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CHARITIES BUDGET CUT. o'BJSxnitKBAaA imouoiiAtr, croft a nvuor, jxicions a cae. Oroii Inert or 8.10,000 In the Snlnriea Ascovmt Dsrcnted A Grctst Blush of the Estlmntf, for Atlerntlona nnd Ilr. a.ntrs-Bia.0- 00 Kconamlzeil Altogether. President Croft of tho Charities Department slted tho Board of Estimate yesterday for 83.000 for the par of a central Inspector nf nil the city hospitals. Comptroller fitch wanted to know why the Commissioners did not do their own Inspecting. "Ttyiy havon't the time," replied Mr. Croft. " Mr Croft," enld the Comptroller, suddenly. " who rides around In the brougham which you bought for $540 J" "Kr-O- en. O'Bolrne." replied the Commit-- J loner. " And who uses the coup which cost the city $350 " I " The medical staff of Bellerne Uospllal." "And thoothor coupA which nlso cost $350?" "That Isn't a coup. It's a buggy," said Mr. Croft, brightening up a bit. "I use It myself." Returning to tho Item of goneral Inspector for tho hospitals, Presldont Croft admitted, under a rapid fire of question by tho Comptroller, that tho board had already created tho office), and that James S. Know les had held It for six weeks, his pay being drawn from tho appropria- tion for salaries. "So vnu created tho office wltl nut consulting this board ?" asked the Comptroller. " We did, Mr. Knowles pat-i- d a clrll. service examination nfter lie was appointed." " Havo nu created mil other oflkes since you were here last ycarV" asked Mr. 1'ltch sarcasti- cally. " No," replied Mr. Croft, but later when tho appropriation for tho outdoor poor was taken up ha admitted Hint an was appointed aiaealar) of SU00 a eir without the knout-dgon- r the Hoard nf tlmate. Ho naked for $000 for tho pay of thu cnulnter for the rear. "I submit, jour Ilnnnr," suld Mr. ritcn to the Major, "tint If the Chnrltles Commissioners can go ahead and ere ite nniios at n ill. tho ork of this board In passing upon their ustlmnte lu detail Is merely pirfunctory. I am sure thai no other city department e cr did It, and I consldor It a very clangorous precedent." The Mayor said lie it as In favor of the appro- priation for General Inspector, as be considered IheofUeoa very neeisaary one. "In fact. I think I suggested Its creation my- self." he snil. "I think, thai If the commis- sioners could get on unbiassed report of all tho ctt) liospllBl urery day there would bo butter food, better dicorum, and better mauagemunt In those lntltutlons." The appropriation, was allowed, but the Comptroller opposed the gross increase of SoO,-00- 0 In theoalar) nccoiint and it was defeated. Mr. Croftuskid forSO.100 for the stable ac- count, against SJ.-M- 0 last ear. "Why tho largo Increase?" asked tho Cor- - rporatlon Counsel. for O'Uelrne's nrougham and Croft's snld tho Comptroller, 'lhe ltom was cut down to last year's figure Mr. Croft asked for JH51.000 for supplies He raid the department had spent S7SL',U7o 41 for supplies last leur, and the price of all staple articles was rising " That Is not so," said the Comptroller. "You got $710,000 last ear, and there It still an un- expended balance of $14.' 000 to the credit of that account In my office." UookLetper Price, who made up the estimate, explained that hu had figured from Jul) 1,1803, to Jul) 1. 1H00, for the !lcol year. "Well, there is no such llscal jear," said Mr. Fitch wearily. "Mr. .Major," he added, "I vv Ish ou would send the Commissioners of Ac- - counts to the Island to straighten out the char-- books." do so at once," said the Mavor. Croft asked for SUlt-YIO- S for alterations repairs, against S100.000 last rar. The askt-- t for a detailed statement of Ilties expenditures from this item for last year, wben he glanced It ov v r ho snld : I sea that all Dut ?. 