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Buddhic Columns and Reshel Sun Gridselementalgracealliance.com/SOEPC GROUP Part 1...GRIDS AND...

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  • Bu d d hic Co l u m n s a nd Res hel S u n G r id s





    Part 1

    This is a very in depth subject and so before we begin to adapt and implement such things into the SOEPC Earth

    Work, Invocations and Decrees, I wish to Qualify my experience in the use of Grids and Buddhic Columns. Not

    for any other reason, other than to identify the expanded nature of these aspects of keeping the Earth in

    Balance. And some of you may have never heard of a Buddhic Column or ever been involved in Magnetic or

    Crystalline Leys and Matrices, that constitute the expanded tapestry of Energetic Consciousness, that keeps

    life upon the planet in a unification of a Wholeness that is in constant flux. As the Consciousness of the Planet

    and humanity rises, so do the Leys around the Planet need to be upgraded and re-calibrated to the New

    Conscious Resonances of Vibrational Frequencies.

    I have been working with the Magnetic Leys around the Planet since 1986. We (those working in this field)

    both human and Higher Intelligences such as Kryon of Magnetic Service completed the restructuring of all

    Earth Grids, raising all to 1.2 meters above the earth rather than, as they were both on and within the Earth.

    In 2009, I was told that my work with the Magnetic Grids was over, and that there would be others who would

    continue to maintain these Grids into the future. My work then began with the Crystalline Grids who is headed

    by Metatron through James Tyberonn. Since 2009 I was asked to give away all of my crystals that I used in my

    Magnetic Grid work and that in future I would use no crystals above the ground by those that were embedded

    within the Earth. Hence the connection to the Reshel Grids.

    I was told during my travels with Spirit in about 2008 after I asked how do I know how to do this? The answer

    said; ‘you one of the Earth Keepers who holds every Earth Grid within my Higher Consciousness and although

    I am not aware of it, when placed in a position to use them they come forward and without the use of the

    outer mind, you just know what to do’! This has proven to be true and have no idea how to work with these

    things, but I do know when required how to lay them out and how to activate and re-calibrate them.

    Since 2006, I have been doing this, working with many countries around the world, but over the last 8 years or

    so, my use of them has faded and I have turned to the use of Buddhic Columns and White Fire Light Grids to

    do the same thing. But not within Earth Grids, but more so with Human Consciousness.

    Now St Germain gave His permission to us to use His ‘I AM’ Discourses with Full Radiation, my biggest concern

    was how would we come together as a Group that has always been in the past, physical Groups in one room!

    Then it dawned on me, through ‘Conscious Light Patterns’ that would Unite no only each Member of the

    SOEPC, but we could tap into the Crystalline Earth Crystals at the same time, thus utilizing the Full Radiation

    of these Discourses and the Assistance from the Masters, but the added benefit with the 12 Reshel Sun Discs

    upon which our intension is the build the Sun Reshel Pyramids of Light Radiation Temples; The Narayana Joy


    The following photos are just a few of the Grids I have worked with over the years for your interest, to show

    how these Triangulations, Light Programs and Light Encodements are laid out as Visualizations. It will give you

    all an idea of what you can expect to see when I present the New SOEPC ‘I AM’ EGA Group Visual and what

    shall be laid out in far more detail so we can all Create a single focus on the Work that is coming into our


  • Hawaii in 2006 Activating the Christ Consciousness upon the Earth:-

  • The Elemental Grace Alliance as you are all becoming more familiar with day by day is a Divine Plan that has

    been placed in Our Care and Guardianship. Why? For many reasons, but first and foremost, the changes upon

    the Earth, the activations to clean up and bring back a Quality of Life and Freedom of Spirt to all can ONLY be

    done by human beings. And it is the human being who is the ONLY one who can Activate and Ground the

    Christ Consciousness here on the Planet! This is what St Germain says in His I Am Discourses;

    “Now let us enter into the keynote of what you touched this morning — the simple understanding

    of God’s Will and free will. God’s Will is the Opulence of Goodwill — the birthright of every

    one of God’s Children. When you are reaching to the Light in the use of the Mighty ‘I AM’

    Presence with sincerity, it is not possible for you to do otherwise than call for God’s Will to be


    “As Children of God the Father — who has given His Children free will that they may choose

    — they must understand that it is for them alone to decree what shall act in their lives and world.

