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Broadcast & Production - The Best of Made in Italy 2013/2014

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The most interesting Italian Companies offering products and services to Broadcasters
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    Focus on Africa


    T H E B E S T O F B R O A D C A S T & P R O D U C T I O N M A D E I N I T A L Y 3

    Some years ago, while introducing his paper Reform orrecolonisation? the overhaul of African television, ChrisA. Paterson wrote: the African television broadcasting sec-tor is undergoing a rapid and long awaited process of liber-alisation. (....) Throughout the continent broadcasters,whether privately or publicly financed, are finding a widevariety of creative solutions to technological and economicchallenges as they rush to cultivate an audience among theurban middle class. But the rapid shift from public to fre-quently foreign private ownership of television may be symp-tomatic of a broader recolonisation of Africa by US andEuropean multinationals that has been euphemistically herald-ed as Africa's Renaissance. About 15 years later, the Africantelevision dilemma still lays on those premises: either investingvaluable resources to develop African-specific formats andcontent, thus driving television to reflect local identities andcommon values (we could call this glocal content) or apply-ing minor cosmetics to off-the-shelf and well-proven formatsfrom outside Africa, then re-broadcasting them all over theconsidered African Country? There is probably no undisputedsolution to this dilemma. We can but notice there is no com-mon denominator in African Countries other than Africa itself.In almost each of them people can speak their own tribal lan-guages as well as the official language of the former colonialstate: mainly French and English, but also some Portuguese,Italian and German. So, no African esperanto is available:together with the noticeable diversity in both behaviour andmood in people from different Countries, this could be one ofthe reasons why EU or US made content, designed to fit aglobal audience since their very beginning, regardless of theaudiences language and habits, are the most common choiceby local broadcasters and content industries when they thinkof addressing new markets from scratch, instead of fosteringlocally produced content by giving them a not-so-Country-specific (or region-specific) flavour. Jean-Philippe Gillet,vice-president ofsales for Europe andthe Middle East atsatellite operatorIntelsat, says Africa iscomplex and frag-mented, and it is dif-ficult to deliver aservice that can tran-scend nationalboundaries. Even ifyou split Africa intodifferent languagesits not simple. Thereis diversity withinboth French andEnglish speakingAfrica he says.Anyway, Gillet sees

    no reason why the African market would not develop in asimilar way to other emerging economy regions including east-ern Europe.

    To viewers houses Whichever the content, it has to be spread to viewers houses.Cable and fiber are rare birds all over Africa, so broadcastingthere means either satellite (DTH) or terrestrial (DTT) televi-sion.Africa is far too large to generalise about - Graham Pomphreyreported for www.digitaltveurope.net - Looking at sub-SaharanAfrica specifically, Informa Telecoms and Media predicts thatthere were around 7.5 million TV subscribers in 2011 fromaround 37.5 million homes. However, with a total of 152 mil-lion sub-Saharan homes, those figures mean only around 5%of households take a pay TV service. Even within sub-SaharanAfrica, some markets are seeing high levels of pay TV growth,while others, due to political and socio-economic issues, havevery under-developed TV markets.Multichoice is probably the most successful Africas pay TVoperator, even then some operators have recently attemptedto challenge its monopoly, achieving different results. GatewayBroadcast Services launched a pan-regional service focussed onthe English Premier League football matches, but the operatorwas forced into liquidation in 2009. HiTV experienced a

    FOCUS ON AFRICADigital Television in Africa: the long-lasting fast lane

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    noticeable success in Nigeria, potentially aiming at offeringsome genuine competition to MultiChoice, but later on theylost the rights to the Premier League. Wananchi offers pay TVand triple-play services in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania, andplans to roll out aggressively to Ethiopia, Eritrea, South Sudan,Rwanda, Burundi, Malawi and Zambia. Hannelie Bekker,Wananchi managing director, stresses that the East Africanmarket, whilst hugely promising, is tough. East Africa ischaracterised by very low penetration of pay TV. Recentreports show a weekly pay TV reach of 0.14% of the adultpopulation. At the same time there is strong socio-economicgrowth, fuelled at least partly by technology, and therefore anincreasing appetite for services and choice she says. Bekkerbelieves the pay TV access in Africa will be in line with thedemographic shifts that are happening on a socio-economiclevel. Wananchi chose to launch its pay TV and triple-playservices in Kenya because we look at a multitude of factors:demographic data, media consumption habits, the competitivelandscape, the regulatory regime, licensing requirements,requirements for setting up our dealer networks and traininginstallers, ease of doing business, even the mood in the coun-try, says Bekker.

    DTTDTT services are making inroads, even if investment in thenetworks is expensive and time to market is significantlylonger than with satellite DTH. As of August 2013, 8 countriesin Africa launched DTT and close to 1 million homes haveaccess to DTT channels, on top of the 8 million digital pay TVsubscribers. In theory and from 2015, Africa's 100 million TVhouseholds will be able to access many more free digital TVchannels in better quality. Simon Murray, analyst at Digital TVResearch, says: these are exciting times for TV in Sub-SaharanAfrica. Governments are opening up to investment, whichinvolves several pioneering foreign TV players. Populations aregrowing fast and incomes per capita are on the rise, creating aburgeoning number of middle class consumers. Theswitchover to digital terrestrial television (DTT) in sub-SaharanAfrica should be completed within just over two years, by 17June 2015 at the latest, according to joint recommendationsby the UIT (International Telecommunications Union) and the

    UAT (African Telecommunications Union).Almost every African country choose either DVB-T or DVB-T2standard to go digital terrestrial television, with (up to now)just a single exception: in February 2013 BotswanaAdministration announced the decision to adopt the ISDB-Tstandard, thus re-writing previous commitments to implementDVB-T (and DVB-T2). People aware of the matter say othercountries might be considering a similar move: several ones,including Mozambique, Namibia, Zambia and Congo maysoon be tempted away from DVB to ISDB-T.Consultancy firm Analysys Mason recently issued a Case Studyon digital TV switchover in Tanzania. On 31 December 2012,Tanzania became the first country in mainland Sub-SaharanAfrica to switch off its analogue television signal, more thantwo years ahead of the ITU-agreed deadline of 17 June 2015.The digital terrestrial signal, first deployed in late 2010, nowachieves almost the same population coverage as the earlieranalogue signal. The country has also avoided the cost ofextended dual illumination (where analogue and digital broad-casts are run in parallel, carrying the same content).

    Satellite Satellite operator Intelsat has high expectations of the Africanmarket, according to Jean-Philippe Gillet, vice-president ofsales for Europe and the Middle East. The operator recentlyboosted its capacity over the continent with the launch ofIntelsat 20. MultiChoice has now transferred its services to thenew satellite, giving it room to expand.The satellite also serves MyTV, a pay TV offering availableacross Africa but targeting the Nigerian market in particular.MyTV offers around 20 channels. Intelsat is also host to reli-gious-themed free-to-air bouquet ViewSat.For Gillet, Africa is complex and fragmented. While a numberof countries offer strong prospects based on their relative size,it is difficult albeit in some ways economically necessary todeliver a service that can transcend national boundaries. Evenif you split Africa into different languages its not simple.There is diversity within both French and English speakingAfrica. We see multiple opportunities but the more peoplelive in a country the more the opportunity is going to be, hesays. For the moment except for South Africa and Nigeria

    its challenging to see one market able to finan-cially sustain a new player. At the same time, tar-geting multiple territories with an offering makesit difficult to cater to the plethora of local differ-ences evident across the continent. Nevertheless,Gillet says he sees no reason why the marketwill not develop in a similar way to other emerg-ing economy regions including eastern Europe.Arie Vered, SatLinks senior manager for Africa,said: I have been surprised by the business wehave got in Africa and by the general develop-ment in the market. The potential is huge becauseof the number of growing markets. Many Africancountries are experiencing growth and they needhelp to build up their infrastructure, especially interms of TV. According to Arie, satellite willremain the primary platform for the delivery andcontribution of TV channels in Africa, even if digi-tal terrestrial television is taking off in variousCountries, because DTT will require satellite con-tribution and distribution. If DTT becomes popu-


    T H E B E S T O F B R O A D C A S T & P R O D U C T I O N M A D E I N I T A L Y 5

    lar, and it is already well developed in some African markets,someone needs to bring the channels to the local areas. Mostof it is done via satellite. DTT will not impact on DTH in theshort term, even if it will be successful in some countries.Aries believes that the positive trend will continue acrossAfrica in the long-term, because new opportunities willbecome available even when some markets begin to mature:

    Some countries, like Nigeria, are booming now. In two orthree years time that growth will slow down, but when it doesthere will always be another country experiencing rapidgrowth. The continent is so diverse and each country in a dif-ferent stage of development. Africa will remain very interest-ing for at least the next 10 years.

    (Davide Moro)

    The radio broadcasting scenario in Africa

    Its not easy to summarize in a few words the present situa-tion of Radio in the African continent: Africa spans 8000 kmfrom North to South, and more or less the same from CaboVerde to Somalia, resp. Africas easternmost and westernmostpoints; geography, climate and natural environment vary dra-matically inside these limits, providing possibly the most varie-gate reality in the world, so that its almost impossible to findcommon aspects in the different african regions. In this con-text, radio broadcasting is essential for the life of Africans,becoming one of the main actors in economical and socialdevelopment of the various countries. Radio is the preferredmedia for knowledge and news distribution still today, evenwhen TV and Internet are quickly progressing in Africa, byachieving a good covering both in town and rural areas. In thelattest ones Radio played a significant role in lifting the coun-try from colonialism: radio broadcasts in the local languageand the spreading of good practices both in the agriculturaland the industrial field made the transition to independentcountries quicker and swifter. Agriculturaland Rural Radio still are the most importanttraining school for the farmers, whichnowadays range about 70% of the popula-tion. A high number of NGO uses the radioas the main media to communicate alsowith the farthest and more difficult to reachareas. Radio social education programmes,which deal (e.g.) with the correct use ofwater, health and safety issues, and whichpromote the knowledge and consciousnessof women rights, have been and still are ofparamount importance in African cultureand social environment. Implementing awidespread broadcast coverage over a vastand dramatically diverse country (both inculture and in language) is relatively easy,

    and this has been the key factor in the success of radio.The explanation of this success has to be searched inthe low cost of the installation and operation of aradio broadcasting site, which makes this affordableeven for people with very restricted budget.Thousands of radio sites just flourished across theAfrican continent and reached a very high percentageof the population, thus preserving cultural and socialdifferences. Such a result would have been impossibleto reach by television, whose Capex and Opex are sohigh to prevent almost everyone from targeting smallor micro-communities; television aims at producingvast target national shows, and neglects niche pro-grams targeted at small religious or tribal groups.

