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Brown Bag Lunch sur Hazelcast

Date post: 09-May-2015
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Présentation rapide de Hazelcast, faite au cours d'un Brown Bag Lunch
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BBL – février 2014

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A propos…

!  Sylvain Wallez !  Architecte et dev expert freelance

Web/Java/Scala !  2014 - Fondateur de Actoboard !  2011 - Backend architect de Sigfox !  2008 - CTO de Goojet/Scoop.it !  2006 - Backend architect Joost !  2003 - Premier VP Apache français !  2000 - Cofondateur & CTO Anyware Technologies

[email protected] http://bluxte.net Twitter: @bluxte

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Une appli distribuée en 5 lignes !

Mise en bouche

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Mise en bouche

!  La Map classique

public static void main(String[] args) { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put("hello", "world"); String value = map.get("hello");}

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Mise en bouche

!  La ConcurrentMap

public static void main(String[] args) { ConcurrentMap<String, String> map = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); map.put("hello", "world"); String value = map.get("hello"); String previous = map.putIfAbsent("goodbye", "marylou");}

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Mise en bouche

!  La ConcurrentMap distribuée

public static void main(String[] args) { HazelcastInstance hz = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(); ConcurrentMap<String, String> map = hz.getMap("mymap"); map.put("hello", "world"); String value = map.get("hello"); String previous = map.putIfAbsent("goodbye", "marylou");}

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Mise en bouche


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Mais que vient-on de voir ?

Hazelcast features

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Buzzword bingo !

!  In-memory data grid !  Open source, Apache Licence !  P2P elastic cache !  Distributed event bus !  NoSQL datastore !  Cluster coordination !  Distributed computing

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La concurrence

!  Oracle Coherence !  IBM Extreme Scale !  VMware Gemfire !  Gigaspaces !  JBoss Infinispan !  Gridgain !  Terracotta

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In-memory data grid

!  La Map classique, plus des bonus

HazelcastInstance hz = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(); IMap<String, String> map = hz.getMap("mymap"); map.put("hello", "world"); String value = map.get("hello"); Future<String> future = map.getAsync("hello"); map.put("goodbye", "marylou", 10, TimeUnit.MINUTES); Set<Entry<String, String>> set = map.entrySet(new Predicate<String, String>() { public boolean apply(Entry<String, String> entry) { return entry.getKey().contains("z"); } });



Filtrage « in grid »

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P2P elastic cache

!  Partitionnement et réplication automatiques

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P2P elastic cache

!  Ajout dynamique de nouveaux noeuds



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P2P elastic cache

!  Redistribution des données

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P2P elastic cache

!  Redistribution des données

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P2P elastic cache

!  Redistribution des données

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P2P event bus

!  Les topics : broadcast à tous les listeners

ITopic<String> topic = hz.getTopic("alerts"); topic.addMessageListener(new MessageListener<String>() { public void onMessage(Message<String> message) { println("Received " + message.getMessageObject() + " from " + message.getPublishingMember()); } });

Nœud d’origine du message

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P2P event bus

!  Les queues

(Aussi en asynchrone avec poll() et les listeners)

BlockingQueue<String> queue = hz.getQueue("jobs"); queue.offer("Make me a sandwich");

BlockingQueue<String> queue = hz.getQueue("jobs"); while(true) { String job = queue.take(); println("Now working on " + job); }

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NoSQL datastore

!  Stockage persistant

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NoSQL datastore

!  La Map « interrogeable »

IMap<Long, Employee> map = hz.getMap("employee"); map.addIndex("active", true); map.addIndex("age", true); Collection<Employee> employees = map.values(new SqlPredicate("active AND age < 30"));

Sous ensemble de SQL sur les propriétés JavaBean

Indexation des propriétés

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Cluster coordination

!  Compteurs distribués

IAtomicLong reqCount = hz.getAtomicLong("users"); // Start request long count = reqCount.incrementAndGet(); try { // Do some stuff println("There are " + count + " request in progress"); } finally { // End request reqCount.decrementAndGet(); }

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Cluster coordination

!  Locks distribués (à utiliser avec parcimonie)

Lock lock = hz.getLock("maintenance_mode"); lock.lock(); try { // There can be only one in the cluster } finally { lock.unlock(); }

ILock lock = hz.getLock("maintenance_mode"); lock.lock(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); try { // There can be only one in the cluster } finally { lock.unlock(); }

Protection : durée limitée

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Distributed computing

!  Un ExecutorService distribué

ExecutorService executor = hz.getExecutorService("compute"); Runnable job = null; Callable<String> jobWithResult = null; executor.execute(job); Future<String> future = executor.submit(jobWithResult);

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Distributed computing

!  Un ExecutorService distribué ! Fonctions avancées de IExecutorService

IExecutorService executor = hz.getExecutorService("compute");Runnable job = null;Callable<String> jobWithResult = null;executor.executeOnKeyOwner(job, 42);Member member = hz.getPartitionService().getPartition(42).getOwner();println("Submitting to IP address " + member.getInetSocketAddress());executor.submitToMember(jobWithResult, member, new ExecutionCallback<String>() { public void onResponse(String response) { println("Result is " + response); } public void onFailure(Throwable t) { println("Job failed"); } }); }

Data locality

Choix explicite du noeud

Callback asynchrone

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!  JMX !  API de statistiques sur Cluster et Member !  Webapp Management Center

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Management Center

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Management Center

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Management Center

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Merci !

Questions ?

Réponses !
