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BRIEFING AGENDA - Dallas...Your October 3 id agenda includes a briefing on updates to the 2012 City...

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/ . s- <? COD BRIEFING AGENDA October 3 , 20 12 Date (For General Information and Rules of Courtesy, Please See Opposite Side.) (La Informacion General Y Reglas De Cortesia Que Deben Observarse Dur ante Las Asamb leas Del Consejo Mun icipal Aparecen En EI Lado Opuesto, Favor De Leerlas.)
Page 1: BRIEFING AGENDA - Dallas...Your October 3 id agenda includes a briefing on updates to the 2012 City Calendar and the 2013 City Calendar. The briefing materials are attached for your

/ .s-



October 3 , 20 12Date

(For General Informat ion and Rules of Courtesy , Please See Opposite Side.)(La Informacion Gen eral Y Reglas De Cortesia Que Deben Observarse

Dur ante Las Asamb leas Del Consejo Municipal Aparecen En EI Lado Op uesto, Favor De Leerlas.)

Page 2: BRIEFING AGENDA - Dallas...Your October 3 id agenda includes a briefing on updates to the 2012 City Calendar and the 2013 City Calendar. The briefing materials are attached for your

General Information

The Dallas City Council regularly meets on Wednesda~s

beginning at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers, 6th floor, ~Ity

Hall, 1500 Marilla. Council agenda meetings are broadcast liveon WRR-FM radio (101.1 FM) and on Time Warner City CableChannel 16. Briefing meetings are held the first and thirdWednesdays of each month. Council agenda (voting) meetingsare held on the second and fourth Wednesdays. Anyone wishingto speak at a meeting should sign up with the City Secretary'sOffice by calling (214) 670-3738 before 9:0~ a.m. on the r:teetlngdate. Citizens can find out the name of their representative andtheir voting district by calling the City Secretary's Office.

Sign interpreters are available upon request with a 48~hour

advance notice by calling (214) 670-5208 V/TDD. The City ofDallas is committed to compliance with the Americans withDisabilitiesAct. The Council agenda is available in alternativeformats upon request.

If you have any questions about this agenda or comments orcomplaints about city services, call 311.

Rules of Courtesy

City Council meetings bring together citizens of man~ variedinterests and ideas. To insure fairness and orderly meetings, theCouncil has adopted rules of courtesy which apply to ~II

members of the Council, administrative staff, news media,citizens and visitors. These procedures provide:

That no one shall delay or interrupt the proceedings, orrefuse to obey the orders of the presiding officer.

All persons should refrain from private conversation, eating,drinking and smoking while in the Council Chamber.

Posters or placards must remain outside the CouncilChamber.

No cellular phones or audible beepers allowed in CouncilChamber while City Council is in session.

"Citizens and other visitors attending City Council meetings shallobserve the same rules of propriety, decorum and good conductapplicable to members of the City Council. Any person makingpersonal, impertinent, profane or slanderous remark.s or w~obecomes boisterous while addressing the City Council or whileattending the City Council meeting shall be removed fro~ ~he

room if the sergeant-at-arms is so directed by the presidingofficer, and the person shall be barred from furthe.r aUdien~e

before the City Council during that session of the City Council.If the presiding officer fails to act, any member of the City Councilmay move to require enforcement of th~ rules, an.d theaffirmative vote of a majority of the City Council shall require thepresiding officer to act." Section 3.3(c) of the City Council Rulesof Procedure.

Informacion General

EI Ayuntamiento de la Ciudad de Dallas. se reune regularr:nentelos rnlercolesen la Camara del Ayuntamiento en el sexto prsodela Alcaldfa, 1500 Marilla, a las 9 de la manana. Las reunionesinformativas se lIevan a cabo el primer y tercer rniercoles delmeso Estas audiencias se transmiten en vivo por la estaci6n deradio WRR-FM 101.1 Y por cablevisi6n en la estaci6n TimeWarner CityCable Canal 16. EI Ayuntamiento Municipal sereune el segundo y cuarto rnlercoles del mes para tratar asu~~ospresentados de manera oficial en la agenda para su aprobacion.Toda persona que desee hablar durante la asamblea d~1

Ayuntamiento, debe inscribirse lIamando a la SecretanaMunicipal al telefono (214) 670-3738, antes de las 9 de lamanana del dla de la asamblea. Para enterarse del nombre desu representante en el Ayuntamiento Municipal y el distritodonde usted puede votar, favor de lIamar a la SecretariaMunicipal.

lnterpretes para personas con impedimentos auditivos estandisponibles si 10 solicita con 48 horas de anticipaci6n !Iamandoal (214) 670-5208 (aparato auditivo V/TDD). La Ciudad deDallas se esfuerza por cumplir con el decreto que protege a laspersonas con impedimentos, Americans with Disabilties Act. Laagenda del Avuntamiento esta disponible en formatosalternos si 10solicita.

