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Bringing lasting benefits to people in towns€¦ · The multiple benefits of urban and community...

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Trees Matter! Bringing lasting benefits to people in towns
Page 1: Bringing lasting benefits to people in towns€¦ · The multiple benefits of urban and community forestry are strongly advocated in the Countryside Agency's joint vision with Groundwork

Trees Matter!Bringing lasting benefitsto people in towns

Page 2: Bringing lasting benefits to people in towns€¦ · The multiple benefits of urban and community forestry are strongly advocated in the Countryside Agency's joint vision with Groundwork

Trees are an important part of our natural life support system: theyhave a vital role to play in thesustainability of our towns and citiesand we need to take better care ofthem, both now and in the future.

Until quite recently, the values we attached totrees and woods were very straightforward. Inthe countryside they produced timber and somehabitat for wildlife, whilst in the towns they werevalued almost entirely for the way they looked.

Now there is a growing recognition that trees and woods can provide a whole range ofmultifunctional contributions to environmental,social and economic sustainability.

Trees and woods help to improve the quality oflife for the millions of people who live and workin urban areas, and since ours is among the mosturbanised societies in the world, the UK is a verygood place to show how the urban forest cancontribute to sustainable development.

The multiple benefits of urban and communityforestry are strongly advocated in the CountrysideAgency's joint vision with Groundwork Thecountryside in and around towns1, whichhighlights the importance of multifunctionality ingreenspace planning, a principle that is nowbeginning to be widely recognised.

Why we need more trees in towns and cities

Trees Matter! provides a comprehensivereview of the benefits which can come from urbantrees and woods. This is supported by reference toscientific research from around the world. Sincethe first edition was published in 1998 there hasbeen some increase in the UK evidence base, butthe majority of references are still from overseas,suggesting that we need to take the study of ourown trees and woodlands much more seriously.

Most people agree that trees are a good thing,and yet we see them starved of natural food andwater, damaged at their roots by earthworks,felled for development, casually vandalised orinsensitively pruned. Many of the most significanttrees in our towns and cities were planted morethan a century ago, so although this living legacyis wonderful, it is under serious pressure and insteep decline. With care, we can continue toenjoy it for a few years yet, but we also need anextensive programme of replacement planting toprovide the trees and woodlands for the futurethat will match the vision of the past.

Trees Matter! has been produced by theNational Urban Forestry Unit (NUFU) inpartnership with Trees for Cities and withfinancial support from the Landscape, Access andRecreation division of the Countryside Agency,the Rees Jeffreys Road Fund and the Office of theDeputy Prime Minister.

We cannot afford to lose the benefits that treesand woodlands bring to those who live and workin towns. Please use Trees Matter! to persuadeas many people as possible that we must act nowto make sure there will be a thriving urban forestfor future generations to enjoy.



Page 3: Bringing lasting benefits to people in towns€¦ · The multiple benefits of urban and community forestry are strongly advocated in the Countryside Agency's joint vision with Groundwork

Page 4–5A more moderate climate:The shelter and shade from trees can save up to10% of the energy needed to heat and coolnearby buildings. They also reduce the effects ofair pollution and make outdoor spaces muchmore comfortable.

The leaves and twigs of trees slow down the rateat which rainwater hits the ground and this helpsto reduce the likelihood of localised flash flooding.

Trees absorb carbon dioxide as they grow and thecarbon that they store in their wood helps toreduce the rate of global warming.

Page 6–7Healthier lives:By filtering polluted air, reducing chemical smogformation, shading out harmful solar radiationand providing an attractive, calming setting forrecreation, trees can have a positive effect on theincidence of asthma, skin cancer and many stressrelated illnesses.

Page 8A more successful local andregional economy:Trees help to create jobs and increase productivityand innovation. They encourage inwardinvestment and can increase property values byup to 18%.

Page 9Land stabilisation andreclamation:Tree roots help to bind the soil together andprevent erosion. Some trees can also clean upcontaminated land.

Page 10Useful products:Even in towns, trees yield traditional productssuch as timber, fruit and horticultural mulch,whilst renewable non-fossil fuel, high-valuechemicals and pharmaceuticals may be the woodproducts of the future.

Page 11Richer and more accessiblewildlife:Trees play a vital role in the urban ecosystem, byhelping to support a great variety of wildlifewhich people can enjoy close to home.

Page 13Enhanced landscape qualityTrees and woods can bring out the best in anarea’s local character. They provide a sense oflong-term stability and a living link between thepast, the present and the future.

Trees soften the landscape of hard-edged townsand cities, making them greener, more comfortableand more attractive.

Page 14More sustainable communities:The landscape is the place where people meet.When communities play an active part in caringfor their local trees and woods, this helps to buildmore confidence and shared enjoyment.

