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Buderim Bowls Club - The Bulletin

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Buderim Bowls Club - The Bulletin
Phone 07 5445 1104 | Wet Weather 07 5476 9154 | buderimbowls.com.au APRIL 2012 Email: [email protected] | [email protected] With the completion of the retractable sunshades over both of our greens expected towards the end of April, it brings to mind the importance of sun protection on our bodies. A recent number of known cases of melanoma cancer causing death, particularly a very recent passing of a young lifesaver from Maroochydore aged in his early thirties with a young wife and child, really does reinforce the need for all of us to be very particular with the application of sun protection whenever in the outdoors. Melanomas are not necessarily only caused by the sun, rather, the sun certainly has been proven to be a major catalyst in the development of the condition. One must always remember to be alert for any changes in the skin coloration or any mole growth, as it is most important to have it all checked out early and treated if necessary. Regular skin checks are essential. We at the Club cannot control our environment or reduce the effects of the sun, but with the use of our new retractable sunshades we will certainly be helping to reduce the incidence of sun exposure. That was not the sole reason for the project but it is a very real bonus for our members. The importance of sun protection
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Phone 07 5445 1104 | Wet Weather 07 5476 9154 | buderimbowls.com.au


IL 2


Emai l : buder [email protected] | [email protected]

With the completion of the retractablesunshades over both of our greensexpected towards the end of April, itbrings to mind the importance of sunprotection on our bodies.

A recent number of known cases ofmelanoma cancer causing death,particularly a very recent passing of ayoung lifesaver from Maroochydore agedin his early thirties with a young wife andchild, really does reinforce the need forall of us to be very particular with theapplication of sun protection wheneverin the outdoors.

Melanomas are not necessarily onlycaused by the sun, rather, the suncertainly has been proven to be a majorcatalyst in the development of thecondition. One must always rememberto be alert for any changes in the skincoloration or any mole growth, as it ismost important to have it all checked outearly and treated if necessary. Regularskin checks are essential.

We at the Club cannot control ourenvironment or reduce the effects of thesun, but with the use of our newretractable sunshades we will certainly behelping to reduce the incidence of sunexposure. That was not the sole reasonfor the project but it is a very real bonusfor our members.

The importance ofsun protection

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Unfortunately the weather we haveexperienced since Christmas has not beenfriendly to our contractor installing ourretractable shades. That, and the amountof rock experienced in drilling and diggingthe foundations for the posts, hasdelayed the completion somewhat but allgoing well from here we will have themup and operable by the end of April.There have been additional costs for all ofthis extra work, but we believe we willfinish with costs being close to ouroriginal estimates.

The next part of the program will be to re-establish the lawns and gardens and openup the carpark to parking. We might losesome space around the shades posts butnot too many parks will be lost. The areaonce occupied by the two water tanks willeventually cleared and a nice comfortablearea in which to sit and enjoy watching tobowls will be built. After all of that isdone we will need to give the whole area

outside the clubhouse a new coat of paintto brighten it all up. It seems that anumber of working bees will be neededto achieve that aim so please watch thisspace for the plans.

April will see the Sunshine Coast Councilworking on the corner of Elizabeth Streetconstructing kerb crossovers andupgrading footpaths. This work is beingdone to improve safety for people andchildren crossing the road and using thefootpaths on the way to school. We don'texpect too much by way of temporaryparking restrictions but of course we canexpect reduction in spaces for a shorttime. It all helps to dress up the area a bit,as well as improving pedestrian access.

Your new management Committee isworking well and we are all lookingforward to another successful year at thebest Bowls Club on the Coast.

president’s reportby Ken Wright


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We are well on the way with the Club singles,with a few surprises. A personal thank you toall the Markers, especially those who didn'tcompete. There is now a list on the noticeboard in the foyer for intended Pennantplayers for 2012. Please put your name on itand indicate if you are unavailable on anydates. Pennants start on Saturday the 4th ofAugust and goes through till Saturday the 6thof October. With some new members andnew "greens", which should be to ouradvantage, 2012 should be a good year.

