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BUBL Oil RQd Dcl0Tho Ier FrtT - Chronicling America

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V t t 7 fo- t I I THE SUN SUNDAY DECEMBER 1L 1887 = SIXTEEN PAGES 11 j GOSSIP ABOUT THE BOXERS JrnINCB ALBERT XDITAIID AND UIB- AULE HOSTOff FRIEND BCoa ITfco Wr RQd u to Drhl lal vII Out A SUrlUt FrtT Inl Olrf Bold > C Didnt John L and tho Prince of Wales have A rorftl time together The bUr follow kopt his word and Mtonl hd the kinK that- maybowithaucha display of Oslo power as- ha had noror betor soon but this dls isy was It was insignificant In comparison to the loon he tah the mobs and snobllnes of this are eer ready to bow th knee to and approve of anything I It Is English yoh know Bully wasnt bit abash- ed In tho prunco of majesty Titles and of- fices ¬ count very ltto with him and seeing In the futuro RInD England n vary ordinary looking gentleman he was respectful but per- fectly ¬ Rolfposeesied Albert Edward who must olten wish that mon would be natural wtthlihn and not merely polite or still worse adulatory limning or sycophantic was taken with the American champions poise an was shown by tho admiration ho expressed for It after they bad oarted big follow by tho way they call him ths big un on tho othor side has received th < etampot British approval R fresh crop of mel who made him has sprung up and when I of tho ondorful things they did for him in the days of hil llstlc novitiate I mirvoi at the narrow escape wo hao had from never having him in tho ring at all for If thoso tales are true John would never have found out what a slugger ho was had not the discoverers by dint ol hard work and with great difficulty jttrcn him tho Information Not long since I fall a column account ot Johns lire and found urprlR that If It had not been that I took of Dontitown and pitted him against John Donaldson who Is now Patsy CardlfTs manager tho probabilities are ho would have become a icnpcctablo member of oaloly and another Instance of the fact that Full mahr a flower I born la bluol ann And WMte Iti stfettnens Ih ar It Is almost enough to clvo ono n crick In tho back t to road rot Uko this John L Hulllvun would haw beon a lighter ot ronown I Ilnddon and n ilorcn more of his JIr luid novel been born Tim night that Sullivan sailed for Encland In the good Iltunrd tub Coplmlonla I crossed from Uromont to Wnnlilngtou utrect by way of ono ot the little lioitnn thoruhfarll that In any other city would bo As I passed Along I caught sight uf oml sporting pictures inn drinking siiloou and dropped in to look at thorn Of our9 I first faced the bur and Jllid my tho privilege and then I bwan my Inspection I hon N many plctun of noted old debt- ors ¬ horses but tho thing which most In- terested ¬ ino vns a trained nrocrnmmo of n complimentary bunclt that was given to Too floss who nt th time was matched to fight addyItyan for tho championship of America There was a doublecolumn Hit on It of noted pparrcrs who were to appear This list em braocd almost every lighter of note In Dostou New York or Philadelphia but at the bottom In largo typo was the announcement that on this occasion 011 Joe would wind up with John Sullivan tho coming champion of tho I world The lottors forming tho name wore each nn Inch long und thorn was the predic- tion ¬ that hnl since been so completely fulfilled I aazod wistfully at the old soveuir and u I anl I thought of the false pretensions of thoso who are now HO prompt that It wa their proclence that gave tho world a companion clitdla tor to Hercules und Kampnou The ditto of this benefit wal months bofort Sullivan was induced to long before sumo of his makers hud hoard of him and oven at that early Into ho had bested Dan DwyorJoo Oofa and every other thumper of notn or ambition about Boston and bad offered to box Paddy Itynn at Paddys own exhibition In Sprintfield Mass which of ¬ fet Mr Ryan for reasons now perfectly oldent not see nt to accept By the way It was not ltl ho defeated Itynn at Mississippi City that formal inserted tho Initial L In hil name 1 In full from Idm for money raid him for his Cincinnati trip and the signa- ture ¬ toll is plain John Sullivan I hope when ho returns from abroad that ho will not imitate tho dude darkles and write It J Lawrence tint Ivan Imitation Is the sincerest lat and r ho see lit to compliment Is Itoyul MgbnebS by being known hereafter as John Lawrence Bulllvan nobody will object but tho other style wont go Tho easy penny shaver who mows the bris- tles ¬ off Charley Mitchells face Is to be com- miserated ¬ Tho English lads jaws are so long now that the poor barbers task has beon quad- rupled It can hardly bo possible that Char ¬ leys spleen instigated the hissing of SullIvan by costrrmongcrs at tho Aquarium the other nisrht Eminent ootor hav resorted to such disreputable past when they wanted to mortify 1 rival but pugilists of worldwide fame should above such devices However It makes no difference now whether he did or did not Tho stamp of royal approval has been set on Sully and it will carry umphantly through almost any part Of the three kingdoms Tho only wonder Is that his enemies did not hire men before to hiss order to create hlmhln tho Impression over he was not as popular an was represented John who Is at times as linguistically clever as he Is always physically seems to have forgotten that the slangof Billingsgate is the vernacular- of the costormongorfor hH called his nnoyorl pigs without tails Today his feot native land of his progenitors and warm will be tho welcome ho will recelv In it Tho Dublin jackoons will go wild over him and when thoy navo chord and shouted over him to their hearts they will tukl him out to tho Currngh of Klldnro whore great DatfDonnolly conquered George Cooper in eleven rounds In which there Wor knock downs bosldo a broken jnwbonE Patsy Shcppard who was thor summer tells that the footprints men are 8t1 to be leon where they fought In Cork will another bll time and beside howlhao- A fhnni tin ta aurA tn the famous blarney stone As it IB he has very taking ways with the Indlei or ho Is much be ¬ lied Id give a pretty to MO Sully on n side oa- rcoloutol with a Jnrvey 0 Musha Mlsther Its the proud man I am tho day to have ye behind mo Its sato to hot that palaver like that wleot enough of tips from John to pay all bills ho ever ran no In lloston I wish ho was out of Belfast however The black Iae not friendly to men of his kidney and lie returns Its dislike with al his heart In a scrlramago he would far better among tho worst of English than In a ftJn fight In Belfast The backer Kllraln Is dlstrlbntna copies of his colors around quit lbrllr They aro elaborate and some VII ground Is of white Ilk with a red white and blue brder In opposite upper cornor al tho American und Irish shields lowr corners are the American nnd Irish flags and tho shields of the States of Massachusetts and Mary ¬ land In tho centre li it magnificent por ¬ trait of Kllraln and beneath it Is a legend wit tine forth that ho is the Champion puglllHt of America Altogether tho colorl are the finest ever seen here end it is to 0 hope that they i onclrclo the vvulnt of next International tight In a tow weeks the men wilt moot In I the ring anti tIters TO Ilnl know positively which Is the better I am sorry that titer is not a probe ¬ nutty of tim presence of u largo American con- tingent ¬ at the ring side What u ten strike Sullivan could make If bo would take n place In Eilrulns corner and advise him through the fight Then if Jako wins every ono would say that Inillvnnfl skill had helped him to vie ¬ oryaisdwlmt n sensation a match between him Mid the big fellow would then create I fear however that there is not enough of lie milk of human kindness In Johns composition to make hIm udopt this course tend besides Charley Mitchell would kick like a steer against it Domlnlok McCaffrey seems to havo got ovor thetit of pugnacity which attacked him a few week ago Then he was all rasurneeh to light on the list Ho ttiiedto Induco Pat Farrell to most him on oqultublo terms but- terNolanttnd Pat Klllen to say noblnKofb- otaea Burkua were b Olantlko If Iko nld Tommy Warren are In oar nest tholrfcht Minneapolis next week ought to bo the olevorlst featherweight battle for year Both are clever and both are hard hitters tho Spider especially cud If bUllnolJ and not merely pecuniary gain i is 1 think those who soo their mill will remember it for many a long duy to come TV Mr gave an exhibition of his temper with Johnny Clark the other day that nearly cost the latter his life It is fortunate that Clerk is a gentleman al well as H pugilist or the Spider would havo online to regret his temerity Tho stakes In tho JleAullfftCarnoy battle having boon drawn that affair Is over The mon will hardly ever meat arum in a ring con ¬ flict Johnny Is testily fur from a welmanRnd It I is hard to Bay when ho will gain lerhnJlnelthorho user tight norCarnoywl and MeAulllfe has been warned by his lat experi- ence ¬ that ho cant take chuuuos with impunity any more f An Out Far Iitse Perhaps the oldest fur house in the country is this of BOOM A Rro 449 Broad way ald irctiibly no bouicarrinnlatiffr tock It look niltwo ihould be more driven for noveltIes thus ever before 11llh- omnrr yriterd Uc did nicood butlnvM In Sits furl part of I tin nrwou on s I select an uniiiuully goad iuarkrtluler Htvumji I ilmuch ever fur boarlnj an intki itt alu world had I teen cniwiUd Ititu the niirbet I ir tnuM luii end we Imvefiillr kitS vv will the demand to w V har no e < cl4liU tinleM 1 our vary tut K < ee of rubs We kha lo bIrolddII evrrr Ipuir Ilh irede Therein eaSy knuw that II Ijuut run 1U cncri and I II IIW years bfor it does We are Yle al tlocked to 4 eirery form but we f I itHiJv > fimjifllTUil kypaU 11 A lJ 6 nn covzoxT jvur BUBL And That la TTby Defendant f Xthttn Alien Lost Foot line Nonwion Conn Dcl0Tho potonoy of cider brandy was show this town lest night This brandy Is A very Inlldlousluld It fired Ufo blood and te onthuslnsD of n lineal descendant of redoubtable Ethan Allen 8onator James Allen of hanover The oxSenator in a big broadchested man with tho thaws and alaows of a Hercules Mr Allen makes occasional trips to this city and bits last visit was paid yostorday Ho registered- at tho Waurcgan Hotel end paid close atten- tion ¬ during the day to tho bar Just after the Rhodes of evening bad fallen on tho valley of tho Qulnnatnng the descendant of Ethan Allen wan an extremely hilarious and interesting condltlonNtbat Is Interesting to the hnbituus of tho barroom Mr Allen stood at tho barand saidI can outrun outiump outflet outwrcstlo nnd anything else any man in Connecticut I As the descendant of tho Itovolutlonnry hero mndo this boast ho throw out his cholt ex- tended ¬ an athletic loft leg and de- fiance ¬ at tho State of Connecticut generally- and those in the barroom In particular Then he continued with a more explicit offer I Ill run a mile dash with any man here for 825 nnd heros tho currency putting his banl into his trousers pocket and bringing II rol bills which ho slapped upon the counter In a dark corner of the barroom unobstru nlvo and alone sat n very small lean man who would have served very well for n matri- culated ¬ slloln But he could run At least ho said could Ills name was too llyrnoa lie walked the descendant of Ticondor oas warrior and said Do you want to run Ill run you The colossal exSenntordrew himself up as well as be could until towered over the small man like a cathedral antI looking down con- temptuously ¬ at him said see When I run 1 run wltl something I con Well you wont see mo long after we begin to run was tho skeletons reply Mr lon calolior another glass of the Con- necticut ¬ drinking It wiped his mouth on his coat sleeve Then ho turned- to hil wouldb competitor and remarked in I Do yOU want to run Havo you got tho money 1 Just at this critical juncture tho hand of Teddy Sullivan the bartender appeared around the corner of the bar Mr Allots failed to eee this little byplay But Mr Dimes saw the hand and secured Its contents which proved to be l 2- 5Theres my money said Byrnes putting It upon tho ezbenutors as It lay on the counter The conditions of thIs rco said tho ox Benntor are that It shall run in tho Ver- mont ¬ style just as my famous ancestor ueod to run but not from tho British And whets the Vermont stylo asked Byrnes- Ill show you right awaysaid Mr Allen taking off his overcoat His Prince Albert 101 ¬ lowed then hisvost nnd also his troupers Tho flannel garment which Is worn between a Con ¬ necticut gentlemans trousers and his cuticle was also removed Then he put on his trous- ers ¬ and tied his suspenders around isis waist Bareheaded and clothed simply In his under- shirt ¬ and trousers be stood ready for tho con test Byrnes followed Mr Allens example The two men presented n striking contrast If want of flesh b n requisite Inn race Byrnes certainly had advantage Without waiting for any word the redoubtable et8otiator plunged out tho side door followed closely by competitor The course led along Broadway the most aristocratic street in Nor- wich ¬ Tim mon ran well together until tho erBenator gained a slight advantage Byrnes however was In bettor condition than his atblotla antagonist anti soon took the lead In some unaccountable manner the Court House fonr suddenly appeared be ¬ fore Mr Allen and run slam bans Into iL The pickets cracked tho exSenator recoiled Into the gutter unl remained titers Bvrnos kept on and won tho rises On his return ho picked up the descendant Etlnn Allen who although defeated wrs still conscious of his heredity They walked back very affectionately to the barroom The affection was of necessity moro apparent on the part of Mr Byrnos Congratulation regrets and elder brandy wore freely Indulged In nt the hotel bar Well gentlemen said tho PxSoimtor I can run a race on level ground but I aint good- at jumping hurdles XOK LAUIES SAJfE FOR A TEAK TBneen Who Makes Love Wherever He Ooei Put Awar un the lelemd August Jansen the middleaged coachman who rails in lovo with his employers daughter HS regularly as clockwork was hauled up In Harlem Court yesterday for his last Ireak His appearance is decidedly against his success In his profession Ho is spare angular and very cheekbony and his gray yes are timid Yester- day ¬ his left eye was halo of green yellow and blue which boro a silent testimony to the weight of Detective Sergeant Cosgrovos fst Ills moustache is long heavy and rod and his hair is the color of awlspot hay forgotten in the field and rained on Ills last employer was Mr John P Duncan tho retired grocer of 0 East Sixtyfourth street According to his custom ho foil In lov with Miss Annie Duncan and ho was discharged for annoying her After that he began to way ¬ lay her in the street and to bend her notes and made himself a nuisance generally He met Miss Duncan on No 30 and Insisted upon es- corting ¬ her to tier home Detective Sergeant Congrove blacked his loft eye and arrested him Miss Duncan camo to court yesterday with her father and a young lady anti several other friends or Interested persons Among these was tho Rev Dr E Walpolo Warren whom Jensen had been bothorlng of late for testi- monials ¬ as to his character Jensen regarded Mieu Duncan with a silly smile while that young ludy flushing a little nnl D This man she said In a tremulous voice was a coachman In my fathers employ He was discharged for his nttentlons me and since that limo has followed ran In tho streets almost every day and Insulted mo repeatedly On Nov 30 1 met him on tho cor- ner ¬ of Alndlfton uvnuo nnd bixtyfourth Mreet I did not want SI po I crossed Mudlsfn avenue to got out of his way Ho took hold of my arm and Colowctlnrl readied the other hide ft f tho avenue when ho protested that ho loved mo anti wantud mo to marry him I called to a policeman nnd Jan Sn left In n hurry On Dec 1 mind J itt i repuat- rd his nnoancos and I was compelled to cause his urrent t Justice Weldo made short work of tho case He heard Junbens plaint about his law- yers ¬ absence Than ho sent Jansen to One year In the penitentiary In default of f 1 000 Inll for good behavior Jansen will probably spend time year In prison Junsiui product tho following letter which ho wished It understood onus Irom Miss Dun- can but which AllJDrentlywlH modelled on tho conospondenco Toots and writ- ten ¬ by himself to himself N Y vnv II H7 FiriK Slat I ihould he tlss4 lo have yea relied early tIti nflernoon and I hopa > ou havent forvoiicn wlut- pleaienl time we hod peabrlde N J cud Iou icrry 0 thai you nor left I remains yours surely AJMI DitKr Wee Iladr Cheated at the Pall f There was much fwrpilso in political and especially In Itcpubllcan circles In Brooklyn when It was announced sifter tho couulllloft- ho ballots at tbo Fourth ward tion a couple of weeks ago that Michael F Dady tho