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Bud Glossary

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  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    The Seeker'sThe Seeker'sThe Seeker's Glossary of BuddhismThe Seeker'sThe Seeker's


    E!mail" #dea$#uddha%e&%e&(e# si&e" )))#uddha%e&%e&

    Buddha Dharma Edu*a&io% Asso*ia&io% I%*

  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary



    .%d Edi&io%

    U/da&ed a%d E%lar0ed


    Su&ra Tra%sla&io% 4ommi&&eeof &he U%i&ed S&a&es a%d 4a%ada

    Ne) ork 5 Sa% ,ra%*is*o 5 Nia0ara ,alls 5 Toro%&o

    Dharma -as&er Lok To6 Dire*&or.711 Da8idso% A8e6 Bro%96 Ne) ork 1:;73 USATel ?3;!:7.1


  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary



  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    O&her )orks #y &he Su&ra Tra%sla&io% 4ommi&&ee"

    O&her )orks #y &he Su&ra Tra%sla&io% 4ommi&&ee"The Buddhis& Li&ur0y. The Su&ra of Bodhisa&&8a Ksi&i0ar#ha+s ,u%dame%&al @o)s

    The Dharma of -i%d Tra%smissio%; The ra*&i*e of Bodhisa&&8a Dharma? A% E9hor&a&io% &o Be Aler& &o &he Dharma7 A 4om/osi&io% Ur0i%0 &he Ge%era&io% of &he Bodhi -i%d= ra*&i*e a%d A&&ai% Sudde% E%li0h&e%me%&3 ure La%d Buddhism" Dialo0ues )i&h A%*ie%& -as&ers2 ure!La%d Ce%6 Ce% ure!La%d1:ure La%d of &he a&riar*hs11Horio%&al Es*a/e"ure La%d Buddhism i% Theory a%d ra*&i*e1.-i%d Tra%smissio% Seals1The ra%a arami&a Hear& Su&ra1;ure La%d6 ure -i%d1?Bouddhisme6 Sa0esse e& ,oi17E%&eri%0 &he Tao of Sudde% E%li0h&e%me%&1=The Dire*& A//roa*h &o Buddhadharma13Three Su&ras o% 4om/le&e E%li0h&e%me%&12Terre ure des a&riar*hes.:Sama%&a#hadra" Su/reme @o)sF@oeu9 Su/rmes.1Ce% Sukha8a&i" Le&&res du -a&re i%!koua%0..-i%d!Seal of &he Buddhas.Sama%&a#hadra" @o&os Su/remosI@

  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    This 8ersio% )as ori0i%allyre/ri%&ed a%d do%a&ed #y

    The 4or/ora&e Body of

    &he Buddha Edu*a&io%al ,ou%da&io%

    11,6 ?? Ha%0 4ho) Sou&h Road Se* 16Tai/ei6 Tai)a%6 RO4

    Tel" 337!.!.2?1123 ,a9" 337!.!.21;1?Email" o8erseas$#udaeduor0&)(e#si&e" )))#udaeduor0&)

    This #ook is for free dis&ri#u&io%o%ly a%d is %o& &o #e sold

    As &his is a reli0ious &e9& )e reJues& &ha& i& #e &rea&ed )i&h res/e*&If you are fi%ished )i&h i&6 /lease /ass i& o% &o o&hers or re&ur% i&&o i&s sour*e Tha%k you for your *oo/era&io%


  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary



    No&e &o &he Se*o%d Edi&io% 8refa*e 8ii

    No&e o% La%0ua0e A##re8ia&io%s 9iA*k%o)led0eme%&s 9iiDi*&io%aries E%*y*lo/edias 98

    A 1B 7;4 1.=D 1?=E .11, .?1G .23H 13I ;3 7?K =7L 22- ;.;N ;37O ?1; ?;7 7.R 7.;S 7;;


  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    T =?U 31;@ 3.3( 3?? 3=7

    C 33;

    A8a&amsaka Su&ra 4ha/&er ;:"ra*&i*es a%d @o)s of &he Bodhisa&&8aSama%&a#hadra 327No&e o% ure La%d Buddhism #y Dr 4 4leary 2:2The Las& Ri&es2.;-udras of Re#ir&h i% Ami&a#ha+s ure La%d 2;2A a&h To True Ha//i%ess 2?.Dedi*a&io% of -eri& 2?I%de9 2?;


  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    MI% e%&eri%0 Buddha Dharma6&here are 0e%erally &hree a//roa*hes"&ea*hi%06 i%&er/re&a&io% a%d /ra*&i*eTea*hi%0s are shallo)6i%&er/re&a&io% is /rofou%d6

    #u& /ra*&i*e is su/reme

    A**ordi%0 &o Buddhis& Tea*hi%06all /eo/le /ossess a% i%here%&lye%li0h&e%ed True Na&ure&ha& is &heir real ide%&i&y

    By #e*omi%0 mi%dful of Buddha&hrou0h re*i&i%0 &he Buddha+s %ame6&herefore6 /eo/le are us& re0ai%i%0&heir o)% real ide%&i&yThey are remem#eri%0&heir o)% Buddha!%a&ure P

    ure La%d6 ure -i%d

    I%&rodu*&io% #y Dr 4 4leary


  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    N S E

    This is a re8ised a%d e9/a%ded edi&io% of The Seeker+s Glossary ofBuddhism6 )hi*h firs& a//eared a year a0o The &e9& is a *om/e%dium

    of e9*er/&s a%d Juo&a&io%s from some ?: )orks #y mo%ks6%u%s6 /rofessors6 s*holars a%d o&her lay/erso%s from %i%e differe%&

    *ou%&ries6 i% &heir o)% )ords or i% &ra%sla&io% The edi&ors ha8emerely or0a%ied &he ma&erial6 addi%0 a fe) *o%%e*&i%0 &hou0h&sof &heir o)% for ease i% readi%0

    Ho) &o use &he Glossary" This #ook *a% #e used i% &hree)ays" &o fi%d &he defi%i&io% of u%familiar &ermsQ &o 0ai% a #roaderu%ders&a%di%0 of s/e*ifi* Buddhis& *o%*e/&sQ a%d also as a% i%&rodu*&io%&o Buddhism I% &he las& i%s&a%*e6 )e su00es& &ha& readers#e0i% )i&h &he e%&ry o% ara#les6 &he% mo8e o% &o ra*&i*e6O#s&a*les &o 4ul&i8a&io% a%d Te% No%!Seeki%0 ra*&i*es O&here%&ries of a more *o%&em/orary i%&eres& *a% #e read )i&h #e%efiy all These i%*lude" Bir&h 4o%&rol6 Or0a% Tra%s/la%&s6 @e0e&aria%ism6U%i8erse6 Immor&ali&y

    Realms of )orlds i% em/&y s/a*e mi0h& rea*h a% e%d6

    A%d li8i%0 #ei%0s6 karma a%d affli*&io%s #e e9&i%0uishedQ

    Bu& &hey )ill %e8er #e e9haus&ed6 a%d %ei&her )ill my 8o)s

  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    (i&h #ad ad8isors fore8er lef& #ehi%d6,rom /a&hs of e8il he de/ar&s for e&er%i&y6Soo% &o see &he Buddha of Limi&less Li0h&A%d /erfe*& Sama%&a#hadra+s Su/reme @o)s

    The @o)s of Sama%&a#hadra

    A8a&amsaka Su&ra


  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    I% &he 8as& *or/us of &he -ahaya%a &radi&io%6 o%e &e9&6 &heA8a&amsaka Su&ra6 s&a%ds su/reme Des*ri#ed #y Dr DT Suuki

    as &he Me/i&ome of Buddhis& &hou0h&6 Buddhis& se%&ime%& a%dBuddhis& e9/erie%*eP6 &he su&ra re*ou%&s &he s&ory of &he you&hSudha%a6 &he /ere%%ial seeker of &he (ay6 )ho &o)ard &he e%dof &he su&ra sou0h& e%&ra%*e i%&o -ai&reya+s To)er his o)% Self!Na&ure a%d -i%d

    The /rese%& Seeker+s Glossary of Buddhism is de8o&ed &o &hisi%%er /il0rima0e6 as i& a&&em/&s &o make &he &reasures of -ai&reya+sTo)er a**essi#le &o &he 0rea&es& %um#er Thus6 o8er &he las& se8eralyears6 &he edi&ors ha8e *a%8assed some : Buddhis& di*&io%ariesa%d e%*y*lo/edias a%d o8er ?: #ooks o% Buddhism6 /u#lishedi% differe%& la%0ua0es6 e9&ra*&i%0 )ha& &hey #elie8e are key &ermsa%d *o%*e/&s useful &o &he a8era0e s&ude%& of Buddhism Al&hou0h&he )hole ra%0e of Buddhis& &hou0h& is *o8ered6 s/e*ial em/hasisis /la*ed o% &he ure La%d a%d Hua!ye% )orld8ie)s6 &he so!*alled S*hools of E9is&e%*e A% im/or&a%& as/e*&of &his Glossary is i&s e9&e%si8e *ross!refere%*i%0 of key Buddhis&&erms6 a fea&ure )hi*h )e #elie8e is /ar&i*ularly useful a& &his s&a0eof de8elo/me%& of Buddhis& &ermi%olo0y i% &he (es&

    er*e/&i8e readers )ill %o dou#& fi%d errors a%d omissio%sas )ell as re/e&i&io%s a%d redu%da%*ies,or &hese a%d o&her la/ses6 )e reJues& &heir i%dul0e%*ea%d e%*oura0e &hem &o )ri&e &o &he Su&ra Tra%sla&io% 4ommi&&ee6


  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    .711 Da8idso% A8e%ue6 Bro%96 N1:;736 USA TelF,a9" ?3;!:7.1

    .711 Da8idso% A8e%ue6 Bro%96 N1:;736 USA TelF,a9" ?3;!:7.1

    To &hose /ressed for &ime a%d hu%0ry for sola*e6 &he Buddha#eJuea&hed M*ou%&lessP &ea*hi%0s leadi%0 &o e%li0h&e%me%&

    3;6::: /a&hs *orres/o%di%0 &o &he 3;6::: affli*&io%s of se%&ie%ei%0s The mos& /er8asi8e a%d mos& a**essi#le i% Eas& Asia for &he/as& mille%%ium1has #ee% &he ure La%d &radi&io% a%d i&s /ra*&i*eof Buddha Re*i&a&io% &he i%8o*a&io% a%dFor 8isualia&io%of Buddha Ami&a#ha (he&her a seeker *hooses &he ure La%d/a&h or a%y o&her of &he 3;6:::6 ho)e8er6 &he mai% *o%di&io% forsu**ess6 i%deed &he si%e Jua %o%6 is &he de8elo/me%& of &he Bodhi-i%d &he as/ira&io% &o a*hie8e Buddhahood for &he #e%efi& ofall se%&ie%& #ei%0s To Juo&e &he A8a&amsaka Su&ra "us& as a diamo%d6 e8e% if *ra*ked6 relie8es /o8er&y a%d

    )a%&6 i% &he same )ay &he diamo%d of &he Bodhi!mi%d6

    e8e% if s/li&6 relie8es &he /o8er&y of &he mu%da%e )hirl

    As &his #ook )as #ei%0 readied for /u#li*a&io%6 &)o of &he edi&ors+*lose family mem#ers6 # N0uy% Th Ho%0 a%d -rs LilyDi*ks&ei%6 u%e9/e*&edly /assed a)ay Their sudde% de/ar&ure#rou0h& home &o us6 as %e8er #efore6 &he &ra%si&ory %a&ure ofhuma% e9is&e%*e &he Tru&h of Im/erma%e%*e To - a%dLily a%d &o all se%&ie%& #ei%0s &hrou0hou& &he )orlds of &he Te%Dire*&io%s6 &his Glossary is res/e*&fully dedi*a&ed -ay &hey allde8elo/ &he Bodhi -i%d a%d s)if&ly re&ur% &o &he ure La%d of


  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    Ami&a#ha Buddha &o &he ure La%d of &heir Self!Na&ure a%d-i%d

    Ami&a#ha Buddha &o &he ure La%d of &heir Self!Na&ure a%d-i%d

    Rye Brook6 N -i%h Th%h(i%&er 122= D Lei0h

    1 The ure La%d S*hool is /rese%&ly &he s*hool of Buddhism i% 4hi%a a%d a/a% &ha& has &hemos& follo)ers Gi8e% i&s /o/ular a//eal6ure La%d Jui*kly #e*ame &he o#e*& of &he mos& domi%a%& form of Buddhis& de8o&io% i%Eas& Asia i9

  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    The su/reme a%d e%dless #lessi%0sof Sama%&a#hadra+s deeds6

    I %o) u%i8ersally &ra%sfer

    -ay e8ery li8i%0 #ei%06 dro)%i%0a%d adrif&6Soo% re&ur% &o &he La%d of Limi&lessLi0h&

    The @o)s of Sama%&a#hadra

    A8a&amsaka Su&ra


  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    N L A

    ,ollo)i%0 &he /re*ede%& of &he Bukkyo De%do Kyokai fou%da&io%

    6 edi&i%0 of Juo&ed &e9&s has #ee% ke/& &o a mi%imum6)i&h %o sys&ema&i* a&&em/& &o s&a%dardie 8aria%& s/elli%06 &ra%sli&era&io%6*a/i&alia&io% or /u%*&ua&io% (ade!Giles is &he /referred &ra%sli&era&io% sys&em for


    lease %o&e &he follo)i%0 a##re8ia&io%s"