    Politics and Institutions African politics and institutions noticed and took immediateadvantage of radio capabilities: the easiness in covering exten-sive area, and the ability of giving voice to everybody in a verylively and multicultural environment, made Radio the ultimateweapon in the politic arena. African Parties, in the continentnewest and struggling democracies, often rely either on theirown radio or on community radio, which they support eco-nomically, to be sure to reach the most remote village withtheir politic propaganda. Ministers and Presidents themselvesoften own some of the country radios, sometimes in thedirect sunlight, sometimes not. Government bodies whichcontrol and decide the use and the ownership of broadcastingfrequency are therefore key places to control in order to pre-serve ones politic influence. Popular consensus and subse-quent favourable election votes may be achieved throughradio: TV does not have a deep coverage outside big cities,and also both internet and mobile telephony importance in

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    politics has not been fully understood yet. With this back-ground, it is easy to understand how two radio belonging totwo different African countries, as Nigeria and Kenya, look likethey belong to different planets, not just to different parts ofthe same continent. In Nigeria, the typical broadcasting site features high powertransmitters: regulating authorities do not have the power toenforce a market regulation, while territory control do notrequire such structures. In may cases, Nigerian radio competeto buy the most powerful transmitters in order to disturb orblack-out competitors signal. So, whoever wants to enter theelite club of big national networks, must be aware that he isgoing to face high expenses both to acquire a frequency andto buy proper transmitters and also that he must secure atransmitting site in each state of the Nigerian Federation.Nigerian broadcasters are not scared by all these difficulties:the prize is the audience of 165 million potential listeners in acountry that has the highest PIL in Africa (starting from QIII2013) even higher than South Africa. On the African east cost, Kenya is closer to Europe, if com-pared with the Nigerian chaos. Kenya broadcast market is fairlydeveloped, and Authority rules are strictly followed by all com-petitors on the media scene. Kenian broadcasting scenario ismade of small to medium transmitting sites, and very few onesare rated more than 10 kW. If we had to find a leading threadto explain such significant differences, we should analyze notonly the cultural environment of the country under examina-tion, but also the peculiar characteristics of their inhabitantsbehaviour: Kenyan are discreet, almost bashful, and these traitsare believed to reflect their clockwork broadcast organization.Nigerians, on the contrary, are expansive and lively, thus per-fectly justifying the creative lawless Far West which is theirown broadcast market. Namibia, which is a former German territory and becameforcefully part of the Boer South Africa, has a solid Central-European background, which definitively modelled the broad-cast landscape: a high number of low power stations are pres-ent in the country, thus guaranteeing a widespread radio cov-ering, with the lowest operative costs. Namibia counts on 2million inhabitants, dispersed on a vast and desert country, andtherefore is not the first choice of investment for Europeanand American broadcasters.Somalia, the bankrupted country easternmost of the Horn ofAfrica, deserves a special consideration: after twenty years ofthe Siad Barre dictatorship, and the following twenty yearsspent in civil war and chaos of the whole country, a new, evenif still difficult, era for Somalian broadcast market and editorsstarted after the expulsion of the Al Shabab radical islamicgroup from Mogadishu. Still the broadcast market is con-strained and retained in its growth by logistic difficulties,politic instability and the diffused violence outside theSomalian capital city. Anyway, population has the strong willof building a broacast structure up-to-date and capable to givevoice to the different realities, thus overcoming severaldecades of repression and obscurantism. Even Sport radiobegun to broadcast, in spite of the strictest Islam teachings,fulfilling Somalian (and African) passion for soccer.After the recent Arabian Spring, the situation of the countriesnorth of Sahara is exceedingly interesting. A lot of countriesformerly under a dictatorship started to experience a veryquick (and complicated) opening and broadening of broadcastmarket. Libya, which suffered for forty years a radio broadcast

    monopoly by the Ghaddafi family, is now opening to the mar-ket; the uncertanity in internal politics strongly influence theradio regulation, which is almost neglectible.A very similar situation involves Tunisia: the laws which gov-ern censorship in the broadcast world have not been changedsince the expulsion of dictator Ben Al, and therefore radiobroacasting became illegal. So far, illegal radio broadcasting and frequency assignation oroccupation will still reign for a while in North-African coun-tries. Anyway, this step, as it happened in many civilized coun-tries, is necessary to lead the way to build a free radio marketwith a set of well-established and shared rules.

    (Giulio Bussolari)

    Whats the Best of B&P Made in I ta ly?The Best of Broadcast & Production Made in Italy is aneditorial initiative distributed and e-mailed to morethan 40,000 decision makers in the radio, television,production and post production industries, selectedfrom the extensive database of our multinational pub-lishing group NewBay Media. The whole issue will be available as FREE digital edi-tion, whose link will be push-mailed to about 40,000 e-readers several times throughout the year, on the occa-sion of each International show. Thousands of copies will be also distributed on theNewBay Media publishing stand at the most promi-nent international broadcasting exhibitions and confer-ences to take place between November 2013 andSeptember 2014: Africa Com, NAB, Broadcast Asiaand IBC. This guide provides its readers with a compre-hensive information on the Italian firms (productionand/or distribution) that offer services and products tothe broadcast industry. From audio and video to trans-mission and accessories, it features an extensive list ofmore than 200 firms and 17 company profiles, high-lighting the most innovative companies.In addition, the Broadcast&Production Italy web site(www.broadcast.it) has reserved a special section to theBest of B&P Made in Italy, including a direct link to theon-line digital issue.

    Contact: [email protected]




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    Essa Al HaddadGroup CEOfor AfricaEtisalat Group

    Marc RennardEVP, Africa, Middle East & AsiaOrange

    Romeo KumaloChief Operating O cer: International BusinessVodacom Group

    Jason BiglerDirector, Product ManagementGoogle, USA

    Lulama MokhoboGroup CEOSABC

    Irene CharnleyGroup CEOSmile

    Jason NjokoCEOIroko

    Nicola DEliaGrowth Manager Africafacebook

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    I T A L I A N B R O A D C A S T D I R E C T O R Y


    3G ELECTRONICSVia Boncompagni 3b 20139 MILANO MIPh. +39 02 525301www.3gelectronics.it

    ABE ELETTRONICAVia Leonardo Da Vinci 224 24043 CARAVAGGIO BGPh. +39 0363 351007www.abe.it

    ADCOMVia Zanardi 50 40131 BOLOGNA BOPh. +39 051 369940www.adcom.it

    ADVEN.NLVia Cartiera 52/b 28923 POSSACCIO VBPh. +39 0323 552001www.adven.it

    AEV BROADCASTVia della Tecnica 33 40050 ARGELATO BOPh. +39 051 6630904www.aev.euSEE ADVERTSINGAT PAGE 16

    ALDENA TELECOMUNICAZIONIVia per Vighignolo 6/8 20019 SETTIMO MILANESE MIPh. +39 02 90390461www.aldena.it

    ALLYN Via Mario Fani 177 00135 ROMA RMPh. +39 06 35511437www.allyn.it

    AMPERCOMVia Torri Bianche 10 - Pal. Betulla20871 VIMERCATE MBPh. +39 039 690621www.ampercom.com

    ANTECHVia V.E. Orlando 7 95037 S. GIOVANNI LA PUNTA CTPh. +39 095 7417400www.antech.it

    ARET ENGINEERINGVia Papa Giovanni XXIII 30 20080 ZIBIDO SAN GIACOMO MIPh. +39 02 92270873www.aret-engineering.com

    ARIELABVia Brecce Bianche 12 60131 ANCONA ANPh. +39 0731 607288www.arielab.com

    ATL SYSTEMSVia S. Erasmo 4 00184 ROMA RMPh. +39 06 7005702www.atlsrl.com

    AUDIO LINK Via Monte Prinzera 17/a Loc. Alberi 43010 PARMA PRPh. +39 0521 648723www.audiolink.it

    AUDIO NETWORK TECNOLOGYPiazza Bonaparte 22/E 20813 BOVISIO MASCIAGO MBPh. +39 0362 571116www.audionetwork.it

    AUDIOSCOPE 2KVia Caianello 27 00177 ROMA RMPh. +39 06 24407014www.audioscope.it

    AUDIOTEK Via Tazio Nuvolari 22700142 ROMA RM Ph. +39 065036743www.sonybroadcast.it

    AVID TECHNOLOGYPalazzo T2 Strada 7 Milanofiori 20089 ROZZANO MIPh. +39 02 5778971www.aviditalia.it

    AVS AUDIO VIDEOSERVICEVia S. Barassi 29 20866 CARNATE MBPh. +39 039 6889186www.avssrl.com

    AXEL TECHNOLOGYVia C. Di Sabbiuno 6/F 40011 ANZOLA EMILIA BOPh. +39 051 736555www.axeltechnology.com

    B&B - DIGITAL RAPIDSVia Rosolino Pilo 8 20129 MILANO MIPh. +39 02 36699130www.digital-rapids.com

    BELCOVia Lodi 86 21042 CARONNO PERTUSELLA VAPh. +39 02 963981www.belcoproducts.itSEE ADVERTISING AT PAGE 43

    BEL POWER EUROPEVia Resegone 28 20857 CAMPARADA MBPh. +39 039 6013849www.belpower.comSEE ARTICLE AT PAGE 18

    BERTONVia Colombara 123/H 30175 MARGHERA VEPh. +39 041 931628www.bertoncom.com

    BETA SERVICESVia Posidonia 52 84127 SALERNO SAPh +39 089 6307084www.betaservices.it

    BITONLIVEVia Don Angelo Pedrinelli 4824030 CARVICO BGPh. +39 035 0773233www.bitonlive.com

    BLT ITALIAVia Fratelli Rosselli 91 55041 LIDO DI CAMAIORE LUPh. +39 0584 904788www.blt.it

    BLUESHAPE(NEW CELL TOP)Via Liguria 4/6 42124 REGGIO EMILIA REPh. +39 0522 518556www.newcelltop.comSEE ADVERTISING AT PAGE 14

    BOGEN IMAGING ITALIA Via Sasso Rosso 19 36061 BASSANO DEL GRAPPA VIPh. +39 0424 555554www.manfrotto.it

    BPRVia Carducci 125 20099 SESTO S. GIOVANNI MIPh. +39 02 2408351www.bprvideo.it


  • T H E B E S T O F B R O A D C A S T & P R O D U C T I O N M A D E I N I T A L Y 9

    I T A L I A N B R O A D C A S T D I R E C T O R Y


    BROADCAST CENTERVia G.Chiarini 62/64 65126 PESCARA PEPh. +39 085 4511206www.broadcastcenter.it

    BROADCAST DIGITAL SERVICEVia G. Fuggetta 25 00149 ROMA RMPh. +39 06 55285833www.bds.it

    BROADCAST SOLUTIONSStrada Comunale Uno snc67021 PICENZE DI BARISCIANO AQ Ph. +39 0862753011www.broadcastsolutions.it

    BT BROADCAST&MEDIAVia Pianezza 123 10151 TORINO TOPh. +39 011 0967139www.bt.com/globalservices

    BT MONITORINGVia G. Mazzini 70/F 20056 TREZZO SULLADDA MIPh. +39 02 92092795www.bt-monitoring.it

    C.V.E. COMMUNICATION VIDEO ENG.Via F.lli Bandiera 52 20843 VERANO BRIANZA MBPh. +39 0362 805778www.cve-italy.com