It would nice, and helpful, if any newmember who intends to play Pennants wouldtalk to the Pennant Selectors and talk abouttheir previous experience etc. This month'sspecial thank you goes to Ian Conke. Ianruns, selects, organises Friday arvo mixedbowls and may I say, very well, and in the lastfew weeks I have asked him for some help onseveral occasions and he has withouthesitation stepped forward, again thank youIan. Thats All Folks.

the games we play by games director Norm Mackay


words from Wazby Junior-Vice President Warren Watson

When I decided to stand for committee atthe last election I thought that the JuniorVice President would get the junior share ofvice that would become available tocommittee members. How wrong can onebe! There is not even a smell of viceanywhere. A bit disappointing, that.

On to more serious matters. A SocialCommittee has been organised consisting ofMax Hagen, Tony Dunne, Lee Schimbel,Greg Minz, Gary Barton and WarrenWatson. We will be calling on last year’scommittee for any ideas on running socialsas successfully as they did last year. If anyclub member has ideas for social nightsplease have a word with any of the namesabove. Christmas in July always goes well.

The Buderim Sports 150 Dinner will be heldon 11 August 2012. Barry Ashby will be

working with the Social Committee toorganise this event.

Junior bowls and equipment was purchasedusing the $4000 grant from the departmentof Sports & Recreation. The Junior BowlsCommittee is endeavouring to increasejunior members numbers through theschools from Immanuel and Sienna Colleges.The All Schools Challenge will haverepresentation from Buderm Bowls Clubagain this year. More on this next bulletin.

Membership numbers are on the rise andare in line to meet the target numbers setout in the Strategic Business Planning (2012-2014 of 250 members by 2013.

A membership Committee will be formed tomake sure numbers of members increase.Any member interested in joining thiscommittee please contact Warren Watson.

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The first Tuesday in March was washed outand the poor men doing the work on theshades spent most of their time pumpingout the rain water before they could pourthe cement work ! We will get there Ladiesin the end and have, not only have greatgreens but shades to keep that Sun off usas well !

Olive Ashby had her 99th Birthday on the18th of March and we all signed a card forher and Barry kindly delivered it to her forus . It is the BIG one NEXT YEAR , Olive ,and even the QUEEN will send her goodwishes !

St.Patrick's Day dawned fine and it wasgreat to see both greens full of men andwomen dressed in green costumes. Wehad a Spider to start the fun and bags ofgreen sweets for Touchers which wereherald with a cry of " The Luck Of TheIrish" and the baskets were emptied veryquickly ! Tea which was prepared by Jan,Alma and their helpers, was delicious andwe had our favorite sandwiches and ,totop that, a sponge cream cake. The tableswere decorated in the Irish colours ofOrange and Green and now the Scottishmembers want their Day ,too ! Etta Halldonated the cash prizes for the bestcostumes and these were won by Val Hilland Bruce Cowan. The main raffle whichwas a donation from MOUNTAIN CREEKBUTCHERY of a voucher for $ 25.00 waswon by Merv McNeil and Jill who I knowwill appreciate some good qualityToowoomba meat! Thank you everyone foryour work and involvement which made it

a great day . Now the Scottish members ofour Club feel that they should have aSt.Andrew's Day !

Having had a real problem with theAnswering Machine in the office notrecording messages correctly and severaladjustments having to be made by theGames Selectors to add players at the lastminute and in some cases changing wholeteams, we took the initiative and bought anew Phone and Answering Machinecombined. This has a free hand set andalso a speaker button for the Hard ofHearing. Sandy King was able to get it at avery good price of $62.00 and it works atreat !

Our CENTURY 21 REALTY DAY wasenjoyed by all and Tony Dunne gave theLadies their prizes and offered us anincentive to get our contacts and friends touse their Real Estate company when sellingtheir homes with us profiting as Ladymembers and our Ladies Club as well.Thank you

madam president’s report by Marian Richards

Winners Sandy Graham, Max Hagan and June Crump


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Once again rain has interrupted play withChampionships and Social bowls beingcancelled on Tuesday 6th March. Will it everstop? Play is continuing with theChampionship Singles and the Pairs arecommencing at the end of March.