Si tiene preguntas sobre esta agenda, 0 si desea hacercomentarios 0 presentar quejas con respecto a servicios de laCiudad, lIame al 311.

Reglas de Cortesia

Las asambleas del Ayuntamiento Municipal reunena ciudadanosde diversos intereses e ideologfas. Para asegurar laimparcialidad y el orden durante las asambleas, el Ayuntamientoha adoptado ciertas reglas de cortesia que aplican a todos losmiembros del Ayuntamiento, al personal administrativo, personalde los medios de comunicaci6n, a los ciudadanos,ya visitantes.Estos reglamentos establecen 10 siguiente:

Ninguna pesona retrasara 0 lnterrurnpira los procedimientos, 0 seneqara a obedecer las 6rdenes del oficial que preside la asamblea.

Todas las personas deben de abstenerse de entablarconversaciones, comer, beber y fumar dentro de la carnaradel Ayuntamiento.

Anuncios y pancartas deben permanecer fuera de lacarnara del Ayuntamiento.

No se permite usar telefonos celulares 0 enlaceselectr6nicos (pagers) audibles en la carnara delAyuntamiento durante audiencias del AyuntamientoMunicipal.

"Los ciudadanos y visitantes presentes durante las asambleasdel Ayuntamiento Municipal deben de obedecer las mismasreglas de comportamiento, decoro y buena conducta que seaplican a los miembros del Ayuntamiento Municipal. Cualqui~r

persona que haga comentarios impertinentes, utilice vocabulanoobsceno 0 difamatorio, 0 que al dirigirse al Ayuntamiento 10 hagaen forma escandalosa, 0 si causa disturbio durante la asambleadel Ayuntamiento Municipal, sera expulsada de la carnara si eloficial que este presidiendo la asamblea asl 10 ordena. Adernas,se Ie prohlbira continuar participando en la audiencia ante elAyuntamiento Municipal. Si el oficial que preside I.a asambl~a. notoma acci6n, cualquier otro miembro del Ayuntamiento Municipalpuede tomar medidas para hacer cumplir las reglasestablecidas, y el voto afirmativo de la mayorfa del AyuntamientoMunicipal precisara al oficial que este presidiendo la sesi6n atomar acci6n." Segun la secci6n 3.3(c) de las reglas deprocedimientos del Ayuntamiento.

Page 3: BRIEFING AGENDA - Dallas...Your October 3 id agenda includes a briefing on updates to the 2012 City Calendar and the 2013 City Calendar. The briefing materials are attached for your




DALLAS, TEXAS 75201 9:00 A.M.

9:00 am Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance 6ES Special Presentations Open Microphone Speakers VOTING AGENDA 6ES 1. Approval of Minutes of the September 10, 2012 Budget Workshop and the

September 19, 2012 City Council Meeting 2. Consideration of appointments to boards and commissions and the evaluation and

duties of board and commission members (List of nominees is available in the City Secretary's Office)

Briefings 6ES A. Update to 2012 City Calendar and 2013 City Calendar B. CPR Training Lunch Closed Session 6ES Attorney Briefings (Sec. 551.071 T.O.M.A.) - Paz Energy LLC v. Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport Board, et al., Cause No. 153-237052-09 Open Microphone Speakers 6ES The above schedule represents an estimate of the order for the indicated briefings and is subject to change at any time. Current agenda information may be obtained by calling (214) 670-3100 during working hours. Note: An expression of preference or a preliminary vote may be taken by the Council on any of the briefing items.

Page 4: BRIEFING AGENDA - Dallas...Your October 3 id agenda includes a briefing on updates to the 2012 City Calendar and the 2013 City Calendar. The briefing materials are attached for your


A closed executive session may be held if the discussion of any of the above agenda items concerns one of the following: 1. Contemplated or pending litigation, or matters where legal advice is requested of the

City Attorney. Section 551.071 of the Texas Open Meetings Act. 2. The purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property, if the deliberation in an

open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the City in negotiations with a third person. Section 551.072 of the Texas Open Meetings Act.

3. A contract for a prospective gift or donation to the City, if the deliberation in an open

meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the City in negotiations with a third person. Section 551.073 of the Texas Open Meetings Act.

4. Personnel matters involving the appointment, employment, evaluation,

reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee or to hear a complaint against an officer or employee. Section 551.074 of the Texas Open Meetings Act.

5. The deployment, or specific occasions for implementation of security personnel or

devices. Section 551.076 of the Texas Open Meetings Act. 6. Deliberations regarding economic development negotiations. Section 551.087 of the

Texas Open Meetings Act.

