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  • 8/6/2019 Bsnl Report BY ANUP SINGH








    Submitted in Partial Fulfillments of

    Master of Business Administration (MBA)Programme: 2008 -10


    Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow



    Faculty of Management ScienceShri Ram Murti Smarak College of Engineering & Technology,


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  • 8/6/2019 Bsnl Report BY ANUP SINGH




  • 8/6/2019 Bsnl Report BY ANUP SINGH




    I here by declare that the project, which is being presented in this


    SERVICES AT ETAH Is an authentic record of my own work during the

    period of 6 weeks from 03-06-09 to 15-07-09 as a part of my MBA course of

    UPTU Lucknow.

    The information which is given by me in this report is

    exclusively for the concerned organization and the institut e would not be

    submitted by me any where else.


    MBA (III Semester)

    SRMS CET, Bareilly

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  • 8/6/2019 Bsnl Report BY ANUP SINGH




    A mammoth project of this nature calls for intellectual nourishment,

    professional help, and encouragement from many quarters. Doing summer

    training from the esteemed organization BSNL has given me a chance to apply

    all theoretical inputs to real-life situations.

    To begin with, I wish to acknowledge an express my gratitude to Mr

    A.K. JAIN (S.D.E. MARKETING) for his continuous assistance and

    inspiration. The knowledge, advice, support, suggestions, helpful tips given to

    me by him helped me to successfully complete this project.


    MBA (3rdsemester)

    Sri Ram Murti Smarak College of Engg. & Tech.

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    In todays scenario, it is not possible that we get knowledge about the

    market without practical training. By the practical training a management

    student can understand the management working in the area of there

    specialization.Actually practical knowledge increases the knowledge of

    students in real field of market & also integrates the theoretical concepts

    with the practical working of the organization.

    Accepting the above factors the management programs of our institute

    (SRMSCET BAREILLY) has made practical training must for their

    management students. As a part of the partial fulfillment of the

    requirement of the course of masters of business administration (MBA),

    summer training was undertaken with BSNL at ETAH city for 6 weak. The

    purpose of the training was to study about the consumer behavior about

    the BSNL services at ETAH city only.

    The tools & techniques used in the study are standard & modified

    according to the report requirements. I used the primary and secondary

    data for collection of information. I had enjoyed my summer training from

    the very first day. I tried to come across all the initial steps related with my

    project in BSNL.

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    Chapter 1: Company Profile

    1.1: History of BSNL

    1.2: Hierarchy of BSNL

    1.3: Marketing strategy, objective & process of BSNL

    1.4: BSNL at a glance

    1.5: Certification

    1.6: SWOT analysis

    Chapter 2:

    2.1: Introduction of project topic

    2.2: Importance of consumer satisfaction

    2.3: Consumer buying behavior

    2.4: Factors affecting consumer buying behavior

    2.5 : Consumer buying decision process

    Chapter 3: BSNL SERVICES

    Chapter 4: Research Work

    4.1: Research Problem

    4.2: Research Objective

    4.3: Scope of research

    4.4: Limitation of study

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    Chapter5: Research Methodology

    5.1 Research design

    5.2: Collection of data

    5.3: Sample size

    Chapter 6:

    6.1: Analysis and Interpretation of Questionnaire

    6.7 Findings and Suggestions

    6.7: Conclusion

    Chapter 7: Annexure

    Chapter 8: Bibliography

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    Corporate office

    Bharat Sanchar Bhavan

    Harish Chandra Mathur Lane

    Janpath, New Delhi-110 001

  • 8/6/2019 Bsnl Report BY ANUP SINGH




    Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (known as BSNL, India Communications

    Corporation Limited) is a public sector telecommunication company in India.

    Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. formed in October, 2000, is World's 7th largest

    Telecommunications Company providing comprehensive range of telecom

    services in India: Wireline, CDMA mobile, GSM Mobile, Internet, Broadband,

    Carrier service, MPLS-VPN, VSAT, VoIP services, IN Services etc. Within a

    span of five years it has become one of the largest public sector unit in India.

    BSNL has installed Quality Telecom Network in the country and now focusing

    on improving it, expanding the network, introducing new telecom services with

    ICT applications in villages and wining customer's confidence. Today, it has

    about 47.3 million line basic telephone capacity, 4 million WLL capacity, 20.1

    Million GSM Capacity, more than 37382 fixed exchanges, 18000 BTS, 287

    Satellite Stations, 480196 Rkm of OFC Cable, 63730 Rkm of Microwave

    Network connecting 602 Districts, 7330 cities/towns and 5.5 Lakhs villages. It

    is India's largest telecommunication company with 24% market share as on

    March 31, 2008. Its headquarters are at Bharat Sanchar Bhawan, Harish

    Chandra Mathur Lane, Janpath, New Delhi. It has the status ofMini Ratna, a

    status assigned to reputed public sector companies in India.

    BSNL is India's oldest and largest Communication Service Provider (CSP).

    Currently has a customer base of 73 million as of June 2008. It has footprints

    throughout India except for the metropolitan cities of Mumbai and New Delhi

    which are managed by MTNL.

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    COMPANY NAME: BharatSanchar Nigam Ltd.

    Headquarters : BharatSanchar Bhawan, Harish

    Chandra Mathur Lane, Janpath, New Delhi

    Head Officein Lucknow: Hazratganj



    Chairman & Managing Director : Kuldeep Goyal

    SSttaattuuss:: MMiinnii RRaattaann ((a status assignedto reputedpublicsector

    companiesin India.)

    Founded: 19th

    century, incorporated 2000

    Owner : Government of India

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    To become the largest telecom Service Provider in South East Asia.


    1. To provide world class State-of-art technology telecom services on

    demand at affordable price.

    2. To provide world-class telecom infrastructure to develop country's



    To be the Lead Telecom Services Provider.

    To provide quality and reliable fixed telecom service to our customer

    and there by increase customer's confidence.

    To provide mobile telephone service of high quality and become no. 1

    GSM operator in its area of operation.

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    To provide point of interconnection to other service provider as per their

    requirement promptly.

    To facilitate R & D activityin thecountry. Contributetowards:

    i. National Plan Target of 500 million subscriber base for India by


    ii. Broadband customers base of 20 million in India by 2010 as per

    Broadband Policy 2004.

    iii. Providing telephone connection in villages as per government


    iv. Implementation of Triple play as a regular commercial proposition.

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    Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited, the largest Public Sector Undertaking of

    the Nation, is certainly on a financial ground that's sound.

    The Company has a net worth of Rs. 88,128 crores (US$ 22.02 billion),

    authorised equity capital of Rs. 10,000 crores (US $ 2.50 billion), Paid up

    Equity Share Capital of Rs. 5,000 crores (US $ 1.25 billion) and Revenues

    is Rs. 38053 crores (US $ 9.51 billion) in 2007 -08.

    (Note: 1 US $ = 40.02 INR as on 31-03-2008)


    Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited has got net fixed assets valuing more than

    Rs. 54698 Crores (US $ 13.67 billion), which are in the form of Land,

    Buildings Cables, Apparatus & Plants etc. as on 31.03.2008.

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    IInntteerreessttiinngg FFaaccttss::

    TThheerree aarree 22 mmiilllliioonn BBSSNNLL mmoobbiillee ccoonnnneeccttiioonnss iinn rruurraall IInnddiiaa((aa rreeccoorrdd,,

    nnoo ootthheerrccoonnnneeccttiioonn iiss aass ffaammoouuss aass bbssnnll iinn rruurraall aarreeaass))

    BBSSNNLL ssuupppplliieess pphhoonnee lliinneess ttoo aallll ootthheerrnneettwwoorrkkssuucchh aass AAiirrtteell,,VVooddaaffoonnee


    BBSSNNLL iiss tthhee oonnllyy nneettwwoorrkkwwhhiicchh ooffffeerrss bbrrooaaddbbaanndd ccoonnnneeccttiioonnss

    More than 50% of the international calls coming to India, use Reliance


    Largest pan India coverage-over 11000 towns & 3 lakh villages.

