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BT001 Sales Collateral

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Jasons Travel Media Ltd POBox 9390, Newmarket, Auckland1149, New Zealand phone+64 99128400 fax +649 9128401 email sales@jasons.com accommodation | conferences | event venues new zealand accommodation directory 2009 Business traveLLer Business traveLLer > Smt cotmoy sig > Stog ocus o covtio mtig vus > Tgt istibutio i omstic iots tioi > excusiv istibutio though n z Kou lougs Syy/Bisb/Mbou Kou lougs > Commissio- oi bookigs Print Print only doub g h g tmt $4900 180mm x 253mm i Fu g h g tmt $3340 180mm x 114mm i H g h g tmt $2380 87mm x 114mm i H g tmt $1490 lOGO - suy t 300i iCMYK IMaGe - suy t 300i iCMYK Busiss Svics sci istig $450 Foo-ccommotiocitstgtigbusiss tvs Uto 60 os us 1 imgmximum si38mm x 38mm ntio u g (o tmt) $3340 200mm x 135mm i(us 5mm bch g) addITIOnal prInT ITeMS: pit cmt us 25% Jass Bsss ta Ada D A ps d GSt. A as a -ss bag weB liStinGS (Per Annum) weB only pictoi istig i "Busiss accommotio" $795 150 oscitioith ymic mocto U to ou imgs • Busiss Tvmitis list wbsit ik ik to book ig gi lv 3 sch kig po istig i "Busiss accommotio" $1395 150 oscitioith ymic mocto U to ight imgs us sisho Vio istig (cit-sui vio) • Busiss Tv mitis list wbsit ik ik to book ig gi lv 2 sch kig Commissio-F oi Bookig Fciity Istt Commissio-Fbookigs oJsos.co m hoiygui.co. - U to 25 ooms $300 - 25 ooms us $450 duict istig i oth io ctgois (g Hots, Mots) $155  Vitu Vio $390 dymic uio visu activity Bookig Gi $300 weB ‘SUper prOFIle’ OpTIOnS (per 3 MOnTHS): Ftus Hot ds rottig tuo you oty o Hot d us v 1 kig - Fot pgs & Couty p gs $1200 - rgio & loc pgs $350 Jsos exo! e-tt tubo-chg otio pof you Hot d to Jsos exo! subscibs (Hot d so sty) $550 10% cobo discout applis to prit & wb listig cobiatio bookigs 5% additioal discout for payt at ti of cotract advertising ratecard 2009 PuBlicAtion SPeciicAtionS 2009 eDition prInT CIrCUlaTIOn 55,000 cois (miimum). deadlIneS FOr 2009 edITIOn Sc: 12 dcmb 2008 Coy: 10 ys om cotct t. paYMenT OpTIOnS STandard TerMS: 25% osit ith bcu imoth o ubictio. FleXI-plan: py six qu mothy istmts vi utomtic ymt o ict bit; commcig 20th o thmoth ooig cotct sigig. CaSH dISCOUnT: py u mout by csh, cit c o chqu t oit o sigig civ uth 5% iscout om cotct t. prInT pUBlISHInG deTaIlS pubishuy. Coy o istigs is tyst to th ubish’s stomt. Fooicy/houssty visit .jsos.com/vtisig . Cov it o 250gsm goss t stock; txt it o 90gsm goss t stock. pitshto, ct bouto 135mm ito 200mm . prInT pUBlICaTIOn daTe 20 Mch 2009. prOOF FOrMS a vtismts oo oc t o chg. a chg o $50 i y to ch itio oo. SUpplIed arT Isuyigtschckith ououctio tmtoscifctiosovisit.jso s.com/ vtis ig. weB lISTInGS pUBlICaTIOn daTe pubictio commcs 20 Mch 2009. listigs vib io to 1 Mch t o-t mothy cost. ABout JASonS Jsos is th gst tv ubish i nz, austi th South pcifc ith 76 it guis oucuy 130,000+ b gs costty big ut. Jsos is nzobusiss tht hs ovimktig svics to th touism iusty o th st 41 ys. Th comy is ubicy isto th nzStock exchg nzaX Bo. Jsos hs o umous n z Touism as is th oy mjo tv ubish to hv its it u, cicutiooictivity it y uit. JASonS SeArch PAGeS rAnkinGS us s gd d sg a a* sa ss pags: lv O Cits ith activ Hot ds o Ftus lv To Cits ith po listigs lv Th Cits ith pictoi listigs *rvtsch gs us-schgs thtmtch th cit’ s octio ty ofoty. nots: withi ch kig v,otis omy. Ussc choosto -k thisch istigshbticy oby goghicgio, thich oitth bovkigsi oty. t b s apd as pa as a a sa . Jass as, h Das, ad -s a pag p ads b. us ga a sa Jass ag ad gg b af. turBo-cHarge Your WeB Listing! ront PAGe eAtureS AnD hot DeAlS Sad ps ass . es sg s --d ad --s. • You otts though th Jsos n z couty g, though th ogoig n z ftu o th Jsos.com oi hom g. Ths gs th to stt of y bsit. If you hv sci hot off fo Jsos uss, you c hv 150 o scitio of tht to you gu istig. • You i civ mothy mi ots tiig vis cicks o you ftu.  PluS a p ag a a ad ga sa pags pd a. reGionAl PAGe eAtureS & hot DeAlS Sad ps ass g. w pp a dg bsss , a s s s. • You otts though th to gio g s h you oty is oct. wb uss c cick stight though to you istig. If you hv sci hot off fo Jsos uss, you c hv 150 o scitio of tht to you gu istig. You i civmothy mi ots tiig vis cicks o you ftu. PluS a p ag aa ad ga sapags pd a. mAke 110,000+ PeoPle A PerSonAl oer with JASonS exPlore! w-tgt e-stts ov mthoof buiig b tffic. Jsos exo! is ou gu -tt tgtig th isu tv ith vub ctiob tv ifomtio fo nz, th South pcific & austi. Jsos exo! is st out o mothy schu, ith itio sci itios io to scific tv vts (g est, Vtis dy). Jsos exo! is miicty to 110,000+ n z gob tvs. avtisig i it boosts cit istig visits by vg of 100% fo tht moth. To vtis iJsos exo! you scific hot ctiob off. tp ag pp a sa pags. BuilD SeriouS BuSineSS with our BuSineSS trAveller e-letter Jsos Busiss Tv e -tt icty tgts th busiss tv cisio-mks i n z’s sm to mium si tiss. Jsos Busiss Tv e -tt is iv quty to ov 20,000+ subscibs. It is th fct ootuity to ch this vub mkt. To vtis i Jsos Busiss T v, you scific hot ctiob off. as t of th ic, sumt you Busiss Tv ith 90 y Hot d ag p ag pp a sa pags. $ 350 (Ps GSt) P 3 s $ 590 (Ps GSt) P d ($250 a h Da s p-pasd) $ 1200 (Ps GSt) P 3 s $ 890 (Ps GSt) P d ($550 a h Da s p-pasd ) ...Bringing Business direct to Your door

