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War Diary of 8593 Sergeant William Gilbert Bruce Australian Army Service Corps 19 th Company 2 nd Field Butchery 2 nd Division 1 st A.I.F. 1 st September 1915 - 11 th June 1918

War Diary


8593 Sergeant William Gilbert Bruce

Australian Army Service Corps

19th Company 2nd Field Butchery

2nd Division 1st A.I.F.

1st September 1915 - 11th June 1918

Sergeant William Gilbert Bruce

To Love and Bear,

To Hope till Hope Creates

From its own Wreck,

The Things it Contemplates.

(William Bruce 1918)

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I inlisted at Victoria Barracks Sydney, on September 1st after the usual two weeks grace I went into camp at the Warren Marrickville on Sept. 19th. I was attached to the 2nd field butchery 2nd Australian division as a private Reg No8593 Nov. 20th

I was promoted to the rank of corporal. Nov. 30th

I embarked on the transport Suffolk, leaving Sydney harbour, at 10.15 the same night.

Troopship A23 – Transport “Suffolk” Dec. 9th at 2.25 this morning we ancored off freemantle at 8. oclock we went inside Staying ther till 4.PM. we were not allowed to go ashore after leaving the Australian coast the sea become very rough. Dec.12th we are now in the middle of the indian ocean there is nothing to see but sky and water the sea is now very calm. Dec. 22nd. To day we crossed the line the usual peace time celebrations took place. Dec. 25. Christmas day: the dinner was served in the usual poor house fashion line up and call out the number of your table. Dec. 27th. It is 18 days since I left Australian Shores, the first land is in sight it is an island called cape guardafui parts of it are inhabited by savages to use the officers own words it is the most eastly point of Aferica. Dec.28th we are now off the Arabian coast it is a very different sight to the Australian coast we expect to enter the red Sea in a few hours time, we are now in the gulf of Aden. Dec. 29th At 11.30PM we pass through (HELLS GATE) it got the name on account of so many ships being sunk there it is the entrance to the red Sea after passing the gate there is 12 large rocks known as the twelve apostles.

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Jan. 1st. we are approaching a lighthouse on the Egyptian coast (Mount Sinai) the mountain on which the ten commandments were made can be seen quite plain. We expect to land tomorrow or the day after.



Jan 2nd we arrived in the harbour at 9.30. P.M. Jan. 6th at 10o.clock this morning we where packed into a dirty old train and sent off across the blazing desert it was on this journey I got my taste of soldering bully and biscuits.

Jan 6th TEL-EL-KIBIR we arrived after 10 hours in the train the first night we had no tents or blankets we got down on the warm sand and soon fell asleep there are no white people here outside soldiers only arabs and thousands of them. Jan 13th this camp has 200 000 Australians in it we are to commence training tomorrow there is nothing to see here. Jan 15th we marched out to where the battle of tel-el-kibir was faught between the English and the arabs in the year 1882 (July). the english losses in this battle was killed 54 wounded 342 these are official figures. Jan 29th CAIRO I was granted two days leave to visit this city the first thing that strikes you is the very offencive smell, being an expert dairyman I was very interested in their method of milk delivery the man leads the cow and milks into the peoples jug the cow has her daughter with her.

William Bruce working his Dairy Padstow Sydney Australia I next visited the Sultans Palace and his bodyguard the Palace is a very fine building and the Palace guard are a fine body of men.

- 4 - there is only a couple of buildings worth mention they are the Opera House and Shepards Hotel. I next took a garry to the dirtiest and most vile place in the world it is commonly known as the (WASSA) it is

frequented by the bad women from every part of the world once seen it can never be forgotten I only seen the pyrmids from a distance I did not have time to go out close to them. Feb. 19th. I seen a camel corp of 900 camels. Mar. 7th promoted to Sergeant.


Mar. 11th. we left tel-el-kibir to day at 2.30 arriving here at 6 oclock it is situated on the bank of the Suez canal we are on our way to France.


Mar 13th we were allowed to visit this town to day it is like all other Egyptian towns very dirty. Mar. 14th all our unit went for a swim in the moaskar lakes today. Mar. 17th we left moaskar at 2.30 this morning in open trucks.


we arrived here at 110AM we were not given much chance to see the city the train ran alongside the transport arcadian and we were drafted on like sheep the ship is steaming without lights we have to sleep in our life belts I am not feeling comfortable.

