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Bridgeport evening farmer. (Bridgeport, Conn.) 1911-06-20...

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V i91i: til . . . - THE FARRIER: JUNE 20, RESTRAINED FROM PAYING 65,000 TROOPS LEGISLATURE REPORTERS and Injunctions Against Comptroller : - : 5 w 1138 FE0M a, &Mobh-JMmmJ- &- ; I ST. v ST. Treasurer Till September. Special For Wednesday and Thursday 10 STAMPS WITH 2 lbs SHOULDER STEAK 25c LINED UP IN LONDON TODAY New Haven, June 20 In the "Super ior court nere yesterday Judge-- . v u-li- am H. Williams issued temporary in- junctions restraining Thomas D. Brad-stree- t, State comptroller, and Costello mass Strict Orders For Police to Give Fresh Pork 14c lb 12c lb Lippitt, State treasurer, from paying to eleven newspaper reporters of the Rib Lamb Chops. .. . rV2BO Mere's YOUR MewsX Do You Want to Make the Biggest Savings M Chops. no Special Privileges Coro-- ; nation Day State $300 each. The reporters were appointed official reporters b,y the State Senate for the present session, and four taxpayers . in the State, among whom is Horace D. Taft, Stamp Specials Y Already 'Much Wrangling and of the Year on brother of President . Taft, brought 20 Stamps with 1 can proceedings before the court, asking Jealousy Among Royalty Over Precedence in Procession that an injunction against the pay Cut Price Specials E. C. Com Flakes 3C pkg HeckeVs Oatmeal. gg pkg Cream of Wheat J2c pks Shredded Wheat JOG pkg Cook's Malto Rice Qq pkg ment of the fees be granted. The temporary injunction granted yester-- 1 day runs until, the first 'Tuesday in TOMMIES MEPfS 10c 10c 20c Powdered Ammonia 20 Stamps with 2 boxes Parlor Matches 20 Stamps wlthNl cake Baking Chocolate September, when the question of a (Special from United Press. London, June 20. The blaring permanent injunction will come before the court. bands and flashing uniforms of 65,- - 000 soldiers descended upon London, today, givfhg a decided military tinge FRATERNAL NEWS to the preparations being made for cakes Here's the Sack Clothingf Go. BANKRUPT STOCK the coronation. . 25c 20 Stamps with 7 Laundry Soap 15c BO Stamps with 1 package Grandma's Soap Powder The coming of the soldiers brought MORNING STAR LODGE, S. OF B. Morning Star lodge, No. 1, S. of B., has elected the following officers: Commander. Elizabeth Crossman: ice countless thousands of, sight seers to the streets and the worst street jam yet experienced resulted! The sol commander, Harry Tiffany; marshal, ..35c ...60c 30 Stamps with 1 lb Gold Medal Coffee ... . lOftStanrps with 1 lb Gold Medal Tea . , . .. . diers marched to the various parks, where they will be iencamped until the end of the week. Edith Lyon; chaplain, Mary L Lent; inside guard, Edgar H. Wigglesworth ; outside guard, Joseph H. Beaudry; organist, Florence Smith urst; trustee, 18 months, Elizabeth Flannery; repr Another . preparation under way, today, that savored of actual war esentative to Supreme lodge, Mary times, was the stocking with provis 100 Stamps wfth 1 can White Lily; Bak. Powder 45c 20 Stamps with 1 can Pure Breakfast Cocoa. . . 20c ions or noteis ana residences ,witnin Malley ;alternate, Mary B. Pulver. The newly elected officers will be in- stalled Monday evening, July 17. s the coronation area. Owing to the closing of street traffic and the gen eral suspension of business, June 22 ,ST. JOHN'S LODGE. and June 23, it will be practically-I- offered to you at astounding reductions. It is good clean dependable stock we give you our word for that and it contains the newest numbers in shirtsieck-wea- r, gloves and other things necesssary to a man's list of wearables. - Me bought .this bankrupt stock at immense reductions and we turn it over , for your choosing in a like manner. V THE SALE BEGAN THIS MORNING It offers you a full saving of 33 1-- 3' and in many cases'lBVEN I IORK Men's $1.00 and $1.50 Shirts at 79c possible to secure provisions iat this A stated communication of St. John's lodge, No. 3, A, F. & A. M. .will be held tomorrow evening at Ma time: Hotels, restaurants ana private houses are therefore laying in stores as though in anticipation of a ions Dodo! Food Market & City Bakery ' 951 MAIN ST., City Bakery Building sonic Temple, . at 7:30, to confer the siege. Master Mason degree. , This evening there will be a meet No such thing as special privileges ing of Corinthian lodge, A. F. & A. will be known on coronation day. This was Indicated, today, when requests upon the police by Princes, ' nobles at tne Masonic Temple. and other royalty for special street NEW TENT. places was refused. This bids fair to develop a big row Department President Mrs. Nellie D. Orchard of New London, and Depart but Home Secretary Churchill, who is ex-offic- io head of the police, is stand ment Guide Annie TUby, assisted by ing firmly by the orders for no pre the members of Elias