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Brochure Cells4health storage

Date post: 13-Mar-2016
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Storage of stem cells
What is stem cell treatment? Why store teeth stem cells? Why store fat stem cells? Why store bone marrow stem cells? Why store your baby's cells? Look naturally younger Stem Cell Storage & Treatment Cells health 4

What is stem cell


Why store teeth stem cells?

Why store fat

stem cells?

Why store bone

marrow stem cells?

Why store your baby's



Stem Cell Storage & TreatmentCells health 4


Cells4health offers family stem cell banking for prevention and therapies with adult stem cells from your own body whenever classical treatment fails in order to help you in the best possible way we can.

Daily we observe the results. For this reason, we are passionate about what we are doing.

Passionate about what we are doing...

Healing potential of stem cellsStem cells starting small... No matter how big a human becomes, it all began with 2 single cells: an ovum and a sperm cell. This means that cells exist, which have the potential to form a complete human being. After a few days in the womb, the blastocyst forms. The cells contained in it are called embryonic stem cells. which are still very unspecialized and form all of the 220 human cell types. As soon as the human's development is completed, these former all-arounders will have changed into mature, differen-tiated cells, taking over a specific functions e.g. muscle cells which contract.

Getting big... However, skin renews itself throughout adulthood. Injuries heal and hair grows. We have cells which are very unspe-cialized, can divide often, helping our bodies to regenerate and repair themselves; called adult stem cells. If body tissue is dama-ged, stem cells hunt for the damaged area and advance the process of healing. Also, day-to-day processes in the human body rely on stem cells: our erythrocytes only live for about 120 days, by which time they have become too old, cannot transport enough oxygen and have to be replaced. This task is taken over by the hematopoietic stem cells, which can be found in the bone marrow.

Often stem cells do not arrive in sufficient numbers or may even fail to arrive at all because the artery is blocked. The damaged area then only heals slowly or not at all. Some diseases develop covertly and are not recognized as being in need of repair. Adult stem cells also age. They have much higher regeneration potential than somatic cells, but it seems that this potential is exhausted after some time. This process cannot be stopped. However, with the help of modern medicine, it is possible to extract stem cells from the body, concentrate them and then apply them to the diseased area. In many cases, the physiological healing process can in this way be enhanced.

Advantages of autologous adult stem cell therapy Natural treatment enhancing physiological healing process Cells from yourself, no rejection Easily accessible from bone marrow and fat Family banking of stem cells for future medical use State of the art processing technology No ethical concerns Fully accredited by HTA and GMP standard No risk for tumour formation Great expertise in adult stem cell treatments by Cells4health No risk of introducing foreign viruses

Cord blood stem cell storage

Why store your baby's


A safe idea to store! For parents with vision...

Cord blood: a rich source of valuable stem cells...Stem cells It is a forward-thinking decision to have stem cells harvested from the blood in the umbilical cord stored for future use. Stem cells are already revolutionizing medical treatment practices today. Leukemia and other blood disorders are being treated with stem cells and daily we are whitnesses of an increasing number of success stories of stem cell treatments that are truly ama-zing. In modern medicine stem cells will play an important role.

Umbilical cord stem cells The younger the stem cells, the more vital and potent they are. As expecting parents you now have the once in a lifetime opportunity to have the adult stem cells of your children isolated from the umbilical cord blood and the cord itself and have both of them stored. The procedure itself is uncomplicated and free of any risk or any pain for mother and child.

Included Services HealthBaby Fully accredited bij HTA and GMP standard Quality testing (vitality) and quantification of the nucleated cells and stem cells Doctors fees if applicable (CD34+) Courier costs Diagnostic screening for relevant infections of the mother blood by PCR technique State of the art isolation of the stem cells Storage in the vapor phase of liquid nitrogen for 25 years (can be extended) Computer controlled freezing of the sample Certificate of the sample with quality parameters Great expertise in adult stem cell treatments Family banking service with complete range of stem cell storage

The complete HealthBaby package gives you the security to have stem cells ready for use in case the sample is needed.

Teeth stem cell storage

Why store teeth stem cells?

A safe idea to store! For parents with vision...

Teeth: a rich source of valuable stem cells...HealthTeeth Teeth pulp stem cell storage

Stem cells from teeth pulp Normally exfoliated (naturally fallen out) baby teeth, healthy wisdom teeth and permanent teeth extrac-ted for orthodontic purposes all contain dental pulp. Dental pulp contains unique stem cells that have the ability to regenerate and develop into many different kinds of cells. These stem cells can potentially be used to replace diseased and damaged tissues in the body without rejection.

Included Services Fully accredited bij HTA and GMP standard Quality testing and quantification of the nucleated cells and stem cells (CD34+) Doctors fees Storage in the vapor phase of liquid nitrogen for 25 years (can be extended) Courier costs Certificate of the sample with quality parameters State of the art isolation of the stem cells Family banking service with complete range of stem cell storage Computer controlled freezing of the sample Great expertise in adult stem cell treatments

This complete package gives you the security to have stem cells ready for use in case the sample is needed.

Bone marrow stem cell storage

Why store bone

marrow stem cells?

A safe idea to store! For people with vision...

Bone Marrow: a rich source of valuable stem cells...HealthPeople Bone marrow storage

Stem cells Your own bone marrow contains many valuable and different types of stem cells. Most of the cells are hematopoietic cells, among mesenchymal cells. The mesenchymal cells are relevant for the regeneration of variuous tissues inside the body, whereas the hematopoietic cells reconstitute the blood. However, a part of the "active" ingredients of a bone marrow cell concen-trate is also various growth factors, neurotropic factors and interleukins, which are present in relatively high concentrations.

Bone marrow extraction Bone marrow is extracted from the hip bone by one of our physicians under local anaesthesia. This pro-cedure normally takes around 30 minutes and is without risks.

Included Services HealthPeople Fully accredited bij HTA and GMP standard Quality testing (vitality) and quantification of the nucleated cells and Doctors fees mesenchymal stem cells Courier costs Diagnostic screening for relevant infections by PCR technique State of the art isolation of the stem cells Storage in the vapor phase of liquid nitrogen for 25 years (can be extended) Computer controlled freezing of the sample Certificate of the sample with quality parameters Great expertise in adult stem cell treatments Family banking service with complete range of stem cell storage

Fat stem cell storage

Why store fat

stem cells?

A safe idea to store! For people with vision...

Fat tissue: a rich source of valuable stem cells...HealthFat Adipose stem cell storage

Fat tissue Fat tissue contains mainly mesenchymal stem cells in high quantities, which are supposed to play a major role in the regeneration of all organs and tissues inside the body.

HealthFat Cells are taken from fat of the belly, or the hips. It is done under local anaesthesia and takes about 15 minutes. The col-lection is almost painless and is not associated with medical risks.

Included Services HealthFat Fully accredited bij HTA and GMP standard Quality testing (vitality) and quantification of the nucleated cells and Doctors fees mesenchymal stem cells Courier costs Diagnostic screening for relevant infections by PCR technique State of the art isolation of the stem cells Storage in the vapor phase of liquid nitrogen for 25 years (can be extended) Computer controlled freezing of the sample Certificate of the sample with quality parameters Great expertise in adult stem cell treatments Family banking service with complete range of stem cell storage

Cells health 4


Company HeadquartersCells4health GmbHBaarerstrasse 112

6302 ZugSwitzerland

[email protected]