    Indias No. 1 wireless service provider with more than 50 million


    An incredible speed of 2mbps is only offered by BSNL

    The only Mobile service available through out the country including

    Jammu and Kashmir and North Eastern states like Arunachal Pradesh,

    Nagaland, Mizoram etc.

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    Board ofthedirector

    Designation Name


    Fax No Email(Office)



    23372424 23372444 [email protected]

    Director(Enterprise) RAJENDRA


    23734064 23734166 [email protected]

    Director(Finance) GOPAL DAS 23714141 23314141 [email protected]



    GOPAL DAS 23734070 23734072 [email protected]


    Fixed Access)

    Rajesh Wadhwa 23037142


    23734242 [email protected]



    R.K.Aggarwal 23734073 23734075 [email protected]

    Company Secretary &


    H.C.PANT 23353395 23353389 [email protected]

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    Marketingstrategies of BSNL

    Our visions begin with our desires.

    - Audre Lorde

    We all have some visions of ourselves and our future, and that vision creates

    consequences. More than any other factor, vision affects the choices we make

    and the way we spend our time.

    Visions drive consequences.

    Principles drive results.

    Key is to base vision on principles.

    - Stephen R


    It is true for individuals as well as organizations. The strongest form of vision /

    motivation is to base vision on What Legacy we want to leave. And to

    achieve it we must take a principled centered path. History is full of examples

    that many organizations have vanished grown and vanished overnight as their

    path to achieve vision was not based on principled way.

    Vision of the organization can only be translated into reality, if it is shared by

    one and all. The best way to implement is to involve them in formulation. But

    even if it is conceived by higher management then it has to be explained to

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    each and every individual of the organization, otherwise it may remain as a


    Marketing vision of the BSNL has to be based on overall mission and vision of

    the organization. The mission of BSNL is

    i. To provide world class State-of-art technology telecom services on

    demand at affordable price.

    ii. To provide world class telecom infrastructure to develop country's


    And the vision of BSNL is

    i. To become the largest telecom Service Provider in Southeast Asia.

    In dynamic environment anything permanent is CHANGE. So we must

    revise and review so that focus is never lost.

    Strong lives are motivated by dynamic purposes. - Kenneth Hildebrand.

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    Marketing Objective.

    The ultimate objective of any marketing activity is to satisfy the customers and

    today even a step ahead i.e. delighting the customers, for which customers are

    offered something beyond their expectations from the service or the product.

    The objective being to acquire and retain the customers, who should

    continually feel that they are getting more value of the money, they are

    departing with.

    Marketing is the establishment, development, maintenance and optimization of

    long-term mutually valuable relationships between consumers and

    organisation. Successful Marketing focuses on understanding the needs and

    desires of the customers and is achieved by placing these needs at the heart of

    business by integrating them with the organisation strategy, people, technology

    and business processes. At its most basic, Marketing involves customers,

    organisations and relationships and the combination creates the need for the


    Marketing is about creating a competitive advantage by being the best at

    understanding, communicating, and delivering and developing existing

    customer relationships in addition to creating and keeping new customers. The

    concept of the product life cycle is giving way to customer life cycle, focusing

    on developing products that anticipate the future needs of existing customers

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    and creating services that extend the existing customer relationship beyond the

    mere transaction. The customer life cycle will focus on lengthening the life

    span of the customer with the organisation rather than the endurance of a

    particular product. Customers have changing needs as their life styles alter- the

    development and provision of products and/or services that continuously seek

    to satisfy those needs is good Marketing. The Marketing will focus greater

    attention on how to deliver customer satisfaction and organisation will begin to

    structure itself around customer segments and not product lines. A good

    Marketing Strategy will take the business vision and apply it to the customer


    According to the Dictionary of Marketing Terms, 2nd edition, published by

    the American Marketing Association, c1995,

    Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing,

    promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges

    thatsatisfy individual and organizational objectives .

    Once marketing is understood, we can define marketing management process

    as analyzing marketing opportunities, researching and selecting target markets,

    designing marketing strategies, planning marketing programs, and organizing,

    implementing, and controlling the marketing efforts.

    In simple words it implies a buyer, a seller, bonded by the mutual need,

    satisfying offer and a medium/process to exchange the offer.

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    Marketing Process

    We often talk of marketing & Sales and often use it interchangeably without

    understanding the difference in it. Marketing is everything we do to get and

    leverage a client relationship. Marketingprocessisbroad andincludes all of

    the following: -

    Discovering what product, service or idea customers want.

    Producing a product with the appropriate features and quality.

    Pricing the product correctly.

    Promoting the product; spreading the word about why customers

    should buy it.

    Selling and delivering the product into the hands of the customer.

    Selling is one activity of the entire marketing process. Selling is the act of

    persuading or influencing a customer to buy (actually exchange something of

    value for) a product or service.

    Marketing activities support sales efforts.

    ContrastingtheSales Concept with the Marketing Concept:-

    We Sell Confidence.

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    The concepts surrounding both selling and marketing also differ. There is a

    need for both selling and marketing approaches in different situations. One

    approach is not always right and the other always wrong - it depends upon the

    particular situation.

    In a marketing approach, more listening to and eventual accommodation of the

    target market occurs. Two-way communication (sometimes between a

    salesperson and a customer) is emphasized in marketing so learning can take

    place and product offerings can be improved.

    A salesperson using the sales concept, on the other hand, sometimes has the

    ability to individualize components of a sale, but the emphasis is ordinarily

    upon helping the customer determine if they want the product, or a variation on

    it, that is already being offered by the company. In the sales approach, not

    much time is spent learning what the customer's ideal product would be

    because the salesperson has little say in seeing that their company's product is

    modified. Furthermore, they aren't rewarded for spending time listening to the

    customer's desires unless they have a product to match their desires that will

    result in a sale.

    The 7Ps for service marketing (Product, price, place, promotion, physical

    evidence, people & process) are the means to attain, nurture, & retain the

    customers and not the end.

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    Social Responsibility

    We were the most trusted telecom brand in year 2003 & 2004. We have been

    given Golden Peacock award for Best Corporate Social responsibility. How can

    we leverage these distinctions? These achievements need to be highlighted

    through public relation exercise like press meet. This will help us in building

    our marketing image. In sales and distribution front though we have over one-

    lakh retailers, 1000 franchisees, 3300 CSCs, 36000 exchanges why are we not

    visible like others? Why cant we utilize all possible space? Cant we leverage

    our franchisee and STD-PCO strengths? Can we make these outlets as our core

    strength? Why our recharge coupons, India Telephone Cards are in shortage

    when there is no capacity constraint? Does it imply that our planning for

    printing, inventory management, logistics, and supply chain and of course

    franchisee management is inefficient? Do we have targets for these just like

    DELs & CellOne? Why cant we leverage this huge network for better

    customer care and improve collection efficiency? We must realize that with

    waiver of security deposits, no OYT schemes, no advance rentals, adjustment

    of landline security for CellOne, we dont get fixed deposits to meet our funds

    requirements. Everything has to be met from Operating revenues. We need to

    improve collections, realize bills early, not on the last day of payment and

    reduce bad debts.

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    Business Development.

    Businessdevelopment units have been given the task to develop and nurture

    long-term relations with corporate houses. Many MoUs have been signed. Bulk

    bills are being issued. One-point payments are being realized for multiple

    service locations. Key Account Manager concept has been introduced. All this

    requires change ofmindset in addition to the skills of marketing & sales. Do

    we have skilledmanpower? Is ourorganization setup apt for better results?

    The staff expense to revenue ratio could be a good indicator.

    No doubt our revenues are up. Profit has increased. But consider the marketing

    budget we have in comparison to others. Even with this little budget many

    circles are unable to utilize it. We need to probe ourselves. Corporate office has

    permitted delegation of upto 70% of Circle budget to SSAs. Does it mean that

    our budget planning is wrong? How should we allocatemarketingbudget and

    which parameter to weigh?