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Jasons Travel Media Ltd

POBox 9390, Newmarket, Auckland1149, New Zealand

phone +64 99128400 fax +649 9128401 email [email protected]

B T 0 0 1

0 9 / 0 8

Print Print only doub g h g t m t $4900180mm x 253mm iFu g h g t m t $3340180mm x 114mm iH g h g t m t $238087mm x 114mm iH g t m t $1490lOGO - su y t 300 i i CMYKIMaGe - su y t 300 i i CMYKBusi ss S vic s s ci isti g $450Fo o - ccommo tio c i ts t g ti g busi ss t v sU to 60 o s us 1 im g m ximum si 38mm x 38mmn tio u g ( o t m t ) $3340200mm x 135mm i ( us 5mm b ch g )

addITIOnal prInT ITeMS:p i t c m t us 25%

Jas s B s ss t a A da DA p s d GSt. A a s a - ss b a g

weB liStinGS (Per Annum) weB only picto i isti g i "Busi ss accommo tio " $795

• 150 o sc i tio ith y mic m oc to• U to ou im g s • Busi ss T v m iti s list• w bsit i k i k to booki g gi • l v 3 s ch ki g

po isti g i "Busi ss accommo tio " $1395• 150 o sc i tio ith y mic m oc to• U to ight im g s us s i sho• Vi o isti g (c i t-su i vi o)• Busi ss T v m iti s list• w bsit i k i k to booki g gi• l v 2 s ch ki g

Commissio -F o i Booki g F ci ity• I st t Commissio -F booki gs o J so s.com ho i ygui .co.- U to 25 ooms $300- 25 ooms us $450

du ic t isti g i oth i o c t go i s ( g Hot s, Mot s) $ Vi tu Vi o

dy mic u io visu

activity Booki g G i $300weB ‘SUper prOFIle’ OpTIOnS (per 3 MOnTHS):F tu s Hot d srot ti g tu o you o ty o Hot d us v 1 ki g