    Having free will, the student must understand that God can only act in his Life and world

    according to his conscious direction.

    “God is the Principle of all Life, and each Child of God is an individualized, conscious, active

    part of that One Great Principle of Life and Love and Power. God has given into the keeping of

    every one of His Children this Marvelous Consciousness, which is Omnipresent, eternally elastic,

    as it were, which can be drawn into a focal point to write with the Pen of Light or expand to

    encompass the earth.

    “Consciousness is always subject to direction through the use of the free will. The most

    unfortunate understanding established by the orthodox idea that God acts of His own Free Will

    in the Life of the individual or a nation, is positively not true. God can only act through the mind

    of His own individualization, which is clothed with the personalities that you see about you.

    “These personalities are but vehicles of use and expression of this Mighty Individuality — which

    is God’s Will and your free will — and it only comes into use by your conscious direction.

  • “I say to you that every function of your body is sustained through conscious action, although

    you are not aware of it; but as you reach deeper and deeper into the Consciousness of the Mighty

    ‘I AM’ Presence, you will come to understand that it is impossible for any outer action to take

    place without Self-conscious action. A simple proof of this is what any of you may test at any

    moment: I wish to do some physical act. Preceding that activity, there always comes the thought

    to do it; otherwise the hand or body would not move in action. That which people have chosen

    to call involuntary action is the thing that has mystified their understanding of their own Being.

    “The students should take this humble explanation and meditate upon it often, for it will clear

    the mind of any obstruction. You are Self-conscious, Free Will, Acting Beings. This is really

    of vital importance to these blessed, earnest students.”

    With this I add this excerpt from Jesus from the Discourses also;

    “When I said: “‘I AM’ the Open Door which no man may shut”, I meant humanity to

    understand, I referred to the Great ‘I AM’, which is the Life of every individual manifest in form.

    I did not wish to convey that the personal Jesus was the only one to whom this great privilege was

    ordained. Each one of you beloved children of the One Father has the same Mighty Presence

    within you, the Great ‘I AM’, that I have, and that I had at that time, by which I achieved the

    Final and Eternal Victory.

    “Here I wish you to understand for encouragement, strength, and certainty in your minds, that

    the Consciousness I used for this Great Victory was the use of the ‘I AM’ Presence which you are

    being taught. I had made search through all the avenues available at that time, and at last the

    determination and desire for the Truth led Me to the Great Master whom you shall one day

    know. He gave to Me this Inner Secret and Mighty Acknowledgment, turning Me to that Mighty

    Presence, the Great ‘I AM’. Through His Radiation, I was able to comprehend, and at once

    begin using It. This is the only way by which any individualization of the Ray of God may achieve

    the Eternal Victory and build his structure upon a firm foundation from which no outer activity

    can ever disturb him.

    “At this time I wish to convey the simple, all-powerful use of this Presence to you. All who have

    achieved the Mighty Victory and who have been able to raise their bodies as I did, or who raised

    them before, have used the conscious activity of that “Mighty, Eternal Presence ‘I AM’”. When

    I said to My Disciples and to humanity: ‘The things that I have done shall ye do also, and even

    greater things shall ye do’, I knew whereof I spoke, knowing that within each individualization,

  • or Child of God, there was this Mighty ‘I AM’ Presence by whose use you are impelled forward

    with no uncertainty. I say, ‘impelled’, because I mean just that.

