillilo m him licri.rc piii^-hnsiujr, ioi i«k r,,piMivlliiiit thai In' lim ritlipr j;nml i.r HIIIIIII. (HVIi HIM A CALL. DENYXLLE, H, i. '. B. FOLLAfiD, - - FropT. i IVWII n K(t«'l "Hos ni'H I'iMircHt" Cipm-bi Ab, »r oiiy uUitr reftrti TAliLE, j;ivf liliti a will f lh;it tic Vnnvn how lt> ;M)MKOXK! tllvi' him a X«wY etisii libpit trims. COJIK ALL! iri I fainter, Jworator, and Unvpr Kf I )Inlnl.i-])iirt!riibrl')il!iii with all lila « S,0OO OIL CLOTHS, Curtain Bowls and Brackets, PICTURES, all sizes nml kinds, maile to order, i c . C.ill it ml sec my large stocks. Alt unlcrs seutby mail nill receive prompt utteti- lion. &&r Tbe reason why I do work so mucli clienjicr tlnni my opposition, is simply lliiH : I buy nil my miterinl from lliii innnitfiicLnrors nt wholesale prices ivbicti enables IIIL' to stive my cibtoiners 25 per Bent, S.:ud iu your orilurs. i Established 1844. it Rimil rjic-t to c nlau li iii-cc b u s i n o ^ . Wli.y? Be- k Ciin'r U> hru\, Iiu Iitrus ink. Evcr\bn.]y wlio liuB ive should ni'iHl it ta him. a ab 50 Rolls of Rag Carpet wllicU he is sul'ins at :5 CTS. PER YARD. (!. S. JENSEN, 01,1 rnwliJTIrrlMi CliiiiTli UnilJiuE. iiovEit, N. J. I S I 1 HfiZIiBOH. Ths Cover Dyer, AKES.^^JAXES, AXES! Tlie well known AXE culled tlie Mc- iCiniimi Axe is uiiide nt Itocknvvay by ilie RODS of Wm. WcKionoii, iipcensed. TLo iiopulirily of the McKHSTNON AXE OATS. PANTS, VESTS, GLOVES, CLOAKS. DRESSES, &c, ata very nun-iniUe price r ALL WO UK(lDAHASTEED-"©8 All onl ITR by i«i.lt iiroinnlly ntleitik'U l< UST WHAT THE PEOPLE WANT! Instead of going to Breese's -IN- PURCHASE* TIIISIR BECAUSE HIS ASSORTMEHT IS CHRISTMAS DAY. »n fitting ban In the gloaming, With lbs tludova attberiiis grty, tod I'mtUnklnB-tadly thinking— Of another Cbrlatmu D»J < am tbinUnc of m m ; ehaogM Whleh Wre come wltli UM paotog jeui; ,nd ny heart ti growluj lieavy Wltli a veighi or united tun. [ear the window, jtut beftin m«, [» standing »neiwy chair; But Iti tmihloned Mftt U Vftcut— 0, my mother it not then! 3ut I're uen hoi white band* folded, a cblld fold* IU hauda to pray i », I sever thought ab« could losvo HI Oa onr latt year's ChrlatmM Day i low the roao from her Up hu faded, And her eyelldi are drooplug down; 'ea, wy mother-my toying mother- Is wearing her angel crown. me chair at our lioard fa vacant, AB we gather onr household l»nd i \'e on cnrtli are holding our Chriitmu, And alie iu the Bpirit luod t Mil titling lure in Urn filaamiuR, Witli the ahodowaRathcriuit grey, Ad amwaiting her lovfug presence, QuthlaswecUy-aiulfeBtival day. Hut thoio liuny hunda am r*»tiug~ Age'a wrinklei liavo vmilBhcd away— riodreymotliortiholding her CbriitiUM' In " Our Fatbefa houBe" M-diy! " CHRISTMAS IS COMING. CJbrietmaiii coming!" tiie chUdrott^ry, 3ouuUnK the weebathat are liuri-jing by. Oonr little ohUdrcn, wholive at home, nd do not gueM what it ta to roam morn till night, with ttooUngleufeet and dowu, through the loo ami sleet. 'bnt -wonderful follow, old Santa Claua, nerer la idle a moment, bepaueo it kept BObusy with piling toya the stocking! of girls and hoyi. wonderfcetometlmei forgoU, you know, tho homoi of tbo poor to go 1 it dear little children, you underatand it the rlon aud poor nil over the land ivo oiio dear t'athor who watehoi you* id grieve* or IUIIIBS at the thine* you do. il some of his children are poor and aad, d Home ore nlwa?s merry and glad. Christina* bulla will sweetly ring ooiig that tto angols loye to Ring; Bonff that canio with tho Saviour'n Itirtlt: moo, good will, and lore on earth 1" iar little children, ring, t pruy, it bulls iu unto lonely heart to-day, \anfa Glaus on his Rounds. Kit Annual Viilt To paver- The regularity nf old 8anU Clmis, annual totheiuwfllumoftkeEiu has made us sowawliBt tarallUr with his wolni presenoe aBKroni away the feeling of awe that rly Impressed ua. Therefore, when he «pped In mddeuly, the other evening, we were tlo to return lib cheery greeting without >ariuisiiietit. After the ttiiinl compliments of <sensm hod been passed aud lie had crowd- bis burly farm Into tho grant urn. chair hloh attracts tho attention of alt our visitor, delivered himself about u follows: I tell you,' Oib.,' thatyour people In TJi mist nut get frightened heomise of thin llt- liiiflii.i'HS pinch mid Imagin ng bint Bone to piecne tomioli mi extent mt they oBiinot nffnrd ta keep their Christ- m.vi-iii. I travel n great ilci.l, anyui iiinl »['o mtuiy iiltuf*-, Imt I iluu't com imy II.IIUCH tlmt liuvft Mirh n (piud cmt »-i,ifiht, nnd 1»t-vII groat dcul i«f im 4 BRICK BLOCK, EDGE TOOLS p.reat Hint tliero have been many iiu.In lions tinder tlio uniiieuf the "Ruc-k- iwai' Aip." Do imt bo deceived ; every u e tnutiu by IH is hand anile in every jurticnlar nnd is Libeled find stamped Aill. steal die •'McKwunn Bros. It -ck iwity, H, J." Take no ullier. Our CHOPPING AXES have cnnml awiilo ropntulinu anJ nre u t iiecially of jnr business. WOOD AXES, DIUWINO KMVliS, and WATER TUVEHS H. D. Eacfe.awaY, I. «:lf oftliiHOjijio iri completely W 'nr tlie Winter i Schwarz Building, Sussex St., Dow. DRY GOODS lending fnbrirt for wiEter wcur, wliilr In GROCERIES MEATS, VEGETABliES, FRUITS and eveiytliiug found in a l^sat Maiket can lie got at hie place ai prfoea to suit the times, FINE SAUSAGE A SPECMLTT. A LA1U1H STOCK OF MKN'H, YOUTHS' AND HOYS' SATOHEIJIS, fliu- line n! CLOT)18, from I.oth KUJJIIHII nm\ Fremili Ino UiUl urn! we mo iitxl K<t unf »r thoKO I" 1 " TILK8 for or 1. PROVISIONS « xsat d for the table, to lie of at prices u low an *ny[•anai ent with the quality cf ti goods. A good Btoek of vith all t i e compliments of Clirislmas roplt'le slocks EA8ON Ni:w Yntit to liia patrons, am AND PROVISIONS OF TflE IJEBT QIUDEH', •|moet critical buyers. : over are invited to call and examine my goods, ceja^lace tteia within the reach oE tboae whose means ar ITfineftaaortmentcannot fail to please and saliBfy tb< JOHN THE OLD YEAR AND THE NEW- The yeara have linings jtut MgobleU do; Tho old year li the llniqg of the new— •Hllert with thp wine ofprBoloiMniemcrku, Tlifl golilen was doth Hue the lUvcr to, with ii it-kr IVIW. ls Ilko l -iilk.s ill U u lul ir tin' futur fulkx i itf, urn! I of tin; [ili i-ur U£<i. You urc on the H iniprnviiiR. mid 1lull jou Hini'Nit H> liriir Hint you nrv HiiK your i,tn«U. Wky, Newton, liiicki'ttstown mid latTH that rauldlir nniued i,liT tlit'iiiRiilvcH liuh if tliey Miuiiur.Yfliir .ipportiinilli Hie [inijier tiling to do ft liit ri^lit UoMof that futui yimmtivt'H. Itut flwt Jim rl^lit. Jnlly, olil-fuHhion Hi" lie re to M l your rend icon wliere 111ey can nlit t!io ten CISIJH lictWMHi now PIERSON&CO. Tlin firnt thim; tlmt struck me when 1 wnlk- Into Pteraoa** old pluowwitba additim the " t o . " to tlie firm uoino. Aud loan II you 1 wna downright glni! whou I lenrncd nt'the ond whioli linn irOcntHckcil on to tbe 1 (iriii title meant that onr young friend, A<1." I)iukvr«ou, who lias douoBO muoh to uke tiiit. great utore attrncllvo, hnd been Tii.niifiitl.y Joined to tbe concern as tt part- i. W-lws-wi Whiitufimitlioymnstmnko, >r clear grit, gonboaiUli venous midlm«.Hen illlty 1 don't bollovo there nny two men tie* >in a parts lituhiji In thin Htnto who oan boat cm. Why, man, a single glance at tlicli ora front ig enough to convince anybody int there's a heap of good taste and Judg- icut behind it. I'm an oh! man myself, hut got a correct eye fot tho beautiful, and ;11 you that their store frout is one In ounand for its diiplay of correct styles and tittle arrangement. Audi fouud when ~ iHnnidotbattheydonotbelongtothBtola nerehaaU who put »11 their goodi in thi IOW windows, Every part of their itore is nndlng (tdvertlBomont of tho fact that they >ep everything neoessary to clothe, either mifortably fasliionably, eTery man and bo; the conimuuity. Surely tho umla part ol me jHjpulatlon ought to foe! proud that the; ive mi establiflhtnont of BUOD Imtnonuity M ils, where they can have their cvary want ii cnriiiR gear supplied, boginuluff with thi In tliat crowus tho head, and ending wifl lie etockinga that enuue tbe feet. Ia head ir tliny pan supply a regiment In onytbing :y ueed, from the fashionable silk hat—nnd this particular you oan got tbe correct ug thero jtut a* wtll Myou'oan at Knox' -to the serviceable artiolo vlilch (irktnan at hla labor, or tlio boy carries with him to school. Then, too, yon should linir overcoats. You know they makfi jictilalty of averoauts, anil'I should taini Trom the etocki they carry, that they nuat supply all the people In this leotionwltUtl nutflido eoverinRi. 1 noticed, partloularly, that you oould get a very good overcoat there iu Buiall * sura ag n>u dollars, and tbal they bad &Uthe (1 tier gradcsBud styles at rei prioe*. Their reiulf-tnade mltit, wo all know oannotbe beaten, and they are made Tor their troda by tho roost reliable ronnttfao turen. Ia fast, any man or boy who is fitted with n milt which thoy repo.wnen.<l as tlic c, rect thing, can KonnyThBrpand feel that Iidreiaad as wellas the heitoeoauMi thoy on. ly aellsutU that are the latent and beat proved inAibrioand make. Then tho i ohaaer oaa alwayi find them all the minor ai tkloi ofHIa wardrobe, ablrts, collars, caffs, underwear of every desirable material tho things that onr tcsthetl tutei demand. At I looked about further observed a grant many pretty aud ugofi things which I can eordlally recommend yory proper lor Christmas gUU. Thoy ha? stlkvnd linen liandkorcblefa livoyerio 1^1.. . & & & & * * * * onoaiioni, gloyei Ibrdrivitig, flavesf. Ing, andduinble KIQTCS Ihr working. Ai what oould tin neatiir than a pretty silk tie •carfioifnUiBr,mn,orbrfltherJ Fienua Co. have all tliese In unlimited vuiet^f^ terne mdBhapoi. I tell you, emiidly, 1 it's a big house, and tt fills a lwly with we der where they find enough people topui all thw-e things. But they sell them for liUd every time they would not gotboie to ada. Thi.lt tic seoret of Piersou k Co.'i iCMii. They suit their eiutoucri no well ry time that they oomobaek «alu; and r tell tkdr neJghUoriand frienda, and they 16 olio. Well, goodluckto them. They ._sire»ll Uiey get hyreason of tlielr enter-! -iM asdiklU in bui.ln.-ju, BD<! no one can rj people who win their way by their mer j like our young (Henna of toil popular | " a * SOBKRT KILLaOBE. Of course I oouU not go by the old "Corner | u| Store" without stopping. Itmadome 1 iDeipreuibly sad too, to mlai the fatuil- _ faoe of tbe senior member of the old firm '06 had done so rauoliio gain for tbtiold land iU praaont wholesome repatBUon. ut I could not help feeling glad alao, when I loticod that the place had uot ptssed into the lands of strangers, and that bu old buslnow woiate remalnod Xtt worthDy wutain t*c ad repute of tho eitaulisbmeut. I believe tlie flood Mblo dnotrina of proving all Dgs n:id holding fast to thut which In good^ d whllo KUIgora Uolils fust to tbe fortunot tbo old lioufto which hw proven IU worth tho past, wby, I'll hold fuat tu Killgnw. 1 11you wo have need of reliable poodle lu n -ado like this which I* susosptillo tu BO umuy ricka. If wo (jo to a pbnimaviHt for drugs 01 uedloinei, he liua our health, and iicrhupHonr B8 lu hi8 blind*. Therefore it i» verj' in- itial that be abould he a safe atake to tie tu , man who will not polro off upon us an Ira- re or wiultented artiolo fur tlie sake of pc- mnlsry gain. Now, I putiny faith In Klll- gore beaaiue I aatioii that people-who kuow aboat tnese things than I do-thc heat id raoit reliable physioians-Haulriiet him •ith their bwiinou. Why, bli prworiptioii ook ia a great ledger, witua quarter of a illion orBOofauohordenbetweeaitA lids, [tending back uver n period of thirty yuan, lesidea I like the general abuoHphoreof uoat- OHBand good uute that always pervodas tho tore, and the totirteoan troatnicut »nd prompt Aiition wblub every onller la sure to get. it ofrcapoofcfortue old hoiua I eoiiM not Ip indulging la UIBSA general reflections, it my main object In siie»klugof Killgoro st now1B tuauk you to say to your readers int he ho* 10010 bountiful goodi suitable for loilday gin*, whiofa old Souto Claus, who la iposcdtohe a judge of auok things, run oeerfolly oowmeud. Thero ia notlilng lirettler for such tokttna than aome of the Hot articles he U nowoffering. NDtiling ildploosoa lady letter than onu of his uooDtalnlugabruBb and ooml). lie hati e pratty mild book brushes and Mine sow tealgna in rubber hack bnubea that are nn.ng. There «roalso some very nttrao- things in oomha—particularly those new Ion!to oQmhs, in all colors, sothat tho far- Ing of tliti tooin can be easily matched, perfumery he has'all tho ohoiiseBtntiilraoat ragrant odors, which bo sells In bulk or in ittles, aud bo lias some very unique designs perfumery seta and a charming assartuieat | out glass bottles. How I have had enough upertence with tbo falraex to know that per- imory. in neat appearing veewls ta to thoin oat occeptotlc, wlonlug their favor every inn), and Ato\t this hint for tho benefit of your! itlemon readen,, free of charge, knowing that thoy will flnd at Killgore'a everytbing iu s line which a correct toata domunds. For 1other side of the houae I will make a aug- itlou equally vnlunblti. Killgoro Is still OHtoiaing bis reputation for leading the tradf ilgam-tbnt In, offering the lent goodi foi prices charged. Yon can olwaye tell this watching tho class of customers WHO fre- [ticiitlystflp np to his oste for their weed, u will generally observe that the beat lgi>H ia town arc among this number. ry upiiroprlate thing for u holiday romoni- HBOO to the giMitloiiieu he hns neat boxea, iiiainlni; tweiity-fiva cifiare eaob, wliioli In (clling for $1 per box. Last, but not iflt, I most not forgnt to mention tboitu Btu- li) iirojirietnry medicincH of Ills—XX Cam- or Uri'nm mid XX Coiigb Hyrup. 1 kno' 17 urn fiiiiiillur HB houncliohl words to wt of your people, but etill thoraniiiy bo me who luivi- i.'ut triuil them, Htid us it is my iif uiiK-inn U> <1<» good, 1 wont to benefit fin till bvindurfng them ti tli'K'Halwojri in thohoiw. Ihavo juatlaid my own supply for the coming year, uayi 1] Mm hy Idoliiiiji intu uiy ulcigb which nidH at tlio door. Gotlou, nnd ilo likewise. wares akoaldeatuldertbLa end buy relUble home dealer. I say reliable, be- n tbat'a juat the word that fit*, for friend lokerliaaa biuluew reputation extending a period of thirty yean, which has been jrreot iu every particular that it la au ah- lute guarantee of Ids reliability. PSTSB YANDBRBOOr. Before I go, I want lo rerolad your read- that wheu they buy their holiday gift* for j ohildwu Oiay most not fall to call on >ter Vauderhouf, oppoaide the Post Office. iave left at Id* iWre a tremendoua stock of Jldren'a *oya and nUythingi, *UID candiea all kinds, omdlei lor Ughting the t'briit- trees, and many otherlbuga ta make the irta of the little folk* glad. Ihaveatoeked so com|)let«ly that his store overflowed, he has had to arrange counters full ol is things In bia hall uimtairi. If you can- find tbero wbftt you want, you will he mrd indeed to suit." .ttlUaJuncturothooldiuan putlod on the ivy ovcoaat ho had got at IHerwiuVi, went -here liitt reiudcom wore hatuewted in .„ ys beat trappings, auil aturtBil fur home ith a drwiH pattern from Meekur'* and a toi- gat from Killgore'ii for Mrs. Santa C'laua, alotofVandr.rboofHti.ysfi>r bi« «"«»• A. TAYLOR A SON. u yon been into Toylor &SOII'B ha rue, g y fact, uoGMUW every time I go then all ttie old goods have disappeared, and the shriven, id mnmifiictury lutcly I If you have it you should go thero at ouco. It will sor- ho you to see tho vast etooka of haracan nnd thsr goods whinh they IiaTo provided for tbe Knt tbo beet of all la that icir harness is all nf their own make, and know every scrap ofleatlier and stitch iiit goes into it, they can and do guarantee ivory article. Better atill, this family of liar- «i makers do all their work without tbe outside help, anil aa they thun tarn It oat first oost thoy can Bell at tho loweat priooe. lieyhave ll^ht and heavy liainoss, slngla id double, of tbo finoat and beat, AB fine ilrirhigautl track hainesi tnonufaoturora they lave uo Ruporioni. Their aHSortment of lap lica la auperb and If tlio people would go il «se them t am sure that many of them )iild bobought for Chriatmns glfU. They >ve bear skine, wolf aklna, goat Bkitu aai lush rohea, and I am auto they have the fined mil largest assortment of buffalo robes ever oninDover. TUamay&lsobesautoftheir ankets, whleh they have in every variety, mlity and prioe. Their stook of bone anil carriage equipment* Ia equally complete. Ol hips there k no end, und thalr aasarlmenl if ilelgh bells and ehimes compriaea tho ; thing* hi degigu and the most melodious tone-Just the thing to make ChrUtmna irry. Then they have collars, anddlea ani rriillee; curry eoinha, brushea and chamois fdtins; axle and harness oils, harnoM aospi and drosalugH of all kinds; the dlftoreiit aktw of bridle bit*} the celebrated Stocl araB Feed and Kendall's Spavin Cure; IIOJ dlurs, all kinds of hone bouta, homo clip- pers, shawl Bttajis, and everj-tiiiug eUo In ttio laruess trade. I tell you I tun heartily tfiad thin old eatnbilahmeut keep jiace with 'our growing town. It hoa a reputation thi hot l>een built tifi hy years of Hard work anil reliable dealing. IU biwlucas reputation ia warrnnteo that everything you got there i id, and un one who buys mioh things »-ill Inao a t y t h l n g hy n visit toA. Taylor k Son, in thonewbrisk block. JOSIAB MSEKSR. By the way, as I wna iRHking my jonrne; from Haekett4t«wn to Dover, I stopped Suoetuunna, tu aco my old friend, Josial Meeker. He is aging somcwlint, I must eoi few, but bless you, It dootiut leem to make bit of difference in his ability to keep up with tho HmDS. tie knows that Dover hi growing, tint your merchant! mnko especial efforts catehthe lurrounilinft trtvlo,but he iloem 1 prDpoao to bo beaten In that way. ikea most oomtuendblB effort to keep ovary, bine in b U etoto that Ia kept in tU« largei towns, and in tlila way ao Bflt|sJ5c» his hnra and ctutonierslhatth.oydonoC fcol that tboy hare nnj ntason to go to Dover or an, wkcre else \o have their noeda supplied, wbi tboy Iiavo a store right at homo that lunibdii them all they onn want nt prices just is loi tu they can lie hail anywhere, And I am n< Hire tliat my friend Keeker does not sell little lower than they ilohi tho large place*. He Dcrtaiuly oan afford to tin HO, fnr tha eon that he la not under the heavy eipem and does uot have to pay the largo rents the town merchant*, which allawa himto gii the difference to hit customers aa a dlncoii inthepriooof goodiC To make aw that could give him 1, good recouuneudatloi thro.ugh tho coluiruis af the IJR* I went o' hli winder Itock and It uiUflUcd me fully, dreu and dry goods hehas all that the lad! of tho community aun nowl, and that his goods were now, and of those fabri' whioh ftro pronounced the correet thing this winter's wear. Ills grocerlen, alto, 1 not bo beaten, cither in ([iiallty or price, know, for I sampled them, ami 1 bconn vlnoeiltlittthci* a wont onroftil buji does not narry stale NtiMka of grucc palm, off an the nnmipeetlng. Thru, y< bnW, he has another branch of business TI , w worth meutlmilog—his pottery entaulhhmon All work in thin inititndnn Udone under eounUirsandnMk* are filled with artlolu en-1 ownparaonal •apcrvi«l(iii, and the g » drely new. Doyon know that it is always a j Ntone and earthen ware wbjeb, ho tupnlies safe thing to boy of a firm that docs a bis the wholesale tiwleoauolwayabeniliBd trade t For this reaaont If people wera not fnr Its exrollratquallty. Merchant* who INTERESTING CENSUS STATISTICS- ho cioinpleUi mtuniK of :thc ceiwiw of the julutlou, which we have 'received through j courtesy of Hon. John fill), show samBin- resting facts, and tbe iollowiug, of .tnn>e- ite local interest, we gather from tbe miilti- taVlea published: Ttie total population of Sow Jewey ial.lSl,- , of which 668,923 are iQiilei, and 671,19* females, showing an excess iu the latter oforerlltOU. Of this population e«l,U6 UaavebDra,anda2It 7l)Ororoign! l,0W,U17 wblta, aud 88,853 »ro colored. In the ™t« we have 170 Chinese, 2 Japanesu and lndlaus. The foUowiug shows the growth Hie S t a t e Biuoo 171W: im IHIO lsw i m sii.uii 246,o6u jm,*aa %#,«& im imt im i»w isa,666 arsons m,m i.uti.ne 'he growth nf the counties of Morris, tt'flt- aud Suwfflx U aliowii by thu following ile, 'Warreu being formed from Biieitei t 17B0 1800 1810 i8H0 1830 jrria ..W,ai8 17.71W 31,828 21,BKB !ffl,066 'urren.. "f™* lftJU 1850 1800 1870 1880 Mm au&s si!w7 «,137 w,sui ^i".::aim £wo 2S8« allies 8^ m3n..20,BCO 1B,3B8 28,*33 81,830 8C,B8U will be noticed tliat Murris County has out doubled her population iu the last ty years, aud taut Warren huagulned over, fentyflreper cent, while Susiex lias shown trifliaggrowtbdnriDgthat period. The urtoiis fact will nlito hn Jioticed that OIB pop- atlon of Siiasflx' is not as great as it was e tuo growth o( during tlio laat 1880 1870 2.6W 8,468 8 00 800 BUCCABUBSA. Rariok, WUJ. H. In).!. lot 18 00 imith, Andrew Jl w.l. hook, dec. lay, Andrew survivor 18111 "Ulisnisou, Sarnli A. niotbcr .... Itllmrn, Clarinda mother lokeiwu, Jerushn widow utbatd, Sarah £. widow 1812... ' ', Ji'rcmiali rheii. v»r. vcluit WUfltiroRT. y l Tlie fullowliig tBbli) Bho orris County by lowuBlilp years: Itoster "*"^ ::::i«Sa •"*.":::: im '*m In 1871 from part of Koxbary. It will be Been tbHt Uftodolph township JWS the niiut remurkable luoreuae iu popu- lion, having advanced fnim (bird place iu 70 to first plaec in 1880. Thepopulntlon of tbo priudpal townw of i couuty in, aa full owe: Jlorristflwu, 0,418; ivcr, 3,0fi8; Uoontou, 2,OTT; JIadiaon, 1,758; ton, 27fl; Beach Glen, tS5; Denmark, l&t | uvillouS84', DrnkCRVllle, 201; German Val- „•, 130; Orocnvillc, 4IKIJ Littleton, 838; Dwer Iltberuia, 043; Upper Ilibemhi, 760; .yonaville, 141 \ Uenahaui, 291 j Meridon, C9; VersvlllQ, »6; Mhldletown, Ul; Wddlo illoy.CO; Mlllington, 112; Ut, Hope, 537 j iwVemou.lOOi l'ort Morris, 2HH; I'owi lie, 85; Kookawny, 1,052; Starling, 18 ighrlghlvillo, 81. For sonm rcnuoii, i ;now nnt what, the population of Mine Hill nd Port Oram are uot given, wbleh ia unfc Tho following ehowa the white iiopulitlon tae three northern conniieB Tor tbe h u t 20 ira. 1B80 1870 ^rria 60,«8 42,403-33,990 aaex , 23866 22,«M 23,5'Jli arron ; ...«6>8 8a,«5B 28.OJ0 Tho oolored population fur Ike same tlmn i been: 1880 1870 I860 £-=-.™:: SB B 'nrren 350 381 Thna it appear* Uint tlie oolored population a grown but slightly in Morris, while it has lien off some inWarren and greatly in Sus- i. Only two Chinamen were cuunerater Morris In 1880, and none In Sussex or Win n. , • The changes Inthe native and foreign-born opulatlon in these countiea during ton years shown by the following Native-bom Foreign-born I860 1870 \m 1670 lorrU 41,882 84,830 8,97» 8,607 lX 22035 aa,OCfl 1,«M 1,099 The nativity uf the ponnlntion la given In ;ho following tnhlefl. Native Mcrris ' Husaex Warren. lewJersey S7,2(ffl »,7S8 « ' 2,742 . 1,180 722 480 iiusiuhusotU 1IM 33 >nneotlout 204 23 itglula 79 12 laFylund 70 8 Delaware . U 3 Ihio 07 U Taine 35 8 Foreign . JtiUBh^norica .... 165 Eueland and Wales 2,972 17 254 340 Ireland 4118 Scotland 172 10 Empire .... 830 140 _'ranoo.... 07 8 Sweden SL Norway. 33U « •loltand 13 3 Iwltaorlnnd 32 B Tbo next division ahnwH the nropnrtiom talcs and lomalDS, nnd in valuable aa glvinj be sokool, military nnd voting ages: MorriH Sussex Warren oUiImali* ,&,m 'otal females 25.181 Talesfito 17, bath inelusivo 7.2D1 'cmaiosofitainoage 7,075 lnlesl8to<4loUi Inclusive 10,395 Mules21 and over.. 13.8U 11,K u.fior, 18,880 18,2*' S,893 6.31! 4,732 6,404 7,310 U.07B He Wouldn't Trade Witticut Boot. An nmnsing incident In tho hotel and livci Ine herenhouta banJiwteomo to light. It a\h peara that a New York lawyer having aomi legnl huBineaa tolook after at Dover, hired innse nml bnggy of Landlord Jolley of that place to como to UarrlstoK-n to transact totm lnmintM vith the County Clerk. Upon arri ing here lie put up his hiredrignt the Mm nioii Hmwo stnhloB ami went nboat bbi but acu, upon concluding which ho ordered t tho outfit and started back to Dover. When drove to Jolley'a hotel he was raut by thi owner of thurig,who looked It carefully and good-naturedly asked "how much boot did you Rfiti" Bnotl whatlKMtl" innocently aiked th •Why," replied Jolley, " 1 aeo yon hai ttadril horses Hlnecleaving bnre, anil my horsi wivs worth maro than thla one; 1don't oltjec to, the troile If you only got enough hoot." Thu John now dawned upon the lawyer,! hastened to MorrUtown nnly to learn tbattl stiiblo boya hnil Inadrerteutly hitched np wrong hnrRo, one hallingfrotn Plalnflold, bev Ing ninde tho same mistake with a FUiuAol T-whohndns Innoocntly gone off hi with tho Dover borne. Two or threo days wcro ipent in- ri({htln] the comedy of errors; Mr. Ouorln pn ing tlio Dinenneno! csohinginK the and os promptly chargctl tliosanie to his »tab boys wlin hnd canned (he tmulile. lint the waiter, it apiicnrs dous not « here, The lawyer linn .brought ault ngai (tnerln, claiming dumngen in tho auauul of fifty tlollars fur timo «pent In rcBtifybgf" niistnke. The trial is srt duwu for the 11 but. before Squiro Drake, and will no iloni prove an intewsHng case-t'hwnleK CfiVBrnmtnt Peniionen, addition to tboae nam«B*publUbDd week ro Utt tbe following IMI-ODUO lutbi* viriii- receive goreniment jieniioni me, Nanoy widow 1812 »6O itigau, Eti» lieu, uotlor 8 0 MOUNT HOI'E. WithaiD, Bobert ama. arm, 4c U 0 roauiu, Haley w. r.log '1 u mdbock... 000 'redmore, Wm. wd. r. sldi •Alfe, Jacob wd. r. hip o w *aob, Sarah M. widuw 8 00 ickwood, PhCBba A, mother 8 OP POBTMOlBm ie*,Benj.F, wd.r.leg andarni-... 30 00 -kwell, Charles L, wd. r. thigh 8 0ft .bb, John W. wd. r. aide fl Oil EOCKAWAT. jran, Catherine widow fi 00 ludcrg, Jemima widow 'oadwDll,Huaan widow 1(02.... dor, Uary 11. niothor. r, Hauutiii mother email, Jane uiuther iget, Eunice wotlit-r 'Uipnou, John Cwd. 1. uriu... OlJliOU, JollU C. wd. 1. i'lHtt.. . •Him, 0 a n f l amp. 1, uli, Jouas wd. r. tin >ninn, Joliii V ' tehell, Thonii iilericlui, Oeo, wd. r. suli; ol i'ti ulle, Joseph Int. toabdmui'ii... idle, Wui.V.wd. l.tliifjli RIIHTll's tnsilo. Munisiuj.tu abdmnwi.. CUOOLEV'H MUHNTAIK irrUoii, Jubn L. wd, bund lanaon, AndrewCwd. r. ahr., aide aud •. band, Ions tbuni " 'wilder... md BOO 8 00 800 8 00 2UU i Gil •li Oil 4 m 4 INI flUl 4 (HI 0 00 8 00 § 00 8 m 8 00 80U H OH ikonnan, I'httlp C. w<l. 1- arm JW, Eli«abcth widow IBIS. 'altou, JOB. W. wd.!. lung...! 1200 Telegraph War at German Valley. The I'IMUI Telegfajih Company nro meeting nieoppfiittluuinCicrniuii Vallry. THU reeka ago when the holes were dug ami the BB aul, tlie property ownnn oa whoso land 1 company had treapasitud without loavt? or cuse, were Ignuraut aa to the rightu nnd Ivilegus which tho itouipuuy nesnuui! untl effort waa mode al the time to stop the notion of the Hue. Since tbi>ii legal nuthur- IX erfueftted thvm lo underdHud tint rldle a charter has nllowed tbe company CIT- righta, there are rights belonging tu them cithseim und freoholdcra which eannot be cred, And white the ]irivllegc uf erecting no hoe been given tbo compauy by the U-g- ilurc, tbe lawiirovideM tUnt ujimt ccuipcu- ion •liiiil lie rendered far till dainagv to perty by tbe erection ol tmlil line. Wed- day, thc'trimnicra," who uni iibout tw» iya hi ntlvunoe uf tlin wire, cauio to Qertmui 'atluy and iwkudMr.Lntiuircttu thu prlvilcgr riniiuinReertnla treos ulnng Uio farm which I noiue in contact with the wire. Air. 1- irined tbam when they paid far thin prlvi- ) It would be glvus nnd aeked thorn §5 per e. He further wnniod them to roinovo ihc le in front of hlsrciideaoa or he would huvo out dowu, The foreman of tho " triimnem" Icgranhed for the directors to meet him hi rmac Valley and it ia evident there will be irely time If the company refuse to com*to ic, as Mr. L. is not the only one iiit«rontcd. long tbo -whale line ctuuu runiont of dlHRHtU- and a esll for Justice. On the farm of iwyer Voorheea, near Somervillr, the \H,U:» « all out down. When once tho wires HI-R on the line beconins PHOIKRTV nml nil ;ricvanoes muBt bu ockiiuwkilgeil nml MM- Ined by apracei>« of law, while in tlm j.ren- e, with the line untoiMbuil, it is op- mul tu tbe owner of the In mi whetliur Im II huve tbopules tliore or not. We learn also thut a reprenentntivi 1 nl tlir 'eatern Union Comiiany in going nl«uc lbi> iue of tbe now oimipnny iliMtriiiiiliiig tracts to roperty owners nnd fornmnliiig dincotd iu my ways.—llm-ltt'timowu Unzetlu. A fine Fowl For Christmas, lithe ThantiR^viiiK tnrkcyWHH-tnllVd in ) orthodox und old-time wi-iy, vnrii-ly inny given to tlm Chrintmim turkuy by iimkinj; i drcHHlng from tbemi diri'L-tiiiim. whii-li tn> ak run read wtthttui «]iiiliiiiiliiij;: I'm A irkfy weighing from Hunt tn ten pound*, nl- oloafur«tiilcl>i.ktrH' lircn.l. nnr .,u;irt, ITH, one h'tiimi, two niotH of cclon- nntl arler ut' it pmmd of butter. It U lukru ir grtmtfil tlnu Un: turkey if Ilionnighly il and wijiml dry l^lnro imttiug tli« gin. (.'ruuiblutlu' broiul till n-ry flm-, with pejiprr mid xiilt. Draic tbi- .i.yn- iettiuj{ th« liquor IIRHIC. NOW takr :L itynhnrj>kiilf«iiu>1i»->lull lln- oufrrriud nf leniua, beingcurrful not tultnvi- nny ofilic itter and tough whit* ekiii k>ft wti; nit du- el in v<ry Hiuiill liitn; nlup the while pnH the eclery vur>- lino, mliliiij; the litittor mid lie julL'ii of the lmiion ; mix lh<- iii^rcdicntH tiuunl, stirring until llnrn^M;.- mixirl: l proecccl to BtuffIMHIV und <TO[I. Aturkoy of tlie site vpoki-n of reritiir.'K at least two lionm' iinkinjr, iiml it r.lnml.1 he lif- ted frenuently; tlie liquor of tlin oynlci-H olionld put in tho imil wlien ll»? pun in tii-nt Net in < oven, and this In tolm imcdin lmntiTi^. lio giblet* nud liver H1IOII1<1 bo <-lioppfil very fino and bo cocked in ahuniii mi tin- loiioltlic ^ve, itnuthui-wbi'ii tlir ^riivy ii>iiiii<lc mid them to it. Origin of Christmas. Tbe featlv»l of Chriatmas gmw up n( Home, ihereit took tlio place nml time of tie old Saturnalia, or winter holiiUiy of the liciilhci. Ity. InriiMMl.manyoftaeL'liHHttmiBciiHtoum, id someflftliose tlmmemt bcmiitiful, HrcBuid have i. heathen origin, and vtw niiupiv Lrausforred from tlm fnlio wo whip tolie true, Than, hanging the 1onsen n i t h gret'ii wn» a >then rite in Ncrtheru Europe from tlio earliest agon, and tie Hfillting of ti.i>i-rrt, nmi girlngof presents, which HCCIU to us to icadl the uildniglit uiaiitcr nnd tbe pit* of tho magi, arc jot as uld us Hoiuu itrielf. The lly-lierrloK nnd tho mUtlctou tnko IIH l.w-k tboDrulil worahlj) of tbutinciciiC BritoiiH, uut tbe yalt-lug, rolled in etdte luin many n l i l hall. Is ii rcmiulsofliic of tbo German ule-fcfifltIn commomorntloii of the nun'* re- it the winter solatit-o. Thus, Mthe water-Jar* at tbe marriage-Const were Udon with wine nt tbo Saviour's look, so the hnrni- lei«cloraont« of tlio primeval faiths took on o. lew meaning: and beauty whou touched hy tbe [Impel of Chriat. A Hint Regaraing Table Supplies. Arndt, tbo Smtaox Street Giocer, bos a onni on this pngo of the HOLIDAY UUA which urory- liody guDU.il IDJUL lleixanian offewwordn, mt ttioHt who know him know tlmtlio always means precisely what ho says. Groceries aod j>rovl«inni ate his speolnlty. lie gives MJI whole tiDio and attention to thh branch of radeundto notning else. Conttct[m'iitl>- ho ndta hU customers awl they abide with him. Tlio goodi heproviilenfor the evoryday needs if tbo table are always 1 - rtlblle becniuc of tlelr freihuoM, an.l the exoellcnco of their lality. He also tarries the fluer erode* of table grooeries for Cbriatmiu and other holi- day dinnsrs, nnd lor suoh ooeasionn when tliB appetite crave* BomBthlngalirtlo bettertloo U t faro. But whether It bo iu tbe or- dinary or the extra, tho supplies lor tbe tabln which ore obtained from Anidt'« eftii always relied trpnn. Weakly fron Report. Tho Engineering and Mining Journal of last Saturday says: AMBRICAK Pta—The market tloci not re- EBJ any nativity, but, unthe other hand, shows noRtpn of weakness linlders having numsrous ln<|nlriet forsmall loU, maintaining priorB fairly well. With theclose of tbe year at hand, there is, cf course, uo buying to oov- or anything bat immediate wants, We con- tinue tu <|UOU> £» and M for Xo. 1; IRIW |^0 for No. 2; and *17 tmH|1Sfor Gr»y Vorgo at tido-waUr. Bemieiner Pig h dull at (30 nominally, while Spiegel is lower, offers lot RdU.g1i.gbor tltMi 1& for 30 per cent. TIIE cliilil who laven the rolllnji pin on tud nUin> for his father to step <m irhen be COIUM tlowtt intbo morning may mean no Uunn, \n\ won't C<UIIR nut wolVChrUtraa*. Call nml see W e lmtnlwime stock of X Tear pulling rnnl* at the KKA nffim



• - * * • • * » • JOSEPH H, BEACH &SS. J. SEARING, Proprietor.

Sussex St.

livery "Stable Attached.

nil lar

tin; t

rk.-tl witti (lrii.kH..f iil

fine Millinery

SLEIGHS]-;-{(>i.t on liaiMl, vliii'h wo areitfikc i* n»t ctiimllfil i«r tinWe pa (..-ulitrl) invitr

Miss AbbisM. Bloom


: her !>••»with di*l>i

Great Inducements

lo call Lt t lelr BUW


P | 1 O p t ' l S O D S 1)11 v i t ln 81 present.. Towrnli IIIGF give itbody ftbuuhl tubeporlnuitv.

Of tbl.H D|J-






Clinton St., Dover.

II l inu-i a t s i -ll r tliu U-»t c.l

lliH WDlk. If

He H i bo fuushop, wlieie howork Heguiirii , ,j'ou want an.vtbiupr tain in Ikr palnlini!line give him a call. Fia motto is tnplane nil.

Bound to Give Sntisfuctionto my Customers!


Blacksmith- A N l > ~



Darpei WeaverDOVER, N. .1.

CLINTON SI'.. l )OVi;u . N. .1.

nvrrv day. HOI iSESHOElNd ,lontort order. Uive.n 1 " ra i l » '" ' lm on


John Drummer, Prop'r.

k tt

E. W. HALLEE,Baker and Confectioner,

Rockaway, N. J.ilia ntore in well etc^k™! with

, Jnicories, Provisions,'*' ' Vruits, Nuts, Candies,

• 1 Yankee Notions.' ' • C H R I S T M A S T O Y S

111 niiuudimco fortlie Holidays.




ghaving Saloon

ports,rtloulsr attention jiaid to Slaapooip,

I Dyeing, Udles Hair Irresalag ami Chll-

§>'. Hair Cultof. Shap on tan Street,

I door, from G«o. ltloaanls fc C».'« .ton.




isurance Agent,

Auctioneer and

General Dealer

and Second-hand Goods,liHiu «iint.if nii.vHiiiiKWillilom him licri.rc piii^-hnsiujr, ioii«k r,,p iMivlliiiit thai In' limritlipr j;nml i.r HIIIIIII.



'. B. FOLLAfiD, - - FropT.i IVWII n K(t«'l "Hos

ni'H I'iMircHt" Cipm-bi

Ab, »r oiiy uUitr reftrti

TAliLE, j;ivf liliti a will

f lh;it tic Vnnvn how lt>


tllvi' him a X«w Y

etisii l ib pit trims.


i r iIfainter, Jworator,


Unvpr Kf I)Inlnl.i-])iirt!riibrl')il!iii with all lila «


OIL CLOTHS,Curtain Bowls and Brackets,

PICTURES,all sizes nml kinds, maile to order, i c .C.ill it ml sec my large stocks. Alt unlcrsseutby mail nill receive prompt utteti-lion.

&&r Tbe reason why I do work somucli clienjicr tlnni my opposition, issimply lliiH : I buy nil my miterinl fromlliii innnitfiicLnrors nt wholesale pricesivbicti enables IIIL' to stive my cibtoiners25 per Bent, S.:ud iu your orilurs.

i Established 1844.

it Rimilrjic-t toc nlau li

iii-cc b u s i n o ^ . Wli .y? Be-k Ciin'r U> hru\, I iu Iitrusi n k . Evc r \bn . ]y wlio liuBive should ni'iHl i t t a h im.

a a b

50 Rolls of Rag CarpetwllicU he is sul'ins at


01,1 rnwliJTIrrlMi CliiiiTli UnilJiuE.

iiovEit, N. J.

I S I 1 HfiZIiBOH.

Ths Cover Dyer,


AXES!Tlie well known AXE culled tlie Mc-

iCiniimi Axe is uiiide nt Itocknvvay byilie RODS of Wm. WcKionoii, iipcensed.TLo iiopulirily of the





&c, ata very nun-iniUe price


All onl ITR by i«i.lt iiroinnlly ntleitik'U l<


Instead of going to




CHRISTMAS DAY.»n fitting ban In the gloaming,With lbs tludova attberiiis grty,

tod I'm tUnklnB-tadly thinking—Of another Cbrlatmu D»J <am tbinUnc of m m ; ehaogMWhleh Wre come wltli UM paotog jeui;

,nd ny heart ti growluj lieavy

Wltli a veighi or united t u n .

[ear the window, jtut beftin m«,[» standing »n eiwy chair;

But Iti tmihloned Mftt U Vftcut—0, my mother it not then!

3ut I're uen hoi white band* folded,a cblld fold* IU hauda to pray i

», I sever thought ab« could losvo HI

Oa onr latt year's ChrlatmM Day i

low the roao from her Up h u faded,And her eyelldi are drooplug down;

'ea, wy mother-my toying mother-Is wearing her angel crown.

me chair at our lioard fa vacant,AB we gather onr household l»nd i\'e on cnrtli are holding our Chriitmu,And alie iu the Bpirit luod tMil titling lure in Urn filaamiuR,Witli the ahodowaRathcriuit grey,

Ad am waiting her lovfug presence,QuthlaswecUy-aiulfeBtival day.

Hut thoio liuny hunda am r*»tiug~Age'a wrinklei liavo vmilBhcd away—

riod rey motlior ti holding her CbriitiUM'In " Our Fatbefa houBe" M-diy!

" CHRISTMAS IS COMING.CJbrietmaiii coming!" tiie chUdrott^ry,

3ouuUnK the weebathat are liuri-jing by.Oonr little ohUdrcn, who live at home,nd do not gueM what it ta to roam

morn till night, with ttooUngleufeetand dowu, through the loo ami sleet.

'bnt -wonderful follow, old Santa Claua,nerer la idle a moment, bepaueo

it kept BO busy with piling toyathe stocking! of girls and hoyi.

wonder fce tometlmei forgoU, you know,tho homoi of tbo poor to go 1

it dear little children, you underatandit the rlon aud poor nil over the land

ivo oiio dear t'athor who watehoi you*id grieve* or IUIIIBS at the thine* you do.il some of his children are poor and aad,d Home ore nlwa?s merry and glad.

Christina* bulla will sweetly ringooiig that tto angols loye to Ring;Bonff that canio with tho Saviour'n Itirtlt:moo, good will, and lore on earth 1"

iar little children, ring, t pruy,it bulls iu unto lonely heart to-day,

\anfa Glaus on his Rounds.

Kit Annual Viilt To paver-

The regularity nf old 8anU Clmis, annualtotheiuwfllumoftkeEiu has made us

sowawliBt tarallUr with his wolni presenoeaBKroni away the feeling of awe thatrly Impressed ua. Therefore, when he

«pped In mddeuly, the other evening, we weretlo to return lib cheery greeting without>ariuisiiietit. After the ttiiinl compliments of

< sensm hod been passed aud lie had crowd-bis burly farm Into tho grant urn. chair

hloh attracts tho attention of alt our visitor,delivered himself about u follows:I tell you,' Oib.,' thatyour people In TJi

mist nut get frightened heomise of thin llt-liiiflii.i'HS pinch mid Imagin

ng bint Bone to piecne to mioli mi extentmt they oBiinot nffnrd ta keep their Christ-

m.vi-iii. I travel n great ilci.l, an yuiiiinl »['o mtuiy iiltuf*-, Imt I iluu't comimy II.IIUCH tlmt liuvft Mirh n (piud cmt

»-i,ifiht, nnd 1 »t-v II groat dcul i«f im


EDGE TOOLSp.reat Hint tliero have been many

iiu.In lions tinder tlio uniiieuf the "Ruc-k-iwai' Aip." Do imt bo deceived ; everyu e tnutiu by IH is hand anile in everyjurticnlar nnd is Libeled find stampedA ill. steal die • 'McKwunn Bros. It -ckiwity, H, J . " Take no ullier. Our

CHOPPING AXEShave cnnml a wiilo ropntulinu anJ nre

u t iiecially of jnr business.




H. D.Eacfe.awaY, I .

«:lf oftliiHOjijioiri completely W

'nr tlie Winter i

Schwarz Building,

Sussex St., Dow.

DRY GOODSlending fnbrirt for wiEter wcur, wliilr In





and eveiytliiug found in a l^satMaiket can lie got at hie place

ai prfoea to suit the times,



SATOHEIJIS,fliu- line n! CLOT)18, from I.oth KUJJIIHII nm\ Fremili Ino

UiUl urn! we mo iitxl K<t unf »r thoKO I"1" TILK8 for or



« xsatd for the table, to lie

of at prices u low an *ny [•anaient with the quality cf t i

goods. A good Btoek of

vith all t i e compliments of Clirislmasroplt'le slocks

EA8ONNi:w Yntit to liia patrons, am



•|moet critical buyers. :

over are invited to call and examine my goods,ceja lace tteia within the reach oE tboae whose means arIT fine ftaaortment cannot fail to please and saliBfy tb<


THE OLD YEAR AND THE NEW-The yeara have linings j t u t MgobleU d o ;Tho old year li the llniqg of t he new—•Hllert with thp wine ofprBoloiMniemcrku,

Tlifl golilen was doth Hue the lUvcr to,

with ii

it-kr IVIW.ls Ilko l

-iilk.s ill Uu lul

ir tin' futurfulkx i

itf, urn! Iof tin; [ili

i-ur U£<i. You urc on theH iniprnviiiR. mid 1 lull jouHini'Nit H> liriir Hint you nrvHiiK your i , tn«U. Wky,

Newton, liiicki'ttstown midlatTH that rauldlir nniuedi,liT tlit'iiiRiilvcH liuh if tlieyMiuiiur.Yfliir .ipportiinilliHie [inijier tiling to do ft

liit ri^lit UoM of that futuiyimmtivt'H. Itut flwt Jim

rl^lit. Jnlly, olil-fuHhionHi" lie re to M l your rendicon wliere 111ey can nlitt!io ten CISIJH lictWMHi now


Tlin firnt thim; tlmt struck me when 1 wnlk-Into Pteraoa** old pluowwitba additimthe " t o . " to tlie firm uoino. Aud loan

II you 1 wna downright glni! whou I lenrncdnt'the ond whioli linn irOcntHckcil on to tbe1 (iriii title meant that onr young friend,A<1." I)iukvr«ou, who lias douoBO muoh touke tiiit. great utore attrncllvo, hnd beenTii.niifiitl.y Joined to tbe concern as tt part-i. W-lws-wi Whiitufimitlioymnstmnko,>r clear grit, gonboaiUli venous midlm«.Henilllty 1 don't bollovo there nny two men tie*> in a parts lituhiji In thin Htnto who oan boatcm. Why, man, a single glance at tlicliora front ig enough to convince anybodyint there's a heap of good taste and Judg-icut behind it. I'm an oh! man myself, hut

got a correct eye fot tho beautiful, and;11 you that their store frout is one Inounand for its diiplay of correct styles andtittle arrangement. Audi fouud when ~iHnnidotbattheydonotbelongtothBtolanerehaaU who put »11 their goodi in thi

IOW windows, Every part of their itore isnndlng (tdvertlBomont of tho fact that they>ep everything neoessary to clothe, eithermifortably fasliionably, eTery man and bo;

the conimuuity. Surely tho umla part olme jHjpulatlon ought to foe! proud that the;ive mi establiflhtnont of BUOD Imtnonuity Mils, where they can have their cvary want iicnriiiR gear supplied, boginuluff with thiIn tliat crowus tho head, and ending wifllie etockinga that enuue tbe feet. Ia head

ir tliny pan supply a regiment In onytbing:y ueed, from the fashionable silk hat—nndthis particular you oan got tbe correctug thero jtut a* wtll M you'oan at Knox'

- t o the serviceable artiolo vlilch(irktnan at hla labor, or tlio boy carries with

him to school. Then, too, yon should •linir overcoats. You know they makfijictilalty of averoauts, anil'I should tainiTrom the etocki they carry, that they nuatsupply all the people In this leotionwltUtlnutflido eoverinRi. 1 noticed, partloularly,that you oould get a very good overcoat there

iu Buiall * sura ag n>u dollars, and tbalthey bad &U the (1 tier gradcsBud styles at rei

prioe*. Their reiulf-tnade mltit, wo allknow oannotbe beaten, and they are madeTor their troda by tho roost reliable ronnttfaoturen. Ia fast, any man or boy who is fittedwith n milt which thoy repo.wnen.<l as tlic c,rect thing, can KonnyThBrpand feel thatIidreiaad as wellas the heitoeoauMi thoy on.ly aellsutU that are the latent and beatproved inAibrioand make. Then tho iohaaer oaa alwayi find them all the minor aitkloi ofHIa wardrobe, ablrts, collars, caffs,underwear of every desirable material

tho things that onr tcsthetltutei demand. At I looked about furtherobserved a grant many pretty aud ugofithings which I can eordlally recommendyory proper lor Christmas gUU. Thoy ha?stlkvnd linen liandkorcblefa livoyerio 1^1..

. • & & & & * * * *

onoaiioni, gloyei Ibrdrivitig, flavesf.Ing, andduinble KIQTCS Ihr working. Aiwhat oould tin neatiir than a pretty silk tie•carfioifnUiBr,mn,orbrfltherJ FienuaCo. have all tliese In unlimited vuiet^f^terne mdBhapoi. I tell you, emiidly, 1it's a big house, and tt fills a lwly with weder where they find enough people topuiall thw-e things. But they sell them for

liUd every time they would not go tboie t oada. T h i . l t t i c seoret of Piersou k Co.'iiCMii. They suit their e iu touc r i no well

ry time tha t they oomobaek « a l u ; andr tell t k d r neJghUoriand frienda, and they16 olio. Well, g o o d l u c k t o them. They

._sire»ll Uiey get hy reason of tlielr enter-!-iM a s d i k l U in bui.ln.-ju, BD<! no one can

rj people who win their way by their m e r jlike our young (Henna of to i l popular |

" a* SOBKRT KILLaOBE.Of course I oouU not go by the old "Corner |u | Store" without stopping. I t m a d o m e1 iDeipreuibly sad too, to mlai the fatuil-

_ faoe of tbe senior member of t he old firm'06 had done so rauoliio gain for tb t io ldland iU praaont wholesome repatBUon.u t I could not help feeling glad alao, when I

loticod that the place had uot ptssed into t helands of strangers, and tha t bu old buslnow

woiate remalnod Xtt worthDy wutain t*cad repute of tho eitaulisbmeut. I believetlie flood Mblo dnotrina of proving allDgs n:id holding fast t o thut which In good^d whllo KUIgora Uolils fust to tbe fortunottbo old lioufto which h w proven IU worth

tho past, wby, I'll hold fuat tu Killgnw. 111 you wo have need of reliable poodle lu n

-ado like this which I* susosptillo tu BO umuyricka. If wo (jo to a pbnimaviHt for drugs 01uedloinei, he liua our health, and iicrhupHonr

B8 lu hi8 blind*. Therefore it i» verj' in-itial that be abould he a safe atake to tie tu, man who will not polro off upon us an Ira-re or wiu l ten ted artiolo fur tlie sake of pc-

mnlsry gain. Now, I pu t iny faith In Klll-gore beaaiue I aatioii t h a t people-who kuow

aboat tnese things than I d o - t h c heatid raoit reliable physioians-Haulriiet him

•ith their bwiinou. Why, bli prworiptioiiook ia a great ledger, w i tua quar ter of aillion orBOofauohordenbetweeai tA lids,[tending back uver n period of thir ty yuan ,

lesidea I like t he general abuoHphoreof uoat-OHB and good u u t e that always pervodas tho

tore, and the totirteoan troatnicut »nd promptAiition wblub every onller la sure to get.it ofrcapoofcfortue old hoiua I eoiiM notIp indulging la UIBSA general reflections,it my main object In siie»klugof Killgorost now 1B tu auk you to say to your readersint he ho* 10010 bountiful goodi suitable for

loilday gin*, whiofa old Souto Claus, who laiposcd to he a judge of auok things, run

oeerfolly oowmeud. Thero ia notlilnglirettler for such tokttna than aome of t he

Hot articles he U now offering. NDtilingildploosoa lady l e t t e r than onu of hisuooDtalnlugabruBb and ooml). l i e hatie pra t ty mild book brushes and Mine sow

tealgna in rubber hack bnubea t h a t a renn.ng. There «ro also some very nttrao-things in oomha—particularly those new

Ion!to oQmhs, in al l colors, so t h a t tho far-Ing of tliti tooin can be easily matched,

perfumery he has'all tho ohoiiseBtntiilraoatragrant odors, which bo sells In bulk or inittles, aud bo lias some very unique designsperfumery seta and a charming assartuieat |out glass bottles. How I have had enough

upertence with tbo falraex t o know tha t per-imory. in neat appearing veewls ta to thoinoat occeptotlc, wlonlug their favor every

inn), and Ato\t this hint for tho benefit of your!itlemon readen,, free of charge, knowing

that thoy will flnd a t Killgore'a everytbing ius line which a correct toata domunds. For1 other side of the houae I will make a aug-itlou equally vnlunblti. Killgoro Is still

OHtoiaing bis reputation for leading the tradfi lgam-tbnt In, offering the lent goodi foiprices charged. Yon can olwaye tell thiswatching tho class of customers WHO fre-

[ticiitlystflp np to his oste for their weed,u will generally observe that the beatlgi>H ia town arc among this number.ry upiiroprlate thing for u holiday romoni-HBOO to the giMitloiiieu he hns neat boxea,iiiainlni; tweiity-fiva cifiare eaob, wliioli In(clling for $1 per box. Last, bu t not

iflt, I most not forgnt to mention tboitu Btu-li) iirojirietnry medicincH of Ills—XX Cam-or Uri'nm mid XX Coiigb Hyrup. 1 kno'17 urn n« fiiiiiillur HB houncliohl words towt of your people, bu t etill thoraniiiy bome who luivi- i.'ut triuil them, Htid us it is myiif uiiK-inn U> <1<» good, 1 wont to benefitfin till bvindurfng them titli'K'Halwojri in t h o h o i w . Ihavo juat la idmy own supply for the coming year, uayi1] Mm hy Idoliiiiji intu uiy ulcigb whichnidH at tlio door. Go t lou , nnd ilo likewise.

wares akoaldeatuldertbLa end buyrelUble home dealer. I say reliable, be-n tbat'a juat the word that fit*, for friend

lokerliaaa biuluew reputation extendinga period of thirty yean, which has been

jrreot iu every particular that it la au ah-lute guarantee of Ids reliability.