Trees and woodlands make a very positive contribution tosustainable urban living. What ismore, investment in well-managedgreenspace can deliver manydifferent benefits at the same time.Trees in towns can improve publichealth whilst also moderating thelocal impact of climate change,boosting wildlife and reinforcingthe distinctive character of a place.Here are just a few of the reasonswhy Trees Matter! They canprovide the following multi-functional benefits for people:

Summary ofbenefits


Page 4: Bringing lasting benefits to people in towns€¦ · The multiple benefits of urban and community forestry are strongly advocated in the Countryside Agency's joint vision with Groundwork

A better localclimate

Carbon dioxide is one of the world’smajor greenhouse gases. As treesgrow they absorb and store thecarbon in their timber, makingforests important in the fight toreduce the rate of global climatechange. However, since it takes awood the size of a football pitch toabsorb the carbon emissions of anaverage person in the UK2, this rolefor trees in towns will always bestrictly limited.3 Efficient use ofenergy and transport offer moresubstantial opportunities for thosewho live and work in towns tolessen their effect on climatechange. Nevertheless, all extra treesare valuable and their role inabsorbing carbon is certainlysymbolically important.

A belt of woodlandcreates a more shelteredenvironment over adistance of up to 20times its height

There is much more immediate benefit to be gained from the contribution that trees in towns can make to improving climate at alocal level. People want to live and work incomfortable surroundings and trees andwoodlands help to moderate the local climate.This seems likely to become increasinglyimportant since scientists are predicting farmore extreme weather patterns, increased riskof winter flooding and a greater likelihood ofsummer drought. Here are some of the ways inwhich trees help to moderate the local climate:

ShelterTrees slow down wind speeds substantially 4, and so help to shelter urban open spaces. Theyalso help to reduce air turbulence, especiallyaround buildings, making towns and cities morecomfortable for people. This is especiallyimportant for the elderly and the very young.The shelter from trees and woods in towns alsoreduces the heating and air-conditioning costs ofbuildings. This can save as much as 10% ofannual energy consumption, and cut down theair pollution caused by burning fossil fuels.5

Cooling the airAs trees lose moisture from their leaves, thesurrounding air is cooled. This, coupled with theshade they cast, and the heat reflected upwardsfrom their leaves, significantly reduces summerair temperature in towns.6


Page 5: Bringing lasting benefits to people in towns€¦ · The multiple benefits of urban and community forestry are strongly advocated in the Countryside Agency's joint vision with Groundwork

Flash-flood protectionThe canopy of the urban forest plays a valuable role in moderating rainstorm impact.The rain is intercepted by the leaves and thenevaporates or drips more gradually to theground. This lessens the likelihood of flash-flooding and helps to conserve ground water.7

Using trees in towns as part of sustainable urbandrainage systems (SUDS),8,9 is a self-sustainingand cost-effective storm-water managementstrategy which should be used to complementmuch more expensive hard-engineering options.The study of a river catchment in south-eastNorthumberland estimated the value of existingwoodlands for flood alleviation at around£1,200 per ha. This figure is based on savings tothe engineering costs of flood control.10

A study conducted by the organisation AmericanForests estimated that a 20% loss of trees andother vegetation in the Atlanta metropolitanregion would produce a one billion cubic footincrease in stormwater run-off.11 It wascalculated that it would cost at least $2 billion tobuild containment facilities capable of storingthat quantity of excess water. This provides astrong argument for retaining and planting treesin cities.

Another American organisation, Tree People, hasstudied the impact of urban forestry onstormwater management12 and air quality in thecity of Los Angeles. Here, new woodland is beingcarefully positioned within urban river catchmentsin order to optimise its impact on stormwaterrunoff.13

Urban flooding isincreasing with climate

change. The softerelements of the landscape

can provide sustainableflood protection

The tree canopy acts as a natural ‘umbrella’,with leaves and twigsslowing the rate atwhich rainwater reachesthe ground


Page 6: Bringing lasting benefits to people in towns€¦ · The multiple benefits of urban and community forestry are strongly advocated in the Countryside Agency's joint vision with Groundwork

Stress and a lack of physicalexercise, polluted air and ultra-violet solar radiation all causesignificant damage to the health of the nation. The trees and woods in towns can help to reducethese problems considerably in the following ways:

Cleaner airThe UK Government estimates that more than24,000 people die prematurely each year as a result of air pollution.14 When the fine sootyparticles known as PM10s are carried into thelungs they have a tendency to make chronicdiseases such as asthma and bronchitis worse.The canopies of trees act as a physical filter,trapping dust and PM10s on the surface of theirtwigs and leaves. They are also very effective forfiltering other toxic particles such as lead.15 Thetrees of Chicago, USA have been shown toremove 10.8 tonnes of PM10s on an averagesummer's day.16 Whilst a study in the WestMidlands, UK, suggests that doubling tree coveracross the region would reduce the concentrationof fine PM10 particles by 25%. This could prevent140 air pollution related premature deaths in theregion every year.17

