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Brochure Strategi Sukses Bisnis PLTU Batubara

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Mercure Serpong Alam Sutera, 10 - 11 Desember 2014 Pelatihan Teknik & Manajemen STRATEGI SUKSES BISNIS PLTU BATUBARA Raih Profit Maksimum dengan Mensinergikan Bisnis Tambang & PLTU Batubara Engineering and Management Training STRATEGY FOR SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS IN COAL POWER STEAM GENERATION Get Maximum Profit Through Synergizing Coal Mine & Power Plant Indonesia Coal & Power Institute www.icp‐instute.com

Mercure Serpong Alam Sutera, 10 - 11 Desember 2014

Pelatihan Teknik & Manajemen

STRATEGI SUKSES BISNIS PLTU BATUBARARaih Profit Maksimum dengan Mensinergikan Bisnis Tambang & PLTU Batubara


Get Maximum Profit Through Synergizing Coal Mine & Power Plant

Indonesia Coal & Power Institute


An intensive two-days training program in the form of interactive discussions and case studies brings practical knowledge needed to start a business in coal as fuel for power plant and power plant business.

Training program and material are developed and provided by domestic and international experts and practitioners with up to 20 years of experience in coal utilization technology and power generation, so it can provide more inspiration and guidance to entrepreneurs to conduct an evaluation in power plant business and coal supply to power generation and investment planning.

Benefits of Training

Better understanding in business character of coal power plant in general

Perform careful business planning in power plant and electricity

Assess the importance of suitability of coal characteristics with the design of coal power plant

Ensuring continuity of supply of appropriate coal quality and quantity

Develop O & M program planning and skilled workforce

Anticipate obstacles of power plant to achieve reliability operation

Understand outage management for power plant to achieve its maximum availability targets

Understand management efficiency, optimization and cost control strategies

Who should participate?

Power generation business companies (decision makers, planners, auditors, supervisors)

Technical service companies in operating and maintenance (O & M)

Corporate services in Precomm / Commissioning (Acceptance Test)

Companies in coal supply & logistics business Coal miners EPC Companies Funding agencies / banks (especially credit

analysts / legal practitioners) Institutional investors of power generation

business Government Civil Servants, Policy Makers and

Bureaucrats for power plant projects

Program pelatihan intensif dua hari dalam bentuk diskusi interaktif dan studi kasus ini mengangkat pengetahuan praktis yang dibutuhkan dalam memulai bisnis batubara untuk PLTU maupun bisnis PLTU.

Program pelatihan dan materi dirancang oleh para pakar dan praktisi dalam dan luar negeri dengan pengalaman 20 tahun lebih menekuni bidang teknologi utilisasi batubara dan pembangkit listrik, yang dapat menjadi inspirasi serta petunjuk bagi pengusaha untuk melakukan bisnis PLTU, suplai batubara ke PLTU dan perencanaan investasi.

Manfaat Pelatihan

Memahami karakter bisnis PLTU batubara secara umum

Melakukan secara hati-hati perencanaan bisnis PLTU & ketenagalistrikan

Menilai pentingnya kesesuaian karakteristik batubara dengan desain PLTU

Memastikan kesinambungan suplai batubara sesuai kualitas dan kuantitas

Membuat perencanaan program O & M dan tenaga kerja terlatih

Mengantisipasi hambatan pengoperasian untuk target reliability PLTU

Memahami outage management untuk target availability PLTU

Memahami manajemen efisiensi, optimasi & strategi pengawasan biaya

Siapa yang harus ikut?

Perusahaan bisnis pembangkit listrik (decision makers, perencana, auditor, supervisor)

Perusahaan jasa pengoperasian dan pemeliharaan (O&M)

Perusahaan jasa Precomm/Commissioning (Acceptance Test)

Perusahaan bisnis suplai batubara&logistik Perusahaan tambang batubara Perusahaan EPC Lembaga pendanaan/perbankan (khususnya

analis kredit/praktisi hukum) Investor bisnis pembangkit listrik


[email protected] 021‐3168937 www.icp‐ins�tute.com

Agenda & ModuleDay One

SESI 3Analisis Kelayakan Bisnis PLTU

Menentukan kapasitas (MW) & total unit PLTU yang akan dibangun pada lokasi tertentu, antisipasi hambatan pelaksanaan pembangunan, seleksi teknologi & kepastian pasokan batubara.

Modul 3 Riset pasar. Struktur tarif. Evaluasi lokasi PLTU. Logistik. Review Teknologi. Desain EPC. Kajian suplai batubara. Penanganan abu. Jadwal & biaya proyek. Analisis financial & sensitifitas. Manajemen resiko. Resume & rekomendasi.

