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Brochure Kingland Avenue Serpong Apartemen

Date post: 17-Jan-2017
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Smart Loft . Smart Living

S m a r t L o f t . S m a r t L i v i n g

Chapter one Serpong 01

Serpong Your Bridge to Smart Living

City of new generation



Chapter two Living in KingLand 09


royal garden

exclusive amenities

Smart Loft





Chapter three our JourneY 49







C h a p t e r O n eS e r p O n G

t h e C h o i C e o f f i n e L i v i n g

Fine living is a choice.

a choice that lay foundations.

a choice that brings passion and jovialty.

Kingland avenue,

The perfect place to call home

KingLand avenue 04

SerpongYour BridgeTo SmarT Living

03 KingLand avenue

Kingland avenue is nestled in the heart of Serpong, the hottest and fastest growing city of The greater Jakarta.

accessible to all the CBds in Jakarta through 3 major toll roads (Jorr, Jakarta-merak, BSd) and with a future outer ring road toll that connects surrounding major cities of JaBodeTaBeK.

Kingland avenue is also 16 minutes away from the greater Jakarta rail network, a gateway to West and east Java.

Jakarta guLf

gading Serpong



weSt Java



alam Sutera


graha raya





raya S


Daan mogot


pantai indah kapuk


puri indah tomang

kota tua




permata hijau

pondok indah

tB Simatupang

kelapa gading

toLL roaD: (1)Jakarta-merak (2)kunciran-airport at 2019 (3)BSD (4)airport (5)kapuk (6)kebun Jeruk (7)pondok indah (8)Jagorawi (9)Cikampek (10)Cakung (11)Cawang-tanjung priok (12)ancol (13)Cawang-grogol

raiLwaY : (a)rawa Buntu (B)palmerah (C)tanah abang (D)tangerang (e)Batu Ceper (f)Duri (g)kota (h)gambir (i)manggarai (J)Jatinegara (k)Bogor (L)kampung Bandan (m)tanjung priok (n)Bekasi

airport : (1)Soekarno-hatta (2)Budiarto (3)pondok Cabe (4)halim perdanakusuma

KingLand avenue 0605 KingLand avenue

CiTY oF neW generaTionWith a population of around 150,000, Serpong is a city that is exciting and well publicized as a live, work, study, and play area. most notably, the area is marked by a high concentration of urban dwellers and young professionals from different cities of indonesia.

Striking a balance between urban life and oasis garden, Kingland avenue provides an unique experience of ultimate convenience and lush greenery.

KingLand avenue 0807 KingLand avenue

eaSe oF aCCeSS

Toll road Serpong – merak (4 minutes drive)Toll road BSd (14 minutes drive)Stasion rawa Buntu (16 mins)

Soekarno-hatta 30 '

poris 22'

awal Bross 11'




toLL Jakarta-merak

Siloam 16'

uph 13'

Sph 16'

Supermal 15'

exit tollSerpong


exit toll alam


exit tollBSD 15'

pahoa 8'

Bpk penabur 9'

St. Carolus 9'

Summarecon mal Serpong 10'

Binus 5' mal @alam

Sutera 6'

ikea 8'

pasar Delapan 1'

flavor Bliss 1'

giant 7'

St. Laurensia 5'

Living world 3'omni 1'

Lottemart 1'giant 11'

Bethsaida 11'

asshobirin 5'

umn 12'

Budiarto 29'

the Breeze 19'

aeon 19'

BSD Square 10'

itC BSD 7'


rawa Buntu 15'

eka hospital 12'

ocean park 13'






n (2



Shopping Center


amusement park


food & Lifestyle

train Station

Bus Station


urBan LiFeSTYLe

entertainment: alam Sutera mall, aeon, Living World, Summercon mal Serpong, Flavor Bliss, BSd Square, Supermal, Teras Kota, BSd plaza

market: Carefour, Lotte mart, giant, all Fresh, Safemax, LoKa, Hero, Food Hall, pasar 8

Home improvement: informa, iKea, depo Bangunan, ace Hardware

electronics: iTC BSd, electronic City

eduCaTion HuB

Binus university, St. Laurensia, university multimedia nusantara, Swiss german university, international university Liaison indonesia, prasetiya mulya, BpK penabur, Tarakanita, pahoa, Surya university, matana university, SpH, upH.

