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Bristol News. (Bristol, Tennessee and Virginia) 1873-09-16 ... · severe, latitude being S dcg. 23...

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IU11ST0LNEWS. TUESDAY, SEPKR1EER 16, 1873. I. C. FOWI.KU, i:I I OK AMI IMtOI'It I LTOR. K CMP Bit WITHERS DANIEL. nrnnmiii inn f""""83 gj:x. kkmi'Hik' appoint- ments. JiotPtourt I'incaslle. Friday, Sop-l?inl- or lOtli. V:i!iinj;tiii Abintlon, Monday, liil. KVRNT ami COMMENT- - (Jkv. Mct'ook wns killed a few days since, in a icraonal quarrel in Uaco-tal- i. flow II. 1$. Cook of lle District of Columbia Territory, 1ms revisited, and A. liejiard liaa been ajoiiiled in his (Jo v. Walker's scheme lo liavc ttte "Nation" aniline the debts of the Slates, i id to be ly no i. leans dend, lint is expected to become hiii oiuiiiiuis bill, containing nmre briberies and corruptions tlmn tlie Credit Mobilier. x Friday lat. James LimebauRli, killed Wm. Mon on with a club at Jitiie.-,- ' Mill, on Lick Creek, in (Jrcene County, A Mis. Kenton hns boon arrested as a witness, by which to ;et Kdward litoken out of I lie touibs. She says she ch I led stokes into the Hotel, and that fbe picked up a pistol wliicl) sbe thinks was dropped by Fi.sk. O.n'k John Irving of San Francisco, claims lo have .titled in the murder of Mr. Nathan, the. New York Jew. His story lias Ik-l-- ii disbelieved, and is naid to have been concocted, in order to Kt transportation to N. Y. He liowever afilrms, that with proper uarrantee for his safety, be will pro- duce Nathan' memorandum and Nckct book. He is very indignant, thai his confession is disbelieved. Massachusetts, has by hor Republi-ca- n Couvcntioii, coiideiimed the Salary Steal, and then darned liutler who gt it up. Mrs. Allen, on trial at Staunton for jMiisoning her husband; sent for a mus- ical instrument to ass away the time in jail. Any woman on trial for the murder of her husband, so recently lead, who emild enjoy a musical in- strument is apt to deserve a uoose-ic- al one. Hkrkis pood reading for certain lucky dogs, "one of whom we are not which." Mr. Daniel iiurton of Lynch-hur- K, who recently died at the Green- brier White, has willed $00,000 to his relatives in Tennessee, SOOO each to Jno 11. Hill, and Juo. Miller of Lynch- burg, and about $00,000 to his Nephew, T. II, Ivey. Ca.sti:i.AU has been elected Presi- dent of Spain. .Better pell him cas- - lleair. CJen. i. C. Wharton has been nom- inated for by the Consei valives of Montgemery Co. The Lynchburg Fair will be held on theiMst, 22!id,Vl, and 2lli, of Octo- ber, Hii.TiMORK has had a fire. The St. Nicholas Hotel, and the Holliday Street Theatre are in ashes. Our Lynchburg Insurant and Banking Co., loses (,00; by it, and has doubt- less cashed (he bill before this time. (low McMuliin declines to exchange districts with Hon. Jno. Goode. Co!.. Hughes and Mr. Ilamsdell. were in Itichtijond a few days ago, devising means for raising the wind. There is already a breize in these parts which will raise them before the thing blows over. JknJos. K. Johnson, having been asked by the N. Y. Herald tor his views of Ca'sarisin, replied that as he was not a citiyx't) of the United States, he was not then publishing his politi- cal views. Thereupon !he Jlcrald calls him an iurcconeiluble Deeding reconstruction. Cm- - Alosljy h;s written to the President and tlic 1'ost Master 'General, stating that if the ap- pointment made at his request, were made conditional on his sup- porting the outrageous party head- ed ly Col. Hughe, and now aim- ing to seize control of the State, he would ho pleased to see them cancelled. This is a very proper thing for Moshy to have done, and we presume the FresK dent will be no less honorable, and will let the appointments stand on their own merits. Mosby's head is very level in politics. voux tv o i rc; A XI Z ATI ox. On the first day of the September Court, lctnr !ud inst.; there will be h it lectin)? attheU'ourt House for the purMse of Appointing the County Cominittte, to consist of two members from each township, who shall be charged with the a Hairs and the con- duct of the part y. In view of the importance of the issues involved in the present Cam- paign, it is essential that our most prudent and lest men should conduct our movements, and rcgulat the con- duct of the Campaign in our imme- diate midst. It is therefore desirable, that there shall be a full attendance, jind that the County be fuilv represen- ted. Gen. Kemper, nnd other distin- guished Fpeakers, w ill be present on the day mentioned. The meeting will Iks held immediately before the speak- ing is coinmenciHl Daniel Trigo, Caairman County Committee. Iv. "W. D., aro the symbols of honor and safety in Virginia. Gen. Kemper says Hughes is correct in faying the Va. radicals arc tlie par- ty ol relief, fr they have relieved the people of nearly every thing l hey have. Saml. W. Small, late Editor of the defunct Gecncvillc Skxtixei, i said to have one to Texas. lie left in this town, a Slnall nn- - 1 aid bill lor borrowed paper. e j resume that at a future period, he will be verv r.pt to get up another Sni:ill Scent is elu TREASON The republican Slate Central Committee, at ils session on last Tuesday in Richmond stuck its foot in it, g the "Wash- ington XationalReitwjcan news' paper as the organ of the party in Va. So overboard goes the-Stat- Journal, and the Lynclsbnrg l'rees and losser lights hi the State aic net even noticed. Oh--! the cruelly and ingratitndc of republics and republicans. If Col. Daniels has served hi Gcd with half tlie devo- tion he Iru served Col. Hughes and his party he would not esaw like fail of the Heavenly blessing, and would not need the goat skin glove of the animinictration at Washington to get the hand of Col. Hnsrhes laid on his head. 'IIIK I5ALLOON. The immense balloon of Prof. "Wise, on Thursday last, in the presence of 50.000 people in Brooke lin, parted in the middle ani sen- ding into the heavens an immense pnifotgus, flattened into a huge and rcdiculous failure. Donaldson says the materials were not good-Wis- e says the Executive Committee refused fo be guided by his instruo tion, and tlie scheme is abandoned. Ye men of Brooklin why stand ye gazing up iito heaven ? Alas your gruphic pifttirre of winged man has faded into a coitemptible vis- ion. Um.kss 'Jen. Kemper sliouhl con- sent to speak out of doors on Mon- day next at Abingdon, we can sec no possible chance for him to be heard by the vant concourse of peo- ple which will bo there for that purpose. If the weather should prove good, we hope there will be an adjournment to the grove. A grand Mass Meeting will lie held at Abingdon on . the 21st of October. Hon. Jno. Goode, Judge Cochran, Ex-Go- v. Smith and Maj Strin?fellow have been designated as the orators. Ben. Butler declined to go . np in iTT i i 11 .i. V.. ertheless lie "went up on tnat Rinnr. dav. Tbfi fact is that Ben is " .1.1 . 1 1 : hliTrl to rro nn whenever the moral sense of Massachusetts riees. Mr. Daniel in his Danville speech, properly described Col Hughes' Lynchburg speech as made up of prayers for the colored ' man , .. it niiil .nn- - r-l- - IllO illtf mlTl lift ,uw uiiDLow. mv mHit also have added that, despite this unnatural course he boasted at Warrenton that the blood of the Prestons. Flovds and Johnstons coursed in the veins of his own children. Yellow lever mires with ter rific vio'ence at Sim v .port, La. Tlie town has been deserted al- - most except by the sick, and the rail-roa- ds have stopped their trains from entering the town. There have been COO cases. ThekK vas no I5en Bolt at the Worster Convention, onlv Ben "WocmI if Ben could. Ben simply ate dirt and plcrty of it. Col. Jas. T. Campbell, hs de clined to servo ad Senate rial can vasser for tlio Conservative party, i rj this district. JIis successor has not vet been indicated bv the Ex-- . The files of the llichmond Ex- - aminek during the war, have been purchased by the State, at $250. THE POLARIS SUXK. Tlie Camp of the Crew Found on Littlction Island. Special DeiHlch to the World.) L'isco, ureeniann, August zo Tiie Tigress arrived here yesterday from the North, having discovered tlie camp of the crew of the Polaris at nine P. M. on August 14. There was a heavy snowstorm and ice.pack to the northward. A boat expedition was sent out under command of Lieu tenant-Comman- der White, who found a body Esquimaux in possession of the camp of the Polaris craw. Tbe crew had passed last winter ia this place, where the weather was very severe, latitude being S dcg. 23 min and longitude io deg. 4U nun. west; tncy uuut two wiiaie-ooa- ts ot pieces of the ship. Having made all their preparations, they deserted the ves sel and left for Cape York late in June. The ship was still afloat, moored to the rocks with hawsers; a heavy gale of wind came up about the middle of July and the moorings b oe, the ship cut adrift and sank, the wreck being covered with ice. All the paders were secured, and the Tigress stood south for Cape York, lookiug out for people, but there were no signs human beings. We stopped atteveral settlements to make inquiries, but could learn no news of the Polaris' ciew. It is prob" ab'e they have been taken on board a w haler and goi e to the west side of IiV!ss Straits eccording to custom, The Tlgrcwj sails to day in search of whahrs; all hands are well. The Ju- niata s here and gave us coal. We expect to be in St John's by the mid- dle ol S iptenibcr. Onions and Superstitions. In tlie Scotch Highlands the near est rebit'ves dig the grave while the funeral waits; and throughout both England aud Scotland, a dislike exists against being buried on the north side of the graveyard. It was generallj reserved lor the un oappsed, the excommunicated, and for suicides. The south, direct east and west or near iLe altar were the favorite localities. The peculiar omens regarding the New Year are very singular. It is considered very unlucky to lend any- thing on .New Year's day, aud in many parts of England and Scotland they will not suffer fire or irou to be taken out of the house, la Liucolr and every member of a family brings something into the house be. fore anything goes out ; and they have a proverb lake out, then take iu. bud luck will begin ; but take in, theu take out, aud good luck will come about" In the Isle oi Man they will even throw out ashes or dirty water i-- this day ; aud it would be con-sidir- eJ an unpardonable wrong to .1 sweep the house lrom the heartn to the door. On the 1st of January the b.o iu must work lrom the door to the hearth or year will be an unlucky one. t i ao not need to point the mora of all these fancies. Their folly is universally acknowledged and bowed lo. Yet every thoughtful , enlighten- - ed mind recognizes with gratitude that their lives have fallen in day when the wonders ot science are greater than the wonders of super stition. Nor is this all ; we know that tlie destinies of humanity are in the bosom ol God, aud that "the steps ot a good man are all ordered by Him who doeth all things well aud kind' 'J- To fall or stumble at the bejrmiiing of a week of an noyance, but to fad up stairs if the party did not look behind afterward , was au assurance of a run of success iu busnes. Sneezing to the right hand or be tween midr.iirht and noon was one of the best of all omens: although