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BSANHS Enrollment System

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  • 8/10/2019 BSANHS Enrollment System


    Adamson University

    College of Engineering

    Computer Engineering Department

    Benigno S. Aquino National High Schools Enrollment System:

    Application Prototype & Key Elements

    Submitted to:

    Prof. Jun O. Bumagat

    Submitted by:

    de Ocampo, John Reynan O.Business Analyst

    Estacio, Adrian L.Programmer

    Rivera, Lloyd Vincent F.Quality Assurance Analyst

    Saet, Jerico Paulo S.Project Manager

    August 11, 2014

  • 8/10/2019 BSANHS Enrollment System



    The Welcome Screen will be the first to be loaded during the start of running the application

    The screen displays the title of the application, some relevant details about the institution and the

    group name of the developers.


    The Login Form is where the user will enter his/her valid account. The account is categorized

    according to the type of user. This includes the super user, administrator, priority advisers and regular

    teachers. This are the following conditions that needs to be followed when creating and entering a

    valid account: (1) Username and password must be unique; (2) Username is not case sensitive; (3)

    Password is case sensitive.

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    01 Field responsible for accepting username

    02 Field responsible for accepting password

    03 LOGINbutton is use for confirming the account entered

    04 Settings button to configure server connection


    If the user click the configure button from the Login Form, the Configuration Form will be

    displayed. In this form, the connection is being done to the server to which the user can retrieve the

    data from the database.

    01 Field responsible for accepting server connection

    02 SAVEbutton is use for saving the server connection entered


    If a super user account is log in, the Super User Form will be displayed. The Super User Form

    has the overall management of the system. The super user will have the authority to add, remove or

    edit accounts, class sections, year levels, specializations, students and enrolled students. He/she has

    the uppermost access for the creation and deletion of the said data. The form consists of buttons for

    adding, removing and editing of data that is displayed in a list view. A refresh button is also added for

    refreshing the list view if editing was made. The accessing of a particular data table are arranged in

    tabs. The form also consists of menu bar which include the File and Help menus. Under the File

    menu, you can generate report and log out your account. Under the help menu, you can view the

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    manual and view a form about the application. The following are the screenshots of each tab in Super

    User form:

    A. Accounts Tab

    01 ADDbutton opens the add new accounts window

    02 REMOVEbutton is use for deleting existing accounts

    03 EDITbutton is use for editing username or password of an existing account

    04 REFRESHbutton for refreshing the list view section

    05 List View for displaying existing accounts

    B. Sections Tab

    01 ADDbutton opens the add new section window

    02 REMOVEbutton is use for deleting existing sections

    03 EDITbutton is use for editing existing sections

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    04 REFRESHbutton for refreshing the list view

    05 Search bar for searching sections

    06 Drop down box for filtering the search section

    07 List View for displaying existing sections

    C. Year Levels Tab

    01 ADDbutton opens the add year level screen

    02 REMOVEbutton is use for deleting existing year levels

    03 EDITbutton is use for editing existing year levels

    04 REFRESHbutton for refreshing the list view section

    05 List View for displaying existing year levels

    D. Specializations Tab

    01 ADDbutton opens the add new specialization screen

    02 REMOVEbutton is use for deleting existing specializations

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    03 EDITbutton is use for editing existing specializations

    04 REFRESHbutton for refreshing the list view section

    05 List View for displaying existing specializations

    E. Students Tab

    01 ADDbutton opens the add new student window

    02 REMOVEbutton is use for deleting existing student record

    03 EDITbutton is use for editing student information

    04 REFRESHbutton for refreshing the list view section

    05 Search bar for searching student records

    06 Drop down box for filtering the search students

    07 List View for displaying existing student records

    F. Enrolled Students Tab

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    01 ADDbutton opens the Enrollment form

    02 REMOVEbutton is use for deleting enrolled student record

    03 EDITbutton is use for editing enrolled student information

    04 REFRESHbutton for refreshing the list view section

    05 Search bar for searching enrolled student records

    06 Drop down box for filtering the search enrolled students07 List View for displaying existing enrolled student records

    G. Menu Bar

    1. File Menu

    01 Generate Report menu will open the Generate Reports Form

    02 This will logout your account

    2. Help Menu

    01 This will open the User Manual of the application

    02 This will open the About Form containing application and developers information

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    The administrator form will be displayed if an administrator account is logged in. The form has

    also the same arrangement with the Super User form except that this form does not have the other

    tabs. It only contains three tabs including the Sections, Students and Enrolled Students tab.

