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BUDDHISM Ajhan Bramavamso

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if you want to know more about Buddhism, this is a succinct true story from vulnerable Ajhan Bramavamso. It's worth reading ! From Nurjafa Liaufaldi
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BUDDHISM, THE ONLY REAL SCIENCE I used to be a scientist. I did Theoretical Physics at Cambridge University, hanging out in the same building as the later-to-be-famous Professor Stephen Hawking. I became disillusioned with such science when, as an insider, I saw how dogmatic some scientists could be. A dogma, according to the dictionary, is an arrogant declaration of an opinion. This was a fitting description of the science that I saw in the labs of Cambridge. Science had lost its sense of humility. Egotistical opinion prevailed over the impartial search for Truth. My favourite aphorism from that time was: "The eminence of a great scientist, is measured by the length of timethat they OBSTRUCT PROGRESS in their field"! To understand real science, one can go back to one of its founding fathers, the English philosopher Francis Bacon (1561 - 1628). He established the framework on which science was to progress, namely "the greater force of the negative instance". This meant that, having proposed a theory to explain some natural phenomenon, then one should try one's best to disprove it! One should test the theory with challenging experiments. One must put it on trial with rigorous argument. When a flaw appears in the theory, only then does science advance. A new discovery has been made enabling the theory to be adjusted and refined. This fundamental and original methodology of science understood that it is impossible to prove anything with absolute certainty. One can only disprove with absolute certainty. For example, how can one prove the basic law of gravity that "what goes up comes down, eventually"? One may throw objects up one million times and see them fall one million times. But that still does not prove "what goes up comes down". For NASA might then 'throw' a Saturn rocket up into space to explore Mars, and that never comes down to earth again. One negative instance is enough to disprove the theory with absolute certainty. Some misguided scientists maintain the theory that there is no rebirth, that this stream of consciousness is incapable of returning to a successive human existence. All one needs to disprove this theory, according to science, is to find one instance of rebirth, just one! Professor Ian Stevenson, as some of you would know, has already demonstrated many instances of rebirth. The theory of no rebirth has been disproved. Rebirth is now a scientific fact!
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I used to be a scientist. I did Theoretical Physics at Cambridge University, hanging out in the same building as the later-to-be-famous Professor Stephen Hawking. I became disillusioned with such science when, as an insider, I saw how dogmatic some scientists could be. A dogma, according to the dictionary, is an arrogant declaration of an opinion. This was a fitting description of the science that I saw in the labs of Cambridge. Science had lost its sense of humility. Egotistical opinion prevailed over the impartial search for Truth. My favourite aphorism from that time was:

"The eminence of a great scientist, is measured by the length of timethat they OBSTRUCT PROGRESS in their field"!

To understand real science, one can go back to one of its founding fathers, the English philosopher Francis Bacon (1561 - 1628). He established the framework on which science was to progress, namely "the greater force of the negative instance". This meant that, having proposed a theory to explain some natural phenomenon, then one should try one's best to disprove it! One should test the theory with challenging experiments. One must put it on trial with rigorous argument. When a flaw appears in the theory, only then does science advance. A new discovery has been made enabling the theory to be adjusted and refined. This fundamental and original methodology of science understood that it is impossible to prove anything with absolute certainty. One can only disprove with absolute certainty.

For example, how can one prove the basic law of gravity that "what goes up comes down, eventually"? One may throw objects up one million times and see them fall one million times. But that still does not prove "what goes up comes down". For NASA might then 'throw' a Saturn rocket up into space to explore Mars, and that never comes down to earth again. One negative instance is enough to disprove the theory with absolute certainty.

Some misguided scientists maintain the theory that there is no rebirth, that this stream of consciousness is incapable of returning to a successive human existence. All one needs to disprove this theory, according to science, is to find one instance of rebirth, just one! Professor Ian Stevenson, as some of you would know, has already demonstrated many instances of rebirth. The theory of no rebirth has been disproved. Rebirth is now a scientific fact!

Modern science gives a low priority to any efforts to disprove its pet theories. There is too much vested interest in power, prestige and research grants. A courageous commitment to truth takes too many scientists out of their comfort zone. Scientists are, for the most part, brainwashed by their education and their in-group conferences to see the world in a very narrow, microscopic, way. The very worst scientists are those who behave like eccentric evangelists, claiming that they alone have the whole truth, and then

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demanding the right to impose their views on everyone else.

Ordinary people know so little about science that they can hardly even understand the jargon. Yet, if they read in a newspaper or magazine "a scientist says that?", then they automatically take it to be true. Compare this to our reaction when we read in the same journal "a politician says that?"! Why do scientists have such unchallenged credibility? Perhaps it is because the language and ritual of science has become so far removed from the common people, that scientists have become today's revered and mystical priesthood. Dressed in their ceremonial white lab coats, chanting incomprehensible mumbo jumbo about multi-dimensional fractal parallel universes, and performing magical rituals that transubstantiate metal and plastic into TV's and computers, these modern day alchemists are so awesome we'll believe anything they say. Elitist science, as once was the Pope, is now infallible.

Some know better. Much of what I learnt 30 years ago has now been proved wrong. There are, fortunately, many scientists with integrity and humility who affirm that science is, at best, a work still in progress. They know that science can only suggest a truth, but can never claim a truth. I was once told by a Buddhist G.P. that, on his first day at a medical school in Sydney, the famous Professor, head of the Medical School, began his welcoming address by stating "Half of what we are going to teach you in the next few years is wrong. Our problem is that we do not know which half it is!" Those were the words of a real scientist.

Some evangelical scientists would do well to reflect on the (amended) old saying "Scientists rush in where angels fear to tread" and stop pontificating about the nature of the mind, happiness and even Nirvana. Neurologists are especially prone to such neuroses (Neurosis: an undue adherence to unrealistic ideas of things). They are claiming that the mind, awareness and will, is now adequately explained by activity in the brain. This theory was disproved over 20 years ago by Prof. Lorber's discovery of the student at Sheffield University with and IQ of 126, a First Class degree in mathematics, but with virtually no brain (Science, Vol. 210, 12 Dec 1980)! More recently, it was disproved by Prof. Pim Van Lommel, who demonstrated the existence of consciousness activity after clinical death, i.e. when all brain activity has ceased (Lancet, Vol. 358, 15 December 2001, p 2039).

Although there may be correlation between a measurable activity in part of the brain and a mental impression, such co-occurrence doesn't always imply that one is the cause of the other. For instance, some years ago, research showed a clear correlation between cigarette smoking and the non-occurrence of Alzheimer's disease. It was not that smoking cigarettes somehow caused immunity from Alzheimer's, as much as the tobacco companies might have wished, it was only that many smokers did not live long enough to get Alzheimer's disease! Thus a co-incidence of two phenomena, even when repeated, does not mean that one phenomenon is the cause of the other. To claim that activity in the brain causes awareness, or mind, is plainly unscientific.

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Buddhism is more scientific than modern science. Like science, Buddhism is based on verifiable cause-and-effect relationships. But unlike science, Buddhism challenges with thoroughness every belief. The famous Kalama Sutta of Buddhism states that one cannot believe fully in "what one is taught, tradition, hearsay, scripture, logic, inference, appearance, agreement with established opinion, the seeming competence of a teacher, or even in one's own teacher". How many scientists are as rigorous in their thinking as this? Buddhism challenges everything, including logic.

It is worth noting that Quantum Theory appeared quite illogical, even to such great scientists as Einstein, when it was first proposed. It is yet to be disproved. Logic is only as reliable as the assumptions on which it is based. Buddhism trusts only clear and objective experience.

Clear experience occurs when one's measuring instruments, one's senses, are bright and undisturbed. In Buddhism, this happens when the hindrances of sloth-and-torpor and restlessness-and-remorse are both overcome. Objective experience is that which is free from all bias. In Buddhism, the three types of bias are desire, ill will and sceptical doubt. Desire makes one see only what one wants to see, it bends the truth to fit one's preferences. Ill will makes one blind to whatever is disturbing or disconcerting to one's views and it distorts the truth by denial. Sceptical doubt stubbornly refuses to accept those truths, like rebirth, that are plainly valid but which fall outside of one's comforting worldview. In summary, clear and objective experience only happens when the Buddhist 'Five Hindrances' have been overcome. Only then can one trust the data arriving through one's senses.

Because scientists are not free of these five hindrances, they are rarely clear and objective. It is common, for example, for scientists to ignore annoying data, which do not fit their cherished theories, or else confine such evidence to oblivion by filing it away as an 'anomaly'. Even most Buddhists aren't clear and objective. One has to have recent experience of Jhana to effectively put aside these five hindrances (according to the Nalakapana Sutta , Majjhima No. 68). So only accomplished meditators can claim to be real scientists, that is, clear and objective.

Science claims to rely not only on clear and objective observation, but also on measurement. But what is measurement in science? To measure something, according to the pure science of Quantum Theory, is to collapse the Schroedinger Wave Equation through an act of observation. Moreover, the "un-collapsed" form of the Schroedinger Wave Equation, that is before any measurement is made, is, perhaps, science's most perfect description of the world. That description is weird! Reality, according to pure science, does not consist of well ordered matter with precise massed, energies and positions in space, all just waiting to be measured. Reality is the broadest of smudges of all possibilities, only some being more probable than others. Even basic 'measurable' qualities as 'alive' or 'dead' have been demonstrated by science to be invalid sometimes. In the notorious 'Schroedinger's Cat' thought

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experiment, Prof. Schroedinger's cat was ingeniously placed in a real situation where it was neitherdead nor alive, where such measurements became meaningless. Reality, according to Quantum Theory, is beyond measurements. Measuring disturbs reality, it never describes it perfectly. It was Heisenberg's famous 'Uncertainty Principle' that showed the inevitable error between the real Quantum world and the measured world of pseudo-science.

Anyway, how can anyone measure the measurer, the mind? At a recent seminar on Science and Religion, at which I was a speaker, a Catholic in the audience bravely announced that whenever she looks through a telescope at the stars, she feels uncomfortable because her religion is threatened. I commented that whenever a scientist looks the other way round through a telescope, to observe the one who is watching, then they feel uncomfortable because their science is threatened by what is doing the seeing! So what is doing the seeing, what is this mind that eludes modern science?

A Grade-One teacher once asked her class "What is the biggest thing in the world?" One little girl answered "My daddy". A little boy said "An elephant", since he'd recently been to the zoo. Another girl suggested "A mountain". The six-year-old daughter of a close friend of mine replied, "My eye is the biggest thing in the world"! The class stopped. Even the teacher didn't understand her answer. So the little philosopher explained "Well, my eye can see her daddy, an elephant, and a mountain too. It can also see so much else. If all of that can fit into my eye, then my eye must be the biggest thing in the world"! Brilliant.

However, she was not quite right. The mind can see everything that one's eye can see, and it can also imagine so much more. It can also hear, smell, taste and touch, as well as think. In fact, everything that can be known can fit into the mind. Therefore, the mind must be the biggest thing in the world. Science's mistake is obvious now. The mind is not in the brain, nor in the body. The brain, the body and the rest of the world, are in the mind!

Mind is the sixth sense in Buddhism, it is that which encompasses the five senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch, and transcends them with its own domain. It corresponds loosely to Aristotle's "common sense" that is distinct from the five senses. Indeed, ancient Greek philosophy, from where science is said to have its origins, taught six senses just like Buddhism. Somewhere along the historical journey of European thinking, they lost their mind! Or, as Aristotle would put it, they somehow discarded their "common sense"! And thus we got science. We got materialism without any heart. One can accurately say that Buddhism is science that has kept its heart, and which hasn't lost its mind!

Thus Buddhism is not a belief system. It is a science founded on objective observation, i.e. meditation, ever careful not to disturb the reality through imposing artificial measurements, and it is evidently repeatable. People have been re-creating the experimental conditions, known as establishing the

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factors of the Noble Eightfold Path, for over twenty-six centuries now, much longer than science. And those renowned Professors of Meditation, the male and female Arahants, have all arrived at the same conclusion as the Buddha. They verified the timeless Law of Dhamma, otherwise known as Buddhism. So Buddhism is the only real science, and I'm happy to say that I'm still a scientist at heart, only a much better scientist than I ever could have been at Cambridge.

Ajahn Brahmavamso8th February 2004

Winston Churchill : Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of


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The Right Honourable

 Sir Winston Churchill KG OM CH TD FRS PC (Can)

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Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

In office26 October 1951 – 7 April 1955

MonarchGeorge VIElizabeth II

Deputy Anthony Eden

Preceded by Clement Attlee

Succeeded by Anthony Eden

In office10 May 1940 – 27 July 1945

Monarch George VI

Deputy Clement Attlee

Preceded by Neville Chamberlain

Succeeded by Clement Attlee

Chancellor of the Exchequer

In office

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6 November 1924 – 4 June 1929

Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin

Preceded by Philip Snowden

Succeeded by Philip Snowden

Home Secretary

In office19 February 1910 – 24 October 1911

Prime Minister Herbert Henry Asquith

Preceded by Herbert Gladstone

Succeeded by Reginald McKenna

Born30 November 1874Blenheim, Oxfordshire,England, United Kingdom

Died24 January 1965 (aged 90)Hyde Park, London,England, United Kingdom

Resting place St Martin's Church, Bladon, England

Nationality British

Political partyConservative(1900–1904, 1924–1964)Liberal (1904–1924)

Spouse Clementine Churchill

Relations Pamela Harriman, daughter-in-law


Diana ChurchillRandolph ChurchillSarah Tuchet-JessonMarigold ChurchillMary Soames

Residence10 Downing Street (official)

Chartwell (private)

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Alma   mater Harrow School, Royal Military Academy Sandhurst

ProfessionMember of Parliament, statesman, soldier, journalist, historian, author, painter


Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill, KG, OM, CH, TD, FRS, PC (Can) (30 November 1874 –24 January 1965) was a British politician known chiefly for his leadership of the United Kingdom during World War II. He served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955. A noted statesman and orator, Churchill was also an officer in the British Army, historian, writer, and artist. He is the only British Prime Minister who has ever received the Nobel Prize for Literature and the first foreigner to be made an Honorary Citizen of the United States.