Gases such as carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogendioxide (NO2) and sulphur dioxide (SO2) are knownto cause respiratory problems and can alsoincrease sensitivity to allergens. Trees absorb thesegases through their leaves. In the GreenwoodCommunity Forest, near Nottingham, it has beenestimated that the existing woodland reducesconcentrations of SO2 and NO2 in the air by 4%-5%.18

Healthier lives


Air pollution is a majorpublic health issue andtrees trap and absorbcertain pollutants veryeffectively

At street level ozone (O3) is a smog-forming gaswhich is produced when vehicle exhaust fumesare exposed to strong sunlight. Ozone can irritatethe lungs and aggravate symptons such ascoughing and chest pain. When concentrationsare high it can also sting the eyes, nose andthroat.19 The cooling and shading effect of urbantrees helps to reduce the rate of ozoneproduction.20

Noise reductionNoise pollution is a major cause of stress and treescan reduce the problem in two ways. Firstly, if abelt of trees is dense enough it can reduce noiselevels by as much as 6-8 decibels for every 30metres width of woodland.21 This can be cheaperand more attractive than an earth mound, noisebarrier or fence.22 Secondly, there is evidence thatsimply hiding the source of some kinds of noisecan make them seem less intrusive and in thesecircumstances the visual screening effect of treescan also be significant.23

ShadeExcessive exposure to the sun is being seenincreasingly as a serious threat to health. Thethinning of the protective ozone layer, coupledwith more extreme local weather patterns, isbeing linked to the increased incidence of skinmelanomas - now the most rapidly increasingform of cancer in the UK.

The dappled shade of trees provides a usefulbarrier to this harmful ultra-violet radiation, aswell as reducing heat-induced stress amongstpeople and animals. Provision of adequatesummer shade is seen as particularly important incar parks, in school grounds 24 and aroundretirement homes.

Page 7: Bringing lasting benefits to people in towns€¦ · The multiple benefits of urban and community forestry are strongly advocated in the Countryside Agency's joint vision with Groundwork

Encouraging physical exerciseIn an increasingly sedentary, vehicle-boundsociety, lack of physical exercise is a very seriousthreat to public health. It is directly linked to suchissues as heart disease and diabetes, whilst ageneral lack of mobility increases the risk of fallsand fractures, particularly in old age. A well-treedurban landscape is more sheltered, morestimulating, and more likely to encourage localjourneys on foot or bike, thus making activeoutdoor exercise more enjoyable. Since the air isalso less polluted when filtered by trees, physicalexercise is made healthier still.

The growing national concern with obesity andother exercise-related health problems in the UKhas stimulated a number of initiatives includingBTCV’s Green Gym. This programme encouragespeople to stay fit by undertaking practicalconservation work such as tree planting.33

Walking the Way to Health (WHI), 34 an initiativeof the Landscape, Access and Recreation divisionof the Countryside Agency, promotes the healthbenefits of regular brisk walking. These includeimproved weight control, extended life expectancyand reduced risks of coronary heart disease,strokes, diabetes, high blood pressure, bowelcancer and osteoporosis.

The cost of physical inactivity to the economy hasbeen estimated at £8.2 billion in England.35 Urbangreenspace can make a cost-saving contribution tothe National Health Service and the wider economyby providing a safe and stimulating setting forphysical exercise. These benefits can be verysignificant. For instance, the public’s activity in apark in Portsmouth has been estimated to save thelocal economy £4.4 million each year.36


Shade is increasinglyimportant for protectionagainst harmful solarradiation

Green surroundingsmake regular exercisemore enjoyable andbeneficial

Emotional well-beingThe popular belief that people feel better ingreen, leafy surroundings is now supported by agrowing amount of scientific evidence. The stressof life in urban Britain is a very significant factor inthe health of the nation, and many people find agreen environment more relaxing. Urbanresidents suffering from stress have been shownto experience less anxiety and insecurity whenthey have a view of trees, and the physical signsof stress such as muscle tension and pulse rateare measurably reduced within as little as 3 to 4minutes of a stressed person moving into leafygreen surroundings.25 26 27 28

Hospital patients with a view of greenery havebeen shown to recover more rapidly, and requireless pain-killing medication than those who onlyhave a treeless view of buildings.29 These findingsare echoed in two studies of prisoners whooccupied cells with or without a natural view.There were fewer complaints of illness amongthose inmates with a green outlook.30 31

Tree related therapyTrees also have a more active role to play intherapy. Tree and woodland-related activitiessuch as fruit-picking, basket-making and plantpropagation are used to develop dexterity andco-ordination, and the therapeutic benefitappears to be made all the greater because of thecontact with natural materials and living plants.32

Page 8: Bringing lasting benefits to people in towns€¦ · The multiple benefits of urban and community forestry are strongly advocated in the Countryside Agency's joint vision with Groundwork

The local and regionaleconomy


Managing the urbanforest provides direct

employment for local people

Direct employmentPeople are employed as nursery workers,landscape and arboriculture contractors and tree officers in the production, planting andaftercare of trees and woods in towns. There isalso an increasing amount of work for those such as rangers, educational play leaders andconservation officers who help local communitiesto gain the maximum enjoyment from the woodson their doorsteps.