Btalwnrt Republican boss of the ward had met with his first detent The eon test was close and mltlng but there had been very close und exciting elections In this baili- wick ¬ often before and > et Mr Dady ha t never failed to Miucero himself and his man through- to victory Mr Dady howovor dam not pro- pose to allow his political tttnr to remain In oollpso He declares that ho and his filomU were cheated outo victory at the lisle by the grossest kind of fraud and for 1111101 pose of punishing the persona umponBlble Mr Daly David D MoKennon and othorrf went before Justice Walsh yesterday with it stark of affidavits setting forth that Inspectors George P Cochran und Caswoll L Clair score guilty of false counting mind other I ni Justice Walsh was rOuatll to lactic Wllrntl for thi arrest of IIRJoctOr for I lust pit wary law but ho would further con- sider ¬ the mutter Calnmerer Beautiful 8bov Vlndanr A J Cammeyers shoo store with Its 125 feot of iliow wlndowi la RUth avenue at the cornier of Twelfth treetli ihe largest eitabllihment of the kind In lull country nth nowhtre sits can there be found such a tock of opcllolda foot wear Mippen for little children b1 mWt and ton ladle sitU gentlemen are the great attraction of the time for ladlea the prettiest ones are the Atlouls They have Ihe- Loula XV heel and are made nf patent leather with trl Ihl red cr soft suede tot and trlmned nltli troal sliver buckles Another I pretty kind I that cst more money I I la of bronie kim irlmuird sills ItnU i Ihere tire med with lists buckets or I mix unit mat from Kl t to 3 n pair for men liter cia iniiiiy fiyei- of tllpncn aiimo i t theta Wutiriillr cmbrolacre I but tie h iMl omril am of alligator chits tin Ubed lu torture wino or chestnut abadr The lest I la new for these who want olIlI comrnrt there are the cold proof ahoel anti foot xarmera for Indoor outofdoor UK They are made u listIng aol unly coat fl Hubber bouts tar boys and men tire lit season and tn atauitard oodi the ladleiwaukenphuC hand eeyed she fer 3 and the peucemamsutls taleiishs t n 460 an rMouk i UTertiu > 1 4 lu J t BEn XIEMAXH LRARNS UltATT POKER And Xspreeeti Opinion of Herr Welf fer which the Latter Wants Damages For two day post Ier Albert Nlomnnn tho tenor of elmnn opera company now singing nt tho Metropolitan Opera House hits divided his time between music and a consid- eration ¬ of what ho should do to avoid tho un- pleasant ¬ consequences of nnsworlng In a suit for slander wherein damages are laid at 10000 The complainant In tho case Is Herr Frederick Wolf ot 238 West Fortythird street Mr Wolf Is very fond of music and musicians According to Bnmuol 0 Barnard his attorney in tho suit Mr Wolf made tho ncaualntanco of Herr Mlemann hosT llobluson nnd other members of the troupe with whom Niomann watt singing n year ngo or moro Herr hiobin tots wishing to obtain QUllrter In u private house applied to Mr succeeded In loosing Mr Wolfs second floor Mr Wolf ac- cording ¬ to Lawyer Barnard was Induced to lot him have It out of leuduhlp and love of musi- cal ¬ gentlemen Arone other ways In which Mr WoU antI Mr entertained their guests who culled to see them in large numbers was by nn exhi ¬ bition of tho uncertainties of n nulot game of drnw wills a 51mll Forlonvonhcothounmo- wa nlavcd In room to the comfort of tho gentlemen Mrs Wolf Lawyer Barnard says used frequently to servo it cold lunch with llhluo wino and other sooth- Ing liquids to remove nny little acerbity that might arise over tho game Mr Wolf Lawyer Barnard says was n continuous loser but that would never havo given him a second thought It it lout not beon for tho unkind return which as alleged ho received for his hospitality ox tended to Herr Memiinn AlonAln January last Mr TV oil observed that who had so often come to his house came no more Herr Hoblnnon even sought other quarters Worse thins that the members- of the coterie cut biO dead on the street Indig- nant ¬ at thll ho rushel to such friends as ro insisted hll asked why this had hap- pened ¬ In hli complaint ho SCII that ho learned because was Ierr NlemJII with malice and a dslro to tho presence of JlorltsiPaoh 1mllriscliorEmll Hanger Anton Scull Theodore Hnbe man Morris Gold Henry II Colin Alexander Kmo- mer Caspar Fcchtler nnd Crlchton Webb Wolf tho complainant moaning Is n profes- sional ¬ gambler timid his house the house ot tho complainant ucanlngl is only a gambling es Mrf UoH tnnt did not act hastily Ho waited un- til ¬ Herr NIomnnu had sailed away to Europo and hat sailed back again and had for two charmed the lovers of Gorman tenor voice who frequent the Metropolitan Opera and then ho hired tho lawyer who sent a noto us follows to Herr Nieinun- nN You Dee I 15d7 llr JVImann Jetropohltuii Opera Haa- in I have I btcn cnnviltr by Mr Frederick Wal of mtWeit horty third Street city will tIn maUcloun nnd unwarrantable In which you hav Rlandered Stint to hit acquaintances and friends bv charging blm with being a profeuinnal gambler sod the keeper ot a framln Mr Wolfe hiss bon aerinitety damaned socially nutS flnanclally Uolr you forthwith publicly apologize tn my client by llKMTtinK such retraction I In the public newspapers of title city I have poNltheaud peremptory instructions to silent legal proreitihtcs loot You to enforce the vln dlcatloa of my clients honor YOr revpectfulhSIULC- LG CL UAHnn Next day Herr Robinson called on Mr Wolf and said that If Herr Nlomnnn hail done nny hn was willing to make suitable amends wronl did not think that ho ought to got tho mistIer Into the publlo prints ll Violf In- sisted ¬ that tho apology must he prlntClln or- der ¬ to ba commensurate wills the 111 10 tone and there the negotiations proeeis server vtts let louse on tho trail of Mo maim A IVIDOtr A310XG TilL FUJlmS She Got Fledffea to Nnvr the Song Birds asset 3InUe lremlaory Note or Them SHNTCA FALLS Decl0Two weeks ngo 1 llttlo woman about 35 years of ago airlvod in Seneca Falls She va In mourning She hall nn unusually fair complexion dark bluo ayes anti brown hair and liar face was attractive and expressive of modesty and refinement Sho said she was Mrs Ruth Armstroll of New York and was ono of tWllyo agents whol the Society for tho Prevention of Killing bong Birds In Now York had sent out Into tho rural dlntrlctsof this Stab for the purpose of getting pledges from 1lluoulllllOollo that they would do all In power suppra tho slaying of tho birds Hbo obtained boveril pledges from pool lo In Seneca Falls and on the next day drovo over to tho bumlot of East Varlck Seneca county whore she went to Elder Colton a pillar In the church there and the richest farmer In the town Hho stated her errand to the older and was invited to his house to spend tho night The wholo Colton family wero delighted with her and Elder Colton not only signed a pledge which Mrs Armstrong presented but presented thn lady with three tl bills for the treasury of the society lu New oik Deacon Skinner of Lodl was also visited und moved by tho fair hubs words to sign a pledge forcblcklnJJtbu slauul- iter of song births of th Pence In West Varick isnd Daniel Simpson and Peter Henson of Tyro also gladly signed Next dsy tho pretty widow recclvod u tolo grant front Albany and with tears I her eyes she hastily packed liar tunk at boarding houso in heneca ills Her only brothers as dying in Albany said and she took the first train for that city Several dajs lator there were some trot mOIl men In beniea county The widows bird pledges- all turned up as promissory notes Albert Mall a hostLer anti merchant at Sheldrake bought notes to tho amount of IH40 which pur- ported ¬ to have boIs given by Elder Colton and Hoz khlh Bishop Mr Hall bought thorn of a middleBgid man who pretended to have sold farm mlchlnerlu this re and thus- to have notes They hail beets ingeniously constructed from tho pledges to protect the birds Similar notes varying In amount from 150 to IhIJO each hove beon sold by the man in other parts of tho county during the past five days and It is reckoned that the total amount of notes constructed from tho songbird pledges and sold In this ro gion I Is 11300 or lUilu Today It has boon learned that a wonton exactly answering tile description of Sirs Armstrong worked thin songblruplodsto swin- dle ¬ In Ooneseo anti Livingston counties sev- eral ¬ months ago The result of the work at that time was ovor 2700 An old grayhalrod mart negotiated tho promissory notes titan Tn California and hack for SIlT Tho Ponn > lvanla Railroad Company Is now lelllnr eieumiou tUketa tj California cood for six months irons the day of l Iu The rates to ban Fran Ion Bun them or Los Vnselea ant return are ti 117 and fI2f A ll7tlcSetcnrrle n person hy wny of Wathlue The purcliaier Imx K hoke or rumen lst I rout ouncii PIutIK M Lout or Katuno iiy The ticket contain an exchange ticket order lor use on 110 Western roads IhU entitle a mtssttoer lo nn ettunion ticat lutueit by the respective trunknuutluental lutes at ther- Luitcrn toruiin1 Notee of lliulc Kent Two extra lloftnann conrerta wilt be given this wed both at the Metropolit in flu UI t wl1I ne an- erenlnff perfomianuk on luemlay and a natinceou- TliurJ J I This week will see the lBI of Dorolhy at tho Stand artS Ihraire for the present 11 tutu Intl I excellent rusH and Hilt undouUieilli mol > Petlt5 alrtAdy- lamllUr wllh U to tour l 1 list ptrfounniKc Van mOle lover wIlt bcieir at one feature of the weiku roKrumnie nt l be ti 10101111 > lfir- frlid Its aniiountcil oral t It i will niitht Monday and Satur lay ttitiiites uil be laLttt up with TIle htiweb5 and hautl Mill be riueatml on Wijt U ace tixy The ptrfomaiue of Mailelon Itt the Cnulnc hun notably Improved diiriui tha neek ant uurm t Site ltrfi audiences JI which tile CaHlno I la atriiHlonif- ilferynlelit I hI Onlnlhro wll be Allotlarof tho lopulr aarrid b > the mcinbira of- Mr Abbeys troupe with AeueudorA und lint IJTR- Oorihtbtru Thn publlo rehearsal for the Th irmm concfrt I In thin Melnuuy I Hall terlM o 111 tale BIMW neviThuinlii nt J ucIk ilu pri nIM N an tptlonHlit FtriMU one eiinfur I ihli iitrie I ni itf nhi iianu n iseri Ire to tic brile nt MMinn nlkininu rcioml icrenaile fu unit iinhf trn a work ot t the pro iirlimn 11 u xm- iliuii lluna loren yirliuny win j i unirrtn its lig olcJAlol Mike Adiii Axe liir Uhu Ifil I to Dm IULu of the Mr Waltir Damrosih net noon claim thin tills of rbamplon In tIle pr iucilon I o novnltirH Several hav- esrsh ly I lint irlwii In i hla t tTlia uf armpbonj mnceriaut- tbo viitruiuiUiin iml lii I its neM whith Mil In jilt ott halunlat KVrlilnir > 17 u irrrtlto by Dvorak tt it I bepairdfor the fret tlmi Outer numbers on the pro sri Hrabm Third Hymphony lieethoven framing od u piano concerto by HeuieJl Sirs Fanny Hlnomrlclil Ziegler wilt In the soloist The publlo ru heamulbccurt ou rrlday ufleinoon Ue I lo One of mite meet Important eveuta of the musical sea ron n Ill hn Site lint ronurt I by the Itonon frmpliinr- orchritri I t hint will occur at Ill inc nj llalfunUrJ- nrhilayevenlnirf title week Tim I prOkrtniiDC follown I It CtS tOt II rrevfclmti1 5y m Viwiur JI tu r1 Aililllm I tO hiltS Kiuih rnliili ml I rinlie slrii ik bv Jolni rrlmulun MHI n t litViirobvMtrallon of- htiiuliDrt a 1 uneral MarcU and llccibut rna Second M in ptlEt Tlippnlollt will lia MkK IrS irulte IfJmann u avnrit lontru to n Hnrion IV i Ui < ihu Kniih urla I site will simi roieral Hlun S lilch oo not yet announced Mr itilietiti Ullkn he Italer oe U I U tretli tire hui- ai far prejudl m ivhlch were ariiu ed- brlilieinriiiiUirntlu Rutton tlrce t err > IBU IJII e- irlcunf roar elitht roncrrliIn iuie Hull i I un ileut tn mtet the < lemanui ul tile puhli- t bin treek at the ThAlla 1 be of unusual Interest In- anuuth an I lu a IJIiloutotl pfrlormaiirr by Juuker mann AntI Hneirl two erformrnco titit la given by Malhlble ollrelly lliupniuiar tlinrerwaant ono time lhnnianater of this iltuita and I Is iow and ilsas woe a Irtiorlle comedienne with her founir rnpe tier present eiiKeknment titers U A ieeiel one uxtcndiiiir ever lirowKks durluif nrlileh llm rliii will iulpenr In- famtliir soothe I n eras Hko Hoi cart ifs 7 itt hOt r itlnltr i file M iiisiri tc MIT enunKenunt- Is it4te i te4ile from the fait that tIe Hi Iiull troipe- in I rnoII it i rmani uU lulai he niiiyB liHoan- In I i i httt herhih iinil ilte lsn u IM L- At Ihe rita e ot her TnulU tiuHscmnit she C IIIIII to- Ihe KiiirlUb Held tile tn ci l the Thalia lean follow I VtonJa the rto Lln nlvlit of lunkermann sitU Hoelel Tunday 54 appearance of Juiihertnson Iii inspeciiir nmaiuu WdDUdu rpe tuba 0 The Ilugueitoits wlhJaulh Thursday besmsirea wilts OOlroU1 1dJrr sate tut olli alu ecceccioe I i HENRY GEORGE GIVES IT UP rBERIC mtr nti NO XAIIOR rAnrTr- nBSnJENXZAL CAMlAZGN The Itcneene Why the AntUPavertr Lender Decma U Wlee to do Out of Actlro Petit mist Onelnee for he Cnraluc Year Mr henry Ocorffo said to n SUN reporter yostorday My argument against going into the national canvass Is this Such n campaign so violently arouses lIsa wontlmonts ot the coun- try ¬ and tho pooplo at largo are so flnnlynflllla toll with tho two rout parties that our cause and our issue would bo lost sight of In the general turmoil We are not jot in a position to com- mand ¬ unough attention tomakolt piytogointo n Presidential canvass Moreover tho expense of such n canvass Is simply enormous It has been n terrible drain upon us during this past oar to conduct oven a Btato campaign Now If we go Into a national campaign wo must havo UckotB printed to bo distributed in every voting precinct in the country wo must have speeches made wo must have local head ¬ quarters In fact all the appliances of n politi- cal ¬ machine must bo brought Into play Tho oxponiio of that would bo something unendura- ble ¬ and I am afraid wa cannot think of It The argument on the other side of course Is very strong That is that if wo do not KO Into a campaign the rank and file of our supporters- will lose faith and Interest In tho causa It Is probably truo that mon nood to fool that they havo something to light for which lives front day to day and doos not take a hibernation so to speak It looks however as if tha policy of the party would bo that which will result in having a national ticket In the field next year and waging a persistent campaign Most of our rlonds are in favor of this course at the wisest ono and so in all probability wo shall have tots Independent ticket What would be your own Idea ns to utilizing such strength ns you have in case you do not run a separate ticket- It 1 would be my plan to make alliances in a- way that should seem most advisable For In- stance ¬ If one of tbo parties should tako u- squnro position upon thin tariff Question wo should I llnd It judicious to tilde with that party which favors free trade und thus wo should lend our weight to the accomplishment of ono of the elements of our cause Do you think that tho rank and file of your party IB so well grounded In tho principles of free trade that you could swing thorn upon that Issue and depend upon their votes being cast for titus candidate and tho platform that ropre Sent U 1 Oh I mot certainly do Bald Mr George emphatically I think that nearly all of the voters of tho United Labor party are free trad- ers ¬ and that they would see tile advisability of supporting somo other party on that doctrine for ono year and watt for another campaign be ¬ fore attempting to show Individual strength Yost SOP the question is rather hazy at present but still as I RIlYhthl Indications ore that our policy will be I of maintaining nn In- dependent ¬ position milking no alliance but conducting our light for principles entirely whether wo are sure of defeat or not admit said Mr George that tho figures In tho last election were disappointing hut thoro are many reasons why wo should have overestimated our strength It is unneces- sary ¬ now to go Into those reasons Inasmuch us we candidly nitwit that we ware mistaken AH to the future of the party I nm posltho that It Is going to baa poimuiont organisa ¬ lion anti that it will hold neatly nil of tho votes cast at the lust election and will certainly gain more In tho futnro Vt o are at present dl vldod as to our policv on one or tno matters that arn enllruly minor In their mgntllcance That is this great hotly of mon who voted for us at this last election tire undoubtedly unit nnd lasting believers In the platform on which wo stand That Is tho most Important thing and in that sense w o ate wholly united and do taimlnod to keep up thellgnt but there lire two points on which wo art as yet uncertain Ono I In Itself mtliur insignificant Is as to tie namo- nf the organization Most of us feel that United Labor party I Is to degree n misnomer and wo arn costing about for something which shall bo more specific and more Inclusive That question however will never ciiuso any divis- ion ¬ whatever in our ranks The other matter Is a