    4hi%" 4hi%ese J8" see se/ara&e e%&ry/%" a/a%ese se*&" se*&io%Sk&" Sa%skri& &r" &ra%sla&or@%" @ie&%amese 4E 4ommo% era


  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary



    (e res/e*&fully a*k%o)led0e &he follo)i%0 Good S/iri&ualAd8isors6 )i&hou& )hose ad8i*e6 assis&a%*e a%d su//or& &his #ook

    *ould %o& ha8e *ome &o frui&io% S/e*ial &ha%ks 0o firs& a%d foremos&&o Dharma -as&er Lok To6 Su&ra Tra%sla&io% 4ommi&&ee of&he U%i&ed S&a&es a%d 4a%ada6 )ho 0a8e us his full e%*oura0eme%&a%d #a*ki%0Q @e% Kuru%e0oda iya&issa6 &he dis&i%0uished headof &he Ne) ork Buddhis& @ihara6 )ho 0ra*iously a%d s/eedily/ro8ided &he ali a%d Sa%skri& 8ersio%s of key &erms Q Re8 Sha% K)a%0 of Nia0ara ,alls64a%ada6 )ho6 u/o% heari%0 of &his Glossary /roe*&6 0ra*iouslydo%a&ed a mul&i!8olume se& of &he a%%o&a&ed Lo&us Su&raQ &he@ie&%amese Buddhis& *ommu%i&y of (i*hi&a6 Ka%sas6 )ho ori0i%allyreJues&ed &he edi&ors &o re*omme%d a Buddhis& di*&io%ary6o% &he o**asio% of &heir 8isi& &o &he lo*al slau0h&erhouses Q -r Ed Bra%do% of O&&a)a64a%ada6 )ho o#li0i%0ly desi0%ed a s/e*ial /ro0ram for au&oma&i*0e%era&io% of *ross!refere%*es Q -r Do Huu Tra*h6le doye% des &ermi%olo0ues #ouddhis&es au 4a%ada6 )ho /ro8idedad8i*e o% e%&ries i% 8arious la%0ua0esQ -r N0o @a% Hoa ofO&&a)a6 *o!au&hor of a Ce% di*&io%ary6 )ho )e%& &hrou0h &heGlossary a%d s&eered us a)ay from a %um#er of mis&akesQ -rN0uye% @a% hu6 a dis&i%0uished former s*hool /ri%*i/al6 )ho*alled our a&&e%&io% &o se8eral Jues&io%a#le /oi%&s6 #e&)ee% &ri/s


  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    ou& of &o)% &o see his e9&e%ded familyQ -essrs @u @a% Thai a%dHuy%h Huu Ho%06 of @ille A%ou 6 Buddhis& s*holarsi% &heir o)% ri0h&6 )ho #e&)ee% &hem le%& us &hree se&s of rareBuddhis& di*&io%aries6 u%a8aila#le for /ur*hase a%y)here i% &heUSQ -essrs S&e8e% La%e a%d Da8e Kumi%ski6 )ho *o%se%&ed

    &o &he edi&ors hauli%0 a)ay se8eral hu0e *ar&o%s of Dharma#ooks from &heir res/e*&i8e a/ar&me%&s a%d kee/i%0 &hem for a%e9&e%ded /eriod of &imeQ -r ram N0uye%6 )ho 8alia%&ly &ried&o s&eer us a)ay from su#s&a%&i8e errors6 all &he )hile edu*a&i%0us o% &he li&&le!k%o)% Eso&eri* &radi&io% of @ie&%amQ -r Duo%0VW%h H6 )ho 0alla%&ly /lo)ed &hrou0h &he ma%us*ri/&6 des/i&ehis #usy s*hedule a%d &he immi%e%& a//roa*h of &he Lu%arNe) earQ -r Thomas Leu%06 )ho ki%dly dre) our a&&e%&io%&o se8eral Jues&io%a#le /oi%&s of DharmaQ -r Tra%0 Le6 )hofor &he sake of *orre*& Dharma6 %e8er de*li%ed &o mee& )i&h &he/ri%*i/al edi&or o% &he shor&es& %o&i*e6 i% &he mos& u%likely /la*es6a& &he saddes& &imesQ -essrs Sa%0 Lam a%d Ri*hard 4hau6 )ho)ord/ro*essed &his seemi%0ly %e8er!e%di%0 Glossary6 some&imesslee/i%0 o8er a& &he edi&ors+ house X ma%y &imes *a&*hi%0 &hemid%i0h& lo*al #a*k &o &he (es& Bro%9Q &he la&e -s Ada B Taylorof S&ra&ford6 4o%%e*&i*u&6 )hose &hou0h&ful 0if& of a a/a%esear& #ook more &ha% a de*ade a0o 0ra*es &his GlossaryQ a%d rof,orres& G Smi&h a%d Dr Elle% B Di*ks&ei%6 )hose dis*er%i%0re8ie) of &he *o%&e%& a%d e8er!8i0ila%& edi&i%0 of &he la%0ua0eof Shakes/eare added de/&h &o &he &e9& a%d 0a8e i& a s*holarlyim/ri%& Las& #u& *er&ai%ly %o& leas&6 )e )ould like &o me%&io%here a %um#er of &ea*hers a%d Kalya%ami&ras )hom our /ri%*i/aledi&or had &he 0ood for&u%e &o mee& o% his re*e%& 8isi& &o I%dia6&o fulfill his mo&her+s )ish &o res& i% &he sa*red si&e of @ul&ure

    ou& of &o)% &o see his e9&e%ded familyQ -essrs @u @a% Thai a%dHuy%h Huu Ho%06 of @ille A%ou 6 Buddhis& s*holarsi% &heir o)% ri0h&6 )ho #e&)ee% &hem le%& us &hree se&s of rareBuddhis& di*&io%aries6 u%a8aila#le for /ur*hase a%y)here i% &heUSQ -essrs S&e8e% La%e a%d Da8e Kumi%ski6 )ho *o%se%&ed&o &he edi&ors hauli%0 a)ay se8eral hu0e *ar&o%s of Dharma#ooks from &heir res/e*&i8e a/ar&me%&s a%d kee/i%0 &hem for a%e9&e%ded /eriod of &imeQ -r ram N0uye%6 )ho 8alia%&ly &ried&o s&eer us a)ay from su#s&a%&i8e errors6 all &he )hile edu*a&i%0us o% &he li&&le!k%o)% Eso&eri* &radi&io% of @ie&%amQ -r Duo%0VW%h H6 )ho 0alla%&ly /lo)ed &hrou0h &he ma%us*ri/&6 des/i&ehis #usy s*hedule a%d &he immi%e%& a//roa*h of &he Lu%arNe) earQ -r Thomas Leu%06 )ho ki%dly dre) our a&&e%&io%&o se8eral Jues&io%a#le /oi%&s of DharmaQ -r Tra%0 Le6 )hofor &he sake of *orre*& Dharma6 %e8er de*li%ed &o mee& )i&h &he/ri%*i/al edi&or o% &he shor&es& %o&i*e6 i% &he mos& u%likely /la*es6a& &he saddes& &imesQ -essrs Sa%0 Lam a%d Ri*hard 4hau6 )ho)ord/ro*essed &his seemi%0ly %e8er!e%di%0 Glossary6 some&imes

  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    slee/i%0 o8er a& &he edi&ors+ house X ma%y &imes *a&*hi%0 &hemid%i0h& lo*al #a*k &o &he (es& Bro%9Q &he la&e -s Ada B Taylorof S&ra&ford6 4o%%e*&i*u&6 )hose &hou0h&ful 0if& of a a/a%esear& #ook more &ha% a de*ade a0o 0ra*es &his GlossaryQ a%d rof,orres& G Smi&h a%d Dr Elle% B Di*ks&ei%6 )hose dis*er%i%0re8ie) of &he *o%&e%& a%d e8er!8i0ila%& edi&i%0 of &he la%0ua0e

    of Shakes/eare added de/&h &o &he &e9& a%d 0a8e i& a s*holarlyim/ri%& Las& #u& *er&ai%ly %o& leas&6 )e )ould like &o me%&io%here a %um#er of &ea*hers a%d Kalya%ami&ras )hom our /ri%*i/aledi&or had &he 0ood for&u%e &o mee& o% his re*e%& 8isi& &o I%dia6&o fulfill his mo&her+s )ish &o res& i% &he sa*red si&e of @ul&urei

  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    eak" @e% - (imalasara Thero Q@e% - Suddhammala%kara Thero Q @e% Dr B Khema%a%do of Thaila%dQ @e%ThY*h 4ho% -i%h Q rof Kauo Aumaof 4hi#a Ke%6 a/a%Q a%d Dr Sukamal 4ho)dhury of 4al*u&&a

    Ea*h )as ki%d e%ou0h &o 0o o8er *er&ai% se*&io%s of &he ma%us*ri/&6a%d &hrou0h &hese frui&ful i%&era*&io%s6 some &)e%&y e%&ries)ere re8ised a%d ame%ded (ha&e8er errors remai% are6 of *ourse6&he res/o%si#ili&y of &he edi&ors alo%e To all &hese Kalya%ami&ras6 )esay MTha%k you6 4m!o%6 Ari0a&o GoaimasuPZ All meri&s a%d8ir&ues deri8i%0 from &his )ork6 )hi*h is freely dis&ri#u&ed &o allseekers6 are res/e*&fully dedi*a&ed &o se%&ie%& #ei%0s &hrou0hou&&he Dharma Realm

    Se*o%d Edi&io%"(e a*k%o)led0e &he follo)i%0 0ood s/iri&ual ad8isors a%d frie%ds)ho &ook /ar& i% &he u/da&i%0 of &his Glossary " -as&ers F Bhikshus Lok To6 Thi*hhuo* Bo%6 Thi*h Tri Hoa%0 a%d K (a&a%a#eQ U/asaka F u/asikaDuo%0 Di%h Hy6 Do Huu Tra*h6 Da8id 4ushma%6 -arily%Isler6 S&e8e% La%e6 N0o @a% Hoa6 oh% Iro%mou%&6 @u @a% Thai

    a%d ,orres& G Smi&h S/e*ial a*k%o)led0eme%& is also due &o&he la&e u/asika N T Hoa%0 FDieu hu%06 )ho as a se%ior edi&ora%d #e%efa*&or of &he @HSG6 i%dire*&ly *o%&ri#u&ed &o &his

    se*o%d edi&io%



  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    D E

    1Di*&io%ary of Beliefs a%d Reli0io%s6 Larousse" 122;

    .A Di*&io%ary of a/a%ese Buddhis& Terms6 Hisao I%a0aki" 1233

    His&ori*al Di*&io%ary of Buddhism6 4harles S re#ish" 122

    ;A Di*&io%ary of Buddhism" 4hi%ese!Sa%skri& E%0lish!Thai6The 4hi%ese Buddhis& Order of Sa%0ha i% Thaila%d" 12=7

    ?The ere%%ial Di*&io%ary of (orld Reli0io%s6 K 4rim6 ed" 1231

    7h& H* T Vi%6 Vo% Tru%0 4[%" 127

    =Ha%d#ook of 4hi%ese Buddhism6 Er%es& Ei&el" 1333

    3Ce% Di*&io%ary6 Er%es& (ood" 12?=

    2Buddhis& Di*&io%ary6 Nya%a&iloka a%d Nya%a/o%ika

    1:A Glossary of Buddhis& Terms6 A4 -ar*h" 12=

    11A Di*&io%ary of Buddhis& Terms a%d Termi%olo0ies6KK-ur&hy" 1221

    1.Di*&io%%aire du Bouddhisme6 Re%\ de Ber8al6 &r" 1221

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    1A Di*&io%ary of 4hi%ese Buddhis& Terms6 (illiam Ed)ardSoo&hill" 12;


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    1;T Vi% h& H* @ie&%am6 ThY*h -i%h 4h]u" 12211?T Vi% h& H* H% @i&6 Kim 4uo%0 T a%d ThY*h Tha%h-i%h" 122.

    17(orld S*ri/&ure6 I%&er%a&io%al Reli0ious ,ou%da&io%" 12211=A Di*&io%ary of Buddhis& Terms a%d 4o%*e/&s6 Ni*hire% ShoshuI%&er%a&io%al 4e%&er6 Tokyo" 12313A o/ular Di*&io%ary of Buddhism6 4hris&mas Hum/hrey" 127.12E%*y*lo/edia Bri&a%%i*a" 122?.:E%*y*lo/edia of Reli0io%s6 - Eliade6 *hief edi&or" 123=.1A Di*&io%ary of Buddhism6 TO Li%0" 12=...The Sham#ala Di*&io%ary of Buddhism a%d Ce%" 1221. Le e&i& Di*&io%%aire D+Eso&\risme6 ea% Darles6 -ST.; The E%*y*lo/edia of Eas&er% hiloso/hy a%d Reli0io%6 I%0rid,is*her!S*hrei#er6 e& al" 122;.?E%*y*lo/edia of Buddhism6 Dr G -alalasekera" 12?7.7A Di*&io%ary of ali ro/er Names6 Dr G -alalasekera.=A Ha%d#ook of Li8i%0 Reli0io%s6 oh% R Hi%%ells6 ed" 123;.3(orld Reli0io%s" Eas&er% Tradi&io%s6 G O9&o#y" 1227.2The Di*&io%ary of Glo#al 4ul&ure6 KA A//iah Ga&es" 122=:The O9ford Di*&io%ary of (orld Reli0io%s" 122=98i

  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary




    See also" Buddha Re*i&a&io% SamadhiQ Dual Bir&h

    ) MThe Sa%skri& /refi9 ^A+ mea%s ^%o&+6 &he %e0a&i8e Before a%o&her8o)el a *o%so%a%& may #e added P The medi&a&io% o%&he Sa%skri& le&&er ^A+ is &he mos& im/or&a%& medi&a&io% i% Eso&eri*Buddhism MThe e%&ire sys&em of do*&ri%e a%d /ra*&i*e se& for&h i% &he-aha8airo*a%a Su&ra is sym#oliedi% *o%*e%&ra&ed form i% &he si%0le seed sylla#le ^A+ The *omme%&aryo% &he -aha8airo*a%a Su&ra says6 ^The ^A+ sylla#le 0a&e is &he ki%0 ofall ma%&ras+ Pama" 12.