Nominations are now being called for theChampionship Triples and Consistency

The annual "Wearing of the Green" was amixed day held on 13th March with over 50players. The Club was a sea of green withmost dressing the part. Val Hill and BruceCowan won prizes for the Best DressedLeprechauns. Winners of the bowls wereMan Hagan, June Crump and SandyGraham and the runners-up were PeterPage, Pam Mitchell and Valda Barrable.Thanks to the social selectors Pam andSandy for organising such a great day undervery trying circumstances. I received onlyfavourable comments on the day.

The Open Pairs were held on Wednesdaywith $200 in prizemoney. Teams came fromGeebung, Mapleton and Nambour was wellas from Buderim. The winners were Theaand Ian Conkie.

The Easter Medley is being held onWednesday 18th April and there will be fullgreens for this 5-a-side event. The day issponsored by Anthony Jardim Denture Clinicand Buderim Ladies Bowling Club and withprizemoney of $1250 it looks like being verysuccessful. Thank you to all those who havenominated for the event.

Nominations are also coming in for theannual Buderim Ladies Fiesta which is beingheld on Tuesday 3rd July. This event issponsored by Edenlea on Buderim with$1200 in prizemoney.

Until next time here's hoping the rain stops.

UPCOMING EVENTSWednesday 15th May 9 am - Open Pairssponsored by Ucango Travel - $200prizemoney

Wednesday 19th June 9 am - Open Pairssponsored by BOQ Buderim - $200prizemoney. We look forward to seeingyou at these events.

ladies games director report by Sandy King

Games Director Sandy King, Laurel Learoyd, Jan Hagan and

Assistance Games Director Lorna Cowan.

Best Dressed Female Leprechaun Val Hill

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Coaching & Roll-Ups

3Social sponsored byCentury 21 andChampionshipSingles & Pairs

4 5

8.30AM & 1PMMens NominatedPairs

Ord Minnett


Coaching & Roll-Ups


Social andChampionship Pairs


Men's Jackpot Pairs

Garry Crick AutoGroup


8.30AM & 1PMMens NominatedPairs

RealWay Buderim


Coaching & Roll-Ups

17Social - Sponsor Century 21and ChampionshipPairs

18Easter Medley 5-a-side -

Sponsor Anthony JardimDenture Clinic


Coaching & Roll-Ups


Social Triples/Pairsand ChampionshipPairs & Triples



8.30AM & 1PMMens NominatedPairs

Audio ClinicBuderim


8.30AM & 1PMMens NominatedPairs

Flight Centre

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april bowls calendarJust for alaugh




Mixed Social

Gloria Jeans


1PMMens Social

Shy Blinds



Mixed Social

Shell BudeimBuderim Pharmacy


1PMMens Social

Wirreanda News



Mixed Social

Red RoosterBuderim


1PMMens Social

Flight CentreBuderim



Mixed Social

Gloria Jeans/Buderim Pharmacy


1PMMens Social

The Energy Hub


Dad buys a liedetector robotwhich slaps peoplewhen they lie. Hedecides to test it atdinner.

"Son, where wereyou today?"

The son says "atschool dad."

Robot slaps theson!

"Ok, I watched advd at my friend'shouse!"

"What dvd?"

"Toy story."

Robot slaps theson again!

"Ok, it was aporno" cries theson.

"What! When Iwas your age Ididn't know whatporn was" saysthe dad.

Robot slaps thedad!

Mom laughs"HaHaHa! He'scertainly yourson."

Robot slaps themom.

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Sportcrete are planning to return overEaster to finalise repairs to the greens andstretch the carpet. These works shoulderadicate a couple of problems on the ditchrinks. Once this has been done we will putpermanent line markings on the carpet.This should take a couple of days.