18,000 of this amount wis bidding?" without advertising or without contracts wero all under $1,000," Mr. Croft. " I am noposed to granting so largo an appro- priation on the chanco that It will bo spent," said Corporation Counsel trott. and the item was cut down to $t0.000. The amount finally decided unon for President Croft's department was S1.2S-.04- S. or $4 J.055 less than last car. nir.i orcu am3ioj:tai.i.t is.juh.ej). afcCartby Wan Ilelplns to Extricate a Track from a ttnow Sunk. A heavily loaded four horse truck, owned by ilenry LIndenmeir & Sons of 35 East Houston street, and drhea by Henry Hlgglns of 18 Marlon stree', got stuck In the anon last night In Prince street, near Marlon street. Prlnco street attbat point Is very narrow, and high snowbanks on each side of tho car tracks left only a narrow lane for the passage of ehlcles. Passengers from the cars which were blocked and passers by gathered in a crowd about Higglns's truck. Among several wno volun- teered to assist the driver was Dennis Mc- Carthy 47 years old, of 412 West Thirteenth street. McCarthy crabbed tho leaders and urtcd them on, while other men tugged at tho wheels. The horses bounded forward suddenly with thu truck, and McCarthy leaped hickward to get out of tl o waj. Uls feet slipped on the car track and he fell In front of the truck. Tho wheels passed over his right leg, fracturing it above and below the knee. McCarthy was carried Into the hall of a near-b- y building, where he was attended bj hurgeon Malonejr of bt. Vincent's Hospital, who said that he was bleeding Internally and that he would probably die in u few hours. A priest was then sent for, and FatherO'Brlen of bu Patrick's Church came and administered extreme unction to tho Injured man. McCarthy was taken to St. Vlnccul's Hospital. Driver Hlgglns. although nut to blaraefortheacrldent, was arrested nnd locked up In tho Mulberry street station. iwur auos, aonii toe case. lire. Health Max Collect on Her L.to Ha bund's Accident Policy. St. Louis Mo , Dec. 17. In the United States fl Circuit Court yesterday. Judge Adams banded down a decision giving Sarah T. Smith a Judg- ment against tho Western Commercial Travel- lers' Association for $3,105. This Is tho " tight shoe, sore toe case." The plaintiff Is the widow of Treeman O. Smith, who was a member of the association, and she was bis beneficiary. Tho policy pro- vided for the pa mentof an amount not exceed- ing $5,000 in the ovent of death bj "external violence and accidental means." Up to August, 18U5, Smith was an exceptional!) healthy and stroDg person. Early In that month he began wearing a pair of new shoes, and, "breaking them In," produced friction, and there remind "unexpectedly." as the Judge finds, "and not according to the osual course of things, an abrasion of the skin of one of Ills toes, thereby causing a sore." Although hu gave reasonable attention to the Injury, the sore rrew worse, and by the latter part of beptember blood poisoning set In, and on Oct, 3 he died from the effects of tho blood poi- soning, which Judge Adams concluded was a direct result nf the abrasion nf the toe caused br the tight shoe. Judge Adamsconcludos that death was occasioned b "external. violent, and accidental means" within there.il meaning of the certificate. BOUEN1.EY 1'AJtK CABI.VO BVltNEO. The Bursting nf na Ammonia Cjllader Hets Fir to the Place. PlTTSBUimil, Dec, 17,Tie Casino building the bridge which spanned Four Mile Hun main entrance to fclienley Park, were destroyed by 11 ro at 1:45 o'clock this Iand The Casino building and contents an Investment of about S40,000. 1 he does not exceed $50,000. llio park $00,000. wes a temporary structure which cost Tho tlntm-f- t originated in tho Casino from tho bursting of a large ammonia c Under In tho Ico machine under thu skating rink. 'I hu force of tho explosion blew oui llio unt end ut the build- ing In which were tho lurLo engluts urid ro. fri.cratltis machinery, setting Hie to thu wroil- - work. Thu lire spreutt with i.ipl'lltl, and at Intel nls the ammonia pints and tanks exploili d from the lieat, hurling grialcolumni of II ro uml debt Is In various fllnttions. 'llio intense lieul ft and the fumes fi urn the ammonia madultlm- - II possible for the firemen to work effectively. Sirs. Adeline J. tioadrlcb Berks Divorce. New Haves, Dec. 17. Mrs. Adeline J. Good- rich has brought suit for divorce against John J. Goodrich, on the ground of liiteinpornnco and intolerable cruelty. Mrs. (loodrlch is a duugh-to- r I of tho Into liiseiin. t'lark. who was u n mail in New Haven and who left uu estate valued at SHOO.OOO, Mrs. (nodrlch re- ceived a third of tho estate, hut It Is said she Is now lompurHtholi poor. one alleges that her husband bus spent it good deal of tier money, 'llio Good rluhes wero married lu 1 8lltl and have thmi children. r coWflfl';it'rs)iwm',i!, ROlidbiO All bright, uuwr irooils at Caraets. th0 oUl l0W prUx3- - LONG t'UinilT. 