grave one and upon it depends what wo shall do next year We have a Presidential campaign coming on If wo vvoroto nominate a ticket we should bo condemned to a hopeless campaign ending of course in overwhelming defeat Now tho point is Is it wise I to go Into n campaign with a certainty of defeat or Is It not better to hold off for a year or two and then concentrate our energies again upon offi- cers ¬ local to this State 7 What Is your opinion o It This question well illustrates Mr Georges character Ho frequently succeeds in Inter ¬ viewing the Interviewer to a greater extent than the reporter Interviews him It is now more than a month since the elec- tion ¬ and n month therefore fine the leaders of tho United Labor party experienced not only an overwhelming defeat but a very grave disappointment From their own admissions it Is clear that they wero sincere In prediulng- nn enormous vote for their State ticket They hud even confidently looked for tho election peveral in rahors to tho Leglslatuia The Idea that JlenryOeorgo should not poll In tho whole State more than a few thousands beyond his yule In this city nlono last yent slaver occurred to them They have boon now for five weeks eplaining away the figures and doing thoir host to save tho party from falling to pieces Thero have been n good many signs of rupture In tho rants anti It has seemed to politicians that disintegration hud set In for good mind that the United Labor party was no longorto bo consid- ered ¬ as a serious factor In national politics Many peoplo besides tho Labor men havn IDea surprised at this result It did look as if with t hir sure v ol e of at least 50 000 that they might hold the balanco of vower In this btuto anti thus turn tho Presidential election In tiny way to suit themselves As a fact tho poIItlUnnd of both piirtioH have ceased to care what the Labor peoplo do although the work of regain- ing ¬ deserters to the old ranks Btlll goes on In- tlustiulet I WilY known only to political won iujiiimost serious event In tho Labor ranks Bince the election lists been tho expulsion of ovoml of tho most acho members from the County General Committee on account of chargiw of fraud It I Is bald that some of the ward leaders sold out time State ticket ion money nt time lust election With a view to seeing just how this party Itself foil tho situation joureor respondent called this morning upon litany George and talked with him concerning tho fu- ture ¬ of tho party imie Wnrfc or Nt Vlncenta nnipttnl St Vincents Hospital which Is under tho chargo of the Sisters of Charity maintains an Indopondont ninbulame soivlce and responds to callb In Its district which I Iii bounded by Canal street Fourteenth street tho North lllver tool tho contio of the city For this sorvIc no compensation Is received mom the city time htato or any other source Tho inaln- Unanco of homos anti vehicles tho pay of drivers and I tho cost of tho reception mind euro of Injuied portions all comes out of time hospl tnl trensuiy 8t Vincents ambulances ro- Bpondod lust soar to lHIH calls nnd 817 acci- dent ¬ inios taken front thin htioot or the Hteanu on t the North I Ither worn t tsoatod- lhiilni itt > ear whlih closes Dec 31 t tho nuinbar or free nntlonts tioituri In tho hits pltal warts will liuvii beon close on 1100 und many of thosu hnvo lirun hovoial months In tho I institution Dm hospital i i IK absolutely uiisoc- tarlun although under Catnollo iiiinijunient The SIsters oMluuto hunt fully onethlid of tho patients tire nonCatholics- Bt Vineanth lusts no omlowmont not a single beth sit ltpoi t td by subnet I pi Ion timid is wholly I dependent on public support voluntarily cots tilliutud t und on tho Incoino derived from pity ¬ InK patients Duringthn Winter months nn nv- ingo of UO shivering mon und women roeelvo lieu meal iiull > In tlio Liisainunt of Iho old hos- pital ¬ hulldlniioii UlMenth at reel near Seventh avenue and contributions of foot or clothing will bu woltoimiI- hoHOvYhiHlOftlrn toaid fitMncontVein t soti their contributions direct to the lioniltut Jrlblllr nt ONeills It would hardly bo enough to pity that tho beautiful txhltiltion of holiday goods at Ocelli SIxth avenue situ Twentieth sIred has attracted a crowd of- pmtrcltaeene to that oil known sure tot Ihe sidewalk In front of OSetU et its known as one of the uuilMC jiarU ot town but she imsuui criwd hiss ittorececti ko that Ihe em pbtjces have as much AH they can tin to PMlsfy thtlr cuts bitters A rnporlrr truiralet throukh tile rroml mil nuked the jierliieiiJfnl vi hat hi hud done to draw eu- Urite I a pert of New Vorte population to IliU one paC vn y lie eald Its simply tcrauae we haveevcry IMiiK lu the nay nf IttIiisy jmi li thai jeone run think of sitU clara loo 1 it tjllliu that Europe con furnish In the wiy of Slits l iritibrati f Jo hero All tie prominent potierten tire renrtuu flied Thero are new dMliiita In Im- jiortnl olck iiaii t eierythlujr In brortlo houte linid ili rmnciit or uillllr ne have sets olduolv d- eiin > ln > iteeiiMn el > t letek li ui and lomiiiin Ihtie- a ii lianiSoine tohritlou of nAiiillni lamp bronze I lt yen Kill and lirni1 curios end jewel elate i To take nn- tliefuo edict 1 thinkuocoul I iile o 111411101 fa tlll LL- On our f elry iounler > ou whit Unit II eierytlilnn la lhat Hue Nnuell inakeeot atehvM II welt us ucli tiling its Lnuiile I and JAO i lu > tier tire i iicnt iiaees of ui the- fainouainakrii tlitr tirrityof dolls l iirfmiiii Innuiicraul- er until neeleel the uicful xu Mil llnU vo hate the tory llnrit lure llrhu rolart I lumlken I ljln I hand cribrodfifil plo li ftlhl situ toilet set nnd Indies inn brelise tutU 0111 routes itt tie ner t st tlrii I anditt reuonanlr tries lnlluni us ui tilt > uocHlin iliunir lock I u lion eittiii In the city for ipiantli quail andtirlie Vo Imie turnrd hit ivliil uf iho U turnout Into u liouickerpln department eirothln ticir tary or useful l titers an I II wouU make a touieker rii Lean 11ttd lu1 lo see It In all lithium olIJo of nolldHy goats we are olearin Out our stoCk at very tow nrlceicloaks wraps sod uoh things we tell s saute inhlanoes at less than one third utile value Press patterns very inltLl imir UoUdaitJBKMiiU w Mi Hllto on very low r ± c tel JIOEOEIlS TUG trIflE JtfrLDOO- VT little TVreetler Thick Iw Pest lav Fall BOO Wcrth f Sufertg Ernest Roobor and his grievance against the mammoth Muldoon are topics ot Interest In the sporting world lioebcr la a little wrest- ler ¬ weighing only about 170 pounds and known ns the trainer ol the Jap Muldoon is the Gnuco Roman champion who does a living statuary act with Ilallen t Harts troupe and makes It interesting for local talent wherever ho goes by offering t500 to any ono who will throw him and SO to any ono who vlll wrestle with him fifteen minutes anti not got thrown The troupe was at Minors Theatre lost week and the circumstances that form the subject of Iloobors complaint occurred on Wednesday night When the announcement ot the 50 offer was mode ho arose In the body of the house anti expressed a willingness to take it UD Itoobor was not looking for the 6001 the 150 wan Quito enough for him Most of tho candidates feel the same way about it and this makes Muldoons task moroUinicult They are only on the defensive and ho does not have halt the chance to get a killing grip on thorn It Is a big handicap and Ilftoen minutes is not long when n good man Is working to keep himself from being put shoulders and hip or hips and shoulder to the boards When time was called Itoeber threw himself flat- ils on the stage with his hands clasped across breast Muldoon watt tar from gentle with ilm and pulled one ot his arms around behind ds back until ho was afraid of breaking I It Then ho lot it go and took Iloebor by the hood twisting his neck It was hereto treatment and an tIme men struggled Iloebor got a hang from Muldoons elbow that bloodied his nose After a while Muldoon got a hug upon ItooberH peck calculated to choke daylight put of him Ho grow red In the face and then almost black This and the blood on his face nock mid shirt made the audience shriek Don kill the mast dont choke him to death Twice the referee Steve ODonncll stopped Muldoon supposing that Itoebors orbs meant that ho luau had enough But each time Itoaber pluck lly decided to continue The fifteen minutes worth 3 33Sn minute to Muldoon wore slipping away AH the rot ree called out If you are done mako some sign bo got the old hug on lioobers neck again and as the men rolled over the mattress and town to the foot lights the house stood right up and Tolled Rooher waved his hand He gives up said the referee and the bout was stopped As soon as ho got on isis feet Itoeber spoke to the audi ence claiming a foul because Muldoon had hit him In this nose and the 50 because he said ho had stayed llfleon minutes Manager Hal ¬ len and Mtildoou declared that there was only eleven minutes ot wrestling and alter consid- erable ¬ talk Hnllen said Thoios two minutes left yet go and wrestle It you want to Roo ¬ bar would not do thus and the referee lucid that his giving up was tho same as a fall Tho cur- tain ¬ was rung down and the house cleared lint the audience u as not EatlaQodand a crowd hung around the doors until the police drove them away Itoeber has complained of his treatment but Muldoon and some outside sporting mon who saw It say that ho did not seem to know the rules of OrtccoRoman wrest ¬ ling UOXUIIS TO VASTOR UOOlEB A Reception and Preeente H fbre his D- pnrtare green Kingston for New York KINGSTON NY Dec 10The Rev John Hooper an account ot whose troubles hero and In California were recently published in Tnn SUN loft for Now York today and on Sunday will preach In lute new charge Bt Pauls Re- formed ¬ Church HottHavoni A recent hatter from his estranged wife who Is now in Cali- fornia ¬ with the children declares that the host news sliu could hear regarding her husband would bo that ho was under tho turf At a special meeting of the Prosbytcry of North River hold at Nuwburch last 1rlday 3 r Hooper asked leave to resign from his chur a City lngincer B B Scans ono of the ldcs appeared as the Commissioner of the chuiih and said that the church united in the request which was then granted by thin Presbyteryand the Rev T Mncnuughton of wburgh was appointed to preach at thus church here last Sunday and declare the pulpit vacant On lust Sunday night time church was crowded hun- dreds ¬ being unable to gain entrance to listen to Pastor Hoopers farewell and on Wednes- day ¬ evening the members of the church gave him a farewell reception at this residence of Commander William Newman U B N Many wero present outside of tim congregation The Interior of the house was handsomely decorated Over one side of an arch dividing the parlors wero th wordsGod Ever Defends the Right and on this opposite side AuKevolr 813 Sears on behalf of the la- dles ¬ presented Mr Hooper with n set of em- bossed resolutions the Rev William N Senrlcs of Bt James M K Church of this city presented him with a goldheaded cano on behalf of the congregation and L Burger handed him a goldheaded silk umbrella as a token from the young men of the church A session of the Presbytery of North River has been called to meet in the First Prcsby- teilan Church in Nowburph on Friday after- noon ¬ of next week U will bo held for the put ¬ pose of deciding whether Mr Hooper slush re- tain ¬ lila ministerial standing hut opponents appear to have managed tn get n hearing though time clerk of the Presbytery and other ministers who have hoard the charges t ay they are not sufllclent to moot with severe censure lot alone deposition from the ministry llnylnc flunsklnr with Gold Dust A registered letter received nt THE SUN office yesterday from VToippe Idaho was no thicker than though containing only a halt shoot of note paper But It wa unaccountably heavy It proved to contain two dollars worth of gold dust for two years subscription to THE WEIKLY SUN from Thomas Qlbbs u minor of Pierce City Idaho UOLIDAT FASUIOX NOTES Objects In Antique wrought Iron are much sought for liolliUy gifts Mock Jewels are Introduced Aa the centres of newer worst with tall towns White lambs wool trims silver ray suits prettily fur young girls sod children Small clocks In fancy framings of metal are pretty and Inexpensive holiday girls Illack Ivnx Is the favorite fur of matrons stud elderly maids ho cannot Afford seat Aqua marine topaz emitter cOlored Jewels set la small diamonds are quite In favor for gum rIngs Moomtoun anti titters eyes are popular aeml precious stones for rings scarf shawl and tate pins lowers are revIved for ball dress garnitures but they are so mounted as to be divested of All stiffness long nnd shun wrapnof seat and seal plush are again thus urn favorites of women who know how to dress A Jewelled clasp or diamond brooch fa frequently placed at tile top of the lacing In front of u ball corsage Chinese toy booSts sail Jnp dulls Hood the counter devoted to Oriental stud oleUal brio a brao la the hang u stores U t Is predicted that there will be mere presents of lampe title year than of tiny other one I lece ot decorative futility Pieces of Russian silver white and frosted enamelled toll diioraled with nInth work make very choice Christmas gifts I Jocka of Reese and thuds dioTes of pigs trains of horses ind mulns and groups of touts compose some of the new metal and bUquu ptper weights The beaded galloons of this season mire vrorthv of the wondrous stunt moire flush nnd velvet silk and bcn a line fabrics they are tiled on for Iriinmlnus All KludMof furs will be acceptable as holiday presents hut set of tile fox furs black timid silver ret blue and yruy are the firm favorites v Hh young women When a girl wears A lowerenrnlture to item ball dress site mutes Ihe prrfume of tie Cower that lorms the bou- quets garlands anti parure or spray for the hair The newest fancy tn perfume sets for the toilet table Is to have the glass bottles encased In metal covers 1m- lluting u piece uf cloth tied around time neck with A silver or gold cord- Among choirs objects for holMIT rifts found In tins art lectlnns of ouch trio bran aro homi exouMio pieces of Itockwiiod pottirjr mimi Cincinnati with tUtu undr lre aims tiger eye efTecK The rige for brace and copper Is on the wane It nwA- PPI ars mo tly In lie form ol vesso K fcueh e s tea kcttl s lamp mid vain pui ppiHlrd ritst In antique viroufht Iron frames cranes and Ump sitU lower viamla Colored tilt can re lice trimmed hapll eritilrr < urn rnde tn do duty as faur Isnip simile covers i bv luttln- ii Stile In the centra fur the hlmnry to pius through aud- trlmmliijr tile same Mlih lace to snatch tile tender Au exqnieile gtiwn fry the bride of a silver wedding la- compoied of silver gray moire antique of high lustre combined with panels corsage ant ptremeots of black velvet trlmmea with black lace and Jet passementerie and rain fringes II Is said hit one can hardly believe II that the most acceptable of alt holiday presents to a lady from her bus bandor brother or any friend who baa a ritht to give It la along narro ttrlpof tinted paper on vrblUi Is written Pay to the order of 1 c Ihe favorite Jewel ornaments for Christmas gills are nlmond or rose diamond pn U orl Hants In t ihv form of suns stirs creic ntn towers butter Im nfic clii i Itaivs or balls or mhrr form muunlrd on hulrpliu which can io utilized lor othur iurpse Sn will mild coll urr file roso leaf tail drrss for drbutunUs I of tulvtiti all tie ilripirlvs of skirt immit Imioe eiiOl s Uh tti t i renmttlote lieu tuf i ile ilooernt Ihe II > Mar 5 its who ilresa Is AS light AM A foul iler l Mng iinlod on tulle user net stud these over tine mull muslii oirr Lltlit lining silk The loveliest evening dress for u tall ant hanOeom brunette In oue madu ot shot slit ibis colors changing from orango in palu lemon and pink tier thin Is M drapery of amber dulled tulle looped with agraffes uf amber nd pink cri Hal lead and nato fringes fellIng over cascades of lace Novelties for the Christmas tree cnmlst of silver set gilt paper hiinbonlfrf iii time chin ii of helmets bld raves hints chile viichls Unties ducks mid inert iiiloiiif till silk rut hao ret and blue lll c nlul > cilIa llll narrow ribbon itiir strings lit aiu h Ibim lu the lice after lit li gthv leg to en lit bonbons M Ithl A woudrrfully eilrctho tell gets ii I in mate of tot ot Aline ilntrd silk a tilt lraIirti lIt wills cr1 ettal beat el I tile on Ihe tulle > rr sunpended ct gold srAndn- opaline drops nf crvstsl changing from pate blus l lii pick and white as the wearer moves In the dance The tulle draperies are rippled stud arnllured with marabouta and line llowtra aud Dots of ribbon all la the louee nt the shot silk slightly eraphaalied IB depth of color This jewels In thus coiffure to the nsckf and arrnj b the eau and oa the bdi9 a T paii aai ouilf tt ROJUAXCE OPA mroitca SUIT Eventrnl Iflsbnrr of n