Greensafe will be returning in approx. 4weeks to finish off the shade structures. It

should take them two weeks to complete.Because the footings had to be re-engineered because of 'rock' problems,mass concrete footings had to be installed.Because of the amount of concreteinvolved a longer 'curing' time is required,hence the additional delay. Hopefully bymid April both greens and shades will be infull operation.

shades of green by Jon Heriott

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‘HISTORY OF BUDERIM SPORT’ DINNERWe are all aware of the fact that Buderim celebrates its 150th anniversary this year 2012.

The B150 (Buderim 150) Committee has graciously given the Buderim Bowls Club theopportunity to hold a dinner on August 18 at the club to be called the "Buderim SportingHistory Dinner'.

This event will cover the history of sport on Buderim from 1862 to approx 1962.Compilation of the sporting history has been put together by Bill Lavarack who has spenthundred of hours on the project. It has been no mean feat to say the least. For instancedid you know that our Club the "Buderim Bowls Club" was not the first bowls club onBuderim? I could take you to the exact location so if anyone wants to know prior to thenight it will cost them $200. This is only a minor detail but will cause much discussion Ibelieve.

All profits from this event will go to the Buderim Bowls Club, this is a wonderfulopportunity for the club to partake and boost its coffers?

At this stage of proceedings I have arranged a well known sports and newspaperJournalist to be MC. It is hoped that entertainment in the form of a comedian andmagician will also be present. To pay for these personalities we need money and this iswhere all members of the club can assist. I have planned an Auction of sportingmemorabilia on the night. A well known Auctioneer has volunteered his services at nocharge. If you have any sporting memorabilia packed away in the shed or spare roomthat you may like to donate it would be appreciated. Max Hagan has started the ballrolling by donating a cricket bat that is signed by a West Indies and Australian cricketteam. That item alone should bring a tidy sum of money.

Please contact me Barry Ashby 0418 710 210 or any member of the Social Committee ifyou would like to donate your special item.

Tickets for the dinner are expected to go on sale at the Old Post Office and the BuderimBowls Club in the near future.

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Know your committee

Ken WrightPresident

Allan QuartermaineSecretary

John MurphyTreasurer

Jeff PatersonSenior VicePresident

Graham PengellyAssistant Secretary

Warren WatsonJunior VicePresident

Richard MeacleGreens Director

Norm MackayGames Director

Jon HerriottProvidore

Max HaganCommitteeman

Col HarrisCommitteeman

Graham BartonCommitteeman

Page 11: Buderim Bowls Club - The Bulletin

friday night bistroThursday, April 5 Pea & Ham Soup

Roast Beef with Yorkshire PuddPavlova with Fruit & Ice Cream

April 13Pumpkin and Bacon Soup

Roast Pork with Crackling and Apple SauceFruit Salad and Ice Cream

April 20 Lamb and Tomato Soup

Silverside with a Parsley and Mustard BéchamelPhillip's Bread and Butter Pudding

April 27Grandma's Hearty Vegetable Soup

Roast Lamb with mint jellyChristmas Pudd. With Caramel Custard & Ice Cream

$15 per headBookings to be made at bar by 5pm Thursday prior


Page 12: Buderim Bowls Club - The Bulletin


Proudly produced by jpg Design & Print P/L1/100 King Street, Buderim - Ph 07 5456 4499 - www.jpgdesign.com.au

club sponsors• Audio Clinic• Betterflow Roof Restorations• Buderim Butchery• Buderim Pharmacy• Buderim Tavern• Flight Centre Buderim• Garry Crick Autogroup• Gloria Jeans Coffee Shop• jpg Design & Print P/L• Kruger Law• RealWay Buderim• Red Rooster• Shell Buderim• shy Blinds• The Energy Hub• Ord Minnett Buderim,

Financial Planners & Stockbrokers

LADIES SPONSORS• Eden Lea on Buderim• Anthony Jardim Denture Clinic• Century 21 Buderim• Buderim Hair Stylists• UcanGo Travel• Drysdale Funerals

sponsor’s special

BUDERIM BOWLS CLUB SPECIAL OFFERShow your membership card prior toordering and receive 10% DISCOUNT

at Red Rooster Buderim


WIRREANDA NEWS(opposite Wirreanda Park)

King Street Buderim

Drop in and say hi to Joe, Anne and the team.