Howe Post, G. 1 REPUTATION IS A GREAT BOON Bepeciallly if it is GOOD reputation. INVADER COAIi has a rcfnrtatlan. ' It is reputed to be the BEST coal sold in the city. Try It! One rial brings a gladsome SURPRISE. ference. - GOOD rr is: A-- R' and Franklin Bartlett Camp, Sons of ' Veters,' will Institute a new tent of the Daughters of Veterans in this city tonight. The new tent will Soft Pongee and Soise tte Shirts with French cuffs neat Black and White Dress Shirts, in plain and fancy pleated bos- oms, all made coat style and in- clude the best makes such as "Mattawan," " Empire,' ' etc. There will be no. moving picture commercialism of the coronation. Thfs was decided, today, when perjnission was refused to a ( clneamafograph company, to place a camera inside .i bear the name of Angeline H. Bart- lett. No. 4. This is to pay tribute Westminster Abbey. The company of ao'- - r0- - to the mother of Senator F. A. Bart fered a huge price for this concession lett, whose ' father's name is attached but the impropriety as well as the danger was obvious. ' This will leave Sir Benjamin Stone, Men's 50c and 69c Shirts at 36c to the .camp of the Sons of Veterans of this, city. Miss Margaret Beck and Mrs. "Belle Curtlss liave 'organized the new tent, with a charter membership theoff icial photographer . of parlia ment, as the only man who will be of 30. Soft Pongee for warm weather wear and neat fancy stripe coat style shirts for dress wear. ' ti permitted to take a camera inside the abbey and - photograph the historic proceedings. The Crownsr that will be placed on the royal heads of George MISS GRACE CLARKE AND HER STUDENT. PLAYERS and Mary on Thursday, the robes and D,2lhi2grlhi Valley other coronation regalia were taken. The chart for reserved seats ' for Miss Clarke's plays opened this, morn rrom tne ionaon tower, today, and stored in the strong room of Buck- - ing: at Jackson s Bookship. If you hold REDUCED RATES TO THE WEST tickets for this affair tney can be . ex inghant Palace, where they will be under special guard until time for Men's 50c .tit changed :any time, between now and .NIAGARA FALLS AND RETURN, SOLD JULY 1, 2 and 3. A . .. their use. . , ; - ' $ 10.00 3 Friday evening:. Miss .Clarke's ..plays The old question of procedure In Neckwear at have always ; excited the interest ot Bridgeport and a treats is in store for the coronation procession always 88.00 105.80 fruitful of wrangling and petty .jeal f .rACEFTC COAST AND RETURN, SOLD JUNE 26 to JULY 4... v P CTFlbCOASTi' SOLD DAILY TO SEPTEMBER 30 . . . '.. .1 . J- . ' . . ! .... - . ROCHESTER, ACCWTftHV MYSTIC SHRINE, SOLD JULY 8, 9 those who . enjoy the best , along-- . this ou3ies has broken out at this time i mi . . m line, l nere .win . d iwo -- penonnances, and King George is believed to be one Friday evening and; one Saturday greatly harassed over the problem afternoon at 2:1a. , and 10 x. ...... ......... .. xo.50 tentative make up of the coronatio r The well known "Le Mar" Cravats in the newest styles of exceptionally large lot and choice assortment. . PRIZE FOR MR. BREEN. procession has been submitted by the small army of special envoys, most of whom are royalties, who" no! sooner saw the arrangements than the pro Francis. J.- - Breen, a Brldgeporter who ROCHESTER, ACCOUNT G. A. R. NATIONAL ENCAMP3IENT, sold August is, 19, 20 and 21. .- - 10.50 Full tarf6rjjtIon Iry addreBsiaa: '"Si W.- - PRINGLE, N.: E. P. A., 39 Cburcht . " 7 . Street, New Haven, Conn. - Tel. No, 1140 . . . 1 test strong enough- - in some in has just passed -- the bar examinations, was presented with the Parker . prize for? the best essay on Roman law, in connection with the exercises at Yale, stances to be plain straight kicks began to pour in. Never were the Jealousies, that" lodge In royal heads yesterday.-"- . .. ,' ' more clearly demonstrated. The Duke : - t of Norfolk, as Earl Marshal of the ' POINTS OF INTEREST Men's 25c Suspenders at 16c empire, is supposed to arrange , the procession and to have the etiquette ' It Will Pay You a pair or tne tning. down so fine that ; mis to trade at E. H. Dillon & Col's, 1105 takes are impossible. The Duke and the King were in consultation, today. Main . street, for your millinery be The "Monarch Brace' for dress wear and ; cause they will save you at least 1-- 2 over this matter. Regardless of their on the purchase price. , . final decision, there are , sure , to be many disappointed envoys. Just as " Police ' ' Suspenders for service. : " ' ! . , Found! Wanted: Carpenters who desirq to equip their tool chest with absolutely the BEST tools in the world- - - , WE HAVE THEM Sf, Henry Disston's famous crosscut and rip saws, Stanley's planes, Back - Bros. chissels, plumb hatchets Atha Tool Co.'s handles, .Yankee hand drtfls and screw drivers; Jennings' bits; Fray's braces and hand drills. PRICES MODERATE. . FAIRFIELD AVE. WINDOW there