During his army career, Churchill saw action in India, in the Sudan and the Second Boer War. He gained fame and notoriety as a war correspondent and through contemporary books he wrote describing the campaigns. He also served briefly in the British Army on the Western Front in World War I, commanding the 6th Battalion of the Royal Scots Fusiliers.

At the forefront of the political scene for almost fifty years, he held many political and cabinet positions. Before the First World War, he served as President of the Board of Trade, Home Secretary and First Lord of the Admiralty as part of the Asquith Liberal government. During the war he continued as First Lord of the Admiralty until the disastrous Battle of Gallipoli caused his departure from government. He returned as Minister of Munitions, Secretary of State for War and Secretary of State for Air. In the interwar years, he served as Chancellor of the Exchequer in the Conservative government.

After the outbreak of the Second World War, Churchill was again appointed First Lord of the Admiralty. Following the resignation of Neville Chamberlain on 10 May 1940, he became Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and led Britain to victory against the Axis powers.[1] Churchill was always noted for his speeches, which became a great inspiration to the British people and embattled Allied forces.

After losing the 1945 election, he became Leader of the Opposition. In 1951, he again became Prime Minister before finally retiring in 1955. Upon his death, the Queen granted him the honour of a state funeral, which saw one of the largest assemblies of statesmen in the world.



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1 Family and early life o 1.1 Speech impediment o 1.2 Marriage and children

2 Service in the Army o 2.1 Cuba o 2.2 India o 2.3 Malakand o 2.4 Sudan and Oldham o 2.5 South Africa o 2.6 Territorial service o 2.7 Western front

3 Political career to World War II o 3.1 Early years in Parliament o 3.2 World War I and the Post War Coalition o 3.3 Rejoining the Conservative Party – Chancellor of the Exchequer o 3.4 Political isolation

3.4.1 Indian Independence 3.4.2 German rearmament 3.4.3 Abdication Crisis

o 3.5 Return from exile 4 Role as wartime Prime Minister

o 4.1 "Winston is back" o 4.2 Bitter beginnings of the war o 4.3 Relations with the United States o 4.4 Relations with the Soviet Union o 4.5 Dresden bombings controversy o 4.6 The Second World War ends

5 Leader of the opposition 6 Second term as Prime Minister

o 6.1 Return to Government and the Decline of the British Empire o 6.2 War in Malaya o 6.3 Relations with the United States o 6.4 The series of strokes

7 Retirement and Death o 7.1 Funeral

8 Churchill as artist, historian, and writer 9 Honours 10 Honorary Degrees 11 Ancestors 12 References

o 12.1 Notes o 12.2 Primary sources o 12.3 Secondary sources

13 External links

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o 13.1 Speeches

Family and early life

Blenheim Palace, Churchill's ancestral home

A descendant of the famous Spencer family,[2] Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill, like his father, used the surname Churchill in public life.[3] His ancestor George Spencer had changed his surname to Spencer-Churchill in 1817 when he became Duke of Marlborough, to highlight his descent from John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough. Winston's father, Lord Randolph Churchill, the third son of John Spencer-Churchill, 7th Duke of Marlborough, was a politician, while his mother, Lady Randolph Churchill (née Jennie Jerome) was the daughter of American millionaire Leonard Jerome. Born on 30 November 1874 in a bedroom in Blenheim Palace, Woodstock, Oxfordshire;[4] he arrived eight months after his parents' hasty marriage.[5] Churchill had one brother, John Strange Spencer-Churchill.

Independent and rebellious by nature, Churchill generally did poorly in school, for which he was punished. He was educated at three independent schools: St George's School in Ascot, Berkshire, followed by Brunswick School in Hove, near Brighton (the school has since been renamed Stoke Brunswick School and relocated to Ashurst Wood in West Sussex), and then at Harrow School on 17 April 1888, where his military career began. Within weeks of his arrival, he had joined the Harrow Rifle Corps.[6] He earned high marks in English and history and was also the school's fencing champion.

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Winston Churchill's father - Lord Randolph Henry Spencer Churchill

He was rarely visited by his mother (then known as Lady Randolph), and wrote letters begging her to either come to the school or to allow him to come home. His relationship with his father was a distant one, he once remarked that they barely spoke to each other.[7] Due to this lack of parental contact he became very close to his nanny, Elizabeth Anne Everest, who he used to call "Woomany".[8][9] His father died on 24 January 1895, aged just 45, leaving Churchill with the conviction that he too would die young, so should be quick about making his mark on the world.

Speech impediment

Churchill aged seven in 1881See also: List of stutterers

Churchill described himself as having a "speech impediment" which he consistently worked to overcome. After many years, he finally stated, "My impediment is no hindrance." Trainee speech

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therapists are often shown videotapes of Churchill's mannerisms while making speeches and the Stuttering Foundation of America uses Churchill, pictured on its home page, as one of its role models of successful stutterers. A large number of 1920s-1940s printed materials[10] by various authors mention the stutter in terms implying that it was a well-known Churchill characteristic.[11]

The Churchill Centre, however, flatly refutes the claim that Churchill stuttered while confirming that he did have difficulty pronouncing the letter S and spoke with a lisp.[12] His father also spoke with a lisp.[13] Certainly, the careful ear of diarist and fellow parliamentarian Harold Nicolson led him to portray Churchill's speech with a lazy S rather than any hint of a stutter: "It is cuthtomary to thand up when the Kingth thpeech is read."[14]

Marriage and children

Churchill met his future wife, Clementine Hozier, in 1904 at a ball in Crewe House, home of the Earl of Crewe and his wife Margaret Primrose (daughter of Archibald Primrose, 5th Earl of Rosebery).[15] In 1908, they met again at a dinner party hosted by Lady St Helier. Churchill found himself seated beside Clementine, and they soon began a lifelong romance.[16] He proposed to Clementine during a house party at Blenheim Palace on 10 August 1908, in a small Temple of Diana.[17] On 12 September 1908, they were married in St. Margaret's, Westminster. The church was packed; the Bishop of St Asaph conducted the service.[18] In March 1909, the couple moved to a house at 33 Eccleston Square.

Winston's mother, Lady Randolph Churchill

Their first child, Diana, was born in London on 11 July 1909. After the pregnancy, Clementine moved to Sussex to recover, while Diana stayed in London with her nanny.[19] On 28 May 1911, their second child, Randolph, was born at 33 Eccleston Square.[20] Their third child, Sarah, was born on 7 October 1914 at Admiralty House. The birth was marked with anxiety for Clementine, as Winston had been sent to Antwerp by the Cabinet to "stiffen the resistance of the beleaguered city" after news that the Belgians intended to surrender the town.[21]

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Clementine gave birth to her fourth child, Marigold Frances Churchill, on 15 November 1918, four days after the official end of World War I.[22] In the early months of August, the Churchills' children were entrusted to a French nursery governess in Kent named Mlle Rose. Clementine, meanwhile, travelled to Eaton Hall to play tennis with Hugh Grosvenor, 2nd Duke of Westminster and his family. While still under the care of Mlle Rose, Marigold had a cold, but was reported to have recovered from the illness. As the illness progressed with hardly any notice, it turned into septicaemia. Following advice from a landlady, Rose sent for Clementine. However the illness turned fatal on 23 August 1921, and Marigold was buried in the Kensal Green Cemetery three days later.[23] On 15 September 1922, the Churchills' last child was born, Mary. Later that month, the Churchills bought Chartwell, which would be Winston's home until his death in 1965.[24][25]

Service in the Army

Churchill in military uniform in 1895

After Churchill left Harrow in 1893, he applied to attend the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst. It took three attempts before he passed the entrance exam; he applied for cavalry rather than infantry because the grade requirement was lower and did not require him to learn mathematics, which he disliked. He graduated eighth out of a class of 150 in December 1894,[26] and although he could now have transferred to an infantry regiment as his father had wished, chose to remain with the cavalry and was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the 4th Queen's Own Hussars on 20 February 1895.[27] In 1941, he received the honour of Colonel of the Hussars.

Churchill's pay as a second lieutenant in the 4th Hussars was £300. However, he believed that he needed at least a further £500 (equivalent to £25,000 in 2001 terms) to support a style of life equal to other officers of the regiment. His mother provided an allowance of £400 per year, but this was repeatedly overspent. According to biographer Roy Jenkins, this is one reason he took an interest in war correspondence.[28] He did not intend to follow a conventional career of promotion through army ranks, but to seek out all possible chances of military action and used his mother's and family influence in high society to arrange postings to active campaigns. His

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writings both brought him to the attention of the public, and earned him significant additional income. He acted as a war correspondent for several London newspapers[29] and wrote his own books about the campaigns.


In 1895, Churchill travelled to Cuba to observe the Spanish fight the Cuban guerrillas; he had obtained a commission to write about the conflict from the Daily Graphic. To his delight, he came under fire for the first time on his twenty-first birthday.[27] He had fond memories of Cuba as a "…large, rich, beautiful island…"[30] While there, he soon acquired a taste for Havana cigars, which he would smoke for the rest of his life. While in New York, he stayed at the home of Bourke Cockran, an admirer of his mother's. Bourke was an established American politician, and a member of the House of Representatives. He greatly influenced Churchill, both in his approach to oratory and politics, and encouraging a love of America.[31]

He soon received word that his nanny, Mrs Everest, was dying; he then returned to England and stayed with her for a week until she died. He wrote in his journal "She was my favourite friend." In My Early Life he wrote: "She had been my dearest and most intimate friend during the whole of the twenty years I had lived."[32]


In early October 1896, he was transferred to Bombay, British India. He was considered one of the best polo players in his regiment and led his team to many prestigious tournament victories.[33]

A young Winston Churchill on a lecture tour of the United States in 1900


In 1897, Churchill attempted to travel to both report and, if necessary, fight in the Greco-Turkish War, but this conflict effectively ended before he could arrive. Later, while preparing for a leave in England, he heard that three brigades of the British Army were going to fight against a

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Pashtun tribe and he asked his superior officer if he could join the fight.[34] He fought under the command of General Jeffery, who was the commander of the second brigade operating in Malakand, in what is now Pakistan. Jeffery sent him with fifteen scouts to explore the Mamund Valley; while on reconnaissance, they encountered an enemy tribe, dismounted from their horses and opened fire. After an hour of shooting, their reinforcements, the 35th Sikhs arrived, and the fire gradually ceased and the brigade and the Sikhs marched on. Hundreds of tribesmen then ambushed them and opened fire, forcing them to retreat. As they were retreating four men were carrying an injured officer but the fierceness of the fight forced them to leave him behind. The man who was left behind was slashed to death before Churchill’s eyes; afterwards he wrote of the killer, "I forgot everything else at this moment except a desire to kill this man."[35] However the Sikhs' numbers were being depleted so the next commanding officer told Churchill to get the rest of the men and boys to safety.

Before he left he asked for a note so he would not be charged with desertion.[36] He received the note, quickly signed, and headed up the hill and alerted the other brigade, whereupon they then engaged the army. The fighting in the region dragged on for another two weeks before the dead could be recovered. He wrote in his journal: "Whether it was worth it I cannot tell."[35][37] An account of the Siege of Malakand was published in December 1900 as The Story of the Malakand Field Force. He received £600 for his account. During the campaign, he also wrote articles for the newspapers The Pioneer and The Daily Telegraph.[38] His account of the battle was one of his first published stories, for which he received £5 per column from The Daily Telegraph.[39]

Sudan and Oldham

The River War was published in 1899

Churchill was transferred to Egypt in 1898 where he visited Luxor before joining an attachment of the 21st Lancers serving in the Sudan under the command of General Herbert Kitchener. During his time he encountered two future military officers, with whom he would later work, during the First World War: Douglas Haig, then a captain and John Jellicoe, then a gunboat lieutenant.[40] While in the Sudan, he participated in what has been described as the last

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meaningful British cavalry charge at the Battle of Omdurman in September 1898. He also worked as a war correspondent for the Morning Post. By October 1898, he had returned to Britain and begun his two-volume work; The River War, an account of the reconquest of the Sudan published the following year. Churchill resigned from the British Army effective from 5 May 1899.

Main article: Oldham by-election, 1899

He soon had his first opportunity to begin a Parliamentary career, when he was invited by Robert Ascroft to be the second Conservative Party candidate in Ascroft's Oldham constituency. The event Ascroft's sudden death caused a double by-election and Churchill was one of the candidates. In the midst of a national trend against the Conservatives, both seats were lost; however Churchill was impressed by his vigorous campaigning.