10 West 14UU Blrs.t, fry,, 2 -- jjfoti 1 a ,,fr1jL2J2ZZi Every Day I r round In yotir lntldc or Ufo I You know how many step" you hiwo climbed but how many nro there left 1 Do you know tlmt jour life depends on your supply of health, mid do you renllzo thnt tired fccllnKB nnd other symptom of weakness nro nnturo's nrnltiRs. If o, remember thnt strength Is restored bv tho prompt uso of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey Invnlunblo as a stimulant and tonic, appe- tizer nnd general hcnlth-bulldo- A boon to thousands of wenry men and women who lack energy nnd nmbltlon. The sttmulntlo nourishment contained In the puroninlt hns n wonderfully beneficial effect In consump- tion nnd all other wasting diseases. It quickens the circulation, nnd nets as a suro euro and procntlvo for coughs, colds, tho grip nnd pneumonia. FLINTS HNE FURNITURE. Attractive and Usolul Slmvins Stands . . . 87. OO Give Woodbury's Facial Soap fiW a trial and you will use do oilier, fffn U ! pure. DruKi.ts sell it. X ' TO" jMjfy? Mr. F. A. Franklin, a traveling salesman, says : " About six months ago I bought my first box of Rip&ns Tahules and was so pleased with the result that I have since bought them in various parts of the State. Being a traveling man, and compelled to drink all kinds of water and eat all kinds of food, I find the Ripans Tabules are the best aid to digestion I have ever tried." GIFT TIIINOH I'OK MM. 4De Jast hslr Meckweur. S3 Checks lioase 08 to "ITool suit, Fa. Hen's Hats. "SlTle" and little prices. Derbys, In Itlnek, Drown, avnd Russet, 41.00 to S3 UU, Alpines In I'enrl, with blnok band, 01. OO to S2 0O. C'oavchmen's Hats, OolfCnp. lints, BO OO. Sl.BO, B5.SO. Operav Huts, SI. SO. Men's Shoes. Wo nre the larcest retailers or Men's Hliors. Htudy tbe stnek. avnd price nod j ou'll know why. --. Imported Ksnmel fcSplliisjs Hliarii llonhlo Hole Sava. (Hand Writ), Vl3jjrv 02.U7 and Wt OS. Vrtjfc- - "Winter Ilusaets, "a.5rw Cnlf lined, fTa-- ' V Imporled jJ e n ' X.ether, VaaaaaaaaBBaa slnltle oi dou- ble soles, 83 07 to Sta08 prime Culf, dnnbte sole, ftt 07 to 81 Of. H'nntrii jrtmaies. AHTII It IAI, l'l OW I IIS Hands wanted, workon loo croab at hFWHtS laperlotlCld Bills wanted, mo". McKlltlll.S, 74 Duaiiual Jt untril Itlnlrs liTrrliaiuw, v"c." 11S-- W anted ouiib mau who under atamta vvnrklni' lu a sIivlI room J C. A!Kv 1IM . Jt'iMiilmrry st MAN In tililnicrooin on nu u's flno slices Ad" ' ,lltB 1111 It box 17J hull nnke WANTI D Ivvu l"'ik iiIrii tillilera mi flue work, work and ki od a. Aldrisib, box luu bun otlUe S iH.Uit JHTalrs 2Hi5rcUincouc. tCCUBATh SPANISH TltANSI ATJIt. IDlrtNAI J IM, ANHf llllltl blONIH M arm experience! exieptlonal referclicia MlhllNA, ' 104 uox av, rill Anldia Who inn think uf aomuaiin WAN inline lo mteui Protect )t.nr Id n Hitv may brinlfou wealth rile JOHN U LIIHI Itltl lift &ro, pan nt atlorneys. asliliutou, I). C , for tliulr tl.etiuprlzu itunuciw li'imtcd StmnXto. S1ENOt,IAl'IIIIlunl upert l)pevvrltrr lltemlnB rtftnntt Aihtnav ansa ., box 103 Situ uptown ofllu , lnl liruiulvtiu rGUNU Al d airt a pnaltiou aai unit anion or al lendiini incldi rly lad) urliivill I: would are fi r anil Initruit luiaiid tllld, tdueated. specially trained ror teachliiit, rt rerun fa. P O Ilux .'18, Haiiliur), Cnnu ijitnuom ttinnte.1 maun. AltlSl'lcrAIII.I- 0"NH MAHltlll) MAN ilcslril capable and rtlutie, can furnl.li A No 1 refereiue, i.Hlliitr. porltr, "Jack of all trades, ' uwilul aaam uiral utlllt main vrliiinit to work. Address JAMtu HAY, UU Oliver St.. New Vorlc city. M . y 'St ,V y, t j,!