PSTSB YANDBRBOOr.Before I go, I want l o rerolad your read-t h a t wheu they buy their holiday gift* for

j ohildwu Oiay most not fall to call on>ter Vauderhouf, oppoaide the Post Office.iave left at Id* iWre a tremendoua stock ofJldren'a *oya and nUythingi, *UID candieaall kinds, omdle i lor Ughting the t 'br i i t -

trees, and many o ther lbuga ta make t heirta of the little folk* glad. Ihaveatoeked

so com|)let«ly tha t his store overflowed,he has had to arrange counters full o lis things In bia hall uimtairi. If you can-find tbero wbftt you want, you will he

mrd indeed to suit .". t t lUaJuncturo thoold iuan putlod on theivy ovcoaa t ho had got a t IHerwiuVi, went

-here liitt reiudcom wore hatuewted in.„ y s beat trappings, auil aturtBil fur homeith a drwiH pat tern from Meekur'* and a toi-

gat from Killgore'ii for Mrs. Santa C'laua,alotofVandr.rboofHti.ysfi>r bi« « " « » •


u yon been into Toylor & SOII'B ha rue,

g yfact, uoGMUW every time I go t h e n all ttie oldgoods have disappeared, and the shriven,

id mnmifiictury lutcly I If you haveit you should go thero at ouco. It will sor-ho you to see tho vast etooka of haracan nnd

thsr goods whinh they IiaTo provided for tbeKnt tbo beet of all la that

icir harness is all nf their own make, and

know every scrap ofleatl ier and stitchiiit goes into it , they can and do guarantee

ivory article. Better atill, this family of liar-«i makers do all their work without tbeoutside help, anil aa they thun ta rn It oatfirst oost thoy can Bell at tho loweat priooe.

l ieyhave ll^ht and heavy liainoss, slnglaid double, of tbo finoat and beat, AB fine

ilrirhigautl track ha ines i tnonufaoturora theylave uo Ruporioni. Their aHSortment of lap

lica la auperb and If tlio people would goil «se them t am sure that many of them)iild bo bought for Chriatmns glfU. They>ve bear skine, wolf aklna, goat Bkitu aai

lush rohea, and I am auto they have the finedmil largest assortment of buffalo robes ever

oninDover . TUamay&lsobesau to f the i rankets, whleh they have in every variety,mlity and prioe. Their stook of b o n e anil

carriage equipment* Ia equally complete. Olhips there k no end, und thalr aasarlmenl

if ilelgh bells and ehimes compriaea tho; thing* hi degigu and the most melodioustone-Jus t the thing to make ChrUtmnairry. Then they have collars, anddlea ani

rriillee; curry eoinha, brushea and chamoisfdtins; axle and harness oils, harnoM aospiand drosalugH of all k inds ; t he dlftoreiit

aktw of bridle bit*} the celebrated StoclaraB Feed and Kendall 's Spavin Cure; IIOJdlurs, a l l kinds of h o n e bouta, homo clip-

pers, shawl Bttajis, and everj-tiiiug eUo In ttiolaruess trade. I tell you I tun heart i ly tfiad

thin old eatnbilahmeut keep jiace with'our growing town. I t hoa a reputation thi

hot l>een built tifi hy years of Hard work anilreliable dealing. IU biwlucas reputation iawarrnnteo that everything you got there i

id, and un one who buys mioh things »-illInao a ty th lng hy n visit to A. Taylor k Son,in tho new brisk block.


By the way, as I wna iRHking my jonrne;from Haekett4t«wn to Dover, I stoppedSuoetuunna, tu aco my old friend, JosialMeeker. He is aging somcwlint, I must eoifew, but bless you, It dootiut leem to makebit of difference in his ability to keep up withtho HmDS. t ie knows tha t Dover hi growing,t i n t your merchant! mnko especial effortscatehthe lurrounilinft trtvlo,but he iloem1

prDpoao t o bo beaten In that way.ikea most oomtuendblB effort to keep ovary,

bine in bU etoto that Ia kept in tU« largeitowns, and in tlila way ao Bflt|sJ5c» hishnra and ctutonierslhatth.oydonoC fcol thattboy h a r e n n j ntason to go to Dover or an,wkcre else \o have their noeda supplied, wbitboy Iiavo a store right at homo that lunibdiithem all they onn w a n t nt prices j u s t i s loitu they can lie hail anywhere, And I am n<Hire tliat my friend Keeker does not selllittle lower than they ilo hi tho large place*.He Dcrtaiuly oan afford to tin HO, fnr thaeon that he la not under the heavy eipemand does uot have to pay the largo rentsthe town merchant*, which allawa him to giithe difference to hit customers aa a dlncoiiin thepr iooof goodiC To make a w tha tcould give him 1, good recouuneudatloithro.ugh tho coluiruis af the I J R * I went o'hli winder Itock and It uiUflUcd me fully,d r e u and dry goods he has all that the lad!of tho community aun nowl, andtha t his goods were now, and of those fabri'whioh ftro pronounced the correet thingthis winter's wear. Ills grocerlen, alto, 1not bo beaten, cither in ([iiallty or price,know, for I sampled them, ami 1 bconnvlnoei l t l i t t thci* a wont onroftil bujidoes no t narry stale NtiMka of gruccpalm, off an the nnmipeet lng. Thru, y<b n W , h e has another branch of business T I, wworth meutlmilog—his pottery entaulhhmonAll work in thin inititndnn U done under

eounUirsandnMk* are filled with artlolu en-1 own paraonal •apcrvi«l(iii, and the g »drely new. Do yon know that it is always a j Ntone and earthen ware wbjeb, ho tupnliessafe thing to boy of a firm that docs a bis the wholesale tiwleoauolwayabeniliBdtrade t For this reaaont If people wera not fnr Its exrollratquallty. Merchant* who

INTERESTING CENSUS STATISTICS-ho cioinpleUi mtuniK of :thc ceiwiw of thejulutlou, which we have 'received through

j courtesy of Hon. John fill), show samB in-resting facts, and tbe iollowiug, of .tnn>e-ite local interest, we gather from tbe miilti-

taVlea published:Ttie total population of Sow Jewey ial . lSl,-

, of which 668,923 are iQiilei, and 671,19*females, showing an excess iu the lat tero fo re r l l tOU. Of this population e«l,U6UaavebDra,anda2I t7l)Ororoign! l,0W,U17wblta, aud 88,853 »ro colored. In the

™t« we have 170 Chinese, 2 Japanesu andlndlaus. The foUowiug shows the growthHie State Biuoo 171W:

im IHIO lsw i m

sii.uii 246,o6u jm,*aa %#,«&im imt im i»w

isa,666 arsons m,m i.uti.ne'he growth nf the counties of Morris, tt'flt-aud Suwfflx U aliowii by thu following

ile, 'Warreu being formed from Biieitei t17B0 1800 1810 i8H0 1830

jrria ..W,ai8 17.71W 31,828 21,BKB !ffl,066'urren.. "f™*

lftJU 1850 1800 1870 1880Mm au&s si!w7 «,137 w,sui

^i". : :aim £wo 2S8« allies 8 ^m3n..20,BCO 1B,3B8 28,*33 81,830 8C,B8Uwill b e noticed tliat Murris County has

out doubled her population iu the lastty years , aud taut Warren hua gulned over,fentyf l reper cent, while Susiex lias shown

trifl iaggrowtbdnriDgthat period. Theurtoiis fact will nlito hn Jioticed tha t OIB pop-atlon of Siiasflx' is not as great as it was

e tuo growth o(during tlio laat

1880 18702.6W 8,468

8 00


Rariok, W U J . H. In).!. lo t 18 00imith , Andrew Jl w.l. hook, dec.lay, Andrew survivor 18111"Ulisnisou, Sarnli A. niotbcr . . . .

Itllmrn, Clarinda motherlokeiwu, Jerushn widowutbatd, Sarah £ . widow 1812...' ', Ji'rcmiali rheii. v»r. vcluit


y lTlie fullowliig tBbli) Bhoorris County by lowuBlilp

years :


"*" ::::i«Sa•"*.":::: im '*mIn 1871 from part of Koxbary.

It will be Been tbHt Uftodolph townshipJWS the niiut remurkable luoreuae iu popu-lion, having advanced fnim (bird place iu70 to first plaec in 1880.Thepopulntlon of tbo pr iudpal townw ofi couuty in, aa full owe: Jlorristflwu, 0,418;ivcr, 3,0fi8; Uoontou, 2,OTT; JIadiaon, 1,758;ton, 27fl; Beach Glen, tS5; Denmark, l&t |uvillouS84', DrnkCRVllle, 201; German Val-

„•, 130; Orocnvillc, 4IKIJ Littleton, 838;Dwer Iltberuia, 043; Upper Ilibemhi, 760;.yonaville, 141 \ Uenahaui, 291 j Meridon, C9;VersvlllQ, » 6 ; Mhldletown, U l ; Wddloilloy.CO; Mlllington, 112; Ut, Hope, 537 jiwVemou.lOOi l 'ort Morris, 2HH; I'owilie, 85; Kookawny, 1,052; Starling, 18

ighrlghlvillo, 81. For sonm rcnuoii, i;now nnt what, the popula t ion of Mine Hillnd Por t Oram are uot given, wbleh ia unfcTho following ehowa the white iiopulitlontae three northern conniieB Tor tbe h u t 20ira.

1B80 1870^rria 60,«8 42,403-33,990aaex , 23866 22,«M 23,5'Jliarron ; . . . « 6 > 8 8a,«5B 28.OJ0Tho oolored population fur Ike same tlmni b e e n :

1880 1870 I860

£-=-.™:: SB B'nrren 350 381Thna i t appear* Uint tlie oolored populationa grown but slightly in Morris, while it haslien off some in Warren and greatly in Sus-i . Only two Chinamen were cuunera terMorris In 1880, and none In Sussex or Winn. , •The changes In the native and foreign-bornopulatlon in these countiea during ton yearsshown by the following

Native-bom Foreign-bornI860 1870 \m 1670

lorrU 41,882 84,830 8,97» 8,607lX 22035 aa,OCfl 1,«M 1,099

The nativity uf the ponnlntion la given In;ho following tnhlefl.

Native Mcrris ' Husaex Warren.lewJersey S7,2(ffl »,7S8• « • ' 2,742 . 1,180

722 480iiusiuhusotU 1IM 33>nneotlout 204 23itglula 79 12laFylund 70 8Delaware . U 3Ihio 07 UTaine 35 8Foreign .J t i U B h ^ n o r i c a . . . . 165

Eueland and Wales 2,97217

254 340Ireland 4118Scotland 172 10

Empi re . . . . 830 140_'ranoo. . . . 07 8Sweden SL Norway. 33U «•loltand 13 3Iwltaorlnnd 32 BTbo next division ahnwH the nropnrtiomtalcs and lomalDS, nnd in valuable aa glvinjbe sokool, military nnd voting a g e s :

MorriH Sussex WarrenoUiImali* ,&,m'otal females 25.181Talesfito 17, bathinelusivo 7.2D1

'cmaiosofitainoage 7,075lnlesl8to<4loUiInclusive 10,395

Mules21 and over.. 13.8U



S,893 6.31!



He Wouldn't T r a d e Witticut Boot.An nmnsing incident In tho hotel and livci

Ine herenhouta banJiwteomo to light. I t a\hpeara that a New York lawyer having aomilegnl huBineaa to look after a t Dover, hiredinnse nml bnggy of Landlord Jolley of tha tplace to como to UarrlstoK-n to transact totmlnmintM v i t h the County Clerk. Upon arriing here lie p u t up his hired rig nt the Mmnioii Hmwo stnhloB ami went nboat bbi buta c u , upon concluding which ho ordered ttho outfit and started back to Dover. When

drove u» t o Jolley'a hotel he was raut by thiowner of thu rig, who looked It carefullyand good-naturedly asked "how much bootdid you Rfiti"

Bnotl what lKMtl" innocently aiked th

•Why," replied Jolley, " 1 aeo yon haittadril horses Hlnecleaving bnre, anil my horsiwivs worth maro than thla one; 1 don't oltjecto, the troile If you only got enough hoot."

Thu John now dawned upon the lawyer,!hastened to MorrUtown nnly t o learn tbat t lstiiblo boya hnil Inadrerteutly hitched n pwrong hnrRo, one hallingfrotn Plalnflold, bevIng ninde tho same mistake with a FUiuAol

T-whohndns Innoocntly gone off hiwith tho Dover borne.

Two or threo days wcro ipent in- ri({htln]the comedy of errors; Mr. Ouorln pn

ing tlio Dinenneno! csohinginK theand os promptly chargctl tliosanie to his »tabboys wlin hnd canned (he tmulile.

lint the waiter, i t apiicnrs dous not «here, The lawyer linn .brought ault ngai

(tnerln, claiming dumngen in tho auauulof fifty tlollars fur timo «pent In rcBtifybgf"niistnke. The trial is sr t duwu for the 11b u t . before Squiro Drake, and will no iloniprove an intewsHng c a s e - t ' h w n l e K

CfiVBrnmtnt P e n i i o n e n ,addition to tboae nam«B*publUbDd weekro U t t tbe following IMI-ODUO lu tbi* viriii-

receive goreniment jieniioni

me, Nanoy widow 1812 » 6 Oitigau, Et i» lieu, uotlor 8 0

MOUNT HOI'E.WithaiD, Bobert ama. arm, 4c U 0roauiu, Haley w. r . l og '1 u

m d b o c k . . . 000'redmore, Wm. wd. r. sldi•Alfe, Jacob wd. r. hip o w*aob, Sarah M. widuw 8 00ickwood, PhCBba A, mother 8 OP

POBTMOlBmie*,Benj.F, wd.r . leg andarni - . . . 30 00

-kwel l , Charles L, wd. r. thigh 8 0ft.bb, John W. wd. r. aide fl Oil

EOCKAWAT.jran, Catherine widow fi 00ludcrg, Jemima widow'oadwDll,Huaan widow 1(02....dor, Uary 11. niothor.

r, Hauutiii motheremail, Jane uiutheriget, Eunice wotlit-r'Uipnou, John C w d . 1. uriu...OlJliOU, JollU C. wd. 1. i'lHtt.. .•Him, 0an fl amp. 1,uli, Jouas wd. r. tin

>ninn, Joliii V 'tehell, Thoniiiilericlui, Oeo, wd. r. suli; ol i'tiulle, Joseph Int. toabdmui'ii...idle, Wui.V.wd. l.tliifjli

RIIHTll'stnsilo. Munisiuj.tu abdmnwi..

CUOOLEV'H MUHNTAIKirrUoii, Jubn L. wd, bundlanaon, A n d r e w C w d . r. ahr., aide aud

•. band, Ions tbuni" • ' w i l d e r . . .


BOO8 00800

8 002UUi Gil

•li Oil4 m4 INIflUl4 (HI

0 008 00§ 008 m8 0080UH OH

ikonnan, I'httlp C. w<l. 1- armJW, Eli«abcth widow IBIS.'altou, JOB. W. wd.! . l u n g . . . ! 12 00

Telegraph War at German Valley.The I ' I M U I Telegfajih Company nro meeting

nieoppfiittluuinCicrniuii Vallry. T H Ureeka ago when the holes were dug ami the

BB aul, tlie property ownnn oa whoso land 1company had treapasitud without loavt? or

cuse, were Ignuraut aa to the rightu nndIvilegus which tho itouipuuy nesnuui! untleffort waa mode al the time to stop the

notion of the Hue. Since tbi>ii legal nuthur-IX erfueftted thvm lo underdHud t i n t

rldle a charter has nllowed tbe company CIT-righta, there are rights belonging tu them

cithseim und freoholdcra which eannot becred, And white the ]irivllegc uf erectingno hoe been given tbo compauy by the U-g-ilurc, tbe law iirovideM tUnt u jimt ccuipcu-ion •liiiil lie rendered far till dainagv toperty by tbe erection ol tmlil line. Wed-day, t h c ' t r i m n i c r a , " who uni iibout tw»

iya hi ntlvunoe uf tlin wire, cauio to Qertmui'atluy and iwkudMr.Lntiuircttu thu prlvilcgr

riniiuinReertnla treos ulnng Uio farm whichI noiue in contact with the wire. Air. 1-irined tbam when they paid far thin prlvi-) It would be glvus nnd aeked thorn §5 pere. He further wnniod them to roinovo ihc

le in front of hlsrciideaoa or h e would huvoout dowu, The foreman of tho " triimnem"Icgranhed for the directors to meet him hirmac Valley and it ia evident there will beirely time If the company refuse to com* toic, as Mr. L. is not t he only one iiit«rontcd.

long tbo -whale line ctuuu runiont of dlHRHtU-and a esll for Justice. On the farm of

iwyer Voorheea, near Somervillr, the \H,U:»« all out down. When once tho wires HI-Ron the line beconins PHOIKRTV nml nil

;ricvanoes muBt bu ockiiuwkilgeil nml MM-Ined by apracei>« of law, while in tlm j.ren-

e, with the line untoiMbuil, it is op-mul tu tbe owner of the In mi whetliur ImII huve tbo pules tlio re or not.We learn also thut a reprenentntivi1 nl tlir

'eatern Union Comiiany in going nl«uc lbi>iue of tbe now oimipnny iliMtriiiiiliiig tracts toroperty owners nnd fornmnliiig dincotd iumy ways.—llm-ltt'timowu Unzetlu.

A fine Fowl For Christmas,l i the ThantiR^viiiK tnrkcyWHH-tnllVd in) orthodox und old-time wi-iy, vnrii-ly innygiven to tlm Chrintmim turkuy by iimkinj;

i drcHHlng from tbemi diri'L-tiiiim. whii-li tn>ak run read wtthttui «]iiiliiiiiliiij;: I'm A

irkfy weighing from Hunt tn ten pound*, nl-oloafur«tiilcl>i.ktrH' lircn.l. nnr .,u;irt,ITH, one h'tiimi, two niotH of cclon- nntlarler ut' it pmmd of butter. It U lukru

ir grtmtfil tlnu Un: turkey if Ilionnighlyil and wijiml d ry l^lnro imttiug tli«g in . (.'ruuiblutlu' broiul till n-ry flm-,

with pejiprr mid xiilt. Draic tbi- .i.yn-iettiuj{ th« liquor IIRHIC. NOW tak r :L

itynhnrj>kiilf«iiu>1i»->lull lln- oufrrriud nfleniua, beingcurrful not tultnvi- nny ofilic

itter and tough whit* ekiii k>ft wti; nit du-el in v<ry Hiuiill liitn; n lup the while pnHthe eclery vur>- lino, mliliiij; the litittor mid

lie julL'ii of the lmiion ; mix lh<- iii^rcdicntHtiuunl, stirring until l ln rn^M;. - mixir l :l proecccl to BtuffIMHIV und <TO[I.

A tu rkoy of tlie site vpoki-n of reritiir.'K atleast two lionm' iinkinjr, iiml it r.lnml.1 he l i f -ted frenuently; tlie liquor of tlin oynlci-H olionld

put in tho imil wlien ll»? pun in tii-nt Net in< oven, and this In tolm imcdin lmntiTi^.

lio giblet* nud liver H1IOII1<1 bo <-lioppfil veryfino and bo cocked in ahuniii mi tin- loi iol t l ic

^ v e , itnuthui-wbi'ii tlir ^riivy ii>iiiii<lc midthem to i t .

Origin of Chris tmas.Tbe featlv»l of Chriatmas gmw up n( Home,

ihere i t took tlio place nml time of t i e oldSaturnalia, or winter holiiUiy of the liciilhci.

Ity. InriiMMl.manyoftaeL'liHHttmiBciiHtoum,id some flf tliose tlm memt bcmiitiful, HrcBuidhave i. heathen origin, and vtw niiupiv

Lrausforred from tlm fnlio wo whip to l i e true,Than, hanging the 1 onsen n i t h gret'ii wn» a

>then rite in Ncrtheru Europe from tlioearliest agon, and t i e H fill ting of ti.i>i-rrt, nmigir lngof presents, which HCCIU to us to i c a d lthe uildniglit uiaiitcr nnd tbe p i t * of thomagi, a r c j o t as uld us Hoiuu itrielf. The

lly-lierrloK nnd tho mUtlctou tnko IIH l.w-ktboDrul i l worahlj) of tbutinciciiC BritoiiH,

u u t tbe yalt-lug, rolled in etdte luin many nl i l hall. Is ii rcmiulsofliic of tbo German

ule-fcfifltIn commomorntloii of the nun'* re-it the winter solatit-o. Thus, M t he

water-Jar* a t tbe marriage-Const were Udonwith wine nt tbo Saviour's look, so the hnrni-lei«cloraont« of tlio primeval faiths took on o.lew meaning: and beauty whou touched hy tbe[Impel of Chriat.

A Hint Regaraing Table Supplies .Arndt , tbo Smtaox Street Giocer, bos a onni

on this pngo of the HOLIDAY UUA which urory-liody guDU.il IDJUL l l e i x a n i a n offewwordn,mt ttioHt who know him know tlmtlio always

means precisely what ho says. Groceries aodj>rovl«inni a te his speolnlty. l ie gives MJIwhole tiDio and attention to t h h branch ofr a d e u n d t o notning else. Conttct[m'iitl>- h o

ndta hU customers awl they abide with him.Tlio goodi heproviilenfor the evoryday needsif tbo table are always1- rtlblle becniuc of

t l e l r freihuoM, an.l the exoellcnco of theirlality. He also tarries the fluer erode* o f

table grooeries for Cbriatmiu and other holi-day dinnsrs, nnd lor suoh ooeasionn when tliBappetite crave* BomBthlngalirtlo b e t t e r t l o o

U t faro. But whether It bo iu tbe or-dinary or the extra, tho supplies lor tbe tablnwhich ore obtained from Anidt '« eftii a lwaysrelied trpnn.

Weakly fron Report.Tho Engineering and Mining Journal of las t

Saturday says:AMBRICAK P ta—The marke t tloci not r e -

EBJ any nativity, but , u n t h e other h a n d ,shows no Rtpn of weakness linlders havingnumsrous ln<|nlriet forsmall loU, maintainingpriorB fairly well. With the close of tbe yea rat hand, there is , cf course, uo buying to oov-or anything b a t immediate wants, W e con-tinue tu <|UOU> £ » and * » M for Xo. 1 ; IRIW

| ^ 0 for No. 2; and *17 tmH |1S for Gr»yVorgo a t tido-waUr. Bemieiner Pig h dull a t(30 nominally, while Spiegel i s lower, offerslot RdU.g1i.gbor tltMi1& for 30 per cent .

T I I E cliilil who l a v e n t he rolllnji pin on tudnUin> for his father t o step <m irhen be COIUMtlowtt in tbo morning may mean no Uunn, \n\won't C<UIIR nut wolVChrUtraa*.

Call nml see W e lmtnlwime stock of XTear pulling rnnl* a t the KKA nffim


torn s. GIBBON - - ED(TQF

Saturday, Dec. 15th, 1883

The HOMPAY EKA is a nice Chrimas token to send to a friend far awa;and only costs five cents.

The best thing we can wish the miniis an iron ore tariff that will swell tlcontents^of his'dinner pail.

The cigarette dude should be prsented with a little toy hearse foiChristmas gift and warning.

If we of Dover are good il is just posililc that old Santa Claus may dropother factory into our stocking.

How nice it would be if Mr. JoshiS.Salmon should find his "tew,liis stocking on Christmas mornit

Let us remember the newlymembers'of the Legislature by puttinami-monopoly tracts in their stocking!

Oscar Lindblry will celebrateChristmas in gratitude that the Demcruts did not nominate him for Senate

The penny saved every time we wria letter will cause us all to unile in wising a merr/ Christinas to llontst JnlDill.

This won't be much cif a politiiChristmas for Kriend Potter, but 'trust he may enjoy it in a ilomessense.

A jolly Christmas tu Director Mai InMay two pairs ol stockings hang at Iihearthsidc tie the next yule-tide f;i

Freeholder Hopkins and Eililor ('.;rison cm nuke each oilier very nccej:able Christmas offerings by exchangitolive branches.

It is good to be children sometitmand iicvcrbetter than at Christmas, whils> mighty Founder was a child himse

i'olilaal Parson 1'arsotis should haJi toy gubernatorial chair for his Citricin as remembrance, which would abolit the size oflm politics.

The Madison Kugle having hcoiniepretty It'sty bird we can trust lo iability to forage a Christmas turkey, anwish it joy in the eating of il.

A merry Christmas to Ihe girls. Neyear being leap year we wmild remiithem that a wedding ring on the haiis worth two in the jeweler's window.

Hold Leon Ahbett, from force of habiwhen he eats his Christmas pie, wstick in his thumb for the Governor'plum which belongs to the pronoun " I

We shouldn't be surprised if Assenililyman Neighbour should find a diSpeaker on his plate on Christmasmorning. May )iis Christmas be a merryone.

County Clerk Condi I had his stockinjcrammed so full at election time that ware afraid he hasn't it emptied yet,we wish him a merry Christmas all thisame.

Friend Potter, fur his imcompromisiihostility to corruption and dishonest;should Iind a little gar angel with afoil harp in his stocking on Clirlslirmorning.

Ix may be one of these days that thipeople of Morris county will send Dovei-i county seat for a Christmas presentOur stocking will never hang too far ouiof reach for it.

An old-fashioned Christmas to theCousins Jack and Cousins Jennie whiread the EKA '• Kngland was merrEngland' when phi Christmas hroughihis sports again."

The Post Office will not drop in youistocking this year, "General," but thereis no telling what the future may bringKeep the stocking up so that you do nomiss it when it comes along.

If ihe Banner boys are good lor thenext ten days they shall have as a Christ-mas gift a toy " tariff lor revenue only,"with a mechanical appliance to showJlwin how it will protect labor.

To Mayor Richards and the CommonCouncil a Merry Christmas. Theirstock-ing-s shall tie tilled wilh the best wishesof all the people for having taken the ini-tiatory stops to macadamize our streets.

The Senatorial plum will not appearin "Holly" Hunt's Christmas puddingthis year, but he still has enough of thegood things of this life to make hi:Christmas a merry one. So mote it be.

The best thing that old Santa Clauscould doforlloonton would be to crawldawn the stacks of the deserted ironworks and put lire in them, thus relievinglira. Garrison uf the responsibility ofholding up the town.

Those who carefully preserve the holi-day numbers of the ERA From year toyear are keeping an accurate history ofthe county that will be of great value inthe future. If you have not preservedthem before this begin now.

All the joys of Christmas to liro.Brown of the Chronicle. A little girwho rends the EKA and wants somethinglarge enough to hold ;ill the good thingsshe expects to get, says she is j;onegotiate with him fur the ban ol hisstocking.

A Merry Christmas,Noi tin- least among ihe rmirncesiy

ilt<- JXIVMTUI Chrisli.<nii\ is the uni versa'ri-iji • uf juyfuliii'»s .ind Vhi'L-r which ac.ump.mil> (lie rei-iirmiiT of tin- nata• l-iynf Us great Kiuimlcr. itisasilemmtlLieme that works upon the hearts ofimn, <inri t h o u g h ihere maybe many

there are but few who do not leel it. 1is the sequence of ihe song of ihe angels

sung by the choir of Heaven above theplace where the new-burn Saviour lay—11 Peace on Earth, (iuod Will lo Men.'gifted writer has tolil the lesson of thissong so much better than we could e<hope to do that we present it as iChristmas offering to the readers of theERA:

One winter night in those early dimtimes ofthe world when stone altars drip-ped with human sacrifices all throughEngland and France, when our owicountry was one vast forest inhabited bythe mysterious tribes of the Mound-builders, a few herders of sheep satwatching their flacks on a hill in Syria.It is not probable that they were particu-larly devout or intellectual men, or thatthey were thinking at the time of God orof the need the world, butchering andblood-dripping as it then was, had ofHim; or, indeed, that any loftier ideaswere in their minds than the wolves andtheir sheep. Yet to them first appearedthe messengers of God, and to them firsl

i told the good tidings of great joyere sent to all the people of iheIt is because or the messngi

:hearth.which ' to ihese ignorant, poorshepherds thai England and Atncria IT what they are to-day, and that \IID not still offer up human sacrifices)stone allars. Romans ami Cymry wemen naturally as shrewd and intelligentas we, but we see the world and liftdifferently, and the light by which we set:it came inlo the world tlmt night. There

signitici ii this fact, thai it camelo


men, ignorant men, andiictupmiuiis mid thoughts wire

in place, not devout nur enlijjl.t-The good tidings are meant for

•'all people," the pour, the ignorant andihe ciiniiucnpliice til the world. Thejflnry lhat shout about the heads of thoseshepherds has lightened since then thehomes uf millions of mbtr dull, ordinarymen, and the song which the Heavenlyhost ti;mg to them lias lifted hard, drudg-ing lives which Cod only can number in-to the highest heroism.

There h a significance, too, in ihe factthat the divine light and the angelic songind the star which at Itie same time ledlite kings ofEiistern Asia lo this hill,hewed the suckers for tlie world's Hel-;

per only a Child, All through the round jworld on Christmas morning, in the!i-oimiless myriads uf homes where Christ-inas has brought joy, it is everywhere thelittle ones who make it tender and bright.It is the child with its soil, aimless touchthai pulls tlie heart ofthe man, no mat-ter how hardened or degraded lie may

, buck to gentleness and truth andinliness ; it is (he child more than any-ng else that keeps the woman true to

her highest self. How ninny thousand!if unbelievers to-day, who profess t(

care nothing for Christ, will work anx-iously tu make the day happy for someittle tine1 lhat is dear lo them ;tig that denying Him they blindly servelim ; that it is His spirit of love and

Oar Present and Future,It is beyond question a fact that qnite

a II umber nf people arc alarmed aboutint.- ItiUia- initapL-cts of Dover. Hut willtiit! pmrn l stiilus iind outlook uf the|ilaa- warrant ii? There is certainly anatural feeling of depression and anxietyexisting which has been occasioned bya gciier.il business depression. But thisaflicts huudreds of other localities be-sides Dover, and while il is always goodpolicy to take a serious view of the situa-tion at such times, we do nut think weare warranted in indulging in gloomyforebodings. Our present condition iscertainly as good as that of other townsof our size, and we are assuredly far bet-ter olT ihan during the last period ofcommercial restriction. Then we hadabsolutely nothing within our corporatelimits to depend upon except about ahundred men at the car shops and alittle handful al the machine shopsNow, thanks to the enterprise of aurcitizens about two years ago, the carshops are employing double that numberof men and are permanently locatedhere, while the machine shops, althoughshort-handed at present, still give em-ployment to a goodly force. Besides,the rolling mills, which were then closed,are now working and are disbursing alarge amount in wages every month,while the silk mill, recently erected, iifurnishing employment for many whowould otherwise be idle. We have also

had opened up to i and our merchant!

tenderness thai i their hearts afterall. It was not only into the group ofdoubting disciples in Jerusalem that hetook a little child and set it in ihe midstLo show them the Kingdom of Heaven,but into every household on earth ; andthe purpose was the same, to cleanse itnfils impurity and selfishness. Let usthank God, therefore, that in this stem,inexplicable problem of a world, tie liasgiven us children tu care for and tomake happy ; and has given us a Saviourwho came first as a child, with the reli-gion of purity, of unselfishness, of help-ful love.

The idea of God came only slowly inlohe world. To the Greek He was dimlyipparent in nature, sublime and beau-iful; the Hindoo found glimpses of Himi philosophic rapt calm; the tjebrtwaw Him only in inexorable law. But tolie world of later ages He shows himself.rough at! these media, but clearestrough the Man bom In Bethlehem im-

:iueil with God, come to lead men wholave the likeness of God within them up

Mini, It is the innocence and lovehat He taught which we worship to-day.Hie Divine Babe in the manger stilltretches out its blessing arms to all tlie

>Md and the angel's song is Heard onChristmas morning, not by two or threeshepherds, but by each one of us, We

no voices in the sky. It may bea woman or a child that we love

itid thiit luves us ; it may he from a mnndiom we have greatly wronged and whoias born wilh and forgiven us; it mayie from the grave uf one who tinstoneip higher that the message of peace enarth and good-will to men comes lo ourauk to-day. But however it come, wemy be sure that it is the message ofod, and that it is sent to lead us to theluce where the Saviour waits for us.

are enjoying a large class of trade whichcomes lo us by the new High BridgeBrunch Railroad. Then again, if 'will but look about us, we will see otherevidences that will show lhat our condition is not so bad as we sometimesimagine it, Despite the dull times the[he town is certainly growing, Manyhouses have been erected and are stillgoing up, and all are well filled, andihcnihl there be a favorable turn in tradethroughout the country, as must comesooner or later, there will be an increas-d demand upon all our local industries.As for our future it will he to a large

extern what we make it ourselves, forour advantages and opportunities arevastly greater than those ofmosl townsif our size. Lying between those great

marts of eastern commerce—New Yorkind Philadelphia—and with direct rail-

road communication tu every part of Ihejuntry we could ask nothing more in

ihe way of possibilities had we the•nergy ;md enterprise to avail ourselvesif such as are within our reach. Lei us

question ourselves and see if we are notloo prone to desire to have businessmade for us, rather than to insist in mak-ng il for ourselves. Let us reflect andit'i; if it would not be wiser to endeavora accomplish something for the beneiiiii tlie town rather than to deplore thatiuch things do not come along made to)rdi-r and dropped into aur liips. Whileready toencourage the location ol manu-

"Cheers for the Living, Tears for theBead."

The bright anticipations that fill thefew weeks priur to the advent of theChristmas festival are largely made unol considerations calculated to increasethe enjoyment of our friends. The re-ciprocal nature of this feeling is whatmakes us all happy, for we eventuallyfind that while we hare been devisingplans for making our friends happythey in turn have been equally thought-ful in respect to us. But across ourplans of joyful preparation a shade ofsadness will sometimes tiit as we recallthat there are some who celebrated theglad festival with us a year ago who willnot join in our merry-makings when theChristmas-tide comes again. In everyrank of life they have been falling as themonths have rolled by. Many who wereactive participants in these public affairsthat engross the attention of all, havepassed away with the changing seasons.In our own town we have had to partwith such familiar form! at Dr, Colum-bus Beach, Ira C. Cooper, Wm. A, Voughtand Mahlun Ford. In the county attarge strong and prominent men likeGov. Randolph, Admiral Creighton, Col.J. Condit Stnil'u and Jas, S. Dickersonhave passed away. What such men asthese were in public life, other men andwomen in humbler walks of life wereto the precincts of home. Over manyhomes has fallen the blight of lorrow,

h will be painfully recalled when weremmber that they will not be present tomingle with us in our Christmas rejoic-ings. Hut should thin feeling deadenour enjoyment of Ihe great Christiananniversary, causing us to forget thesacred joy which should illumine everyheart at this time, or the friends who;till have claims upon us for our kindremembrance ? We think not, and couldthe spirits of the departed give us their:ounsel we do not believe they would

have it so. Grateful indeed would theybe for the reverent regard in which wehold their memories, but they would nohave us wrap ourselves in our sorro\ind forget our obligations to the loved

ones who still surround us. Therefore,

What the Now Tear Brings.Everybody buys a new diary, and

while we fiuld them it) it blessed re me ni-that shall temper and subdue

somewhat the exuberance uf our joy, letus siiil reHui-t that il would he theirwishhat we should show a loving and tender

regard for those who remain, making,as they would make, a " Merry Christ-mas " to all who come within, the rangeif our power lor so doing, In this way

we can best bring joy to the living andmost fittingly revere the dead,

lacluring industries among us let us alsoIind out if there be things which wecould locate and build up wilh homecapital.

Hy all means let us retain confidencein ihe town which has done so much forus. Let ns do all that \vp ran to improveit and make it inviting us ft place ofresidence and business. The CommonCouncil in r iolving to Lcadamiz<streets have entered upon a work thatmust redound to our benefit, for besidessaving the constant labor of repairs, noth-ng so attracts outside capita) as good

streets and sidewalks.and we have [hp lat-ter. Hut what will more attract businessand make commercial prosperity is aunion of individual energy and enterprise,and if we would but exert ourselves inthis direction the time we waste _ to use-less repining it would soon have A viableinfluence in the community,

" IM m then lie nil ami iinlnit,With n heart fnrnii.vfiito;

Wnt l d J ' l

Ourselves,A word about the EEA : We feel that

we have good reason lo celebrate a Mer-ry Christmas, for the year now closinghas been good to us. Our circulationwas never gfpater than at present, andour advpr[isjng department speaks foritself. Merchant and businessmen havefound by practical tests thai the HHA issucli a good advertising medium that weare compelled to reserve all our adver-tising space for their exclusive use.Hence there are no unsightly " patentadvertisements in our columns, and not

• from any advertising agent, whoseeks the publisher's profit to pay hiscommissioners.- Our jobbing departmentalso was never more busy than a l pres-ent, which speaks well for the typo-graphical excellence of that branch ofour business. Our correspondents are

sthan those of any otherjournal, an<| all Ihe news of the localitiesfrom which thpy write js, faithfully given.In fact all our old friends stand by usfaithfully, and the number of our busi-ness acquaintances is augmented, weekly.To our correspondents, subscribers, ad-vertisers and patrons in general we areindeed graloful, fpr it is by reason oftheir aid and patronage thaf pie ERA

The Holiday Advertisers.Our readers will do well to bear in

mind that every advertisement in thisextra sheet ol the Holiday EKA is en-tirely new, making the paper a valuableone to file away for reference during iheyear, so (hat at any time you may needit you wil) have at hand a good tradedirector)-of thepommynily. And afteryou have inspected these ?o>prj;is.emeiUscarefully you will Iind (hat our mer-chants and business men parry heavierstocks and larger ass&rjmems of goodsthan are usually tu be found if) com-munities of this size. Particularly is thisso in reference lo ihe holiday trade. Ithas been the experience ol buyers foryears that no town between Eastern andNewark offers such an assortment ofgoods suitable for holiday gifts. Ap-pearances indicate (hat our merchantsuve resolved that this year shall be no,exception tu the general rule and theirstore windows are filled with attractivethings for the holiday season. Some-

feels lhat its Christmas isLhat of any in thu land.

as merry as

A merry ChrJitrpas to all that dwelwithin (h[» corporate limits of Rock awayincludlng'MiiyorTipputi, Recorder Hal-sey, Alderman Basselt and Jackson, andCouncilmen Tuttle, Beach, Mott andGill. May an imposing manufacturingestablishment, rise from the ashes ot therecently destroyed rolling mill beforeChristmas comes again.

Tlie people of Stanhope should wish aMerry Chr/stnias to the MusconetcongIron Company, whiph has kept its fur-naces in blast more steadily fhan thoseof any cqmpanyjn £his vicinjty, lightingthe town With (|je (flow of their fireswhet) fjthpr [owns, have iiepn shakingwith [he f hills of business d

there in this large ictl display

Amid the tide of Christmas cheer it iilo tie hoped that some Democrat willremember that Gov. Lucllow still exist;and divide a turkey with him, if for no•other purpose than to relieve him ol hisfiresenl lonesome ness, perhaps Dr.Jackson will Ilnid ul" it.

A thrice merry Christinas to the Irishlafli aad lassies who get hold of thisnumber Of the ERA. The ground may,

* or may 'not be, covered with snow, butire tmst that pleasant memories of theaid sad.Will make it a bright, greenChristian in all their hearts.

This is the ttne of year when the har-dest and coldest hearts are touched bythe innocence of child-life. There arethousands of Christmas sermons already

•falling drop by drop from pastoral pensas the merry.world goes round, butthereis only one orthodox tejit for practicalChristianity darinj the holiday season.That text is the one old Scrooge heardwhen the Ghost had conducted him to thehumble fireside of the Cratchits: "AndHe took a child and let him in the midstof them."

An Anniversary to bs Observed.Morris County was formed by an actthe Legislature on the 15th ot March

'39, so we shall.reach the 150th anni-:rsary of our corporate existence In aillemore than five years hence. Il is anniversary lhat should be observed in

marked manner, and it is not too soon• begin to talk about it. In that periodie county has grown great in history,i|)idlyi/i jwpulation, and rich in indus-

In every contest for thu mainte-nice of the government she has borneconspicuous j a n a»d has made a

ime peculiarly her oven, Th* countyrSussex was at the Iwjjinriinjf incorpo-ted within our borders, but was set>art from us on the 8th ol June, 1753,e Centennial anniversary of her estab-

lishment was observed by her peoplewith one of the greatest celebrations—perhaps the greatest—ever known withinh l d h b

the most fastidious are sure to Iind justwhat they want. From the neighboringtowns sever#j ^jde-awake merchants,who have something I# seJJ- worth bring-i t th i f h M h

Ere the good infl Christ-p imas tide have passtid away may the Re-publicans of the county have cause forrejoicing in learning that editor Vanceand Senator Vounghlood have affected acomplete and lasting reconciliation. Wewish them both the merriest kind of aChristmas.

turns over a new leaf.The sanguine man believes fully that

he shall be able to keep all his goodresolutions. He tbinU that somehow,in some Mysterious way hidden in theglowing future, he shall do big things,accomplish magnificent purposes, quitchewing tobacco, and refrain from bick-erings with his wife, He has heard thename of the place mentioned which ispopularly supposed to be paved withgood intentions; but he has not theslightest idea of contributing anythingtoward material lor ill sidewalk, or itsroad bed. He meant to be good andtrue ; he expects to keep lober, to work,to save money.

He takes that new diary, and sharpensout a new pencil, and bracei himself,and writes down his resolves. He is notgoing to let his wife see that book untilthe end ofthe year. If he lost his temperwhen she wanted him to f.; stove pipe orbeat carpets, she might be apt to twithim with his recorded good resolves.Women will do such things, you know,whan they are very much tried.

The New y«ar brings a change ofcalendars; and the farmer's wife musthave a new almanac. No well-organized'irmer's wile could keep house withoutan almanac, It is an institution of herforefathers, When her mother—yeswhen her grand mother—was an infant,the almanac hung on the wall beside thelooking-glass and the Japanned comb-case; and when her grandfather's fatherwanted to cut the rye fields, he lookedinto the almanac to see if it was going torain j and when grandmother'swanted to set a hen, she looked into thealmanac "to see where the sign was,su as to regulate biddy's incubation, andinsure healthy chickens.

The New Year brings bills. There isa great deal of sorrow comprehended inthat sentence; there is no man livingwho Hkes-who really enjoys-thearrivalof bills. It isn't inhuman nature. Wall like to keep what we have got.

Bills are always larger than a man ex-pects they will he. He will look at themwith dismay, Surely he hus never runup all that long list of items! Theremust be some misiake, Somebody else'sbill has gat mixed with hia. All thatsugar, iiml nil I hose beans, and thatarray of sundries consumed by his family!And nobody to feed, but his wife, and hiswife's mother, and the six children, andthe servant girl and himself. But then,it is hardly worth while to mention him-

;lf, he thinks ; he i's such a small eater.Everyman thinks he doesn't do muchtoward swelling the grocery bill,

The man complains to his wife, andpoints out the items, and says there musthave been things wasted—yes, wasted!And if there Is anything will try thepatience of a good housekeeper, it is tobe told that things are wasted.

And as likely as not, before they settlethe question to their mutual satisfactiotthe good man has broken one of the re-solves written down in the new diary,and the woman has got all stirred up,and told him she wished she had ntseen him.

Thank fortune this all blows overwithout any great storm, and the NewYear is entered upon, and will close withthe same scene over again.

Visions of Christmaa-Tide.Christmas paints may pictures on the

canvasof the mind, some of them bright,joyous, full of sheen and dazzle and glit-ter, wlitle others, alas! are sombre and:ad and luridly tinted with that unutter-

able despair begotten of the "mighthave been." Christmas is a seasonwhereon, Xp thjtd! wl b have passed man;ofthe milestones bn the great highway,it becomes ft necessity to pause and gazeback and count the halls by the wayside."What a glorious Christmas that waswhen we wete aj! \yjth father and motherat the old home!'1 "What a ghastlyChristmas that was when poor, darlingMary's chair was for the first time andforever vacant!" "What a strangeChristmas, (hat was. when Rosie appearedso cold and. I WJJS «Q miserable." Thusring the bells ot memory, now joyously,now sadly, and thus will it be at Christ-mas-tide till the crack of doom.

Christmas Is a season of bounty. Thevery birds are cared for, and their carolis nil the Hither in this gracious andhallowed time. It is a season of coquet-ting, too, and flirtations that commencein the once-a-year kiss beneath themistletoe, ripen as the year grows older.See that charging girl, hpw deftly shearranges a sprig ol hqlly in her raven

esses, Jhe red berries showing warmlyin the folds qi her qVk hair! Christmasis a golden tirne j and if, as we gazeback, there arp Wipe halting places onthe roadside where we$urfcred and werenol refreshed, are there net others asradiant with happiness, and are therenot many yet to come r


lo addition lo lay large «'ook <if


SILVER PLATED WARE,do uot full lo call and exumin* my ele-

ennt display of NEW GOODS-



FLORENTINE STATUARY,fur ]iolidiivB,snd presents fot nil occitstonfi. Nottiiug oan be more appropriate

or economic! limn FloiPQtlnc- tttnlunry, of wliioh you ft ill finJ a moBtcomplete uBsnilment. Auvlbiop nmi everything tlie heart

pould desire fur o beautiful Olu'istmai tokenenn bo found at




m\\ ofler for tlie NEXT FOUR WEEKS, everything birstore contains in tbo liue of





lo be sold nt prines which will astonish ymi. HiTn'Feathei-a onn't bo surpnsRcil in (bo county. Every

alouW po anrl see what bnr^uim she is fiiviiifrbrftibujiig elsewhere. They will save forty TKT

emir, by eo doing.

SftJULftJLOjj f fITU*

Prawnt t ie compliments of tho Holiday fkiiaoii to tlie [ont large, wilh tlilino uf goodtt


FOE MEN, BOYS AND (1HII.DUEN. It la aclmiiwMgiHl svmwliBitrodo In Ovcrooiils, nml wu ilo do liy iimeutfiig


every prude,iitij-Wdy can

I tlmt WE CAN .SUIT everyliinly In HIM Hue, nmi II crrtiiiu mini uf money nml obtain n gunuimtliii» oMuiiK'ii tii.' ivurih i>f IIIH imiiiny.

nil cnfovB mid nualitit*, »«ttnWe fop full<Ues6 occaaiana, fur ilrivtqg, for walking

m\ far working purptuet, any ofvhtoh would ninVo liMnlianioand


Men's S i s mil Soils for Boys aid Cll iei .It CHtl bo tnitlifullv euiil that <

Newaat In Stylo and Made Up Handsomely

of tlie Host Fashionable Goods I

Goods, -s«

SHIRTS!Tlio ilifltoultr of obt

veil fitting SUirtit IIU

successfully iwutt

nml wu arc ulilu (» nfFcr

m m win 1ovtity time, uml prove

ffftnlilo while tho <)U:iUt,v t

goods nil! be found ol Hi

very iiu out.


is also complete and will mnlmice evcrj need of the season.



POUCELAIN" •' « . 'i

CHINA » " " "


V, C. WARE " » "


RHINE << . "- • «

CLABET » ' ' ,*t -^ •' 4 ^ "

SWISS, . " . u , . •>* '« «

g Jing to the attention of fheh i h

g. haveg f p t y f y

their announcement in this number.Consult then) all and rely ^pon the factthat the business men vvhq have induce-ment to offer the people arefhosp whoh l h k

her borders, when the orators of the d.Twere Rev. Jos. F. Tuttle, J>. 1),, rcpre-senting the mother county, and Ujcnj. KEdsail, Estj.. who spoke for her offspring.Let us gather Sussex once more underthe old rnof iree and have a fraternal re-joicing such as ha» never been knownbefore. Of course Morristown would behe proper place for the observanci

we cheerfully accord her the right oftheline in this matter. Even should thepeople in the meantime decide upon theremoval ofthe county seat to our ownthriving town we should willingly corcec e this point in favor of the anciercounty sawn.

Let us hops that old Santa Claus willcatch the ear of President Sam, Sloan,of the U L. & W. Railroad Company,and so move upon him that he will droj)a handsome new passenger depot in theDover stocking. We have waited for illong, and in truth, Mr. Sloan, we reallybelieve we deserve it.

If the Republicans ofMprrislown willshake.themsdvee together and carry thenext charter election their party frichtlsin the county qt large may have some-thing to pulon their plate one ye:ir frorChristmas.

hasten to lei (hem kiwv about it throughthe medium ofthe press.

A merry Christmas to the Prohibitionvoters. That the mass of ihem havevoted from conscientious convictions,and with a desire to promote the goodwork of temperance, we have never loramoment doubted. That they have been

istaken in their premises, and havebeen deceived by leaders with differentobjects in view, we are also firmly con-vinced. Our antagonism to the politico-temperance movement has never beenbecajse ol opposition to the promotionoftJjegood work of temperance, but be-cause it has been used to further thesuccess of the p«n.<Waj.ic party, and as

over far those who WQHH ^e/eat theonly party that has ever accorded legis-Intioii in [he interests of tern pern ncc andmorality. In wishing those who havebeen conscientious in this matter amerry .Christmas, we also wish themgreat success ft the available channels>f temperance refornj and trust thatpolitically we shall find lh«fl n^xt yearin the ranks of the Republican' partywhere they rightfully belong.

A fruitful Christmas tg the Methodistbrethren of Dovsr, M»V |he doctrine of" peace on earlh andKood wjllmen " find a lodgmeiifin all their hearts]leading them to a perfect bond of unionwithin one temple of worship, lni._._of wasting their substance in divided ef-forts, may they join together in one strong

The election of a free-trader as Speak-er ofthe House of Congress, and thekind oflegisiation that is almost sure tofollow, leads us to the happy belief thatthe stockings of many Democratic pro-tectionists wjll hang at the Republicanfireside when Ghrisini^s cgnies again.

The village ofGhesler has ihis yearearned a real merry Christinas. With acommenda.bl|i Spjrjt of village enterprisethey have construptue) np\y walls alongthe main (horougfares, ths* thji twr

and ihe stranger within (hega|espass over dry shod,

Tiie compliments uf thp wmmSenator Youngblaod. We do not be-lieve it will require a great *l*al of pro-phetic abilttv to forecaste that HIE Presi-dency ofthe Senate will be lnttl uponhis plate before the close of his present

A sympathetic Christmas to the dwel-lers on Mine Hill. The stockings thathang by the firesides will \m less innumber this year, but we sincerely trustthe tide of prosperity will soon turn againin their direction.

body, supporting an able preacherof thigospel, widening the influence of thechurch, and teaching the unconvertedhow blessed .it is forbrethren to dwell to-geiher in unity.' Wfff .this so the songwhich the angels sang above Ihe ulainsof Bethlehem would fall upon' their''hearts with a new significant- whenChristmas comes again.

Of pwrse it js hard fo forelel.future, 1)111 W shi)uldn:f he surprised ifJ. Seward Wills found a fjtafe ijenatqr-ship en liis plate one of these holidays,with a coU|)le of Assembly terms servedUp as preliminary dishes.

Wt ^ay aside the weapons of badinageto wish a joyy fc /Thristmas to UrotherGarrison, of the Bullc-titi, whvh he de-lerves richly for slicking plyse to the•rtuncs of the town he represents,'

A merry fhrjijlmas to the Sussex

Tho Christmas Toys.Where toys are purchased for Christ-

mas presents to the children, care shouldbs observed that a selection be made ofarticles which not only amuse but in-struct. The books now published forchildren afford a never-failing source olinstructive entertainment. Boxes ofpaints, games, dolls and doll's patterns,carving \ools, printing presses, magneticand mechanical toys and" embroiderypatterns, wifh worsfec| and 'silks forworking (hem, are * few gf the manygifts whiph. it p y s [q buy for the young.The children j» tf|ciF jreatinent ofpresents teach 3 lrt^Qn under (his head.They immediately divide (heir presentsin two classes~[hose sufficiently valu-able to be stored «way in their reposi-tory for precious ihingsand those tacitlycondemned to he destroyed in the leastpossible space ol time, -

County girls,i h

(bay find, ladsh d

y g p ^ ( y fid, adsWilh heart* stout enough gnd. purgeslarge enough to fill (tip stQvWngs of lib-ral dimensions which they wear.

May all the joys of Christmas fall tothe lot of Uro. Vance, of the Jerseyman,and may he continue for years to walkat the head of the journalistic processioni,n Morris.

Sheriff Howrll can pass a restfulChristmas, being assured that the peo-ple look after those who make them-selves popular in that office. !'"'' '

The official j.1un js provided for Sur-ogate McDavit"s thrti*n'as pie for s^rm:

ytarsto come, Whereof all will" rejoice'with him and bid him'bc merry.

The latest designs in New Year cardsare now displayed at the ERA office1. ;

We wish an especially good Christ-mas lo our Democratic readers or whichthe ERA has hundreds. We shoot atthem straight in a political sense, butsocially and in a business seme we es-teem them as we do our RepublicanWends. Thus we eliminate politicsfrom our local news department andsink political distinctions when speakingUf the 'everyday, doings of. our friends.The great number"6f Democrats whot

take (Tie E|$4 leads ps to flatter ourselves'that the paper is wht'it h ' l d b i|4 pthat the paper is what'itl l l

e, inlocal sense, at least, and we trust thatKriss Kringle will show no distinctionbetween the Republican and Democraticstockings which will hang at the firesides.


Eight different sizes of Larapu,

Glass Castors, Plated Castors.

Toy Sets for Children, China;

Salvers, White Granite and

Glass; three sizes of FRUIT

DISHES; all kinds of Tum-

blers, Croblets, Wine Glasses,

Decanters, W|iis^v Glasses.



TEAS J J'! ' " ' " to t * * W U 1 ^H MUXUUhfi


Willow Ware, Bed-room and <Hasg Set?, Vor?csinin n»4 qjvinn Tea sets,

taller »olff in our lin" nf triifr lor |i'« !l»ii'i»i» IWi> »y>T K-forH

«©- CALL AND SEE US, -®«

Tlie New YorK anfl Cliaa Tea GoraDany,Blackwell St., Dover, N. J.

VASES! VASES!Imcnonso AUraollons.

Vfo call tlie special attention ofcnHtoniom to this branch of ourbnsioeHB. AVo can sell themcheaper than nny Iiouso in NewYork. Also our China Cups andRiiiicpi-s, Decorated MonsiiteheCups, of nil Itimls, and numerousother goods. i


»'. (1. XAPPIEH,






ni«i TDII.LT S O , . ,,f durrrrilgmlfn.





"Piereforf, if(hfy jpprjiflju^ch scri.Vices, all the taxpayer?, wfli J9jn m iflWishing a merry Christmas W (hjs pire-ful auwlian cf lha fimyfrn^.

A donation lo maVt h»ppp the liltljonM al the Poor Children's Home willadd a test to your enjoyment ol theholiday season worth far more than theoutlay required to make glad the hearts

* these unfortunate waifs. ' 1< II 1J..U

A hopeful Chrinnut-to the cjenhens••"•" "~^ —'-—iri'ftf. \Vnmtoo,

kings next. ye»rie lurnace.

win to fill, all their stockby lighting the Bres ot H















Offlot 01 Blukwdl Bawt n o * & « to ttiBitional Union Buk.




l lMtO 11

4k "5 "i column.

1 "I "BFlOK-

1 Inch.2 "a "


••3[1 T5|1 SS|9 TBIt 60t toI D

11 00|

8 TO.

11 asSCO9 75g to4 25B 256 CO6 TO

16 OO2 uoa.j S HW.

t 1 «0|<5 00C 50


•iss so1 60

r. «7 008 00

10 2fi19 OO

G MOfi.

t SO|t 0 «0

9 OO10 (10H <10

11 0(1 18 (101 27IS 00 21 !)(l| 30

I •• , | 16 001 111 («l| » «1 « JI « ' II 50 26 00 37 60 «r> (.J " | <u mil <1 on cri K] j » J

moESTAiiii » D » « D : » •TIOEH 15 OKNTH PEB LIK


Corner of Blickwell and HUIKCI Bt:

DOVER, N. .T.I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor

rauH nnd Carr


K to Lot.





p EO. 0 . OUUMINS, M. I)..




11OVKI1, K. J










rureliase-rs arc nii'tor inthufi*ri.i<?iitiMirrlm'<l.r no'

Cleaning m.l ptiHMDR |in(J.li mid we ELY, tlio woi



DOTEIt, M. J .

On nntl after April IK*•OOODCI floor nf H if rlic,ik-nne, curlier of Oolil t.N l l t n l l »t r r i l f w


8TANM0FE, N. J .Contract t for tmiiilinpa laUer

rt T a line of tho cdla1", mil muterAI in 8«»li. Doom, BllmK Jlmi!H U P U I M ^ a


DUVBK, N, J. CDiitracN lakrn HUIJ materialfDTnixliL-ii. tSlouc ami Uriel; Work, PiaF.ciinftItui JoUiiiuK frompHv atleinlwl In. Orjorsleft BI William H. ihUi ' . . HIOFB will reonvi-carelui ami [tromiit i.titmlinu.A 1). DEliUY,




barber Bliop in conn cell on wit Li the (Mini roan

"OLIVER S. FREEMAN,Carpenter and Builder,

bud rpmoTml to Tliinbit'» now InililinR.liu a r c f tliu Ci-ntral lUiininl ilimv ljnd(

NEAR T H E CANAI, BASIN.« • Jobbin/; km! ropnirniK prom

• ttt-udud to. Alcngoxiicriuiicp in tlio 1neaH, will, I lit'lhsvo, enable mo to Rirt-e:fnciloti to all cuRtomcra. Contracts takenmiteriil i (urnisliml.