were at the funeral of the late A" hardware store where any Item of King Edward. mechanics tools or household hard ware an be ' purchased at a very mod- erate price. A" hardware store' where GEORGE V. THANfCS BRIDGEPORTERS FOR ' the entire line covering four floors is so classified that the salesmen can pick up at a moments, notice Just the article you are looking for. A hard CONGRATULATIONS f - ....... ' Men's $1.50 Gloves at r- - The well known " Adler" Gloves, in, Tantand BrownMen's and Boys' sizes. ware store complete in every detail where the manufacturer can get his The Rev. Francis V. Atkinson, at "THE DEPARTMENT HARDWARE STORE.' -- i v- 1 .supplies in sufficient quantities : to whose pastorate,, the Second Baptist meet every demand, and the Housewife church, a large ' gathering of former may purchase the little needful arti Manson to English subjects adopted resolutions cles for the home at a great saving Lyon-Grumma- ii of time, patience and money. The of congratulation on the approaching place, corner of .Fairfield avenue and coronation or George V, received -- a FAIRFIELD AVENUE, COR. MIDDLE STREET Middle street, Lyon, Grumman, Man 39c and 49c Underwear at son Company. f cablegram from London this forenoon In response to the message forwardea by action of the meeting at his church "A Good Name is Rather to be Chosen Sunday evening. ; . - - The cablegrani dated . at London, Than great riches" said the "Wise man. The reputation of an' article or firm Is the keynote of success. It is the reputation for superiority of In follows 25c and 29c Underwear at 1 19 c "White, light- - weight mesh' and Bal- briggan underwear, short sleeve shirts and short or long drawers. V Geo. B. Clark & Co. pastor vader coal which has made this pro "Rev. Francis V. Atkinson, Second Baptist church, - . 1239 avenue, Bridgeport: NOble duct a "talked or commodity in the home. Housewives not only "speak Balbriggan and Gauze short sleeve shirts and short and long drawers,white and Balbriggan. "The King desires me to thank you ft for your telegram and good wishes. It Is signed by a secretary. well," but enthusiastically of the burn- ing qualities of this famous coal. The price is at Its lowest now. Patrick Mc-Ge- e, 269 East Washington ave., Phone 3328. KILEY DIED FROM Furniture . Caroets. OVERDOSE OFCHLORODYNE Maurice Klley, aged 32, living with Men's 10c and 12 l-- 2c Socks at 7c a pair PlainXand fancy cotton and lisle Hose in black his wife at 1224 Pembroke street, died THE PRETTIEST FACE and the most beautiful hands are of-te- n disfigured by an unsightly wart. It can easily be removed in a few days without pain by using Cyrus Wart Remover, for sale only at The Cyrus Pharmacy, " 253 Fairfield avnue and 186-Canno- St. . ; at the Bridgeport ; hospital last night from an overdose of chlorodvne. and Stoves Draperies proprietary medicine, 30 drops bf which was his prescribed dose. Once and all other colors and fancy figures and stripes. before Kiley took an overdose of med icine when the alloted amount did not appear to be beneficial, and the dis regard of instructions resulted in hla CLEANEASV, THE BEST HAND SOAP. . . Guaranteed not ' to injure the skin. Instantly removes Stove Polish, Rust. Grease. Ink, Paint and Dirt. For the hand or clothing. , Large can 10 cents. Manufactured by Wm. R. Winn. 24 Stratford Ave. t immediate recovery. Recently he was taken ill. rDr, George B. Cowell was in attendance, 1057 TO 1073 BROAD STREET, OPP. POST OFFICE Men's 50c Belts at 36c Black, Brown, Tan and Gray, all leather. : Men 25c Belts at 18c Black, Tan, Brown Leather Belts with metal or covered buckles. ' The medicine was not working quick enough to suit Kiley. He drained the bottle, lay down and was soon . in -- TO- stupor. His wife, called Dr.-Cow- who summoned the ambulance corps He was taken to the Bridgeport hos pital. Death occurred at 10 o'clock. Mr. KHey was a member of St Charles' church. The last rites of the church were administered. . The de sio.oo Also Pajamas, Night Shirts, Sweaters, TTmbrel las at the most exceptional reductions. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY ceased was employed on the grounds of the U. M. C. Co. J WM. QRIESINQER & SON ANNUAL FIELD DAY OF HAMILTON COMMANDERY AGENTS. 43 JOHN STREET SOCIAL AND PERSONAI: CAN YOUR WASHING BE DONE CHEAPER THAN Mr. and Mrs.XMcXabb and Misi.; Marguerite Bishop will sail for a visit in; ETyrope, next Satur-- ; THE CRAWFORD WAY? , All the clothes for-th- e family washed and lie flat pieces ironed for one and one-ha- ir cents a piece, providing your wash contains 50 pieces. Our way saves health, worry and trouble. Telephone and the wagon will call. Former Senator Allan W. Patee. Mrs--- ' Paig and their daughters, Marion and Aline, will sailoa-th- e Olympic Jum 28. - , . THE CRAWFORD LAUNDRY CO. 435. FAIRFIELD AVENUE Telephone 2910 HOSE Cotton Hose,rubber lined 9c foot ' Half Inch Rubber Hose 9c foot Three ply Hose. .. . lOo, 12c foot Five ply IIose; 14c foot ' Seven ply Hose. .... .. 