Oil Rosmrt In Lnxnry- nnd harried to a Farm lionel MIDDLETOWN N Y Doc 10Mm Alice fllllflon ot Lawton this county is an Intolll gent refitted anti Imndsomo young vroninn with n remarkably strnngo and eventful his ¬ tory She is the victim of an lllasflortod mar- riage ¬ and the story of her Ufo li stow revealed in connection with a suit brought against her husband for separation and alimony Alice Yubor was born In Philadelphia about twentytwo years ego where her father John Yubor was at that tmio n prosperous flour merchant Sho wits nn only child and In her early youths hail n luxurious homo anti enjoyed unusual educational advantages Including for n time thoso afforded by n famous Boston boarding school for young ladies Meantime an estrangement aroso between her father anti mother which culminated when the girl was about U years old In a divorce Allco remain- ed ¬ with her mother who soon fell front the aflluonco ohio had once enjoyed Into extreme poverty Tho girl was of u highly sensitive nn- turu and felt their Indigence keenly Ono day when credit was lefusod her by the baker forth loaf of broad sItu rushed wildly oil to tim near- est ¬ bridge and throw herself Into the hchujlklll River and wits with dlilloulty staved from self destruction Not long afterward Impatient of maternal restraint and bent upon earning her own liv ¬ ing she ran away front home to Ivow York whoro alma took rofugo under an mummed- namo with tho Childrens Aid Society Hone sho was fortitnitto In attracting time notlconnd regard of a wealthy anti chlltUosB widow who took her homo anti treated her w Ith the loving kindlier naturally bestowed upon an adopted child Under the care of her foster mother sho was further schooled In thin iitconiplNhineiits becoming to u young lady of highs poclal degree and enjoyed for two joars the advantages ot WhIle travel anti of Intercourse with tIme snore relined circles of society Washington tiara toga Situ riauvlf and hew otk Her pat- roness ¬ died suddenly without having made time provision for her ward by will that site humid often ptomlscd and the girl at IB yours was again thrown upon her own retourcos for a livelihood Site next appeared as companion or ladys maid In the household of n Mr Clark of Law- ton this county Hero she became acquainted with Alfred Ulllson n rude and Ignorant farm hand widower no years old and alter a brief courtship married him Thn abrupt descent from un environment of wealth luxury anti rollnemont to n coir n mind sordid homo antI uncongenial colnpanlonuhlp quickly dissipated her dreams of mm Hal happiness and drov the sensitive and highhplrlted girl to desperato courses Ono night when her hiifbmid re ¬ turned front his work ho found that hula wife had fled leaving behind no trace of her Intend- ed ¬ movements On time morning of her departure there ap neared ut tho door of time nlniBhousoln New burgh twenty miles Irons Lnvvtou a modest handsome anti lilghhred young womnn who applied for shelter In the Institution until such time as she could obtain suitable work bho gave the namo of Allco Ellis until added that tile WitS unmarried him refused to givo any in ¬ formation concerning her homo or relatives or other mutters that might load to liar Idnntillca tints She convolved freely and brilliantly however on the subject of her travels nail ot tho dlsttngulHhcd society in which site lush moved and other general topics dlsplnvIng a wide rnngo of Information and n grace of mini nets that sot tIme vvliolo town arog over the mysterious young woman in the almshouse For some dais the wonder and speculation grow until something that dropped Iron her concerning lint early tuehiool days led thu Nowburgh ucuMps to think that tim fair stranger wnsa runaway school girl from Bos- ton ¬ and the police of tdat oily was appealed to to solvo time uis story of her movements Jut at this juncture n readier solution wits afforded A resident of Lawton recogniud and Identified her and she thereupon departed fiom the nlmshouso as abruptly und uivitorloubly as sIte came It Is now known thirst from Nowburgh sho went direct to her mother in Philadelphia and remained with her until recently when pov- erty ¬ probably rather than Inclination led liar back to the marital yoke at Lavs ton a yoke this limit found so abhorrent that site seeks that laws help in casting it off Meantime tire bril ¬ liant voting woman whoso brief lifo has boon crowded with those strange vlclHSitudcH of for ¬ tune is signcd by the Court mona the inca gro amines of her husband n stated alimony that will barely support existence WERE EATING FOltElOX VOTA TOES Scotland and Irclnnd Muklnir ITp the Den clencjr In Onr Crop According to members of the Produce Ex- change ¬ Now Yorkers and other Americans ore now dependent to n groat extent on Scotland for their potatoes Mr James Christie Jr ot the Exchange has boon the biggest importer of potatoes front Scotland and yesterday he said Tho American potato crop was gener- ally ¬ bad particularly In how York State Time only bright exception wax the crop on Long Island That was good Wo havo had to turn to beotlind anti Itoland for potatoes to supply the deficiency nnd now the impoitations tire 30100 bIlge n week They tire brought on thin regular liners Many potatoes tune also being Imported front Nova Scotia on nailing vessels The duty la lo cents a lnMiol arid thin Scotch ltOttttOeR sMl for about iJJi a bag Ihe kinds imported are time Rcgtrnt the Champion and the Magnum Bottom A Xcw Hummer ICeeort Rear the lllgblanUs LONG UiiANcn Dec iONow York nnd Now Jersey capitalists have begun work with largo force of wait on n now resort on tho beach opposite the Highlands of Navoslnk The Highland Reach Improvement Association has been Incorporated for the purpose of laying out tho land and erecting time necessary built ¬ logs The incorporators mite Vulietmion o Lowry of PIninfleld N J Poidlnnnd lish of Now York anti Joseph C Davis of South Orange N J The mvv resort will have n big hotel bathing boating and mmtio pavilions store pngodab anti other structures Tho visitors can enjoysIll wator bathing In limo Shrewsbury River nn the west Mclo or take invluoratlni dips in the ocean on tho other That assocIation will run fast straIn launches Iron Highland Reach to bandy Hook the Atlantic Highlands Red Rank hoabiight and Pleasure Buy Tim name of the rallioud million titan huts been changed fruit Highlands to HI hlmid Reach Accneed Assnultlni ylltle Girls NEWBUJIOH Dee 10 Pooplo voro shocked herO yostordny when It llrst became known that Leonard 0 Wlnans n oilknown resident was charged with itHniultlug little girls anti toduy Judo Warim of time City Court beforo whom nn examination took plat held him to await thin mullion of thn irasuth Jury Vinan has loiiu beon promlitint I I in secret socIeties and his opuli on N likely to follow the nbovo- rovelatlon Lllin Hiigravos m > oius of ngo IH the girl I who makes t tlio scilous churge until Mary Tiimot a climpinlon coirohoi itiA her Aiinilisl itt about W iciaihrif age The rime In alleged to hnvo bum inmniitted im Thanks- giving ¬ Day Hall was ihxed ul t200d Going < o Trust IturnbacU RIder Losti HitAsni flute 10Long IJianch lits a now btlsllc entt rprlso nearly ronly for operation It I Is a training fchool for cltcns titters aid horse i William H Phowlos the famous bareback rldoi Is tlio pioprKtor HU buildings aro nn cxCoitm jim tsshonui McKennnn property in Morris nut Third nvinuo Thn main oslo i e sixty itch stjtm sir and voll lighted by I laignvvlndoHH Uhln will havna turf floor with uclrcMiB ring of hun iHunl si iz Jero Jlr hhowlea will trtln liorhos iiml baiobuck riders He hut nlgned a contract with P T Ii nit its to traIn tame blocdol aulinula for the riders of lilt ihuw llr Inrkcr SiilU it Sits- rime OISO Hoy Pr Iosipli 1iuJstT of London HUlI l iou hotnii on thu El tium itt vchtuidtiy A mimbnuf clerijtiiun wtvv lii itt till lie cuiri ltti away 5H0 at tho prolltH of lili lecturo tour BANKER HARPERS TRIAL XIII JVltOE TKLt8 Till JURY X11R szvsr PiNt HIM UUILI1 lie Mnkra Prncllcully Tin llffrncf TheCnea- NiibmlUcil Wllhont Aruiimrnt Th Ver dirt Wont he Announced Till Tomorrntr CINciNNATI Dec 10 Tho drambtlo econoa in the Harper trial this morning wore witnessed by n groat crowd Harper appeared nccom- pnnled by his who and her slfttur and his llttlo boy a linolooking follow of I years Time tes ttmony for the dofonco trims vlrttmaily nothing Mr Marchant told what nuts tIme stato ot ac- count ¬ of Swifts Iron nnd stool works In 1887 ILnmoimtod to 19000 deposits and IU 80f- lvnthdruttn an oordtnL Mr Phillips was called to show that tin property tliesa work 4 watt worth over J100000- J F Lnrkln banker was called to show that Wllshlro watt buying wlicat for others than Harper but all ho could say was that isis batik had handled some pitper of Tlmbarlakns with endorsements by Wllshlro and tIme Court titled It out ns Incompetent TlmlnrlaLo himself was called Ho sold Wllshlra never bought for hint Wllshlro had simply > endorsed some ot his paler Mr Blackburn said hh purpose was to nliow that Wllahlros toHtlmony that ho had bought for Harper only was not true The Court reminded counsel that Vllshtro hind tes- tified ¬ that ho bought 1000000 bushels on hits r own account and It they could show ho hod bought more than this it might ba dotio The wit ness wits oxeimed Mr Harpor and his eouns l then withdrew for consultation In ton minutes Mrs harper was culloil out The consultation wan upon time queKtlon of submitting thin stoic without argument At 1045 they nil returned and Mrs Harpor was currying Iwr baby bho sat down besIde her huslmnd with time child on her knee removed Its white hood and dlsplnved A lovely head and face bright eyes hue com- plexion ¬ anti full round cheeks Abovo tho low hum of tho crowd could bt heard tho bajysv- olco as It reached to tile tahiti miter pupera and cooed Its delight It wits time only plea that was offered for HH hillier for whom Mr Blackburn arose ho xuld that ummllor that ruling of the Court ns to the evidence ofTorod they had no moro witnesses to offer That case wasthea- subinllted on both sides without argument Judge Jacksons chargo occupied nn hour nnd fifty minutes In delivery Ho remnrkod that In ovoiy count Harpei was charged with q criminal net Ho said time responsibility oj bank ofliconme wits toot for louses on honest logs loans In good faith for the benefit of the asso- ciation but for illegal units for time benefit of others tItan the bunk Ho said time Court could npsmno those things proven which had boon presented in evidence by both stiles He then enumerated Otto after another time various act regarded as proven by Harpers own admission Htich ns a credit to tint lllversldo Iron nnd Htoo- Woiks upon no consideration and declared thutthudqfendant committed mt wrongful act when he took time check of the Ilhoraldo Works In that way So of the 1300 000 certificate of deposit In the First National Bunk of Now York represented by his own chuck This waa- u criminal mitt admitted by the defendant The Court cited hOt after act all admitted by Harper which under the ruling of the Court constituted criminal acts Among others was 15000 given to Hoyt tor Hopkins In which Harper said he was to be a sharer with Hop ¬ kins By sending collaterals to time Chemical National Bank Juno ir the defendant com- mitted ¬ nn unlawful criminal net llurperfi heroic efforts to save the bunk dons not excuse hint any niece than n man would hte excused for scuttling a ship by afterward maklngofforls i> save It Itoftrrlug to Harpers defence that hi- i > i was trying to save tim husk ho severely ar- raigned ¬ his method Having It vra not reason- able for n man to sink 11400000 In trying to sari 85000 Tho Court instructed the jury that It must find on his own testimony that the defendant hud committed n crime Thn tory retired nt 3PM Early this even Inc they hnd not brought In a verdict and It was decided not to announce the verdict tilt Monday morning Dtt COUISWS PROTEST lie Describes the South Third Street UM- pltal ne filthy Dr John Corlah who refuses to obey the order of tho Board of Trustees of the South Third Street Hospital Willlamsburgh to va onto his office of house surgeon ot that inatitu- tlon said yesterday I made complaint of time filthy condition oi the hospital In n letter sont to the Board ot- Trustecswhlch hotter titer say not only shows that I am too fresh but according to them contains statements that should not have beets made by a doctor They say It was for writing that letter that I was expelled You know the words The Belief are over the front doors Well I wrote that when I entered the front door and saw the words The Kollof I won- dered ¬ how n man could bo relieved who was brought Into this Institution BufTeringfrom great loss of blood Wo havo not an instrument with which to transfuse blood or to transfuse milk or salIne solutions Order la Heavens llrht lusty that is a quotation from tho Mending of that printed tithes of the hospital There in no order lucre I wrote that the doctors work run Into the ounces nnd tho nurseH work intq time janitors ClenllnesH la noxt to godliness1 That Is another quotation from the rules Tha whole hoot Is covorod with dust There isdusj- ovcrynhcra The chairs window sills walls railings aro covered If ono of you Kentlomoo of the Board of Trustees I wroto should leers against time steam radiators you would look lIke a Nuts York boodle Alderman moaniu that they would have dusty strIpes across their clothing from tile radiators I write that this closets and the bath tubs were filthy How would souI wrote like to have such a state ot affairs In your own houses e lion would you llko to get up on a cold board floor nt all hours of the night mind run the risk of setting spUn orb in your feet I The opeiuting room filthy mono corner stands several boxes of soap and a couple of barrels of junk and rubbish The drawers are BO thick with dust that you cant soothe bottom of thorn What Instrument wo have ar broken mint rusts I estimate the value ot tile initiumentB at 70 Now that H WIttt I wrote Dr Champney signed tho letter with mo but ho was not ox polled Vnndernllt Duty or the Astor Cornelius VanderbIlt has purchased Irons the Astora u plot of 400 lots near Bhorman ave nuo anti 15d street for J500OOU This Is a por- tion ¬ of lime 3000 lots bought by the AMoro In this vicinity three yilmnuu ago for 110000 The lots sold to Mr Ynuddrbllt are the lonstvalu nhlaof time plot Theso 400 lots adjoin the two tracts contain ¬ lag together 200 lois that were transferred to Mr Vandoibllt last week for 1246750 The silo hums probably boon purchased with a view of using it for terminal facilities for the New York Now haven anti Hartford Itallroad and for tho erection of shops for time Waguef Pulaco Car Company Tine Furniture lu ItrooUlyiu- It iny reader of Tun BUN has In mInd the purcli8 yf a handftomo COIl solid jiiecuof furntury faff- n holiday prenemul his rooms of tho Brooklyn J urn Hurt Company OM to 71 lullon treet IJrnoklti should its visited To one Who hai not experienced 11 the ease with hlcli alt the fools In tlio prime hult tlnpnro exhibited to Ultors bjr tuo aid of rkxutor and by the skilful nrruiKoineiitnffiiriiUurntnil J ie ilO lees than innrtel Jons Mr rtmillnir In hue rioorivn > nf a room a glance ulll i hnw nearly all that i tho rouui Lontnlnit Ilieru tots tiseit a lUely trials of Kito nt Iho Hrnoklyn Furnltiro 1ninjany null tie nupttrintrudeiit veemer- itii i > tue attribute it loutUcrliiUiif in Tuts bra You liiaj any that for UH Oak mutt unatualmly furniture In nntfQiin patterns art In rogue this winter riicrry ItorKrnn nnd secretarial Are In itemumal rid and the linn use n large number mad spoitutly Stir Site hoililny Irate In fmk cherry and walnut wrirtmr deals the Inn linn iltim erratIc digIt to suit tIme moat eriattn taSted Tlitrt is A room Mini wltU usury chwlr niiofher with t arlr suite la- pluih anoTtier Whit fnllintr bed from ta to ftAf- liioiliT wlih batrtx fr mi Slam ti Cl7 In tie ran i rttparlinent on thus irruun t door the flrra rails e peclal- attoullou to a full supply of tile stew patt iui 4 VhSft atrial of over 0 rO Quarter of a century I Y tvA i A i tJese sti- Mte i II I- ti ji boit for g ti CtJ L ACKEG r I etrrs rn PAINS S- 1p1 I 2W JF = 2- 1t4 C C r rfV jwt Cv t > J Viv- AILCOntS rOKOUn PLIRTKRS have ncc iftly ami triuirpliattiy stood the teat cut over thin > jwriue 1 ly the ptiWic they litte nv I Utu rout iby tiiixiujni- liui irlat if who live fought lo win a hint of the icjtutauon of AitCtKKS Ity rialvtiij- pUsttri utli holes in them and chiming them to tj 0 jut t 33 coo4 as ALLCOCK- bAlIcocVa Porous rinsUra stind today Indorsed by not only the highlit medical authorities but by thousands of gnteful p titnU who have proved their efficacy u 4- tt9UKhQl4 remedy I enai1 fc4jsjdtea
Page 1: BUBL Oil RQd Dcl0Tho Ier FrtT - Chronicling America