MiMVttfftVMMMM &





ross, utn ,—ITS AND BHOia u ort.r | ollin, Mtao-

cn, u d 10 IMt mi r tUw,«UA fl | H « U |Upl In • ooonlfj i lon. I Kll 111 » I «»»;•


UNION HALL BUILDING,BUokwellUtreat. Dortr,

i Hot Air Furnaoes,| Of the Ut&ttt kod muit tmprorod i t j le i , fo

rarmiDRpaUluandpHviU bnildlugi. A UrgHBBortmeDt of Slovei, cheap for cRib.


STOVES, RANGES,4c, Men i variolyof





at tlit.ld I

The Seneca Falls Yeast Co.

BRUEN & BUNNELL,H o c l t a w n y , 3XT. J".»

Hull's iaii Bnii Pu!

l,KAUF.HH,iutil ;iil I^,,. ia n,.> b*>Ht iiiHi

Her. l[iBli<-tl prJC


lliiicmbor'JJlli. 1W0. 1-lvr


SUSSEX. St GROCER,iHlloonlluoij 10Tun > ftill mil (reih qo«o-

Groceries and Provisions,SEASONABLE FRUITS.

lonlga u>l damertlo, lb» bwt g n d n ofCANNED OOODB, u d ill rapplla <X theliooKhold ID liii HOE.

On.wfllalw.j.b«tak«lito»ontegood.of lb« b« t qnalliy and «qn«l pilni to ni lthem ftt the molt reuonabU marfiioA onn-slrient with tin pnnbailiigprioii. BtSSEXBT. near the corner of Bluakwoll. Dover.



l § -*5

TO 3s




Acme Harrow,

Eagle Wheel ('ulllvulor,

"•asiidiii gulliv Plow,

Grain and Garden Seed Drills,

Walter A. Wood's Mowers,


Tliomas & Field Wheel Hay Bakes,


CHRISTMAS DAY>What'* ttiU hurry, ythni't tliia flurry,

i l l ttuvnffbout the hoiue UwUy IEverywhere a merr.T-«Kiiy,

Everynhew a Maud of pUj-,flometlJng, too, »'• the nutter, matter,

Out-of-doon u well M la,For tbi boll gou eUtter, eUttei,

E l t h d i t

HEAGAN & Co.All kinds of pure

and imitation gumnnd pebble leg IIlib-licrlloiits. Also self

mid jiliiinnnd ijub-

lit iittniclivc

An Immense as-

sortment of HOLI-


now bo seen in our


OPP. !>., I . k W. DEPOT, DOVER, N. J.


DKESS GOODSBest lino of Dress Goods

iimt Trimmiiigs nt



•H H,irTit;l:i





Musical Instruments!



Dlacaliaabpon entirely rplltteilla anca™ °J IVniS"™l CIIILDUEN'S Hill


MARTIN Si BUCK7Btoiii Si n uJ Omnnltl hi i ta .OftMSEIO, UILDSns and FAPEK HANCGttS. CoDtraatatakeumilmatortnhrurnMiciBuoraa decorated in freucuo ilflca. UavioRtboronfili knovlvdRC or house &m! BIRI) pilot-ID{{, vio feel competent tn CIDPI tlio denutideof all. Paint shop OTCT Hiss WIIIIO'H millinery•tore, next to Tonght &. Killfioru'a Oriif; Bioro.P . O . Pox 183.

A ipecialty inn da of Btcnoll cut tin p.J.MARTIN. 14-lv A BHCR


dealers in





BUILDERS,X)ot7or, N". O".



hta ft lira* ilnck nf i'AI.L MILUNERY oftUklnas, nblch rLe liii Jmt nceWed frosiNew York, which clie .nlpnd* ta *H! at bottompricea. Go ana «e her flia itoek.

Notice of Settlement.gfreo lliat Uie ftocotm'i

icribirt,...^Birimani dco»a«),by tha-SnmnM,to the Q t i '

inl.Tlll bo sodiUd aud. l tMa, and KjxnlHt f« ieulstteat

t o w unman.- GmrtoflhaOoonty of Hor-«H oir poiiky<|» n n n t h Oaj of j a i au?


cvcrytliliii; rur FARM ANl> OAItDEN,






anil d l o;lj[r flrBl-cla«s rsmiii;,- implimcn





dealer iti Ptnvff, Hat'R^,'limvaiv, it^.





I'riulln'ni f H

ml tlin . -

of Hie wnj lia^k to IhiuWith belter facilities I am enabled topnti HLATE KOOFS ubenper tlmu ev«r uslcg

oooo but the bent quality of alute and cm-ploying first-class nioolianica. Icua guarnuU'O tiiateridl nnd work in every parti onlar. Tar Sbuatiling Full always on bund.

Dutod October lath. 1880.

Send for i-tiiiiluenini ?icents per week

WM. S. WRIGHT,Blackwell §t., Dover. N. J

6,Nursery and Greenhouses

MORRld Hr., M(lUHISTO\iN, N. J .





M> entire ttocii o[


Gents*' Furnishing Goods,:in<) oilier tlimsn dm mininruii* to mention.

ii.clinifii5ts-!,r »illi irsi.tUr l>r»ncli uF lum-m.». llmve I!M> MI tirtutt a liirRo stock r.tPEkCGOOOD:. Uiiliipo-eoMtiiir to cisiltiy

U y iM>MilV."tit i b u ' X i Y rmc!' 'l><> mil loUr




'l|B.!t'TiiK Mr* U written for the inlmbitaotpof llm ,-nrtlii HiiK KKIIII> Htrip c.rWlllllll fiiwlltl tilt' RlollP tweiltV-HItv-ciirlit timrn.' If CVCIT Imycrofn i'np>' tifTi!

tlif lm«t ycurhiiw BIIOIII oiily oneivint if lii'n wiftt or iiin (-rniitirntliuiiatlier liour, tliis DOWHIHUHTiiOi>i-.tcil tint hiimnti nwa tliirlt ,yearn of Mciul.v rciiili«it, niftht uml ilciy.

It )H onlr t»y little rnlculiitiniin lik«. t!it-«fthiit vou I1"" fttnn liny iilen itf t"

-tli;-iuiiBt[i.>piil»rof Amoriiwi>f;t.smllm'iu'<-.mUM-.ii>ini(i]Aimiicitiuiiiiuuulwonio

TilK SUN IN, nnd will coiitil l h telln the truth witl

H, wlliili KI'IH at t



t fen

f rHI"1, wliipli i


nf nil tml In tiorkingltt

m t rnnil itR

for till Cilllrl <>f llOtllHt plVITIIUHllt,wlilrh Ihi'irfnrt' Wlii'vi'x that tin- 1 {«'i.n 1.

ll'tv IllltHt irci. UtLll UJtint 110 111 tlliri 1'O>ir«fuiir Lord. IWI.If von know Tin: 8rv, vim like it tilr

nd von will trail it with un'iiKloi.ic.i .lili!i!l'|ir!!(it dssriEfi what in Mire to be theikTi'Hliny.VPiir in ltn liislnry. li'.vim ilt k THESUN, it in hiyli linn* "to Kfi


TEHMS TO MAIL KUUSCHNIKKS.im iti'Vfi-i.l«lilii>ii*»ifTiiKNi:Hitn'H.>iitil t a IVU

.)AILY-.W fi-nt* iSumhiv 1'ilili.in. $

Si:NTI)AV-lviulit il t t



L V J f l u vcattor nf tliu


This (Mlitii.u funi* the world, H(i

r. liifilit \mgv* of th


Improved Low Pressure SteamHoating Apparatus

Stores, I t h k Churehss,r of privatii *ui) pi.tilio'l'inlilin^s.


I'inl limrkct n'l'ortt, IUKL fiternrv, Hriciitiiit,an<lil«niicittlriDtcl.if[<>iid-iniilioTHK>¥«K:

LT Kl'H the ii.nvH].l.i.Vr for tli« fmnwrtliijiiwlinld. Tn VIIIIM «f ten with ?10, nnexlrk. copy ftw. Aildnoii

(. \V. E^ULANIl, I'lihliHlier-mw T«« Siix, N, ¥, City-

Freeman Wood,





Tliorburu's Flowir SeedsFOR SALE.



Estate ot" George Hoggar,depeascd.

PUKSDANr t« Ilif outer tif Mio SiirroRBluol lliu LT.lli.tv cil 11'Trii., IIUU!.; .m lli-j I woi.-

\ f l t l t Hnmlred M.,]" .VKlity-Hir

roilnf Ii i liiorelur a^a

nber, A.DaIMI tho tn'eDiy-tirit tHy "I Hp|)tc



lv Port Omm. N . J .

THOS. JOHNSON,minnhalnrer tod teller ID

tni. ill work inMrbloind Orinlte, All work

Notice ot Settlement.Hotlct I. lietebj B

f b b l b Tn Unl lta icconnll

nl t A HHotlct I. lietebj Bren Unl lta icconnll

of lb« atbralbrr, TBnonlor ot ADD He-SarlaD. dcceimt], will bo acditeS and autedb» lb« SatrogaU, and reported tor nlllamantlolbaOrnbaiia'qpiirtol Ue OMUII }f Hor

*• ' ' IDMBM) B. HAX8IT.Dated Oet.S9lb, IBM. • » !

ButoUi'. addreu, Jlonlltora, H,I,


DOVEE, N. J.O rTttJE ailjolnliifi the IJovcr Lambrr Com-

jmiy'H mil], CuiiUivlat taken. BDII plant,ipcciHcatiotiH aiiil niRtcri»ls orc^ery kind for-DisliiiJ fur lmildini;a. Jobbuif; a apecinlty.

SLATE ROOFING.Blaio furiilshtstl from HIP IH-HI (jnarneii ht

sired, by oiperionced workmen ai low rule*.4S-iv

oritskiuil fur enjoyment HI tliit

D. MOLLER'S,uovi:ii, N. J-

recDlviJ ami place.! In podtunFINE NEW

BilliardPool Tables

i tho oclcdralC'tt Riatiiir*clory of J. M.fiItUN»W10K & BALKE.

:B»lly authorized iBent or tie follewiuB tin

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London, capital *o,SOO,t»0.Springfleld Fire Insuiiuios Oo.,tta, capital »1,6.»,(KK).Wctcboster FLra Ioaanwoe Oompaay fooir York, c.plUl »500,OO0.

OKxym AKZUOAH 11,000,000


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WINES, LIQUORS andilwar.prorldjltot Unpalromor

uB'8 oriiu BoirainatuB'8 oriiu Boiraii

Freeman Wood.Jtutlo* of the rsaoi and Polloa Mislatnte.

BnJJAW «OOMB. lu-tf






Joseph York*KOBRUTOWI, «. J




SUITS FOR MEN,Suits for Boys and Children,


Rubber and Oiled Clothing ! The Orr Overalls! Blue Flannel-Shirts ! Casslmere Shirts, all colors and shades! While

Shirts, very low ! Scarlet Undershirts ano Drawers,all wool, at 90 cents each! White and Gray

Undershirts and Drawers at 20 cts. each.

HATS! HATS! HATS! HATS!ani CUPS in all stylos and shades; prloes way down

TRUNKS AND VALISES, Celluloid Collars and Cuffs,Linen and Paper Collars and Cuffs, Silk Handker-

chiefs—all colors and shades, Gloves, Mittens,Socks, Ties and Bows, and many other

things, too numerous to mention,contained in my store.

tw* The &lr[ivc ^nedg imiriL lio xoM by 1 lio IImo iiir*ii tit>nui1. OOITID Gtrly to io tao. from ttiiflK<; kiKoriniuiil tiuii blind your Iiiomig witli .vou. Nu iroulilo tooliow ROOOI


y r l gXa s qtuer, myBterlotu vj}

What on earth tan they be tbtnktiif,Wliat on earth o u 1» to pa; t

Bobby peeping o'er the i tn imy,Burm Into a little «Uou:;

Kitty, too. 1» ta a fair way,Wliere the hldei, to giggle out.

AM the ttetl goei ollu«-a-liuK-ingEvery miunw more ami more.

And fwift feet go upringiug, ipriuglnff,Through the Lull-way to the door,

Wliers a glimpse of box and packet,And s little ruatle, rortle,

Hnbei encb slgll and uuiid and rnckat-8aoh a jolly bustle, bustle,—

That the yoangrt«r« in their plnce«,Hiding ilyly out of tight,

All at once rtow ahtning laoae,

All st ODOO «oream witli delight.

Oo nnd aak ttein wliat'e the matter,Wfaat tbe fun outaide and in—

Wliat tho mo«olus of tho e,utter,What the bustle ami tbe din.

Heur them hear thorn laugh a»d «bimtthen,

AU together hnux them toy," Wliy, wliat have you Wen about tlii-n

N«t to know it'a (JbriHtiniw day I"• • • m

AND ALL SHALL SING.And nil the ungcili In Hcurcn alinil aiug,

On CliriaimnB dny, nn flhrielmiu duy;And all thu bolls uu earth *ha11 ring,

On Cbrinttua* dny.iu tbs morning.Then let ua all rojoicu atualii.

On Christmas dity, on ('brintmns Any:TIIKII let us all rejoice nmniu,

On Citrintinoii day in the

tramping miles and miles till you camehere with your little fiats as cold as yes-terday's potatoes, and with your toesawful good friends with the holeiin your shoes; and you tell me allabout it, straightforward like, and Itakes you in ana we eat beautiful togeth-er, and you never once kicked o' nighti,Then you read out o' the books yonderai was left when the minus was here—•pellln' for the hard wordi, but titonlsiving smart on the every*day ones; and 1sat and listened, and says I to myself ashow it'i my old Jim agftin, as if hewain't gone with hit mother wherethere's no winds a-blowin'—no squalls,nor danger from rocks on an unbeknowncoast, where everything is smooth sailin'so the preacher s^ys—and I know it my.self every day in the week."

By this timejerry couldn't seethe firevery well. "There's the only place ashow I can't stand Bait water," said he,drawing liis sleeve across his eyes andwinking hard at the cracking '~— " 'don't think as how I've crieiday of it."

'Confound the cat Turn her a-ltxwe.There, I'm glad she scratched you,' andshe got a rag and began to mop up themilk. 'I wouldn't have had this to hap-pen for a putty,' she said in genuine* rrow,

'Are you mad, gran'ma ?' Oh, I'mhurl.' 'Did the churn fall on you ? 'No,it didn't." "What hurt you, then ?'

'Oh, don't bother me,' »nd the ard b th fl Thfand began to iweep the floor.

- putty men, ''I didn't go to do It.1

'Oh, no, you never go to do anything.'•Do you go to do anything V• Y M I do /•What ?''Don't talk to me ; I'm bothered.''About the churn ?''Hush, or I'll make you go to bed.''Just 'cause I turned over the churn?''Yes, I don't see why you wanted the

cat anyhow.'_ _t 'She licked out her tongue at me, an '

\g logs. " 1 pretended like I couldn't catch her, but:d since the | f did,didn't I?1 , ,

HV 0 . M, 3. HORTON,

It was up-hill work with the clock,From hair-past 3 until 4, the minutehand didn't seem to have life enough

Tleft to pull itself up to the figurewhich was lialf-hiJden by the gorpainting of the setting sun whose

rwo noons FROM ni.At'imixL F>T,. AND NE.Ut D., T.. 4 W. DEPOT.

WM. HARRIS,Watchmaker and Jeweler,

IIOVKlt, N. J .C&I'H i[>£(?Eal utUittioD to IIIB atcck ofgoodi

Suitable for the Holidays,i oiiijirirtiiij; tlif 1 argent ntoekof

GOLD WATCHES(\«1 (illrreil In thin port of thn cnuuty.

SU.Vint WATCHES of every ilwcrlp-ti.m; JKWEUIY, un elegant tlisplaj;R1NOK. 1111BW 8twli of nil the roToltieHnf tlio w'l.rum; KAIt H1NU6, CHARMH,PINS, UUTTON8, 8TUDB, &«>.


SILVER-WARE, n complete line of nowgootln for thfl oncitHlon.

(J0L1) PENS nml PENClt.8, SPEC.TACLE8 to suit nil diiliU, lie f i r -

ing of every <liwDtipt|n« ppnnln-ii)/ |« Hi" Umle,


gorgeouspainting of the setting sun, whose raysstruck out in every direction over thegenerous face of the old timepiece. Itwas a' dismal afternoon, and even themaster looked at his watch to see if thelong pendulum weren't napping.

No, for even while he looked, theminute hand on the clock passed two ofthe sunset rays, and eclipsed a third ;and the little boys in the lowest rowsaw it and rejoiced.

I will not pretend to say that some-thing which happened just then waright, I will leave that for YOU t<decide at the end of my story.

Barton passed the tiote under hishis desk, and Moore read it behind hisbook, and here is the note that Moore•ad:Bll.LV:"Shall we try it to-night t F."Then it was that the master looked at

his watch, and Moore scribbled with hislelt hand, while .his right hand was ap-parently finding reference in his boolc,will, due anxiety. The scribbling wasinelegant but effective, and the notewent back. Barton nodded and Moorewinked—a decorous retiring wink—andthe minute httnd slowly passed up overthe face of the clock, vangulshing thethe gorgeous rays in slow succession.

At last the clock ttruck. Whether ithad been recently wound, or whetherthe striking part was not on friendlyterms with the pendulum and wanted tochallenge it to a burst of speed, I can'tsay ; but the way the clock struck fourwas enough to make a locomotive blackin the face to equal it.

Out on the playground the notes werepassed from boy to boy.

"You all know what it is to be, lei-lows,"said Barton, with that hearty voiceof his; "how many will join ?"

Not a boy short of the whole of them E"We'll give Budd of Nowhere such

"Hush, perhaps he's round.""No, he went home at recess," said

Moore, "and a poor little shivering chaphe was too."

"Halt-past 7 to-night sharp," criedBarton to the boys as they scattered ingroups of two and three through the

Budd crept (a the old fisherman's kneeand felt a strong pair of arms about him.

" I don't know just where I was, lad,in my talking, but if you say the wordwe'll just keep together, you and me, andpull on without mindin' what nobodysays. It is a bargain little chap ?"

Aye! That it was!

The village at Ocean Point is fastasleep. Nought from any of the cot-tages lining llie streets near the shore norfrom those scattered back Low-.rd thecountry. Well might the place he sleep-ing, for the old clock in the school-houseis just striking 3 o'clock. But slop a bit,there is a light; it is coming down thestreet. Now it is joined by another andstill another. Tlie streets seem suddenKto have become alive with dancing lights.Nearer they come. Now we can seegigantic legs reflected on the snow. ThefigMs are lanterns, and the legs—ah,glightsthere . ..„

is no mistaking them, they are-boy legs and without the bobbing

ng h m , t h y areschool-boy legs, and without the bobbinglanterns,

bvery evet leg

:mall some of them anns, - — ,too; but yet legs that you might almostexpect would break (jut into a whistle atany moment. Here they come; 1 can'tcount the lanterns because they don'tkeep in one place long enough. Thelegs and lights come toward the schoolh u s e Th d t h h th

streets of the village ; and a cheery 'right" was echoed Irom each.


'here was so much mystery at thatmeeting—so much of things going onwhich those in attendance alone were toknow, that I feel it would be a sadbreach of confidence if I tell a syllableof ihe proceedings.

It is hard to keep mysell from it—hardnot to tell of the boyish sacrifices madethat night and of Uie unselfish, tender

straight from the boy.' ' to lecture, and I



thn CU ' I ! SYSTEM, ami to i-nnliU' part See.ETTEB, THIUTEES T

perial i>it.>ioKr»rh«


: Pictured are ninilr hy tlm now i nut tint anrnup prop end, «r, in othut words, tha dryNMH. DONALDKdN'S l'OHTItAITS tire veil known for their HUpeifor 8(jlo ftnll

IP imni-.ni 1 I-H if JIQ'JJJ;^ j u ^ j , . ^ ppjrritAvr nm\ FRAME, R E D U C E D TO

pocket whose'locality would be a diffi-cult one to determine. "It was nighon to 9 o'clock last night, just as 1 wasshutting up, when I heard a sort 0' pat-tering like on the widow, and if therewasn t a chap as who I'd never set eyeson before, then I ain't what I ought tobe, that's all."

Having told what he considered thewhole story, Jerry picked up his pur-chase and started for the door.

"Hold on, teil us the rest ; don't openon us in that way and then close us forthe night," said the storekeeper; "give


FOR THE HOLIDAYS!Hint In- liftH lioiifilit fur




BTer benn Been thU Hide of Newark, nnd Imfo, therefore, al>lo to oflfar t ie greatestinducement* In this bli line.




iRtfttc of Jnmes S. Dicker-son, deceased.

(UB80ANT to lbs order of iho Snrrosttoof tbfi (Jointly or Morrh, wide on tbe

Irlieth d»T oTNoremlier, A. D. one tbouund[lit hondrea *ni oigliiy.tlireo, notioeberebj gUeo to all penoo« hiring clalniinitlliecBUleolJ»ri«se.D^*r,nn l..*ntCounty of Horria, «1«"WIMKie, undorottli or ifflrnutiEfc— 00 or bernrirtve >, 00 r berorirtVe tliirllelli d«j of

iDQit n»t , bcins nine tqonih« from IhrA of unorder fKMi w creditor nnl l t ta to brine ID tad exitiait bii or herd t h or aBtrmtla ritbi I h l

toptetenttbi*, to tbft mb-

lieili <Uf *-,__.-.( from 1...creditor nenl'ct-

.__ , bii or her eUlm,inderottb or aBtrmfillaa, wit bin tho lime noImiUKLwIll bo Tomer birred ol bit or bar

• >n tbert for ipJnii the UiecaUK.id tbetblriltlb d»v of Norcmber «.s.lBSS.

ALOSZO D, DICK Ell BON,Iieentor,

Star ObeiUr.N.J.



Shop on Clinton 8t, Dover.An eiporiencB of lg ye*rs in Haver on tbe

Ineit w?fki >s Ihe amrantee I offer of myBinjthopnbllo. My motto 11 "Gtn-itoilL" Mj

County Collector's Notice!I will be at UIB offlco or tbe Snrro([ite, Mor-

nitown, for tbe trtnuctlon of Conniy bnil-nne, on Tharwhjr of eacb week, ami i t iliaoffiM of George Blcbd K D

, Ooont? OallMlor

words That sprang straijish hearts. I don t take , , — .promise that I will not, but I tell youthat was the time and place for thosewho don't altogether believe in bays.

A month before the meeting at PrankBarton's house, the village of OceanPoint had a genuine sensation, JerryScattergoocl wasn't the cause of it, buthe had a very generous hand in makingit known,

"You might have knocked me overwith a feather-duster when 1 see the lit-tle chap peeping into my cabin-windowthere on the beach," the old fisher-man had said, as he stood at the coun-ter of the store waiting for his change.

ligh __house. They crowd through the galeand up to the door. Here one pair oflegs fumbles around a good deal and atlast a pocket opens and a hand goes inand brings out a key, and the next mo-ment finds our old friends. Barton,Moore and all the other school fellowswhom we saw the other day, gatheredabout the stove.

"Here's luck for us," cried Moore,"the fire's kept over fim-rate, So Jet's:

get to work."Bright is the roam with the lantern

light, A dozen boys are here, and un-der a dozen arms are as many—

That was pretty near a tell, wasn't it ?It's the hardest thing in the world for meto keep a secretl .

How they hammered and sawed whilesome of the little fellows held their capsso that no sawdust or shavings shoulddrop on the floor! And how the handson the old clock seemed to spin aroundas the boys worked onl

Four O'CIOCK already and the handsgalloping. Barton was carpenter-in-,chief, and even with the twelve pairs ofwilling arms it did seem, at one time, as l

though they wouldn't be through in sea-"in.

Five o'clock, as sure as you live!" Lights out, fellows, moon's up," calledMoore, as locking the door behind themthe boys filed down the yard once more,out through the gates and toward the

the schoolroom

'1 don't see what makes children sobad. They wasn't that way in my raisin1.1

"You wasn't a bad boy, was you ?''No, I wasn't,' and she sat down

with an annoyed air.' You wasn t a boy, was you ?'1 No, thank the Lord!'' But grandpa what's dead was, wasn't

he?'1 Yes, he was. Now hush up.'• If lit hadn'ter been a boy, lie

couldn'ter been a man, could he ':'• 1 won't put up with your foolishness.

You can't run over me like you (!o vourmother and father. Take off themclothes and get into that bed.'

'It 's loo soon.'' Move, I tell you,' and she took down

a turkey-wing fan, and the boy stood 110lotiger "upon Thevent at once. 11

:ler of his gninjf, l>utarose early the r

he gates 1worked inbeach. If they . . . . . . . .

they double-worked down by the oldfisherman's 'cabin, and the moon shonebright and clear— almost too bright theboys thought, as they toiled.

" Lucky it's a warm night, ortheBnowwouldn't stick worth a cent," said Barton,stopping a moment to rest. " Now, fel-lows, just one turn more."

The " one turn more" was made, andthey stood looking at the result of theirwork."

"Isn't she a bouncer" cried a littlefellow, who had been very busy all thetime trying to find, something to do.

"Hush! they'll hear," said Barton,cautiously. "Who's got the placard ?"

It was found and placed in position,and with many an admiring backwardlook, the boys went home again, leavingthe old cabin with the mysterious some-thing guarding in the moonlight theblack wooden Boor. ;

"Moore," said Barton, at they sep-arated, "I don't think Budd of Nowherewill feel bad again of coming to schoolbecause he hasn't anything to wear, doyou ?"

"I rather think not.old fellow," rejoin-ed Moore,

morning and went out into the lot. Heleft the gate open and the calves raninto the cow pen. Merciful heavens!'yelled the old lady. 'Conic here!' call-ing to a servant.

' Is her name Merciful Hervens ?' ask-ed the boy, climbing on the ience .intlplacidly surveying the turbid scene.

' I l l attend to your case presently.Sook, red ; sook, red.' The boy saw-that affairs were not shaping themselvesin a way calculated to advance his ideasof enjoyment, and he went into the house.'Now you have done it,' said the oldlady, bustling into the room. 'The calveshave got all the milk, and we fed thecows pumpkins too. I never saw ihelike since tne day I was born.'

'The bad man will get you if youilon'tstop talking that way.'

•What's that, you little rascal ? Don'tyou come around me with your catt-chism,'


And it was Christmas morning.# # * *

Old Jerry rubbed his eyes. "Comehere, Budd, and let me know what youthink of it. Did you ever see the like in

l i e -1" •h f it

your life!B d dd came to the door. There, iust

t f h h b i l f

e consequence."Make that half a pound of crackers awhole pound, storekeeper, and bless meif I don't go in for a few nuts and a bit

"Don't be stingy with your tongue,Jerry, tell us all about it," and the mencrowded around to hear what or who it .... _ ... ...was for whom candy and nuts were j oul again i n a twinkle with the shovel.- - : - - to the old hut on Ocean Point 1 " Its a box, don't you see ?" he criei

I " there is the edge."

ge bfield

e, iustbail ofin front of the step was a huj

snow, rolled from the coveredby. A perfect mountain of snow it was,and no wonder that the school-boys hadpuffed and rested, and rested and puffedover it for an hour that morning. Overthe whole waved a flag, on which wasprinted in large letters with much moreink than skill:



" And bless my heart if it ain't Christ-mas, too,"said Jerry, "and I'm wishingyou a merry one, What do themchaps mean ? If it's any trick they're-'—•'— • ' — have to count me in, too,

A cry Irom Budd 'interrupted the oldfisherman's threat.

"Look! Look!""What is it, boy?"Budd darted into the cabin and was

"There's mighty little as I know my-' f " " " " " " ' " — u p a long vest, said Jerry, miHii

to make way for ' change into ald be diffi

us the**rest."'Rest, there ain't no rest about it.

took him in and there he is, and therehe'll stay, too, for awhile, for if I'm ajudge there's squally weather ahead forthat chap. He's just tuckered out.Said he come from nowhere so far ashe could remember, and that they call-cii him Budd to home, which was a longtime ago and a long way back in ^he

country; and say, boys, if you see Dr. j trousers, . t ._n i ! -"Mell him to drop in, anc'Jtens," cried Jerry, dancing about the

room " Old Chris ain't been round myBliveti round ti - -that's good of you," and thi

. J the edge.A few cuts with the shovel and the

box was displayed only to reveal othercorners of other boxes. And out theycame, one after another, and were car-tied wonderingly into Ihe cabin. Atlast, through the mountain ol snow, theground was reached, and the last boxsafe inside by the fire.

" I don't want to say nothing till thisthing's through," said the old fisherman,as with hammer in hand he broke thecovers from their fastenings.

Jackets, trousers, boots and mittens,new and warm. School books and slates,story books and books again. Have Isaid jackets ? Then 1 say so once more,for there were two of them, and trousersto match, and if I haven't said skates, 1say so now with a will.

With sparkling eyes Budd watchedthe fisherman or helped when he could.

With wonder he looked upon each giftas it was drawn from its SIDUI woodenbox.

•• Notfor me," he said, " they can't befor me,"

Then help me on with these 2x3id I'll use the jackets for mit-

1 But ain't it a sin to get mad ?'' Yes,' replied the old lady after a

lent's reflection, 'it is a sin andthe Lord forgive me for it.'

1 But If He forgives you every timeyou get mad it'll keep Him pretty busy,won't it ?'

' Hush, you musn't talk that way.'• Is it a sin ?,1 Yes, it is.''But the Lord will forgive me, wont

H e r1 No, He won't.1

'Then why will He forgive you whenyou get mad an' sin ?'

' Lord a-massy, child, let me alone.'•If you waster marry again you'd

make my new grandpa hop wouldn'tyou ?' ,.-\:--.

'Jane, have Old John hitched up. I'min' lo town,1 and she bustled out of: room, When the buggy was an-

nounced, she led the boy out. Shestuffed cotton in her ears, and droverapidly to town. Arriving at Mulkittle'shouse, she was putting the boy out, whenMr. Mulkittle came up nnd said :

'Mother, won't you get out ? Willien't sick, is he!''No, I won't get DUt, and no, he ain't

sick. I want you to keep him at home.He tormenteu me until ! forgot that Ihad the rheumatism ; but ^ivc me therheumatism. Now there,' and she droveaway.

Christmas in " Ye Olden Tyme."The first American Christmas is thus

described: "Monday, the 25 day, wewent on shore, some to fell tymber,some to saw, some to rive, & some locarry, so no man rested all that day, buttowards night some as they were atworke, heard a novse of some Indians,which caused us all to go to our Mus-kets, but we heard no further, so wecame aboord againe, & left some twentieto Iceepe the court ofgard; that uightwe had a storme of winde & rayne.Monday the 35, being Christmas day,we. began to bring water aboord, butat night the Master caused us to havesome Beere, & so on boord we haddiverse times now and then some Deere,but on shore none at all,"—Journal ofthe Pilgrims,

" Y e a s day (they) began to erect theye first house for common use to receivethem and their goods."- Governor Brad-ford's History, ck. X.

In England, during the troublesometimes of tne Stuarts, Christmas seems tohave come in for its share of varyingfortune, The manner of its observancewas deemed of jxtliiical importance, andwe find successive rulers issuing decreesand proclamations concerning it. TheMocking of the nobility to London atChristmas time was the occasion of aproclamation by James L, which is thusnoticed in a letter bearing date Decem-ber 21, 1622:

Diveroe lords and personagesliavetnado mcatmtoue ilUpenseu ...*— . - .going into the country ttiii Chiirtmim, ac-cording to tho proalataattun, lint it will notbe granted, to thattliev ]inokaway ou nil•idea for feat- of the wont.

James's successor, Charles I., insistedby proclamation that:

Ereiy nobleman, gentleman, bifrtiop, rectoror curate, tmlcH ho be in the service of t>eCourtofCouno,!, ehall.in forty dn.r« dcpnrtfrom the dtfea of London and WMtmiahtarand resort to their several counties wtierotliej- usually reside, and them keep theirhabitations and hospitality.

Under the Commonwealth, too, thingsdid not much improve. In the diaryand correspondence of John Evelyn,Tinder date the 25th of December 1652,the learned diarist writes:

Christmas day, no urtaon nnywhere, nochurch befDg penultteii to ho open, no ob-aerrodititthoroe.

It would seem, however, that notwith-standing the efforts of the Puritan leade rsto strike out-efiristmas Day from theChristian calendar, they succeeded butbadly, for we find the loliowing (iehatetaking place on the 25th of December,1656, in Cromwell's Parliament:

Colonel notthewH-'-Tlie HOUMJIH tl i in-incJi, I Inllere, occoaloued hy observation of

:bis tlRT. I have a abort bill to iirci'ent theitanenituinii for the future; lilenire it to 1mroad." Mr. 2ob!i)Bon~"I could get no nutall nigh', for the preparation oftbln foollnliaaj-'BBoleniDttjr; thU retiilcra lie, In tha «ye*

o'ld fisher-man opened the door and went down thefrozen road and around the point of thebluff, and so passed out of sight.

* * * « * *

One evening, two weeks after JerryScattergood bought the candy and nutsfor Sudd, the little fellow stood bythe old fisherman as he sat mendingsome nets by the light of the flckeringfire.

"If you please, sir, I* s'pose 1 must begoing now."

Jerry dropped his net and talcingBudd by the shoulder, turned him sothat the light fell upon the boy. He wasvery small—that could he told at aglance—but just how old he'was wouldhave puzzled a better judge than theold fisherman; and as Tor his clothesthey might well have been on since hisfirst birthday, so ragged apd. wprnwere they. But the eager- little faceabove the tatters,, though pinched andworn wi,t,h cojd, and trouble, wasfrank a.nrt) bright, almost merry, through

ml"Must be a-going? Where?" said

Jerry, still keeping His. hand on ltudd's.shoulder.

'•\ don't knew, indent 1 clan't, Mr,Jerry, hu,t I s,"ppse \ cap tramp on right^lonevjithow going nowhere in partic-ular,* and the boy cast a wistful look atthe bright fire as though to rememberits warmth in the cold Hays to come.

'•See here, little chap," and the fisher-man drew Budd close beside him, "yousay as how you've lost your mother, andas how there don't seem to be no homeleft for you somehow, and you csme

room. "Old Chris ain't been round mychimbly for a good ten years be lore.Hunt sharp for some writin', boy, Ain'tthere none round!"

Pinned to the jacket they found i t -only a line: ;

"From the school boys at OceanPoint."

"Read that again, lad, and read it!stow like."

" From the school boys at OceanPoint." ;

" Then God bless 'em foreter, we bothsay," said the old man fervently.

WILL? S DELIGHTFUL VISIT.Old Mrs. Mu!kittle was. delighted to

see her grandson. She had not seenhim for some time, which fact togetherwith her bad memory of everything

' about children but the ills to which theirlittle flesh is lawful heir,to increase her pleasun

Ir, greatly tendedre in seeing him.

It was late in the afternoon when he ar-rived and he had not time ta explore thepremises; however, he succeeded insitting down on a panful of duck eggsthat facl been encased in cotton andplaced by the tire. The old lady, inIhe heartiness of good-humor born ofhale old age, readily forgave him, butwhen he tried to catch the cat and turn-ed over the crock churn, and spilt threedays' collection of cream, her aggrava-tion was not to be confined by ine or-dinary bounds ot self-control; for thelife of an old woman there is no perplex-ity like that of losing a "chumin ."

•Deuce take the boy1, she exclaimed.'He's ruined me.'

'But I got the cat, gran'ma.1

of imalltywithal for

tiiiu uijierB, IUUIIRUC lira mil " v e i l timed "—"You see liov the people Veep up thosesupenJittotia lo your fane, itrict«r, in many-1--ies, than they do the Lord's any, One

1 pas* from the Tower to Westminister,not A shop onoii nor n creature utirring."

—ltnrt«n'n Difti-v-

The Patrician, of December 27, 1644,iys :

Even the )n»r mince pies ami tho plain(wrrictgo twint under the interdict

10 plum..„ of the

ruritaiiB at this Reason of the year, thoughthey allowed that they might be lawfully andploualj eaten in any month esocpt DoccmW.

Needham, in his " History of the Re-bellion," says:

All ptiuiii tbe prophet's son* dray,And spioo brotosara too hot.

Treason's in a December pyc,And death within the pat;

Chriitmas, farewell 1 thy day- I fearAmi merry days an dime,

80 they may keep feast alt the year,Our Snvioor shall hare none.

At the restoration of Charles 11, thingstook a different turn ; many of the goodold Christmas customs were revived, in-cluding thegentry retirspective country seats and kept openhouse, entertaining their tenants andtradcsfolka after the manner of the oldenlimes.

The custom of giving Christmas pres-ents and New Year's gifts revived underCharles IL, the King naturally not dis-couraging a custom whereby he was sogreat a gainer. Pepys says the wholefortune of some courtiers in some casescomprised these gifts.

u t , ne "jolly wassail bowl." Theired from London to their re-

d k

Kisses are worth more in Indiana than1 Pennsylvania. It cost a man three-

hundred dollars for kissing a schoolleacher in the former States, and a.juryin the latter State only allowed [ three-hundred dollars damages recently to awoman who swore he had kissed her

ind times.hirty thousai An Indiana rnai,'e-kiss'may do more damage, lio«e\errthan a Pen nsyl van fan's—fttje's Sun,

TME mow ERA, \The Dover Printing Company, I ,.„,,


Siitiirrtiiy, Use. J3, 1SS8.

It loJohn P

.:reik inline before theMore rt'ccntlyit Lut# hr" k i f t h t l i

ny of d

Hlfjfs n Piit'ltw hm introducedv .'foment.

i billc i v i l $.<•

Tliewerrt«i"enil« of 0 « * r Wilde willfeel sorry lot biiu now. He to to be mar-rifrf. _ ___ _

II sometimes pay* to be an aeittlor. MrTrtrnpll lias been presented with a purse ot$l!HI,0O0.

Oeo Q~Cani.oit, tUe Mormon lender,tux* (Ja'oifiRf.iimaiotBl, HOST about havinga dczaa wi«*» F _

The New Yorfc Time* in out o( Jmnt l>r-ca-i*o it cannot Berve free trade aad the Re-publican party. ^

Th« nreewitv o'prot(-cling our forests ifone of Ibe flood thing* uow attracting na-tional atletjljnn_ _ _

.Ml l>i»i<MY*bi*iw«r«|>«* t<> « s i 'the Si»?th. TIIH will doubtless make theNorth feel bully.

Sino Cai-lisk's t-leclimi the Bu((1 the concluBion Ibat the Kepubticin partyit gofDg—to etny.

Eirerv Mormon him been abused t(

dte R fund to lobby their iniquity tbrougbC ncra« this Winter.

j openitkiiis of the thieve* haviil ou in (lie viriniix i>f Dover. Ahom tut.'.Idle iir<u«t uiimttia hvdrnuli?jut*- W.a'* «t uniuic M.TMI tun*. 'ws» ttokii iwiu theW ufmrbHtirrt.irOupkkT.tti tke Doverin.t- Wiih ihi* the thieve-, would rsbw * wra uml fjctrai't the l>ra**«>*. »f which tliMi?i> fight upon ennb car. Hupwr ami «.»udi>-.-,ir« bare b<H»(. rfpurirpd ol iliew ariB'lf* wis ut-atcbbarhiMid, but mi nthet i>i»t« of ' l i c

ul|iaMcn>i«euiM>lie«linve1>«i>ittbu#roVbvd.ilaneerUm tlic mnVtv nf traveler* In tln-ir

resent rnliberii-* ill thi* vicinity fll of tlic«>t»fcei

Tbe Srs u ntlll spanking the Democfnr its blunder in electing a free tradeSpeaker of tbe Ilouse.

(iea. Howard propose* to brand srnty dieerier* with tbe Inlter I). G M . Howard*hould go -to Kuwia.

t)ov. Abbett will be^in bis prooiU*d rr-forms wilh an f'aburato anil cwtlj Inaug-imtioD. Great is reform.

Tbc new Pt-mocratio CougresH »l last proposes somelbinp in they way of legislation.It proposes to adjourn o*er the hoimys.

Those who profess to kuow say tbal('apt Stoner, of Mcntaatith Qouoty. ««>h« the noit Speaker of the House of Asaembty.

»tU inn rbc U.. I* * «*. Uall-... huvrbicu nnnnj ail mill tliscmt-

•led by t, *.r»U-iuatlr robbing uf tin- journalMUCH uf 1 heir ear*. Thrnc iinisw;* retuvwiifimt «f t iwi ib Uitheciiiii|tmir. Imt ihediui-hivolvttl is a -till greater mutter fur eon-

i), fur tbc cars BIT liable tu liivuk ilowu amirei-k iniitiB before tlic IOM i» discovered.M U dUcoveretl

- Upparcnt thath Iw-n ear

fitHhiou nla t^uHMeil the timeh d t h e d

•tfletkes J«Uu E.:rj, of t h e n - L.*

KptmU'. Co

thfft.ncli e»"d«. Botha noun us hefure

fur (tie MwiuVliujr uf tileuvfrrit.il* at tbe Onjiltol to witnew ihe BWB-it-rid Kliirli ****-tr *etv*ni* foallwl Coup***-mil) idHiimme tlif work of tbe coming <-i»tt-•muhnuil yi»r. Tto- lad..'* wen- nut. In tbij

"•iwdVo "'liter»* ninetTca tlir spirit of theicciiAioti u* they ad<W to the beiiutv i»f *}»'lecni;. Bnuw of tin-in bc-nrlug in mini! Ibeulna'' "1* tbe fitrlv binl were tnrlr nu bnuilmil liv itiU nifuu* secured dwlrnble «aiaiu.l tliat tbe titin- uti^Ut 1» profitably em-tlovei. brought tlieir knitting and fuucr workritU fbein; *» that wartime with their fin-

ind iiuziDii at the movinglaoaiun before them. miHtymm knlfpa*l »-*it')t until the

•Wk toiil tbe hour of twelve.tcu oV1»rk •'ttiuifliuRTOoia iml.v" iriw Inbad, Thi1 rani rorriilow w m 1" 't< tt movhic miiM of biiwnnitv »ml tlleuat.-r Blauk bwl no more of uvhamy...uMaltit! tbi> eereiuuuy of tbt< oreiiii'i! tbautin? Uelfi-mate of tbv umii who ruu» the;utor. JB the raw fnr n.nlit -wiuK If *««-Biilnr " «fi tw .vi>»i iileuue" for tlie favor.i -unl tbiit in the How* eilleriM oionere vi-re ttftr ibinuiiiul dollar* worth of

PORT MORRIS.1 don't fare lmw imwll pruniiip y»u do l.ushould lito- tbc idlitw tlmt uses (lie kniie u

kiiowjimt whcw< to rut. I uni iirepBred Hiliat 1 wn* imt dnink -*•"" "'"*"f" ""

ettcr. thdiiiilt it reoih i wan; tlif frw in.. -

" that I rttnnptea tn


r7lflub oT

«rt lSimda

MNwdn the Re-n rountiy

BfL't:lit-r his bearthmifielves up as JudfM of m«n-whwli tii agood text to paste in OUB'B bat for a week or

o tnder, why did tb'the otlihis dec

If tiflriwle isn't a ,New York Free Tndf C)nh gatheruifiht aud hold a jubilee ovetion •'.

The National Xeiiuuliwi Commitfte baa.Ieoide.1 to noinlimte tbo next President oftbU oomitry in Chicago ou the 3rd of Junenext.

Whokilhil PlwbB Prtiiltin proniiseH soonit b« ttuntber nnnoheii connnirum likethtt respecting the man who asiiaalted BillyI'attmau.

. iircHiiltoESatunlav liwtliMJufflmuMWitthnruUaFtav. Tlifa led to themrvnt, t»-IB. of.Tnlm BnHiU'u. ufDnviT, mnl lttcnnnlaAiy. li»iunberweeo !>over«ml Port Or«m,nth junk dealew. It sriw a»*«d that t h n

bml wild the liraaws nl tbo Tuion Fnundrr.nuil tliey wore om-sted oa a t-liarae of thfft.it beluit unlawful tn rcetlef sucli g.onftimen ™iv> hall to appear ntIndue \Vo.«IraMon«laTUftt..._

At tlio time of tbe lieuriuu Mr. A. Cmuntvl fiirBowdfti. urged ttitft be liml notImd timeioiuok (ulo Hie e-.t*e, aad l>i» hear.Laa vn* iioBtuoned till Ttnir»>lny niornlnp. i\Uliail lirine iucrcn**! to #300.

Iu ilu'Mwrif Kichard CttUy the bfurinewaaprncwdnlvirt. Mr. J.W.Unker.Suwr-iiiH'Bdflit (if tbe Povi'f car shop*, testifiedt\mt tlie pm.mi.nv bad Wt wimc Imirual hrjf"i's .»f which fnct Itc wjMllrst rao.l»'»wiire?.t2Sth. ThMf hud sinef dlscotemUhnt <>u l)t1st and Ud they Imd been rnbiie.l of 31 mmwbit'b Imd been tiiken from the »>H hnxe*can utamling ou a *iiiiuE cti*t of Port Oraiu. \Me irtentltied a* tbn vro(»orty of tlie Com nun vM l i t awt whtclt lud beni fnnml »t HwglaihiVAniudTv

DetMtlvv Hernev sworn tbi.ton Dec. «tlihi- wi'iit to Mr. IloiiKlniidainliUfHiirt-ilm him,aixl he inlornipil biin ilmt 2*i hrnii.ti-»Iiad lirpnsdlil tt)Ii.tii-27of whieb fcad Itvea Urouuhttlciv bv Urmdfjn anil 1 by I'mldv. thv lujti-piH-inji with home t>oi>n«rlnittoiiiH fi-om idd k»'t-th-H, He returned nn.l pit wHmiitsfnr tl»^nrn'»i of Hnwden ayd Cndd.r.

Wm. MeCarty. the lioufc-keriwr nt ibeftitnidrv, tentittedthotCsdUy tininglit W ••'•*.of brtiM anil cornier there iw tbt .1-1 «(1»L-MIII-Itl>r. A few iLiys before tint be boUflit n lotofitovdrn.

Hiram Nix. liliicksiiiitb nl Hie r.mmlry, ti-s-tilit-a tlmt wiine tiim* I«»t wi'ck I Wily ««««l« !ii» KIIO]. ami w.islivil ibctf II bait «'••'linn*. It weiKlinl If |»>unU Ik-emildiiolrri-Duiihcil ilu- iiarticulnr bniM *bi>wn. iii-thotijih hi- rrincnibcKd there. wa« o u e i n wtiict* tin-re-

fud.ly u ld linn- vim a vliuuk irflitiiw thMlo«ti<-i! siiniftliiiiK like t\w <•!!<• *hwn. lit-Niiiil lie tintl «I«IM' eniii.iTbntt<mw. tw» bni**UCPT tniw imil wnnie «niiilUrni|>» in lii* liu^.N.i one r.nilil toll wU«t tlieiv WHS in life biijj.r<irtlii'.vill<luol«eeliliu.'iiil>t.vil-

lli-rm-v «iirt Mr. Mt-Cnrty lust Siituntay! i<li>utilii'il tbe M|ii-i<inl )>if'ce «( brni** im tliu out;j lie liouBlttttf f'i«Mv. Tli/1 limsuwintiifaui1 tird.v ililTen-lit iiattem fnmi Un: ntlirr 21, u1 it liy with tlif i'(i|.jn*r liutlom* seviinil Ii

'Vlu.M.'v* SteKi'niiii toriiflvil to (iBiltng liiifirHNt ut tlie fuaudrv. Till* iilrrvtay Ann.invc fi-.-t iimiy frinii tlit- otliois, with tli

Till* ,- he a trifl>vulu»tlnn. lint It withat wmild m-t iiliimnt imv.hwidedariUt- PreoUely fit 1? A. Clerk

boMim ramifi! witli the scivel and tbeC'autnvwa w*s seated. The cinciioa of

Speaker vat noun ilbpo*ei\ of and he wooMiun M'cn lii'iiig eneorted tu by Kcifrr nuilUundtill ami <luly imliu-ted Iu the ctiitirofoffice iu due form. He spoke bit niece, oftrlik'ii vim fjiivp bad n verhntlm rejiort. butIt can be niiiuuiariifd in a sort of a warning;b«i if our IJeoiorrntk friend* don't go »hbut aure there wilt be annther lioitsc-deau)iiext year nboiit tliU ttnu.*. Father Kelly 1 --the ojtli ID Carlisle iu tbe, irou-flnd style andtin' re»t uf the inemluT* sniil ihey wouldAiiiuri hv L'ncle 8am dntinir the term U•3.0W iR;r auutini. After n little t-bln mUal:ib»n1 tin- Mi^iMiimi tleitUiu. Ac ,oa r Cm.ur^aiiu-u bocHttic worn out aud luljournedfur the day. Our Wcjfllf ' ' " '

h tn twv, i'H it

„„. Mm Clark, nf

f««ier for neit 8nnd»v. Tl.e bnli . -* ••A. n* iiaiial. Some SW are now tfortu Club roil. How l» that fur

'"iSv. " r . Rnnrfman jireaeiie.1 nn tin' Frfcnd-Idnnf.I.mBtUiinmidllavi.Hu the Stanhopet**fcrf£ri*i> tijureb I"*t Sunday evening,ml hi- mnile a \er\- pxfrilc.it ^tim.u uf it.I mi: tt!n.l to say 3Ir. Coprt eye is intting

•miicwliut lieiteramltrhoiilfioeB iu Mmitlav,itb iBst.fhoisuli ibe nriucli'al mar sol heMo to «ln innre tlian oversee tbe work.There will be n nvrtint of the officers w\

[*fl#»hrr»ofthe lV^bvlerinu Stindny Selim-lMA fn the haseinent or b-etuw room «f thntClitm-r, In Stinbope, Friday eveaiue. ti) take

•eml tbliiKB into con nl deration. Tbc Suo-r S r h n S i X « «M(ttoS: to the Methodic

riiurcb in thnt town is enelnitfd and ho* thetin rnof on. Tou ran ent iut» tlie SundnyBeiwol mom rrom the church lint the inniii

iniilnecisirnmtliPontHklc.aeeilna if tlip M'te Soeiety of th*> Stan-

ho» l'rewbvt"riau ('hnrcli is to be resumed at1 thane »f Win. JI, StanklioHHB ou Tuesdoy

iiltie. 1 will (tet tbe proceedings for this

tu Hie allotmflnt of position* in the IlouieCoafiressiaaa Hohuan, the SUB'K p<t Prerl-deathl candidate, drew a back seat. I* thisprophetical'! ^_

Mrs. Qirfleld Kpeint doomed (a be the vic-tim of crank-). One 1" Bow annoying her byVrsiRllng that hu is deatiaeJ to marry hercUlest daughter.

\ | ] thin concern aboutlUe surplus in thenational treasury can Iw easily relievedJut! give jt in charge of tbe Dtniocratic par-ty for about four yearn.

A Chinamen « M a^seiubted in Brooklynby an tinknnwn while innu. The unknownwhite mau ia not likuly to recover. The3jQQn. imQ jg inipro^in^i

Speaker Crtriinle miglit do won*» than to-make Abrnhata 8. Hewitt chairman of theCommitte* of Wsyx and Meats.—BostonHerald. W . but not much.

Prospeelive Uciuocrntio Prt'sliiential c&u-didates ore bmeching the Sou nnt to pnb-liah their poitrMtn. They are anxious toSTOfd the fate of poor Ralman,

8p»Ver Cstlialp beio« ill onT'ifniay call-fid Cnx to I!" Cbair, and for a vhiHCoxhM all bn could do to keep lUndall withinthe bounds of parliamentary rules.

Qen. McGIelian taya the Democrats willbate the courage to make a (quire Issue onthe question of the tariff next fall. TheG«ieral bM at butt caught np to something.

Washington doctor* say that colds this-winter are attacking (be bronchi*! tubesLet us hope ttiat this will induce the Demo-orntic Congress to do len talking and morework.

Keit fall thfl Democracy will charge their•defeat lo another blunder and resolve tolake frfsb hold, io ths hope that there maycame a Presidential year when they willnot blunder.

For 17 yean the liepublienu mlmintstni-HOUB hate been paying off tbe national<febt at the ralo of over $50,000,000 peryear. This is one of the reasons why thepeople won't let them go.

The Court of Pardons has refused to in-terfere in the ca-e of the two Newark mur-derers now trailer sentence of death andin accordance *ith the riRidlty of Jerwy•Justice the mnrderera runrt go,

It ia iaid a man cannot go bejond tbeTeach of Identification in New Jersey without being arrested as the murderer ofPfaebe ftaltfa. They will h u g scens-body yet for that $3,400 reward,

TVe «!! know thai I be Democrats are am-long at alt times to save the country—orlave been mneo tbe war. But they begin attbe wrong end wb*D they miie an effort tobreak down our protected indnstries.

The Hickettatawn Gazette clasmoot, Hard, Hewitt wd other D


tie wanting us to believe taut Wuttenoa isincluded ia the lUt. Pass us Ibe u!t .

ln> bumnldy s-..II II

briiKH liet'ure tn-ibtvdui- Wnud decided to plme Unibly uudtirlit in tbe tmm uf #100 U, answer to theid Jut i. wliivh hi' liimUhi'tleikU'rt.vi'Hliiivlnjico.uelnethnt Slillicyw»v nnd ftaniitnl Fraiieixni, who wereeet'nl uf ntciiliof; the braitHi-K. bml

! triil

Ciiniuoi i

Stra-.._ Ibir liv.-*, they iit-nrcedctl t« thati<ln<-<- nn Tnemliiv in umii|ijuiy with MitnlmlKclb'V. .\rriviiiillieretlieyleiinudlbatthvyweir 'out himtinn in tbo ttcldn, uml wt>nunil fuuixl them. Sln.nny uiid PrillKiirivmleitil without «n,v renUtimee mill wereiiiuuli-Htictl uiii! hrmiiflit tn Ihiver the n»«««c-v.'iiiDi>. Tbt'v iilc«> ililtuitti-d tlieir Ku\U andiiHivtnl io BIHIW tin- iillloent wliert- ttif liyiiraIU-jock iiml tlit tiniKKi'MHlill uiiwinn iniuht Ifound. Tliey took tkvm to the foot of the hillui'tir ttu- old NCIIDIJI houKi. whirl' the jurk wnriiiindimdrrtheleiivi's. nnd tln'H tuthc pwimimar tlu- noUU-aee «f Mr* Uyn.m, whem U.(lie l>Tii»s<-» wi'ri- found buried. Tlil^, with thtiilui> fimnd lH-fore, iimite ftjbmwirs woi-tliatuiiit•JU1I, nwivenil.

Tbf iirisoiUTH Iiuvinu nlle^eil tlmt •(('tinIliiuilei! nto\e tliejiitk be wns brotiKht ~Jiuls-' Wood to iin-tWHr to tlmt cluirtie.

,h>lu\ llni'klrv, tin-car iiiMiiTtor nt tlie <li>-|K»t. tMlili.-dtlii.tOD ilwiiI||litt.fXDV. aWh.biH otlioi' wa* broken into anil a j»e.k umleloi'k tnkeu. lie ideiitiH<-d (lie Jnek found mtiic one (iifcen fntm his (ilac<>.

Iietoetivo AtrKeunu tentifled u In tlie findi»« oftbit jiii-k nnd the tulditimiiil brazenI'heii Klmwtiv jwit Krttueiiico were (-.xani.u«dwimrotely, thnt eneli Tni^lit not hi'itr the tes-limonyot tlm other.

Sir:iwiiv tfHiitieil tliHt Howdeu Iniluevd himtn <lu thif'ftcaUng nmt fiimiHlted him with thejnik. Ilowden told him be uouldfindit ontil* Kinoi) itml be wont there uml found itulmiuxide, the »toop, After he got the jack liewent to r 'niuclW* the Home ufgbt s then went•town ucriiNH the. pond uud threw the Jnek Inthn liiwhe... The nejt iiiijlit, wr thi* nljcht nf-lir, thcr wtuttol 'nr t Orimi, jnekmltij "enn on Ihe xldiiiii uml stolo ihu hnwe*.

,f'U [ir2rt lima*!'*.eoltltli - -tlie Klonc i|imrr>- and took tinlowing niubt Thtsjack urn

They lid tlnitu lii

it\\« h


ni jdhi'lnwth<Mk-pot.sM'< *ftw tukemiiia iilwnt lid



ti »wi.y the fillbnagkt IIO^ nest


Theytmid he WIIH t» p

h flia iilwnt lid ]i»un.U. mid he WIIH t» pny

them *7unil Momi'tuiiii: for tht'in. flowilentnlil thvm tn n u n tUem al hnlfpii-'t rix nVlnnk.llo'il meet thi'iii ikt a oitu riuor.if tlip burn aniltct (lifiufu- Uif hml hi* luiilPi-iiJlni hiirn-iwith u tmiifT over it »<i tlie Ik lit ciitilil tint liesceu. After tlii<« lliiw.liu tiilil tlusiuIf theywouhl jM'tMVtTiil liiimlreil imuutbt mitre ufbrawn anil lint tbi'iu fntlio gruwlir' vrattM

* tlicm. Thej went nut nfler tlmt, onmiollur ni^lit, nmloutlio ,jjfjiot f!i}fH brn*ncs. Thf no we1,'UiM tbln mnrniim.