16c foot Hose Reels, 100 feet hose" $1.00 Hose Menders. Hose Pliers, Couplings, Washers, Wires, etc. TEMS SHOES SIen'3 White Soled Oxfords $1.15 Men's P'ack . Oxfords . 75c Boys' Black Oxfords ......65c Youths' Black Oxfords. ... .55c Men's High Shoes, white sole $1.40 Men's Black High Shoes,. $1.00 Boys Black High Shoes. ...75c Telephone 2337 ' Jaycox Rubber Co. 1042 MAIN STREET Head Cannon St. Mrs. "William" M.f, Terry and niece.: Miss Buxton, of kntilla,- - Cuba, drovr to New London today to attend th I sun came out, Mr. Bulkley had his fam team hitched to a large lumber box and lnvitfd'his guests to take a ride to see his 1911 colts. It occu- pied a half hour m which to reach tna pasture, where they saw the sight of their lives, 14 marc? each with a foal at her side. The colts as well as their dams seemed "ieligated" to see the delegates from Bridgeport, and poeed for their picture3. On returning to the house, a light lunch was proviotd, the main dish of w; ich was strawberry short cake. The party left the farm about 6 o'ek ek and arried back in the Paik City about 8 o'clock. Mr. Bulkley's string for this season is made up of the following named horses: Raffles, Mls3 Anon, Pauline, Arleen, Miss Jay, Roy, Sim Kohl, and they expect to leave the farm about June 22 for Hohukus, X". J., where liiey start . in their several classes" July 4tn. Nohma, ,2:07 1-- 4, with her 1911 colt at her side, -- was shown separately from the others, as she is pastured close at the farm for safe keeping. ! m convention of banking- - interests aK Eastern Point, tomorrow. Mr. an4r. ANYTHING IN A STORE THAT IS WORTH SELLING IS WORTH ADVERTISING QUESTS OFJUL. BULKLEY , Party of Bridgeporters Enjoyed Outing at Mr. Bulkley's Stock Farrn Friday morning' of last week an auto party ,frora Bridgeport was made up of L. D. ' Plumb, I. T. Banks, Dr. Southey, and Messrs. Peck and Scflo-ftel- d to go to Mount Klsco, N. Y., v. here they planne 1 to spend the day with B. A. Bulkley and see his horses and colts. The run of over 40 miles was made in one hour and forty min- utes. On their arrival they were provided with a fine dinner which they did justice to. Mr. Bulkley was expecting them and had his trotters and pacers vail groomed for the oc- casion. Among the horses he worked out for the party over his half mile track was Miss Jay Pauleen, Miss Arion, Roy, Haliow Een, Raffels, bim Kohl, and several others. The fast- est mile shown was in 2:19 1-- 4. Raf- fels was in ' fine shape but was not worked a mile up to his speed. The afternoon's entertainment 'was brougnt to a sudden close owing tfto a hard thunder shower wnich lasted abouc an hour. When it cleared up and the AC". J-- . ... - . . . For the first time in 12 years Ham- ilton Commandery, Knights Templar, of this city will leave Bridgeport for its field day exercises, when on Thurs- day, by special train and with big street parade, the commandery will go to Danbury to be the guests of Cru- sader Commandery of that city, at Lake Kenosha. The Danbury Knights have, selected a model location for the field day. lhe grounds are on the property, of the Danbury Country Club, the well appointed home of which will be at the disposal of the visitors. A sheep roast will be served and an entertain- ment has been prepared. Sir Knight Fred E. Brown has prom- ised that the full Knights Templar band will accompany the pilgrimage. The Sir Knights will report at the asylum at 12:15 in full Templar uni- form. Lines will be formed at 12:30 in Bank street, with the right resting on Broad street. The parade will proceed through Broad street to State, to Main, to Gold street, to the station, and at 1 o'clock a special train will leave. The committee of arrangements in- cludes" Angus H. Mackenzie, chairman. Anker S. Lyhne, John A. Gorham, "W. B. Burnham, Harry F. Parrott, John H. ."Wade, Swan B. Brewster.. Let the public know what you have to sell, the columns of " Farmer.' ' through the The cost is small and the method effective. Mr. Hall, the cashier of, -- the Pequon-- ? nock bank, being Jthe' treasurer of thj( Ccnnecticut Bankers. Association. Mr. and Mrs. ,"H. H". DeLoss of 131 Park Place, will saiJUbn he Caledonli for Europe, Saturday. ' with theif daughters, Dorothy, and. Marjorie. 4 BRIDGE WHJST-SERIES- . ) The second of a series ladi bridge whist games it the Bridgeport 1 Yacht Club will vb vfceid Trfuraday June 23 at 3 o'clock Th prtz ha been donated by Nathaniel w. Blatu op. EVERYBODY THINKS THAT SATISFACTION COAL IS THE BEST IN THIS CITY ITIS WANT ADVERTISEMENTS ONE CENT A WORD
Page 1: Bridgeport evening farmer. (Bridgeport, Conn.) 1911-06-20 ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84022472/1911-06-20/ed-1/seq-4.… · V THE FARRIER: JUNE 20, i91i:. ..-til RESTRAINED