Best value greenspacemanagement Much of the open space in towns is managed as close-mown grass. This tends to be poorlyused and expensive to maintain. Developingwoodland as an alternative to grassland reduces maintenance costs whilst providingrecreational open space which benefits a widerrange of people. 39 40

Inward investmentA tree-rich urban landscape is increasinglyrecognised as an important requirement forsuccessful modern businesses. It is thereforeimportant to care for the established trees,but the environmental advantage can bestrengthened further by planting temporarywoodland on vacant development sites. Thishelps to screen unsightly land and greatlyimproves the image of industrial areas which areundergoing urban renewal.41 An attractive greenenvironmental setting can also deliver secondaryeconomic benefits in the form of increasedcommercial rents and local tax revenues.42

Property valuesSeveral studies, in North America and morerecently in the UK, have shown that average houseprices are between 5% 39 43 and 18% 44 82 higherwhere property is associated with mature trees.

People are attracted to live, workand invest in green surroundings, soa commitment to the trees andwoods in towns is a very cost-efficient way of underpinning thelocal and regional economy.37 38

Some people will be employeddirectly in expanding and managingthe urban forest, but greeninfrastructure has a more significanteconomic role to play in creating a stimulating working environment,improving the health of theworkforce and attracting inwardinvestment.

People will pay apremium for property inan attractive well-treedneighbourhood

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Improvingdifficult urbanland


Where this land is contaminated, particularly withheavy metals such as lead, zinc or nickel, sometrees are capable of absorbing the pollutantsthrough the process of phytoextraction. Byrepeatedly felling and removing the timber, thelevel of contamination can gradually be reduced.47

At the same time, the movement of pollution byleaching and erosion is slowed down.

One of the simplest and most effective rolesthat trees in towns can play is as a living screen. Arelatively narrow belt of trees around theboundary of a bare development site can make itmore attractive prior to building, improve theprospects for regeneration and provide a greenand pleasant backdrop when the land eventuallybecomes a built development.

Land is at a premium in the UK, andin the most heavily populatedregions there is a long history ofusing, abusing and then reusing it.Some trees have a remarkablecapacity for growing in hostileconditions. If chosen wisely andplanted at a young and adaptableage, then they can bring wastelandback into productive use.

Soil stabilisationTree roots help to bind and stabilise the soil andthis, combined with the effect the leaves andbranches have on reducing the impact ofrainstorms, helps to lessen the rate of soil erosionand downstream sedimentation. This physicalprotection brings significant economic benefits forhighway drainage and wastewater management.Studies in Maryland, USA, have shown that theannual sediment yield from treeless urban areaswas as much as 1 000 times greater than that fromwooded urban areas - 50 000 tonnes compared to50 tonnes per square mile.45

Land reclamationMany towns and cities have areas of derelict and degraded land - a legacy of past industrialdevelopment, waste disposal and mineralexploitation. Establishing trees and woodlandon this wasteland is a practical and very cost-effective option46 which can greatly improve theappearance of derelict sites, enhance theirvalue to wildlife and make them an asset forrecreation.

Adopting an ecologicalapproach to theplanting of trees resultsin cost- effective,sustainable greening

Derelict industrial land isoften colonised quite

naturally by trees

Page 10: Bringing lasting benefits to people in towns€¦ · The multiple benefits of urban and community forestry are strongly advocated in the Countryside Agency's joint vision with Groundwork

FoodTrees can successfully produce fruit such as pears,apples, plums and cherries in the UK and they canalso yield crops of nuts. Wines and syrups canalso be manufactured from the bark and sap ofspecies such as birch and maple, and urban treessuch as lime and sycamore are important tobeekeepers for local honey production. The fruittrees in domestic gardens, allotments and schoolorchards may not be economically significant, butthey provide a valuable source of locallyharvested fresh food. This is frequently grownorganically and eaten by those who cultivate andgather it. In our urban society that experience isincreasingly important.