Pruiti'isi-i. W»« firttii^lit in nfte:n>movnl mid tentitlod thnt he "


Strnwuy'xit nnw I hottif!l)L Slnniji.r namewlBri..^— -

luilf]ii«M ,l«-ilm i f l .

to bis bunse uliiiut hio'eluek uml niksd Itlt^ . „ - --jift H<inn> bnmt, but b* rtMim-il ttipo thatnllllit. Uetbendnwtlie Jnek tiwler mi nPi"trt-e in front of MatwaM. He did u«i «-o 8tiw»y a^nln till Friday uinht, when thej wetu Port Orou viili lhi> Jafk iiud tooklim^e.4 out of tlie. ore van on Ibe nldnThey hlil tliebnwucd in (ho nidi"1 fliwrry athe jw-li In tlie wniicls belaW tha di'lint. I...^itiininvDifilil.nHiair-papt nixa'ehH, theylook the bnuaeji tn BuwilcnV null Hold themto him for«KS. He wild tliey would hvlake it little off ln'cau«e lie would burhum it nuil break it up, MI tb<\v tbmwcd oiltlieK5eeutH. Tlieu be wnritoal tbuui to uetmore uml ti«vo thvin -Wcout* In buy rum with.He to.if Sid tlmt If tu* WOHM y.et four or H

Tha apparent manift now prevalent foicntrmgiog and mnnieriug uoprotettedfemale* will bave one Rood effect if It v"learn Isdies not to go abroad in unfrequei«d nlofcea triihout aa escort that cao Its r»-lied upon. ^

It [a to ba boped the Burner will not earnto CoDgremt that long serial Rtory abonlFiti JoUti Port*=r which it hns published.An; member condemned to read it wouldprobably mte to bang tbe Genera, iostsaxfof doing him jestice.

One of our opposition eicliangeB ihinka•'il Iho Democrats all Lang togtitber nextyear, it will result in goud to tbe country."Kow, we wodda'i go as far as thftL"ffonldn't» dozen or ra be enougli to ''hangtogether" In a single year?

Atthefree tralem'jniiftoatiou over Gar.Itile'f eteoUanHr. Bwcber a i d : Carlisle'strimnpb is tbe beginning of tba flght thatwill t«ar tbe tariff away." All right, Io'uthttra the fight now. We will gain in tinbeginniog by losing B*flther.

Qvt. H«ndrick8 now wants the Demo-cratic party to come ont for tariS reform,

: tuts free trade. Sach a thing as a promfnent Democrat with Presidential posfibtliiUt<t UTOring proUction tines Sara lUndaU'idefeat i iu not been fatard of.

The great Democratic Reform Leglala-t u n of VtnaiylnttU b*n at last adjoarned,•fUr a conlinaoaa station oF about one jenr,which h u o«t tbe people $3,000 a da;.Tha poor W!ow* knew It was their hutehaocfl at Hi* public crib in thai Slate.

Tb# Bomntet Messenger, Detnooratio, allays th« fears of IU readera respecting freetrade legislation by saying the Senate andPfttident are Bepablicaa. The compli'xo«nt w u not intended, but w u appreciatedAll the tanu. Tbe Messenger evidenUyknows la which quarter to look for proteot l U

Speaker Carlisle baa not been able to o rgatuu hi* committees, for the maoa thaiaverr Democratic member waul* a Chair-muuhip *ni lhare are not eooagh to goiroand. ' JfoAdoo, of 'Sew JetMy, opght tobo made Ohainnan of a special ootsmitteo«n ItiflaUno—by wind.

While Uwt other DemocraUo papers of this•ecUon are writhing in an agony of effort toexplain amyr tbe fact that Oarlialq is airee trader, the Fhlilipeburg DemocratinnkU KdmlU that his eleotioa U a llQodtr«oramilted by the "Solid SouUi," wbiob tiasmale ihe proipeoi" ft electing a DemocraticPresidentnsxtyear "intereatioftly remote."

n w New Umnswiek UomeKowswis suedif J I libel by Jostico of the Peace James Wai-;ling, who elained »IO,(WO damagea TUeNow. etiarged that Waiting loH aimwff (of" " " mat a ptimary meeting .for $15.

V iiiKlit tSi.ri.Hid

it and «nt HI moroil be got tho jack trutu Ifiiw*


Ou Tbuwiay tuorninKnn exHniinatii.ni on tin1 ebargti m n-i-umnBMtolun coods, knowiut tlmm to urnre beenshih-n, uadfUve hi.ll in the siuu of*WUfnrbl« ii|mfHrance to tuiHwer Wfor the (ImuitJurv. This i» miiU'ruluod Ui hiive rcftrrence

Ihe Ti brniMW eold 1>T Kowtlcn st Unrk-nr. ThfH In I wot *ohl on the idth of

ivi'mbtr. Ktrnway imd Frauetnco wiy tUy

jnenftnditliejtatber-itrs on the

! but just staved there, tlmt tbe i[ imht im«* along in u becctnltitr mm

tflvt an air »r nMiwriutiUft..ij;. It i- eui.l the <lia|>lny of iioiiloj*ks of the Sell a tor«iuni niemliete vras line

' ml luiiHPimf. Huge viiiji*, airhot•m iiud nil sort-, of tloml di«|ibi:fi-oni iirntimbu ]iilid on tho dehk.hirnl ltoiuitit swotil, <tonil-o»ed1 Utiwerx, KM placed <ia (k'li, hi>nui

ile»k, uinl n lingotiuvrl »? fistsw:m inixcnti•• KpraVrr Carlisle. The two hull* teeimike u Haw IT i-iu.w. or Imtauii-nl tinnleii.TubMlft? tullowiuir AMtKttmt Scri-utHry I'nt-rii. with due univity nnd in u etutek liuili-i-r, iiiiimuueed in ,,'»• tneruhiirK nt CoiiKrviw.•bvriiitlHH-itywwdiliwi-UittiPfrtii'l'n'rfdeiit,"

bo iirvamiU'd tu that RUUIIM limly th<-nunii '' tin- I'ri'niileut "I" tbn I'liitInltii tlifAi-l,iiii|HiHinit tliiiiR for

rt-HM nm'iublei' tn ili-liliernttiiild Ibiit tbc work U nowd i-vm wheel of tlie uu

wjui'liijji-rv i- in minkiii." U nuid Mr. VUi .hilui Torli-i- «ill _ ..

IIII foi- viiidli'iitiini mid Unit the roininj:k u-ill hrinu «itli it miotlierliill f< 'Ifi i iw to vim*t<U-r; but «m> thlitfi i

tiiln-nmuv .Stiuiioi-H uud niL'inbL-rnluivehiK mutter a milijivt uf Mmlv nml Ot ..111111 will uot 'in' alone In 'invHitnliiiB tbifi-onl oi Ui-ii, l'l.rti-r hi llrt I mi' linht.The old MiliUeM uf 1KJ0 ami 1»4MT whn wit)

.«>». heotL fUtend the tity of Mexlt(> u•k't'itv, cfMiniVil u iv-unlou in thi* vity lasieck. A lurgi- number were ]iresmit froiiill tlic Htiiti-8 imd imiuv *>f them w n - vet ftIIIH aUn of flu' lut^ war. OI>I> I •»« wbn tollIU' lie ]iu»*«l tliroiiuii nil fin; iinfUeit or th'>Ii>xh-uii euiutiiiixn mibnrt; but U-ft n 1**R «ibe kill I, IIi-iit of Hull ltiin. whleh vm thirtlfDCJiijeiiirni )•<• win in ufliT iM.lisntij( ioihe L'liinu.

A Jt-mvinnii niiiiiiri-il thooihev ilnc ntii< •be hfHlM of Wuihiniitou. Lewis IVrriiiTr., BOH of Qiiiii-tRrmiMter-ClMJWfi! lertiiieil to the nltnr Jiins Kliifk, dnnifbtcr of Mnj<*buli. «>f tli.- l \ 8. Miirlue ('(.r|i«. It wiw1,'Niiiil nlliiii mid iilieniied by the iwriety pctill-, nniiv nml nuvy in liiriii' iniuiberrt.

of mrauhiTH of the lloiwot-H fiilltut uiiiin t l * 1'reK.diM

inst fJHtunl*T. Ifitf'trtrlljiK with the Kxeewrl-il iHiititiiiM tn Neeiiri' » rrnpi

(•iin-y. Cox, of Sew York, mad* ti strnnj!a]ie«fh in tnvur of it siul lunl ihe mlfaflMitlmiLfb.-ftriiiKt.il' Pi-ftdtlcut my h« woiild eul-'our MinUUT nt Unuloii to line, bin Itinunuwwt'Urt1 the. fnvor H.-kdl im: linn, JlcAiln imni'iiti'il New Ji'mey in t tie mnlUmet'bffii

"s,sa«i«.i.i-.»..»i^,t.i eyerv mUHet who wrvti, nine iiioiitlw nmllt<t.H thuu two yenm, 18K nere« of land; «v«rtwo venrH ami II'HH tliuu three, IM: tinF » w s i n l w i f , W I » m TbUluw dws inc)niroi«-i--«mii1 IwHtii'ii or wi|utre ihi> pMIII to enter upon ami liniirovi>. but initbifduit? gift. Thin will hitlii ninuy iisolilor hiK i-tiililreii «hn nt \mwut h without I...memi* or ntiiiitv tn ui> out in the (nr We«t MU\ifKMto, but eim'bnve the Iniiil entered ft ' 'm that i» tlic fuinru I'ltWr ..lii.wll'n - . -dren inuv bnve recurod tn him or tlinn ntnwof thu denirnlilt> lm'iu'rty wliich iw beiiiK RiibWeil tii> by HIII mlutnm ami wealthy reiil

Another bill in the interest of mildieta bmlifnn iniiodiired Kivlng pensions tw s»whti wen' iiHuoiient of war, irresuectivewlu-tbur IIIMIMCII by tbnf reman or not.

All tbe HIOKH \\mi nro lielug dwkeil tint Iitlieir tiirtMtiniut-ltile novoltien ntid itstryi


Htuiiuittdi nnvrltien ntid itHtryltirt )il u i|lri»'l violntluii of the Itll

tnlinent tit one KHtex in the shop wii

ROCK AW AY,If you will ftllnw tin «nuii)(h i>r *I>(iee, It ii

iirbiiPiitlim nut to Ut en by the iirlvtlritiof b;iv!np n fuw itemx from Rock a way Iu tlifHnniMV Kit* for 18S3, nn wo are under tbininn'KMon thnt tho ntnililnofthlH place voulilike tu !w n-iirejeutiil in the ci'lumiw nf vnticieellmt tvuk'r.

Coiitrlimtlotinhiivt' liven reft'lvd forthimtihigimofHtrefit inmpH iu town. It U iverv jiiioii iden imil thnnkx ntv t\w Mtaentlio'eititetm for utiirtliin the niovnmenl, whlclbus lonu been neeileil, n« we eiiin-HMed tu tinKKA H fr* wenita ngo. We liarneiiiK'liiiiioii thnt printer's ink (ns ti1-dItorHMn.v) will iiu II euml tlcnl'I1u> KHA jirovex, hv tli In new nuivemeiit. tliutit Unrv hi fiwiitial

Ur. Dniiicl Mnrgnii, nf Mi.Mletown. kmHi-iTplnl the. ltocition iw nluht-wnlehitliiuk thnt Dnn. U i. verv Rood folio

mtui'twitlihim tlw.v will Iff r e i e l . 1 ithIni; Ibat they wlil imt wniit to\V7< untlerj'Iund lu> »l«»inH'julnj

i u n anplace ewill l>o

II. F. Siri

ell uuur.ltickle f

luiuiw, H'itji n (lev watch-itrci-t lutni'H IIIP |!fi»iiUi(ii'tir

miKiirrd thnt thi'lr |>rimerlrl«rfiii;tlH'i;fKht.Hid burt himnelf wblli

, „ uu over John Norrin' ntdre. litIN ue<-u verr timie fir sonic time, hut wo are

Kind ta My he is n1il« to ha umiind.Tlie fine wunlher wlileh we hnve lin.l „

n-vernl dnyn putt bus been very j-ood for Ihemutnwa oil the XnrrU canal, and bi(Nibled tiienito )-indi their Imsinenn n* f««tingxlble liefnri' |he cnjjui is TniEen tip.

Itolurt SiiiiileH hnA Rtnrud u blnekunislum in tbe buiMini! whicb .f. J. i'eer (nnuivuM-d. We bclievo Ifc'lwrt in - -

wiitlj liinrinucw.H MIM Jenui" T.»wlr« of Flueimula

W i h i « yt M

— „._ - - r . . j n t nnd took iiiirtin the Mnlre>. They wen* Mcssni. Ktnc,IMvirt.Kimton), Diiih'k nml |)r. Usmun. Maytlif uond wurkwltii-]ilitmjti.«l bectm continueinstil therein reapetl n }itnMitmhiir\*!*t forniPirhiboh..

Cbnreh hoin tlio lecture num..

Inrgvly nltftided nnd a grvnt deal i .i. taken it) it. uud we hope their lubon '!>J»o Ito crowned with suertw.

llunliu'i'ii iitunt be lni]irorliiK< for sevornl tIhfl uiercbanl* «re mniing out hefnro Ion

*** " store viijCoiiH,IT to tienrlli "sorrvto

v loft

>tnry W Imc, thru thv Inut Nanii-it lot linn mil.ft lieen rt-ciiTt-n-J.

On the charge «f lin-nkinc uud euteiinji findbaling the >ck. tte hmriug m wlikh vatisd iJLte ilay Ce/'itre, Bowden turnisbeil secur-

j iiorteil to IH1 cuuviilencetit.Tbn wif<t of llHl^-y Ilbiacbnrd tiled . -

tyiibobl imeiiiuouiolunt Kuturdnv uicht, TlieluinTnt wrvicv*nvrcholt! in \\»U.£l Cbin llotiilji.v nt Itaif-itait fen A. 31,

il (luitenpruiMTIl Awtniit .tijrf.vernl times lM"fo«i nut»]« good-, but ha.

on t i t ' e

ie eitizeuM hnve Iwen luftl uii will)tuin, but a n now able tu IHJ out

I byteritiu Cb!/fe»-.JaniesBAftuTAu i » c * ' - J n m M u - AVe^»pniacJle.i from tlv lext

BOONTON. j r o u n ( | [ u Jialtlipw, Uli elinfiler; 11th vene. - W W D « tmn exidtr*In Fpb- -'Then tlw devil lenyefh Mm, auil, Wlold

niary «*Kt- The ranteri for his n i v m i r anael* came nnd tnln|s|nrj|l unto hint." TbithiatinaUbetween fj.*. llupkiiwand <J. B. .ertuon wnsveryliilere*tinj[ and suitablefwNorri*, who has lak'ly rlow'ti out bis tuniiienn | din oi'rnHiouat tba ITntoustore. ; ' WctMnk " Orf«slwial" fnm.Dfmilli.hfli

'JTie EP%S!lP!'itatr,Jit\A fa J)\u*hhijpm> f been mlsiu fatwei liyjwtiK one (unkiwftwUsctss»boiit thw-e

by wumane (untwowM) in rcpnrtl to tlmt sheep bn»inc8a, sx we orem-ler the imjircHioii (hut he dtteo not knowleftnltcly wbnther th h

dollar*. tm-ler the imjircHioii (hut he dtteo nr. batman, Secretary ofthe V. H C. ileftnltcly wbnther or no there wo« mewark, and Rev. Mr. Jonug* of .oB l l 1% iti.tiUr.it.-il in tlio klllini!1" MoanUIn, a ld rnsa l the V. M. V. sbfHi. VVe >ani nibble imthuriti

nR !n the lteiomi.-d Chntch lu t Su I l t th t i i f la W j " oanUIn, a l n a l the V.A. meetinR !n the lteiomi.-d Chntch lustl ftu L Jb i t r t f t

i.-d Chntch lust Sun- Ierejt of teuipprjiiif«. »tbe aimpiern of th I

* of .oB l l 1% iti.tiUr.it.-il inM. V. sbfHi. VVe >ani n i bSun- Ing tlmt th« t o iu mi Min

jiiif« »h tim f l J i

e imthuriti for Hn win rrfu«eil to ac

fl to accentnt af the

IVabrtcriati Church in tbe worulut andm Mctbwtiat in (lie irening.Hri. Tooke StrakerrcturuAd huue. from anUeiidcd vi»il to Kumpr uu tbe Meaiueliip

Alaska last perk- ] revenge nn -iiviWm. Oliver will ilrlre the t-x|ir*M waKon *Ucr |bat tut i»nti woujti

after t ie Jat of Jnunary. " j for I," - ^ h e * bar* been put in nt eiwhend»f

igenndmUtrmaitKom-ermtmetnvk.'The otlcr baa been tnken nn.

ivi-r ami

fhr etniia for jlmuaien on ueeonL _owner of tlie Mht-ep knowiud jtho w** thi<iwner of tlit- ilȣ tlmt wns *hot. Conn-o,ut-ntly the Itiwunbip WM not ranonsihie foieaitishicp. We do uot think il vniuM benil iMlvixiilile for iw to get out tlie "(1l'lnb" aud indulgn hi the killing of dogm

'"" ' """" "nted. We- con-much betler off

nf Iler.-h as

Last Sunday f reniiie'* (tunwi wn» more e*-Iraordiuury awl Imwrifol thin any ur tlie re-niarhabh' ,,ue» tbnt havi- reeeiitlv exfitedwonclcnni-nt. Titereil ulnbe of tin1 snn lie-

cutle.1 below tin) bfltlopf a bmit J | oVtwk.id n fitu turtle traiwfnrmntinu of (be s ty be-- about fifteen miuutee Inter. Tlie uir be-

.-ullnwinb Lnze, aud•'"tidfustiibovfttiio

mle areen, whieh.

ilaiant that I JHewptit lulo the mnuth of Bev. Mshould say the letter ba» gone ou a general

*I bav* not been ahh- tu verity the storrhieh you copy from the Bouillon 1 ullejin.lourfl h m wade pwtty thoHi«gb luqulrj.Tlie window* ftK in tb« u«« Epucopal


„- it Btrptehed trtwanl tin in i th . ffradnaychanced to a unle v>nk. Toward the ripbt ofthe *UQ a bank of dark elond* wn» seen,whieh l)Djrim to ri«fl auA spread slowly owtIheskv. Part of tMseloHd hank became de-

che.lal.out 5 oVIock, m& floited in largefmswenu, like hi? smoke punit. atiovetne*nn, Tlielr color ebanced in the journey uu-UJ they finally hee»mp of a iiea greeu hue,

benuty of which vn* greatly enhnneed byrosy liackeroimd ofthe «ky. This titrnnae

en colur of the clouds was mnintRiueil forirly fifteen mian(«K. U gradtuliy dlwp-

d l l h l d M b l o that filled thehl irid l

i tka . ho,«hto, 1 II. M. Olivnl theold pJurml now mi

Mr.Woni.rii(r. Innditt-htiiuii, U didnK «i*t;eluss in tbc book nnd nfir»i>u)icr bnt-iueHS it nil"eecrven tlie iintruiiauc II| tli« jK'oiilo »"bo arcI wunt ofniivtbincinhU lltii1. Where pen-le ore a* IntelliKMit tw tlirv uTv in Staulii'l«limit «»i] ficwcnuiH'i1 *trti* misht " '

pc-Bfitv. The KRA is on mile nt Mito he n. ttoott-

r,,.,. . -»; Jniuen (t'Xril dcliieo tlie wilt in.neliment. It WUN no! tifro whn WHS uiurrieilit week. I owe bun nn nvoV^v. wkieh Ureliv teudereil: Imt I hope l:e will joinukVo/ till.' Harried folko m*Hy wioii. 1 ..re the imrty from wbnm 1 lint my infonnn-iii inllat linvn tinmi mUtTlfliniied, IlifO,

imfr Imd two nM'tnHiis car* *>rluv nl^'bl. Mi.

Udg. ' . No, 1HI,

oii miiM liave een ml iIiinif.Jiryto-n.vMr. Hlo

iri ilnwr* IIDMIIM whileJink Lnwls'mmiu lnar StitB l i l R h

iroimhittliesky ...in dlrnne with » brilliant> it BtrPtched wwftnl th

pa r lu t l i eh lood rM blato that fillewhole western horinm. Thli viridtinged the clou lie tkat hud alowlyh i t o l i l r i b t i tlc


.... iu lowm-ine banks in ftie west tt.-_ it Deemed na if the sky rere tilled witli nflames and smoke. Hundreds of pedeMrinuxgtoDlwf! tn eaxe at thf phtmoiiitnoo.

«'h«1" * ' - «•»- wa* allre tbe cn««ruiky„ .„ , . . . „ , .„ . . „ , .ry unusual apectncle. Therooou was tbrfe-nunrterg of tbe way up to tlieKeiitth as ihp. suu lUsantiPtired fratu view be-hind tlie hilltop*. It shone with uousnalbrightness, and had an citrnordinary metal-lii jrlitter thot drcv cxvlamntioo* of »urprlsefrom uinnv who saw it. Tie sky around um* of a uiiagled blue nnd green, The sreenfxteutlcd from tbe lioriMii uonrly half ihexay ta the tenitU. Fleeeyelmda twein altivcr it. After B time, and wlteo tbe \ .was full of n Aery glow, the clouds bungAbout the moon In aUYery in asset that «uBtriklng contrast to the spectacle Iu ~~vent Itwnanrtereo'clockbefore theweird'olors In the eky hnd died out and the etav*ij>j)[-flred ID th> darkrtird dome. Thepbe-irunenoD hnd lasted nearly two houi-a.

Steep-en and children require jusand if they do not lmve It, ei

iM-mnnfor thUi h

, _ ... not tlilnb ._nbouhl tie waken In tbe morning, nnd

'im, when (i man lull* tutcep be ts iu Ihi|i for repairs, n» the railroad men *«y

licinjj overbnnleil ami mnilo i-eiidy fur 'thenext ilnv'rf wurk. The wear of thfl lin 'duv h beIwtwlf, . _ . -iieeiln just an »lm known how to nbeurt tbi(il> nnd lend the bloodtlinuiftli the value. Thm the taken that tircilfrniue. IHJH it down on n bed, BtHrwinds itwith tlie rt-rrPnliine air nf nlitltt, eover»l' with(lie »ift liarkuew

s liiiuiHiwlnnctoRa0.0. V.A mcttitiu'of the JH

b.vli'Hnn f hnrch of Stt' ' w.«fW. H. !$tnrkh

jrfny iiveuiue. Id l

remoter, [lulniy slcc|i."hours wear by liiseucr-

baeb,Kfirletv of the I're

.botie w;tH held ut tl,iW in tlmt tmvti •

the uhwmf. nf 1, fnr ilie evening w

Rrte.l.nil.JSM«Si1|lU'Kni«l-tnetcd HH Herturv. Mr. A.H. Co\m woi* re-i'lrct»'il I'rei•nl 'for t ie i-nmtiuu tenn. Mra. W. II. fitutHIM-, Vlfi- I'n'HidH.t: 3lh« Pc*ie Roainu. Seeretury; Min. Iteeilwr, Treasuirijcre on» vwn) »»•] )H.»tr]inii'iiti»1 numleIm Kiln StiH'khniiec ami MI^H HUIIIP Kiilul

-Jn'tiici'tiiiilwnHi'hiHed witli imiyrr hy ltiOr. Unnrdiium (mil ailtoiirned to meet nt thna«>nf Mm. K i l ^h Hi MfnekhmtKC ftmr «'<'<from Tuemlnv i.I^I.t .Mloxi'x KlhiStm-khuinu<l Mny Sorinture, IHB the Committee on «lerlniniiient.

S.H1K- nom< fnllow waa trylni! to *U>ul u rl..on Mr. I'etew' tmiu u fi«w i>vmiiiin« "Ko. Th(ruin Moptipdnt 1'nrt Morris ft ml the ft-lloCdl irft'ntiii (in'lccrl KoiutMlinlniiro tiwur ftt>\it Ii-tt \m slmnli! be seen, but wlien Uliitnrted from the wutiT tank he muni hu „ui nuniu, (in down nt Hoimtoii be ([ol bi>twwitlif wbeelK, MIIIIBIIOSV. nud wn" flit fn t'

The ineetincof (be Sundiiy School Tiwlifcb wiw eiillfil for tbe lecturo iwun .I'VHhvUTiuti t'hnnh in KfDulmne will belli;it tb«h(uweiif Mr«. UtmrU's Krrrii'k, IiwtP.ou the MuiiiM'veiling.

Ami thi» I* the end ol nrpiment. 'Soul>iivb»iivntb,if ffie, feltuwn win. latk nlti1'iotf ctlou nrv nil d il fi»il« nud doiit lincinmirb tuln»l thnn over ulclit. He nmy illIHJI rtftrro whilettmt tliere nienlil): wnjoiififiimtsuoh fool* iu tlie toiiiilry nml tindon't jirnpoiw l« let Iliiiry WnltrtMiuKni-nkcr Carlialn rnlo II, Walt »ud'ftiuliv. l l ra i r Uhur «aW » WM tetter t.rljiht tlinn to l» PKatilotit. liu Henry Witen.on.iiidHpei.lierCnrlUle'lliInk the Mum

SUCCASUNNA.71K' iUiiuUhiu vfolt alvfii ui Riv.

TlmniiiH nt Huct'iiituiiiiii on tbe evetiinu dBtli iimt. wnalnrpcly nttemled, unit anioit»*H3. TlieHameeVi'iitni!tb!'r^verere.,wrvlpfuin tkiM-linrL-i), iiftf-r wliiiliinunv leforthvtiiii'Monfige ntnl enioye.l tbe dnniitinDuMtij! the cviiibip.l. (', Hiuk.KKii .ninumn ihnhmil} besnn in iliOivcrnii julilri-,- iuliiiinoniun nnd cliniiiiuit ntylc. I'lilliiii: theteiitiou ofttie fiiin;ifiuy to tlifviiliinbln Hvircii render.-.! 1»T Mlw Mmy A. Themfilmiphl.T of tli« iiitr-fnrj. who liml impliedthe «r)tnn in ehnreli eervlri" f«r nenrly "

irsand wliobnd won HU niiiny frienminbiexjiirii. Ib« tlu-refun- tank

lilcnwiro, in bebnlf «t mntiy tricud*. fa"pinentiiif;her with nhenutit'n, imr"e which wfound tn eoutiiin *2T. 'I'be futhiT ofthe Imrenlii-'l iu n few jt|t|»iv'|iriniu WKtnrku, than.i»'f tlie. friend* for their ti-ntimoulrtl of enlecuto one whuui hi- loved HU much.

Tiicrt will In' 1 >VII Vcnatiu t ie RuceaM. E. Churoli next Stmiluy liioniiiiK _.u'elork. HOP. Cf K. Cult, I1. E., will prt-ncnt lOiSlo'oldfk, nt|er which the. Haernmiji'Ihe jAtrii'n B!I|))MT will ]H> iiilmiuiBtereil.

Mr.Nuthau Himklwln linyliiL' n newnenH»ho]i built, '

Sir A. Tytinr IIIIH w'liJ hlx (iiterecf in• -imHUiet.Mo.Mr.B.N.C'orwiu.

Ibrr il

.Inv.Ilia P

h hPrvNlivtcrlnn Sunday Hehotd will lin

the Chriitdnint I'lerulnenmt Clilntiuui nlchtThe llamht* «I Drakest-illo t'Jirfstiwj,

The >IotliiMli«ts anve their ]wtor bis „ilonaiinu vlnlt WeiViicsilnv tveuti.tflmt. Tinleft liim «U iu I'HKII.

l'nif. Fori-p'a CIIIM iu elocution meet utA. U. Kidnitiii'it TueMlnv cviMiiue next.

Th(<fni>illynlMr.Ji.u,cHEti<feun "lurtJtt'nn».vH-«mi>to-(i».r—Thurmlay. Hr,K»>i~imd his non nre, workfnjr»inlue them. V.

MOUNT FBEEDOM-The i-evivnl nieetiuKs at the.

Church ure ftill in pmnn-im uml itMethndl> unite ]

TlMlWn.1 _. ...... „no nttemled lit the MctlimFlM Church fii thiIneeon Moudny, I(ev J. V. Ihiwanl Vn-u-}iK tbe sermon, He died tit the lintncofhlmtli.T in ltroubflide het m*\.The youiis Indies of tlio I'nvhvti'rii

('biirch buve orcnnlzeil « wiricty -Io the Indies A til Sofitty.

IrtUiipCiiniiishnnmnvcil to MorriMowti ft

JobH W I I V B nently {mill MM AanghtLSir*, lie.-, v. A. Trii'iibtt- »»»I hrr hitolwud.-bit i t thi-fr Imuie In llolky, X. Y.

The workmen on fhoiiew iwstal Mi'crailine are illrtritm^d ainqne ^ m l of ou? fatlien m Itonrderg.

Cnpt. Allt-'ti wan ovor yuslertlo.v readyn-eive the lash froui Ihoiw wuu " !>»>• tribun Oneaar.'1The prctfiyttriiitu. ore to liave - .»««-*«.

vinlt lit [hi- uaMonuBe next WwU.. _ .ii(I. nud we nfwnisurn1^ thnt t-ycrybHUM'S to ultend will reeeivo uii cil'ldUv poi

illnl welemnr. If stormy, then tlin"innt etetilttfc.


A tunn w u run over nml killed near tlirileimt last Muudav tnnrnlnc by a frcigbt tralo.lie was Btealine a' rid*, ami had fnllrn off. Itya letter found oa him It was found his name» an Blukrly. Thu body wnn kept hy aiider-inier ilttt to until Wednwdaj, nbi-n itWHS baried by tho town.

•Inooti Zett is jiutting up n lnruf tarp*nt(-rihop opposite his hoiuu ou Division street.


The VhriftaiM etttertsinnwnt at the Hetho-Ut rhurth at Milton will Im held on Chriit-,n? Eve-Dec, aitb. TUrre will lussnoakiiiE

iy the Hunilay ncbool childirn, cnnsl»tiu|[ of

dlt would nut rcmrdy tbe amount olmid for Unit sUrn U Wiling other

dug*, i bnukivg "Ort-«*i<mnr tor Ib" f«ror-luuiU<u glT.u, we will let the ml.Wt n-«t,

" "Ilanr Joell, »f Ho*ton* Maaa., baten TUitliijt Mr- Abruiu Ksufnmn in

ill, lllatelyl«efsmiiy.

MIM Blanrh* Kjlc, ut Boonlon, uiadi-Hbort visit tLU week atnoiiRrt Uer reklirand frieiirii in thh pfaetHbort visit tLU weekand frieiirii in thh pfa

yiiu UenrKle Van Wfincpr, nfiiiUy Wt .

A uimilx't uf (lil

Van Winkle mid Ml.ri i

rKle Van Winkle mid Ml.. J n , i rf Morristowii, were in tuwn uut

uirQilent rf the Ocid Ket-i t i1 b ld

dedamation*, dialogic*, ete. J*IW na Art en-: nre otliers whol»rtaiament roiiMMtina nf over 75 news, IS of' kpfii It iwhleh irillbt ae.tt. After whirb 1h« contenU I Miuirtjnii>T the Vhrtotpiatt tree, laAen Kith present* *nl about wnflf (M-AHIiv« t meat* fo* uotii.diTi], will bedUtribu- doioiz. ert-atr tmnl . . . .led. '_'."." WciiarMitis » «ril-ki

liiws' L>Mlge nt MnrrlHtovn paid the lodue <tbU ylnve a fri<-ndly visit on Monday PTMIIU<f tbU werk.GnMlphi|[ It a verr had tiling to indulge iu

hat we will admit that nil of u» indulae in itia good fnr.mrwrirup. Yet tbere

•"atiNtir.I uuletut tbcvit« tbiuL-ajrorwhlcb',o foundaliou at ' "

• • & '

.. ._ t egnolaBioiT that Wai-ut been d4insg*l to the amount atII ia amosjiig w note the variooi « •

4in»tsB of value put upon people'* charac-JUn bj Juries.

We andcrstatid Ibu Jlaptiu* of JUJlnn willhave their Cbriittnw enteHaintiieiit fr!\Vcd-iiesdur evening. Dee. 38th.

Tbe Methodlat Kpiwinal Pliurrh at Uiltouhas been neailj carpeted, and {iruvided withtwo elegant ennip eaain, a water Rtaud, amiuuurble-top"taud, atacoatot*U, whichgirentlie rhureh a very neat and emnfa.-isble »p-

n fuel the .iiiickern ttnrt of t r Uany (uit- almtniiiH fruiu tliis »nrt of truuble-

pinkinz jho tottvr it will he for all. It ibisft'lHtonf". undoubtedly tlie ones wbn Mulseluit Biiy W divulged in some future time. IflMI tno*e wbn ure ImiiUbated is it may be««newhat demnraliwil hi tbe ppinlop ol theirfrifr,J. Bnd would bare It*. n<Wi for Ihriithan tbey bod heretofore. Other place* utwall ** (i!» art ittilctei with the* who la-

NEWFOUNDLAND.The week of jirittw ri l l do oltneneil jit tin

:t>wVoan41an(l it. K. Cliurcii, oftrr whiijrit'sofrcvlvnliEeetlunKwUlcuniiiienef'.The revival uiwtlnp. nt tlid H. K. Ulmn-1

nt Cnnlnteer n n beiiiK -well utteudetl aud wllcoiitiuue fur o week ur mare.

The nalonii nnd dwelling houw udjulnini: olUr. Jamb ft Halpli at Xe« YomSsnA S-«

jrnmloutb«nij;htoftberithlBst. Dr.Tlienimrwn timt dJHiovcred the luiildliiun on ilHint eleven oVloek nud RHVC (bf nhinu, Iiif nlTcirtB of (Iii- jH'optc were niiiiiil-i to cxtiii-tUh the flauieu. The entirti building, eon.nts and Bxturea were consumed. Mr. (l«iinflow hut about twenir dallnrx wortbirpenter tools tberein. TbK tlwdllnn *

..••riy ready for nernpiinar by Mr. ftalph,Insured for • # » Iu the. Qneen'i Inaunuu.'omiiony.

We should like torceonl some ofthe feniiLIturnliithnt affunl fowl fur tlw fEOMlis bm.everlike to pitehin o« n tbtnl p»Hy. /orftm'rKPttinsthecinuplituentsretiimcillii a threerold mentture n& ntir own devoted head.

^% 0.1'..I.

STANHOPE.In the M. K. ( W e b lastSmioav morn In.

i<f'|inxt(ir r a ' M alvnt " J l a t e thin taNe-il) of ditpjie*." lin. (lark, frein JUI-M-'

-,'lty, follnwed in nh • enriwut «xhortiit!on"tvf i>eivniis join^l the. ebarcli. In the

itig Sirs. C'nrk spoke to ii cmwdnl hKite hail done good nmotig ua nud we will IHJ

• •• re lierajcu.ii, flie revival mill. Tht oumtai tree tw the Sti .

.chiwl will lw tilled on Cliriiitnnw alftht. Theiiiuday m-hool room will be onencH forrewtlvnl tlte middle of January

Eatine Lf.moni-I A good ilfol 1IB< lieeu wild lhrotij;fa ibe T>a-

Ci abnnl the bealthfnlneM of lemniin. Thent mlv.ee in linw to use tliem M> thrr will

do the moot fiowl. m follows; Mutt iicoiileVuov tb« iKaeAt of Ifhionaik l«fnre hn-ak-fiwt, few know tlmt it In more tbnit doublet!' tuklncanothrrntnicbtulso. Tie WIIT tu

theWttcrof.hp 1-ilU.ii- nyttitu wltlfout' " *•*••—-JitU-e or|

y tuXrt tl.Iue

in better of Ih|.ilUorii.iiui»t o thn I|

one, two «i h

ui»e U t.' Icmobg,

t4rink irltkOTt »upi/. l«f«the morulnc, or ruing, at

I beforflhrenkfa*! t k ll

re etfvgto l.e<|«am a half

Juice »foBP Jill l l

. i, take liu? jin n goblet of water. This will olear tli* *y+

iniefenry, wi'tb-' ilomel

t irri-**•! ( i e

leu uf Ititmor aurf bile without nny of tin' weakening pffnet* ofor cmigrcM water. Ven\Ae. should mt irri-t»i* Ibe aioiiMfb hv eutlug Itnwtu riepowerful aeid of tlie Juice, which Isnomwlve, invariably pioilueeH inflnmninlttinafier nwhlle, Imt timperly ililutetliw that Itdoe* not Ixini or uraw (be tliruat, it iW» itimetliral work without barm, and when tillitnmacb h clear of loot], htu abundant oit-iiortuiitjta work over the «y«tem Iborouflh-ly, naji. a medital authority.

Compound Ttr Cough ttyrop.The twanon in nt hand fur tbc use of this

Tamable, compound for tbt cure of rou ~col4»andfHHMimpti(tu. tin fitmilrsuooliwithout ft. Sold only at ttm Ilrick Dro8


Oysters and Lunehet-M.ter. In every .trie «rd firrt-cfc*,-wiU'fc* •» tPMlalty ere.rj- dsy at

U ^ W*rreMgtre*t.

un renewed, hi» 8,reii|£th lomw bllnally viira nwm\ng breuks audBlit Htealn tbnmch tlio lattico, be opens

liie i-yL-H nnd U liimsdf uuuin. Ur If hu Ucurly t.i bed lie uwnki* with tlie i?oek'« emw-iu>:.' Now wlio Mfanlt no tu iniri i;i-mV *i<l

ii hour hnfuni he oueiw his e."ee, nnd noy tiiituni. xtaiifl nsitle uml let liim jt«t up; InIIM bml cnouvb of rest! Well, uittiire wiv: " You ean tnke him if yon will, huLill elrnrge him with nu hour*.. IOKM ot »lee|nd I'll collet It nut itrhiftbnnisnui. n<utt IIIH liifir nnd f vcsijilit. Yoa enn't t\e. I'll Uml prnpetty tn levy mil"—11

.limrunl (if lU-uith.


ckettetarn ii tSinttirited bv av elopemtot,both of tbc parties to which are wutrried.

The entire debt of the new ST. E. Churoli utteekrrtomi wnselfnreiJ off at it* dedicationmt week.Cataract Umt Company, of Haekeltrtown,

will nrewot the drama of "Caste" at theirChristmas entertainment.

It It Mid tbnt II- H. HarrtH, of Warren, wttiaKafn be a eandiilnte for Coniirea<s next fall.The fiepubiicaii* wiii uot object.

Two Warreu cauntv fanners have carried acontroversary about the ownership of a plowfo tbe Supreme Votut ottka State

H. W. Couplin mid partT, of Hamburg,killed 6 drerf 80 dueki, Ut -i-blU ond 33meadow hens in a fortnight in Virginia.

Some miner* were dlgriug out an old drill,.f>le et Oxford tb* otherdnr, when it eiDlod-ed and several were injured, one of them,Jacob Sapi>, fatally.

John W. Barrett, fnnaetly of Newton, hasbeen annotated Freight afient at the. BarclayStm-f Station oftlieDelaimn?, Laekawaniiaaud, Western Railway.

Theliam tn.l outbulldinga of ChristopherSmith, near Sue Usmptno, were luroedwfththeirooutenU on the 301b ult. L<>M f3.OO0;no luturanee. Came, ckililren playiug withmatches.

A dramatic eutortalnmeut. fn which two.. ell-known thf atrical plsyi will bs produced,will be given for the benefit ot the M. E.Church, st Lfifuyette, on t'hrlatmaa night.* in't tbi» a little irregular 1

The Warren Journal is to flreutly Improvedby it> eulargfuant and iU faanasonie newdreng that we feel that we cannot commeiidit

on lloudij Ibi

Dated Dco,12tb,1833.

Notice of Settlement.Notice Is hereby given that the seconnts of

tbe Mbsenber, Executor nf Abraham VanDoren, deceased, will ho auditedinri ftalfd bjtbe 8urr«K.te, and .tcponed for fetlloment toihe Orphan, C«nrt e' lbs ContyofMorrii,

btext,. F1E&S0N-



"THE ACME LEDGER,"almost indispensable, nied bj the Uetlbnii-n«siuautei in Ilia conolry. Citoal«r< free,

AGENTS WANTEDlor Ne# Jereey. PenniTlwma snd DsUiraro.

P a WHITLOCK & LEWISl u n iDWMI upon liu AUIUUK TB1PE wliu comc»o >n4 rm.li atock. of all Upda of




too hish l

It is » Wg step luadvanoe and vhope

Jacob WuhtJutoo, saw at.twenty foet deeit, iienr the iurunce iu Phil-IMisburji, receiving injuries rcsulttag in death,He was about 35 yean of age and married.

James M. Marker wns found dead In Iliashop overKytetfc Oiistead'a market, Ncwtuo,im Tuesday. Ur. H, WH« a member of Ho.A.iTtb N. j , Vols., aud by eiiiosurecontract-ed disease which maile him au Invalid. Ashaft time tic lore but death he wm jt runted »pen* ion, uml buck par nmouuting to t)l,400.—Ucgioter.

the Trenton Times relnots Hi iilelagainst Sewtor and Editor Carpenter andthe proceedings against Editor tarry Motthare been stopped, There!« another greatlibel cane neltibd ami all partiei bappy. Alittle thing will "rile" a nan nometimes;and thea, eaain, a JittJd thing vtJI some-limes mollify him. Wben ve bad a littledifficulty wilt Ur. Carpenter, once on atime, he northed bfnjseJf by refusing to ci-oh»oge with ua lougw,

self byr, and we nav« eince

n Bived toe bflio'lou of leading lUeOllaton Democrat.

curt or the

•liiHi mid dirt from a luirce'« Ivyt* t'ltmiciinili. Jinuv horse* with tliln »klii«.... -(•[•c ilingly nervoiu nnd rt-Htive iu llic linnikII vnrulvk groom, nnd tliin tierili-jji-ucnited into vtcinimiie»*.

UhPel£-l-e!nj nw Keiieially nn afflietlongrout eeveritv, mill tln-ir nw sboulil be si"if pPrmtUei-1'f.t «H- W«if hovm ore ii(Jiliotli pliysinilly nml in ii|)peiiniucp, ur «of uiiiveuK'nl, liy >•) vuvMvo uppii.-ntirtbe ebeek-reiii, tlmt nui.it pi;oplo lire nwiire

ItliKkin^ the outride, of lumen' UoufHniiiko iliciiit.hiueuiidtdiowwi-liUnn inju:OIIA prin-tk't', for ir done, usisiisiiiil, wlfmixtureittxremeniiA himi>-hhvk, m m»lthu hmm i« limuubt uiit nu tbit rond, dufttL-.tis to ndlieir tu tho lioolri, wlikb nre nu(.nllv poioiiH, mid tbu* atupH Urn eln-ulutiuunlr iu tbem, uins-as tli««iiiw, Tdp Imeiit of the bin** U tu koen II uk'nnit ulutiv Us own iintuml oufor.

;et». l'oIs ntlltliy MIHL ...., ...•ecu when tbe denier

cktlyhrini; in

• - '

Poul t ry Rofsrui'Tliprc in n jiotwibility of reform hi tho .In

inu of jiimltry for market—a a-form wl'will bo WHlroiuu to lioudekeuiifrA. IM'wenlthy fiimilii'Hiii tfiii i-ity nn> nrrnii(to jwt rtatirpoultry iliivctl.v tnnn thttmun.riiUnr*, mnkiiiKttu eoiidltioittlmt Ilm biinlmH lie thoroughly elruncit bcfitif beptitouL'dtothrni, Theunhoinu iiln-ndj .airniHoffttimulHiIl'among |>eii[)|uuf mntle.niUICSBUK who ttif ut lout resolved to uit lioinn

" ittnti'dliirilNHoldiurlcnii IJnin to ninrkend of wbiph will 1bent eiiRtumera rcfu

t lie lonn^r liii|uweil tipnit In llin innttei•y'lf! f'|>r eutmiln. Any mw who wtaliciiHiiovertlu- iliifi'rcnci' between clea&educlenmd blrdK lias otilr to try u Kiicclnic..Hi iimm bin table at Hie ttnine tiienl.-l

Vurk TributH!.

Out In the Air.

Do uot bo nfrald of thn winter cold foriii-ultlij- child. Let It pet nit tho ont-Joor mIt eau, and when Binnmer comt-i* it will nneed gn niuoli "buihilng np," Keep it uwifrom window crack*, from drafts in the houhut not out of tlio minahine. (live it a sled,nvigou, A bicycle, a hoop, anythivg to i,it ran out of doors, mid do not imitatetencher nf one of uiit priiafjrj- M-booUollercd her Hft'e ncqiuo p<> tnaur goi"ntiirks* if they wnifld mtt fo gq uitf lop'at KH'BM. They were tl much iqoro tjinnd manaReubb, aho said, wlien they «tn<in. And no doubt *bt« WIM rlj^ht. Had

id dull plnv in n Vented urbuolrnom tihilim the. Wildest fblld. whilo n gnad, «"K l'lny, a fmrii Biipply ofnsyge)!, v«ulcmnte Kcud In it (pnupa tmpmul ta ttalsa i•rhaiis tu tuMilcf, hut edrtQliily (if aim)it rtit.nuiWrcil It) with nlenrer linijns t

irking |iowcr-baler

Tr imming Hedge*.A [jraotieal Conner ot HUanifi mtya Uu

•-the only Proper time to trim a hedge ofklml in tn uo It vhcu the tteo In nt rest, o.nny timo tiPtwerti tbe fnlling of tho leaveniiuhiinii anil tunlr Msrtiue in uprine. It I

any kind of n tiiie to KUIIIMII it t<vere pruuins while rovvroil with lenv

Tim injury may ui>t!» fljtpjjreut all ot o»uind the tree mny recover without m>fffirtuimy material harm from a ftlugln rutting; biilmre ft I* done imnunllr, on in tho, ct

with heilgia, sooner or later tho (nn mBiiccura!ip or linger al^ng f ijli o'uly ra7 feelexistence. Summer pranlug is pften I

rtut convenient, ami doe» the lenst hbi»liero only tho «oft growth' of tho presentiisun i» uinr*il; hut any Bevere trnmnhirniiji the gruwinj; »e«M>uHIIOIIIII lie mnlttei'

Monogram Col I actors-»eii- wrinkle among thp Jnilien into

ifilWtinn of monogninn of theft _friends, whfoh nre cugTOfcd on, iu iuiititlotof coin, annuirat)BX-4 itiam-rqiujd or circle,md worn iu H|i onimiipnf fus(end uf u ]iTPm\iiu. hut which uneven the imiveil. Where tbent arc snFerallniNwiifuiallj thtM-me, tbe centre piece i#wMo iwunllv rrmtaln the monoffnun oi tbeiir whom the voniiji lady entertains ....lighegt rfKnrtl, HMunich f,,r gotxt aud snfB-li'iif renmonw (hu may berepltuedbytinotueiiii>cti ot silver anil of tog we another mono-

gram. A number o( young lajUei are enilcuvonug tu' out-tlo eacb other iu warningi-olleptkmofthpse keepsakeji. TtipRiBtoLitiueli Bport in i|, auil in mnuy ca«* theyonniKeutlepicu are pnlj [oft anxiutM (u oblige.

*-»"*>* .Thr Pt-rullfcr Sljf A))pp«rancF,

riiD ifmarkobls nupret of the e.feffing •kjnoted in no ninny pluces In tbo United Stateanml In England during the \I&H month, antwlneb bn» 1.wn nttHlmted Iu tho pawa&norrli« cftrtl. tbroitgli o rrgioa vf meteoric Jiwt.IIOB Ueim o U r w i aliMi in Peru. A eorrcg-|>otidput, writing from THOHIIIUD noiler dat

- 1he evenhiK of K<•],!<• ml*r 2d, that nftei....wt the »ky wan overeiisi with n hriahlellow light, whicb gradually hecnino oraun•'"wl. It UrteA tor about half an hou.

Bunget. Several ulglitB later it wa.agnln Been, but the Kalit WHS redder. It Old- • appear again until the nlcbt niter the last

: moon, but hax Iveu visible almost ulglttlvr since. It U wen on tho greater nart »f

;hw toiwt, atid nbso in tlie Inter - ~

Accident a t Oxford Tunnel.

Lait llunilay in urn lag Chnrlea Howard,rati-maa on dm O . l i W, B. R., fB

.ndrmlved injuries which will make him•tipple lor life. Mr. Howard liveo bctvet>ew Hampton and .lunctiou. He WM en,luyed on fnhjLt.Naw « np. OuMondailornlncwlH'niiuwiuK thr«.i(htho tunnel at

Dxfnnl he stc^md front o koi «*-( orooctinir- ittt. HIWB acjjtlierof tho w n i U u h butjnext wiwaflntfar aud be Jell between\tVoJl\ WTb * V% '!'»Jhi»leB was caughtit and the bone* below the knee. ttnabSd.WMdiund quite adiclnnoe before iho

...a coiil'l be Mtiiipcd, »nil vaa wvetely•ratcbed and limiHid, lie win conveyed to'- home, where hh leg T J I ampHtel. '

ihlngtun Star.


Il is wild tlmt Mr. ChatUu ,.ml nevcral .Kb,.lemucratk mcuiben will refuse to vote lor a[Uoi- dealer for Shaker even abtiuld Weh ain obtain the oauow nomination. " Liquor-aler" » (Jja otlier name tor Thomas J.yun, Tim report may be trno as to «r.intfie, but we W * nrdntibu M tt. ftaitevcral otber Detnncratio nietnlwra." II<t chnracterUtio of Ucinocwtie laiudatoh, .„It a eaucnn just bccaoKc the nanunee is eon-rtri with V liquor bMfaM^-Thntn

The fpll^rjaieffor colic•ml R»[J hi good timfl,*«of theprulpfMiion: ..itin»n.atiGtpir)ts«ritniiettspirila qftiiter, two«'>trth jwiimi: m " * "mil; camphor,t it stand tourteL_..^, „ „ _ ^ wue oiini-e (or IUM, accenting to tht> six,

;ery thirtjMjinutes nntll relieTia nffordod.

Uentmi,y .luring the slippery MSWD,—— rniks aro uwd for horse idioca.

orUiafleoclliei, onr

: opium,treHilri opt


nB pium, onetotllm patreHilri, optoiu-fnutil nnnil. »|iuilii;Hb«rureuslng

o m r l for {,otn »UM,,u^poiQW Htuds an inch IGDII are

rf Into lioloi ten ta ft, .hoc, md %£k i a a l c n ILB .Ul.lt 1 1 , , , ^ , )„]„.„ „ , ,

1 a knlton MIUK«1 into ttefr plawt. tliere-prernllne all <!lmage to tba lo rn midplng tlie MIew IIQIC. from fitting.

All Should Readau>«rtiramrt otHr. JohnW. Ssarlai

W. 8. 00LLARD,Carriage Trimmer and Furni-

ture Uphols'erer,M0BBI8 8TCEET, DOTOr, B. J .

|.«|fer* reuinuIn tlicPostOBce n

Dover, N. J.. Dec. U, 1883.



TERHUNE & FREEMAN,flnili Jewel Gaskets,

" HD?dkirente! Buf' ,

" Qtuve Battn,

" Toilet Oftses.

" Peifaaeij Can**,

Dtonze Oud BroeiTera,

" A>-h "

- OiaUla Sikks,

" Pictaro Frimer,

" Ink Btimli.



OIOTM, U<tU, 811k and Linen

Hanittercuicrs, Hos'err, TACO

l ioi , Cjlttn and Fioba', CuracU,

Whfia I B J Bcariet. Uutlervpsr,

BIIBWIF, Oloskt, Siifce, Fino Drew

Goodj, T»b!e Dnuailii, Toircls

soil Xspklm.



and til ft$ tbingi ( t*t petdio (o a vtcli e.toc'iud DUY CO WX fiiJCVi:, all of iLe (Old at ibe tui\fi,t jirnMbk- i-ric_g.

SHERIFF'S SALE.In Chsnaery of Nti* J«rsfv-BelnecDEIIai L.

VHUu-uii.F.lUlia B. OiJJi* mil Frank A.Wiiklupoo, c,,mplainaut<>, anil Coidict VV,Cmler, rie'undtni. Pi. fi. lor *B'CO( inort

Use*. Relurnnble tu February

Angmln Ayew,Danlfll Aym,II, C. ltnnucll (2)NHHIIK Bonn.Knte ('hunwn,.1. C. t!lK.M Huitey,IVter lloplcr.

A, Lnmont.Minnie L LoncyF51nniilngL>(iU,L. MeConnell,Prtttrft" "


*t Publi

l>iivld.l..l<m<^,link Kllil,Lucy Tnfmii.iso,

Mnrv E. Smith,Llniln 8tnce,OIMI. Wvuuut,

it miy in tlie adnve tvUvr* »ay "*d'nidgivi-duiH'.rihlHlut.


FUNERALS IMr micm ortJtoail Prutilo uppreciafeil.

(Juslity and workmanship of Ihe boat.My ibauki for liberal patronage m (lie pasOrtltn by teiBgnph meuengirorlelepuoi

attended to,JOHN JONES, Undertaker,

3-ly Hookwsy, N.J.


EOIII.BI | be reMilmce uf I ho briJtiu tnnther,Mrs. W C, Burnoti, hy Ber. J. B. PauUtiJames M, Anitar. nl Hiph Bridge, and MnAnna P. Htelce, <if atfirri«forTn.

VAKDRO0P-HAYCO0K—At Port Omin,X<ivi!inliei-2«th, by I(ev. Vf. M. Parry, Jos.A, Variant ml Ml** Ulixak'tli I f a v t kboth of Dover. • *

McDONALD—In Dover, December 13tb,ra,I'AtRiCK, youngeit son of Palriek and KateITcDonsJil, aged 8 yean and B aioaths.

KSfiTLKRln Dover. DecemberlOtb,'83,THOMAS OEOROB, son ot Frank aad MnryKcnMtlcr, aged nix yearn, eleraantdntlu matlfleoh d&ya.


TmUn tor debt ancl will ha told cheap . Onelugle l e t t leli-li d H r b l l d

3 U p

wasun._ _ W. G. 0OPQ1N9,

' lisBtliifiur turn,iIIe,K. J,

INVESTMENT.1CAN PLACE »oa,(XH) or mort In *nmt $m

and upward at 7 per cent, anil tt \nt cei.1Ciiy, impruved tsrm auil utillDg prujiiitty, fiwheirBt Psol, Wiuneioia, *hil in bitutaOill tdjio loam. Prluoip*! arilliite[cttL Bit**utcftl. W. II. EiANDEBil.

203 UrOKlKiy,3w KLW lortf tfy.

GIRL WANTEDto io geDenl ljonBenroik—family or IliUaat be a gmil naabor anil Ironcr. Oood

:> Rirtn. AppU al tii-B»flee, orMBS. J. C. BCHIIADIiB,

UtCjlD.t.lln, N.J.

Horse,Wagon and SleighFOR

A rool noikjnjr lionft noA titc i»j.Dil BbicllOimblc^L'atfil It) anoiltiODdillan, yuile tue

h h u been tucil b;t a ten titntF.: MRS. m t . NEWTOS,

M > '. : Bsnm Kioe. Mice Hil1,





So rc-icrrftd iwats. 2,2*


T virtue or tlio above stated nrll of Seri" Mntn; liRnds, 1 tbtll FXPOKO for sale

Venilne, at theCutrt Honsc.ln Hor-rfatotra, H.J.,oa

MONDAY, (lie Hlli .1ST of J»nuait nt i tA. D-1884, between (lib bonrs uf 13 BI. anilo'ch'i* i'. flf., mat ii to ear at Ha'u'mk iu tjif t-riiM.n or «aiU ilai', ill that ti.u-pti n: 'aittl mill jirnu'tOi'. lierci :*''»•* )•larlv .U-i-rtbfif, nitDtto, Iviait an t b.n.uCv} ' I lli'nlKiotcn.Iti ilio Ooiuty c( MuriHf? K f c of h'ctr JLTIOJ I

ll-K uniiifimcnruerof tlicHnir iitu'fttf liuc "* iho Htonloa Hi;a<' (iroj'prnvned h i Bjitm 0, floerln, su i munilbonfo(l)soolliartj-H)rfr(ti-((renianii l!fmloctti nest »loas tlie Hoe ol »iil QIHTOIID)••id ol tlifl lot owned ht liUa Bltrtbi C. Hmii-r. one bnntiml and tw(ioty-«ii fust and &<Incbcs loin iton pin in the middle ur(IanQ<nl / i r l ; ll/ent*o(aj roath thin P-UJFCO df«rtiDd flfteSD mloulencjtHbirtyfcet to aiotiniron pin is ttie .nUldle nl raid ilri-f t ; tbem(8) nnrlb QltT-lliire dpfjr en aud thirty m*nlDP ran ODD bnuiiMlBini'lwenlv-ilt '*• t aItTHint'bitto acotwr in ilio Gueni'^ Ittlnnce (4) Dorlb ib im-nmu .Ifcr.-ui iflrtit-D lnmales ae,t iliirtT feel to ibe jli


Bi-inp tlia rame premises cotnuje 1 to Ou,line M.T. Kiniibj deed from William J.Coopsn<) vntt. dated October lit, tSlS. aad recordtin Soak F 10, ptffo 1?. it. of Deeds for siilorrls Conner.

