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657 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ADMINISTRATION Federal Funds General and special funds: TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT SERVICES For necessary expenses of the Workforce Investment Act, including the purchase and hire of passenger motor vehicles, the construction, alteration, and repair of buildings and other facilities, and the pur- chase of real property for training centers as authorized by the Work- force Investment Actø;¿ and the Women in Apprenticeship and Non- traditional Occupations Act; øand the National Skill Standards Act of 1994; $3,167,282,000¿ $2,517,616,000 plus reimbursements, of which ø$1,779,342,000¿ $1,443,601,000 is available for obligation for the period July 1, ø2002¿ 2003 through June 30, ø2003¿ 2004; of which ø$1,353,065,000¿ $1,045,465,000 is available for obligation for the period April 1, ø2002¿ 2003 through June 30, ø2003¿ 2004, in- cluding ø$1,127,965,000¿ $1,000,965,000 to carry out chapter 4 of the Workforce Investment Act and ø$225,100,000¿ $44,500,000 to carry out section 169 of such Act; øand of which $3,500,000 is avail- able for obligation October 1, 2001 until expended for carrying out the National Skills Standards Act of 1994;¿ and of which ø$30,375,000¿ $27,550,000 is available for the period July 1, ø2002¿ 2003 through June 30, ø2005¿ 2006 for necessary expenses of con- struction, rehabilitation, and acquisition of Job Corps centers: Pro- vided, øThat $9,098,000 shall be for carrying out section 172 of the Workforce Investment Act: Provided further, That, notwithstanding any other provision of law or related regulation, $80,770,000 shall be for carrying out section 167 of the Workforce Investment Act, including $74,965,000 for formula grants, $4,786,000 for migrant and seasonal housing, and $1,019,000 for other discretionary purposes: Provided further, That funding provided herein under section 166 of the Workforce Investment Act shall include $1,711,000 for use under section 166(j)(1) of the Act: Provided further, That funds pro- vided to carry out section 171(d) of the Workforce Investment Act may be used for demonstration projects that provide assistance to new entrants in the workforce and incumbent workers: Provided fur- ther, That funding provided to carry out projects under section 171 of the Workforce Investment Act that are identified in the Conference Agreement, shall not be subject to the requirements of section 171(b)(2)(B) of such Act, the requirements of section 171(c)(4)(D) of such Act, or the joint funding requirements of sections 171(b)(2)(A) and 171(c)(4)(A) of such Act¿ That notwithstanding the transfer limi- tation under section 133(b)(4) of the Workforce Investment Act, up to 40 percent of such funds may be transferred by a local board if approved by the Governor: Provided further, That notwithstanding sections 127(b)(1)(A) and 174(a)(2)(B) of such Act, no funds provided herein shall be available to carry out section 167 of such Act: Provided further, That no funds from any other appropriation shall be used to provide meal services at or for Job Corps centers. For necessary expenses of the Workforce Investment Act, including the purchase and hire of passenger motor vehicles, the construction, alteration, and repair of buildings and other facilities, and the pur- chase of real property for training centers as authorized by the Work- force Investment Act; $2,463,000,000 plus reimbursements, of which $2,363,000,000 is available for obligation for the period October 1, ø2002¿ 2003 through June 30, ø2003¿ 2004, and of which $100,000,000 is available for the period October 1, ø2002¿ 2003 through June 30, ø2005¿ 2006, for necessary expenses of construction, rehabilitation, and acquisition of Job Corps centers. (Department of Labor Appropriations Act, 2002; additional authorizing legislation re- quired.) øFor emergency expenses to respond to the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States for ‘‘Training and employment services’’, $32,500,000, to remain available until expended, to be obli- gated from amounts made available in Public Law 107–38: Provided, That such amount shall be provided to the Consortium for Worker Education, established by the New York City Central Labor Council and the New York City Partnership, for an Emergency Employment Clearinghouse.¿ (Emergency Supplemental Act, 2002.) Program and Financing (in millions of dollars) Identification code 16–0174–0–1–504 2001 actual 2002 est. 2003 est. Obligations by program activity: Direct program: 00.01 Adult employment and training activities ................ 952 950 900 00.03 Dislocated worker employment and training activi- ties ........................................................................ 1,614 1,490 1,414 00.05 Youth activities ......................................................... 1,129 1,128 1,001 00.06 Youth opportunity grants .......................................... 268 244 214 00.07 Job corps ................................................................... 1,369 1,431 1,526 00.08 Responsible reintegration for young offenders ......... ................... 55 55 00.10 Native Americans ...................................................... 60 57 55 00.11 Migrant and seasonal farmworkers .......................... 41 79 39 00.13 National programs ..................................................... 158 335 377 00.14 Expired programs ...................................................... 79 ................... ................... 09.01 Reimbursable program .................................................. 10 4 4 10.00 Total new obligations ................................................ 5,680 5,773 5,585 Budgetary resources available for obligation: 21.40 Unobligated balance carried forward, start of year 828 1,011 981 22.00 New budget authority (gross) ........................................ 5,801 5,633 5,123 22.10 Resources available from recoveries of prior year obli- gations ....................................................................... 46 110 ................... 22.21 Unobligated balance transferred to other accounts ¥2 ................... ................... 22.22 Unobligated balance transferred from other accounts 26 ................... ................... 23.90 Total budgetary resources available for obligation 6,699 6,754 6,104 23.95 Total new obligations .................................................... ¥5,680 ¥5,773 ¥5,585 23.98 Unobligated balance expiring or withdrawn ................. ¥8 ................... ................... 24.40 Unobligated balance carried forward, end of year ....... 1,011 981 519 New budget authority (gross), detail: Discretionary: 40.00 Appropriation ............................................................. 3,238 3,172 2,518 40.15 Appropriation (emergency) ........................................ ................... 32 ................... 40.35 Appropriation rescinded ............................................ ¥65 ................... ................... 40.36 Unobligated balance rescinded ................................. ................... ¥178 ................... 40.75 Reduction pursuant to P.L. 106–554 (Labor/HHS) ¥1 ................... ................... 42.00 Transferred from other accounts .............................. 25 ................... ................... 43.00 Appropriation (total discretionary) ........................ 3,197 3,026 2,518 55.00 Advance appropriation .............................................. 2,463 2,463 2,463 Mandatory: 60.20 Appropriation (special fund) ..................................... 131 140 138 Discretionary: 68.00 Spending authority from offsetting collections: Off- setting collections (cash) ..................................... 10 4 4 70.00 Total new budget authority (gross) .......................... 5,801 5,633 5,123 Change in obligated balances: 72.40 Obligated balance, start of year ................................... 4,104 5,162 4,961 73.10 Total new obligations .................................................... 5,680 5,773 5,585 73.20 Total outlays (gross) ...................................................... ¥4,540 ¥5,864 ¥5,968 73.40 Adjustments in expired accounts (net) ......................... ¥36 ................... ................... 73.45 Recoveries of prior year obligations .............................. ¥46 ¥110 ................... 74.40 Obligated balance, end of year ..................................... 5,162 4,961 4,578 Outlays (gross), detail: 86.90 Outlays from new discretionary authority ..................... 1,621 1,685 1,611 86.93 Outlays from discretionary balances ............................. 2,901 4,032 4,211 86.97 Outlays from new mandatory authority ......................... 7 4 4 86.98 Outlays from mandatory balances ................................ 11 143 142 87.00 Total outlays (gross) ................................................. 4,540 5,864 5,968 Offsets: Against gross budget authority and outlays: Offsetting collections (cash) from: 88.00 Federal sources ..................................................... ¥9 ¥2 ¥2 88.40 Non-Federal sources ............................................. ¥1 ¥2 ¥2 VerDate 11-MAY-2000 14:18 Jan 23, 2002 Jkt 189685 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 3616 Sfmt 3643 E:\BUDGET\LAB.XXX pfrm11 PsN: LAB
  • 657



    Federal Funds

    General and special funds:


