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  • 8/10/2019 Bright Kids - 20 Jan 2015.pdf


    2BRIGHT KIDSStarSpecial, Tuesday 20 January 2015

    MALAYSIA through the RazakReport, an educationalproposal written in

    956 and named after the thenEducation Minister Tun AbdulRazak, with the goal to reformhe education system, has alwaysnvisioned a national educationystem that guarantees access toplace in school for all children

    egardless of ethnicity or socio-conomic background.

    Current Prime Minister Datukeri Najib Rajak has made itlear that education is a majorontributor to the development ofhe countrys social and economicapital and is a key driver ofrowth in the economy. The

    Malaysian Education Blueprint013-2025 has been painstakingly

    put together with this goal in

    mind.The Blueprint aspires for the

    ducation system to reach a highnternational standard, while the

    National Education Philosophyspires to the holistic developmentf all students. Both are reflectivef Malaysias aspirations to

    prepare students to succeednd thrive in an increasinglylobalised world and develop theountry into a globally recognisedducation hub.

    To achieve this, the governmenthas consistently encouragedmore investment into education.There is also an urgent call by theMinistry of Education (MoE) forhe development of more schools,

    both government and private.Also in line with its focus on

    developing the local educationcene, the government hasnnounced that school fees will

    be exempted from the Goodsnd Services Tax, which will bentroduced in April.

    As a result of these efforts,Malaysian parents are now spoiltor choice when it comes to the

    best education options for theirhildren.

    From government-run publicchools to independently funded

    private schools, there are many

    important facets to considerbefore enrolling your children inany school.

    Public schools

    These schools are run andfunded by the government.lCurriculumSince before Malaysia gained

    independence, the nationalcurriculum was intended to beused as a tool for racial unity.Local schools still aim at trainingmulti-racial pupils in the art ofliving, learning, working andthinking together. This is the onething parents should keep in mind that children in public schoolsare trained to become nationbuilders.

    There is generally more

    emphasis on STEM (science,engineering, technology,mathematics) subjects comparedto the arts, but recent and futurerevamps to the system meanthat a more holistic approach toeducation is on the horizon.lCostThe cost of studying in public

    schools is certainly affordableto most. The school fees arecomparatively low, though parentsshould be prepared to spend alittle more on things like uniforms,books and contributions to theParent Teacher Association.

    Private schools

    Private education organisationsare institutions that are notdependant on the Malaysiangovernment and are fully fundedby the private sector.lCurriculumThese schools generally use the

    national curriculum and the sameassessments as their government-run counterparts. Most schoolsalso offer extra subjects within thesyllabus or offer more assessmentoptions.lTeachingPrivate school teachers

    shoulder far less administrative

    tasks compared to theircounterparts in the public sectoras the schools have a dedicatedstaff of non-teaching schooladministrators.lCostThere is a misconception that

    private education is unbearablyexpensive. Some elite schools mayhave higher tuition fees but inexchange they offer state-of-the-art facilities, high-level securityand small classes where teachersare able to pay undivided attentionto individual students.

    Among parents favouritechoices are Independent ChineseSchools and private religiousschools because of personalpreferences and also theiraffordable school fees. The costof education here is low because

    Chinese and religious schools areusually run on donations made bysocial and political groups, alumniand parents.lInvolvement and interestPrivate schools are accountable

    to the parents who are directlyfunding the schools operations.Therefore, parents can expectto be actively involved in theirchildrens education.

    Besides interest intheir childrens academicperformance, parents are alsoexpected to be in constantcommunication with the schoolsadministration with regards tothe schools management policies,development plans and other


    International schools

    Schools that offer syllabiother than the nationalcurriculum broadly fall under theinternational school category.lCurriculaEmbassy-run schools, also

    known as expatriate schools,are where the curriculum andlanguage are mainly of the nativecountry such as Japanese schools,French schools and Indonesianschools.

    Other than this exception, most

    international schools use Englishas a medium of instruction andoffer internationally recognisedcurriculum such as the CambridgeInternational General Certificate ofSecondary Education (IGCSE) andthe International Baccalaureate.

    Other forms of assessmentavailable, depending on theinternational school, areCambridge InternationalExaminations, Indias CentralBoard of Secondary Education(CBSE), and Cambridge O-Levels.lTeachingOne of the biggest draws of

    international schools is theirreputation for better teachingquality compared to public

    schools. These schools are knownto have very strict hiring policies.