Vt t 7 fo-





BCoa ITfco Wr RQd u to Drhl lalvII Out A SUrlUt FrtTInlOlrf Bold > CDidnt John L and tho Prince of Wales

have A rorftl time together The bUr followkopt his word and Mtonl hd the kinK that-maybowithaucha display of Oslo power as-ha had noror betor soon but this dlsisy was It was insignificant In comparison tothe loon he tahthe mobs and snobllnesof this are eer ready to bow thknee to and approve of anything I It Is

English yoh know Bully wasnt bit abash-ed In tho prunco of majesty Titles and of-


count very ltto with him and seeing Inthe futuro RInD England n vary ordinarylooking gentleman he was respectful but per-fectly


Rolfposeesied Albert Edward who mustolten wish that mon would be natural wtthlihnand not merely polite or still worse adulatorylimning or sycophantic was taken with theAmerican champions poise an was shown bytho admiration ho expressed for It after theybad oarted big follow by tho way they callhim ths big un on tho othor side has receivedth < etampot British approval R fresh crop of

mel who made him has sprung up and when Iof tho ondorful things they did for him

in the days of hil llstlc novitiate I mirvoi atthe narrow escape wo hao had from neverhaving him in tho ring at all for If thoso talesare true John would never have found outwhat a slugger ho was had not the discoverersby dint ol hard work and with great difficultyjttrcn him tho Information Not long since Ifall a column account ot Johns lire and found

urprlRthat If It had not been that Itook of Dontitown and pitted himagainst John Donaldson who Is now PatsyCardlfTs manager tho probabilities are howould have become a icnpcctablo member ofoaloly and another Instance of the fact that

Full mahr a flower I born la bluol annAnd WMte Iti stfettnens Ih arIt Is almost enough to clvo ono n crick In tho

back tto road rot Uko this John L Hulllvunwould haw beon a lighter ot ronown IIlnddon and n ilorcn more of his JIrluid novel been born

Tim night that Sullivan sailed for Encland Inthe good Iltunrd tub Coplmlonla I crossed fromUromont to Wnnlilngtou utrect by way of onoot the little lioitnn thoruhfarll that In anyother city would bo As I passedAlong I caught sight uf oml sporting picturesinn drinking siiloou and dropped in to lookat thorn Of our9 I first faced the bur andJllid my tho privilege and then Ibwan my Inspection

I hon N many plctun of noted old debt-ors


horses but tho thing which most In-terested


ino vns a trained nrocrnmmo of ncomplimentary bunclt that was given to Toofloss who nt th time was matched to fight

addyItyan for tho championship of AmericaThere was a doublecolumn Hit on It of notedpparrcrs who were to appear This list embraocd almost every lighter of note In DostouNew York or Philadelphia but at the bottomIn largo typo was the announcement that onthis occasion 011 Joe would wind up with

John Sullivan tho coming champion of thoI world The lottors forming tho name wore

each nn Inch long und thorn was the predic-tion


that hnlsince been so completely fulfilledI aazod wistfully at the old soveuir andu I anl I thought of the falsepretensions of thoso who are now HO prompt

that It wa their proclencethat gave tho world a companion clitdlator to Hercules und Kampnou The dittoof this benefit wal months bofortSullivan wasinduced to long beforesumo of his makers hud hoard of him andoven at that early Into ho had bested DanDwyorJoo Oofa and every other thumperof notn or ambition about Boston andbad offered to box Paddy Itynn at Paddysown exhibition In Sprintfield Mass which of ¬

fetMr Ryan for reasons now perfectly oldentnot see nt to accept By the way It was not

ltlho defeated Itynn at Mississippi City thatformal inserted tho Initial L In hil name

1 In full from Idm for moneyraid him for his Cincinnati trip and the signa-ture


toll is plain John Sullivan I hope whenho returns from abroad that ho will not imitatetho dude darkles and write It J Lawrence tintIvan Imitation Is the sincerest lat andrho see lit to compliment IsItoyul MgbnebS by being known hereafter asJohn Lawrence Bulllvan nobody will objectbut tho other style wont go

Tho easy penny shaver who mows the bris-tles


off Charley Mitchells face Is to be com-miserated


Tho English lads jaws are so longnow that the poor barbers task has beon quad-rupled It can hardly bo possible that Char¬

leys spleen instigated the hissing of SullIvanby costrrmongcrs at tho Aquarium the othernisrht Eminent ootorhavresorted to suchdisreputable past when theywanted to mortify 1 rival but pugilists ofworldwide fame should above such devicesHowever It makes no difference now whetherhe did or did not Tho stamp of royal approvalhas been set on Sully and it will carryumphantly through almost any part Of thethree kingdoms

Tho only wonder Is that his enemies did nothire men before to hiss order to createhlmhlntho Impression over he was not aspopular an was represented John who Is attimes as linguistically clever as he Is alwaysphysically seems to have forgottenthat the slangof Billingsgate is the vernacular-of the costormongorfor hH called his nnoyorlpigs without tails Today his feotnative land of his progenitors and warm willbe tho welcome ho will recelv In it

Tho Dublin jackoons will go wild over himand when thoy navo chord and shouted overhim to their hearts they will tukl himout to tho Currngh of Klldnro whore greatDatfDonnolly conquered George Cooperin eleven rounds In which there Worknock downs bosldo a broken jnwbonE PatsyShcppard who was thor summer tellsthat the footprints men are 8t1 to beleon where they fought In Cork will

another bll time and beside howlhao-A fhnni tin ta aurA tnthe famous blarney stone As it IB he has verytaking ways with the Indlei or ho Is much be ¬

lied Id give a pretty to MO Sully on n side oa-rcoloutol with a Jnrvey 0 Musha Mlsther

Its the proud man I am tho dayto have ye behind mo Its sato to hot thatpalaver like that wleot enough of tips fromJohn to pay all bills ho ever ran no Inlloston I wish ho was out of Belfasthowever The black Iae not friendly tomen of his kidney and lie returns Its dislikewith al his heart In a scrlramago he wouldfar better among tho worst of English

than In a ftJn fight In BelfastThe backer Kllraln Is dlstrlbntnacopies of his colors around quit lbrllrThey aro elaborate and

some VIIground Is of white Ilk with ared white and blue brder In oppositeupper cornor al tho American und Irishshields lowr corners are theAmerican nnd Irish flags and tho shieldsof the States of Massachusetts and Mary ¬

land In tho centre li it magnificent por ¬

trait of Kllraln and beneath it Is a legend wittine forth that ho is the Champion puglllHt ofAmerica Altogether tho colorl are the finestever seen here end it is to 0hope that they

i onclrclo the vvulnt ofnext International tight In a tow

weeks the men wilt moot In Ithe ring anti tItersTO Ilnl know positively which Is the better

I am sorry that titer is not a probe ¬

nutty of tim presence of u largo American con-tingent


at the ring side What u ten strikeSullivan could make If bo would take n placeIn Eilrulns corner and advise him through thefight Then if Jako wins every ono wouldsay that Inillvnnfl skill had helped him to vie ¬

oryaisdwlmt n sensation a match betweenhim Mid the big fellow would then create Ifear however that there is not enough of liemilk of human kindness In Johns compositionto make hIm udopt this course tend besidesCharley Mitchell would kick like a steeragainst it

Domlnlok McCaffrey seems to havo got ovorthetit of pugnacity which attacked him a fewweekago Then he was all rasurneeh to light

on the list Ho ttiiedto Induco PatFarrell to most him on oqultublo terms but-

terNolanttnd Pat Klllen to say noblnKofb-otaea Burkua were

b OlantlkoIf Iko nld Tommy Warren are In oar

nest tholrfcht Minneapolis next week oughtto bo the olevorlst featherweight battle foryear Both are clever and both are hardhitters tho Spider especially cud If bUllnolJand not merely pecuniary gain iis 1think those who soo their mill will rememberit for many a long duy to come TV Mr gave anexhibition of his temper with Johnny Clarkthe other day that nearly cost the latter hislife It is fortunate that Clerk is a gentlemanal well as H pugilist or the Spider would havoonline to regret his temerity

Tho stakes In tho JleAullfftCarnoy battlehaving boon drawn that affair Is over Themon will hardly ever meat arum in a ring con ¬

flict Johnny Is testily fur from a welmanRndIt Iis hard to Bay when ho willgain lerhnJlnelthorho usertight norCarnoywl andMeAulllfe has been warned by his lat experi-ence


that ho cant take chuuuos with impunityany more

f An Out Far IitsePerhaps the oldest fur house in the country

is this of BOOM A Rro 449 Broad way ald irctiibly nobouicarrinnlatiffr tock It look niltwo ihouldbe more driven for noveltIes thus ever before 11llh-omnrr yriterd Uc did nicood butlnvM In Sits

furl part of I tin nrwou ons I select an uniiiuully goadiuarkrtluler Htvumji Iilmuch ever fur boarlnj anintki itt alu world had Iteen cniwiUd Ititu the niirbet I irtnuM luii end we Imvefiillr kitS vv will the demandto w V har no e < cl4liU tinleM 1 our varytut K < ee of rubs We kha lo bIrolddII evrrrIpuir Ilh irede Therein eaSy knuwthat II Ijuut run 1U cncri and III

IIW years bfor it does We are Yleal tlocked

to 4 eirery form but wef I itHiJv > fimjifllTUil kypaU

11 AlJ 6

nn covzoxT jvur BUBLAnd That la TTby Defendant f Xthttn

Alien Lost Foot lineNonwion Conn Dcl0Tho potonoy of

cider brandy was show this town lest nightThis brandy Is Avery Inlldlousluld It firedUfo blood and te onthuslnsD of nlineal descendant of redoubtable EthanAllen 8onator James Allen of hanoverThe oxSenator in a big broadchested manwith tho thaws and alaows of a Hercules MrAllen makes occasional trips to this city andbits last visit was paid yostorday Ho registered-at tho Waurcgan Hotel end paid close atten-tion


during the day to tho bar Just after theRhodes of evening bad fallen on tho valley oftho Qulnnatnng the descendant of Ethan Allenwan an extremely hilarious and interestingcondltlonNtbat Is Interesting to the hnbituusof tho barroom Mr Allen stood at tho barandsaidI can outrun outiump outflet outwrcstlonnd anything else any man in Connecticut I

As the descendant of tho Itovolutlonnry heromndo this boast ho throw out his cholt ex-


an athletic loft leg and de-


at tho State of Connecticut generally-and those in the barroom In particular Thenhe continued with a more explicit offer

I Ill run a mile dash with any man here for825 nnd heros tho currency putting his banlinto his trousers pocket and bringing II rolbills which ho slapped upon the counter

In a dark corner of the barroom unobstrunlvo and alone sat n very small lean manwho would have served very well for n matri-culated


slloln But he could run At leastho said could Ills name was too llyrnoalie walked the descendant of Ticondoroas warrior and said

Do you want to run Ill run youThe colossal exSenntordrew himself up as

well as be could until towered over the smallman like a cathedral antI looking down con-temptuously


at him saidsee

When I run 1 run wltl something I conWell you wont see mo long after we begin

to run was tho skeletons replyMr lon calolior another glass of the Con-


drinking It wiped hismouth on his coat sleeve Then ho turned-to hilwouldbcompetitor and remarked in I

Do yOU want to run Havo you got thomoney 1

Just at this critical juncture tho hand ofTeddy Sullivan the bartender appearedaround the corner of the bar Mr Allots failedto eee this little byplay But Mr Dimes sawthe hand and secured Its contents whichproved to be l2-

5Theres my money said Byrnes puttingIt upon tho ezbenutors as It lay on thecounter

The conditions of thIs rco said tho oxBenntor are that It shall run in tho Ver-mont


style just as my famous ancestor ueod torun but not from tho British

And whets the Vermont stylo askedByrnes-

Ill show you right awaysaid Mr Allentaking off his overcoat His Prince Albert 101 ¬

lowed then hisvost nnd also his troupers Thoflannel garment which Is worn between a Con ¬

necticut gentlemans trousers and his cuticlewas also removed Then he put on his trous-ers


and tied his suspenders around isis waistBareheaded and clothed simply In his under-shirt


and trousers be stood ready for tho contest

Byrnes followed Mr Allens example Thetwo men presented n striking contrast Ifwant of flesh b n requisite Inn race Byrnescertainly had advantage Without waitingfor any word the redoubtable et8otiatorplunged out tho side door followed closely by

competitor The course led alongBroadway the most aristocratic street in Nor-wich


Tim mon ran well together until thoerBenator gained a slight advantage Byrneshowever was In bettor condition thanhis atblotla antagonist anti soon tookthe lead In some unaccountable mannerthe Court House fonrsuddenly appeared be ¬

fore Mr Allen and run slam bans Into iL Thepickets cracked tho exSenator recoiledInto the gutter unlremained titers Bvrnoskept on and won tho rises On his return hopicked up the descendant Etlnn Allen whoalthough defeated wrs still conscious of hisheredity They walked back veryaffectionately to the barroom The affectionwas of necessity moro apparent on the part ofMr Byrnos Congratulation regrets and elderbrandy wore freely Indulged In nt the hotel bar

Well gentlemen said tho PxSoimtor Ican run a race on level ground but I aint good-at jumping hurdles


TBneen Who Makes Love Wherever HeOoei Put Awar un the lelemd

August Jansen the middleaged coachmanwho rails in lovo with his employers daughterHS regularly as clockwork was hauled up InHarlem Court yesterday for his last Ireak Hisappearance is decidedly against his success Inhis profession Ho is spare angular and verycheekbony and his gray yes are timid Yester-day


his left eye was halo of green yellow andblue which boro a silent testimony to the weightof Detective Sergeant Cosgrovos fst Illsmoustache is long heavy and rod and his hairis the color of awlspot hay forgotten in thefield and rained on

Ills last employer was Mr John P Duncantho retired grocer of 0 East Sixtyfourth streetAccording to his custom ho foil In lov withMiss Annie Duncan and ho was dischargedfor annoying her After that he began to way ¬

lay her in the street and to bend her notes andmade himself a nuisance generally He metMiss Duncan on No 30 and Insisted upon es-corting


her to tier home Detective SergeantCongrove blacked his loft eye and arrested him

Miss Duncan camo to court yesterday withher father and a young lady anti several otherfriends or Interested persons Among thesewas tho Rev Dr E Walpolo Warren whomJensen had been bothorlng of late for testi-monials


as to his characterJensen regarded Mieu Duncan with a silly

smile while that young ludy flushing a littlennlD

This man she said In a tremulous voicewas a coachman In my fathers employ He

was discharged for his nttentlons meand since that limo has followed ran In thostreets almost every day and Insulted morepeatedly On Nov 30 1 met him on tho cor-ner


of Alndlfton uvnuo nnd bixtyfourth MreetI did not want SI po I crossed Mudlsfnavenue to got out of his way Hotook hold of my arm and Colowctlnrlreadied the other hide ftf tho avenue when hoprotested that ho loved mo anti wantud mo tomarry him I called to a policeman nnd JanSn left In n hurry On Dec 1 mind J itt i repuat-rd his nnoancos and I was compelled to causehis urrent t

Justice Weldo made short work of tho caseHe heard Junbens plaint about his law-yers


absence Than ho sent Jansen to Oneyear In the penitentiary In default of f 1 000 Inllfor good behavior Jansen will probably spendtime year In prison

Junsiui product tho following letter whichho wished It understood onus Irom Miss Dun-can but which AllJDrentlywlH modelled on thoconospondenco Toots and writ-ten

¬by himself to himself

N Y vnv II H7FiriK Slat I ihould he tlss4 lo have yea relied early

tIti nflernoon and I hopa > ou havent forvoiicn wlut-pleaienl time we hod peabrlde N J cud Iou icrry0thai you nor left

I remains yours surelyAJMI DitKr

Wee Iladr Cheated at the Pall fThere was much fwrpilso in political and

especially In Itcpubllcan circles In Brooklynwhen It was announced sifter tho couulllloft-ho ballots at tbo Fourth wardtion a couple of weeks ago that Michael FDady tho Btalwnrt Republican boss of theward had met with his first detent The eontest was close and mltlng but there had beenvery close und exciting elections In this baili-wick


often before and > et Mr Dady ha t neverfailed to Miucero himself and his man through-to victory Mr Dady howovor dam not pro-pose to allow his political tttnr to remain Inoollpso He declares that ho and his filomUwere cheated outo victory at the lisleby the grossest kind of fraud and for 1111101pose of punishing the persona umponBlble MrDaly David D MoKennon and othorrf wentbefore Justice Walsh yesterday with it stark ofaffidavits setting forth that Inspectors GeorgeP Cochran und Caswoll L Clair score guilty offalse counting mind other I ni JusticeWalsh was rOuatll to lactic Wllrntl for thiarrest of IIRJoctOr for Ilust pitwary law but ho would further con-sider


the mutter

Calnmerer Beautiful 8bov VlndanrA J Cammeyers shoo store with Its 125 feot

of iliow wlndowi la RUth avenue at the cornier ofTwelfth treetli ihe largest eitabllihment of the kindIn lull country nth nowhtre sits can there be foundsuch a tock of opcllolda foot wear Mippen forlittle children b1 mWt and ton ladle sitUgentlemen are the great attraction of the time forladlea the prettiest ones are the Atlouls They have Ihe-