    “The constant use of your ‘I AM’ Presence does impel you forward in spite of any activity of the

    outer self. So long as this single Idea is held firmly, storms, distress and disturbance may rage

    about you, but in the Consciousness of the ‘I AM’ Presence, you can and are able to stand serene,

    unmoved by the seething vortex of human creation which may or may not be about you. There

    is but one way by which you and the Father may become eternally one, and that is through the

    full acceptance of His ‘I AM’ Presence, Energy, Love, Wisdom and Power which He has given

    you—golden links, golden steps, by which you climb serenely upward into your final


    “Sometime, somewhere, every individualization of God the Father, must find his way back to the

    Father through his ‘I AM’ Presence, fulfilling his cycle or cycles of individualizations in the use

    of the activity of the outer self. The earth is the only sphere in which there is the density of the

    atomic structure that you experience. The conscious recognition and use of the ‘I AM’ Presence,

    which you are, steadily raises the vibratory action of your atomic structure, unclothing and

    liberating the Electronic Activity which is hidden within the atom, enabling you to become Self-

    luminous Beings. I wish it here distinctly understood by all who may receive this or ever contact

    it, I wish it here distinctly understood by all who may receive this or ever contact it, that I am not

    and never was a Special Being created of God different from the rest of humanity! It is true that

    I had made previous conscious effort and had Attained much previous to the embodiment in

    which I won the Eternal Victory. My choice of experience two thousand years ago was to set the

    example which every individualization of God would and must sooner or later follow.

    “How I urge you, Beloved Children of God, to look upon Me as your Elder Brother — one with

    you. When I said or left the Word that: “‘I AM’ with you always,” the ‘I AM’ Presence, which

    ‘I AM’ and which you are is One. Therefore, do you not see how ‘I AM’ with you always?

    Think deeply on this and try to feel its Reality. At the time and after My Ascension, I saw the

    immensity of the Radiation I would be able to pour forth to My Beloved Brothers and Sisters

    upon the earth from the Sphere in which I had become fitted to dwell.”

    With this, we carry on building and constructing a Light and Sound Foundation that shall propel and impel us

    forward to be the Mighty Victory we have all come in Service to Achieve. So what we are doing is to establish

    now the physical foundations that, “So long as this single Idea is held firmly, storms, distress and

    disturbance may rage about you, but in the Consciousness of the ‘I AM’ Presence, you can and

    are able to stand serene, unmoved by the seething vortex of human creation which may or may

    not be about you.”

  • We are therefore being Supported and Guided by Those Who have walked before us, and Who Have attained

    Their own Freedom through the Full Embodiment of the I Am Presence. These are all processes for our

    Protection, so we will be held within the ‘I AM’ Embrace unaffected until the Embodiment is complete!

    Before we get into a more in depth understanding of the use of Buddhic Columns and The White Fire Light

    Crystalline Grids of the Earth and Cosmos, I wish to share this.


    A Buddhic Column is a permanent Column of Cleansing All-Consuming Fire, linked into the Planetary Network,

    which may be built virtually anywhere - such as markets, airports, theatres, locations of ill repute, prisons,

    hospitals, nursing homes, nuclear plants, industries, factories, farms, your home, and other public or private

    places. They function to continuously clear the area of negative energies. It is based on the spiral spinning

    motion of all matter, including the atom, which is itself composed of

    tiny vortices. They can be made as large as is necessary, states,

    provinces, countries or continents, even the whole world, but that

    one would take on a different Role as is shown in this diagram of the

    symbol for the Order of the Priesthood and Sisterhood of

    Melchizedek, herein to the right!

    The Components of a Buddhic Column are normally:

    1. A 5-pointed Star often called the Star of the World Teacher,

    the Bodhisattva or the Christ Star. In Our case, we are going

    to use the Great Central Sun that shall include both the

    Buddhic Rays of Higher Mind and the Christ Rays of Divine Love

    and the Melchizedek Violet Rays for Clearing, Cleansing and

    Transmutation of all human effluvia, harmful, thoughtforms,

    beliefs, substances and human negative emotions.

    2. A thread of Buddhic substance from the Great Devas of the

    Buddhic Plane, Archangelic Presence and Members of the

    Great White Brotherhood or the Councils of Light as they are

    known today, which is anchor deep into the Earth while

    maintaining their Light Connections to the Christ Consciousness, the Planetary Solar Logos and Great

    central Sun.

    3. A rotating, tornado-like mass of atomic Sub-plane Substance, centered around these spiraling Light Rays

    of the Mighty Victorious Magnetic Impulses, drawing everything unlike God up to and through the tip of

    the cone for etherealization and return to the Solar Sun for re-polarization.