Page 5: BRIEFING AGENDA - Dallas...Your October 3 id agenda includes a briefing on updates to the 2012 City Calendar and the 2013 City Calendar. The briefing materials are attached for your


PUBLIC MEETINGS FOR OCTOBER 1 - OCTOBER 15, 2012 Tuesday, October 2, 2012 Civil Service Board 10:00 a.m. City Hall, Suite 1C-South

Page 6: BRIEFING AGENDA - Dallas...Your October 3 id agenda includes a briefing on updates to the 2012 City Calendar and the 2013 City Calendar. The briefing materials are attached for your
Page 7: BRIEFING AGENDA - Dallas...Your October 3 id agenda includes a briefing on updates to the 2012 City Calendar and the 2013 City Calendar. The briefing materials are attached for your


DATE September 28, 2012 CITY OF DALLAS

TO The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council

SUBJECT Update to 2012 City Calendar and 2013 City Calendar

Your October 3id agenda includes a briefing on updates to the 2012 City Calendar and the 2013City Calendar. The briefing materials are attached for your consideration. An item will beincluded on the October 10th addendum for your approval of the City Calendar.

Please contact me if you have any questions or require additional information.

Jeanne ChipperfieldChief Financial Officer

C: Mary K. Suhm, City ManagerThomas P. Perkins, Jr., City AttorneyRosa Rios, City SecretaryCraig Kinton, City AuditorDaniel SoIls, JudiciaryA.C. Gonzalez, First Assistant City ManagerRyan S. Evans, Assistant City ManagerJill A. Jordan, P.E., Assistant City ManagerForest Turner, Assistant City ManagerJoey Zapata, Assistant City ManagerStephanie Cooper, Assistant to the City ManagerJack Ireland, Director, Office of Financial Service

“Dallas — Together, we do it better!”

Page 8: BRIEFING AGENDA - Dallas...Your October 3 id agenda includes a briefing on updates to the 2012 City Calendar and the 2013 City Calendar. The briefing materials are attached for your

City Council Briefing – October 3, 2012

Page 9: BRIEFING AGENDA - Dallas...Your October 3 id agenda includes a briefing on updates to the 2012 City Calendar and the 2013 City Calendar. The briefing materials are attached for your

Review adjustments to November 2012 City Calendar

Review City Calendar for January 2013 through December 2013 ◦ City Council meetings ◦ Council Committee meetings ◦ Budget process ◦ Holidays

Next Steps


Page 10: BRIEFING AGENDA - Dallas...Your October 3 id agenda includes a briefing on updates to the 2012 City Calendar and the 2013 City Calendar. The briefing materials are attached for your

Amend November 2012 calendar ◦ Move City Council meeting from Monday November 12 to

Wednesday November 14 Monday November 12 – Veterans’ Day observed for city wide

parade Wednesday November 14 – required to canvass election results ◦ Cancel City Council meeting on Monday November 26 since it

falls between Thanksgiving holiday and National League of Cities Conference


Page 11: BRIEFING AGENDA - Dallas...Your October 3 id agenda includes a briefing on updates to the 2012 City Calendar and the 2013 City Calendar. The briefing materials are attached for your

Regular meetings of the City Council are typically scheduled on each Wednesday (except 5th Wednesday) ◦ 1st and 3rd Wednesday – briefing meetings typically begin at

9:00 a.m. at City Hall in room 6-E-South ◦ 2nd and 4th Wednesday – agenda meetings typically begin at

9:00 a.m. at City Hall in the Council Chambers ◦ 5th Wednesday – no meeting


Page 12: BRIEFING AGENDA - Dallas...Your October 3 id agenda includes a briefing on updates to the 2012 City Calendar and the 2013 City Calendar. The briefing materials are attached for your

Some City Council meetings have been canceled, moved, or adjusted ◦ January 2 – cancel due to day after New Year’s holiday ◦ March 6 – adjourn by 2:00 p.m. for travel to legislative

reception in Austin ◦ March 13 – cancel due to Spring Recess and National League

of Cities Conference ◦ March 20 – cancel due to Spring Recess ◦ May 8 – cancel week of city elections ◦ July – cancel due to July recess in accordance with council

resolution #90-2673


Page 13: BRIEFING AGENDA - Dallas...Your October 3 id agenda includes a briefing on updates to the 2012 City Calendar and the 2013 City Calendar. The briefing materials are attached for your

Some City Council meetings have been canceled, moved, or adjusted (continued) September 4 – adjourn by 2:00 p.m. for Rosh Hashanah October 9 – move to Tuesday October 8 due to Texas

Municipal League Annual Conference November 13 – move to Tuesday November 12 due to

National League of Cities Conference November 27– cancel day before Thanksgiving holiday December 18 – cancel week before Christmas holiday December 25 – cancel for Christmas holiday


Page 14: BRIEFING AGENDA - Dallas...Your October 3 id agenda includes a briefing on updates to the 2012 City Calendar and the 2013 City Calendar. The briefing materials are attached for your

Economic Development ◦ 1st and 3rd Monday – 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

Housing ◦ 1st and 3rd Monday – 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Budget, Finance, and Audit ◦ 1st and 3rd Monday – 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Arts, Culture, and Libraries ◦ 3rd Monday – 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.