South Africa

Having failed at Oldham, Churchill looked about for some other opportunity to advance his career. On 12 October 1899, the Second Boer War between Britain and the Boer Republics broke out and he obtained a commission to act as war correspondent for the Morning Post with a salary of £250 per month. He rushed to sail on the same ship as the newly appointed British commander, Sir Redvers Buller. After some weeks in exposed areas he accompanied a scouting expedition in an armoured train, leading to his capture and imprisonment in a POW camp in Pretoria. His actions during the ambush of the train led to speculation that he would be awarded the Victoria Cross, Britain's highest award for gallantry in the face of the enemy, but this did not occur.[27] Writing in London to Ladysmith via Pretoria, a collected version of his war reports, he described the experience:

I have had, in the last four years, the advantage, if it be an advantage, of many strange and varied experiences, from which the student of realities might draw profit and instruction. But nothing was so thrilling as this: to wait and struggle among these clanging, rending iron boxes, with the repeated explosions of the shells and the artillery, the noise of the projectiles striking the cars, the hiss as they passed in the air, the grunting and puffing of the engine--poor, tortured thing, hammered by at least a dozen shells, any one of which, by penetrating the boiler, might have made an end of all--the expectation of destruction as a matter of course, the realization of powerlessness, and the alternations of hope and despair--all this for seventy minutes by the clock with only four inches of twisted iron work to make the difference between danger, captivity, and shame on the one hand--safety, freedom, and triumph on the other.[41]

He escaped from the prison camp and travelled almost 300 mi (480 km) to Portuguese Lourenço Marques in Delagoa Bay, with the assistance of an English mine manager.[42] His escape made him a minor national hero for a time in Britain, though instead of returning home, he rejoined General Buller's army on its march to relieve the British at the Siege of Ladysmith and take Pretoria.[43] This time, although continuing as a war correspondent, he gained a commission in the South African Light Horse. He was among the first British troops into Ladysmith and Pretoria. He and his cousin, the Duke of Marlborough, were able to get ahead of the rest of the troops in Pretoria, where they demanded and received the surrender of 52 Boer prison camp guards.[44]

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In 1900, Churchill returned to England on the RMS Dunottar Castle, the same ship on which he set sail for South Africa eight months earlier.[45] He there published London to Ladysmith and a second volume of Boer war experiences, Ian Hamilton's March. Churchill stood again for parliament in Oldham in the general election of 1900 and won (his Conservative colleague, Crisp, was defeated) in the contest for two seats.[46][47] After the 1900 general election he embarked on a speaking tour of Britain, followed by tours of the United States and Canada, earning in excess of £5,000.[48]

Territorial service

In 1900, he retired from regular army and in 1902 joined the Imperial Yeomanry where he was commissioned as a Captain in the Queen's Own Oxfordshire Hussars on 4 January 1902.[49] In April 1905, he was promoted to Major and appointed to command of the Henley Squadron of the Queen's Own Oxfordshire Hussars.[50] In September 1916, he transferred to the territorial reserves of officers where he remained till retiring in 1924.[50]

Western front

Churchill was First Lord of the Admiralty at the start of World War I, but was obliged to leave the war cabinet after the disastrous Battle of Gallipoli. He attempted to obtain a commission as a brigade commander, but settled for command of a battalion. After spending some time with the Grenadier Guards he was appointed Lieutenant-Colonel, commanding the 6th Battalion, Royal Scots Fusiliers, on 1 January 1916. Correspondence with his wife shows that his intent in taking up active service was to rehabilitate his reputation, but this was balanced by the serious risk of being killed. As a commander he continued to exhibit the reckless daring which had been a hallmark of all his military actions, although he disapproved strongly of the mass slaughter involved in many western front actions.[51]

Lord Deedes explained to a gathering of the Royal Historical Society in 2001 why Churchill went to the front line: "He was with Grenadier Guards, who were dry [without alcohol] at battalion headquarters. They very much liked tea and condensed milk, which had no great appeal to Winston, but alcohol was permitted in the front line, in the trenches. So he suggested to the colonel that he really ought to see more of the war and get into the front line. This was highly commended by the colonel, who thought it was a very good thing to do."[52]

Political career to World War II

Main article: Winston Churchill in politics: 1900-1939

Early years in Parliament

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Churchill's election poster for the 1899 by-election in Oldham, which he lost.

Churchill stood again for the seat of Oldham at the 1900 general election. After winning the seat, he went on a speaking tour throughout Britain and the United States, raising £10,000 for himself. In Parliament, he became associated with a faction of the Conservative Party led by Lord Hugh Cecil; the Hughligans. During his first parliamentary session, he opposed the government's military expenditure [53] and Joseph Chamberlain's proposal of extensive tariffs, which were intended to protect Britain's economic dominance. His own constituency effectively deselected him, although he continued to sit for Oldham until the next general election. After the Whitsun recess in 1904 he crossed the floor to sit as a member of the Liberal Party. As a Liberal, he continued to campaign for free trade. When the Liberals took office with Henry Campbell-Bannerman as Prime Minister, in December 1905, Churchill became Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies dealing mainly with South Africa after the Boer War. From 1903 until 1905, Churchill was also engaged in writing Lord Randolph Churchill, a two-volume biography of his father which was published in 1906 and received much critical acclaim.[54]

Following his deselection in the seat of Oldham, Churchill was invited to stand for Manchester North West. He won the seat at the 1906 general election with a majority of 1,214 and represented the seat for two years, until 1908.[55] When Campbell-Bannerman was succeeded by Herbert Henry Asquith in 1908, Churchill was promoted to the Cabinet as President of the Board of Trade.[47] Under the law at the time, a newly appointed Cabinet Minister was obliged to seek re-election at a by-election; Churchill lost his seat but was soon back as a member for Dundee constituency. As President of the Board of Trade he joined newly appointed Chancellor Lloyd George in opposing First Lord of the Admiralty, Reginald McKenna's proposed huge expenditure for the construction of Navy dreadnought warships, and in supporting the Liberal reforms.[56] In 1908, he introduced the Trade Boards Bill setting up the first minimum wages in Britain,[57] In 1909, he set up Labour Exchanges to help unemployed people find work.[58] He helped draft the first unemployment pension legislation, the National Insurance Act of 1911.[59]

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Churchill in 1904.

Churchill also assisted in passing the People's Budget [60] becoming President of the Budget League, an organisation set up in response to the opposition's "Budget Protest League".[61] The budget included the introduction of new taxes on the wealthy to allow for the creation of new social welfare programmes. After the budget bill was sent to the Commons in 1909 and passed, it went to the House of Lords, where it was vetoed. The Liberals then fought and won two general elections in January and December 1910 to gain a mandate for their reforms. The budget was then passed following the Parliament Act 1911 for which he also campaigned. In 1910, he was promoted to Home Secretary. His term was controversial, after his responses to the Siege of Sidney Street and the dispute at the Cambrian Colliery and the suffragettes.

In 1910, a number of coal miners in the Rhondda Valley began what has come to be known as the Tonypandy Riot.[56] The Chief Constable of Glamorgan requested troops be sent in to help police quell the rioting. Churchill, learning that the troops were already travelling, allowed them to go as far as Swindon and Cardiff but blocked their deployment. On 9 November, the Times criticised this decision. In spite of this, the rumour persists that Churchill had ordered troops to attack, and his reputation in Wales and in Labour circles never recovered.[62]

Winston Churchill (highlighted) at Sidney Street, 3 January 1911

In early January 1911, Churchill made a controversial visit to the Siege of Sidney Street in London. There is some uncertainty as to whether he attempted to give operational commands, and his presence attracted much criticism. After an inquest, Arthur Balfour remarked, "he [Churchill] and a photographer were both risking valuable lives. I understand what the

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photographer was doing, but what was the right honourable gentleman doing?"[63] A biographer, Roy Jenkins, suggests that he went simply because "he could not resist going to see the fun himself" and that he did not issue commands.[64]

Churchill's proposed solution to the suffragette issue was a referendum on the issue, but this found no favour with Herbert Henry Asquith and women's suffrage remained unresolved until after the First World War.[65]

In 1911, Churchill was transferred to the office of the First Lord of the Admiralty, a post he held into World War I. He gave impetus to several reform efforts, including development of naval aviation (he undertook flying lessons himself),[66] the construction of new and larger warships, the development of tanks, and the switch from coal to oil in the Royal Navy.[67]

World War I and the Post War Coalition

On 5 October 1914, Churchill went to Antwerp which the Belgian government proposed to evacuate. The Royal Marine Brigade was there and at Churchill’s urgings the 1st and 2nd Naval Brigades were also committed. Antwerp fell on 10 October with the loss of 2500 men. At the time he was attacked for squandering resources.[68] It is more likely that his actions prolonged the resistance by a week (Belgium had proposed surrendering Antwerp on 3 October) and that this time saved Calais and Dunkirk.[69]

Churchill was involved with the development of the tank, which was financed from naval research funds.[70] He then headed the Landships Committee which was responsible for creating the first tank corps and, although a decade later development of the battle tank would be seen as a tactical victory, at the time it was seen as misappropriation of funds.[70] In 1915, he was one of the political and military engineers of the disastrous Gallipoli landings on the Dardanelles during World War I.[71] He took much of the blame for the fiasco, and when Prime Minister Asquith formed an all-party coalition government, the Conservatives demanded his demotion as the price for entry.[72]

For several months Churchill served in the sinecure of Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. However on 15 November 1915 he resigned from the government, feeling his energies were not being used.[73] and, though remaining an MP, served for several months on the Western Front commanding the 6th Battalion of the Royal Scots Fusiliers, under the rank of Colonel.[74] In March 1916, Churchill returned to England after he had become restless in France and wished to speak again in the House of Commons.[75] In July 1917, Churchill was appointed Minister of Munitions, and in January 1919, Secretary of State for War and Secretary of State for Air. He was the main architect of the Ten Year Rule, a principle that allows the Treasury to dominate and control strategic, foreign and financial policies under the assumption that "there would be no great European war for the next five or ten years".[76]

A major preoccupation of his tenure in the War Office was the Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War. Churchill was a staunch advocate of foreign intervention, declaring that Bolshevism must be "strangled in its cradle".[77] He secured, from a divided and loosely organised Cabinet, intensification and prolongation of the British involvement beyond the wishes of any major

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group in Parliament or the nation—and in the face of the bitter hostility of Labour. In 1920, after the last British forces had been withdrawn, Churchill was instrumental in having arms sent to the Poles when they invaded Ukraine. He became Secretary of State for the Colonies in 1921 and was a signatory of the Anglo-Irish Treaty of 1921, which established the Irish Free State. Churchill was involved in the lengthy negotiations of the treaty and to protect British maritime interests, he engineered part of the Irish Free State agreement to include three Treaty Ports—Queenstown (Cobh), Berehaven and Lough Swilly—which could be used as Atlantic bases by the Royal Navy.[78] Under the terms of the Anglo-Irish Trade Agreement the bases were returned to the newly renamed "Ireland" in 1938.

Churchill advocated the use of tear gas on Kurdish tribesmen in Iraq,[79] based on a War Office minute of 12 May 1919:

I do not understand this squeamishness about the use of gas. We have definitely adopted the position at the Peace Conference of arguing in favour of the retention of gas as a permanent method of warfare. It is sheer affectation to lacerate a man with the poisonous fragment of a bursting shell and to boggle at making his eyes water by means of lachrymatory gas. I am strongly in favour of using poisoned[80] gas against uncivilised tribes. The moral effect should be so good that the loss of life should be reduced to a minimum. It is not necessary to use only the most deadly gasses: gasses can be used which cause great inconvenience and would spread a lively terror and yet would leave no serious permanent effects on most of those affected.[81]

If British forces did consider the use of poison gas in putting down Kurdish rebellions, there is no evidence that it was ever used.[citation needed]

Rejoining the Conservative Party – Chancellor of the Exchequer

In September, the Conservative Party withdrew from the Coalition government following a meeting of backbenchers dissatisfied with the handling of the Chanak Crisis, a move that precipitated the looming October 1922 General Election. Churchill fell ill during the campaign, and had to have an appendicectomy. This made it difficult for him to campaign, and a further setback was the internal division that continued to beset the Liberal Party. He came only fourth in the poll for Dundee, losing to the prohibitionist Edwin Scrymgeour. Churchill later quipped that he left Dundee "without an office, without a seat, without a party and without an appendix".[55] He stood for the Liberals again in the 1923 general election, losing in Leicester, and then as an independent, first without success in a by-election in the Westminster Abbey constituency, and then successfully in the general election of 1924 for Epping. The following year, he formally rejoined the Conservative Party, commenting wryly that "anyone can rat, but it takes a certain ingenuity to re-rat."[55][82]

Churchill was appointed Chancellor of the Exchequer in 1924 under Stanley Baldwin and oversaw Britain's disastrous return to the Gold Standard, which resulted in deflation, unemployment, and the miners' strike that led to the General Strike of 1926.[83] His decision, announced in the 1924 Budget, came after long consultation with various economists including John Maynard Keynes, the Permanent Secretary to the Treasury, Sir Otto Niemeyer and the board of the Bank of England. This decision prompted Keynes to write The Economic Consequences of Mr. Churchill, arguing that the return to the gold standard at the pre-war parity

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in 1925 (£1=$4.86) would lead to a world depression. However, the decision was generally popular and seen as 'sound economics' although it was opposed by Lord Beaverbrook and the Federation of British Industries.[84]

Churchill as Chancellor of the Exchequer in 1927

Churchill later regarded this as the greatest mistake of his life. However in discussions at the time with former Chancellor McKenna, Churchill acknowledged that the return to the gold standard and the resulting 'dear money' policy was economically bad. In those discussions he maintained the policy as fundamentally political - a return to the pre-war conditions in which he believed.[85] In his speech on the Bill he said "I will tell you what it [the return to the Gold Standard] will shackle us to. It will shackle us to reality."[86]

The return to the pre-war exchange rate and to the Gold Standard depressed industries. The most affected was the coal industry. Already suffering from declining output as shipping switched to oil, as basic British industries like cotton came under more competition in export markets, the return to the pre-war exchange was estimated to add up to 10% in costs to the industry. In July 1925, a Commission of Inquiry reported generally favouring the miners, rather than the mine owners' position.[87] Baldwin, with Churchill's support proposed a subsidy to the industry while a Royal Commission prepared a further report.

That Commission solved nothing and the miners dispute led to the General Strike of 1926, Churchill was reported to have suggested that machine guns be used on the striking miners. Churchill edited the Government's newspaper, the British Gazette, and, during the dispute, he argued that "either the country will break the General Strike, or the General Strike will break the country" and claimed that the fascism of Benito Mussolini had "rendered a service to the whole world," showing, as it had, "a way to combat subversive forces"—that is, he considered the regime to be a bulwark against the perceived threat of Communist revolution. At one point, Churchill went as far as to call Mussolini the "Roman genius… the greatest lawgiver among men."[88]

Later economists, as well as people at the time, also criticised Churchill's budget measures. These were seen as assisting the generally prosperous rentier banking and salaried classes (to which Churchill and his associates generally belonged) at the expense of manufacturers and

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exporters which were known then to be suffering from imports and from competition in traditional export markets,[89] and as paring the Armed Forces too heavily.[90]

Political isolation

Churchill wrote a biography of his ancestor John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough in the mid 1930s

The Conservative government was defeated in the 1929 General Election. Churchill did not seek election to the Conservative Business Committee, the official leadership of the Conservative MPs. Over the next two years, Churchill became estranged from the Conservative leadership over the issues of protective tariffs and Indian Home Rule and by his political views and by his friendships with press barons, financiers and people whose characters were seen as dubious. When Ramsay MacDonald formed the National Government in 1931, Churchill was not invited to join the Cabinet. He was at the low point in his career, in a period known as "the wilderness years".[91]

He spent much of the next few years concentrating on his writing, including Marlborough: His Life and Times—a biography of his ancestor John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough—and A History of the English Speaking Peoples (though the latter was not published until well after World War II),[91] Great Contemporaries and many newspaper articles and collections of speeches. He was one of the best paid writers of his time.[91] His political views, set forth in his 1930 Romanes Election and published as Parliamentary Government and the Economic Problem (republished in 1932 in his collection of essays "Thoughts and Adventures") involved abandoning universal suffrage, a return to a property franchise, proportional representation for the major cities and an economic 'sub parliament'.[92]

Indian Independence

See also: Simon Commission and Government of India Act 1935

During the first half of the 1930s, Churchill was outspoken in his opposition to granting Dominion status to India. He was one of the founders of the India Defence League, a group

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dedicated to the preservation of British power in India. In speeches and press articles in this period he forecast widespread British unemployment and civil strife in India should independence be granted.[93] The Viceroy Lord Irwin who had been appointed by the prior Conservative Government engaged in the Round Table Conference in early 1931 and then announced the Government's policy that India should be granted Dominion Status. In this the Government was supported by the Liberal Party and, officially at least, by the Conservative Party. Churchill denounced the Round Table Conference.

