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© Jennifer Atkins BSBMED304B Assist in Controlling Stocks and Supplies Page | 1 BSBMED304B Assist in Controlling Stocks and Supplies Medical Administration Training Written by Jennifer Atkins www.mediweb.com.au

© Jennifer Atkins BSBMED304B Assist in Controlling Stocks and Supplies Page | 1

BSBMED304B Assist in Controlling Stocks and Supplies

Medical Administration Training

Written by Jennifer Atkins www.mediweb.com.au

© Jennifer Atkins BSBMED304B Assist in Controlling Stocks and Supplies Page | 2


Copyright © Jennifer Atkins 2013.2

© 2009 Version 1

This training manual is copyright under the Copyright Act 1968.

Any third party copyright material included in this publication is attributed.

Jennifer Atkins asserts her ownership of the Intellectual Property contained in this

training manual. All rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be

reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, utilised,

distributed, or translated into any other language in whole or in part, in any form

or by any means, by any other party whether it be electronic, manual,

photocopying, recording, or otherwise.

Copying without authorisation is illegal.


Every attempt has been made to ensure this workbook is free from errors or

omissions. However, as an educational resource, all effort should be made to

ensure you seek professional advice before relying on any statement or fact

contained herein. Material in this workbook is current at the time of writing.

Jennifer Atkins Medical Administration Training


© Jennifer Atkins BSBMED304B Assist in Controlling Stocks and Supplies Page | 3

Table of Contents

Resources: Helpful Websites ........................................................................................ 4

Chapter 1 – Determine own role in stock control processes .................................. 9

Your Role (1.1) ............................................................................................................ 10

Procedures for stock control (1.2) .............................................................................. 12

Clarification of procedures (1.3) ................................................................................. 21

Chapter 2 – Assist in maintaining stock levels ...................................................... 23

Monitor stock levels (2.1) ........................................................................................... 23

Medical practice equipment ...................................................................................... 24

Ordering stock (2.2) .................................................................................................... 32

Shortfalls in stock levels (2.3) ..................................................................................... 33

Check stock (2.4)......................................................................................................... 36

Documentation for stock control (2.5) ....................................................................... 38

Chapter 3 – Store stock ....................................................................................... 45

Unpack stock (3.1) ...................................................................................................... 45

Damaged or missing stock (3.2) ................................................................................. 47

Store stock (3.3) .......................................................................................................... 48

Specialised storage requirements (3.4) ...................................................................... 50

Guidelines for vaccine storage ................................................................................... 52

Rotate stock (3.5) ....................................................................................................... 57

Chapter 4 – Assist in stocktaking ......................................................................... 61

Stocktaking (4.1) ......................................................................................................... 61

Stocktaking documentation (4.2) ............................................................................... 63

Other stocktaking actions (4.3) .................................................................................. 65

Chapter 5 – Assist in the disposal of out-of-date stock and recalls ....................... 67

Dispose of out-of-date stock (5.1) .............................................................................. 67

Documentation for out-of-date stock (5.2) ................................................................ 70

Revision Sheet 1 ................................................................................................. 73

Revision Sheet 2 ................................................................................................. 77

Revision Sheet 3 ................................................................................................. 81

Revision Sheet 4 ................................................................................................. 85

Answers to Self Review Questions ...................................................................... 89

Glossary of Terms ............................................................................................... 92

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA ....................................................................................... 93

© Jennifer Atkins BSBMED304B Assist in Controlling Stocks and Supplies Page | 4

Resources: Helpful Websites

Professional Associations and Medical Standards

AGPAL Australian General Practice Accreditation Ltd www.qip.com.au

Australian Association of Practice Managers www.aapm.org.au

Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency http://www.ahpra.gov.au/