    According to Epsom College inMalaysias deputy headmistressJane Smith, All Epsom teachersare fully qualified teachers withundergraduate degrees andPGCEs (teaching qualifications) ora general Bachelor of Educationdegree for prep school teachers.

    Countries that are recognisedto have the worlds bestperforming education systemssuch as Finland, South Korea andHong Kong know that the qualityof teachers is very important.

    Even Singapore accepts only one

    in eight applicants for teachertraining programmes, who mustas a prerequisite fall withinthe top 30% of the academiccohort based on grades, nationalexams and the teacher entranceproficiency exam.

    Premier international schoolsin Malaysia tend to employ subjectspecialists who have a passion fortheir subject and are able to teachit very well so that the childrensinterest is ignited and their skillsdeveloped beyond their perceivedpotential.

    The international schoolteachers are also requiredto offer more than paperqualifications such as providing

    other opportunities to childrenin dance, drama, adventure andoutdoorpursuits, and music.


    In choosing a school, parentsshould keep in mind what thedifferent schools can offer, whatthey want for their childrensfutures, and what suits their andtheir childrens needs.

    With the many educationoptions available, finding the rightmatch should not be too difficulta task.

    A myriad ofeducationoptions

    PRIVATE religious schools andIndependent Chinese Schoolsdiffer from the majority ofprivate schools in that theydo not offer the nationalcurriculum.

    Independent Chinese Schoolsoffer a combination of thecurricula used in China andTaiwan along with the Malaysiannational curriculum.

    While Mandarin is the mainmedium of instruction, BahasaMalaysia and English are usedextensively in the schools.

    Other than SPM, most of thegraduates from this system alsogo through the Unified

    Exam Certificate (UEC), whichis supervised by the MalaysianIndependent Chinese SecondarySchool (MICSS) ExaminationBoard.

    Parents who chooseIndependent Chinese Schoolsusually believe that learningMandarin will benefit theirchildren as it is the most widelyspoken language in the world.It is also a common belief thatChinese schools train students tobe more disciplined and focusedin their academic life.

    Despite public and manyprivate schools now increasingtheir focus on teachingSTEM (science, engineering,technology, mathematics)subjects, many Malaysianparents still tend to thinkfavourably of Chinese schoolsfor their stronger focus on

    mathematics and science.The Malaysian government

    currently does not recognisethe UEC for entrance intolocal universities though thegraduates are mostly accepted

    at many tertiary institutionsthroughout the world.However, there seems to

    be a ray of hope as The UnitedChinese Schools TeachersAssociation (Jiao Zong)and United Chinese SchoolCommittees Association (DongZong), collectively known asDong Jiao Zong, continue to seeknegotiations with the MoE forthe recognition of the UEC.

    Private religious schoolsin Malaysia as approved bythe MoE almost always offeradditional Arabic languagelessons or are influenced by theArab school curriculum. Themain mediums of instruction areBahasa Malaysia and Arabic.

    Students are expected totake the Ujian Penilaian RendahAgama Islam (PRAI) or PenilaianSekolah Rendah Agama (PSRA)at primary school level and theSijil Menengah Arab or SMA forsecondary level assessment.

    Knowledge of Islam, includingIslamic history, philosophy,social studies and even economy,are given an emphasis at theseschools. Graduates of this typeof school most often continuetheir tertiary studies in MiddleEastern countries such as Egyptand Saudi Arabia.

    The private school route

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    StarSpecial, Tuesday 20 January 2015 BRIGHT KIDS 3

    Building on afoundationof excellenceL

    AST year was an eventful yearfor Epsom College in Malaysia(ECiM). Beginning its very

    first term in September, ECiMecorded an enrolment of nearly50 students from an application

    of 300.ECiM held its grand opening on

    December 1 last year, graced byhigh profile dignitaries, includinghe Mayor of London, Borisohnson, together with Tunku Ali

    Redhauddin Ibni Tuanku Muhriznd Tunku Zain AlAbidin Ibni

    Tuanku Muhriz from the Royalultanate of Negri Sembilan.

    Students of the fully fledgedbranch campus of the mainEpsom College in Surrey, UnitedKingdom, are able to pursueknowledge in a safe, secure andpurpose-built 50-acre (20.23ha)ampus in Bandar Enstek, Negriembilan.