    CAMERA DYNAMICSVia Archimede 8 20099 S. SAN GIOVANNI MIPh. +39 02 2402267www.vitecgroup.com

    CANON ITALIAVia Milano 820097 SAN DONATO MILANESE MI Ph. +39 0282481www.canon.it

    CANTONI TRADINGStrada Degli Angariari 25 48020 ROVERETA RSMPh. +39 +37 80549876501www.cantonionline.it

    CARTONIVia Giuseppe Mirri 13 00159 ROMA RMPh. +39 06 4382002www.cartoni.com

    CHERUBINIVia Tiburtina 360 00159 ROMA RMPh. +39 06 432191www.cherubini.com

    CINEMECCANICAV.le Campania 23 20133 MILANO MIPh. +39 02 7481151www.cinemeccanica.it

    CINENANE GROUPVia Mazzini 33 20099 SESTO SAN GIOVANNI MIPh. +39 02 2409974www.cinenane.com

    CINTEL CINEMA TV EQUIPMENTVia L. Capranica 16 20131 MILANO MIPh. +39 02 2666420www.cintelitaly.it

    CLASSXVia Francesca 368/I 56020 S.MARIA A MONTE PIPh. +39 0587 705153www.classx.it

    CLAY PAKYVia Pastrengo 3B 24068 SERIATE BGPh. +39 035 654311www.claypaky.it

    CLONWERKVia Parenzo 2 20143 MILANO MIPh. +39 02 89150247www.clonwerk.it

    CMViale degli Artigiani 1 20832 DESIO MBPh. +39 0362 620124www.cm-coax.it

    CO.FI.PO.Via Don Minzoni 19 20900 MONZA MBPh. +39 039 9415400www.cofipo.it

    COEMARVia Inghilterra 2/A 46042 CASTEL GOFFREDO MNPh. +39 0376 77521www.coemar.com

    COLBYV.le Emilia 83 20093 COLOGNO MONZESE MIPh. +39 02 267121www.colby.it

    COMSYTECVia F.lli Bandiera 52 20843 VERANO B. MBPh. +39 0362 805762www.comsytec.it

    COM-TECHVia Industria 7 23017 MORBEGNO SOPh. +39 0342 601159www.com-tech.it

    COSMOLIGHTVia Emilio Segr s.n.c. 00012 GUIDONIA M. RMPh. +39 0774 354418www.cosmolight.it

    COTELETTRONV.le Degli Ammiragli 69 00136 ROMA RMPh. +39 06 39725839www.cotelettron.com

    CP CASESVia Gregoriana 56 00187 ROMA RM www.cpcases.com

    CPE ITALIAVia Dante Chiasserini 15 20157 MILANO MIPh. +39 02 390961www.cpeitalia.it

    CRESTRON ITALIAVia Verona 16 20063 CERNUSCO S/N MIPh. +39 02 92148185www.crestron.com

    CTE DIGITAL BROADCAST Via per Cantalupo 5 21040 ORIGGIO VAPh. +39 02 96738811www.digitalbroadcast.cte.it

    CTE DIGITAL BROADCAST Via R. Sevardi 7 42100 REGGIO EMILIA REPh. +39 0522 509452www.cte.it

    D&M BROADCAST ENGINEERINGVia Cooperazione 1/B40018 SAN PIETRO IN CASALE BOPh. +39 051 0312903www.dmbroadcast.itSEE ARTICLE AT PAGE 24

    D1 GROUPPiazza Cavour 19 80137 NAPOLI NAPh. +39 081 293105www.d1group.it

    DB BROADCAST GROUP Riviera Maestri del Lavoro 20/1 35127 PADOVA PDPh. +39 049 8700588www.dbbroadcast.comSEE ARTICLEAT PAGE 26

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    DELO INSTRUMENTSVia Piemonte 1420090 FIZZONASCO DI P. EMANUELE MI Ph. +39 0290722441www.delo.it

    DE SISTI LIGHTINGVia Cancelliera 10/A 00041 ALBANO L. RMPh. +39 06 934991www.desisti.it

    DELTA ELETTRONICAVia Valparaiso 7/A 20144 MILANO MIPh. +39 02 4856111www.delta-elettronica.it

    DELTA MECCANICAVia Fontanelle Di Bardano 20 05018 ORVIETO TRPh. +39 0763 316222www.deltameccanica.com

    DIEM TECHNOLOGIES Via del Commercio 27 16167 GENOVA GEPh. +39 010 3291531 www.diemtech.com

    DMG COMMUNICATIONVia Garibaldi 32 20061 CARUGATE MIPh. +39 02 99765094www.dmgcommunication.it

    E.M.D.Via Mascagni 18 21022 AZZATE VAPh. +39 0332 890129www.emd-pro.it

    ELBERVia Pontevecchio 42W 16042 CARASCO GEPh. +39 0185 351333www.elber.comSEE ARTICLEAT PAGE 28

    ELCA ELECTRONIC SYSTEMVia Adda 5 21057 OLGIATE OLONA VAPh. +39 0331 [email protected]

    ELCA Via E. Jenner 4 24047 TREVIGLIO BGPh. +39 0363 303885www.elca-italy.com

    ELECTROSYSLoc. Sferracavallo 19/A 05018 ORVIETO TRPh. +39 0763 3361www.electrosys.it

    ELENOSVia G. Amendola 9 44028 POGGIO RENATICO FEPh. +39 0532 829965www.elenos.comSEE ARTICLE AT PAGE 20

    ELETTRONICA MONTARBOVia G. Di Vittorio 13 40057 CADRIANO DI G. BOPh. +39 051 766437www.montarbo.com

    ELETTRICA 2000 Via Monte Grappa 2520900 MONZA MBPh. +39 039 2000598www.elettrica2000.com

    ELETTRONIKA Ss 96 Km 113 70027 PALO DEL COLLE BAPh. +39 080 626755www.elettronika.it

    ELITE PICTURES Via Matteo Babini 32 00139 ROMA RMPh. +39 06 [email protected]

    ELLE ERRE ELETTRONICAVia Oropa 297 13892 COSELLA BIELLA BI Tel. 015 572103www.lrr.it

    ENRICO PIETROSANTIVia Remo La Valle 105 00054 FIUMICINO RMPh. +39 06 916505771www.enricopietrosanti.com

    ESATVia Brissogne 12 10142 TORINO TOPh. +39 011 701113www.esat.it

    ETEREContrada Cisterna 62029 TOLENTINO MCPh. +39 0733 9564www.etere.com

    EURO VIDEO SYSTEMVia Torino 69 33037 PASIAN DI PRATO UDPh. +39 0432 691211www.eurovideosystem.com

    EUROMETZ. Ind. Brodolini 60025 LORETO ANPh. +39 071 976444www.euromet.com

    EUROSELLVia Stiria 45/12-13 33100 UDINE UDPh. +39 0432 525211www.eurosell.it

    EUROTEK St. Com. Savonesa 9 15057 RIVALTA SCRIVIA ALPh. +39 0131 860205www.eurotektel.com

    EUTELSAT ITALIAVia Leonida Bissolati, 5400187 ROMA RMPh. +39 0645206501www.eutelsat.it

    EVS ITALIAVia Milano 2 25126 BRESCIA BSPh. +39 030 296400www.evs.tv

    EXHIBOVia L. Da Vinci 6 20854 VEDANO AL LAMBRO MBPh. +39 039 49841www.exhibo.it

    FISCHER CONNECTORSVia Vittor Pisani 12 20900 MONZA MBPh. +39 039 734072www.fischerconnectors.it

    FLUIDSTREAMVia Castellana 16330030 MARTELLAGO VEwww.fluidstream.net

    FUNKY JUNK ITALYVia Pollaiuolo 1520159 MILANO MIPh. +39 02 69016229www.funkyjunk.it

    GAMMARED ENGINEERING Via Gobetti 1157016 VADA LIPh. +39 0586 785021www.gammared.it

    GE LIGHTINGVia Brescia 31 36040 TORRI DI QUARTESOLO VIPh. +39 800 784750www.gelighting.com

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    GENEXVia Torre S. Eusebio 144 00131 ROMA RMPh. +39 06 4193704www.genex.it

    GERITELVia Cavalieri di V. Veneto 8/C 15057 TORTONA ALPh. +39 0131 870153www.geritel.com

    GESTITEL Via Velasca 36/a 20871 VIMERCATE MBPh. +39 039 6612069www.gestitel.com

    GRISBY MUSIC Via Giolitti 8 60027 OSIMO STAZIONE ANPh. +39 071 7211340www.grisbymusic.it

    IANIRO ALDOVia Ragusa 5 00040 PAVONA RMPh. +39 06 9310198www.ianiro.com


    INNOVACTION Via E. Berlinguer loc. Nova88040 PIANOPOLI CZPh. +39 0968 425600www.innovaction.it

    IRTEVia Pompei 35 21013 GALLARATE VAPh. +39 0331 797286www.irte.it

    ITALTELECVia Tiberina 4900065 FIANO ROMANO RMPh +39 0765 481633www.italtelec.comSEE ARTICLE AT PAGE 30

    JVC PROFESSIONAL EUROPEVia G. Sirtori 7/9 20129 MILANO MI Ph. +39 02269431www.jvcpro.eu

    LABEL ITALY Via S. Allende 59 41122 MODENA MOPh. +39 059 362993www.labelitaly.it

    LABORATORI PIROVANOVia M Delfico 3 20155 MILANO MIPh. +39 02 [email protected]

    LEADING TECHNOLOGIESVia Solferino 54 20900 MONZA MBPh. +39 039 9415200www.leadingtech.it

    LEMO ITALIAViale Lunigiana 2520125 MILANO MIPh. +39 02 66711046www.lemo.com

    LINEARVia dell Industria 20 25032 CHIARI BSPh. +39 030 711643www.linearsrl.it

    LINK TELECOMUNICAZIONIVia Ernesto Rossi 2 35125 PADOVA PDPh. +39 049 8804040www.linksrl.tv

    LUPO LIGHTVia Vittorio Sassi 30 10093 COLLEGNO TOPh. +39 011 4111966www.lupolight.it

    LUPO LUXVia Vittorio Sassi 28 10093 COLLEGNO TOPh. +39 011 41037775www.lupolux.it

    M. CASALE BAUERVia IV Novembre 6/8 40057 CADRIANO DI G. BOPh. +39 051 766648www.casalebauer.com

    MANFROTTO - VITEC GROUPVia Valsugana 100 36022 CASSOLA VIPh. +39 0424 555855www.manfrotto.com

    MARTIN PROFESSIONAL ITALYVia delle Canovine 46 24126 BERGAMO BGPh. +39 035 3690911www.martin.it

    MB SOFT Via XX Settembre 33 18038 SANREMO IMPh. +39 0184 573555www.mbradio.it

    MEDIA SOLUTIONVia Avogadro 27 35030 RUBANO PDPh. +39 049 8977404www.mediasolutionsrl.it

    MEDIACOM DIGITAL EVOLUTIONVia G. Peroni 452 00131 ROMA RMPh. +39 06 45563360www.digitalevolution.it