    For necessary expenses of the Workforce Investment Act, includingthe purchase and hire of passenger motor vehicles, the construction,alteration, and repair of buildings and other facilities, and the pur-chase of real property for training centers as authorized by the Work-force Investment Act; and the Women in Apprenticeship and Non-traditional Occupations Act; and the National Skill Standards Actof 1994; $3,167,282,000 $2,517,616,000 plus reimbursements, ofwhich $1,779,342,000 $1,443,601,000 is available for obligation forthe period July 1, 2002 2003 through June 30, 2003 2004; ofwhich $1,353,065,000 $1,045,465,000 is available for obligation forthe period April 1, 2002 2003 through June 30, 2003 2004, in-cluding $1,127,965,000 $1,000,965,000 to carry out chapter 4 ofthe Workforce Investment Act and $225,100,000 $44,500,000 tocarry out section 169 of such Act; and of which $3,500,000 is avail-able for obligation October 1, 2001 until expended for carrying outthe National Skills Standards Act of 1994; and of which$30,375,000 $27,550,000 is available for the period July 1, 20022003 through June 30, 2005 2006 for necessary expenses of con-struction, rehabilitation, and acquisition of Job Corps centers: Pro-vided, That $9,098,000 shall be for carrying out section 172 of theWorkforce Investment Act: Provided further, That, notwithstandingany other provision of law or related regulation, $80,770,000 shallbe for carrying out section 167 of the Workforce Investment Act,including $74,965,000 for formula grants, $4,786,000 for migrant andseasonal housing, and $1,019,000 for other discretionary purposes:Provided further, That funding provided herein under section 166of the Workforce Investment Act shall include $1,711,000 for useunder section 166(j)(1) of the Act: Provided further, That funds pro-vided to carry out section 171(d) of the Workforce Investment Actmay be used for demonstration projects that provide assistance tonew entrants in the workforce and incumbent workers: Provided fur-ther, That funding provided to carry out projects under section 171of the Workforce Investment Act that are identified in the ConferenceAgreement, shall not be subject to the requirements of section171(b)(2)(B) of such Act, the requirements of section 171(c)(4)(D) ofsuch Act, or the joint funding requirements of sections 171(b)(2)(A)and 171(c)(4)(A) of such Act That notwithstanding the transfer limi-tation under section 133(b)(4) of the Workforce Investment Act, upto 40 percent of such funds may be transferred by a local boardif approved by the Governor: Provided further, That notwithstandingsections 127(b)(1)(A) and 174(a)(2)(B) of such Act, no funds providedherein shall be available to carry out section 167 of such Act: Providedfurther, That no funds from any other appropriation shall be usedto provide meal services at or for Job Corps centers.

    For necessary expenses of the Workforce Investment Act, includingthe purchase and hire of passenger motor vehicles, the construction,alteration, and repair of buildings and other facilities, and the pur-chase of real property for training centers as authorized by the Work-force Investment Act; $2,463,000,000 plus reimbursements, of which$2,363,000,000 is available for obligation for the period October 1,2002 2003 through June 30, 2003 2004, and of which$100,000,000 is available for the period October 1, 2002 2003through June 30, 2005 2006, for necessary expenses of construction,rehabilitation, and acquisition of Job Corps centers. (Department ofLabor Appropriations Act, 2002; additional authorizing legislation re-quired.)

    For emergency expenses to respond to the September 11, 2001,terrorist attacks on the United States for Training and employmentservices, $32,500,000, to remain available until expended, to be obli-gated from amounts made available in Public Law 10738: Provided,That such amount shall be provided to the Consortium for WorkerEducation, established by the New York City Central Labor Council

    and the New York City Partnership, for an Emergency EmploymentClearinghouse. (Emergency Supplemental Act, 2002.)

    Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

    Identification code 16017401504 2001 actual 2002 est. 2003 est.

    Obligations by program activity:Direct program:

    00.01 Adult employment and training activities ................ 952 950 90000.03 Dislocated worker employment and training activi-

    ties ........................................................................ 1,614 1,490 1,41400.05 Youth activities ......................................................... 1,129 1,128 1,00100.06 Youth opportunity grants .......................................... 268 244 21400.07 Job corps ................................................................... 1,369 1,431 1,52600.08 Responsible reintegration for young offenders ......... ................... 55 5500.10 Native Americans ...................................................... 60 57 5500.11 Migrant and seasonal farmworkers .......................... 41 79 3900.13 National programs ..................................................... 158 335 37700.14 Expired programs ...................................................... 79 ................... ...................09.01 Reimbursable program .................................................. 10 4 4

    10.00 Total new obligations ................................................ 5,680 5,773 5,585

    Budgetary resources available for obligation:21.40 Unobligated balance carried forward, start of year 828 1,011 98122.00 New budget authority (gross) ........................................ 5,801 5,633 5,12322.10 Resources available from recoveries of prior year obli-

    gations ....................................................................... 46 110 ...................22.21 Unobligated balance transferred to other accounts 2 ................... ...................22.22 Unobligated balance transferred from other accounts 26 ................... ...................

    23.90 Total budgetary resources available for obligation 6,699 6,754 6,10423.95 Total new obligations .................................................... 5,680 5,773 5,58523.98 Unobligated balance expiring or withdrawn ................. 8 ................... ...................24.40 Unobligated balance carried forward, end of year ....... 1,011 981 519

    New budget authority (gross), detail:Discretionary:

    40.00 Appropriation ............................................................. 3,238 3,172 2,51840.15 Appropriation (emergency) ........................................ ................... 32 ...................40.35 Appropriation rescinded ............................................ 65 ................... ...................40.36 Unobligated balance rescinded ................................. ................... 178 ...................40.75 Reduction pursuant to P.L. 106554 (Labor/HHS) 1 ................... ...................42.00 Transferred from other accounts .............................. 25 ................... ...................

    43.00 Appropriation (total discretionary) ........................ 3,197 3,026 2,51855.00 Advance appropriation .............................................. 2,463 2,463 2,463

    Mandatory:60.20 Appropriation (special fund) ..................................... 131 140 138

    Discretionary:68.00 Spending authority from offsetting collections: Off-

    setting collections (cash) ..................................... 10 4 4

    70.00 Total new budget authority (gross) .......................... 5,801 5,633 5,123

    Change in obligated balances:72.40 Obligated balance, start of year ................................... 4,104 5,162 4,96173.10 Total new obligations .................................................... 5,680 5,773 5,58573.20 Total outlays (gross) ...................................................... 4,540 5,864 5,96873.40 Adjustments in expired accounts (net) ......................... 36 ................... ...................73.45 Recoveries of prior year obligations .............................. 46 110 ...................74.40 Obligated balance, end of year ..................................... 5,162 4,961 4,578

    Outlays (gross), detail:86.90 Outlays from new discretionary authority ..................... 1,621 1,685 1,61186.93 Outlays from discretionary balances ............................. 2,901 4,032 4,21186.97 Outlays from new mandatory authority ......................... 7 4 486.98 Outlays from mandatory balances ................................ 11 143 142

    87.00 Total outlays (gross) ................................................. 4,540 5,864 5,968

    Offsets:Against gross budget authority and outlays:

    Offsetting collections (cash) from:88.00 Federal sources ..................................................... 9 2 288.40 Non-Federal sources ............................................. 1 2 2

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    General and special fundsContinued


    Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)Continued

    Identification code 16017401504 2001 actual 2002 est. 2003 est.

    88.90 Total, offsetting collections (cash) .................. 10 4 4

    Net budget authority and outlays:89.00 Budget authority ............................................................ 5,791 5,629 5,11990.00 Outlays ........................................................................... 4,530 5,860 5,964

    Budget Authority and Outlays Excluding Full Funding for Federal Retiree Costs (inmillions of dollars)

    2001 actual 2002 est. 2003 est.

    Net budget authority and outlays:89.00 Budget authority ............................................................ 5,786 5,624 5,11490.00 Outlays ........................................................................... 4,525 5,855 5,959

    Summary of Budget Authority and Outlays

    (in millions of dollars)

    2001 actual 2002 est. 2003 est.Enacted/requested:Budget Authority ..................................................................... 5,791 5,629 5,119Outlays .................................................................................... 4,530 5,860 5,964

    Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO:Budget Authority ..................................................................... .................... .................... 138Outlays .................................................................................... .................... .................... 4

    Total:Budget Authority ..................................................................... 5,791 5,629 4,981Outlays .................................................................................... 4,530 5,860 5,960

    Enacted in 1998, the Workforce Investment Act (WIA), isthe primary authorization for this appropriation account. Theact is intended to revitalize the Nations job training systemto provide workers with the information, advice, job searchassistance, and training they need to get and keep good jobs,and to provide employers with skilled workers. Funds appro-priated for this account generally are available on a Julyto June program year basis, but for 2000, 2001, and 2002,substantial advance appropriation amounts were provided.

    Adult employment and training activities.Grants to pro-vide financial assistance to States and territories to designand operate training and employment assistance programsfor adults, including low-income individuals and public assist-ance recipients.

    Dislocated worker employment and training activities.Grants to provide reemployment services and retraining as-sistance to individuals dislocated from their employment.

    Youth activities.Grants to support a wide range of activi-ties and services to prepare low-income youth for academicand employment success, including summer jobs. The pro-gram links academic and occupational learning with youthdevelopment activities.