Mar. 19th I met Tom Tobin to day . Mar 20th we have just passed malta from here it looks a very nice island.



Mar 23rd

we landed here today at 8 A.M. we were kept in the hangers on the docks until 10 oclock at night but I managed to get out and have a look around the city all the building are all very old. We left her at 11.30P.M. the first station we stopped at was Orang from here we received a great welcome from the french people one man wanted to know if we were Italians.


Mar 25 we stopped here for five hours we were allowed to look around the town there is nothing much to see here only housed damaged by german bombs.


this is a small place we are not allowed to leave the train. We must be close to where the fiting is because there is long lines of trenches both sides of the line it is also snowing very heavy it is the first real snow I have ever seen.


no wonder I seen trenches at the last station it was here that the French stopped the great rush on paris we were not allowed off the station but everywhere you looked there is long lines of trenches.


this is said to be the biggest city in france what we could see of it looked upto date we only stayed her 1 hour and 30 mint. I had dinner on the station off the station was out of bounds but six men managed to get into the town and was left behind.


Mar. 26th we arrived here at 9.30.P.M. it was very cold this is one of the coldest cities in europe we were marched to a camp outside the city which is in darkness not a light to be seen anywhere. April 1st. we started work that day after we landed here on the docks we were working very hard the camp is situated on the bank of the English channel facing Dover it is 21 miles across the cliffs of dover can be seen from here on a clear day. I seen it myself. April 16th. I was ordered into hospital to day so I spent my birthday in bed. April 23rd

I was discharged from hospital to day having nothing to do I took a stroll round the submarine base and watched the minesweepers working in the channel. May 15th

to day I seen my first german taube he flew over the camp he droped no bombs it is fine to see the shells bursting round him there is plenty of antair craft guns around here. June 30th VALDELIEVRE myself and a few men are now at a large forage base. July 15th

another air raid to day he droped six bombs smashing a few houses. July 21st to day the germans dropped 18 bombs on a big ammunition dump called audricq there is much damage and lives lost. July 29th we were recalled from Valdelievre to day.

- 6 - Sept 23rd I seen a zepp to night it droped no bombs.

Sept 24th another air raid he droped 3 bombs 200 yard from our tent. Dec. 25th Christmas day work as usual all day the dinner was not bad considering we are only 35 miles from the firing line.


Jan. 1st working all day. Jan.19th we are now at frontinettes petrol Depot.


Jan 31st I left Calais at 3. oclock arriving at folkstone 6 oclock and took train Victoria Station which was reached by 8.PM. After some light refreshments tea and cake. I made my way by bus to the union jack club opp Waterloo Station. Feb. 1st I walked up Waterloo Road into the Strand along fleet St into ST. PAULS cathedral after seeing the chuch I was invited by the guide to see the vault being an Australian the first thing he showed was a bust of two statesmen The Hon. R. Sedden Nz and the Hon. W.B. Dalley N.S.W. Strange to say I seen the last mentioned gentlemans Statute unveiled in hyde Park Sydney many years ago next came across the graves of Lord Wellington and Lord Nelson and Lord Roberts. I drew my friends attention to the german and austrain flags which still hang on each side of Wellington. The carrage on which his body was carried is alos in the vault. I next had the pleasure of blowing the bellows of the great organ there are lots of tother things to seen but they go to far back to be interesting.

Feb. 2nd all alone I went and stood outside the famous old house No10 Dowing St a policeman soon came along and gave me it history. I next went to Buckingham Palace after tea I went to the Surry theatre I am told it is the oldest theatre in England it is snowing heavy. Feb. 3rd I spent the morning walking round the town after dinner at (The corner House) I took a look at Nelsons Monument in Trafalgar Square then to Smithfield Meat Markets which is a very busy place I finished the day watching (Mother goose) at the lyceum theatre. Feb. 4th I took a tube at Westminister to Hammersmith after a walk round I made for home on my way I seen the king. It began to snow very heavy so I went into terreys pictures in the Strand. Feb. 5th I heard a lot of talk about changing the guard at Buckingham Palace so along I went. It was a waste of good time. I next went through Westminister Abby it is full of graves of old Kings and queens they date to far back to be of any interest to the present generation. I next paid a visit to the tower of london this is such another place as the Abby old and uninteresting with the exception of the crown jewels which if they are genuine very beautiful I finished the day at the canterbury theatre.

