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Bsb engineering project: You'll like the wind !

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14, rue de l’Aspic - 30000 Nîmes – FRANCE Tél. : +33 954 042 480 – http://wagane.free.fr – [email protected]





If the overall cost of energy production declines, the customer's bill will explode in the coming years.

The energy demand is becoming stronger. Because of the development of electric vehicles, electric heating and air

conditioning. But mostly because of the emergence of some countries of the world, generally the most populous.

However, we do not currently offer solutions other than centralized production (green or not), except generators.

Millions of km of high voltage lines must be built for the transport of this new centralized power.

The transportation and maintenance will take over our future electricity bills. Costs that industrialized countries will

perhaps offset by state aid. How long?

Centralized production (green or not) absolutely does not respond to a need, a demand of the majority of the global


For really lower prices becoming accessible to all, the energy production should be decentralized. Mini-plants,

located in the city or the countryside, providing clean energy proximity and directly usable by the consumer without

going through the (high voltage) network

Green generators!

We work for almost 15 years on this subject and are now able to offer future-oriented solutions.

Our mini wind power plants will be able to provide clean power directly to the nearest user. They are addressed to

companies, communities, condominiums, small towns, remote locations and real estate developers. Medium and

specially designed to integrate with building dimensions, they will have their place in town or in the countryside.

Our range of wind machine "ALTEREOLIA" is flexible and versatile. We will be able to adapt it for many applications.

Cleaner production and green energy storage (anywhere there is wind), compressed air production, production of

cold, fresh water generation (drinking) and lift (pumping) of water.

Something to satisfy a global demand, industrialized or not, to reverse the curve of the rural exodus, to accede to

energy, water and cold for the people of the third world.

Hugues Boyenval

14, rue de l’Aspic - 30000 Nîmes – FRANCE Tél. : +33 954 042 480 – http://wagane.free.fr – [email protected]




“AEROGENERATEUR BSB ™” is a vertical axis wind turbine; its rotor is of type "Savonius" with variable geometry.


“AEROGENERATEUR BSB ™” is a geometry variable, stackable, and vertical axis wind turbine coupled with a

synchronous electric generator (permanent magnets).

“AEROGENERATEUR BSB ™” consists of a welded structure maintaining the rotor position but also accelerating the

wind penetrating across (venturi effect). The rotor consists of 4 blades in circular form semi composite and forming

a quarter of a torus. The blades have a degree of freedom about a vertical axis of rotation, allowing modification of

the decision-making to the wind. This form allows, when the 4 blades are closed, to form a torus removing any

decision-making in the wind.

Training for the electric generator is done online, without speed box or Gable.

14, rue de l’Aspic - 30000 Nîmes – FRANCE Tél. : +33 954 042 480 – http://wagane.free.fr – [email protected]





Storms or extreme wind (45 - 55 m/s) it neutralizes the rotor to avoid destruction.


When the rotor is completely open, it allows a startup with winds of very low speed (1.5 m/s)


When the wind reached a dangerous speed for the machine, the rotor automatically closes.

14, rue de l’Aspic - 30000 Nîmes – FRANCE Tél. : +33 954 042 480 – http://wagane.free.fr – [email protected]




“AEROGENERATEUR BSB ™” has a diameter of 8,6 meters, it provides a power of 15 kW for a wind of

12 m/s. Its maximum power is 60 kW for a wind between 25 and 45 m/s.

Stacking the “AEROGENERATEUR BSB ™” it multiplies the power!

We create "wind turbine towers".


14, rue de l’Aspic - 30000 Nîmes – FRANCE Tél. : +33 954 042 480 – http://wagane.free.fr – [email protected]




� Dimensions: ± 8,6 m, height ± 2.5 m diameter

� estimated average power: 15 kW, for a wind of 12 m/s

� estimated maximum power: 60 kW, for winds of 25 to 45 m/s

� alternator Type: synchronous generator with permanent magnets

� direct Transmission without multiplier.

� Total weight: ± 3 500 kg

� startup speed: 1.5 m/s

� nominal speed: 45 m/s

� decision speed: 55 m/s

� 4 blades thermoplastic fiber glass

� optimal rotor speed: 80 RPM

� Diameter of the rotor: 5-8 m (variable geometry)


The advantages of the design are multiple:

� Congestion well below the horizontal axis wind turbines, power equal.