    MThe sou%d ^A+ is re0arded as &he sour*e from )hi*h all )ords are /rodu*edI& is &herefore &ermed &he ^mo&her of all sou%ds+ I& e9em/lifies&he -ahaya%a do*&ri%e &ha& &he )orld of *ha%0e is immedia&ely &herealm of ul&ima&e reali&y or6 i% o&her )ords6 Samsara is ide%&i*al )i&hNir8a%a ^A+ is also em/loyed &o su00es& &he idea of &he e8olu&io% of all/he%ome%a from &hus%ess I% Eso&eri* Buddhism6 i& sym#olies &heu%i&y of &he )hole )orld The%*e i& is ide%&ified )i&h @airo*a%a &he/rimordial BuddhaPDai&" ?Buddhism of (isdom ,ai&h e9*er/&s"

    MIf &he mi%d is 8ery u%se&&led a%d )e *a%%o& use Buddha Re*i&a&io%6)e should6 )i&h ea*h u&&era%*e6 *o%*e%&ra&e firmly o% &he le&&er ^A+ i%


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    Ami&a#ha Buddha (he% &he le&&er ^A+ is /rese%&6 all &he o&her le&&ersare also /rese%& If6 #e*ause of delusio% a%d for0e&ful%ess6 &he le&&er ^A+is los&6 all &he o&her le&&ers are also los& -oreo8er6 &he le&&er ^A+ is &hekey a%d fu%dame%&al le&&er of &he al/ha#e& a%d is &herefore *o%sidered&he mo&her of all o&her le&&ers Throu0h *o%*e%&ra&io% o% re*i&i%0

    &he Buddha+s %ame )hile simul&a%eously holdi%0 fas& &o &he le&&er^A+6 e8e%&ually mi%d a%d e%8iro%me%& #o&h dissol8e a%d amal0ama&ei%&o o%e #lo*6 as 0rea& as s/a*e i&self Buddha Ami&a#ha a%d &he /ra*&i&io%er)ill &he% #o&h disa//ear A& &ha& &ime6 %a&urally6 &he le&&er ^A+)ill ha8e *eased &o e9is& as )ell Ho)e8er6 i& )as los& earlier #e*ause&he mi%d )as u%se&&led a%d s*a&&ered6 )hile i& %o lo%0er e9is&s %o)/re*isely #e*ause of &he harmo%ious s&a&e of ^/er/e&ual *o%*e%&ra&io%+This is &he ma%ifes&a&io% of em/&i%ess of -i%d a%d e%8iro%me%&

    &he e%&ry /oi%& i%&o &he Buddha Re*i&a&io% Samadhi PThi*h" .2!.;: _:::1u A DI V`

    See" Ami&a#ha Buddha


    See also" Sas&raQ Tri/i&aka

    ) MLi& Hi0her Dhamma The &hird di8isio% of &he *a%o%

    of &he Thera8ada a%d -ahaya%a S*hools I& is lar0ely a *omme%&ary

    o% &he sermo%s or su&ras6 a%d su#e*&s &hem &o a%alysis hiloso/hi*al

    a%d /sy*holo0i*al6 i& *o%&ai%s a% e%&ire sys&em of mi%d &rai%i%0PHum/" .?I% Buddhism6 *omme%&aries a%d &rea&ises are of &)o &y/es" &heA#hidharma *o%&ai%s mai%ly6 &hou0h %o& e9*lusi8ely6 of &he *omme%&

    aries e9/ou%ded #y Buddha Sakyamu%i a%d re*i&ed a& &he ,irs&4ou%*il6 held i% ;3 B46 &he year of &he Buddha+s /assi%0 -aha!Kasya/a6 &he reside%& of &he 4ou%*il6 is #elie8ed &o ha8e re*i&ed &heA#hidharma /erso%ally I& is *odified i% &he &hird #aske& of #o&h &he


  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    Thera8ada a%d -ahaya%a *a%o%sQ Sas&ras are la&er *omme%&ariesa%d &rea&ises6 )ri&&e% #y -ahaya%a /a&riar*hs su*h as Na0aru%a6 Asa%0ha a%d @asa#a%du

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  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    u A4ADE-I4 STUD

    See also" Euro/e Q Nor&h Ameri*a

    ) MEarly i%&eres& i% &he -ahaya%a6 s&imula&ed #y &he dis*o8ery ofSa%kri& &e9&s from Ne/al a%d &he )ork of Eu0e%e Bur%ouf a%d o&hers*holars6 had ra&her )eake%ed #y &he e%d of &he %i%e&ee%&h *e%&uryThis )as due &o &he %a&ural e%&husiasm a& &he dis*o8ery of &he alili&era&ure A %um#er of s*holars a*&i8e duri%0 &he firs& half of &he&)e%&ie&h *e%&ury sou0h& &o re!em/hasie &he 8alue of )orks a8aila#lei% 4hi%ese a%d Ti#e&a% &ra%sla&io% -a%y of &hese re/rese%& Nor&hI%dia% &radi&io%s us& as a%*ie%& as &hose from Sri La%ka O%e 0rou/of s*holars )orki%0 i% Russia )as es/e*ially asso*ia&ed )i&h &he %ameof T Sh*her#a&sky I%flue%*ed #y *o%&a*& )i&h &he li8i%0 &radi&io% ofNor&her% Buddhism6 &hey sou0h& &o *om/rehe%d Buddhis& &hou0h&i% &erms of Euro/ea% /hiloso/hi*al de8elo/me%& A se*o%d 0rou/6*om/osed mai%ly of Bel0ia% a%d ,re%*h s*holars6 )as more i%&eres&edi% &he -ahaya%a as a reli0io% a%d i% &he his&ory of Buddhism Themos& i%flue%&ial )ri&er of &his 0rou/ )as /ro#a#ly Louis de La @all\eoussi%Z The /eriod follo)i%0 &he Se*o%d (orld (ar has see% as&ro%0 *o%&i%ua%*e of &his ,ra%*o!Bel0ia% s*hool6 mos& %o&a#ly )i&h&he )ork of E Lamo&&e -oreo8er &he resear*hes i% Ti#e& of &he I&alia%s*holar6 G Tu**i6 ha8e 0i8e% a %e) im/e&us &o s&udies of Nor&her%Buddhism Im/or&a%& *o%&ri#u&io%s ha8e #ee% made #y s*holars fromI%dia6 es/e*ially i% &he s&udy of Buddhis& /hiloso/hy a%d his&ory6 a%d#y a/a%ese s*holars %o&a#ly i% &he field of Eas&er% Buddhism A& &hesame &ime %e) dis*o8eries from &he sa%ds of 4e%&ral Asia6 &he *a8esof Tu%!hua%06 Gil0i& i% Kashmir a%d from &he li#raries of Ne/al a%dTi#e& ha8e re*o8ered los& Buddhis& li&era&ure a%d o/e%ed u/ %e) fieldsfor resear*h Te9&!*ri&i*al a%d his&ori*al s&udies usi%0 &hese %e) ma&eri


  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    als ha8e #ee% de8elo/ed6 es/e*ially i% Germa%y The re*e%& e9/a%sio%of Buddhis& s&udies i% Nor&h Ameri*a seems likely &o de8elo/ %e)a//roa*hes Ta%&ri* s*hool6 ure La%d s*hool6 (ome% S&udies6 e&*PHi%%" .1!..

    als ha8e #ee% de8elo/ed6 es/e*ially i% Germa%y The re*e%& e9/a%sio%of Buddhis& s&udies i% Nor&h Ameri*a seems likely &o de8elo/ %e)a//roa*hes Ta%&ri* s*hool6 ure La%d s*hool6 (ome% S&udies6 e&*PHi%%" .1!..

    U%like Ce% or Ti#e&a% Buddhism6 ure La%d Buddhism is s&ill li&&lek%o)% i% &he (es& Ho)e8er6 i& is &he mos& /o/ular s*hool i% AsiaAl&hou0h ure La%d is some&imes looked u/o% as a #asi*ally /o/ularform of Buddhism6 i& a*&ually *o8ers all s&ra&a of /ra*&i&io%ers ,orsome /ra*&i&io%ers6 ure La%d is sy%o%ymous )i&h *om/le&e relia%*eo% o&her!/o)er6 &he /o)er of Ami&a#ha Buddha ,or o&hers6 ureLa%d is -i%d i& is -i%d *rea&ed6 -i%d!o%ly Edi&or" %a 12.2


    See also" Aah%

    ) MTea*her or mas&er A//lied &o a% emi%e%& /ries& )ho 0uides &hes&ude%& i% *o%du*& a%d se&s a% e9am/le for himPDai&" ?

    MO%e of &he &)o ki%ds of s/iri&ual leaders k%o)% i% BuddhismQ &hese*o%d &y/e of &ea*her is &he u/adhyaya Ori0i%ally a*harya )asu%ders&ood &o mea% a mas&er of &he Dharma6 )hereas &he u/adhyaya&au0h& dis*i/li%e a%d adhere%*e &o &he rulesPSham" . _:::.

    u A4TS O, GOD

    Sy%" Na&ural Disas&ersSee also" 4ause a%d Effe*&

    ) M,rom &he Buddhis& /oi%& of 8ie)6 ear&hJuakes a%dsimilar /he%ome%a are %ei&her A*&s of God %or *a/ri*es of %a&ureQ &heyare *ausally rela&ed &o &he &hou0h&s a%d a*&io%s /rimarily of huma%


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    #ei%0s -a% a%d his e%8iro%me%& are %o& se/ara&eQ &hey are mu&ually*o%di&io%i%0 &)o as/e*&s of o%e reali&y Ea*h of our &hou0h&s/ulsa&es )i&h &he hearea& of &he *osmos6 a%d &he u%i8erse i% &ur% isaffe*&ed #y a%d refle*&s our &hou0h&s a%d a*&io%s (e *a%%o& ra8a0ea%d /ollu&e &he ear&h6 u/se&&i%0 &he #ala%*e of &he for*es of %a&ure

    our o)% %a&ure )i&hou& re/er*ussio%s from &he ear&h 4G u%0)as Juo&ed i% a 12=1 ar&i*le i% &he Ne) ork Times as sayi%0 6 ^E8e% &hou0h&oday+s s*ie%&is&s may ree*& &he idea6 &he ear&h seems &o #e i% &u%e )i&h&he des&ru*&i8e fury of ma%ki%d+ Bu& &his is o%ly half &he eJua&io%Throu0h ma%+s /ollu&io% of &he a&mos/here a%d &he soil6 &he 8ery airhe #rea&hes a%d &he food he ea&s /oiso% him6 eli*i&i%0 from his #ody asimilar /ro&es& i% &he form of /ollu&io% diseases6 &he foremos& of )hi*hmay #e *a%*er Thus &he *ir*le of des&ru*&io% is *om/le&ePKa/lF3:" .?. _1132


    See also" Billio%!(orld U%i8erseQ 4osmolo0y

    ) MI% Buddhism6 &he ou&ermos& mou%&ai%!ra%0e made of iro% )hi*he%*ir*les a )orld!sys&emPI%a0" 22A**ordi%0 &o Buddhis& &ea*hi%0s6 &here is a% i%fi%i&e %um#er of )orldsys&ems i% &he *osmos a%d our ear&h is o%e i%fi%i&esimal /ar& of o%esu*h sys&emEdi&or" %a _:722


    See also" Eso&eri* S*hoolQ @airo*a%a Buddha

    ) MTerm used i% -ahaya%a Buddhism6 es/e*ially i% Ne/al a%dTi#e&6 for &he ^/rimordial Buddha6+ &he Buddha )i&hou& #e0i%%i%0PLi%0" 3

    MThe /rimordial Buddha Al&hou0h &he *o%*e/& i&self *a% #e &ra*ed


  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    &o early Buddhism6 i& is )idely a*k%o)led0ed &ha& &he %o&io% of&he Adi!Buddha )as fully de8elo/ed i% eso&eri* Buddhism I%early Ti#e&a% @araya%a Buddhism6 &he Adi!Buddha is of&e% asso*ia&ed)i&h Sama%&a#hadra6 )ho re/rese%&s &he Dharma!kaya I% la&erTi#e&a% @araya%a6 i& is @aradhara )ho re/rese%&s &he Dharma!kaya

    I% &radi&io%al -ahaya%a Buddhism6 &he Adi!Buddha is re/rese%&ed#y -aha8airo*a%aPre#" 3 _:;3.