    01 Menu bar that contains File and Help menus

    02 Tabs that are only present in this form

    03 List View for displaying data


    If an adviser account is logged in, the enrollment form for priority advisers will be displayed

    This form is where the enrolling of new and existing student is being done. Changing of student

    section can also be done in this form. There are three main buttons the user may use in enrolling a

    student. The first button is designated for enrolling new student. When the user clicks this button, the

    Student Form will appear wherein the student information will be filled up. The second button on the

    other hand is designated for enrolling existing students. This will be used to update the existing

    records of the students enrolled during the last school year. The third button is for changing the

    section of a currently enrolled student. There is also an additional button added designated for

    generating reports for the students that was enrolled. At the left side of the form, a search bar, combo

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    box for section filtering and list view is added for viewing and editing of the student names that was


    01 ENROLL NEW STUDENTbutton opens the Student Window

    02 ENROLL EXISTING STUDENTbutton opens the Student Window for editing the existing

    records of old students

    03 CHANGE STUDENT SECTIONbutton is use for changing the section of a student

    currently enrolled

    04 GENERATE REPORTbutton opens the Reports Window

    05 Search Bar for searching student name

    06 Drop down list for filtering student names by section

    07 List viewfor displaying the name of students


    The enrollment form for regular teachers will be displayed if a regular teacher account is

    logged in. The form has also the same arrangement with the enrollment form for priority advisers

    except that this form does not have the CHANGE STUDENTSECTION button. Regular teachers

    does not have the authority to alter the section of enrolled students. This user can only enroll new and

    existing student and can also generate report.

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    01 ENROLL NEW STUDENTbutton opens the Student Window

    02 ENROLL EXISTING STUDENTbutton opens the Student Window for editing the existing

    records of old students

    03 GENERATE REPORTbutton opens the Reports Window

    04 Search Bar for searching student name

    05 Drop down list for filtering student names by section

    06List view

    for displaying the name of students


    This form will be viewed from the two types of enrollment form if the user clicks on the

    ENROLL NEW STUDENT button. The key elements are divided into three sections. The first is for

    the basic information of the student which includes student number, first name, middle name and last

    name. The fields are to be filled up by the user. Student number is auto-generated by the application

    It also has the option to add the ID picture of the student. The second section is the information tha

    consists of additional info about the student. These are organized in tabs which contain the main,

    academic and other information of the student. It also has the SAVE button to save the following

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    information entered. The third section contains the search box and the list view for searching sections

    where the user will allot a student.

    01 Field that displays auto-generated student number

    02 Field responsible for accepting students First Name

    03 Field responsible for accepting students Middle Name

    04 Field responsible for accepting students Last Name

    05 BROWSE button will open a window for adding or changing students ID picture

    06 INFORMATIONsection contains fields organized in tabs for entering additional student


    07 SAVE button for saving the entered student information

    08 Text box for searching sections available

    09 Listview fordisplaying different sections


    The student information form is for the purpose of displaying student records. This will show

    the complete information about a student that is currently enrolled. The form consists of basic

    information and additional information about the student. It also displays the ID picture of the student.

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    01 Field that displays the student number

    02 Field that displays a students first name

    03 Field that displays a students middle name

    04 Field that displays a students last name

    05 ID picture of the student

    06 INFORMATIONsection displays fields organized in tabs that consists additional student



    The reports generation form consists of all the reports that can be generated within the

    application. This includes the generation of Class List, Enrolled Master List, Student Master List, Slots

    Available for all sections and it also includes the Login Reports. The master lists and class list are

    associated with drop down box for selecting specific list to generate. The generation of Slots

    Available and Login reports are individually associated with buttons.

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    01 Drop down box for selecting specific class list to generate

    02 Button for generating class list

    03 Drop down box for selecting specific enrolled master list to generate

    04 Button for generating enrolled master list

    05 Drop down box for selecting specific student master list to generate

    06 Button for generating student master list

    07 Button for generating slots available

    06 Button for generating Login report