At a meeting of the West Essex Conservative Association specially convened so Churchill could explain his position he said, "It is alarming and also nauseating to see Mr Gandhi, a seditious Middle-Temple lawyer, now posing as a fakir of a type well-known in the East, striding half-naked up the steps of the Vice-regal palace…to parley on equal terms with the representative of the King-Emperor."[94] He called the Indian Congress leaders "Brahmins who mouth and patter principles of Western Liberalism."[95]

There were two incidents which damaged Churchill's reputation greatly within the Conservative Party in the period. Both were taken as attacks on the Conservative front bench. The first was his speech on the eve of the St George by-election in April 1931. In a secure Conservative seat, the official Conservative candidate Duff Cooper was opposed by an independent Conservative. The independent was supported by Lord Rothermere, Lord Beaverbrook and their respective newspapers. Although arranged before the by election was set,[96] Churchill's speech was seen as supporting the independent candidate and as a part of the Press Baron's campaign against Baldwin. Baldwin's position was strengthened when Duff Cooper won and when the civil disobedience campaign in India ceased with the Gandhi-Irwin Pact. The second issue was a claim that Sir Samuel Hoare and Lord Derby had pressured the Manchester Chamber of Commerce to change evidence it had given to the Joint Select Committee considering the Government of India Bill and in doing so had breached Parliamentary privilege. He had the matter referred to the House of Commons Privilege Committee which after investigations, in which Churchill gave evidence reported to the House that there had been no breach.[97] The report was debated on 13 June. Churchill was unable to find a single supporter in the House and the debate ended without a division.

Churchill permanently broke with Stanley Baldwin over Indian independence and never held any office while Baldwin was Prime Minister. Some historians see his basic attitude to India as being set out in his book My Early Life (1930).[98] Historians also dispute his motives in maintaining his opposition. Some see him as trying to destabilise the National Government. Some also draw a parallel between Churchill's attitudes to India and those towards the Nazis.[99]

Another source of controversy about Churchill's attitude towards Indian affairs arises over what some historians term the Indian 'nationalist approach' to the Bengal famine of 1943, which has sought to place significant blame on Churchill's wartime government for the excess mortality of up to 3 million people.[100] While some commentators point to the disruption of the traditional marketing system and maladministration at the provincial level,[101] Arthur Herman, author of Churchill and Gandhi, contends, 'The real cause was the fall of Burma to the Japanese, which cut off India’s main supply of rice imports when domestic sources fell short…it is true that Churchill

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opposed diverting food supplies and transports from other theatres to India to cover the shortfall: this was wartime.'[102]

German rearmament

Beginning in 1932, when he opposed those who advocated giving Germany the right to military parity with France, Churchill spoke often of the dangers of Germany's rearmament.[103] He later, particularly in The Gathering Storm, portrayed himself as being for a time, a lone voice calling on Britain to strengthen itself to counter the belligerence of Germany.[104] However Lord Lloyd was the first to so agitate.[105] Churchill's attitude toward the fascist dictators was ambiguous. In 1931, he warned against the League of Nations opposing the Japanese in Manchuria "I hope we shall try in England to understand the position of Japan, an ancient state…. On the one side they have the dark menace of Soviet Russia. On the other the chaos of China, four or five provinces of which are being tortured under Communist rule".[106] In contemporary newspaper articles he referred to the Spanish Republican government as a Communist front, and Franco's army as the "Anti-red movement".[107] He supported the Hoare-Laval Pact and continued up until 1937 to praise Benito Mussolini.[108]

Speaking in the House of Commons in 1937, Churchill said "I will not pretend that, if I had to choose between communism and Nazism, I would choose communism".[citation needed] In a 1935 essay, entitled "Hitler and his Choice" as republished in Churchill's 1937 book Great Contemporaries, Churchill expressed a hope that Hitler, if he so chose, and despite his rise to power through dictatorial action, hatred, and cruelty, he might yet "go down in history as the man who restored honour and peace of mind to the great Germanic nation and brought it back serene, helpful and strong, to the forefront of the European family circle."[109] Churchill's first major speech on defence on 7 February 1934 stressed the need to rebuild the Royal Air Force and to create a Ministry of Defence; his second, on 13 July urged a renewed role for the League of Nations. These three topics remained his themes until early 1936. In 1935, he was one of the founding members of Focus which brought together people of differing political backgrounds and occupations who were united in seeking 'the defence of freedom and peace'.[110] Focus led to the formation of the much wider Arms and the Covenant Movement in 1936.

Churchill was holidaying in Spain when the Germans reoccupied the Rhineland in February 1936, and returned to a divided Britain—Labour opposition was adamant in opposing sanctions and the National Government was divided between advocates of economic sanctions and those who said that even these would lead to a humiliating backdown by Britain as France would not support any intervention.[111] Churchill's speech on 9 March was measured and praised by Neville Chamberlain as constructive. But within weeks Churchill was passed over for the post of Minister for Co-ordination of Defence in favour of the Attorney General Sir Thomas Inskip.[112] Alan Taylor called this; 'An appointment rightly described as the most extraordinary since Caligula made his horse a consul.'[113] In June 1936, Churchill organised a deputation of senior Conservatives who shared his concern to see Baldwin, Chamberlain and Halifax. He had tried to have delegates from the other two parties and later wrote "If the leaders of the Labour and Liberal oppositions had come with us there might have been a political situation so intense as to enforce remedial action".[114] As it was the meeting achieved little, Baldwin arguing that the Government was doing all it could given the anti-war feeling of the electorate.

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On 12 November Churchill returned to the topic. Speaking in the Address in Reply debate after giving some specific instances of Germany’s war preparedness he said ‘’'The Government simply cannot make up their mind or they cannot get the Prime Minister to make up his mind. So they go on in strange paradox, decided only to be undecided, resolved to be irresolute, adamant for drift, solid for fluidity, all powerful for impotency. And so we go on preparing more months more years precious perhaps vital for the greatness of Britain for the locusts to eat.'’’

R.R. James called this one of Churchill’s most brilliant speeches in this period, Baldwin's reply sounding weak and disturbing the House. The exchange gave new encouragement to the Arms and the Covenant Movement.[115]

Abdication Crisis

Main article: Abdication Crisis of Edward VIII

In June 1936, Walter Monckton told Churchill that the rumours that King Edward VIII intended to marry Mrs Wallis Simpson were true. Churchill then advised against the marriage and said he regarded Mrs Simpson's existing marriage as a 'safeguard'.[116] In November, he declined Lord Salisbury's invitation to be part of a delegation of senior Conservative backbenchers who met with Baldwin to discuss the matter. On 25 November he, Attlee and Liberal leader Archibald Sinclair met with Baldwin, were told officially of the King's intention, and asked whether they would form an administration if Baldwin and the National Government resigned should the King not take the Ministry's advice. Both Attlee and Sinclair said they would not take office if invited to do so. Churchill's reply was that his attitude was a little different but he would support the government.[117]

The Abdication crisis became public, coming to head in the first fortnight of December 1936. At this time Churchill publicly gave his support to the King. The first public meeting of the Arms and the Covenant Movement was on 3 December. Churchill was a major speaker and later wrote that in replying to the Vote of Thanks he made a declaration 'on the spur of the moment' asking for delay before any decision was made by either the King or his Cabinet.[118] Later that night Churchill saw the draft of the King's proposed wireless broadcast and spoke with Beaverbrook and the King's solicitor about it. On 4 December, he met with the King and again urged delay in any decision about abdication. On 5 December, he issued a lengthy statement implying that the Ministry was applying unconstitutional pressure on the King to force him to make a hasty decision.[119] On 7 December he tried to address the Commons to plead for delay. He was shouted down. Seemingly staggered by the unanimous hostility of all Members he left.[120]

Churchill's reputation in Parliament and England as a whole was badly damaged. Some such as Alistair Cooke saw him as trying to build a King's Party.[121] Others like Harold Macmillan were dismayed by the damage Churchill's support for the King had done to the Arms and the Covenant Movement.[122] Churchill himself later wrote "I was myself smitten in public opinion that it was the almost universal view that my political life was ended."[123] Historians are divided about Churchill's motives in his support for Edward VIII. Some such as A J P Taylor see it as being an attempt to 'overthrow the government of feeble men'.[124] Others such as Rhode James

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see Churchill's motives as entirely honourable and disinterested, that he felt deeply for the King.[125]

Return from exile

Churchill later sought to portray himself as an isolated voice warning of the need to rearm against Germany. While it is true that he had little following in the House of Commons during much of the 1930s he was given considerable privileges by the Government. The “Churchill group” in the later half of the decade consisted only of himself, Duncan Sandys and Brendan Bracken. It was isolated from the other main factions within the Conservative Party pressing for faster rearmament and a stronger foreign policy.[126] In some senses the ‘exile’ was more apparent than real. Churchill continued to be consulted on many matters by the Government or seen as an alternative leader.[127]

Winston Churchill giving his famous 'V' sign standing for "Victory".

Even during the time Churchill was campaigning against Indian independence, he received official and otherwise secret information. From 1932, Churchill’s neighbour, Major Desmond Morton with Ramsay MacDonald's approval, gave Churchill information on German air power.[128] From 1930 onwards Morton headed a department of the Committee of Imperial Defence charged with researching the defence preparedness of other nations. Lord Swinton as Secretary of State for Air, and with Baldwin’s approval, in 1934 gave Churchill access to official and otherwise secret information.

Swinton did so, knowing Churchill would remain a critic of the government but believing that an informed critic was better than one relying on rumour and hearsay.[129] Churchill was a fierce critic of Neville Chamberlain's appeasement of Adolf Hitler [130] and in a speech to the House of Commons, he bluntly and prophetically stated, "You were given the choice between war and dishonour. You chose dishonour, and you will have war."[131]

Role as wartime Prime Minister

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"Winston is back"

After the outbreak of World War II, on 3 September 1939 the day Britain declared war on Germany, Churchill was appointed First Lord of the Admiralty and a member of the War Cabinet, just as he had been during the first part of World War I. When they were informed, the Board of the Admiralty sent a signal to the Fleet: "Winston is back".[132][133] In this job, he proved to be one of the highest-profile ministers during the so-called "Phony War", when the only noticeable action was at sea. Churchill advocated the pre-emptive occupation of the neutral Norwegian iron-ore port of Narvik and the iron mines in Kiruna, Sweden, early in the war. However, Chamberlain and the rest of the War Cabinet disagreed, and the operation was delayed until the successful German invasion of Norway.

Bitter beginnings of the war

See also: Attack on Mers-el-Kébir

Churchill wears a helmet during an air raid warning in the Battle of Britain in 1940

Churchill fires a Sten submachine gun in June 1941. The man in the pin-striped suit and trilby on Churchill's left is his bodyguard, Walter H. Thompson

On 10 May 1940, hours before the German invasion of France by a lightning advance through the Low Countries, it became clear that, following failure in Norway, the country had no confidence in Chamberlain's prosecution of the war and so Chamberlain resigned. The

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commonly accepted version of events states that Lord Halifax turned down the post of Prime Minister because he believed he could not govern effectively as a member of the House of Lords instead of the House of Commons. Although the Prime Minister does not traditionally advise the King on the former's successor, Chamberlain wanted someone who would command the support of all three major parties in the House of Commons. A meeting between Chamberlain, Halifax, Churchill and David Margesson, the government Chief Whip, led to the recommendation of Churchill, and, as a constitutional monarch, George VI asked Churchill to be Prime Minister and to form an all-party government. Churchill's first act was to write to Chamberlain to thank him for his support.[134]

Winston Churchill walks through the ruins of Coventry Cathedral, 1941

Churchill had been among the first to recognise the growing threat of Hitler long before the outset of the Second World War, and his warnings had gone largely unheeded. Although there was an element of British public and political sentiment favouring negotiated peace with a clearly ascendant Germany, among them the Foreign Secretary Lord Halifax, Churchill nonetheless refused to consider an armistice with Hitler's Germany.[135] His use of rhetoric hardened public opinion against a peaceful resolution and prepared the British for a long war.[136] Coining the general term for the upcoming battle, Churchill stated in his "finest hour" speech to the House of Commons on 18 June 1940, "I expect that the Battle of Britain is about to begin."[137] By refusing an armistice with Germany, Churchill kept resistance alive in the British Empire and created the basis for the later Allied counter-attacks of 1942-45, with Britain serving as a platform for the supply of Soviet Union and the liberation of Western Europe.