Page 15: BRIEFING AGENDA - Dallas...Your October 3 id agenda includes a briefing on updates to the 2012 City Calendar and the 2013 City Calendar. The briefing materials are attached for your

Economic Development Housing Budget, Finance, and Audit Arts, Culture, and Libraries

1st & 3rd Monday 1st & 3rd Monday 1st & 3rd Monday 3rd Monday (adjusted for cancelations)

9:00 to 10:30 11:00 to 12:30 1:00 to 2:30 3:00 to 4:30

January 7 (Mo) January 21 (Mo) – Canceled due to Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (City Holiday)

February 4 (Mo) February 19 (Tu) – Moved from Monday to Tuesday due to Presidents’ Day (City Holiday)

March 4 (Mo) March 18 (Mo) – Canceled due to Spring Recess

April 1 (Mo) April 15 (Mo)

May 6 (Mo) – Canceled week of city elections May 20 (Mo)

June 3 (Mo) June 17 (Mo)

July 1 (Mo) – Canceled due to July recess July 15 (Mo) – Canceled due to July recess

August 5 (Mo) August 19 (Mo)

September 3 (Tu) – Moved from Monday to Tuesday due to Labor Day (City Holiday) September 16 (Mo)

October 7 (Mo) October 21 (Mo)

November 4 (Mo) November 18 (Mo) – Canceled so that Quality of Life, Public Safety, Transportation & Environment, and Trinity River committees would have a November meeting date

December 2 (Mo) December 16 (Mo) – Canceled week before Christmas holiday 8

Page 16: BRIEFING AGENDA - Dallas...Your October 3 id agenda includes a briefing on updates to the 2012 City Calendar and the 2013 City Calendar. The briefing materials are attached for your

Quality of Life and Government Services ◦ 2nd and 4th Monday – 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

Public Safety ◦ 2nd and 4th Monday – 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Transportation and Environment ◦ 2nd and 4th Monday – 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Trinity River Corridor Project ◦ 2nd Monday – 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.


Page 17: BRIEFING AGENDA - Dallas...Your October 3 id agenda includes a briefing on updates to the 2012 City Calendar and the 2013 City Calendar. The briefing materials are attached for your

Quality of Life and Government Services

Public Safety Transportation and Environment

Trinity River Corridor Project

2nd & 4th Monday 2nd & 4th Monday 2nd & 4th Monday 2nd Monday

9:30 to 10:30 11:00 to 12:30 1:00 to 2:30 3:00 to 4:30

January 14 (Mo) January 28 (Mo)

February 11 (Mo) February 25 (Mo)

March 11 (Mo) – Canceled due to Spring Recess and National League of Cities Conference March 25 (Mo) – Adjourn by 2:00 p.m. due to Passover

April 8 (Mo) April 22 (Mo)

May 13 (Mo) May 27 (Mo) – Canceled due to Memorial Day (City Holiday)

June 10 (Mo) June 24 (Mo) – Canceled due to City Council Inauguration

July 8 (Mo) – Canceled due to July recess July 22 (Mo) – Canceled due to July recess

August 12 (Mo) August 26 (Mo)

September 9 (Mo) September 23 (Mo)

October 14 (Mo) October 28 (Mo)

November 11 (Mo) – Canceled due to Veteran’s Day November 18 (Mo) – Meetings held on 3rd week in order to accommodate other November activities November 25 (Mo) – Canceled week of Thanksgiving holiday

December 9 (Mo) December 23 (Mo) – Canceled week of Christmas holiday 10

Page 18: BRIEFING AGENDA - Dallas...Your October 3 id agenda includes a briefing on updates to the 2012 City Calendar and the 2013 City Calendar. The briefing materials are attached for your

Schedule for development of the FY 2013-14 budget includes:


February 6 Budget Workshop #1: Preliminary outlook

March 27 Public Hearing

May 15 Budget Workshop #2: Preliminary rankings

May 22 Public Hearing

June 19 Budget Workshop #3: Rankings and budget review

August 13 Budget Workshop #4: City Manager’s recommended budget

August 13 to 30 Town hall meetings

August 21 Budget Workshop #5: Topics TBD

August 27 Budget Workshop #6: Topics TBD

August 28 Public Hearing

September 4 Adopt Budget on First Reading

September 10 Budget Workshop #7: Council Amendments

September 18 Adopt Budget on Second Reading

Page 19: BRIEFING AGENDA - Dallas...Your October 3 id agenda includes a briefing on updates to the 2012 City Calendar and the 2013 City Calendar. The briefing materials are attached for your

City recognizes the following holidays:


New Year’s Day January 1

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day January 21

Presidents’ Day February 18

Memorial Day May 27

Independence Day July 4

Labor Day September 2

Thanksgiving Day November 28

Day After Thanksgiving November 29

Christmas Day December 25

Page 20: BRIEFING AGENDA - Dallas...Your October 3 id agenda includes a briefing on updates to the 2012 City Calendar and the 2013 City Calendar. The briefing materials are attached for your