St Austiu says the ancients went to bed again if they sneezed while putting on their sh-jes- . The Persians regard sueizin" as a very cood sicn, ana if a person has been sick aud sneezes they consider his recovery certain, hence they have a proverb , "He has sneez- - eti thrice, put him out of the hospit al. Ihe fecotch look upon yawning in the same light. Among birds the cook has always enjoyed high honor as a diviner, if he crows ou tlie thieshold of a house some fortunate visistor is coming. In Persia,, however, they kill a cock that crows at an unusual hour ; ai.d in the Southern states they kill a lun. which under any circumsinces, or at any time crows, believing that if this is not done some death m-- the lamily will speedily OGCur. Crows, ravens, hawks are all birds of evil import; but . , i ,i i i : swanows nvering aooiu a I foi etc II cnn.inrr riches. ihe uear a house uodes death. Spiders are alwavs luckv. Plinv says when the M "eJ sPl l,ueau na"8'S roof it is a sign of increasing wealth. Ihe small spiders m bcotlana are called' money spiders. and are never injured or molested. OBITUARY. Mittie Jane L'AMi'nt-LL- . daughter of itev. Z. L. Uui&oii, born May.lst, Ibis, on ... Boon's Creek, '. Waabiugton Tennessee, died at tne lesi- - dunce of her father in UooUi ton Va. at half past oue o'clock A.M., bept. nd, i0,st Was a member of tbe liap- - tist church, sougutaud louud euce through believing in Jesus, in lati: but did. not join tne cnuich until lso7. On iookiug over tbe family record, 1 see that death lias made iuur visls to tbe famiiy every decade of years since lfol', taking tbe motlier, inrst wile) and three sous, and five sons and one daughter by the second w ife, making with the subject ot this notice, twelve deaths since that time. Mittie was es teemed by all who knew her as a gen tle, meek christian woman, hhe w as married to Mr. Jos. fcs. Campbell, l)ec 3d., is?-- ', by and old family friend, the late Itev. U. C. 1 brasher. JL'or some mouth or two before her death she baa u conviction that she would die very soon, and not long before, she told her lather that in a trauce sue nau seen Jesus, angels, aud her mother, and brother U ube, and that ner mother said to her, "be of good cheer Mittie." Her mother, the .daughter ot Mr. Mark Hale of Washington Co. Tenu., w as a devoted christian woman. It fell-t- my lot, iu IHM, at Joueaboro' Ten., io stand by her bedside, aud witness her Leautiiully tranquil aud triumphant passage to the spirit laud. Mittie was not afraid to die tone loved her bible and her church. I find in lier bible at the close of the Old Testa- - meut, the following lines, Finishm! .limn h. ISfiT. June ud 187J. Showing that she was a habitual, sys tematic reader of the V ord ot Ood, fche has left a kind husband, j ust in the prime of his young manhood, in tears, left her father and father's lami ly,' heart sore, under this the twelfth death in the household. May Heaven irrant them all a nlace at last, "in the house not made with hands, eternal iu the Heavens." 1). b, Ooodsod Va., Sept. 10th 8873. Conservative Stats Committee, Itcsoliition Adopted-Matte- rs ot Party Organization. The Conservative State Committee met again at the Exchange Hotel Friday morning, and proceeded to fill as far as possible the lists of Sen atorial aud county canvassers. Sev- eral appointments are yet to be made and that duty Tas delgated to the Executive Committee, who will confer with county committees- - before act- ing. General Kemper Colonel Withers and Mr. Daniel were present, and consulted with the cbmmitte in re. ference to appointments for speak- - The following important resolutious were adopted : Kesolced, That, without at all un. dertaking to interfere with the right of each comity and city by its own local committee to determine its own plan of organization as provided by the State Committee, this committee recommend to the local committees as far as practicable to conform to the phn of organization under w hich the campains of lSG9-'7- 0 was so suc- cessfully conducted. Resolved, lhat the county com mittees be authoized to make ad ditional appointments of county can vassers w hen, in their judgment, it is deemed necessary, and notify the Executive committee of said appoint ments. Resolved, That while the committee expressly disclaims the right or the purpose to interfere in tbe choice of candidates, or in the conduct of local elections, it docs claim the right and declare its earnest purpose not only to throw the whole weight of tlie or ginization agai;bt lladical canidates everywhere, and in accordance with the resolution Unanimously adopted by the State convention to treat bol ters lrom our organization, or op- ponents our candidates in all respect as Ladicals. nesoiced, rnat a eanasser be ap- pointed for the State at large, and that the Ifon. F- - M. T, Hunter, of Essex, be appointed to fill that post tion. Resolved. That until the several cu.es una counties m me state suaii imic u.jjaniwu vuuscimuvc (xiiy in their respective districts, n con- - formifywith the plan of organization nrescribed hv tho Into HnnvPniinn th organizations authorized by the plan of C9 shall be respected and continue to be in lorce. and tte .executive Committee of the State shall exercise the power of perfecting the organiza- - tions in such cities and towns where the same is defective. CANVASSERS AT LARGE. Hox. R. M. T. Hiintek, of Essex. CANVASSERS FOR THE GRAND DIVISION Tidewater Hon Robert L Montague, Hon WW Walker. J'iedmonl Hon Robert Ould, Hon Robert A Cosrhill. Valley Hon A B Cohran, Hon E w M Holliday. SoulhweatIlou Fayette McMuliin, Hon William watts. Soulwide Hon John Goode, Jr., Hon Thomas Stanhope Flouruoy. . CONGRESSIONAL CANVASSERS. First District B T Gunter of Ac-- comac, WR Aylett of King William, b ltzhuuh Lee of btatlord. Second District D J Godwin of Portsmouth. Dr George Rives of Prince George. Judge B W Lacy of New Kent Ihird District W S Oilman of Kicn mond, GD Wise of Richmond, F D Winston of Lonisa. Fourth Distr ict Thomas F Goode of Mecklenburg. P W McKinney of Farinville, Charles StringfeJlow of Pe- - tersbunr. Ffth District Georse C Cabell of Pittsylvania, John Staples of Partrick, Teter Saunders. J r ot t ranKtm. Sixth District AV W Berry of Bed ford, J D Houston of Botetourt. John W Daniel of Lynchburg. Scvcrith Districts II MofTatt of Rockingham. V W Southall of Albe marle, James Bumgardeuer of Agusta. Fight District M Harrison of Lou- doun J T Menefee of Rappahannock, RW Hunter of b redenck. Jfinth District William P Cecil of Tazewell, J W Marshall of Craig, A L Pndemoreof Lee. The following canvassers have been appointed for the Senatorial districts 1st District-Lawren- ce li. Tavlor.of Alextlrria city: Jno. A. Carter of London. 2nd-Willi- am L. Earley, of Madison 3rd-ViHi- am M. Cabell, of Buck ingham. 4th-Pet- er Saunders, of Franklin. oth-- J. T. Kirkpatrick, of Lynch burg. 6th-- M. T. Greene, of Halifax. 7tli-- B, P. Lee, John B. Youns. TV, P. Burwell 8th-VV- m, II. Mann, of Nottoway. ikh-- W. 1. U Oregoiv, Petersburg, lOth.John 11. Chambliss. Greens ville. llth-Jo- nn W. Young, of Ports mouth. 12th-Thom- as N. Wclfh.of Car oline 13th William Baird of Essex l lth -- E. P Dandridge.of Frederick. lot.i Moses vyauou.of fehenan doali. ICth Marshall Hanger, of Augus ta. 1 7th Henry E. Blair, of Roanoke 18th F. S Blair of Wvtlie. 19 th K. 11. Henry, of "Wise. 20th E F. Tiiler, of Scott. 21st J. V. Brooke, of Fauquier. 22nd Jno. L. Marve,of Fredericks burg. 23rd R. T. V. Duke, of Char. lottesville. 24th W. R. Berkley of Prince Ed ward. 2.-)- th Robt. Whithhead of Amherst 2(Uh Berryman Creen of Danville 27th J. O. Hensley, of Bedford. 28th Arthur Segar, of Elizabeth City. 29th J. Edwin Betts. of Northum- - e'land. 30th Wm. E. Green, of Charlotte. 3lst A. K. Leake. ofGoochland. S2nd John R. Kilby. of Nanse mond. 33rd L. R. Starke, of Norfolk county. 34th Robt. McCandlish, of Mid. dlesex. 35th Able T.Johnson of Accomac dlesex. 3Cth John Paul, of Rockingham 37th Wm. A. Anderson, of Rock bridge. CSth A. A Plegar.of Montgomery, 39th J. M. French, of Bland. 40th Jos. T. Campbell of Wash ington. Untie vel oped Viffor The feeble and debilitated usually fancy they are in a more hopeless condition than they really are, The resourcts of nature are- - not easily exhausted. Lven when strength and appetite fail, when the eyes are heavy and hmtrelees, the complexion pallid, the nerves tremulous, the body at tenuated, and the mind depressed, there is generally a reserve of latent power behind such palpable evidences of weakness. Va- rious modts of treatment arc resorted to by physicians in the hope of developing and rendering available this store of sleeping vitality, but the surest, and indeed the only thoroughly safe and reliable means of awake- ning the dormant energies of system is a course of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. , Electric" ty, shower baths, the tfeeh brush, sea bathing, &c , may be well enough in their way, as auxiliaries, but they do not reach the source of the evil. All physical dahility proceeds either from adcrangement of the functions of the assimilating secre- tive and ital organs, or frjm a sluggish constitution. In either case, and also in cases where both causes exist, the Bitters' will invariably produce an immediate and salutary change in the condition of the patient, and eventually effect a complete cure None of the dangerous alkaloids, too often administered as tonics, can be other wise than deleterious under cucli circum-- 6 1 aces, and to give mereury is positively criminal. The direct effect of the great vegetable specific will be manifested in an ituprxrveir appetite, amoreeheerfnl frame of mind a gradual return of strength, n in- crease cf flesh and healthier complection. Meanwhile, however, the constitution, if inert and feeble, will h.ive been roused and renovated by the subtile elements of contained in the Bitters. KING COLLEGE The next Session will begin on Ihe HratTlinraday In September. A Preparatory Department has been organized for tbe accomodation of Stu- dents who are advanced beyond the studies usually taught in our common Schools, but who are not yet prepared to enter the Regular College Classes. For terms and particulars see catalogue or apply to Rev. J. D. Tadlock or Prof. Wintston. July lolS73 2m. CANCERS CURED- - pr HEBEKX, of CliiciifTo.lll., will be at the KXCUANGU HOTEL, Richmond, Va., Sept. 23, ard remain a few weeks. The Doctor Cures Cancers without pain or knife. A cure guaranteed. AleO treats bcrofuu nnd Consumption. Call early Oil tlie Doctor. Sept. 9, 1373 2m. Somethng Hick Jf you Wftut SOmething nice jro to the yj, jlouseUar and eet tne nnesc Whiskies, Brandies, Wines &ev, fixed up in the Best style to suit the most fastidious. I have the B Select, pre-- all physicians for medical purposestf i have all kimfe of the best brands of Whiskies, Brandies, Wines &c. that is ottered for sale, and in fact. J tu can get any kind ofdrinfcthat is nut uu at mv Bar. I also keep on band at all times the best Imager Beer at only 5c. per glass. Cigars and Tobac- co, the best in the market. J. M. THOMAS. Va. House Bar. Sam'l Ridgeway, Pltf. ) Ia the Circuit Court Martha Ridgeway, Dft. $ or Washington Co. To Mss. Martha Ridgeway. Take notice, that ou the 2d day of Oct. 1873 at Joseph Deck's residence, in lower end