In response to previous criticisms that there had been no clear single minister in charge of the prosecution of the war, Churchill created and took the additional position of Minister of Defence. He immediately put his friend and confidant, the industrialist and newspaper baron Lord Beaverbrook, in charge of aircraft production. It was Beaverbrook's business acumen that allowed Britain to quickly gear up aircraft production and engineering that eventually made the difference in the war.[138]

Churchill's speeches were a great inspiration to the embattled British. His first speech as Prime Minister was the famous "I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat". He followed that closely with two other equally famous ones, given just before the Battle of Britain. One included the words:

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… we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.[139]

The other:

Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves, that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, 'This was their finest hour'.[140]

Churchill with Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery and Field Marshal Alan Brooke, 1944

At the height of the Battle of Britain, his bracing survey of the situation included the memorable line "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few", which engendered the enduring nickname The Few for the Allied fighter pilots who won it.[141] One of his most memorable war speeches came on 10 November 1942 at the Lord Mayor's Luncheon at Mansion House in London, in response to the Allied victory at the Second Battle of El Alamein. Churchill stated:

This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.[142]

Without having much in the way of sustenance or good news to offer the British people, he took a political risk in deliberately choosing to emphasise the dangers instead.

"Rhetorical power", wrote Churchill, "is neither wholly bestowed, nor wholly acquired, but cultivated." Not all were impressed by his oratory. Robert Menzies, Prime Minister of Australia and himself a gifted phrase-maker, said of Churchill during World War II: "His real tyrant is the glittering phrase so attractive to his mind that awkward facts have to give way."[143] Another associate wrote: "He is … the slave of the words which his mind forms about ideas. … And he can convince himself of almost every truth if it is once allowed thus to start on its wild career through his rhetorical machinery."[144]

Relations with the United States

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Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Churchill at the Cairo Conference in 1943

Churchill's good relationship with Franklin D. Roosevelt secured vital food, oil and munitions via the North Atlantic shipping routes. It was for this reason that Churchill was relieved when Roosevelt was re-elected in 1940. Upon re-election, Roosevelt immediately set about implementing a new method of providing military hardware and shipping to Britain without the need for monetary payment. Put simply, Roosevelt persuaded Congress that repayment for this immensely costly service would take the form of defending the US; and so Lend-lease was born. Churchill had 12 strategic conferences with Roosevelt which covered the Atlantic Charter, Europe first strategy, the Declaration by the United Nations and other war policies. After Pearl Harbor was attacked, Churchill's first thought in anticipation of US help was, "We have won the war!"[145] On 26 December 1941, Churchill addressed a joint meeting of the US Congress, asking of Germany and Japan, "What kind of people do they think we are?"[146] Churchill initiated the Special Operations Executive (SOE) under Hugh Dalton's Ministry of Economic Warfare, which established, conducted and fostered covert, subversive and partisan operations in occupied territories with notable success; and also the Commandos which established the pattern for most of the world's current Special Forces. The Russians referred to him as the "British Bulldog".

Winston Churchill at the Quebec Conference in 1944.

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Churchill's health was fragile, as shown by a mild heart attack he suffered in December 1941 at the White House and also in December 1943 when he contracted pneumonia. Despite this, he travelled over 100,000 miles (160,000 km) throughout the war to meet other national leaders. For security, he usually travelled using the alias Colonel Warden.[147] Churchill was party to treaties that would redraw post-World War II European and Asian boundaries. These were discussed as early as 1943. Proposals for European boundaries and settlements were officially agreed to by Harry S Truman, Churchill, and Stalin at Potsdam. At the Second Quebec Conference in 1944 he drafted and, together with US President Franklin D. Roosevelt, signed a toned-down version of the original Morgenthau Plan, in which they pledged to convert Germany after its unconditional surrender "into a country primarily agricultural and pastoral in its character."[148] Churchill's strong relationship with Harry Truman was also of great significance to both countries. While he clearly regretted the loss of his close friend and counterpart Roosevelt, Churchill was enormously supportive of Truman in his first days in office, calling him, "the type of leader the world needs when it needs him most."[149]

Relations with the Soviet Union

When Hitler invaded the Soviet Union, Winston Churchill, a vehement anti-Communist, famously stated "If Hitler invaded Hell, I would at least make a favourable reference to the Devil in the House of Commons," regarding his policy toward Stalin.[150] Soon, British supplies and tanks were flowing to help the Soviet Union.[151]

Churchill secretly meets with President Ismet Inönü at the Yenice Station 15 miles (24 km) outside of Adana in south-east Turkey, on 30 January 1943

The settlement concerning the borders of Poland, that is, the boundary between Poland and the Soviet Union and between Germany and Poland, was viewed as a betrayal in Poland during the post-war years, as it was established against the views of the Polish government in exile. It was Winston Churchill, who tried to motivate Mikołajczyk, who was Prime Minister of the Polish government in exile, to accept Stalin's wishes, but Mikołajczyk refused. Churchill was convinced that the only way to alleviate tensions between the two populations was the transfer of people, to match the national borders.

As he expounded in the House of Commons on 15 December 1944, "Expulsion is the method which, insofar as we have been able to see, will be the most satisfactory and lasting. There will be no mixture of populations to cause endless trouble… A clean sweep will be made. I am not

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alarmed by these transferences, which are more possible in modern conditions."[152][153] However the resulting expulsions of Germans were carried out in a way which resulted in much hardship and, according to a 1966 report by the West German Ministry of Refugees and Displaced Persons, the death of over 2.1 million. Churchill opposed the effective annexation of Poland by the Soviet Union and wrote bitterly about it in his books, but he was unable to prevent it at the conferences.[154]

Winston Churchill at the Yalta Conference, with Roosevelt and Stalin beside him.

During October 1944, he and Eden were in Moscow to meet with the Russian leadership. At this point, Russian forces were beginning to advance into various eastern European countries. Churchill held the view that until everything was formally and properly worked out at the Yalta conference, there had to be a temporary, war-time, working agreement with regard to who would run what.[155] The most significant of these meetings were held on 9 October 1944 in the Kremlin between Churchill and Stalin. During the meeting, Poland and the Balkan problems were discussed.[156] Churchill recounted his speech to Stalin on the day:

Let us settle about our affairs in the Balkans. Your armies are in Rumania and Bulgaria. We have interests, missions, and agents there. Don't let us get at cross-purposes in small ways. So far as Britain and Russia are concerned, how would it do for you to have ninety per cent predominance in Rumania, for us to have ninety per cent of the say in Greece, and go fifty-fifty about Yugoslavia?[155]

Stalin agreed to this Percentages Agreement, ticking a piece of paper as he heard the translation. In 1958, five years after the recount of this meeting was published (in The Second World War), authorities of the Soviet denied that Stalin accepted the "imperialist proposal".[156]

One of the conclusions of the Yalta Conference was that the Allies would return all Soviet citizens that found themselves in the Allied zone to the Soviet Union. This immediately affected the Soviet prisoners of war liberated by the Allies, but was also extended to all Eastern European refugees.[157] Solzhenitsyn called the Operation Keelhaul "the last secret of World War II."[158]

Dresden bombings controversy

Main article: Bombing of Dresden in World War II

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Historical footage of the destruction of Dresden, February 1945

Between 13 February and 15 February 1945, British and the US bombers attacked the German city of Dresden, which was crowded with German wounded and refugees.[159] Because of the cultural importance of the city, and of the number of civilian casualties close to the end of the war, this remains one of the most controversial Western Allied actions of the war. Following the bombing Churchill stated in a top secret telegram:

It seems to me that the moment has come when the question of bombing of German cities simply for the sake of increasing the terror, though under other pretexts, should be reviewed … I feel the need for more precise concentration upon military objectives such as oil and communications behind the immediate battle-zone, rather than on mere acts of terror and wanton destruction, however impressive.[160]

On reflection, under pressure from the Chiefs of Staff and in response to the views expressed by Sir Charles Portal (Chief of the Air Staff,) and Arthur Harris (AOC-in-C of Bomber Command,) among others, Churchill withdrew his memo and issued a new one.[161][162] This final version of the memo completed on 1 April 1945, stated:

It seems to me that the moment has come when the question of the so called 'area-bombing' of German cities should be reviewed from the point of view of our own interests. If we come into control of an entirely ruined land, there will be a great shortage of accommodation for ourselves and our allies … We must see to it that our attacks do no more harm to ourselves in the long run than they do to the enemy's war effort.[161][162]

Ultimately, responsibility for the British part of the attack lay with Churchill, which is why he has been criticised for allowing the bombings to happen. The German historian Jörg Friedrich, claims that "Winston Churchill's decision to [area] bomb a shattered Germany between January and May 1945 was a war crime"[163] and writing in 2006 the philosopher A. C. Grayling questioned the whole strategic bombing campaign by the RAF presenting the argument that although it was not a war crime it was a moral crime and undermines the Allies contention that they fought a just war.[164] On the other hand, it has also been asserted that Churchill's involvement in the bombing of Dresden was based on the strategic and tactical aspects of winning the war. The destruction of Dresden, while immense, was designed to expedite the defeat of Germany. As the historian Max Hastings said in an article subtitled, "the Allied Bombing of Dresden": "I believe it is wrong to describe strategic bombing as a war crime, for this might be held to suggest some moral equivalence with the deeds of the Nazis. Bombing

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represented a sincere, albeit mistaken, attempt to bring about Germany's military defeat." Furthermore British historian, Frederick Taylor asserts that "All sides bombed each other's cities during the war. Half a million Soviet citizens, for example, died from German bombing during the invasion and occupation of Russia. That's roughly equivalent to the number of German citizens who died from Allied raids. But the Allied bombing campaign was attached to military operations and ceased as soon as military operations ceased."[165]

The Second World War ends

Churchill waves to crowds in Whitehall on the day he broadcast to the nation that the war with Germany had been won, 8 May 1945.

Potsdam Conference: Josef Stalin, Harry S. Truman and Winston Churchill, July 1945

In June 1944, the Allied Forces invaded Normandy and pushed the Nazi forces back into Germany on a broad front over the coming year. After being attacked on three fronts by the Allies, and in spite of Allied failures, such as Operation Market Garden, and German counter-attacks, including the Battle of the Bulge, Germany was eventually defeated. On 7 May 1945 at the SHAEF headquarters in Rheims the Allies accepted Germany's surrender. On the same day in a BBC news flash John Snagge announced that 8 May would be Victory in Europe Day.[166] On Victory in Europe Day, Churchill broadcast to the nation that Germany had surrendered and that a final cease fire on all fronts in Europe would come into effect at one minute past midnight that night.[167][168] Afterwards Churchill told a huge crowd in Whitehall: "This is your victory." The people shouted: "No, it is yours", and Churchill then conducted them in the singing of Land of Hope and Glory. In the evening he made another broadcast to the nation asserting the defeat of Japan in the coming months.[47] The Japanese later surrendered on 15 August 1945.

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Churchill at Potsdam, July 1945See also: Operation Unthinkable

As Europe celebrated peace at the end of six years of war, Churchill was concerning on the possibility that the celebrations would soon be brutally interrupted.[169] He concluded that the UK and the US must prepare for the Red Army ignoring previously-agreed frontiers and agreements in Europe "to impose upon Russia the will of the United States and the British Empire."[170] According to the Operation Unthinkable plan ordered by Churchill and developed by the British Armed Forces, the Third World War could have started on 1 July 1945 with a sudden attack against the allied Soviet troops. The plan was rejected by the British Chiefs of Staff Committee as militarily unfeasible. However this decision didn't stop the further development of the war plans: with the beginning Arms race the militarily unfeasible Third World War was developed into the Cold War doctrine.

Leader of the opposition

Main article: Later life of Winston Churchill

Although Churchill's role in World War II had generated him much support from the British population, he was defeated in the 1945 election.[171] Many reasons for this have been given, key among them being that a desire for post-war reform was widespread amongst the population and that the man who had led Britain in war was not seen as the man to lead the nation in peace.[172]

For six years he was to serve as the Leader of the Opposition. During these years Churchill continued to have an impact on world affairs. During his March 1946 trip to the United States, Churchill, famously lost a lot of money in a poker game with Harry Truman and his advisors. [173]

(He also liked to play Bezique, which he learned while serving in the Boer War.)

During this trip he gave his Iron Curtain speech about the USSR and the creation of the Eastern Bloc. Speaking on March 5, 1946 at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri, he declared:

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Churchill with American General Dwight D. Eisenhower and Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery at a meeting of NATO in October 1951, shortly before Churchill was to become Prime Minister for a second time.

From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an Iron Curtain has descended across the continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of Central and Eastern Europe. Warsaw, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade, Bucharest and Sofia, all these famous cities and the populations around them lie in what I must call the Soviet sphere.[174]

Churchill also argued strongly for British independence from the European Coal and Steel Community, which he saw as a Franco-German project. He saw Britain's place as separate from the continent, much more in-line with the countries of the Commonwealth and the Empire and with the United States, the so-called Anglosphere.[175][176]

Second term as Prime Minister

Main articles: Mau Mau Uprising, Malayan Emergency, and 1953 Iranian coup d'état

Return to Government and the Decline of the British Empire

After the General Election of 1951, Churchill again became Prime Minister. His third government—after the wartime national government and the brief caretaker government of 1945—lasted until his resignation in 1955. His domestic priorities in his last government were overshadowed by a series of foreign policy crises, which were partly the result of the continued decline of British military and imperial prestige and power. Being a strong proponent of Britain as an international power, Churchill would often meet such moments with direct action. One example was his dispatch of British troops to Kenya to deal with the Mau Mau rebellion.[177] Trying to retain what he could of the Empire, he once stated that, "I will not preside over a dismemberment."[177]

War in Malaya

This was followed by events which became known as the Malayan Emergency. In Malaya, a rebellion against British rule had been in progress since 1948.[178] Once again, Churchill's government inherited a crisis, and Churchill chose to use direct military action against those in rebellion while attempting to build an alliance with those who were not.[47][179] While the rebellion

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was slowly being defeated, it was equally clear that colonial rule from Britain was no longer sustainable.[178][180]

Relations with the United States

Churchill also devoted much of his time in office to Anglo-American relations and although Churchill did not get on well with President Dwight D. Eisenhower[citation needed], Churchill attempted to maintain the special relationship with the United States. He made four official transatlantic visits to America during his second term as Prime Minister.[181]

The series of strokes

In June 1953, when he was 78, Churchill suffered a stroke at 10 Downing Street. News of this was kept from the public and from Parliament, who were told that Churchill was suffering from exhaustion. He went to his country home, Chartwell, to recuperate from the effects of the stroke which had affected his speech and ability to walk.[47] He returned to public life in October to make a speech at a Conservative Party conference at Margate.[47][182] However, aware that he was slowing down both physically and mentally, Churchill retired as Prime Minister in 1955 and was succeeded by Anthony Eden.