Amendments to the 2012 Calendar and adoption of the 2013 Calendar are scheduled for City Council approval on October 10th addendum

November and December 2012 Calendar January through December 2013 Calendar


Page 21: BRIEFING AGENDA - Dallas...Your October 3 id agenda includes a briefing on updates to the 2012 City Calendar and the 2013 City Calendar. The briefing materials are attached for your


Sun Mon


Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 10Council Committees: Council Briefing9:00amEconomic Development 9:00am11 :OOam-Housing1 :OOpm-Budget, Finance & Audit

11 12 13 14 15 16 17Council Committee Meetings City Council Agenda MeetinigCanceled Moved to November 129:00am

Council AgendaCanceled QiitOave Tesas Municipal League Annual Texas Municipal League Aanual Texas Municipal League Annual Texas Municipal League Annual

Conference — Grapevine, TX Conference — Grapevine, TX Conference — Grapevine, TX Conference — Grapevine, TXVeterans Day Parade

18 19 20 21 22 23 24Council Committee Meetings City Council Meeting Canceled Thanksgiving Day City Holiday September 1 1v RemembranceCanceled Day/Day after Thanksgiving Day

City Holiday

25 26 27 28 29 30Council Committee Meetings City Council Agenda MeetingCanceled Moved to November 26

Council Agenda ggn National League of Cities National League of Cities Narionxl League of Cities National League of CiriesCanceled Qaltciavri Conference — Boston, MA Conference — Boston, MA Conference — Boston, MA Conference — Boxton, MA

Note: Cotmcil Agenda Meetings are held in Council Chambersand Council Briefing and Committee meetings are held in Room 6ES 2012

Page 22: BRIEFING AGENDA - Dallas...Your October 3 id agenda includes a briefing on updates to the 2012 City Calendar and the 2013 City Calendar. The briefing materials are attached for your







Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Note: Council Agenda Meetings are held in Council Chambersand Council Briefing and Committee meetings are held in Room 6ES




National League of CitiesConference - Boston, MA

2 3 4 5 6 7 8Council Committees: Council Briefing Eight Days ot Hanukkah (Begins9:OOam-Economic Development 9:00am at Sundown>11 :OOam-Housing1 :OOpm-Budget, Finance & Audit

9 10 11 12 13 14 15Hanukkah Council Committees: Council Agenda

9:3Oam-Quality of Life & 9:00amGovernment Services11 :OOam-Public SafetyI :OOpm-Transportation &Environment3:OOpm-Trinity River CorridorProject

16 17 18 19 20 21 22Council Committee Meetings City Council Meeting CanceledCanceled

23 24 25 26 27 28 29Council Committee Meetings Christmas Day City Holiday City Counol Meeting CanceledCanceled

Page 23: BRIEFING AGENDA - Dallas...Your October 3 id agenda includes a briefing on updates to the 2012 City Calendar and the 2013 City Calendar. The briefing materials are attached for your


Sun Mon


Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5New Years Day City Holiday City Counal Meeting Canceled

6 7 8 9 10 11 12Council Committees; Council Agenda9:OOam-Economic Development 9:00am11 :OOam-Housing1 :OOpm-Budget, Finance & Audit3:OOpm-Arts, Culture & Libraries

13 14 15 16 17 18 19Council Committees; 1v Semi-Annual Campaign Council Briefing US. Conference of Mayors U.S. Conference of Mayors U.S. Conference of Mayors930am-Quality of Life & Finance Report Due 9:00am Washington, DC Washington, DC Washington, DCGovernment Services Winter Meeting Winter Meeting Winter Meeting11 :OOam-Public Safety1 :OOpm-Transportation &Environment3:00gm-Trinity River CorridorProtect

20 21 22 23 24 25 26Council Committee Meetings Council Agenda Council-Staff Planning Session Council-Staff Planning SessionCanceled 900am 2:00pm 9:00am

Martin Luther King, Jr Day CityHoliday

27 28 29 30 31Council Committees: Fifth Wednesday — No City9:3Oam-Quality of Life & Council MeetingGovernment Services11 :OOam-Public Safety1 :OOpm-Transportation &Environment

Note: Council Agenda meetings are held in Council Chambers and CouncilBriefing and committee meetings are held in room 6ES at Dallas City Hall


Page 24: BRIEFING AGENDA - Dallas...Your October 3 id agenda includes a briefing on updates to the 2012 City Calendar and the 2013 City Calendar. The briefing materials are attached for your


Sun Mon


Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9Council Committees: Council Briefing9:OOam-Economic Development 9:00am1 1 OOam-Housing1 :OOpm-Budget, Finance & Audit Budget Workshop