of Washinston county. I will proceed to take the deposition of John Ridgeway and others, to be read as evidence iu my behalf in the above suit, in which I am Plaintiff and you are defendant. The taking of said deposition will he con tinued from time to time, and from place to place until completed. John C. Summers. I Sam'l Ridgewat. Counsel foi Tiff. Sep. 2-- 4. Notice. To Arthur Edwards and Landrum & Welsh. You are hereby notified that on Monday the 22nd day of Septem ber, 1873, we will take the deposi- tion of Jno. W. Johnston, at the Court-hous- e, in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Washington county, Va ; nnd at tbe of- fice of York & Fulkerson, in the town of Goodson, in said county, we will take the depositions of T. J.Millard nnd VKeebler, on the 25th day of Sep. 1S73, to up read 09 evidence in my behalf in the case now pend ing in the Circuit Court of said couuty of Washington in which 1 am plaintiB and you and others are defendants. Sep. 2-- 4t J. II. Peppek. Virginia : At Rolen held In the Clerk' Office of the Circuit Conrt of Washington Coanty, on the first Monday in September 1S73 ; James M. Tipton, Plaintiff. T. CMvina II. Tipton, Defendant. In Chancery-Th- e object of this enit i to obtain a Iiorce "a vinculo matrimonii " exiittinK between the plain tiff nnd tlie dofendent. And it appearing by affida vit filed, that the defendant is a donresident of thta Commonwealth it is ordered that she appear bere within one month after due publication of this order, and do what mav be oecestary to protect her interest iu said sail. A Coyy Tette 1.. T. Cosbt. C. C, J. C. ScMlM. P. Q, tie pt. -- 4t VIRGINIA. At ru.es held in the Clerk s office of the Circuit Court of Washington Count) , ou the 1st Monday in September, lii7:V Joseph Smith and Jlarj b. Small, rialntitTs. vs. Thomas Smith and Alfred &nith, Executors of the last will and testament of I'hiMn Smith, dec-eas-- ed.and iu their own right, Isaac K. Droke, Waller Johnson, Jacob Alerchanl, i'athew H. Buchanan, John 1. CojXv, Adiuinistrator of H'm. King Heikell, deceased, r"!iilip !imit'.i, Jr., William Smith, ancy Un-ke- , Heme KroKe, No li I , I'roke, Mariah l)roke, Isaac Droke, John lroke, .1,'iiry Smith, Mararett liieenwav. llar- - tin Smith, Jane tioodman, J. B G(Hx!manrl're ton White, Sarah A. White, Jsaac Smith, and ila- - riah Smith. Defendants. In Chancery. The object of this suit, is to hare the will of Philip Smith, deceased, construed and the rights of the parties defined, and tnassertain the amount of propertr that went into the hands of the execu tors of Thiiip mith, deceased, and to ascertain how said Executors have pet formed their duties: Alc. Ac. And it appetring bv satistnctory evidence that the defendants, Thomas mith, Alfred Smith, Isaac t. Uroke, i'bilip Smith, William Smith, aobte Wrote, John iroke, aud ancy Droke, are of this Commonwealth, it is ordered that they appear here within one inonib after due pnbllcatiou of this order, and do what may be nec- - essaary to protect their interests in the premises, A tOny. lete. J. H. Wood, for pUinliif. li. 1. uosBr. v. li. Sapt. t. VlKGIXIA. At a Circuit Conrt continned ai d held for Wash ington County on Wednesday the 16th day of Jpril, Hopkins. Hull & Atkinson, Plaintiffs, vs. James A.Bailey, surviving partner, Jtc, and oth ers, vetenujrnts. This caase came on this 16th day of April, 1S73 to be beard on the bill of complaints and exhibits tiled in the cause, and it appearing to tlio court. that the legal process has been regularly served on the defendants, aud they still falling to appear aud demur' plead 'or answer complainants said bill. the same la taken for eonfestaed as to them : and it appearring to tho Conrt that Complainants judg ment exhioited in their bill was obtained lon be- fore the execution of the deed of trust by defend ant James A. Bailer to James W, llnnies, Trustee, for the benefit of Milton White, and filed in this said exhibit "B." It is therefore ordered, ad judged and decreed that complainant's is a prior lein upon tue lands in the pleadings mentioned to the lein given by reason of tbe said deed of trust referred to, and that iu so far as the said deed of trust affects the said judgment lein of complainants is subsequent. Aud it still further appearing tbat some payments hare been made on said judgment. and It not appearlig now much bas been paid ou the same, it is farther ordered, adjudged and de creed that the matter be referred to 1. 0. Fowler, one of tbe Coramiesioners of this conrt, who shall report how much is still due or said judgment, and how much Is still due on said deed of trust and whether the rents aud profits of Ihe said land will in five years pay said debts ; and shall make his report to the next term of thu court. A copy. Sept Teste, L. T. Cosov, C. C. VIEGINIA. At Rules held in the Clerk's office of the Circuit Court of Washingion County, on the 1st Mntiday in fjeptemDer, 1.173 ; Sarah E, Davis, Executrix of W. H. Davis de ceased, Flainlifi. vs. Jfary Llgon, Sallie Hardgrove, George Gwathmey, and uwatumey Ins wile, John L. Ligon, David Ligon, N. u. Lancaster, and John I. Losby, Administrator ao Dome non with the will an nexed of John L. Ligon, deceased. Defendants In Chancery. The object of this snit, is to recover of the de fendants, the sum of (210.99, with legal interest on 4133 93, part thereof from the lith day of Xpril 1666, till paid, and interest on 57,C0, resi dua thereof from tbe 8th dav of June 1&61 till paid. and tne costs or sam judgment fb.70. And to sub ject to sale the real estate mentioned, and de scribed in the bill to satisfy said debt interest and costs And it appearing by tbe return of the Sheitff that the defendants, John L. Ligon and David Ligon are ts of this Common- - realth. it is ordered that tbev appear here within one month after due publication of this order, and do what mav be necessary to protect their inters est in this suit A Copy. Teste. L. T. Cosby, C. C. H. Wl, for Plaintiff. VIRGINIA. At Rule held in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Conrt of Washington county on the first Monday in September, 1S73 ; E, B. McClanahan, Administrator of the estate of K. T. Lancaster, deceased. vs. jtfary A. Ligon, widow of John L. Ligon, Sr., de- - eeased, a a ran it. Baragrove, joiia L. i.igon, jr.. David P. iiron, M. O. Lancaster, K'. W. Lan caster, Martha Lancaster, and George W, Lan- - caster. Jfary A. Gwathmey and O. A. Owatb mey her husband, K. T. Lancaster, and John I. Cosbv. Adm'r. de bonis non with the will an- - r nexed ol John Ligon br., deceased, ueiena- - anU. ) In Chancery. The object of this suit is to recover from the estate of John L. Liicon, Jr., deceased several debts mentioned and described in the bill, aud to subject the real estate therein mentioned to sale therofor. And it appearing by satis, actory evi- dence that the defendants. Wary A. Liirna, widow of John L. Li;on, Sr , IVeeeased, Sarah H. Hard-trov- e, John L, Ligon, Jr , David P. LiRon, M. (J. at Lancaster, W. W. Lancaster, Martha Lancaster ana G. W. Lancaster, are of thet-ommo- wealth of Virginia, it is ordered that they appear here within one n ionth after due publicatioi of I this order and do rnbtbi.n.u:it.be """" ,opro" teet their interests A Copy Tete. L. T. Cosdt.C. C. C. K. Vun, S. M. Tatlos., P. Q. Sept. 2 It. T A DIES' Kid, Like, Silk & Cotton Glovea J in all colors, neat and cheap at in I- - B- - DUNN & CO- - Bristol, Jan. 14, 73 tf. JSFW AllVW.rifcEMEVI VYOMING SEMINARY C0MM2SCIAL COLLZGS, Ots of the lnr!t Homrfing'SchooN forlflb rr in tbe United Mwe. Six C"r. f itnjy. Mill. trr t:u.-ti- . Commercial l i.ilcM f.Vurst? nixt Tele- - mnliiiiir. Teritis lw. Fs'l cwin Sntm lr :'.rd. Send tor a catitliwR" tn Ker. V. COrK- - LAXD, A. M- - ur L. L. Sl'AKAUt'E, Kini!.-.!i- , P, REVERE tXPTCRSITT EICII SfllOCL Amber! C. II., V. Pren-nitor- to tl:e PniTirsiiT of a. 1!. A.strcue flla'li. lr.latiit T. Va.). Principal m:d ii Mrnctor in iiitt hematics. U.C. t.rs.-k- , K Lit. V, Va. (re- cently a"t I'rnf. Latin, t'. Vs.). Islni! t r in rcek, Latin, rrem-h- , Oeuuan and botany, 1 hi U one of the Ira'lini: lik-i- i rhool of Virginia, and pre sents luauv adTanta-- iucuipaiani)- - with those of others Students also ri'eriv.'d f..r t!ie Summer. X session begins Sent. Ijth, IbT.I. tut Cata- logue, address the Principal. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE NEW BOOK, EPiDElulC & CONTAGIOUS DISEASES with the newest and best treatment for all cases. The only thoronch work of the kind in the world. Embraces inall-Po- x, Yellow ITfr 4'hol-er- n and all analogous diseases. A Family :if Without It, and all bny it. Hn. J4 chro- matic illustrations. The bitfest chance of the season for agent. A.l.lre- -i 11. S. GWDaPLED A Co., 37 Park Kow, Jev York. o c a 3 . ,3 . O 3 O c v . . Si ilWl t? u H u a O "2 " " Xl - w a c tfl 5 - X u o - Z EZ AGENTS Mill WE OFFER TIIE MOST I.IBERAlf I'- - DltlL.lt.Mtito energetic men to gell Howe Sewing Machines in Maryland, irginia and Korth Carolina. We give exclusive conty rights, furn- ish wagons and require no capital. A direr TUE BOWK ilACHl.NE CO., Baltimore, ili. Acents wanted f All $5 TO $20 classes of working people, of eith er sex, yon g orold, make more money at work for as in their spare moments, orall the iner than at anrthing else, circulars free. Address li. ST1SSKX CO., ortland, Maine. AFORTt'XE. Kow? By speculating in gold. Capital, tlo to flOO ; will pay too to (l.oon a month. Full explanation sent free. W. F, HU BCELL 4 CO., Banker and Brokers, 3!) Wall street., J(ew V oik. Box 22S2. ure the habit PEaAKE5Tir, opini! p. orirx, without rntfering or renience. Describe your case. I Address S. U. AK MSl KCMj, il. 1). EATERS. Berrien Springs Alichigaa. GRANDEST SCHEME EVER KNOWN Fourth Grand Gift Cancert FOR THE DEXEFIT OF TUE PuMic Lilirary Of Kentncky 12,000 Cash Gifts $1000,000 Every Fifth Ticket Draws a Gift $250,000 or $oO. The Fonrth Grand Gift rert authorised ly special act of the Legislature for . ' uent or ihe Public Lilirarv of Kentucky, will take place in Public Library Hall, at Lull wviiic, Ky IVED.VESD.4V, EIC, 3, 173, Only sixtv thona tnd tickets wi!I be sc id ant half of these are intended tor thu Kuropean market, thus leaving only 3t,Gnj for sale in the United States, where loo.COG were of for the Third concert. The. tickets are divided Into ten eonpo or parts and have on their back tbe Scheme with the full explanation of the mode of drawing. AX this concert, whii'h will be ihe grandest mus ical display ever witnessed in this rountry the unprecedented sum of 81,500,0, divided into 12.000 cash Rifts, will fie distributed by lot among Iho ticket holders. The numbers of tne tickets to be drawn from one wheel by blind cniiureu ai.u tne g.its iron: anetuer. LIST OF GIFTS: One Grand Cash Gift .iiVi.onn One firaud Cash til t .. li ll,t)00 One Grand Cash Gift 0,000 One Grand Cash Cit't 2A,ono One Grand Cash Gift 10 Cash Gifts 10,00 each . MO.OOo 30 Cash Gifts A.iHsieach. lio,o, fx I (ash Gilts 00 each ftil.nOo SO Cash Gifts tno each ... li0 Cash Gifts 400 ecch.... 4o fl ISO Cash Gifts 300 each.... Tash Gifts 200 each.... irt.tsj" Cash Gilts 1(H) each 11,1X0 Cash Gifts SO each.... &50.000 Total 12.0)0 Gifts. All Cash. amounting to f.j jO,0C0 The distribution will be positive, whether all the tickets are sold or not, and the 12, OvO sifts all paid in proporLon to the tickets snid all en.oid ticket being destroyed, as at the First and Secoud Concerts, and not ropiesented in the drawing. PSIICJC OF TICKETS. Whole tickets 50 : Halves Tenths, or acb Coupon, 5; Elevn Whole Tickets for 5oO : 22 2 Tickets for l,0O(i; 113 whole Tickets for .i,00O; w noie 1 ickets for $I0 0nu. ao discount on less than S00 worth of Tickets at a time. The unparalleled success of the Third Gift Con cert, as well as tho satisfaction given by the First and Second, makes it only necessary to announce the Fourth to insure the prompt sale of every Ticket. The Fourth Gift Concert will be conduc ted in all its details .ike the Third, a id full par ticulars may be learned from circulars, which will be sent free from this office to all who apply for them. Tickets now ready for sale, and all orders ac companied by the money promptly tilled. Liberal terms given to those who bay to sell again TIIOS. E. BRA7ILKTTE. Agent Publ. I.ibr. Ky., and ManagerGift Concert. I'ublic Library Building, Louisville, Ky. Angnst a im A Rare Chance. A rilUE Subftcriber has on Main Street in JL the lown of W 3'tlieville, Va., an eisht Bquare BRICK DWELLING, Three Stories High, large and beautifully tifnnted on half acre lot, which he will exchange for lots or bmiaing material m the town of Bristol. 