    Youth opportunity grants.Competitive grants to increasethe long-term employment of youth who live in empowermentzones, enterprise communities, and similar high povertyareas. This activity includes funding for the RewardingAchievement in Youth program for competitive grants to highpoverty areas to provide low income youth with extendedsummer employment opportunities and end-of-summer bo-nuses for high academic achievement and job performance.Funding is requested to complete the programs of existinggrantees.

    Job corps.A system of primarily residential centers offer-ing basic education, training, work experience, and other sup-port, typically to economically disadvantaged youth.

    Native Americans.Grants to Indian tribes and other Na-tive American groups to provide training, work experience,and other employment-related services to Native Americans.

    National programs.Provides program support for WIA ac-tivities and nationally administered programs for segmentsof the population that have special disadvantages in the labormarket.

    Expired programs.Includes programs previously funded inthis account for which no budget authority is requested for2003.

    Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

    Identification code 16017401504 2001 actual 2002 est. 2003 est.

    Direct obligations:23.1 Rental payments to GSA ........................................... 1 2 323.3 Communications, utilities, and miscellaneous

    charges ................................................................. 2 3 324.0 Printing and reproduction ......................................... 1 1 125.2 Other services ............................................................ 197 259 25625.3 Other purchases of goods and services from Gov-

    ernment accounts ................................................. 8 8 825.5 Research and development contracts ....................... 3 3 331.0 Equipment ................................................................. 7 11 1341.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions ........................ 5,279 5,305 5,10692.0 Undistributed ............................................................. 1 1 1

    99.0 Direct obligations .................................................. 5,499 5,593 5,39499.0 Reimbursable obligations .............................................. 10 4 4

    Allocation Account:Personnel compensation:

    11.1 Full-time permanent ............................................. 54 57 6011.3 Other than full-time permanent ........................... 2 2 211.5 Other personnel compensation ............................. 4 4 4

    11.9 Total personnel compensation ......................... 60 63 6612.1 Civilian personnel benefits ....................................... 20 21 2213.0 Benefits for former personnel ................................... 1 1 121.0 Travel and transportation of persons ....................... 2 2 222.0 Transportation of things ........................................... 1 1 123.3 Communications, utilities, and miscellaneous

    charges ................................................................. 6 6 625.2 Other services ............................................................ 47 47 5126.0 Supplies and materials ............................................. 28 29 3231.0 Equipment ................................................................. 2 2 232.0 Land and structures .................................................. 1 1 141.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions ........................ 3 3 3

    99.0 Allocation account ................................................ 171 176 187

    99.9 Total new obligations ................................................ 5,680 5,773 5,585

    Obligations are distributed as follows:Department of Labor ............................................................... 5,509 5,597 5,398Department of Agriculture ...................................................... 108 111 119Department of the Interior ...................................................... 63 65 68



    (Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO)

    Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

    Identification code 16017441504 2001 actual 2002 est. 2003 est.

    Obligations by program activity:Direct program:

    00.13 National programs ..................................................... ................... ................... 21

    10.00 Total new obligations (object class 41.0) ................ ................... ................... 21

    Budgetary resources available for obligation:22.00 New budget authority (gross) ........................................ ................... ................... 13823.95 Total new obligations .................................................... ................... ................... 2124.40 Unobligated balance carried forward, end of year ....... ................... ................... 117

    New budget authority (gross), detail:Mandatory:

    60.00 Appropriation ............................................................. ................... ................... 138

    Change in obligated balances:73.10 Total new obligations .................................................... ................... ................... 2173.20 Total outlays (gross) ...................................................... ................... ................... 474.40 Obligated balance, end of year ..................................... ................... ................... 17

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    Outlays (gross), detail:86.97 Outlays from new mandatory authority ......................... ................... ................... 4

    Net budget authority and outlays:89.00 Budget authority ............................................................ ................... ................... 13890.00 Outlays ........................................................................... ................... ................... 4

    Legislation will be proposed to amend the American Com-petitiveness and Workforce Improvement Act of 1998 to redi-rect the portion of the revenues from the existing H-1B feethat currently supports a training grants program in the Em-ployment and Training Administration. That grants programwill be terminated, and the revenues will be redirected toeliminate the backlog for the permanent alien labor certifi-cation program at the State and Federal levels.



    Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

    Identification code 16017701504 2001 actual 2002 est. 2003 est.

    Change in obligated balances:72.40 Obligated balance, start of year ................................... 1,899 1,238 74773.20 Total outlays (gross) ...................................................... 659 491 12073.40 Adjustments in expired accounts (net) ......................... 2 ................... ...................74.40 Obligated balance, end of year ..................................... 1,238 747 627

    Outlays (gross), detail:86.98 Outlays from mandatory balances ................................ 659 491 120

    Net budget authority and outlays:89.00 Budget authority ............................................................ ................... ................... ...................90.00 Outlays ........................................................................... 659 491 120

    This account provides funding for activities of the Welfare-to-Work Grants program, which was established by the Bal-anced Budget Act of 1997 (P.L. 10533) appropriating fundingfor 1998 and 1999. Funds are available for expenditure forup to 5 years after they are provided. This program providesformula grants to States and federally administered competi-tive grants to local workforce boards, political subdivisionsof States, and private entities to assist hard-to-employ welfarerecipients to secure lasting, unsubsidized employment.



    To carry out title V of the Older Americans Act of 1965, as amend-ed, $445,100,000 $440,200,000. (Department of Labor Appropria-tions Act, 2002.)

    Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

    Identification code 16017501504 2001 actual 2002 est. 2003 est.

    Obligations by program activity:00.01 National programs ......................................................... 343 344 34300.02 State programs .............................................................. 97 101 97

    10.00 Total new obligations (object class 41.0) ................ 440 445 440

    Budgetary resources available for obligation:22.00 New budget authority (gross) ........................................ 440 445 44023.95 Total new obligations .................................................... 440 445 440

    New budget authority (gross), detail:Discretionary:

    40.00 Appropriation ............................................................. 440 445 440

    Change in obligated balances:72.40 Obligated balance, start of year ................................... 406 398 37473.10 Total new obligations .................................................... 440 445 44073.20 Total outlays (gross) ...................................................... 443 469 44473.40 Adjustments in expired accounts (net) ......................... 5 ................... ...................74.40 Obligated balance, end of year ..................................... 398 374 370

    Outlays (gross), detail:86.90 Outlays from new discretionary authority ..................... 77 85 84

    86.93 Outlays from discretionary balances ............................. 366 384 360

    87.00 Total outlays (gross) ................................................. 443 469 444

    Net budget authority and outlays:89.00 Budget authority ............................................................ 440 445 44090.00 Outlays ........................................................................... 443 469 444

    This program provides part-time work experience in com-munity service activities to unemployed, low-income personsaged 55 and over.



    For payments during the current fiscal year of trade adjustmentbenefit payments and allowances under part I; and for training, al-lowances for job search and relocation, and related State administra-tive expenses under part II, subchapters B and D, chapter 2, titleII of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended, $415,650,000 $13,000,000,together with such amounts as may be necessary to be charged tothe subsequent appropriation for payments for any period subsequentto September 15 of the current year. (Department of Labor Appropria-tions Act, 2002.)

    Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

    Identification code 16032601999 2001 actual 2002 est. 2003 est.

    Obligations by program activity:Direct program:

    00.01 Trade adjustment assistance benefits ..................... 248 283 ...................00.02 Trade adjustment assistance training ...................... 94 95 ...................00.03 North American Free Trade Agreement adjustment

    assistance benefits ............................................... 27 32 1300.04 North American Free Trade Agreement adjustment

    assistance training ............................................... 36 37 ...................09.01 Reimbursable program .................................................. 19 40 40

    10.00 Total new obligations ................................................ 424 487 53

    Budgetary resources available for obligation:22.00 New budget authority (gross) ........................................ 426 487 5323.95 Total new obligations .................................................... 424 487 5323.98 Unobligated balance expiring or withdrawn ................. 2 ................... ...................

    New budget authority (gross), detail:Mandatory:

    60.00 Appropriation ............................................................. 407 416 1369.00 Offsetting collections (cash) ......................................... 19 71 40

    70.00 Total new budget authority (gross) .......................... 426 487 53

    Change in obligated balances:72.40 Obligated balance, start of year ................................... 182 168 16973.10 Total new obligations .................................................... 424 487 5373.20 Total outlays (gross) ...................................................... 419 486 14773.40 Adjustments in expired accounts (net) ......................... 19 ................... ...................74.40 Obligated balance, end of year ..................................... 168 169 77

    Outlays (gross), detail:86.97 Outlays from new mandatory authority ......................... 327 395 5386.98 Outlays from mandatory balances ................................ 92 91 94

    87.00 Total outlays (gross) ................................................. 419 486 147

    Offsets:Against gross budget authority and outlays:

    88.00 Offsetting collections (cash) from: Federal sources 19 71 40

    Net budget authority and outlays:89.00 Budget authority ............................................................ 407 416 1390.00 Outlays ........................................................................... 400 415 107

    Summary of Budget Authority and Outlays(in millions of dollars)

    2001 actual 2002 est. 2003 est.Enacted/requested:Budget Authority ..................................................................... 407 416 13Outlays .................................................................................... 400 415 107

    Legislative proposal, not subject to PAYGO:Budget Authority ..................................................................... .................... .................... 449Outlays .................................................................................... .................... .................... 357

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    General and special fundsContinued


    Summary of Budget Authority and OutlaysContinued

    (in millions of dollars)

    2001 actual 2002 est. 2003 est.Total:

    Budget Authority ..................................................................... 407 416 462Outlays .................................................................................... 400 415 464

    Trade adjustment assistance.Adjustment assistance, in-cluding cash weekly benefits, training, job search and reloca-tion allowances, is paid to workers as authorized by the TradeAct of 1974, as amended.