Loula XV heel and are made nf patent leather withtrlIhl red cr soft suede tot and trlmned nltli troalsliver buckles AnotherI pretty kindI that cst moremoneyI

Ila of bronie kim irlmuird sills ItnUi Iheretire med with lists buckets or I mix unit mat fromKl tto 3 n pair for men liter cia iniiiiy fiyei-of tllpncn aiimo i t theta Wutiriillr cmbrolacre I

but tie h iMl omril am of alligator chits tinUbed lu torture wino or chestnut abadr Thelest Ila new for these who want olIlI comrnrt thereare the cold proof ahoel anti foot xarmera for Indooroutofdoor UK They are made u listIng aol unlycoat fl Hubber bouts tar boys and men tire lit seasonand tn atauitard oodi the ladleiwaukenphuC handeeyed she fer 3 and the peucemamsutls taleiishstn 460 an rMouk i UTertiu

> 1 4 lu J t


And Xspreeeti Opinion of Herr Welf ferwhich the Latter Wants Damages

For two daypost IerAlbert Nlomnnntho tenor of elmnn opera company nowsinging nt tho Metropolitan Opera House hitsdivided his time between music and a consid-eration


of what ho should do to avoid tho un-pleasant


consequences of nnsworlng In a suitfor slander wherein damages are laid at

10000 The complainant In tho case Is HerrFrederick Wolf ot 238 West Fortythird streetMr Wolf Is very fond of music and musiciansAccording to Bnmuol 0 Barnard his attorneyin tho suit Mr Wolf made tho ncaualntanco ofHerr Mlemann hosT llobluson nnd othermembers of the troupe with whom Niomannwatt singing n year ngo or moro Herr hiobintots wishing to obtain QUllrter In u privatehouse applied to Mr succeeded Inloosing Mr Wolfs second floor Mr Wolf ac-cording


to Lawyer Barnard was Induced to lothim have It out of leuduhlp and love of musi-cal


gentlemenAroneother ways In which Mr WoU antI Mr

entertained their guests who culledto see them in large numbers was by nn exhi ¬

bition of tho uncertainties of n nulot game ofdrnw wills a 51mll Forlonvonhcothounmo-wa nlavcd In roomto the comfort of tho gentlemen Mrs WolfLawyer Barnard says used frequently to servoit cold lunch with llhluo wino and other sooth-Ing liquids to remove nny little acerbity thatmight arise over tho game Mr Wolf LawyerBarnard says was n continuous loser but thatwould never havo given him a second thoughtIt it lout not beon for tho unkind return whichas alleged ho received for his hospitality oxtended to Herr Memiinn

AlonAln January last Mr TV oil observed thatwho had so often come to his house

came no more Herr Hoblnnon even soughtother quarters Worse thins that the members-of the coterie cut biOdead on the street Indig-nant


at thll ho rushel to such friends as roinsisted hll asked why this had hap-pened


In hli complaint ho SCII that holearned becausewas Ierr NlemJIIwith malice and a dslro totho presence of JlorltsiPaoh 1mllriscliorEmllHanger Anton Scull Theodore Hnbe manMorris Gold Henry II Colin Alexander Kmo-mer Caspar Fcchtler nnd Crlchton Webb

Wolf tho complainant moaning Is n profes-sional


gambler timid his house the house ot thocomplainant ucanlngl is only a gambling es

Mrf UoHtnnt

did not act hastily Ho waited un-til


Herr NIomnnu had sailed away to Europoand hat sailed back again and had for two

charmed the lovers of Gorman tenorvoice who frequent the Metropolitan Opera

and then ho hired tho lawyer who senta noto us follows to Herr Nieinun-

nN You Dee I 15d7llr JVImann Jetropohltuii Opera Haa-

in I have Ibtcn cnnviltr by Mr Frederick Wal ofmtWeit horty third Street city will tInmaUcloun nnd unwarrantable In which youhav Rlandered Stint to hit acquaintances and friends bvcharging blm with being a profeuinnal gambler sodthe keeper ot a framln Mr Wolfe hissbon aerinitety damaned socially nutS flnanclally

Uolr you forthwith publicly apologize tn my clientby llKMTtinK such retractionI In the public newspapers oftitle city I have poNltheaud peremptory instructions tosilent legal proreitihtcs loot You to enforce the vlndlcatloa of my clients honor YOr revpectfulhSIULC-

LG CL UAHnnNext day Herr Robinson called on Mr Wolf

and said that If Herr Nlomnnn hail done nnyhn was willing to make suitable amendswronl did not think that ho ought to got tho

mistIer Into the publlo prints ll Violf In-


that tho apology must he prlntClln or-


to ba commensurate wills the 11110 toneand there the negotiationsproeeis server vtts let louse on tho trail of Momaim

A IVIDOtr A310XG TilL FUJlmSShe Got Fledffea to Nnvr the Song Birds asset

3InUe lremlaory Note or ThemSHNTCA FALLS Decl0Two weeks ngo 1

llttlo woman about 35 years of ago airlvod inSeneca Falls She va In mourning She hallnn unusually fair complexion dark bluo ayesanti brown hair and liar face was attractiveand expressive of modesty and refinement Shosaid she was Mrs Ruth Armstroll of NewYork and was ono of tWllyo agents whol theSociety for tho Prevention of Killing bongBirds In Now York had sent out Into tho ruraldlntrlctsof this Stab for the purpose of gettingpledges from 1lluoulllllOollo that they woulddo all In power suppra tho slayingof tho birds Hbo obtained boveril pledgesfrom pool lo In Seneca Falls and on thenext day drovo over to tho bumlot ofEast Varlck Seneca county whore shewent to Elder Colton a pillar In the churchthere and the richest farmer In the town Hhostated her errand to the older and was invitedto his house to spend tho night The wholoColton family wero delighted with her andElder Colton not only signed a pledge whichMrs Armstrong presented but presented thnlady with three tl bills for the treasury of thesociety lu New oik Deacon Skinner of Lodlwas also visited und moved by tho fair hubswords to sign a pledge forcblcklnJJtbu slauul-iter of song births ofth Pence In West Varick isnd Daniel Simpsonand Peter Henson of Tyro also gladly signed

Next dsy tho pretty widow recclvod u tologrant front Albany and with tears I her eyesshe hastily packed liar tunk at boardinghouso in heneca ills Her only brothers asdying in Albany said and she took thefirst train for that city Several dajs latorthere were some trot mOIl men In benieacounty The widows bird pledges-all turned up as promissory notes AlbertMall a hostLer anti merchant at Sheldrakebought notes to tho amount of IH40 which pur-ported


to have boIs given by Elder Colton andHoz khlh Bishop Mr Hall bought thorn ofa middleBgid man who pretended to havesold farm mlchlnerlu this re and thus-to have notes They hail beetsingeniously constructed from tho pledges toprotect the birds Similar notes varying Inamount from 150 to IhIJO each hove beon soldby the man in other parts of tho countyduring the past five days and It is reckonedthat the total amount of notes constructedfrom tho songbird pledges and sold In this rogion IIs 11300 or lUiluToday It has boon learned that a wontonexactly answering tile description of SirsArmstrong worked thin songblruplodsto swin-dle


In Ooneseo anti Livingston counties sev-eral


months ago The result of the work atthat time was ovor 2700 An old grayhalrodmart negotiated tho promissory notes titan

Tn California and hack for SIlTTho Ponn > lvanla Railroad Company Is now

lelllnr eieumiou tUketa tj California cood for sixmonths irons the day of lIu The rates to ban Fran

Ion Bun them or Los Vnselea ant return are ti117 andfI2f A ll7tlcSetcnrrle n person hy wny of Wathlue

The purcliaier Imx K hoke or rumen lst I routouncii PIutIK M Lout or Katuno iiy The ticketcontain an exchange ticket order lor use on 110 Westernroads IhU entitle a mtssttoer lo nn ettunion ticatlutueit by the respective trunknuutluental lutes at ther-Luitcrn toruiin1

Notee of lliulc KentTwo extra lloftnann conrerta wilt be given this

wed both at the Metropolit in flu UIt wl1I ne an-erenlnff perfomianuk on luemlay and a natinceou-TliurJ J I

This week will see the lBI of Dorolhy at tho StandartS Ihraire for the present 11tutu IntlI excellentrusH and Hilt undouUieilli mol> Petlt5 alrtAdy-lamllUr wllh U to tour l1 list ptrfounniKc

Van mOle lover wIlt bcieir at one feature ofthe weiku roKrumnie nt lbe ti10101111 > lfir-frlid Its aniiountcil oral tIti will niithtMonday and Satur lay ttitiiites uil be laLttt up with

TIle htiweb5 and hautl Mill be riueatml on WijtUace tixy

The ptrfomaiue of Mailelon Itt the Cnulnc hunnotably Improved diiriui tha neek ant uurm t Siteltrfi audiences JI which tile CaHlno Ila atriiHlonif-ilferynlelit I hI Onlnlhro wll be Allotlarof tholopulr aarrid b > the mcinbira of-

Mr Abbeys troupe with AeueudorA und lint IJTR-Oorihtbtru

Thn publlo rehearsal for the Th irmm concfrt IIn thinMelnuuy IHall terlM o 111 tale BIMW neviThuinlii nt JucIk ilu pri nIM N an tptlonHlit FtriMU oneeiinfur Iihli iitrie I ni itf nhi iianu n iseri Ire totic brile nt MMinn nlkininu rcioml icrenaile fuunit iinhf trn a work ot tthe pro iirlimn 11 u xm-

iliuii lluna loren yirliuny win j i unirrtn itsligolcJAlol

Mike Adiii Axe liir Uhu IfilI to Dm IULu of the

Mr Waltir Damrosih net noon claim thin tills ofrbamplon In tIle pr iucilonI o novnltirH Several hav-esrshly Ilint irlwii In ihla ttTlia uf armpbonj mnceriaut-tbo viitruiuiUiin iml lii I its neM whith Mil In jilt otthalunlat KVrlilnir > 17 u irrrtlto by Dvorak tt itIbepairdfor the fret tlmi Outer numbers on the pro

sri Hrabm Third Hymphony lieethovenframingod u piano concerto by HeuieJl Sirs FannyHlnomrlclil Ziegler wilt In the soloist The publlo ruheamulbccurt ou rrlday ufleinoon Ue Ilo

One of mite meet Important eveuta of the musical searon n Ill hn Site lint ronurtI by the Itonon frmpliinr-orchritriI t hint will occur at Ill inc nj llalfunUrJ-nrhilayevenlnirf title week Tim IprOkrtniiDC follownI It CtS tOt II rrevfclmti1 5y m Viwiur JItu r1AililllmI tO hiltS Kiuih rnliili mlI rinlieslrii ik bv Jolni rrlmulun MHI n t litViirobvMtrallon of-

htiiuliDrt a 1uneral MarcU and llccibut rna Second M inptlEt Tlippnlollt will lia MkK IrS irulte IfJmann uavnrit lontru to n Hnrion IV iUi < ihu Kniih urlaIsite will simi roieral Hlun S lilch oo not yet announcedMr itilietiti Ullkn he Italer oe U IU tretli tire hui-ai far prejudl m ivhlch were ariiu ed-

brlilieinriiiiUirntlu Rutton tlrce t err > IBU IJII e-

irlcunf roar elitht roncrrliIn iuie Hull iI unileut tn mtet the < lemanui ul tile puhli-

t bin treek at the ThAlla 1 be of unusual Interest In-

anuuth an Ilu a IJIiloutotl pfrlormaiirr by Juukermann AntI Hneirl two erformrnco titit la given byMalhlble ollrelly lliupniuiar tlinrerwaant ono timelhnnianater of this iltuita and IIs iow and ilsas woe aIrtiorlle comedienne with her founir rnpe tierpresent eiiKeknment titers U A ieeiel one uxtcndiiiirever lirowKks durluif nrlileh llm rliii will iulpenr In-

famtliir sootheI n eras Hko Hoi cart ifs 7 itt hOtr itlnltr i file M iiisiri tc MIT enunKenunt-

Is it4te ite4ile from the faitthat tIe Hi Iiull troipe-inI rnoIIit i rmani uU lulai he niiiyB liHoan-In I i i httt herhih iinil ilte lsn u IM L-

At Ihe rita e ot her TnulU tiuHscmnit she C IIIIII to-

Ihe KiiirlUb Held tile tn cil theThalia lean followI VtonJa the rto Lln nlvlitof lunkermann sitU Hoelel Tunday 54 appearance ofJuiihertnson Iii inspeciiir nmaiuu WdDUdu rpetuba 0 The Ilugueitoits wlhJaulh Thursdaybesmsirea wilts OOlroU1 1dJrrsate tut olli alu ecceccioe

I i



The Itcneene Why the AntUPavertr LenderDecma U Wlee to do Out of Actlro Petitmist Onelnee for he Cnraluc Year

Mr henry Ocorffo said to n SUN reporteryostorday My argument against going intothe national canvass Is this Such n campaignso violently arouses lIsa wontlmonts ot the coun-try


and tho pooplo at largo are so flnnlynfllllatoll with tho two rout parties that our cause andour issue would bo lost sight of In the generalturmoil We are not jot in a position to com-mand


unough attention tomakolt piytogointon Presidential canvass Moreover tho expenseof such n canvass Is simply enormous It hasbeen n terrible drain upon us during this pastoar to conduct oven a Btato campaign Now If

we go Into a national campaign wo must havoUckotB printed to bo distributed in everyvoting precinct in the country wo must havespeeches made wo must have local head ¬

quarters In fact all the appliances of n politi-


machine must bo brought Into play Thooxponiio of that would bo something unendura-ble


and I am afraid wa cannot think of It Theargument on the other side of course Is verystrong That is that if wo do not KO Into acampaign the rank and file of our supporters-will lose faith and Interest In tho causa It Isprobably truo that mon nood to fool that theyhavo something to light for which lives frontday to day and doos not take a hibernation soto speak It looks however as if tha policy ofthe party would bo that which will result inhaving a national ticket In the field next yearand waging a persistent campaign Most ofour rlonds are in favor of this course at thewisest ono and so in all probability wo shallhave tots Independent ticket

What would be your own Idea ns to utilizingsuch strength ns you have in case you do notrun a separate ticket-


would be my plan to make alliances in a-way that should seem most advisable For In-stance


If one of tbo parties should tako u-squnro position upon thin tariff Question woshould Illnd It judicious to tilde with that partywhich favors free trade und thus wo shouldlend our weight to the accomplishment of onoof the elements of our cause

Do you think that tho rank and file of yourparty IB so well grounded In tho principles offree trade that you could swing thorn upon thatIssue and depend upon their votes being castfor titus candidate and tho platform that ropreSent U 1