    These Vortex’s can be Created by individuals or by Groups. There is a very close link to a Buddhic Column and

    the application of the White Fire Light of the I Am Presence. But suffice is to say, that they , (the Columns) act

    as vacuum cleaners of sorts in specific areas!

    Around the anchored Buddhic, Christ and Melchizedek Rays, the Disciple or Group of Disciples Co-Create with

    the Co-Operation with the Great Devas, Archangels, Melchizedek Disciples, a Magnificent and Powerful Vortex,

    its Apex at the top of the Cone and its base sitting on the surface, or even below the surface as need be; see

    the diagram on the following pages.

  • Once the Column is Created there is no longer any need to maintain it as the Beings who Precipitate and Stand

    ever watchful shall do this as part of Their Higher Service. Even the direction of the Vortex shall be Governed

    automatically by Those whose Charge has been accepted. There is no need to Know the operational details,

    that is not our business, our Work is to locate the areas that need such magnified assistance and then Direct

    the Manifestation in size and amplification of Intensity. For example, a prison or perhaps a Governing power

    location will be more powerful than a hospital or school. But even these differentiations will be Automatically

    set in motion through the Higher Powers Who will Do God’s Work after we as humanity, Initiate the Call!

    These vortices are Very Stable Formations and will remain, without further attention on our parts, as

    permanent freeing, unclogging, releasing and clearing Purification Stations. Their Purpose is to clear the

    atmosphere of all that is not in alignment to the ‘I Am Presence’ and Divine Love, Wisdom, Power, Justice and

    Truth. They can be programed for whatever purpose is desired and that programming will not change until

    the Creators of them, the human Initiators, either call for their closing down by deleting of the Programming

    or removal or disassembly of the Vortex.

    These Vortex’s can be Created by individuals or by Groups. There is a very close link to a Buddhic Column and

    the application of the White Fire Light of the I Am Presence. But suffice is to say, that they , (the Columns) act

    as vacuum cleaners of sorts in specific areas!

    The I Am Discourses tells us this;

    “The Great Ascended Masters have worked for centuries preparing for the expansion of Light

    that is now flooding the entire system to which this earth belongs. The Great Cosmic Law has

    begun the release and increase of that Light which compels all things to come into Perfect Divine

    Order wherever It flows.

    “These Great Ones have always been the Custodians of the Eternal Inner Understanding

    concerning the use of the Great Creative Word, ‘I AM’. They, and They alone, have been able

    to give the complete Understanding concerning what occurs when those two Words, ‘I AM’, are


    “They have been the Elder Brothers, Protectors, Guardians, and Infallible Teachers of mankind

    throughout the centuries. The Ascended Masters are the only Infallible Source of Instruction to

    the humanity of this earth, because They are Wholly Divine, and One with the God Self of every

    individual. They are the Living Fulfilment of the Law They teach and are the only Ones who

    have manifested Complete Victory over so-called death. They are the Full Manifestation of that

    Light and Love which rule the Universe, and which maintain Divine Order throughout Infinity.

    “The release of Their combined Light is taking place and flooding the earth at the present time.

    All that is not of the Light is consumed thereby. Their Light will continue to expand throughout

    this planet until all its humanity has made the Ascension also and the earth itself becomes a

    Blazing Sun, whirling in its appointed path in space.

  • “To these Great Ascended Masters mankind owes all the good it has ever received or drawn forth,

    because They are the way and means by which the Infinite God Self-expands Its Perfection

    through the finite activity of personalities.

    “This earth and its humanity are entering into the ‘I AM’ Age, and therefore the full use of this

    ‘I AM’ Knowledge must be understood and utilized by the individuals who live here in the present

    and near future.

    “The Great Cosmic Beings, the Ascended Masters, and Angelic Host have given tremendous

    Protection to America and her people, especially over the last five years. To all individuals who

    will call unto Them in the Name of the keep their feelings harmonized and pour out intense Love

    continually to their own Mighty ‘I AM’ Presence’, will be given Assistance without limit.”

    But what is not fully understood yet is that this Flooding of Light into the Earth Plane must be fulfilled through

    the Instruction and Callings from humanity themselves. So what we are doing here shall be to focus with more

    Intention and Power of Divine Laws; that which is required to make this happen. We are the Mediums through

    which the Great Ones Work through! Not just for America, but the Whole World!