Chemical extractsTannins, dyes and turpentine have been extractedfrom trees for centuries, whilst over 20 species ofBritish trees and shrubs are known to possessmedicinal properties.51 Yew shoots, for instance,are being harvested commercially as a source ofthe cancer drug taxotere.52 Now, new technologyis making it possible to extract far more of thechemical constituents of timber, for use in themanufacture of solvents, plastics, adhesives,preservatives and fibres. So far, there is very littletradition of extraction from the urban forest, but inthe future this may offer a more attractivecommercial proposition.

Useful products

Fruit, charcoal andwoodchip are just three of

the products that can comefrom trees ain towns


Although timber production hasso far been of little commercialsignificance in the urban forest,there are various by-products,such as charcoal, woodchip andgreen waste compost which areplaying an increasingly importantpart in the economics of urbanforestry management.

Timber and wood products85% of the timber used in the UK is imported.48

Trees in towns can yield both timber forconstruction and very high quality fine woods forfurniture, crafts and even veneers, but thequantities are always likely to be small.

Woodchip and bark are increasingly used as a soil-covering mulch in landscape schemes and for thesurfacing of children's play areas. Compost isincreasingly in demand as an alternative to peatand is being produced from municipal greenwaste. The process is improved by the addition ofshredded waste wood prunings and autumnleaves. Barbecue charcoal from UK urbanwoodlands is now available commercially.

Renewable energy cropsConcern about pollution from fossil fuels andradioactive nuclear waste is leading to increaseddemand for renewable sources of fuel. Fastgrowing wood biomass crops of willow are onesuch developing source. Some of these biomasscrops are being planted in urban areas, close to theenergy end-users.49 Wood energy cropping canprovide local jobs and a local fuel supply and it alsohas the potential to provide an interim productiveuse on land zoned for eventual built development.Waste wood chip produced as a by-product of themanagement of urban trees is increasingly beingused to provide heating in wood-fuelled boilers.50

Page 11: Bringing lasting benefits to people in towns€¦ · The multiple benefits of urban and community forestry are strongly advocated in the Countryside Agency's joint vision with Groundwork

Enjoyable accessto wildlife

Re-establishing vegetationAll vegetation is of some benefit to wildlife.However, native plants which have beenestablished locally for a long time are known tosupport greater numbers of invertebrates andthese in turn support more birds and othercreatures.55 56 Favouring native species of treesand shrubs in new planting tends to encouragemore wildlife.

Increasing biodiversityDifferent kinds of wildlife will thrive in differentkinds of woodland. For example, whilst youngpioneer thickets of seedling birch and willoware extremely valuable for summer birdmigrants such as warblers, the dense scrubwoodland of hawthorn and blackthornprovides important cover for songbirds and arich supply of food for berry-eating wintervisitors such as redwings and fieldfares.57 Long-established ancient woodland is much morelikely to contain the hollow trees and standingdead timber needed by species such as bats,wood-boring beetles, tawny owls andwoodpeckers.58 59 60 The structure of a woodlandis also influential, with tree canopy, shrub layer,

ground flora and leaf litter all favouringparticular species of plants and animals 61 62 andthere is wildlife value in isolated ancient trees,as well as those which form a part ofwoodlands. Fallen logs and branches provideimportant habitat for insects and fungi.63

Public enjoymentUrban woodland is, by definition, very close to where most people live and work. It offersparticularly convenient opportunities forenvironmental education and popular pastimessuch as bird-watching53 and it also generates a great deal of the wildlife which people enjoy intheir private gardens.64

It is not always necessary to have direct physical access in order to enjoy woodlandwildlife. People can be satisfied simply byknowing that wildlife exists around them,65

and undisturbed sanctuary areas can increasewildlife populations for the adjacentneighbourhood.66 67

Much of Britain’s native wildlife has its origins inthe natural broadleaved woodland of the BritishIsles. As a consequence, the trees and woods intowns provide extremely successful habitats.They support a great diversity of popular wildlifeand an opportunity for people to enjoy natureon the doorstep.53

A complement to other wildlife habitatsThe greatest diversity of wildlife tends to befound where woodland, wetland, grassland andother habitats are interwoven. The woodlandprovides shelter, screening, seclusion andreduced disturbance. Many species depend on acombination of open glades and woodlandcover54 and the woodland in towns can providea strategic link between one natural greenspace and the next.

Concern for nature conservation is reflected in the Government’sBiodiversity Action Plan and isreaffirmed by various internationalconventions and conservationpolicies. Wildlife is also enormouslypopular with the general public,with over 2 million members of thevarious UK nature conservationcharities and a huge market for wildlife related products such asbird-feeders, nest-boxes, booksand binoculars.