proFeSSionaL HeaLTHCare

omni Hospital, St. Carolous, asshobirin, eka Hospital, Bethsaida, awal Bros, Siloam

viBranT LeiSure

damai indah goft & Country Club, imperial Klub golf, padang golf modern & Country Club, ocean park, alam Sutera Sports Club, peak To peak indoor Climbing, Time escape

C h a p t e r t w OL i v i n G i n K i n G L a n d

a BLueprint to Smart Living

a House is made of Bricks & Beams

a Home is made of Hopes & dreams

KingLand avenue 1204 kingLanD avenue

p L a n n i n g

Superior design that creates a strong community identity and enhances long-term value has been a

fundamental part of master planning for Kingland avenue

KingLand avenueTHe perFeCT pLaCe To CaLL Homea home is much more than just a roof over your head. it’s a place where memories are made and families are raised. at home, we find peace. We can be ourselves. Whenever we’re away from it, we miss it and we can’t wait to go back.

Kingland Avenue prides itself on quality specifications and conventional designs ideal for first and second home buyers looking to build or upgrade their home to suit their family needs and lifestyle changes

KingLand avenue 1413 KingLand avenue

FrenCH neo-CLaSSiCaLaparTmenT deSign

The definitive architectural style on Kingland Avenue is neoclassical, inspired by the use of French renaissance in the design of royal architectures. These styles are recognized by the use of tall columns in the exterior walls, symmetrical shapes and triangular pediments.






Legenda - Tower aB - Tower BC - Tower Cd - Tower de - Kingland Tower1 - entrance from Jl raya Serpong2 - pedestrian3 - main gate4 - royal versailles garden (1st)

- royal oak (2nd)5 - grand Swimming pool6 - Children Swimming pool7 - Le Hermitage Clubhouse (1st & 2nd)

- garden Terrace (3rd)8 - discovery park9 - Jogging Track









30% HigH riSe Coveragean inTroduCTion oF SpaCiouS Living

With only 30% of land area dedicated for High rise Building, Kingland avenue devoted most of the spaces for astonishing landscape and abundant facilities.

KingLand avenue 1615 KingLand avenue

reJuvenaTe YourSeLFeverYdaY WiTH FreSH airif you have always dreamed of a wide exterior garden where you can enjoy the beautiful spring and summer days in a refreshing atmosphere, Kingland avenue is the only apartment that offers either a spacious balcony (1.5 meter depth) or garden terrace (2.5 meter to 4 meter depth).

WeLCome Home!

nothing says “Welcome Home” like two extravagating lobbies. Step inside either apartment building lobby and you will find the mood is always resonant with the time of day. Bright lighting and energetic background music in the early hours, soft lighting and chill tunes in the evening. residents and visitors of the new apartment buildings will feel at ease on an eclectic collection of new luxury furnishing. Floor, table, and pendant lamps complement the ambient lighting and create a cozy feeling.

KingLand avenue 1817 KingLand avenue

KingLand avenue 2004 kingLanD avenue

r o Y a L g a r d e n

Landscaping is on of a founding principle of master planning. it is central to Kingland avenue’s appeal

to make a desirable place for living. inSpired BY THe gardenSoF paLaiS-roYaLderived from the neo-classical architectural style of the main buildings, the theme of Kingland avenue landscape design is French royal garden – “palais-royal”, where every element is positioned with purpose and precision, simple and in order.

KingLand avenue 2221 KingLand avenue

5 dimenSionaL LandSCapedeSign The principle behind our landscape design is the implementation of multiple dimension. Pedestrian path will be the first layer. Second layer is the path separation. Scrubs and flowers, small to large scale trees are the third, forth, and fifth layer. Each control at certain height and certain color pattern. This five dimensional elements of landscaping would bring an emphasis towards harmonious balance.

gardenS oF FrenCHrenaiSSanCe Kingland avenue’s garden is designed to represent harmony and order, the ideals of French renaissance. one of the main design principle is symmetrical balance, where all elements such as plants, hardscape, color, sculpture are laid out in symmetrical patterns. it transforms all the main gardens in Kingland avenue into controlled works of art. These layouts complement classical architecture and reinforce the belief that beauty derives from order and simplicity.

KingLand avenue 24

roYaL verSaiLLeS garden

Spacious private royal garden deck with our prominent lion statue that will leave a sense of noble living.