    North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) transi-tional adjustment assistance.Adjustment assistance, includ-ing weekly cash benefits, training, job search and relocationallowances, is paid to workers determined to be adverselyaffected as a result of trade with Canada and Mexico asauthorized by the Trade Act of 1974, as amended.

    Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

    Identification code 16032601999 2001 actual 2002 est. 2003 est.

    41.0 Direct obligations: Grants, subsidies, and contribu-tions ........................................................................... 405 447 13

    99.0 Reimbursable obligations: Reimbursable obligations ... 19 40 40

    99.9 Total new obligations ................................................ 424 487 53



    (Legislative proposal, not subject to PAYGO)

    Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

    Identification code 16032621999 2001 actual 2002 est. 2003 est.

    Obligations by program activity:Direct program:

    00.01 Trade adjustment assistance benefits ..................... ................... ................... 29700.02 Trade adjustment assistance training ...................... ................... ................... 9500.03 North American Free Trade Agreement adjustment

    assistance benefits ............................................... ................... ................... 2000.04 North American Free Trade Agreement adjustment

    assistance training ............................................... ................... ................... 37

    10.00 Total new obligations (object class 41.0) ................ ................... ................... 449

    Budgetary resources available for obligation:22.00 New budget authority (gross) ........................................ ................... ................... 44923.95 Total new obligations .................................................... ................... ................... 449

    New budget authority (gross), detail:Mandatory:

    60.00 Appropriation ............................................................. ................... ................... 449

    Change in obligated balances:73.10 Total new obligations .................................................... ................... ................... 44973.20 Total outlays (gross) ...................................................... ................... ................... 35774.40 Obligated balance, end of year ..................................... ................... ................... 92

    Outlays (gross), detail:86.97 Outlays from new mandatory authority ......................... ................... ................... 357

    Net budget authority and outlays:89.00 Budget authority ............................................................ ................... ................... 44990.00 Outlays ........................................................................... ................... ................... 357

    Legislation will be proposed at a later date to extend andimprove the Trade Adjustment Assistance and the NAFTATransitional Adjustment Assistance programs, which expiredSeptember 30, 2001.


    For authorized administrative expenses, $163,452,000$156,452,000, together with not to exceed $3,237,886,000$3,530,091,000 (including not to exceed $1,228,000 which may beused for amortization payments to States which had independentretirement plans in their State employment service agencies priorto 1980), which may be expended from the Employment SecurityAdministration Account in the Unemployment Trust Fund includingthe cost of administering section 51 of the Internal Revenue Codeof 1986, as amended, section 7(d) of the Wagner-Peyser Act, asamended, the Trade Act of 1974, as amended, the Immigration Actof 1990, and the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended, andof which the sums available in the allocation for activities authorizedby title III of the Social Security Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 502504), and the sums available in the allocation for necessary adminis-trative expenses for carrying out 5 U.S.C. 85018523, shall be avail-able for obligation by the States through December 31, 2002 2003,except that funds used for automation acquisitions shall be availablefor obligation by the States through September 30, 2004; and 2005;of which $163,452,000 $156,452,000, together with not to exceed$773,283,000 of the amount which may be expended from said trustfund, shall be available for obligation for the period July 1, 20022003 through June 30, 2003 2004, to fund activities under theAct of June 6, 1933, as amended, including the cost of penalty mailauthorized under 39 U.S.C. 3202(a)(1)(E) made available to Statesin lieu of allotments for such purpose; and of which not to exceed$76,200,000 may be expended from said trust fund contingent uponthe enactment of legislation establishing a temporary program of ex-tended unemployment benefits: Provided, That to the extent that theAverage Weekly Insured Unemployment (AWIU) for fiscal year2002 2003 is projected by the Department of Labor to exceed2,622,000 3,372,000, an additional $28,600,000 shall be availablefor obligation for every 100,000 increase in the AWIU level (includinga pro rata amount for any increment less than 100,000) from theEmployment Security Administration Account of the UnemploymentTrust Fund: Provided further, That funds appropriated in this Actwhich are used to establish a national one-stop career center system,or which are used to support the national activities of the Federal-State unemployment insurance programs, may be obligated in con-tracts, grants or agreements with non-State entities: Provided further,That funds appropriated under this Act for activities authorizedunder the Wagner-Peyser Act, as amended, and title III of the SocialSecurity Act, may be used by the States to fund integrated Employ-ment Service and Unemployment Insurance automation efforts, not-withstanding cost allocation principles prescribed under Office ofManagement and Budget Circular A87: Provided further, That not-withstanding any other provisions of law, the portion of the fundsreceived by the State of Mississippi in the settlement of litigationwith a contractor relating to the acquisition of an automated systemfor benefit payments under the unemployment compensation programthat is attributable to the expenditure of Federal grant funds award-ed to the State shall be transferred to the account under this headingand shall be made available by the Department of Labor to theState of Mississippi for obligation by the State through fiscal year2004 to carry out automation and related activities under the unem-ployment compensation program. (Department of Labor Appropria-tions Act, 2002; additional authorizing legislation required.)

    For emergency expenses to respond to the September 11, 2001,terrorist attacks on the United States, for State Unemployment In-surance and Employment Service Operations, $4,100,000, to remainavailable until expended, to be obligated from amounts made avail-able in Public Law 10738. (Emergency Supplemental Act, 2002.)

    Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

    Identification code 16017901999 2001 actual 2002 est. 2003 est.

    Obligations by program activity:Direct program:

    Unemployment compensation:00.01 State administration ............................................. 2,423 2,782 2,72800.02 National activities ................................................. 10 10 10

    Employment service:00.10 Grants to States ................................................... 784 797 77300.11 National activities ................................................. 50 50 2900.12 One-stop career centers ....................................... 150 138 11300.13 Work incentive grants ............................................... 20 20 2009.01 Reimbursable program .................................................. 5 10 10

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    10.00 Total new obligations ................................................ 3,442 3,807 3,683

    Budgetary resources available for obligation:21.40 Unobligated balance carried forward, start of year 96 100 8222.00 New budget authority (gross) ........................................ 3,434 3,789 3,69622.10 Resources available from recoveries of prior year obli-

    gations ....................................................................... 12 ................... ...................

    23.90 Total budgetary resources available for obligation 3,542 3,889 3,77823.95 Total new obligations .................................................... 3,442 3,807 3,68324.40 Unobligated balance carried forward, end of year ....... 100 82 95

    New budget authority (gross), detail:Discretionary:

    40.00 Appropriation ............................................................. 193 163 15640.15 Appropriation (emergency) ........................................ ................... 4 ...................42.00 Transferred from other accounts .............................. 4 ................... ...................