Many popular garden birds are actually woodland species. They thrive in the urban forest

Trees can complement amosaic of other habitats


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Page 13: Bringing lasting benefits to people in towns€¦ · The multiple benefits of urban and community forestry are strongly advocated in the Countryside Agency's joint vision with Groundwork


Many of the UK’s most prestigiouslandscapes would be transformed if

they lost their trees

Our cultural links with treescrop up everywhere

Many studies have confirmed the public’s preference for urbanlandscapes with a rich tree cover. 68

The greenness of the UK’s townsand cities is part of the country’sappeal to tourists, and it is an aspectof environmental quality which is apositive influence in encouraginginward investment. In new builtdevelopment there has been amove in recent years towards themore careful conservation ofexisting trees and woodland as away of increasing the value of newdevelopment and of reinforcinglocal landscape character.

The softening effect of treesTrees and woodlands help to soften andcomplement the built environment, making itgreener and more attractive. This is particularly thecase where new planting is integrated into theestablished urban forest as part of the designprocess for new built development, transportcorridors and other elements of urbanregeneration. The beneficial impact of trees andwoods is greatest where development is plannedso trees can dominate the skyline.

Trees as a link with the pastTrees can live for centuries, and many older trees have important cultural or historicalsignificance to individuals, local communities and,sometimes, even to the population as a whole.69 Itis particularly important to identify and respect theveteran trees in any landscape.70

There is a long tradition of using landmark trees as boundary markers, meeting places orprominent specimens. The role of trees in civicdesign is an important aspect of the British urbanheritage, with trees used in formal avenues and asa complement to significant buildings. It isimportant for the cultural past to influencedecisions about the future.

Reinforcing local distinctivenessTrees can strengthen the distinctive local characterof a place. The natural trees and woodlands of anarea tend to reflect the local climate, soils and landform. They help to create a sense of continuity andtimelessness which can counter the uniformity ofso much new development, encouraging greaterpride amongst local people.


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Public involvementPeople gain a great deal of satisfaction fromgrowing and planting trees, caring for them andsharing that experience with others. As Trees forCities have experienced through their Trees forLondon project, a strong sense of ownershipdevelops between individuals and their personaltrees, vandalism is often greatly reduced, and thesense of individual and communal achievementbuilds confidence. Success with trees can help toencourage people to deal with other sharedaspects of the sustainable communities agenda.71 72

Popular landscapesA major reason for people valuing woodlands isthe sense of tranquillity and enclosure which theycreate, but at the same time this can also prompta perceived threat to personal safety. Researchinto public perception of urban fringe woodlandsshows that many of these fears can be alleviatedby designing and managing the woodlandlandscape to include open structure, good sightlines and waymarking.73 74 Employing the servicesof rangers, play leaders and voluntary wardenscan make the woodland more popular andreduce the sense of insecurity for those who visit.75

By far the most popular individual recreationalactivity in the UK is relaxing out of doors.76

Traditionally, many of the people who live or workin towns enjoy their recreational ‘countryside’experience in parks, public recreation grounds and informal urban wildspace. Trees andwoodlands greatly enhance this experience, withthe added environmental benefit that there is noneed to use transport in order to get there.

EducationTrees and woodlands can be used as aneducational resource. It is possible to relate themto the national curriculum and to use them inteaching a wide range of topics, from biologyand geography to maths, languages, art anddesign.77 Children (and adults) also learn throughplay, adventure and exploration. Easy access totrees and woodland provides an invaluablefacility for both formal and informal learning inthe urban environment.

The Forestry Commission’s Forest EducationInitiative provides learning resources which usetrees, forests and forest products. In addition, anincreasing number of Forest Schools are alsobeing established which build self-esteem andconfidence through regular visits to specialwoodland sites. Children learn to appreciatenature, to master tasks of increasing complexityand acquire associated social skills.78

More sustainablecommunities

The quality of urban living isimproved by a close and friendlyrelationship with neighbours.Trees and woods can help tobring people together andstrengthen communities, 66 whilstthe involvement of people in thepractical care of local trees andwoods can help to build astronger sense of 'ownership'and civic pride.

Two satisfied customers in a free garden tree scheme!

Growing and planting trees is a popular way of bringingcommunities together to improve their surroundings

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Trees are an economic bargain, but the benefitsthey bring are difficult to evaluate. Nevertheless,the financial benefits which are clearly attributableto trees will generally far outweigh the cost oftheir planting and continuing aftercare.79

Despite the benefits they bring, the care of treesand woods in towns is seriously under-funded inthe UK. Many mature trees are badly neglected orinsensitively treated, whilst the failure rates fornew planting are often unacceptably high. Thereneeds to be far greater commitment toprofessional aftercare and more encouragementfor local communities to play an active part inlong-term management.

If more people demanded the benefits that can come from healthy trees and woodland ontheir doorstep80 81 then the policy-makers andprofessional practitioners would be much more likely to find new ways of weaving urbanforests into the heart of their activities. We needmore well documented models to add to theevidence quoted here. Most of all we need totake the urban forest much more seriously and toplant the trees and woodlands which will grow toform our legacy for people in the towns and citiesof the next century.