Australian Medical Association (AMA) www.ama.com.au

General Practice Computer Standards http://www.racgp.org.au/your-


General Practice Registrars Australia www.gpra.org.au

Health Services Commission http://www.health.vic.gov.au./hsc/

Medical Practice Act 1992


NSW Rural Doctors Network www.nswrdn.com.au

Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) www.racgp.org.au

State and Territory Doctors Health Advisory www.doctorshealth.org.au

Medical and Health Reference sites

National vaccine storage guidelines http://www.immunise.health.gov.au

Alcohol Awareness Site


Australian Doctor Online Newspaper http://www.australiandoctor.com.au

Cancer Screening Government Site http://www.cancerscreening.gov.au/

Department of Health and Aged Care www.health.gov.au

Department of Health, Victoria http://www.health.vic.gov.au

Doctors Reference Site www.drsref.com.au

Government Website About Health Issues www.healthinsite.gov.au

How Do You Measure Up


© Jennifer Atkins BSBMED304B Assist in Controlling Stocks and Supplies Page | 5

Infection Control Guidelines For a Health Setting


National Skin Cancer Awareness www.skincancer.gov.au

Quit Smoking www.quitnow.info.au

Royal District Nursing Service www.rdns.com.au

Seniors Reference Site www.seniors.gov.au

© Jennifer Atkins BSBMED304B Assist in Controlling Stocks and Supplies Page | 6

BSBMED304B: Assist in Controlling Stocks and Supplies


This unit applies to individuals who provide assistance in controlling required levels

of stocks and supplies in a medical administration context. The medical

administration worker provides assistance under supervision and all work is

undertaken in accordance within legislative requirements, Australian and industry

standards and codes of practice, and in line with organisational policies, procedures

and specific requirements.

Performance criteria

Element Performance Criteria

1. Determine own role in stock control processes

1.1 Determine own role in stock control processes by consulting with manager or supervisor

1.2 Access documented procedures for stock control and read for understanding

1.3 Seek clarification from relevant personnel of unclear or ambiguous procedures

2. Assist in maintaining stock levels

2.1 Monitor stock levels against required levels

2.2 Order stock in a timely manner or in accordance with ordering cycles, to ensure continuity of supplies

2.3 Identify potential shortfalls in stock levels and take action to ensure stock is replenished in a timely manner

2.4 Check orders against enterprise documentation and take appropriate actions where any shortfall is identified

2.5 Complete and store documentation for maintenance of stock levels

3. Store stock 3.1 Unpack stock and check against order for condition and currency

3.2 Identify damaged or missing stock and take action to replace it

3.3 Store stock according to established storage systems

3.4 Identify and store stock requiring specialised storage

3.5 Rotate stock to minimise stock reaching expiry or use-by-date

4. Assist in stocktaking

4.1 Provide assistance in stocktaking to identify, count, move, locate items

4.2 Complete and store stocktaking documentation

4.3 Assist with other stocktaking actions as directed

5. Assist in disposal of out-of-date stock and recalls

5.1 Dispose of stock marked for disposal re: legislation and other industry specific or manufacturer requirements and under direction of supervisor

5.2 Complete and store required documentation of disposal of out-of-date stock

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About this workbook

This workbook is suitable for students in a range of situations, from classroom

based learning to distance education learning.

The workbook is developed as a step-by-step learning guide. You are to complete

each element before moving onto the next section. Activities are provided for you

to work through, and once the relevant skills are developed then you can move on

to the next part of the book.

As this is a nationally recognised unit, the activities throughout the book will

require you to draw upon your experiences in life, and your simulated experiences

in a medical environment. These exercises will be the basis of your learning so you

will develop the skills necessary to meet the required competency for the unit.

The focus of this resource is private practice, and all scenarios are based on a

private medical practice, referred to as Summerhill Medical Centre.

Employability Skills

Employability Skills are skills that apply across a variety of jobs and life contexts.

They are sometimes referred to as key competencies or transferable skills. The

current term is Employability Skills.

Employability Skills are defined as "skills required not only to gain employment, but

also to progress within an enterprise so as to achieve one's potential and contribute

successfully to enterprise strategic directions."

There are eight Employability Skills: communication, teamwork, problem solving,

initiative and enterprise, planning and organising, self-management, learning, and


These Employability Skills are covered in each area of your learning, which ensures

you have achieved these skills.

© Jennifer Atkins BSBMED304B Assist in Controlling Stocks and Supplies Page | 8

BSBMED304B: Assist in Controlling Stocks and Supplies

This unit focuses your attention on stock control procedures that will assist you in

controlling stocks and supplies. It addresses the following stock: office equipment

and supplies, treatment room stock, vaccines and scheduled drugs.

This unit has five chapters. Each chapter has a number of performance criteria that

explain what you need to do to ensure demonstrated competency in this unit.