    43.00 Appropriation (total discretionary) ........................ 197 167 15668.00 Spending authority from offsetting collections: Offset-

    ting collections (cash) .............................................. 3,237 3,622 3,540

    70.00 Total new budget authority (gross) .......................... 3,434 3,789 3,696

    Change in obligated balances:72.40 Obligated balance, start of year ................................... 222 320 32973.10 Total new obligations .................................................... 3,442 3,807 3,68373.20 Total outlays (gross) ...................................................... 3,332 3,798 3,72873.45 Recoveries of prior year obligations .............................. 12 ................... ...................74.40 Obligated balance, end of year ..................................... 320 329 284

    Outlays (gross), detail:86.90 Outlays from new discretionary authority ..................... 2,556 2,979 2,90986.93 Outlays from discretionary balances ............................. 777 819 819

    87.00 Total outlays (gross) ................................................. 3,332 3,798 3,728

    Offsets:Against gross budget authority and outlays:

    Offsetting collections (cash) from:Federal sources:

    88.00 Federal sources ................................................ 5 10 1088.00 Trust Fund sources ........................................... 3,232 3,612 3,530

    88.90 Total, offsetting collections (cash) .................. 3,237 3,622 3,540

    Net budget authority and outlays:89.00 Budget authority ............................................................ 197 167 15690.00 Outlays ........................................................................... 95 176 188

    Summary of Budget Authority and Outlays(in millions of dollars)

    2001 actual 2002 est. 2003 est.Enacted/requested:Budget Authority ..................................................................... 197 167 156Outlays .................................................................................... 96 176 188

    Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO:Budget Authority ..................................................................... .................... .................... 138Outlays .................................................................................... .................... .................... 84

    Total:Budget Authority ..................................................................... 197 167 294Outlays .................................................................................... 96 176 272

    Unemployment compensation.State administrationamounts provide administrative grants to State agencieswhich pay unemployment compensation to eligible workersand collect State unemployment taxes from employers. Theseagencies also pay unemployment benefits to former Federalpersonnel as well as trade adjustment assistance to eligibleindividuals. State administration amounts also provide ad-ministrative grants to State agencies to improve the integrityand financial stability of the unemployment compensationprogram through a comprehensive program, UI Performs, toeffect continuous improvement in State performance and re-lated activities designed to assess and reduce errors and pre-vent fraud, waste, and abuse in the payment of unemploy-ment compensation benefits and the collection of unemploy-ment taxes. National activities relating to the Federal-Stateunemployment insurance programs are conducted throughcontracts or agreements with the State agencies or with non-

    state entities. A workload reserve is included in State admin-istration to meet increases in the costs of administration re-sulting from changes in State law, or increases in the numberof claims filed and claims paid. The appropriation automati-cally provides additional funds whenever unemployment in-creases above budgeted levels.

    PROGRAM STATISTICS2000 2001 2002 2003

    actual estimate estimate estimateStaff years ............................................................ 33,483 33,685 53,954 51,436Basic workload (in thousands):

    Employer tax accounts ..................................... 6,719 6,839 6,794 6,884Employee wage items recorded ........................ 586,230 608,095 607,995 616,039Initial claims taken .......................................... 15,715 20,332 27,425 24,999Eligibility interviews ......................................... 2,419 3,062 15,816 13,569Weeks claimed .................................................. 110,404 140,276 204,404 175,364Nonmonetary determinations ............................ 7,199 7,490 8,703 8,907Appeals ............................................................. 1,006 1,106 1,179 1,223Covered employment ........................................ 127,460 128,480 127,730 129,420

    Employment service.The public employment service is anationwide system providing no-fee employment services toindividuals who are seeking employment and employers whoare seeking workers. State employment service activities arefinanced by allotments to States distributed under a demo-graphically based funding formula established under the Wag-ner-Peyser Act, as amended. Employment service allotmentsare funded on a program year basis running from July 1through June 30 of the following year. The reemploymentneeds of unemployed workers who lose their jobs throughno fault of their own and who need extra job finding helpare financed by Reemployment Services grants. These fundsare distributed to States on a program year basis runningfrom July 1 through June 30 the following year.

    Employment service activities serving national needs, whichincludes certification of aliens for employment-based visas,are conducted through specific reimbursable agreements be-tween the States and the Federal Government under theWagner-Peyser Act, as amended and other legislation. Fund-ing is also provided for amortization payments for Stateswhich had independent retirement plans prior to 1980 intheir State employment service agencies.

    One-stop career centers.These funds will be used to sup-port the joint Federal-State efforts to improve the comprehen-sive One-Stop system created under the Workforce Invest-ment Act (WIA). This system provides workers and employerswith quick and easy access to a wide array of enhanced careerdevelopment and labor market information services. In thisactivity, funds will be used to implement the emerging e-government strategy for the WIA workforce system, whichwill improve accessibility, update the one-stop technology in-frastructure, and improve the efficiency of the labor exchangeand other services.

    Work incentive grants.These funds provide competitivegrants to improve access to and coordination of information,benefits, and services to enable individuals with disabilitiesto return to work.

    PROGRAM STATISTICS[In thousands]

    2000 2001 2002 2003actual 1 estimate 2 estimate 3 estimate 4

    Total applicants .................................................... 16,317 17,000 15,000 15,000Entered employment ............................................. 3,851 3,825 8,250 8,700

    1 For the program year, July 1, 2000June 30, 2001.2 For the program year, July 1, 2001June 30, 2002.3 For the program year, July 1, 2002June 30, 2003.4 For the program year, July 1, 2003June 30, 2004.

    Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

    Identification code 16017901999 2001 actual 2002 est. 2003 est.

    Direct obligations:23.3 Communications, utilities, and miscellaneous

    charges ................................................................. 116 120 125

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    General and special fundsContinued


    Object Classification (in millions of dollars)Continued

    Identification code 16017901999 2001 actual 2002 est. 2003 est.

    41.0 Grants, subsidies, and contributions ........................ 3,321 3,677 3,548

    99.0 Direct obligations .................................................. 3,437 3,797 3,67399.0 Reimbursable obligations .............................................. 5 10 10

    99.9 Total new obligations ................................................ 3,442 3,807 3,683



    (Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO)

    Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

    Identification code 16017941999 2001 actual 2002 est. 2003 est.

    Obligations by program activity:Direct program:

    Employment service:00.11 National activities ................................................. ................... ................... 84

    10.00 Total new obligations ................................................ ................... ................... 84

    Budgetary resources available for obligation:22.00 New budget authority (gross) ........................................ ................... ................... 13823.95 Total new obligations .................................................... ................... ................... 8424.40 Unobligated balance carried forward, end of year ....... ................... ................... 54

    New budget authority (gross), detail:Mandatory:

    60.00 Appropriation ............................................................. ................... ................... 138

    Change in obligated balances:73.10 Total new obligations .................................................... ................... ................... 8473.20 Total outlays (gross) ...................................................... ................... ................... 84

    Outlays (gross), detail:86.97 Outlays from new mandatory authority ......................... ................... ................... 84

    Net budget authority and outlays:89.00 Budget authority ............................................................ ................... ................... 13890.00 Outlays ........................................................................... ................... ................... 84

    Legislation will be proposed to amend the American Com-petitiveness and Workforce Improvement Act of 1998 to redi-rect the portion of the revenues from the existing H-1B feethat currently supports a training grants program in the Em-ployment and Training Administration. That grants programwill be terminated, and the revenues will be redirected toeliminate the backlog for the permanent alien labor certifi-cation program at the State and Federal levels.

    Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

    Identification code 16017941999 2001 actual 2002 est. 2003 est.

    41.0 Direct obligations: Grants, subsidies, and contribu-tions ........................................................................... ................... ................... 78

    Allocation Account:11.3 Personnel compensation: Other than full-time per-

    manent .................................................................. ................... ................... 312.1 Civilian personnel benefits ....................................... ................... ................... 123.1 Rental payments to GSA ........................................... ................... ................... 125.3 Other purchases of goods and services from Gov-

    ernment accounts ................................................. ................... ................... 1

    99.0 Allocation account ................................................ ................... ................... 6

    99.9 Total new obligations ................................................ ................... ................... 84



    Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

    Identification code 16017801603 2001 actual 2002 est. 2003 est.

    Budgetary resources available for obligation:21.40 Unobligated balance carried forward, start of year 5 5 524.40 Unobligated balance carried forward, end of year ....... 5 5 5

    Net budget authority and outlays:89.00 Budget authority ............................................................ ................... ................... ...................90.00 Outlays ........................................................................... ................... ................... ...................

    This account was initiated as a result of the amendmentsto the Emergency Unemployment Compensation law (P.L.102164, as amended) which currently provides for generalfund financing for administrative costs related to extendedbenefits under the optional, total unemployment rate trigger.These funds are transferred to a receipt account in the Unem-ployment Trust Fund (UTF) in order that resources may betransferred to the Employment Security Administration Ac-count in the UTF for administrative costs.



    For repayable advances to the Unemployment Trust Fund as au-thorized by sections 905(d) and 1203 of the Social Security Act, asamended, and to the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund as authorizedby section 9501(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amend-ed; and for nonrepayable advances to the Unemployment Trust Fundas authorized by section 8509 of title 5, United States Code, andto the Federal unemployment benefits and allowances account, toremain available until September 30, 2003, $464,000,000 2004,$466,000,000.

    In addition, for making repayable advances to the Black LungDisability Trust Fund in the current fiscal year after September15, 2002 2003, for costs incurred by the Black Lung DisabilityTrust Fund in the current fiscal year, such sums as may be nec-essary. (Department of Labor Appropriations Act, 2002.)

    Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

    Identification code 16032701600 2001 actual 2002 est. 2003 est.

    Obligations by program activity:00.01 Trade adjustment assistance benefits .......................... ................... 28 ...................00.02 North American Free Trade Agreement adjustment as-

    sistance benefits ....................................................... ................... 3 ...................