    Per DEL/Mobile

    Acquisition cost

    Life time value

    Competitor spend

    Growth targets

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    Life Time Value

    You cant give people pride, but you can provide the kind of understanding that

    makes people look to their inner strength and find their own sense of pride.

    - Charleszetta


    Let us understand what is the lifetime value of our customers? Paying

    commission of Rs 100-200 to franchisee is not a cost considering the future

    flow of revenue from the customer. How many of our decisions are based on

    scientific analysis of the precious customer data we already have such as

    calling pattern, payment habits, usage profile etc? How many surveys we do,

    how much customer research we carry out? Net growth in mobile is high but

    what about churn? Cant we analyze & reduce it? Acquisition cost is usually

    said to be 5-8 times the retention cost.

    It is high time we learn fast, groom ourselves, improve our mindset and act

    fast. Business perspective is equally important as excellence in Telecom

    operations, maintenance, and installations & planning. Our core competence

    should be telecom business acumen and not just traditional expertise developed

    over the years.

    It is usually much easier to sell additional things to existing customers than to

    add new customer. Let us try to upgrade each customer by RS 20 RS 50 by

    offering them more add on relevant services.

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    BSNL at a Glance

    Shareholding Pattern

    The Govt. of India currently holds 56.25% stake in the company. Coverage

    Almost whole of the nation. The company has also received the Navratna


    BSNL - A Blue-chip

    Some of the factors that contribute towards making BSNL a blue-chip

    company are:

    Company providing vital infrastructure.

    Sustained growth.

    Increasing demand in a fast developing economy.

    Cost reduction due to induction of new technologies and computerization.

    Tremendous resources and asset base.

    Very high potential for value.

    Exciting developments in new services everyday.

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    BSNL adds one more feather to its cap. Centre for Excellence in Telecom

    Technology & Management (CETTM) has been awarded with the ISO 9001:

    2000 Certification for providing training in the field of Telecom Technology &


    BSNL's Centre for Excellence in Telecom Technology and Management

    received ISO 9001-2000 certification on 4th July, 2005. This quality

    certification is the first step in developing CETTM as a world class training


    BSNL with a market share of about 13% of the National Telecom Network

    has a customer base of about 4.98 million lines at the end of 2002- 03

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    It has a competitive pricing policy.

    BSNL provides continuous training, career advancement opportunities and a

    self-motivated work environment to its employees.

    BSNL has a corporate culture of mutual respect and is an excellent service


    BSNL maintains solid partnerships with its customers.


    Although it is investing too much in R&D but its marketing skills are below


    Although it is growing very fast but at the same time it is losing its customers

    as well because the competitors are chasing close behind.

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    It can retain its customers by improving its marketing skills.

    It can establish a world-wide knowledge-broadcast system via the Internet.

    The Group can strengthen and expedite research and development in order to

    deliver products of top international standards.


    External factors like political instability and economic instability which are

    affecting the business environments.

    The other threat can be the market saturation in terms of business

    opportunities available in the conventional telecom business.

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    the title of my project is Study ofconsumerbehaviour about BSNL

    services at ETAH first of all we need to understand that Whatisconsumer


    Before business can develop marketing strategies, they must understand what

    factors influence buyers behavior and how they make purchase decisions to

    satisfy their needs and wants. Buyers are moved by a complex set of deep and

    subtle emotions. Their behavior result from deeply held values and attitudes;

    their perception of the world and their place in it, from common sense, impulse

    or just plain whimsy .There are also several stages through which the consumer

    exhibit before deciding to purchase goods or services. These include 5 steps

    which are:

    problem or needrecognition, information search, alternativeevaluation,

    purchase andpost-purchaseevaluation.

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    The needs to satisfy customer for success in any commercial enterprise is very

    obvious. The income of all commercial enterprise is derived from the payments

    received for the products and services supplied to its customers.

    If there is no customer there is no income and there is no business. Then the

    core activity of any company is to attract and retain customers. It is therefore

    no surprise that Peter F Druckerthe renowned management Guru, has said

    to satisfythecustomersisthemission andpurpose ofeverybusiness.

    Satisfaction of customer is essential for retention of customers and for

    continuous sales of the products and services of the company to customers.

    This establishes the needs for and the importance of customer satisfaction. The

    satisfaction of consumers is different from one to another. Became, each

    consumer has the different behavior in their life. So, the marketer satisfies the

    consumer, he must very well know the behavior of consumer.

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    Consumer behavior refers to the mental and emotional process and the

    observable behavior of consumers during searching, purchasing and post

    consumption of a product or service.

    Consumer behavior involves study of how people buy, what they buy, when

    they buy and why they buy. It blends the elements from psychology, sociology,

    socio-psychology, anthropology and economics. It also tries to assess the

    influence on the consumer from groups such as family, friends, reference

    groups and society in general.

    Buyerbehavior hastwo aspects: the final purchase activity visible to any

    observer and the detailed or short decision process that may involve the

    interplay of a number of complex variables not visible to anyone.


    Consumer buying behavior is influenced by the major three factors:

    1. Social Factors

    2. Psychological Factors

    3. Personal Factors.

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    Social factors refer to forces that other people exert and which affect

    consumers purchase behavior. These social factors can include culture and

    subculture, roles and family, social class and reference groups


    By taking into consideration Reference group, these can influence/ affect the

    consumer buying behavior. Reference group refers to a group with whom an

    individual identifies herself/ himself and the extent to which that person

    assumes many values, attitudes or behavior of group members. Reference

    groups can be family, school or college, work group, club membership,

    citizenship etc.

    Referencegroupsserve as one of the primary agents of consumer socialization

    and learning and can be influential enough to induce not only socially

    acceptable consumer behavior but also socially unacceptable and even personal

    destructive behavior. For example, if fresher student joins a college /

    university, he/she will meet different people and form a group, in that group

    there can be behavior patterns of values, for example style of clothing, handsets

    which most of group member prefer or even destructive behavior such as

    excessive consumption of alcohol, use of harmful and addictive drugs etc. So,

    according to how an individual references him / her to that particular reference

    group, this will influence and change his/her buying behavior.

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    These are internal to an individual and generate forces within that influence

    her/his purchase behavior. The major forces include motives, perception,

    learning, attitude and personality.


    Attitude is an enduring organization of motivational, emotional, perceptual and

    cognitive processes with respect to some aspect of our environment. Consumer

    form attitude towards a brand on the basis of their beliefs about the brand. For

    example, consumers of Sony products might have the belief that the products

    offered by Sony are durable; this will influence those customers to buy Sony

    products due to this attitude towards the brand.


    These include those aspects that are unique to a person and influence purchase

    behavior. These factors include demographic factors, lifestyle, and

    situational factors.


    Lifestyle is an indicator of how people live and express themselves on the basis

    of their activities, interests, and opinions. Lifestyle dimension provide a

    broader view of people about how they spend their time the importance of

    things in their surroundings and their beliefs on broad issues associated with

    life and living and themselves. This is influenced by demographic factors and


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    Consumer buying decision process is the processes undertaken by consumer

    in regard to a potential market transaction before, during and after the

    purchase of a product or service.

    Consumer decision making process generally involves fivestages-:

    Problem Recognition

    Purchase decision making process begins when a buyer becomes aware of an

    unsatisfied need or problem. This is the vital stage in buying decision process,

    because without recognizing the need or want, an individual would not seek to

    buy goods or service.

    There are several situations that can cause problem recognition, these include:

    Depletion of stock

    Dissatisfaction with goods in stock

    Environmental Changes

    Change in Financial Situation

    Marketer Initiated Activities


    Its when a person recognizes that she cannot make a call from her mobile

    phone thats when she recognizes that her phone has been damaged i.e. the

    phone has hardware problems and needs to be repaired or buying a new piece.

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    Information Search

    After the consumer has recognized the need, he / she will try to find the means

    to solve that need. First he will recall how he used to solve such kind of a

    problem in the past, this is called nominal decision making. Secondly, a

    consumer will try to solve the problem by asking a friend or goes to the market

    to seek advice for which product will best serve his need, this is called limited

    decision making.