    Paving the way

    Its only our first term andlready we are proving to beforce to be reckoned with,

    says the headmaster of ECiM,E.M. George, in Epsoms officialnewsletter.

    Within a month of its firstintake, ECiM was able to boastabout producing a world-classathlete.

    One of its student, RikiShinozuka, competed with topAsian Elite athletes and Olympiansto take a spot among the top threefor South-East Asian countriesduring the 4th Asian Beach Gamesheld in Phuket.

    The British teaching facultyfocuses on being world-classleaders in education.

    This is evident in the state-of-the-art facilities and highlyqualified, experienced British-educated teachers.

    A history of excellence

    For a more thoroughexperience of British education,students may also opt to join theinclusive, family-oriented andsupportive boarding culture thatis nurtured by a dedicated and

    experienced UK boarding housestaff 24 hours a day.

    The Epsom House systememphasises superior pastoral care,character building and leadership.

    Epsom has been the breedingground for academic excellencefor the past 159 years and haspromised to continue this legacy.

    In recent years, more than 91%of Epsom students were gradedA*/A-B in the IGCSE examinationswhile more than 83% weregraded A*/A-B in the A-Levelsexaminations.

    Building dreams

    Students are proud to be part of

    the worldwide-acclaimed Epsomfamily, whichever campus theychoose to study in.

    Tan Sri Dr Tony Fernandespredicts a future where thechildren of Great Britain come indroves to study in the Malaysianchapter of Epsom.

    A previous Epsomian himself,the founder of the AirAsia Groupis dedicated in bringing aboutmany positive changes such asinnovation of infrastructure anda global exchange of talents,students and faculty between thetwo nations.

    nFor more information, visitwww.epsomcollege.edu.my Students at ECiM enjoy many activities.

    ECiM focuses on being world-class leaders in education, providing high-quality teaching to its students.

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    Bringing science to lifeMATT van Leeuwen and Dr Chua Hui Yen arethe husband and wife founding team of the

    Science Bridge Academy (SBA), a companythat set out to transform the way studentsexperience science education.

    We aim to bridge the gap betweenscientific theory and applications to instilinterest in science at a young age. This willmake students more aware of what they canachieve through science and consider thedifferent career paths available.

    SBA is doing its bit to educate the nextgeneration of bright scientists in Malaysia.

    It offers thematic workshops andsupplementary science classes for studentsaged between five and 17.

    The focus of the thematic workshops is onscience enrichment while the supplementaryscience classes aim to support and guidestudents through their academic journey,particularly in exam years.

    Some of SBAs programmes are licensedfrom Singapore and have been successfullyimplemented in schools since 2002.

    With themes such as Crime SceneInvestigators, Escape from Takutea Island,The Plant Whisperer, and James BaneSecret Agent: The Mexican Escapade, thecompany is seeking to differentiate itselffrom the rest by combining science andstorytelling.

    Last year, SBA launched its workshopsin international schools in Malaysia and

    recently opened a science centre.The centre has a full-fledged science

    laboratory with state-of-the-art equipmentthat accommodate physics, chemistry, andbiology experiments.

    The centre has been designed to be afun environment for children to be in. SBAbelieves that it is important for students to beable to learn in a relaxed environment, whichoften means going beyond a traditionalclassroom environment.

    The laboratory has also been designedto promote teamwork and hands-onexperiments.

    Our trainers and facilitators are our mostimportant assets. We are very selective aboutwho we bring onboard.

    Our trainers possess an in-depthunderstanding on how to conduct complexscience experiments as well as greatcommunication skills.

    We are happy with our team now but areconstantly looking for new talents to helpgrow the company, says Dr Chua.

    SBA is located on the first floor ofThe School @ Jaya One, Malaysias firstenrichment mall.

    It runs supplementary science classesfrom Monday to Friday and thematicworkshops on weekends.

    nFor more information, visitwww.sciencebridgeacademy.com

    4BRIGHT KIDSStarSpecial, Tuesday 20 January 2015

    Science Bridge Academy provides a fun learning environment in which children can learn science.

    Make the most of your new school yearA

    Sstudents, we often find ourselvesmaking resolutions to do well inschool at the start of the new school

    erm only to succumb to the same oldhabits year after year. Falling short of

    unrealistic expectations could lower yourpirits and motivation, causing you tonever realise your true potential. Instead,ry to work towards these four things;hey could be just what you need to boost

    your academic performance and overallatisfaction with your education.

    dentify your ambitions andmotivations

    Many of us may have harboured disdainor school at some point in our lives. Many

    may have also thought of going to school aschore or a waste of time.