Retirement and Death

Churchill spent much of his retirement at his home Chartwell in Kent. He purchased it in 1922 after his daughter Mary was born.

Elizabeth II offered to create Churchill Duke of London, but this was declined due to the objections of his son Randolph, who would have inherited the title on his father's death.[183] After leaving the premiership, Churchill spent less time in parliament until he stood down at the 1964 General Election. As a mere "back-bencher," Churchill spent most of his retirement at Chartwell and at his home in Hyde Park Gate, in London.[47] As his mental and physical faculties decayed, he began to lose the battle he had fought for so long against the "black dog" of depression.[47] In 1963, US President John F. Kennedy, acting under authorisation granted by an Act of Congress, proclaimed him an Honorary Citizen of the United States,[184] but he was unable to attend the White House ceremony. On 15 January 1965, Churchill suffered a severe stroke that left him gravely ill. He died at his home nine days later, at age 90, on the morning of Sunday 24 January 1965, coincidentally 70 years to the day after his father's death.[185]

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By decree of the Queen, his body lay in state for three days and a state funeral service was held at St Paul's Cathedral.[186] As his coffin passed down the Thames from Tower Pier to Festival Pier on the Havengore, dockers lowered their crane jibs in a salute.[187] The Royal Artillery fired a 19-gun salute (as head of government), and the RAF staged a fly-by of sixteen English Electric Lightning fighters. The coffin was then taken the short distance to Waterloo Station where it was loaded onto a specially prepared and painted carriage - Southern Railway Van S2464S - as part of the funeral train for its rail journey to Bladon.[188] The funeral also saw one of the largest assemblage of statesmen in the world until the 2005 funeral of Pope John Paul II.[189] The funeral train of Pullman coaches carrying his family mourners was hauled by Bulleid Pacific steam locomotive No. 34051 "Winston Churchill". In the fields along the route, and at the stations through which the train passed, thousands stood in silence to pay their last respects. At Churchill's request, he was buried in the family plot at St Martin's Church, Bladon, near Woodstock, not far from his birthplace at Blenheim Palace. Churchill's funeral van - Southern Railway Van S2464S - is now part of a preservation project with the Swanage Railway having been repatriated to the UK in 2007 from the USA where it was exported in 1965.[190]

Churchill as artist, historian, and writer

Statue of Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt in New Bond Street, LondonMain articles: Winston Churchill as historian and Winston Churchill as writer

Winston Churchill was also an accomplished artist and took great pleasure in painting, especially after his resignation as First Lord of the Admiralty in 1915.[191] He found a haven in art to overcome the spells of depression, or as he termed it, the "Black Dog", which he suffered throughout his life. As William Rees-Mogg has stated, "In his own life, he had to suffer the 'black dog' of depression. In his landscapes and still lives there is no sign of depression".[192] He is best known for his impressionist scenes of landscape, many of which were painted while on holiday in the South of France, Egypt or Morocco.[192] He continued his hobby throughout his life and painted hundreds of paintings, many of which are on show in the studio at Chartwell as well as private collections.[193] Most of his paintings are oil-based and feature landscapes, but he also did a number of interior scenes and portraits.

Despite his lifelong fame and upper-class origins Churchill always struggled to keep his income at a level that would fund his extravagant lifestyle. MPs before 1946 received only a nominal salary (and in fact did not receive anything at all until the Parliament Act 1911) so many had

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secondary professions from which to earn a living.[194] From his first book in 1898 until his second stint as Prime Minister, Churchill's income was almost entirely made from writing books and opinion pieces for newspapers and magazines. The most famous of his newspaper articles are those that appeared in the Evening Standard from 1936 warning of the rise of Hitler and the danger of the policy of appeasement.

Churchill was also a prolific writer of books, writing a novel, two biographies, three volumes of memoirs, and several histories in addition to his many newspaper articles. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature "for his mastery of historical and biographical description as well as for brilliant oratory in defending exalted human values".[195] Two of his most famous works, published after his first premiereship brought his international fame to new heights, were his six-volume memoir The Second World War and A History of the English-Speaking Peoples; a four-volume history covering the period from Caesar's invasions of Britain (55 BC) to the beginning of the First World War (1914).[196]


Main article: Honours of Winston Churchill

Statue in London

Aside from receiving the great honour of a state funeral, Churchill also received numerous awards and honours, including being made the first Honorary Citizen of the United States.[197] Churchill received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1953 for his numerous published works, especially his six-edition set The Second World War. In a 2002 BBC poll of the "100 Greatest Britons", he was proclaimed "The Greatest of Them All" based on approximately a million votes from BBC viewers.[198] Churchill was also rated as one of the most influential leaders in history by Time magazine .[199] Churchill College, Cambridge was founded in 1958 on his behalf.

Honorary Degrees

University of Rochester (LL.D) Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts (LL.D) in 1943 McGill University in Montreal, Quebec (LL.D) in 1944 Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri March 5, 1946 University of Miami in Miami, Florida in 1947 University of Copenhagen in Copenhagen, Denmark (Ph.D) in 1950

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This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.



v • d • e

Ancestors of Winston Churchill     





  16. George Spencer-Churchill, 5th Duke of Marlborough 


  8. George Spencer-Churchill, 6th Duke of Marlborough






17. Lady Susan Stewart 


  4. John Spencer-Churchill, 7th Duke of Marlborough







18. George Stewart, 8th Earl of Galloway 



9. Lady Jane Stewart  





19. Lady Jane Bailey Paget 


  2. Lord Randolph Spencer-Churchill





  20. Robert Stewart, 1st Marquess of Londonderry


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  10. Charles Vane, 3rd Marquess of Londonderry






21. Lady Frances Pratt 



5. Lady Frances Vane-Stewart  





  22. Sir Henry Vane-Tempest, 2nd Baronet of Wynyard 



11. Lady Frances Vane-Tempest  




  23. Anne Katherine McDonnell, 2nd Countess of Antrim 


  1. Winston Churchill








24. Aaron Jerome 



12. Isaac Jerome  





25. Elizabeth Ball 



6. Leonard Walter Jerome  





26. Reuben Murray 


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13. Aurora Murray  





27. Sarah Guthrie 



3. Jennie Jerome  







28. Unknown 



14. Ambrose Hall  






29. Unknown 



7. Clarissa Hall  






30. David Willcox 



15. Clarissa Willcox  





31. Anna Baker 




1. ̂ Hakim, Joy (1995). A History of Us: War, Peace and all that Jazz. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-509514-6.

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2. ̂ Darryl Lundy. "Rt. Hon. Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill". thePeerage.com. http://www.thepeerage.com/p10620.htm#i106196. Retrieved on 2007-12-20.

3. ̂ Jenkins, pp. 1-20 4. ̂ Jenkins, p. 5 5. ̂ "PM record breakers". Number 10 Downing Street.

http://www.number-10.gov.uk/output/page1014.asp. Retrieved on 2007-02-26. 6. ̂ Lt Churchill: 4th Queen's Own Hussars, The Churchill Centre. Retrieved 2007-12-02 7. ̂ Jenkins, pp. 10-11 8. ̂ Douglas J. Hall. "Lady Randolph in Winston's Boyhood". The Churchill Centre.

http://www.winstonchurchill.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=764. Retrieved on 2007-04-26. 9. ̂ Forty Ways to Look at Winston Churchill - randomhouse.com 10. ̂ http://www.stutterers.org 11. ̂ Sharp, Keith (2008-11-21). "Winston Churchill, Stutterer". http://www.stutterers.org. Retrieved

on 2009-03-27. 12. ̂ John Mather, MD. "Leading Churchill Myths: He stuttered". The Churchill Centre.

http://www.winstonchurchill.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=100. Retrieved on 2007-03-10. 13. ̂ Jenkins p.73 quoting H.W Massingham in the Daily News [disambiguation needed] 14. ̂ Nicolson, Harold (1967), The War Years 1939-1945, Diaries and Letters vol. II, New York:

Atheneum, pp. 127 and 169. 15. ̂ Soames, Mary: Speaking for Themselves: The Personal Letters of Winston and Clementine

Churchill. p. 1 16. ̂ Soames p. 6 17. ̂ Soames pp. 14-15 18. ̂ Soames p. 17 19. ̂ Soames pp. 18, 22, 25. 20. ̂ Soames pp. 40, 44. 21. ̂ Soames p. 105 22. ̂ Soames p. 217 23. ̂ Soames pp. 239, 241. 24. ̂ Soames p. 262. 25. ̂ Crowhurst, Richard (2006). "Chartwell: Churchill's House of Refuge". Moira Allen.

http://www.timetravel-britain.com/06/Oct/chartwell.shtml. Retrieved on 2008-01-09. 26. ̂ Jenkins, pp. 20-21 27. ^ a b c Russell, Douglas S. (1995-10-28). "Lt. Churchill: 4th Queen's Own Hussars". Churchill

Centre. http://www.winstonchurchill.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=638. Retrieved on 2007-02-26.

28. ̂ Jenkins, pp. 21-45 29. ̂ G. K. Lewis. "On the character and achievement of Sir Winston Churchill". The Canadian

Journal of Economics and Political Science, Vol 23, No. 2 May 1957 (May, 1957): 173–194. 30. ̂ Churchill, Winston S. 1951 The Second World War, Volume 5: Closing the Ring. Houghton

Miffin Edition. Bantam Books, New York No ISBN or other number provided. p. 606. "Prime Minister to Foreign Secretary 5. Feb (19)44. Your minute about raising certain legations to the status of embassy. I must say that Cuba has as good a claim as some other places–'la perla de Las Antillas'. Great offence will be given if all the others have it and this large, rich, beautiful island, the home of the cigar, is denied. Surely Cuba has much more claim than Venezuela. You will make a bitter enemy if you leave them out, and after a bit you will be forced to give them what you have given to the others."

31. ̂ Jenkins p. 29 32. ̂ T. E. C. Jr. M.D (5 November 1977). "Winston Churchill's Poignant Description of the Death

of his Nanny". PEDIATRICS Vol. 60 No.: 752.

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33. ̂ R. V. Jones. "Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill. 1874–1965". Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, Vol. 12, Nov., 1966 (Nov., 1966): 34–105. http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0080-4606(196611)12%3C34%3AWLSC1%3E2.0.CO%3B2-X.

34. ̂ Sir Winston S. Churchill. "The Story Of The Malakand Field Force - An Episode of Frontier War". arthursclassicnovels.com. http://arthursclassicnovels.com/arthurs/churchill/mkdff10.html. Retrieved on 2007-03-17.

35. ^ a b "Two opposition views of Afghanistan: British activist and Dutch MP want to know why their countries are participating in a dangerous adventure". Spectrazine. 20 March 2006.

36. ̂ Churchill, Winston (October 2002). My Early Life. Eland Publishing Ltd. pp. 143. ISBN 0-907871-62-3.

37. ̂ "Churchill On The Frontier - Mamund Valley III". UK Commentators. 11 December 2004. 38. ̂ Jenkins, pp. 29-31 39. ̂ "WINTER 1896–97 (Age 22) - "The University of My Life"". Sir Winston Churchill.

http://www.winstonchurchill.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=176. Retrieved on 2007-03-17. 40. ̂ Jenkins, p. 40 41. ̂ 'London to Ladysmith' ch. VII 42. ̂ Jenkins, pp. 55-62 43. ̂ Jenkins, pp. 61-2 44. ̂ Jenkins, pp. 62-4 45. ̂ "FinestHour" (pdf). Journal of the Churchill Center and Societies, Summer 2005.

http://www.winstonchurchill.org/files/public/FinestHour127.pdf. Retrieved on 2007-08-02. 46. ̂ Jenkins, pp. 45-50 47. ^ a b c d e f g h Gilbert, Martin (2001). Churchill: A Study in Greatness (one volume edition).

London: Pimlico. ISBN 978-0-7126-6725-8. 48. ̂ Jenkins, p. 69 49. ̂ AMPERSAND A compendium of facts eventually to appear as a reader's guide, The Churchill

Centre 50. ^ a b Sir Winston Churchill: Biography: Chronological Summary, Churchill College 51. ̂ Jenkins pp. 301-2 52. ̂ T Benn et al.. "Churchill Remembered: Recollections by Tony Benn MP, Lord Carrington,

Lord Deedes and Mary Soames". Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, Vol 11, 2001 (2001): 404. http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract;jsessionid=093EF1D05E7AFB7F949C82854B159733.tomcat1?fromPage=online&aid=98683. Retrieved on 2007-06-17.

53. ̂ Jenkins, pp. 74-6 54. ̂ Jenkins, p. 101 55. ^ a b c Hall, Douglas J. (1950). "All the Elections Churchill Ever Contested" (HTML). Churchill

and… Politics. The Churchill Centre. http://www.winstonchurchill.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=710. Retrieved on 2007-02-26.

56. ^ a b Toye, Richard (2007). Lloyd George and Churchill: Rivals for Greatness. London: Macmillan. ISBN 978-1-4050-4896-5.

57. ̂ Churchill, Randolph. Winston S. Churchill: Young Statesman. (c) 1967 C & T Publications: pp. 287-9

58. ̂ Jenkins, pp. 150-1 59. ̂ Jenkins, p. 152 60. ̂ Jenkins, pp. 157-66 61. ̂ Jenkins, p. 161 62. ̂ Churchill, Randolph. Winston S. Churchill: Young Statesman. (c) 1967 C & T Publications pp.

359-65 63. ̂ Churchill, Randolph. Winston S. Churchill: Young Statesman. (c) 1967 C & T Publications: p.