    10.00 Total new obligations (object class 41.0) ................ ................... 31 ...................

    Budgetary resources available for obligation:22.00 New budget authority (gross) ........................................ ................... 31 ...................23.95 Total new obligations .................................................... ................... 31 ...................

    New budget authority (gross), detail:Mandatory:

    60.00 Appropriation ............................................................. ................... 31 ...................

    Change in obligated balances:73.10 Total new obligations .................................................... ................... 31 ...................73.20 Total outlays (gross) ...................................................... ................... 31 ...................

    Outlays (gross), detail:86.97 Outlays from new mandatory authority ......................... ................... 31 ...................

    Net budget authority and outlays:89.00 Budget authority ............................................................ ................... 31 ...................90.00 Outlays ........................................................................... ................... 31 ...................

    Summary of Budget Authority and Outlays(in millions of dollars)

    2001 actual 2002 est. 2003 est.Enacted/requested:Budget Authority ..................................................................... .................... 31 ....................Outlays .................................................................................... .................... 31 ....................

    Legislative proposal, not subject to PAYGO:Budget Authority ..................................................................... .................... .................... 2,066

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    Outlays .................................................................................... .................... .................... 2,066

    Total:Budget Authority ..................................................................... .................... 31 2,066Outlays .................................................................................... .................... 31 2,066

    This account provides repayable advances to the BlackLung Disability Trust Fund for making payments from thatfund whenever its balances prove insufficient. The fundingrequested in this appropriation for 2003 is entirely for BlackLung. This spending authority is presented as authority toborrow in the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund.

    This account also provides advances to several other ac-counts to pay unemployment compensation to eligible individ-uals under various Federal and State unemployment com-pensation laws whenever the balances in the funds proveinsufficient or whenever reimbursements to certain accounts,as allowed by law, are to be made. Advances made to theFederal employees compensation account in the Unemploy-ment Trust Fund and to the Federal unemployment benefitsand allowances account are nonrepayable. All other advancesmade to the Federal unemployment account and to the Ex-tended unemployment compensation account (both in the Un-employment Trust Fund) are repaid, with interest, to thegeneral fund of the Treasury.



    (Legislative proposal, not subject to PAYGO)

    Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

    Identification code 16032721600 2001 actual 2002 est. 2003 est.

    Obligations by program activity:00.02 One-time prepayment premium to Treasury .................. ................... ................... 2,066

    10.00 Total new obligations (object class 41.0) ................ ................... ................... 2,066

    Budgetary resources available for obligation:22.00 New budget authority (gross) ........................................ ................... ................... 2,06623.95 Total new obligations .................................................... ................... ................... 2,066

    New budget authority (gross), detail:Mandatory:

    60.00 Appropriation ............................................................. ................... ................... 2,066

    Change in obligated balances:73.10 Total new obligations .................................................... ................... ................... 2,06673.20 Total outlays (gross) ...................................................... ................... ................... 2,066

    Outlays (gross), detail:86.97 Outlays from new mandatory authority ......................... ................... ................... 2,066

    Net budget authority and outlays:89.00 Budget authority ............................................................ ................... ................... 2,06690.00 Outlays ........................................................................... ................... ................... 2,066

    The Black Lung Disability Trust Fund (BLDTF) revenues,which consist primarily of excise taxes on coal, are not suffi-cient to repay its $7 billion debt to the Treasury or to servicethe interest on that debt. See discussion in the Black LungDisability Trust Fund for a full description of the Administra-tions proposal to remedy this problem. As a part of thisproposal, the Administration will propose legislation that willprovide for a one-time appropriation to permit the BLDTFto compensate the General Fund for the forgone prepaymentpremium.



    For expenses of administering employment and training programs,$113,356,000, including $5,934,000 $126,752,000, of which$4,711,000 is to administer welfare-to-work grants, and of which$5,530,000 is for up to 75 temporary full-time equivalent staff to

    administer section 173 of the Workforce Investment Act, contingentupon the enactment of legislation amending section 173 to addressand to provide funding for major economic dislocations, includingthose resulting from the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 to-gether with not to exceed $48,507,000 $53,062,000, which maybe expended from the Employment Security Administration Accountin the Unemployment Trust Fund. (Department of Labor Appropria-tions Act, 2002; additional authorizing legislation required.)

    Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

    Identification code 16017201504 2001 actual 2002 est. 2003 est.

    Obligations by program activity:Direct program:

    00.01 Adult services ............................................................ 38 39 4700.02 Youth services ........................................................... 38 39 4000.03 Workforce security ..................................................... 51 52 5400.04 Apprenticeship training, employer and labor serv-

    ices ........................................................................ 23 24 2200.05 Executive direction .................................................... 11 10 1100.06 Welfare-to-work ......................................................... 6 6 5

    10.00 Total new obligations ................................................ 167 170 179

    Budgetary resources available for obligation:22.00 New budget authority (gross) ........................................ 167 170 17923.95 Total new obligations .................................................... 167 170 179

    New budget authority (gross), detail:Discretionary:

    40.00 Appropriation ............................................................. 116 119 12668.00 Spending authority from offsetting collections: Trust

    Fund sources ............................................................. 51 51 53

    70.00 Total new budget authority (gross) .......................... 167 170 179

    Change in obligated balances:72.40 Obligated balance, start of year ................................... 19 18 1573.10 Total new obligations .................................................... 167 170 17973.20 Total outlays (gross) ...................................................... 167 173 18073.40 Adjustments in expired accounts (net) ......................... 1 ................... ...................74.40 Obligated balance, end of year ..................................... 18 15 13

    Outlays (gross), detail:86.90 Outlays from new discretionary authority ..................... 152 159 16786.93 Outlays from discretionary balances ............................. 15 14 11

    87.00 Total outlays (gross) ................................................. 167 173 180

    Offsets:Against gross budget authority and outlays:

    88.00 Offsetting collections (cash) from: Trust fundsources .................................................................. 51 51 53

    Net budget authority and outlays:89.00 Budget authority ............................................................ 116 119 12690.00 Outlays ........................................................................... 116 122 127

    Budget Authority and Outlays Excluding Full Funding for Federal Retiree Costs (inmillions of dollars)

    2001 actual 2002 est. 2003 est.

    Net budget authority and outlays:89.00 Budget authority ............................................................ 110 113 12190.00 Outlays ........................................................................... 110 116 122

    Adult services.Provides leadership, policy direction andadministration for a decentralized system of grants to Stateand local governments as well as federally administered pro-grams for job training and employment assistance for lowincome adults and dislocated workers; provides for trainingand employment services to special targeted groups; providesfor the settlement of trade adjustment petitions; and includesrelated program operations support activities.

    Youth services.Provides leadership, policy direction andadministration for a decentralized system of grants to Stateand local governments as well as federally administered pro-grams for job training and employment assistance for youth,

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    General and special fundsContinued


    including youth grants, the Job Corps, and Youth OpportunityGrants.

    Workforce security.Provides leadership and policy direc-tion for the administration of the comprehensive nationwidepublic employment service system; oversees unemploymentinsurance programs in each State; administers foreign laborcertification programs; supports a one-stop career center net-work, including a comprehensive system of collecting, ana-lyzing and disseminating labor market information; and in-cludes related program operations support activities.

    Apprenticeship training, employer and labor services.Pro-motes and provides leadership and policy direction for theadministration of apprenticeship as a method of skill acquisi-tion through a Federal-State apprenticeship structure. Em-ployer and labor services will facilitate the understandingand responsiveness of workforce development systems to thetraining needs of employers and the interest of labor organiza-tions in training programs. It provides for the Child CareApprenticeship Program for training of child care providers.

    Executive direction.Provides leadership and policy direc-tion for all training and employment services programs andactivities and provides for related program operations sup-port, including research, evaluations, and demonstrations.

    Welfare-to-work.Provides leadership, policy direction,technical assistance, and administration for a decentralizedsystem of grants to States and federally administered com-petitive grants to Workforce Investment Boards, political sub-divisions of States, and private entities to assist hard-to-em-ploy welfare recipients and certain noncustodial parents tosecure lasting, unsubsidized employment.

    Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

    Identification code 16017201504 2001 actual 2002 est. 2003 est.