WILLIAM H. HOffELTi, 8henfl.Dited NUT. IDtb, 1883. f7

- popahrzavdn. la audition we uavu



THE GROCERY DEPARTMENTia replulo u uiual with sll tbe n-

-stoeli »lth fic-Bh


A L LJODC M'..3..tt <Uf IJUH


HTR1PB AGAi:Don't "tntoicHide while ybarn tother," 'tlie cold wlilowlig in

icea of your doore anil -windows, ^ .can all ba tnnde ttelit by Valentine''Weather Strips so nently applied by '

E. Cutler, Dorer, N, J. Bendapoat-1 ~"of what you want.

flit. 0. P. COCHBAN,wcenUj of SUnliopB, N.J . , request* all peisous ladebted fij bits to col] on tbc un<li•igne4 linmedlatoly and settle tbe Bum*.

BEV. JOHN JAT CRANE,Box 83, Sfmitin

Notice of Settlement.Notice is bfreby given (bat Ibe accounts

ibe subscriber, Adntinlitiatir of El zibeO l d d ' l l l b i U l l ldson.dPoil.nltlbPiiHiUFtlRnilstatc'l

Rnrtog»'r-, *nd reported (or tetllcmrrftb Orphans'Conrt of tlie Gmntv of Morion HDDJIJ tba fourth dnv ol Felirn^v m-v,

JAMES H.QAItREL,Daleil No?. 30th, 1883. 621)

Adralni»tr»ior'*m1Jre«l Daver, N. J.

FOR SALE!ery promhlug MARK t'CILT,

years old lost Jnne—tolor, mahogany ba;with dnrkpolntHi (itwk one half hauiblctnlan, Htands 15 bandit, of beustlful carriog

nd klnil dUpoiltlon, well urufcen tn alng]T l l to tbn K. E. I'm

FOR SALE.Tho farm known as the Charles Kln

F , In Mnrri* County, c

J. H. NEJQHllOlTlt,Dover, S. J.

JOHN DAWEDM at liis rwtettrontfine stock of OHBIBTMJ


-i Ti]jir-\we\l street,i Tors and COSPBC

ir,togetnerwltlifullliue8ofTobnccoi,8egarn, Candles, Canned Good* and Uysti'•y the IW, qoart or gallon. Orders promptittenfled to. Bensouable t*ra« forboarilc

National Union Bank.. DvTKB, N . J , Dec. *lb, 1883.

Tba tunnal mtetlnu of Htorlbolders of ilii,>ank «i|l lie bi-I-1 at their buk ias bonfe on"sewlsy, JaOQ»rj 8tbt )8JH. fur tbc c!ecli<f pirtclara. au0 iransscuun of Mich otbi.ti'iiirnf (d oiaj- bo brcavlit lit M r. Poifa111 bo open frntn 10 to II ft'cLmk K. it.Gn OEOHQE D. HEEKER, Cashier.

BAKER.K MT GOODS, lor Winter near, cousisliug of Jacked, Hoods

'uhia«, Lenlms, Hosiery and Milts at

Uouble aud Single ALL WOOL. SHAWLS anil Felt Skirli at



Opera, Basket, Dress and Twilled FLANNELS at

A good aisorlment of NOTIONS, nt rnwonable prices, at

A reliable stock; of QROCEIIIB9 and PSOyiSfOKS at


BODY nHUSSEl.9, TAPESTRIES and INGRAIN CARPETSold br sample at Mew York prices at •• • ,











A c , dr . , &,.

CRIPPEN, (The Popular Clothier and Hatter,)

Ko. 4 Brink Bloclf, Dover, N. J .


- I N -




Florentine Statuary








Tleoometwin-iMiitiovIilt.l9toth8iir.kede j o . ; • • ' - . ' •

Deo. 5»ta Ii tho I u t day for ttio P*yn>eottoxo*.

Protection Mgulw meBtin-j next Monday

The Y. K. C. A. i"afr In MorrfcteFn nettedabout WO.

The new LejtUlBtnw will eonvene on TUM-

We »Ditld »t l ier we a green OLrUtmmthan ft blue cue.

.Ihont hwir fr-ftre pewiw we now

B. P . Brand, nnnr Mnaison, luw liad a 3m

Tin} fin* till* week in olad In tho pifaebionn'ile shade—moss K I W I .

Mr- anil Mm. flparini 8*>1ui«n,of minute,•are visltinff frimifa at Mt. nitre.

An effort I - M I K ; made tn fmucUite tboWlilppttny H, E. Biradnj- 8cbo.il.

H. Biokh-y. of Dover for n inUinR mill.Mr- .Tort WIIMIH i» stnrtinc mt '•'« Bloom-

inpdulo forge, wiih A. KniUm. in dimSir. anil Mw. -T. R H-fmrr will <•

tliflr rtlver wedding Fridny cvnitufi, Uec.

Itnv. IJ. H. Col'iim. nf German Vnllnv, wl.Im 'rfvcii it donation Tli lira day evening, Pec,SPtli.

o DnvrrPrwlivtPTiiin CltnrnliTliflCliofrnflore* liractiolng I'•vico.

'flift Itnanton Common Conin'tiHiinjirayinrffortliolone lintel.

Tbo oniiiinlulccHniifif AnfA. M., will lio held Wwiiilicit k

nin Lmfee. F-nmsilay evening o

kKov. K. O. ffnwinml. of PnrrfmMmy. n'M1«!

"donntwl" at tlio iiareoimge on Tncsdityevening nost.

EphrtUit XViitan linucltt rlie ynnrlco limitfun" iinnr Steiilinimbin*!, nt publtu unle, foi971.25 per acre.

Thr itowtk't wnrks u( MoCiiinnvltlo wrroyrnicnfnv pnnnertPil -\vith the rest of tbiworld liy talH'linne.

Mmlinnii Pulilio Sennit) lion mirdinsnl wtmi.kBtrmiiMit«ftrox|.oniii(ii(i».ii Nntitml PHI-

Mnrri* Plain*, will tnha place on Siuxlii.y,UoelSth. lit 10:30A.M.

The Lnthirnn Biimtn.T Hriiool nt (lmanVnlW nil! luivr n t'lirin'insm treu filtiTinm-lui'iitonOlirlstnins <iV

Work nt tlio Vlovcr <;ir nlmria i» very brisk,nml there HIP now niitmt 275 <'iitiili>v 'tlic imy roll of tli ui in*lftnfiim.

Tho nuiounl of liinprint tlio .IHIMII.V <'lit

uv rcti'iirctlm Km

A n e f f o r t i « I w i u j ! m m l i ' I D r a i »i - r c c t . S O » 1 i * ( ' t ! i m i ] ) H i n U m - I t mg r c n t f A l p a r t n f i t h i n t ) ) I > P I I H i i l M c r i l

. 1 . W . K i r l m i ' i U , » f I - . L I I I - I . 1 I I I ' m l iu l i l i ^ ' i t t o k i l l I w i v u l m i l . h ! I ' H W N ,l t l t l c u b y u u m a < l o K . f i i i i « i i i ^ l i . v i l i '

T l i e c m i t P l n f l W l i i i s \ U i l . l . - i v i l b i iA l i . m t C l i r U i i i l i m t l i u « > w l i o > h > iH i n t a r l l c ' o c i i i i i l i - w i t w i t I t I h e t m

r i i n ( ' l l l i l « . T M A i > E H A i n v v r a v i " rk - n l f o r i n m l i i i K l < > 1 1 - . • ! ! . ! - . n m 1 > " li i m i i i l i > 1 n i - i - . s w l i t T i ' i t i n H O I I I , f u r



«!a,v •

il nilif.itlilyimm-r


r cowiecHon »ltU Lake Hopal.-vug uoa been made this week.

HIM Emtnn Tbiirtttr jive* a concert la Mot-Ylitown Friday cTenlng of jiext week.

About fifty men vero dUcbarind from tbemines In tM vicinity otUt- Hope I u t Satur-day.

, bou tiol aad ooraet form tinC'bailtap PnMbjteriao Sunday

_„ osratt'-yileation flenimiiclL^._minted thi* week, U oat thrioai

Jrlond tired!liettt afflicted witli » apt

let fever, but It* projjWM l a i

gorgeous tbatfttie minuts—Ex.. We'll takejour word fon t • '

, . . „ 'otnpaoy, of Horriitonn,tiotr amninou their bom* from HelUy'i MabTfar an electria bull.

The Odd Fellow af New Jeruy nude k netgain iu umtubersbip. tbe p u t year, of 1.0M,.

Far the year 1B83 two hundred and •Ore,.,troltcit trotted in 2:30 or better. TweJtty-iixofthfietrottedinai2flor better.

An uninvited giie4 I" reported ta have «>•pe-ired at tbo Vnu;IorblH Imil tlic otlier nightHI n 915 ouit of clothes. Uuybe it wt» ooo afWilliam's poor relattoBi from Horric coautf-

o«wii>tioftueffl*ttval»ftheMrpflbe» of fit .Tobn't oburch lust evening tern#1SO. It n-fll ho eontioaDi tbl»—Fridaysuing In the Odd Followi' ntw tinlldlug,)x e trout, • • ..;

—v. Edjior A. Hamilton ana iieeu calledfrom DecUertawn In Sitringfleld, Mu, auditasgouc to Ins new fl»ld oflalior. Heiaa granil-

DII of AlexandT Hamilton, the itateiman oforeurly lilatorv.. '

Tbo Now Jcrae.v Civil Servtoo Asiaelntlonwill mute ou effort fur the eiinrtuieiic, d 'tlic ij))|ir(inoUlng "tflrioQ oftlia t<v){rUilatu._,.a ruooi-d bill, uhnllar to tha DUO i»aaeil Ju t


d bill, similarlnMnrVwfc.\nliio of the now bafldinga now in

DUtve of erection itt Siorrlatown in firtfjKW.I ' l i u I d i u u e r t t i l u l u U I ) B r e t n i l t i s d i i u t o t l mI ' t u t t r a t i m , i i u i o k u o t i i m n i i l u n t l o n w S t u N o wY o r k l a v i u r m u i i e A i u a l m U d l n j i l i o o m .

T l i e u i e r a l m n t w I i n d u O f l u ' t a d v e r l l i i D l u t i eE U A L i b u u l i n i t o u t U * a i d p o i n t x . p u t t l u gt b t t t u i n t U o i h o w v l u d u w s i m l o b e l i u g t u u i u" H u H i l i t y l * i « M f l v t V - T h o M w l > f l U l i v c u . - i

m d j t u s U y g u u d a t e l l y o u u b o u t t b u u i i u t b iB U « ;

Jllinil Tom bod one of the targtut,«i nigbt evnr 8ncn ut iiu euu*rl»iliiil(mt iuover, Over itUOqmiti wi>re ounaucil iu nil-jnce Tlie jioi'lvriuiuiee BUUWOU ttiut tlio•llud buy Inxl Juet uonu ot'liia wumturltil im

I n t l i o F i r s t M , K . C l n n v l i l u » * t K I U K

d r i ' i i n t ' i l i i . S i i l i l m t l i S i - t K . o l w i i h i h e i

v i m i - n . i i i i i i - i K . - a i n M I I V ^ I I I M C U n o vW h i n i - o i i i t i l c t i ' i l i tillmitt 1 . fwt

tibmit Tfifl ii>pf! to thnvniiwi of $1"

t l l ^ h i



n> Inlely fltliv.ti- Cr'flllli, Him-utcli pettj- U I

fro ^t.vei\ mul tlipro iHiug in llw u ^ M w

A immbor of tin* uiHx »t tin- Oover *ilkmill worn tRtiiniimrih' FIIH,(CII-1C.1 finni workooTaeMlar. ThMilllitrwlo likenmnvothers,lins bewn VITJ dull of Into

Au I imi editor bus rctirc.l from jmimallsiuvllli tlio remnrk that " mi true tiirhtlnn cnuodit n !iovrnpftt)M\" 11m fntfuu' of the Vfndi-cutor !s at lust nncniintcil fnr.

Tbn OhrintiniiKflxtrft nf tho EHA in iint nflit|i(tlcmnnt j((irofia*fl(i In Hew Turk, dcv/i\r)of nnyluoiil lutcniBt, hut In » bmnti urmluoteutlrely,,nwln«Bitoli wp fool jirmnl oflt.

M HID liwt iiifcilng of llu* DulnivnrR, Lnok-avauiin nml M'inti-m Hnllr.mil I>ln>ctnrs,ProHMcnt Sloan Hinted flint tin? Ociolier I'lint-ingn ivcic (ivor twi) ]icr cent, on (In* mock.

The Itullrtin WHIIIBUB ti.lirlirvn HmWiirrfaComity hms ilniililcd her popitbitinn lit tliolnstfimr Vfiirw ini'l IPIIH II* (lint n Hii'mm imrniMlat NPW VinmiUnmi vnn intumul I'M-$l2,iU)S).

Wo an- n>lial>lv iiifoniK'il tlitil tlif 7-'i!liilHTidiiinliiicnms'tiii^iinH llcntty's facturv.lit U'uMiiimtiin.-Wniroi Hci.iil.licoii. 'HIIP

Vc ilmimlit il nm throughIlcntt.v.

the r

u , m i i « . o f S U Ph f b o l i u t i i n - 1

i n j u r i n g i i r , i , I


i u h t l i i *i l n c t ; i « t

' M u l o fl

About twonty-flveTino men of tlienawm p l i i i i i o . w l i u w u r e b i i K n l u i g n t H u H U v ai i l u ! n t W l i i j ) | n i n v , j j i i t i u t u n I r o n flglit j l o u -

l u y i i l g b t ) m i u c t t b c u t o v o m i d o t b u r w i t n ) i n i u l ew j i j - u i i u l u u L u i i l y l i b u r l i u i H i . N e x t d a y

m i i t l i u l t t i l t i i c i u w t r u d i a u b i t r g c d .A u ( i l d - f i m l i l m i c d n i t i n f r i i i i i t l i o i n o t r a t a i u

I I H i n t o w n i i f u w d u Y K B I H U L 1 , a u | l B B W U n u i r

l e i u ' w u l i d w | ) l u t e i l u t u n t i l t b o y t i i r u w l l l mi i i i i t r , N v b d i i I I D W I I H b e a r d t u a a y t " U u s l i lh u t t h i n g * ii l u h v r s i t u * w h e n l i t ) J m i u ' t g u ta gun."—Hx.J, G.Tndd, (liotnitii who bad tlio o n tract

tbo Hruiliug of the itodisim ConventIIUIM, IIIIB 1'nlitil, nml n cttuibtr of* towns-

tmvu rttiireri-d ctiLrtlilciablo Ics*. Tlici raiiKi' nil tliu way trun) tnif»llinutU'n

p a y t o W i n r o r a I I J I t a P W t o r h o a n l h i l l * s u i t

T h o t n l i o w l n i i o i l l e r r H u f t l i " h e c o n d S I . K .i i i i l i i y H i - t h i m l W P I V t i l m i t c d m i J l m n l u v y v P H -K- K i i M i - r i u l c i i d r i i t , J i n t i u U A l u i l i u ; A x s ' ti ] i ' l , ( J , ( l i t i l i i n i H t i i ' i i s . , , 1 . A . L v o u ; S n u ' y ,

A . T i i y l w ; A i w ' t B e u ' y , A l i r n i i i V i i n i l i s n - o e r jt i m r l H U , I t . II H m r i l m t A m ' t L l l m i r t i f l ,

S l f a i n i i k - k ; O i v a i i t f t t , S l i w l . i l t ' y ; C U o r -i i v , A . V i u i i U ' r v c t ' t * .

S r d i < . r W . I I , S m i t h p i v - f l s t h e f i > J ] ( > w J u « o r i -i o ' l ' t l i R A m i ' i i u a u H i i f t u i n u f t i n n i n g t n t l i u

w n t i B i i a l ' t l i i B K . " l n ' i l i i v i n j ; o n n x - t e i i i i i . l i e -i l i i v i u ' w a i k h u n d i f . l y f T « > I t l i t ' I l i u m , s t » ( I m tl i o I ' I I I I l i u n i l l i ) t h o K I I I I I I o r w l . i | i w i i h l i i N r l ^ l i lb u n d , I n u p r t l u f ! a w a i s m i m r l i O r i T v r w o u Mt j i n t t i > l l M M - l f i J i t , I M > H m l l u M - m i M I m l i f t w u i ' i ih i h o w n o x i t i m i d l l i i M C o f t i n * U I I H T w i t f i u .

The I sbla Met

flaafd of rraeholdtin.iher meeting WM h<d& on Wfd

^ ..._aUtl>e tnombera preMMit. Tbminutes of the Iwt meeting v e » read and ap<proved,

Tito Committee on Manual reported tUemD tiBd sad HBtishctfin. Aocept«4.Tlic Oomniiitea on Stews ReBtlnt reoorttd

11..W tlw AppMBtm « fur M teated U latbtfne-tort, nnd toot ther Imd deelitBd tppay t3MtioeordlDg to onuteiwt Tboy further Hkodtdat tiie Hou4 make prcvidoB fw p»yia«* " " * • ttllldtfefn tlioeottinwt. Tto.r p»-

• " ttfWof&aiuuountjetdMiiBiil_ „ . _ — i r u n i n t i i roftdB.wuelit* InBeoordnacB irtth t ie Mntwct.

A mottnn vunntd«tli&t 97B- . . . .cji due t ie eonntr in tbeTiBndi of tlIff be tnuufened to tbe Court Hnnw snd JailCommittee for tha paymeatof thebalttwe duefor the gteant boating tppumttu.

Tliera i rua dlwrniilou for information « t odlwrniilou fe u e hwttrred n t o r a tbo oricbtliQ Canunlitee and(b<i

d 1 b i t h idll

bo ot, FfitcbtliQ C a n u n t n d (

rcot»r explained 1>J ebowinKthe a-idlllniiilexpenso made neteanry t o m a k a t h e affnirporoplete» partof wbiohwM Incurred b ;<n -nrjtlOK thocaoBoitv of tlic toiler to meet all

the veodB of tbo birftdlnu, aud ui»biuR n Bar-tug in coal wlibb woul.lVnrr.nt tue Hddltioa-ai exponse. tin tecrtem of an expert lavebwn obtftineiwUn uyathe«oafrftcit1ia« linensatUfaotorily filled v l tb tlw exoeptton of tbo

S500 Is withheld under the proriilona of «woontraot The nddlHonat ejtponae of $M SBh b i d t h futu been ineumd to meet tbe o«penw» ofibsnsriw and Altemfini-« tlipusbt lm»t to beundeby tho Committee, Imt wbion were not

Tlie motion to tmarferthe »7fiO for thil pur-iiwe WSB pnsaAit by a miattinimu vote.TbB CourtHouMBniVJoIlConimitlo»re-

lorted tliat with tiieh- ftitnropritition thoyvero non)>le to.conroleta tlieir imjirovenienti,nnd tbnt i r i t !*•• aerniwd nooesa^ry to oo>u-ilete the «nme tt would lio ueoosaar^ to niRKe

ap]iw»|)rintkitl «f money from otliersDitroeg. t f i c t f u s o a , A d e t a i l e d g U t t e m e n t <>t t i w i r

operations and cxiirAttet w u itlvro, shnwiugtimisntu -aipenilituru hml beun mude uocett-arytbUyeorlB (bis dHpurfmunt.

feirutl from tjiO Uuurt expetiu nuouunt t» tboliridgu ncounnt. Cmrieit unniiiinoii«lv.

A uiwi)K<roi't>JlJ*ttx>n> jniwpntod and of-

A oliarge of pm by the Clerk ct Slotrin1* *1)siil[i ioi* collisetlnVliiillot l)i>se* ercatudJtno (JiijoiiiiBfim, tho CWluci of tlta liattrdliiliniiiK tliat it wiw a louul cliitriio. Ai-tJouII tbu liill wus (Iclcrrod till next niootlutr.'l'lie uew innuiwlH wrre tlUtnUatail tu tue

i t f t r d . -1

. ,-;•••-,••• " -" -. '• - - ' ' ..

ItwiMounmwDtid that tbe priutiniK Hppro-riution won about uxhanateil,iii-jouruoil. ,

Hnw"Unol9 John " W a i Taken In,Our ^ Oonnpn - Vuilcy; ooi-njanoiidutit I u tcekicavo UB8inne|mrt.i)iiliii-i*olhi)W " Utiolu

High Polnti In New Jeruy.Tbe follflwiiifc it llif licigiit of VBtioiu

in Oil* Stnto aliove tide water, as eatauby the Geoloteieal Surrey i

OD the Jtorria Mil EtMx rtllroad and trlHtsHw-Xeiwlc, K ^ - ^ - i i U a l i S i B]i>,»>»-flled, 137f Oratine, 185: Bnuth OrwiffO, 1Milharn, 147; Summit, Mt j Chtthftin, 331;

„ . „ „ „ ., 7671 Port Hwria, 9Wl Btnttftojie672) Waterloo, 71B: Baclcettittcrwtl, 0671 1

BlTifilAnntalnfllaiSiTuriior'* BumwH! l!»0 idea Mine, l,2tf; llamliurff HonntnlnJ.Wl

ul tttlllroad-Eli* »l>em. 2S\ We>1- . - , joteii PlainB. 175; Plalnfteld, 11Kewmnrket, ea (Bound Brook, SB; gnmerrtile68] NortL Bntnoli, S31 OUuton, 8461 UIKIllrldir^, 834; A-iurv, 438; UmitmkftcluirIUf BtifUm, 26?.

On the Erl« road niid tribiitBriw-Bercei[III, 40; I)OIII«B 8nrln«, M: Pnlenen, 78lohakiu, 167; AUondnlo, a3»;Onrret Book

Patenitiu, 631;ffl»li HoHntaln, (KB; Sutlerford P.rk, SSa'soknmn'. plrar, 17J; UttliFall., UO; Slnioo.SOli; M««d'» Bmin, 175tarja »fc »i itataU. »

707; fltonkdolm- a « p . U I 0 |

tau t BumtQBr Tbu . Tr ianon aod Jtror*Twnkin w w pmoeoded n^rtluitfor vlahtiaunfihe liealth ordiiiamw. Uy ( U k T

d i th di

ontiou ta the prosecutlmi and Indnnicmderod iiprimt botli.WnJ MA T r i n medition wan .until dkectwl titMnruli

™/ . (ii whtob Tdnlttn wiw n«flf» de^rilnbv tbo wroitK name of Wm. Tonkin. Hildathi« oxaoutina a horae, vmm ,nud linrtiLHibolnnsiiiK tn Mm vuva nicemt mul vo'd. nulime uft«r Tmikin «ued Uunbnt Keiloy

H for dnnia'w*, olainiltiff that tbo adid imt oivdtlin lluraltnl nny lmwm

iu. Tuult n. Io Alurnlial Kollej1

""luu be Mstniitlin use '"t. Mr. Jabn 1) Stiektanide n motion hiiiiiitin, on tbcit l i imt.,the Kroiiud tlint

— t n t h i n l i e• i B j i i H i l l r i n l i

f u r T i . i - k l n , iM s K i u & t N vmttl liten u


m e l i n r tf t h u t { i

jiBkiajr a Western trip. Tlio iulluninu tus-ii-uiit ut tlio affair i« iroui |be iSlaiiiH (*T N.)\ilvortisfiri . ,

,Ii»bu Fromu b aliout MJVfUty-llvo ycareciga. and (or atteouimrt ha*catrleil the maiBtwct-u Wenuun Vidliyr »lid lluckutbtewi,J Foity veurtnjjB Mr. Iroiue drovolrm

innanu Vmluv to DuuuviUe, K. Y., to l»visit tn bis tmtivu tiiaoo. taut ilouiiov h-tiirtoil ngHln ii-oiii tfui-miin Vullej fur Uaiis-Illu. for hi* uDCoud viett. Hu did not«« liv

' revat, but it>i>k tbe 1)., L>, & W., ..blcli ftiriy j-eiu-s ng« wiw nut built

ie bud unuuirh imtnuy tu buy MH tiakut uud

, „ „ „._„ man jfot oti Ihti totto,ud took a Bent l>v the side ol ourngoil frientl.uiivcruntlmi follmvoil nlung an nmonthlyud ijufctly fiHriiDf-iHl moving trnlnnud cmic Diirn Imd truvuidod mali,r tnlluti uur twouvulurs were uu vory (jooil toruiM. Tliu oliluu wn« Kuiiie to UiiiiHvillt', N. V., a- mid,

idiilhirolil rt'sidciiti. 'Ohye*, I itin well•i|iinlntoil with tlmm nil,' riMtmudi'dtho f,e\i-ol travi.'lur. Wlicn IL mull km btHuunviiy

hiinii) tut' forty ycai-ri it in u tilimaim' in' ' Iii* nwn fricuds

l i n u t d m


I f m i l i m i f o n i l " I n -w i n i l c . 1 t l i e n l i h i i

K i - i i t l o r h i m . ( t i nl i ' l m i T b i i d y f l n i ' I i

i w i n . • I H l K b t t i l . . 1i t ' i i f d J i ' i i i l r a , t h n (

cudst ! > ! ' •



,vni. In Moiti

r nii-k(VKi)ii I

i last Sutur-1 the

jt-ii <jniti> ill

if Millim. UxUU-_. _._ .JiniiRii.'.v, ui[liifli'i'liitiv^uiidfrlciitliiii

A. P. Tliuiniwim, nf McMi!tisvllli>, rri-intlyliot ii erny fox; wcinliinj,-1 wcnt.v naund*.

Mi-. Itnlii-rt HIclmrdH mul Cuuut.v l'»llri'Ii>i-_^iiilii!rl Ktiirt to-iimriMW fur it visit Ut Wnzlt-itit,-1un D. V,

It iH scncrally VMiiv.,! (UM ltcv. W. II.Judn-mfck wiiuld Uka to tn> pit*lor <it~ tin;

First M. i:. Oliurch.Wm. B. Mnntii^iie mid Aiisiintus Pnul L a v

Hituutionsf iu Nuw Y/orli.Mi- NelfjJibour ifl gent IV rcinimlGd thnl tltey

..rc not electing DiMnucratlu jnoteotlonietH tollminc B[>onUor#liine now n dnye.

UucloByntin Piniileu climbed tlie stain nftlio EnA olHeu liwt Buturdny to imy liin mill-

ion. Ho ia now 1i2 yvnn of ngu.•- \V. II. Boldfn, well-known in Dover,jopivcil it call tn the Went Prealtytnrinn

C l i u r a h , R n A g B t a t t , H . J . , t i t a s a h r y n h l . u a ) .I t e v . T h o u . T y i w k , » f K p n r t a . h n » r c w l m l n

i l l t V i n n t h e L ' r i i H b y t n r i u u C i m n i l i n t t l i n D i l -u . n v W n t c r ( l i t t t . I t i s m i d u i - d t o i i i l t l m t h i -

w i l l i t c w ' ] " -M r . h i t U . W < i M d l e ; i , < > f ( l i - a - n c , K i i n s ' m ,

n j i d W m . A L ' M u l l i M i , o f A k i - i . M P , N . V . , I I I T

\\"l iTl)in"r. "'I'I.I. (liHirjit! \V. Tuyl.ir, of Iliub llriiltic, Ii

r iw t)mi.r fin,

bimjuut ruodoritd !_._ .KtHltc out tbu.pluit, tbua suntmuli

.tl Kt'Itey's tkn iuu mid hohlbis tli.tiie iuir.talw (it tlio tMtuAuut'a urnm trjia im-

rial iu u wiit oJexi'outioa. Ci>r|iointtotii'»l M. l'ititey niincuwd for Mnrubi- \u tbo ••roei-cillug').

. ' Strnnge Hub ts of Buss.

. D'ttrlu* « rewut vjiiit li> Oroenffood 'Lakicc wuroJiifiiiiiiiid liv Sir. Ziuillo ol wcuriou

f ibu«c of lilnuk bn»a iil'u iu tbnt wnttr. Win;Itc l int mild Hiiup uornuu, eu tluit tncru in

Illmofico lormeu ttpuu tlio Biirfoon or tulake, largo nuiubcn oi \>AH inuy tie Houn.bully uii, ou top of ttio wuter. Thuy roninlu1 NtiwudiliiiniiutUi. obuti«o of teii-

. wbloli iu tbo uurly wiuttr moutba ,tu bo hiK-iiiV, uud thuu, liiBtiintcr, tbu bronzu-buoiotti ingnlu their nurnml Lriskuem*. wheninkuuAtim touwiiteriw tlmyilu «u tlw stii-faeo bally up, in a msmUloriiitl couditlou,tboy Iiumudiutoly rucuvor thuir euliiu uud"""" '.w. OunoftlHiuiOMUIui(uli.rfoiitui

MiHnilR trait is, that it fa MIIIII'HHI(o-iuoutlicil a]iL'oi«a uf tUo liluvk trnifitoH uf Wrenuwood Lnko voutirm thu

„„•»(; of Mr.Ziiiille, whoulao lalarai»uabut Juj bUieked a ptlvutcpinxl of lloii. Alirntii

&. Hewitt will, lilaok Imt whieh U plokvdnut or tbo lnlm when lu tliu ulinvc named oim-

idtlmtthQ idnut wiw uiUrcry sui'-cenaiii'l. Huvouuy oftbu wnderBofTfin An-tier ii knowledgo ottlin like doiug of Muck

ill thuli* loeal wntr.nt 1 Van any oiiu nnu oaiwe far tuis curiomj truiUrTbi

Atinirioiin Angler-

A Great Holiday Bazar.i lioen to tee tbe great builder din-Have yon been to KPO tbe great holWa.T ill

luy at Airs. H. Trawurthn's, ou Buxsex street h l d there nt OIID Tlitre

0 I h i h. n l y t u

1 uIllll'lUlldl•iitoi'lji-n-

• hi)ihr Kiiiil |u

r tn Iti'i

f unt yon should Rothero nt mice. Tlitref*i< tt.i'ri' u whole BIIOW case flllnd wltb elei-itnt ' 'nilhi'ih in cpyuunlUBwl molt cimdy, iuolm"

n-iiiilil i-itinfc etfp". iwrtra, nmilwi tunl otunitet'l iiiiillmuutifullluworWkuta. For trimiiiitigh«io- CbiishunstrooB there nre somo eutirely nuw

ortinmentu, simli iu hnve never bean neonInifnro. TIIITO in nUo a nuw ami uiilniic

, t.mi r.M..,,[ »• (-iici-k for i>lWtion of rubhor dollx nnd dolls' bcudn,ruin tiii-niiiti HII<II>H, RtockiiiRe, and rilltbcr olnnkn for (I.IIID,I'IIITII unfit Ik'nklirn they hnre *t()l that •wonih-rfu] nht/i-

I nf 1'oum- lit' •ffiiuW I injitloll. 'fhOHtni-kofwoniliJUWiircvziutiDvurI tit be Jibli- (oiiwoiiiim..; n i ttuc hororo., Tlidre nre door Bwiuge for fileuu Ho liullcii out lil»; bitlik'u, ekililrcuti' vuuxera. twn nml: lour-- " * • % nnd tlw «Jf"o^*«f*!MofrfIdfwrf t^^« | ) i ;e)r«3r

mill l«>d th


illi tlio

not Inn'i

t - l d i i ' . A K I I I I I' p J i i s H i ' f t t f a t - l i i n ,

l u w t i ' | i i - i > i i l i a r t o t H ! u | > k >w i l l i p * I o n I f t l u y r f l u

l m n u l i e h l l b « « B t u n t i lf d H o r K e l i . - i u U , w h e n b oI f t h e o t h e r t r n v e l o r h m l

f i n i t k . " N n , " n w l l e i l t h ej d t K t v r , I t f m k u p l i i n t i c k e t i n r K l u t i n i . "

T b p l i g h t t h e n d n w n w l o u i l n - u t . l n i i i u w h aI m i l t i f i ' i i B O c r u e l l y u t i i l B l i o k l y d u p e d b y t b ug o u t e e l n u G n l , m i . t t l i i a w i m n i t l i o M i l d ,« W e l l , I ' l l b u K l w l i . I n i n o < I , 1 1 ' I i n d i d n ' t t » k »l U u t o f n B b c h l k i t '

•i-. Tlwoi hml ri'*u


OmBound to find a Refuge,c m l n g l a s t w r e k M r . T h e n . K . K l t i p ,

t l D k i l l I f t h i t i v m i l ll i

...DrokKavillclL'ft^ „l-eiit i v,r I,, Mrt l!rniHI'. White he ,,n.l Msrife worn nitting trgrtlmr. iilmiil linlf-iiiint 9'clock, tlu'.v ht'iiril th<- pitc oiu-n nml som»iim ciniii'ii|»" tbe walk Htn brisk iia**c. Thmihi' ]iitr«li W'lst'i-oHMHl.nriltln'liiilIilitm* 1><<-llfr Ulllwlll'll, till1 Jtl'MDl! Ktl>].]ll-ll illtll tlll>iini^. At Hrnt tlif-v t 1I«.U{T]-1 it vu^-Mr.Kttiu'n•rriflifr. Krwhtildt'r Wm, K- Kitt", who live*rilli tlicni. Mi's, HiML', i-mt/cvi'i-. limk un n

[in.lw.uil liitnllii'liiill.wiiuc lolit-r

ilod jtnH nil dpHorfptioiiF], anil eveniK P-UO tuiit-enn l»o thought «f. OlirlBttuiw

mxee nre being eulil there ut whoteaitta J'Hoo*mil tho slock oi hoy'B itilsn face* h hnincnso,

Auotiier lurtte stnek of ChHolntim raniUcH honjust W:ea reuotved from Mew York, aud theyi-iiu limit thu isounty ou (lunlliy uuil pric-vs.fu fhf» tleimrtmetit must ho Included the ml-olirntml Oniuty Sinn's t'uiigh Drupi, wtili-hoiitc nvciy tinio. Before hnyiuu liolulnyjciiodn clwiwhere bo unro nud call at tbe oldBuntn (Jlnua1 Hoaiicimirterg—Mm. H. 'I'rewarh '

ined.John 1). Spnou ban for ntnug tiuioboen n

wnll-knuwu resident of Dover, I lelnt t uleg(Iiirlug tlw rtiuoltion, Itut mituaffod to live ovhiri PUIIBIIIU nod liy dolnz bnsinenn la n smallwny. Ho kept foritiiiunlier of jeitra (ho lunchonuiitcr nt the D-, h. k, W. depot. Utter lyIm lins keiit u muall so^or, toltnuoo inul notionM»ro »M UUoitwcll Htrratiiwtbflow Mnrrin.Lii»t Rntui'iliiy ovenintr it vrnn notkoil tlintli

• ] l T I dlD itt


ro w«» c](wiil, TIJUD it Wt liin wife umt oliilil were iitsn mi«siiin, nmlilly Unit lie linit ilrawu his quilrtpily pen-i, ifiHt. that ilny. Notliina more wn« bcurdii .Mm till Tueriflft vte(iJcm(iw <U,-<-

_. ivf.1 II liMI'T (rr.il liiui. •.lain!York, returning tlic key of tilt- store u uny

' W t l U t k l L f N o u l hi

I'nl. llrmwi « ' . Tnvlur, Of IIIcli llplill!.', liaa I """•* " ' " I "™' liiinll"' Lull, WIIIT biT mir. V | i r k f w tnnihin tlic kiy ,if tli« »lmr ami . i ftulii'ii i l u w mntmrl In nilnuul l,«IMte ill I ] r"" ' *'.',',' f" ? '".«• i l " * , ''•""»• »lniiil;ii|! , | , , s tju.t lit- would >inrl thut aitxl.t n.r KonlliCulm, IViim lliu Junisin lion Ci,., mill «,iih,l: , '^";. , »" lH-«-liiuiur.v, " \ \ ,,n ,,ir ,v',u'U,,»s (:,ir,,ll,m, wlivrf 11,1 liml n itiwilmii. Tim UH-

£ , i i v , , r t « « , , , , n , • ,,.rm,,™ ™Hiv-,, ,:;';.^,,;::i1-1,,-V iiiij,;: v.7;:,: --.••;^vi!:l:i;",^11 !i;As:^r^;K..!:;

* - ..it i- i ... .x.. . . » • _ . I I . : . j ' ' . • H .'. . I l l H f ' If r^^l " I I I III II I . . I U I I U W K I l i v n i l ciiiriil-l Ilk Mi>v Wl l l iu ri ' i l l l l lT"!' ikll l

4,500,000 Pound* of Powder-Altboucti faaufnei* b> uuitc dull j n 4 at pte*

eut with tho Atlantic Dmamfte nail JadtovPowder Coiupudei ftt UeO&imvillei Tet tye4trjmtoloiiii.jl.tt been t eDoceMfal oniwitb tbeiii, anil ibey IMVO' JDHoafaeturea ilarger amnunt thU yMr tboB nrer bofore,to eitlntttad tliat the output of the two oi

mniw for tbe year will rnnob fully fonr GCIt tallUon pottndf of noirdtsr—or 22,3001

—an tlip montUir prnduct IIM olwayi Inahove fl50,000 ppundii. Of t1)U amoant

UntfSSSfS^ V i Boo* Pwa&Ftoo Jndmu. About W hsndi and Immei<luantltlsflol'ch«idoiiUBreein|t1oved iii raloX tits 4Atonei)ti. Tbe Atlantic eompew u tbo l int to nunuftujturit dvnamiu easttlie Eookr mountains and fie growth hajuesn a tudf , Tbe BUOOCUI of tbo JaataiIwwrier baa htm tettty wondfrfal. w tbcotnnitny WM only omnnltcd iu lwO. Prouthe tlroi) H wn* ftr*t introduced BB a low auohta-p CX|>1<MITS it* pfo^ren" lint tiflBii vei jfii-iia, nntil it U now u « d ou tha Inrgeslwork* lu tbe country.

Remimb*r tba P a i r Ch'W'«n.TlmT.itly Mitmi3en of Iho Olillilreti's Hm

Rf Fnrxtniintiy d«rfr« ti« fn iwilm nn innenlthnir frfenrt* fornnn(r(!iii(fiiiiN fur CheiitwSot.hlns -wMMkn4f'>rTlitiiik*<:ii.-liiif nnd mHnoi-lwl dinner « M tli"n iirm-litctl. GifU

roviitlnii. tio i nmui r *nre dfuiimitie. 8>irft1v onr oliirity nt thle s•on could 1M dtrttftdd in noliettcrwav.wii li'in* niir ti»onh* will ni t turn n dorvft o t M n n t t l l . M n k « t h t > * * n n f a r t t m i t « i i » o r ltin onf'»ln>pny for Ckr-ht raw uiul v^ur Chri.it-msii will lift mudfi mnrft •nlnviiMn t*> yoTtoiul tlm atiirv ni " Hnw Littln .Tnkn VonnHim." |in1)lbli«d In tills i-"»i". nn 1 th«n nn<

l t * . Tlmrnow Ultl* J»kM all nvnnd unnm nftl^m bftvoli»*ii K»<h*

Afi int this rnmrortn'lAr> Vnm». Thr ntnn—W r-MAfni in l>ori>r-MiN. Rlohnri OI . IMMr*. 8 E. TV-mill nml Dr Furd-vlH roi'ii

imrnnle find fiirnrnfl tht'Ui, or Ibt-y mitdireiit totho Ifunni.

M'fr1» CmntyTim Bunl-annmil montiiminty lledicn) Hooioty WUW'lirtll ftwr o TIH

:nl Soc «*y,( i f f l i f ) H

b u l i l i n W l . i t -. . . . _ i l i y I t w t . T h orinelpal t t i p i t u , n i u \ w i H « n ' i « ' l i i i i m w " In s t l u i i " i t m l t b o " U u i h u f l ^ t b l u s " T i m I iT H l l b f o c t W i l B b l t ' l l f l l t » | l 1 1 1 ( ! l H l H I ' C ] t | P H O ni i j i i o t l n u i i f t h o N Q W V o r k C o m i t y I V A l e a ]

i i n i e t v H I i l i i o i w d f u j r n | i n i j n ^ t l ( f t i t o d• m i l t b u C o i l o n m l a l l o w » | i ! t y « l o i n u t o -.-.l i t i n l i l i n r a c t i r o w i t h i m y o f I I T | > b y « U ' l i i Q

i D f t l l v ; a t t t n i t r i t o i t t o j i r a o t l r t i I I H U I I D I I I O — t l i ol i l e o t h i i a l l y b u i i i j i t u H l l i t w i i l l o n n l l M t ot i t w i t h " I r r c u u ' l i i r e . " T h n n m t l o r o rm o b i m l i l i o d i o c n w i i i n p t t b u t i m e , a n d t h n

tiew Y o r k H . m n t y i l o c l d e i l a g i l n t t M H , T d c *p u r t m - e i r i m t I l i o - ' o i l u , A t U i a n m e l l u t f o l

h o M n r r U S o e i c l ? < i n T a p « d » v n i l t h o | i b yu i a p n i s e i i t e x j t r w H c i l i t l n M U B P l v i ' H i u t ' a vs t m n l l n ; ; l i y i h u C ' o i l i > . A i t n r t l i o n i l j i n i r

m e i i t o f t b e n i t i r t i t u g n o i » x i t i n t b u y i l i u o d iJ u l l u y ' * H o t e l .

S u m o m w U t t n j i i M r . E d . S , H a n c , n f P u r ln i l , l o n t U f « * * J / l i u « U * £ e t o / P m - u i ' i i M J W D I ,A u t u h u l i u n i i v i t l u f . l « t S O , n u d n l l V r e d

m n n i o f k } 5 f u r t t n i f c o v v r y . I t n o w i r ; i ul i t s t l u i t I I t r i u n j i v l c k e d I t n v n u d v u r . - i i > d !

i n I i h w a n d i ' i i n g u I o \ \ ' l i k < ' n l m r m , i ' a . , U ,lull oity iH'jiiiwui'd It i« (i joft-nkii: l*y thououlOat!iirIlL<\erlor4>l< Mr. lloverfuitml

lip unmij anil fliUtes/i of Mr. llanwt>n thenk oftlio L'lmmi utiil at OHDC GO umiiniuatuil•tiroiiiUHtHiiCDHtphiiii, llireuly Jit-, llnuoe-vnribjtl hiiu tbu *5 reward hctiail oil'1 tint rttCowiT of t')e frfofcst, Xastei, Huiice reiieiydd Iii* inoiit'i'tv liyuspi

nitutlier with ?l<iittn> numoy'lic hml riu jetrnlm* rufiiHiug tu tutm uiivthlni; exuciii

lonnt he luit! uuiil t ho tru'mp. Hucti in-._-JH 1)1' hoiimty'niid niiHullUhtioiw are MI

ire that wliou they do hnpnen they nro well

, A Crrjy Wan't Escapade.Ayomi(iiiiiiii liytlio jlom, nf Bi'lviilore, WII i IMi L t l PirrU IMnini* LnniitlP Anylnm un TiuwluvIcrnoou, lu olturgo of hid father mid fthnrlii1

inoii). They omuo by tbu faat lino nrrivinre it little alter 5 li'ilnob, nnd ohfinui'il «'ti ilenbt to tube tbu 0iJ5 tniln to llarriaiiu«. While nt tlio Jdjwt Ilia youns nuwtdviily diiHbod owoy nml mii tbrongli War-i, Ulaukwcll'und ausHtx tti-oi-ts, Mltouliu(jtliutuji oihU voic^wltb urajililly uu&ntluKorovd following In imrsitlt. rt'iicuir tho river bridge l.o WIIH uuiijrht, tlroivii,vu nud belli, liieu bo vus tioil and tukou

>aek in the itepnt. Ho nptwxtrcii t ikiioivriioro bn •ffim aoiuff, for lio ltu|it cnlllim out)tli» byitmiilt'raU) slioat hlm.aiJilnot tut

nbotukcii ttitliti Aavlum. TIIOMIHO tilfnsnulty iaAdiltofinvalit-mi f im (OHM ufitrm sniint ttmo ago.

The Rockawjy Depot'ly the dlrootlon of A. Ueiunuer, Sunvrin-

imlcut, tbo Hookavny dojiot huo lici<u cum-letely arerhaahil Tlw frawie worlt lino been

id lug about 8rt yetra, but better now citn-Uoimumfor tho iifti uud businfiw that inu nt Utiekawny. Tlio oiiriKiiiU'ra linvo lhi-•d lha wood wurit.uatli (nnWn uiul tint,

io jtnliitorK liavo oumitlnted tliuir wort an»(1 us it ami ho dono. XVa linvo n now stove,\w olnok, thiiw Rjilitnilid jiBttenH nnil Jlopr in

waiting rtmm, I Imiivr of no btt tetuulino uf tlin road, anil n» far w I can HVQry onn tlmt oouics nnd goCH In pcrfectli[ttricit, ro({arciln«8 of tuimr one—in nr out nf

a employ of the n uu if inn y—willing it nn

About ft School HOJIB.The Peouannock river ti the dlTldiiijt line

between Vnumio md Han}* etutte* fir thediitiuce of twenty mile*. When a MBOOI dUtrict IM made up of part* of two or more town-•hipa, or coniitiea, tbe loontlan of tho Mhoolhouce detenninu tbe Jurudlotlon of theCouuty Bniterintendent la the valley of tbePAijitaniKck, tho tchool houMi are located in

t bt th b l lWHoU »

i the dlTldiiijt line}* eatuttte*. fir theWhen a MBOOI dU-t t

iKick, tho tchool houMiPeiutio eouatf, but th* wbool tlWHoU »nmade up by the Joint adiliUon ot territory frumIwth eoaatlM. / wboolhouM ha. IWBU builtat OrwjDvlllo, fiookaway towniblp, Morricoonuty. Tue aiaeuor procured what trut&tdto bo tiiebounrferW ot the Ort cuvlllo dlitrict,f th d i b ffi t B t eiron* the records in tbe office ot ,(lent Tburber, of Uorrii ootiotj*, trbioh inclu-ded tlie K e r Foundland plain, on the loutbtide of the depot anil l l r . J V. Brovo'ihotel. Tb« pronety owners there wflte tu*

e u e d a h a t i t $ 1 0 0 t o w r f o r t b e b n u o f n f f j t tO r e o Q v i l l e , a l x m l l e i o £ T l i c y r o m o n « f o t e dw i t h t b e a s 8 e » * n r , a u d t h m w i t h t b e e o l t c o t o r .

n i t t o n o j m t p o s e . T h e y t b n u a d - l n m - i e dC o n u t y B u - K - r i n t e n i l e n t T h u r b c r , i i n M e n t l n r

h e a c e i i r n t o n m l t m n n e h o o l b o a n d o r l f y , a m iu n i n t c t l t l i n t t h e y d i d n o t b e l o n g t o M n r r i *i o a u t y f o r t e h o o l p n r p o M f , h u t t o P t m a i r

c o u n t y , S ' i n p r i i i U M j i i e u t T b u r b ' i r ' a c u r t r «> l v W O N : " T l i e m w u i i i i R i i t u m b e e n t n a d rn i ' l m u s t b o - m i d . " T i e n t l i o t a i q t u y r i

m f a e t l t h e i r I t n o k s i u e a n i e s t , T h e a t t e i t i p t ef i o i i t i l j x i m n n a l r i s b t * v m b r o u g h t 1a t t c n t l i m o f C o u n t y S u i t e r i i i t f t n d e t i i

, Ctrmtn T m t m t n t of Diphtheria*Tha new German remedy for dinhtheria,

titrvttittue, appear* to Bud latasf •Avacalet.Children takeoRQ tboapoonfai niarainx andQiunt, adoiU a tsblenpoonful i In childrentftpid milk 1- nlven after it, and it mlftht nhwlie mixed with the min . Half an buur afterthe Bilminfutrutlon oftltRiirug alirtjiht red-neu t i « i i to nprnml from t l* re»f(du nf

htritlo pxtnl»tk>». aadtbb) t*dnz*ihcparaoi generally diffused oreraud titkluK*ha pluoe of the fnlm ninnbrnn^, and the•iieaauft U nid t di ithi t tfnurtonrK wftfciiufleiirtaiituQAitebtait trace,While tblt romsrtale effect I* aaiA to hi lu-rarinul)' met with when the mmedy ii madeKRC of ot tbe very commeuoemnnt of mediaeaM, thow wtio rotommcod it ao bintlyWiert that it b also mor,ft*fnl, only UAIrnpldly, in lawei thnt D<IT* already progretiedfi/riereraJ day*.—Exchange.

. . _ e n t e w d a j i m W s t _,: l i c a m c i i t i w i i t o r o o l l e e t i o r . I t e f o r o t h e C n u r ln A i i n p n l s a t E u - k a w f t V , a n d - a p p o n w d Ut h o C o u r t t o remit t l m n c h n n l t a x m , p r a i e n t -

[ a e n n p c t n o f i y o C t h c h n n n i t H t * E W J O H I I W 1

t b o b o o k o f K R o r d < I n 3 8 C 0 , w i i h t t i "i w o r n B t n t e n i p n t o f C b l l i i a n L a B i t e , D i n -T i n t C l o i - k - T l i o C o u r t , h o w a v i , b f l d n o t

t h e m n r n l o o u r n K o t - j o u t o r d e c i d e , b u t t o -f e i - r o d t h e c r u w t o t l i n S t a t e S i i y e r i u t o m l o u t .

^ i i f l f f ^ s t l T t E S t h u t t b o O i u u t y fiujiTin^udonf'i M i t i r t n f i p o - i r b o f u r e J i i n > . O n K j - f i l n v . D "fi"talier H h . C o u n t y 8 u t > e r i u t c i i ( U > n t C r n i k

w a y t ' D i . t e a o u t t l i e i r e u » c t o B t n t u S U I K H I I -u i i l e n f A i i ^ n r , u u d n J i u ) < o u o i u i t J a J i i o f t i ni t l u i i u t ' i b o R i i c k i i w n y o l l l u i ' i l - j . T h o a a i n i

i i c u m i u i U w l i i c l i h a i i l o e n p r e w s n t w l t o t l wi t i r t n f A J I J K H I H w t r n n r e s n i i t u i l t o finite S n -

a r i i i t c n d m t A p g i u * . H I M d u o h i i o u . g i v e n i nv v m l m i t t r * , w i t h I n f n v i i r u f t l i o j j r < m u (i K L i n u y t h o O o i i u t v H u j i o r l n t t i i i k ' u t o f l * i wt i t c f l i t u l } ' - " ( l i n t ' f o r MUOIII i > u n i < t M # th>

l u b i i u l t u u t H o f N . - v v F o i i m l l n u d i u t t w i lu u u i i t y b i ' l o i i j j o d t o 1 ' i i t n u l o t ' o i t u t y . a u * u

n i t d m i t I m u n i H < i W D d h i M o r r U c o u u l y . - K i : .

A Test for Bund Tom-At the entorUiiunieiitii glveu by JJliud Ton.i i u i i r i t o i u u r y I u r t l i u u i i i i i a K i ' m m i t t u a m

U A u i i d u r f u l J I U W Q I - H o f i i i c i i m r y b y i m k nH I I U o t i c i n t b o n i i d i f i i o o t u | i l u y u c u i i i ^ i ua n , w h i c h T o w i n n u i s t l h i l E i y i v p i v - t j . l u l ^ .

n t o H u t u i m i u t i t t i i o l l i s r ' B O j i u i u H o u n u h i s il i g h t A i r , J i H - k B ( J U j i l m o d a B u n j u t l o n w h i u i .

t i i i t b l n l l y u u i i i u i i . l i i n t l i f i v u r u u c o i i at l i i a k t f m t T u r n ' s k n o w l u i l ) { t i o l I U I I D I U I I .

[ l o j i l i o m i t M I u s l t l i a i v i ) t l m t l i e w i n i . d b iI t u . y l u k i i n w u u y i n j n i j i u n i t i u a u u u u i u t u u i

- u i i J i l h o n u t Ui i > i u y . I t s o I m j i j i u D i ' i t t l i u iE r . W . a . W r i g l i t w a s v r e a o u t j t u t e v e t i t u g

i d « u m u f r i u u d H , k n o w i n g t b n t h u h u d i t u u i .i i u i i u t i i l i u i i o i b i n o w n , u u l i e t i i i ) i o u l i i i u i nu y i t , a m i u o o o i n i ' i i t j t f . i ' i i e n l U L - o l i o n H O Iv u » u l ) l i a i b i > i l u r i i i u y u d b y u n y o u f l o l a u ,u r u l o r e T o m o o u i d u u i l i n t u l i e a i - d i t b e t u r uI t u r U r . \ V n « t i t h u d C Q u e l u i l i d ' l u i u n u ti w n I n t h u j i i a i i o « n d r e j u u i l u u e j t l i o u u m -n U t i o u w i t h w u u d e r l u l a u o u r u e y , u i v i u j f t h t -d i u u e e u u e x h i b i t i o n n t U w u l i l i i l v l u t b i b

r e c t i o i i n ' l i l o l i ( h o y u u u l d n u t d o u b t .

Ortrfl l Railroad 9ondr.The Contra! of New Terw-y Eia» appifod to

the Stocfe EiclmnRC t« lint it* HIS per ceDt,onnvnrtlliln deltentui-f bmuis. There nre 6,000bomR »t.mmeh, No*, 1 to r u m nwflM-nt-'nx«6.(X0(V», (Intel gept»nl>cr lB.18fi3.ducMny 1. 1908. uuli'iw previously redouuied oro t d i M t k l l i v t

pw previook lienrl

t fo o n ? e r t « d i u t - o v t o o k b c n r i u j i s i x \ w r e m i t , n n -' l u n i l y , s n r l l u t r r u n t i n i r a l r l c M m i - a u n t t a U y ,T h e y a r t * i n n v e r t i b l n I n t o c a | ) i t a i n t o c k n u vt l m n A f t < a r J a n > i n r y 1 , 1 W H . a n d u n t i l J n u u s r vI . 1 P 0 7 , T h e C e n t r a l R , I I m u l C o u t j i a u v o fH « w J e r t a y i m u o s t l r n i u l i n u d a a u l i j e c : t n t e r mi f l e a a e n i n d e w i t h P l i l t a i l o l p h i n m i l R e t t d i u i ri n M a y ] ( i » t i i u d i > r t m m o f t h i s l e n i c , A u

\ t a m w t n t f U o i e m t i t i > n y fatvwut o n I h e b o n d sm i l n t < i r > k u f O n t r ; i l R a i l r o a d o f K e n J n » e y

i a p a y a b l e a s r e n t b y t h e i c i s e e e o n i n u n y .

T h " y H i / " * n ' t C h a n g e d a B i t -M r . F o r d D . W l n d i m , o f S n e c i i n u u u n , t o l d

« T u e n l n j n n a m i m i i u o l i l - t l m o i n c i d e n t .i t r l i i K t i n - ' P r e K l i l i i i i t i t l c i i n i ) i : i i « i i g f 1 H 1 4 l i t -t ) ) | i i ' i i L - d t o l i t n t I t i i i i i i i i i i i f t d i i l u a m i t h e n -i t v t w o h a n d M i l * * i > u M i t ! i , u p . i m n o u n t i n - -

Itrmacratte ~ " *' 'crattewin) wriff

n f n v r o f J i n i ii t u t H -


aK. l'olk uuilkawuv" onn

"all win) worei'd to tlw


C A, fl. Notes,lie liut qmrtnr (lie I)

l a MiDuring t i n . .i'W Ji'iiwy {TRIIIOU Wi mi

I)oi»artand tli

hm liten rccnuth- idriiinrli'MHttUlly nilimlycs

i m c m l o t i U nm N n t i o t m l I k

i t h e w w i r i i i L ' o f l i m l y c s .T l i o t i i i i a i m d | d a u e f u r t l i o h o M i i• m i n t e n c n u i p i i i f i n t I i u » n u t i i u u n f i l

t i t w i l l i w r l i i i i i l y b o l i e l d I n J u i i i iA e l t t l l f l t U l A

iBlariffoflSiaiorUin dutt*. Tlie iitKirm

i Invar of.Uim>« K. Pulk nml qiiuiiii'd toiquilmw lurllUI 1H1A" I.M.^niil.ir ut N'

urn, H. V. at a certuin time. Tliin a'liiiiiinmvi' in rulimllu m xlwwluK Duif iu tliu JJMI-irot'doublv ileuling on tlie tui-ili'iiucstiuu tboviiKienitdbavi'ii'tuLuDijed » i/aitklo uiucc

T l i e P l i i l l i i u t h u r e t i h o e l - i i - u u m i l l , w h i r l ] i se t k o i i c i l t l i u l i i r t ! i * t m u i i a t i i c t u r v o f t h o k i n d

iu Sexr Jortvv, lifter one vwk'i kluwmnrfed upi^-alii Mum tiy with ititdmtiou10 pereiut. in wiiKeH, making a total redtiou iu wauoa wiiliiu II muutli tit lli per eeui,

.Veurly ail ol Urn tarn inilla tfirou«ii the Udu-wure valley nri! niakiuK a like reduction. Atjve»lvekeit murliot ii giveu ns a causa, TIILowum ofmUhmy tUuv wlii LD little workUouetliiewiufjr.

Tetth UiractedIur 25 eont-i, 3[cUavit'H Ile

Teeth Extracted*ents at tbe Brick l)ni|f Store.

i t t h u I t r i c k D r i i j i S t o n > .