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64. ̂ Jenkins, p. 194 65. ̂ Jenkins, p. 186 66. ̂ Churchill took flying lessons, 1911, The Aerodrome.com 67. ̂ Naval innovation: from coal to oil, Erik J. Dahl, Joint Force Quarterly, 2000 68. ̂ The World Crisis (new edition), Odhams 1938 p. 323 69. ̂ Robert Rhode James. Churchill: A Study in Failure. Pelican, 1973. p. 80. 70. ^ a b "The First World War, The development of the Tank, sponsored by Winston Churchill".

http://www.firstworldwar.com/weaponry/tanks.htm. Retrieved on 2007-12-16. 71. ̂ Callwell, C.E. (2005). Dardanelles, a study of the strategical and certain tactical aspects of the

Dardanelles campaign. London: Naval & Military Press Ltd. ISBN 978-1-84574-273-7. 72. ̂ Jenkins, pp. 282-8 73. ̂ Jenkins, p. 287 74. ̂ Jenkins, p. 301 75. ̂ Jenkins, p. 309 76. ̂ Ferris, John. Treasury Control, the Ten Year Rule and British Service Policies, 1919–1924. The

Historical Journal, Vol. 30, No. 4. (Dec., 1987), pp. 859-83. 77. ̂ Jeffrey Wallin with Juan Williams (2001-09-04). "Cover Story: Churchill's Greatness.".

Churchill Centre. http://www.winstonchurchill.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=282. Retrieved on 2007-02-26.

78. ̂ Jenkins, pp. 361-5 79. ̂ See Jonathan Glancey [>"Gas, chemicals, bombs: Britain has used them all before in Iraq".

http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2003/apr/19/iraq.arts. Retrieved on 2009-02-03. and Johann Hari, [>"Our Infantile Search for Heroic Leaders". http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/commentators/johann-hari/johann-hari-our-infantile-search-for-heroic-leaders-854278.html. Retrieved on 2009-02-03.

80. ̂ It is clear from the rest of the passage that "poisoned" does not mean "deadly", as it would in modern usage

81. ̂ Martin Gilbert, Winston S. Churchill, (London: Heinemann, 1976), companion volume 4, part 1 82. ̂ "Winston Churchill and Parliamentary Democracy". Churchill Society for the Advancement of

Parliamentary Democracy. http://www.churchillsociety.org/CMS%20-%20Parliamentary%20Democracy.htm. Retrieved on 2008-05-04.

83. ̂ Budget Blunders: Mr Churchill and the Gold Standard (1925), BBC News. Retrieved 02-12-2007

84. ̂ James p. 207. 85. ̂ James p. 206. 86. ̂ "Speeches – Gold Standard Bill". The Churchill Centre. 4 May 1925.

http://winstonchurchill.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=1200. Retrieved on 2008-01-12. 87. ̂ Jenkins, p. 405 88. ̂ Picknett, Lynn, Prince, Clive, Prior, Stephen & Brydon, Robert (2002). War of the Windsors: A

Century of Unconstitutional Monarchy, p. 78. Mainstream Publishing. ISBN 1-84018-631-3. 89. ̂ H Henderson The Interwar Years and other papers. Clarendon Press 90. ̂ James p 22 212 91. ^ a b c Gilbert, Martin (2004). Winston Churchill: The Wilderness Years. London: Pimlico. ISBN

978-1-84413-418-2. 92. ̂ Books Written by Winston Churchill (see Amid these Storms), The Churchill Centre, 2007 93. ̂ James p. 260. 94. ̂ Gilbert, Martin. Winston S. Churchill: The Prophet of Truth * 1922-1939. (c) 1976 by C&T

Publications, Ltd.: p. 618. 95. ̂ speech on 18 March 1931 quoted in James p. 254. 96. ̂ James p. 262. 97. ̂ Rhode James pp. 269-72

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98. ̂ James p. 258. 99. ̂ Churchill India; facsimile edition see the introduction by M Weidhorn Dragonwyck Publishing

1990 100. ̂ Leonard A. Gordon, Review of Prosperity and Misery in Modern Bengal: The Famine

of 1943-1944 by Greenough, Paul R., American Historical Review, Vol. 88, No. 4 (Oct., 1983), p. 1051 (http://www.jstor.org/stable/1874145)

101. ̂ Gordon, American Historical Review, p. 1051 102. ̂ [1] 103. ̂ James pp. 285-6. 104. ̂ Picknett, et al., p. 75. 105. ̂ Lord Lloyd and the decline of the British Empire J Charmley pp. 1, 2, 213ff 106. ̂ James p. 329 quoting Churchill's speech in the Commons 107. ̂ James p. 408. 108. ̂ A J P Taylor Beaverbrook Hamish Hamilton 1972 p. 375. 109. ̂ Churchill, Winston.Great Contemporaries. (c) 1937 GP Putnam Sons, Inc. New York,

NY: p. 225. 110. ̂ for a history of Focus see E Spier Focus Wolff 1963 111. ̂ Harold Nicholson's letter to his wife on 13 March summed up the situation "If we send

an ultimatum to Germany she ought in all reason to climb down. But then she will not climb down and we shall have war… The people of this country absolutely refuse to have a war. We would be faced with a general strike if we suggested such a thing. We shall therefore have to climb down ignominiously "Diaries and Letters 1930-1939 p. 249.

112. ̂ James pp. 333-7. 113. ̂ The Origins of the Second World War p. 153. 114. ̂ The Gathering Storm p. 276. 115. ̂ James p. 343. 116. ̂ Frederick Smith, 2nd Earl of Birkenhead Walter Monckton Weidenfield and Nicholson

1969 p. 129. 117. ̂ Middlemas K R and Barnes J Stanley Baldwin Weidenfield and Nicholson 1969 p. 999. 118. ̂ The Gathering Storm pp. 170-1. Others including Citrine who chaired the meeting

wrote that Churchill did not make such a speech. Citrine Men and Work Hutchinson 1964 p. 357. 119. ̂ James pp. 349-51 where the text of the statement is given 120. ̂ Beaverbrook, Lord; Edited by A. J. P. Taylor (1966). The Abdication of King Edward

VIII. London: Hamish Hamilton. 121. ̂ Alistair Cook 'Edward VIII' in Six Men Bodley Head 1977 122. ̂ H Macmillan The Blast of War Macmillan 1970 123. ̂ The Gathering Storm p. 171. 124. ̂ A J P Taylor English History (1914-1945) Hamish Hamilton 1961 p. 404. 125. ̂ James p. 353. 126. ̂ These factions were headed by Anthony Eden and Leo Amery Rhode James p. 428 127. ̂ he was so consulted and so regarded during the Abdication Crisis see footnotes above 128. ̂ James p. 302. 129. ̂ Rhode James pp. 316-8 130. ̂ Picknett, et al., pp. 149–50. 131. ̂ Current Biography 1942, p. 155. 132. ̂ Churchill, Winston: "The Second World War" (abridged edition), page 163. Pimlico,

2002. ISBN 0-7126-6702-4 133. ̂ Brendon, Piers. "The Churchill Papers: Biographical History". Churchill Archives

Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge. http://www.chu.cam.ac.uk/archives/churchill_papers/biography/. Retrieved on 2007-02-26.

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134. ̂ Self, Robert (2006). Neville Chamberlain: A Biography, p. 431. Ashgate. ISBN 978-0-7546-5615-9.

135. ̂ Bungay 2000, p. 11. 136. ̂ Jenkins, p. 616-46 137. ̂ Jenkins, p. 621 138. ̂ Allen, Hubert Raymond. Who Won the Battle of Britain? London: Arthur Barker,

1974. ISBN 0-213-16489-2. 139. ̂ "We Shall Fight on the Beaches, 4 June 1940". Churchill Centre.

http://www.winstonchurchill.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=393. Retrieved on 2007-12-20. 140. ̂ "Their Finest Hour, 18 June 1940". Churchill Centre.

http://www.winstonchurchill.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=418. Retrieved on 2007-12-20. 141. ̂ Speech to the House of Commons on 20 August 1940 142. ̂ "Quotations and Stories; "The End of the Beginning"". Churchill Centre.

http://www.winstonchurchill.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=388#not_the_end. Retrieved on 2007-12-23.

143. ̂ Menzies, Robert. "Menzies; 1941 War Diary - Churchill and the War Cabinet". http://www.oph.gov.au/menzies/churchillandthewarcabinet.htm. Retrieved on 2007-12-23.

144. ̂ Denson, John (1997). The Costs of War: America's Pyrrhic Victories. New York: Prentice Hall, Inc.. pp. 259. ISBN 1-56000-319-7.

145. ̂ Stokesbury, James L. (1980). A Short History of WWII. New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc.. pp. 171. ISBN 0-688-03587-6.

146. ̂ Prime Minister Winston Churchill's Address to the Congress of the United States 1941, IBiblio.org

147. ̂ Pawle, Gerald (1963). "Flight to Cairo". The War and Colonel Warden. George G. Harrap & Co. Ltd. http://books.google.com/books?id=1Ok4AAAAIAAJ&q=colonel+warden&dq=colonel+warden&pgis=1. "Colonel Warden was his favourite pseudonym"

148. ̂ Michael R. Beschloss, (2002) ‘’The Conquerors’’: p. 131. 149. ̂ Jenkins, p. 849 150. ̂ http://www.chu.cam.ac.uk/archives/collections/churchill_papers/biography/ 151. ̂ Stokesbury, James L. (1980). A Short History of WWII. New York: William Morrow

and Company, Inc.. pp. 159. ISBN 0-688-03587-6. 152. ̂ Clare Murphy WWII expulsions spectre lives on BBC.co.uk 2 August 2004 153. ̂ De Zayas, Alfred M. (1979) Nemesis at Potsdam: The Anglo-Americans and the

Expulsion of the Germans, Routledge ISBN 0-7100-0458-3. Chapter I, p. 1 citing Churchill, Parliamentary Debates, House of Commons, vol. 406, col. 1484

154. ̂ Jenkins, pp. 759-63 155. ^ a b Churchill, Winston (1989). The Second World War. London: Penguin. p. 852. ISBN

0-14-012836-0. 156. ^ a b Resis, Albert. The Churchill-Stalin Secret "Percentages" Agreement on the Balkans,

Moscow, October 1944. The American Historical Review, Vol. 83, No. 2. (Apr. 1978), pp. 368-87.

157. ̂ A Footnote to Yalta by Jeremy Murray-Brown, Documentary at Boston University 158. ̂ Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr I. The Gulag Archipelago, vol. 1. Translated by Thomas P.

Whitney. New York: Harper and Row, 1974, page 85. 159. ̂ Taylor, Frederick; Dresden: Tuesday, 13 February 1945; US review, NY:

HarperCollins, ISBN 0-06-000676-5; UK review, London: Bloomsbury, ISBN 0-7475-7078-7. pp. 262–4. There were an unknown number of refugees in Dresden, so the historians Matthias Neutzner, Götz Bergander and Frederick Taylor have used historical sources and deductive reasoning to estimate that the number of refugees in the city and surrounding suburbs was around 200,000 or less on the first night of the bombing.

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160. ̂ After the devastation of Dresden by aerial bombing, and the resulting fire storm (February 1945) ; quoted in Where the Right Went Wrong (2004) by Patrick J Buchanan, p. 119

161. ^ a b Longmate, Norman (1983). "The Bombers", Hutchins & Co. p. 346. Harris quote as source: Public Records Office ATH/DO/4B quoted by Lord Zuckerman "From Apes to Warlords" p. 352.

162. ^ a b *Taylor, Frederick (2004). Dresden: Tuesday, 13 February 1945, London: Bloomsbury, ISBN 0-7475-7078-7. pp. 432, 433.

163. ̂ Luke Harding German historian provokes row over war photos in The Guardian, 21 October 2003

164. ̂ Grayling, A. C. (2006). Among the Dead Cities. New York: Walker Publishing Company Inc. ISBN 0-8027-1471-4. pp. 237, 238

165. ̂ Charles Hawley. "Dresden Bombing Is To Be Regretted Enormously", Der Spiegel online, 11 February 2005

166. ̂ coming home BBC Four, 9am to 9.45am, 9 May - 13 May 2005. 167. ̂ On this day 8 May 1945 BBC. Accessed 26 December 2007 168. ̂ The UK was on double summer time which was 1 hour in front of 2301 hours CET that

the surrender document specified (RAF Site Diary 7/8 May). 169. ̂ The secret strategy to launch attack on Red Army. Bob Fenton. Telegraph, Issue 1124.

1 October 1998. 170. ̂ British War Cabinet, Joint Planning Staff, Public Record Office, CAB

120/691/109040 / 002 (1945-08-11). ""Operation Unthinkable: 'Russia: Threat to Western Civilization'"" (online photocopy). Department of History, Northeastern University. http://www.history.neu.edu/PRO2/. Retrieved on 2008-06-28.

171. ̂ Picknett, et al., p. 190. 172. ̂ Jenkins, pp. 789-94 173. ̂ Interview: Clark Clifford (accessed on 23 March, 2009) 174. ̂ Churchill, Winston. "Sinews of Peace (Iron Curtain)". Churchill Centre.

http://www.winstonchurchill.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=429. Retrieved on 2007-02-26. 175. ̂ Jenkins, p. 810 and pp. 819-14 176. ̂ "Remembrance Day 2003". Churchill Society London. http://www.churchill-society-

london.org.uk. Retrieved on 2007-04-25. 177. ^ a b Jenkins pp. 843-61 178. ^ a b Harper, T.N. (2001). The End of Empire and the Making of Malaya. London:

Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-00465-7. 179. ̂ Stubbs, Richard (2001). Hearts and Minds in Guerilla Warfare: The Malayan

Emergency 1948–1960. New York: Eastern University. 981210352X. 180. ̂ Ferguson, Niall (2000). Empire: How Britain Made the Modern World. London:

Penguin Books Ltd. ISBN 978-0-14-100754-0. 181. ̂ Jenkins p. 847 182. ̂ Jenkins, pp. 868-71 183. ̂ Rasor, p. 205 184. ̂ Freedom of Information Act document, Department of State of the US. 185. ̂ Jenkins, p. 911 186. ̂ Picknett, et al., p. 252. 187. ̂ "Winston Churchill (1874-1965)". PortCities London.

http://www.portcities.org.uk/london/server/show/ConFactFile.29/Winston-Churchill.html. Retrieved on 2008-01-12.