- F o t p g s & Cou t y p g s $1200- r gio & loc p g s $350

J so s ex o ! e- tt tu bo-ch g o tiop of you Hot d to J so s ex o ! subsc ib s (Hot d so s t y)$550

10% co bo discou t appli s to pri t & w b listi g co bi atio booki gs5% additio al discou t for pay t at ti of co tract

advertising ratecard 2009

PuBlicAtion SPeci icAtionS 2009 eDitionprInT CIrCUlaTIOn 55,000 co i s (mi imum).deadlIneS FOr 2009 edITIOn S c : 12 d c mb 2008 Co y: 10 ys om co t ct t .paYMenT OpTIOnS STandard TerMS: 25% osit ith b c u i mo th o ub ic tio .

FleXI-plan: p y six qu mo th y i st m ts vi utom tic ym t o i ct bit;comm ci g 20th o th mo th o o i g co t ct sig i g.CaSH dISCOUnT: p y u mou t by c sh, c it c o ch qu t oi t o sig i g

c iv u th 5% iscou t om co t ct t .prInT pUBlISHInG deTaIlS pub ish u y. Co y o isti gs is ty s t to th ub ish ’s st o m t.

Fo o icy/hous sty visit .j so s.com/ v tisi g.Cov i t o 250gsm g oss t stock; t xt i t o 90gsm g oss t stock.p i t sh t o , ct bou to 135mm i to 200mm .

prInT pUBlICaTIOn daTe 20 M ch 2009.prOOF FOrMS a v tis m ts oo o c t o ch g . a ch g o $50 i y to ch itio o

SUpplIed arT I su yi g t s ch ck ith ou o uctio tm t o s cifc tio so visit .j so s.com/ vweB lISTInGS pUBlICaTIOn daTe pub ic tio comm c s 20 M ch 2009. listi gs v i b io to 1 M ch t o- t mo th y cost.

ABout JASonSJ so s is th g st t v ub ish i n z , aust i th South p cifc ith 76 i t gui s

o uc u y 130,000+ b g s co st t y b i g u t .J so s is n z o busi ss th t h s ovi m k ti g s vic s to th tou ism i ust y oth st 41 y s. Th com y is ub ic y ist o th n z Stock exch g nzaX Bo .J so s h s o um ous n z Tou ism a s is th o y m jo t v ub ish to h v its

i t u , ci cu tio o i ctivity i t y u it .

JASonS SeArch PAGeS rAnkinGSus s g d d s g a a * s a s s pag s:l v O C i ts ith activ Hot d s o F tu sl v T o C i ts ith po listi gsl v Th C i ts ith picto i listi gs*r v ts ch g s us -s ch g s th tm tch th c i t’s oc tio ty of o ty.not s: withi ch ki g v , o ti s om y.

Us sc choos to - k th i s ch isti gs h b tic y o by g og hic gio , t hich oi tth bov ki gs i ot y.

t b s ap d as p a as a a s a .Jas s a s, h D a s, a d - s a pag p ads b.

us ga a s a Jas s a g a d g g b a f .

turBo-cHarge Your WeB Listing!

ront PAGe eAtureSAnD hot DeAlSS a d p s a ss .e s s g s - - d a d - -s .

• You ot t s th ough th J so s n zcou t y g , th ough th o goi g n zf tu o th J so s.com o i hom g .Th s g s th to st t of y bsit .

• If you h v s ci hot off fo J so s us s, youc h v 150 o sc i tio of th t to you gu isti g.

• You i c iv mo th y m i o ts t i i gvi s c icks o you f tu .

• PluS a p a g a a a dg a s a pag s

p d a .

reGionAl PAGeeAtureS & hot DeAlS

S a d p s a ss g . w p p a d g b s ss

, a s s s .

• You ot t s th ough th to gio g sh you o ty is oc t . w b us s c c ick

st ight th ough to you isti g.• If you h v s ci hot off fo J so s us s, you

c h v 150 o sc i tio of th t to you gu isti g.

• You i c iv mo th y m i o ts t i i gvi s c icks o you f tu .

• PluS a pa g a aa d g a s a pag s

p d a .

mAke 110,000+ PeoPleA PerSonAl o er withJASonS exPlore!• w -t g t e- s tt s ov m tho of

bui i g b t ffic.• J so s ex o ! is ou gu - tt t g ti g th

isu t v ith v u b ctio b t vi fo m tio fo nz, th South p cific & aust i .