-- ? l' ff-Vl- - tSituiitioin Wantrrt tUnlcis. A MAN wanirt a position In hotel or restaurant a ature-ktM'- ir, Jian i xi rlcnre In this ilty; A o 1 tifpriin.1 AiflresH 1 S. ,40 Woat lfithL UAMI-D- , Ity y.tuiiL' man Pinion In wholesale u lljurirttnl nr m er more, four jor' r rrcne fromUkt placi AtldrttiaK 1, 1B7 .J st , llrooklyn TQl so MlN-8- 1, tluilrM iltuatlon: llRht porter ustTiil mau.nrulovAior runner, o uploed Bt lait place tUht years, ton i n com nun lnlloiik Aur ItHAUIM. Jiaet60thtt ''OUSO 1IA 2? i nr of ace MeMrei employment . oTanv kind rapl 1 ami accurate, at tlguret can do paiklns and asiiit nt itilpplnz lr Uox UU bunotlUu. IVJtli HroaOuaj Select 3oartt. lait IMtlo. "I fTXl RTH U FAST -- Warm, nunny. connwctlntT J. ) double, aliiRlo ruonii, excellent board i erery convenience, mo lerntt hTTiyI-AS- Iteautirul, tpaclout roomi; O superior taole inar I fioifs.1 convenleniei. prl at Odtliolli famll roffreiicps I KT1 hT Jl5 AST fronTroom. XmU ixcell nt board U for tno, table boarders accommodated Aci rt.do. ST , 271 I.5T -- Handsomely furnished rooms axcclleut buird, eptelal rates to tbre or four frit tn fcTsr bT. 3rWSTnfftrno.rr7ront room( X Ijeatid, runntnif wultr, exctlknt board JOI si . U WEST beLonil floor nntl furnished OO mite with j r itebtth iJiiRle rooms perm mnt or transient board optional references 0 iTll SI UV WI SI lluinliomily furnlslud front It J au Lac t Darlor lloor, Mtli alcoo, runnlnt; wuter rench cuJuiut, i HI sf 2)i Wt ST -- Ijirit7Ielrab e rooms. ji ticillenl board, tviry ion w ttrms rtaoouu e n AcHIlTI5: ,ircri il . i.00 Wt ST Comfortably furnished lu niaro room exctllent boarl. alt convenience, omtliLu ter i niotlt-rsit- rtfereate- TllsT iflalWIST-Handsoin- eU furnt-she- lartre lti rooms sufrprlor board, every appointment, mos'erate rererenct ( urutrShrd SoomeS:5pnrtincttW to 5t i uatSiat. rItAMERCV PIIIK furnished VI nvim an 1 mlt uf rooms both with prl rate bath, I reak.fat nferetn r. I AllttLaud small rooms conviaient principal 1 1 ottK clubi- 1UJ Madison a. ant - Lust -- altllht lTTLXsT -- Nkdlv furnished squnre room, .aio hall room strictly prlvato family, with nvwitr OMTIl stT-M3- " nnd lit I sl -- Hcant rooms. $3 OeJ to $7 vrrcKly, transient 51 to?i perdaj. Went Side. VT 5 UnlversJt placo (Washington wjaare llan ttiiii turiiia it rooms all conveulirnccs, fo- - ( erm iu nt or transit nt gentlemen HI ST, sI5j WI-h- t Willi owner furnl.hed, . i tated room, all luiprorctuents, fl-i- meal optlonul -- TUsT li UJ-s- Wilton lintel tose., home- - I llko hteiiiii lieati d ro mis 2 pi r hi t upwird J Til SI J'7 I sl IarKf, m l furnished Okt room $i for two, st Utt appointments private family J r h SI 11 M si Hamlioiui ly furuls'ied rooms fit) for Reutlfin u Otn.t for pli. slcla i Peferenr-e- . 001 II ST li WIST MirnUhed room For bach-- tlors rt I rem t exihanki'l till ST. r WbsT - Ilaud-- n in U fnrnltliert II 1 rooms api'ulntiuentj, ekci, fctutUmen. refer- ence I "Til st! 1 47W -- Han Uo tu furnKhM 'I rooms etiuitt, sltiel. ri oiutinent select, private famll) term nottilnil r u rincds A itTli stT-- 1' V ST Mceirfurnl-iTo- d frout pnr 11) lor nut couple or two uentlomen, u'o tn ill rooniii ,17m ST 177rSTia7nrondvv.iv lloTfTfrnr l 1 for tnislut purposes, other rooms, rtftrtners rxriinnife 1 ri Ohoiiable, "17TH sr 2 J WJST -- Third lloorTen unite or single. i i prlvato hath private fatuity, con lU men onl), finis nurt Apanmrnts Za Xct. II ATs AM) M'MtTMl NTS unr.irnMw furnished. iMndttirablolo Ulom. rem 3 tin t $ I onu IOI som ltUHHHt hi llroadwa) tor HthsL I UUuVb M IIni. St; 4L all linprovHinents 6&J TO H W 4JJ) ST Apply to Janitor. B AH HOU ST. 7T Three lUht ouul le ronnn three MIHts nil sunny, nil Improvomi ids, ijulel bouse; IU 0111 K .44 I arpeniartmi iit, hef u rooms, hot cuM water, for llnht butlntiti or reshUnce 7TIIST .I'lKAST-l-ln- eat flat on the six i ru uu. anl Ijaih all improvements, rent from the lot lujulry Jimltor j;IIIM Ml tlat four rooms nnd Ol) bath, all rk lily U coral. $.M. JMTO.U 'i" sT lu I AS r A floor of live rooms In a prl tO it. limitc rt nt fin a month Ll Tllhl SJill sr ttrtetv HatH 4 rooms, 0 luth, prhaln h ill, nut 91tt, flu hte JhllJ. " ()UTU sr 4S I si HnmU inu'lj decorated sti aiii 7t J leiu I Hit ruriilshut or uufuruUlitd, btvui lltaht r iini" n iHintaiilt I ) "111 si iiN si Apirtiin ins or tnrto and I - four ro mis ill Uuht ru im t luapri 11U Q f; TO Sl.i Mnttn Man with prlvAln hill j I Uno ui arm . n's tf vtii rooms and bath room with ran : tub-- , in ati il lull- - to Injulro of Jnulfnr nil.1 I i;ili t timr Willi av or .1. l.IX.A It Isi: i It I T, 1T.17 ItroucUvaj-- . 