23 KingLand avenue

green LivingKingland avenue brings nature to your doorstep with lush greeneries that surrounds your living neighborhood.

SKY garden TerraCeA garden terrace fits for a cozy afternoon BBQ gathering.

KingLand avenue 2625 KingLand avenue

SHruBS(1) Codiaeum variegatum (L.) a. Juss. (2) ixora chinensis Lam. (3) Spathiphyllum kochii engl. et Krause (4) Monstera deliciosa (5) Clematis florida Thunb. (6) Cordyline fruticosa (L.) A. Cheval (7) acalypha wilkesiana muell. arg. cv. marginata (8) duranta repens cv.'goldenleares'

a royal garden with complete features that includes natural stone paving, water sceneries, and sculptures...

variety of vegetation that enhances your senses...

BuSHeS(1) allemanda neriifolia Hook. (2) Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd (3) Canna indica L. (4) Lagerstroemia indica L.

TreeS(1) phoenix dactylifera L. (2) gossampinus malabarica (dC.)merr (3) michelia alba dC. (4) plumeria rubra L. cv. acutifolia

KingLand avenue 2827 KingLand avenue

KingLand avenue 3004 kingLanD avenue

e x C L u S i v e a m e n i T i e S

designed for the convenience of having everything you need at your fingertips, our exclusive amenities

will ensure our tenants of partaking in what Kingland community offers.

FirST CLaSS ameniTieSaT doorSTepKingland avenue provides residents with an abundance of luxury features that brings the character of fine living to your doorstep. With a unique collection of exclusive amenities you can enjoy, you are sure to have the utmost in apartment living.

KingLand avenue 32

roYaL oaKLocated below the garden, residents can enjoy a wide-range sporting facilities that Kingland avenue offers. When not in use, this multipurpose Hall can transform into a spacious function hall for any gathering activities. Sporting facilities include: Basketball Court Billiard Table Table Tennis Tennis indoor indoor Soccer Badminton Court

31 KingLand avenue

Le HermiTageAt Le Hermitage you will enjoy our 5 stars Clubhouse filled with state-of-the-art fitness center that is designed to meet a wide variety of exercise needs. You'll find strength, flexibility and cardio building equipment to fit your personal program. Our Sky Garden Terrace is located on the top floor of the Clubhouse. amenities include:

Fitness Center / gymnasium Spa & massage rooms with Jacuzzi Sauna & Steam rooms Yoga & Kickboxing Studio Library

KingLand avenue 3433 KingLand avenue

grand SWimming pooL

CHiLdren SWimming pooL

diSCoverY parK

Jogging TraCK

KingLand avenue 3604 kingLanD avenue

S m a r T L o F T

For the past 15 years, Kingland group has been studying compact yet spacious living, which suits

the trend of today’s urbanization. Today, Kingland is very proud to present you the First Smart LoFT in indonesia, a true pioneer product that minimize

the carbon footprint yet retain the functionality and spaciousness of a compact unit. Begin your journey with Kingland avenue and witness the

revolutionary concept of smart living.

SmarT LivingThe five design philosophy behind Smart Living• Circulation – every room have inflow of air and natural light• Efficient – every space is utilize for functionality and storage• Spacious – Compact Unit yet Grand• Flexibility – Rooms and space can be easily converted into

other functions• Value Maximizing – Usage area in each unit is at least 90%

from Semi gross

37 KingLand avenue

LoFT 41

• A natural circulation of air and sunlight that provides a healthy ventilation throughout every living spaces.

• Utilizing the spacious 3.5 meter wide layout to maximize the comfortability of the living room & bedroom.

• 5 meter floor-to-floor height will give a luxurious sense to your living room, and gives a view to your bedroom.

• Ergonomically u-Shaped staircase design with 18cm step to step height that is an ease usage for adults and children. Combining Feng Shui 12 ladder steps.

• A generous 1.5 x 3.5 meters balcony size that can create multiple outdoor functionalities (outdoor dining, BBQ, afternoon tea).

• A flexible toilet layout configuration that separates washing bins & toilet/shower (no queuing).

• Smart staircase storage space.

• Multiple storage configuration in the unit.

45.41 m2 - 45.64 m2 Semi gross

*mezzanine Level

*floor Level

39 KingLand avenue

LoFT 61

• A natural circulation of air and sunlight that provides a healthy ventilation throughout every living spaces.