    ) MThe a*&io% a%d effe*& of *rea&i%0 &he #eau&ies of a /urified fieldsu*h as &he ure La%d of Ami&a#ha BuddhaPGome" .31 _172;


    See also" re*e/&s

    ) MAdul&ery is me%&io%ed i% Buddhis& &e9&s as o%e of a %um#er offorms of similar se9ual mis*o%du*& Thus6 a mo%k )ho is 0uil&y ofadul&ery is &o #e e9*ommu%i*a&ed from &he OrderQ #u& &his is so i%a%y *ase of se9ual i%&er*ourse i% )hi*h a mo%k is )illfully i%8ol8ed6irres/e*&i8e of )he&her &he )oma% is married or %o& ,or layme%6 se9uali%&er*ourse is for#idde% )i&h a%y )oma% )ho is u%der a%y formof /ro&e*&io% )he&her &ha& of /are%&s6 0uardia%s6 or hus#a%dPLi%0" 2 _1111

    u AD@ERSIT

    See" E%emies

    u A,,LI4TIONSSee also" Affli*&io%s are BodhiQ Delusio%Q Emo&io%sQ E8ilQLo8e!a&&a*hme%&

    ) MThe /assio%s a%d i0%ora%*e &ha& *ause o%e &o )a%der i% Samsara


  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    a%d hi%der o%e from rea*hi%0 e%li0h&e%me%& The )ord ^affli*&io%s+em/hasies &he effe*&s of defileme%&s O%e lis& of &he #asi* defileme%&s%ames si9" 0reed6 ha&red 6 i0%ora%*e 6arro0a%*e6 dou#&6 a%d )ro%0 8ie)sP4ha%" ;=.!;=

    The #asi* 0oal of Buddhis& &ea*hi%0s is &o kee/ &he mi%d em/&y a%ds&ill so &ha& our i%%a&e )isdom *a% ma%ifes& i&self Thus6 Buddhism fos&ers /ra*&i*es a%d ha#i&s&ha& su#due /assio%s a%d sim/lify life6 freei%0 &he *ul&i8a&or for s/iri&ual/ursui&s I& is i% &his *o%&e9& &ha& se9ual desire6 e9*essi8e res& a%dslee/6 e&* are *o%sidered affli*&io%sEdi&or" %aBuddha Sakyamu%i *om/ared huma% #ei%0s *hasi%0 af&er &he flee&i%0/leasures of &his )orld &o a *hild li*ki%0 ho%ey off a shar/ k%ifeThere is %o )ay &hey *a% a8oid hur&i%0 &hemsel8es MThey are likeme% )ho *arry &or*hes a0ai%s& a s&ro%0 )i%dQ &he flame )ill surely#ur% &heir ha%ds a%d fa*esPEdi&orFTam

    Su#dui%0 Affli*&io%s

    Buddhism of (isdom ,ai&h e9*er/&s"

    MThe karmas of 0reed6 a%0er a%d delusio% ma%ifes& &hemsel8es i%ma%y forms6 )hi*h are im/ossi#le &o des*ri#e fully I )ill dis*uss6 i%0e%eral6 four #asi* )ays &o su#due &hem

    I Su//ressi%0 Affli*&io%s )i&h &he -i%dThere are o%ly &)o /oi%&s of di8er0e%*e #e&)ee% &he deluded a%d &hee%li0h&e%ed " /uri&y is Buddhahood6defileme%& is &he s&a&e of se%&ie%& #ei%0s Be*ause &he Buddhas are i%a**ord )i&h &he ure -i%d6 &hey are e%li0h&e%ed6 fully e%do)ed )i&hs/iri&ual /o)ers a%d )isdom Be*ause se%&ie%& #ei%0s are a&&a*hed&o )orldly Dus&s6 &hey are deluded a%d re8ol8e i% &he *y*le of Bir&ha%d Dea&h To /ra*&i*e ure La%d is &o 0o dee/ i%&o &he BuddhaRe*i&a&io% Samadhi6 a)ake%i%0 &o &he Ori0i%al -i%d a%d a&&ai%i%03

  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    Buddhahood Therefore6 if a%y deluded6 a0i&a&ed &hou0h& de8elo/sduri%0 Buddha Re*i&a&io%6 i& should #e se8ered immedia&ely6 allo)i%0us &o re&ur% &o &he s&a&e of &he ure -i%d This is *ou%&era*&i%0affli*&io%s )i&h &he mi%d

    II Su//ressi%0 Affli*&io%s )i&h Noume%o%(he% deluded &hou0h&s arise )hi*h *a%%o& #e su//ressed )i&h &hemi%d6 )e should mo8e &o &he se*o%d s&a0e a%d ^8isualie /ri%*i/les+,or e9am/le6 )he%e8er &he affli*&io% of 0reed de8elo/s6 )e should8isualie &he /ri%*i/les of im/uri&y6 sufferi%06 im/erma%e%*e6 No!Self (he%e8er &he affli*&io% of a%0er arises6 )e should 8isualie &he/ri%*i/les of *om/assio%6 for0i8e%ess a%d em/&i%ess of all dharmasIII Su//ressi%0 Affli*&io%s )i&h he%ome%aerso%s )i&h hea8y karma )ho *a%%o& su//ress &heir affli*&io%s #y8isualii%0 /ri%*i/les alo%e should use ^/he%ome%a6+ &ha& is6 e9&er%alforms ,or e9am/le6 i%di8iduals )ho are /ro%e &o a%0er a%d delusio%a%d are a)are of &heir shor&*omi%0s6 should6 )he% &hey are o%&he 8er0e of #urs&i%0 i%&o a Juarrel6 immedia&ely lea8e &he s*e%e a%dslo)ly si/ a 0lass of *old )a&er Those hea8ily affli*&ed )i&h &he karmaof lus&!a&&a*hme%& )ho *a%%o& su//ress &heir affli*&io%s &hrou0h^8isualia&io% of /ri%*i/le6+ should arra%0e &o #e %ear 8ir&uous Eldersa%d *o%*e%&ra&e o% Buddhis& a*&i8i&ies or dis&a%& &ra8el6 &o o8er*omelus& a%d memories 0radually The sayi%0 ^a#se%*e makes &he hear&0ro) fo%der6+ should really read ^ou& of si0h&6 ou& of mi%d+ This is#e*ause se%&ie%& #ei%0s+ mi%ds *losely /arallel &heir surrou%di%0s a%de%8iro%me%& If &he surrou%di%0s disa//ear6 &he mi%d loses i&s a%*hor6a%d6 0radually6 all memories fade

    I@ Su//ressi%0 Affli*&io%s )i&h Re/e%&a%*e a%d Re*i&a&io%I% addi&io% &o &he a#o8e &hree me&hods6 )hi*h ra%0e from &he su#&le&o &he 0ross6 &here is a four&h" re/e%&a%*e a%d &he re*i&a&io% of su&ras6ma%&ras a%d Ami&a#ha Buddha+s %ame If /erformed re0ularly6re/e%&a%*e a%d re*i&a&io% eradi*a&e #ad karma a%d 0e%era&e meri& a%d)isdomZ De/e%di%0 o% *ir*ums&a%*es6 &he /ra*&i&io%er *a% use a%y2

  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    of &hese four me&hods &o *ou%&era*& &he karma of 0reed6 a%0er a%ddelusio% i% a 0e%eral )ay If &hese me&hods are /ra*&i*ed /a&ie%&lya%d i% ear%es&6 &here is %o&hi%0 &ha& *a%%o& #e a**om/lishedPTam" 17=!1=: _13

    of &hese four me&hods &o *ou%&era*& &he karma of 0reed6 a%0er a%ddelusio% i% a 0e%eral )ay If &hese me&hods are /ra*&i*ed /a&ie%&lya%d i% ear%es&6 &here is %o&hi%0 &ha& *a%%o& #e a**om/lishedPTam" 17=!1=: _13

    Sy%" Samsara is Nir8a%aSee also" Ul&ima&ism

    ) A -ahaya%a &ea*hi%0 of &he hi0hes& le8el6 for &hose alreadya)ake%edFe%li0h&e%ed

    MA #asi* Ce% &ea*hi%0 Affli*&io%s are i%se/ara#le from BuddhahoodA& &he %oume%o% or &he &heore&i*al le8el6 affli*&io%s a%d Buddhahoodare *o%sidered &o #e &)o sides of &he same *oi% Si%*e all e9is&e%*e has&he &a&ha&a as i&s u%derlyi%0 esse%*e6 affli*&io%s &oo mus&res& o% &his &a&ha&a E%li0h&e%me%&6 ie6 ide%&i&y )i&h &he &a&ha&a6 isa*hie8ed o%ly )he% o%e realies &ha& affli*&io%s i% &hemsel8es *a%ha8e %o real6 i%de/e%de%& e9is&e%*e The do*&ri%e is *o%sidered &oe9/ress &he ul&ima&e &ea*hi%0 of -ahaya%aPDai&" .1

    Tur% Affli*&io%s i%&o Bodhi

    This is a key -ahaya%a *o%*e/& As a% e9am/le6 su//osi%0 a )oma%re&ur%s home6 o%ly &o dis*o8er &ha& her o%ly *hild has sudde%ly diedThis is &he )ors& affli*&io% ima0i%a#le e&6 if &hrou0h &his affli*&io%she u%ders&a%ds &ha& disease a%d dea&h are &he *ommo% lo& of allse%&ie%& #ei%0s6 she )ill ha8e realied &he &ru&h of im/erma%e%*eShe )ill ha8e &ur%ed a% affli*&io% i%&o BodhiEdi&or" %a _::31

    u AGADA

    Sy%" a%a*eaSee also" ure La%d Buddhism


  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    ) A /a%a*ea6 a M*ure!allP6 a remedy for all diseases a%d e8ils Allme&hods a%d s*hools of Buddhism are #es& #es& for a /ar&i*ular0rou/6 a& a /ar&i*ular &ime This is )hy &he Buddha e9&olled all su&rasas #ei%0 foremos&6 as #ei%0 ki%0s of &he Dharma Of all &hese me&hodsa%d s*hools6 &he o%e &ha& is *o%sidered foremos& a%d a& &he same

    &ime a /a%a*ea is ure La%d ure La%d is a *ure!all #e*ause i& a//lies&o /eo/le of all *a/a*i&ies a%d )alks of lifeEdi&or" %a

    u AGA-A

    ) MOf&e% used as a 0e%eri* &erm for &he Thera8ada su&rasPDai&" ;

    MLi&6 &radi&io% The A0amas are 4hi%ese &ra%sla&io%s of &he Su&rasor Sermo%s as *olle*&ed #y &he Sar8as&i8adi% S*hool They8ary li&&le from &he *orres/o%di%0 Su&&a i&aka of &heThera8ada 4a%o% of &odayPHum/" .= _:::7


    See" Sa*erdo&al A0e


    See" Ska%dhas


    See also" A&heism

    ) MThe do*&ri%e &ha& ma% *a% %e8er k%o) &he %a&ure of Ul&ima&eReali&y Buddhism differs from a0%os&i*ism i% &ha& i& asser&s a%i%%a&e &ra%s*e%de%&al fa*ul&y i% ma% &ha& #y elimi%a&io%of all eleme%&s of ^defileme%&+ allo)s o%e &o a&&ai% /erfe*& k%o)led0ea%d e%li0h&e%me%&PHum/" .= _:;31


  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    u AHI-SA

    Sy%" No%!harmi%0Q No%!killi%0See also" 4om/assio%Q Killi%0Q @e0e&aria%ism

    ) MSk&6 li& ^%o%!harmi%0+ I% Buddhism %o%!harmi%0 of li8i%0#ei%0s is *o%sidered o%e of &he mos& im/or&a%& as/e*&s of &he Buddhis&s/iri&ual a&&i&ude The rule of 8e0e&aria%ism for mo%ks a%d %u%s i%mos& Buddhis& *ul&ures is #ased o% &his /ri%*i/le of ahimsaPSham" . _:1=

    u AAHN

    See also" A*arya

    ) MThai /ro%u%*ia&io% for &he Sa%skri& A*harya 4a%de%o&e a se%ior s*hool or *olle0e &ea*herQ i% &he Thai 6 a medi&a&io% mas&erPS%el" .71 _:=12

    u AANTA

    See also" il0rima0e Si&es Q Tu%!hua%0

    ) M4i&y i% &he )es&er% /ar& of *e%&ral I%dia6 famous for Buddhis&0ro&&oes da&i%0 from .:: &o =:: 4E The &)e%&y!%i%e *a8es6 )hi*he9&e%d o8er a dis&a%*e of ?7 kilome&ers6 hold &he #es&!/reser8edBuddhis& fres*oes i% &he )orld They re/rese%& &he 0rea&es& mo%ume%&&o Buddhis& /ai%&i%0 i% I%dia The fres*oes illus&ra&e i% /ar& &he lifeof &he his&ori*al Buddha 6 as i& is k%o)% from&he su&ras 6 a%d i% /ar& s&ories from &he /re8iouse9is&e%*es of &he Buddha They 0i8e a de&ailed /i*&ure of lifei% I%dia a& &he #e0i%%i%0 of his&ori*al &imes ,our *a8es are so!*alled*hai&yas a%d *o%&ai% s&u/asPSham" _:13