4lnt nnd 3pnrtmrnto VantciU rMM A small Mat etwotn J3 an 1 .MHli st.. ti w c ai al It for a an I w i 110 child n 11, terms rtiiKoiiaitli Address H Al, ox l.'',suu otlln, SurUinn Hou5 Ca rt City, Tl slltMIl lim SI h fiiriil-h- nnd iinfurnlrhid, J In ib hlnil I lo. nil. n. run tf l,.'(i(ito f) t.iiUQ I ol MIM llltcl t Hs hliiriailwa tor. I lit) st JTo Xcx for "tiUMncoa Surpotfco, A I mi! I IUlJl hroltr, III lltekmaiist., near Jootomct to bt Itl I AM) A U IUTINO, 5 lekmajnst K 1'Ai ltH I ar av m r Ualil mion liooUIn i) i, fnm rvtoil a an bnMiiunt vvtjj llkhti 1, t intlio Hint bo ti rs n nt reasonable Apply 1. A ' Jr MNU.s inriii r 1 ark av , Hall (,, hruok PLILIIIM'S atori s lofla oniisa and studios lo let II to Incttlolia. liilbOM Illinium-- . bJM!roudw),cor lltlnt. 1JM.I H to kt loimllty will populated atovu ail I If ovt UHI Anialer Intn sv,, intir IJd st , low , mil lorlslit imrly JAMfult l.'l'l ros bl S" sion 1111 lvvoliasaiiiriiiii7oais J alou Ininiiidl itn y r, ut mo li r itu ItUl tMl v VAHIIIMjL6lln-a.lliatlt- . I 1 Mini MOM', riionlni: tliroUkb lo rioalrt' nlliv, two fronts lent lovv Inquire 1. ri KOItN IJJ llroadvvay. room 10 7tHlUi lo 1st at il and J I Ann at., betiveciTrvaT J sauuud Uroudtvnvi stinin liested, low nrleid 11ULA.SLI& W1UT1NU, 0 UotkuiiiasL tvrttJJ ."- - t. .Iff. t1vi , . , 5srursionji. WASHINGTON. Trip, I st Class, all oxponsca Included MOK'ullKiPllSION MONDAY, DEC. 28. For tickets nnd Dsrtli nlars apply to TIK11, tOlt .t HON, UA1 and lii l'rmdAav, Now tnrlr. Conducted Ditrtlis nnd liideiieniloiil tickets Issued for travel tnrouulioutttiu world CODi'i'MIIVlnt Cholera Hanks. I Irat clsss steamer I avt aare i nni'ortititt' steititi tieatod. Dally Irom I nut i.id st., 7iVU Hitter) ti 1, vvltn Halt. jrtcnt (Ditatc J-o- r .Sale (fbuntrij. Ht'Mli:it IHIUI.H BT T1IK HK I. I ACRE &3ferfF& PLOTS 9iL-P- a Miiniirba of flrenler New York. Iluy dtrei t fnim cotiipanv an 1 nvold rliknnd an noyanco of denim with nnsuthnrUcd ngents. Call atonicpnn I nit frco tlikcts to ten tho property. TUi: M.W OUK AM) IIHOOK1AN HUI1U1U1AN INVLSTMI ST CWIl'AVY Ol' M.W YOHK. 10S AVI) inil H'LTON HT., .Viv ork city. cf ov atc ov Co g;ct Jtrooltlyn. fV-- ITT forlkht minufarturlnir nurpoves bulldlnt 1 nnd - stalls, with yard roomj In oritur low rent, Clusson and lork nvs, McKKuV " lkdtord nr. Seal estate or ,9ale Sonji Inland. lIMZAC'Ri: TrvCTfl nt Hoi brook, 8130, Intall X iiienlsi also lots -- xl00. 41Ti 91 down, same monthly t circulars sent, cnosp LKWIS, SO- - llroad way glcal (Bjstate or 5ale $cv Sicwcy. HFItn IS A LPrsFSDID OPronTUNITV-Sne- ro for Invtumnt orociupntlon lu ewJer scj, tier rblladi Iphla $ll)ll btivit It, payable on Iu n tall mint If Uuslred, tltie Immtdlate pov Srfion firtlli IhihI, hrnlth; nelnlrorhofwl. s. n I at on co for particulars to ItlbLbi, New ".ork. "l'AUHliFH IllHTIIKTt lots $73. terms,.-- 6u monthly, hkh Kroundi near hnus. WEATliritm.-?- ! IIroaday. (t0 Qn7l-- 100 cash, balance 20 uionthU and 0wjOUU Interest, nevr house. 7 rooms all im provitmnti furnarp, toncrpted cellar. raUKe, sta ttnnary tubs bath n om lotnpb t. tliandcllnra man- tel mirrors hainlnomriy tlcrorited' sewirtd strict Trolley pasrs the door Mftten minutes' ride to tcrr). Om lolc from ouh varl CUSDlLl.l Montgomery St., Jersey City. 25rnt &$UU -- for nU (Callfornin. (MIJFIUCMA Income property, mlnlna; prop ertr mo.t relldblo land oflkf in Amtrlcu. Koud prop osltlonsor all kinds. ntaloue fn n 1 IILTNCE 17 llllitn st., Ulens Falls, N. Y lOOSltroadwny. Oakland Cal gtcnl fox i$alc Vtrniuia. IOIV OUH COIONV nt Itelgate a, two hours' f ride from Norfolk, conventfnt tn schooU chur.his stons Tost (inter an 1 railroad station, JO acre farm 1 jo avablt $10 down an 1 $1 or more weekly, dtltfthtful climate, pure wattr, drslrablo n iKiibors coll MXLlall adapt d fur raisins fruit, truck, (.ottoii, and tonacco, splendid markets an ratln a For fuld r d. tall apply to ltlbLhV, U Chanil ersht., New ork. glral Cstntf nt Auction. A DRAM HYATT. Auctioneer will sell at public auction on the premlne. II O It It H F i: 11 R Y , SATLltUAY, HFC ID lKUb nt J JO o elock P. M, 1A nCII.DINO LOTH, A I Si i lltll'Hi: ANU LOT Corner of Wnlnut &t. and tthth M tlou.e Is ft ur aturies irame 18 rooms, sire about 110x45 with exteuilon ?uxJ3 This sale will atfor a rare opportunity to puroha.e. eltheraa nil tnvestiiiint or lo but il r. home