10 11 12 13 14 15 16Council Committees: Council Agenda9:30am-Quality of fife & 9:00amGovernment Services11 :00amPublic Safety1 :OOpm-Transportation &Environment3:OOpm-Trinity River CorridorProject

17 18 19 20 21 22 23Council Committee Meetings Council Committees: Council BriefingMoved 9.OOam-Economic Development 9:00am

11 :OOam-HousingPresidents Day City Holiday 1 OOpm-Budget, Finance & Audit

3:OOpm-Arts. Culture & Libranes

24 25 26 27 28Council Committees: Council Agenda9:3Oam-Quality of Life & 9:00amGovernment Services11 :OOam-Public Safety1 :00pmTranspor1ation &Environment

Note: Council Agenda meetings are held in Council Chambers and CouncilBriefing and committee meetings are held in room 6ES at Dallas City Hall


Page 25: BRIEFING AGENDA - Dallas...Your October 3 id agenda includes a briefing on updates to the 2012 City Calendar and the 2013 City Calendar. The briefing materials are attached for your




Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9Council Committees: Council Briefing National League of Cities9:OOam-Economic Development 9:00am (Adlourn by 2:00pm) Conference — Washington, D.C11 :OOam-Housing1 :OOpm-Budget, Finance & Audit Legislative Reception - Austin3:OOpm-Arts, Culture & Libraries

10 11 12 13 14 15 16Council Committee Meetings City Council Meeting CanceledCanceled

Council Recess Council Recess Council Recess Council Recess Council Recess

National League of Cities National League of Cities National League of Cities National League of CitiesConference — Washington, D.C Conference — Washington, D.C Conference — Washington, D.C Conference — Washington, D.C

17 18 19 20 21 22 23Council Committee Meetings City Counol Meeting CanceledCanceled

Council Recess Council Recess Council Recess Council Recess Council Recess

24 25 26 27 28 29 30Council Committees: Council Agenda Good Friday9:aOam-Ouality of Life & 9:00amGovernment Services11 :OOam-Public Safety Budget Public Hearing1 :OOpm-Transportation &Environment (Adjourn by 2pm)

PassoverPassover (Begins at Sundown) Second Night Seder


Note: Council Agenda meetings are held in Council Chambers and CouncilBriefing and committee meetings are held in room 6ES at Dallas City Hall

ij 2013


Page 26: BRIEFING AGENDA - Dallas...Your October 3 id agenda includes a briefing on updates to the 2012 City Calendar and the 2013 City Calendar. The briefing materials are attached for your


Sun Mon


Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5 6Council Committees: Council Briefing9:00am-Economic Development 9:00am11 :OOam-Housing1 :OOpm-Budget, Finance & Audit

7 8 9 10 11 12 13Council Committees: Council Agenda 30 Day Before Election —

9:3Oam-Quality of Life & 9:00am Campaign Finance Report DueGovernment Services11 :OOam-Public Safety1 :OOpm-Transportation &Environment3:OOpm-Trinity River CorridorProlect

14 15 16 17 18 19 20Council Committees: Council Briefing9:OOam-Economic Development 9:00am11 :OOam-Housing1 :OOpm-Budget, Finance & Audit3:OOpm-Arts, Culture & Libraries

21 22 23 24 25 26 27Council Committees: Council Agenda9:3Oam-Quality of Life & 9:00amGovernment Services11 :OOam-Public Safety1 :OOpm-Transportation &Environment

28 29 30Early Voting Begins

Note: Council Agenda meetings are held in Council Chambers and CouncilBriefing and committee meetings are held in room 6ES at Dallas City Hall


Page 27: BRIEFING AGENDA - Dallas...Your October 3 id agenda includes a briefing on updates to the 2012 City Calendar and the 2013 City Calendar. The briefing materials are attached for your


Tue Wed Thu

Note: Council Agenda meetings are held in Council Chambers and CouncilBriefing and committee meetings are held in room 6ES at Dallas City Hall





Sun Mon

1 2 3 4

Council Briefing 8 Day Before Election —

9:00am Campaign Finance Report Due

5 6 7 8 9 10 11Council Committee Meetings Early Voting Ends City Council Meeting Canceled Election DayCanceled

12 13 14 15 16 17 18Council Committees: Council Briefing9:3Oam-Quality of Life & 9:00amGovernment Services11 :OOam-Public Safety Budget WorkshopI :OOpm-Transportation &Environment3:OOpm-Trinity River CorridorPrect

19 20 21 22 23 24 25Council Committees: Council Agenda9:OOam-Economic Development 900am11 :OOam-Housing1 :OOpm-Budget, Finance & Audit Budget Fublic Hearing3:OoprmArts, Culture & Libraries

Canvass of Election Results(subject to change)

Call Runoff Election (ifNecessary(

26 27 28 29 30 31Council Committee Meetings Fifth Wednesday — No City & Day Before Runoff —