i91i: til. . . -THE FARRIER: JUNE 20,


andInjunctions Against Comptroller

:- : 5 w

1138 FE0M

a, &Mobh-JMmmJ- &- ;

I ST. v ST.

Treasurer Till September.Special For Wednesday

and Thursday10 STAMPS WITH 2 lbs SHOULDER STEAK 25c


LONDON TODAYNew Haven, June 20 In the "Super

ior court nere yesterday Judge-- . v u-li- am

H. Williams issued temporary in-

junctions restraining Thomas D. Brad-stree- t,

State comptroller, and Costellomass Strict Orders For Police to GiveFresh Pork 14c lb12c lb Lippitt, State treasurer, from payingto eleven newspaper reporters of the

Rib LambChops. .. .

rV2BO Mere's YOUR MewsXDo You Want to Make the Biggest Savings

M Chops. no Special Privileges Coro-- ;

nation DayState $300 each. The reporters wereappointed official reporters b,y theState Senate for the present session,and four taxpayers . in the State,among whom is Horace D. Taft,

Stamp Specials Y Already 'Much Wrangling and of the Year onbrother of President . Taft, brought20 Stamps with 1 canproceedings before the court, asking Jealousy Among Royalty Over

Precedence in Processionthat an injunction against the pay

Cut Price SpecialsE. C. Com Flakes 3C pkg

HeckeVs Oatmeal. gg pkg

Cream of Wheat J2c pks

Shredded Wheat JOG pkg

Cook's Malto Rice Qq pkg

ment of the fees be granted. Thetemporary injunction granted yester-- 1

day runs until, the first 'Tuesday in TOMMIESMEPfS10c



Powdered Ammonia

20 Stamps with 2 boxes

Parlor Matches

20 Stamps wlthNl cakeBaking Chocolate

September, when the question of a (Special from United Press.London, June 20. The blaringpermanent injunction will come before

the court. bands and flashing uniforms of 65,- -

000 soldiers descended upon London,today, givfhg a decided military tingeFRATERNAL NEWSto the preparations being made forcakes

Here's the Sack Clothingf Go.BANKRUPT STOCKthe coronation. .25c20 Stamps with 7

Laundry Soap15cBO Stamps with 1 packageGrandma's Soap Powder The coming of the soldiers brought

MORNING STAR LODGE, S. OF B.Morning Star lodge, No. 1, S. of B.,

has elected the following officers:Commander. Elizabeth Crossman: ice countless thousands of, sight seers to

the streets and the worst street jamyet experienced resulted! The solcommander, Harry Tiffany; marshal,..35c

...60c30 Stamps with 1 lb Gold Medal Coffee . . . .

lOftStanrps with 1 lb Gold Medal Tea . , . . . .diers marched to the various parks,where they will be iencamped until theend of the week.

Edith Lyon; chaplain, Mary L Lent;inside guard, Edgar H. Wigglesworth ;

outside guard, Joseph H. Beaudry;organist, Florence Smith urst; trustee,18 months, Elizabeth Flannery; repr Another . preparation under way,

today, that savored of actual waresentative to Supreme lodge, Mary times, was the stocking with provis100 Stamps wfth 1 can White Lily; Bak. Powder 45c

20 Stamps with 1 can Pure Breakfast Cocoa. . . 20c ions or noteis ana residences ,witninMalley ;alternate, Mary B. Pulver.The newly elected officers will be in-stalled Monday evening, July 17. s

the coronation area. Owing to theclosing of street traffic and the general suspension of business, June 22

,ST. JOHN'S LODGE. and June 23, it will be practically-I-

offered to you at astounding reductions. It is good clean dependable stock wegive you our word for that and it contains the newest numbers in shirtsieck-wea- r,

gloves and other things necesssary to a man's list of wearables. -

Me bought .this bankrupt stock at immense reductions and we turn it over ,

for your choosing in a like manner. V

THE SALE BEGAN THIS MORNINGIt offers you a full saving of 33 1--3' and in many cases'lBVEN I IORK

Men's $1.00 and $1.50 Shirts at 79c

possible to secure provisions iat thisA stated communication of St.John's lodge, No. 3, A, F. & A. M..will be held tomorrow evening at Ma

time: Hotels, restaurants ana privatehouses are therefore laying in storesas though in anticipation of a ions

Dodo! Food Market & City Bakery' 951 MAIN ST., City Bakery Building sonic Temple, . at 7:30, to confer the siege.Master Mason degree. ,

This evening there will be a meet No such thing as special privilegesing of Corinthian lodge, A. F. & A. will be known on coronation day. This

was Indicated, today, when requestsupon the police by Princes, ' noblesat tne Masonic Temple.and other royalty for special streetNEW TENT. places was refused.