    These feelings were probably fuelledby a lack of motivation and intrinsicunderstanding of the true purpose of yourchooling.

    It can be helpful to remind yourself thatducation is not only necessary in elevating

    your standard of life, but also essential inelf-development.

    Additionally, consider your ambitionsnd what you want to do as a career after

    you graduate.This will help align your focus and give

    you a clearer picture of why it is importanto do well in school. Identifying with a

    purpose and connecting to it can be apowerful motivator.

    Stay focused and organised

    Once your focus is established, you willbe able to plan your next steps. Consideryour priorities and set both short and longterm goals that fit your vision. Stayingorganised may seem like a daunting task atfirst but once you get a hang of it, you will

    find yourself worrying less and doingmore.

    Organising your homework and revisionhours will allow you to get more done inless time.

    This proper allocation will allow you tostudy consistently without having to cramat the eleventh hour.

    Strike a balance

    The adage All work and no play makesJack a dull boy may be clichd but it doeshold some truth. Working too hard at the

    same thing will tire you out, which is why itis important to create a healthy balance inyour life.

    In fact, immersing yourself in otheractivities you love will help fuel yourpassion for life as a whole.

    Do not hold yourself back fromplaying a sport or picking up a musicalinstrument. Your school life should includeextracurricular activities or after-schoolprojects that you enjoy spending time on.

    A good balance of activities will helpshape you into an all-rounder with arenewed zeal for everything you do.

    Participate in class

    Involvement is essential for an enrichinglearning experience in the classroom.Paying attention and asking questions willallow a comprehensive understandingof the subject while taking note of thequestions and answers in class may provideclues to the topics you will be tested on.

    Do not be afraid to ask questions, nomatter how trivial they may seem to you,as enquiry is a critical part of the learningprocess.

    Taking notes in class is also a good habitto have as you can always refer to yournotes later or use them for revision.

    Active participation is essential for an enriching experience in the classroom.

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    StarSpecial, Tuesday 20 January 2015 BRIGHT KIDS 5

    CONFIDENCE and languagekills have always gone hand-n-hand. Since 1980, Lorna

    Whiston has helped studentsdiscover their voice andonfidence with the Englishanguage.

    With interactive classeshat engage students skills in

    istening, speaking, reading andwriting in English, students

    re groomed to develop theirwn voice and confidence inommunication.

    Children between the ages ofour and six can attend intensiveanguage classes at Lorna

    Whiston. These programmes forpre-schoolers encourage the all-ound academic, social, physicalnd emotional development of

    young children to ensure thathey get the best possible starto their education in the Englishanguage.

    Intensive languageprogrammes at Lorna Whistonplace significant emphasis

    n the development of earlyeading and writing skills.

    With a wide range ofesources, including books,nteractive learning games andducational computer software,ach child will grasp thessential foundations of literacy

    At Lorna Whiston, children develop their language skills using a wide range ofesources such as books and interactive learning games.

    and numeracy.Children are also encouraged

    to express themselves anddevelop their natural creativeflair through arts and craftactivities, music and drama.

    Lorna Whiston also offers awide range of weekly Englishlanguage courses that are

    approved by the MalaysianMinistry of Education.

    The courses cater to studentsaged four to 17 and includeEnglish language developmentand extension, public speaking,and speech and drama.

    All new students areassessed to ensure that they areappropriately placed in classesbased on their capabilities andskills. All classes are taughtby fully qualified and highlydedicated teachers from Europe,North America and Australia.Mastering any language is adynamic process that requiresa multi-faceted approach toensure students maintain their

    momentum and interest indeveloping their language skills.

    Lorna Whiston is currentlyopen for enrolments.

    nFor more information, call03-7727 1909 (TTDI) or 03-41473229 (Taman Melawati)

    Developingconfidence early

    Eat your way to successMOST kids these days havebusy, active lives. Theyspend hours in school

    ollowed by co-curricularctivities or private classes suchs tuition, arts or sports classes.

    To absorb information andperform well in every aspect

    f their learning, children needo consume a certain amountf food from each level of the

    ood pyramid on a daily basis tomeet their nutritional needs.Good nutrition is essential

    o the optimum functioningf a childs growth and

    development throughout hisormative years.