“AEROGENERATEUR BSB ™” occupies 4 times less than volume that a wind turbine to power traditional horizontal

axis HAWT equal. Its size represents a low height cylinder while HAWT uses a spherical volume whose diameter is

equal to the height.

� Speed constant and regular and slow for operation without noise.

“AEROGENERATEUR BSB ™” is variable. Slow rotation rate is almost constant. The diameter of the rotor decreases

at the as the wind speed increases and vice versa. It is possible to automatically adjust the start of the closure of

the rotor and its total closure and/or piloted remotely.

� Possible stacking: Multiplication of power without increasing grip on the ground.

It is possible to stack “AEROGENERATEUR BSB ™” on multiple heights and thus multiply its power without the use

of additional floor area.

Of course, it is impossible to do the same with a HAWT!

� Ease of adaptation in urban areas (building roofs) in virtual invisibility!

Size and shape “AEROGENERATEUR BSB ™” allow architects to easily incorporate it into buildings that they draw.

Many of the existing buildings can be equipped “AEROGENERATEUR BSB ™” and thus become self-sufficient by

participating actively in the efforts for the preservation of the planet.

� Direct-drive of electric generator without box speed or reference: Elimination of the risk of failures and the

preventive and curative maintenance costs reduction.

Magnet alternator “AEROGENERATEUR BSB ™” standing is to slow rotation. Its large diameter allows an excellent

distribution of the masses and a direct drive without multiplier. Most of the HAWT need a gearbox to multiply the

number of revolutions per minute and a system of rotation on mat.

These mechanical require frequent maintenance and are recurring sources of failure.

� Distribution of the masses on the surface of “AEROGENERATEUR BSB ™” lower Foundation costs and ease

of implementation (60 kg/m²)

14, rue de l’Aspic - 30000 Nîmes – FRANCE Tél. : +33 954 042 480 – http://wagane.free.fr – [email protected]




The reversal is much lower than with a HAWT; structure requirements are greatly reduced. His editing is perfectly

feasible on the boats.

� Insensitivity to the turbulence and rapid changes in wind direction: increase productivity!

Often, the wind changes direction suddenly: “AEROGENERATEUR BSB ™” is always in the same sense, regardless of

the direction of the wind and the speed of change: “AEROGENERATEUR BSB ™” ™" is insensitive to wind breaks!

A HAWT will take time to rotate on its axis, causing huge efforts on the rotor, and thus on the overall structure of

the wind!

� Insensitive to differences in windspeed with altitude unlike the HAWT!

The wind speed is often different depending on the height. The rotors stacked and independent "Wind turbine BSB

™" adapt perfectly to this situation.

On a HAWT, at least a pale slows the other two; There is therefore a significant loss of performance and

asymmetric axes efforts cause significant mechanical wear.

� Safety: elimination of the risk of ejection of the blades in a cage structure

The risk of breakage of a blade is extremely reduced because of its variable geometry; It eliminates any decision-

making in the wind during strong storms, or even a simple "gust of wind".

� Accessibility of the simplified machine: easier maintenance!

The simplicity of “AEROGENERATEUR BSB ™” is a robust machine that requires little maintenance: some bearings

with grease regularly and stroke of paint...

A staircase or a crinoline scale allows access in height for the internal spacers. A permanent crane can be fixed

partly upper structure to great heights.

� Removal of the network of high voltage power lines


1 Positioning of “AEROGENERATEUR BSB ™” on the market

“AEROGENERATEUR BSB ™” is located in a range of "Average power", between domestic or small type wind

turbines wind - up to 36 kW - and industrial turbines or great wind from 350 kW to 4 MW.

This range of power is little developed; there is very little competition in this segment.

“AEROGENERATEUR BSB ™” is primarily intended to provide electricity locally, but connects to the existing

emergency network. Don’t need network of high voltage power lines


Whereas an average power of 15 kW and knowing that a home French generally consumes 4 700 kW/h per year,

"Wind turbine BSB ™" can power about 25 dwellings.

In the way of developing countries, “AEROGENERATEUR BSB ™” can feed 100 to 250 units on average, according to

expressed needs, alone or in association with other complementary energies...