Studi Kasus 3 Tim melakukan review keekonomian PLTU & mengindentifikasi profit maksimum.

SESI 2Perencanaan Bisnis PLTU

Memahami strategi pengusahaan bisnis PLTU pada tingkat perencanaan awal & pembiayaan termasuk strategi kecukupan pasokan batubara.Modul 2 Tata niaga listrik. Power Purchased Agreement. Penetapan kapasitas & CAPEX OPEX. Seleksi boiler. Fleksibilitas boiler. Antisipasi fluktuasi pasokan batubara. Estimasi biaya investasi PLTU.

Studi Kasus 2 Tim merencanakan pembiayaan PLTU, penetapan CAPEX OPEX & transaksi listrik.

SESI 4Pengoperasian dan Pemeliharaan PLTU

Memahami urgensi aspek O&M, sertifikasi kelayakan, verifikasi & inspeksi, EPC, sistem jasa O&M dan perencanaan tenaga terlatih.

Modul 4 Overview. Strategi PreComm&Comm. Inspeksi awal & perencanaan sistem. Lingkup jasa pembangkit. Perencanaan jasa O&M dan sistem pemeliharaan. Program K3 & Ketepatan penempatan tenaga terlatih.

Studi Kasus 4 Mengidentifikasi, merencanakan program O&M dan mempersiapkan tenaga terlatih.

SESSION 1Selection of Coal Suitability for Power Generation

Understanding problems, which caused by a mismatch in the power plant coal quality with power plant design, and utilization of low rank coals.

Module 1 Coal characteristics and their effects on power plant performance, its impact on handling, stockpile management, crushing & milling, combustion systems, emissions, ash fouling/slagging & ash handling. Application of coal upgrading & coal blending technology.

Case Study 1 To evaluate the characteristics of coal, ash and coal handling to be used as fuel for power plant.

SESSION 3 Feasibility Analysis of Power Plant Business

Determine power plant capacity (MW) and total units to be built in a particular location, anticipate constraints/ problems during plant construction, selection of technology and assurance of coal supply.

Module 3 Market research. Tariff structure. Evaluation of plant location. Logistics. Technology Review. EPC design. Study of coal supply. Ash handling. Schedule and cost of the project. Financial and sensitivity analysis. Risk management. Resume and recommendation. Case Study 3 Understanding how to review & exercise the economics and maximum profit of the power plant.

SESSION 2Power Generation Business Plan

Understanding business operation strategy of power plant at the initial level of planning until financing the plant including long term sufficient supply of coal.

Module 2 Electricity trading system. Purchased Power Agreement. Determination of the capacity of OPEX and CAPEX. Selection boiler. Flexibility boiler. Anticipation coal supply fluctuations. Estimated plant investment costs.

Case Study 2 Develop planning for power plant financing; determine OPEX and CAPEX electricity transactions.

SESSION 4Power Plant Operation and Maintenance

Understanding the importance of O & M compliance, eligibility certification, verification and inspection, EPC, O & M service system; regular training & education program for improve O& M activities.

Module 4 Overview. Pre-Commissioning & Commissioning Strategy. Initial inspection and planning systems. Scope of power plant services. Planning of O & M services and system maintenance. SHE Program. Education & training program to improve O&M skill.

Case Study 4 Identify and prepare the planning of O & M program, and technical skill of personnel

SESI 1 Seleksi Kesesuaian Batubara sebagai

Bahan Bakar PLTU

Memahami permasalahan di PLTU disebabkan oleh ketidaksesuaian mutu batubara dengan desain PLTU & pemanfaatan batubara peringkat rendah.

Modul 1 Karakteristik mutu batubara & pengaruhnya terhadap kinerja PLTU. Dampak pada handling, stockpile, crushing & milling, sistem pembakaran, emisi, dan pembentukan kerak. Aplikasi teknologi coal upgrading & coal blending. Studi Kasus 1 Mengevaluasi karakteristik batubara, penanganan batubara dan efek abu pada PLTU.

[email protected] 021‐3168937 www.icp‐ins�tute.com

METODOLOGISetiap sesi dibawakan dalam bentuk diskusi interaktif dan dipertajam dengan studi kasus (real learning experience). Melalui kegiatan problem-based learning, kasus khusus yang didasarkan pada fakta lapangan diangkat sebagai topik studi kasus dan dibahas secara mendalam.

METHODOLOGYEach session is presented briefly in the form of interactive discussion and honed with case studies (real learning experience). Through problem-based learning, special case based on the facts from typical site will be selected as a case study topic and discussed in depth.