    Children require optimalnutrition every day to stayhealthy and ensure proper

    rowth.Without adequate nutrition,

    kids are easily exhausted, haveheir immunity compromisednd may even have their

    mental and physical growthmpaired to some extent.

    Here are a few suggestionso ensure that your active kidets all the nutrition he needs.

    Plan ahead

    If your child has a tightschedule, plan ahead to ensurethat you serve him propermeals before he heads off to hisnext activity.

    Choose healthy recipesand list the ingredients youneed before heading to the

    supermarket. Preparing the rawingredients ahead of time beforecooking them will make you a moreefficient cook.

    Remove processed food andfast food from your familymenu

    For many parents, buying

    fast food on the run or servingprocessed food is a convenientthing to do.

    These types of food not only lackthe vitamins and minerals required

    by children to be healthy, mostof them also contain unhealthyadditives.

    These include preservatives,flavouring and colouring that canpotentially cause health problems.

    Prepare snacks in bags

    Instead of junk food or processedfood, you can provide your childwith healthy snacks.

    These can include cereals,sandwiches, fruits and veggie sticksthat he can easily carry.

    These snacks can be easilyprepared and packed in lunch bagsor containers.

    Nutritious snacks can provideyour child the energy he needs at

    his own convenience.

    Feed your child a goodvitamin supplement

    Giving your child a good dailymultivitamin that includes omega-3fish oil is a great way to ensure thathe gets all the essential nutrientsthat his body and brain needs.

    A good multivitamin supplementcombines 16 types of essentialvitamins and minerals.

    One with brain-boosting fish oilcan help kids maintain adequatelevels of essential nutrients in theirbody as they grow and develop.

    Besides vitamins and minerals,omega-3 (DHA) is also an importantnutrient for children as it promotesoptimal brain function, eye healthand a healthy behaviour.

    nThis article is contributed byNatures Way.

    A balanced diet isessential to ensure achilds healthy growthand development.

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    6BRIGHT KIDS StarSpecial, Tuesday 20 January 2015

    Optimising thelearning processI

    N the fast-paced world of electronicmedia, social networking is aphenomenon that has become a way of

    ife, especially for the younger generation,with most communication channels beingn English.

    This is why it is important to developood English language skills as early in lifes possible in the areas of writing, reading,istening and speaking.

    Cambridge English for Life (CEFL)provides high-quality, practical, vocationalnd professional English language trainingor children and adults.

    It gives learners a firm grounding in theEnglish language, which culminates in theCambridge English Language AssessmentExams.

    CEFL offers courses for both juniornd secondary level learners at a range of

    different levels to optimise the learningprocess.

    Junior English (JE) is offered at two

    levels for pre-schoolers and Young LearnersEnglish (YLE) is mainly aimed at primaryschool learners, which leads to theCambridge English Language AssessmentYLE Exams, namely Starters, Movers andFlyers.

    With emphasis on the four core languageskills (listening, speaking, reading andwriting), courses are conducted usingmeaningful and stimulating activities in afriendly environment.

    At secondary level, courses are designedto teach and assess learners command ofEnglish from elementary to advanced levels,covering all four language skills as well asgrammar and vocabulary.

    Each new learner takes an initialplacement test upon registration todetermine their current language ability.Upon completion of this test, they areplaced in a class that matches their level aslessons are based on level rather than agefor more effective learning.

    All materials provided and used in theclassroom are sourced from the UnitedKingdom. They are designed to ensurethat students not only have high-qualitymaterial to refer to but also gain a broad,cultural, educational experience.

    This enables them to have a clearerunderstanding of the uniqueness ofmeaning in the English language.

    nFor more information, call 03-7883 0912,e-mail [email protected] or visitwww.cambridgeforlife.org

    ambridge English for Life (CEFL) helps develophildrens English language skills through differentevels of learning.

    THE growth of the InternationalBaccalaureate programme is linked to thegrowth of international schools, whichincreased rapidly in number during the20th century.

    In an aim to promote the latest ineducational thinking and advancing

    from rote-based national systems, threemain forces shaped the development ofthe International Baccalaureate DiplomaProgramme (IBDP):

    Pragmatic The need to provide aschool-leaving diploma that would facilitateuniversity entrance and be recognised indifferent countries.

    Idealistic The desirability of promotinginternational perspectives that wouldencourage international understanding andpeace.

    Pedagogical The promotion of criticaland creative thinking skills and learninghow to learn.