    MEDISATVia Pietro Mascagni 27/B 95037 S. G. LA PUNTA CTPh. +39 095 7417419www.medisat.it

    MICROVISIONOPENLOGICVia Armando Diaz 23 95123 CATANIA CTPh. +39 095 7315702www.microvision.it

    MIDI MUSICC.so E. De Nicola 8 10128 TORINO TOPh. +39 011 3185602www.midimusic.it

    MIDIWARE Via Cassia 1081 00189 ROMA RMPh. +39 06 30363456www.midiware.it

    MOLPASSVia Isaac Newton 1/E 40017 S. G. IN PERSICETO BOPh. +39 051 6874711www.molpass.com

    MOVIE ENGINEERINGVia Carlo Porta 3 20093 COLOGNO MONZESE MIPh. +39 02 2539931www.movieengineering.com

    MOVIE PEOPLEVia Carlo Porta 320093 COLOGNO MONZESE MIPh. +39 02 2539931www.moviepeople.it

    M-THREE SATCOMMILAN TELEPORTVia Brianza 15 20098 S. GIULIANO M. MIPh. +39 02 98284013www.m3sat.comSEE ARTICLE AT PAGE 32

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    M-THREE SATCOMROME TELEPORTVia Cornelia 498 00166 ROMA RMPh. +39 06 94810360www.m3sat.comSEE ARTICLE AT PAGE 32

    M-THREE SATCOMVENICEVia delle Industrie 17/a30175 MARGHERA VEwww.m3sat.comSEE ARTICLE AT PAGE 32

    MUNTER ELETTRONICAVia Dei Partigiani 116 20092 CINISELLO B. MIPh. +39 02 26221143www.munter.it

    NETWORK ELECTRONICSVia Vincenzo Tieri 11300123 ROMA RMPh. +39 06 30896623www.networkelectronics.it

    NEW CELL TOP (BLUESHAPE)Via Liguria 4/6 42124 REGGIO EMILIA REPh. +39 0522 518556www.newcelltop.comSEE ADVERTISING AT PAGE 14

    ONDA TELEELECTRONICVia P. Nanni Costa 12 40133 BOLOGNA BOPh. +39 051 3140412www.ondateleelectronic.it

    ONETASTICVia Ghislandi 47 25125 BRESCIA BSPh. +39 030 3539080www.onetastic.comSEE ADVERTISING AT PAGE 2

    PANAMEDVia Pasteur 16 20127 MILANO MIPh. +39 02 26111093www.panamed.it

    PANATRONICSVia Maderna 8 20138 MILANO MIPh. +39 02 55195561www.panatronics.eu

    PIKSELVia E. Breda 176 20126 MILANO MIPh. +39 02 842781www.piksel.com

    PM MICROWAVEStrada Francesca Est 119 / SP146040 RIVALTA SUL MINCIO MNPh. +39 0376 263229www.pmmicrowave.com

    PRAIS TELECOMUNICAZIONIVia R. De Troya 28 25010 BORGOSATOLLO BSPh. +39 030 2501565www.prais.com

    PRASE ENGINEERING Via Nobel 10 30020 NOVENTA DI PIAVE VEPh. +39 0421 571411www.prase.it

    PROELVia alla Ruenia 37/43 64027 S. OMERO TEPh. +39 0861 81241www.proelgroup.com

    PROFESSIONAL EQUIPMENTV.le Famagosta 37 20142 MILANO MIPh. +39 02 8910241www.professionalequipment.it

    PROFESSIONAL SHOWVia Praimbole 15 35010 LIMENA PDPh. +39 049 8657111www.professionalshow.com

    PROJECT ITALIAViale Redi 43 A/B/C50144 FIRENZE FI Ph. +39 055 352285www.projectitalia.it

    PROJECTIONDESIGNVia Plinio 43 20129 MILANO MIPh. +39 02 45471864www.projectiondesign.com

    PROTELVia Magellano 3 A/B 20090 CESANO BOSCONE MIPh. +39 02 48600265www.protel.it

    PROTELCOMVia G. Mazzini 70/F 20056 TREZZANO SULLADDA MIPh. +39 02 90929532www.protelcom.it

    PROVIFOVia Montenero 1 89025 ROSARNO RCPh. +39 0966 713263www.provifo.it

    PUMAVia Ampere 6 20019 SETTIMO MILANESE MIPh. +39 02 3288055www.pumasrl.it

    R.V.R. ELETTRONICAZ.I. Roveri Via del Fonditore 2/2C 40138 BOLOGNA BOPh. +39 051 6010506www.rvr.it

    RADIO MARCONIVia Scagnello 22 23885 CALCO LCPh. +39 039 508597www.radiomarconi.it

    REFERENCE LABORATORY Ss 16 Adriatica Km 309530 60027 OSIMO ANPh. +39 071 7202120www.referencelaboratory.com

    ROHDE & SCHWARZ ITALIAVia A. Cazzaniga 6320064 GORGONZOLA MIPh. +39 02 957041www.rohde-schwarz.it

    ROHDE & SCHWARZ ITALIAVia Tiburtina 109500159 ROMA RMPh. +39 06 415981www.rohde-schwarz.it

    RORKE DATA ITALYVico Nereo 1/R 16167 GENOVA GEPh. +39 010 3201834www.rorke.com

    ROSCO ITALIAVia G. Verdi 4 50122 FIRENZE FIPh. +39 055 243131www.rosco.com

    RO.VE.R INSTRUMENTSVia Parini 2 25019 SIRMIONE BSPh. +39 030 919822www.roverinstruments.com

    RS COMUNICAZIONIVia Capo Bonifati 40 00122 OSTIA LIDO RMPh. +39 06 45474881www.rsbroadcast.tv

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    RUNNING TV INTERNATIONALVia Terza Strada 2/C 35129 PADOVA PDPh. +39 049 7800537www.runningtv.it

    S & D INTERNATIONAL Via Troilo il Grande 55 00131 ROMA RMPh. +39 06 [email protected]

    S.E.TEL.Via Torino 79 10040 DRUENTO TOPh. +39 011 9941166www.setel.it

    S.I.C.E.Via Tazio Nuvolari 53 55061 CARRAIA LUPh. +39 0583 980787www.sicetelecom.it

    SCREEN SERVICE BROADCAST TECHNOLOGIESVia G. Di Vittorio 17 25125 BRESCIA BSPh. +39 030 3582225www.screen.it

    SEDICOMVia Portuense 351/B 00149 ROMAPh. +39 06 5561283www.sedicomtech.itSEE ARTICLE AT PAGE 34

    SEMATRON ITALIAVia Mazzini 46 20056 TREZZO SULLADDA MIPh. +39 02 90929189www.sematronitalia.eu

    SIAE MICROELETTRONICAVia M. Buonarroti 21 20093 COLOGNO MONZESE MIPh. +39 02 273251www.siaemic.it

    SIELCOVia Toscana 57/59 20090 BUCCINASCO MIPh. +39 02 45713300www.sielco.org

    SIME 2007Via della Tolda 3 00122 ROMA RMPh. +39 06 51607446www.sime2007.it

    SINFOTELVia Dei Fiori 7

    15060 BASALUZZO ALPh. +39 0143 [email protected]

    SIRA SISTEMI RADIOVia Senatore Simonetta 26 20867 CAPONAGO MBPh. +39 02 959611www.sira.mi.itSEE ARTICLE AT PAGE 36

    SIRTEV.le G. Marconi 306 65127 PESCARA PEPh. +39 085 691444www.sirte.biz

    SISMEVia Adriatica 11 60027 OSIMO STAZIONE ANPh. +39 071 7819666www.sisme.com

    SISTEM DATA Via Bitritto 114/B 70124 BARI BAPh. +39 080 5057603www.sistemdata.it

    SISVEL TECHNOLOGYVia Castagnole 59 10060 NONE TORINESE TOPh. +39 011 9904770www.sisveltechnology.comSEE ADVERTISING AT PAGE 38

    SITELVia Della Chimica 12 20867 CAPONAGO MBPh. +39 02 95743609www.sitel.it

    SKYLOGIC EUTELSATPiazza Lagrange 2 10123 TORINO TOPh. +39 011 5585400www.skylogic.com

    SM SISTEMI DI PANDOLFI PIETRO Via d. Chimica 25 - z.i. Poggino 01100 VITERBO VTPh. +39 0761 368069

    SM SISTEMI MODULARIVia Pasubio 19 20851 LISSONE MBPh. +39 039 484695www.s-m.it

    SOFTWARE CREATIONVia Migliara 48 sx, n.1024 04014 PONTINIA LTPh. +39 0773 848959www.softwarecreation.it

    SOLID STATE LOGICVia Timavo 24 20124 MILANO MIPh. +39 039 2328094www.solid-state-logic.com

    SONY ITALIAVia Galileo Galilei 40 20092 CINISELLO B. MIPh. +39 02 618381www.sony.it

    SPOTLIGHTVia Sardegna 3 20098 SAN GIULIANO M.SE MIPh. +39 02 9883051www.spotlight.it

    ST ENGINEERINGVia Silvio Pellico 5 21052 BUSTO ARSIZIO VAPh. +39 0331 226227www.stengineering.net

    ST MICROELECTRONICSVia Olivetti 2 20864 AGRATE B. MBPh. +39 039 6031www.st.com

    START UNAOHMVia G. Di Vittorio 49 20068 PESCHIERA B. MIPh. +39 02 516651www.unaohm.it

    STEADY.ITVia Sauro 17 30030 SALZANO VEPh. +39 041 5745474www.steady.it

    STI INTERNATIONALVia Trento Trieste 12/14 20845 SOVICO MBPh. +39 039 2014686www.stiinternational.it

    STMLoc. Ceramidio C.P. 3088048 LAMEZIA TERME CZPh. +39 0968 434889www.stmonline.it

    SUN MICROSYSTEMS ITALIAVia G. Romagnosi 4 00196 ROMA RMPh. +39 06 367081www.oracle.com

    SUONO TELECOMVia Mazzini 19 25020 FLERO BSPh. +39 030 2761599www.suono.com

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    SVILUPPO TECN. ELETTRONICHEVia Sondrio 13 20835 MUGGI MBPh. +39 039 [email protected]

    SYESVia Zanella 21 20851 LISSONE MBPh. +39 039 24321www.syes.euSEE ARTICLE AT PAGE 40

    TARGET TECHNOLOGYVia Persicetana Vecchia 2440132 BOLOGNA BOPh. +39 051 6132171www.target-technology.it

    TDE TECHNO DESIGN ENGINEERINGVia dei Calefati 13/C1701028 ORTE VTPh. +39 0761 493290www.tdeitaly.itSEE ADVERTISING AT PAGE 37

    TDK ITALIAVia XXV Aprile 5 20016 PERO MIPh. +39 02 381081www.tdk-media.eu/it

    TE.DE.S.Via Durando 38 20158 MILANO MIPh. +39 02 3925057www.tedes.it

    TECHNICOLORVia Tiburtina 1138 00156 ROMA RMPh. +39 06 41888222www.technicolor.com