Mn'loni of Persom

t w i l i w r l i i i y b o l i e l d I n J u i i i i n r . v .A e u u i | > l e t t ) r n l l o f u l t U r i i u i l A r m y l u n t i , t n

i c l i u u i t l c i l u y n j j K i n i e u t t v l r l ^ a d i ' H d l v i n l o n «m l e r j i t I l l d d t l U b li cliuuitlcil uynjjKinieuttvlrl^adiH dlvinlonml eorjn, is to Iiu ooaiiillod and putilUboil.

hn juHow lover peatiltuoe UUIOU tbo cas lu Pcuaauolit caused im

L'uoeuuioiiK tbocom-limuiMH'hlh.riu'1,1.

moil more tuonoy Hutu wtu ni'isdod was(1 in to tho Adjutant Oeneral, The

Rill be uaod us n imeleiu fur mi eunfund.

Advent,TliU xileiiin nnaHoti, which tins alwnvs been•rnnlwl a* <mly neenud to Lent lu 1U ohacrr-

i i D n t t it A l t ( lm , eo•uio, L

nud to Lent lu 1U rt t G A , u s i t n n i n n u A i l v o u t ( a i l

m J u j f i m t o . ) a l a a l i h a , t ) i e i i i a t u i i 'u f , 1 G H U e i i r l s t u n e a r t h n n n i n u V

l e r , n n d r e m t i i d H t l i o U h r l i t t i a a i d s u , i uI t n l c H i o n n , n f I I U s e c o n d a n d l n n t t o m m n

p o w e r a m i g r o a t g l o r y « B J u i f e e , F r e q n e u tu d n n i i r u p r i i i t e a e r v i c e * n r e b e l l i b o t h i u t b ei o i D U C f t t b i i l b n m l K i i i a c o p r l C b u r c b c x .h e a l t a r s , t u i n I ^ n L . • » « • v c B t c d i n p u r p l e

y i u l e t , t h o t i o o l e B l u B U c n l m i l o r n l m o u r u i u c ji t U c i w t o m u r r f u r t l i « p r e u o h e r s t o d f i -

r s o o n t h a " " F I H I T L a s t T l i l i i g n , " T t s . ii f i , J i « l f f ( n c n t , H e a v e n , H e f t . A d v e n t h

B c a i o n o f i i n - p u r H t l i H i f o T C b r l n t i u a a u st l f K

..mlimtir the next forty

num-inny—onlling it nnthing inure tn bo built to

cil off in ;>i'iret

\m.- -n-nrkiiif; '

o f M n r v , i n S t . M m

Wiii Iiu!] nl

ill"1!!Uv\ 1

Tl i

tln'irtn ii


iiidiiIliiil<• | i <

-•I tiIim


7 c . "


1. VII! , - - !

" tlitii> h






tMi^ rtfli,il] Jn-lii'li] I

lM'llllll] Will l.C


ii t , i i x i

j i r t 1 " ' - " ! ,

l " h l i l l ' k I :nti. !i;iv.; l>i>i<i

k- ^,ltin<l ]I

ilit- li.^l ;

m I i ce I h e

i i i i i U i i i c '

i i i i m t l i . V i t a l l in tluir-iiviit Ii»f tln> W^tiniii.1 .liivini: iln- nHotil, New York, wtm

day with Mnvtir llii'lirlie'ni,I Unii'nil riraat. vim «•«- out «ruiiibttT. A livi'lvl>ni»!ii'ii»ii.-.l, In wliir(lonrnil, fur niii'i'-, liml to wioimii. to •!

ThflPn'-IiVtcrifliiS-'jiibvyi'lim'] h,* ••oil thMii^ht'of \i* ('linrtuins int.-rl^iiiiIt Will Im Klren Wrdiii-i-iiny i-vi'iiiiiti.3ftib. innit-flfl firClirlritn.aii Kvi*. Tli.-l'nand ttillrfliriih'ii t>nf eHiiiiinii'nl will In- •HHnntK.uneeil.ou Frlilii.v rv.-ni,,K. 11.,-.

The liulkK or [\\f l'rfsliytfrliiii I'lmr(U-nima Viillc.v \%m t'ix- » whiW JI

IV.,1 itivftdiion tu all the Inn. !'..,( [„• f,iioftlipohnnrlitspxn'nikd. Noiiainii wisjmreil to iiiiakc \Tit* nveiit niti iif pli'UHitr

: rJq mi niHfb: ou tbr m-i-iin.l nnu*' nf tli

EjioHiiir t ho Imifrt'tl *)<vi'l nl the redwnftTiKlnl-t) Alplir. "Uoiiiilly uiiriLtL-ilihi

hntniionHor.' }V« iliumin coinblelA without tin . _no long identiileil with tlie town.

Hon. John Hill Rtive aumo lurnii> R-.-I"thoiwhoIarH afthc TiiylnrtovnSnmlny «H

...i. .1 .» ...^.II. .i...i .i... »._ ,i

u i o t i j t t i n - m > w ( H O P H n n l ' . r - i i i n i M i i r t nm l a v h t . t « • « ! * M r . M u h h m J ' i t n i ' . v , «

• i > r , « i i n n i " l l i - n r y t ' . P i t n i ' y , K < . [ . , » t M m

I m i i s c ' l i i i i t y . - S i W M i ' X I m l l - i i i ' i n r . ' i i t . 'H i - i n m r i i ' i l f i - o i i ) M o i r i n t ' m i i i t v H i n t S i ' i i

• V i m i i - l i l m i i V n m e i i t - i l c i m l i h o ; ! i | u n y

IU 'n'lIun'lIIwTil^kwi^.hMiXMMV'liB u>!

i i t i i t i m i t i t t l i N H u r t " . H I i m i t b i i i ' i - y , \ - ' M .

K ' H W V I T fin* t i n - i i i n r - t i n . o f i l c i l i . - l n r . ' H i 'i » u K i i i n t f D r . I w i i u l i C n i i d ! . ' t , m u l i u l i e r -l i i U " > « i l < | i u i l i l i > M t b a t I m v i - n m \ u h U m \ -» t ' | l l l < M > f t l l O l l t - F l k l l l t W I I I l l l Y H l l ' i u l l M i l l


Tho Com ng Com• r a n i i l m e i H M ' n t 7 1 ;l i n n . J i i i n i l v i l l - . K i l l - c o u x i ' i l h i n t o u t n t A f t e r / i l l I I I » H > I I I - « o t 7 1 y m - - , d u r l i t f l w h i r h

i l c i n r H , w i i i . i i I m n t a H i - i l I u r t i n - i ^ i n i i l \\* I n w t u * I j | U t ' j t t i u i i i l f d t < > l i n v i - | i l i u i t N > i l . h i ' m i i f h * \ m < aI , , . . . . . . . I f f , D H L l i . v t l H - I i m i ' 3 l r . K u i K I m i l , , t t h e r u t » n f i . m o . O W i » M n d u l l y " i h e » « -

I g u t l i n i ' l t M ( l i e J i i i i t f i i ! , I ! . < • f o l l o w w a n f < g : i i i i f i r ( m u i m i e M I m v n M e e t w l ( 1 I L < c o i i n - t o f I 6 1 S:tlu-front .In.,., wl.l.-h l.yll,i«timo wa lljrkrd. "pX^m^hluft^imlinwm{^yI T i l , . I l i t . 1 1 * <1 a \ l ~ I . I H . . i . . . I . i r r . . l . . 4 . . . j . l . . l i b . . . . . . ! . . I . . . I. !• . . . , . . < . . ^ 1 . . . '

u \ V . B e i i r h i R i . - .h n I n i l » I n X w et t»v liittrcst

d t i

n K a r j p i , l l n k oll lu

.Vl-lll'rillfllllim,,t 1:,H ^

. m i z r d . T l i n K m i - n « r i i

i i H b v , t o n n i T - y o f H i t v n - ,o f I * t . 1 ' i i i - i C l m r c l i . C i w L N B

" t t t i f l ' i . t l l U ) ( t n r i i i z O n - I,

l i o i i t i l n i i v . v l i i c h l . v t l i i i t t il d » | w r i i i S ; • • L H i i i c i i i . l i . ...

U K - . " T l i u n h c t f i f . m u M v i i i i l . w t - n i K l ir e n t n i > i M i ^ i u t i l * u f l - . i r t r t . . . J . - . - 1 i n t . )• « ' . T l i n . S i r . K l n i t w e n t t o fiic ( t o r i 'F i e i O n . h U . i - K i n K i n ( . ( m i t i n V n i - . I t w• t i e e l t l w l I h t i t h e i i i u n K M l n * v t e ,M l i t l i l o K t i i i c h i i r , n l " S n i ' i - i i - m i i t i a W U M

U y t l m t i m e b e m - r i v v d a i « v t t vv . l l m i l n n U i e i i ' i l . T i n - t t m i M U H V i ' V v

i n K i r i i l i l m n l o f i i i M ' n ^ k i l l e i l . ' f ' i i o '

l i j r l . f . h \ I h e i i u i i - u i u K 1 » ' w i m h m r n r n -h m n ) , n m }

i l t i ) i ' n t ot

, to whlcii Jim I nml

ml limit tnan. ntid wns-m-kiif.l.s'-i.'ifim ti.-.neiM. Tim.* w iMf l Vnrtuian'rt liotut.

n U, villiv

i'l'Vit'lia'ti'it'ii-hi'iMini i-aiii-'nii'ii Hi?' ('h'i.ilivu !if Mm-y with.ittili-iT|iitrlii'i-. ' '

Ki-v. !•!. I', liitihuii. I'r^iil.nl »f llic NIIH»;I- ! '-1,iul( ftiiilRiinf. dii-il nl ltrirfs('|iin-(.('«iift.. 1IIM( I {,

i w M Vi - N i i t i \ i ( v m S d i - i i i M r i

i l ' h i

u n c i l P r o c e e d i n g s ,p i ' l i i i i s W I I H h e l d n n

u a t - M n y i H ' R l p h a M ". U u i M i ' V .i i t i i i - s n f fi v r d .

- p i n ' U ' d i

Rh. M r l l i i

npressbnah'e Women-ul'ili'ivi-y City, hn-< bi't'ii HHrilHl-valiniu'tiufiiint Stiuilnipi-.•r •;, il! ;.o :iw \ye-U paid fat )ec-.ntiit|ily bwiuiM) iliey linvnthnio

itbi>r nrCIeii, Obrli'.'sl, of I'nin• IUT IIV liy a full oil- Tiinr*ili.TMil' inlh, ,vrnwot nj;f.of ll.-bwiiiv ntnllra, Witn-fii

ie iitliriMliivmiirrfctlfii Mimriei-<li<- I.UH lieni twlw n Mnuu, mul

!i>tirK'' LiunlM'iTt' mi SiH't'ilnelll-,-l,L.y eveniiiHiif

nMlmt .... Til.- hit<"iit nml-;i\

t J i i i m i i ! V i i u i l L - t - l t m i f . o f { ( u >


, i v i i iv ' l i l si

m s n it t e h l t

i n e r w a n n n h i -i n i B t ; i k c o f , t l i e

t h a t t i n t n r t l e l o

mt thew t t l i t l i o u n i l f i r s U i n i l i u s tt h e p r o p g h o n l d b e R i v e n t o t h u iO n T h n n k o e W l n e D u y t l i o r e i i nt h a t t b « - n a p a n i o n t i t c i l t u 2 7 U I I

ri* b a d b e e n a p p l i e d a n I nbiri Sd

j i m e i w l n o ti l a n i i m r n i i A c .t wim madeIKU, nml tbo^idu.!.hdnl, of Pureph i l x u

• Mr. A. 8. Howltt reecntlv Iwtt a contractfor maUnK Iron benmi tefj buililinit to lieymtedontlH.HIU,oftbaold «Worlf-1 nffiwte Xnwrarlr, bectuto tinder the ndnotton fnthe tariff iwt wjator fordim nmuufaetonnuuacrbld him. But Ho hewiflMr7H ^ ^ "

. odngfor"

Vm- H, Vanderbilt Pjt Under Bonds.

il''» Cnurl liy Cnfliitili' Snttun nil MII'II-iiuirniiii; liiiin.uvrr tn ci mil llu hit* tniidH

Mnr-iin nm! t'.iiii Dtm-imu. After u

., Will'illm t'n jiivi- bimdii in "thn 'turn oftil nit tn hi'i'ti lit*' iwivf tniVMiil Ibn iifniT^aiil1.1;. lin<t I'.'li.! mul nil tlif I.IIHT ii.i.i.1 iimplc.i X,.«- .I..N...V. I'liiH BHitlfiiiHtii* mtt ihp

rrtiirininMlity-f Ilnitiiiirk. fnim a-Mch jiJuoctin-fiiir cnuitiitiiiiiititsi nlsti hail. Hi) Itt, bow-I'VIT, Ki'<'«n.l cniiHin la Ihe jrrci.t niilliunnim

M'WR in ttiti fu-«:. AiU'im MfiUhDmi by uuine,»l'crli.l!y dhtiiiRiililH'd hiniHi'lt lit mmvtiiv

fur whliili h« rdH gLtverdV ri'priantuiied hy

Tha TelepNont War fa Monistown-Hlity of tho telogiliotio mib-eriliera 111 Mor

riMnwn have onmlitncd tn mint the advancei l l h i tJ

bra In lhutnfn tbc

It la ealil tliat tlitrnct wjth two milntfiriliera In lhat pliioc;wliicli compoli thDBi lo'itinlutnfn tbclr wr t iccibL'tv, nnd this mattes tbo iiibaeHfaers feelI h a l t l e ? linyo uon an twl vantage in (lit n a l -terUiottUdcnnniaiij ti \in\w\wlun pisi

a l t lr—Ui

I h a l t l ? linyo u n an twl vantage in (lit nalter—UiottUdcnnniaiij ti \in\w\w~lun piisi-lifv, i,, mknie tain* I" tiiem.' H U VUoreil(h(itftbn bUnew-of (LoTqtliapftWwhnJd, ba

A W ' l Selflvd ViaIIr-liimdrad iptelllEoni witneMOH e

but nlw»VB Diire idl bruited mid norcin bnrniMi. 8asM the jury; andot thfl ERA itny it l aw . For nale

ki S H U I I I IBOQTesdfM ot thfl ERA itny itby N. Hopkins, SIIOOUHUIIIIII.

BB Sura and Readtbo.oJverliwiDCct of 8. II. llerr? lu tboH l l l E ^

m y t u l l l i . r N , . V « I 1 . I " T , * H I . « 5 ik r i i . ( 2 . W ! D u v r r l > r l m l l i | t O i m '

1. . 1 . ( 1 , , i ' , . | , m n . f i l l : . I n s . T . K f l -

n f p r t ( | i ( | M' l i » i ' < : < ' i l M r . I V o m l l n i l l , a m i l i m l i f i v c l i

> l i s l i t i i i « n m t i ' u i ' t t o M i t r i - l u i l K o l l v .f i i v n r d i i i j f i l | 1 u < i i t j c u i i i m n f t l i u V U

i i i i i i n i t t i ' L ' t o l l u - f a t ! ) • t l m t t i n : t a x e o UI l H T H . ' « ! > m i l l ' H I h a d m i t b e e n i i i m l l yw i t h i m r l l u i C o l l e t * t o r n f I N S J ! , T l j oi i t t i l ( I Fi

w ) m o i t K i mI ' . M i i i t s N i i i i i w i m ( j t v i ' i i A I O B S V H . A r n i l t a n d

i t n o u ^ t n c r c e t n l i i n i p I n f r o n t u f H i c l r r t a f -M i t i m ' t , t i n * o u n i o t n l > e n c -

l h C i li ( i i i M T i H B t i m t , t i n o u n i o t n

i i t i - i l u u i l i i a r r d i i i r l i y t h « C o u u c i l .'• W I h A i 1 > A } )

l.. })errrti>

ie Hover Ci'imtrj-Anniwffition linvingn(n-i ilettlrc tof.reet Mtoneiilcrii twenty iinihcnif nt tln> (jnlrnnoitofttinrmmrtryou Ur•1 ftn'"l, thn miiuit to tit- eHietctl partly nu

._ Nidi>wulk, iicrmiMinn was i-ivt-u HILUII loput tiKlifcn inclioflof (lii'SHtiiDoutitlile the-*—<tRm«. Ailjniirncd.

Clocm In tho Silk Market*A v e r y g i i H t u i y t c t - l i n n p p r v « i 1 « » t J t o rilk

nurkfU It h cenemliv rmicrduil tlmt tliixtun broiiEbt uliout liy the rejiurt (if llm recentui'Keiillk failure-in rlliniiKlini, int'iitiunpil in, eniih- ilini'titi-li to lilt) Tefexnim, in wlifnh ft

. niil tlmt a firm holding silk to tlic amount of£l,U(W.UXl bad fnlltiil, mid thin morning'* newsnJ tin1 proti'htiiii; (if tlio tmpcr of ttm DnvcrSilk CODII»III.V, of I'utcnon nnd Dover, &. J.,

iliifCflu nvoii flftcr tlw lleyeiibcrg failure,Hfntntiyc nf HPSSM, H. Itlutninlson &

mporter t,f raw sf-J^ «aid >(wkrtJ n u Imd tt'aehM sulili ft low Mnua lu tkttnilh'\vaia tlmt now we (In lint lonfi;f«r Huy«tiling ironic, in tlmt Id impoflMhln, lint wuhi>lio to eniiTKt; from tlio preneut glunm into abutter ntntc uf utTnirn, No wore faUiiron areojqioftcirat prcRcnt> Tlie Biisjionilon of tltntiaver Ccmpatij wag looked far, ami there-fore <lb] tint aunirUn its. Their maiiufnctnrcdcoodn will nut lie tbniwn on tbe inirknt, asthey nto nlrendy auld. Tliny uwil nmntly'•Rani" or " thrown over" ttoclc.' The pour

i uf tbo mnrket'fnmeaimaltiiy tnlhiu«haiidnlltitwtprinHplc, . ••

$ Booth, l>ut-*" Ti i l luntho mi -Swuli ami nil t i tut iiriuci|>lo.

JJr. Jtectli, " " "*"twtpr inK , - l U i n |

i dlk)Dtljr of M e M K , l U i n | l $ Booth, l u tsilk iinuiufai'turtrn, eaid: *-" Tito inllun-Povcr p u y i i t 'eh l y n dhV[^mjtnOy^iW ^nateir by-ft dhV

'onB>tlio itockholaiin, and'tbefr_.__ Unt temt(6rt'ry.''TIiey"]«.Vo«nilll on Water street,* l'lttreott, on tho otherrido of ttA) rive/ Irom Svlicre' m u t flf titfe nUk

illln are. Tho rcmilt of tbe i-vcent fiUhires

At Kennedy'i.A miporb Rnpply of oonfectlcnerr nnd fruit*

forthahnlliloyiinny ho Iimnd nt Kennedy'*retUarmU He hat also erectedf no oyuternonnter and is making a specialty of. tliattrade, openlna the nyatort froth liofore theeTeaofthoDU»bnifer-wuo may wonttarmontafi ball shell or Mired in any other wif.

n.v ID Hietnne.iv but iu one wiwlu tnore it will bo vlai-l)l(« tnihe tinki'il isye, nud iniy lie vii'wod ntnn 1'iii-lier ilnte tbinugh n lok'Keoiic nr nnernRtas4iif mntlrrntn [)nw(.<r. Tlio eelcatlal vliti-tiint will n«t haw lirDMnut iwiriw iM tucurwn- of liihi yenr, but it will iioaosn uu c i -i-eiitioitul IntiTt'st ior iiHtrouoim^H, who liot» npiwiiti'lyiii-triniino it* oiliit anil alsoRolve fioiii it noiiin of tbo Iiltiicrta IiiHsrrapta-l>k- jiroliIeniB hi rt'Kiird to the ooinuoaiiluu 1"niinifts, EtiiHigh ihttii tmvo nlrcadf '<«cu nltninotl tonhow theimth (if)hosk-'^r v-t jl u t i n l <1III*IIL"~**— * ' - -*• — . , . 1 - , . . . . _ 1 1 . 1 1 L

mirvMon.bo veudilyfi. _uortliwoKtern nky.hundred miUmu'iu

D PTho * cw Jersey Spf aksr,

tfl nf tbo llcufec df Apruajioot lioioro themhuvc n'etnrmy pruajii^t tioioro them, and m

iimn'st (fglit ix eiqinorcd over tlio Hrteafatihlt). Air. Fiynn, of I'UNBOIC, who will rnteimi liU third term, in imibitiomt to fill tU cluiiihut Just, Wint«r lip refilled tfi attend lluDtiuoemtio Seuutorinl onnotin finfl voted forGuv. Lndlrw. Tho I'afcroon rrceii anyii:

Hi'tiator Mal'hureou i» fcpovtc*! n« having(ntcn a bifid in the fight, hi* caa\a point' ing la ik'ient Mr. Flynii, who seems tobc

f iiinBtp(Hiularfiini(liilntP, TlioBimntorunillicit) biivn lilred nmiiiH at tlio AntnrHou»e,Now Vork, ami Iiero it in mid nil tho ititlu-

. -i-c of tlic rcnn»yl nmin Itnnmud Uomitnnyin UCIIIR bniu^bt In Unnr ncitinst Air- Vlyun."""-? fUmitinn hi Rcnivi»ir i»HJ»stiuS- 3M««-..., ir linn liPt!« (lr«li|wilt H hoinit pvjiinnt Ihatho could liut wln.t mul vow Htor.oy'1 chance'snro liftoff cntiViiwicii. Noiulilioitr. Imwcvct,

•fnai'H to rumitfii ilroimeit nnil iironiiscn tin t t t t l ipf l sn tmr" ' '- -

thn )i»«itlnn. and tbo cimtciit will iwbitMy boliotwRcn tliom. Mr. Nurds is a'RRUtlummil WHliBed tar tlio puMan auil ivmi

le««makeago<id»ontiniuitDr. Mr. litins l«t> ntro'nii aluinui. During tho v

nf llin rebellion bo was wottmled no lisgg tliJive times, and ftetvad tan roantliB in An.dt.Bimvillo nnd Vl^renoo prinon pona, nmt nftornearly dying Irom tb6 horrible trentinont Iithere reoelvcA rraerffwl'M mem aketettm. JItinsalwnyBbaen aitnotive Ilonublionn anbus tlie n/UIIUy In, inako n pood postmunter.

t. »••Again tha Wrong Man.

n w r d e ? o f p l i e h o:—, j h n r a c t o w w o r o t o e i i

I b e r l o l n l t y o f 2 f e w t i t , n t ' i t n < l a , ' ) t l o f l ( l y g b i r tH o n n a O R n r a n b t f a u n d i u t h o i t n i u o d l i i t o

i i b u r l i n a d u f w b a r e O j f , v w o r o . S i n p j o l a iijum Henri ^Qhm,'a»oafi^Tnuimer,vhi

H l i e r i f f i J i i n n a m i F r a n k I I .w h o i i r r f s t o d b l m ( l i e v «

c w t i m , w t i e i w h o % ( H , ,. m . , t

I n p m v e i l c n n d m e i v u l y i l i n t b n v n a i nl K l n n , V Y u r y o n c o - i t - i . v , t b e n i g h t t b i v t t h e

^ J u n l w w - M c n r n m i t t e d , u n i t - • •

N«w Jeney ApLnrirn approiirinllnH"

Kiwtkr ilepot ut UoverapproiirinllnH" "ro nukttl fnr tho

Kiwtkr ilepot ut Uover. Onn imndrcd ondJfty tlmuxniHt doling aro nskeA fur tlio -nil-tag nf groniidit, rreetiiiR lu^mino nnd othnecowary bulltUiwi Imt

f thi dawn

„.. Western KnOrond lo tho imuiliorf about fkW muDniblDil nt Annllo Unll Inut

J^Mdiur BtwttJ&r to attend tho I.IIPIMI r«nep.tt<m nnd ln.tl af tbo H|. ainl fi. }i. \U llenovo-lont Awioninthni. T|(o gwml maivlli nfWdtwua autrtua nt a. [tmirtur tfl t«n, WHH witniufleilli.v 11 faruB HMHttltlnec, who {miueuttvap*phujdo'l t Im 2rt) onaiiks won tuok, jsart in thedatioe, Tlic flimr WIIH In oitftTae of OoorireIliifilqy nmlithniKtnntH. Thewilronrt onnip"-•

lua^minoi nnd otherecowary bulltUiwi Imt thoSoeretary of Wnr

IIM cof thin dawn fifty tlinuiwuil ««ll«r* Fortho repair imil aHi'iatlnti nf' iiiilldlnan of theSnuilv IIuukpri>v|ns crnnnds tit) »mnijrhiUim oft wo (tumsRnil Uvu hmidredwmttcil, ami fur- •


»m>nijirhi-dollam (s

wmttcil, ami fur •iitniR purpoNcaa ulinjtui-mnouiit. ' An upl>ro|irhitlt)n nl live thniuumdiliillnru for levrlUnR and liullillng rendg atihe proving ermm to toinclwlo tko tareotrnnRes, which will extend nearly four mile*dews the IK-HCII. Por tlic moiliffoatlon i*theo ldvnrknt tbo fort n t Banily Hook to r eneivo heavy mnilrrt guns oita hnttdrod nndnfty thitnxnnd ilallara are wnnied, and furtbo iireservtitiiin »f tbe Bito ngninst cnoroaoh-niciitHby the noil ,twent.v-flro thuninnd i]ol-ior«. Thn river and harbor nstiniimw lunlude93,(101) for the on tuple tins of ;ho Irapnivc-inimtnln tho Punwic river nbovo Newark;

l ? 8 5 0 f W I l t X l \ ' ' ' '

..Homeward. Bound,.. Jin. It. Lewln and Tittm Iterry, .Ir.

lifDoVer,-who Imvn li*eii pbient fwaoiiietimp,tnuawd In napprl»tenillnK tbo nuitivntian offficir' Antwin Oaknta, lolt Kam> for bamo anTIIUKUIBJ. iWi In-.),, nltlionnb \ha nn not ex-mated here i[nttl ttext weef ;nn tliev nw mih-Inff hn iram journey, atoming nt- CtiVngii, Cin-inmtt, Wnnhinirton ntirt nther places. J iut

f inhvlnir Onknu, thoy iii ciimpany wb V ll f r ie r fyofMr. C'bns. V. llntiu, forujorjy of Dnrer. mado

triu tlirutticti Htwtnvn fnrritorj', which tltjoyea_ very ttWiW Mr '

wbSch t)myho sold bis

AX8(uinTmontJiua).Cbroniole naymMessrs. J . II. I w k T. IlW-ry and 0.1?. finite,tyrgo, rotaritml Io uoioiunu Hfltorday, nf-

uKloi.ked •Vcrflictorritflr.v tormin-wUlioiif piirebtitiiiig. lTie> luft

DiedfrcmAntonr Hunk, fnfiilHntly kn^wn nbqut

lll«•«»PanVIImV andqti.1 dfthe *i l ^ ofttBi YlpIliifV nndfi »» apcW


drBtiltBrtinWudeatlixcitardBy.t—ent ho wi» a hula olH mnn, and Mile-

hl L!rfli(lB.T« liT^Wtlus hi« MBKH» atlawBTflm. Had ho lived two aivya lonmrbp;wonlilhflvii boenM yonniof am and bohad oontaniplaloil oelo'jraltaff bia DWbdoy Inthn uinal manner. He was tbo fathoMn-lawof Mr.AVm. M: Vaar.-,and v a a n a d t i m e d f din tbe community, l ib Amaral will t ^wphm(in Satardtj,otS r.M., ireu)bhtlaterrndrare.

BreedMg Trouble for Themstltss.W o tejirii I b i i r a » U ! » ) H . > I * u f m a r t frUcmt b e i r « w n O B l e e n i ^ - n t e I n t l i c l u i l i l t n t p l a v .: ) > r f t ! i k t f i t b o n U h p " K r w H t t l m i M H C h u r c hl i f t t b « e n i i R P e g n t t i i i i I s a t V o r a h i i i . W h e n

w r v f c o w i i B v u i t t M l l t \ * t S u m l i i . v H y o n f n au o u t l o i n s m f n u n t l t b n t t h e l l u w o f b l

i * i t e U u d b e e n i i n h u o k l o d , w b l l o w i t h a n a t h n r>y b o d s u m ? M l i c r a n d h a d t u r n I l l s b r t d l a[ l i K i ' C R . E l t l c r t n i f i l i t V n v o u m u o d H B c r i o u

- : - i i i w n y n n i l i t r w i h l f t | < i e l d Q i i t | n t h o t w I n t l iW I I J J I U I H . A n y O o u i t h o f u r o w H n i n H U o l i ] i r a n k <n l n y i i i f r r a m - n l x i t l i n i i l t l l i e l i m i i i r t i t w o i i l ii n n h i i l i l y g i v e t h u n i t h u t u l l l i u n n H f a f t b o b i nn m l i n n l i e t h e m f o c i t h i i t t h e y v i c t o n o t a ng i i i n i t ft« t b o y m i j i n o s u i l i h n v w o r e , A e i M i -l i m i i i n r o o f s i t n l i d o i n u a W i l l i l m i l i t l a t u g e tM i m e i i f t h e m i n t o t m u G l a U t W i l n n o tf i - p t t h i s t i i m d j v a r n h i < r .

The Boonton Post Office-The t«nu of l'oatmiwfcr B. 11. Daweon, of

Bnnnfon, uxniros fn Pcbruary next, uiul iis wotin not luiirn ot bin Roeklng a lonontlwitiniimme uno else will nvohoiilv bs niinointedbtami-Ml. Mr.C.B. Norr.ii nnd Jfrenluil.tiiKi. Mr. C. B. Norria o

. K. Hop kin, n » iili«ml,ror t i nd tlrt tcit



itCH lOI

g n t WrImraodinlely af^er tbo

I'nullin two euRplcluiia ohnI tb i l l t rf S t '

BraT l i o

ran a «jieeln,l triiin over tlm . . ^ .iicooiiiinailalion (if tiiiMft living oloniwho wished tn nttnnil tlie Uall, uitamlwr /mm liar&r wonJinon-leilge -invitation,

tpnuyr the


tumlier (mm liar&r von pnwent, We no-inowleilge with tliiink* tii« cnn)]iliut?nt of nn

Young Repubifoan Club, ,liiero wn» n goa\l atHiuiinnuo at the nnntinl

meeting of tho liaiulolnli Voung IlopiiUlicunClub, mi Monday eveniiiff. whenTtlie latluwitiB

fitcera wtire oleoted for tbo enRuing yenr irrenidenfr-Fwuk II. LlmUley. *Flint Vino Prahlmit—Hnhlo)] Plluey,Heeuud Vice I 'mlileut-Wiu. H. Un&.TrouBttrer—Myron 11. C.mk..Seerctai}*—A. D, Ityram.Excoutivo CfKiiiniltoe^Pim]. II. Bcncli,

obu B. (libKHi. UhtM. finaren, Kilwnnl 8.lanee, (I. V. lUiimiiuan. Albridiia C, flinitli,

Win. 8. Utltnnl, J. • Prank Mo^, .1. WitllacoWaer, AV'm. Dittler, Philip H. THIon. Win, H.Mane. ' •

lBrt-3-pe Social Ciub,Tlic nnnunt elrctloii (or offloura cif tbU ulub

„ Cnnimiltfiii— Frank It. IJudnlev,Frfld.A.CiinnDld.J.E.Hiird. " y'

Thn club ba« now I unworn thirty anil fortyrnombcrfl, who ba.ve liillinrtl ntid lentUuii tinr-lon ln the Muk Uullilitic. It in «om)mneif en-tirely of tentlemcn undfit eoudnMcd iu tliciiest posdlUlo iu*iinor, ninklni! It a tlrat-elawluclal nrpanimtlnn, whoiw uuly oblpet ia t)io• B t i n u n l c u , i o j n 1 . . n t t f i U ' i n e W B e r t . ' ' "1 ' v

.State Board of 'cr lcu ' torcTtic nlvTcnth Aummi Ilrctlnu «f thi> Stnti

llnard of AKHrnltiire will Im It eld in 1U1KtiitflHiwKC, T|-onton, on Ibe fitii mid Itth nFctirunrv,I884. Tli«Vu will b&iWre«tiiig»ia

onAcrto 1» fll

&najfe arc

i S hAffrlcuhuie ci Comity AjtiiouHnml

' t(, mi o.1C doli-gnto,nil praoti-.

c»l fnnaera ore rrfiiiQflU'ii ta IJB pi*« int nndUka 1-ftrtin t ue dUwwIw,

of heatingThe Largest Line

, eook «toven, rlowust prl- « t c nt flm lowust iirlowi nt Altro


Lamat,Thfl flneat iwaortment of LAn.pi, Bnraerg,

JWmnlBi.ondlM'nt KtroBcne Oil at the t " •Drag Blare.

•- Dr. Buckley's Affliction!.Tho Christum Advooate of l i b wrck anya

Ni> sHunor bail Ur, lluokley returned lodeaolnte homo than lie reoelrod a tolo-

grnm iitmottttolng the soriouB illnennof binfathnr-in-lnw, tho Hon. Jummi Bums, of De-troit. Thin wiw wi(tn fulhwcd by aunttmraniiotiudtit: blndnntb. Ur. BuruHwaa wellenough tn moot Dr. Duckluy on the iiocuHinunf tint fitneml of lin wife one week W!o, andbis fatal illness wna at that Umo totally uitcx-

Kicted. Dr. UtipJd^y parted Iniiuudiiitoly 011« «<(ioii(l nimjtnful jituraey tn tlio noeno ol

Jiifl early mluwry—ajutintoy tlmt mnK08 atrenh npiiejil to t in Bymnuthten oi' all."

Tha Queitlon of Today*Evepybnily In nnHins Ibo iiuontioii, " Wlmt

is fining on «t DlohmwH'i*, Uiirep, that drawssimh » oiwtril t" nml tfte unlrcniil nuawar in,"Why 1th. tl'cltnmennnlwriralnglieinofl'eriiij'in J-mdioi mid Olitldrous Cloaks, nolmuna,id OHblroua Olonlus, PolmuHuYttloeka, XewMnrkcta, cto," Ccrtnlnly ourI<a<ll<m need not go (o New 1'cii-k for tlidrwnipn, nn one visit will cnnviiiuo the viMtorthat tbore muy ho found imt only tmtiiptliluirto plfjnae every taste and npe but get iliicr nixlliolt«r iltUng Biinnoiita nud nt lower prices.AUn ahauilMtueliuo of Chnira for the holidtiyfl,

Tlirout, CoiigiiOi Coli)«, Sets, ttra emttyby u*iiiR HuiuiltouV Oungh Balsa 111 wliluhrutnoroa the tieklitiK iu tho throat uud tight-

m the ehust, halm to throw oil tin9 mutter aniUflnlB tlio ititltimcd memliimwdlnta roliuf will bo fiiund t.

Croup, Urnuchitii.c


i i m c d i n t o M l i u f w i l l b o I i m i i i l 1 1m i c i n t i t , W l i o o p l n e ' O I I K I I , & « - ,

i a c U r t i B l e e i u t e e a u a I m t K t o g r w fe o i i s i i i u p t i i ' i i g r c n t r e l i u f i a w i u i v w l . Fi i i o i | i l u i i t e u i i B i i n i ] i t i o i i i t w m l u l i k e a c h a r1 ' r i e o ' & a n d M l o c i i t u l i c r b o t t k S l l l1rieo & and Ml ociiUuburt Killgoru, Dov

t wmlu like a charm,licr bottk-.. Solil liy

, N, J.

U l l f

Are Your Children Peevith

i n u B t l t C B a m i m i v ci f w i r i i M . V e r y f e w t

they bn\e nhuotmiildemiBtnutly I Uewmo

Very few tihlldrou euc-nut- tlieirravflRPs. No olitW enn lio happy or wellwhile HtinerliiH with wtmim. 'i'lmy sop the

litu by provontinjt tbn di^eation nndniUMUillntioi) ut fuod. Tjicrolaamire i - lItiaoullcd Pariqelau'H Dsiitoiilne W.ll Th " '



DEAB FiiiasD*:—I iitteil join- uiil. Tbe woild bus oalgro^vn yourold Bwvaut aud you nisHt liotp me H'l tdo fltockiuss trliicli util '>-•LtiDg by uliuoit evei'jr cliiiuuc; iu tlie Lrjail laml ou flbrintinaB Ev.\I wnut you uii to ees iuat your owu friends and relatives are pw-videJ with suitablu and aDpr.ipiiitu Ci!mtinis'prf3BQls.\ To miki;your task un easy and pleasant oue £ Iiavo ioUuced a reliuljle baai-ne*s tiouse to epeu a (tfumi culleciuii uf rare, lieauLifnt and low-prlcal HOLIDAY PRESEXTK right Ii.sra iu jour midst. Tlieirestablishment lms Rro? a so large tlint it will reqnheanms tiuia to f<otbrougli tlioir Ihree great finori and llioiougUlj rxi>talne nil theyliiive provided far von. I ief»r( of course, to E. LINDSLEY &SON, in tlieBiiok Block, neitto Jolle/u Hotel, Dover, ttitu wbomI huve Uft Lmidrctls of suitable glltn iu nil nvlic'ea of Furniture,Dress P.itterus, Pretty Cloiks and ollar Gji-ments, Lioe Qoofa,GloveF, HindhPiclifiifa, elc, nnd imtnouao slocks on tbeir HOLIDAYond TEN CENT COXJNiijRS. They arc ready anil wailing tosupply nil will ewrylliiag Ueuit euuld wisb. Tbcrefore, oblige youi-old friend liyprocuritig; suibblo preaeoia fov yoar loved ones of mynuthoi'izel ugi-nls, and do it e&v\y, so as ta give all.a cbance.

Ynurs Very Truly,



Holiday Gifts


Toilet Articles, Perfumery Bottles,[}LAOK\VK1,L AND Sl'SSKX HTS., itOVKlt. X. J.


iltim, They u[itiickly iliHMill,r,mtli tl.o

jierfectly hnrmkus Hnt v11 In* woriiifl and iiitna tlumi

• " or. l>riocti tlio liowufs. Jluv uo odiiiciur box. Bold bv it«liert Killgi







The Came Laws,Wo give lwlowtiw list of name laws us now

in forae in this Stuta. Thu dates ahon- thelimits of tlic eeanon in wWoh it in lun-ful toMl Ibe Runic iiftmed: Huffed grouu nmlquall.NovcinbRr 1 to rctombor 31; vm»ilcook,,)iiljlto August 1, and October 1 {1Dcnnmbar lfli jilnnntcil KTOUHC, Outobcr ]to Dencmher j j r«U, Heitfombcr \ to UPCIHI-berl 1 reed hint, jdmtsli hotii Auamt 2fi to"-•uiiibDri; unliiiidnbiver, AiiRnut 1 to Jau-

y\\ 8uu\inepducV,lteiitoinliorl ta Jauu-n ry l ) satilrrols, Bejttomhor 1 to .Inouarv 1:rnbbltt, November 1 to January 11 fliiimoutrout, Alaroli 1 to Ootohor 11 hi it ok 1•lum-1 to November 1,

nt« of

The High Price of Eggi-Tho Honrolty and lilgli prico of 01

vhlBh many are BOW complalulug m notilinrgonblo to tbo lions, but to n "citrner11 in•BK» iniulo during tUofnll tuontbn by speott-atow buying UII fliroiiRb the counfrj anditflrmpMinnifoj-uJituBflirfact], \v\\ it U now

|>robnblo tlint tbeua unme R|Mioulatnr8 will boglnil 10 null their Muck nt lower figures than'[•tunt. epst' JtByr xovh ilealera nro »oirUUUIIDK offijn ffW Gennany, mvctnl eon-iffiitticnla huving been rtpcifod nlroatly, ami; in now uredfRtnd vau» vlll be iilcntlfiil andlieajt anJ (Imt t h e i W k Btorwi in refrigcre-»r« will bo ]iu( upon, the matket.

Va'uab!« Property at Public Sale-Illft lielw «f Win. ghloliU, doo'd, will ofli-rir «Hle nt tlio Bt Cloud Hotel, WanhinKtou

8 . J , , o n T u e s d a y , P o o . m > i , 1 S I Q , t h e w « ) im w i i fiaiuiicl S h i e l d * tarni, o l o l i o u t Iff"> r e 8 , a m i a d j o i n i n g i a r t q i o f n b u u t 1 2 1 1 u e r e a ,i t b i n t w o w i l d i o f W w t U a K t o n , a n d n r c 1 1 ci m v l e d j i o i l i n t u o taut f o r m s I n W n r r u ij u n t y , A l u o t w o w o o d l o t a . 8 e o l a r g o t i o n

. r a . \ ! » o I h o h j i u d m n n o b r i c k a t o r o l i o i m e ,i i ) I n p c e n t r a l p n r t o t t b o b u r o i u ; h o f W O B J Ji u g t o n ( s n i o i i u j u t i r u w l f r o m t h e C t l i i t m t )T l i n n h d v p a r « V f o l l w n r t k v t h o a t t e n l i i i i ) o i

- • • * S w a n t i n g t n u w l t e n g o u t l u u d H u f o i n

Gen, Kllpatnc

inn onrLv llnriuft tliu OOIIIIUK Wint|ucfllln{i I'oM No. I t ) t o HUIJ flint tbo xsmv irrocuivoa iuutlttiuR manner. Tliul'unt ]m»lrcnit j titkflti iu*ti«a, and will aumnuc thr ilnf >if sea II i'l ns liitipe r nlinervnin-es liv tlie vcltrus oCNewYorkwlimilioirhenJiH liromtHoino. AH tins ToineJiiR uf (loucrul KI hint rii k'ill wltnout doubt Iiu buiiod nt lilt* !mnic, nt•cokcitnwn, In thin Sttitv, the ilttjuirt mem nl

Jeiwv will aluo tube nctiup.

A Terrible Accident.A t r l g l i i f n ) r a v a r v u y n c c i d n i i t D C P I

l e - v i c f n i t y o f B l o n m i n g d a l c o n T l m tu t t w p o k , I n w h i c h i t y o u n g h d vU n y P o l U i i R t o n l o n t h i r 1 1 1 ? . K l i r i n ,

r r i a m t w e m n i i a u t s l a r i f n g f n r r n U ' t s o nm o r n i n g o f t b a t ( I n j w b t ' i i t l i r f r h i

t f : | K ' ' ^ n m l r a u u w n y . A f t e r n i u ii l rtifltiuiua J t l i M P e l l I n i f f n 1 1 v n a t l i i i

„ . I n t o n j i l l i J o f t o c k n b y t l i c m n d H l i l c vi t u o h t o r t a t h a t b a t h o r m a a n d b o t h I c g n ub r o k e n , l i c r f n c n h u d l y o u t , l o r j n w I i( m c t u r c i l , n n d m m e i i l o u t h e r h ' w l ep l e k l v o n i M h o d I n . S h e l i v e d b u t 1 1 vK h n r t t i n i o a l t e r t b u n n r u r r e n c u .

Tfll JUllllj litI I U l U M l

" I h e H a i l M i n e -. O r t i n , H n t i c r &. C o . h n v e t i i i

* l e a n t * u i > n i i D m H n B t M i n e ,T b l li ' o r t b r a i n . T h e y h a v e b e e n i > i i j ; i i < ; ( t i l I ' m

• . n u n s t l m o i i n i t t i i i t M o $ u n t t l i o w a t e r , w l i k l iw u r k t W . v e o i t i | i ] e t « V l t l i i i B n t o f t h i * w « - h .

| ( J » r « T « \ w ! 1 . i M f ' i | l - < c ' " * » r f n ( { u p t l i o l i o l t o m


t f u v f i n t b l i

M I p u t t i n g t b » H t i i i M f l I n ,._. . .t a r n u i ' Q u f t b u t n i i i u n b u u l d t l i e n p r o '

f v n r a b l e n / t h t l l l tl m i i i i n e w i i m c l i i n i T y u f t l t o

n r a v c i l l t l m i w i t b a v i e w t o w o r k i n g tl I l i w l i o v m t t b e T T n i k i

I t l m i n , .i v t ) t < i C o- _ _ . i i i r o v R 1 . .

t h e y n n t l ( * l | i n l o , t b r v w i l li m l i u n e w i i m c l i i n i T y o t t h o *

c i l l t l m i w i t b a v i e w t o w o rc l v . I n w l i w l i o v m t t b e T

c f n u m b e r a l i o . u t s i x t y t

Mum- fay m w

Morentn) Statuary.ipsltRpfnl, Vfluabio ntid lirnuti'u'

. ilnthiliiiuilMtinodi8|ilny nf Kloi-c Btitlunry mailA at llnlrbniitii''H. Tlictmcul comiirlmfi m\\Ut from tbo innsirntud vorRH of antli[ne and mmh-roitiire. Them U n o [ikannro «t» liutlnic,M easily obtained, nn lb»t v e extxnl-

enois in rtudyinR tbo works of nature luufnrt.Pnr holinuy iirenohU nothing Is looro nieaniuil' ' apiiTonrlate tlutn tlic Florentine Htatuarx

au exhibition at Hsltbouio, the .ftmvl

Now J* Your ChanceD, M M , tbo 8tonIu»iiB bnttur ami elotblcr,

I** ofTfiinK great indiuteincnt • for tbe bolldnvs.(jo nuil 9M wbat bnrgJilnt hv, In nfferinjf. *

No. 3 Brick Block,





FOR THE HOLIDAYS!F a n c y F o o f l u , L i c e s , l t i O l i o n i . l i m d r t

n r , K » I n R r . - a t v a r i e t y ; T o i l i t a r t i c k ': u m l i H , r c d e t ] l o n l » , H a n d B a ^ , t i c .

o i , R t K H l n S H . B u H l i i u K a . U r e B B m i d O l o a f e r r i m -l i i n ' i i E i t r i u - t fiOe. p e r b u t t l e , S o a j i a , I l r o a h e i ,

Ladies', Gents' and Children's Hosiery and Merino Underwearifiallgradei and prices, luteii!*' complete Wardrobes, also Zephry Hand Xnit i r tkf i i

Hooda, JaokeLi, Oloaku, LsgRliiRj, i e .

: SILKS, VELVETS AND PLUSHESTot Oloik. toil 'Drnw, Ilia h t m de.lgni .a.l :irB™i »l,»k of [|le,e oomli to be found In

Heirar* and prieea the jDlrest. Ojir Oloal Dppirtiuonl itiFer* aterv virioip nr textara asnoil •< iljlo. Out rnr-lineil gitmonti In Otoiln, clianUn .ill Dolnum, olio

SEAL PLTJSHns litmlnome aud look in nppuknuet; as renl far seal. Belling i tXov York priws.

7GO OBiroaca. St.,



able Facts!iii,,ti,r ,,f ]l,,vg. TOI, c h i l .

CLOTIimn I- oi.u lb»tra .j.,.,.11,1 altnttloa on »wrrl

IIOJTH ivivir. whtlptittlter*njflfcen ii.ilul I,. > „ „ „ , | l u l i tv of

'« "•"' .«..r..l.l«. w..rk,,,,,n.lilpin tin. iiiiikcn,,, til i.nlur ,„ »nt-i»rv Lul, , | , i , . , , l f ,|,(. , „ „

[Ma ^

up of WIXTKI1«VEIICOAT8lorB».w.ailCli t | .•lmi Hint ritaiiln* n « n M . of"tj l» wita lire !«•« llnilnf fiilirtai.irliicli will innlio the molJiprHfeotriini ll.<lr.lill,ln.,, ,,ri-»,l|,l™«M,a«n,i nnti«f.v tlm liillier, llmt thoBoocli, lire tlio most Humbl* to he-lm,!. Out

FMOJ Trifflmi Ommlifrill cxpenlnlly cmumeniT tfaen-selves to lnT«ni af wr lMnmi tchildren, nnd ire hnre plain, u r -V)I>OA1I1D coat* that will itantl tlie

fsry d»y Bttftia of hntbMxl, Ia' l l

Oofhimjd In imr utiire tin umin i t ea i

l«t™i m-d V.M" inCI.OTIIlie HI ID atj'lo mid .IliniMUtv will, hold p.n.l, mul iitnvo 1W «o In— " "ATa, tAl'.H, iiniVreKSIBIIINn 000118 l a a a , i

, - -" Imnlly lien'MBrj- to

~ t men* wi fnnlipr on this topic at t



Clad Ike light of Ctirirtiwu. «»jir..

Kerry 1» tlio Christum* feti*t

Thruugl. fl tUouaftiiil l<ap]iy lioim-s,

Niirtl) andsoutiiunil wr*. urnl '-"it;

ItlitUe the son); t l ietnivplrr riiifEB,

Withe the wluli tin- nv.] . ' iH;iv»-

I.iftliiK Itdirt* to Iiui>iiiiT thing*

Thnmgb the Vltmtwu* Imlltlay*.

Oilier il»nr i].-«ii-c» w e r e i m w -

*'t!W fulMleil mil! miiiiv IUHI-

TLuiigb vv ratrli , Ui r a r « bourn,

Tlutt wbteli n>- Imvi- IIHIKMI for IWK

Lilt- Uitlli fxuuil it tull.T tueimiri!,IVliajl iri' tti'ilil 1 iK^.tcll VUy*.

lu tliu siiildiii MIVM ii.'iiU'i.miri'.

riin.ugli tin' CtiriMtiuHo luilidii.t «.

1» the lUiuv we • ) . • . . we

IUi'eblDiinniiifMtii'1 forge t -

Tn iw uri; K'mU in-k'rt that !..•

Wlik-li we uumii'i fntiiinu yet —

sttli 11 swifT (hi- tniv.-l.-r HIIII;-,

Still a loH«t the iwelcr «.>•»—

Trifling with fauiillurtiitugH

Tl.roitj.li the Cbriituiiioliulitlii.ve-



Crismus is over, and the thing is donedid ! You know I toitl you I was givinelo bring Miss Mary up to the chalk onCrismus. Well. I "lone it, slick as awhistle, though it conic mighty nigh beina serious business. But I'll tell you allabout the whole circumstance.

Crismus Eve I put on my new suit,and shaved my face as slick as a5pioothin iron, and after tea went overto old Miss Stallinses. As soon as Iwent into tlie parlor whar they was allsettinjr round the fire. Miss Carline andMiss Kesiah both laughed right out.

"There! there!" ses they, "I toldyou so ! I knuw'il it would he Joseph.

"Whal's 1 done, Miss Carline >" ses I."You come underlitlle sister's chicken

bone, anil I do believe she know'd youwas coinin when she put it over thedore."

"No I didn't—i didn't no such thing,now," ses Miss Mary, and her faceblushed red all over.

"Oh, you needn't deny it," ses MisKesiah, "you belong to Joseph now, jest;is sure ns ther's any cliarm in chickenbones."

I knnw'd that was a first rate chancito say something, but the dear liut<creeter looked so sorry and kep blusliinso, I couldn't say not'hin wiclly to thepint! sol tuck a chair and reached ii[iand tuck down the bone and put it inmy pocket.

"What are you gwine to do with thaiold chicken bone wow, Majer ?" ses Mis;Mary.

I'm gwine to keep ilas lonjj as I live,'ses I, "as a Chrisnius present from thehandsomest gall in Georgia."

When I sed that, she blushed worseand worse.

"Aimyou shamed, Major?" ses she." Now vou ought to give her n Chris-

mus gift, Joseph to keep all her life," sedMiss Carline.

"Ah," ses old Miss Stallins, "when Iwas a gall we used to hang up ou:stockins "

Why, mother!" ses all of 'em, "li• ;ht .

itlle streaked too, causethey was nil blusliin as hardcould.

"Highly-lily I" wa thu old lady—

j " Yes," ses I, " and you know youpromised to keep my Crismus present aslong as you lived,"

The galls laughed themsel.es almosttu death ; and went lo brushin ofl themeal as fast as they could, sayin theywas gwine to hang that bag up everyCrismus till they got husbands, too. MissMary-bless her bright eyes-she blush-ed as beautiful as a mornin glory, andsed siie'd stick to her word. She wasright out of bed. and her hair wasn'tkomed, and her dress wasn't fix'd at all,but the way she looked pretty was realdistractin. I do helieve if I was frozestiff, one look at her sweet face, as shestood tharlookin down to the floor withier roguish eyes, and her brijrnt curlslallin all over her snowy neck, wouldhave lotched me too. I tell you what,it was worth hanging in a meal bagfrom one Crismus to another to feel aslaopy as I have ever sense.

I went home after we had the laughjut. and sot hy the fire till I eot thawed.In the forenoon all the Sullinses comeover to our house and we had one of thegreatest Crismus dinners that ever wasseed in Georgia, and I don't believe ahappier comnanv ever sot down to theiame table. OH Miss Stallins and mothersettled the match, and talked over every-thing that ever happened in ther familiesind laughed at me and Mary, and criedthorn ther dead husbands, cause theyvasn't alive to see ther children mar-ried.

It's all settled now. Yept we hamt sotthe weddinday. I'd like to have it alliverat once, but young galls always likeo be engaged a while, vou know, so I

spose I must wait a month or so, Mary(she says I mustn't call her Miss Marynow*} has been a good deal of troubleand botheration to me ; but if you cisee her you would't think I ought togrudge a little suflerin to git such asweet little wife.

Your friend, till death,Jos. JONES.

Hen and Women.

Women talk for the sake of telling

what they know ; men talk to draw out

what others know.

When a woman becomes fiurried she




OEUMAK VALLEY., OHEBTElt. DOVEll,ROOKiWAY, UCDD'8 LAKE, LAKE BOPAT-CONO AND SCHOOLED MODKTAIN.Time table fur pisnenger traiue, to take eflect

say stockings riyht before-

Then I frit a Hi

vhat monstrous linemen, lo be shoreI'd like to know what harm ther is irslocking People now-a-davs is gittirso mc;itly-mouthcd they can t call nothin by ils right name, and 1 don't see a;tliey's any better than the old lime peo-ple was. When 1 was a gall like you,chile, 1 use ti> hang up my stockings andgit 'em full of presents."

The galls kini laughin and blusliin.

"Never mincl," ses Miss Mary, "M,jer's got [(, gjvt' me a Crismus gift—won't you, Majcr?"

"Oh, VL-s,"sfsl, "you know I prom-ised you one,"

"Silt 1 didn't mean that," ses she.

"I've got one fnr you, what I want you ford Post.to keep all your life, but it would take atwo-bushel bag to hold it," ses I.

"Oh, that's the kind," ses she.

"But will you promise to keep itlong as you live ! ses !.

"Certainly I will, Mnjer,"

"Monstrous 'linement now-a-days—old people don't know nothin Sbout per-liteness," said old Miss Stallins, jestgwine to sleep with her nittin in her lap.

"Now you hear that, Miss Carline,ses I. "She ses she'll keep it all helife."

"Yes, I will," ses Miss Mary—"bu1

what is it ?"

"Never mind," ses 1, "you hang up abag big enough to hold it ana you'llfind out what it is, when you see it : ~the mornin."

Miss Carline winked at Miss Kesiah,and then whispered to her—then theyboth laughed and looked at me as mis-chievous as they could. They 'spicied something.

"You'll be shore to give it to me nif 1 hanff up a bag," ses Miss Mary.

"And promise to keep it," ses I.

"Well, I will, cause I know that you•wouldn't give me nothing that wasn'lworth keenin."

They all agreed they would Jiang upbag forme to put Miss Mary's Crismuspresent in, on the back porch, andabout ten o'clock I told 'em goud eveninand went home.

I sot up till mid-night, and when theywas all gone to bed I went softly intothe bacIT gate, and went up to the porch,and thar, shore enough, was a great bigmeal-bag hangin to the lice. It wajnonstrous unhandy to git to it, butwas termined not to hack out. So I solsome chairs on lop of a bench and gothold of the rope and let myself downinto lhe bag, but jest as I was gittin ! ~it swung agin tne chairs, and do'they went with a terrible racket; buinobody didn't wake up but Miss Stal-linses old cur dog, and here he connrippin nnd tearin through the yard likirath, and round and round he wenitryin to find what was lhe matter. 1scrootch'd down in the bag and didn'tbreath louder nor a kitten, tor fear he'dfind me out, and after a while he quibarkin.

The wind began to blow bominabLcold, and the old bng kep turnin roundand swingin so it made me sea-sick athe mischief. I was afraid to move fofear the rope would break and let mefall, and thar I sot with my teeth rattlinlike I had the ager. It seemed like itwould never come daylight, and I do be-lieve if 1 didn't love Miss Mary so power-ful I would froze to death; for my hearwas the only spot that felt warm, and itdidn't beat more'n two licks a minit,only when I thought how she would besurprised in the mornin, and then itwent in a canter. Bttneby the old dogcome up on the porch and begun tosmell about the bag, and then he barkedlike bethought he'd treed something.• ' Bow! wow! wuwT'scs he. Then he tlsmell agin, and try lo git up to the bag.• ' Git out'." ses I, very low, for fear thegalls moughl hear me. "Bow! wow!"ses he. "Be cone you bominable fool,"ses I, and I felt all over in spots for Ispected every minute he'd nip me, andwhat made it worse, I didn't know whaiabouts he'd take hold. "Bowl wowwow!" Then I tried coaxin—"Comehere, good fellow," ses I, and whistled alittle to him, but it wasn't no use. Tharhe stood and ken up his everlaslin whinirand barkin, all night. I couldn't telwhen daylight was breakin, only by thechickens crowin, and I was monstrousglad to hear 'em, for if I had to stop tharone hour more, 1 don't believe I'd evergot out of that bag alive.