• 5 meter floor-to-ceiling height will give a luxurious sense to your living room, and gives a view to every bedroom.

• Ergonomically u-Shaped staircase design with 18cm step to step height that is an ease usage for adults and children. Combining Feng Shui 12 ladder steps.

• A generous 1.5 x 4.5 meters balcony size that can create multiple outdoor functionalities (outdoor dining, bbq, afternoon tea).

• Two flexible toilet layouts configuration that seperates washing bins & toilet/shower (no queing).

• Multiple storage configuration in the unit with smart staircase storage space.

• 1st floor bedroom is customizable into multiple living spacious of your desire (study room, bedroom, library).

• The most efficient compact yet spacious 3 bedrooms in Jakarta.

67.71 m2 - 68.05 m2 Semi gross

*mezzanine Level

*floor Level

garden SuiTe

• Efficient 4+1 bedrooms with 3 bathrooms suite.

• A gorgeous 8 x 4 meters outdoor space that can create multiple outdoor functionalities.

• Highly flexible room configuration. easily convertible into two separate units.

• Private dining room with 5 meters floor-to-floor high, a symbol of luxury lifestyle.

• Spacious L-shaped kitchen.

• A natural circulation of sunlight that provides a healthy ventilation throughout every living spaces.

98.16 m2 - 123.46 m2 Semi gross

*mezzanine Level

*floor Level

41 KingLand avenue KingLand avenue 42

LoFT SuiTe & penTHouSe

• Efficient 4+1 bedrooms with 3 bathrooms suite.

• A magnificent 8 x 1.5 meters terrace that can create multiple outdoor functionalities.

• Highly flexible room configuration. easily convertible into two separate units.

• Private dining room with 5 meters floor-to-floor high, a symbol of luxury lifestyle.

• Spacious L-shaped kitchen.

• A natural circulation of sunlight that provides a healthy ventilation throughout every living spaces.

*mezzanine Level

*floor Level

105.85 m2 - 127.13 m2 Semi gross

43 KingLand avenue KingLand avenue 44

KingLand avenue 4643 KingLand avenue

*marketing gallery of Kingland avenue

C h a p t e r t h r e eO u r j O u r n e y

BuiLDing homeSwith priDe anD paSSion

Land of Success

Land of affluence

Land of Community

Land of opportunity

KingLand avenue 5004 kingLanD avenue

p o r T o F o L i o

We turn our vision “Building Homes With prides and passion” into reality by developing residences

with quality and innovation. We consistently offer unique products to customers. We hope to

contribute to society by creating better homes for families.

CHaTeau eLiTe

derived from the neo-classical architectural style of the main buildings, the themCompleted in 2012, Chateau elite is the most exclusive residential project in Tiexi, Shenyang, China. This prestigious project is an enclave of luxury for homeowners seeking both comfort and opulence. The project is located in a prime location and holds the highest land value and sales in the district. Chateau elite embodies a classical royal French décor that is seamlessly integrated with a contemporary look to accommodate modern living lifestyles. The land area is 4.9 hectare, and has a gross floor area of 130,000m2.Chateau elite was sold out within 2 years of its initial launch.

Chateau elite has a total of 16 residential towers:• 5 towers with 28 floors• 2 towers with 18 floors• 6 towers with 6 floors• 2 towers with 4 floors

at the time, Chateau was situated next to another residential project that was being constructed by one China’s largest developer, Wan Tah. While our initial selling price matched those of Wan Tah’s at rmB 7,000 psm, our selling price quickly escalated to rmB 9,000 psm due to overwhelming demand from the market and total sales aggregated to rmB1.3billion.e of Kingland avenue landscape design is French royal garden – “palais-royal”, where every element is positioned with purpose and precision, simple and in order.

KingLand avenue 52

ginza pLazaLocated in the most prime district in Shenyang CBd area, ginza plaza is a mixed-use development equipped with a well-appointed shopping mall, a premium office tower, and various SOHOs. There are 28 floors in the office tower, 5 floors of shopping space, and 2 floors of SOHOs. As a prominent landmark in the city, the project is widely recognized and prioritized by the provincial government. The project will be completed and launched by the end of 2015.in front of the project, there will be a future mrT station which is also currently under construction and expected to be completed in the same year. Bought in 2009, the land area is 1.5 hectare, with total gross floor area of 76,000m2.