  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary



    See also" Bim#isaraQ i8akaQ Lo%0er Ami&a#ha Su&raQ -edi&a&io%Su&ra

    ) MA ki%0 of -a0adha i% Shakyamu%i+s day (hile s&ill a /ri%*e6 he#e*ame frie%dly )i&h De8ada&&a6 )ho i%*i&ed him &o ha8e his fa&herBim#isara killed a%d #e*ome ki%0 i% his s&ead He made -a0adhai%&o &he mos& /o)erful ki%0dom i% I%dia La&er he *o%8er&ed &oBuddhism a%d su//or&ed &he ,irs& Buddhis& 4ou%*il for &he *om/ila&io%of Buddha Shakyamu%i+s &ea*hi%0sA**ordi%0 &o &he Nir8a%a Su&ra6 si%*e Ki%0 Bim#isara had %o heir#y his )ife @aidehi6 he *o%sul&ed a di8i%er6 )ho said &ha& &here )as ahermi& /rese%&ly li8i%0 i% &he mou%&ai%s )ho6 af&er he died6 )ould #ere#or% as Bim#isara+s so% Bim#isara )as so im/a&ie%& for &he #ir&h ofa% heir &ha& he had &he hermi& killed Shor&ly af&er6 @aidehi *o%*ei8ed6#u& &he di8i%er fore&old &ha& &he *hild )ould #e*ome &he ki%0+s e%emy+I% fear of &his *hild6 &he ki%0 dro//ed him from a&o/ a &o)er #u& &he*hild sur8i8ed &he fallZ I& is said &ha& as a you%0 ma% Aa&asa&ru )as/ersuaded &o re#el a0ai%s& his fa&her #y De8ada&&a6 )ho &old him &hes&ory of his #ir&hPSokk" =!3

    MAa&asa&&u+s %ame mea%s ^e%emy #efore #ir&h6+ )hi*h a**ordi%0 &o &hele0e%d6 deri8es from his mo&her+s )ish &o dri%k #lood from &he k%eeof her hus#a%d )he% she )as /re0%a%& )i&h him This )as i%&er/re&ed#y &he as&rolo0ers &o mea% &ha& her *hild )ould kill his fa&herAa&asa&&u is des*ri#ed as a% am#i&ious /ri%*e )ho )a%&ed &o #e*omeruler of &he ki%0dom as Jui*kly as /ossi#le a%d *ould %o& )ai& for &hedea&h of his fa&her To0e&her )i&h De8ada&&a6 he *o%&ri8ed a dou#le*o%s/ira*y" si%*e De8ada&&a )as ea0er &o &ake o8er &he leadershi/ of&he Buddhis& order6 he )as &o murder &he Buddha6 a%d Aa&asa&&u )as&o kill his o)% fa&her The /lo& )as dis*o8ered Bim#isara /ardo%edhis so% a%d *eded him &he &hro%e Aa&asa&&u6 %e8er&heless6 did %o&


  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    feel se*ure )i&h his fa&her s&ill ali8e a%d had him i%*ar*era&ed a%ds&ar8ed &o0e&her )i&h his )ife6 uee% @aidehiPSham"

    feel se*ure )i&h his fa&her s&ill ali8e a%d had him i%*ar*era&ed a%d

    s&ar8ed &o0e&her )i&h his )ife6 uee% @aidehiPSham"

    u AITA

    See" -ai&reya


    Sy%" Em/&y S&ore Bodhisa&&8aQ Kokuo Bodhisa&&8aSee also" True Em/&i%essF(o%derful E9is&e%*eQ (ish!fulfilli%0 Gem

    ) M/%FKokuoQ A dei&y of )isdom6 8ir&ue a%d 0ood for&u%e6 )hosea*&i8i&y is &o fulfill all )ishes Her dire*&io% is sou&h The eso&eri*&radi&io% *o%siders &his &he dire*&io% from )hi*h all &reasures *ome6a%d sou&h is also asso*ia&ed )i&h &he Buddha Ra&%asam#ha8a6 )hose %ame mea%s ^0i8i%0 #ir&h &o &reasure+ Kokuo+s%ame li&erally mea%s ^re/osi&ory of &he 8oid6+ 8oid here i%di*a&i%0 %o&merely %o&hi%0%ess6 #u& &he mys&erious /o&e%&iali&y &ha& 0i8es rise &oall /he%ome%a The samaya form of Kokuo is&he )ish!fulfilli%0 0em The samadhi of &he -or%i%0 S&ar medi&a&io%fo*uses o% &his ma0i*al e)el6 sym#ol of ^8oid /o&e%&iali&y+ The )ish


  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    fulfilli%0 0em em#odies Kokuo+s e%li0h&e%ed e%er0y6 &he u%i8erse

    i&self )hi*h e8ol8es e&er%ally i% /erfe*& freedomZP

    ama" 13?MThe %ame of Akasa0ar#ha Bodhisa&&8a li&erally mea%s^re/osi&ory of &he 8oid6+ 8oid here i%di*a&i%0 %o& merely %o&hi%0%ess6

    #u& &he mys&erious /o&e%&iali&y &ha& 0i8es rise &o all /he%ome%aP

    ama" 13? _.1=.


    ) MThe immo8a#le Buddha Akso#hya is o%e of &he fi8e /rimordialBuddhas His lef& ha%d is i% &he sha/e of a fis&6 his ri0h& ha%d &ou*hes&he 0rou%d6 a%d he is of 0olde% *om/le9io%PDai&" 1. _::1:


    Sy%" Alaya @i%a%aQ Ei0h&h 4o%s*ious%essQ Karma Re/osi&oryQ S&ore4o%s*ious%essSee also" 4o%s*ious%essesQ S*ri/&ural Re*i&al

    ) MAll karma *rea&ed i% &he /rese%& a%d /re8ious life&imes is s&oredi% &he Alaya 4o%s*ious%ess This is re0arded as &ha& )hi*h u%der0oes&he *y*le of #ir&h a%d dea&h Z All &he a*&io%s a%d e9/erie%*es of life&ha& &ake /la*e &hrou0h &he firs& se8e% *o%s*ious%ess are a**umula&edas karma i% &his Alaya 4o%s*ious%ess6 )hi*h a& &he same &ime e9er&sa% i%flue%*e o% &he )orki%0s of &he se8e% *o%s*ious%essesPSokk" 2

    MThe *o%*e/& of Alaya!@i%a%a *o%s&i&u&es &he #asis of &he ^mi%d!o%ly+do*&ri%e of &he o0a*hara a%d s&a%ds a& &he *e%&er of &his s*hool+s&heory of i%di8idualia&io%6 a**ordi%0 &o )hi*h /as& karmi* seeds

    Z e%&er i%&o &he Alaya!@i%a%a6 )he%*e &hey arise a0ai% &o o**asio%&hou0h& a*&i8i&y This i%di8idua&ed &hi%ki%0 is ridde% )i&h i0%ora%*ea%d e0o&ism6 )hi*h i%s&i0a&e &he %o&io% &ha& i& *o%s&i&u&es a real /erso%i% &he real )orldP

  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary



  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    Sham" ; _::11

    Sham" ; _::11

    See" Alaya 4o%s*ious%ess

    u ALL IN ALL

    See" MO%e is All6 All is O%eP

    u ALL IN ONE

    See" MO%e is All6 All is O%eP

    u ALLKNO(INGSy%" Li0h& of &he ,u&ureQ Li0h& of &he (orldsQ Lio% Amo%0 -e%See also" Buddha

    ) MAll k%o)i%0 sar8a%a This is a *ommo% e/i&he& of Buddhas6)ho are re0arded as ^all!k%o)i%0+ #e*ause &hey k%o) all &he /a&hs&ha& lead &o li#era&io%6 a%d #e*ause &hey k%o) &he *auses a%d effe*&sof all e8e%&s a%d all &hi%0sPGome" .31!.3. _1727

    u AL-S

    See" Da%a


    See" Takaha&su

    u A-BEDKAR6 DR BR 132112?7

    See also" Hi%duismFBuddhismQ I%dia

    ) M,ou%der of &he I%dia% mo8eme%& for *o%8er&i%0 Haria%s from Hi%duism &o Buddhism -em#er of Bom#ayLe0isla&i8e Assem#ly6 la&er La) -i%is&er i% &he 4e%&ral Go8er%me%&a& I%dia% i%de/e%de%*e 12?7" a& Na0/ur6 he a%d his )ife alo%0 )i&h?::6::: follo)ers mos&ly *om/osed of Haria%s formallyre%ou%*ed &he Hi%du reli0io% a%d es/oused Buddhism (ork


  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    *arried o% #y I%dia% Buddhis& So*ie&y6 )hi*h he fou%ded Au&hor of#ook" The Buddha a%d His DhammaPS%el" 11 _:=?.

    *arried o% #y I%dia% Buddhis& So*ie&y6 )hi*h he fou%ded Au&hor of

    #ook" The Buddha a%d His DhammaPS%el" 11 _:=?.

    Sy%" Amr&a

    ) MA dri%k )hi*h 0i8es immor&ali&yPLukF12=:" .1A% e/i&he& of Nir8a%a No&e &he e9/ressio% MS)ee& De) of &heDharmaP

    u A-IDA N

    See" Ami&a#ha Buddha

    u A-IDA KO N

    See" Ami&a#ha Su&ra


    ) MA a/a%ese )ork *om/osed #y Ce%sho Keio i% &he 1&h *e%&ury I& is *om/osed ofse8e% fas*i*les a%d is a *olle*&io% of refere%*es &o Ami&a#ha Buddhaa%d his ure La%d fou%d i% 8arious Buddhis& su&ras a%dsas&ras -ore &ha% &)o hu%dred &e9&s are me%&io%ed #y %ame I& is of0rea& 8alue for ma&erials deali%0 )i&h ure La%d BuddhismP

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  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    %ame is Ke0ua% Amidai I& #elo%0s &o &he Ko0i Shi%0o%!shu 6 &he mai% &em/le of )hi*h is Koyasa%This &em/le sho)s a 0ood e9am/le of &he rela&io% of Buddhism a%d&he s&a&e The &em/le )as fou%ded i% 113: AD #y Shu%!o#o 4ho0e%6)ho )as &he re*o%s&ru*&or of Dai#u&su i% Nara The his&ory of &his

    &em/le duri%0 &he middle a0es is %o& Jui&e *lear Bu& i% &he Ka%#u%/eriod 6 i& )as re*o%s&ru*&ed us& as i& is see% %o)a%d *o%8er&ed &o &he Shi%0o%!shu from &he odo!shu The Amida!i i% amashiro refe*&ure I& is i% Ko*hiya6 A&a0o!0u%6 Kyo&o of *e%&ral a/a% I& )as fou%ded#y Ta%ei i% &he early 1=&h *e%&ury alo%0 )i&h &he o&her Amida!isfou%ded #y him i% ma%y dis&ri*&s of a/a% Of &hem &his is &he lar0es&a%d mos& famousQ i&s full %ame is Isshi%ki!myoke&suo Komyoa% Ielo%0s &o &he odo se*& This is a 8ery sile%& a%d Juie& /la*e )i&h ma%yold a%d #i0 /i%e &rees i% i&s /ark Some of &hese &rees are es/e*iallyfamous #e*ause of &heir le0e%ds *o%%e*&ed )i&h &he fou%der6 Ta%eiThe .?&h of -ay is &he fes&i8al day of &his &em/le The Amida!i i% Sa0ami refe*&ure I& is i% To%osa)a 8illa0e6 Ashi0ara!0u%6 Ka%a0a)a refe*&ureof eas&er% a/a% This also )as fou%ded #y Ta%ei a%d)as su//or&ed #y &he *ou%& of Sa0ami I% &he /ark &here is &he so!*alled Asoka s&u/a The Amida!i i% Kyo&o6 8i6 Re%daia% Amida!i I& #elo%0s &o&he odo se*& a%d )as fou%ded i% &he Te%mo% /eriod #ySei0yoku ,ormerly i& )as i% Omi refe*&ure a%d &ra%sferred here i% 1?3? The Amida!i i% Na0a&o refe*&ure I& is i% Shimo%oseki *i&y6ama0u*hi refe*&ure6 )es&er% a/a% I& )as #uil& for &he deli0h& of&he you%0 em/eror A%&oku6 )ho died i% &he las& #a&&le #e&)ee% &heTaira a%d -i%amo&o *la%s I& #e*ame /o/ular af&er Laf*adio Hear%)ro&e a#ou& i& I& firs& #elo%0ed &o &he Te%dai se*&6 #u& )as la&er13

  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    *o%8er&ed i%&o Shi%0o% a%d &he% i%&o odo Af&er &he se/ara&io% ofBuddhism a%d Shi%&oism i% 13=? &he &em/le )as for*i#ly *o%8er&edi%&o a Shi%&o shri%e P

    See" ure La%d Buddhism

    u A-IS DU BOUDDHIS-E6 LESSee" ,ra%*e _:;=3

    u A-ITA

    See" Ami&a#ha Buddha

    u A-ITABHA BUDDHASy%" AmidaQ Ami&aQ Ami&ayusSee also" Buddha Re*i&a&io%Q E9is&e%*e QImmor&ali&yQ -i%dQ ure La%d Buddhism Q ure La%dS*hoolQ Rai0o

    ) 4hi%FO!-i!T+o!,oQ /%FAmidaQ @%FA!Di!V The )ord Ami

    &a#ha is used i% E%0lish &o re/rese%& &)o Sa%skri& &erms6 MAmi&a#haP

    a%d MAmi&ayusP Ami&a#ha is &he

    mos& *ommo%ly used %ame for &he Buddha of I%fi%i&e Li0h& a%d

    I%fi%i&e Life6 M&he ar*he&y/e of *osmi* *om/assio%P A

    &ra%shis&ori*al Buddha 8e%era&ed #y all -ahaya%a s*hools a%d6 /ar&i*ularly6 ure La%d resides o8er &he