    In the EGA Book Buddhic Columns are also mentioned; By AA Zadkiel -

    “Just a thought before I close my thoughts here; if one was to copy this

    Light Form and paste it horizontally, you would have another Symbol for

    the Priesthood of Melchizedek; The Seventh Ray of Freedom and

    Transmutation; The Violet Flame, and one that Beloved St Germain

    would agree I am sure, that represents the Maltese Cross. Maybe that could

    be incorporated somehow, I would just need to be advised of the energetics

    of this with Greater depth before I would apply such a change.

    I just came across this image in my photo files, I have never seen this before,

    not consciously anyway! It is called ‘The Eye Of God’!

    The Maltese Cross and the Equidistant Cross

    incorporated together. Oh My God, if you look more

    closely into it, you can see all the Angels and Devas

    Holding the Space. Bless You Father for this Divine

    Creation and showing me Its Value at this most appropriate time. I will take this, as

    another confirmation”!

  • Now we can look at the Reshel Grid, the SOEPC 34 Member - Conscious Light Matrix over the page to begin to

    understand how we come together in an alternative way, other than all being a single location. Not Perfect to

    begin with, but as we develop telepathy and Unite in a much more cohesive way, it is a wonderful option to

    be working with.


    First of all, imagine, sense or feel, that the Melchizedek Symbol is sitting on top of the world as shown in this

    diagram. This would be the focus of the Incoming I Am Presence White Fire Light Substance that

    shall assist in the Transmutation and cleansing of all impurities whatever the form they take.

    The Blue Columns represent the Buddhic Columns that shall sit upon all 12 Sun Discs of the Reshel Grids around

    the world. These include the 12 Primary points of the Atlantean Sun Disc:

    Northern Hemisphere – there 7

    1. Arkansas Crystal Vortex

    2. Scotland – Roslyn Chapel Vortex

    3. Russia – Ural Mt Vortex at 51 Degree Latitude

    4. Russia – Lake Baikal Vortex Siberia 51 Degree

    5. Egypt -Israel – Giza to Temple Mount Vortex

    6. Sri Lanka

    7. China – Xi’An

    Southern Hemisphere there are 5

    8. Australia – Uluru

    9. Africa – Tanzania Mt Kilimanjaro

    10. Brazil Minas Gerais Vortex

    11. Bolivia – Lake Titicaca Vortex- Island of the Sun

    12. Moorea Tahiti ( French Polynesia)

    13. Flinders Ranges (Australia) is the 13th, not because it is a Sun Disc within this region, but because it have

    been temporarily identified as a site for one of the Narayana Joy Sanctuaries. It is directly in alignment

    Energetically with Uluru! So for the moment this site has been incorporated in this grid. (It is also presently occupied with Nuclear sites and waste disposals that need to be eliminated in anticipation of any EGA Site).

    The White Buddhic Columns represent each of the 34 Members and their location around the world. There are

    presently 2 pairs, Sue and myself, Heather and J. Michael who occupy a single Column together.

    You will notice that all Reshel Columns are joined together around the world and all Member Columns are

    joined in a similar way. You will also notice that the Member Grid is also joined to every Reshel Column. This

    completes the entire Matrix so that we are all connected together with each other and all connected now to

    every Sun Disc site around the world. This I can respectfully say is the first time this has ever been done before

    and is under close advisement with the Hierarchy and it has raised a few eyebrows that we shall see how this

    may unfold. That is not the first time! Smiling!

    You will see that every single Column is held within a configuration of a Triangulation Pattern. This is how the

    World Grids are layed out as I know them and have successfully used them with all Earth Work to date.

    These Columns have now been activated, and the Devas Archangels and Melchizedek Disciples have been

    called! Now any new Members will simply be aligned to these Columns after activated their own through the

    EGA! There shall also be placed upon particular Columns after a time of review and re-programming, a

    ‘Capstone of Light’ that will change the dynamics of the Columns to Pyramidal Radiation Centres. I will not

  • elaborate further as this is not the time or place. Nor have we proven that this potentiality has proven to be a

    success for this particular use. That is not my call, but those from the Higher Realms.