SESI 5Manajemen Efisiensi dan Optimasi

Performa Pembangkit

Memahami availability & reliability, manajemen efisiensi, sistem manajemen terintegrasi dan mendalami teknik aplikasi cost control strategy pada PLTU.Modul 5 Teknik optimasi. Outage management. Inventory control. Manajemen operasi dan kehandalan sistem. Teknik efisiensi & monitoring. Strategik, komitmen, budaya kerja dan K3. Antisipasi pembiayaan tidak terduga.

Studi Kasus 5 Tim menyelesaikan contoh kasus “gap efficiency” dan “fuel switching” pada PLTU

KUNJUNGANPusat Fasilitas Uji Bakar dan Teknologi Upgrading

Batubara (STD)/Coal Blending di Puspiptek, Serpong

Fasilitas uji pembakaran batubara skala besar di

Indonesia. Pilot Plant STD kapasitas 2,5 ton/hari.

Laboratorium Unit Coal Blending, Analisa &

Karakteristik Batubara.

Beberapa fasilitas uji batubara lainnya.

SESSION 5 Management Efficiency and Performance

Optimization Plant Understanding availability and reliability, efficiency management, integrated management systems and techniques to explore the application of cost control strategy on the plant.Module 5 Optimization techniques. Outage management. Inventory control. Operations management and system reliability. Efficiency and monitoring techniques. Strategic, commitment, work culture and HSE. Anticipate the unexpected financing.

Case Study 5 Team will practice to solve “gap efficiency analysis” and “fuel switching” problem

FIELD TRIPCenter of Fuel Combustion Test Facility and Coal

Upgrading Technology (STD)/

Coal Blending in Puspiptek, Serpong.

The largest Coal Combustion Test Facility in

Indonesia, Coal Drying Pilot Plant STD capacity of 2.5

tons/day, Coal Blending Unit, Coal Characterization &

Analytical Laboratory especially for low rank coal.

Other coal test facilities.

Agenda & ModuleDay Two

[email protected] 021‐3168937 www.icp‐ins�tute.com

instructorsEiichiro Makino. President of K-Coal Co., Ltd. and PT K-Coal International Indonesia. Since graduating from the faculty of engineering, Hokkaido University, he has been assigned to implement the development of Clean Coal Technology & Project in Sojitz Corporation (ex-Nissho Iwai) that is a leading Japanese General Trading Company until the end of 2011. He has been in-charge with the low rank coal utilization project such as Brown Coal Liquefaction (BCL) pilot plant project in Victoria, Australia, Upgraded Brown Coal (UBC) pilot plant project, 2x600MW lignite mine mouth IPP project and Lignite Gasification project in Indonesia. He also has been developing Carbon Capture Storage (CCS) project for mitigating CO2 emission from coal power generation. Now he is developing lignite utilization in power generation in Indonesia by utilizing Steam Tube Dryer (STD) which is proven technology, reliable and cost effective coal dyer.

Hartiniati. BPPT Program Director and Senior Consultant for PTBA. The expert in coal technologies for energy synthetic fuels and fuel for power plant was developed since she joined BPPT in 1978. She graduated from Chemical Engineering at ITS (1978) and achieved her master degree at Queensland University (1990-1993) in the field of business & management technology. Involved in designing the biggest Coal Combustion and Gasification Testing facilities at BPPT Puspiptek, Serpong, in cooperation with the Columbus Battelle USA (1982-1986). She is being team leader at the Center of South Sumatra Coal-Based Energy Industry and Power Plant Feasibility Study Musi Rawas 2x600 MW in cooperation with the Governor of South Sumatra (2002-2005). She has been involved in coal utilization programs, in cooperation with technology owners and funding institutions from USA, Japan, Australia, and Korea, as the development of competence primarily in the field of low grade coal utilization technology (1982-present).

Lambok Hilarius Silalahi. Graduated from Ehime Univ. Japan in 1993, majoring Electrical Engineering and worked for BPPT up to the present time. He joined the coal liquefaction team of BPPT under joint research cooperation between NEDO and BPPT from 1994 to 1999. He was involved in the operation of BSU coal liquefaction research facility in Takasago, Japan for 3 years. After that he also joined the research cooperation project of coal upgrading such as UBC, STD and conducted feasibility study. In 2011 – 2013 was involved in the study with PLN and TSK to investigate the application of STD dryer for Rembang power plant. Besides that he also experienced several other coal utilization technologies, especially low rank coals, such as coal gasification, coal briquetting and other coal conversion processes.

