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Bruker s1 v12 Overview Handout

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Bruker s1 v12 Overview Handout
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Note: this presentation describes the changes in the Bruker S1 Software going from V1.1 to V1.2 Note: some of the changes described in this presentation require upgrades of both the software and the application packages You can perform the upgrade of the software on your unit, but you will need to contact the Application Scientist for your territory to have the applications on your instrument upgraded
Page 1: Bruker s1 v12 Overview Handout

Note: this presentation describes the changes in the Bruker S1 Software going from

V1.1 to V1.2

Note: some of the changes described in this presentation require upgrades of both

the software and the application packages

You can perform the upgrade of the software on your unit, but you will need to

contact the Application Scientist for your territory to have the applications on your

instrument upgraded

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The major change in V1.2 is how the Grade ID is processed

In addition, several other changes have been made including

• A boot time progress bar which will only be available on NEW units – upgrading

will not show this feature

• The data processing is faster – more in a minute

• The Unit time-out is now under supervisor control

• The computer/Display Sleep – e.g. screen going black – has been completely


• Limit sets are selected by material type in the Restricted Materials application

• We have implemented a new color scheme

• All applications have independent defaults and settings which follow the


• The buttons along the bottom of the screen have been moved up for easier


• The trigger test at boot up is now disabled if the unit is in a benchtop stand

• GPS capability via bluetooth has been implemented for the Dual XGPS150


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The Changes to Grade ID are as follows – I will expand on each item

• The grade match and grade match numbers have been changed to include the

N*STD (N is the number set in the user interface – later)

• We have added fields in the Grade Library to Enable/Disable definitions in Beam

1 and Beam 2

• We added a switch to enable the display of elements which are measured but


• We have added nominal chemistry processing

• We have added Tramp/Residual processing

• We have changed the Grade Match Number display so that when the value is

>9.99 “Exact” is shown instead of a number

• We have added a control which allows you to specify if you want one grade

displayed or multiple grades displayed


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Several old bugs have been fixed:

• The display stall has been fixed – thus, there is much smoother update of the


• The results screen is not blanked between calculations – also resulting in

smoother updates

• The SMART Grade timing bug in V1.1 has been fixed – note: the minimum time

which can be achieved for SMART Grade is 3 sec

• The IR proximity sensor is now Global and will survive rebooting the unit

• Remote Control is enabled by default – this takes computer resources – if you

are not going to use S1 Remote Ctl with the unit it is recommended to disable

this feature by unchecking the box

• N is now displayed in the +/- (error column) header

• The Language list is now in alphabetical order

• The “Use Default Settings” in the settings menu is now displayed properly – there

was an error in V1.1 where it sometimes operated correctly, but displayed



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In order to get the first result on the screen faster we have modified the way the

data acquisition timing works.

In V1.1 on phase 1 the first packet of data was rejected and the second packet of

data was collected but ignored – therefore, the calculation did not start until the third

packet of data was available; on phase 2 the first two packets of data were rejected

and the calculation was started on the fifth packet.

In V1.2 (NOTE: after your applications have been upgraded) the timing is much

more aggressive. In applications “Alloy” and “SMART Grade” on phase 1 the first

packet of data is calculated and displayed, then discarded (including this packet

gives worse accuracy at the end of 5 seconds); then the accumulation starts at

packet two. When the change to phase 2 occurs the first packet is ignored, and the

spectral accumulation will with packet 2 the calculation with packet 3. This results

in much faster display of the first results and the first results after the phase change

This timing is now programmable at the factory level

Once your applications have been upgraded you will have a third alloy application –

“Auxiliary Alloy” which will have exactly the same timing as V1.1


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The time out setting is now programmable by the supervisor

The auto logout value can be programmed on the System Setup screen

The value input is in minutes

A value of 0 disables the automatic log-out feature on the instrument

The Sleep mode (e.g. the screen going black) has been completely disabled


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When operating in the Restricted Materials Application (after your Applications have

been updated) the IEC limits will have the three categories specified in the

IEC62321 Method. Metals limits will be used with Alloys; Polymer Limits will be

used with high density and low density plastic methods; and composite limits will be

used with the Mid Density method.

The IEC Limits cannot be changed – they can be viewed, but not changed


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For Applications other than IEC only the “Unknown” set of limits will be used

While you can edit the other materials they will have no effect

You can add and edit as many Limit Sets as you like


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V1.2 Supports Applications defaults for each application

Each setting available for an application – ex. Method; Settings; Display; Display

Settings; Grade ID Settings; Element Order; and Sample ID Fields will be

maintained with the application.

System Setup and Remote Control Settings are Global

Note: the new defaults will be implemented when the applications are updated


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A major part of the work in V1.2 is a major revision of Grade ID processing

Display Settings

now contains the input for the number of standard deviations which will be used in

all calculations – e.g. “STD Display Limit”. This value is displayed as N throughout

this presentation and can be set from 1 to 5. Normally for alloys this value will be 2

for other methods this value should be 3. Note the value of N is now displayed in

the header of the error column (e.g. +/-) on the display.