    You will see that there are 4 Violet Flames around the Earth. You will also see that I have placed a Violet band

    around the entire circumference of the Earth. The 4 Flames tell us of the Violet Transmuting Flame in use and

    the Band is a Flood and Violet Flame Blazing around the whole of Earth in constant and permanent All-

    Consuming Fire to assist in this entire process!

    Again I will expand on this later.

    Also the use of these Buddhic Columns we shall also employ in our Cleansing and Purifying of other locations

    and places, such as government buildings, hospitals, prisons, industrial site and manufacturing, farming cities

    and so much more.

    Right now I have approached the Great Divine Director asking about Brexit and what can we do to assist in the

    stalemate presently going on that appears it could be detrimental to the UK leaving Brexit. I have proposed

    the use of these Columns to be placed over every Government Building, EU Offices and Embassy’s of all 26

    countries who are members of the EU. He told me He was surprised about this Proposal and would come back

    to me with His formal agreement or not. He said we were not ready yet and dependent on how quickly we can

    get all this together shall be the final component as to how this could or would play out! So for us this means

    very close adherence to the Instructions that St Germain will soon give us as part of the IAMEGA Classes.

    In Truth this is all dependent on how the Specific Instructions shall be followed by the SOEPC Members for this

    whole development has also never been done before like this, and so I am guessing we are taking all this

    forward on an experimental Formula of Approach.

    It was Lady Leto who at St Germain’s request told us this in Her Address to the Group you read about within

    the last Chapter of The True Messenger of Divine Service.

    “There must be a very great sense of Spiritual Honor and Integrity,” She explained, “in regard to

    the use of these Mighty Powers of the ‘I AM Presence’; for the Great Law of Being does not

    permit them to be brought into our outer use except where it is for the accomplishment of

    permanent good. We must be aware at all times that whenever we use the Life, Substance and

    Power of this Universe for the mere gratification or pleasure of the senses, only misery and

    destruction can be the result.

    “The ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ works ceaselessly to build, release, express, and constantly expand

    Perfection in all Its Creative Activity, and permanently maintain Love, Peace, and constant Service

    to all. If the sensations of the body and the outer activity of the mind are permitted to run riot

    and interfere with the Divine Life Plan of the individual, disaster and failure are the result. The

    True Student of Light never, never uses his powers for the amusement and gratification of the

    senses, for exploitation of anyone’s personality or to make money by producing phenomena.

  • “The Ascended Masters’ Way of Life is to give, give, give! First, Love and Adoration to His own

    ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ and then expand Love and Perfection by pouring It out to everybody

    and everything. To send out Divine Love without limit, all the time, is the whole of the Law

    applied. If mankind could only understand this, the individual would realize that he must pour

    out this Flame of Divine Love before the Perfection which he desires can flow into his world and

    release — things — into his use.

    “Divine Love is a Feeling, an actual Ray of Light which flows out from the Flame within the

    Heart. It can be sent forth so powerfully that this Ray of Light Substance is both visible and

    tangible. It is the most Invincible Power of the Universe. Use It, Beloved Ones, without limit,

    and nothing is impossible to you.”

    “The Cosmic Law acts,” She continued, “wherever the thoughts and feelings direct and qualify

    the energy; and It is no respecter of persons, places, conditions, things, motives, ignorance, or

    knowledge, any more than is a current of electricity running through a motor or dynamo. If you

    turn on the Power, it acts, according to the direction given it. This is a point that many students

    do not seem to comprehend, or for which they do not wish to take the responsibility; but the

    Truth of the Law is the only thing with which We are concerned.

    “Our Work is to put the exact Truth of the Law before individuals. If they refuse to understand

    and obey it, then their suffering must increase — until the human side breaks its shell of obstinacy

    and selfishness and lets the ‘Mighty Presence of the I AM’ control all, according to the Perfection

    of Life.

    “Therefore, never joke in thought, feeling or the spoken word about the Powers of the Godhead;

    for to do so — without exception — draws heart-breaking experiences into your world.