    Sources ofinformation include:

    Personal sources

    Commercial Sources

    Public sources

    Personal experience


    The user of the phone after recognizing that her phone is damaged, she will

    eventually try to find out how she can repair her phone. If she cannot repair it

    herself she will ask a friend to help out, if the friend cannot solve the problem

    she will go to mobile repair shop, if they also cannot repair it then she will try

    to find which mobile phone is good and that can serve her need. In this process

    of information collection it will yield awareness of set of brands of mobile

    connections she can buy.

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    Consumers evaluates criteria refer to various dimension; features,

    characteristics and benefits that a consumer desires to solve a certain problem.

    Product features anditsbenefitis what influence consumer to prefer that

    particular product. The consumer will decide which product to buy a set of

    alternative products depending on each unique feature that the product offers

    and the benefit he / she can get out of that feature.


    When that user got enough information concerning the different brands of

    mobile connections available in the market, she will decide which kind of a

    mobile phone and brand shes going to buy depending upon her need for t hat

    particular mobile, either a mobile for multimedia and entertainment,

    Smartphone or classic phone.

    Purchase Action

    This stage involves selection of brand and the retail outlet to purchase such a

    product. Retail outlet image and its location are important. Consumer usually

    prefers a nearby retail outlet for minor shopping and they can willingly go to a

    far away store when they purchase items which are of higher values and

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    which involve higher sensitive purchase decision. After selecting where to buy

    and what to buy, the consumer completes the final step of transaction by either

    cash or credit.


    After selecting brand of the phone and model from different alternatives of

    mobile connections, she will make a final decision of where to buying that

    phone and make the final transaction procedures.

    Post-purchase Actions

    Consumer favorable post-purchase evaluation leads to satisfaction.

    Satisfaction with thepurchaseisbasically a function oftheinitial

    performancelevelexpectation andperceivedperformancerelativetothose

    expectations. Consumer tends to evaluate their wisdom on the purchase of that

    particular product. This can result to consumer experiencing

    post purchase dissatisfaction. If the consumers perceived performance level is

    below expectation and fail to meet satisfaction this will eventually cause

    dissatisfaction, and so the brand and/ or the outlet will not be considered by the

    consumer in the future purchases. This might cause the consumer to initiate

    complaint behavior and spread negative word-of-mouth concerning that

    particular product.

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    If she decided to buy a multimedia phone she will try to compare the quality of

    music it provides and pictures taken if they meet her expectations. If she will

    find that her expectation are meeting she will be satisfied, if she found that

    there are more additional features that she did not expect this mobile phone to

    have, she will be delighted, otherwise, she will be dissatisfied. Since my title is

    Consumerbehaviorduringtaking new mobileconnections, I need to do

    the survey of existing/new consumers of the service of different cellular service

    providers. Hence, my project is totally based on comparative analysis of

    different attributes shaping the consumer behavior during taking new mobile




    Our perception is an approximation of reality. Our brain attempts to make


    out of the stimuli to which we are exposed. This works well, for example, when

    we see a friend three hundred feet away at his or her correct height; however,

    our perception is sometimes offfor example, certain shapes of ice cream

    containers look like they contain more than rectangular ones with the same


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    Factorsin perception

    Several sequential factors influence our perception.Exposure involves the

    extent to which we encounter a stimulus. For example, we are exposed to

    numerous commercial messages while driving on the freeway: bill boards,

    radio advertisements, bumper-stickers on cars, and signs and banners placed at

    shopping malls that we pass. Most of this exposure is randomwe dont plan

    to seek it out. However, if we are shopping for a car, we may deliberately seek

    out advertisements and tune in when dealer advertisements come on the TV

    Exposure is not enough to significantly impact the individualat least not

    based on a single trial (certain advertisements, or commercial exposures such

    as the Reliance communication logo, are based on extensive repetition rather

    than 54 much conscious attention). In order for stimuli to be consciously

    processed, attention is needed. Attention is actually a matter of degreeour

    attention maybe quite high when we read directions for getting an income tax

    refund, but low when commercials come on during a television program. Note,

    however, that even when attention is low, it may be instantly escalatedfor

    example, if an advertisement for a product in which we are interested comes

    on. Webers Law suggests that consumers ability to detect changes in stimulus

    intensity appear to be strongly related to the intensity of that stimulus to begin

    with. Several factors influence the extent to which stimuli will be noticed. One

    obvious issue is relevance

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    Consumers, when they have a choice, are also more likely to attend to

    pleasantstimuli (but when the consumer cant escape, veryunpleasant stimuli

    are also likely to get attentionthus, many very irritating advertisements are

    remarkably effective). One of the most important factors, however, is

    repetition. Consumers often do not give much attention to a stimuli

    particularly a low priority one such as an advertisementat any one time, but

    if it is seen over and over again, the cumulative impact will be greater.

    Surprising stimuliare likely to get more attentionsurvival instinct requires

    us to give more attention to something unknown that may require action. A

    greatercontrast(difference between the stimulus and its surroundings) as well

    as 55 greaterprominence (e.g., greater size, center placement) also tend to

    increase likelihood of processing.Subliminal stimuliback in the 1960s, it was

    reported that on selected evenings, movie goers in a theater had been exposed

    to isolated frames with the words Drink Coca Cola and Eat Popcorn

    imbedded into the movie. These frames went by so fast that people did not

    consciously notice them, but it was reported that on nights with frames present,

    Coke and popcorn sales were significantly higher than on days they were left

    off. This led Congress to ban the use of subliminal advertising. First of all,

    there is a question as to whether this experiment ever took place or whether this

    information was simply made up. Secondly, no one has been able to replicate

    these findings. There is research to show that people will start to giggle with

    embarrassment when they are briefly exposed to dirty words in an

    experimental machine.

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    Consumer Grievances Redressal Mechanismin BSNL

    BSNL has a well structured and multilayered Public Grievances

    Redressal Mechanism including Dispute Resolution Mechanism. The Public

    Redressal setup in BSNL has been introduced right from the Corporate Office

    to SSA(Secondary Switching Area) levels. Subscribers having complaints or

    grievances can interact with the organization through the following for Public

    Grievance / Dispute settlements: -

    (i) Complaints are being booked on "198". This Toll Free Service of

    booking complaints are available in every telephone system.

    Grievances can be booked on "12727"(for Circle Office) or

    "1095" (for District Office). This special Toll Free Service has

    been introduced by BSNL for booking public grievances.

    (ii) In every office 'visiting hours' are prescribed where the

    subscribers having complaints or grievances can approach the

    officers of BSNL at various levels,

    (iii) Public Grievance Officers are available right from Corporate

    Office to SSA (Secondary Switching Area) level. The

    complainant can approach these officers in person or through

    written complaints or communicate through e-mail or contact on


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    (iv) Special attention is being given to holding meetings with consumer


    (v) Telephones Advisory Committees have been constituted,

    (vi) Senior Officers are available for public without prior appointment

    during a specified hours on working days.

    (vii) Customer Service Centre have been opened for


    II Open HouseSession:

    Complaints/suggestions of general nature as regard to

    improving the telecom services in the area are discussed in the Open

    House Sessions. The basic idea of conducting such Open House

    Sessions is to establish direct channels of communications with our

    customers and also to enable the telecom staff to appreciate and evaluate

    the customers difficulties and complaints from their point of view. A

    press notification is issued in leading newspaper to hold the Open

    House Session for inviting customers to attend and submit their

    suggestions/grievances. Subscribers are invited in a public hall. The

    session is presided over by Senior Officers i.e. Area GM/Area Manager.

    Customers are requested to place general grievances which are

    recorded. Replies are given on the spot. In few cases, which cannot be

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    settled on the spot a time frame is given. Efforts are made to settle the

    case within the given time frame. Written reply is sent to the customers.

    III. Telephone Adalats:

    Subscribers whose grievances remained unsettled are invited to

    make petitions for redressal of their grievances in Telephone Adalats.