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Feb. 6th I took a walk down Picacidilly and through covent gardesns it has the same appearance as old paddys Market, after lunch at a swell café I took a bus to Madam Tussurd Wax works it is not what they say it is. Feb. 7th I walked up and down the Strand several times and then had my Photo taken to pass the time away my legs were getting tired so we finished at empire theatre (Rassel dazzle). Feb. 8th A general inspection of London including LONDON. WATERLOO, BLACKFRIARS AND WESTMINISTER Bridges. Feb.9th I seen the bank of England Stock exchange an mansion house only from the outside, Feb. 10th I left Victoria Station at 6. A.M. arriving at folkston. 8.30. the first boat had gone the officer gave us 4 hours to see the town there is nothing here to talk about. After a rough passage across the channel we arrived at Calais at 7 P.M. that finished my first leave to London. April 20th to night at 12.30 this town was shelled from the channel by 6 german distroyers after a fight with some English ships 3 german were sunk 100 shells were fired 14 killed. June 26th I was recommended for commission in the infantry. July 4th german droped 3 bombs to night no damage. July 23rd I met a slight accident to day I was in hospital till the 25th. August 17th to day I was shown over the King of Belgium pleasure yacht. She is now used as a hospital ship by the British. Sept. 2nd too night between 10-11 the town was attacked by four (gotha) they droped a number of bombs doing a lot of damage. Sept 3rd again to night a large number of german airoplains bombarded the town for 5 ¼ hours the damage is great. (Newspaper clipping) Casualties caused by hostile air raids on Tuesday night included 80 German prisioners of whom 37 were killed and 43 wounded by German bombs. Yacht Pieter de coninck Sept.4th Again to night they are droping bombs they droped 60 the casualties are 200 killed and wounded. they also droped some on their own prisioners camp. Sept. 28th

it was no use of me recording every single air raid we have. It would soon fill the book. Since the 21st of this month we have been attacked on 10 occassions two were in day light the casualties since the 20th has been very heavy the town is very much damaged. Sept 28th

I spoke to the Dutchess of Sutherland to day at her hospital.

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Dec. 25th Christmas day. the dinner was very nice it is snowing very heavy tomorrow boxing day we will work as usual.


Jan 1st. no celebrations it is snowing very heavy it is very cold. Jan 19th I left calsis this morning at 10.15 arriving at dover 11/20 it was very calm crossing the channel dover castle can be seen quite plain it is a fine sight going through Kent where the Hops grow after two hours wait in the train we were sent off to london arriving at Victoria Station 3.30 March to A.H.Q. Horseferry Rd and get the usual lectures on Women and wine and Saluting. I finished the first day of my second visit to London in terreys pictures. Sunday Jan 20th

I walked about for some time just to get my bearings after dinner I went out to the crystal palace finishing the day at the pictures. Jan 21st A walk through regents park at night (cinderella) at the Surry theatre. Jan 22nd dinner at Strand corner house bus to Richmond returned by train. Night Coliseum theatre. photo taken. Jan 23rd the usual walk round the City at night elephant and castle theatre Jan 24th through petticoat lane which is as clean as old wexford St then out to Woolwich Arsenal. Jan 25th the united Service Musium. I seen the following plans of the battles of trafalger and Waterloo. The bugle that sounded the charge of balaclava the saddle used by blucher at Waterloo and the skeletion of napolian grey horse and may other interesting things at night London hippodrome (zig zag)

Jan 26th through the houses of lords and commons both houses are Small the Seats in the lords are covered with red and the commons blue they are nothing to write home about. Jan 27th Dinner at Walnut Tree Walk. Walk over Barnes common. Jan 28th rest all day at night Victoria place theatre (Daisy jerome) a big air raid was on the theatre did not Stop I stayed there till the show as over I was quite used to that sort of thing. Morning Jan 29th according to the papers the casualties last night are 58 killed 113 wounded. Jan 29th along tour by bus train and train around putney and Hammersmith again to night they are bombing london I was in bed at the time. I did not get up 10 killed and 10 wounded. Jan 30th a run to kent by train afternoon Woolwich arsenal Canterbury theatre at night Jan 31st afternoon terrey pictures at night Surry theatre