40 The house is new but unfinished, owin to the fact that he declined occupying it ad a residence. It will take about six bo reli ed dollars to comptete it. Several hundred dol lars can be made by any one willing to trtk noi'i. utie periect. Also at Mt. Airy Depot, Va. & Tenn, Itall- - rand, a commodious THICK HOTEL nnd STOUE HOUSE with two acre lot, immedi ately in front of the Depot, with all necessa ry out buildin.s, which will be exchanged for good property in bnstol on fair terms, A There is no liettii- - stand on the line for sel- ling goods than at this depot. 11 J. A. UOl ER. Bristol, Tenn., Dec. 17. tf. A CARD. out D' II. l- - A.BOVCR, having per manentiy loeateJ himself in Bristol. Tenn., oners 1'is professional services to the public for the treatment of all diseases pe- culiar to Women and Children, ll-v- im made this branch of hid profession a speci alty for nearly twelve years, and the general success attending it, has induced him to con- fidently assure all who may place themselves under his care, tbe most approved methods of treatment now known to tho profession. Ie intends no dieDaroeement in Bavinir that no physician can arrive at distinction "? in the manairement 01 those aieeasea unless hi I whnletime and attention in civen tn tS.i, Min ... .t A ....! r- . . I invesiigawuu aua iuuy. .nauy 01 mem oe- - ing peculiar 111 uvir uuiurc, ucuceie IO in- - I Tcstigate, and consequently difficult to nnder- - atnnil. makes: it onite essential thnr tho n tire thoughts of the practitioner shonld be cujruDCCi nun ijc cu"jrt. LauieH HV1P2 a distance wnu arts auiicieu witn t HRONIC Affections will be received into his houno and placed in the care of his wife, who will see to their general comfort, through jrood n""e. reguVtted diet, &c.,at a cheaper rate iniiii iucy toiu i oe visiteu tar in tlie country. Should any however have friends ia town and prefer beiDji with them, the samo medi- cal attention will be givr-- them as if they were in his own Isoubc Married ladiea can confide in the pood treatmert of the Doctor all cases, and under all circumstances. a.S?"Iteeiience at Thomas Kouee. on Main Street, Bristol, Tenn., Dec. 17, '72. Jy THE GREAT SALE OF SUMMER WILL BE CONTINUED JUST FOUR WEEKS LONGER LACK-GROUN- D COLORED SILK-STRIP- E GRENADINE atl.c w.ould be cheap at 25c. per vard. WHITE - GROUND COLORED STRIPE GRENADINE at 12Jc. por yard worth 20c, RLACK - GROUND COLORED STRIPE GRIuNADINE at I2ic. per vard worth 20c. Pi.AIN COLOR JAPANESE POP LINS at 12Jc. per yard worth 2"c. STRIPED JAPANESE POPLINS, in all colors, at lfic. worth 2.-,- c. POLKA-DO- L CHINESE GRASS- - ""1 yaru wiue, at ioc. worth 2oc. per vard. PLAIN and STRIPED TVASIL POP- LINS at 15c. per yard worth 25c. A lar;e assortment of fast-col- or LAWNS at 12 and lC?c. per yard worth 16? and 20c. SCOTCH GINGHAM at lC?c. worth 25c. per yard, - BUFF VICTORIA LAWN at 2.jc. wroth 3"c. per yard. COLORED SATIN-STRIPE- D PER. CALES at 25c. worth ;0c. per yard LINEN TUSSORE SUITLVG-so- me- thing new this season at 25 and 30. worth 40 and 50c. per yard. COLORED LINEN LAWNS at 25c . per yard worth 35c. WHITE VICTORIA LAWN with satm band sidestripe for trimming at 25c. per yard worth 50c . PIQUES at 25i 30. 35, 40 and 50c. per yard ail much below regular Pr!ces- - SATIN - STRIPED VICTORIA LAWN at 30c would be cheap at 40c. 5iA?xSL5TST5rP1 $1 to yd. COLORED SILKS at much below regular prices. SWISS. CAMBRIC. NAINSOOK. MULL, and ORGANDIE 1017 and 1019 31 .4 1.1 STRUCT, Va. Orders from Ihe Country ver exuress C. O 1).. vvvr, pronjji altc7ilion IVllDID ST THI African Institats. 2oJ. ir.McJZee, For & FMii Mines. "it is ingenious and will meet the wants M v. ery ma ron in tbe land." Kxhibitinn nf isri jonn Uavtt, Kee. Secv. V. A. Urnnn Pre. eamuei v. teliman, t.Yirresponding Nery. Jiew Vork, Novembemhvr 20, 1S72. mis simple and Ingenious Jfachine is as n.efnl as me sewing machine, and la fast Deeming pop- ular wit ladies, iu the place of expensive Needle- work, its work being much more handsome, re- quiring less time aud not one tenth paitthe ex- pense. So lady'a toilet is not complete without it. A Jr.tchine with illustrated circnlar and full instructions sent on receipt ol of ni.i,..t i silver plate for 2.75. Address, The HcRec tfanafacfurlrt? f ., S00 Broadway, Sew Tork. Agents Wanted DE GARVIN'S ILIXIE OF TAB. Is receommended by regular Medical nrsptiilnnen and a speedy cure guarranteed for adds. Coughs, Catarrah, Asthma, bronchitis. Snittinir Hloorf Con sumption and all Palmouary CompUints. Scrofu- la, Erysipelas, Dyspepsia and Gont. Dysentery, Cholera-morbn- Cholera and all liver and bowel complaints. Kidney diseases and all affections of the Urinal Onrans perfectly harmless free from Mineral or Alcoholic properties uteas.int to tak and never known to fail Price 4l.no per .Bottle. run particulars wun meuiral testimony and cer- tificates sent on application. Address. L. T. HfDE & CO., 193 Seventh Avenne, , Tork. Darts from the De?fl; or Ccpid tad. book just issued, exnosinir thA "msm vt ' that have appeared in the Sew Trk Newannnra their history and lesson. KtylUM Ylllian Hilly exposed. Advertisements fro m desDer- - ate men to beaotit'nl .women; Clandestine meet- ings :how frustrated ; The History of llie flood rich T r !. y the result of a "persooal." Inscription of Liring Rrnadwav Statues. Ksnoa- - ocil orrnption. Sent on receipt of cts. Addresse, Unique Printing House, 36 Vcs-e- y St., . T. The Beckwith $20 Portable Family Sewing ittaeliine, on 30 Days trial, many advantages over all. Satlsfse, tion guaranteed, or fit) refunded. Sent complete- - With full directions. Beekwlth fiewlrur Mrhin Co., $2 Broadway, I. T. Till? JIEW KEHEDY FOR RUPTURE. mott hntmrtant htrentUm. Sold bv the Elastic Truss Co., JIo. ftS3 K road way. S. T. City. It re tains) Kaptnre absolutely in ease and comfort, night and day, at all times, and under all circum- stances, withoat any exception whatever In any ease, and should never be taken on dnrinz the short time reqaislt to effect a permanent ear. S.mt by mail. Circulars free. Any Druggist or Physician will order this new Trass for von with charrge. BRISTOL FOUNDRY AND Shop. Encourage Home Manufacture. WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH kind of castings in or line. And to do in-- wUn promptnei.s and In the best manner. .arge numoer oi rLOWS, f Asa inn i s, m.c. an hand. DlXO.T, SMITH A CO, July ZI. 1671. "WASIIIIl GT0IT HOUSE cnunc 11 STREET, Lynchburg Virginia. NOTICE. FHOJI this date L. W. SCOVILLB, l snarerof WjgiflsxTos Ho Irs. Is sdif itted as a Partner In the business of said Hoase. The busi- ness will be conducted Under the style and firm of weask forthe JTew Concern a continna:ion of the a of my Prts4s an--l the rnhlic. May :;jt. m ze tf- - T. t . 5. LUtiUSOa CLOSIMG-OU- T LEVY BROTHERS, Richmond DIPLOMA. Machine BEESS GOODS AT SKIRTING CAM URIC at 20c. per yard worth 2."c. TUCKED CAMBRIC, full yard wide-a- t SI 25 per yard ' BLACK ALPACAS and BOMBU ZINES in all qualities. AUSTRALIAN CREPE at oOc. per vard. verv cheap. BLACK IRON GRENADINE DOMESTIC GINGHAM, an excellent article, at 12'c. per pard LEATHER BELTS in all qmlitif TRUNKS, VALISES, SATCIIE LS, . and LUNCH BASKETS JSAOU ItllJlUiS, in .great variety. much below regular prices. FANS in all styles and qualities LADIES, READY-MAD- E GAR- MENTS of everp description. LADIES' TRAVELLING SUITS and REDINGOTFS. ENGLISH CHEVIOT SHIRTING at 20c. per vard. snmo n M t , oan nt'lT.r nor va ' ihlJ- - jICIv every (piallity, from 10 to S5c. pr yard; A general assort- ment of GOODS suitable for men and hovs r UTICA 104 urir.AriTPn sttitt.'t ING at .rnc. per vard FULL- - WIDTH UN'BLE VCIIED SHEETING at 50b per vard FULL-WIDT- H BLeXcIIED SHEET ING at 3.c. per vard BLEACHED PILLOW-CAS- E CO- T- TON, a yard and a quarter wide, at a shillin? per yard NEW YORK MILLS COTTON at 20c. ner varti WAMSUTTA BLEACHED COTTON at 19c. per yard. DA VOL MILLS BLEACHED COT. TON. the favorite brand, only lsc ANDROSCOGGIN. A BURN. and FRUIT OF THE LOOK KLEACIT-- jL L'UITON at a shilli,,- - per yard. sepS-l- y. StiefFs Pianos. Upward of fifty First Premium Gold ami Silver Medals, were awartit-- to CI IAS. Yi. 8TKIFF. for the btt PIANOS, in competition witli nil the leading factories iu the country. Office and Warerooms.No. 9X. Lib- erty St., Baltimore, J!d. The superiority of the Unrivalled Stieff Piano Forte, is conceded by all who have compared it with others. In their New Grand Square. Octaves, the manufacturer lias succeeded in making the most perfect Piano Forte possible. Prices will be found as reasonable as consistent with thorough work manship. A large assortment of Second Hand Pianos always ou hand, from $7-- t We are agents for the celebrated Burdett Cabinet, Parlor and Church Organs, all styles and prices, to suit every one, guaranteed to be fully equal to any made. Send for Illustrated Catalogue, con- taining names of over l.V0 Southern- ers, 5)i of whom are Virginia:), 200 North Carolinians, East and others throughout the South, who have bought the Stiefl Piano since the close of the war. May 27, '73, ly. CLOCKS, Artistic and beautiful patterns. CLOCKS, Reliable tiaie-keepe- rs. CLOCKS Cheap to suit the times. CLOCKS, Warranted for two years. Can only be had from A. PIC KEN, From Londo, England. rVimCiL WlTflH, CLOCK aiKEtt ni JEWELLER. Main St., Bristol, Tenn. and Va March PARASOLS, in every style, Ijice CoIUrs L)te'g nhoi and Ribbons, Linen, Mourning and 21 Mourning very low, at DL'NS'S- - UMVJEKSITY OF VIKI11- - LAW DEWRTmENT. 3. B. Minor, I.I.. !., Pror Com. and 3Ut. f - O. Southall. II., D., Prof. Equity and ant. lntt-rnat'- Law. etc. fes-- i. n begins . . and continues nfwe miuttht. Instrei-tie- . and lectures combined. iiliitiatf Mts.t-Coor- t exercises. For C.it.il..'. p? Jn" O r.,ier,ilv of Va.lto WM. W h.K IK.Mi A tSec-ylacy- . Atga,,U-:- U i
Page 1: Bristol News. (Bristol, Tennessee and Virginia) 1873-09-16 ... · severe, latitude being S dcg. 23 min and longitude io deg. 4U nun. west; tncy uuut two wiiaie-ooa-ts ot pieces of