51 KingLand avenue

midToWn pLazamidtown plaza is a shopping mall located at the heart of the commercial district in Shenyang. designed by p&T, midtown plaza has a collection of international and local brands, which makes it popular shopping hotspot both inside and out. The retail complex has a total of 5 upper levels and 3 basement levels. The connectivity of the property is enhanced by the adjoining mrT station, which is accessible from the ground floor of the mall. Bought in early 2003, the land area is 1.5 hectare and has a gross floor area of 52,000 m2. Construction began in 2005, and was completed 2007 and sold to Asia Pacific Land.

KingLand avenue 54

WuCHuan paCiFiCWuchuan Pacific is a mixed-use development project with a shopping mall, 2 residential towers, and a transportation terminal. Located in xiamen, Fujian province, Wuchuan Pacific is the largest transportation terminal and is the biggest underground pedestrian retail space. it can handle 2/3 of the total passenger volume in the city. Wuchuan Pacific has a total gross floor area of 88,000m2 and was bought in 2003. The current anchor tenant in the shopping mall is guo mei, one of the largest electronic distribution stores in China.

53 KingLand avenue

napa groveNapa Grove is the first residential project in the city to feature an exquisite French vineyard and winery. residents of napa grove can enjoy growing different varieties of grape, harvesting ripe vines in September, and tasting the wines produced at the annual grape Festival. Bought in 2006, the land area is 3 hectare with a total gross floor area of 76,000m2. it was completed in 2009 with almost full occupancy.

The project has 10 towers with a total of 872 residential units (1-bedroom, 2-bedroom, and 3-bedroom suites).• 3 towers with 6 floors• 3 towers with 18 floors• 2 towers with 14 floors• 1 tower with 27 floors• 1 tower with 9 floorsnapa groove has won numerous awards for its distinctive quality and innovative features. The project was also presented the developer quality award in 2008, as well as construction quality award.

KingLand avenue 5655 KingLand avenue

KingLand avenueWith this unwavering commitment to excellence, Hong Kong Kingland is unveiling a groundbreaking residential project, which will redefine economical living in Serpong. With our innovative apartment layouts that are compact in size yet spacious in nature, the apartments reflect our vision to provide quality products that are affordable. This value proposition will enable residents to live in an unprecedented world of comfort as we strive to maximize living space in every unit. our residential towers are also equipped with a range of club facilities, a flourishing botanical landscape, and unobstructed panoramic views of the city.

The project is located at a strategic location in the heart of Serpong. it is situated outside of alam Sutera South gate on Jalan raya Serpong and is in close proximity to nearby shopping malls, schools & universities, and hospitals. upon completion, our residential towers will be a landmark in the Serpong’s skyline, surpassing other iconic buildings in the area. projected completion by 2018 with a total gFa of 160,000m2.

Kingland avenue is backed by a consortium of leading business partners: alfaland group and growth Steel group. Together with our partners, we are determined utmost value to our customers and set an unprecedented benchmark for urban living.

our partners:

KingLand avenue 5804 kingLanD avenue

p a r T n e r S

The best partnerships are not dependent on a mere common gold but on a shared path of equality,

desire, and no small amount of passion.

alfaLand group (previously known as pT perkasa internusa mandiri or dubbed as pT pim) is one of the rapidly growing company and is engaged in Commercial, residential & Hospitality in major cities throughout indonesia. Sensed of the increasingly higher demand of property and great business opportunities in the industry in years to come, mr djoko Susanto, mrs LilianaTanuwijaya & mr Hanto djoko Susanto, jointly founded the company (pT pim) on march 17th 1999.

it all started around 2002, when pT pim acquired 12 ha land in Lodan, ancol – north Jakarta, and developed shop houses (ruko) and multipurpose rukos, now known as Lodan Center. Shortly after that, it further expanded the area to become 15 ha

KingLand avenue 6059 KingLand avenue

total. The 8-Storey campus of university of Bunda mulia (uBm) & Bunda mulia School (international school) were also built in this Lodan Center Business park Complex.