  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    (es&er% ure La%d or Sukha8a&i6 )here

    a%yo%e *a% #e re#or% &hrou0h u&&erly si%*ere

    re*i&a&io% of his %ame6 /ar&i*ularly a& &he &ime of dea&h

    Edi&orFTam" 1;1MA#ou& &he middle of &he =&h *e%&ury i% 4hi%a6 Ami&a#ha re/la*ed

    Shakyamu%i a%d -ai&reya as &he su/reme o#e*& of /o/ular de8o


  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    &io% Asso*ia&ed )i&h Ami&a#ha )ere &he &)o 0rea& Bodhisa&&8as6-ahas&hama/ra/&a a%d A8aloki&es8ara PLi%0" 17

    MAl&hou0h Ami&a#ha Buddha fi0ures /romi%e%&ly i% a 8ery lar0e%um#er of -ahaya%a su&ras6 &he &hree /ri%*i/al su&ras of &he ure La%d s*hool are &he &)o Ami&a#ha Su&rasa%d &he -edi&a&io% Su&ra The reli0ious fai&h )i&hi% Buddhism &ha& isorie%&ed &o &he /erso%ali&y of &his /ar&i*ular Buddha is k%o)% as ^&heure La%d &ea*hi%0+ I& is 0e%erally #elie8ed &ha& #o&h Na0aru%a a%d @asu#a%dhu

  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    %o& *rea&e6 sus&ai%6 or des&roy &he u%i8erse as a )hole6 %or is he &heo%&olo0i*al su//or& for &he u%i8erse as a )hole

    He is om%is*ie%& a%d all!seei%0 )i&hi% a%d ou&side of his realm

    a%d is es/e*ially *o%*er%ed )i&h k%o)i%0 huma% a*&i8i&y6 so &ha&he may remo8e i0%ora%*eQ #u& he does %o& ud0e or /u%ish Heis ou&side ^&his )orld+Q he is 8isualied as li8i%0 i% a /aradise i% &hesky a%d is ^O&her o)er+ &ha& is6 o&her &ha% &he /assio%a&e6 defiledmi%d of &he /ra*&i&io%erQ #u& he does %o& s&a%d a#o8e &he )orshi/eras a% o%&olo0i*ally ^Hi0her o)er+ His life is immeasura#ly lo%06#u& his life is %o& i%fi%i&e6 si%*e &here )as a &ime )he% he )as %o& aBuddhaPoshiF4orless" .;=II ure La%d i% &he Tri/i&akaI% &he E%*y*lo/edia of Buddhism6 @olI6 Dr G -alalasekera6fou%di%0 /reside%& of &he (orld ,ello)shi/ of Buddhis&s6 Juo&es aa/a%ese au&hor )ho fou%d i% &he Tri/i&aka &)o hu%dred &e9&s referri%0&o Ami&a#ha Buddha a%d His ure La%d Edi&orFDia" 173MThir&y!o%e Sa%skri& &e9&s a%do8er &)o hu%dred 4hi%ese a%dTi#e&a% &ra%sla&io%s refer &o Ami&a#ha a%dFor Sukha8a&i ,or e9am/le6&he au&hor of &he Trea&ise o% &he Buddha!)om# Theory *o%*ludeshis hi0hly &e*h%i*al )ork o% &he &a&ha0a&a0ar#ha do*&ri%e #y s&a&i%0" ^By &he meri& I ha8e a*Juired &hrou0h)ri&i%0 &his &rea&ise6 may all li8i%0 #ei%0s *ome &o /er*ei8e &heLord Ami&a#ha e%do)ed )i&h i%fi%i&e li0h&+ Su*h refere%*es a&&es& &o&he i%flue%*e )ielded #y ure La%d &hou0h& i% &he de8o&io%al li8es of&he *omme%&a&orsPTa%a" 1.

    III No&e"MI% &he su&ra Re#ir&h A**ordi%0 &o O%e+s @o)s6 Buddha Sakyamu%i )asasked #y a Bodhisa&&8a6 ^Ho%ored O%e There are /ure la%ds i% all


  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    &e% dire*&io%s (hy do you es/e*ially e9&ol &he (es&er% ure La%da%d ur0e se%&ie%& #ei%0s &o fo*us *o%&i%uously o% Ami&a#ha Buddha6seeki%0 re#ir&h i% His La%d+ The Buddha re/lied6 ^Se%&ie%& #ei%0s i%&his Saha (orld 0e%erally ha8e /ollu&ed6 s*a&&ered mi%ds Therefore6I e9&ol o%ly &he ure La%d of &he (es&6 fo*ussi%0 &heir mi%ds o% a

    si%0le realm If &hey medi&a&e o% all Buddhas6 &he s*o/e of a&&e%&io%)ill #e &oo #road6 &heir mi%ds )ill #e los& a%d s*a&&ered a%d &hey )illfi%d samadhi diffi*ul& &o a&&ai% Thus6 &hey )ill fail &o a*hie8e re#ir&hi% &he ure La%d+ ,ur&hermore6 seeki%0 &he 8ir&ues of o%e Buddha is&he same as seeki%0 &he 8ir&ues of all Buddhas as all Buddhas ha8eo%e *ommo% Dharma Na&ure Tha& is )hy &o fo*us o% Ami&a#haBuddha is &o fo*us o% all Buddhas6 &o #e #or% i% &he (es&er% ureLa%d is &o #e #or% i% all /ure la%dsP

    &e% dire*&io%s (hy do you es/e*ially e9&ol &he (es&er% ure La%da%d ur0e se%&ie%& #ei%0s &o fo*us *o%&i%uously o% Ami&a#ha Buddha6seeki%0 re#ir&h i% His La%d+ The Buddha re/lied6 ^Se%&ie%& #ei%0s i%&his Saha (orld 0e%erally ha8e /ollu&ed6 s*a&&ered mi%ds Therefore6I e9&ol o%ly &he ure La%d of &he (es&6 fo*ussi%0 &heir mi%ds o% asi%0le realm If &hey medi&a&e o% all Buddhas6 &he s*o/e of a&&e%&io%)ill #e &oo #road6 &heir mi%ds )ill #e los& a%d s*a&&ered a%d &hey )illfi%d samadhi diffi*ul& &o a&&ai% Thus6 &hey )ill fail &o a*hie8e re#ir&hi% &he ure La%d+ ,ur&hermore6 seeki%0 &he 8ir&ues of o%e Buddha is&he same as seeki%0 &he 8ir&ues of all Buddhas as all Buddhas ha8eo%e *ommo% Dharma Na&ure Tha& is )hy &o fo*us o% Ami&a#haBuddha is &o fo*us o% all Buddhas6 &o #e #or% i% &he (es&er% ureLa%d is &o #e #or% i% all /ure la%dsPDia" 1?!17 _::1;u A-ITABHA BUDDHA+S @O(S

    See" Dharmakara+s @o)s


    Sy%" Smaller Sukha8a&i!@yuha Su&raQ Shor&er Ami&a#ha Su&raQ Su&raof AmidaSee also" E9*lusio% 4lauseQ Lo%0er Ami&a#ha Su&raQ ure La%dBuddhism Q Three ure La%d Su&ras

    ) MAmi&a#ha Su&ra or Shor&er Ami&a#ha Su&raQ o%e of &he &hree su&ras&ha& form &he do*&ri%al #asis for &he ure La%d s*hool i% Eas& Asia This su&ra6 also k%o)% as &heshor& Sukha8a&i!8yuha6 des*ri#es &he sim/les& form of &he /ra*&i*e of&his s*hool re*i&a&io% of Buddha Ami&a#ha+s %ameZPSham" 7

    MThree 4hi%ese &ra%sla&io%s )ere made" #y Kumarai8a of &he la&er

  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    4h+i% dy%as&y i% &he year ;:.Q #y Gu%a#hadra of &he Liu Su%0

    dy%as&y i% ;??Q a%d #y Hsua%!&sa%0 of &he T+a%0 dy%as&y i% 7?: Of


  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    &hese6 Kumarai8a+s a%d Hsua%!&sa%0+s are s&ill e9&a%& Kumarai8a+s8ersio% is e%&i&led Ami&a#ha Su&ra a%d *o%sis&s of o%e fas*i*le I&is &he o%e mos& *ommo%ly used %o)adays The Ami&a#ha Su&ra iso%e of &he Three ure La%d Su&ras 6 &o0e&her )i&h &he Lo%0erAmi&a#ha Su&ra a%d &he -edi&a&io% Su&raP

    Sokk" 1:!11&hese6 Kumarai8a+s a%d Hsua%!&sa%0+s are s&ill e9&a%& Kumarai8a+s8ersio% is e%&i&led Ami&a#ha Su&ra a%d *o%sis&s of o%e fas*i*le I&is &he o%e mos& *ommo%ly used %o)adays The Ami&a#ha Su&ra iso%e of &he Three ure La%d Su&ras 6 &o0e&her )i&h &he Lo%0erAmi&a#ha Su&ra a%d &he -edi&a&io% Su&raPSokk" 1:!11SummaryM(ri&&e% i% &he form of a dis*ourse #y Shakyamu%i &o Shari/u&raa%d o&hers a& &he e&a8a%a -o%as&ery6 &he Ami&a#ha Su&ra des*ri#es&he #lessi%0s a%d 8ir&ues of Ami&a#ha Buddha a%d his ure La%d oferfe*& Bliss i% &he )es&er% re0io% of &he u%i8erse I& fur&her &ea*hes&ha& o%e *a% a&&ai% re#ir&h i% &his ure La%d #y relyi%0 o% Ami&a#haSu#seJue%&ly &he Buddhas i% &he Si9 Dire*&io%s are des*ri#ed as#eari%0 )i&%ess &o &he &ru&h of Shakyamu%i+s &ea*hi%0PSokk" 1:!11

    MTheAmi&a#ha Su&ra is a% address deli8ered #y Sakyamu%i &oSari/u&ra i% &he e&a 0ro8e %ear Sra8as&i Like &he Lo%0er Ami&a#haSu&ra6 )hi*h i& may sli0h&ly /reda&e6 &his su&ra deals mai%ly )i&ha des*ri/&io% of &he ure La%d &he 0or0eous /ala*es6 /arks6 a%d0arde%sQ &he 0em &rees made of 0old6 sil8er6 *rys&al6 a%d *oralQ &hefra0ra%& flo)ers a%d lus*ious frui&sQ &he ri8ers a%d lo&us lakes )i&h&heir /erfumed )a&er &ha& is ei&her ho& or *old for #a&hi%0 as desiredQ&he deli0h&ful6 soo&hi%0 sou%ds of #irds a%d a%0eli* si%0ers Themaor differe%*e #e&)ee% &he &)o su&ras lies i% &he fa*& &ha& &heShor&er Ami&a#ha Su&ra em/hasies sal8a&io% &hrou0h fai&h a%d &here*i&a&io% of Amida+s %ame Buddha Re*i&a&io%6 J86 ra&her &ha%&hrou0h )orksPOka" 1?

    II Ba*k0rou%d"MThe s&ory of &he Ami&a#ha Su&ra is se& i% a )orld of &radi&io% a%dmy&h Time a%d lo*a&io%6 &em/oral a%d s/a&ial dime%sio%s6 are)i&hou& Jues&io% of a s/e*ial ki%d o%e &ha& )e *ould /erha/s *all


  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    sa*ral or my&hi*al6 for la*k of a #e&&er )ord E9&raordi%ary rules a%d#ou%daries also a//ly &o #ody a%d a*&io%6 s/iri& a%d ma&&er6 &he ideala%d &he real A**ess &o &hese s/e*ial dime%sio%s of reali&y is /ossi#le&hrou0h a se& of assum/&io%s a#ou& &he )orld a%d &he #ei%0s &ha&i%ha#i& i& a%d &hrou0h a% a**om/a%yi%0 #elief a%d *o%fide%*e i% &he

    s/iri&ual reali&ies a%d /ro*esses em#odied i% &he my&holo0y Amo%0ma%y differe%*es #e&)ee% &he )orld 8ie) of &he &)o &e9&s a%d &he)orld 8ie) of *o%&em/orary (es&er% se*ular *ul&ure6 &)o s&a%d ou&as *e%&ral &o u%ders&a%di%0 &he messa0e of &he &)o su&ras ,irs&6 e9is&e%*eaf&er dea&h is a 0i8e%Q #u& i& is %o& sim/ly a% e9&e%sio% of huma%life E9is&e%*e af&er dea&h mea%s &he /ossi#ili&y or ra&her6 &he reali&y

    of ma%y li8es6 i% a 8arie&y of realms o&her &ha% our )orld6 a%d i%a 8arie&y of roles or ^i%*ar%a&io%s+ &ha& i%*lude re#ir&h as a% a%imal6as a hu%0ry 0hos&6 or i% o%e of ma%y /aradises6 or re#ir&h i% a hellor /ur0a&ory6 a%d re#ir&h i% o&her )orld sys&ems as )ell Se*o%d6 &he/ro*ess of re#ir&h is for mos& of us se%&ie%& #ei%0s a% u%e%di%0 *y*leof sufferi%0 This *y*le )ould #e a des/era&e6 ho/eless6 a%d mea%i%0lesse&er%al re&ur% if i& )ere %o& for &he /ossi#ili&y of deli8era%*e Themoral a%d s/iri&ual Juali&y of our li8es *a% ha8e a si0%ifi*a%& effe*&o% &he *ourse of our )a%deri%0 &hrou0h &he ma%y rou%ds of re#ir&hHuma% #ei%0s )ho a&&ai% moral a%d s/iri&ual /erfe*&io% may i% fa*&a&&ai% li#era&io% from &he *y*le of re#ir&h Those )ho a&&ai% li#era&io%&hrou0h &heir o)% s/iri&ual effor& are &he Buddhas of &he u%i8erseI% &ur%6 &he moral a%d s/iri&ual Juali&y of Buddhas *a% also ha8ea si0%ifi*a%& effe*& o% &he *ourse of our our%ey &hrou0h &he ma%y s&a&io%sof re#ir&h i% o&her )ords6 &he li#era&io% of Buddhas fa*ili&a&es &heli#era&io% of o&her6 less /erfe*& se%&ie%& #ei%0s -u*h of -ahaya%aBuddhis& li&era&ure is de8o&ed &o &hese &)o issues" &he ma%%er i%)hi*h huma% #ei%0s a&&ai% &he /erfe*&io% of Buddhas a%d Bodhisa&&8as6a%d &he ma%%er i% )hi*h Buddhas a%d Bodhisa&&8as assis& o&her#ei%0s i% &heir Jues& for li#era&io% from sufferi%0PGomeFLa%d" =!3