nrnnmiii inn f""""83gj:x. kkmi'Hik' appoint-ments.

JiotPtourt I'incaslle. Friday, Sop-l?inl- or

lOtli.V:i!iinj;tiii Abintlon, Monday,



(Jkv. Mct'ook wns killed a few dayssince, in a icraonal quarrel in Uaco-tal- i.

flow II. 1$. Cook of lle District ofColumbia Territory, 1ms revisited, andA. liejiard liaa been ajoiiiled in his

(Jo v. Walker's scheme lo liavc ttte"Nation" aniline the debts of the

Slates, i id to be ly noi. leans dend, lint is expected to becomehiii oiuiiiiuis bill, containing nmre

briberies and corruptions tlmn tlieCredit Mobilier.

x Friday lat. James LimebauRli,killed Wm. Mon on with a club atJitiie.-,- ' Mill, on Lick Creek, in (JrceneCounty,

A Mis. Kenton hns boon arrested asa witness, by which to ;et Kdwardlitoken out of I lie touibs. She saysshe ch I led stokes into the Hotel, andthat fbe picked up a pistol wliicl) sbethinks was dropped by Fi.sk.

O.n'k John Irving of San Francisco,claims lo have .titled in the murder ofMr. Nathan, the. New York Jew.His story lias Ik-l-- ii disbelieved, and isnaid to have been concocted, in orderto Kt transportation to N. Y. Heliowever afilrms, that with proper

uarrantee for his safety, be will pro-duce Nathan' memorandum andNckct book. He is very indignant,

thai his confession is disbelieved.

Massachusetts, has by hor Republi-ca- n

Couvcntioii, coiideiimed the SalarySteal, and then darned liutler who gtit up.

Mrs. Allen, on trial at Staunton forjMiisoning her husband; sent for a mus-ical instrument to ass away the timein jail. Any woman on trial for themurder of her husband, so recentlylead, who emild enjoy a musical in-

strument is apt to deserve a uoose-ic- al


Hkrkis pood reading for certainlucky dogs, "one of whom we are notwhich." Mr. Daniel iiurton of Lynch-hur- K,

who recently died at the Green-brier White, has willed $00,000 to hisrelatives in Tennessee, SOOO each toJno 11. Hill, and Juo. Miller of Lynch-burg, and about $00,000 to his Nephew,T. II, Ivey.

Ca.sti:i.AU has been elected Presi-dent of Spain. .Better pell him cas--lleair.

CJen. i. C. Wharton has been nom-inated for by the Conseivalives of Montgemery Co.

The Lynchburg Fair will be held ontheiMst, 22!id,Vl, and 2lli, of Octo-ber,

Hii.TiMORK has had a fire. The St.Nicholas Hotel, and the HollidayStreet Theatre are in ashes. OurLynchburg Insurant and BankingCo., loses (,00; by it, and has doubt-less cashed (he bill before this time.

(low McMuliin declines to exchangedistricts with Hon. Jno. Goode.

Co!.. Hughes and Mr. Ilamsdell. werein Itichtijond a few days ago, devisingmeans for raising the wind. There isalready a breize in these parts whichwill raise them before the thing blowsover.

JknJos. K. Johnson, having beenasked by the N. Y. Herald tor hisviews of Ca'sarisin, replied that as hewas not a citiyx't) of the United States,he was not then publishing his politi-cal views. Thereupon !he Jlcraldcalls him an iurcconeiluble Deedingreconstruction.

Cm-- Alosljy h;s written to thePresident and tlic 1'ost Master

'General, stating that if the ap-

pointment made at his request,were made conditional on his sup-

porting the outrageous party head-

ed ly Col. Hughe, and now aim-

ing to seize control of the State,he would ho pleased to see themcancelled. This is a very properthing for Moshy to havedone, and we presume the FresKdent will be no less honorable, andwill let the appointments stand ontheir own merits. Mosby's headis very level in politics.

voux tv o i rc;A X I Z ATI ox.On the first day of the September

Court, lctnr !ud inst.; there will beh it lectin)? attheU'ourt House for thepurMse of Appointing the CountyCominittte, to consist of two membersfrom each township, who shall becharged with the a Hairs and the con-duct of the part y.

In view of the importance of theissues involved in the present Cam-paign, it is essential that our mostprudent and lest men should conductour movements, and rcgulat the con-duct of the Campaign in our imme-diate midst. It is therefore desirable,that there shall be a full attendance,jind that the County be fuilv represen-ted.

Gen. Kemper, nnd other distin-guished Fpeakers, w ill be present onthe day mentioned. The meeting willIks held immediately before the speak-ing is coinmenciHl

Daniel Trigo,Caairman County Committee.

Iv. "W. D., aro the symbols ofhonor and safety in Virginia. Gen.Kemper says Hughes is correct in

faying the Va. radicals arc tlie par-

ty ol relief, fr they have relieved

the people of nearly every thing

l hey have.

Saml. W. Small, late Editor of

the defunct Gecncvillc Skxtixei,i said to have one to Texas.

lie left in this town, a Slnall nn--1 aid bill lor borrowed paper. e

j resume that at a future period,

he will be verv r.pt to get up

another Sni:ill Scent is elu

TREASONThe republican Slate Central

Committee, at ils session on lastTuesday in Richmond stuck itsfoot in it, g the "Wash-

ington XationalReitwjcan news'paper as the organ of the party inVa. So overboard goes the-Stat-

Journal, and the Lynclsbnrg l'reesand losser lights hi the State aicnet even noticed. Oh--! the cruellyand ingratitndc of republics andrepublicans. If Col. Daniels has

served hi Gcd with half tlie devo-

tion he Iru served Col. Hughes andhis party he would not esaw likefail of the Heavenly blessing, and

would not need the goat skin

glove of the animinictration atWashington to get the hand of Col.Hnsrhes laid on his head.

'IIIK I5ALLOON.The immense balloon of Prof.

"Wise, on Thursday last, in thepresence of 50.000 people in Brooke

lin, parted in the middle ani sen-

ding into the heavens an immensepnifotgus, flattened into a hugeand rcdiculous failure. Donaldsonsays the materials were not good-Wis- e

says the Executive Committeerefused fo be guided by his instruotion, and tlie scheme is abandoned.

Ye men of Brooklin why standye gazing up iito heaven ? Alasyour gruphic pifttirre of winged man

has faded into a coitemptible vis-


Um.kss 'Jen. Kemper sliouhl con-

sent to speak out of doors on Mon-

day next at Abingdon, we can sec

no possible chance for him to be

heard by the vant concourse of peo-

ple which will bo there for thatpurpose. If the weather should

prove good, we hope there will bean adjournment to the grove.

A grand Mass Meeting will lie

held at Abingdon on . the 21st of

October. Hon. Jno. Goode, JudgeCochran, Ex-Go- v. Smith and Maj

Strin?fellow have been designatedas the orators.

Ben. Butler declined to go.np in

iTT i i 11 .i. V..ertheless lie "went up on tnatRinnr. dav. Tbfi fact is that Ben is

" .1.1 . 1 1 :

hliTrl to rro nn whenever themoral sense of Massachusetts riees.

Mr. Daniel in his Danvillespeech, properly described Col

Hughes' Lynchburg speech as made

up of prayers for the colored'

man, .. itniiil .nn- - r-l- - IllO illtf mlTl lift,uw uiiDLow. mv

mHit also have added that, despite

this unnatural course he boasted

at Warrenton that the blood of thePrestons. Flovds and Johnstonscoursed in the veins of his own


Yellow lever mires with terrific vio'ence at Sim v .port, La.

Tlie town has been deserted al--most except by the sick, and therail-roa- ds have stopped their trainsfrom entering the town.

There have been COO cases.

ThekK vas no I5en Bolt at theWorster Convention, onlv Ben"WocmI if Ben could. Ben simplyate dirt and plcrty of it.

Col. Jas. T. Campbell, hs declined to servo ad Senate rial canvasser for tlio Conservative party,


rj this district. JIis successor hasnot vet been indicated bv the Ex--


The files of the llichmond Ex- -aminek during the war, have beenpurchased by the State, at $250.


Tlie Camp of the Crew Foundon Littlction Island.Special DeiHlch to the World.)

L'isco, ureeniann, August zoTiie Tigress arrived here yesterdayfrom the North, having discoveredtlie camp of the crew of the Polarisat nine P. M. on August 14. Therewas a heavy snowstorm and ice.packto the northward. A boat expeditionwas sent out under command of Lieutenant-Comman- der White, who founda body Esquimaux in possession ofthe camp of the Polaris craw. Tbecrew had passed last winter ia thisplace, where the weather was verysevere, latitude being S dcg. 23 minand longitude io deg. 4U nun. west;tncy uuut two wiiaie-ooa- ts ot piecesof the ship. Having made all theirpreparations, they deserted the vessel and left for Cape York late inJune. The ship was still afloat,moored to the rocks with hawsers; aheavy gale of wind came up aboutthe middle of July and the mooringsb oe, the ship cut adrift and sank,the wreck being covered with ice.All the paders were secured, and theTigress stood south for Cape York,lookiug out for people, but therewere no signs human beings.

We stopped atteveral settlementsto make inquiries, but could learn nonews of the Polaris' ciew. It is prob"ab'e they have been taken on board aw haler and goi e to the west side ofIiV!ss Straits eccording to custom,The Tlgrcwj sails to day in search ofwhahrs; all hands are well. The Ju-niata s here and gave us coal. Weexpect to be in St John's by the mid-dle ol S iptenibcr.

Onions and Superstitions.In tlie Scotch Highlands the near

est rebit'ves dig the grave while thefuneral waits; and throughout bothEngland aud Scotland, a

dislike exists against being buried onthe north side of the graveyard. Itwas generallj reserved lor the unoappsed, the excommunicated, andfor suicides. The south, direct eastand west or near iLe altar were thefavorite localities.

The peculiar omens regarding theNew Year are very singular. It isconsidered very unlucky to lend any-thing on .New Year's day, aud inmany parts of England and Scotlandthey will not suffer fire or irou to betaken out of the house, la Liucolrand every member ofa familybrings something into the house be.fore anything goes out ; and they havea proverb lake out, then take iu.bud luck will begin ; but take in, theutake out, aud good luck will comeabout" In the Isle oi Man they willeven throw out ashes or dirty wateri-- this day ; aud it would be con-sidir- eJ

an unpardonable wrong to


sweep the house lrom the heartn tothe door. On the 1st of January theb.o iu must work lrom the door tothe hearth or year will be an unluckyone.

ti ao not need to point the moraof all these fancies. Their folly isuniversally acknowledged and bowedlo. Yet every thoughtful , enlighten- -ed mind recognizes with gratitudethat their lives have fallen in daywhen the wonders ot science aregreater than the wonders of superstition. Nor is this all ; we know thattlie destinies of humanity are in thebosom ol God, aud that "the steps ota good man are all ordered by Himwho doeth all things well aud kind''J-

To fall or stumble at the bejrmiiingof a week of an noyance, but to fadup stairs if the party did not lookbehind afterward , was au assuranceof a run of success iu busnes.

Sneezing to the right hand or between midr.iirht and noon was one ofthe best of all omens: although StAustiu says the ancients went to bedagain if they sneezed while putting ontheir sh-jes- . The Persians regardsueizin" as a very cood sicn, ana if aperson has been sick aud sneezes theyconsider his recovery certain, hencethey have a proverb , "He has sneez- -eti thrice, put him out of the hospital. Ihe fecotch look upon yawningin the same light.