    TEM Via Copernico 11 20082 BINASCO MIPh. +39 02 92270033www.tem-italy.it

    TELECOMUNICAZIONI FERRARAVia Dei Calzolai 156 44036 FRANCOLINO FEPh. +39 0532 724033www.telecfe.it

    TELECOMUNICAZIONI GHISELLINIVia Europa 14 21029 CORGENO DI VERGIATE VAPh. +39 0331 946989www.ghisellinitlc.it

    TELECONSULTVia Provinciale 22/A 29010 CASTELVETRO P.NO PCPh. +39 0523 823119www.teleconsult.it

    TELESERVICE Via Papa Giovanni XXIII 21/23 26010 RICENGO CRPh. +39 0373 267996www.teleserviceradiosystem.com

    TELMECLocalit Fioretta s.n.c. 00060 CAPENA RMPh. +39 06 90380639www.telmecbroadcasting.com

    TELSATVia Ezio Vanoni 6 20037 PADERNO DUGNANO MIPh. +39 02 99048430www.telsat.it

    TRANS AUDIO VIDEOV.le Lincoln 38/40 81100 CASERTA CEPh. +39 0823 329970www.transaudiovideo.com

    TRE-D ENGVia Piani di Monte Savello 24/C 00040 PAVONA RMPh. +39 06 9311178www.tre-d-eng.it

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    TRENDAUDIO Via Donizetti 109/111 24030 BREMBATE DI SOPRA BGPh. +39 035 621522www.trendaudio.com

    TWIN ENGINEERINGVia Augusto Valenziani 12 00187 ROMA RMPh. +39 338 6268536www.twinengineering.com

    VIDEO PROGETTIVia Cosimo Tornabuoni 21 00166 ROMA RMPh. +39 06 6129641www.videoprogetti.it

    VIDEO SERVICE 99 Via Mario Fani 163/165 00135 ROMA RMPh. +39 06 3017236www.videoservice99.it

    VIDEO SIGNALVia Treves 81 20090 TREZZANO S/N MIPh. +39 02 48405015www.videosignal.it


    36041 ALTE DI MONTECCHIO M. VIPh. +39 0444 491665www.video-sb.it

    VIDEOCINE2000Via Capranica 16 20131 MILANO MIPh. +39 02 70602654www.videocine2000.it

    VIDEOELETTRONICVia Delle Resede 8 A/B 00171 ROMA RMPh. +39 06 2412255www.videoelettronic.com

    VIDEOLINEA SYSTEMVia Aretina 188/A 50136 FIRENZE FIPh. +39 055 691060www.videolinea.com

    VIDEOTECNICAVia C. Cantu 11/A 20092 CINISELLO BALSAMO MIPh. +39 02 66016889www.videotecnicasrl.com


    Ph. +39 0143 489332www.videotelecomproject.it

    VINCI TECHNOLOGIESVia Tommaso Colloca 3688046 LAMEZIA TERME CZPh +39 0968 436515www.vincieidos.it

    VITEC GROUP ITALIAVia Sasso Rosso 19 36061 BASSANO DEL GRAPPA VIPh. +39 0424 555855www.vitecgroup.it

    VTE Via Salvore 20 21100 VARESE VAPh. +39 0332 287389www.vtesrl.it

    WORKING EASYVia Lidia 37/39 00179 ROMA RMPh. +39 06 78851169www.workingeasy.it

    XDEVEL SOLUZIONI SOFTWARE Via Sparagon 1 98028 S.TERESA RIVA MEPh. +39 0942 793988www.xdevel.com

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    C O M P A N Y P R O F I L E


    Partnered with the leaders inthese markets, we develop newproducts for emergingtechnologies that enable highspeed communication.Our expanding portfolio includesa range of complementaryproducts from circuit protectiondevices to power conversionmodules, transformers andconnector modules, to integratedline interface products. For oversixty years, weve used oursuperior, high-volumemanufacturing techniques todeliver quality products to theglobal marketplace. Bel employsmore than 10,000 people aroungthe world with facilities in NorthAmerica, Asia and Europe. BelPower focuses on the design andmanufacture of both isolated andnon-isolated DC/ DC convertermodules. We maintain designcenters in Westborough,Massachusetts and Hangzhou,China, and a manufacturingfacility in Zhongshan, China.The Bel Power Portfolio ofproducts includes one of thebroadest ranges of DC/DCconverter modules on the markettoday. The isolated convertersincludes all standard brick sizesincluding sixteenth, eighth,quarter, half and full brickpackages, each with a range ofproducts from state-of-the-artperformance to basic volts andamps for the budget conscious.The non-isolated product offeringis one of the broadest in theindustry with cost-effective

    solutions ranging from 1A to150A. Bel Power is at the forefrontof the shift to digital technologiesin power supplies with productsthat currently incorporate digitalmicrocontrollers. Many of ourhigh current, non-isolatedconverters incorporare lC buscapability including PMBusprotocols for a standard yetflexible interface for a variety ofapplications, In addition to thestandard products, Bel also offersits strategic customers a widearray of custom design andmanufacturing capabilities. Mainlyfor this reason, in September2012, Bel acquired two companiesfrom the Powerbox InternationalAB, Stockholm, Sweden:Powerbox Italia and PowerboxDesign, then merged in a newcompany named Bel PowerEurope S.r.l, in April 2013.About the acquisition of theItalian company Daniel Bernstein,Bel's President and CEO, said, "Byadding established AC/DC powerconversion products to our menuand important capabilities in thedesign and manufacture of thesedevices to our skill set, the italianbranch creates exciting newgrowth opportunities for Bel, andis another important step in ourstrategy to closely align our designresources and products with therequirements of our customers.Many of Bel's key powercustomers are located in Italy, sothis acquisition will allow usimmediately to increase ourrevenue potential with Bel Power

    Europes mediumto high powerAC/DC powerconversionproductscomplementingBel's currentpower DC/DCofferings. BelPower Europes

    resources will expandour technicalcapabilities in theAC/DC market, andas part of Bel's PowerProducts business,the Bel PowerEuropes team andproduct platformsalso will enhance theproductdevelopment effortsat Bel Power's designcenter in Hangzhou,China, as well as ourBel Power designlocation inWestborough, Massachusetts,which has specific expertise indigital controls".

    About Bel Power Europe Bel Power Europe, headquarteredin Camparada (MB), Italy, focuseits business on AC/DC powersupplies for applications inAC/DC front ends, broadcastcommunications, and batterycharging. The target of anydevelopment process are thecustomers need, priorities andrequirements and based on thesewe utilize the technologies,components and topologies thatbest fit the product. Of course, wetake full advantage of earlierdesigns to fully benefit of ourprevious experiences and ourknowledge. However, for somedevelopments this is not enoughand we have to stress the matterto find the optimal solution.During the development process,we continuously check that theresult will meet applicable lawsand standards as well as therequired certifications andenvironmental constraintsdefined in the designspecification. Each marketsegment has its own set ofrequirements that must be

    considered and fulfilled. Inselecting the optimal powersupply it is essential to ensure thatthe characteristics of the powersupply are correctly matched tothe application needs. Forexample, in the medical sector,where the continuous operationof a power supply can be a matterof life or death, both safety andreliability issues are majorconcerns. Our long and verybroad experience in power supplydevelopment enables us to offeryou custom designed products fora wide variety of electronics: fromsmall to very large, from one inputto many inputs, from ultra lowvoltage (few V) to high voltage(10s of kV), etc. Our top skills are in complexdesigns with many outputvoltages, high isolation and toughenvironmental conditions.With many years experience indesigning power supplies there ispractically no application beyondour capability. We are able tooffers a wide range of powersupplies mainly developed forequipment for the transmission ofanalog and digital televisionsignals or FM transmission.Serving an ever increasingnumber of new customers andproducts, Bel Power Europe has

    BEL POWER EUROPEA Nasdaq company (BELFA & BELFB), Bel was founded in 1949 and is headquartered in Jersey City,New Jersey. Bel helps make global connectivity a reality by manufacturing electronic components forthe computer, networking and telecommunication industries

    Bel Power Europes office in Camparada,

    around 30 km north east from Milan

  • developed extensive skills inproviding power supply designingaspects for this specific market.Bel Power Europe offer advancedand reliable technical solutions inline with the company's strategy.Example of the broadcastingapplications includes:- High power analog /digital TVtransmitters- MMDS modulator

    - TV Exciters- Audio Mixers- Compact high power amplifier- FM TransmittersFor all of these applications,reliability of the power supply ismandatory. The design, the pre-seriesassessment and theprecompliance tests of the unitsare directly performed by Bel

    Power Europe whereas themanufacturing is taken care ofqualified partners. The co-operation is very close, allowingeasy and fast feed-back from thefactory to the R&D department.The design is then refined to bestsuit the production criteria. Thisprocess guarantees to all ourproducts the highest level ofquality and liability.

    BEL POWER EUROPE SRL Via Resegone, 28 IT-20857 CAMPARADA (MB) Italy Ph. +39-039-6013849 Fax +39-039-6015462 [email protected] www.belfuse.com

    AC/DC Converter 3000W; Input: Single-Phase 230VAC, Three-

    Phase 208VAC; Active Power Factor Correction; Main Output:

    +50V 60A; Auxiliary Output: +48V 3A, 5V 1A; Current e Voltage

    monitor; Remote Inhibit

    AC/DC Converter 2000W; Base plate cooling; Input: Single-Phase

    230VAC; Active Power Factor Correction; Main Output: +50V 40A;

    Auxiliary Output: +12V; Current e Voltage monitor;

    Remote Inhibit19

  • 20 T H E B E S T O F B R O A D C A S T & P R O D U C T I O N M A D E I N I T A L Y

    C O M P A N Y P R O F I L E


    Elenos is a global company withoffices and support facilities inEurope, North America and Asia.Elenos transmitter products areknown worldwide for having thehighest RF and audio performan-ce on the market, for offering"rich" product features, and forincorporating state-of-the-arttechnology in design and manu-facturing.Elenos has built a companyaround a team of talented engi-neers from varied backgroundsdedicated to making the bestperforming and highest qualityproducts on the market. Theresult has been a long history ofinnovative product design andreliability second to none in theindustry. The world-class Elenos team ispassionate about building thebest performing and highest qua-lity products on the market whiledelivering operational costsavings. As a proud ISO-certifiedorganization, Elenos designs andmanufactures products to thehighest international industrystandards.Elenos' most recent innovationshave been the development andproduction of highly energy effi-cient transmitters. Due in part tomajor design and manufacturinginvestments in planar technology,Elenos has emerged as anindustry leader in developing themost compact and energy effi-cient transmitters in the industry.As a company, Elenos believesthat not only is energy efficiencyand conservation good for ourcustomers, it is good for the

    ELENOSEngineers choose Elenos transmitters because of their long term reliability. Since 1977, with over 40000transmitters sold in more than 100 countries, Elenos is one of the world's largest transmitter companies

    environment. Elenos believes thisso firmly that has even recentlyconverted one of the factories tosolar power.