Oh I mot certainly do Bald Mr Georgeemphatically I think that nearly all of thevoters of tho United Labor party are free trad-ers


and that they would see tile advisability ofsupporting somo other party on that doctrinefor ono year and watt for another campaign be ¬

fore attempting to show Individual strengthYost SOP the question is rather hazy at presentbut still as I RIlYhthl Indications ore that ourpolicy will be I of maintaining nn In-dependent


position milking no alliance butconducting our light for principles entirelywhether wo are sure of defeat or not

admit said Mr George that tho figuresIn tho last election were disappointing hutthoro are many reasons why wo should haveoverestimated our strength It is unneces-sary


now to go Into those reasons Inasmuchus we candidly nitwit that we ware mistakenAH to the future of the party I nm poslthothat It Is going to baa poimuiont organisa ¬

lion anti that it will hold neatly nil of thovotes cast at the lust election and will certainlygain more In tho futnro Vt o are at present dlvldod as to our policv on one or tno mattersthat arn enllruly minor In their mgntllcanceThat is this great hotly of mon who voted forus at this last election tire undoubtedly unitnnd lasting believers In the platform on whichwo stand That Is tho most Important thingand in that sense w o ate wholly united and dotaimlnod to keep up thellgnt but there lire twopoints on which wo art as yet uncertain OnoIIn Itself mtliur insignificant Is as to tie namo-nf the organization Most of us feel thatUnited Labor party IIs to degree n misnomerand wo arn costing about for something whichshall bo more specific and more Inclusive Thatquestion however will never ciiuso any divis-ion


whatever in our ranks The other matterIs a grave one and upon it depends what woshall do next year We have a Presidentialcampaign coming on If wo vvoroto nominate aticket we should bo condemned to a hopelesscampaign ending of course in overwhelmingdefeat Now tho point is Is it wiseI to go Inton campaign with a certainty of defeat or Is Itnot better to hold off for a year or two andthen concentrate our energies again upon offi-cers


local to this State 7 What Is your opiniono It

This question well illustrates Mr Georgescharacter Ho frequently succeeds in Inter ¬

viewing the Interviewer to a greater extentthan the reporter Interviews him

It is now more than a month since the elec-tion


and n month therefore fine the leadersof tho United Labor party experienced notonly an overwhelming defeat but a very gravedisappointment From their own admissionsit Is clear that they wero sincere In prediulng-nn enormous vote for their State ticket Theyhud even confidently looked for tho electionpeveral in rahors to tho Leglslatuia The Ideathat JlenryOeorgo should not poll In tho wholeState more than a few thousands beyond hisyule In this city nlono last yent slaver occurredto them They have boon now for five weekseplaining away the figures and doing thoir hostto save tho party from falling to pieces Therohave been n good many signs of rupture In thorants anti It has seemed to politicians thatdisintegration hud set In for good mind that theUnited Labor party was no longorto bo consid-ered


as a serious factor In national politicsMany peoplo besides tho Labor men havn IDeasurprised at this result It did look as if withthir sure v ol e of at least 50 000 that they mighthold the balanco of vower In this btuto antithus turn tho Presidential election In tiny wayto suit themselves As a fact tho poIItlUnndof both piirtioH have ceased to care what theLabor peoplo do although the work of regain-ing


deserters to the old ranks Btlll goes on In-

tlustiuletI WilY known only to political woniujiiimost serious event In tho Labor ranksBince the election lists been tho expulsion of

ovoml of tho most acho members from theCounty General Committee on account ofchargiw of fraud It IIs bald that some of theward leaders sold out time State ticket ion moneynt time lust election With a view to seeing justhow this party Itself foil tho situation joureorrespondent called this morning upon litanyGeorge and talked with him concerning tho fu-ture


of tho party

imie Wnrfc or Nt Vlncenta nnipttnlSt Vincents Hospital which Is under tho

chargo of the Sisters of Charity maintains anIndopondont ninbulame soivlce and respondsto callb In Its district which IIii bounded byCanal street Fourteenth street tho Northlllver tool tho contio of the city For thissorvIc no compensation Is received mom thecity time htato or any other source Tho inaln-Unanco of homos anti vehicles tho pay ofdrivers andI tho cost of tho reception mind euroof Injuied portions all comes out of time hospltnl trensuiy 8t Vincents ambulances ro-

Bpondod lust soar to lHIH calls nnd 817 acci-dent


inios taken front thin htioot or theHteanu on tthe North IIther worn ttsoatod-

lhiilni itt > ear whlih closes Dec 31 tthonuinbar or free nntlonts tioituri In tho hitspltal warts will liuvii beon close on 1100 undmany of thosu hnvo lirun hovoial months In thoIinstitution Dm hospitali iIK absolutely uiisoc-tarlun although under Catnollo iiiinijunientThe SIsters oMluuto hunt fully onethlid of thopatients tire nonCatholics-

Bt Vineanth lusts no omlowmont not a singlebeth sit ltpoi t td by subnet I pi Ion timid is whollyIdependent on public support voluntarily cotstilliutudt und on tho Incoino derived from pity ¬

InK patients Duringthn Winter months nn nv-ingo of UO shivering mon und women roeelvo

lieu meal iiull > In tlio Liisainunt of Iho old hos-pital


hulldlniioii UlMenth at reel near Seventhavenue and contributions of foot or clothingwill bu woltoimiI-

hoHOvYhiHlOftlrn toaid fitMncontVeint sotitheir contributions direct to the lioniltut

Jrlblllr nt ONeillsIt would hardly bo enough to pity that tho

beautiful txhltiltion of holiday goods at Ocelli SIxthavenue situ Twentieth sIred has attracted a crowd of-

pmtrcltaeene to that oil known sure tot Ihe sidewalk Infront of OSetU e tits known as one of the uuilMC jiarU ottown but she imsuui criwd hiss ittorececti ko that Ihe empbtjces have as much AH they can tin to PMlsfy thtlr cuts

bitters A rnporlrr truiralet throukh tile rroml milnuked the jierliieiiJfnl vi hat hi hud done to draw eu-

UriteI a pert of New Vorte population to IliU one paCvn y lie eald Its simply tcrauae we haveevcry

IMiiK lu the nay nf IttIiisy jmi li thai jeone run thinkof sitU clara loo 1it tjllliu that Europe con furnishIn the wiy of Slits liritibrati fJo hero All tie prominentpotierten tire renrtuu flied Thero are new dMliiita In Im-

jiortnl olck iiaii t eierythlujr In brortlo houtelinid ili rmnciit or uillllr ne have sets olduolv d-eiin > ln > iteeiiMn el > tletek li ui and lomiiiin Ihtie-a ii lianiSoine tohritlou of nAiiillni lamp bronze Iltyen Kill and lirni1 curios end jewel elatei To take nn-

tliefuo edict 1 thinkuocoul I iile o 111411101 fa tlll LL-On our f elry iounler > ou whit Unit

II eierytlilnn la lhatHue Nnuell inakeeot atehvM II welt us ucli tiling itsLnuiileI and JAO i lu > tier tire i iicnt iiaees of ui the-fainouainakrii tlitr tirrityof dolls l iirfmiiii Innuiicraul-er until neeleel the uicful xu Mil llnU vo hatethe tory llnrit lure llrhu rolartI lumlken Iljln

I handcribrodfifil plo li ftlhl situ toilet set nnd Indies innbrelise tutU 0111 routes itt tie ner t sttlriiI andittreuonanlr tries lnllunius ui tilt > uocHlin iliunirlock Iu lion eittiii In the city for ipiantli quailandtirlie Vo Imie turnrd hit ivliil uf iho U turnoutInto u liouickerpln department eirothln ticir taryor useful l titers an I II wouU make a touieker riiLean 11ttd lu1 lo see It

In all lithium olIJo of nolldHy goats we are olearinOut our stoCk at very tow nrlceicloaks wraps soduoh things we tell s saute inhlanoes at less than onethird utile value Press patterns very inltLl imirUoUdaitJBKMiiU w Mi Hllto on very low

r± c tel


VT little TVreetler Thick Iw Pest lav FallBOO Wcrth f Sufertg

Ernest Roobor and his grievance againstthe mammoth Muldoon are topics ot InterestIn the sporting world lioebcr la a little wrest-ler


weighing only about 170 pounds andknown ns the trainer ol the JapMuldoon is the Gnuco Roman championwho does a living statuary act withIlallen t Harts troupe and makes Itinteresting for local talent wherever ho goesby offering t500 to any ono who will throw himand SO to any ono who vlll wrestle with himfifteen minutes anti not got thrown

The troupe was at Minors Theatre lost weekand the circumstances that form the subjectof Iloobors complaint occurred on Wednesdaynight When the announcement ot the 50offer was mode ho arose In the body of thehouse anti expressed a willingness to take itUD Itoobor was not looking for the 6001 the150 wan Quito enough for him Most of thocandidates feel the same way about it andthis makes Muldoons task moroUinicult Theyare only on the defensive and ho does not havehalt the chance to get a killing grip on thornIt Is a big handicap and Ilftoen minutes is notlong when n good man Is working to keephimself from being put shoulders and hip orhips and shoulder to the boards

When time was called Itoeber threw himselfflat-ils

on the stage with his hands clasped acrossbreast Muldoon watt tar from gentle with

ilm and pulled one ot his arms around behindds back until ho was afraid of breaking IItThen ho lot it go and took Iloebor by the hoodtwisting his neck It was hereto treatmentand an tIme men struggled Iloebor got a hangfrom Muldoons elbow that bloodied his noseAfter a while Muldoon got a hug upon ItooberHpeck calculated to choke daylight put of himHo grow red In the face and then almost blackThis and the blood on his face nock midshirt made the audience shriek Don killthe mast dont choke him to death Twicethe referee Steve ODonncll stopped Muldoonsupposing that Itoebors orbs meant that holuau had enough But each time Itoaber plucklly decided to continue

The fifteen minutes worth 3 33Sn minuteto Muldoon wore slipping away AH the rotree called out If you are done mako somesign bo got the old hug on lioobers neckagain and as the men rolled over the mattressand town to the foot lights the house stoodright up and Tolled

Rooher waved his hand He gives up saidthe referee and the bout was stopped As soonas ho got on isis feet Itoeber spoke to the audience claiming a foul because Muldoon had hithim In this nose and the 50 because he saidho had stayed llfleon minutes Manager Hal ¬

len and Mtildoou declared that there was onlyeleven minutes ot wrestling and alter consid-erable


talk Hnllen said Thoios two minutesleft yet go and wrestle It you want to Roo ¬

bar would not do thus and the referee lucid thathis giving up was tho same as a fall Tho cur-tain


was rung down and the house clearedlint the audience u as not EatlaQodand a crowd

hung around the doors until the police drovethem away Itoeber has complained of histreatment but Muldoon and some outsidesporting mon who saw It say that ho did notseem to know the rules of OrtccoRoman wrest ¬



A Reception and Preeente H fbre his D-

pnrtare green Kingston for New YorkKINGSTON NY Dec 10The Rev John

Hooper an account ot whose troubles hero andIn California were recently published in TnnSUN loft for Now York today and on Sundaywill preach In lute new charge Bt Pauls Re-


Church HottHavoni A recent hatterfrom his estranged wife who Is now in Cali-fornia


with the children declares that the hostnews sliu could hear regarding her husbandwould bo that ho was under tho turf

At a special meeting of the Prosbytcry ofNorth River hold at Nuwburch last 1rlday 3 rHooper asked leave to resign from his chur aCity lngincer B B Scans ono of the ldcsappeared as the Commissioner of the chuiihand said that the church united in the requestwhich was then granted by thin Presbyteryandthe Rev T Mncnuughton of wburgh wasappointed to preach at thus church here lastSunday and declare the pulpit vacant On lustSunday night time church was crowded hun-dreds

¬being unable to gain entrance to listen

to Pastor Hoopers farewell and on Wednes-day


evening the members of the church gavehim a farewell reception at this residence ofCommander William Newman U B N Manywero present outside of tim congregationThe Interior of the house was handsomelydecorated Over one side of an archdividing the parlors wero th wordsGod EverDefends the Right and on this opposite side

AuKevolr 813 Sears on behalf of the la-dles


presented Mr Hooper with n set of em-bossed resolutions the Rev William N Senrlcsof Bt James M K Church of this city presentedhim with a goldheaded cano on behalf of thecongregation and L Burger handed him agoldheaded silk umbrella as a token from theyoung men of the church

A session of the Presbytery of North Riverhas been called to meet in the First Prcsby-teilan Church in Nowburph on Friday after-noon


of next week U will bo held for the put ¬

pose of deciding whether Mr Hooper slush re-tain


lila ministerial standing hut opponentsappear to have managed tn get n hearingthough time clerk of the Presbytery and otherministers who have hoard the charges t ay theyare not sufllclent to moot with severe censurelot alone deposition from the ministry

llnylnc flunsklnr with Gold DustA registered letter received nt THE SUN

office yesterday from VToippe Idaho was nothicker than though containing only a haltshoot of note paper But It wa unaccountablyheavy It proved to contain two dollars worthof gold dust for two years subscription to THEWEIKLY SUN from Thomas Qlbbs u minor ofPierce City Idaho


Objects In Antique wrought Iron are much sought forliolliUy gifts

Mock Jewels are Introduced Aa the centres of newerworst with tall towns

White lambs wool trims silver ray suits prettily furyoung girls sod children

Small clocks In fancy framings of metal are prettyand Inexpensive holiday girls

Illack Ivnx Is the favorite fur of matrons stud elderlymaids ho cannot Afford seat

Aqua marine topaz emitter cOlored Jewels set la smalldiamonds are quite In favor for gum rIngs

Moomtoun anti titters eyes are popular aeml preciousstones for rings scarf shawl and tate pins

lowers are revIved for ball dress garnitures but theyare so mounted as to be divested of All stiffness

long nnd shun wrapnof seat and seal plush are againthus urn favorites of women who know how to dress

A Jewelled clasp or diamond brooch fa frequentlyplaced at tile top of the lacing In front of u ball corsage

Chinese toy booSts sail Jnp dulls Hood the counterdevoted to Oriental stud oleUal brio a brao la the hang ustores

U tIs predicted that there will be mere presents of lampetitle year than of tiny other one I lece ot decorativefutility

Pieces of Russian silver white and frosted enamelledtoll diioraled with nInth work make very choiceChristmas gifts

IJocka of Reese and thuds dioTes of pigs trains ofhorses ind mulns and groups of touts compose some ofthe new metal and bUquu ptper weights

The beaded galloons of this season mire vrorthv of thewondrous stunt moire flush nnd velvet silk and bcn aline fabrics they are tiled on for Iriinmlnus

All KludMof furs will be acceptable as holiday presentshut set of tile fox furs black timid silver ret blue andyruy are the firm favorites v Hh young women

When a girl wears A lowerenrnlture to item ball dresssite mutes Ihe prrfume of tie Cower that lorms the bou-quets garlands anti parure or spray for the hair

The newest fancy tn perfume sets for the toilet tableIs to have the glass bottles encased In metal covers 1m-lluting u piece uf cloth tied around time neck with A silveror gold cord-

Among choirs objects for holMIT rifts found In tinsart lectlnns of ouch trio bran aro homi exouMiopieces of Itockwiiod pottirjr mimi Cincinnati with tUtuundr lre aims tiger eye efTecK

The rige for brace and copper Is on the wane It nwA-PPI ars mo tly In lie form ol vesso K fcueh e s tea kcttl slamp mid vain pui ppiHlrd ritst In antique viroufhtIron frames cranes and Ump sitU lower viamla

Colored tilt can re lice trimmed hapll eritilrr < urnrnde tn do duty as faur Isnip simile covers ibv luttln-ii Stile In the centra fur the hlmnry to pius through aud-trlmmliijr tile same Mlih lace to snatch tile tender

Au exqnieile gtiwn fry the bride of a silver wedding la-

compoied of silver gray moire antique of high lustrecombined with panels corsage ant ptremeots of blackvelvet trlmmea with black lace and Jet passementerieand rain fringes

II Is said hit one can hardly believe II that the mostacceptable of alt holiday presents to a lady from her busbandor brother or any friend who baa a ritht to give Itla along narro ttrlpof tinted paper on vrblUi Is written

Pay to the order of 1 c

Ihe favorite Jewel ornaments for Christmas gills arenlmond or rose diamond pn U orl Hants In tihv formof suns stirs creic ntn towers butter Im nfic cliiiItaivs or balls or mhrr form muunlrd on hulrpliuwhich can i o utilized lor othur iurpse Sn will mildcoll urr

file roso leaf tail drrss for drbutunUs I of tulvtitiall tie ilripirlvs of skirt immit Imioe eiiOl s Uh tti ti renmttlote lieu tuf iile ilooernt Ihe II > Mar 5 itswho ilresa Is AS light AM A foul iler l Mng iinlod ontulle user net stud these over tine mull muslii oirrLltlit lining silk

The loveliest evening dress for u tall ant hanOeombrunette In oue madu ot shot slit ibis colors changingfrom orango in palu lemon and pink tier thin Is M

drapery of amber dulled tulle looped with agraffes ufamber nd pink cri Hal lead and nato fringes fellIngover cascades of lace

Novelties for the Christmas tree cnmlst of silver setgilt paper hiinbonlfrf iii time chin ii of helmets bld raveshints chile viichls Unties ducks mid inert iiiloiiiftill silk rut hao ret and blue lll c nlul > cilIa llllnarrow ribbon itiir strings lit aiu h Ibim lu the liceafter lit li gthv leg to en lit bonbons M Ithl

A woudrrfully eilrctho tell gets ii Iin mate of totot Aline ilntrd silk a tilt lraIirti lIt wills cr1 ettal beatel I tile on Ihe tulle > rr sunpended ct gold srAndn-opaline drops nf crvstsl changing from pate blus llii pickand white as the wearer moves In the dance The tulledraperies are rippled stud arnllured with maraboutaand line llowtra aud Dots of ribbon all la the louee ntthe shot silk slightly eraphaalied IB depth of color Thisjewels In thus coiffure to the nsckf and arrnj b the eauand oa the bdi9 a Tpaii aai ouilf