Chapter 1: Determine own role in stock control processes

This chapter addresses the establishment of stock control procedures as part of

your day-to-day activities. It focuses on procedures and clarification of duties.

Chapter 2: Assist in maintaining stock levels

This section discusses the identification of stock shortfall issues in a medical

practice. It highlights the need for designated persons to monitor stock levels, order

stock in a timely manner and check orders that may require further attention. It

looks at the importance of documentation, and having a clear understanding of

policies and procedures.

Chapter 3: Store stock

This chapter draws your attention to methods for unpacking and storing stock and

the impact stock procedures have. Of particular focus, is any action which aims to

reduce or eliminate stock problems in a medical workplace.

Chapter 4: Assist in stocktaking

Stocktaking procedures are addressed so that correct documentation and

appropriate procedures can be maintained.

Chapter 5: Assist in disposal of out-of-date stock and recalls

Legislation is discussed, in relation to documentation and reporting requirements.

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Chapter 1 – Determine own role in stock control processes

Performance criteria addressed:

1.1 Determine own role in stock control processes by consulting with manager or supervisor

1.2 Access documented procedures for stock control and read for understanding

1.3 Seek clarification from relevant personnel of unclear or ambiguous procedures


Your role as a medical administration worker requires you follow a range of

procedures. Procedures are carried out to ensure correct calculation of stock,

ordering and stocktaking These procedures ensure accurate records are maintained

when handling stocks and supplies..

It is essential that the medical practice knows how much stock is on hand and what

type of stock it is. Stock refers to all of the items a practice orders for its own use

and for patient use. It includes all items on the shelves, in the doctors’ rooms, the

treatment room, and in storage.

The aim of stock control is to try to balance the amount of goods a medical practice

has, compared to the amount required. It is important to try to maximise the stock

turnover whilst retaining the least amount of stock possible. Not enough stock

leads to lost opportunities. Too much stock could lead to an overflow of cupboards

and an increased cost of storage.

© Jennifer Atkins BSBMED304B Assist in Controlling Stocks and Supplies Page | 24

Medical practice equipment

The typical medical practice may contain the following items:

Equipment Details

Glucometer (blood sugar


A glucometer measures glucose in the blood, for

patients with diabetes or hypoglycemia.

A lancet is used to prick the skin to obtain a

small drop of blood. This is placed on a

disposable test strip that the glucometer reads,

which then calculates the blood glucose level.


A steriliser kills or eliminates fungi, bacteria and

viruses from equipment. It does this using high

pressure steam at 120 °C, for about 15 to 20


Sphygmomanometer (blood

pressure monitor)

A sphygmomanometer (blood pressure monitor)

is used to measure blood pressure. It consists of

an inflatable cuff to restrict blood flow, and a

mercury manometer to measure the pressure.

Manual sphygmomanometers are used with a


ECG (Electrocardiogram)

An electrocardiogram interprets the electrical

activity of the heart via skin electrodes.

© Jennifer Atkins BSBMED304B Assist in Controlling Stocks and Supplies Page | 25


A thermometer measures temperature.

Thermometers may be mercury based (see

picture), digital, or tympanic (inserted into ear).

Examination couch

An examination couch has a manual backrest,

which is adjustable. It also has a vinyl cover

which is easy to clean.

Examination light

Lighting used in a treatment room is high

intensity lighting, which provides lighting exactly

where it is required.


A stethoscope is used for listening to the

internal sounds of the heart or lungs. It

intensifies sounds so they can be easily heard.

In combination with a sphygmomanometer, it is

used to measure a patient’s blood pressure.

Dressing trolley

A dressing trolley is typically made from

stainless steel for sturdy construction and easy

cleaning. They have two or three benches and

can be wheeled from room to room.

Medical supplies for performing dressings and

plastering can be set up on the trolley.

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Medical consumables

Following is a list of medical consumables, which all require regular checking,

reordering and restocking. The rate of use for these items depends on the size and

nature of the medical practice.