    SSA(Secondary Switching Area) Level Telephone Adalats are being

    conducted on bimonthly periodicity and Circle level Telephone

    Adalats are being conducted once in three months.

    Customers are asked to give their grievances in writing with all

    supporting documents within stipulated period to District Complaint

    Officer (DCO). The concerned office to whom the case relates

    examines the case received by DCO and settles the case. A speaking

    order settling the case is communicated to the customers. For unsettled

    cases, a date is fixed for holding the Telephone Adalat. The customers

    are invited to attend the Telephone Adalat. The Adalat is presided

    over by General Manager of the area. The concerned officers of the

    Department are also called to be present in the Adalat. The full details

    of the case is presented to the presiding officer. The order of the

    presiding officer is communicated in the Adalat after hearing the

    arguments from both the parties.

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    Appellate Jurisdiction of Telephone Adalats:

    Circle level adalats headed by CGMs can consider the cases

    of the appeals against the decisions of the adalats chaired by SSA

    Heads. Adalats headed by SSA Heads can consider cases of excess

    billing which have been rejected by them as administrative heads of


    IV. Telecom consumers Protection and Regulation of Grievances [TRAI

    Regulation, 2007(3 of 2007)] . BSNL ensures prompt rectification

    of any fault or complaint booked through its extensive grass root

    level online fault restoration system (FRS). However, in case you

    still have your problem unsolved timely, BSNL has implemented a

    three tier consumer grievance redressal mechanism comprising of

    call centres for various services, nodal officers at SSA and Circle

    level and an appellate authority for deciding cases that the consumers

    may wish to appeal against. As a first step, you may contact our Call

    Centre on toll free helpline numbers given below.

    y For basic services including broadband services:1500 (toll free


    y For GSM Mobile services: 9400024365 (toll free number).

    y For Broadband &Internet services:1800-424-1600 (toll free


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    y For MPLS & Other Data services: 1800-425-1957 (toll free


    1. Procedure for handlinggrievancesby Call Centres.

    The Call Centres, immediately on receipt of your complaint:

    (a) Shall register such complaint by allotting a unique identification number to

    be called the docket number;

    (b) Communicate, at the time of lodging the complaint, the unique

    identification number to be called docket number, date and time of registration

    of the complaint, to you;

    (c) Record details in respect of such complaint;

    (d) Intimate you

    (i) Through telephone or other electronic means or any other means; and

    (ii) Within the time limit specified the action taken on your complaint;


    (e) give you contact details of the Nodal Officer (including his name,

    telephone number and address) in case you are not satisfied with the redressal

    of your grievance or when requested by you.

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    1.1 Time limit for redressal of grievance of consumers by Call


    (1) Unless specified elsewhere, all complaints relating to fault or disruption of

    service or disconnection of service shall be redressed within three days from

    the date of registration of complaint;

    (2) Unless specified elsewhere, all other complaints shall be redressed within

    seven days from the date of registration of complaint;

    (3) where lesser time limit has been specified by any other law for the time

    being in force or other regulations of TRAI or DOT or by BSNL for redressal

    of grievance, the Call Centres shall redress the grievances of the consumer

    within such specified time.

    In case you are not satisfied with the redressal of your grievance at the Call

    Centre level or in case the Call Centre within the above time limit does not

    attend to the complaint, you may approach the Nodal Officer for redressal of

    your grievance.

    2. Redressal of Consumer Grievances by Nodal Officers.

    You may approach, by a letter in writing, or through telephone, or web based

    online filing of complaints or through short message service or through other

    electronic means and any other means, the Nodal Officer of the concerned SSA

    of the Circle/District for redressal of your grievance.

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    In emergent situation, one can approach at the first instance itself a Nodal

    Officer instead of a Call Centre and the Nodal Officer shall redress the


    2.1 Handling of grievances of consumers by Nodal Officers.

    The Nodal Officer shall be accessible to the consumers at the address made

    available by the public notice and telephone bills, as referred to above register

    every complaint lodged by the consumers;

    1. communicate, within three days from date of the receipt of the

    complaint, the unique complaint number to the consumer;

    2. after taking the remedial measure for redressal of the grievance or

    decision thereon, intimate, within the time limit specified as below the

    remedial measure or decision taken, to the consumer.

    2.2 Time limit for redressal of complaints by Nodal Officer.

    The Nodal Officer shall redress the complaints of the consumer within ten days

    of the registration of the complaint, provided that complaints relating to fault or

    disruption of service or disconnection of service shall be redressed within three

    days from the date of registration of complaint.In case the consumer is still not

    satisfied with the redressal of his grievance by the Nodal Officer or in case his

    complaint is not redressed by the Nodal Officer within the time limit specified

    or no reply is received regarding resolution of the complaint from Nodal

    Officer, he may appeal to the appellate authority for redressal of his grievance.

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    Please Usethe following formto find outthe Nodal PG Officer

    in yourSSA/ Circle

    3. Appeal to appellate authority for redressal of consumer


    (1) In case a consumer is not satisfied with the redressal of his grievance by the

    Nodal Officer, or his complaint remains to be redressed or no reply is received

    within the period of ten days of the registration of the complaint by the Nodal

    Officer or three days of the registration of complaint by the Nodal Officer

    relating to fault or disruption of service or disconnection such consumer may,

    in writing, make an appeal to the appellate authority of the concerned Circle.

    (2) Every appeal to the appellate authority under sub-para (1) shall be made in

    duplicate, in this Form.

    (3) Every appeal under sub-para (1) shall be filed within three months after the

    expiry of the time limit specified in within the period of ten days of the

    registration of the complaint by the Nodal Officer or three days of the

    registration of complaint by the Nodal Officer relating to fault or disruption of

    service or disconnection:

    Provided that the appellate authority may entertain any appeal after the expiry

    of the said period of three months but before one year from the time limit of ten

    days of the registration of the complaint by the Nodal Officer or three days of

    the registration of complaint by the Nodal Officer relating to fault or disruption

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    of service or disconnection if it is satisfied that there was sufficient cause for

    not filing it within that period.

    (4) Every Telecom Circle/Telephone District shall make available to the

    consumer the Form of appeal free of charge:

    (a) At its every office and sales outlets, and at every office of the Nodal Officer

    and the appellate authority;

    (b) At its website for download by consumers.

    3.1 Disposal of appealby appellate authority.

    (1) The appellate authority shall ensure uniformity in the procedure for

    deciding appeals and comply with the provisions contained in succeeding


    (2) The secretariat of the appellate authority shall:-

    (a) Register every appeal immediately on receipt of the same and send, within

    three days of receipt of the appeal, an acknowledgement to the appellant

    indicating the serial number of the appeal registered;

    (b) Forward, within six days from the date of receipt of an appeal, a copy of the

    appeal to the concerned Section of the Circle office and/or the concerned SSA

    head and/or the concerned Nodal Officer;

    (3) The concerned Section of the Circle office and/or the concerned SSA head

    and/or the concerned Nodal Officer, shall, within fifteen days from the date of

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    receipt of the appeal forwarded by the Secretariat of the Appellate Authority

    file in writing its reply;

    (4) In case the concerned Section of the Circle office and/or the concerned SSA

    head and/or the concerned Nodal Officer fails to file its reply within the period

    specified the appellate authority shall proceed on the basis of the material

    available on record;

    (5) The appellate authority may call for, any information, document or record,

    from the concerned Section of the Circle office and/or the concerned SSA head

    and/or the concerned Nodal Officer or the appellant, which may be relevant

    and necessary for examination and disposal of the appeal, as the case may be;

    (6) The concerned Section of the Circle office and/or the concerned SSA head

    and/or the concerned Nodal Officer and the appellant, shall provide such

    information, document or record as the appellate authority may call for;

    Provided also that in case a party to the case fails to furnish such information,

    document or record, the appellate authority, on being satisfied that the party in

    possession of the record is withholding it, it may decide the appeal after

    appraising the material available on record and decide the appeal to the best of

    its judgment on merits.