Old Miss Stallins come out fustian das soon as she seed the bag, ses she';

"What uponyeath has Joseph wentand put in that bag for Mary? I'll layit's a yearlin -or some live animal, orBruin wouldn't bark at it so."

She went in to call the galls, and I sotthar, shiverin ail over so I couldn't hardlyspeak if I tried to-but I didn't say nothin.Bitneby they all come running out onthe porch.

"My goodness! what is it?"ses MissMary.

" Oh, it's aliveP ses Miss Kesiah, " Iseed it move,"

"Call Cato, and make him cut lherope," ses MLrs Carline, "and let's see

.what it is. Come here, Cato, and gitthis bag down."

" Don't hurt itforthe world,"ies MissMary.

Cato untied the rone that was round

ihejice, and let the bag down easy on

the floor, and I tumbled out all corned

with corn meal, from head to foot.

" Goodness gracious!" ses Miss Mary."if It aint the majer himself I"

r pisHfinger t

Kov. lath,

PillLAPELttlU.Oor. aib *nd Qrwn t t i ,

" &] d B k "


IN Mav Yon* Toot of Liberty St., Nor.li river.IN BBODKLTK, (Brooklyn Bridge Pier.)IK PHILADELPHIA, depots 9th ftod Orceu, nnd

8tl and Bcrki Sti .

A.M. A. St. T.U. P.ll

8.30 3.458.20 3800.0S iM9.05 iOO,9.80 4.37

10.D9 fi.23. 7.53 10.50 6.10. 8.(Hi 11.08 025. 8091113 02fl. 8 U 11.17 682. 8.2111.25 U S fl-SS. 8 29 11.30 LIB 6.49. 8,85 11.80 4 SI 6.40

8.411142 4.39 fl.f58.4411.44 4.88 65B8.60 11JHI 4.8B 7.048.53 11.53 441 1.079.03 1203 i B3 7.17

07 1207 4 57 721

Ilgh BMilan

le Vtliey.'.'.'.".7!iMi Ttlleyb i b l


. . . ArriTg 9.1B

4 57 7.21B lifl 1.80

A, 31. A.M. A.a.p.K. * . M .Herman Valby 7.168.3011.854.16 0,46CliOHlerArrive 7.808.IS 11.604.80 7.00

. . . . 0.3.1 12.13 3.B3 6.D9$ 3 2 819 608

. 6.49t?.8aa.4RU6. 6.S2 13.81 3.G2 0.19. 6,50 12 33 8.5(10 24.7.00 12 *i 4HO 6.29

7.07 17.60 4X7 O B

els for a fan ; when a man becomesflurried he feels for a cigar.

Women jump at conclusions and gen-erally hit it; men reason things out'ogic;dly and generally miss it.

Women always show by their actionsthat they greatly enjoy going to church ;len are lessdemonstrative,

Some women can't pass a millinerystore without looking in; some mencan't pass a saloon without going in.

A woman never sees a baby without.v-anting torun to it; a man never seera baby without wanting to run from it.

Women love admiration, approbationadulation, self immolation on the part ofothers and ;ire often weak, vain andfrivolous. Ditto men.

A man of fashion hates the rain he-cause it disarranges the set of Ms pan-taloons ; a woman of Lishion hates it Ircause it disarranges her complexion.

A woman always carries her purin her hand so thai other women willsee it: a man carries his in bis insidepocket so that his wife won't see it,

A woman can sit in a theatre forthree hours without getting all cramp-ed up, catching lhe toothache, or be-coming faint for want of fresh air; a

an can't,When a woman wants to repair dam-

ages she uses a pin ; when a man want!to repair damages be spends two hours--•» - ' - - " • — : "-read a needle.

asked by a faid

Garmnn Vall .Middle ValleyVuruoy ,CallfonHigh Undue ArilUouni] Brook. . , . "Rlizalmtli "Newirk •Trenton "

Philadelnlriiior. 3d unit Dorks '' Dili anrt Qroen '


und ,i half trying to thiWhen a woman is ,

lover for her heart and hand and says"No," she don't always mean it ; whena man is asked by a jovial friend if hewill take something and says ' "* ' " ' "don't alwavs mean it, either.

A scientist says the reason kissing isso pleasant is because the teeth, jawbones and lips are full of nerves, :indwhen the lips meet an electric currentis generated. We had always supposedthe reason why kissing was so pleasantwas owing to a sort of can't-helpitness,but this is not an expert opinion.—Hart-

Tho Greatest Pain KillerYet found l,ir CrainiiH, Colic, Stitch In «[<lc

of Iinok, Nctamiidn, Hiiimmntmni, Spriiiu»,llrnlauK, b e , in Hnmlmm'K Jmunlm i . ini^rTunis nnd 1'uln Cure. Hound <>u witli tintwitt ninth*, it newer t'nlin to BUFpimtiiu, Indicat ion. Sick IIendi. .HIM, DUt-rlmm, Dywntory, Hen

t. ForDyH-nhu, KUtu-•tliiirn, Bui


il 50 w ittH.

n liiKhl; 1tririiK cf

... i)iiflniitail liotti liitcrnnliv niim«lt(>«im>. Trv l t . I'riBold by ltoliort KlUgorv.

Enrich the Blood,llmuilt.m'* Ofirmnu llltU-m fi

cflmmpiiilcil feir all diwiint'n mgtritiiin Diid eiflfleiit tonic. K»iieciiiUtinn, l)yniiopHla. wnut of tiiiputllc,xlronutli, liu-h of ciioru'y, &u. 'ltiny iiurioLtkclilitod, ntn-nntimu tlm inuHdex, ami filvcHL'W lift to tlm mitres, 'flioyact liko » ohtirniIn the rtlaoHlivis «r«iitin, ruimm* nil dyHjiqitic«,VII»IIU)IIIH, imi i ImrvTt l ic^ ldniuc l i lH wwilinr tliere in uh l l i t t


Mofitbynlcal vijtor,awliiHt wliut.you tieod. Oul j

bottle. Soli] Ii>'lt»bi!rt Killfiurr-


MIVIOH attended iu full upnn rwisnunlile com-niissioiu unit Hiitlofnution pimniuU'«d. AllhimlH nf neconil-bi.nri goods fnr Halo.

FOli SALE.-Lnren Ire Hon. Urge Cup-board, Itcfrlgcrfttor, Blowing Mi.dilm>, WireHufe. Tho ntiovo pioilt* will lie wild ut unyrmuwnaiile offur within the next ten tiny aTwo Conk Sloven, « eaoli; two large PolFV-cdrrn, *7 und $0; Inrgc tloutiltt Hunter, (11ntio idd ttylfl wood burning ntov«, $2; cylin<li?r stove, *3.

NEW BAKERY,Confectionery and Restaurant,

I N C H E S T E R .

PRANK F. APGAR' annunnccH ttantho hnsopcncil hiiin the Ilanlin l.iilim&jr, next t<

1 HoiiRO, mid IH IIOW ready to Blip

otfouorylnytrmle. lnhiuFPH-

tuurant OY8TBBB will W nerved, fine uiidfn-nn, in ovoty ntjle, i»r sold by tlio quart or

, ' *" l~iiKfl will bo ptepnreA at anyy or nvcn.iiR. A call is re-

ply tlm imlilio with nil kinds of Uniteduels nnd a w r y flue line of Cnnfe '








Celebrated Cough Drops.

CHRISTMAS CANDIESofftlUeicrlptiaiii.

\V« niako our undlei and wftmnt&etfi pnrs.


. 7.14

. 7.10

. 7.23




4.14 6.474.1ft 6.644.23 6.584.88 7.16 83 8.288,17 ii.076.43 U.307.10


7.001C.800.50 9.87

A,K. A.M. A. M P. M.(1.50 8.05 11.00 fl.52 D 007.05 8.20 11.15 4.00 D.15

Train* IIMVO Keuvil Tor Mmnminti anil L . . .finatcoiiR Bt 9:00. * , « . ; 12:25.6:10 P. M. ForI utilionn to Dfjdeu s t 12:25 i-. u.Cnuvcyniici'8 con ho proenred at Gorman

Valley to lud From ydmoley's alnuuUtti; atFluntlera to nnd rrom BmUrs Lake.

BTON CoNSECTIOSH.—CoUDCOtiOD tl Diadt. . ..ifih Dndf-'O to ami from En a ton.I. E WOOlTErt.Oeu. UiDftgcr.

0 . F. BALDWIN.Gen. EsHtcrn Pssn. Afi't.0. O. HANCOCK, Ou t . P m . A TVk Afj't





UepotB in New York, foot of U«roUy S t . i n d



JouniBUoiiis MONDAY, JUNi: 181b, 1883.

LliAVliKliW VUttK.

tcouutj wHii tlm Uuoiiioii Uruuoli »i D m / i l kui' JJuuutuu; tliu Ulmatur Druuvti BI Uuvurfur)U0ti*auuuHuua Ukuiiicr; ilia diiouci Itailruad.t tVkiuriuu, [oiAuduVuriNuwluu tutinltata-.,UDI>} iuvV.,L. It, W. U. It. a t WatililiiijtuDol Jl&uuulm Uiiuiik,Wat»i GBJ), UtruudnburR,xirnDtoL, Utnglismiou, Uilca, lliuliUeluyritiKB,liuaiti, Uurttaud, Byr«oaso, Ountffu

atu *Dd Delawart uutl Hudson ilailroadu;luu .it PbUllpiliaru wltli LehiRli Vsllty Jlnll-o*iJand Leliitjli and Bustinehanna Hailtoailor UotLlttUetu, Mauob Ououk. Uotdinn aud

Ai J I 3 0 S A . . a . Biusliamtin Uall (Drawing"tuotn Owi-iLtiobuu) cruiu New Ifoii ?i».Pat-

«ud lioontou, tuDB through La Wateriap, dtroDiiabnrg, Soranton, o r - ' " '.od3iug)i»mloQ,uoiiueotliiK at UiIUU iJlUkllliiUbUlif CUbUWMUA " • v u . b * intu

beator Uailtoau, t l Waterloo with gasacitailtuad tor Aadover, Newton and all ata-IUUK; a t Delaware wltb Itlalmtowu By., atii-raDtoD, irttliuloomsbnrg Division furi ' i t t i-un, KliiRStou, Wilkesburo, Danville. Hotth-tmbsriaml, Ac. raaeeugcrt taking thliraiufruiu New York, Piternon aud JloontOD;*u oonneot at WasliinKtuu wi t l train for'Uillipsljur({, ttaaton, UBtnleliem; Ulentown,laTrlBbiirftaud poiuts 00 tbe Lek^ l i Villef,.Lid Lehigli ami bUHqaehanna liailrjaOi; at'lilllipBburK ffltb UoUfdere Didniou of P». K.I. rurLainbertrUlfi. Tronton anil PhiladelphU.

At a.wu A. M. Buffilo and Oiwego E i p —iL>ran-JQsRuuLQ Oin ) Water Oap , btru,.._.iurc, Scmiiton, BinRiiamtut), Uwvijn, I t l a c i ,.VaTDrly.Elinira, Uuuut Horrls and linflalo.Ainu B^rnoaee uud OdvrcgD, oonneciia "jiDHljaiaton lor Uuoa ami Uloli9old Spriu

X\ 1U.IU A. li. Dover AooOmtnoditioo.l U O O M f i B





MOSS BOaE T E 1 BETS, 0H1K4, « PIE0E8.

POBCELAIN " " " ' "

OBINA " " " "

WHITE OHi SITE " ' " "


Elelit different ilr.es ol Lampi,

laiB Cation, Placed Caitori,

Toj Sell for Children, (China.)

Salrttrs, H'lille Granite mid

Glais: three ilzeaof Kruit Diita-

e>; all kinds of Tumblers, Gob-

lets, Wliie Qlaises, Decanter!,



W. O. NAPI>II!8,









TOILET BETS, ol Moun t eradci.

VASES! TASES!Immense Attractions!

cn.'.l the sped ill atten-tion of 'Jtistomcrs to thisbranch of our business. Wecan sell them chenper thanany house in New York.Also our China Cups andSaucers. Decorated Moiistacho Cups, of all kinds,and numerous other goods.

We Lave ih[> week received anew stock of

Teas and Coffeesrlor lo any we li&vo had Bincc our

coming to Dover.


I. Y. & C l l l i TEA CO,,BLAOKWELL St,



Coleiuan Basiaess College,OppoBlie Centre Market,


BMelFdialirgerLOOU. *nfl NATIONALlatroDage oambfned than any other OJQIIil.lBcUj.plloAmtrica.Tho atleDdance irom Biiex and adjoining

coomlti li doable tliat of anv homo acboof,anil It emDloja more iban doable thotanoben.

Write Sot tbe flnest wtiaol «»t»logn9 ever


nirg.Uonmton.lJLriglinntoo.ejnoatemilOiwegc,rt»anMUnn«i dcrantoit with Lack. A WoomibuigI. U-forHtUtos;. Wyomlng.KlBgltoDind Wllkoi-Jarrt PMiengeri iiklnu tbli train Irom Newfork, PainStoDW


__ - . . . _ laklnB tlili train Irom Nairfork, Patenon and Booatoa can oonntct at W u t

Witb train Mo. d,"* Xoi-k at3.30 p . H ( b i w i Ei-

jreia) ounuootins at Waterloo fur Andovct,Vcwtou aud Brauolivillfl, and at riillllpsbiuK.vlili LoUlgh VallcT Bailroadand Lohlgli and-uBnuobanua R, 11. tar BetliloliQiiilAiionto'-~iteadmeanJ Uartlsbnrg.

4.10 l1. M. Sorauum S|>ccial oonncotlcft at>uvcr ivltli Ck-Btcr It. 11.; at Waterloo witbimncslt . l t .

*iW P. U., U t e r Exprewt lur 8umiiBornardn-lllo.BastiagrldgL' and all point a ani ' .mto aud boUffaru Uailroad.) Oliatliam,UuliBon.MorUatown.UomBl'lalnB.DcQi'Ule,Uookawav and Dover.

At O.au 1>. M, (llBokettBtown EipreeBjitop-Mm ai Mflbum, Summit, Chatham, MadUo-ilnrrUtown ami all sltttiona went to Haoketl.itwn.coiinectlngal Watorloo wllli trail) orindoverandNewlnn.

7:00P.M.OiwegoaudBnlfalo Ei, troraNewfork (Bleeping oarsattaobod) rift. Paterson ftUoonton .Lrougb to Water Oip, Blrondiltnrif,

" i.LJBlc.Marftlhoti.Ooit'a anil UaweRO.

o rain lor areene.Oitonl,lonrioli, llichtloM gprlnss, Utlca, Ac. ThlHratii rnna tliroagli to Oiwepo BnfTalo andKlcliticld SpriagB (but not lo llhnca] Snudij

AtTi i s 'p , M. Dover Accommodation farubatliam, Morrinlowa and Durcr.

For BernanUvillu, BaBhineriuge, Lfoua,tflllfngton, Stirling, Gillette, Borkoloy Heightindall sUtion* on Pasiaio and Dolawaro It.It, (N. J. Woat Lino Railroad) 7:30,10:10 A.



Trains arrho tnd doparl tram tbia Italian


been nlteuding tlie recent " ti-nde

sales" 111. New York and purchased

Inrgel; in Domeslios and Btanketa.

domestics esveral cases nf Ticks of a

good <1 utility for feather beds and pil

lows may be bad at a rednoiion from the

regalar prices of about seveu cents per

yari, Iu QINOHAM a reductioo of

ibout tec per cent, upon tbe regular

wholesale price of tbe best goofa on

about two tbooB&ad yards. la MUSLIN

both 1 tlenebecl nnd browu of about (en

percent, on standard brands. But tbe

eases of BLANKETB nre decided \ni

flirbicb are so rarely met oa to be

pbeDomenal; a splendid blanket ma; be

had at a redaction of about fifty per

cent, on tbe quoted price of tbe agouts

of them, - Tb are can bo no qtiesUoo

wbnlever to any one wlio boa Been them

as lo tbe bargains wo aie offering in nl

of tbese goods. Our Full styles io CAB-

PETS are daily arriving and tbe prices

are H3 low as they have been for years.

Cull and see tbe bargains. We propose

o fiell tbcae goods aud have marked

tiem to sell.


Morrtmown, M.J.

PATENTSto not tuiVollcltiin fnr™'uteri In, OivvittI, Cqnjrislits, for tha Unit at Blutm, <mi], rnncu, Ocrmany. etc Hand Bof-I U nent ttoo, TlilrtT-M'vcn rrats'eipurlonw.- '«»MJitnM UmrtiKliUUNN* CO. urenotloK

IENTIHO AURKICAK. lha " " •oljclMUlBted nclcnttBo m


UironcL ._•icrautou. Biuguaui1

iaokotUlown E i p . 7:81 llnff*lo ExprBBB 10:27lat* S:H P - M .

' DoverAcoom. 1235Eaitoa ExprcBi 2:D0

Eaaton Eipreaa _.__Siranion if*, olal* 0:19Dover Express 0;SO

Oawcgo E i p /Dover Accom. 10 SJ

•Via, Buonton Braoeb.


nriKD. mTUMia. • I H W A B D

A.M. P . U , A .M. P.M10.37 7.W CbeBter 8.CD 8.6010.1? 0.52 Qorton R.07 1.C0I0.0T 6-n Ironla 8.19 4.109.5T 6.42 Bnooa«nnna 9.17 4.209,47 8.83 HoOtloiriUti 8.«1 *.E0D.SS B.M Port Oram 8.29 4.500.3Q 0.25 Dover 8.03 8.00


S D I I I X ST . , Puvxn, N. 3.

Houses to Bent.A new double boned on EBBOX Htroot, witbX rooniit on tmoli Hiiln. Will li« Hnted t

t^nnnt. At very law rote

Apply toE. SIEIIHIt.

r.l-tr Cor. ltlKkw.-ll m

Notice of Settlement.Notice is Itcreb; Riven that tbe acconnln if

tlie Bflbwrlher, Ewontor c.r Davt.l Ejlill,(ttceascd, will bo natUIrd and itstcd li? thefinrrnnatc. ami reporteil for «tllrmi>nt to tliOrpUam1 Court of tho Coontt of Morrin, oUondaytho tcvcntli iixj ot January next.

EPHBAIM LIND8LEY.DatedOct.iaih.lsaj, 48.Q

BiRcotor's aililrcsi, Dover, N. 1.

REPAIRING DONE.You can got TOUT sewing mnclilnos, au

lonkn, r t c , repBlreil in good onlpr Ity


FOR SALE.fitook,IDOU[ami buikllnc io nliicli U10II1

sliop at Staoltopo la iltaated, tor f tlr. It itana of the best bQiiitcH stands In town. Beetreasoni Ri*tsn t»r splliaR. Terms on tho build-iDR miilo cany. Enoolre of

' 8. J. PETE118ON,

•9 am Blinhopo, N. J,

CENTENNIAL BD1LDING, 815 & 217 Market St.,WtanlnE Firet Herormo.1 Olinrcli, NEWJI1K, N. J.

Xallri: Lroracocngt of Fnll Uonr.r, Inclmlmt; B^ok., SUtlnoory, etc.. S3175.KnRro.iios Kcd Crd Writing Diluted In Ibc lilsbe.t IL;]O or . r t .

M. M U 1 V E Y , A . If., P r inc ipa l .

PB0P. AMOS ALLOW**. P..m... W > W W11"1™ S «

T H E ' DOVER LuiiBEB Cooffers to builders tlw bust opportonitics in the ptunhoso of LIMBER

of every grade and desoription inoludjug LOW PRICES and the great

advantage of having

Lumber Worked to Orderby machinarr at the plaoe whore it is purchased, greatly lessenbg the

eoBt of building by the great saving in manual labor. Oar

stock always includes

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldingsand LUMBER of overy description, and especial pains are taken

to give satistaobon in every partionlar.

WM. a. luouor, Sw^md TrwV. fiBi^MQ, Ou'l Uuagar.



HEW JBIUEY LEOiL TP8r, 100° FL\8H.* T MACHINRRT O11S.~V!e taketiteaanre in iotro-luoinir to ttw trai.fi onrmriooii uradei

of Maehiutfry and ntlier Heavy O:i«. Tltflse goods am m»«ufaotnrert bv us at nnr wnrk«. oo«-wqnftntlj w RITB tUcm the li«n*fll or onr D^mnnal mioBrvisioa. and gatrftntas them to glreiwrfeot P*tl»fwtinn, both to qiiiUtr ati'l crlm. »r no Bain,Extra Engine Oil.

TtMnv Entrine Oil,

No. ] Enfrine.

Dnrk Enrine Oil,

Soerm Mnchioerv Oil,

Vo. 1 Mncliiuorv Oil,

Dark Lnbrtariofr Oil,

Railroad Lnhricator,

cHisfHrnr Lnhriantor,

Went Vircfnta Oil.

"Crown" Woni oil.


Vn. 1 Spin-lie Oil,So. 1 8nii«lle Oil. Extra Packing Oil, ,

Steam Refined Puuio Ovlioder Oil, Dendoriied Napthu, all Onvitia.



OYSTERS!mid EATABLES nf i l l Mud> snp|iUrd m

"EMORY'S"Favorite Restaurant,

Warren St., Dover, N. J.E.'VAN GILDER, Prop'r.



D. S. BRINK'S Harness Store,MORIIISTOWIV, IV. .1.

Horse Blanketsof overy kind and Blyle. BUFFALO 110BE8,WOLF, PLUSH ond FANOV LAP i.OBES.All goods sold at very Ion prjo.fi. 8uchnrtlolts ore muoa obeaper tfaiB Fall thanbefore. Don't forgot tlie placo.

W A S I U N U T O N St . ,

m IMor r iH toun , N . J .







Seeds and Fertilizers,



Confectionery,THK 0H0I0K8T BBANDB OF 8KGAR8, THE





7-Sm DOVBR. H. J .


Estate of John Bone, deceased.PURSUANT (a tbe order ct tbr. 8arroRMiL ol llio Ootntj of Morrn, uaile on lln

ibirtleth day or October, A. t>. onu tboUFsuci-ifilit hundred and OIRLI.V-three, uolice nherebj given to all persona hiving claimi•Riinil tbo estate of John Bone, late otlio County of Morrii.drceaied, topieioDt ttitaacio.nDder oath or alBnnallon, lo tha sabiwnber, oa or beforo tho tlnrtlelh A»y oJuly next, being nlno month! from lbs d i l t

• i d order; and any creditor nrg.ecl.Dg to?in a n d e i l i b i t bla or her DUnn.aniler

. — orafflrnntlon, irilhra tbe UIBO si) limitedwill be fbrpver barred nr liis or her actiontherefor ajjilnst the Bicoi i tni .

Ditcd the thirtieth daj o[ Ootobtr, A. O,


Split B«mbo«i L««Mwii«d,: HontMM

Bd annum TfONl. Black Ban

•nd Flek.nl IUID.. *

nteln, Un«, I l ia , Hooks, Buieto, etc

A fall uiortment WDltully on bud of lint

and oommOB

BrMok u d M w a b Ii«»4iM Oiuu,





HOBmaiows, H. I.

Brick Frened Oil,


W. B. Whale Oil,

Prime NeaMr.ot Oil,

No. 1 N«it«toot Oil.

B Hpt'llicl.l Oil, 150°,

Nn. 1 UlH Oil.

W. Pure Snlad Oil,

Prime WWe, 116",


Dark Onr Oil,

Snniui Pnnkioff Oil,

Bitra Pncking Oil,

11 Orowo" Tjicrbt Compotmd.

" Psmaio" Dftrk Oomponild,

Bolllni Mill Grease,

Axle Qnwie,

flnorm Stetnl Oil,

W. Rlrslnrf Primp Lnrd Oil.

E. H«.flli»WOI1.1!0»

P. Water While Oil. El)",

W. WMI« Cotton Brad Oil,

W.TrDow Cotton Seed Oil,

Gasoline. SB".

Gmmllne. 8 6 ' , .

Plinrtrs1 Ofl,


TMB MoKmflAN OIL On , WDAHF frwr '•r Total) A™., KnrAWt. N. J .

CARPET WEAVING AND MAKING!tidnMenM * | | li^rAnAr A v t sit bio tlnw nn'l »M«nHnn In tha nVRPRT hnnlDtHR.

Pml-flina* wn'k tn nil fcin^ rtrirftnvtiii m l thn mifcintt i»r fnH n»^Rfltii, fflehpirt annti pr!o<"naM for oM r*ir«. 4 inntr i n 1 extensive knowledge of tbe baslnesi enables me to do tbe ba i twork and nHMv alt nti«foinnr«,




PoufHve mcFinR poppot valves. No toss from friction, no watte In nortt by slide or rotaryilriaOaotlon valves. HtRlioBt po&Billo per oont or Iroo air. Eoonomloal ami durable. Cita-ioRue on application. (Polly iccurcd b j patents.)

saac N. Doty & Co.,Have made a special reduction fr

prices for tlie HOXJDAX BEABOH, Dress

Gocxfa nod Dreas tiiUte, Yelvstg, Plusbe*

uocl Otoakingi are marked down to el ee

Ibe season. All our Oloahs at reflnced

pricer. Nefftaorkeii, Oircolars, Kuve

ookB, Heke'u and DolmncB marked

down: Special bargains in Slaobetfl;

p l i e s ere 80 par opnr. lesn ihsn lasi

aeaaoa. Warm Uodernfiar, Hosiery aaii

GHoven ot Ibe lowest prtcee ever mmlc

JndrnflODrtnins; atno inEuw Bilk, Jute

iod Final) Fnriitnre OoveriDR. Bur

poioB fn onr stock of Carped, Rags and

Mets, olosinRout our fall block at greatly

rednced pricee.

Special Holiday Attraotioos.Silt Umbrellaa, QoBantner Waferproof

Garments, Puna, Perfumes, Hiiiidkoi-

obiets,MnfflRl'S. WaooonJ Tublo Covers,

Lace Bed Seta, Tidies, Sunrfft, Ties im*I

Fancy Necb-weflr, portmonaiFii, Sliop-

piDgiijga, Braaii Tflhlee, Bcnnces, Mir-

rors and L>mpe, Fanor Knit Good a,

Oriental Goods, together witb 1111 im-

mense stock of Foreign and DmiiPslie

Novelties, especially displayed as HDLI-

»AY ATTBAOTH-KS. We lmve tbo lar^ost

etock ol Dry Goods and Carpcia in Hit!

State, nndtorealiza upon tlie in prior lo

January inventory, wo liuve muikcil

down pi'Jcaa in every dousirlmt'iit.


159 & 161 Market St.,Newark. N. .T.

BOILERS!Horizontal, Tubular, Flue, Vertical andPortable. Insurance policy with each.



have arranged their business in (brae departments, comprising

Three Large Storeswell Blleil with the Ita-ling nrlic'ea of trade iu tbe various tranches. Tbe first depart

ment embraces


CROCKERY AND PROVISIONS,ooil in each branch are new and replete atooka of Roods. Tho ueoond department,

just opened, has it large etook of

BOOTS AND SHOES,for every kind of wear, embracing all that h new in pattorn and durable in acrvioi

Tho third department is davoted to


MINING SUPPLIESand will alwaya carry comprehensive stocks of Uuilder's Hani

ware, Blackuulth Hardware, Plumber.' Materials, Gas .

Pipe, Mechanics' Tools, Steam Fittings. Steam Drills,

Shovels. Picks Hummers. Fuse, and everything

contained in the line of hnrdwnre.

18S8. THE 1883

IRON FRONT.III:AD(JI .viiTi:iis nut


For tho coming season we present a L AKOElt, MOREELEGANT and UETTER ASSORTMENT than wo haveover before shown.

MEN'S BUSINESS SUITS irom $(i to $22 in the NewShapes, both sacks and tracks.

DRESS SUITS from $14 to *2S, in Cloths, Diagonals,Corkscrews, &c.

The best shaped Three Button Cutaway over shownIn BUSINESS SUITS and PANTS we invite your

inspection of our Sawyer Cassiincrcs. These goods areabsolutely all wool and guaranteed in every respectto toe A 1. We have exclusive control of these goodsfrom the manufiiciurcrs. Ask for them.

A full line of PERFECT FITTING PANTS at SI.50$2.25, $2.75, S3.50, $4, S5, S5.50, S6 and S6.50, «c.

OVERSAGKS for Fall and Winter, both Double and Single.breasted, from §5 to S35. in all the latest colorings and styles.

We never had a BETTER STOCK of BOYS' and CHILDREN'SCLOTHING, and ask you to compare <DTJR P R I C E Sbefore purchasing. Any selection made from our stock ifnot satisfactory, may be exchanged, or we will refund yourmoney, just as you prefer.

& Co.,85O and 852 Broad St., Newark.

(5 nonitfi nrcr.ow NFWARK ASH NEW TORK R. it. STATION)



TOB tmoloE

Pall and Winter Goods"W Tha latest rtjlaa and newest designs.

No trouble to .faonr goods. Give ner a oaU.THE IIIOH £ u and Sen York papers can befound oa her new counter.








aT.Mnj.EB, wiiBiprf.

Notice of Settlement."»Ho« I; herrtijr «l,en Hi t ih« •

'i p. 0. Dour,». J.


Another Solid and Very Inter-

esting Fact About

SMITH & ECKHART,(SacufMM lo I n 0. Goupei*,)


Contnutataaso tod material. ftaraUhed fir


•fhitberofSBIOK or BTOKE.

Oflio* oa Uotrii .ticat. next to ioraer IuoaI u tmlUing. Doiar. H. I.












FUlt a]! tlifl principal Hue. of HleamBLipafium Nt'\v Vorli to Ijlvcrimo] Bt LOWEtiT



WHOLESALE TRADEi«(]uil.vin.Ti'S8(PK. whirli FlmvslKil.Klvip-'hitlialtiuli<ju M till liie cuKlumtTH. Jlia

WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARSam of tbu best, •n.l lie n in he a Mm tlmlorRiliriniKhouttbtaetmtily wotilil give liim a call(uliich will piy ihoni) lieforu UnyiiiR clie-wiwif. All urclom Bent b j in all will tacum

niit BltuuliuuJ. J . BACKOFF,

Duvcr, N. J .


FLOTTH!. . .raDKer in How Egynt VIM

ftottiiiK a. barrel ot " 1'OMMK]cansGrtblm to " entlmsfc" as lollo

PEEM HASH, New EKy|it, N. J., Juno 12,1883.


GENTB:-Dnrlntt lhe \n«i 27 vrarw I li....mud all the pminlueiit bramir, «r" FLOUIt butImvc ntver before IOQIILI HO uniform a <jiialii>w,llio"Onii]iiieriiC!," so perfectly ml»))ii'i] mmiy kind of pmlry mul causin;; onr nti-lib.irHitrier loi'iclnim " u l i s t ijeaiitiHilcrcFUuy ivl.itrbuflcitiuml broail you HKVHVS lmve anJ »nnbnnagrccnblu Uste.

I nm now nsitig my nccont] barrel ami WIBfrarlnl itwonM not prove an Rmwi at tho otherbill it cionot bu uxcolli-il. Oin rnorcliant t\n\not lituw ivi im it was ramin but & ciriiuiarolVUIUN reveals "itii home." Evurv uuuca of itis all alike. In llio firnt oiTusinrm ofa youngKirrsallictioiis "I t 'a juet lovely."

We nre flintnpctii 11 yna but etaimcli fnondBtfyoor "Cmnmcrcfc1 'Flour. It it n misfur*unc I or any ramily t ) bn without it.


Gcn'l Man'g'r Oakfonl Path.


. J. ffillbilEJjIj,sucoEssoi: TO u. r. BANDEBSOK,



VIOLA BRAND,id lake no other. II la always Rood-can belied unou every t ime. Handurson on tliliia brand Incrcaec-d hie Hour trade 600 Deint. 29-tf





K. A. Wllkliiion, Pre.'l.






r all binds of buildings, aud tho ooiiatraolion

fballdtOES naperiniended.

VJilt be a t liis uHku in Duvtr, 3d Floor ol


WEEK, from 9:30 A . M . lo 15:3-11-. a .

GEO. MANNmvitctitKMll from all hin friendK to IIM plaeoJii CLlNTf)NHTUEET1wliei-ef(irlheirniiHW-meul tin Imn t.

FIXE POOL TABLEund a«-olintle(Uiidcomi)leto

DOUBLE BOWLING ALLEYs i lncn imd In perfi'tit nriler. Also, Hio beatLAQEItSind ntlicr ilrlnb*, nntl ilie ch»icc«tSEGA11H. All who favor mo wilh a cull wiilliml HieniBolTCB aurecalily cnlrrtninnl anil'veil treated. aEO. MANN.

SHERIFF'S SALE!Ho.oll «n,l Jlury C . n . M I hi, «!r,,,8,',,1,™H. liiilr, Eircaior ,,l >[>i>o> ,1. Unwlllclil-lucfjHcil; Mo«^ T...I, Hvrnr.i C. GuprinllloDcinrlUnk, 0,c«r II." MclIoilTy. OnvJlinlonandAti'lrm V«nSickle, il»fci,il«m«'l i . In furtaluiir riioil-ajicd i.rcmi^^ ltL..li.rn.b| l. |oFrl,n,,rji,M,,.A I). M l .

J. ft. BAI.MON, Sol'r.

Ell" vlrtno 11/ Iho almvc alatrtl wnl «l (Ion

I ranliiB 111 myliamlH, I sliall UIIIOHO lor stle

riBiow K °J E t t b ° C ° U r t 1 I ^ U S C ' i n M o r '

MONDAY, thi! 7lli dar of JannarJ m i l ,

A. D. 1BSJ, ljulneon Uic Iionrn or 12 M r,r,',\ n

••ohu-k p. M u,.i°, s, «y :r2°L ".S; "XMlltriioon or uttid day, all Minf-o fmir oerinin

Tin: first lot itftlioKurm. llmt ]• oribe.1 InI

ll.0 n.mo 1I..I •>do.oribe.1 Inn ilori! froni Luke I . Hlciulonlinrftli Co (Iporic» . I lnmll . , l , l ,a H.rrli i.1.1, 1170, «n-l , 1•••mini in Mm Murrli Coi.nly r iorl" , unico, to

it V 7 i.r l l m h , , » „ „ , in", .v,., „„,, c , , , , , a ' | n ,mt livufiiiii iiiiL'-i|r.nrtf;r ncri'K. Tlio g"coml

i> llio n n Iliai la ikncrilii-il la a ,liT.iil Luke I. Hionii-nkircli In fni.i Oeor-d W

'I '* ' ' ftinn Lulio I. Slontrr.lmrirli lo f ih l C,,-o

in>B"irn'.|'K0 '1Mfl,y^ l l ' ' lH7;i--1111 ' 'n 'c ' 'r i iC1 '

^» i l | n ' 1 i f lmUi i l .M| 1 re ( ' ' oa P ' l l I o ^llio fni.rll. I.U iatliu RBiiio(lc!>LTili(Ml Inn ,i,-r<]Irom Lnhi, I. HtoiiicnlmrRli t» B«nl (1 . , , r . . o W

<•!!, tialMl Am-uct 27lli,1H7;i on,I rcn"r(l,(iiJCIfik'tOfilcL', in lim>]i \ 8 (!r Det-il*,

|i-i(je 8, Ac , coiirniniiJK IUIHICL-II tliuiisanO•vi'ii liunilrml min.iru fu-t.

WILLIAM It. BOWEL7., HljeriiT,Dated Ort. BEltti. 1683. f 7 «fj




ill bo Ho!d IICTUHILT ut tlio ollia- of

II- P. SANDERSON'SCAIUIIAGE Itm'OHITOllY. IVrftons livingout in Hiu eonntry IMO wiiie tor ratua to oTerypoint WuKt. Hiieii hifornmlioii iviil be lur*

ifibod promptly•H. P. RANDEHSON,


(Njar Richird'a Store.)

5-tf Dover. K. J .

RUPTURES"Ciin.1 liy thtt COLLINGS' MFTUJDfn from

30 IDOO IIS.MI williMit tprfne tnisa nr ulnnplng»oik. M-KKnllcM of ncp or usrind of affliction.Price* i:. mkmtu. AiUlrtsa

Uos fi!5, BUnlione, N . J .Or call at Freneh Iluol House, oppi'Btte the

rrtsbvtcrianCluirdt . 20-lv

Public Saieof Timber.

NOTICE iBliPP.'by given Iliat liy virlnoof awarrntil istButd l»v Btlnt. D, ItuwlancI, ono

uttlio Joftii'iis or tlio POBOP. in nnd rur tlioCounty or 5lorrtP,(o m»Hn tbo tttXCK BBBPHBOIIin Hiu Mar (.-Ictiti'cn linnilred nnd tlqlity-oiioand twn, in the tawnnlup ol J.lTerB.JD. 111 nitconniy.fm unim[n»vwl und uniGtiaiiti-tl latiilsj,mul 1 11 Iniiilg t(i]atiltd by pcisous not tlmInwJut |iTn|irip|orc,rcfpffiiVf!y1llifiPtibi.crl!ierwill on '1'OESDAY, ilu- lSth dnv ol Dtcombcru t i l . n t ilioliouror 2oVock V, U., at Berlf• lurn Valley Hotel, in ani(l lowislii]., KCII ill..liniinr. iU"nl, 1I,-III;IL'O nnd <IIIKT vendibtaproi iTl.v fotiml on lli{-'j<rt'iiiii}f>j> or lite uniler-rained pari-nn MI IIXC-IJ BB aron-Baid. lo malfuHit' taics iirnl crint nnurseil to their respectivensriip. TEN AC11EH callnl the Ai r ' a ccUlc,iirnr Hiinlmwn, niljimjiufj inndaor'Eilivard D.

TAX. COST.Ayrewiifllato Jl .8t 3Ro.

Pr. IH. *3.S() WM. D. NOHMAN, Colleelor.r l 4 w

Real Estate at Public Sale.WILL \M colil at nnblic aalo at Emmons'

lintel, ut OltpditT Oroin lionJa. on

The Trenton Times for 188•(.It wonlil tBho (00 loiiR tn till what ' I I IK

TIUEH 1ms tlono fur tliu iicopln un i t lie HhLo |u•\t fonrteoQ nionlliB nT eslatLiico. Kultlun it losy t in t from tho »tart it linn attnckoil »l.n^»

(.fall Hirti. pjlllicai, luunmlpal. IUHHIMI n n , iflnanchl. I t l i a s b t t n tcarluwi'ly IIH1I>IIL-DI1L>HIind llidppcinli-nilv ffarltiB. Corrnptifin In iNill lores t enemy. Extravaganza In Httle i^-icnJitnres IIOH t»on (n-riiiBieiiily fimglii. T u rTIMIB acenrn], for ono tlilce, Iho pBinnr" of n'rlntlTia Oflnlrn-t Dill Ihronglithe L^iNh tin <•

tliftt will rave tlm tax-payer* or llio Butt- .alrs(i*»3,C00iyoir. I t h»8 kept had nun outof cBtcn an<l put RDOII men in.

l n i T j H « I o r l S B 4 will conlinno !ta i m | o -pcnilent, consistent con n o . I t trill ivutchtvery bill inttodncoil into llm Li>,'^l;tLuro Itwill ventilate every plcco or JUIIIHT.V, wlicihorthatjubbery Ho tjin work of corpora tiom orID.IIVUIUIII. II will f]8|,t to t>lt] ,)calli CVITJattempt to add to tbe taialion ot llio pomite.It will not bo •npprcdaed by p«i]iticiann or cor-lontlflnp. MonopolfeB will be v.ow.nl wilt,mrplclon. I h o people ami the ppoplc's inler-• t i Will bB the ctpeclil euro of T H E T i m ^

All tho Dem, •!( tlio yievm tnd all tlio trullmor Iho Say will be given in THE Turn . There-forj evcrr eltisoD o| the Btato of New Jerseywill need tbe pnrar. Those who him beenwithout it in 1889 oinnot afford to fas wlthi.nl

Tas DAILY T r n s i h Dvo (IOIIBTI a rear orriToontnamonlti. I t will bo aint thmatb

MiDHittonal Ilia Lfglil.loro, fram lanuarvUt to April ltt. tbr ant dollar ana a half.

T n t?ntn.x TIMM h two tioljan a yea* orftrccDti for *Ui seitioo of tbo'LegnV/nn.

SendiotucriptlDni always to



' , DGOKMDER I- - the lionrs of 12 M anil * 'o'clockI'-H.miHnid day, tlie fnri^oh winch A. !>'.Kclnr-y now reniilof, loco Ml In tlic'towusliip i|fClicKier, Coiinty or Sror1-^. 1 milo Irora (!IIPB-u r CrohH KoadB, udjofninK landu ol Jatnes'jawriincr, llohcrt Kiu^, E. M. HltellaiiKcrauili'.hern, (ionInius 1211 scrrn. TlinittiprovotufJlB:oti6ietol ularjju runroj Inuiue, wood I)quqe,• ' "mac, curn oribx, plenty f*

Vc AIBO a. PEAOB,. . T nitont a,()OQ ireeB,

wliich will bo in bearing GCII yi.ir. The larn)lit well Wktereil ami m a Qod main or cu I tl va-lid n ; n\m pood imltcalions or iron ore.

Parties nisbiiiK to vlen-tJic farm ti l l calj onA.W.Kelsey on tj|o farm. Conditions made

1 dnT or talc l.v.. W. KELSKV, J, B. KB'

A. / . BTOUl1. Aucli40.iuo.


BEEMER & PALMERHill ontiott,- (no IjiiBincjfl at tho oh! Blind,ami undcuvor tu kpep a |t.rflo HH8<iriinent ofHoods In hia Una of Ir-i-lc, v.ui: n=.|ng or

COAL AND WOOD!» m i i l - n >ii.l I^IIIKI) of »11 «7D.; a l u BI-

Inniiiiiin. Oral for l>lae!iBi.iilliin|;. Coril wor.ii.itivftl mill K|>ht rer.dy rLT UHC aliv^ya on haud.

F|ag Stones: Curbing,I 1 (

O" 'V" r J C P i v 0 ( 1 ii'il »:(>i)»raetH taken for lay:

PHOSPHATES!4 varlclj ol brand. „( , | a n j j r j forlUiH.ri.



MASONS' MATERIALS!Hard and I'JIB Brich, Limo, Comont, 0«l«

eineil I'ligter, Hair, Fire ami Front

Briclt, Firo Claj. Ordcra trill be

prcinplly Clluil at the


3awMiU.)ur hard wood Inmlier eat la tnv l i ie and

leQ«lhdo.ir«il. ( ' •» ,i

¥"1t • •


CHRISTMAS EVE-God blew th« little .touting*.

All over tUo lunS to-uifllit,HUDK in the ehal&mt oomtiB,

In a glow of crimson light.Tbe tiny warfet stocking,

With a Iwie in $& heel a ra *o»tWorn l»j wondBrM Journey*

The darling* lave h&4 to go.

And heaves pity Jw oUldten,Wherever their home may U ,

VHxo woke at tbe 8rrt ff*T iawjang,An empty »took Ing to « e I

Left in tlie fsltli of gUMbwdHanging ftgaliut the wall,

Just where the dueling glory

Alus, for tlie lonely tnotlierWhoso home is empty and stttl(

Who line 110 wwie t atoeldnggWitii cliiWMi toys to till 1

Wlio slU in tlie •waitliy twiliglit,WUU liBr lac« against tlio pane,

Ami grieves for t i c little l»nuy

WJjtwc grave ia out in the rain 1

Ob", tbe emiitj wlices mid Blockings,Forever luiil miirte,

Ob, the iniig.cd. broken aluie-rtriugThut will URvrtiuwre be tied 1

Oil. DIP little Kn>vv» nt t i e mercyo r the tultl H«H'i'iiiluTT;ii!i!

Oil, tin' JV.-l til their hwiw-whitr aitud

llnl',1 • ili* .v wlmml k.-wl,.11. Hll.lMC,

YJ-KI lii-jjvii lieljt I!"- livim

('•if (ii-fiichl in flic i-.-iiii!


• f M \ t'hiUl.

CbHteripur of tlie Hlgb Bridge BMDCII,25. Enter} Her. O. D. Bishop resign* u

Sector of Bt. Joint's, Porer.SB. Vigilant Hou annim. ball; great

ceas.23, Home of A, G.Bataou, Uudd'. Lt£e,

ST. Mn. John Eodeiw, Dover, diet!.88. Newark H. E. Conference met.SI. Lttrliilurd, ofButtoowa, 4fed.81. Sla^biBtlUntualQg.

Al'BlL.1. M M . Ohw. B O M , UadlMn, dhnl. ago* 67.2. Koepra Bloltard Fowler, Morriltmni,

41ed.2. ttorrli Canal opened.4. Major Farley u i lgned tUe command of

Moeutiimj Powder Depot.6. High Bridge Branch station agent a t

Drakesvllle robbed.ft Satlyat unknown iufaat (bund la a po"&

at Boekftway.7. Ilooutnu past office burglnrfied.8. Rev, Hr. Deyo uooepU call to Ht . Olive

ln|)tUt Claire Ii.8, Iter. J . p . DaUey died.10. Court of 1'nrdoui refutes to commoterfgb-Hu'iauutonce,10. Wi», Moore. Yn.ipj.uiy, died, age* 83.10. Geurgo D, Waor, Stnuhope, tiled,13. First thunder shower of tlie Mason.13. ChUeoa Rumor, Buoctoa, IMeil 1>J a

iiuawny accident.11. {Million L, Savage, Slondham, dieil.lii. DBU. Began died lit Itardtown wader

iwi.lciuiiB ctiruiustaiicoi.17. Darn of J, L. Muuu, Chatham, burned.18. J mill's Truglown cxeaitted ut Kforrla-

IMVII fur tlie killing tifJIiiiiiicCUllKwllt.20. Dr. ruliiiiiluis HIMK.1I, Dover, died.22- Al]tficu» UiMitii.T, Dover, died.2 1 ]>;iviii SI. Am.iVhiiilih. MorrUtoiVB.iIi.si].

'J-J. Sir|.b.;ii V. OJ,!ft), Sludiaou, died.•_•-. Uiilicii Uiuintitt i)r«-itcuti-d In Dover with

I»I-:I1 luiftiil.2,1 IICM,(. IVixitiivi'It, Dover, tU&la:>. Hiilii-i-t Kiti-hf], U

I Ml. Ikill* il in

i'il killed in

u engine


17. Break In oaaal near Lake Hopatoong,13. Atail Burnugbf, Boootou, &B& sud-

denly.19. Close of camp meeting; over 200 von-

l93. Second M. E. Sunday School exennte

to tbe Water Gap-32. John Hartta, nf Snccuwnt. fatally iu-

jand ID mtuo ut High Bridge,26. BQT.J, W. T«nuljB prtnotod U* tat*-

vet) sermon in Dover P. M. Churui.27. D«t f elmn e*LibiUd 1B Dover.ST. Pint aipeutanee of frost.28. Miry Waiker. uged OTM 100, died

Poor House.29. Cor of acid burned e,t MaCaUwrillfl.29. Smith plc-nio at Peapack.81. Bflisi mine, id Mine U1I1. stopped,

1. Ker. T. C. Young auniuttd jiMtorate ofMt. OJiTe BaptUt Cburo!,,

1. John King. fiuccwuiiiiH, died, mod A).1. £er . Mr. Van viert fteceplcd cult *

1 Chatter people devide to ball! a new•chaol liotttt.

I Join 8mi.li, wLre murderer,Uorrb Plains Aiylnm,

3. A kiUlu7 frort.6, Edward Theli»ud, Madlitm, died, »*od

86.8, Hofftann'a«nr mill, Cttllfoa. burned.10. Heavy fn»t Will baukwhoitt and ootii.

10. BewmdM. E. Cliureh, Dora, daelttwiilo unite with First M. K. CUureli.

13. DetuoeraU nominated heon Abbett tat:Qovornor. '• ' '' •

IS, liumpioii ilathrr, MmlUtHi, died.17. MID. Qeo, T, Co'jb, Morristowu, died.18. Preabytory met at Chathiim.IS. HejniUlioims notntuuto JtiuutUni. Dlxou

for Governor. ' •10. Fifteenth Hegt tu-uuiou ut NcwtUH

Anderson und (leu. TorbertPoitt.

ID. Jos. Gill, l'ort Cram, died2(1. httthi-rau Syitod met nt Ucrtticiu Valley,21. A. J. Zuck, Luke Ilopataout;. died.23, Ilov. .1.1'. Mucuulay preuolied farewell

Hiuunut I'mtOriim.'A Milllirouk Clinri'i, rc-om-ued.

Ami Aulmusi lEiiv.- l l l m W r t n i iAnil il Imll.v liiin^Ii tir.im;li( U'in

(liftii fur thi' lliibi-'.-tndiiniiii^.

F. K. Wi:.n


(} ivol»( ' l .mt nil

n StHiiiioiiel'rcxIi.vtoriuu t'lmn-h cxteudsi cult to Bcv, \V. S. lttiurd in mi.

iiwn ilieit ! 2:!> ''''"' ' " Hi-'IiriiiHle.ilMioh'H musio store,.m; 1». \'. Siilm.iii. J I l ! i r i l i t l

ninnn C.ui.cl

. \V. W. llidlawuy, Si>., lioriiH Pluind l'i|.Hl.yleriniiliai-1 Cimiirll, Cliiithuiit

ONE CHRISTMAS EVENING.Well, erentng canto at l«#f, aud we all had

8 happy tiqjt. Fa sot a pair of ilip|»o» fromHelen and n slipper cue from Aunt Sophia, atax of cigars from William, « maklnxje 'from U&, a 0nwld&g'O«p aud two U » u from•later Gweu, nod 4 •liver niatcl)*'Uox from.folnn.y, ^liopotWn to buy It JW him. Hagot a coupe from PafindaijrMeJetfwm tingitiM, nndhftodkwehleli ftomAunt Sophia,an-t M'lQiani give her B pug doit, wUe% ha J ftCttltt iriih Uomoo. Aunt Sopbia'i cat, the flntthing, apil o»me off second beat, and Joiraiiygitvo hr ta fan Aitnt SophU iwoBht for bin.TIIPU U»\tu got bcruKMDta, und WlUUin hii,nod AuatSophl&hotw, vhlen rands hfir#o Jup-py thatihe cried; and tUenJalmny got Uslut of toys, Pit gave htm IE, gold—and brokethrae ofttioiu ripntolf, ;and thtto Owentwice IM tunny pwwnta and Itiasea H any one.and VA all went in to dinner.

On Qwon'i plate there wna ft little packasein white paper, and Owes wliloked U {quickly .anil tried \o hide tt, and Ha Mntlbdqami her what was in if, and Oven

lie bad *een He. Fonyth down

town to-day, and Owen hlmhadsorae moreand June, t t iobuuwjH RiflRled, and then

siid (liat OWCQ'J fnosJoaked Ukenouse atire, ondNftiald, <>yOu, Jobtmyl" andAontBophiasnid, i> Never mind, Owen," andJane giggled again, and Qvren ssld tbaterery-hodjr was real monn, there now, and then shelaughed and aatd aha didn't cans.

B d b f whan dinner wat over and Pai

y jend Willlutn van saropilnR P»fs now ogmi UffCH was tying a pink satin bow onthe, niijt,.and Auiit:Bvpliln vat trying tocftim Uanieo, uu<l Helen wan pettiug M»'«

ntJgJft, J»nd Johnny w*s tryiiijc to see If hisluuni<!-hox would wluil up the wrong way,

the hell raujj, nnd Juno brought lii Mr. For-' i l G b h h d d ^ i dti cani,amlGwc» said

Fnmi tnwi'i- anil xtci'|ilf i'inKiiiK<" SICJT.V (!)iri*linii*r tlin»ii(ili thu hitnl.Li>Vf and \>CM'? f," liuml hi Imiid.



Our rccon. olii«r.( last ycfir on (!•(' lStli «fUeeuiuhor and i» titkeu up from Hint da te :

DEO^HIKK, 1882.

18. Exyloftiou a t Mountain View PtivtlcrWuricR-, three men killed.

SO. Burn nf Bemttor lUndoliih, Motriatown,burned.

21. Esaklel Olark, Uuvor, dtal , ajjod 87,lenviuff 115 living dpiccudniits,

25. »o«d(kneo of Jonvpli Crniiwr, Wt. F r e edmn, rnbboil.

25. Horse afliattivl E. Q«ii»!»j, WWjjpnny,atulcn.

30. Kobcrt Gtinlcn, uf itumlMpli (ownsldji,committed milcitln.

28. Littlo chilil of Mrs. Victorin Lyon. ntStanley Imruud to lUiiih.

20. Win. Smttli, l'nr«ipiiiHi>Mlicd, ftucil 77,3(1. Explnstan afnt.ji.ii, i>itn nt Jmlsoti I'ow-

nnt'Ht nci-cniliiT ki

lieu, Diiv-r. hilliii li.v

i.'ll. Mini- mil.dieil I

I. liciv. Fa t t e r Iltrkii- lircomfH ]n.sltir »f SL

•1. Urn. Mal-.V W»r,«iiiti( t'lie«ti-r, need HS, jfound (lentt in l«>it. |

4. Ihirvey M'iHcs .in.wnnl in ilif • f(ir?uir<l 'Mine.

4. 8t«nt of W.ll. nirki'mnu, l)«n>r. Imrphilied.

4. Lcn-n-po SinjiuU'luU, Duve K(inw.-G. .Ins. NiclioU, llic-kiT^m. »ltiiv luuj;!:!

faiitiirctlin rntiTHimI), .fuduoii l'liWilcr l'l.ni|.iiii.vV t.ld mill i

7. Klioo shop (ll (it'ii. MtinKnurt.tli. MeCaliivIlU-, biiniod.

7. Dr. K. H. I-'nrrmiit, .Ui.nfvilli'. IIH-EI.B. John Si'dKnimrKffnimt i.ifin lii.hin

mine,B. Tims. lIlKRri, Montvlllf. ft.uuil »Ii'inI i

10. Mr. tmtl Mw, Jlamm 1't-rris, I'tmiliai.

II . Kov. 11. M. VIMII'IHT.H ins t i l ed p:iMti>r i

D^d ^V^iF*1 W* I'utl'ruiVpniijK-il rniii-i-ntiI?, jfnv. % . Jlalliinl ii|Rii|lk-ili|..i.{t)nif j'n

fjinpim.Y )lrt:«)|,vl«riiiii i:hni:i'!i.yl. MIR, (jutliisr riijltl, {;iic.-.l.'i:, dieil.$'. l}iiiT»ji'Mto31rltnvit nmiijtriinteil.

XTK» hulow wro.SB. Sir.-. AlcVtilly, lliwii.ti.11. died fl»m Inn.87. I«i twenty Im-liMthlrk.27. Utmsf « rX .M. Mill-, near Mtiidhniii, j

Imim-d.28. S1i.Hr«A. Halihvin. Jlniitville, ilin

31. Child «f .Iiw. Menuvi' . Ilixiiituii, Ml "!!' |iiil11

Oiiiiitl limit nnd drr,. ic.. . I31. Orntiiriti ul Kntlier. with lontl tulnil . I N l '81. Cnrriiup! wnrtn. Oak HIIIRI-, lmnu-d. j l[-

II. V. It. ,MattlieW> 1-0Lit Oil.

i:>. Calt-ii If. Ltvk. Mm

•M r a h i t k Iliii'liiitinii, Dmi-i; 'licit, ii^et21, li.'urjjt. itnwt'i'H, lii'iiUetmm, J'uri M01

ilit-tl i'nitti Injiirii-f.