This bids fair to develop a big rowDepartment President Mrs. Nellie D.Orchard of New London, and Depart but Home Secretary Churchill, who is

ex-offic- io head of the police, is standment Guide Annie TUby, assisted bying firmly by the orders for no prethe members of Elias Howe Post, G.1

REPUTATION IS A GREAT BOONBepeciallly if it is GOOD reputation. INVADER COAIi has arcfnrtatlan. ' It is reputed to be the BEST coal sold in the city.Try It! One rial brings a gladsome SURPRISE.

ference. -GOODrr is: A--

R' and Franklin Bartlett Camp,Sons of ' Veters,' will Institute a newtent of the Daughters of Veterans inthis city tonight. The new tent will

Soft Pongee and Soise tteShirts with French cuffs neatBlack and White Dress Shirts,in plain and fancy pleated bos-oms, all made coat style and in-

clude the best makes such as"Mattawan," "Empire,' ' etc.

There will be no. moving picturecommercialism of the coronation. Thfswas decided, today, when perjnissionwas refused to a ( clneamafographcompany, to place a camera inside.i bear the name of Angeline H. Bart-

lett. No. 4. This is to pay tribute Westminster Abbey. The company ofao'- - r0- - to the mother of Senator F. A. Bart fered a huge price for this concessionlett, whose ' father's name is attached but the impropriety as well as thedanger was obvious. '

This will leave Sir Benjamin Stone, Men's 50c and 69c Shirts at 36cto the .camp of the Sons of Veteransof this, city. Miss Margaret Beck andMrs. "Belle Curtlss liave 'organized thenew tent, with a charter membership theoff icial photographer . of parlia

ment, as the only man who will beof 30. Soft Pongee for warm weather wear and neatfancy stripe coat style shirts for dress wear. ' ti

permitted to take a camera inside theabbey and - photograph the historicproceedings. The Crownsr that will beplaced on the royal heads of George

MISS GRACE CLARKE ANDHER STUDENT. PLAYERS and Mary on Thursday, the robes andD,2lhi2grlhi Valley other coronation regalia were taken.The chart for reserved seats ' for

Miss Clarke's plays opened this, morn rrom tne ionaon tower, today, andstored in the strong room of Buck- -ing: at Jackson s Bookship. If you holdREDUCED RATES TO THE WEST tickets for this affair tney can be . ex inghant Palace, where they will beunder special guard until time for Men's 50c .titchanged :any time, between now and.NIAGARA FALLS AND RETURN, SOLD JULY 1, 2 and 3. A . . . their use. . , ; - '$ 10.00 3Friday evening:. Miss .Clarke's ..plays The old question of procedure In Neckwear athave always ; excited the interest ot

Bridgeport and a treats is in store for the coronation procession always88.00105.80 fruitful of wrangling and petty .jeal


.' . . ! .... -



those who . enjoy the best , along--. this ou3ies has broken out at this timei mi . . mline, l nere .win . d iwo -- penonnances, and King George is believed to beone Friday evening and; one Saturday greatly harassed over the problemafternoon at 2:1a., and 10 x. ...... ......... .. xo.50 tentative make up of the coronatio r The well known "Le Mar" Cravats in the newest styles ofexceptionally large lot and choice assortment.

. PRIZE FOR MR. BREEN. procession has been submitted by thesmall army of special envoys, mostof whom are royalties, who" no! soonersaw the arrangements than the proFrancis. J.- - Breen, a Brldgeporter who

ROCHESTER, ACCOUNT G. A. R. NATIONAL ENCAMP3IENT,sold August is, 19, 20 and 21. .- - 10.50

Full tarf6rjjtIon Iry addreBsiaa: '"Si W.- - PRINGLE, N.: E. P. A., 39 Cburcht. " 7

. Street, New Haven, Conn. - Tel. No, 1140 . . .1test strong enough- - in some inhas just passed -- the bar examinations,

was presented with the Parker . prizefor? the best essay on Roman law, inconnection with the exercises at Yale,

stances to be plain straight kicksbegan to pour in. Never were theJealousies, that" lodge In royal headsyesterday.-"- .

.. ,' '

more clearly demonstrated. The Duke: - t of Norfolk, as Earl Marshal of the' POINTS OF INTERESTMen's 25c Suspenders

at 16cempire, is supposed to arrange , theprocession and to have the etiquette' It Will Pay You a pairor tne tning. down so fine that ; misto trade at E. H. Dillon & Col's, 1105 takes are impossible. The Duke andthe King were in consultation, today.Main . street, for your millinery be The "Monarch Brace' for dress wear and ;cause they will save you at least 1-- 2 over this matter. Regardless of their

on the purchase price. , . final decision, there are , sure , to bemany disappointed envoys. Just as " Police ' ' Suspenders for service. :

"' !. , Found!