14, rue de l’Aspic - 30000 Nîmes – FRANCE Tél. : +33 954 042 480 – http://wagane.free.fr – [email protected]





“AEROGENERATEUR BSB ™” is available to all customers in energy need and is implantable in many places:

� Trustees of condominiums

� Roof of building

� Developers

� Towers for wind turbines: power of subdivision of type sustainable development or housing not connected

to the network (for the developing track of for example)

� private operators

� Towers for wind turbines: isolated Hamlet or basic life...

� Roofs of factories, shopping malls, hotels, office buildings...

� Ships,

� petroleum platform on shore and off-shore

� off-shore Tours

� Electrification of bus stations & railways, ports, roads...

� Machines & small units of production in unserved rural areas

� public operators

� Hospitals, town halls, barracks, posts of customs, police, stages, water towers, isolated buildings...

� craft and industrial areas...

� Water towers

EXAMPLE of A central 657 MW/year

14, rue de l’Aspic - 30000 Nîmes – FRANCE Tél. : +33 954 042 480 – http://wagane.free.fr – [email protected]




But also by integrating them into buildings:

LIGHTHOUSE producing 1 300 Megawatts per year



14, rue de l’Aspic - 30000 Nîmes – FRANCE Tél. : +33 954 042 480 – http://wagane.free.fr – [email protected]





“AEROGENERATEUR BSB ™” can be integrated into the ships for their propulsion

14, rue de l’Aspic - 30000 Nîmes – FRANCE Tél. : +33 954 042 480 – http://wagane.free.fr – [email protected]




“AEROGENERATEUR BSB ™” weighs 3,500 kg or ± 60 kg/m² and can easily be installed on flat roofs of building in

the city center, without reinforcements or significant structural changes, and any discretion!

View of the sky: 30 “AEROGENERATEUR BSB ™” 3 950 megawatts a year on a building of the “Defence” in Paris

14, rue de l’Aspic - 30000 Nîmes – FRANCE Tél. : +33 954 042 480 – http://wagane.free.fr – [email protected]





Seven months of the year, many cities are deserted (here Port Camargue in France)

However the lights work each night: a needlessly wasted energy!

Hundreds of “AEROGENERATEUR BSB ™” will be placed on roofs and will significantly minimize the invoice of the

owners, providing energy to the neighboring villages.

The co-owners will be the first customers of our “AEROGENERATEUR BSB ™” !

14, rue de l’Aspic - 30000 Nîmes – FRANCE Tél. : +33 954 042 480 – http://wagane.free.fr – [email protected]





Energy needs have an exponential growth in the world, especially in emerging countries. These needs slowed by

the inevitable increase in the cost of fossil fuels and environmental awareness of States and peoples are the part of

the "sustainable energy" becomes very important in the world.

For example, the installed capacity of the Earth's wind farm French is about 7 GW; the objective of the “Grenelle of

the environment” is set to 19 GW on land and 6 GW offshore for 2020.

“AEROGENERATEUR BSB ™” is ideally placed in the electricity supply:

It can both be implemented independently in areas where electricity is not insured, while ensuring the

interconnectivity of networks of the developed regions.

The ease of implementation of “AEROGENERATEUR BSB ™” via a small footprint increases dramatically the number

of potential sites, unlike the horizontal axis high power HAWT wind that requires larger exploited surfaces and

developed road infrastructure...

The foundations of 2 MW horizontal axis wind turbine may require up to 100 trucks-top of concrete!

“AEROGENERATEUR BSB ™” provides a source of electrical supply for machines in areas devoid of electricity...


In some countries such as France, a law dating from the early 20th century forced the national electricity producer

to buy the product of small private producers at a price determined by law and contractual to compensate the

state monopoly. In the 70s, the renewable energies emergence flourished in many new producers of electricity.

The state monopoly is forbidden by Europe and to promote the development of renewable energies, the law on

compulsory redemption was maintained through state and European aids.

Thus, the national producer became private, buys at a loss, a production of which he sometimes absolutely no

need. This manipulation allows many unprofitable facilities exist. In fact it is the taxpayer that compensates losses

without realizing that the price of electricity increase since it does not appear on the invoice.