There is a new feature on this screen “Enable LOD Display” checking this box

results in the display <LOD when the assay is <N*STD


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The new Grade ID processing now takes into account N*STD

Note: the error column now shows N, in this case 2

Here if the assay is within the grade limits +/- N*STD the error is not counted in the

Grade Match Number; therefore in this case we have two elements (Sn and Pb)

outside the range, but still have an Exact Match.


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The Enable LOD Display results in listing all elements which were analyzed.

The list is broken into two parts, the first part are all the elements where the assay

is >N*STD. These are listed in the order selected in Display Settings (either

element or alphabetical)

The second part of the list are the elements analyzed by the calibration but

reporting a value <N*STD. In this case the error column is the LOD value used.

These elements are listed in the same order as the top half of the list

NOTE: In Results.csv elements are reported as <LOD even when the display is

NOT enabled


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NOTE: Known bug – if an element has a defined range, but is calculated as <LOD

and Enable LOD Display is not enabled, the element will not be displayed. This

accounts for occasional displays where all elements are colored green, but the

Match Number is not EXACT.

If you look at the left screen, you would assume that the Match Number would be

EXACT – however, the right screen shows the problem – Mn is outside the

definition therefore reducing the Match Number


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Grade ID Settings

Use Color Code – this is simply a control moved from System Setup; controls

whether the Green/Yellow/Red color codes are added to the Grade ID display

Enable Tramp\Residual Element Processing

Enable Nominal Chemistry

Display Multiple Alloy Grades; if enabled uses Multiple Grade Threshold – more


Match Quality Threshold; setting which determines when to display “No Match”


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Tramp\Residual Processing

Many alloys have low levels of elements which are not defined in the specification

for that alloy

This is a result of using scrap as a major source of material for melts

There are levels which are accepted by most customers as Tramp

We now have a library (\BRUKER\SYSTEM\TrampResidual.csv) which contains the

allow limits of Tramp Elements for various classes of metals

We have also added the class definition to the Grade Library – if no class is defined

the Generic Limits are used

This library can be edited using the Grade Library Edit feature of S1 SYNC – if you

change this library it will be necessary to reboot the unit as this table is loaded at

system boot time

When an element is not defined in the Grade, any assay is compared to the value in

the TrampResidual library.

If the value is <Tramp limit the value is displayed as <TR and the assay and the

limit are displayed; in this case the assay is NOT counted in the Grade Match


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If the value is >Tramp Limit the value is displayed as >TR and the assay and limit are

displayed and highlighted red; in this case the assay is counted against the Grade

Match Number

If range is defined (even <) Tramp/Residual is not considered.


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Nominal Chemistry

This feature is only active during Phase 1 measurements.

A flag has been added to the Grade Library definition – this is used when there is

significant light element concentration – ex. Ti alloys; Al/Si Bronzes. It is not used

for aluminum alloys.

If Nominal Processing is enabled and the nominal flag for the selected grade is set

the nominal processing is performed:

• The average concentration of the light element (e.g. <Ti) definitions is calculated

and summed

• That sum is subtracted from 100 and the remaining concentrations are

normalized to that value

• The average of the light element definition is displayed with a blue background

In this example, the Al range is 6-10 (average 8); Si is <0.25 (average 0.13). Thus,

the remaining assay will be normalized to 93.87%


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When Display Multiple Alloy Grades is checked up to three alloys may be displayed

The multiple grade threshold determines what multiple grades are listed. If the

Grade Match Number difference between two alloys is < the threshold set the

multiple grades are displayed.

I recommend that when measuring aluminum alloys you leave this feature enabled.

There are many aluminum alloys which overlap


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The Match Quality Threshold simply determines when a Grade Match is displayed.

If the Grade Match Number is <Threshold, “No Match” is displayed

The default is 5


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The Grade Library Format has been redefined.

The new fields are as shown in this slide


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This flag plus the check box on Grade ID Setting determines if nominal processing

will be used for the alloy on this line

Beam 1/Beam 2 flags determine if this definition will be used when on Phase 1

and/or Phase 2

If the value is set to “N” the definition will not be used on that phase

This allows different grades to be displayed on Phase 1 and Phase 2; for example

there are several combined Al grades defined for phase 1 but not phase 2

Most aluminums which are defined by light elements are disabled for phase 1 and

enabled for phase 2

The best way to remove an alloy from the Standardlib is simply set both Beam 1

and Beam 2 flags to “N”


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The Phase 1; Phase 2 and First Grade columns contain times used in SMART


Phase 1 defines the amount of time that Phase 1 will run

Phase 2 defines the amount of time that Phase 2 will run – if this is 0 Phase 2 will

not be run at all.

First Grade is the time delay before the first Grade ID will be displayed. This can be

any value from 1 to the sum of Phase 1+Phase 2 time. The reason for the delay is

so that early grade ID’s are not displayed and the Grade ID will most likely be the

final value

Settings – as discribed


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Several changes have been made to Results.Csv

The method name is now stored (not Auto) when the automatic sorting is used

All elements analyzed but reporting assays <N*STD are listed in Results.csv as

<LOD with N*STD listed as the error

N*STD is stored in the error column – we will be adding N as a field in V1.3

The last column now indicates the Pass/Fail status of the Automatic Gain Correction

algorithm. This will always be pass as a failure of the algorithm will stop the



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Request for feedback.


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Feedback through the XRF Sales Forum


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