    Always on airElenos has an excellent customerservice department; dynamic,creative ad knowledgeable, offe-ring the best service with themost reliable advice and guidan-ce for troubleshooting.Supported by the latest compu-ter systems, the Elenos depart-ment manages the developmentand planning of the whole pro-duction cycle, to ensure highquality, efficiency and total custo-mer satisfaction.

    Women Radio Training NetworkElenos recently opened a newproject targeted at communityradio broadcasters with the goalof promoting the empowermentof women across Africa, throughtraining and information, withparticular emphasis on NorthAfrican countries involved in theArab Spring movement.The technical training aspect ofthis project is the primary focus ofElenos and AMARC, proud part-ners in this project. Both organiza-tions believe that training is notjust a starting point, but rather acreative and innovative way toencourage women to get involvedin broadcasting and take moreprominent leadership roles.

    Why Elenos? 10 Reasons1) We listen to our customers

    and value their experience andneeds when we evaluate ourdevelopment priorities2) We consistently reinvest 10%of our revenue into R&D3) We continue to creativelyapply advancements such usIcefet and Planar technology tobroadcast applications4) We design our products formaximum power efficiency,saving you money on electricitybills and HVAC costs5) We strive for engineering anddesign efficiency, reducing requi-red rack space resulting in a smal-ler footprint and lower shippingcosts6) We are customer orientedassisting you is always our firstpriority

    7) We work to maintain greatbusiness relationships with ourparts suppliers, protecting andenhancing your service and main-tenance experience8) We are a solid, privatelyowned company that has been aleader in the FM broadcastingmarket since 19779) We offer outstanding valuepromotions10) We always let you test ourproducts and appreciate theopportunity to exceed yourexpectations!

    ELENOS Via G.Amendola 944028 POGGIO RENATICO(Ferrara) ItalyPh. +39 0532 829965Fax +39 0532 [email protected] www.elenos.com

    SMART TECHNOLOGIES: extraordinary algorithms can adapt each

    transmitter to its own unique environmental


    ultra-compact FM transmitter with direct to channel digital exciter from Elenos

  • 24 T H E B E S T O F B R O A D C A S T & P R O D U C T I O N M A D E I N I T A L Y

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    As in other sectors, Italy is achest of treasures of companiesborn from a lucky guess of their founders also in the professionalbroadcasting industry: itfrequently happened that peoplewith a wealth of field experiencein the past several years, peoplewho faced and solved differentproblems, and often the mostcomplicated situations, havebeen able over time to transformtheir skills and the passion fortheir work into a story of success.It frequently happened thatthose very persons havesucceeded in creating a companynot only able to find the bestsolution for the specific needs ofeach single client and the specificcontext of each installation, butalso brilliant in tailoring itsresponses to the technologicalstate of the art, able to seize thebest opportunities and synergiesoffered by an accurate andeffective design of the entiresystem. These are the feature that makesthe difference in operations.D&M Broadcast stems from thestrong will and the passion ofprofessionals in the broadcastindustry, people with a long andconsolidated experience in theimplementation of projects inboth high and low frequencyfields, mixed with the strength ofa 35-year experienced leader inmanufacturing of broadcastingequipment.

    Great partnershipAfter several years working incompleting businesses, DidierMuragwabugabo and MarcoGiovannini have decided to sharetheir expertise, their experience,and their ability to offer a directservice, almost tailored to thecustomer. Didier and Mark haveinvolved a partner known and

    appreciated allover the worldto start theirnew adventure:it is DBElettronicaSpA, thecompanymanufacturingFM and TVbroadcastequipmentestablished inPadua.D&M cansatisfy themost diverseand specificneeds of thebroadcastindustry : Radio& TV, analogand digital,community, private and state.One of the strengths of D&M isthe ability to design and build "turnkey"stations: everything you need tobe on air with a radio ortelevision station, including audiorecording systems and video,sound proofing, air conditioningand the lighting of the studies,mixer, effects, production andpost -production, graphics,storage, playout, schedulingsystems, automation and control.Then it comes to the design andimplementation ofcomprehensive contributionnetworks, distribution anddiffusion, and last but not least,the design of the broadcastingsystem, the construction ofsupport (including latticetowers), the installation of thetransmitter and all thetechnological and processinfrastructure. The advantage forthe customer is tangible: dealingwith a prime contractor allows aconsiderable saving on time and

    costs, integrated advising on thewhole solution, and effectivecoordination of the design, finetuning and the finalimplementation. The seamlessinteroperability among thedifferent components and thedifferent sub-systems, designedand selected to comply with thatspecific need, is guaranteed.There is only one companyresponsible for the optimizationof the whole station, thusavoiding any possible conflict inresponsibilities and timeschedules: D&M knows it has todeliver something that works atits best, and works hard toachieve this result on behalf ofhis client. Finally D&M is not adistributor of specific devices orbrands, and this guarantees thecustomer the necessaryindependence and impartiality ofcompany responsible for thedesign of your own system:D&M is always free to choosethe most suitable product for thespecific needs of each

    implementation and of eachcustomer.

    Turnkey solutionproviderD&M can offer advice andtraining on both technical andartistic topics: the coachingincludes several aspects, from thedesign of the " station logo ", tothe creation of an ear-catchingjingle, going through thefundamentals of radio and TVbrodcast scheduling and landingon the actual building of aStation Identity on the mostcompetitive markets.Another strenght of D&M is theability in creating "fly case"solutions: an entire radio stationcan be completed in a single flycase which includes mixers,microphones, hybrids telephonefor fixed line or mobile phone ,CD player , automation, ingestUSB , audio processors, transmitter , speaker and tablefor the guests, and the adjustablesupport for the console.

    D&M BROADCASTD&M Broadcast is a young company, but at the same time it has all the right credentials to be partof this special category of companies, and it manages to put together the distinctive Italian capabilityto find the most effective solution in the less favourable situations with a rigorous design and solidconstruction resulting from the many years of experience of its employee and founders.

    Radio studio in action

  • T H E B E S T O F B R O A D C A S T & P R O D U C T I O N M A D E I N I T A L Y 25

    A case historyA notable example of this type ofsolution is the Ani Dusa FMstation, built in the CentralAfrican Republic on behalf of theNGO " Invisible Children " in thevillage of Mboki . This station ,which also was featured in anarticle on the last july issue ofmagazine "Radio World -International needed theerection also of a small brickbuilding to house the study;moreover, given the lack ofelectricity in the village (even bydiesel-generators), D&Mdesigned and built a system ofpower station with solar batteriesand inverters capable ofproviding sixteen hours daily

    operation of the station (the FMtransmitting apparatus has apower of 150W) for 365 days ayear. As far as the television stationsare concerned, D&M has justreleased a station with intercom,lights , three cameras, ENGequipment, full HD in three flycases. .The systems are pre-assembled and tested at thecompany headquarters beforeshipping. Once the system haspassed the test and the correctfunctioning has been verified,everything is shipped todestination, where D&Mtechnicians are in charge of thecorrect installation andsubsequent final testing.

    D&M knowshow todevelop andimplementsolutionswhich fitsessentially anyneed of thecustomer,solutionswhich areindependentfrom specificbrands, highlyeffective andof great valuefor money(D&Msolutions for"turnkey" radiostations start at

    3,000 Euros, a figure thatincludes everything from themicrophone to the transmittingantenna, including a 150Wtransmitter with RDS, dual CDplayer with USB and telephonehybrid).Independence does not meanisolation: thanks to a strongpartnership with the bestmanufacturers of equipment andsoftware, even the after-salesservices are particularly wellorganized, meeting andexceeding the highestprofessional customerexpectations. The customerservice answers 24 hours a day, 7days a week, 365 days a year.As an indication of the level of

    quality achievedby this youngorganization ,D&M hasrecently won atender to build a"turnkey " radiostation for theUnited Nationsin Burundi.MarcoGiovanninilifetime job isdesigning, FMand TV, studies,designing themfrom scratch tothe finest details.He himself hasperformed morethan 200

    installations in the world withparticular attention to pre andafter -sales service, and stillcollaborates with some Italianbroadcasters taking care of musicprogramming. This allows him tobe always up to date in bothartistic and technical fields toprovide the customer withvaluable assistance during theinstallation and start up.During his working experienceDidier Muragwabugabo hascarried out projects for morethan 120 stations , ranging fromcommercial , religious to thecommunity radio . He helpedcreate TV stations at highlycompetitive costs .

    Companies profileFounded in Italy in 1975 DBElettronica SpATelecommunications is today aleading company in Europe inthe field of Broadcast FM and TV.It provides products, systems andtransmission services for bothpublic government entities andprivate customers. With officesin Padua, Rome, and Miami , andmany other specialized centersworldwide , DB ensuresimmediate assistance , supply ofproducts and services on everycontinent. Africa has always been the centerof attention of D&M, which hascreated numerous installationsalso in sub -Saharan Africa wheretwo D&M emergency teams arelocated, the former in Nigeriaand the latter in Uganda ,Kampala, where D&M Broadcastis to open soon a branch office. In any case, customer assistancecan be present in site within 24hours (in addition to the remotesupport guaranteed h24/365).

    D&M BROADCASTENGINEERINGVia Cooperazione, 1/B40018 SAN PIETRO IN CASALE (BO)Ph. +39 051 0312903www.dmbroadcast.it

    Didier Muragwabugabo

    Marco Giovannini

  • C O M P A N Y P R O F I L E


    Since 1975, the foundation year,DB Broadcast Group is a firmreality in the broadcast industry.The group provide solutions bothfor Broadcast Industry, from FM& TV transmitters to Studio &Turnkey Solutions, and forScientific applications.Born in a garage from the bril-liant ideas of Luciano Ditadi andFranco Bertella, the company isgrowing up every year.In 1993, DB recruited GuglielmoFeliziani, a just-graduated tele-communications engineer. Hestarted as a designer and movedup to manage the technicaldepartment, also becoming apartner in the company in 1996.

    In 2000, with the retirementof Bertella, Feliziani had theopportunity to increase hisstake to the same level asDitadis. This was not a caseof acquiring a silent partner,but a young, new partner fullyinvested in the company.EBS Srl was set up by DBElettronica in 2004, thus crea-ting the DB Group (later ETTSrl was added to the group,too). The move also involvedacquiring some of the techni-cal staff of the Abruzzi-basedcompany ABS, includingMassimo Rossi, an EBS partnerwho is currently technical chief atEBS and at DB Science. Although

    Group. DM Broadcast is a com-pany focused on turnkey solu-tions, for FM and TV applica-tions. Thanks to the diversifiedand extensive experience of thetwo partners, Marco Giovanniniand Didier Muragwabugabo, thisnew born seems to be launchedto success. In 2013 DB Science was foundedand included in the big DB family.DB Science produces RF ampli-fiers, RF generators and othermicrowave equipment, beam dia-gnostic instrumentation, beamlines, controls, for research insti-tutes, for particle accelerators, ormedical accelerators for cancertreatment by proton beam the-rapy.