Medical consumables

Gloves - Sterile

(sizes 6, 7, 8) and

non-sterile (S, M,


Aprons / Gowns -





Bandages - Gauze,

Elastic Confirming

and Crepe (2.5, 5.0,

7.5, 10cm)

Chemical Reagent

Testing Strips -

Multistix and

Pregnancy Tests

Needles - 19

gauge, 21g, 23g,



Instruments -

Scalpel blades

Dressing Packs -


Dressings -

Bandaids, Melolin,

Jelonet, Opsite,

Absorbent Sheets

- Blueys

Cotton Balls

Plaster Rolls - 2.5,

5.0, 7.5, 10, 15cm


Containers - Urine,

faecal, sputum

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Splints -

Aluminium and


Suture Material -

Nylon, Silk

Syringes - 1ml,

2.5ml, 3ml, 5ml,

10ml, 20ml

Tape - Micropore

(1.25 and 2.5cm)

Tongue Depressor

Wound Disinfecting

Solution - Normal

Saline, Betadine

Alcohol swabs

Disinfectant - For

bench tops, floors,

sinks and toilet


Doctor’s Bag

The Doctor’s Bag is a bag full of necessary drugs, which a doctor carries with him on

home visits and other consultations outside of the medical practice. Medical

administration staff do not order drugs. Either a Registered Nurse or the General

Practitioner orders these items.

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Manual ordering is often used in a medical practice. This involves the following


Counting the stock to establish minimum stock levels

Recording the stock levels in a stock book or on stock cards

Calculating the quantity to be ordered

Placing the order with the supplier.

A purchase order is a document used to order stocks and supplies. It must be

authorised with the signature of a staff member who has the authority to purchase

on behalf of the medical practice. The purchase order authorises the supplier to

dispatch stock to the medical practice. A sample purchase order is on the following


The number of different people ordering stock should be kept to a minimum. This

lowers the risk of over or under-ordering, reduces mistakes and makes it easier to

follow up any discrepancies on delivery.

If stock is not delivered it may be because it is no longer available, out of season

(i.e. flu vaccines are seasonal), or placed on back order.

Activity 12 - Purchase order

The practice manager has asked you to order the following

supplies. 5 x boxes of blue pens, 2 x folders, 3 x reams of white

A4 paper (1 ream = 500 sheets), and 3 x liquid paper.

Below is a product list the supplier has provided.

Item Details Item code Price (incl. GST)

Blue pens Box of 20 Pen 01 $2.40

Red pens Box of 20 Pen 02 $2.40

Pencils Box of 20 Pen 03 $2.40

Highlighter pens Box of 10 Pen 04 $6.40

White A3 paper 500 sheets (1 ream) Pap 01 $9.60

White A4 paper 500 sheets (1 ream) Pap 02 $5.80

White A4 paper Pkt of 5 reams Pap 03 $28.00

Blue A4 paper 500 sheets (1 ream) Pap 04 $6.80

Folder A4 black 2 ring Fol 01 $4.20

Liquid paper Tube Liq 01 $2.30

Desk stapler Black colour Sta 01 $8.40

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Complete the following purchase order for the items you need to reorder.

Summerhill Medical



Date: ___________________ Order Number: AT40

To: Kirk’s Stationery Supplies 34 Kirk Road Campbellfield VIC 3061

Code Description Quantity Unit Price Total

Summerhill Medical Centre Ordered by: __________________________ 384 Wells Street Campbellfield VIC 3061 Signature: ___________________________ ABN: 48 144 702 999 Date: _______________________________

© Jennifer Atkins BSBMED304B Assist in Controlling Stocks and Supplies Page | 36

Check stock (2.4)


When stock is delivered it comes with a delivery docket and a tax invoice. The

delivery docket confirms the receipt of the delivery, and the tax invoice confirms

each item in the delivery and its price.

Delivery docket

The courier will deliver the order and you will sign the delivery docket to state you

have received the boxes. The delivery docket does not state what is in the boxes,

just the number of boxes delivered. With changes in technology the delivery docket

may be an electronic pad which you sign to confirm receipt of goods.

Trusty Medical Supplies

P.O. Box 1122, Sydney NSW 2000 ABN: 48 177 880 999


Deliver To: Summerhill Medical Centre

384 Wells St, Campbellfield, VIC 3061

Order Number: AT40

Order Date: 6 February 2012

Description Unit Type Order Qty Qty Delivered

Cold storage Refrigerated 1 backorder

Medical supplies Box 2 2

Total 3 2

I acknowledge I have received the delivery as above.