in later years, the company managed to develop few residential clusters & ruko complexes in Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang Selatan and Cirebon. grand Bima mansion, located in east Jakarta, an upper scale housing cluster and griya Hijau regency, cluster designed to cater to lower middle market segment, were to name a few. martadinata point & paska point, were names for its ruko projects, that have been developed in Bogor to meet the business needs in the city.

under property management division of the company, millennium iCT Center (formerly known as plaza millennium) was acquired & opened in 2000. Since then, it is known as the largest center of Cell phone & iCT products in the entire medan City, and even within north Sumatera, in fact. a 1,1Ha small shopping arcade in pasar minggu area (South Jakarta), is also operated by the division with Carrefour as its anchor tenant.

in cooperation with the group such as with alfamart, the company has provided technical support & services in design and planning (Construction management) for its distribution Center developments, and also playing Construction management role in supervising the building process until completion of the warehouses.

Since 2 years ago, alfa Land group (www.alfaland-group.com) was launched as our umbrella brand in further developing our businesses and at the same time, we decided to start a new venture in hospitality business, as hotel management company, under omega Hotel management (oHm) brand (www.omegahotelmanagement.com) . By end of 2015, oHm will be operating 6 units of different types of hotel units, located in medan, Cirebon, puncak, Bali, Jakarta & Bandung. another 2 hotels located in Jakarta & Yogyakarta are scheduled to open in July 2016. 25 hotels are expected to open by 2018 under our different brands : grand Cordela Hotel, Cordela Hotel, Cordela express, Cx Hostel & alfa resort.

one of alfa Land group’s strategies for growth is to synergize with other developers / investors in developing new property projects in BoT business model. in other cases, Joint operation or even joint venture format, still within the property business, would be very well considered to achieve sustainable growth of alfa Land.

The growth Steel group was founded in 1969 with the establishment of the first company, PT Growth Sumatra industry. The company, an integrated steel mill producing long steel products grew quickly and provided the foundations for a diverse group of companies that now delivers products worldwide.

pT. growth Sumatra industry produces billets, reinforcing bars, weld mesh, angle bars and bright steel shafting. Carbon steel manufacturer with production capacity of 400,000 mTpa.

pT. growth asia is one of the largest foundries in South east asia and primarily produces; mill liners for the mining industry, steel and ductile iron rolls for the steel and rubber industries and extended-life screws for the palm oil industry. it also supplies

kingLanD avenue 5761 KingLand avenue

alloy steel castings to gold/copper mining industry around the world (australia, africa, asia, uSa & Latin america) with capacity of 100,00 mTpa.

over the years, the group has expanded to the agricultural Sector, specifically in the palm oil supply chain starting from palm oil plantation to Cpo mills and CpKo mills with a total capacity of 1,000,000 mTpa.

To further strengthen its competitiveness in the steel and stainless steel market, pT. indoferro was established boasting the first blast furnace in Indonesia as well as the first Nickel pig iron producer outside China. With its facility conveniently located in Cilegon Banten, West Java, it is now the country’s top two npi producers. an additional160 million uS dollars is in the pipeline to double its capacity along with higher concentration of nickel by mid-2016.

one of growth Steel group’s latest ventures is their Biomass power plants, a “green” energy project that will fuel the increasingly power hungry industries of indonesia and at the same time preserve its natural environment. With 8 units of 15mW generators spread across the archipelagoes, the group plans to further expand to approximately 100 units in the near future.

KingLand avenue 6404 kingLanD avenue

C o n S u L T a n T S

Consulting architects are possibility thinkers and detail-orientated creators-all at once. They

consider every aspect of a project's entire scope and understand how to put these components together to create outstanding spaces where people can be

inspired.oLBn: Washington, dC; manhattan, nY; Beijing, Cn; and soon Jakarta, id.

ruoke Chen founded oLBn in 1988 to support the u.S. Federal government design and planning needs. We have steadily grown and now provide multi-disciplinary professional and construction solutions to a diverse international client base. We are rooted in our commitment to understanding our client’s requirements and

International Architect Consultantwww.olbn.com


KingLand avenue 6665 KingLand avenue

pT. megatika was established in 1992 in Jakarta by Herbert ie. Based on work experience as an architect since 1974 in Hong Kong, Herbert applied a design philosophy of building high density in a compact and efficient which was a suitable application towards construction of buildings in indonesia.

aligning our solutions with their overall organizational goals in a comprehensive, innovative manner – passionately delivering innovative Solutions.