Trees are not an optional extra - theydeserve to be at the heart of policiesfor health, economic regeneration,environmental protection, natureconservation, education andcommunity development. The UKhas one of the most urban societiesin the world, and there is a pressingneed to provide many more people with the benefits that cancome from trees and woodland ontheir doorstep.


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1 Countryside Agency & Groundwork (2005) The countryside in and around towns:A vision for connecting town and country inthe pursuit of sustainable development,Countryside Agency, Cheltenham. Available atwww.countryside.gov.uk/Publications/articles/Publication_tcm2-22090.asp

2 See www.natenergy.org.uk/ co2mment.htm3 Broadmeadow, M & Matthews, R.

(2003) Forests, Carbon and Climate Change:the UK Contribution, Forestry CommissionInformation Note 48, Forestry Commission,Edinburgh

4 Bernatsky A (1978) Tree Ecology and Preservation, Elsevier, Amsterdam

5 Heisler GM (1986) Energy Savings with Trees, Journal of Arboriculture, 12 (5)

6 Huang YJ, Akbari H, Taha H & Rosenfeld AH (1987) The Potential of Vegetation inReducing Summer Cooling Loads inResidential Buildings, Journal of Climate andApplied Meteorology 26 (9) : 1103 – 1116

7 Dunne T & Leopold LB (1978) Water in Environmental Planning, WH Freeman andCompany, San Francisco

8 See www.environment-agency.gov.uk/business/444304/502508/464710/?version=1&lang=_e

9 See www.ciria.org.uk/suds10 Greening for Growth (2003) Business

Case for the Environment Research Study:Summary of Principal Findings, RSKEnvironment Ltd., Helsby

11 Soltis D (1997) Loss of trees increase stormwater runoff in Atlanta, WaterEngineering and Management 144 : 6

12 Lipkis A (1999) Second Nature – Adapting LA’s Landscape for Sustainable Living, TreePeople, Beverly Hills, California.

13 See www.treepeople.org/trees14 H M Government (1998) UK Environmental

Accounts, HMSO, London15 McPherson EG, Nowak DJ & Rowntree

RA (1994) Chicago's Urban Forest Ecosystem :Results of the Chicago Urban Forest ClimateProject, US Forest Service, General TechnicalReport, NE- 186

16 Bradshaw AD, Hunt B & Walmsley T (1995) Trees in the Urban Landscape;Principles and Practice, E & F N Spon

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28 Botkin DB & Beveridge CE (1997) Cities as Environments, Urban Ecosystems 1 : 3 – 19



Page 17: Bringing lasting benefits to people in towns€¦ · The multiple benefits of urban and community forestry are strongly advocated in the Countryside Agency's joint vision with Groundwork

29 Ulrich RS (1984) View Through a Window May Influence Recovery from Surgery,Science Journal 224 : 420-421

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Page 18: Bringing lasting benefits to people in towns€¦ · The multiple benefits of urban and community forestry are strongly advocated in the Countryside Agency's joint vision with Groundwork

69 Pakenham T (1996) Meetings with Remarkable Trees, Weidenfeld & Nicolson,London

70 Read H (ed) (2000) Veteran trees – a guide to good management, English Nature,Peterborough

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72 Shroeder HW (1987) Psychological Value of Urban Trees; Measurement, Meaning,Imagination, In Phillips A F & Gangloff D J(eds) Proceedings of 3rd National UrbanForestry Conference, Chicago, USA

73 ENTEC (1997) Valuing Landscape Improvements in British Forests, ENTEC, Report to the ForestryCommission

74 Burgess J (1995) Growing in Confidence, Countryside Commission, Cheltenham

75 Bussey SC (1996) The Public Perceptions, Uses and Preferences of Urban Woodlands inRedditch, University of Central England,unpublished PhD thesis

76 Countryside Commission (1996) The UK Day Visit Survey, Countryside Commission,Northampton

77 Learning Thorough Landscapes (1996)Using Plants in the National Curriculum,Southgate, Partridge Green, West Sussex

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57 Fuller RJ (1995) Bird life of woodland and forest, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge

58 Kirby KJ & Duke CM (1993) Dead Wood Matters : The Ecology and Conservation ofSaproxylic Invertebrates in Britain, EnglishNature Science No 7 English Nature,Peterborough

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60 Corbet GB & Harris S (eds) (1991)Handbook of British Mammals, 3rd edition,Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford

61 Stearns F (1972) The City as Habitat for Wildlife and Man, in Detwyler R & MarcusMG (eds) Urbanisation and Environment,Duxbury Press, Belmont, California