    Therefore, govern your outer moods with an Inflexible Will whenever you use the Powers of the

    “In order to manifest the greater Expressions of the ‘I AM Presence,’ the individual must become

    aware of and feel that ‘Presence’ within himself, and know that the very Life Energy which beats

    his Heart and breathes through his lungs is constantly flowing into his physical body from his

    Electronic Body. His Electronic Body is projected into space from the very Heart Center of the

    Cosmic Life of the Universe, which you have heard us refer to as the Great Central Sun.

    “This Pure Life Energy flowing ceaselessly into the mind and body of the individual is the Triune

    Activity of the Supreme acting everywhere throughout Infinity. It is Intelligence, Substance and

    Energy — the One Universal Light out of which comes all manifestation.

    “It is subject at all times to the conscious direction and use of the individual with Self-conscious,

    individualized Free Will. The minerals, plants and animals do not have the control of this activity;

    for only the Flame of the Godhead is endowed with Self-directing Free Will.

  • “The more attention one gives the ‘Mighty I AM Presence,’ the more he will learn of the Vast

    Realms of Wisdom that stretch before him. The more he realizes the immense responsibility and

    limitless opportunity that are his, the more should he ask the ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ within his

    own Heart to teach him all things.

    “If one wants Wisdom, he must turn his attention to the only Source of Wisdom — the ‘Mighty

    I AM Presence.’ Only by acknowledging the ‘I AM,’ can the first impulse be given which releases

    Its Wisdom into the outer use of the individual. It is by Acknowledgment, that the first wave

    flows forth to release It into the physical activity. Otherwise It remains forever quiescent within

    the Consciousness of the ‘I AM.’ The Release of It can come only at the Command of the Self-

    Directing Will of the Flame of God.

    “Learn to call forth these God Attributes and Activities from the very Heart of the Universe, and

    then use them in Love to bless all Life. If you will do this, there is no height you cannot attain

    and no gift you can ask of Life that Life will not release to you — when you understand what

    part of you says, ‘I AM’ and you are willing to use all to bless Life everywhere with Love.

    “Use, use, use, use the Understanding of the ‘I AM Presence’ that you now have, and persist in

    loving, in blessing Life everywhere; and you will open wide the Floodgates to Freedom — the

    Realm and Activities of the Limitless — the Natural World and Life of the Ascended Masters.

    Use the Wisdom you now have, and more will come as surely as your Heart beats and your mind


    I am feeling to finish here for now even though I have more to share regarding the technicalities, of the various

    Grids we shall be working with, the Construction of the Columns and how else we can use them for our

    personal homes and private Protections as we go about our business in the outer world. There is still much

    to elaborate upon, but I am sure I have painted an extensive picture and what we are now only just beginning

    to align to!

    I will take any questions as you feel the need to ask, else I would simply invite each of you to step into the

    Great Silence and begin to meditate on all this where you shall be guided as to what all this may mean to you.

    The Great Divine Director has alluded to a lot recently, as does the Magic Presence. When St Germain begins

    our New Work, we will enter a whole new realm of what we have never known before.

    God Bless You All

    We give praise and thanks for Thy Infinite Outpouring, Great ‘I AM’ Presence. We give praise and thanks

    that at last, we know who Thou art, and that within Thee are all possibilities. We give praise and thanks

    that Thy Mighty Presence is always the Governing Intelligence, the Love enfolding, the Light illumining

    everything on the way.

    In Great Devotion, in the fullness of our Hearts of Love, in the fullness of our adoration to the “God

    Presence which ‘I AM’” — the Ascended Jesus Christ — we pour forth our Gratitude and Praise for the

  • sustaining Presence, the good of every description held within this Radiance of which we are receiving

    hourly. Thou Mighty Presence! As we find ourselves held within Thy Mighty Embrace, we become imbued

    with Thy Radiant Intelligence, Thy Marvelous Strength, Thy Invincible Courage to hold constantly within

    Thy Mighty Light. We thank Thee.

    I Am That I Am - And So It Is! For the Greater Glory of God We Go!

    End Of Part 1

    Since the writing of this information Sheet, the EGA has received Full Agreement for this Work to