The lots will be sol heparan bv their numbers povlllvely to thelllbtu.i til Idir, and there will bo no postpone tn en t. lor particulars apply to AUUAVI HYATT SON. Terms made known at sale- - SlncSlnff, N Y. (Drcaa Steamers. EGYPT AND PALESTINE. The membership of onr first Oriental Tarty this season leaving Now '.ork b Hamburc American line tttt tmshlp 'Columbia Jan 0, Is now almost lo npletv. Tni Ittnerar. li i ludes TIIIIKE WLEKS trio on tho ML1 WELKS in PAI LSTIiNF, vlsltn toConstautiu )ple. Atheu-- ltai tc lo iHur .5commwlailon Immediate applleatlnn ihould be niadu to THOS. COOK & SON, C11S5 nrtmdnray. New Tor 1341. AMERICAN LINE. UZW ) bHlllnxai in A.M. PARIS .. i.c " rKIb Jan. 13 NhW ".onie liee JOStVV UKK ....Jan 20 ST I Ol'ls Jan n T toils Jnn '7 RED STAR LINE TO ANTWERP. sl.liu evry WidtiPviav Frlesland Die -- J noon Wi ti mland Jan ri noon Kensington Dei to l 1 M Jan IU, I M. IMHtNUH'NU NAMOUIUN CU3II1N. lMem 14 an I 1" North Itlver Ofllct , Ol'owltmc (Ireen. pUNAHD UNI. lO Ll I Hl'OOL, I QULLSSTOU .S. I ncan'i Dec 10 2PM Campania Jan 2. 1 V M. Krurlu Dti. tt io ! uranln Jan . 10 A. M Vroni !er 4ii North Hlw r, fo it of Clarkson hi 1! IlllOU N CO, (if u IjBlP 41iowHnrtorcen HAmBURG-AMERICA- N LINE. TVV It, soitl W I l'ltIsfroni New 'i ork to ChertMiuri: ar a Southampton (lindon) nnd Ham Inirj S rliik w ion l alua Mnreh IK, li.T lliiniliurat-ni- f rlcua l.lnr. U? llroivdvva). XTOIITH i.lltvivs IIOlD s o i hllOHT 1 Ol rr TO IOSIlON AM) CONTINENT. vast rMtl-i:-- . STI.VMI Its I shn.Tues.n, e j 111 vi Alter Tu s, an 1 10A M llavci.luea ll,i U.1IIA SL Trm.Tuia. Jau U 10.1 M. Ol I lllell' . Coj! Itoivllimilreon "OLD DOHINION LINE. iiAii.v sr.itv ur. ror Oil Point Comfort Norfolk Newport News, I'eterit tire, Portsmouth Pinner a Point 1th htnou t Mr, Inln 11,'ich, n nnd Washington l C lill) i u 1 sunda), from Pier -- ll Norlh Mvi r sal Idk ever wei k dvv, eicipl Siturday, at 111' 31 , and :su unliv ut t M tf. I. UUII At'DFU. Vice l'rei and Traffic Mcr viiits: staii i.iS'i:. fiermatilc Hec J I noon Hrltannlc Ian o noon Teiilonie Ibc lo nonni Majesltc Jau I noon NOCOTION-CVHUi- 11Y PsKNnHl Ml Wlfclls. Pier 16, North ltivir OftV. 8ll Ilroi lnny II UtlTI,AM Kl lisri M,iuU .Stcamlumtc EtOSTofTAND HEW ENGLAND. MA SOUND I.INIS. MIHIVItll I.I.M:, via New I .union from Pier 40 N 11 next lo Piauroaaes it , wei k days ouli, at n in I' vi FA 1. 1. KIVI.lt I.INC via Newport and Fall luvir from Iter le, N li., foot Murray st , week ill) a onlv 1 10 I' M. h 1 M .J ION LINE, vln RoiiitiHinpton, from rJit N It ono block above Can il at , wees; days out), in il 1" M M. IIAtr.N.-K- w. 1, IM t'USlON. 1 SO. ruat ati aim ra It iv' Pit r F lt..il illv (huiidn)se riptidi I' 31 m IW inlillililhl.nrrlvlliif III tllilefor trains I i li rl iiu liurtford spriniii 1, and north KAMslil I I, I INK tiniiii rs lenve I'll r .') S It rntiktlii ir foi t r iii.to i a Hiat Point e old tl nt K f'ornvvnll I lahklll I aliittint. and Nevvburgh, vviel dl). i I' VI hliillu II M liulroiiila. ER3E RAILROAD. Thrniuh ir iliu leavt Ni vv o k, i 01 of I h amber n jih rollovMi and tlvo uiliiut.tf tnrller fit in West J d t (i.iA A, 1,- - cHtlbtilei xprrsN dally for Unverly, rf.UV UU i aiidou Hinln Ituilitlo lira Iford, anlvt Kit ifU'oa 'dp M J'arlnnur to HufT ilo. ),tt 1. I,etitlliuIe llinlti". at Mall (lill). M.Usiiil triln f r thUako via riiauiati'iia 1 aKe irrtvtxt nvelat. lat 7 4U thUHKoriP il h it to Dili aro (,tilaud and Lluilnuull Din luu r T.!n ' IltiffaJoaii I ( levelaud ektlbulef i ,OU i n rt duly ornvtfi nt Ituiialn 7 II A M Krailfor 7 li M Jarm Mo u U fil A M tlevi land I ,'tl' M pirn tu I uflalo audfl linl) luai lin. .Unit Kuiuitlou for Dilrolt, ihUato, nu tno WM v.. 1 " ' 1. DMI Ma ( l.autaiiit'A iLe nnd D, I,) m..m. I all, holid train tot iko Siep- - r I Hutfilu t hi i,.i and t Im luujtl Dininctar TIVCIvl 1UI l, T1MI ( Mil s AND PI M MAS' 1 . l t MI lUA I (HNS A I .HI 401 till V7 Ir iy Mowerv 16n U't'i n , and i I ill tht ( hanib r and Wt ! .Ml ni Itrr't'. Niw ru Mi aid 7 Jti u ton ft, lbd Uroalway, lroWIu .On Hu 1m.ii kt. llobokini an Ury(liy Mill u Wt Hi nil t .vprt si ) fur and i hi i k bab iatw ironi h di Iand li hMi it ttiod mniitlnn BALTIMORE & OHIO. I i Nit, S or i fo ii u I it i rt it , il illi I IIU A ll l