Eventrnl Iflsbnrr ofn Oil Rosmrt In Lnxnry-nnd harried to a Farm lionel

MIDDLETOWN N Y Doc 10Mm Alicefllllflon ot Lawton this county is an Intolllgent refitted anti Imndsomo young vroninnwith n remarkably strnngo and eventful his ¬

tory She is the victim of an lllasflortod mar-riage


and the story of her Ufo li stow revealedin connection with a suit brought against herhusband for separation and alimony

Alice Yubor was born In Philadelphia abouttwentytwo years ego where her father JohnYubor was at that tmio n prosperous flourmerchant Sho wits nn only child and In herearly youths hail n luxurious homo anti enjoyedunusual educational advantages Including forn time thoso afforded by n famous Bostonboarding school for young ladies Meantimean estrangement aroso between her father antimother which culminated when the girl wasabout U years old In a divorce Allco remain-ed


with her mother who soon fell front theaflluonco ohio had once enjoyed Into extremepoverty Tho girl was of u highly sensitive nn-

turu and felt their Indigence keenly Ono daywhen credit was lefusod her by the baker forthloaf of broad sItu rushed wildly oil to tim near-est

¬bridge and throw herself Into the hchujlklll

River and wits with dlilloulty staved from selfdestruction

Not long afterward Impatient of maternalrestraint and bent upon earning her own liv ¬

ing she ran away front home to Ivow Yorkwhoro alma took rofugo under an mummed-namo with tho Childrens Aid Society Honesho was fortitnitto In attracting time notlconndregard of a wealthy anti chlltUosB widow whotook her homo anti treated her w Ith the lovingkindlier naturally bestowed upon an adoptedchild Under the care of her foster mother showas further schooled In thin iitconiplNhineiitsbecoming to u young lady of highs poclal degreeand enjoyed for two joars the advantages otWhIle travel anti of Intercourse with tIme snorerelined circles of society Washington tiaratoga Situ riauvlf and hew otk Her pat-roness


died suddenly without having made timeprovision for her ward by will that site humid

often ptomlscd and the girl at IB yours wasagain thrown upon her own retourcos for alivelihood

Site next appeared as companion or ladysmaid In the household of n Mr Clark of Law-ton this county Hero she became acquaintedwith Alfred Ulllson n rude and Ignorant farmhand widower no years old and alter a briefcourtship married him Thn abrupt descentfrom un environment of wealth luxury antirollnemont to n coir n mind sordid homo antIuncongenial colnpanlonuhlp quickly dissipatedher dreams of mm Hal happiness and drov thesensitive and highhplrlted girl to desperatocourses Ono night when her hiifbmid re ¬

turned front his work ho found that hula wifehad fled leaving behind no trace of her Intend-ed


movementsOn time morning of her departure there ap

neared ut tho door of time nlniBhousoln Newburgh twenty miles Irons Lnvvtou a modesthandsome anti lilghhred young womnn whoapplied for shelter In the Institution until suchtime as she could obtain suitable work bhogave the namo of Allco Ellis until added thattile WitS unmarried him refused to givo any in ¬

formation concerning her homo or relatives orother mutters that might load to liar Idnntillcatints She convolved freely and brilliantlyhowever on the subject of her travels nail ottho dlsttngulHhcd society in which site lushmoved and other general topics dlsplnvIng awide rnngo of Information and n grace of mininets that sot tIme vvliolo town arog over themysterious young woman in the almshouseFor some dais the wonder and speculationgrow until something that dropped Iron herconcerning lint early tuehiool days led thuNowburgh ucuMps to think that tim fairstranger wnsa runaway school girl from Bos-ton


and the police of tdat oily was appealed toto solvo time uis story of her movements Jut atthis juncture n readier solution wits affordedA resident of Lawton recogniud and Identifiedher and she thereupon departed fiom thenlmshouso as abruptly und uivitorloubly assIte came

It Is now known thirst from Nowburgh showent direct to her mother in Philadelphia andremained with her until recently when pov-erty


probably rather than Inclination led liarback to the marital yoke at Lavs ton a yokethis limit found so abhorrent that site seeks thatlaws help in casting it off Meantime tire bril ¬

liant voting woman whoso brief lifo has booncrowded with those strange vlclHSitudcH of for¬

tune is signcd by the Court mona the incagro amines of her husband n stated alimonythat will barely support existence


Scotland and Irclnnd Muklnir ITp the Denclencjr In Onr Crop

According to members of the Produce Ex-change


Now Yorkers and other Americans orenow dependent to n groat extent on Scotlandfor their potatoes Mr James Christie Jr otthe Exchange has boon the biggest importerof potatoes front Scotland and yesterday hesaid Tho American potato crop was gener-ally

¬bad particularly In how York State Time

only bright exception wax the crop on LongIsland That was good Wo havo had to turnto beotlind anti Itoland for potatoes to supplythe deficiency nnd now the impoitations tire30100 bIlge n week They tire brought on thinregular liners Many potatoes tune also beingImported front Nova Scotia on nailing vesselsThe duty la lo cents a lnMiol arid thin ScotchltOttttOeR sMl for about iJJi a bag Ihe kindsimported are time Rcgtrnt the Champion andthe Magnum Bottom

A Xcw Hummer ICeeort Rear the lllgblanUsLONG UiiANcn Dec iONow York nnd

Now Jersey capitalists have begun work withlargo force of wait on n now resort on tho beachopposite the Highlands of Navoslnk TheHighland Reach Improvement Association hasbeen Incorporated for the purpose of layingout tho land and erecting time necessary built ¬

logs The incorporators mite Vulietmion o Lowryof PIninfleld N J Poidlnnnd lish of NowYork anti Joseph C Davis of South OrangeN J The mvv resort will have n big hotelbathing boating and mmtio pavilions storepngodab anti other structures Tho visitorscan enjoysIll wator bathing In limo ShrewsburyRiver nn the west Mclo or take invluoratlnidips in the ocean on tho other That assocIationwill run fast straIn launches Iron HighlandReach to bandy Hook the Atlantic HighlandsRed Rank hoabiight and Pleasure Buy Timname of the rallioud million titan huts beenchanged fruit Highlands to HI hlmid Reach

Accneed Assnultlni ylltle GirlsNEWBUJIOH Dee 10 Pooplo voro shocked

herO yostordny when It llrst became known thatLeonard 0 Wlnans n oilknown residentwas charged with itHniultlug little girls antitoduy Judo Warim of time City Court beforowhom nn examination took plat held him toawait thin mullion of thn irasuth Jury Vinanhas loiiu beon promlitintI Iin secret socIetiesand his opuli on N likely to follow the nbovo-rovelatlon Lllin Hiigravos m > oius of ngoIH the girlI who makes ttlio scilous churge untilMary Tiimot a climpinlon coirohoi itiA herAiinilisl itt about W iciaihrif age The rime Inalleged to hnvo bum inmniitted im Thanks-giving


Day Hall was ihxed ul t200d

Going < o Trust IturnbacU RIderLosti HitAsni flute 10Long IJianch lits

a now btlsllc entt rprlso nearly ronly foroperation It IIs a training fchool for cltcnstitters aid horse i William H Phowlos thefamous bareback rldoi Is tlio pioprKtor HUbuildings aro nn cxCoitm jim tsshonui McKennnnproperty in Morris nut Third nvinuo Thnmain oslo i e sixty itch stjtm sir and voll lightedby IlaignvvlndoHH Uhln will havna turf floorwith uclrcMiB ring of hun iHunl siiz Jero Jlrhhowlea will trtln liorhos iiml baiobuck ridersHe hut nlgned a contract with P T Ii nit itsto traIn tame blocdol aulinula for the ridersof lilt ihuw

llr Inrkcr SiilU it Sits-


Hoy Pr Iosipli 1iuJstT of LondonHUlI l iou hotnii on thu El tium itt vchtuidtiy Amimbnuf clerijtiiun wtvv lii itt till lie cuiri lttiaway 5H0 at tho prolltH of lili lecturo tour



lie Mnkra Prncllcully Tin llffrncf TheCnea-NiibmlUcil Wllhont Aruiimrnt Th Verdirt Wont he Announced Till Tomorrntr

CINciNNATI Dec 10 Tho drambtlo econoain the Harper trial this morning wore witnessedby n groat crowd Harper appeared nccom-pnnled by his who and her slfttur and his llttloboy a linolooking follow of I years Time testtmony for the dofonco trims vlrttmaily nothingMr Marchant told what nuts tIme stato ot ac-


of Swifts Iron nnd stool works In 1887

ILnmoimtod to 19000 deposits and IU 80f-

lvnthdruttn an oordtnL Mr Phillips wascalled to show that tin property tliesa work 4watt worth over J100000-

J F Lnrkln banker was called to show thatWllshlro watt buying wlicat for others thanHarper but all ho could say was that isis batikhad handled some pitper of Tlmbarlakns withendorsements by Wllshlro and tIme Court titledIt out ns Incompetent TlmlnrlaLo himselfwas called Ho sold Wllshlra never bought forhint Wllshlro had simply> endorsed some othis paler Mr Blackburn said hh purposewas to nliow that Wllahlros toHtlmony that hohad bought for Harper only was not true TheCourt reminded counsel that Vllshtro hind tes-


that ho bought 1000000 bushels on hits r

own account and It they could show ho hodbought more than this it might ba dotio Thewit ness wits oxeimed

Mr Harpor and his eouns l then withdrewfor consultation In ton minutes Mrs harperwas culloil out The consultation wan upontime queKtlon of submitting thin stoic withoutargument At 1045 they nil returned andMrs Harpor was currying Iwr baby bho satdown besIde her huslmnd with time child on herknee removed Its white hood and dlsplnved Alovely head and face bright eyes hue com-plexion

¬anti full round cheeks Abovo tho low

hum of tho crowd could bt heard tho bajysv-olco as It reached to tile tahiti miter puperaand cooed Its delight It wits time only pleathat was offered for HH hillier for whom MrBlackburn arose ho xuld that ummllor that rulingof the Court ns to the evidence ofTorod they hadno moro witnesses to offer That case wasthea-subinllted on both sides without argument

Judge Jacksons chargo occupied nn hournnd fifty minutes In delivery Ho remnrkodthat In ovoiy count Harpei was charged with qcriminal net Ho said time responsibility ojbank ofliconme wits toot for louses on honest logsloans In good faith for the benefit of the asso-ciation but for illegal units for time benefit ofothers tItan the bunk Ho said time Court couldnpsmno those things proven which had boonpresented in evidence by both stiles He thenenumerated Otto after another time various actregarded as proven by Harpers own admissionHtich ns a credit to tint lllversldo Iron nnd Htoo-Woiks upon no consideration and declaredthutthudqfendant committed mt wrongful actwhen he took time check of the Ilhoraldo WorksIn that way So of the 1300 000 certificate ofdeposit In the First National Bunk of NowYork represented by his own chuck This waa-u criminal mitt admitted by the defendant

The Court cited hOt after act all admitted byHarper which under the ruling of the Courtconstituted criminal acts Among others was

15000 given to Hoyt tor Hopkins In whichHarper said he was to be a sharer with Hop ¬

kins By sending collaterals to time ChemicalNational Bank Juno ir the defendant com-mitted


nn unlawful criminal net llurperfiheroic efforts to save the bunk dons not excusehint any niece than n man would hte excused forscuttling a ship by afterward maklngofforls i>

save It Itoftrrlug to Harpers defence that hi-



i was trying to save tim husk ho severely ar-raigned

¬his method Having It vra not reason-

able for n man to sink 11400000 In trying tosari 85000 Tho Court instructed the jurythat It must find on his own testimony that thedefendant hud committed n crime

Thn tory retired nt 3PM Early this evenInc they hnd not brought In a verdict and Itwas decided not to announce the verdict tiltMonday morning


lie Describes the South Third Street UM-pltal ne filthy

Dr John Corlah who refuses to obey theorder of tho Board of Trustees of the SouthThird Street Hospital Willlamsburgh to vaonto his office of house surgeon ot that inatitu-tlon said yesterday

I made complaint of time filthy condition oithe hospital In n letter sont to the Board ot-

Trustecswhlch hotter titer say not only showsthat I am too fresh but according to themcontains statements that should not have beetsmade by a doctor They say It was for writingthat letter that I was expelled You know thewords The Belief are over the front doorsWell I wrote that when I entered the frontdoor and saw the words The Kollof I won-dered


how n man could bo relieved whowas brought Into this Institution BufTeringfromgreat loss of blood Wo havo not an instrumentwith which to transfuse blood or to transfusemilk or salIne solutions Order la Heavensllrht lusty that is a quotation from tho Mendingof that printed tithes of the hospital There inno order lucre I wrote that the doctors workrun Into the ounces nnd tho nurseH work intqtime janitors ClenllnesH la noxt to godliness1That Is another quotation from the rules Thawhole hoot Is covorod with dust There isdusj-ovcrynhcra The chairs window sills wallsrailings aro covered If ono of you Kentlomooof the Board of Trustees I wroto should leersagainst time steam radiators you would looklIke a Nuts York boodle Alderman moaniuthat they would have dusty strIpes across theirclothing from tile radiators I write that thisclosets and the bath tubs were filthy Howwould souI wrote like to have such a state otaffairs In your own houses e lion would youllko to get up on a cold board floor nt all hoursof the night mind run the risk of setting spUnorb in your feet I

The opeiuting room filthy mono cornerstands several boxes of soap and a coupleof barrels of junk and rubbish The drawersare BO thick with dust that you cant soothebottom of thorn What Instrument wo havear broken mint rusts I estimate the value ottile initiumentB at 70

Now that H WIttt I wrote Dr Champneysigned tho letter with mo but ho was not oxpolled

Vnndernllt Duty or the AstorCornelius VanderbIlt has purchased Irons

the Astora u plot of 400 lots near Bhorman avenuo anti 15d street for J500OOU This Is a por-tion


of lime 3000 lots bought by the AMoro Inthis vicinity three yilmnuu ago for 110000 Thelots sold to Mr Ynuddrbllt are the lonstvalunhlaof time plot

Theso 400 lots adjoin the two tracts contain ¬lag together 200 lois that were transferred toMr Vandoibllt last week for 1246750

The silo hums probably boon purchased with aview of using it for terminal facilities for theNew York Now haven anti Hartford Itallroadand for tho erection of shops for time WaguefPulaco Car Company

Tine Furniture lu ItrooUlyiu-

It iny reader of Tun BUN has In mInd thepurcli8 yf a handftomo COIl solid jiiecuof furntury faff-

n holiday prenemul his rooms of tho Brooklyn J urn HurtCompany OM to 71 lullon treet IJrnoklti should itsvisited To one Who hai not experienced 11 the ease withhlcli alt the fools In tlio prime hult tlnpnro exhibitedto Ultors bjr tuo aid of rkxutor and by the skilfulnrruiKoineiitnffiiriiUurntnil Jie ilO lees than innrtelJons Mr rtmillnir In hue rioorivn > nf a room a glanceulll ihnw nearly all that itho rouui Lontnlnit

Ilieru tots tiseit a lUely trials of Kito nt Iho HrnoklynFurnltiro 1ninjany null tie nupttrintrudeiit veemer-itii

i> tue attribute it loutUcrliiUiif in Tuts bra You

liiaj any that for UH

Oak mutt unatualmly furniture In nntfQiin patterns artIn rogue this winter riicrry ItorKrnn nnd secretarialAre In itemumal rid and the linn use n large number madspoitutly Stir Site hoililny Irate In fmk cherry andwalnut wrirtmr deals the Inn linn iltim erratIcdigIt to suit tIme moat eriattn taSted Tlitrt is A roomMini wltU usury chwlr niiofher with t arlr suite la-pluih anoTtier Whit fnllintr bed from ta to ftAf-liioiliT wlih batrtx fr mi Slam ti Cl7 In tie ran

i rttparlinent on thus irruun t door the flrra rails e peclal-attoullou to a full supply of tile stew patt iui

4 VhSft atrial of over0 rO Quarter of a centuryIY



i tJese sti-Mte

i I II-

ti ji boit forg ti CtJL ACKEGr

I etrrs rnPAINS S-

1p1 I 2W JF = 2-



rrfV jwtCv t> J Viv-

AILCOntS rOKOUn PLIRTKRS have ncc iftly ami triuirpliattiy stood theteat cut over thin > jwriue 1ly the ptiWic they litte nv IUtu rout iby tiiixiujni-liui irlat if who live fought lo win a hint of the icjtutauon of AitCtKKS Ity rialvtiij-pUsttri utli holes in them and chiming them to tj 0 jutt 33 coo4 as ALLCOCK-

bAlIcocVa Porous rinsUra stind today Indorsed by not only the highlit medicalauthorities but by thousands of gnteful p titnU who have proved their efficacy u 4-

tt9UKhQl4 remedyI

enai1 fc4jsjdtea