    Direct obligations:Personnel compensation:

    11.1 Full-time permanent ............................................. 84 85 8511.3 Other than full-time permanent ........................... 2 2 611.5 Other personnel compensation ............................. 2 2 2

    11.9 Total personnel compensation ......................... 88 89 9312.1 Civilian personnel benefits ....................................... 27 29 2921.0 Travel and transportation of persons ....................... 5 5 523.1 Rental payments to GSA ........................................... 10 12 1323.3 Communications, utilities, and miscellaneous

    charges ................................................................. 2 2 224.0 Printing and reproduction ......................................... 1 1 125.1 Advisory and assistance services ............................. 4 4 825.2 Other services ............................................................ 2 3 325.3 Other purchases of goods and services from Gov-

    ernment accounts ................................................. 13 13 1425.7 Operation and maintenance of equipment ............... 7 8 826.0 Supplies and materials ............................................. 1 1 131.0 Equipment ................................................................. 6 2 2

    99.0 Direct obligations .................................................. 166 169 17999.5 Below reporting threshold .............................................. 1 1 ...................

    99.9 Total new obligations ................................................ 167 170 179

    Personnel Summary

    Identification code 16017201504 2001 actual 2002 est. 2003 est.

    Direct:1001 Total compensable workyears: Full-time equivalent

    employment ............................................................... 1,336 1,300 1,328Reimbursable:

    2001 Total compensable workyears: Full-time equivalentemployment ............................................................... 3 3 3

    Allocation account:3001 Total compensable workyears: Full-time equivalent

    employment ............................................................... 31 50 50


    (Legislative proposal, subject to PAYGO)

    Legislation will be proposed to redirect the portion of therevenues from the existing H-IB fee that currently supportsa training grants program in the Employment and TrainingAdministration. That grants program will be terminated, andthe revenues redirected to State Unemployment Insuranceand Employment Services Operations (SUIESO) to eliminatethe backlog for the permanent alien labor certification pro-gram at the State and Federal levels. This schedule reflectsthe effects of that legislative proposal on the Federal staffin this account. SUIESO will allocate funding to this accountto finance the increased Federal staff.

    Personnel Summary

    Identification code 16017241504 2001 actual 2002 est. 2003 est.

    3001 Total compensable workyears: Full-time equivalentemployment ............................................................... ................... ................... 60



    For emergency expenses to respond to the September 11, 2001,terrorist attacks on the United States, for Workers CompensationPrograms, $175,000,000, to remain available until expended, to beobligated from amounts made available in Public Law 10738: Pro-vided, That, of such amount, $125,000,000 shall be for payment tothe New York State Workers Compensation Review Board, for theprocessing of claims related to the terrorist attacks: Provided further,That, of such amount, $25,000,000 shall be for payment to the NewYork State Uninsured Employers Fund, for reimbursement of claimsrelated to the terrorist attacks: Provided further, That, of suchamount, $25,000,000 shall be for payment to the New York StateUninsured Employers Fund, for reimbursement of claims related tothe first response emergency services personnel who were injured,were disabled, or died due to the terrorist attacks. (Emergency Sup-plemental Appropriations Act, 2002.)

    Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

    Identification code 16017001806 2001 actual 2002 est. 2003 est.

    Obligations by program activity:00.01 Workers compensation programs ................................... ................... 175 ...................

    10.00 Total new obligations (object class 41.0) ................ ................... 175 ...................

    Budgetary resources available for obligation:22.00 New budget authority (gross) ........................................ ................... 175 ...................23.95 Total new obligations .................................................... ................... 175 ...................

    New budget authority (gross), detail:Discretionary:

    40.15 Appropriation (emergency) ........................................ ................... 175 ...................

    Change in obligated balances:72.40 Obligated balance, start of year ................................... ................... ................... 3573.10 Total new obligations .................................................... ................... 175 ...................73.20 Total outlays (gross) ...................................................... ................... 140 3574.40 Obligated balance, end of year ..................................... ................... 35 ...................

    Outlays (gross), detail:86.90 Outlays from new discretionary authority ..................... ................... 140 ...................86.93 Outlays from discretionary balances ............................. ................... ................... 35

    87.00 Total outlays (gross) ................................................. ................... 140 35

    Net budget authority and outlays:89.00 Budget authority ............................................................ ................... 175 ...................90.00 Outlays ........................................................................... ................... 140 35

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    Unavailable Collections (in millions of dollars)

    Identification code 20804207999 2001 actual 2002 est. 2003 est.

    01.99 Balance, start of year .................................................... 85,938 88,302 76,082Receipts:

    Receipts:02.00 General taxes, FUTA .................................................. 6,937 6,934 7,06502.00 UI Federalism legislative proposal, FUTA ................. ................... ................... 1,252

    Receipts:02.01 State accounts, deposits by States .......................... 20,824 23,254 29,88702.01 UI Federalism legislative proposal, State deposits ................... ................... 102.02 Deposits by Railroad Retirement Board ........................ 51 100 15002.20 CMIA interest, Unemployment trust fund ...................... 1 2 202.40 Deposits by Federal agencies to the Federal Employ-

    ees Compensation Account ....................................... 432 517 53102.41 Interest and profits on investments in public debt

    securities ................................................................... 5,749 5,606 4,71902.80 Offsetting collections, Railroad unemployment insur-

    ance trust fund ......................................................... 25 22 23

    02.99 Total receipts and collections ................................... 34,019 36,435 41,124

    04.00 Total: Balances and collections .................................... 119,957 124,737 117,206Appropriations:

    Appropriations:05.00 Unemployment trust fund ......................................... 33,880 48,516 44,64305.00 Legislative proposal not subject to PAYGO, VETS

    transfer ................................................................. ................... ................... 17905.01 Railroad unemployment insurance trust fund .............. 133 139 140

    05.99 Total appropriations .................................................. 34,013 48,655 44,60406.10 Unobligated balance returned to receipts ..................... 2,358 ................... ...................

    07.99 Balance, end of year ..................................................... 88,302 76,082 72,602

    Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

    Identification code 20804207999 2001 actual 2002 est. 2003 est.

    Obligations by program activity:Federal-State unemployment insurance:

    Withdrawals:00.01 Benefit payments by States ................................. 27,401 43,980 40,16900.02 Federal employees unemployment compensation 512 521 53400.03 State administrative expenses ...................................... 3,280 3,681 3,601

    Federal administrative expenses:00.10 Direct expenses ......................................................... 56 56 5900.11 Reimbursements to the Department of the Treasury 88 89 8900.20 Veterans employment and training ............................... 184 188 18800.21 Interest on refunds ........................................................ 4 3 3

    10.00 Total new obligations ................................................ 31,525 48,518 44,643

    Budgetary resources available for obligation:22.00 New budget authority (gross) ........................................ 33,883 48,519 44,64323.95 Total new obligations .................................................... 31,525 48,518 44,64323.98 Unobligated balance expiring or withdrawn ................. 2,358 ................... ...................

    New budget authority (gross), detail:Discretionary:

    40.26 Appropriation (trust fund) ......................................... 3,568 3,925 3,848Mandatory:

    60.26 Appropriation (trust fund) ......................................... 33,943 36,313 42,20460.28 Appropriation (unavailable balances) ....................... ................... 8,281 ...................60.45 Portion precluded from obligation ............................ 3,628 ................... 1,409

    62.50 Appropriation (total mandatory) ........................... 30,315 44,594 40,795

    70.00 Total new budget authority (gross) .......................... 33,883 48,519 44,643

    Change in obligated balances:72.40 Obligated balance, start of year ................................... 743 735 89073.10 Total new obligations .................................................... 31,525 48,518 44,64373.20 Total outlays (gross) ...................................................... 31,533 48,363 44,64374.40 Obligated balance, end of year ..................................... 735 890 890

    Outlays (gross), detail:86.90 Outlays from new discretionary authority ..................... 2,884 3,291 3,21486.93 Outlays from discretionary balances ............................. 660 478 63486.97 Outlays from new mandatory authority ......................... 27,989 44,594 40,795

    87.00 Total outlays (gross) ................................................. 31,533 48,363 44,643

    Net budget authority and outlays:89.00 Budget authority ............................................................ 33,883 48,519 44,643

    90.00 Outlays ........................................................................... 31,533 48,363 44,643

    Memorandum (non-add) entries:92.01 Total investments, start of year: Federal securities:

    Par value ................................................................... 86,399 88,638 76,52992.02 Total investments, end of year: Federal securities:

    Par value ................................................................... 88,638 76,529 73,216

    Budget Authority and Outlays Excluding Full Funding for Federal Retiree Costs (inmillions of dollars)

    2001 actual 2002 est. 2003 est.