oil P 31 and I.' Iftnl- - I I Illrtiil ltd I ijiiiivvii .' iism IS 11 nliht. t INI INN VTI.Sr I Dt 10 10 n i VI no P M .TON IIAI.riMOKI H UO III IHluuisr) II in A 31 ill nioKinri i on I Hi (I Inini; an It)') il'llllllhl'iri P M i Mlll.lt) li no (lllll liiKmri II 10 A 31 illlnliiB tar) i uo ilUuliu ear), o i i liiiiliiiimr) I.' in iii,ihi Ntllt Ol I, II to A M dil ) M OHUI A.NS(ihroulislvcpcr), 3o P. 31 . Sun 111) ' U I' l All IriliKlUunilnvlsd nltti I lut ' I hi l filet III IT. .'1)1.41.1 lllll llr ilnuv 31 Knit Hlli. I UTIlmery New urk m Hi liioiklyu foot 1 llieri) at ' ' It It of N.J. Huaujue checked from uotol or rosMvueo to dcstlua tlou- - i - I - ,';9H gnUyoatfg. lil "' "AMBRIOA'S OREATMT RAILROAD. H ' JNJE.WYORK (EjXTRAL.' I &. HUDSON RIVER R. R. H From Orsnd Ccntrsl station. 42 1 .street. 'B BiSO A.M. I scept tjiuidav. Iro Slate Express, H raatesi train In lhe world Htnps nt Alhanr, Utloa. CH svnt ii and llnche.tir Hue lltifTAlo i lo P. )LI H NIsBiirnfnlisn Oh P.3I This train Is lltnltDd tglM ijH Oi'lti A, M, Kallv last mail for Poiiehkeepite.AI- - 'j-- B tiiv t tlcii S)rnouse, llotncilcr, UuiTalo, Niagara fssH 1 alia t hlrnito .... tafl KliIU A, M. I 'rcpt express, for all iB t oirtiniN vvori sittiiolnts. 'M liflis I". M Hi lv hout wi .tern I Imltcd, for Co H hiiiiIhis cmclntiiiti, Indlntitpnlis, and St. Louis. VH Mip.nt lointi knpsii, Albany. Utica, Syracuse, 'H Itielieattr mid Hiitlalo ,ali 1 too I'. M. Hall) tlilrseo Fprclal for Detroit, "ilH i le'vtltiu 1, loloio ami t hltairo, Stops at PouRn- - Vl k . t,.. Mlinnv Utka, Syrncuia. 1!H ItoclH'itcr ntnl llunslo rH flliu 1. 1, Ixctpl humla). West Tolnt, roafB jH sie Minn). Iroi tiai lllll. II. 1'illy North Shorn Limited. Dn D ; vaH ir .It i -- mi A M OhlciRoJ SOP M. Stops at Albany, U ,H t t i ami ) nu uai, SrH OHIO 1 vil. Hull) Tor Allmny. Troy, Utlcn. A ill tH iitiuls k 3'otintnliis Montr ui. Mvractiie, HitffatOa tAal M,tt rnattlta I .li Vi llllltl. lulttttiv iKtrntt. ChlCSITOk ' "Jaal i iiiitinml st I mils CsH niJ.a I. M. Pill), lor All. mi), Troy, Burlington, Sams! i' iittahurtf 31outrtal, ami otiavvn. H 7 1 to I', II, Hull), lor IlulTnlo, Nlnrara Falls, t'sl i a w Inml InitlaiiiipoIM st. I outs, Chleaco Stops lijsl m l'i.iul.kl.1 l , vinsnv Itlcn rfH UlOU I. 11. lull) Cirrlrsslciiilnncsr pssienger lM tiitv inr lointi on liul Iirook luilwuy, vULyons,- - ;"aH unit tor Ho In aler vsH (III. 1. M, lisllv. lorMyraruee. Oivveco, IVatert ..H town, tur li iislmri Ititffnlo Matrnra lalls. Clevo- - 3sH laul joiiilo. Ihlin.o ixci nt Saturday, lor Cops A .IsH t lmr anil llio Vtilinrn ro nl 4H l'Jiir train for Clilcnco snd prln I fH ilpi Jailntsoii Nt vv tork Lintrnl, rviry nlilit,ex V H tllKht. Iltlllila) IlluUt UltcUaO sleepers. Vaaaaaaal Itiiv on li II P. 31 trnn BsHai OiOU A. 11. mid tti.I". 1. 11. Hnlly except Snn IH to I'lttsllel I, via lit r i in lilvlalnn VH Otlf. A. mil) to l'lttsleld and the Derk- - eeaH aiilro Hill., vl i II irloiii litvi.lon - rH am .1 mi ritviNt ro ionuhv-- i l.M " AlltUht ' trnlimrtiiiletiveii, initht. and points J H on thn Piittmiit lxtlaion sv far ns onkers, Inconueo- - tloti with iho ilovatitl road llio only lluo ruunlnfr Iv'ai "uiliilitht ' trnin-- t nut of New iork. wH VV aKner P ilm u t'nra on ill through trains. M ffj Trains llluii Inatetl with tho Plutrcl llcclit. mfM llekitaund vni-i- i ronins at i. ran I Central Bta- - ISJH t ton 111 vol, itl lro.ul.vay II lust I4ihst ,u 1 7H Itriimlvvn), J li Coliimhu. nv ,111 VVe'at IMtli at,. and i 4f,H 1 Inth i atntlon N i, lork. ! llantl 70 Kulloatt, .' H i.il toil llrtii.lv. ii). V. li Ilruoklvii viR liitBKiuoeiiet from hotel or residence, by ths aml IVimi tit I xt rt aPriuipan) ftH John m im ci , nroitai. ii damflb " fH ileneral 31ninifer Oetieriil Pssvt nicer Aj.ent. ''jjH PeonisragiBi; 1 IXj033. 'fl SIATIONh foot o lieabroav s ami cortiaudt streets ?H III. ITiCt Niivemli r 10 Ist'il it- - SM HlOO A. II. 1ASI MAlU-1'llllll- inu Mil (let Sleeping N.U tTH i Ntvv i ork lot hliakti Nuioielus "a H OiOOA, , nil ll'.l. P irlor Cor lo Pittsburgh. aaH lutOO A. II. PI N'.sYl.V NIV I.IMIIKD-1- 'U H iii ii Co iiturtni in. Weep ns lilnlnt: moklinr and tl oiivt rviititni ur. vrrivLa chiL ino u A. 31 clever , lBtBffH lanlljUA 31 llitelntiitl il II A 31 IndlnQAt'oile M h in A VI I .tu Mill.. 11 4 A. 31. tbt. Louis J 24 aKsH I M nil I lull Itia '..". v .afrH SlOU I. II. llllr M.O VNDST I OCH IvM'UESS altsai Met pit l, nuil lltn uc ( nrs to SI Louts Loulivllls, 'WVk lllll I It raeo Airlvc Onttlliatl IU 45 A. 11. St. V ussaal I tins Tt ' V) i ti us-- 4 ,nl' v; , , M VfH Oioo l. II. WIsilliN IM'I'Lss-sieepl- mt and tw .CrH iiiiiliitt t ira tn cnltniio and euvelanil Arrives f ll iliviiantll .'