    (7) The appellate authority shall, on receipt of the reply from concerned

    Section of the Circle office and/or the concerned SSA head and/or the

    concerned Nodal Officer and on the basis of information, document or record

    under the para above from and after conducting such inquiry as the appellate

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    authority may consider necessary, and after affording reasonable opportunity of

    hearing to the parties, dispose of the appeal by passing an order in writing and

    stating therein the points for determination, the decision thereon and the

    reasons for the decision;

    (8) The appellant, being consumer, may, either appear in person or authorize

    any of his representative to present his case or send his representation with a

    request to dispose of the appeal, without being present in person;

    (9) The concerned Section of the Circle office and/or the concerned SSA head

    and/or the concerned Nodal Officer may authorize one or more of its officers or

    employees to present its case;

    Provided that in case the service provider fails to present its case before the

    appellate authority on the date fixed for hearing, the appellate authority may

    proceed ex-parte and decide the appeal on merits.

    (10) The appellate authority shall decide every appeal within three months

    from the date of filing the appeal and pass order in accordance with the

    provisions of sub para-7 above;

    (11) The order of the appellate authority shall be communicated in writing

    within seven days of the order to the appellant and the concerned Section of the

    Circle office and/or the concerned SSA head and/or the concerned Nodal


    (12) The concerned Section of the Circle office and/or the concerned SSA head

    and/or the concerned Nodal Officer shall, within fifteen days from the date of

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    receipt of the order referred to above, comply with the order of the appellate

    authority and report immediately compliance thereof to the appellate authority;

    (13) The appellate authority may decide any appeal with the consent between

    the parties at any stage of the proceedings and such appeal shall be treated as

    decided with the mutual consent.

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    BSNL is the largest telecom operator in India and is known to everybody for

    Basic Telephony Services for over 100 years. Presently the Plain old,

    Countrywide telephone service is being provided through 32,000 electronic

    exchanges, 326 Digital Trunk Automatic Exchanges(TAX), Digitalized Public

    Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) all interlinked by over 2.4 lakh km of

    Optical Fiber Cable, with a host of Phone Plus value additions to our valued

    Customers. BSNL's telephony network expands throughout the vast expanses

    of the country reaching to the remotest part of the country.

    With the aid of state-of-the-art digital exchanges, BSNL offers you a host of

    phone plus services, converting your old basic telephones to a sophisticated

    tool which can be used for a variety of applications.

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    Allthe Phone Plus facilities are available free ofcost with effect from

    January 22nd, 2003.

    Call Waiting

    This facility lets you receive incoming calls even when your telephone is busy.

    You will get a short duration pip-pip tone when you are busy talking ,

    indicating that another call is waiting for you , provided you have activated this

    facility. You can talk to any one of the callers keeping the other waiting.

    Complete secrecy of communication between the two callers is maintained.

    Abbreviated Dialing

    You may be calling a few people very frequently. It is possible to program

    these numbers as abbreviated codes of 1 or 2 digits. A maximum of 20

    numbers can be programmed for abbreviated dialing. It is ideal for STD/ISD.

    Hot Line

    You may want to be connected directly to a pre-determined number as soon as

    you lift the hand set even without dialing. At the same time you may want to

    have the flexibility to dial any other number of your choice. It is possible to

    have this facility in the digital exchanges by the delayed hotline feature. The

    number of your choice can be programmed by the exchange staff at your

    request. After doing so if you lift the telephone and do not dial within 5

    seconds , you will be automatically connected to the programmed number.

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    However if you start dialing with in 5 seconds , you can make an outgoing call

    as usual.

    Call Transfer (Call Forward)

    Useful for very mobile persons who may not want to miss incoming calls.

    Using this facility Calls can be forwarded to another telephone number

    designated by you

    Automatic Wake-Up/Reminder CallService

    When you want to be given reminder at a specific time, all you have to do is to

    call the exchange and leave the time you want to be reminded. The facility

    allows you to initiate a call automatically by the exchange at a fixed time

    specified by the user of the telephone.

    Calling Line Identification (CLI) AnnouncementService Dial 164 and

    listen to the number of the phone line that you have used to make the call. Very

    useful when in doubt about your phone number

    New Telephone Connections

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    Temporary Connections :

    Temporary Connections are provided for short period for emergency

    requirements of purely temporary nature. Temporary connections are to be

    provided for a maximum period of 3 months at a time in the case of private

    individuals and 6 months at a time in the case of Government Offices. The

    charges for the entire period along with security deposit, installation

    charges and rentals will be collected in advance. No waiting list is

    maintained for this category.

    Casual Connections :

    Casual connections are provided to applicants for social/religious functions,

    marriages, exhibitions etc., for a period not exceeding 30 days.

    Permanent Connections:

    These are for the long term uses.

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    India's fastest growing cellular service , along with postpaid and prepaid

    services brings cellular telephony to the masses, through innovative technology

    and strategic pricing.

    This ambitious service uses state-of-the-art GSM technology to attain global

    excellence and leadership in business. Our entry into this sector has brought

    GSM cellular service at an affordable cost to the common man. All serving a

    single objective, to providebettercommunication to millions across India.

    Customers have reposed tremendous faith in BSNL and it has enrolled over 30

    Lakh Cellular customers within ten months of launch of Cellular service, an

    unprecedented mark in Indian Cellular Market.


    BSNL Mobile offers you a host of value added services and unmatched

    features not found in any other Cellular service

    As a proud subscriber of BSNL Mobile service you will stay in touch with your

    nears and dears any where in India because BSNL Mobile is the only Cellular

  • 8/6/2019 Bsnl Report BY ANUP SINGH



    service which is available in all major cities and covers all major highways.

    BSNL Mobile gives you all India roaming facility (including Delhi and

    Mumbai) and International roaming facility to more than 300 networks across

    the world.


    BSNL Mobile prepaid service offers you a host of value added services and

    unmatched features not found in any other Cellular service. All India roaming

    facility is also available on BSNL mobile prepaid service.

    Initial activation charges for Prepaid Mobile is only Rs. 200/- and free talk

    value of Rs. 50/- is given to all subscribers.

    BSNL Mobile Pre paid cards are available in the denominations of Rs. 70,150,

    300, Rs. 500, Rs. 1000 and Rs. 2000 validity period of which are 7,15, 30, 45,

    120 and 180 days respectively.

    A host ofvalue addedservices are also available at very economical charges:

    Voice Mail Service

    Short Message Service (SMS)

    All India Roaming

    Call Forwarding(within same Service Area)

    Call Conferencing

    Call Waiting and Call holding facility

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    Wirelessin Local Loop (WLL) Mobile Telephone Connections

    BSNL WLL-M is a communication system that connects customers to the

    The BSNL Land line network using radio frequency signals instead of

    conventional copper wires, for the full or part connection between the

    subscriber and the exchange This comes with superior voice quality and high

    speed data capabilities. CDMA is popular with more than 100 million

    subscribers worldwide, and the number keeps on increasing exponentially.

    Terminal Type: Hand Held Terminal.

    y Serviceusing Hand Held Terminal (WLL-M service)

    In this case, subscriber can carry a small handset of CDMA technology. There

    is no antenna or any other equipment at subscribers premises.

    y Why Choose BSNL'S BSNL WLL CDMA Mobile

    BSNL's WLL BSNL WLL service is the most reliable and affordable

    service giving you the best of both fixed line telephony & Mobile

    telephony. It offers host of value added services at virtually no cost to

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    our esteemed subscribers. Customer may get the handset by paying

    premium approx. Rs. 20/- per month only for the comprehensive policy

    taken for the cost of handset.


    BSNL WLL-M offers you a host of value-added services:

    Voice-mailservice: 24 hour personal call answering service

    Call waiting: allows you to receive an incoming call while already

    engaged in one call

    Call hold: allows you to put a current call on hold and make a second


    Calldivert: allows you to divert calls within your SDCA

    3-waycallconferencing: allows a conference between 3 persons

    from your mobile handset.