Canceled Council Meeting Campaign FinanceReport Due

Memorial Day City Holiday Early Runoff Voting Begins (ifNecessary)

Page 28: BRIEFING AGENDA - Dallas...Your October 3 id agenda includes a briefing on updates to the 2012 City Calendar and the 2013 City Calendar. The briefing materials are attached for your

JuneSun Mon


Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


2 3 4 5 6 7 8Council Committees Council Briefing9:OOam-Economic Development 9:00am11 :OoaimHousing1 :OOpm-Budget, Finance & Audit

9 10 11 12 13 14 15Council Committees: Early Runoff Voting Ends (if Council Agenda Runoff Election (if Necessary)9:3Oam-Quality of Life & Necessary) 9:00amGovernment Services11 :OOam-Public Safety1 :OOpm-Transportation &Environment3:OOpm-Trinity River CorridorProject

16 17 18 19 20 21 22Council Committees: Council Briefing U.S. Conference of Mayors U.S. Conference of Mayors9:OOarn-Economic Development 9:00am Las Vegas, NV Las Vegas, NV11 :OOam-Housing1 :OOpm-Budget, Finance & Audit Budget Workshop3:OOpm-Arts, Culture & Libraries

23 24 25 26 27 28 29Council Agenda

Council Committee Meetings 9 OOamCanceled

Canvass of Runoff Election(subject to change)

City Council Inauguration andOther Meetings

U.S. Conference of Mayors U.S. Conference of MayorsLas Vegas, NV Las Vegas, NV


2013,uLt. JuLIInn51rna IL ttIII53Ult Litlu [LI UUILLL LIaLI1uL, atlu UUIII.

Briefing and committee meetings are held in room 6ES at Dallas City Hall I

Page 29: BRIEFING AGENDA - Dallas...Your October 3 id agenda includes a briefing on updates to the 2012 City Calendar and the 2013 City Calendar. The briefing materials are attached for your



Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Note: Council Agenda meetings are held in Council Chambers and CouncilBriefing and committee meetings are held in room 6ES at Dallas City Hall H 2013

1 2 3 4 5 6Council Recess Council Recess Independence Day City HolidayPer Resolution 90-2673 Passed Per Resolution 90-2673 PassedAugust 22. 1990 August 22, 1990

7 8 9 10 11 12 13Council Recess Council RecessPer Resolution 90-2673 Passed Per Resolution 90-2673 PausedAugust 22, 1990 August 22, 1990

Ramadan (Begins at Sundown> Ramadan

14 15 16 17 18 19 20Council Recess Council RecessPer Resolution 90-2673 Passed Per Resolution 90-2673 PassedAugust22, 1990 August22, 1990

2 Semi-Annual CampaignFinance Report Due

21 22 23 24 25 26 27Council Recess Council RecessPer Resolution 90-2673 Passed Per Resolution 90-2673 PassedAugust 22, 1990 August 22, 1990

28 29 30 31

Page 30: BRIEFING AGENDA - Dallas...Your October 3 id agenda includes a briefing on updates to the 2012 City Calendar and the 2013 City Calendar. The briefing materials are attached for your



26Council Committees:9:3Oam-Quality of Life &Government Services11 :OOam-Public Safety1 :oOpm-Transportation &Environment

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 10Council Committees: Council Briefing9.OOam-Economic Development 9:00am11 :OOam-Housing1 :00pm-Budget, Finance & Audit

11 12 13 14 15 16 17Council Committees: 900am Council Budget Council Agenda9:3oarn-Quality of Life & Workshop 9:00amGovernment Services11 :00amPublic Safety Presentation of City Manager’s1 :OOpm-Transpottation & Recommended BudgetEnvironment3:OOpm-Trinity River Corridor Budget Town Hall MeetingsProject Begin

18 19 20 21 22 23 24Council Committees: Council Briefing9.OOam-Economic Development 9:00am11 OOam-Housing1 :OOpm-Budget, Finance & Audit Budget Workshop3:OOpm-Arts, Culture & Libraries

25 27 28 29 30 319:00am Council Budget Council Agenda Budget Town Hall Meetings EndWorkshop 9:00am

Budget Public Hearing

Note: Council Agenda meetings are held in Council Chambers and CouncilBriefing and committee meetings are held in room 6ES at Dallas City Hall

I 2013I

Page 31: BRIEFING AGENDA - Dallas...Your October 3 id agenda includes a briefing on updates to the 2012 City Calendar and the 2013 City Calendar. The briefing materials are attached for your


Sun Mon


Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

2 3 4 5 6 7

Council Committee Meetings Council Committees: Council Bnefing Rosh Hauhanah Rosh HashanabMoved 9:OOam-Economic Development 9:00am (Adjourn by 2:00pm)

11 :OOam-HousingLabor Day City Holiday/Cesar E. 1:OOpm-Budget, Finance & Audit Vote to Adopt Budget l ReadingChavez Day

Rosh Hashanah (Begins atSundown)