Washington, dC: Focuses on government design, planning and Historic preservation; on designer-Led design-Build Construction projects; on integrated design and green Building (Our workspace is a LEED Certified Commercial Interior). Our dC practice incorporates Bim and Lidar applications. our experience includes design for Labs, Clinics, research and Offices for NIH.

manhattan: Focuses on both large and small scale residential and Commercial renovations.

Beijing: provides concept development and planning for large scale residential, civic and commercial projects and through our local partner, integrated architectural - engineering design, review and permitting. Though our base in Beijing we are able to offer our uS design and planning abilities throughout asia.

oLBn’s emerging Specialization: We’ve combined our Chinese expertise in resort planning with our uS residential and healthcare experience to create a new specialization - uS Senior resorts catering to foreign travelers.

Local Architect Consultantwww.megatika.com

kingLanD avenue 5767 KingLand avenue

Together with the Board of directors and the entire staff, Herbert brought pT. megatika international to become a multi-disciplinary architectural consulting firm that can design a variety of functions such as high-rise apartment buildings, hotels, shopping centers, office towers, international school, religious buildings, real estate, and others. pT. megatika international scope of work includes concept design, schematic design, design development, documentation for the tender/ for construction, and project supervision.

pT. megatika international design philosophy is designing buildings that are efficient and land optimization based on studies of functional, aesthetic, and economic building. Hence, the layout of the building should be simple and efficient, utilizing natural light and ventilation, deliver and maintain the privacy and security of the building with costs in mind.

pT. megatika international provides major attention to client needs that includes building design quality, with cost and timely in mind. The designed buildings should get a good response from the market and pay close attention to the social impact and environmental sustainability. The success of implementing such design would make pT. megatika international recognized by developers and building owners and awarded the ‘Top Ten architects’ Journal Construction asian version several years in a row.

diSCLaimer: The photographs, images, drawings or sketches shown in this promotional material represent an artist’s impression of the development only. They are not drawn to scale and / or may have been edited and processed with computerized imaging techniques. all

information, specifications, plans and visual representations contained in the materials are subject to changes from time to time by developer and/or the competent authorities and shall not form part of the offer or contract. The sale and purchase agreement shall form the entire

agreement between the developer and the purchaser and shall in no way be modified by any statement, representations or promise (whether or not contained in the materials and/or made by the developer or the agent) made. no part of the materials shall constitute a representative

or warranty. The floor plans are approximate measurements and subject to final survey. All rights reserved.

Marketing GalleryJl. raya Serpong Km. 8

Tangerang Selatan 15325indonesia

Hotline +62 21 2966 7888Fax. +62 21 531 228 28/29www.kinglandavenue.com

kingland-avenue.com http://www.kingland-avenue.com/2016/03/preview-apartemen-kingland-avenue.html

Preview Apartemen Kingland Avenue Serpong

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Nama Properti : Kingland Avenue @ Serpong

Tipe Properti : Apartemen.

Developer : Hongkong Kingland, Alfaland, Growth Steel Group.

Lokasi : Jalan Raya Serpong.

Luas Lahan : 2,2 Hektar.

Akses Tol : Tol Kebun Jeruk Exit Alam Sutera.

Total Unit : 4 Tower, 20 Lantai, 30 Unit Perlantai, +- 2.000 Unit.

Sertifikat : Strata Title (HGB Land).

Launching : Mei 2016.

Ground Breaking : Oktober 2016.

Hand Over : Tahun 2019.

Harga Jual : 17 Juta Per meter, Early Bird 14,6 juta per meter exclude PPN.

Cara Bayar : Cash, Cash Bertahap, KPA DP Dicicil, KPA Express.

Tipe Unit Apartemen Kingland Avenue Serpong dan harga jual perdana saat ini adalah :

- LOFT 41 (45,64 m2, 2LT, 1BR) Harga 860 juta, Early Bird 736 juta.

- LOFT 61 (68,05 m2, 2LT, 3BR) Harga 1.274 juta, Early Bird 1.090 juta.

- GARDEN SUITE (98,16 m2, 2LT, 4+1BR) Harga 1.836 juta, Early Bird 1.578 juta.

- LOFT SUITE & PENTHOUSE (105,85 m2, 2LT, 4+1BR) Harga 1.980 juta, Early Bird 1.694 juta.