Wanted: Carpenterswho desirq to equip their tool chest with absolutelythe BEST tools in the world-- - ,

WE HAVE THEM Sf,Henry Disston's famous crosscut and rip saws, Stanley's planes, Back

- Bros. chissels, plumb hatchets Atha Tool Co.'s handles, .Yankee handdrtfls and screw drivers; Jennings' bits; Fray's braces and hand drills.


there were at the funeral of the lateA" hardware store where any Item of King Edward.mechanics tools or household hardware an be '

purchased at a very mod-erate price. A" hardware store' where GEORGE V. THANfCS

BRIDGEPORTERS FOR 'the entire line covering four floors isso classified that the salesmen canpick up at a moments, notice Just thearticle you are looking for. A hard CONGRATULATIONS

f - .......' Men's $1.50 Gloves at

r- - The well known "Adler" Gloves, in,

Tantand BrownMen's and Boys' sizes.

ware store complete in every detailwhere the manufacturer can get his The Rev. Francis V. Atkinson, at"THE DEPARTMENT HARDWARE STORE.'--i v- 1 .supplies in sufficient quantities : to whose pastorate,, the Second Baptistmeet every demand, and the Housewife church, a large ' gathering of formermay purchase the little needful artiManson to English subjects adopted resolutionscles for the home at a great savingLyon-Grumma- iiof time, patience and money. The of congratulation on the approachingplace, corner of .Fairfield avenue and coronation or George V, received --a

FAIRFIELD AVENUE, COR. MIDDLE STREET Middle street, Lyon, Grumman, Man 39c and 49c Underwear atson Company. f

cablegram from London this forenoonIn response to the message forwardeaby action of the meeting at his church"A Good Name is Rather to be ChosenSunday evening. ; . - -

The cablegrani dated . at London,Than great riches" said the "Wise

man. The reputation of an' article orfirm Is the keynote of success. It isthe reputation for superiority of In


25c and 29c Underwear at119c

"White, light-- weight mesh' and Bal-briggan underwear, short sleeve shirtsand short or long drawers. V

Geo. B. Clark & Co. pastorvader coal which has made this pro "Rev. Francis V. Atkinson,

Second Baptist church, - . 1239avenue, Bridgeport:

NObleduct a "talked or commodity in thehome. Housewives not only "speak

Balbriggan and Gauze short sleeveshirts and short and long drawers,whiteand Balbriggan.

"The King desires me to thank you ftfor your telegram and good wishes.

It Is signed by a secretary.well," but enthusiastically of the burn-ing qualities of this famous coal. Theprice is at Its lowest now. Patrick Mc-Ge- e,

269 East Washington ave., Phone3328. KILEY DIED FROM


Maurice Klley, aged 32, living withMen's 10c and 12 l-- 2c Socks at

7c a pairPlainXand fancy cotton and lisle Hose in black

his wife at 1224 Pembroke street, died

THE PRETTIEST FACEand the most beautiful hands are of-te- n

disfigured by an unsightly wart.It can easily be removed in a few dayswithout pain by using Cyrus WartRemover, for sale only at The CyrusPharmacy, " 253 Fairfield avnue and186-Canno- St. . ;

at the Bridgeport ; hospital last nightfrom an overdose of chlorodvne.and StovesDraperies proprietary medicine, 30 drops bfwhich was his prescribed dose. Once and all other colors and fancy figures and stripes.before Kiley took an overdose of medicine when the alloted amount did notappear to be beneficial, and the disregard of instructions resulted in hla


. Guaranteed not ' to injure the skin.Instantly removes Stove Polish, Rust.Grease. Ink, Paint and Dirt. For thehand or clothing. , Large can 10 cents.Manufactured by Wm. R. Winn. 24Stratford Ave. t

immediate recovery.Recently he was taken ill. rDr,

George B. Cowell was in attendance,1057 TO 1073 BROAD STREET, OPP. POST OFFICE

Men's 50c Belts at 36cBlack, Brown, Tan and Gray, all leather.

: Men 25c Belts at 18cBlack, Tan, Brown Leather Belts with metal or

covered buckles. '

The medicine was not working quickenough to suit Kiley. He drained thebottle, lay down and was soon . in--TO- stupor. His wife, called Dr.-Cow-

who summoned the ambulance corpsHe was taken to the Bridgeport hospital. Death occurred at 10 o'clock.

Mr. KHey was a member of StCharles' church. The last rites of thechurch were administered. . The desio.oo Also Pajamas, Night Shirts, Sweaters, TTmbrel las at the most exceptional

reductions. SEE WINDOW DISPLAYceased was employed on the groundsof the U. M. C. Co.



Marguerite Bishop will sail for avisit in; ETyrope, next Satur-- ;THE CRAWFORD WAY? ,

All the clothes for-th- e family washed and lie flat pieces ironed for oneand one-ha- ir cents a piece, providing your wash contains 50 pieces. Ourway saves health, worry and trouble. Telephone and the wagon will call. Former Senator Allan W. Patee. Mrs--- '

Paig and their daughters, Marion andAline, will sailoa-th- e Olympic Jum28. - , .