Signature __________________________ Date ____________


The invoice, also called a tax invoice, lists all items purchased, their purchase price,

and any GST included. For security purposes the medical supply company will have

their invoices serially numbered. The invoice should be compared to the purchase

order to confirm:

Items ordered

Items received

Items billed

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Below is an example of a tax invoice for your order.

Kirk’s Stationery Supplies

34 Kirk Road Campbellfield VIC 3061

ABN: 48 177 880 999


Invoice Number 6719 Purchase Order Number AT40

Deliver to: Summerhill Medical Centre 384 Wells Street Campbellfield VIC 3061 ABN: 48 144 702 999

Attention: Practice Manager



Description Code Unit Price Total






Box blue pens

Box red pens


Reams of paper

Liquid paper

Pen 01

Pen 02

Fol 01

Pap 02

Liq 01






$ 12.00

$ 2.40



$ 9.20

GST on purchases $ 4.87

TOTAL $53.60

Net payment 14 Days

Activity 13 - Delivery docket and tax invoice

Based on the information on the previous few pages, answer the

following true or false questions

Stock is checked off the delivery docket before the docket is signed T/F

The delivery docket confirms the contents of each box T/F

An invoice is not required as the delivery docket contains all necessary information T/F

A delivery docket will not state any backordered items T/F

A tax invoice compares items ordered with items received T/F

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Documentation for stock control (2.5)

Once stock has been received from the supplier it will be necessary for you to

record the date and quantity of stock received. The policies and procedures of the

practice will determine any further information you may require.

Stock cards

A stock card is a record-keeping system kept on small cardboard cards. Normally

one stock card is allocated per item of stock. The necessary information is recorded

when stock is received, dispensed and expired, and subsequently confirmed at


Example of a stock card:


Item: Sterile gloves Description: Size 8 __________________

Location: Storage cupboard Minimum stock: 4 ___________________



Stock In Stock Out


Initials Qty Inv


From Qty Ref



01/04/12 c/f 4 LHG

20/04/12 5 Trusty 4

24/04/12 5 2345 Trusty 9 JGA

25/04/12 1 Treatment Room


27/04/12 2 Consulting Rooms 1/2


28/04/12 1 Reception 5 LHG

Monthly use

Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

2012 6 6 4 4

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Details of stock card entries:

Date Details

01/04/12 Carry forward balance of 4 units. The balance is a running balance

which means only the last balance figure is current.

20/04/12 5 units ordered from Trusty Medical Supplies. The balance doesn’t

reflect this order until it is physically received.

24/04/12 5 units received from Trusty Medical Supplies on invoice 2345

(4 + 5 units = balance 9).

25/04/12 1 unit to the treatment room (9 - 1 = balance 8).

27/04/12 2 units to consulting rooms 1 and 2 (8 - 2 = balance 6).

28/04/12 1 unit to reception (6 - 1 = balance 5).

Activity 14 - Stock cards

What was the total monthly use of the stock item for April?

What was the average monthly consumption for the first four months of 2012?

How many months’ stock is on hand?

What was the lead time for the April order?

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Activity 16 - Stock control cards

You work at Summerhill Medical Centre and your role is to

monitor and maintain stock.

Complete stock cards for the following items of stock:

Item 1: Betadine 5%

Location storage room

Minimum quantity 1

1/4/12 C/f balance 1 unit

2/4/12 Placed order with Trusty Medical Supplies for 3 units

4/4/12 Received 3 units, inv no 4343

8/4/12 Stock out – 1 unit to treatment room

18/4/12 Stock out – 1 unit to consulting room 1


Item: ______________________________ Description: _______________________

Location: ___________________________ Minimum stock: ___________________



Stock In Stock Out



Qty Inv


From Qty Ref



© Jennifer Atkins BSBMED304B Assist in Controlling Stocks and Supplies Page | 43


Chapter 2 - True and False Questions Monitor Stock Levels True or False

1. The level of stock should be consistent throughout the year

2. The use-by-dates on perishable stock will affect the level of stock you have on hand

3. A medical practice may have mercury, digital or tympanic thermometers

4. An Ophthalmoscope is used to look into the ears

5. Gloves can be either sterile or non-sterile

6. Micropore is a type of tape

7. The Doctor's Bag is a bag full of necessary drugs which the Doctor takes on home visits

Ordering Stock

8. The best way of ensuring an efficient level of stock is to order weekly T/F

9. The first step in the stock control process is to nominate a minimum stock level for each item

10. The lead-time is the time it takes for an order to be processed

11. When counting the lead time the weekend needs to be taken into account

12. If bandages are needed on Friday and the lead-time is two days they should be ordered on Tuesday

13. Manual ordering is least used in a medical practice

14. A purchase order is a document used to order stocks and supplies

15. The purchase order authorises the supplier to dispatch the stock

16. It is important that all staff order stock regularly as this develops their knowledge of the stock control system

Check Stock

17. When stock is delivered it comes with a copy of the purchase order

18. The delivery docket confirms the receipt of the boxes of goods

19. The tax invoice confirms each item in the delivery and its price

20. An invoice is different to a tax invoice

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This unit has provided an understanding of stocks and supplies in a medical

environment. Legislative requirements, policies and procedures, and industry

standards have been provided to ensure you can monitor, order, unpack, and store

stock appropriately. The stocktaking of the medical practice has been discussed.

Finally, specialised storage requirements of scheduled drugs and vaccines has been


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BSBMED304B Assist in Controlling Stocks and Supplies

Revision Sheet 3

© Jennifer Atkins BSBMED304B Assist in Controlling Stocks and Supplies Page | 83

7. Unpack Stock

a. When the delivery arrives you need to check off the boxes against the

(purchase order, invoice, both, neither).

b. Name three reasons why stock may be returned to the supplier




c. You need to cross match the delivery docket with the stock card for each

item. True/False

d. You need to check the outside of the box for any visible damage before

signing the delivery docket. True/False

e. You need to check the number of boxes delivered with the number on the

delivery docket. True/False

8. Store Stock

a. Which of the following are suitable areas to store stock? Answer yes or no.

Location Yes No Location Yes No

Doctor’s consulting


Store room

Drawers Treatment room

Reception area Laundry

b. What does MSDS stand for?


c. Is an MSDS compulsory for all chemicals?


d. What impact does an MSDS have on the storage location of an item?




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9. Vaccine Storage

a. The system of transporting and storing vaccines within approved

temperatures is called ________ __________________

b. The approved temperature is -2 to -8 degrees True/False

c. Freezing activates most vaccines True/False

d. A vaccination contains live microbes or its toxins True/False

e. Bar fridges are the best type of fridge for vaccines True/False

f. The police must always be notified of any discarded vaccines True/False

g. A clear bulb on the freeze indicator means the vaccine is safe True/False

10. Drugs in a Medical Environment

a. Only doctors can handle drugs in a medical environment True/False

b. Only doctors can prepare drugs in a medical environment True/False

c. Only doctors can administer drugs in a medical environment True/False

d. Schedule (2, 3, 4, 8) of poisons is openly available from a pharmacy.

e. Schedule (2, 3, 4, 8) poisons should be stored in a lockable facility.

f. Schedule (2, 3, 4, 8) poisons must be stored in a lockable facility.

g. A drug register (is, is not) compulsory for a medical practice.

h. What information should a drug register contain?






i. The theft of drugs must be reported to the Police. True/False

j. The theft of prescription paper must be reported to the Police. True/False

11. Rotate Stock

a. What does FIFO stand for? _______________________________________

b. What does SLFO stand for? ______________________________________

c. Which method of stock control is used for perishable goods? ____________

d. Which method of stock control is used for non-perishable goods? ________

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Answers to Self Review Questions

Chapter 1 - True and False Answers

Your Role Legislation

Qn Answer Your results Qn Answer Your results

1 True 9 True

2 False 10 False

3 False 11 False

4 True 12 False

5 True ..... /5 13 False

Procedures for Stock Control 14 False

6 True 15 True ..... /7

7 False

8 False ..... /3

Chapter 1 Total ....../15

Chapter 2 - True and False Answers

Monitor Stock Levels Check Stock

Qn Answer Your results Qn Answer Your results

1 False 17 False

2 True 18 True

3 True 19 True

4 False 20 False

5 True 21 False

6 True 22 True ...../6

7 True ..... /7 Stock Cards

Ordering Stock 23 True

8 False 24 True

9 True 25 False

10 False 26 False ...../4

11 True

12 True

13 False

14 True

15 True

16 False ..... /9

Chapter 2 Total ....../26