    CLIP (Caller Line Identification Presentation): enables you to view the

    number of the calling person when you receive a call

    CLIR(Call Line Identification Restriction): enables you to block

    presentation of your own number on a called person's phone

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    BSNL is India's no. 1 Internetservice

    provider with morethan 17 lakh

    subscribers, providing Internet service

    throughout the entire country (except in

    New Delhi and Mumbai) under the brand

    name of "Sancharnet". Sancharnet provides free all India roaming and enables

    it's users to access their accounts, using the same access code (172233) and

    user ID from any where in the Country. In order to make Internet available

    through out the length and breadth of the Country Internet Dhabas are being

    commissioned at all the Block Headquarters. BSNL has also started DIAS and

    Account free internet access (CLI based) facility on few select cities recently.

    BSNL haslaunched "SANCHARNET CARD" recently. The Sancharnet

    Card" is a prepaid Internet Access Card with following features for


    y Self-register for internet access with your choice of userid

    y Renew your existing Sancharnet Account

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    y Wide Range of Internet Access Packages

    y Web-HostingServiceis also provided by the BSNL. It allows

    customers to host their static or dynamic web-sites on BSNL servers.

    Web hosting service provides basic features like Web-space (Data

    Storage) on servers for hosting HTML pages with browser supported

    MIME types, Primary or Secondary Domain Name Hosting, Server

    Side Scripting: Perl, Java Servlets, JSP, Database Access( MySQL),

    Email Access and Web-email, Multiple Email IDs as per the plan, Ftp

    access for uploading and downloading pages as per the plan, Continuous

    usage billing for Web, Messaging and FTP etc.

    y Web Co-location Service: BSNL provides Internet services to the

    customers located in about 450 locations. Web Co-location is an easy

    and cost effective solution to house a company's powerful infrastructure

    without losing the administrative control on the equipments. Web Co-

    location eliminates much of the Infrastructure costs as well as the

    maintenance cost of such equipments apart from avoiding the last mile

    problems. Web Co-location enables customers equipment/ Servers to

    be treated as a part and parcel of the ISP network enjoying all the

    facilities as the ISP servers.

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    BSNL is in the process of commissioning of a world class, multi-gigabit, multi-

    protocol, convergent IP infrastructure through National Internet Backbone-II (NIB-II),

    that will provide convergent services through the same backbone and broadband

    access network. The Broadband service will be available on DSL technology (on the

    same copper cable that is used for connecting telephone), on a countrywide basis

    spanning 198 cities.

    In terms of infrastructure for broadband services NIB-II would put India at par with

    more advanced nations. The services that would be supported includes always-on

    broadband access to the Internet for residential and business customers, Content based

    services, Video multicasting, Video-on-demand and Interactive gaming, Audio and

    Video conferencing, IP Telephony, Distance learning, Messaging: plain and feature

    rich, Multi-site MPLS VPNs with Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees. The subscribe

    will be able to access the above services through Subscriber Service Selection System

    (SSSS) portal.

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    Key Objectives

    y To provide high speed Internet connectivity (upto 8 Mbps)

    y To provide Virtual Private Network (VPN) service to the broadband


    y To provide dial VPN service to MPLS VPN customers.

    y To provide multicast video services, video-on-demand, etc. through the

    Broadband Remote Access Server (BRAS).

    y To provide a means to bill for the aforesaid services by either time-based or

    volume-based billing. It shall provide the customer with the option to select

    the services through web server

    y To provide both pre-paid and post paid broadband services

    Technical Capability of the Backbone

    The Broadband Service will be given through the state of the art Multi Protocol

    Label Switching (MPLS) based IP Infrastructure, which is designed to provide

    reliable routes to cover all possible destinations within and outside the country.

    Layer 1 of the network will consist of a high speed Backbone comprising of 24

    powerful Core Routers connected with high speed 2.5 Gbps(STM-16) links. The

    routers are located on the national DWDM network interfacing at STM-16 optical

    level to provide for high transmission speeds.

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    What advantage does MPLS have over other Technologies?

    MPLS VPN is a technology that allows a service provider like BSNL to have

    complete control over parameters that are critical to offering its customers service

    guarantees with regard to bandwidth throughputs, latencies and availability.

    Services available through Broadband

    y High speed Internet Access: This is the always-on Internet access service

    with speed ranging from 256 kbps to 8 Mbps.

    y Multicasting: This is to provide video multicast services for application in

    distance education, telemedicine etc

    y Dial VPN Service: This service allows remote users to access their private

    network securely over the NIB-II infrastructure.

    y Video and Audio Conferencing:

    y Content based Services: Like Video on Demand, Interactive Gaming, Live

    and time shifted TV

    Whatthecustomer needsin orderto be ableto use Broadband?

    y BSNL's Bfone (Basic phone) connection

    y Personel Computer with 10/100 Ethernet Port

    y ADSL CPE (Customer Premise Equipment). This can be taken from

    BSNL at nominal rental per month.

    When istheservicebeinglaunched

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    The B Servi e has been launched in Bangal re, Chennai, Hyderabad

    and Kol ata from 14th January 2005. Soon, it will be extended to more than 200


    Does BS L provi e PC for broadband access

    BSNL has tied up with HCL Infosystems Ltd. to launch the

    BSNL HCL PC forBSNL broadband customers in the country.

    For further details about pricing and configuration please

    How do I appl for a BS L broadband connection

    For applying a broadband connection you may download the form from this page

    and submitthe same at your nearestBSNL Customer Service Center. You may also

    apply online by

    Web Hosting Services

    Anything and Everything on the Net is the culture ofthe day. It has become

    essentialto keep the information aboutthe organi ation and selfin the cyberspace.

    Web hostingis a service that allows users to post Web pages to the Internet. It

    allows users to publish their own information resources to any Internet user

    interested in accessing them. Itis a business that provides the technologies and

    services needed for web sites to be viewed on the web.

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    Web hostingutilizes the server/client model to distribute content. A web

    hostingprovider will offer its clients access to a web server that will push the

    clients content to recipients on request. Recipients use web browsers to request

    content from the Web over their own Internet connection. BSNL provides the web

    hosting server and other technical resources that are required to provide a consumer

    with their own customized Web site.

    Web hosting services are more advantageous because they are outsourced,

    meaning that the physical location of the web server does not reside at the

    consumers premises. By outsourcing the Web, the customer effectively transfers

    responsibility for maintaining his website to BSNL and obtain access to world-

    class capabilities to control IT functions. The administrative control of the website

    remains with the customer, though the website is in the BSNL server. Generally,

    Web hosting does not include authoring of a Web site or the development of

    database-driven components or code. It is incumbent upon the consumer ofWeb

    hostingservices to develop this material or have it developed on his or her behalf.

    Web hosting is offered to the consumer in multiple formats based upon the

    users requirements. These requirements are incumbent upon cost and

    infrastructure provided.

    The Web Hosting Services of BSNL has been launched and are being

    hosted presently through web servers located at New Delhi and Bangalore. The

    number of sites will increase based on the demand and the requirement of the

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    customers of the country. By hosting their pages through the Web servers of BSNL

    the customer can save lot of access time. As the server is available within the safe

    hands of BSNL any modifications required by the customer can be done

    immediately to suit the requirements.

    The following are the salient features:

    y Domain name hosting

    y Web Publishing : HTML pages with Browser supported MIME


    y Server side scripting: Perl. Java Servlets , JSP

    y Web Server: Apache, Tomcat.

    y Data base : MYSQL

    y SMTP (Exim) and POP3 (apop3d) service for each domain

    y Multiple e-mail ids per domain with flexible mail quota possible

    y FTP access for uploading /downloading files

    y Centralized authentication for SMTP, POP3,FTP and for


    y Multiple Web HostingPlans to choose

    y Multi user Admin-Administration Console for the management

    of services & usage reports.

    y Multi User User Administration Console for limited

    management of services and usage reports

    y Data Transfer quota Exceeded Message Display.

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    y No hard limit on quota

    y Round the clock Technical report support through Help Desk



    Wi-Fi Services have been introduced for providing high speed internet access

    at convenient public locations hereunder called as Hot Spots. Installation of

    Hot Spots is already under process at various cities/ locations.