    The International BaccalaureateOrganization (IBO) aims to developinquiring, knowledgeable and caring youngpeople who help to create a better andmore peaceful world through interculturalunderstanding and respect.

    To this end the IBO works with schools,governments and other internationalorganisations to develop challenging andrigorous international education andassessment programmes.

    These programmes encourage studentsacross the world to become active,compassionate and lifelong learners whounderstand that other people, with theirdifferences, can also be right.

    An IB learner is required to study sixsubjects from different subject areas to gaina breadth of educational experiences.

    Three subjects are to be studied at higherlevel and three at standard level. The higherlevel courses are more demanding but The IBDP creates active lifelong learners.

    Developing the holistic learnerallow learners to specialise more in subjectswhere their interests or abilities lie.

    The IB Learner Profile is a set of learneroutcomes that consists of 10 learner profileattributes.

    IB learners strive to be inquirers,thinkers, risk-takers, communicators,

    knowledgeable, principled, open-minded,caring, balanced and reflective.Nexus International School (NIS) chose

    the IBDP as the programme provides aclose match to the schools values. Theschool seeks to foster independent learning,internationalism and be at the cutting-edgeof curriculum development.

    Furthermore, NIS IBDP graduates havebeen accepted at prestigious universitiesworldwide.

    The school is now open for applicationsfor this years IB programme that startsin August. There will be an IB Taster Dayheld on the Jan 21, which is open to allprospective studentslooking to start theIB Diploma in August.

    The IB Taster Day will provide anopportunity for parents and potentialstudents to see what the school has to offerand experience the style of IB Diplomalessons.

    nFor more information, e-mail Arvindarat [email protected]

  • 8/10/2019 Bright Kids - 20 Jan 2015.pdf



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    +Knowledge retention


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    - Awesome teachers withUni Science degrees

    Register now: 011-37008385


    StarSpecial, Tuesday 20 January 2015 BRIGHT KIDS 7

    Technology to enhance educationS

    INCE its inception more than20 years ago, Q-dees hasestablished more than 140

    entres nationwide.Q-dees holistic pre-school

    ducational experience has beencclaimed for providing cutting-dge programmes that are highlyffective in instilling a passion forearning and establishing moral

    values as well as igniting a strongense of curiosity in young minds.

    Staying true to its ethos,Q-dees pre-school programmesre fun-filled and conductedn a stimulating and dynamicnvironment and taught by highly

    dedicated and loving teachers.The programmes are

    distinctive as they integrate theatest teaching methodology andechnology to deliver lessonshat are unique to the Q-deesxperience.

    There are three programmeshat are incorporated into the pre-chool syllabus Fliptec, Beamind

    Foundation and Q-dees Love toLife.

    Each syllabus focuses onpecific areas, thus providing a

    holistic educational approach tompower young minds and buildsolid learning foundation.

    These programmes have beenpecifically formulated throughnnovative and dynamic researchhat are globally benchmarkednd spearheaded by Q-deesesearch and development centren Cyberjaya.

    These revolutionary pre-

    school programmes are a resultof Q-dees dedication to oneobjective to augment childrensholistic development during thesevital formative years.

    Fliptec utilises the FocusLearning Imaginative Playtechnology, which is highlyeffective in stimulating learning,concentration, recall andunderstanding.

    Beamind Foundation isuniquely designed to stimulateintelligence by empoweringcreative and logical thinking

    as well as enhancing languageproficiency.

    Q-dees Love to Life is aprogramme that nurtures theunderstanding of love, kindnessand other essential moral values.

    Customised and highlyeffective teaching tools have beendeveloped to make learning fun,including songs, dance, animation,rhymes, poetry and stories.

    This enables a greater rangeof learning every day, a higherrate of absorption, improvedattentiveness and the ability

    to apply lessons learned in theclassroom into real life situations.

    Q-dees Fliptec@Q and BeamindFoundation programmes aregeared towards the mastery ofEnglish, Bahasa Malaysia andMandarin.

    Students will be equippedwith the knowledge of speaking,reading and writing in theselanguages and practise theirlanguage skills daily.

    Letting your childrenexperience technology firsthandat an early age will prove to be

    an added advantage and enhancetheir learning skills.

    As children have shorterattention spans, the inclusion ofattractive visuals and appealing

    audio into the lessons usingmultimedia facilities andanimation engages children andpromotes interaction during eachlesson.