    DB ELETTRONICATELECOMUNICAZIONI S.P.A.Riviera Maestri del Lavoro 20/135127 PADOVA - ItalyPh. +39 049 8700588Fax +39 049 [email protected]

    EBS operates in the same mar-kets as DB, it is positioned as aluxury brand, offering complex,customized solutions to a moredemanding customer base. EBSclients include leading nationalpublic and private broadcastersfrom both Italy and abroad.The overview of the DB manage-ment team would not be com-plete without mentioning thegracious presence of Elena Ditadi,who has stood out at the DBstand at trade shows around theworld since the 2000 NAB Show.On 4 July 2006, just ahead of hergraduation in CommunicationsSciences, she officially joined thecompany. Shes taking care ofmarketing and of sales networkcoordination, moving forward inthe company management. Within the 5,000-square-meterfacility there are 1,200 squaremeters of stylish office space forthe companys commercial, tech-nical and administrative manage-ment. The remaining space isused for production, testing andwarehousing.DB has a total workforce ofabout 60 people, two-thirds ofwhom are involved in produc-tion. The new Padua facility wasmade possible by the sales of2008. That year, the DB Groupgenerated a turnover of morethan 10 million with an excel-lent profit margin.In 2012 DM Broadcast joined DB

    26 T H E B E S T O F B R O A D C A S T & P R O D U C T I O N M A D E I N I T A L Y

    DB BROADCAST GROUP DB Broadcast Group, founded as DB Elettronica features an international presence and a wide rangeof products

    DB Group: four companies and hun-dreds of solutions for broadcasting

    The DB Group constantly invests in the development of designand technology with a highly skilled staff that delivers continuousinput in terms of cutting-edge solutions.

    FlexibilityGoverned by the aim of matching the machine to the specificclient needs, DB offers a wide range of easy-to-install and easy-to-set-up options. Moreover, user interfaces with advanced localsoftware or remote control functionality (SNMP, Web, GSM,SMS and e-mail messaging) assure simple and comprehensivesystem management and configuration.

    AdaptabilityFrom the frozen tundra of the Arctic to the scorching deserts ofAfrica, DB technology is designed to suit any climatic conditionsthanks to reliable, innovative liquid cooling, which DB first intro-duced in 2004.

    Cutting-Edge TechnologyThe DB Group policy is to invest in emerging technologies aheadof their time. For example, in the late-1990s, DB committed itselfto the development of technology for DVB-T, DVB-T2, ATSC,ISDB-TB transmission and to fixed and portable digital systemsrequired for STL setups.

    ReliabilityInvesting in new technologies results in advantages that last intime; market experience begins to accumulate earlier, enablingmore prompt optimization of products to remain at the forefrontof innovation and to assure high levels of reliability and perfor-mance.


    ELBER S.r.l.Via Pontevecchio, 42W 16042 Carasco (GE) Italy Phone: +39 0185 351333 / Fax: +39 0185 351300

    TV GOES BETTERwith Elber terrestrial and satellite system


    Half-duplex, Full-duplex or Repeater Output power > 30 dBm in 128 QAM High-speed modem integrated

    Up to 10 x DVB-ASI/BTS, 1 x GbE, 1 x E1 Bandwidth: 1.7556 MHz VBR up to 310 Mbps (620 Mbps with XPIC option)

    - DVB-T (COFDM 2k/8k) - DVB-S/S2 (QPSK, 8PSK, 16-32 APSK)

    Six plug-in slots available for any combination of boardsDVB-S/S2 Modulator, ASI inputs, L-band and IF outputDVB-S/S2 Receiver, 4 ASI outputs, L-band input

    C, Ku, Ka band up converterMPEG-2 HD/SD 1080p Encoder and Decoder, 4:2:0/4:2:2H.264 HD/SD 1080p Encoder and Decoder, 4:2:0/4:2:2

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    Scan the QR with your phone


    Simplex, Double Simplex or Duplex Conguration Modulations: - DVB-T (COFDM 2k/8k) - DVB-S/S2 (QPSK, 8PSK, 16-32 APSK) Frequency: 2 15 GHz Frequency agility: Up to 500 MHz Power Output: up to 36 dBm 1 dB @ 1 dB c.p Codecs: SD/HD MPEG-2/MPEG-4 4:2:2/4:2:0

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  • 30 T H E B E S T O F B R O A D C A S T & P R O D U C T I O N M A D E I N I T A L Y

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    In the latest years the Companyhas been protagonist of anexponential growing thatbrought it to increase its sphereof activity. At the end of the 90s,by the recruiting of a group ofengineers, technical staff,systems experts and sales staffwith more than 20 yearsexperience in the Broadcastingfield, Italtelec has expanded itsactivity field becomingmanufacturer of Broadcast

    Equipment. Rangingfrom Analogue toDigital Technology,Italtelec has reachedsoon a prominentposition in the supplyand setting up of TV& FM broadcastequipment to bothprivate and stateBroadcaster, in Italyand abroad. Italtelecis today an High Techbroadcasttransmissionequipmentmanufacturer, one ofthe most importantand leading ItalianCompany operatingin theTelecommunicationssector. The Italtelec

    range of TV and FM productsmeets the requirements of themost sophisticated demand froma continuously evolving market.Italtelec is present in thebroadcasting market with a widerange of advanced technologyproducts. Our offer includesTransmitters & Transposers airand liquid cooled; our firsttrasmitters serie namedBroadstones remain one of themain protagonists of the

    digitalization ofthe Italiannetworks; afurther step ofour growth isrepresented bytheBroadmoonSeries(Medium andHigh Power aircooledequipment) andby theBroadsunSeries( HighPower liquidcooled). The latest arrival

    in our rangeof products istheequipmentnamed MLM(Multi lastMile), meantto solve theneeds of themarket interms ofcompactness,quality andreliability. TheMLMbelong to theBroadstarSeries andits a compactMultichannel4+1 (fourmain plus onereservetransmitter in one 3HE 19rackstandard).

    Complete offerOur offer in DVB-T is completedby the DVB-T Monitoring ableto analyze up to 10 differenttransport stream simultaneously,equipped with remote accessand management, MPEG errordetection, and graphicalrepresentations.For any other info aboutproducts and accessories pleaserefer to our web sitewww.italtelec.com.The Italtelec team over the yearshas carried out numerous TV &FM projects and suppliedbroadcasting equipment all overthe world. The Italtelec growingup in the the worldwide marketis based on constant pursuit foradvanced, reliable technicalsolutions and a selection ofqualified Sales and local agent,providing technical consultancy,project implementation and localarea installation expertise. Bornlike a Services Company, we stillconsider these a strong pointof our reality.

    Technical TeamOur technical team is able toguarantee a total support to ourcustomers: from the preventivemaintenance, to the correctiverepairs, always respondingpromptly to all requests (thanksto our dynamism and the alwayscertain availability of spare parts),up to transferring the necessaryknow-how to the end users. Inaddition to our detailed technicaldocumentation we supply, ifrequested, a series of trainingprograms in Factory or On theJob. Due to the continuousexpansion, Italtelec recentlymoved to a new facility located inFiano Romano (Rome).

    ITALTELEC SPAVia Tiberina, 4900065 FIANO ROMANO(Roma) ItalyPh. +39 0765 481633 / 484028 Fax +39 0765 206698 [email protected]

    ITALTELEC Italtelec S.p.A. was born in 1974, operating from the beginning in the Telecommunications sector: thecompany is celebrating its 40th anniversary!

    Carlo Di Donato, CEO of Italtelec S.p.A. The Broadstones Series' warehouse

    The new DVB-T Monitoring Probe

  • 32 T H E B E S T O F B R O A D C A S T & P R O D U C T I O N M A D E I N I T A L Y

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    M-Three Satcom, togetherwith partner Companies Telsatand Elber represent a referencepoint in the Italian and interna-tional Television and RadioBroadcasting market. M-Three,the youngest company of theGroup, is mostly specialized insatellite and fibre optics solu-tion, while the well-establishedElber and Telsat are workingsince the beginning of the TVrevolution in providing terre-strial backhaul, microwave solu-tions and broadcast equipmentto broadcasters. To approach thenew frontier of digitalisation andintegration between old andnew medias, the three brandsare more and more investingand coordinating in a synergicaction to provide turnkey solu-tions for all broadcasters needsaround the world.

    Talking aboutSatelliteM-Three Satcom was founded in2004 by an experienced groupof managers, with long termrecognized activity in the broad-cast and satellite market. Initiallyfocused on top level DTH servi-ces as one of the few indepen-dent Hot Bird 13E platform inEurope, quickly the team increa-sed the capacity through a num-ber of digital platforms on otherorbital positions and a widerange of services for broadca-sters as Outside broadcast solu-tions, system integration andturnkey solution for fibre andsatellite distribution and contri-

    bution,.continuous investmentsin research and development,human resources and innovativeinfrastructure solutions, allowsM-Three to offer state of the artservices, with standard or custo-mized solutions for every needin connectivity, audio-video-datadistribution and production faci-lities. M-Three mission is to satisfy theneeds in distribution and con-nectivity of the market leaders,with the required quality of ser-vice and tailor made approach,at the same time proposing areasonable cost structure inorder to meet the expectationof emerging companies. Close toits 10th year of activity the com-pany represents a referencepoint for the broadcasting arena,both in Europe, Middle East andworld wide.

    The TeleportInfrastructureM-Three main asset is represen-ted together with long termcommitment with SatelliteOperator Eutelsat for a numberof prime position transponders- by two Teleports, situated inMilan and Rome, strongly con-nected to the worldwideInteroute network. The two facilities supply around-the-clock turnkey services andshare with clients and partners anumber of Uplink stations withfull redundant solutions for Pan-European coverage for:l Uplink/downlink services.l Housing and collocation for

    clientequipment andfull earthstations,includingmanagement byM-Three staff.

    l Fibreconnectivity.

    l Backup anddisasterrecoverysolutions.

    l Fibre injection.l Monitoring


    In addition to mainHot Bird and EB9multiplexes, over 20Tx/Rx antennas arededicated to variousorbital positions forpermanent, occasio-nal or backup solu-tions. The teleportin Rome with awide visibility onorbital arch and per-fect climatic condi-tions - adds a fullredundancy guaran-tee for M-Threeclients and for part-ner platforms.A fibre network isavailable at teleportpremises, providedby a long-term partnership withInteroute fibre operator.Interoute network allows M-Three clients to benefit from huge bandwidth capacity atcompetitive prices, with possibi-

    lity of configura-tions and sizingfrom small pointto point toMulti-Gbps dis-tribution.Combination ofsatellite andfibre find themaximum levelof efficiency andresults in M-Three Hubs forTV delivery onthe net from

    M-Three Satcom and Partners

    any source. In addition, the M-Three ownednetwork connects the teleportsto main Italian and EuropeanBroadcasters for a direct con-nectivity and signal delivery.