Among birds the cook has alwaysenjoyed high honor as a diviner, ifhe crows ou tlie thieshold of a housesome fortunate visistor is coming. InPersia,, however, they kill a cock thatcrows at an unusual hour ; ai.d in theSouthern states they kill a lun. whichunder any circumsinces, or at anytime crows, believing that if this isnot done some death m-- the lamilywill speedily OGCur. Crows, ravens,hawks are all birds of evil import; but

. ,i ,i i i :swanows nvering aooiu aI foi etc II cnn.inrr riches. iheuear a house uodes death. Spidersare alwavs luckv. Plinv says when

theM "eJ sPl l,ueau na"8'Sroof it is a sign of increasing wealth.Ihe small spiders m bcotlana arecalled' money spiders. and arenever injured or molested.

OBITUARY.Mittie Jane L'AMi'nt-LL- . daughter

of itev. Z. L. Uui&oii, born May.lst,Ibis, on ...Boon's Creek,'. Waabiugton

Tennessee, died at tne lesi- -dunce of her father in UooUi ton Va. athalf past oue o'clock A.M., bept. nd,i0,st Was a member of tbe liap- -tist church, sougutaud louud eucethrough believing in Jesus, in lati:

but did. not join tne cnuich until lso7.On iookiug over tbe family record, 1see that death lias made iuur visls totbe famiiy every decade of years sincelfol', taking tbe motlier, inrst wile)and three sous, and five sons and onedaughter by the second w ife, makingwith the subject ot this notice, twelvedeaths since that time. Mittie was esteemed by all who knew her as a gentle, meek christian woman, hhe w asmarried to Mr. Jos. fcs. Campbell, l)ec3d., is?-- ', by and old family friend, thelate Itev. U. C. 1 brasher. JL'or somemouth or two before her death she baau conviction that she would die verysoon, and not long before, she told herlather that in a trauce sue nau seenJesus, angels, aud her mother, andbrother U ube, and that ner mothersaid to her, "be of good cheer Mittie."Her mother, the .daughter ot Mr.Mark Hale of Washington Co. Tenu.,w as a devoted christian woman. Itfell-t- my lot, iu IHM, at Joueaboro'Ten., io stand by her bedside, audwitness her Leautiiully tranquil audtriumphant passage to the spirit laud.Mittie was not afraid to die tone lovedher bible and her church. I find inlier bible at the close of the Old Testa- -meut, the following lines,

Finishm! .limn h. ISfiT.

June ud 187J.Showing that she was a habitual, systematic reader of the V ord ot Ood,

fche has left a kind husband, j ust inthe prime of his young manhood, intears, left her father and father's lamily,' heart sore, under this the twelfthdeath in the household. May Heavenirrant them all a nlace at last, "in thehouse not made with hands, eternal iuthe Heavens." 1). b,

Ooodsod Va., Sept. 10th 8873.

Conservative Stats Committee,

Itcsoliition Adopted-Matte- rs otParty Organization.

The Conservative State Committeemet again at the Exchange HotelFriday morning, and proceeded tofill as far as possible the lists of Senatorial aud county canvassers. Sev-

eral appointments are yet to be madeand that duty Tas delgated to theExecutive Committee, who will conferwith county committees- - before act-ing.

General Kemper Colonel Withersand Mr. Daniel were present, andconsulted with the cbmmitte in re.ference to appointments for speak--

The following important resolutiouswere adopted :

Kesolced, That, without at all un.dertaking to interfere with the rightof each comity and city by its ownlocal committee to determine its ownplan of organization as provided bythe State Committee, this committeerecommend to the local committees asfar as practicable to conform to thephn of organization under w hich thecampains of lSG9-'7- 0 was so suc-

cessfully conducted.Resolved, lhat the county com

mittees be authoized to make additional appointments of county canvassers w hen, in their judgment, it isdeemed necessary, and notify theExecutive committee of said appointments.

Resolved, That while the committeeexpressly disclaims the right or thepurpose to interfere in tbe choice ofcandidates, or in the conduct of localelections, it docs claim the right anddeclare its earnest purpose not only

to throw the whole weight of tlie orginization agai;bt lladical canidateseverywhere, and in accordance withthe resolution Unanimously adoptedby the State convention to treat bolters lrom our organization, or op-

ponents our candidates in all respectas Ladicals.

nesoiced, rnat a eanasser be ap-

pointed for the State at large, andthat the Ifon. F- - M. T, Hunter, ofEssex, be appointed to fill that posttion.

Resolved. That until the severalcu.es una counties m me state suaiiimic u.jjaniwu vuuscimuvc (xiiyin their respective districts, n con- -

formifywith the plan of organizationnrescribed hv tho Into HnnvPniinn thorganizations authorized by the planof C9 shall be respected and continueto be in lorce. and tte .executiveCommittee of the State shall exercisethe power of perfecting the organiza- -

tions in such cities and towns wherethe same is defective.

CANVASSERS AT LARGE.Hox. R. M. T. Hiintek, of Essex.


Hon W W Walker.J'iedmonl Hon Robert Ould, Hon

Robert A Cosrhill.Valley Hon A B Cohran, Hon E

w M Holliday.SoulhweatIlou Fayette McMuliin,

Hon William watts.Soulwide Hon John Goode, Jr.,

Hon Thomas Stanhope Flouruoy.


First District B T Gunter of Ac--comac, W R Aylett of King William,b ltzhuuh Lee of btatlord.

Second District D J Godwin ofPortsmouth. Dr George Rives of PrinceGeorge. Judge B W Lacy of New Kent

Ihird District W S Oilman of Kicnmond, G D Wise of Richmond, F DWinston of Lonisa.

Fourth Distr ict Thomas F Goode ofMecklenburg. P W McKinney ofFarinville, Charles StringfeJlow of Pe--tersbunr.

Ffth District Georse C Cabell ofPittsylvania, John Staples of Partrick,Teter Saunders. J r ot t ranKtm.

Sixth District AV W Berry of Bedford, J D Houston of Botetourt. JohnW Daniel of Lynchburg.

Scvcrith Districts II MofTatt ofRockingham. V W Southall of Albemarle, James Bumgardeuer of Agusta.

Fight District M Harrison of Lou-doun J T Menefee of Rappahannock,R W Hunter of b redenck.

Jfinth District William P Cecil ofTazewell, J W Marshall of Craig, A LPndemoreof Lee.

The following canvassers have beenappointed for the Senatorial districts

1st District-Lawren- ce li. Tavlor.ofAlextlrria city: Jno. A. Carter ofLondon.

2nd-Willi- am L. Earley, of Madison3rd-ViHi- am M. Cabell, of Buck

ingham.4th-Pet- er Saunders, of Franklin.oth-- J. T. Kirkpatrick, of Lynch

burg.6th-- M. T. Greene, of Halifax.7tli-- B, P. Lee, John B. Youns. TV,

P. Burwell8th-VV- m, II. Mann, of Nottoway.ikh-- W. 1. U Oregoiv, Petersburg,lOth.John 11. Chambliss. Greens

ville.llth-Jo- nn W. Young, of Ports

mouth.12th-Thom- as N. Wclfh.of Car oline13th William Baird of Essexl lth -- E. P Dandridge.of Frederick.lot.i Moses vyauou.of fehenan

doali.ICth Marshall Hanger, of Augus

ta.1 7th Henry E. Blair, of Roanoke18th F. S Blair of Wvtlie.19 th K. 11. Henry, of "Wise.20th E F. Tiiler, of Scott.21st J. V. Brooke, of Fauquier.22nd Jno. L. Marve,of Fredericks

burg.23rd R. T. V. Duke, of Char.

lottesville.24th W. R. Berkley of Prince Ed


th Robt. Whithhead of Amherst2(Uh Berryman Creen of Danville27th J. O. Hensley, of Bedford.28th Arthur Segar, of Elizabeth

City.29th J. Edwin Betts. of Northum- -

e'land.30th Wm. E. Green, of Charlotte.3lst A. K. Leake. ofGoochland.S2nd John R. Kilby. of Nanse

mond.33rd L. R. Starke, of Norfolk

county.34th Robt. McCandlish, of Mid.

dlesex.35th Able T.Johnson of Accomac

dlesex.3Cth John Paul, of Rockingham37th Wm. A. Anderson, of Rock

bridge.CSth A. A Plegar.of Montgomery,39th J. M. French, of Bland.40th Jos. T. Campbell of Wash


Untie vel oped Viffor

The feeble and debilitated usually fancythey are in a more hopeless condition thanthey really are, The resourcts of natureare- - not easily exhausted. Lven whenstrength and appetite fail, when the eyesare heavy and hmtrelees, the complexionpallid, the nerves tremulous, the body attenuated, and the mind depressed, there isgenerally a reserve of latent power behindsuch palpable evidences of weakness. Va-rious modts of treatment arc resorted to byphysicians in the hope of developing andrendering available this store of sleepingvitality, but the surest, and indeed the onlythoroughly safe and reliable means of awake-ning the dormant energies of system is acourse of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. ,

Electric" ty, shower baths, the tfeeh brush,sea bathing, &c , may be well enough intheir way, as auxiliaries, but they do notreach the source of the evil. All physicaldahility proceeds either from adcrangementof the functions of the assimilating secre-tive and ital organs, or frjm a sluggishconstitution. In either case, and also incases where both causes exist, the Bitters'will invariably produce an immediate andsalutary change in the condition of thepatient, and eventually effect a completecure None of the dangerous alkaloids, toooften administered as tonics, can be otherwise than deleterious under cucli circum-- 6

1 aces, and to give mereury is positivelycriminal. The direct effect of the greatvegetable specific will be manifested in anituprxrveir appetite, amoreeheerfnl frame ofmind a gradual return of strength, n in-

crease cf flesh and healthier complection.Meanwhile, however, the constitution, ifinert and feeble, will h.ive been roused andrenovated by the subtile elements of

contained in the Bitters.

KING COLLEGEThe next Session will begin on Ihe

HratTlinraday In September.A Preparatory Department has been

organized for tbe accomodation of Stu-dents who are advanced beyond thestudies usually taught in our commonSchools, but who are not yet preparedto enter the Regular College Classes.For terms and particulars see catalogueor apply to Rev. J. D. Tadlock or Prof.Wintston.

July lolS73 2m.


pr HEBEKX, of CliiciifTo.lll., will be at theKXCUANGU HOTEL, Richmond, Va., Sept.23, ard remain a few weeks. The DoctorCures Cancers without pain or knife.A cure guaranteed. AleO treats bcrofuunnd Consumption. Call early Oil tlieDoctor.

Sept. 9, 1373 2m.

Somethng Hick

Jf you Wftut SOmething nice jro to theyj, jlouseUar and eet tne nnescWhiskies, Brandies, Wines &ev, fixedup in the Best style to suit the mostfastidious. I have the B Select, pre--

all physicians for medicalpurposestf i have all kimfe of the bestbrands of Whiskies, Brandies, Wines&c. that is ottered for sale, and in fact.J tu can get any kind ofdrinfcthat isnut uu at mv Bar.

I also keep on band at all times thebest

Imager Beerat only 5c. per glass. Cigars and Tobac-co, the best in the market.

J. M. THOMAS.Va. House Bar.

Sam'l Ridgeway, Pltf. ) Ia the Circuit Court

Martha Ridgeway, Dft. $ orWashington Co.

To Mss. Martha Ridgeway.Take notice, that ou the 2d day of Oct. 1873

at Joseph Deck's residence, in lower end ofWashinston county. I will proceed to takethe deposition of John Ridgeway and others,to be read as evidence iu my behalf in theabove suit, in which I am Plaintiff and youare defendant.

The taking of said deposition will he continued from time to time, and from place toplace until completed.John C. Summers. I Sam'l Ridgewat.

Counsel foi Tiff. Sep. 2-- 4.

Notice.To Arthur Edwards and Landrum & Welsh.