HOSECotton Hose,rubber lined 9c foot '

Half Inch Rubber Hose 9c footThree ply Hose. . . . lOo, 12c footFive ply IIose; 14c foot

' Seven ply Hose. .... . . 16c footHose Reels, 100 feet hose" $1.00Hose Menders. Hose Pliers,Couplings, Washers, Wires, etc.

TEMSSHOESSIen'3 White Soled Oxfords $1.15Men's P'ack . Oxfords . 75cBoys' Black Oxfords ......65cYouths' Black Oxfords. ... .55cMen's High Shoes, white sole

$1.40Men's Black High Shoes,. $1.00Boys Black High Shoes. ...75c

Telephone 2337 '

Jaycox Rubber Co.

1042 MAIN STREETHead Cannon St.

Mrs. "William" M.f, Terry and niece.:Miss Buxton, of kntilla,- - Cuba, drovrto New London today to attend thI

sun came out, Mr. Bulkley had hisfam team hitched to a large lumberbox and lnvitfd'his guests to take aride to see his 1911 colts. It occu-pied a half hour m which to reach tnapasture, where they saw the sight oftheir lives, 14 marc? each with a foalat her side. The colts as well as theirdams seemed "ieligated" to see thedelegates from Bridgeport, and poeedfor their picture3.

On returning to the house, a lightlunch was proviotd, the main dish ofw; ich was strawberry short cake.The party left the farm about 6o'ek ek and arried back in the PaikCity about 8 o'clock. Mr. Bulkley'sstring for this season is made up ofthe following named horses:

Raffles, Mls3 Anon, Pauline, Arleen,Miss Jay, Roy, Sim Kohl, and theyexpect to leave the farm about June22 for Hohukus, X". J., where liieystart . in their several classes" July 4tn.Nohma, ,2:07 1-- 4, with her 1911 colt ather side, -- was shown separately fromthe others, as she is pastured close atthe farm for safe keeping. !


convention of banking-- interests aKEastern Point, tomorrow. Mr. an4r.ANYTHING IN A STORE THAT IS WORTH



Party of Bridgeporters EnjoyedOuting at Mr. Bulkley's

Stock FarrnFriday morning' of last week an auto

party ,frora Bridgeport was made upof L. D. ' Plumb, I. T. Banks, Dr.Southey, and Messrs. Peck and Scflo-ftel- d

to go to Mount Klsco, N. Y.,v. here they planne 1 to spend the daywith B. A. Bulkley and see his horsesand colts. The run of over 40 mileswas made in one hour and forty min-utes. On their arrival they wereprovided with a fine dinner whichthey did justice to. Mr. Bulkley wasexpecting them and had his trottersand pacers vail groomed for the oc-

casion. Among the horses he workedout for the party over his half miletrack was Miss Jay Pauleen, MissArion, Roy, Haliow Een, Raffels, bimKohl, and several others. The fast-est mile shown was in 2:19 1-- 4. Raf-fels was in ' fine shape but was notworked a mile up to his speed. Theafternoon's entertainment 'was brougntto a sudden close owing tfto a hardthunder shower wnich lasted abouc anhour. When it cleared up and the

AC". J-- . ... - . . .

For the first time in 12 years Ham-ilton Commandery, Knights Templar,of this city will leave Bridgeport forits field day exercises, when on Thurs-day, by special train and with bigstreet parade, the commandery will goto Danbury to be the guests of Cru-sader Commandery of that city, atLake Kenosha.

The Danbury Knights have, selecteda model location for the field day.lhe grounds are on the property, ofthe Danbury Country Club, the wellappointed home of which will be atthe disposal of the visitors. A sheeproast will be served and an entertain-ment has been prepared.

Sir Knight Fred E. Brown has prom-ised that the full Knights Templarband will accompany the pilgrimage.The Sir Knights will report at theasylum at 12:15 in full Templar uni-form. Lines will be formed at 12:30in Bank street, with the right restingon Broad street. The parade willproceed through Broad street to State,to Main, to Gold street, to the station,and at 1 o'clock a special train willleave.

The committee of arrangements in-cludes" Angus H. Mackenzie, chairman.Anker S. Lyhne, John A. Gorham, "W.B. Burnham, Harry F. Parrott, JohnH. ."Wade, Swan B. Brewster..

Let the public know what you have to sell,the columns of " Farmer.' 'through the The cost is

small and the method effective.

Mr. Hall, the cashier of, -- the Pequon-- ?

nock bank, being Jthe' treasurer of thj(Ccnnecticut Bankers. Association.

Mr. and Mrs. ,"H. H". DeLoss of 131

Park Place, will saiJUbn he Caledonlifor Europe, Saturday. ' with theifdaughters, Dorothy, and. Marjorie. 4


The second of a series ladibridge whist games it the Bridgeport 1

Yacht Club will vb vfceid TrfuradayJune 23 at 3 o'clock Th prtz habeen donated by Nathaniel w. Blatuop.