  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    III IIIsu&ras )hi*h e9/ou%d ma%y &erms i% *o%%e*&io% )i&h &he %a&urea%d *hara*&eris&i*s of &hi%0s a%d /ersuade /eo/le &o u%ders&a%d &he/ri%*i/les a%d &o )ork o% self!*ul&i8a&io%6 &hese &)o su&ras deal o%ly)i&h /er*e/&io% of /he%ome%al reali&y #y &he dire*& reaso%i%0 mi%d

    I% &he Ami&a#ha Su&ra6 Buddha said6 ^If &here is a 0ood ma% or a 0ood)oma% )ho hears someo%e s/eak of Buddha Ami&a#ha a%d holdsfirmly his %ameZ )he% &his /erso% a//roa*hes &he hour of dea&h6Buddha Ami&a#ha a%d his holy *om/a%y )ill ma%ifes& &hemsel8esi% fro%& of him This /erso%6 si%*e he is %o& *o%fused6 )ill #e re#or%i% &he mos& #lissful *ou%&ry of Buddha Ami&a#ha+ Z To Juo&e from&he .rd *ha/&er of &he Lo&us Su&ra6 ^A%yo%e )ho hears &his Su&raa%d /ra*&i*es a**ordi%0ly6 )he% his /rese%& life e%ds6 )ill 0o &o &he(es&er% aradise+ The similari&y of &hese &)o /assa0es is a//are%&O&her des*ri/&io%s i% &he Ami&a#ha Su&ra of &he 0ra%deur a%d s/le%dorof &he La%d6 of Buddha+s life6 of Buddha+s radia%*e a%d of &he/ro&e*&io% a%d *are #y &he Buddhas of &he Si9 Dire*&io%s6 &hou0hdiffere%& i% *om/rehe%si8e%ess a%d la%0ua0e6 are6 i% fa*&6 ide%&i*al i%&heir *o%&e%& a%d si0%ifi*a%*e Therefore6 o%e i%8o*a&io% of BuddhaAmi&a#ha+s %ame re/rese%&s &he su/reme Dharma a%d *o8ers u%limi&eda//roa*hesP-as&er T+ai Hsu" .:!.. _::.:

    u A-ITAUS

    See" Ami&a#ha Buddha

    u A-RAALI

    See also" @imalakir&i Su&ra

    ) MA *our&esa% of @aisali )ho 0a8e her 0arde% &o &he Buddha a%dhis re&i%ue6 )here &hey s&ayed duri%0 &he e8e%&s of &he @imalakir&i


  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    Su&raPThurF12=7" 1=MNo& lo%0 #efore &he ari%ir8a%a of &he Buddha6 Amra/ali6 &he famous*our&esa% of @aisali6 made a formal offeri%0 of a ma%0o 0ro8e for &heBuddha a%d &he #re&hre% The Buddha a**e/&ed &he 0if& from her

    She *ha%0ed her life a%d #e*ame a 0rea& de8o&ee of &he LordPLa&ika" 2: _::1?

    Su&raPThurF12=7" 1=MNo& lo%0 #efore &he ari%ir8a%a of &he Buddha6 Amra/ali6 &he famous*our&esa% of @aisali6 made a formal offeri%0 of a ma%0o 0ro8e for &heBuddha a%d &he #re&hre% The Buddha a**e/&ed &he 0if& from herShe *ha%0ed her life a%d #e*ame a 0rea& de8o&ee of &he LordPLa&ika" 2: _::1?

    ) MA ersia% /ries& )ho *ame &o 4hi%a i% 1;36 )hi*h )as duri%0&he La&er Ha% Dy%as&y6 a%d &ra%sla&ed some &hir&y Buddhis& su&rasHe )as &he *ro)% /ri%*e of a *ou%&ry )hi*h lay )i&hi% &he /rese%ou%daries of Ira%6 #u& re%ou%*ed &he &hro%e &o s&udy Buddhismear%es&lyPDai&" 1:

    MA% Shih!kao is &he firs& his&ori*al fi0ure of 4hi%ese Buddhism Hei%i&ia&ed &he sys&ema&i* &ra%sla&io% of Buddhis& &e9&s &hrou0h so!*alled ^&ra%sla&io% #ureaus+ Re*ords *o%*er%i%0 &he %um#er of )orkshe &ra%sla&ed 8ary #e&)ee% ; a%d 1=7 These )orks may #e di8idedi%&o &)o *a&e0ories" &e9&s o% &he /ra*&i*e of dhya%a 6)hi*h also &rea& /re/ara&ory &e*h%iJues su*h as *ou%&i%0 &he #rea&h6mi%dful%ess of #ody6 a%d so for&hQ a%d &e9&s &ha& &rea& e%umera&ed*a&e0ories like &he fi8e ska%dhas A% Shih!kao used ma%y Taois&i*&erms i% his &ra%sla&io%s i% a% effor& &o *o%8ey s/e*ialied Buddhis&e9/ressio%s i% 4hi%esePSham" 2 _::.?

    u ANAGA-IN

    See also" Arha&shi/

    ) M^Ne8er!re&ur%er+Q desi0%a&es &hose follo)ers of &he Thera8ada )hoare i% &he &hird s&a0e of &he su/ramu%da%e /a&h6 &he four&h s&a0e#ei%0 Arha&shi/6 &he 0oal of Thera8ada *ul&i8a&io%P


  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    Sham" 7

    Sham" 7erof Thera8ada Su*h a /erso% may #e re#or% i% ei&her &he ma&erial

    )orld or &he %o%!ma&erial or s/iri&ual )orld6 #u& he %e8er )ill #ere#or% i% &he (orld of Desire 6 so his a&&ai%me%& is *alled^%o%!re&ur%i%0+PDai&" 3 _::1=


    See also" A%a0arika Dharma/ala

    ) MLi& ^Homeless O%e+Q o%e )ho e%&ers &he homeless life)i&hou& formally #ei%0 ordai%ed as a mo%kPS%el" .71

    MLi& ^homeless )a%derer+ A Buddhis& lay/erso% )ho has &ake% 8o)si%*ludi%0 *eli#a*yPBa&*" 3: _:=.:


    Sy%" Dhamma/alaSee also" (orld arliame%& of Reli0io%s

    ) MName used #y DH He)a8i&ar%e6 &he famous Buddhis& /ro/a0a%dis&Bor% i% 4eylo% i% 137?6 he oi%ed &he Theoso/hi*al So*ie&yi% 133; I%s/ired #y H Bla8a&sky he s&udied ali6 a%d i% 1321fou%ded &he -aha Bodhi So*ie&y He &he% /ro*laimed himself asa% A%a0arika6 a homeless )a%derer6 a%d )orked hard for &he mai%o#e*& of &he So*ie&y6 &he res&ora&io% of Buddha Gaya i%&o Buddhis&ha%ds6 )hi*h )as o%ly a*hie8ed i% 12;2 I% 12.? he fou%ded &heBri&ish -aha Bodhi So*ie&y i% Lo%do% I% 121 he e%&ered &he Orderas Sri De8ami&&a Dhamma/ala6 a%d died i% 12PHum/" 7= _:;2;


  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    u ANANDA

    See also" Buddhis& 4ou%*ilsQ Su%aksa&raQ Tri/i&aka

    ) MA *ousi% of &he Buddha6 &he #ro&her of De8ada&&a O%eof &he &e% 0rea& dis*i/les of &he Buddha A%a%da a**om/a%ied &heBuddha for more &ha% &)e%&y years a%d )as &he -as&er+s fa8ori&edis*i/le He a&&ai%ed e%li0h&e%me%& af&er &he demise of &he Buddhau%der &he 0uida%*e of -ahakasya/a He )as famed for his e9*elle%&memory a%d re*i&ed &he Su&ra!i&aka a& &he ,irs& Buddhis& 4ou%*ilPDai&" 3

    MA%a%da )as more &ha% a%y o&her a% ad8o*a&e for &he *ause of )ome%He 0a8e Dharma dis*ourses i% &he /rese%*e of )ome%6 a%d i& )as a&his i%&er*essio% &ha& Buddha *o%se%&ed &o &he fou%di%0 of a% orderof %u%s He is said &o ha8e a&&ai%ed Arha&shi/ o%ly af&er &he dea&h of&he Buddha6 immedia&ely #efore &he ,irs& 4ou%*ilP Sham" =No&e" A**ordi%0 &o -ahaya%a &ea*hi%0s6 A%a%da6 like ma%y o&herdis*i/les of &he Buddha6 )as i% reali&y a Bodhisa&&8a )ho e9/edie%&ly&ook &he form of a mo%k &o assis& Sakyamu%i Buddha Z Thus6a& o%e &ime he Mdefe%dedP &he *ause of )ome%6 a& a%o&her &ime he)as MluredP #y a #eau&iful /ros&i&u&e Edi&or" %a _::13


    Sy%" Suda&&aSee also" Golde%!4olored Ki%0Q e&a Gro8e

    ) MA%o&her %ame for Suda&&a )ho li8ed a& Sra8as&i6 I%dia6 duri%0&he &ime of Sakyamu%i Buddha He )as )eal&hy a%d of&e% do%a&edfood a%d *lo&hi%0 &o or/ha%s a%d old /eo/le He%*e he )as *alled


  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    A%a&ha/i%dika or ^o%e )ho &akes *are of )ido)s a%d or/ha%s+ He/rese%&ed Sakyamu%i )i&h &he e&a8a%a!8ihara PDai&" 3;

    A%a&ha/i%dika or ^o%e )ho &akes *are of )ido)s a%d or/ha%s+ He

    /rese%&ed Sakyamu%i )i&h &he e&a8a%a!8ihara PDai&" 3;aireAmo%0s& lay follo)ers he )as re0arded as &he foremos& alms0i8erThe ori0i%al %ame of A%a&ha/i%dika6 )hi*h mea%s ^,eederof &he Hel/less+6 )as Suda&&a O)i%0 &o his u%/aralleled 0e%erosi&yhe )as la&&erly k%o)% #y his %e) %ame His #ir&h/la*e )as Sa8a&&hi A%a&ha/i%dika #ou0h& &he /ark #elo%0i%0 &o ri%*e e&aa& a /ri*e de&ermi%ed #y *o8eri%06 so &he s&ory 0oes6 &he )hole si&e)i&h 0old *oi%s a%d ere*&ed &he famous e&a8a%a -o%as&ery a& a 0rea&*os& Here &he Buddha s/e%& %i%e&ee% rai%y seaso%s This mo%as&ery)here &he Buddha s/e%& &he maor /ar& of his life )as &he /la*e )herehe deli8ered ma%y of his sermo%s PNarada" 2

    MSuda&&a+s )ife a%d *hildre% also #e*ame dis*i/les of &he BuddhaA%a%da a%d Sari/u&ra 8isi&ed Suda&&a )he% he fell ill6 a%d he is said&o ha8e #ee% re#or% i% &he Tusi&a Hea8e% af&er his dea&hPDai&" No&e" The %ame A%a&ha/i%dika has *ome &o #e sy%o%ymous )i&he9&reme 0e%erosi&y i% *o%%e*&io% )i&h Buddhis& a*&i8i&ies Ho)e8er6&his is %o& his o%ly *laim &o fame A% i%&eres&i%0 s&ory a#ou&A%a&ha/i%dika 0oes like &his" a& &he &ime of &he Buddha6 &he role oflay /eo/le )as merely &o /ro8ide ma&erial su//or& &o mo%ks a%d %u%sI& )as %o& &he /ra*&i*e &o &ea*h &hem &he hi0her &ru&hs6 )hi*h )erereser8ed for &hose )ho had oi%ed &he Order A& A%a&ha/i%dika+sdea&h#ed ho)e8er6 &he Elder Sari/u&ra made a% e9*e/&io% a%d *o%8eyed&o him &he Buddha+s &ea*hi%0 o% (isdom A%a&ha/i%dika)as mo8ed &o &ears a%d reJues&ed &ha& he%*efor&h6 su*h &ea*hi%0s#e shared )i&h lay /eo/le also6 as some of &hem *ould #e%efi& from&hese ideas I& )as as a resul& of &his /lea &ha& lay /eo/le may %o) #e


  • 8/12/2019 Bud Glossary


    e9/osed &o &he hi0her &ea*hi%0s of &he BuddhaEdi&or" %a _::12

    e9/osed &o &he hi0her &ea*hi%0s of &he BuddhaEdi&or" %a _::12

    See also" A&ma%Q 4ause a%d effe*&

    ) -ahaya%a Buddhism

    MNo%!self No%!e0o A#se%*e of a /erma%e%&6 u%*ha%0i%0 self orsoul

    I No%!e9is&e%*e of &he /erma%e%& self The #ody *o%sis&s of &he fi8eeleme%&s a%d &here is %o selfII No%!su#s&a%&iali&y of eleme%&s Eleme%&s e9is& o%ly #ymea%s of &he u%io% of *o%di&io%s There is %o e&er%al a%d u%*ha%0ea#lesu#s&a%*e i% &hemPDai&" ..; _::.1u AN4ESTOR (ORSHI