You are hereby notified that onMonday the 22nd day of September, 1873, we will take the deposi-tion of Jno. W. Johnston, at the Court-hous- e,

in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Courtof Washington county, Va ; nnd at tbe of-

fice of York & Fulkerson, in the town ofGoodson, in said county, we will take thedepositions of T. J.Millard nnd VKeebler,on the 25th day of Sep. 1S73, to up read 09evidence in my behalf in the case now pending in the Circuit Court of said couuty ofWashington in which 1 am plaintiB and youand others are defendants.Sep. 2-- 4t J. II. Peppek.

Virginia :At Rolen held In the Clerk' Office of the Circuit

Conrt of Washington Coanty, on the first Mondayin September 1S73 ;

James M. Tipton, Plaintiff.T.

CMvina II. Tipton, Defendant.In Chancery-Th- e

object of this enit i to obtain a Iiorce "avinculo matrimonii " exiittinK between the plaintiff nnd tlie dofendent. And it appearing by affidavit filed, that the defendant is a donresidentof thta Commonwealth it is orderedthat she appear bere within one monthafter due publication of this order, and do whatmav be oecestary to protect her interest iu saidsail.

A Coyy Tette1.. T. Cosbt. C. C,

J. C. ScMlM. P. Q, tie pt. -- 4t

VIRGINIA.At ru.es held in the Clerk s office of the

Circuit Court of Washington Count) , ou the 1stMonday in September, lii7:V

Joseph Smith and Jlarj b. Small, rialntitTs.vs.

Thomas Smith and Alfred &nith, Executors of thelast will and testament of I'hiMn Smith, dec-eas--

ed.and iu their own right, Isaac K. Droke,Waller Johnson, Jacob Alerchanl, i'athew H.Buchanan, John 1. CojXv, Adiuinistrator of H'm.King Heikell, deceased, r"!iilip !imit'.i, Jr.,William Smith, ancy Un-ke- , Heme KroKe, Noli I , I'roke, Mariah l)roke, Isaac Droke, Johnlroke, .1,'iiry Smith, Mararett liieenwav. llar- -tin Smith, Jane tioodman, J. B G(Hx!manrl're tonWhite, Sarah A. White, Jsaac Smith, and ila- -riah Smith. Defendants.

In Chancery.The object of this suit, is to hare the will of

Philip Smith, deceased, construed and the rightsof the parties defined, and tnassertain the amountof propertr that went into the hands of the executors of Thiiip mith, deceased, and to ascertain howsaid Executors have pet formed their duties: Alc.Ac. And it appetring bv satistnctory evidence thatthe defendants, Thomas mith, Alfred Smith,Isaac t. Uroke, i'bilip Smith, William Smith,aobte Wrote, John iroke, aud ancy Droke, are

of this Commonwealth, it is orderedthat they appear here within one inonib after duepnbllcatiou of this order, and do what may be nec- -essaary to protect their interests in the premises,

A tOny. lete.J. H. Wood, for pUinliif.

li. 1. uosBr. v. li.Sapt. t.

VlKGIXIA.At a Circuit Conrt continned ai d held for Wash

ington County on Wednesday the 16th day of Jpril,

Hopkins. Hull & Atkinson, Plaintiffs,vs.

James A.Bailey, surviving partner, Jtc, and others, vetenujrnts.

This caase came on this 16th day of April, 1S73to be beard on the bill of complaints and exhibitstiled in the cause, and it appearing to tlio court.that the legal process has been regularly served onthe defendants, aud they still falling to appear auddemur' plead 'or answer complainants said bill.the same la taken for eonfestaed as to them : and itappearring to tho Conrt that Complainants judgment exhioited in their bill was obtained lon be-

fore the execution of the deed of trust by defendant James A. Bailer to James W, llnnies, Trustee,for the benefit of Milton White, and filed in thissaid exhibit "B." It is therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed that complainant's is a priorlein upon tue lands in the pleadings mentioned tothe lein given by reason of tbe said deed of trustreferred to, and that iu so far as the said deed oftrust affects the said judgment lein of complainantsis subsequent. Aud it still further appearing tbatsome payments hare been made on said judgment.and It not appearlig now much bas been paid outhe same, it is farther ordered, adjudged and decreed that the matter be referred to 1. 0. Fowler,one of tbe Coramiesioners of this conrt, who shallreport how much is still due or said judgment, andhow much Is still due on said deed of trust andwhether the rents aud profits of Ihe said landwill in five years pay said debts ; and shall makehis report to the next term of thu court.

A copy.Sept Teste, L. T. Cosov, C. C.

VIEGINIA.At Rules held in the Clerk's office of the

Circuit Court of Washingion County, on the 1stMntiday in fjeptemDer, 1.173 ;

Sarah E, Davis, Executrix of W. H. Davis deceased, Flainlifi.

vs.Jfary Llgon, Sallie Hardgrove, George Gwathmey,

and uwatumey Ins wile, John L. Ligon, DavidLigon, N. u. Lancaster, and John I. Losby,Administrator ao Dome non with the will an

nexed of John L. Ligon, deceased. DefendantsIn Chancery.

The object of this snit, is to recover of the defendants, the sum of (210.99, with legal intereston 4133 93, part thereof from the lith day ofXpril 1666, till paid, and interest on 57,C0, residua thereof from tbe 8th dav of June 1&61 till paid.and tne costs or sam judgment fb.70. And to subject to sale the real estate mentioned, and described in the bill to satisfy said debt interest andcosts And it appearing by tbe return of theSheitff that the defendants, John L. Ligon andDavid Ligon are ts of this Common- -realth. it is ordered that tbev appear here within

one month after due publication of this order, anddo what mav be necessary to protect their intersest in this suit

A Copy. Teste.L. T. Cosby, C. C.

H. Wl, for Plaintiff.

VIRGINIA.At Rule held in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit

Conrt of Washington county on the first Mondayin September, 1S73 ;

E, B. McClanahan, Administrator of the estate ofK. T. Lancaster, deceased.

vs.jtfary A. Ligon, widow of John L. Ligon, Sr., de- -

eeased, a a ran it. Baragrove, joiia L. i.igon, jr..David P. iiron, M. O. Lancaster, K'. W. Lancaster, Martha Lancaster, and George W, Lan- -caster. Jfary A. Gwathmey and O. A. Owatbmey her husband, K. T. Lancaster, and John I.Cosbv. Adm'r. de bonis non with the will an- - rnexed ol John Ligon br., deceased, ueiena- -anU. )

In Chancery.The object of this suit is to recover from the

estate of John L. Liicon, Jr., deceased severaldebts mentioned and described in the bill, aud tosubject the real estate therein mentioned to saletherofor. And it appearing by satis, actory evi-dence that the defendants. Wary A. Liirna, widowof John L. Li;on, Sr , IVeeeased, Sarah H. Hard-trov- e,

John L, Ligon, Jr , David P. LiRon, M. (J. atLancaster, W. W. Lancaster, Martha Lancaster anaG. W. Lancaster, are of thet-ommo-

wealth of Virginia, it is ordered that they appearhere within one n ionth after due publicatioi of I

this order and do rnbtbi.n.u:it.be """" ,opro"teet their interests

A Copy Tete.L. T. Cosdt.C. C.

C. K. Vun, S. M. Tatlos., P. Q.Sept. 2 It.

T A DIES' Kid, Like, Silk & Cotton Glovea

J in all colors, neat and cheap at in

I- - B- - DUNN & CO- -

Bristol, Jan. 14, 73 tf.



C0MM2SCIAL COLLZGS,Ots of the lnr!t Homrfing'SchooN forlflb rrin tbe United Mwe. Six C"r. f itnjy. Mill.trr t:u.-ti- . Commercial l i.ilcM f.Vurst? nixt Tele- -

mnliiiiir. Teritis lw. Fs'l cwin Sntmlr :'.rd. Send tor a catitliwR" tn Ker. V. COrK- -LAXD, A. M- - ur L. L. Sl'AKAUt'E, Kini!.-.!i- , P,


Amber! C. II., V.Pren-nitor- to tl:e PniTirsiiT of a. 1!. A.strcueflla'li. lr.latiit T. Va.). Principal m:d ii Mrnctorin iiitt hematics. U.C. t.rs.-k-, K Lit. V, Va. (re-cently a"t I'rnf. Latin, t'. Vs.). Islni! t r in rcek,Latin, rrem-h- , Oeuuan and botany, 1 hi U oneof the Ira'lini: lik-i- i rhool of Virginia, and presents luauv adTanta-- iucuipaiani)- - with those ofothers Students also ri'eriv.'d f..r t!ie Summer.X session begins Sent. Ijth, IbT.I. tut Cata-logue, address the Principal.


EPiDElulC & CONTAGIOUS DISEASESwith the newest and best treatment for all cases.The only thoronch work of the kind in the world.Embraces inall-Po- x, Yellow ITfr 4'hol-er- n

and all analogous diseases. A Family:if Without It, and all bny it. Hn. J4 chro-

matic illustrations. The bitfest chance of theseason for agent. A.l.lre- -i 11. S. GWDaPLED A

Co., 37 Park Kow, Jev York.

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AGENTS MillWE OFFER TIIE MOST I.IBERAlf I'- -DltlL.lt.Mtito energetic men to gell HoweSewing Machines in Maryland, irginia and KorthCarolina. We give exclusive conty rights, furn-ish wagons and require no capital. A direr TUEBOWK ilACHl.NE CO., Baltimore, ili.

Acents wanted f All$5 TO $20 classes of working people, of either sex, yon g orold, make more money at workfor as in their spare moments, orall the iner thanat anrthing else, circulars free. Address li.ST1SSKX CO., ortland, Maine.

AFORTt'XE. Kow? By speculating ingold. Capital, tlo to flOO ;

will pay too to (l.oon a month. Full explanationsent free. W. F, HU BCELL 4 CO., Banker andBrokers, 3!) Wall street., J(ew V oik. Box 22S2.

ure the habit PEaAKE5Tir,opini! p. orirx, without rntfering orrenience. Describe your case.

I Address S. U. AK MSl KCMj, il. 1).EATERS. Berrien Springs Alichigaa.


Fourth Grand Gift CancertFOR THE DEXEFIT OF TUE

PuMic Lilirary Of Kentncky

12,000 Cash Gifts $1000,000Every Fifth Ticket Draws a Gift

$250,000 or $oO.The Fonrth Grand Gift rert authorised ly

special act of the Legislature for . ' uent or ihePublic Lilirarv of Kentucky, will take place inPublic Library Hall, at Lull wviiic, Ky

IVED.VESD.4V, EIC, 3, 173,Only sixtv thona tnd tickets wi!I be sc id ant

half of these are intended tor thu Kuropean market,thus leaving only 3t,Gnj for sale in the UnitedStates, where loo.COG were of for theThird concert. The. tickets are divided Into teneonpo or parts and have on their back tbeScheme with the full explanation of the mode ofdrawing.

AX this concert, whii'h will be ihe grandest musical display ever witnessed in this rountry theunprecedented sum of

81,500,0,divided into 12.000 cash Rifts, will fie distributedby lot among Iho ticket holders. The numbers oftne tickets to be drawn from one wheel by blindcniiureu ai.u tne g.its iron: anetuer.

LIST OF GIFTS:One Grand Cash Gift .iiVi.onnOne firaud Cash til t .. li ll,t)00One Grand Cash Gift 0,000One Grand Cash Cit't 2A,onoOne Grand Cash Gift

10 Cash Gifts 10,00 each . MO.OOo30 Cash Gifts A.iHsieach. lio,o,fx I (ash Gilts 00 each ftil.nOoSO Cash Gifts tno each ...

li0 Cash Gifts 400 ecch.... 4o flISO Cash Gifts 300 each....

Tash Gifts 200 each.... irt.tsj"Cash Gilts 1(H) each

11,1X0 Cash Gifts SO each.... &50.000

Total 12.0)0 Gifts. All Cash.amounting to f.j jO,0C0

The distribution will be positive, whether allthe tickets are sold or not, and the 12, OvO sifts allpaid in proporLon to the tickets snid all en.oidticket being destroyed, as at the First and SecoudConcerts, and not ropiesented in the drawing.