Amiral Aziz. BPPT Expert on power plant field. He joined BPPT since graduated as mechanical engineer in 1984 and obtained his master degree in 1991 in the field of Thermal Power and Fluid from Engineering's, di Victoria Univ., Manchester. From 2002 to 2012 acting as Senior Project Manager in feasibility studies and design reviews especially for turbine power plant/boiler & BOP, QA/QC, and being an engineering supervisor for various power plant projects in the country. Among other power plant projects are at Banjarsari 2x100MW/Lahat, Tanjung Jati B power plant 2x660MW/Jepara, CCPP 2x50MW P Damar/Kep Seribu, CSFPP 2x50MW Parit Baru/Central Kalimantan, Pacitan power plant, Labuan & Lontar power plant, Asam-asam power plant 2x65MW / South Kalimantan, and power plant at Kendari /Southeast Sulawesi (2012-up to now).

Beny Setiyanto. Director of Global Power Services since 2009. Technical Director for power plant industrial construction at Gaka Karya Engineering (2008-2009). Operation Manager for 635MW power plant capacity at Riau Andalan Pulp&Paper (1994-2008). Utility Manager for power plant 10MW at Pabrik Kertas Bekasi Teguh (1983-1994). After graduating from Industrial Engineering in 1983 he then directly involved in apprentice program & activities of O&M coal firing boiler/recovery boiler, co-generation power plant, commissioning /acceptance test, power plant operation automation, and pollution control at Osaka/Yokohama (Jepang), Bonn/Dusseldorf/Stuttgarts/Dressden (Jerman), Helsinki (Finlandia), Bangkok (Thailand), Sao Pulo (Brazil), dan Singapore. More than 30 years involved in power generation projects as Technical Advisor and Manager at the plant inside and outside Indonesia including power plant projects of Ende, Tarjun, Bintan, Cirebon, Balai Karimun, Gorontalo, Sibalang, dan Tarahan Lampung, Labuan, Bangka, Pomalaa (with 7 - 600 MW capacity), power plant 350MW in Rizhao pulp& paper mill (China), power plant 250MW Bahia Pulp (Brazil).

Nusyirwan. He graduated with Master degree on Power Utilization from LEEDS, UK, 1995. Currently Vice President of PT K-Coal Int'l Indonesia (clean coal technology) and also a freelance consultant to several major companies in the field of power generation business. He served as President Director of PT Artha Daya Coalindo (ADC) subsidiary of PT Indonesia Power (2009-2012) to ensure sufficient supply to power plants. He was also General Manager of the Suralaya coal power plant at Suralaya 3400MW and CCPP unit at Tanjung Priok 1400MW, and become Vice President of PT Indonesia Power in power plant business development. He is an expert in business plan of power generation, management efficiency, design reliability, and optimization power plant with massive experience of more than 20 years and dedicated to build many state-owned power plant facilities in a professional collaboration with domestic and international stakeholders.

[email protected] 021‐3168937 www.icp‐ins�tute.com

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Contact Us:PT. Andamar InternasionalDesk: 021-3168937 (Laila/Nasrul)BBM Pin: 761B16D6 SMS: 08119892805 E-mail: [email protected]

Jangan lewatkan pelatihan komprehensif 2 hari strategi bisnis PLTU batubara Indonesia ini! Gali kemampuan dan tingkatkan kompetensi Anda melalui diskusi interaktif dan studi kasus yang dipandu pakar dan praktisi kelas dunia dalam perencanaan bisnis, studi kelayakan, strategi suplai & kesesuaian mutu batubara, strategi O&M, manajemen efisiensi & optimasi, K3 & isu lingkungan. Dapatkan juga berbagai kiat integrasi tambang dan PLTU serta masih banyak lagi ide-ide mutakhir dan ilmu praktis terbaik yang kami siapkan khusus untuk Anda!

Don't miss this two-day in-depth training to learn more about Indonesia coal power generation! Explore the knowledge and improve your competence through interactive discussions and case studies guided by our world class experts and practitioners in areas of business planning, feasibility study, coal supply strategy & sustainability, maintenance & operation, safety and environmental compliance. Get brilliant tips & techniques related to integrating coal mining & power plant also many other ideas and best practices that we have prepared, especially for you!


Only USD 1,300(until 10 November 2014)

Regular Price : USD 1,500Price includes hotel room, business dinner,

module’s handbook, certificate, seminar kit, souvenirs and field trip transportation.

Group Offers 5% each for 3 registrants from 3 different

organization/corporation 5% for second registrant from the same

FREE!45 Min Private Consultation

for FIRST 10 Registrants!

Send your info with this format:Registrant Name_Company Name_

Phone_Mobile_E-mailto 08119892805 or BBM 761B16D6

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