    See also" Dea&hQ Dedi*a&io% of -eri&Q Ullam#a%a

    ) MI% a**orda%*e )i&h i&s /ra*&i*e of ^ada/&i%0 &o *o%di&io%s #u&remai%i%0 u%*ha%0ed+6 Buddhism i% Eas& Asia /romo&ed a%*es&or)orshi/ #y &he /ra*&i*e of *ha%&i%0 su&ras for &he dead a%d i% &he/o/ular fes&i8al of De/ar&ed S/iri&s held o% &he 1?&h day of &he =&h mo%&h of &he lu%ar *ale%darPLi%0" .:!.1 _111

    u ANGERSee also" Affli*&io%sQ 4ause a%d Effe*&Q E0oQ Her#s QLe&&i%0 0o

    ) A maor affli*&io%6 o%e of &he &hree /oiso%s i% Buddhism

    Buddhism of (isdom ,ai&h e9*er/&s"

    MAmo%0 &he 8arious affli*&io%s6 o%ly a%0er ma%ifes&s i&self i% a 8ery*rude ma%%er6 des&royi%0 &he /ra*&i&io%er i% a mos& effe*&i8e )ayTherefore &he a%*ie%&s said" ^(he% )e allo) a% a%0ry &hou0h& &o


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    arise6 )e o/e% &he door &o millio%s of o#s&ru*&io%s+ ,or e9am/le6)hile re*i&i%0 &he Buddha+s %ame6 a /ra*&i&io%er may sudde%ly &hi%kof a )i*ked6 u%0ra&eful6 s&er% a%d e8il /erso% )ho has &rea&ed him*ruellyQ or6 he may remem#er *lose rela&i8es )ho are &rou#lesome a%du%relia#le a%d ha8e *aused him 0rief He &herefore #e*omes sad a%d

    a%0ry6 fid0e&y a%d u%easy I% &ha& s&a&e of mi%d6 his mou&h re*i&es&he Buddha+s %ame )hile his mi%d is sadde%ed a%d full of delusi8e&hou0h&s Some /ra*&i&io%ers dro/ &heir rosaries a%d s&o/ re*i&i%0Qlyi%0 do)%6 &hey /u& &heir arms o% &heir foreheads a%d le& &heir mi%ds)a%der aimlessly O&hers are so affli*&ed a%d sadde%ed &ha& &hey for0e&a#ou& ea&i%0 a%d slee/i%0 i% &heir desire &o *o%fro%& &he *ul/ri&a%d shou& a& himQ or &hey look for )ays &o &ake re8e%0e a%d 0e& e8e%The a%0ry mi%d *a% harm &he /ra*&i&io%er &o &ha& e9&e%& To *om#a&a%d su#due a%0er a%d rese%&me%&6 )e mus& de8elo/ a *om/assio%a&emi%d The Lo&us Su&ra &ea*hes" ^(e should &ake &he mi%d of 0rea&*om/assio% as our house6 for#eara%*e as our armor6 &he Tru&h ofEm/&i%ess as our &hro%e+ (e should &hi%k" )e oursel8es a%d all o&herse%&ie%& #ei%0s are *ommo% mor&als dro)%i%0 i% &he sea of Bir&h a%dDea&h6 all #e*ause of karma a%d affli*&io%s Ho)e8er6 affli*&io%s #y&heir 8ery %a&ure are illusory a%d u%real ,or e9am/le6 )here does a%a%0ry &hou0h& *ome from #efore i& arises (here does i& re&ur% &o)he% i& dissi/a&es (he% )e are a%0ry a%d rese%&ful6 )e are &he firs&&o suffer6 #e*ause )e ha8e i0%i&ed &he fire of affli*&io%s6 )hi*h )ill*o%sume us A%0er6 moreo8er6 *a% %ei&her *o%8er& %or #ri%0 a si%0le#e%efi& &o a%yo%e Is i& %o& &he% a useless *ase of delusio% (e should&hi%k fur&her" &hose )ho ha8e harmed us #y &heir )ro%0ful a*&io%sha8e6 &hrou0h delusio%6 /la%&ed e8il seedsQ &hey )ill %e*essarily sufferre&ri#u&io% They should &herefore #e &he o#e*&s of /i&y6 %o& a%0erThis is #e*ause6 if &hey )ere *lear!mi%ded a%d u%ders&ood &he *ausesof meri& a%d re&ri#u&io%6 &hey )ould %e8er dare do su*h &hi%0s (eare offs/ri%0 of &he Buddhas a%d should a//ly &heir &ea*hi%0s &o dissol8eour o)% affli*&io%s #e*ause &he 0oal of *ul&i8a&io% is &o seek


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    li#era&io% a%d ha//i%ess6 %o& &o des*e%d u/o% &he /a&h of sufferi%0(e should feel *om/assio%a&e a%d for0i8i%0 of i%urious a*&io%s a%d/ra*&i*e for#eara%*e6 u%ders&a%di%0 &ha& e8ery&hi%0 is illusory a%d8oid (e should remem#er &he )ords of &he a%*ie%& mas&ers" ^The fireof &he &hree /oiso%s6 0reed6 a%0er a%d delusio%6F Bur%s u/ all &he fores&s

    of 8ir&ueF Those )ho )ould &read &he Bodhisa&&8a a&h6F Should#e for#eari%0 i% mi%d a%d #ody+PTam" 1;2!1?:

    M4omi%0 a& &he *o%*lusio% of &he se*&io% de8o&ed &o &he /ro&e*&io%of Bodhi*i&&a 6 /a&ie%*e is *ele#ra&ed as &he su/remeaus&eri&y I& is &he a%&ido&e &o a%0er6 re0arded i% Buddhism as &hemos& des&ru*&i8e a%d /erilous of all me%&al fa*&ors A%0er6 defi%ed as&he floodi%0 of &he mi%d )i&h 8iole%& a%d a00ressi8e feeli%0s6 leadi%0%a&urally &o hos&ili&y a%d *o%fli*&6 is ou&la)ed i% Buddhism as i%%o o&her reli0ious &radi&io% E8e% so!*alled ri0h&eous a%0er6 so of&e%e9*used as ha8i%0 i%us&i*e a%d a#use as i&s o#e*&6 is u&&erly *o%dem%edif &his i%8ol8es &he o8er/o)eri%0 of &he mi%d i% a )a8e ofu%*o%&rolla#le a%d des&ru*&i8e /assio% Aside from a /urely e9&er%ala%d as i& )ere ar&ifi*ial i%di0%a&io%6 /u& o% for edu*a&io%al /ur/oses

    )hi*h has *om/assio% as i&s mo&i8e a%d is a*&ed ou& #y o%e )hosemi%d is u%der *o%&rol a%0er has a#solu&ely %o /la*e i% &he s*hemeof s/iri&ual de8elo/me%& I& is &o&ally i%imi*al &o me%&al &rai%i%0 a%d)ill rui% a%d a%%ihila&e i% a% i%s&a%& all /ro0ress a%d meri& 0ai%edThis #ei%0 so6 &he *ru*ial Jues&io% of ho) &o #eha8e i% a hos&ilee%8iro%me%& #e0i%s &o emer0e S&e/ #y s&e/6 /a&riar*h Sha%&ide8a fo*uses o% &he real sour*e of &he /ro#lem6 &he #asis of a%0er asof e8ery o&her defileme%& This is &he e0o6 &he self6 &he se%se of ^I6+e9/erie%*ed as &he *e%&er of &he u%i8erse6 a%d a u%i8erse i%&er/re&edas frie%d a%d e%emy i% rela&io% &o ho) i& is /er*ei8ed from &he e0o*e%&ri*8ie)/oi%& I% Buddhism6 &his is of *ourse &he *e%&ral issue6a%d i& is o%ly i% &he li0h& of &he full &ea*hi%0s o% em/&i%ess &ha& i&*a% #e sa&isfa*&orily dis*ussedP.

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    Sha%&i8eda" 1No&e" As a /ra*&i*al a//li*a&io%6 if family mem#ers *o%s&a%&ly Mda%0le&he )ord Dea&h #efore &heir eyes6P realii%0 &ha& i& *a% s&rike a& a%y&ime6 &here )ill #e less fri*&io%6 less a%0er6 more &olera%*e of o&hers+shor&*omi%0s more *om/assio%

    Edi&orFCe%" .= _1.7.Sha%&i8eda" 1No&e" As a /ra*&i*al a//li*a&io%6 if family mem#ers *o%s&a%&ly Mda%0le&he )ord Dea&h #efore &heir eyes6P realii%0 &ha& i& *a% s&rike a& a%y&ime6 &here )ill #e less fri*&io%6 less a%0er6 more &olera%*e of o&hers+shor&*omi%0s more *om/assio%Edi&orFCe%" .= _1.7.

    See also" 4am#odia

    ) MTem/le *om/le9 i% *e%&ral 4am#odia6 *o%sidered &he hi0h /oi%&of *lassi*al Khmer ar& a%d ar*hi&e*&ure Buil& u%der Ki%0 Surya8arma%II 6 A%0kor (a& )as i%i&ially a holy si&e *o%se*ra&ed&o @ish%u ,ollo)i%0 &he *o%8ersio% of &he su**eedi%0 Khmer ki%0s&o Buddhism6 A%0kor (a& ser8ed as a Buddhis& holy /la*e Af&er&he des&ru*&io% of A%0kor #y &he Thais a%d &he fli0h& of &he Khmerki%0s &o h%om e%h i% &he fif&ee%&h *e%&ury6 A%0kor (a& fell i%&oo#li8io% a%d )as *o8ered #y u%0le I& )as %o& redis*o8ered u%&il &he%i%e&ee%&h *e%&uryPSham" 3 _:.1


    See also" ari&&a

    ) MA**ordi%0 &o &he A%0ulimala Su&ra6 A%0ulimala ori0i%ally s&udiedu%der a &ea*her of Brahma%ism i% Shra8as&i (he% he s/ur%ed&he ad8a%*es of his &ea*her+s you%0 a%d #eau&iful )ife6 she sla%deredA%0ulimala &o her hus#a%d E%ra0ed6 &he &ea*her resol8ed &o des&roy&he you%0 ma% )i&hou& dir&yi%0 his o)% ha%ds He &old A%0ulimala&ha& if he killed a hu%dred /eo/le a%d *u& off &heir fi%0ers6 he *ould *om/le&e his reli0ious /ra*&i*e Tor%#e&)ee% his o)% moral se%se a%d #elief i% his du&y &o o#ey his &ea*her6A%0ulimala )e%& mad He had already killed %i%e&y!%i%e /eo/le a%d)as a#ou& &o kill his mo&her as &he hu%dred&h6 )he% he me& &he

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    Buddha6 )ho i%s&ru*&ed him a%d *o%8er&ed him &o BuddhismP

    Buddha6 )ho i%s&ru*&ed him a%d *o%8er&ed him &o BuddhismP

    MThe life s&ory of &he @e%era#le A%0ulimala is o%e of &he mos& mo8i%0

    a**ou%&s i% &he Buddhis& *a%o% Af&er killi%0 %i%e&y!%i%e /erso%s6A%0ulimala )as *o%8er&ed #y &he Buddha6 re/e%&ed his e8il )aysa%d oi%ed &he Order" O%e day as he )e%& o% his rou%d for almshe sa) a )oma% i% la#or -o8ed #y *om/assio%6 he re/or&ed &his/a&he&i* )oma%+s sufferi%0 &o &he Buddha )ho &he% ad8ised him &o/ro%ou%*e &he follo)i%0 )ords of &ru&h6 )hi*h la&er #e*ame k%o)%as &he A%0ulimala ari&&a Z ^Sis&er6 si%*e my #ir&h i% &heArya *la% i6e6 si%*e my ordi%a&io%6 I k%o) %o& &ha& I *o%s*iouslydes&royed &he life of a%y li8i%0 #ei%0 By &his &ru&h may you #e )holea%d may your *hild #e )hole+ He )e%& &o &he /rese%*e of &he sufferi%0sis&er a%d u&&ered &hese )ords I%s&a%&ly6 she deli8ered &he *hild )i&heaseP P_::..

    u ANI-AL

    See also" A%imal Slau0h&erQ E8il a&hs

    ) MO%e of &he si9 forms of re#ir&h a%d o%e of &he &hree E8il a&hs isre#ir&h as a% a%imal i% &he huma% )orld Bei%0s )ho are re#or% asa%imals suffer a& &he ha%ds of hu%&ers6 &ra//ers6 a%d #u&*hers6 a%d #y#ei%0 for*ed &o )ork as #eas&s of #urde% for farmers a%d mer*ha%&sPGome" .3.!.3 _172=


    See" e%d of e%&ry6 Killi%0


    See also" A#or&io%Q Killi%0Q @e0e&aria%ism

    ) No&e &he follo)i%0 s&a%a from a% a%*ie%& Buddhis& /oem6 li%ki%0a%imal slau0h&er &o #ad karma6 /ar&i*ularly i%surre*&io% a%d


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    ) ure La%d S*hool MThe a%*ie%&s used &o say6 #y )ay of *om/ariso%"ra*&i*i%0 o&her me&hods is as diffi*ul& a%d la#orious as a% a%& *lim#i%0a hi0h mou%&ai%Q re*i&i%0 &he Buddha+s %ame seeki