PSIICJC OF TICKETS.Whole tickets 50 : Halves Tenths, or acbCoupon, 5; Elevn Whole Tickets for 5oO : 22 2

Tickets for l,0O(i; 113 whole Tickets for .i,00O;w noie 1 ickets for $I0 0nu. ao discount on

less than S00 worth of Tickets at a time.The unparalleled success of the Third Gift Con

cert, as well as tho satisfaction given by the Firstand Second, makes it only necessary to announcethe Fourth to insure the prompt sale of everyTicket. The Fourth Gift Concert will be conducted in all its details .ike the Third, a id full particulars may be learned from circulars, which willbe sent free from this office to all who apply forthem.

Tickets now ready for sale, and all orders accompanied by the money promptly tilled. Liberalterms given to those who bay to sell again

TIIOS. E. BRA7ILKTTE.Agent Publ. I.ibr. Ky., and ManagerGift Concert.

I'ublic Library Building, Louisville, Ky.Angnst a im

A Rare Chance. A

rilUE Subftcriber has on Main Street inJL the lown of W 3'tlieville, Va., an eisht

Bquare BRICK DWELLING, Three StoriesHigh, large and beautifully tifnnted on halfacre lot, which he will exchange for lots orbmiaing material m the town of Bristol. 40The house is new but unfinished, owin tothe fact that he declined occupying it ad aresidence. It will take about six bo reli eddollars to comptete it. Several hundred dollars can be made by any one willing to trtknoi'i. utie periect.

Also at Mt. Airy Depot, Va. & Tenn, Itall- -

rand, a commodious THICK HOTEL nndSTOUE HOUSE with two acre lot, immediately in front of the Depot, with all necessary out buildin.s, which will be exchangedfor good property in bnstol on fair terms, A

There is no liettii-- stand on the line for sel-ling goods than at this depot.

11 J. A. UOl ER.Bristol, Tenn., Dec. 17. tf.

A CARD. out

D' II. l- - A.BOVCR, having permanentiy loeateJ himself in Bristol.

Tenn., oners 1'is professional services to thepublic for the treatment of all diseases pe-

culiar to Women and Children, ll-v-im

made this branch of hid profession a specialty for nearly twelve years, and the generalsuccess attending it, has induced him to con-fidently assure all who may place themselvesunder his care, tbe most approved methodsof treatment now known to tho profession.Ie intends no dieDaroeement in Bavinir thatno physician can arrive at distinction "?in themanairement 01 those aieeasea unless hi I

whnletime and attention in civen tn tS.i, Min... .t A ....! r- . . I

invesiigawuu aua iuuy. .nauy 01 mem oe- -ing peculiar 111 uvir uuiurc, ucuceie IO in- - I

Tcstigate, and consequently difficult to nnder- -atnnil. makes: it onite essential thnr tho ntire thoughts of the practitioner shonld becujruDCCi nun ijc cu"jrt. LauieH HV1P2

a distance wnu arts auiicieu witn t HRONICAffections will be received into his hounoand placed in the care of his wife, who willsee to their general comfort, through jroodn""e. reguVtted diet, &c.,at a cheaper rateiniiii iucy toiu i oe visiteu tar in tlie country.Should any however have friends ia townand prefer beiDji with them, the samo medi-cal attention will be givr-- them as if theywere in his own Isoubc Married ladiea canconfide in the pood treatmert of the Doctor

all cases, and under all circumstances.a.S?"Iteeiience at Thomas Kouee. on Main

Street,Bristol, Tenn., Dec. 17, '72. Jy




GRENADINE atl.cw.ould be cheap at 25c. per vard.



Pi.AIN COLOR JAPANESE POPLINS at 12Jc. per yard worth 2"c.

STRIPED JAPANESE POPLINS,in all colors, at lfic. worth 2.-,-


POLKA-DO- L CHINESE GRASS- -""1 yaru wiue, at ioc.

worth 2oc. per vard.PLAIN and STRIPED TVASIL POP-

LINS at 15c. per yard worth 25c.A lar;e assortment of fast-col-


LAWNS at 12 and lC?c. per yardworth 16? and 20c.

SCOTCH GINGHAM at lC?c. worth25c. per yard, -

BUFF VICTORIA LAWN at 2.jc.wroth 3"c. per yard.


CALES at 25c. worth ;0c. per yardLINEN TUSSORE SUITLVG-so- me-

thing new this season at 25 and30. worth 40 and 50c. per yard.

COLORED LINEN LAWNS at 25c .per yard worth 35c.

WHITE VICTORIA LAWN withsatm band sidestripe for trimmingat 25c. per yard worth 50c .

PIQUES at 25i 30. 35, 40 and 50c.per yard ail much below regularPr!ces- -

SATIN - STRIPED VICTORIALAWN at 30c would be cheap at40c.

5iA?xSL5TST5rP1 $1 to yd.COLORED SILKS at much below

regular prices.SWISS. CAMBRIC. NAINSOOK.


1017 and 1019 31 .4 1.1 STRUCT,

Va.Orders from Ihe Country ver exuress C. O 1).. vvvr,

pronjji altc7ilion


African Institats.2oJ. ir.McJZee,

For& FMii Mines.

"it is ingenious and will meet the wants M v.ery ma ron in tbe land."

Kxhibitinn nf isrijonn Uavtt, Kee. Secv. V. A. Urnnn Pre.eamuei v. teliman, t.Yirresponding Nery.

Jiew Vork, Novembemhvr 20, 1S72.mis simple and Ingenious Jfachine is as n.efnl

as me sewing machine, and la fast Deeming pop-ular wit ladies, iu the place of expensive Needle-work, its work being much more handsome, re-quiring less time aud not one tenth paitthe ex-pense. So lady'a toilet is not complete withoutit. A Jr.tchine with illustrated circnlar and fullinstructions sent on receipt ol of ni.i,..t isilver plate for 2.75.

Address, The HcRec tfanafacfurlrt? f .,S00 Broadway, Sew Tork.

Agents Wanted

DE GARVIN'S ILIXIE OF TAB.Is receommended by regular Medical nrsptiilnnenand a speedy cure guarranteed for adds. Coughs,Catarrah, Asthma, bronchitis. Snittinir Hloorf Consumption and all Palmouary CompUints. Scrofu-la, Erysipelas, Dyspepsia and Gont. Dysentery,Cholera-morbn- Cholera and all liver and bowelcomplaints. Kidney diseases and all affections ofthe Urinal Onrans perfectly harmless free fromMineral or Alcoholic properties uteas.int to takand never known to fail Price 4l.no per .Bottle.run particulars wun meuiral testimony and cer-tificates sent on application. Address. L. T.HfDE & CO., 193 Seventh Avenne, , Tork.

Darts from the De?fl; or Ccpid tad.book just issued, exnosinir thA "msm vt '

that have appeared in the Sew Trk Newannnratheir history and lesson. KtylUM YlllianHilly exposed. Advertisements fro m desDer- -ate men to beaotit'nl .women; Clandestine meet-ings :how frustrated ; The History of llie floodrich T r !.y the result of a "persooal."Inscription of Liring Rrnadwav Statues. Ksnoa- -

ocil orrnption. Sent on receipt ofcts. Addresse, Unique Printing House, 36 Vcs-e- ySt., . T.

The Beckwith $20 PortableFamily Sewing ittaeliine, on 30Days trial, many advantages over all. Satlsfse,tion guaranteed, or fit) refunded. Sent complete- -With full directions. Beekwlth fiewlrur MrhinCo., $2 Broadway, I. T.

Till? JIEW KEHEDY FOR RUPTURE.mott hntmrtant htrentUm. Sold bv the Elastic

Truss Co., JIo. ftS3 K road way. S. T. City. It retains) Kaptnre absolutely in ease and comfort,night and day, at all times, and under all circum-stances, withoat any exception whatever In anyease, and should never be taken on dnrinz theshort time reqaislt to effect a permanent ear.S.mt by mail. Circulars free. Any Druggist orPhysician will order this new Trass for von with



Shop.Encourage Home Manufacture.

WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO FURNISHkind of castings in or line. And to do in--

wUn promptnei.s and In the best manner..arge numoer oi rLOWS, f Asa inn i s, m.c. an

hand. DlXO.T, SMITH A CO,

July ZI. 1671.


Lynchburg Virginia.


FHOJI this date L. W. SCOVILLB, l snarerofWjgiflsxTos Ho Irs. Is sdif itted as a

Partner In the business of said Hoase. The busi-ness will be conducted Under the style and firm of

weask forthe JTew Concern a continna:ion of thea of my Prts4s an--l the rnhlic.

May :;jt. m ze tf- - T. t . 5. LUtiUSOa







SKIRTING CAM URIC at 20c. peryard worth 2."c.TUCKED CAMBRIC, full yard wide-a- t

SI 25 per yard 'BLACK ALPACAS and BOMBUZINES in all qualities.

AUSTRALIAN CREPE at oOc. pervard. verv cheap.


article, at 12'c. per pardLEATHER BELTS in all qmlitifTRUNKS, VALISES, SATCIIE LS,. and LUNCH BASKETSJSAOU ItllJlUiS, in .great variety.

much below regular prices.FANS in all styles and qualitiesLADIES, READY-MAD- E GAR-



20c. per vard. snmo n M t ,

oan nt'lT.r nor va '

ihlJ- - jICIv every (piallity, from 10to S5c. pr yard; A general assort-ment of GOODS suitable for menand hovs r

UTICA 104 urir.AriTPn sttitt.'tING at .rnc. per vard


FULL-WIDT- H BLeXcIIED SHEETING at 3.c. per vard

BLEACHED PILLOW-CAS- E CO- T-TON, a yard and a quarter wide, ata shillin? per yard

NEW YORK MILLS COTTON at20c. ner varti


DA VOL MILLS BLEACHED COT.TON. the favorite brand, only lsc


sepS-l- y.

StiefFs Pianos.

Upward of fifty First PremiumGold ami Silver Medals, were awartit--to CI IAS. Yi. 8TKIFF. for the bttPIANOS, in competition witli nil theleading factories iu the country.

Office and Warerooms.No. 9X. Lib-erty St., Baltimore, J!d.

The superiority of the UnrivalledStieff Piano Forte, is conceded by allwho have compared it with others. Intheir New Grand Square. Octaves,the manufacturer lias succeeded inmaking the most perfect Piano Fortepossible.

Prices will be found as reasonableas consistent with thorough workmanship.

A large assortment of Second HandPianos always ou hand, from $7-- t

We are agents for the celebratedBurdett Cabinet, Parlor and ChurchOrgans, all styles and prices, to suitevery one, guaranteed to be fully equalto any made.

Send for Illustrated Catalogue, con-taining names of over l.V0 Southern-ers, 5)i of whom are Virginia:),200 North Carolinians, East

and others throughout theSouth, who have bought the StieflPiano since the close of the war.

May 27, '73, ly.

CLOCKS,Artistic and beautiful patterns.

CLOCKS,Reliable tiaie-keepe- rs.

CLOCKSCheap to suit the times.

CLOCKS,Warranted for two years.

Can only be had from

A. PIC KEN,From Londo, England.


Main St., Bristol, Tenn. and Va


PARASOLS, in every style, Ijice CoIUrsL)te'g nhoi and

Ribbons, Linen, Mourning and 21 Mourning

very low, at DL'NS'S- -


LAW DEWRTmENT.3. B. Minor, I.I.. !., Pror Com. and 3Ut. f -

O. Southall. II., D., Prof. Equity andant. lntt-rnat'- Law. etc. fes-- i. n begins .

.and continues nfwe miuttht. Instrei-tie-.and lectures combined. iiliitiatf

Mts.t-Coor- t exercises. For C.it.il..'. p? Jn"O r.,ier,ilv of Va.lto WM. W h.K IK.Mi A