    The exclusive e-reader offeredunder the Beamind Foundationprogramme has successfullyinstilled a reading culture inchildren.

    The e-reader books aredeveloped meticulously andgraded with specific vocabulary tomaximise word identification andfluency.

    In addition to hardcopy books,students are also able to accessthese readers online whileperforming independent readingat home, which gives parents theopportunity to participate in theirchilds reading.

    Over the years, Q-dees pre-schools in Malaysia have seenmore than 200,000 students passthrough its doors.

    It continues to strive and deliverthe best in pre-school educationand meet international standardsof education while also nurturingvalues that empower lifelonglearning.

    Registration is now open forentry in 2015.

    nFor more information, call 1700815 077 or visit www.q-dees.com

    Q-dees incorporates fun-filled learning in its cutting-edge pre-school programme.

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    8 BRIGHT KIDS StarSpecial, Tuesday 20 January 2015

    Ontario curriculumoffers diverse opportunities

    CANADA is one of the mostsocially diverse nations inhistory, and the Ontario

    econdary School curriculumffered at Sunway Internationalchools (SIS) is testament to this.IS motto of Nurturing Minds,

    Building Character resonateswith both Malaysias and Canadasmulti-cultural and inclusiveocieties.

    SIS prides itself on a studentpopulation representing morehan 30 countries in everyntake as well as a faculty of fully

    Canadian-certified teachers whohave taught all over the world.

    School life at SIS mirrors alobal microcosm that drawsrom real-life examples andhe latest technology tools tonhance the delivery of one of the

    most respected and sought-afterurriculums of today.

    Pioneering efforts

    SIS is the only educationalnstitution in Malaysia toffer the Ontario (Canadian)econdary School curriculum.IS commenced its operations inanuary 2008 at its new campus in

    Bandar Sunway.Inspired by the excellent

    cademic achievements oftudents in the Canadiannternational Matriculation

    Programme at Sunway College,IS established the completeecondary school spectrum from

    Ontario.A member of the Sunway

    Education Group, which is ownednd governed by the Jeffrey Cheahoundation, SIS is the alma matero students from more than 30ountries, including Singapore,

    Indonesia, South Korea, Japan,China, Canada, Russia, the UnitedStates, Australia, Germany, theUnited Kingdom and India.

    Student-centred curriculum

    The Ontario curriculum at SIS

    focuses on students continuousdevelopment with formativeassessment that is current andconsistent, enhanced by thepervasive use of technology instudents learning.

    After completing Grade 11,students have the option to

    progress to the Ontario Grade12, offered in Sunway Collegeas the Canadian InternationalMatriculation Programme (CIMP)and graduate with the OntarioSecondary School Diploma.

    The flexibility of the Ontariocurriculum also enables SISstudents to be eligible for otherpre-university foundation andmatriculation programmessuch as A-Levels and AustralianMatriculation (AUSMAT).

    Learning in SIS focuseson students as individuals,developing their ability to thinkreflectively, inquisitively andabove all, to be life-long learners.Every student has a specific skillthat he or she can harness andbuild upon.

    SIS curriculum is delivered inan environment that is conduciveto learning that will inspirestudents to participate activelyand showcase their best efforts.

    Opening of a new campus

    The much-anticipated secondcampus of SIS at Sunway Iskandaris scheduled to welcome newstudents in 2017.

    The SIS Sunway Iskandarcampus is designed to integrateand highlight its natural

    The Ontario (Canadian) secondary school curriculum offered by SIS develops

    reflective and inquisitive learners.

    landscape, emphasisingthe schools importance onenvironmental preservation.

    Academic offerings willinclude pre-school, primary,and secondary levels of educationbased on the Ontario curriculum.

    SIS Sunway Iskandar is acandidate IB World School andonce approved, will offer theInternational BaccalaureateDiploma Programme (IBDP) for itsupper secondary students.

    Distinctive qualities

    The new campus willcontinue to feature much of itspredecessors distinctive qualitiesin Bandar Sunway. It will be amodern and contemporary schoolthat offers some of the industrysfinest in international curriculumsand have a teaching staff thatis experienced, committed andpassionate.

    It will employ an approach thatis hi-tech with effective adoptionof educational technologies as wellas hi-touch with strong emphasison the development of soft skills instudents.

    nFor more information on theJanuary intake, call 03-7491 8070or visit www.sis.sunway.edu.my