    BSNL Managed NetworkServices

    BSNL Managed Network Services is a fully managed Secured Data services,

    providing a truly one-stop and a complete experience that significantly reduces

    risks and complexities involved in implementing and maintaining a robust IP

    network. It brings together all of a business' communications needs in an

    integrated offering. With the promise of an integrated platform with one-stop

    convenience and fullymanagedexperience, BSNL Managed Network

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    Services is an All-in-One comprehensive bundle of hardware, connectivity

    packages and managed services. It is a solution that simply, affordably and

    reliably supports your business.

    ComprehensiveService Package:

    The "One-Stop" promise delivered by BSNL Managed Network Services is

    beyond technical integration of the best -in-breed network and hardware setup.

    It offers truly executable technical and business propositions for your business


    y No CAPEX

    y No risk of technical obsolescence

    y Scalable according to changing business needs

    y One helpdesk number to call for troubleshooting and fault resolution.

    y Integrated customer report (Web Based) giving you a complete view of

    your network

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    To ensure one stop solution for all connectivity needs, better manageability and

    accountability, BSNL offers Managed Network Services which includes

    Enterprise Broadband, Internet and MPLS VPN connectivity as completely

    managed offering. With an integrated service option, you would enjoy benefit

    of an SLA backed network services with convenience of being supported by

    single helpdesk number for your network connectivity, hardware related issues.

    Other benefits include:

    y End-to-end Turn key Implementation (including CPE)

    y Proactive management through state of the art NoC

    y Periodic reporting facilitating trend analysis

    y Capability to provide VPN connectivity from any part of the country.

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    ISDN Has emerged as a powerful tool worldwide for provisioning of

    different services like voice, data and image transmission over the telephone

    line through the telephone network. ISDN is being viewed as the logical

    extension of the digitalization of telecommunication network and most

    developed countries are in different stages of implementing ISDN.

    An ISDN subscriber can establish two

    simultaneous independent calls (except when the

    terminal equipment is such that it occupies two

    'B' channels for one call itself like in video conferencing etc. ) on existing pair

    of wires of the telephone line (Basic rate ISDN) where as only one call is

    possible at present on the analog line /telephone connection. The two

    simultaneous calls in ISDN can be of any type like speech, data, image etc.

    The call setup time for a call between two ISDN subscribers is very short, of

    the order of 1 to 2 seconds. ISDN also supports a whole new set of additional

    facilities, called Supplementary Services.

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    The ISDN subscriber will have full connectivity, nationally, to other analog

    telephone subscribers. At present ISDN services are available to and from

    India for the following countries:

    o Australia

    o Austria Belgium

    o Canada

    o Denmark

    o France

    o Germany

    o Ireland

    o Italy

    o Israel

    o Japan

    o Malaysia

    o Netherland

    o Norway

    o Phillipines

    o Singapore

    o Switzerland

    o Thailand

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    o U.A.E

    o United Kingdom

    o U.S.A

    Services Offered By ISDN

    Normal Telephone & Fax (G3)

    Digital Telephone -with a facility to identify the calling subscriber number

    and other facilities.

    G4 Fax

    Data Transmission at 64 Kbps with ISDN controller card

    Video Conferencing at 128 Kbps

    Video Conferencing at 384 Kbps (Possible with 3 ISDN lines)


    Variety ofsupplementaryServicessupportedby ISDN.

    o Calling Line Identification Presentation(CLIP)

    o Calling Line Identification Restriction(CLIR)

    o Multiple Subscriber Number(MSN)

    o Terminal Portability(TP)

    o Call Hold(CH)

    o Call Waiting(CW)

    o User to User Signaling (UUSI)

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    transmit data between computer and electronic information devices, BSNL

    provides data communication services to its subscribers. It offers a choice of

    high, medium and low speed leased data circuits as well as dial-up lines.

    Bandwidth is available on demand in most of the cities. Managed leased Line

    Network (MLLN) offers flexibility of providing circuits with speeds of n x 64

    Kbps up to 2 Mbps. Useful for internet leased lines and international principle

    Leased Lines (IPLCs).

    For dedicated point to point speech, private wire, tele-printer and data circuits

    are given on lease basis. Leased circuits are provided to subscribers for

    internal communication between their offices/factories at various sites within a

    city/town or different cities/town on point to point basis, or on a network basis

    interconnecting the various sites.

    Managed Leased LineService(MLLN): The MLLN is a Managed Leased

    Line Network system which is proposed to provide Leased line connectivity.

    The State-of-the-art technology equipment MLLN is designed mainly for

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    having effective control, monitor on the leased line so that the down time is

    very much minimised. Details>>


    Speech Circuits (Hot Line or Private Wire) - Local or Long distance

    circuits within two locations in a city or between two different cities provided

    for the same applicant. The Terminating equipment at both ends is telephone

    without dialing facility. Both way signaling and speech is possible.

    Data Circuits - Local or Long distance data circuits at different speeds viz.

    nx64 kbps and 2 mbps. Data Circuits are of different types:

    Pointto Point Data Circuits - Local and Long Distance

    Private Data Network- More than one Local or Long Distance leased circuits

    converging on a location such that data from one leased circuit can be

    transferred automatically to another leased circuit for the same subscriber.

    Closed User Group - Leased circuits can be used by more than one legal entity

    if they form closed user group. The following categories of user groups

    constitute closed user groups for the purpose of licensing Private Telecom


    1. Producer of goods and his whole -sale traders /agents.

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    2. Provider of service (not being a telecommunication service) and his

    whole-sale traders/agents.

    3. Producers of same categories of goods.

    4. Providers of the same category of service.

    5. Holding company and its subsidiaries.

    6. Interconnected undertakings.

    7. Companies under the same management

    8. Travel agents issuing tickets on the member airlines, whose network

    they use including the network of a group of member airlines.

    9. Computerized Reservations System (CRS) service providers owned by


    10.Shared networks of banks for use of Automatic Teller Machines

    (ATMs), Electronic Points of Sale(EPOS)/credit authorization terminals.

    11.Financial institutions registered primarily to deal in securities and their


    12.Financial institutions registered as Mutual funds and their agents.

    13.Financial institutions which are registered as depositories and their


    14.Other non-banking financial institutions.

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    Recognizing the rising expectations and requirements of the customers, BSNL

    endeavors to harness the rewards of telecom revolution. Towards this, we have

    redefined the term 'telecom service' by introducing value added services in the

    form of intelligent network.

    This technology makes possible, time and cost effective services, optimized

    solutions, meeting the exact needs of the customers, in additional business for


    How it works?

    Intelligent Network provides a framework to create various services in a

    centralized place independent of the switch. In IN, calls generated by a

    subscribers are routed (Circuit Switched) to the nearest Service Switching

    Points, which in turn , consults, the Service Control Points (SCP) on high speed

    CCS 7 links to get the necessary information for further routing of the call. IN

    Services can be used by subscriber connected to any type of exchange using

    existing telephones.

    Services Offered

    Free-phone Service - Call charges paid by the called person. Ideal for service

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    and Tourism industry.

    Premium Rate Service - A great tool for professionals to sell priced

    information/consultation on phone.

    Indian Telephone Card - A pre-paid facility for making local,STD or ISD calls

    from any telephone.

    Virtual Private Network - Normal telephones programmed to work as cheaper

    and flexible - nationwide - private network.

    Voice Virtual Private Network - The Voice VPN service enables the

    subscribers to establish a private network using public network resources.

    Universal Number - A unique number nationwide.

    Universal Personal Number - A unique personal number nationwide.

    Tele voting - for conducting opinion polls and surveys using BSNL netwo rk.

    Account calling Card - For those who want to have a permanent account with

    BSNL can make use of this service. This is similar to India Telephone Card.

    FREE PHONE (FPH)SERVICE This service is an ideal business promotion

    tool for business communities who want their customers to call them free cost.

    Totally customer oriented organizations can provide information about their

    products, allow customers to place orders or even register their

    complaints/suggestions and offer assistance to customers without the user

    getting charges.

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