• J so s ex o ! is s t out o mo th y sch u ,ith itio s ci itio s io to s cific

t v v ts ( g e st , V ti s d y).• J so s ex o ! is m i i ct y to 110,000+ n

z g ob t v s. a v tisi g i it boostsc i t isti g visits by v g of 100%fo th t mo th.

• To v tis i J so s ex o ! you s cific hot ctio b off .

• t p a g p p a s a pag s.

BuilD SeriouS BuSineSSwith our BuSineSStrAveller e-letter• J so s Busi ss T v e- tt i ct y t g ts

th busi ss t v cisio -m k s i nz ’s sm to m ium si t is s.

• J so s Busi ss T v e- tt is ivqu t y to ov 20,000+ subsc ib s. It is th

f ct o o tu ity to ch this v u b m k t.• To v tis i J so s Busi ss T v , you

s cific hot ctio b off . as t of th ic ,’ su m t you Busi ss T v ith

90 y Hot d – a g p a g p p a s a pag s.

$350 (P s GSt)P 3 s

$590 (P s GSt) P d($250 a h D a s p -p as d)

$1200 (P s GSt)P 3 s

$890 (P s GSt) P d($550 a h D a s p -p as d)

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Ja on Bu ine traveller - simplifying Bu ine trave

P r i n t

w e B


Source: Jasons Distribution Database








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t All-new Jas s.- s g s a da ds Si c u chi g i S i g 2007, th all-new J so s.com h s x i c t m oust ffic g o th, is o iv i g i xc ss of 620,000 su ts fo n zc i ts i th st y *. n f tu s i c u :Jas s as - d D s a S a s Travellers use our fast-find search tool, ‘toplinks’ or flashmaps to quickly search their destinations in aminimum of clicks, arriving at your listing faster.n g a Seo-op sa d s s s d aJasons works hard to ensure appropriate Jasons search pages are well-placed on search-engine indices.Travellers searching on common keywords make just one click through to relevant information.

c ss - i s a B gs Use our commission-free booking service and receive instant bookings on www.jasons.com, www.holidayguide.co.nz and your ownwebsite completely free of any additional charges or commissions.

m Jas s a d m P a s Our new interactive section where travellers can save and manage their favourite listings and plan their trips.

S a g v d online viDeo Allow your customers to visualise themselves at your place. We load and play your videos free of charge when you purchase apower listing.* Website and booking referrals, email enquiries, phone number lookups

mark ti g th Jaso s Bra dWe are investing significantly in marketing the Jasons brand through 2009,to ensure top-drawer exposure for our advertisers• Annual six-figure investment in TV advertising.

• Major annual six-figure investment in online CPC advertising, targetingdomestic and international travellers visiting NZ.

• Continued investment in maintaining and growing organic SEO performance.

• Increased cross-promotion between print and web, with Jasons logo and web

address prominent on all 6 p sof the 76 Jasons print guides acrossNew Zealand, Australia and the Pacific.

• Completing the rollout of highly-visual branding on Jasons sales anddistribution vehicle fleet and VisitorPoint brochure racks across New Zealand.

• Order forms, newsletter sign-ups and advertisements are placed in nichebusiness magazines.

• In 2008 Jasons Business Traveller was sent out with leading business journals; NZ Business and Unlimited Magazine. Similar distribution willbe undertaken in 2009.

Jas s B s ss t a 2009• B 2009 sig su s f st cc ss to im o t t i fo m tio

th ough its c , st uctu fo m t

• Sto g focus o co v tio m ti g v u s

• n tio i i fo m tio

• au it i t u of 55,000 (n z au it Bu u of Ci cu tio s)

n w Z ala d’s e d-to-e dPri t Distributio n tworkTHe JaSOnS dIFFerenCeJ so s iv -st g ist ibutio is xc usiv y

v i b to J so s custom s th ough ouccommo tio i cto i s:

1 All Jasons products are available for ordering online beforetravellers leave home

2 Eye-catching display stands at key international airportsand other transport hubs

3 Rimu display stands and other displays at every majorinformation centre nationwide

4 1900 VisitorPoint brochure display racks in accommodationproperties and other outlets nationwide

5 All distribution points are serviced and refreshed on dailyand weekly schedules by Jasons own nationwide team of print distributors

t p 5 D s b s Jas s B s ss t a

1. auck dom stic ai o t2. Ch istchu ch ai o t i-SITe Visito C t3. w i gto ai o t4. J so s T v M i B isb5. ai n z Ko u lou g

o ta g d D s b g :• High of n z busi ss m g i s• Co i s s t i ct to SMe com i s• exc usiv ist ibutio to Ko u ou g s, nz aust i

D s b - Jas s B s ss t a