Europe wants to put an end to this unjust and unsustainable practice. This poses a major problem for industrial

managers giant wind farms as having only one client, the domestic producer. It will no longer be forced to buy a

production which he does not need. It will do them more free transportation (the taxpayer pays his bill) and it will

fix the purchase price at market value.

The problem is that there are currently not many other alternatives. It is thus understood that solutions like ours

do not please a lot to some!


This is to consume our own production and share the eventual overproduction by redistributing on the network at

a price determined by the government of the Country.

This solution is perfectly suited to countries or areas that already have established a organized network of energy

transport. This solution has the big advantage of doing without energy storage system. So everyone benefits from

14, rue de l’Aspic - 30000 Nîmes – FRANCE Tél. : +33 954 042 480 – http://wagane.free.fr – [email protected]




green energy surplus produced by the neighbor. It also has the great advantage to relieve the networks (power

line) in favor of centralized production units when there are consumption peaks.

Countries like Germany and Brazil have already adopted this profitable system that does not require state support,

except for research and development of new solutions.

So, in industrialized countries, it is on this market that we position ourselves. Our product is ideally suited for the

"Self consumption".


Autonomy is to use only its production without being connected to the network. The problem is that renewable

sources are not constant. So you need a storage system to meet demand when the source is at rest.

A) In countries with a public network, making the choice of autonomy is a pollutant luxury as you will not find

any method of ecological storage. Moreover, this choice is selfish because the overproduction (solid stocks) is

thrown in the trash. Nobody benefits.

However, there are still exceptions. Some very isolated areas (mountains, islands, farms) have no alternative since

they are not and cannot be connected to the plublic network. Most of them are already using gensets, solar panels

or other renewable energy solutions. Storage is usually done through oil or expensive, polluting and unsustainable


B) In countries developing or having a very large area with a low population density per m2. The problem is

different. The cost of transport of energy is astronomical because it takes thousands of miles of power lines to

connect villages scattered over the territory.

On the other hand, many developing countries use fuel power plants, sometimes with old and obsolete network to

renovate or replace it completely. This is the typical case of former colonies. The electricity is so poor that most

businesses and communities are equipped with generator groups despite a connection to the network. There is a

terrible and devastating rural exodus. It is due to the lack of access to energy sources.

This problem directly affects 70% of the world population. A calamity for agriculture, crafts, fair trade. Increasingly,

these people gather in slums on the outskirts of cities, exacerbating the problems of energy.

Therefore, we can say that autonomy represent 70% of global energy market in the near future. The requirement

is to offer a clean and sustainable energy storage solution.

14, rue de l’Aspic - 30000 Nîmes – FRANCE Tél. : +33 954 042 480 – http://wagane.free.fr – [email protected]





While most researchers are moving towards solutions for the storage of electricity (batteries), we have chosen to

try to store our source of energy: The wind !

The air has a very low density; it is therefore not question the store to its natural state as for water (hydroelectric

dam). But the air, like other gas, has a huge quality. It is compressible.

Just compress to store a large amount in a small tank and the relaxation to restore energy.

Unlike water, it does not need to be stored height because the expansion of the gas operates in three dimensions

and not from top to bottom. It does not freeze and can be transported in the compressed air cylinders

In the context of autonomy, we decided to breed a compressor to our turbine and not an alternator. So we use the

wind to produce compressed air and we will store it in bottles.

This compressed air can be further relaxed to turn an ecological generator or be used directly for vehicles with

compressed air.

14, rue de l’Aspic - 30000 Nîmes – FRANCE Tél. : +33 954 042 480 – http://wagane.free.fr – [email protected]




But our compressor may have other functions. Using a refrigerating gas in a closed circuit, it will be possible to

provide cold or fresh water (condensation of humid ambient air) or simply to create cold



14, rue de l’Aspic - 30000 Nîmes – FRANCE Tél. : +33 954 042 480 – http://wagane.free.fr – [email protected]





14, rue de l’Aspic - 30000 Nîmes – FRANCE Tél. : +33 954 042 480 – http://wagane.free.fr – [email protected]




Turbines stacked permit multiplication of power but can also be multifunctional. Electricity + cold + air + water,

at the request of the user

14, rue de l’Aspic - 30000 Nîmes – FRANCE Tél. : +33 954 042 480 – http://wagane.free.fr – [email protected]




Hugues Boyenval