    Outside Broadcastand Occasional Use Capacity on Satellite and FibreFor all events taking place inItaly and neighbour Countries asEast of France, Switzerland,Austria and Slovenia, M-Threesupports broadcasters in pro-duction and transmission usinga wide range of solutions fromsmall units (stand up and Uplinkfor integration or newsgathe-ring) to big size OB-Vans and

  • T H E B E S T O F B R O A D C A S T & P R O D U C T I O N M A D E I N I T A L Y 33

    SD/HD DSNG trucks. TheOB/DSNG fleet is based inMilan and Rome with variousadditional premises for the bestterritory coverage. Outside0Broadcast activity is supportedby the teleport operations fordownlink and fibre insertion, foroccasional use Uplink on specificsatellites, all managed by a 24/7booking centre available for faci-lity and Satellite/Fibre capacityreservation.A wide choice of Eutelsat posi-tions is available to M-ThreeClients in Pay Per Use mode,starting from 4,5 Mhz slots andshort time from 15 minutes, tofull transponder usage andshort/mid/long term services.Simple procedures for bookingand accounting are available forquick reservation and client vali-dation, plus the MCR supportfor any line up or configura-tion/service issue.

    System Integration:turnkey solutionswith an End-UserApproachM-Three experience as teleportoperator and user of broadca-sting solutions is the key aspectin delivery best configurations

    and integrated systems toclients. As Thomson VideoNetworks value added reseller,M-Three is distributor and ven-dor for prime technology.Through intense research anddevelopment activity in Milanand Rome laboratories, M-Threesupports top clients as well asemerging companies to reachthe best configuration, by pro-posing an affordable cost struc-ture and long-term commitmentfor a no-break and no-fault ope-

    ration. Head Endsolutions for DTT,compressionsystems for signaldelivery, IPTV andOTT systems andfull Transmissionsystems (frombaseband toModulation andRF systems) arewell managedfrom M-Three as apartner.

    M-ThreeSatcom &Partners the DigitalProjectM-Three and part-ners companiesTelsat and Elberare strongly com-mitted to supportthe developmentof services and

    infrastructures at an internatio-nal level. Since the begin of the switchfrom analogue to digital in Italyand in Europe, the Group plays aprimary role in the implementa-tion of new systems for regionaland national TV, and for radionetworks, providing completesolutions covering all the signalsupply chain. With the develop-ment and the progress of digita-lisation in the rest of the world,M-Three and partners are moreand more involved in internatio-nal projects for DTT, DAB andsatellite distribution. The groupapproach to various projects isbased on focusing dedicatedtask forces to all crucialaspects, form frequency andcoverage planning, to technicalresources allocation and projec-ting, and to the implementationand post sales, on site supportdirectly or through local part-ners. From head-end and compres-sion system, through efficientsatellite and terrestrial contribu-tion networks, to local DTT dis-tribution systems, M-Threegroups solutions allow broadca-sters to benefit of a one-stopshop where all elements arecombined in a simple and clearproject, with no possibility tooverlap or mismatch any part ofthe solution and with a totalguarantee of success.The team shares the skills and

    capability to provide state of theart solutions including primaryinternational brands and ownedfacilities and products, such asThomson Network Solutions forHead End, Elber Microwavesystems, receiver encoders andmeasurement systems, andcable, transmitters and antennaby Telsat, all included in precisefeasibility projects on specificterritories. The solution includes the provi-sion of necessary fibre or satelli-te capacity directly availablethrough long term agreementswith key operators such asEutelsat or Interoute. M-Three and partners arealready involved in a number ofprojects in the African area andwill attend next trade shows,including with Africa Cast inCape Town next November.

    M-THREE SATCOM [email protected]

    AFRICA CASTElber, M-Three Satcom andTelsat will exhibit in stand07-08 in the Cape Town

    Convention Centre, South Africa

    12th 14th November 2013

  • 34 T H E B E S T O F B R O A D C A S T & P R O D U C T I O N M A D E I N I T A L Y

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    In January 2013, Sedicomacquired a Vector's business unitdedicated to this field oftechnology, ensuring continuityand providing additional impetusto the ongoing activities, seekingnew development opportunities,with special focus oninternational market. Sedicom'sleading product in the field ofradio electric planning isWinRPT suite, an all-in-onesolution capable of integrating ina single simulation environmentthe management of differentradio technologies and more, asfor example: radio/TV broadcast,microwave, backhauling (point-to-multipoint), satellitebroadband (Lte, WiMAX,Hiperlan, WiFi, etc.).

    The value of acomprehensive toolMoreover, WinRTP featuresadditional modules which allowto support technical expertsduring the entire networklifecycle.Specifically focusing onRadio/TV broadcastingnetworks, WinRPT is helpfulto technical experts whenperforming the following steps:1 Searching the best

    location to place an antennasystem according to 3Dterrain models whichsometimes can be high-resolution models;

    2 Designing an antennasystem, starting fromelementary antenna panelsand using the new "3D Editor";

    3 Simulating and analyzingcoverage, according todifferent technologies (DVB-T/T2/H, ISDB-T/Tb, Analog,Radio FM, ), selectingamong different propagationmodels and setting designparameters in accordancewith current regulations andrecommendations;

    4 Optimizing network, usingadvanced interference analysistools and signalsynchronization tools for SFNnetworks;

    5 Designing Microwavenetwork;

    6 Assessing environmentalimpact through simulation ofthe radiative near-field andfar-field;

    7 Generatingdocumentation in variousformats;

    8 Assessing quality by meansof the new "Measurements"modulewhich allows toacquire, manage and analyzevalues concerning fieldmeasurements.

    The value of simplicityAfter the "3D Editor" which hasrevolutionized the designprocess, in the latest release ofWinRTP a new mode has beenintroduced to facilitate thecomplex step of designingantenna systems: it is the "step-by-step" mode, intended to guidedevelopers during the entireprocess. Moreover, some of themost commonly used defaultantenna systems will bepresented: users will be able to

    select them according to theirdiagram and number of arraysand panels.

    The value of reliabilityTaking advantage of the new"Measurements" module,users can import data from anyoutput file of a commerciallyavailable measuring instrument,storing actual measured values,organizing them by region, date,frequency, and referencetransmitter. Thus, these values can bedisplayed in a GIS proprietaryenvironment and become usablefor simulation analysis. The abilityto compare measured pointswith values simulated by the toolprovides optimized analyses,parameters tuning and thus agreater reliability of coveragepredictions.

    The value of sharing yourwork and the results youhave achieved

    WebRPT, which is an externalapplication not included inWinRTP simulation tool, allowsto share key data with eitherother network sectors or peoplewho are not part of the designteam. Using a standard Webbrowser able to access theWebRPT server released bySedicom, users can easily selectand display networks eitherdirectly on Google Maps or as alist, as well as perform statisticalanalyses generating detailedreports which can also show thehistorical evolution of a network.

    The value of timeMulti-thread and multi-coreprogramming used by this systemarchitecture allows users to takefull advantage of the newmachines and maximizecalculation algorithms efficiency:this opportunity represents anenormous advantage in terms ofprocessing speed for coveragemaps.

    SEDICOM (English version)Sedicom, an Italian company based in Rome, for more than 25 years has been supporting radio networkplanning, management, optimization and monitoring for telecoms, developing products and specificsoftware solutions in-house, as well as providing dedicated services

  • T H E B E S T O F B R O A D C A S T & P R O D U C T I O N M A D E I N I T A L Y 35

    En janvier 2013, Sedicom aacquis le secteur d'entreprise dela socit Vector ddi cedomaine technique, en donnantcontinuit et un nouvel lan auxactivits en cours et en recherchede nouvelles opportunits dedveloppement, en accordantune attention particulire aumarch international. Le produitphare de l'entreprise dans ledomaine de la planificationlectrique radio est la suiteWinRPT, qui a lescaractristiques d'une solutionall-in-one et peut intgrer dansun environnement de simulationunique non seulement la gestionde diffrentes technologiesradio, mais aussi diffusionradio/TV, micro ondes,backhauling (point-to-multipoint), large bande parsatellite (Lte, WiMAX,Hiperlan, WiFi, etc.).

    La valeur d'un outilcompletWinRPT, grce ses modulesadditionnels, permet de soutenirles experts techniques pendant lecycle de vie complet d'un rseau.En focalisant l'attention sur lesrseaux de diffusion radio /

    TV, WinRPT permet d'appuyerle groupe d'expertstechniques dans toutes lesphases suivantes:1 Identification du meilleur

    emplacement pour lesystme d'antenne sur la basede modles tridimensionnelsdu terrain, qui peuvent aussitre haute rsolution;

    2 Conception du systmed'antenne partir depanneaux lmentairesd'antenne grce au nouveau"3D Editor";

    3 Simulation et analyse dela couverture selon lesdiffrentes technologies(DVB-T/T2/H, ISDB-T/TB,analogique, radio FM, ...), enchoisissant entre diffrentsmodles de propagation etdfinition des paramtres deconception conformmentaux rglementations etrecommandations existantes;

    4 Optimisation du rseauen utilisant des outilsd'analyse d'interfrenceavancs et la synchronisationdu signal pour les rseauxSFN;

    5 Conception du rseaumicro-ondes;

    6 Evaluation del'impactenvironnementalgrce la simulationdu champ procheradiatif et du champlointain;7 Gnration dedocumentationselon diffrentsformats;8 Contrlequalit en utilisantle module"mensurations" quipermet d'obtenir,grer et analyser lesvaleurs desmensurations prisessur le terrain.

    La valeur de lasimplicitAprs l'"Editeur 3D" qui arvolutionn le processus deconception, dans la dernireversion de WinRTP le mode "stepby step" a t introduit pourfaciliter le droulement de lacomplexe tape de la conceptionde systmes d'antennes. En outre, on prsentera certainssystmes d'antennes parmi les pluscouramment utiliss qui peuventtre facilement slectionns sur labase de leur diagramme ou dunombre de panneaux et d'arrays.

    La valeur de lafiabilitProfitant du nouveau module"mensurations", les utilisateurspeuvent importer des donnes partir de n'importe quel fichier desortie d'un instrument de mesurecommercialement disponible etmmoriser les valeurs mesuressur le terrain en les organisant parrgion, date, frquence etmetteur de rfrence. Ainsi, ces valeurs peuvent treaffiches dans un environnementSIG propritaire et deviennentutilisables pour l'analyse de

    simulation. La possibilit decomparer les points mesurs avecles valeurs simules par l'outilassure des analyses optimises, lerglage des paramtres et doncune plus grande fiabilit desprvisions de couverture.

    La valeur de partagerson travail et lesrsultats qu'on aobtenuWebRPT, qui est une applicationexterne l'outil de simulationWinRTP, permet de partager lesdonnes principaux du rseauavec d'autres secteurs ou d'autrespersonnes qui ne font pas partiede l'quipe de conception. En utilisant un navigateur Webstandard capable d'accder auserveur WebRPT liber parSedicom, les utilisateurs peuvent,en toute simplicit, slectionneret afficher les rseauxdirectement sur Google Maps etsous forme de liste, ou bieneffectuer des analysesstatistiques gnrant desrapports dtaills qui peuventgalement dcrire l'volutionhistorique d'un rseau.

    La valeur du tempsLa programmation multi-thread et multi-core utilisepar cett