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Feb. 1st a long walk down oxford st and along regent st. Feb.2nd left London on 8.30 arrive home (Calais) 4 oclock after very rough passage across channel. Mar 20th bombed from air 30 chinamen killed and twenty wounded. March 21st bombed again to night plenty of damage. March 22nd Still bombing. March 24th more bombs. March 25th they were here again to night they did not stay long but made up for it by coming back on the morning of the 26th . March 26th Some more bombs all bombs droped outside the town. April 2nd at 2.20 this morning they droped bombs on the camp (officers quarters) killing two and wounding two officers. April 20th another big raid to night the damage is very heavy. May 9th This morning at 12.45 (jerry) came over with several mates and stayed with us till 3. oclock droping aireil torpedos and big bombs all the time the damage is heavy he hit two very important places. May 15th to night at 11.oclock the attack was made by a Squadron of golkas the loss of life and damage is very great the Belgium hospital was bombed also the docks. May 26th to day I seen what is said to be englands largest gun, it weighed 200 tons the carriage 90 feet long and it had 28 wheels and it fired Schells 8 to 10 feet long.


November 11th 1918 at 11.am Armistic was signed it is now 12.30 and every whistle and bell that has a Sound in it is ringing or blowing since 11.A.M.


April 25th landing in Gallipoli


January 8th evacuation of Gallipoli.


December 9th Fall of Jeruslem

1918 September 30th Bulgaria Surrenders October 30th Turkey Surrenders November 3rd Austria Surrenders November 11th Germany Surrenders

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LONDON I left France on January 14th 1919 for my third leave to �olombo and returned to france again on Feb 3rd 21 days I Seen Same old things that I seen on the two previous occasions. I left Vendroux on March 10th arriving at Havre on 12th after an over hauling by the M.O. we started for Codford Via Weymouth on March 17th after a few days in Codford we got 14 days embarkation leave which I spent in London one afternoon I spent in the house of commons I heard Bonner Law J.H. Thomas eric Geddes and Ronald McNeal make Speaches altogether I had 59 days leave in London I was three years less five days in France. What I done in the War from the 30th of March to 30th June 1916

Superintinding the loading of rations for the trenches from the 30th of June to 29th July in charge of checkers at Valdelievre forage Depot from July 29th 1916 to January 19th 1917 I was again Superintinding the loading of rations from January 19th to march 24th. I was issueing Petrol at the Northern Petrol Depot Frontinettes from the 24th march 1917 to 30th September 1918 I was employed at the detail issue Store Calais doing anything that wanted doing. From September 30th to March 10th I was Second in charge of the Coke Depot Les attaques.

I left Deveonport at 6.30 on May 1st it was very rough in the bay of Biskey. Our first Stop was port Said on may 10th I was in hosp[ital at the time there is nothing to see passing through the Suez canal but very hot in the red Sea. I had a good view of gibralter our next call was �olombo I was in the city from 8 AM till PM. I had a good time it is much cleaner than the Egyptian cities it was very hot. Our third call was freemantle june 4th we had a great reception from the people free feeds all day the city is not much to See the fourth Stop June 9th was Adelaide it is a nice clean little city we had another grand day from the red cross people we arrived in Melbourne on june 12 but did not go ashore. I arrived in Sydney on Saturday june 14th after an absence of 3 years 6 months and two weeks. Ex Sgt Wlf Bruce 8593 2nd Australian Field Butchery A.I.F. 1914-1918

- 11 - Note: The Diary has been reproduced exactly as written by William Bruce with the spelling and grammar exactly as he wrote it in his original hand.

“The Ragged School” William Bruce’s education was very limited being the 6th child in the family his mother and father separated when he was three. He was sent to live with various relatives and whilst living with his grandfather at Balmain he was able to attend the “Ragged School” which was established to cater for poor children William attempted to improve his education and this can be seen from the establishments he visited during leave in England and particularly by the number of times he attended the Theatre which at that time would have been ‘Live Theatre’.

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