188. ̂ Winston Churchill's funeral van project Swanage Railway News 2006 189. ̂ Largest Assemblage of Statesmen at funeral since Churchill, BBC News, 2005 190. ̂ Winston Churchill's funeral van denied Lottery funding Swanage Railway News 2008 191. ̂ Jenkins p. 279

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192. ^ a b "Portrait of the artist with his black dog". http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/columnists/william_rees_mogg/article1824692.ece. Retrieved on 2008-03-06.

193. ̂ Lady Soames. "Winston Churchill the Painter". http://winstonchurchill.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageID=576. Retrieved on 2008-01-09.

194. ̂ FAQ about Parliament 195. ̂ Official Nobel Page 196. ̂ Jenkins, pp. 819-23 and pp. 525-6 197. ̂ Russell, Douglas (2002). The Orders, Decorations and Medals of Sir Winston

Churchill. Churchill Centre. 198. ̂ "Poll of the 100 Greatest Britons " . BBC.

http://web.archive.org/web/20060514084331/www.bbc.co.uk/history/programmes/greatbritons.shtml. Retrieved on 2007-12-22.

199. ̂ "The Most Influential People of the 20th Century". Time Magazine. http://www.time.com/time/time100/time100poll.html. Retrieved on 2007-12-22.

Primary sources

Churchill, Winston. The World Crisis. 6 vols. (1923–31); one-vol. ed. (2005). [On World War I.]

–––. The Second World War. 6 vols. (1948–53) Coombs, David , ed., with Minnie Churchill. Sir Winston Churchill: His Life through His

Paintings. Fwd. by Mary Soames. Pegasus, 2003. ISBN 0-7624-2731-0. [Other editions entitled Sir Winston Churchill's Life and His Paintings and Sir Winston Churchill: His Life and His Paintings. Includes illustrations of approx. 500–534 paintings by Churchill.]

Gilbert, Martin . In Search of Churchill: A Historian's Journey (1994). [Memoir about editing the following multi-volume work.]

–––, ed. Winston S. Churchill. An 8 volume biography begun by Randolph Churchill, supported by 15 companion vols. of official and unofficial documents relating to Churchill. 1966–

I. Youth, 1874-1900 (2 vols., 1966); II. Young Statesman, 1901–1914 (3 vols., 1967); III. The Challenge of War, 1914–1916 (3 vols., 1973). ISBN 0-395-16974-7 (10) & ISBN 978-0-395-16974-2 (13); IV. The Stricken World, 1916–1922 (2 vols., 1975); V. The Prophet of Truth, 1923–1939 (3 vols., 1977); VI. Finest Hour, 1939-1941: The Churchill War Papers (2 vols., 1983); VII. Road to Victory, 1941-1945 (4 vols., 1986); VIII. Never Despair, 1945-1965 (3 vols., 1988).

James, Robert Rhodes, ed. Winston S. Churchill: His Complete Speeches, 1897-1963. 8 vols. London: Chelsea, 1974.

Knowles, Elizabeth. The Oxford Dictionary of Twentieth Century Quotations. Oxford, Eng.: Oxford University Press, 1999. ISBN 0-19-860103-4. ISBN 978-0-19-860103-6. ISBN 0-19-866250-5. ISBN 978-0-19-866250-1.

Loewenheim, Francis L. and Harold D. Langley, eds; Roosevelt and Churchill: Their Secret Wartime Correspondence (1975).

Page 51: BUDDHISM Ajhan Bramavamso

Secondary sources

Beschloss, Michael R. The Conquerors: Roosevelt, Truman and the Destruction of Hitler's Germany, 1941-1945 (2002).

Best, Geoffrey. Churchill: A Study in Greatness (2003). Blake, Robert. Winston Churchill. Pocket Biographies (1997). Blake, Robert and Louis William Roger, eds. Churchill: A Major New Reassessment of

His Life in Peace and War. Oxford UP, 1992. 29 essays by scholars. Browne, A. Montague. Long Sunset (1995). Charmley, John , Churchill, The End of Glory: A Political Biography (1993). –––. Churchill's Grand Alliance: The Anglo-American Special Relationship 1940-57

(1996) Gilbert, Martin . Churchill: A Life (1992). ISBN 0-8050-2396-8. [One-volume version of

8-volume biography.] Haffner, Sebastian . Winston Churchill (1967). Davis, Richard Harding . Real Soldiers of Fortune (1906). Early biography. Project

Gutenberg etext, wikisource here D'Este, Carlo (2008). Warlord   : a life of Winston Churchill at war, 1874-1945 (1st ed.).

New York: Harper. ISBN 978-0-06-057573-1. http://lccn.loc.gov/2008009272. Retrieved on 2008-11-26.

Hennessy, P. Prime minister: the office and its holders since 1945 (2001). Hitchens, Christopher . "The Medals of His Defeats", The Atlantic Monthly (April 2002). James, Robert Rhodes. Churchill: A Study in Failure, 1900-1939 (1970). Jenkins, Roy . Churchill: A Biography (2001). Kersaudy, François. Churchill and De Gaulle (1981). ISBN 0-00-216328-4. Krockow, Christian. Churchill: Man of the Century. [1900-1999]. ISBN 1-902809-43-2. Lukacs, John . Churchill : Visionary, Statesman, Historian. New Haven: Yale University

Press, 2002. Manchester, William . The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill, Alone 1932-1940

(1988). ISBN 0-316-54512-0. –––. The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill, Visions of Glory 1874-1932 (1983).

ISBN 0-316-54503-1. Massie, Robert . Dreadnought: Britain, Germany and the Coming of the Great War. ISBN

1-84413-528-4). [Chapters 40-41 concern Churchill at Admiralty.] Pelling, Henry . Winston Churchill (1974). ISBN 1-84022-218-2. [Comprehensive

biography.] Rasor, Eugene L. Winston S. Churchill, 1874-1965: A Comprehensive Historiography

and Annotated Bibliography. Greenwood Press, 2000. ISBN 0-313-30546-3 [Entries include several thousand books and scholarly articles.]

Soames, Mary, ed. Speaking for Themselves: The Personal Letters of Winston and Clementine Churchill (1998).

Stansky, Peter, ed. Churchill: A Profile (1973). [Perspectives on Churchill by leading scholars.]

Storr, Anthony . Churchill's Black Dog and Other Phenomena of the Human Mind. HarperCollins Publishers Ltd. New Edition ed., 1997. ISBN 0-00-637566-9 (10). ISBN 978-0-00-637566-1 (13).

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Political offices

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Preceded byThe Duke of Marlborough

Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies


Succeeded byJack Seely

Preceded byDavid Lloyd George

President of the Board of Trade1908–1910

Succeeded bySydney Buxton

Preceded byHerbert Gladstone

Home Secretary1910–1911

Succeeded byReginald McKenna

Preceded byReginald McKenna

First Lord of the Admiralty1911–1915

Succeeded byArthur Balfour

Preceded byEdwin Samuel Montagu

Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster1915

Succeeded byHerbert Samuel

Preceded byChristopher Addison

Minister of Munitions1917–1919

Succeeded byThe Lord Inverforth

Preceded byThe Viscount Milner

Secretary of State for War1919–1921

Succeeded bySir Laming Worthington-


Preceded byThe Lord Weir

Secretary of State for Air1919–1921

Succeeded byFrederick Edward Guest

Preceded byThe Viscount Milner

Secretary of State for the Colonies1921–1922

Succeeded byThe Duke of Devonshire

Preceded byPhilip Snowden

Chancellor of the Exchequer1924–1929

Succeeded byPhilip Snowden

Preceded byThe Earl Stanhope

First Lord of the Admiralty1939–1940

Succeeded byA. V. Alexander

Preceded byNeville Chamberlain

Leader of the House of Commons1940–1942

Succeeded bySir Stafford Cripps

Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

10 May 1940 – 27 July 1945

Succeeded byClement Attlee

New titleMinister of Defence


Preceded byClement Attlee

Leader of the Opposition1945–1951

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Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

26 October 1951 – 7 April 1955

Succeeded bySir Anthony Eden

Preceded byEmanuel Shinwell

Minister of Defence1951–1952

Succeeded byThe Earl Alexander of


Parliament of the United Kingdom

Preceded byWalter Runciman

Alfred Emmott

Member of Parliament for Oldhamwith Alfred Emmott


Succeeded byJohn Bright

Alfred Emmott

Preceded bySir William Houldsworth

Member of Parliament for Manchester North West


Succeeded byWilliam Joynson-Hicks

Preceded byAlexander Wilkie

Edmund Robertson

Member of Parliament for Dundeewith Alexander Wilkie


Succeeded byEdmund Morel

Edwin Scrymgeour

Preceded bySir Leonard Lyle

Member of Parliament for Epping1924–1945

Succeeded byLeah Manning

New constituencyMember of Parliament for Woodford

1945–1964Succeeded by

Patrick Jenkin

Party political offices

Preceded byNeville Chamberlain

Leader of the British Conservative Party


Succeeded bySir Anthony Eden

Academic offices


Last known title holder:

Herbert Henry Asquith

Rector of the University of Aberdeen1914–1918

Succeeded byThe Viscount Cowdray

Preceded bySir John Gilmour

Rector of the University of Edinburgh1929–1932

Succeeded byIan Standish Monteith


Preceded byThe Viscount Haldane

Chancellor of the University of Bristol

Succeeded byThe Duke of Beaufort

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Honorary titles

Preceded byThe Marquess of


Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports1941–1965

Succeeded bySir Robert Menzies

Preceded byDavid Grenfell

Father of the House1959–1964

Succeeded byRab Butler

Preceded byDavid Logan

Oldest sitting Member of ParliamentFebruary 1964 – October 1964

Succeeded byManny Shinwell

Awards and achievements

Preceded byJoseph Conrad

Cover of Time Magazine14 April 1923

Succeeded bySamuel M. Vauclain

Preceded byGeorge Bernard Shaw

Cover of Time Magazine11 May 1925

Succeeded byLeon Trotsky

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Winston Churchill

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Chancellors of the Exchequer

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Home Secretaries of the United Kingdom

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Conservative Party

[show] v • d • e

Journalists who have been arrested while operating in a war-zone

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Cold War

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Time Persons of the Year [hide]


Charles Lindbergh (1927) · Walter Chrysler (1928) · Owen D. Young (1929) · Mahatma Gandhi (1930) · Pierre Laval (1931) · Franklin D. Roosevelt (1932) · Hugh Samuel Johnson (1933) · Franklin D. Roosevelt (1934) · Haile Selassie I (1935) · Wallis Simpson (1936) · Chiang Kai-shek / Soong May-ling (1937) · Adolf Hitler (1938) · Joseph Stalin (1939) · Winston Churchill

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(1940) · Franklin D. Roosevelt (1941) · Joseph Stalin (1942) · George Marshall (1943) · Dwight D. Eisenhower (1944) · Harry S. Truman (1945) · James F. Byrnes (1946) · George Marshall (1947) · Harry S. Truman (1948) · Winston Churchill (1949) · The American Fighting-Man (1950)







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This page was last modified on 29 May 2009 at 16:15.

Page 61: BUDDHISM Ajhan Bramavamso

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Churchill was also rated as one of the most influential leaders in history by Time magazine .[199] Churchill College, Cambridge was founded in 1958 on his behalf.

Pada suatu zaman di Tiongkok, hiduplah seorang jenderal besar yang selalu menang dalam setiap pertempuran. Karena itulah, ia dijuluki "Sang Jenderal Penakluk" oleh rakyat. Suatu ketika, dalam sebuah pertempuran, ia dan pasukannya terdesak oleh pasukan lawan yang berkali lipat lebih banyak. Mereka melarikan diri, namun terangsak sampai ke pinggir jurang. Pada saat itu para prajurit Sang Jenderal menjadi putus asa dan ingin menyerah kepada musuh saja. Sang Jenderal segera mengambil inisiatif, "Wahai seluruh pasukan, menang-kalah sudah ditakdirkan oleh dewa-dewa. Kita akan menanyakan kepada para dewa, apakah hari ini kita harus kalah atau akan menang." Saya akan melakukan tos dengan keping keberuntungan ini! Jika sisi gambar yang muncul, kita akan menang. Jika sisi angka yang muncul, kita akan kalah! Biarlah dewa-dewa yang menentukan!" seru Sang Jenderal sambil melemparkan kepingnya untuk tos? Ternyata sisi gambar yang muncul! Keadaan itu disambut histeris oleh pasukan Sang Jenderal, "Hahaha? dewa-dewa di pihak kita! Kita sudah pasti menang!!!" Dengan semangat membara, bagaikan kesetanan mereka berbalik menggempur balik pasukan lawan. Akhirnya, mereka benar-benar berhasil menunggang-langgang kan lawan yang berlipat-lipat banyaknya. Pada senja pasca-kemenangan, seorang prajurit berkata kepada Sang Jenderal, "Kemenangan kita telah ditentukan dari langit, dewa-dewa begitu baik terhadap kita." Sang Jenderal menukas, "Apa iya sih?" sembari melemparkan keping keberuntungannya kepada prajurit itu. Si prajurit memeriksa kedua sisi keping itu, dan dia hanya bisa melongo ketika mendapati bahwa ternyata kedua sisinya adalah gambar? 

Page 62: BUDDHISM Ajhan Bramavamso

Memang dalam hidup ini ada banyak hal eksternal yang tidak bisa kita ubah; banyak hal yang terjadi tidak sesuai dengan kehendak kita. Namun demikian, pada dasarnya dan pada akhirnya, kita tetap bisa mengubah pikiran atau sisi internal kita sendiri: untuk menjadi bahagia atau menjadi tidak berbahagia. Jika bahagia atau tidak bahagia diidentikkan dengan nasib baik atau nasib buruk, jadi sebenarnya nasib kita tidaklah ditentukan oleh siapa-siapa, melainkan oleh diri kita sendiri. Ujung-ujungnya, kebahagiaan adalah sebuah pilihan proaktif. "The most proactive thing we can do is to 'be happy'," begitu kata Stephen R. Covey dalam buku 7 Habits-nya. Rgds,AS Yantasilo, S.Kom. --------------------------Love is....not to forget but to forgive,not to see but to understand,not to hear but to listen,not to let go but to HOLD ON !!!!