    Net budget authority and outlays:89.00 Budget authority ............................................................ 33,880 48,516 44,64090.00 Outlays ........................................................................... 31,530 48,360 44,640

    Summary of Budget Authority and Outlays

    (in millions of dollars)

    2001 actual 2002 est. 2003 est.Enacted/requested:Budget Authority ..................................................................... 33,883 48,519 44,643Outlays .................................................................................... 31,533 48,363 44,643

    Legislative proposal, not subject to PAYGO:Budget Authority ..................................................................... .................... .................... 179Outlays .................................................................................... .................... .................... 163

    Total:Budget Authority ..................................................................... 33,883 48,519 44,464Outlays .................................................................................... 31,533 48,363 44,480

    The financial transactions of the Federal-State and railroadunemployment insurance systems are made through the Un-employment Trust Fund. All State and Federal unemploy-ment tax receipts are deposited in the trust fund and investedin Government securities until needed for benefit paymentsor administrative costs. States may receive repayable ad-vances from the fund when their balances in the fund areinsufficient to pay benefits. The fund may receive repayableadvances from the general fund when it has insufficient bal-ances to make advances to States or to pay the Federal shareof extended benefits.

    State payroll taxes pay for all regular State benefits. Dur-ing periods of high State unemployment, extended benefits,financed one-half by State payroll taxes and one-half by theFederal unemployment payroll tax, are also paid. The Federaltax pays the costs of Federal and State administration ofunemployment insurance and veterans employment servicesand 97% of the costs of the employment service.

    The Federal employees compensation account providesfunds to States for unemployment compensation benefits paidto eligible former Federal civilian personnel, Postal Serviceemployees, and ex-servicemembers. Benefits paid are reim-bursed to the Federal employees compensation account bythe various Federal agencies. Any additional resources nec-essary to assure that the account can make the requiredpayments to States will be provided from the Advances tothe Unemployment Trust Fund and other funds account.

    Both the benefit payments and administrative expenses ofthe separate unemployment insurance program for railroademployees are paid from the unemployment trust fund andreceipts from the tax on railroad payrolls are deposited inthe fund to meet expenses.

    Status of Funds (in millions of dollars)

    Identification code 20804207999 2001 actual 2002 est. 2003 est.

    Unexpended balance, start of year:0100 Treasury balance ............................................................ 279 394 4430101 U.S. Securities: Par value .............................................. 86,399 88,638 76,529

    0199 Total balance, start of year ...................................... 86,680 89,036 76,972Cash income during the year:

    Current law:Receipts:

    1200 General taxes, FUTA, Unemployment trust fund 6,937 6,934 7,065

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    General and special fundsContinuedUNEMPLOYMENT TRUST FUNDContinued

    Status of Funds (in millions of dollars)Continued

    Identification code 20804207999 2001 actual 2002 est. 2003 est.

    1201 Unemployment trust fund, State accounts, De-posits by States ............................................... 20,824 23,254 29,887

    1202 Deposits by Railroad Retirement Board ............... 51 100 150Offsetting receipts (proprietary):

    1220 CMIA interest, Unemployment trust fund ............. 1 2 2Offsetting receipts (intragovernmental):

    1240 Deposits by Federal agencies to the FederalEmployees Compensation Account, Unemploy-ment trust fund ................................................ 432 517 531

    1241 Unemployment trust fund, Interest and profitson investments in public debt securities ........ 5,749 5,606 4,719

    Offsetting collections:1280 Railroad unemployment insurance trust fund,

    Offsetting collections ....................................... 25 22 231299 Income under present law ........................................ 34,019 36,435 42,377

    Proposed legislation:Receipts:

    2200 General taxes, legislative proposal subject toPAYGO ............................................................... ................... ................... 1,252

    2201 Deposits by States, legislative proposal subjectto PAYGO .......................................................... ................... ................... 1

    2299 Income under proposed legislation ........................... ................... ................... 1,253

    3299 Total cash income ..................................................... 34,019 36,435 41,124Cash outgo during year:

    Current law:4500 Unemployment trust fund ......................................... 31,530 48,360 44,6434501 Railroad unemployment insurance trust fund .......... 118 123 1244599 Outgo under current law () .................................. 31,648 48,483 44,767

    Proposed legislation:5500 Legislative proposal not subject to PAYGO .............. ................... ................... 163

    6599 Total cash outgo () ............................................... 31,648 48,483 44,6047645 Transfers, net ................................................................. 15 15 16

    Unexpended balance, end of year:8700 Uninvested balance ....................................................... 394 443 2608701 Federal securities: Par value ......................................... 88,638 76,529 73,216

    8799 Total balance, end of year ........................................ 89,036 76,972 73,476

    Object Classification (in millions of dollars)

    Identification code 20804207999 2001 actual 2002 est. 2003 est.

    25.3 Reimbursements to Department of the Treasury .......... 88 89 89Insurance claims and indemnities:

    42.0 Federal unemployment benefits ................................ 512 521 53442.0 State unemployment benefits ................................... 27,401 43,980 40,16943.0 Interest and dividends ................................................... 4 3 3

    Undistributed:92.0 Employment and Training Administration ................ 51 51 5392.0 Veterans employment and training ........................... 184 188 18892.0 Payments to States for administrative expenses 3,280 3,681 3,60192.0 Departmental management ....................................... 5 5 6

    99.9 Total new obligations ................................................ 31,525 48,518 44,643



    (Legislative proposal, not subject to PAYGO)

    Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

    Identification code 20804227999 2001 actual 2002 est. 2003 est.

    Obligations by program activity:00.20 Veterans employment and training ............................... ................... ................... 179

    10.00 Total new obligations (object class 92.0) ................ ................... ................... 179

    Budgetary resources available for obligation:22.00 New budget authority (gross) ........................................ ................... ................... 17923.95 Total new obligations .................................................... ................... ................... 179

    New budget authority (gross), detail:Discretionary:

    40.26 Appropriation (trust fund) ......................................... ................... ................... 179

    Change in obligated balances:73.10 Total new obligations .................................................... ................... ................... 17973.20 Total outlays (gross) ...................................................... ................... ................... 16374.40 Obligated balance, end of year ..................................... ................... ................... 16

    Outlays (gross), detail:86.90 Outlays from new discretionary authority ..................... ................... ................... 163

    Net budget authority and outlays:89.00 Budget authority ............................................................ ................... ................... 17990.00 Outlays ........................................................................... ................... ................... 163

    Legislation will be proposed to consolidate several activitiesin the Veterans Employment and Training account and trans-fer them to the Department of Veterans Affairs. This schedulereflects the effects of the legislative proposal on discretionaryspending in the Unemployment Trust Fund. For more detailon the legislative proposal, see the discussion for the VeteransEmployment and Training account.



    Federal Funds

    General and special funds:


    For necessary expenses for the Pension and Welfare Benefits Ad-ministration, $109,866,000 $120,989,000. (Department of Labor Ap-propriations Act, 2002; additional authorizing legislation required.)

    For emergency expenses to respond to the September 11, 2001,terrorist attacks on the United States, for Salaries and Expenses,$1,600,000, to remain available until expended, to be obligated fromamounts made available in Public Law 10738. (Emergency Supple-mental Act, 2002.)

    Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)

    Identification code 16170001601 2001 actual 2002 est. 2003 est.

    Obligations by program activity:Direct program:

    00.01 Enforcement and compliance .................................... 87 90 9600.02 Policy, regulations, and public services ................... 20 20 2100.03 Program oversight ..................................................... 4 4 409.01 Reimbursable program .................................................. 10 10 10

    10.00 Total new obligations ................................................ 121 124 131

    Budgetary resources available for obligation:22.00 New budget authority (gross) ........................................ 121 126 13123.95 Total new obligations .................................................... 121 124 131

    New budget authority (gross), detail:Discretionary:

    40.00 Appropriation ............................................................. 111 114 12140.15 Appropriation (emergency) ........................................ ................... 2 ...................

    43.00 Appropriation (total discretionary) ........................ 111 116 12168.00 Spending authority from offsetting collections: Offset-

    ting collections (cash) .............................................. 10 10 10

    70.00 Total new budget authority (gross) .......................... 121 126 131

    Change in obligated balances:72.40 Obligated balance, start of year ................................... 28 40 3873.10 Total new obligations .................................................... 121 124 13173.20 Total outlays (gross) ...................................................... 109 126 13074.40 Obligated balance, end of year ..................................... 40 38 39

    Outlays (gross), detail:86.90 Outlays from new discretionary authority ..................... 89 104 10886.93 Outlays from discretionary balances ............................. 20 24 22

    87.00 Total outlays (gross) ................................................. 109 126 130

    Offsets:Against gross budget authority and outlays:

    88.00 Offsetting collections (cash) from: Federal sources 10 10 10

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    Net budget authority and outlays:89.00 Budget authority ............................................................ 111 116 12190.00 Outlays ........................................................................... 98 116 120

    Budget Authority and Outlays Excluding Full Funding for Federal Retiree Costs (inmillions of dollars)

    2001 actual 2002 est. 2003 est.

    Net budget authority and outlays:89.00 Budget authority ............................................................ 107 112 11790.00 Outlays ........................................................................... 94 112 116

    Enforcement and compliance.Provides compliance assist-ance to employers, plan officials and the public. Con