30. MeimiHul lhlj:; i.iililiel.v nlmt tvi-il iiDover, S[orrl«(i>vru, Hoontoii mid JCuofcitwa.v

W. llurulitr* vimt Bevoral limiwim in Kl.ui

30, IIOUHU of Win. I). YoittiK*, Mnlii]Whliwhnmod.

m Ihtru oi Dover Iron Co. tiuviind.31. Cormit1 atouu nf Kidwopul (Jhuinh nt


1. Kov. Knjtone E PHFI-UII nppoiatcd Ueutorof St. Cocclin's Church, Kntkawny.

1. tiiv.Mt. Fortnr, of Sditthope, onlled ta

1. i t cv . J .M. Hunttinji i'c«i^ncd piiMnrntr

2. Juhii WfHt, MUliugtoii, fliiuvn fnitu n.(i^ftii ami killed.4. piiuiul (Ircjror.v, IHtiiiuiliifjdiilc, mimniitri

I. 1'iv'l XjymiRn: JUtnlUuu, ilird from i>f-•ris,,!'., lull.4. M M . llnlihitvd KticMe, UucJiiiWiiy, fiitnllv

5. I , , 1 ;irl;., n Im.v/j.ll f'rmn u .mini Ixuit

7. Win. !., II(iff'* fli'iii" fiiw lisJII, t'liL'titcr,in ii, .1.T. M, i ; I'lmi-Hi Hpiir- lliiKiitou, firm]; l.v

lihtHillK.7. I'mirn'mia V,.\»; ,,f V,nt tfyrnn, killctl in

y ,she WDiildu't receive, hutHclon could, tind Pa

lieil again at Wllliuiii, and .lobnr.y l&he'd go in. tno, nnd tuokte Mr. Forny tu uwbile,nnd Pn e&idbe'd tttdtlo him H heili.l. andthen JiinegiggtedBRain, audOwcn told Helento toll Mr, J-'oraylhslio'd liedowu in ainlnute,mid want over and whispered to ttn aud Mai i t M l , ami tlieii Bwou weutontVery quietly,and Aunt Sophia ruhbod Romeo's hack down,aud chivvied bis earn atid beamod awcctlv cu

erybody.'fhon RbdUtnliieo'aloflhtlohanyJnuinieiltlit)

cat's UoKlinto the milk Jiijf whilu tint pam-pnrcd auimnl wnsg(oaHuj{ u <lrinfe, riml (lieng Intd to hn hratiMi to xnvo tlio eat'ulifo, nnd

Juliuiiy just enrniiutt ii ti'tiiiiicluj; bccaiiia Itwnit Chrlxliiin* I've. TIIHI HI'IRII vama Itifrom the pai-lur, prftcniUiiKBhc hue! lout some-II.in- nin.l.-ui.I •>]].• didn't tliittlt Hibrr Otvonar Mv. Foisytli wimld i.e l.iticly. Tlmi AuntSupliiu |i(tiii'td (iiit thy lemoiiiult! and JIIIKIIHuh-/} ,h-hutiy vlilu ]j(<<t. .Ui'jinwhili' tin,,,,-,)lucklrd the |my ti^iin mill miuli; hi* ClinM-

in;^ rijilil livt-ly. Tlieu Helen nn<l Mil went

info tin' piirlor (OHI'I' Mi: Fo.tM.vtlj it iiiifidfr,

-.mil Mr, Fm-svlli r.int<> inl*. tlio lilimr.v to HIH>

I'll, urn! lie mid I'liliiHiful viT.vKiMvHyuwliih'.

nfler \ \ illiuiiiilnl Atllii Kuphiu llmi h'ft tli

I'Kinn. 'i'liiu l';i nii.l In- •Iniult t'lieli ulher '

li.Mllh,, unl Mr. liMsvdi I'lll.-hnl mni r.;\\>\ li

it.|i> (In1 i^irliTJihl ],is^c(l(;\v,>iir:-hi liel'ur

,,,1ili|.- ;ui<! criu! l


The largest andmost completeassortment everseen In this sec-tion now on exhi-bition in our es-tablishment

Nothing more use-ful or pleasing for aHoliday Presentthan a pair of hand-some Slippers,

OPP. ». L, & W. DEPOT, DOVER, N. J

- IN A -

Hi s m . i i u i i K i n I I " ' i » 1 i ' ) W w i n i l - j - A H n f l i i ^ s l o i

, M r s , H « < :

I' tlriJMSlCor. Black well and Warren Sts., Dover, N. J.liiili l.vM luiv .rrif.l n,,,i jirl » ! '

•Ml Sil.is II. Km

81. MmllH-v M.uliult. of Mo11 U, 'Vd ml. uunl HI.

2 '. Cimiiiiii T. liouiioll, Uru

I HI, >•,.» H i .

25, UcjiuliliciiiiM ro-iitimMVnytrlnSdl ' lwriict .

X,. (lev. W, H, }<qnr<Im iiiKtulleil tmsloi-

fuin,' Hover, ,!|.l.f y

JU. Mr. ami Mra. Johlirato tlii'lr ^iltlcu noilVH. Rev. (lea. Adams nRtifoicH paMonitti or

St. .Iplm'n M. K. (.'liiiit:h, Ti>rt Qrniu.Johnny KIIHHI'II, Mi no Hill, killed hy a

full from u I w .Di^m.criitic coifvt-nliuii IT-n«»nnhli>d [

iiiiiiol .i»»lntn Sulinmi l'<n- St'imt.if inxl.).W, Unnult Ijtr Ch'i-k.

nA^-tMy ij) :<>ll)i^t91. Hall lint*.' rftitrt', (

J. N'.ti. JcnkiiiH, ilr(


)k«i(i(>, dieil IVmii in

,1 ll«,.,. ,l,.,ir il,™l,li,v»i 1,1,4, llt|lllo»l«lull v.ili ....I I. - hdi. !.<.»; hrlin-e ihy «.•Ytr,. invnl«.tiiHl l,.v *mi;mi: nmlpr I Im Hinilowm

" it'H t'lll^tUliHrt Illl.V, il'* (niHstllliMH Dll.V,

And y il tt{lt u

1><> dnwiitn.' ilo ilawnlu,1

l>nntiir Hfiiiiu in ilo niinulu,*Si.v Christ was hnmed, itud tint yon kunwa,

cliH hiOKBCil CluUdnl^ morttfti."Tliem wure uuiny other vcretw, but 1 rnn

her tliem imjierfcctly.' They lined to got theAixntles" null" )VIM Meu of tlie Euut" toUlv mixed up In thonc Cliristiona clrnntctw, Jnmta wi'\ <}q}m wopo Ifppij^ht t» Hilansrr.''Ami ilnrdcy ^CN de iilcn^il Imbc n-Hk'ci.in

i I

DOVER SILK MANUFACTUEING COMPANY.nto mill fxvhh [ln> v»ri»m urtyivmm <\( iiMiiinfiWiJurfl, HhnwiiiK \\\n Vwmn* u« tln>v im: nituwl in (.'hlna. (lie raw HI!It uHrevr-ivitd a t tho Dover mill, titiiyi'B.il'iV- iijiiiiiil'in-iiii-ti UH eni|il<iV<:il It.V M|n Hiiwlt'tnil H«l|i Miiiiul'iiiitiiriiitl ('.»ni|iuii.V, midthe Hover Silk MimtlfuetiliitiK tlniupmiy, uufll thu fiomliuiret, iniikiili: niinse! nml ii|lun'.Htii(y ts;l(iliiliqil wlljuli " l l m^1 Invitt'ti to *i>v. Tin: i;itoiht of them" ciiiii]iunii-t<( \vlik-hivn nnw nJl'er tor xitlu, in elm I o


hin-UifMrnto mille viirionaHtiiyi'B.ilr ^hc mnrkct, iniiki

il at tlu, Diivoi' mill, tnid HUowlUK|,.V, uulll thu glim!* a r e (-omuMeil •

ni tcniH mid ncwcut diwlgiiR. All new ponds <ir AXDIIIKIVC tlcfticiiH. mire miitublc. or inure iim-ful, t-iiii In- ul>t:iin«a for n I'III-MIHUR K"t tlm

miulc UIIH full, nnd I'of these cU'B

E. LINDSLEY & SON'Serfvrd in hit,

<i. 1

1 pufiV. M' l|n>

id M1I...I l-v « lull.

I S3 !

7. Kx-(ii,v, Tli.l

9. L'ltl. J , Cundil Sni

II- Itev, Jiw, », MenSt,.I-iliuh

N('lunvli. P«v<II. Mount 1'V'i'i


31. K

<-ii s 11 pi: ri |it 1-»a -

111. It^ir ^ilmi'r:!) . i . ' l

i:l. Win, ScoMi', i'oit•JO. li.-v. l a t he r Oillci

Ul. Am.ii t)ii'k<iH.ii,


Intli, Hiinii UH,it Auiil Hti|ihlii


1. Rt'v.,1. A. >>\ U , f

1. Jjiinm V n n l U i i n n v i t ! .1; Ardinr i Srine, I'm-t drum, i-Uwil.\. I | | I U M nt .Ten.: Cimiihliii. lltmntitii,

jjVWtm. htiii|i |i. iiear

i J0I111 11 Sliiiv, iit,,< lit !iisll;ni:it.'fuUll.V hiiiViii

1. I'iitiUli Mml; iho

-J. Lyiliii Miiir.ml. t

ii.ile.l tu (lentil l.,v


••»niiil.m a immnmlU assort iu(-111 :.E DUEHS GOODS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, FAKOV GOODS,l K ^ B r L HOaiEltY, GLOVES, aUAWia, uml ouc immense GUOCERY DEPARTMENT, 'It vonldbe in-

I lie yaiiuus linos in tl)0 ubovo liepuidncula, lutt caoli will ho found full to repletion. ' " •'

Ihcii- hirtlxliiysl

niiiK. The l-nMil Wlfiiii. ilm

11 I it -1

*Tl|i|ilr', (

F . W a u l , (.•Imiluu iito

U . lloiiMtirWiiMlrilVi-u, Iloimtoii, imnX'd;

Griffon iMjrui'i) u> >\o>4h.

iti, Wnlnwiis l i t l»iui|c], t(iakciii;ni, fatnlly

injiirml liy full Inmi car, near Klunlope.

IB. Mr. nml .Ww. filclmiti 3 . Nnvnjtc, Jfcinl-

hnm, olucrvc TA1 vri ldl i ia inmivi.r»ur,v.

17. John U. Hmint'11, Mmlktm, illod.'

18. Pe te r Uiglnr, I'tirt Murrw. Iirukemuu,

k i l l ed on tlm !>., L. 6c. \ \ . rcmil.

21 . Hose* A. llrooVfidd, M. .matown, d k d r

B W l S ? . . 1. ,

2 1 Mr*- Tnintor'it hnuKO, MorrUtown, par-

U l } i , r £ r o , . 1 1 .

t n ibu t io Buffalo licgitti run-

e o r e ' P i >'

ft-H. Wyoltoff, Qcrtnon Vnlley, died.

gcMotiiiM.. Abrnm DIok«m, Plooktown, dirft aged

g g . - . - ; . • . • • - . . . • -•- • - •

II". jlernor to April litU.

SB. Ira C. Cooper, Dover, died,23. Fireman p*te r J . Downey kUled on

SI, Win. JIalier. Sr.. Whij,

riiiiliin ili-nwttriT nt To

B). Smnunl L. Svayzc, CJumtor, rtrawiicd inunite ikipalcoDH-

30. Fafr V(ew ttnuno, Cliatiinni, linrf^ariscd.H H i to Gwu>y.:U30. VigHnnt Hoio

land. ,.81-. 8U >Urj'» Chittoli oooan exonralon.

U. p s15. Hr», UdiiwWanl, Uadiaatt, died, aged

neatly W, ' '"in. DrvrnofM™. Henry E. Cmley, Morris

town, burned, ' . .17. Build Farailj ro-nnlLii at Bndd't Lake.



nil i \y\Hn tnntinndflltniRi»ii,vliy Aunt ^n|)h(n i>h|;Iilr|iL'il \\\i mv\ Wild ulm

lent 0110 pf tbeBP dyo dnj'8 huforc i'n know It,ind tlint Pa WHS wrong tu diniiniirn»t) Jiihuiiy>y nBjitig "pooh l " ami Hint Johnny uoulil

run «p nt»(r» now nnd find it n(oa nnjile nn tiertaWo. ! ' -• 1

Wrfl, AnntSophidwnnt down town brightnail etttly, av atpcniiirehoaPi](ttikiti)iUrottnifor BAnAtbiDg for Johnny.' «iJ(j biivr h|hiv ti

tii»k a jatman would flip Q nlcVel inliU noutiinod. roll lil* eyoa, uiil nnngnelic (laliliookvbloh ^dnld mtteb tinflth la a glom of vnteiwltiiouttrouble. S ie cqtqpnmiwul, linwnvcr,by Imylug Jutmny a grecu anil a red mcmltcywho would throw utirprWaEiomarnoiiltiiofer• tine slickwlien gently purttd attbo ltoeln,nnd a Uttl« wooden m«n wto would ilsnoo ajig wben wound np.

Liiile^iljinJtiiigut tlifbriKlitiifN!•nins'it Rin wlisl.-,ii11K ,,„ ,],„ „,111." Mild In.. "Well , U.,i.hi(.|"

f,v.m-.imiil'',villi«,i i lri]|i,,(.." \fn11 ilillel.'.1 • ! 1

•fi' iii'f ii Ktt'at uiiiny v t w "ifiiln:«lmv,l, w.^linl'liihl-1 ffilv.f ^H'fBv'. «'J«M.hcy

Hi-Hi liri ettirkiufr, nml is wnde-•r tn^et iiiin it UiiincK ^r \fiji

\\M$.—\n •HUUthiMlrncralt^utrt

•\iny, Kv nlistiiiKniK, fTmn Iflhftr,

1>iit 1 slinll ntit vroUuBo nay junt yet. Christ-nun la tu)y ulow JHJ'* ob't six) I oerer jfstinyltiinn but lintidkfrehler* fur Cbrutmtu'


THE SECOND FLOOR*"- for t l iodis i i lc^o(oar great

iioli onnlainsn tmiUitui],* -f l)i',uitift)l lliii>»s fiffjrod Un- ILn Inw prici r>T ouo 'lime, IIGID nl*o m a y b e ItwaH our fitlt-Doiivo HOLIDA1! COUNTEB, trbtoluB com-Itleiolv Imrdenoil niilt linmtilnl HULUMY ( H I T GOODS, ctiibracititj ravo branch Oiiina ami Hcoorated Viiwe, Glues 'iVaro, Prelty Lamps, OirpeU,

Oil C i t l M i i K l k C k l I i l k l rttliei; Ibiogw umid wliicU jfttt aresuro to flnd just witnt yon wish for a suitable gift, tj v b h O i n a ami Hcoorated Viiwe, Glues iVaro, Prelty Lamps, Oirpe

nml a Ijcivilik'nug nri-Hjt ul rttliei; Ibiogw, umid wliicU jfttt aresuro to flnd just witnt yon wish for a suitable gift.

T U I C T T U I D r \ E7I ftHD ^entirely fillea vtilb FVaNlTXJItE, embraeinp every article used in the hotisehold,I M U i I m i x I—/ r ^ b v ^ ^ ^ ^ r v wltftlidr ^i finlov, Dining It'iQiii, or BcO Boom S-.titf, or in tfngle articles, such naOosyJljjcbcjH Jiis> tlijsii'R ^imVinmt) Tables etc which w&mv ofJurinR ot snob low prioes us to make Ibem avaiinbl for H L I A Y P n K T1. Jiis> tlijsii'R, ^.imlanmu TulHes, etc., which w 6 uv^ ofJurinR at snob low prioes us to make lliem avaiinble foi- HOLIDAYEvcu if yitn Uw\e im iifsir^to liny, il wjjtl J^Ii^Lt you 1« go llirtv'Rli our great building nnd inHpcet llie myriiula oftUingawo offar (or the Holiday!?,lin.l \\e'c'oi\liiillj inyitc JOII lo su^li nu inspectiuu.

E. LINDSLEY & SON,Brick Block. Next to Jolley's Hotel, Dover, N. J .


Hie llawAWii—A friend nr«nm IIM beanB rtnur, gaod hunllMitl ftiriliepiit Mii

Hint biH wife tin* ilcDiilrd imt to l k l l ^ yfor n Clir!n|inci proFi nt fnt bi

of Jifldpttality (n tlw Ijnll-tlioRfijcrol flnmoof obaritr In tl« bcart

ir) the Chrlstmu onmci,Anil CbriHtinnn u i i l t L

Tbouluwtmy h«irt,| ' d t H l t


pernon TtUo receives un ClirUtinaa jinwenUdoe* not enjoy tfae prewiioe n

Bet you thitt j<iu net a pair of sllppem forChrlibnaa.

WHITLOCK & LEWIS,Brick Block, Cor. Blaobwell and Morris Sts,


Mnnj Itantlfij orticlmi wUcli tonvrtM)» Mroplele llM ot KNIT GOODS! A very fall <ll"l>% "f LADIES' AND OBST8' SILK ASI) LISKS II AX: PWS. PANtT COM1I8, Kre. A VMJ l,a,»l,f,r


ot»lli,iiiiUUnandgi»l».,«iulolli,eofW!(CV OUOp8^l^lj.iijB l\V<^(lT.W9, XAI1N% A1!I),(;KEVEU> «,,1 ,n»i,, other •rllclu ,M»h will ,uil ttalr-

tMfei. Aim • toraMelo IlM of 1(*»^^IfJ^Jfjj^ltlJIf, to nail variety u to n i l unj- iKd. Tlo«. who, Imm. nf), ytl w,,),)!..) l|ielr. »«» | . fu tlio 1

» ' ° » ™ " " ' "^'1 i>™1™]*tl |y.'0 their iilv«al«||« to Offer malslog tl»lc, p i n l i a n n i t l l they, haye flill^.ijujwtBl tbe nmUy Sue dliplaj- qr gnnli j^ wo proMnit, aiul the moderate prlwt s t vhloh thef are mill,




Special Inducementsfur the next two weeks In tbe line ot


Nsolt TIflft Kandkarobteffl,


M1TTEMS, UNDERWEAR,d eYe17tl1.HK tbat 11 KODIM' runiUihiK8tora contulne can 1m bought ut my

store nt roducptl J.HPIIB.

ill cverjlliing due in iHiipur-

if tliU (ijipiirlmiily

and clothe thcmeelvee for thi-

Holiday 8C(|g<m ,,t lit-

t i l ! CiMtJ.

I t s SUSBQK St.Tobaooonlst,

is decided to keep nut of tlio SlipHfTal d f , aud in ordei- to do «o in utJVr-

iag liis jmrauuse Htuck oT



Chrisimas Toys,

'arts, Wheelbarrows, "Wagons,Jumping; Jacks, Musical

Instruments,id tlioiiHtinda of UiiiiRH whirl . tlj«- VUIHIK t ry

^ Sow Tork iiriiwR.

lioj- tirimt lie sol<l. rt-

" n o f price. VM

niu! get a ROIM!

irKftin. A I M Hie IflrK-

t NtOCk of UttltlHTMAA ^





Warren SI,, Dovsr, N, J.


1 lo sait nil. His satonii dcpnit-rncot is well atockej witii



VAN9HDEE, - - - PropV.

John Norris'ry Goods, Grocery,




ilirajswoll stocked m'tliOROCKEIir,GLAS3, Vtooi mi Willow Wore,






Holiday Goods.•11 kinai- TOTS worlU a Jollar imlJ

» t t*entj-B»e oenl»,


Wl illlake odsrataga of tlii« «pp«t(nn(!y.

W l e will t>« m pet cent, nj bitjingliim. "Sm>Upnttaana«iicknl<ahit motto*" : ..

THE MYSTIC'S CHRI5TMAS-'• All bull!" the toll* of CliriBtmiiK rauj;." All Uftil I" tlie monks at Christum* sang;

Tho merry monks who kfjit with cbccrThr gtalilMt *1»J «r all their year.

Bui utill a]u>rt. uuwovt'il ilieruot,A jiiuua elder brotltT sotSileiit, ia luu aouiwUnitcd plucc.

With God'a swt>ot j*aoc upon his face.

" Why wttfst thmi t tm§! ' his lufthrea tried,

" It is the faleswd Cliriatraiw-tiile;The Cbrbttuuu Ifclit" aw nil URIO*.Tim altered lillie* bud andUitw.

" AIIUT.I our lirniif t i c jo.v-hiM n«g.WitLout tilt luti>|>.V efcllrlwn mug,Aud all Qo&'t ottatnnw Lull this mornOn whirl tin- h«ly Christ wn* Imm.

'• Hcjukw witli (i»: nn tiuirp'rulniki'OurRlftdur-is with thy quirt lo»k"The gray uiouk MmrricU: " K w p . I p»y .Even us ye lbt, tlie Lord1* Urtlubi.v.

" Let lieatlitsii Veto tltt* fliifcw ™«'Where tliroiiRod refei-tnry fiM*1» ure mireudWltli mystery play and iiuwqm' uml mimeAnd wnit-BOUR «pt»d tin? holy tlmt»!

'• The hHwlHl Mlh war Imply «"*•:The Lord HeiH'jiUlhf tliiiiB**i' lave;And revcwiiir, imWHH'Vr il -Uniy*.

May find at li-ant thi' -MuiiiR v n y -

" Tuey need* mu-t |!ii.jn' who euuaot i»«\Tim Made hw'tire Ihr oar munt In';AHyciireft 'elinglliim-nli,

And where ye dwell I t«o him- «lw<-lr.

" But, now, beyouii tin- Ililug* i-f HCIMP.Doyond in'fUBiims mid m-utw.1 know, through tloil'* i-ximllii|i jtrute.Italeiue from iiirw Rial tinu' aud ylui'e.

" I lUtrn, troni no mortal touniif.To hear tin- noiig the nugeln nimg;And wnlt within myself to knowThe CliritftniHH liliet, trad and blow.

'• The outward (tyniliolm (]i*aii)>t'urfrom him who* inward «tght UViear ;Ami Bmull mu"! U; Ihr ehuW of <l*.v*To idui who Ull* thorn ull with prowe!

•' Kei-p while you wr\ ll.tynttbrr* mine,With lionr-Nt zeal your Clirbimus ugu,llut jiidue* not him wlin cvcr.v muniFetlit in his bcurt t lo Ijord I'lirict I'urn!"

CHRISTMAS THEN AND NOW.XVt usril to liaiiK il[K>nr ntwkim;-*

Wln'iilw«(.*«!<1iiid,di'nruir;.Vnr tv t r Untight fur n wnim-iit


Xtit ,viw little mi mid iwn tli>- fiSt. Xii-hoiii* <-mm> ito

\V, hmi wiilf-diitm lilt']>la-r«

W.-wi-nt lol.fd in tin tuitij:lit,

And i']ii|»l,v with hi milting liliU'1

The HtorkiiigK »ti Xum* tiioru.lint now tlits t tw with it* tnjiiTK

Am) k K their X» ]in

Hut. tbt'ii jiu.v, wlii'it* i» tin- Ktmhint:Could bold half tin- woinlcrful tlii&K"

Tlm Irinmjihs oriiluiiiilt invrutimiTim iiHuliTii Ridnt Nii'liolox IIHUKHF

SDW ctL-aiii tnkfw tlie plate nf ]\\tt rt'ltnThus*! tl<.irt( fulr.v eoiuwnt of yvn>;

AndfitiLT w«hunt ihmtl up tin- chiiin1 If IICIHIH milHt winic tn n( the ilnor.

What the Pudding Brought

It was tha raldnigut oftboOhrlslmtui vigilnot tbe cold brilliant • midnight that we anwont to BHsooiata with hoi; eve, bit raft andbland, with mild airs moving In from tbo seaand a mist; moon 'strugnlirig through faintclouds, On the cliffs the surf lapsed andbroke with deep-toned murmur. The highchalk downs above still vote a garment ofturf almost Hammer green. Greener yetwn<t the trimly cut grass where tiny Oon-churcb la; buried in tree shadows so deepan to ?hut ont ever; ray of moonlight; andBII tbe lovely, lovely We of Wight neeruedwrapped in a deep repose ol universal Bleep.

Nat quite all. Half a mile away fromBouohuroh tbe moon, peeping through tbeyewe, revealed & knot of dark figures col-looted under the windows of a small house,and presently, after some preliminary noteson a tuning fork, voices broke forth in aChristmas carol. These were the "waits"begiotng their Inneful round. They hadcome, first of all, to Mrs, Darkles, becauseof her lodgers, American ladies, lo whomtho eastern might probably be a novelty,and thereby provoke a larger dole than theperformers were in tbe habit of getting frommore aoouBlomed listeners.

The American lodgers were not particu-larly charmed to he thus roused from theirfirst aleep by Btrolna wblou, though we!meant, were rather the reverse of harmoni-ous,

"Goodgraciovs! what in it?" demandedAileen, the flnt to wake. Then her clouded•eases gradually clearing themselves,"Emmy! Emmy!" aba cried, "do yonbear that noise? It must be the oarolsingers."

" Oh dear 1 why did they coma ?" protest-ed sleep; Emmy. M I was just so nicelyasleep!" But she sought ont wrapper andslippers ia tbe dark, and presently joinedAileen at the window, from which the waitscould be seen aUndfog In the shadow of theyews, witb their muain books and lanterns,no anpioturesqua gronp, Another momentand the inner door opened, admitting Miriantho third and oldest Bister of the trio.

"What are those horrible soundo?" sheasked. " T h e ; woke me ont of a soundsleep, and such a nloe dream, I thoughtwe were at home again, and ipendlng Ohriat-mas at NestieAown with Aunt; Hue. It'stoo bad to be waked up. I Bfaould like tosleep all through to-morrow and keep ondreaming. Where a n yon, children, andwhat ia this extraordinary warbling ?"

" Hush, Marian, and oome and listen. It'stbe waits."

"Dear me! why couldn't they wait tillto-morrow ? The; look rather pretty, too,ont there in the moonlight," admittedHirian, peeping over Emmy's shoulder."But why don't they keep better time?And what ia the instrument that tall man ispluying, which makes such eitraordJnarydiscards now and then V

" A flute, I tbinkt only it is always billa bat behind the voices. What a droll oldcustom it is 1"

" I object to it altogether," said the fair,stately AOean. " What right hare these—well, very doubtfull musical people to comeand wake us up, without saying ' By yourbare, ' and remind UB of the very thing wewere doing our best to forget? Yon knowwe agreed not to speak the very name ofChristmas even, or giye any presents or doanything different from any other day of(be year."

"We didn't reckon on these crocbeUrsand qnaveren," remarked Emmy. "What'stfaatr

" That" was a low knock at the door." Ladles, do yon bear the carols 7" asked

the Toioe of their landlady, modulated to acanKotu whisper.„ " Why, of course we do, Mrt. Darkle;

how can we help hearing them?' saidKarlan, with rather an exasperated accentIn her voloe.

" The music waked UB up," said Emmy."Mrs. Darkle, are we expeokd to RifemmethlnR to the sbgars 7 You must tell us."

'•Wall, it is usual,'1 admitted Mrs. Durkie.. ' ' Alton, oonld yon Uy your band OD your

pniHint i iedark?"" I think to. Yt», here it is."T«n mlnnlM later the waits departed made

glad with half a crown, and the slaten weresgaln in bed, and n o n than half asleep.

The morrow dawned gray and misty, andT M W D *adltlonal]y diMxless by a drk-• l i ig n i n which BOOB began to fall The

UtUe rittfnj-iroom, wkte& t n s "i"**" tudtekann much ptlusto make home-like on

: tbslr grriral a month before, was ai its wont«lwiys ID men weather. Tbe sea TIOW, itscblaf sdvantiga, WSJ biottodoat, and Mrs.

•;'•'••I Darkle*! cblmpBJi MVerdrew well with a•Dotfatart wind. The three breakfaatad «J-

'/'.•'•.. mort to •Ilenoe'. Emm.v looked pale. AUeenr %M«ftdentlf in low spirits. Marian sag.

gwted choreb, bat Emmy was not np to therainy walk, and AUeeu would not lone her.

; iUt, D u U i eame for tho day's orders.HOT contented, rosy faot and "Merry Ohrist-IHM " r*lhar jarred on tha hemarick thr—.

"Don't, for pity's sake, order anythingunnatural for dinner," eaid Aileen. "LetUH make the day as unlike Christmas as woMD. I don't think I could bear a feebleimitation of the home holiday. The onlyway la to forget all about it." '

YD*, if only we can," put in Emuif,from bur sofa, with Bomelbinfl tike a, sob iuher voice.

Ia a moment AUeeu was tin her knees be-sido her. Fragile little Eunnj was tbe petaud beet-belored one of the other two.

After all. we have the best thing thatChristmas could possibly bring us," cooedAileen, stroking tbe soft ha i r - " you arebetter."

Tea, I think I am, a little," admittedEmmy.

Marian meanwhile held her housekeepingconference in the entry.

"You'd like to have a turkey to-day,•mggeated Mrs. Darkle, in a penuuivetone.

"No, I think not"—racking her brainsfor a prosaic suggestion. " Chops, I think,Mrs. Durkie; and a sole, if you can get afr<!9h one; and a cauliflower with whitensuce: and—mashed potato. That will diverj well."

" Deaf me ! It's not a bit like a ObristtnaBdinnei "—in a disappointed tone, " Andtbe sweet course, Miss Band ?"

" Well," said Marian, " I think we won'tmind about that to-day. Noue ofmuch for sweets."

Mrs. Durkie looked deeply, dtrklv doubt-ful. 8hBBhookherhead,andsaemedaboulto speak; then her face relaxed, a littlesagacious smile shone in her eyes, tnd shedeparted without Baying more.

Dinner came up, and was eaten witb ataccompaniment of chat which grew happiernow thatt be dreaded holiday waa fairly past.Tbe wblte cupped maid removed tbe plftteiaud swept the last oru tub from the table.

" There is n o t b - " MurUn began; but attbat moment the door opened, and in camiMr*. Durkie, her face bright with fire, hereyes with triumph, and in her hands, raisedaluft.a dish, on which flamed a small 1symmetrical pudding, topped with a lowing sprig of red-berried holly.

" Ladies," Bhe said, "I've took tbe libertyof making you a Christmas pudding in ourEnglish way, and I hope you'll eicuBe it,with OJJ best respects."

It was a shock, but after a single momeiof consternation, the Hands roused to thesituation.

"What fi beauty of a pudding!"Aileen.

" How very goad of you," put in Emmy." We aw HO obliged, dear Mrs. Durkie."

•'Well, I couldn't Beem to bearyour spend-ing the day BO dull like," responded Mrs.Durkie. "Cbriafniafl fen't like itself with'out spudding, to my thinking; and mymother she always felt so, too. Thin is heirecipe, and it Ian got all the things in ilthat ought to be."

" All the tilings that ought to be! Whaldo you mean':" asked the puzzled Moriau.

" Ob, I dau't mean plums and such likima'am. Ever; pudding has them at alltedBonu of the year. But tbe Christ!)pudding ia the only one, you know, whichbos the ring, the Biipenee and Ihe thimble.

" W b a t r

" The ring, Ibe siipenoe and the thimble,ma'am. It's for luck, you understand. Thisiipeuca means money you know, the omof you that gets that in her slice is Bare tobare soue'at left her in the course of ft yearand aday as a legacy like. The ring meama huBbantl, of course; and the thimble iipoverty. Ab, Miss Hand, you are laughing,I bee: but I've known it to come titimes than one. The podding seldom


" I call this exciting," Raid Ailcen. "NowMrs. Dnrkie, carve the pudding for UB andgiro each a slice."

The pudding won "carved," and thilisters cia fork.

" I have tbe ring," Bald Aileen, solemnly"And I do believe—yes, here is tha six-

pence," declared Emmy, fishing the hotlittle disk out daintily from the burninitauce. " I am to be the r!oh one, It seems,'

" I nave nothing at all. That seatnihardly fair," pronounced Marian. At thaivery mnment her fork encountered a bardsubntance-the thimble.

"Well, that Is tbe moat curious," cried MrsDarkle. "I never before heard of all threethings being drawn except there was a Inrgiparty, and the whole pudding was served.Well, I'm Borry you've gotthethimble. MisBRand; but there's someBortof poverty that'ias good as riohep, they Bay, and I hope jonisort will be of tbat kind."

What a good creature that is!" remarkedAileen, after she had gone. "\Va didn't wama pudding, and wo didn't mean to havepudding ; but, after all, I am glad she madius one, If only to show what a kind heart sh<has."

"It Is all very well for you, who did nolhappen todraw the thimble," remarked Mai!an, severely. "I am not sure thatl find thipudding so interesting.

Altogether, what with the surprise and thitun tbe pudding wan a great success, aud thi"ObniBtmaa lo lodgings" ended much morecheerily with tho Band Bister* than it hadbegun,

The nett week drifted by, and now it wasTwelfth-Night, afeHivalwith little meaninglo American ears. Witb the lianda the da;waa chiefly remarkable for the expectedarrival of a belated American mall. Marianwent to tbe post in tbe afternoon, and re-lumed roe; and elated, with quite a bnndliof tetters.

"Three letters for yon, Aileen, two fotme, with a lot of newspapers, and TiEmm;, this thick blue envelope, which looksbusiness, like. I wonder who can have senlit!" Then Bhe tore open her own letleiand soon became absorbed to notice the faceBof her companions, till a double exclamatioicaught her ear and made her look np amdeoly.

"Mariao, wbot do you tbbk- the puddiihas come Irue I'1 cried Emmy.

"Oh, Marian—the pudding! see whalhas come of it I" exclaimed Aileen. Thenthey stopped, and regarded each other withwondering eyes.

"What is it?" demanded tbe astonishedMarian.

"I don't know what AUeen's news nta; bo,but listen (o mine. Only think—I drew theilxpence, you know, and hen Isaletter fromold Mr. Wick ham, the lawyer, lo nj tbatOousln Emilia Htorrs is dead, and h u lefi

ie twenty thousand dollars because of m;being named after her."

'Twenty t h o u s - m y , tb i t i snewi l 1

cried Marian. "Why, my darling darling,now yon can go to the Beviart, just aswished 1 How delighted I ami You will getwell then in just one minute; l a m soreit. Aileen, how qaeer vou look 1 Have yonhad a fortune left j o a t o o r

"No, not a fortune, "replied Aileen, slowly"I didn't draw money, you know. I drew—the ring"—blushing most beautifully.

•Yes. Well, what Is it? What a n yougrowing io red about, AUeen, speak; don'keep UR in suspense."

'Girls," said Aileen, "lain going to eon-fesa something that will surprise you a gooddeaL Touwon'tbe vexed with me, will youPromise ID advance that you won't.1

'Very well, we promise j only makibaste aud tell," said Marian, on fire withcuriosity.

"Well, then, wbeu Jim Channecy went toChina, three yean ago, I promised to marryhim whenever he WM able to oome home aaik me."

The sisters Blared at her speeohlnsly.

lion to claim my promiw. But bere 1vriteN that all is suddenly changed. TheKew York partner of the firm ia dead, andthey have decided to send Sim back to take

s place. He will hare an ampin income,id—aud, iu abort, we must go home, dears

as soon an Ihe warm weather is fairly come,id itis site Sot Emmy. Jim will reach

New York in JUBB. acd he wants to be mar- I mean, to see me—as soon as possibleifter be lands."

"Well, I never waa kuookod qniteso flatloll my life before," said Marian, reoover-igher apeeeh with a sort of gasp. "Oneuch surprise Iu a day would be almost toolucb; two is too utterly too. Ton wretchedIdle humbug! who ever would have BUB-,ieot£d you of Beoretlog an engagement allIbis while ? But you were an angel of unBdiBhnessnotto mope, and not to tell us,"giving Aileen an energetic *qneeze. "I l

re added to our worries dreadfullyto feel tbat you only Ualf belonged to as. I t

s just li';e yon, Aileen.1

"Boitvas," added Emilia, drawing hersister's face down for a kUs. "Oh, my Ally,bow bewildering it i s - I rich, and you en-gaged! I shall Always belive iu puddingsfor tbe future. Marian Is the only oue leftout."

"Don't despair. It wouldn't surprise meif some man 'all Uttered and torn' made hisippearance at any moment," mid Marian.

"Besides, she has half of ail we have,"laid Allei

"Hilf of Jim Cbauncoy ? Thank you," re-ilied Marian, grimly. "Solomon himselfvouidfiodit rather difficult to efftwt thaimticable division. No, my dears, povertyia my portion—witness the fetal Ihiroble—

[II aui quite content."Great was Mrs. Durkie's surprise and

xplored each her slico with

"It i i mean never to have let yonknow," went on Alison, rapidly.

'But H waa a very far-away sort of 0to me, and just then—j«t after ha oiled—came tbe beglnaingof mother's bug siokness,end tfcflp Emmy fell 111, n i there seemed smuob to think about and worry over thatcouldn't bear to add this to therest, or makeyou feel lUt I bad any hopes or plans apaifrom yonn. And In faot I hadn't. It m!gtbe for years, or it might be forever, for all" tell, before Jim would fee io a ooudi-

great her triumph at learning what wonderserfluHDHryepBll had wrought. Her tolls-iction wfisouly marred by tlip tidings tbator lodgers must leave her soon. They hi *

decided on San Hemo for the spring mouths.'And indeed I would never have made

any pudding at all, had I guessed what Hwas looostiae," protested the good landlady.'But you'll write, and let mo know what

comes to you, Mlua MnriaD, wou't you8omoihing will before the year's out, dependipon it. And I've the right to hear. Dou'l•ou thiuk BO yourself now, nia'ma?"

"Of course you have; and you shall hear,promised Marina.

But spring and summer passed, andautumn was well under way before a lottiwitb the American postmark came to saliBf;the good landlady's curiosity. It bore date'"New York, November 12."

"MY DEAR Mas. DUBKIE>O it mu) , - " I

liope you have cot forgotten UB or OUT prom •iaa to write. I meant to have done ao before,but I thought you would be too disappointedlo hear that the pudding charm bad ium;case foiled and produced nothing •tall. Andill) lately thiaflocmed tolwluo truth- Wigot home on llriy 2'.l, and just a month loteiinr oisier Aileen was married.

in her pretty new homo, and is very welland very nappy, and hopes you got thicards she Bent out to you, Emmy, who youwill be glad to hear Is quite Blrong again,

theautnnier with mo in Colorado, whichU the most beautiful you can imagine, with

mountains aud park-lika valleys andsuch air as cannot be described. Colorado,you know, is a Stnte In tbe far West, ahnoalAS far from New York as you Rre in the Isliof Wight. Now we are oome eastward again,nnd are slaying with Aileen for awhile, until—here oomea my news, sad, as you will see,Ihe pudding woe a true prophet—until I ammarried, as I expect to be on the tenthnext month, to Ur. Robert Uamsn;, whom«o met at Estes Park last July. Hs i s aranchman,that is, BBortofahaep farmer, ant]Iamgoingbaok with bimtolivBin Colorado.Our ho ase will bo pretty rough for the firstyear or two; in fact, it 1B a sort of oabia,built entirely of wood and partly of logs,with no paint or plaster, and I supposewould seem rather 'poverty-stricken' to sonpeople; but we hope to improve II in time,

meauwhile wo have beautiful bills toloukat, and a splendid climate, which, togetherwith ;outh and fair prospects, makes verjpleasant sort of'povBrty/as I think. Bo yonieedn't heat all aorry for ma, orregretth<

pudding, for if I could pot that thimble backagain with a wish, I assure yon I wouldn't)and I BIB not only oanteat bat proud ofthe fate it has brought me. '

"Uy Bl&ten join me in kind regards, andI am, dear Mrs- Dutkie,

"Yours moBt cordially,* BAND.'

"The blessad young thing that Bhe is I1

ejaculated Ure. Durkia, wipiDg her eyesshe flnished the letter. "Well, lot folks thatwill donbt that saying about the pudding,never shall again. It's made my yoang ladien'fortunes, true as life, and I mean to keep onmaking (hem as long as I lire.1

-•Do yon know Christ?1 heaskedUm.-.rhey gave him no answer, bulwitbastartledr hastened their stepa.tarniBRonoeortwice

.^ look at the child. He sighed and wan-dered on. It was very oold auSnearly every-one walked UriBkly. and Litlle Jake was tooiw.id to arrest taelrsteps, An old man lean-',g on a cane seemed ullkely pemon lo listeno and anBser bia questions, and tbfl child

acked up courage to ask him if he knew; where Christ lived.

"Speak louder, little feller," he said,putting hia band on his ear.

LittleJake repeated luequestion, accentingthe name. An expression of rebuke appearedon the aged face.

"Toa're • bad little boy. I'm Bleared," heaaid. "Don't yon know it's wlckedto swear?

I And on Christmas Day, too," and he shookbis bead and went sorrowfully away.

The abort winter afternoon was wearingj a dose before he made another attempt.He turned the matter orer in bis mind and

i concluded to vary hii form of address. _stout German woman's honest face embolden-ed him to accost her.

"Please, ma'am, be you acquainted withMr. ChriBt?" Baida plaintive voice at herside. She paused at once.

•'Christ, CbrUt,"«he»ia, witb an effortto remember. "Would he be German?'

Little Jake didn't know." What would you of him, mein kind"fle'e agoin' to give me some money,"

said poor Little Jake."I not know him, but 1 give you c

penny," and she gave it and hastened on.A finely dreased ladv dropped her bond-

»dnUef: he picked it up and ranofter herPlucking her cloak to arrest her atUntiorhe held out the handkerchief.

"It'a yours, ma'am,1' he said Bitnply.8ho felt in her mufl. "Why, BO itis

'm much obliged, little hoy."

"Please." began Little Jak«, timidly,

'could j o u - ""Of course I'd give you Bomethiog if I bad

iy portmonnaie/she sold impatiently, "but. haven't and you'll have to take tho will forthe deed," and sbe hurritd sway.

Tears came to Liltle Jake's blue eyes."I didn't want nothing only toast where

o lived," be thought.Night was failfog, and ho bad neither beg-

ged nor found Christ, and the dread of re-turning to his wretched borne empty handedemboldened him lo ninke another appeal,He put hia question to two prosperous look-ing men, and tbe pleading voloe nnd littl<wan face ought not lo have appealed in vain,whatever Ihe questlou might be.

"Get out, you little vagabond," Bald oneand the other, " What are tbs police for IVlike lo know," and their angry voices won

ion lost in the distance.It was night, and tbe stars were out in thi

frosty heaven. LiltlB Jake looked up th(long street, and above where it Beamed '-

How Little Jake Found Him

It was Saturday morning, dear and cold.The bells were ringing, and people were goIng into the ohurohw. in the upper part ofthe city, the same ai on Sunday. A ragged,pale-faced boy loitered Bronco* the door ofone of them, and finally plucked up courageto slide into the porch and gradually to edgeInto Ihe dDor and slip unobserved intoback Beat. He was a little follow, witauburn hair and light Hue eyes, and if hahad been washed and combed and well clad,would hwe been a pretty bo; ; but he borethe mariB of ill uBage ind bod the forloiair of that most pitiable object, 6 neglectedchill

He looked cautiously about htm, andwheithe organ began te sound deemed ntterl;confounded. And no wonder, for Little Jakfhad never been inside a oharoh before in allbis miserable life. He was nobody's child,and lived down by the rlrer with an old mawho starved him to maka him beg and beihim to make him Bteal. This morning hehad been driven forth without breakrattforbidden, with corses, to return nntil hegotBOme money. He was feverish and illand shivered in the piercing air, and witbdull indifference had taktn his way aimleE&ifrom the filth and poverty Btrioken quarterwhere he lived towarda the broad avenuaodbvautifulbomBsof tha prosperous world,and in the Bame dull way had drifted inithe church.

Wreaths of evergreen and scarlet holly aneiquisiU flowers made the place beautiful.The organ pealed, the singen sang joyousstrains, for It waa OnrUUmas mcrning, thegladdest time of tbe year to the hippy, b&lto Little Jake, who bad never heard of it,but a bitter, cold day when ha hadno break-fast

By and by the minister row and begantalk. His votes wai soft nod pleasant, aiin a simple way be told Ihe Btoiy of tbe flntGhtlBtmaa. Little Jake waa all ears. Eenlarged on Ibe fact that the Obriat to whoia wonderful star guided the wisemen was therichest and most generous of being*; thathadbutto ask to receive from kirn tbeoholeesltreasures. Bo Bimple and gradona was hi*language, BO hearty his aamratice of welcome,thai hope sprang up in the heart of tbe childand be felt if he could only get to Christhe would have plenty to eat and aome moneygiven him BO that he should not be beatenwhen he returned home.

TheBervlce waa soon ever, the people be*gan to go ont of the ehnrch and" Little Jakiwent with them. He hung around Ihe doorratll eviry one m a goo*, hoping to s«e thi

soft voiced minister, but he went oat by thevestry door on the othw side of theehnnih.Little Jake meant tn ask him where Christlived. After shivering aronnd a long timehe was forced to give him up ami make npbis mind to ask some oca QIM. Hetimid child and met with ao many rebuffiwhen he wen* oat tbbegthat he shrank fromapproaching people on an; ermnd and hapassed a gnat many persona as he wanderedup and down tbe itreats before he conlisummon courage lo make hi* ifjuirv, Pin-illy, however, a pair of young girl frlendicame along, arm ia ar*n, walking slowlydeeply abwrbedinconfldentlilcomemUon.Little Jake approached them.



jome to a point In the sky ahono tbo mildimp of the evening alar. Hia head throbbed

I witb pain, his weary limbs ached, hln leetand bauds were benambed with oold, buttbe alar filled Ms noul with freHh courage.

" U ' j bis star," was his glad thought.'•The man Bald it stopped over Ihe placewhere he is, I'll go there," and he started offur. the afreet.

Block after block waa wearily passed, andetill the Btar vaa far, far off. Poor, patientLittle Jakawasvory weary, wandering all daywithout food, and the porch of a church hewas passing looked like a refuge from thewind, where IIB might test a moment. Heollmbed the Bteps and sank do«n-a littlehuddled heap hi the comer.

•Couldn't find him (o night," he muttered,i the morotii'"—find Little Jabe was

asleep.Presently It began to snow and snowed all

uight, and the wind drifted it into Ihe porohand covered Little Jako with a Boft whitecoverlet TheoHyclooksstrockaUththourof the nlghtanaitwaBg-^dayaiorntDg. Thesexton eame tc Bhovel away the BQOW beforemeeting time, and cleared Ibe natk andmounted tha steps to the porch. Findinga heap of something there he stooped overbrushed tbe BDOW lightly off and disaloseo*the smalt pale faoe of Liltle Jake.

"What have you hare, Jarvia V said thsoftroleed minister coming up tbe step.

Jarvla raised hiimelf up and answerecgravely i

'A dead child, air."—Laoy L. Stout in thiDetroit NBWS.

And She Rose UpIt was oooly planned nnd delUioruUily e n

mtod In cold Mood. T to j sut by tho lire, itwia hepnrusedhiB paper she waaliusy wil

thoughts ol ChriBtmns, By nnd by ho wallod up uml naked;

" DU1 nuy pnreeli far me ooine to-day 1""No, ilenr," nliereplied, aahcrfaoB gro'

'Mia fiBHiow, "Have you been buyingthing T

No, nothing much 1 happened in n<Blank's this afternoon, nnd, UH he waa selllniout hiii slippers lit emit, 1 biiui;tit uw threeputrs. Gue»a I'll bu Axed for DID uext teuyears to

" You—bought—trilpporB 1" she gaeped asshe pressed heir hand* upon her heart.

Yes, nnd Dash onrao to Ihe tluor an 1 wasgoing past, nnd nuked mo hi t« look nt hiitoofc of tlmelng Rowne

" A m l - a n d - "" And I bought men onupla, Kntlier hand;

garment*, you know, amiitr» BICH."" Do you mean to tell we that you wem

Why, *lc»r, how you tirmltle," hu Intelrupted. " Ye*, 1 bought two of 'em, ami wlieuDatih happened to mention that I ought tihave H Htuuking-cap, twelve new shirts andmnoking let and a ease, I laid him to jjti alien

id itend'cm up. I'll order uti tw tdlk hat-wristlets, gloves, Hlecve-buttima and six not!ties to-morrow, and then I gnetn 111 bo pro-vided for. Come and U H your oU IIUIJIIJ."

lint she didn't. She ruite np and gasped amnulled out of the room with t«aiful Dyesclenched teeth.

Looking Forward-How unRorly do the dinenmtmemhers nf thi

fnnilly look forward to ChrlHtrnwI Evenwhen (hol.clief in a "r tnl , Hvo Bunt* Ctitns'IA linnUhftd, Lalfrogaetfuily, amoni; the childUh drea&in of thn pant, tha myntio charmwhich lingers about tbo day makes oldyoung ongcrlj long for its appenranoe. Nonshould dttcvia it nboyo them to revere amcvlekratutho (far, no nutter how exalted tholiBtatinn. Parent* wbo do not make It B pitieo tobe«1«w tvtao little frlfts upon theirclilldntn, will ever regret that they did nolRive them thi* opportunity to look bnok upothese ChrUtmaa days ni bright spoU In tiolrciildhood. Do not destroy the beautiful illiidoni of holiday-time: do notbeeomeaaflsiand hard In your opinion of the hnportoueepractical waltty as to low sight of thosothinjalwut wtloli lifc'n roeollecUon. will c l i talter jcaro.

Persons who desecrate the Sabbath daygunning should read the following extractfrom tlia game law of tho State: "Thershall bo no shooting, hunting w trappingtlie Ant day of the woeV called Sunday; &n<any person offending ngainit tho tirovisioiof this not shall, ou conviction, forfeit iu><pay a IUEI not exceeding Kffi or lew than ASor be imprisoned Iu tbe county jail whore tloffense wns committed not lew than ten ilnynnr more than twenty-five dayii for eachfense."

Under a late decision by the PoBtiwutiGeneral, nrticlwi scut br mall M merchnmliior nr, Minples of merehandluB, are to Le ratedu "fourth olasa" mallable matter, anilcharged poitnge on «neli at the ratncent per ounce or fraction thereof, notwit!fttandinK any printing auou ortloles may benior contain. ^



1. Wm. Hawkins, Boonton, tiled suddonly,3. Bcv. Dr. Enlmnn, Morris town, decline!

•iUl to Tabernacle Church, Indlauapolbi.I. Rev. Sebastian B. Biuith, D. D.

Rector of 8 t Bernard's, Nt. Hope.5. Honiw ef MM. Win. Jfiion, Uorriatuwi

partially tturowl.5, nn. Wm. Mlutos died in Eroohlya, 1

Y.,agt»\fa.5. Saloon and dwelling of llr i . Jacob ¥.

Ralpu, New Pouudlovd, bumed.d. Failure of Dover Bilk Company.6. Visit of capitalists to Lake IlDpateong V

locate ft new liatel.1. Slorrhi County Medical Hoelety met Ii




lie Holiday teaaou has readied us oucc more, and wo are fully prepared to meet thegreat demand*, We hare a


it lecelrc'd. Oreit cini liu lieiil token is purelimiiis tUc FINEST LIKE OF HOLIDAYUOODB llut has an-irad In till, city.



t a re a flne line of those





anSussex St., DoYsr,

inaugurate the Holiday Seuanu with n new, rare anilicftiitlful display of gooilH Hiiitablo for

iiis,til nf which are artistic in design, reliable to ijunllty, and moderate in prioe. Especii

Attention is cnllud to his very Urge stock of

WITOHIi,wliloh bD ta Belling nt fignreii tliat will cmuppto wltli any IIQHHG in tlie Stntc


Sets of Jewelry, Ear Kings, Breast Fins, Lace, Cuff and BiFins, Nook Chains, Charms, Lookets, Studs,

Collar and Sleeve Buttons,

V E S T C H A I N S - ' '«* »t«* o' «11 UM l»t«»' noWtles.FltmElt R1N0S—Plain 18 Kan.! Gold, Cnnwi, Tt(or Eje, EncnutcJ Stotion, On;:

TllNiuolec, AmBtllyst, oto., of every iloaoriptiou.

BillLIVIBIR-WIAIRIB.-n compbto aUwV of nil (hn lntnet i

mid SPECTACLES to fit nil siglitn. BEPAlItlNQ OF WATCH EH AND JEWIELR'u iliniiiutt.v nt thi> lowest priups.

Lackwell | t . ,DOVER, N. i.

is Anils growiug more populnr througuout tho county witli people wanting work of tbikind aonf. Hu tflVrn imiiia to give tho best of Hntisfnctlon tn all in

every braiioh of liis work.





CEMETERY LOTS IHOLOSIDBj» Yon can save forty per cent, by ordering of ma All worl^guaranteed. Orders sent by mail will receive prompt attention.

Satisfaction-Always Qiven!

DR Q. W.

closes nnotber yenr of bis buginess experience in Dowith tbo gratifying assurances from bis customers thaihis work has given satisfaction in all cases.




MODERN APPLIANCESnsod in bis profession for tbo doing of boat work, while a long and

practical experience enables him to kuow the Deeds of ]|ip pufl-toraers aud meet them in a satisfactory manner.

made in the moat nrUitio manner and for tha lowest prices consistentwith the grade of work performed. To

B I X T R A O I T Z N O ' Jkjsro X"xxax<xxiiro-eapeclal Bttention U flven to perform the work in the l>nt uuraet without J

inflicting nnntoeiury ptln.






TAILORcon be found at hia store,

with the largest stock of


just the thing for a



at lowest prices.


promptly furnished.


H, KENNEDY - - - Prop'r.

You can find ftt Mr, K.'H resluiirant everyhlng ttio inner urnn oallu for.



Pic-nics and Gathering:

of all kindB HUiijilioil with tivorvllii>i(> wat New York prices. He lma jiu

recohed a ll»o •lock of

lill>IHl ot lc t kinds for tbo Unlirlujn. Hi, mnd;

departolent IN ulwuya well Htockcwitli tho best of




of the best make. Give him a call for an;thing ynu want in h\n line.




BlacfesmitiisU building up n vide rcimtntmii in their Ii

of bimiiicBrt, find iiiulte it a motto lo L'ivrBntiHfaotloii. Tnho your \wrm* to

them if you want tlictn H!II><1iu «no<l onlw.


UPHOLSTERERMorris SI,, Bovor, H. 1.

A W N I N G Snf all sizes inmlo lo order.

Window Shadesmade and hung. All klndx «i Hl'UOl.S

ING (tow;-. All onli'i'H liy limit wi

in.l it ill llmcH well nKx-ked willi


Tobacco and Cigars" Hugh" i» always rcaily to rt'celvo you

Don't furgct the " Eaghs"




of d l Unili a n Mid SO par cent, cheaper than•n j market In lows. Eterytttlag a marketonlla for can t o fimnd at my place. Otre mea aril mi you irill profit T»y i t

CLOTHINGiu this couniv. Hid

Everybody Is Going I

Everybody Is Oolng |

Christmas Candies,NUTS, FRUITS, 4o.

Ho l.ii. recilveil 4 ar load of t i c n lme , nnd



itT Glvolliiiu uViill.



Ink*' till' goorir.. 111!-


DEPARTMENTBtni'ked wit lie ver.y tiling I'lillcil i'ov in llm!

lino. On uml Hi't-hi* iiniiii'ii,.!' h|.,,'k.




Cor. Dickers^! & Morris Sts.

DOVER, N. J.kiu.lfl of \Vhr.!hvnj.'U uii.l ISluriiHinil!

Wtirli (1I.1H-II( sh.nt liotirr.


tlil'rilill.v. I l,:iV , !,:,,„[ , ; l l l : I 1 l , r , ,,f


•rWHIL'l l I All KEU.IKC! CHEAP,-lit





CEMEXT! LEI imi l . SCHANTON A.\lCIIMHE1M-ANI) COAL ili-livfr.'.l lo

iknv })url i)f Hie (own.



i« Kiilnlnic |io|iuluijty i-vi-rj iliiy io hi . linr,

Innlmw. IVIi.vl lliriinn' li« l,ilir« lurb. ' . l . i t |,»i.,«t.i itivn • IIENI'INK

FIT. IMH iiric.'H nir low. lli^




IN' coon OKI>I;H

MILLINEEYliiTin «,. -lock of

lo mil ycnniK and old.

Christmas Candiesll uliiitiilinrr; uml I'Vi'i-vtlmii; the cliililfi'i

IT.V for. (in and HVC. I1(>r stork Iwfweb l l l

PORT ORAM, N. J.She h u Jn»l nrrivoil ivitli n cur lorul nf

of over? d«norlption, nuoli ai«

Wagpn», Wheelbarrows, Oartp,

Tops, Homs, MnBioal Instruments,

Musical Boxes,

Writing Desks,

Books, Dolls,


ALBPMB,»U .!«> nnd kladj. Aim n

lnrgo itonk of

OudlM, Nats an* fruits.



* 3, BACKOFFS,Sussex St., Dover, N. J .

S v . rJ.1 ,v«Mrfii . , i . l,. v.tii IIH- ui.rlli of your luoin'y fvi-.. ',',11.1 liv MI ilointt' lie is ImiWliiKHiti]<]iil uluilf,;,],' tiu.fr. (live Juke

l li

mmvmCor, Sussex and Canal Sts.

Bovas, sir. j .IS WKM. STOCKED WITH


PBESENTSi•,v'»iiig«nilolil ofoveiy ilcxPniition. Cnll

early mid set' what Itltl 1IAK0AINS

ho U otilTiiig. dflodaMiiato

rin-eiHtuil with tli« l ine.

Fancy Goods Store,

Stager Sewing Mki Dice,mm- H'|il*t<;w'itli


Fancy Handkerchiefs,

Jewel Boxes, Toilet Cases,

T W anil ViiiiiiH, SilkIUIII KinUrniilrrril linncl-koi-«liitfw. T..ilt>i UimU. MirroM*. IlnlrOnin-inniu. I'oi'kct lUtol*, I'tc, uml even-tiling tit1<I- ri.unil in llu< Fani'.v CuoiUliutt.'


BOVER, K. Jf.<'!>n hv round ut all lime* well Mocked with


Ale, Lager, Porter,



l ' l ld l , IKIOJI in nlwuyn <ippn to |il»J-I'W nf (In- jrnini'.

»»• (UV1-: HIM A CALL, f*


S, W. GLOVEE, - - . Prop'r,



& J Ilix b u r IH wi'll H





Brick Drug Store,

Evinlunly cn» lie miiH-,1, His ilraj lie-iiHrtmnt u <t«cknl will, nmrtk in i i In tlintIn,,', firiuii! diBplHv nf LAiMI'S of nil kinds,and i, n,nj:,ill!r,'i,t illpjiluy of


AMD PERFUMERYUoiiihi Bbown vritl, pIcMiirc.

qf nil Jdnib, go tq .