62 De Graaf RM & Wentworth JM (1986)Avian Guild Structure and HabitatAssociations in Suburban Bird Communities,Urban Ecology 9: 399 - 412

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64 Rohde CLE & Kendle AD (1994) Human Well-Being, Natural Landscapes and Wildlifein Urban Areas : A Review, English NatureScience No 22, English Nature, Peterborough

65 Environmental Resources Management (1998) The Non-Timber Benefits of Treesand Woodland, A report to the CountrysideCommission, unpublished

66 Kaplan R & Kaplan S (undated) The Experience of Nature - A PsychologicalPerspective, Cambridge University Press

67 Johnson CW (1988) Planning for Avian Wildlife in Urbanising Areas in American Desert/Mountain Valley Environments, Landscape andUrban Planning 16 (3) : 245 - 252

68 Hodge JGW (1996) The Values of Trees : A Literature Review of the Non Timber Valuesand Costs of Trees in Britain, The TreeCouncil, unpublished

Published case studies of bestpractice in urban forestryThe National Urban Forestry Unit’s case studies ofUrban Forestry in Practice are a series of bookletswhich describe best practice across the breadthof urban forestry. The case studies and otherNUFU publications can be ordered online atwww.nufu.org.uk.

Useful web sitesAmerican Forestswww.americanforests.org Arboricultural Associationwww.trees.org.ukCABE Spacewww.cabespace.org.ukEuropean Forest Institutewww.efi.fiEuropean Urban Forestry Research &Information Centre www.fsl.dk/euforicForest Research www.forestresearch.gov.uk Forestry Commission, Thewww.forestry.gov.ukInstitute of Chartered Foresterswww.charteredforesters.org International Society of Arboriculturewww.isa-uki.org Landscape, Access and Recreation (LAR)division of the Countryside Agencywww.countryside.gov.uk National Community Forest Partnershipwww.communityforest.org.uk National Urban Forestry Unit www.nufu.org.uk Tree Council, The www.treecouncil.org.uk Tree Linkwww.treelink.org Trees for Citieswww.treesforcities.org USDA Forest Service, Northeastern ResearchStation www.fs.fed.us/ne/syracuse Woodland Trust, The www.woodlandtrust.org.uk



Page 19: Bringing lasting benefits to people in towns€¦ · The multiple benefits of urban and community forestry are strongly advocated in the Countryside Agency's joint vision with Groundwork
Page 20: Bringing lasting benefits to people in towns€¦ · The multiple benefits of urban and community forestry are strongly advocated in the Countryside Agency's joint vision with Groundwork

National Urban Forestry Unit The National Urban Forestry Unit (NUFU) is anindependent charity which works in partnershipwith organisations in the public, private andvoluntary sectors. Its main aim is to help create amore tree-rich environment as an important meansof improving the quality of life for the millions ofpeople who live and work in towns and cities.

National Urban Forestry UnitThe Science Park, Stafford Road,WOLVERHAMPTON WV10 9RT

Tel: +44 (0) 1902 828600Email: [email protected] Web: www.nufu.org.uk

Trees for CitiesTrees for Cities is an independent charity thatplants trees and re-landscapes public spaces inurban areas of greatest need. Its vision is tostimulate a greening renaissance in cities aroundthe world that will impact on global warming,create vital wildlife habitats and beautify the urbanlandscape, as well as encourage greater socialcohesion through the active participation of localpeople. A special effort is made to involve childrenand young people in the projects. The public canget involved by sponsoring trees, registering as avolunteer, enrolling on training programmes andgoing to its dance party fundraisers.

Trees for CitiesPrince Consort Lodge, Kennington Park,

Kennington Park Place, LONDON SE11 4ASTel: +44 (0) 207 587 1320

Email: [email protected] Web: www.treesforcities.org

The Landscape, Access andRecreation division of theCountryside AgencyThe Landscape, Access and Recreation (LAR)division of the Countryside Agency is working withEnglish Nature and the Rural Development Serviceas a confederation of partners. The confederationpaves the way for the creation of a new integratedagency which, once the necessary legislation hasbeen enacted, will have responsibility forbiodiversity, landscape, sustainable managementof the countryside and recreation and access.

AcknowledgementsThis review was researched by the National UrbanForestry Unit and edited by Chris Baines. Itspublication has been made possible thanks to the generous support of the Landscape, Accessand Recreation division of the CountrysideAgency, Rees Jeffreys Road Fund and the Office ofthe Deputy Prime Minister’s Special GrantsProgramme.

Photographs in this publication courtesy of ChrisBaines, the Landscape, Access and Recreationdivision of the Countryside Agency, MidlandsWood Fuel Ltd, National Urban Forestry Unit,Trees for Cities and Woodfall Wild Images.

Partners in thispublication



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