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Council Committees: 9:00am Council Budget Council Agenda Yom Kippur (Begins at Sundown) Yom Kippur9:30amQuality of Uf a & Amendments Workshop 9:00amGovernment Services11 :OOam-Public Safety September 1 1v Remembrance1 :OOpm-Transportation & DayEnvironment3:OOpm-Trinity River CorridorProject

15 16 17 18 19 20 21Council Committees: Council Briefing9:OOam-Economic Development 9:00am11 :OOam-Houving1 :OOpm-Budget, Finance & Audit Budget Adoption 2d Reading3:OOpm-Arts, Culture & Libraries

22 23 24 25 26 27 28Council Committees: Council Agenda9:3Oam-Quality of Life & 9:00amGovernment Services11 :OOam-Public Safety1 :OOpm-Transportation &Environment

29 30

Note: Council Agenda meetings are held in Council Chambers and CouncilBriefing and committee meetings are held in room 6ES at Dallas City Hall


Page 32: BRIEFING AGENDA - Dallas...Your October 3 id agenda includes a briefing on updates to the 2012 City Calendar and the 2013 City Calendar. The briefing materials are attached for your


Sun Mon


Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5Council Bnefing9:00am

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Council Committees: Council Agenda City Council Meeting Moved to9:00am-Economic Development 9:00am October 811 :OOam-Houaing1 :OOpm-Budget, Finance & Audit Texas Municipal League Annual Texas Municipal League Annual Texas Municipal League Annual Texas Municipal League Annual

Conference —Austin, TX Conference —Austin, TX Conference —Austin, TX Conference —Austin, TX

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Council Committees: Council Briefing9:3Oam-Quality of Life & 9:00amGovernment Services11 :OOam-Public Safety1 :OOpm-Transportation &Environment3:OOpm-Trinity River CorridorProject

20 21 22 23 24 25 26Council Committees: Council Agenda9:OOam-Economic Development 9:00am11 :OOam-Housing1 :OOpm-Budget, Finance & Audit3:OOpm-Arts, Culture & Libraries

27 28 29 30 31Council Committees: Fifth Wednesday — No City9:3Oam-Quality of Life & Council MeetingGovernment Services11 :OOam-Public Safety1 :OOpm-Transportation &Environment

Note: Council Agenda meetings are held in Council Chambers and CouncilBriefing and committee meetings are held in room 6ES at Dallas City Hall


Page 33: BRIEFING AGENDA - Dallas...Your October 3 id agenda includes a briefing on updates to the 2012 City Calendar and the 2013 City Calendar. The briefing materials are attached for your


Sun Mon


Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9Council Committees: Council Briefing9:OOam-Economic Development 9:00am1 1 :ooam-Housing1 :oopm-Budget, Finance & Audit3:OOpm-Arts, Culture & Libraries

10 11 12 13 14 15 16Council Committee Meetings Council Agenda City Coundl Meeting Moved toCanceled 9:00am November 12r

Veterans Day National League of Cities National League of Cities National League of Cities National League of Cities National League of CitiesConference — Seattle, WA Conference Seattle, WA Conference — Seattle, WA Conference — Seattle, WA Conference — Seattle, WA

17 18 19 20 21 22 23Council Committees: Council Briefing9:3Oam-Quality of Life & 9:00amGovernment Services11 :OOam-Public Safety1 :OOpm-Transportation &Environment3:00pm-Trinity River CorridorProject

24 25 26 27 28 29 30Council Committee Meetings City Council Meeting Canceled Thanksgiving Day City Holiday Day after Thanksgiving Day CityCanceled Holiday

Eight Days of Hanukkah (Begins Hanukkahat Sundown)

Note: Council Agenda meetings are held in Council Chambers and CouncilBriefing and committee meetings are held in room 6ES at Dallas City Hall


Page 34: BRIEFING AGENDA - Dallas...Your October 3 id agenda includes a briefing on updates to the 2012 City Calendar and the 2013 City Calendar. The briefing materials are attached for your



Note: Council Agenda meetings are held in Council Chambers and CouncilBriefing and committee meetings are held in room 6ES at Dallas City Hall •1


Sun Mon Tue 147ed Thu Fri Sat

2 3 4 5Council Committees: Council Enefing9OOarn-Economic Development 9:00am11 :OOam-Housing1 :OOpm-Budget, Finance & Audit3:OOpm-Arts, Culture & Ubraries

8 9 10 11 12 13 14Council Committees: Council Agenda9:3Oam-Quality of Life & 900amGovernment Services11 :OOam-Public Safety1 :OOpm-Transportation &Environment3:OOpm-Trinity River CorridorProlect

15 16 17 18 19 20 21Council Committee Meetings City Counol Meeting CanceledCanceled

22 23 24 25 26 27 28Council Committee Meetings City Council Meeting CanceledCanceled

Christmas Day City Hofday

29 30 31