.A v i hititjn ii 1' vi nextdiy. ' 1H 7llS I. II. hi LTI1VVISIH N I M'HLbS -- 6leepln VH itud liltiiii. eura tu tine nuntl ntid'-.-t Inula. Arrives aaai Clnellitinll it ll'V 1' VI I, dt inapullj 10. ISP. 31 , SU i ?3bH Ii til 'i K I aeton 1 tiiortittlK laH HlOO I". ii. t'ACIHCLM'r. ss -- Pullman Kleepln ' 'H curio Pitiai urtrh i oniifeis fori hicneo dally, and uH CI velmitt an tin, n i tr( ,t t s tiirilny 4.H 11 tl)N AN' I) TIIKhUl'TO. ilH 8, n ill tl J 111 111 ii.I1.1iik- - can 11 I 31 . I. 'J 10 illsaaal la Jil lonnreaitional I 1m nil Pvrlor and Dlnlnff ?sl lrl 4 in lUlnlnw l irl r. I.u Iilnliu Car) 0 P. 31 , vlM 1J I't lllkllt Mllltl t) 1 tl 10 II A 31. I'ili e?:H loiiuie..ionnl 1 iii 'nil Pir't ran t Dining Cars!. i'H 4 ll Illtilu, Can, 0 DOiU nltli Corj, UP. SI. iu. 13 tgB nleht fiH SOl'TIIIIlN IHH.WAV 4 10 P JI dill). Sleeper M to Nnv one ma 31 tnpMs Jacksonville Tampa, tfsi Aalavilt and Ho: s ,riiu--- e K' IS nlgbt dally. ttlvH Uttr. tn lain i and Jniksonvllli )iH AILAMIC Cuvsi I INI -- tt M A 31 dally. Sleepers aH toJacx onvtiie lirt Tampa an 1 3!ncon 0 00 P. IL H rlull) lti tt rs to l.lehmoii nntl Tut ksonvllle. '4H CltisvnvKJ NI) OHIO ltlLWA -- IxpressS 00 M I' 31 dim 1 rt lull bleei tnc anil Iilnuiti Cars. sbb1 HU'. Ol I) POINT CU3IHJ1.1 mil NOUHJLK. via Cap SaH Cl ar en limit rl A vi. ncelcda), and, with ThrougU 'laal Me. r m p vi ,!ai!) H ATLANTIC C'I1 100 P. SI vvcet daya Tbrougb I mr t Parlor Car vAsasI FOlt CVI'L 3!V OOP M week dovs fM lor Loiu llriiiut Vabtir) Park Ocean Grove, and aai I olnt lltaaiur ll 10 A 31 I.' 10 40 0 111 and raal II SUP 31 vN,,kiliys suuda)s istoput luterlakea lsl ror Aaourv I vrk t I . t n ' .JO I' VI 'bb1 IIIIC I'lIII. 1111 f.I'HIA. '.. 6 20 T 10. h X III II, II .HI 111' l't nn u Limited). 10 10 ,'aai llllnlllRlai 11 V 1 ' 1 2 10 J 4 4 JO 4 10 -H lllhi nt' ir s I'lnlucCiirl. o I'lr.lngCnr) 7 50. H. , UP VI 12 15 nli.lt biiudli)., O IS, S v.0 V. V 30 ') IU. l.linli tli Itl ll v vi. 2 fltlnlnz Cirl, 4, 4 30 tiB lUInln.-Cnr-) iluiiing Car). 0 (UluimCar), 7 48, b. xtsaai HP II . I J llrl.ht M Ticket olllt is Nn. 411.044 11 0.1 1J'3 111, and SSI .'H Iroad.Mi) I vetor Hoove and foot or Dnhrolies CH an cnrl an It t 4 eourt at, lullon st. OH llr..... t, tilt ll.utalf.lrtutll. ntlott e TWSBal tontt Irwikvn mitlon-Jers- i v l it) lin NevvlorX: - laH rnnartrl oinpiny will call fur an I elitik baegsgs al frtini i "(-- It " ii J r sldtuc s itiroua'i todrstlnatlon !sl S 31 PltlMltl J It. WOOD. jH in neril vtiinirer lien 1 as r Afrent- - "LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. I kintloll. foi t o eon in it an I Dral,rnses Sta. vH Olio M dail) sji dav 7 A 31 ) .tor MADCB ?B Cltt Me anil meruit dint sintlons. Ytaaal Mil. M 'HU for U II klSIlAIinr ITHACA, B Ol s I til HlSirit IIIM .!' MAtiAKArAILH. -- M SllPIN-ltI- N I PI1M I iilld the e.t mil principal Usl hi i t ula el ti , ir iiitlchilriurto Uuffalo ssml lllilo V VI da lv txetrtt buuda), for 3IAUC1Z taaal Cllt . Ii lot ro Iiu inlntt tH iiOOiiotindativ ni.i -- nn 1ay vrH ivi. vtie iiMiitiMi r.xritcss ;.H arrlxa liunilo t "j P Jt Ptillniau tanbiil Day .''B con lies an I I nrlor Car Tlin Uku nr In Itoeheater. ( HU lin? lar-trv- ke 3Ioals ilneirlo. Connects at asal UuiTitlo with thro iilh sleep rtol ikica 12iIO P M .mil) evetit sunla). for 1IAUCH 'StM Cli i. nu lint rtm llati uints Sl lilo P M. Inlv txupt for WIIKES lu i.i llTI-n- N scuvNin nu i principal Inter- - "a nit Hit a'lilit nv loutitota lir all points III coal & ro.io't. t tiatr ear to v I p (tlO v lal) t xi tl unrti). Tor WtLKn3- - "ft Itvltitr IT1-D- N -- CltvNrvN mil princlpil Inter ft? ineitm atiithni- - i inni w fornll p tli ts Incoal ro-- V: cl n Pilliiiitli IlulTit Ptrlor ar to tv llkeibarre ii .111.. ' 31 call) fori ston mil utt rmcdlato stsv Jt tlo i" OilO P 31 tlnll) except sun in). Express for ,y bliuiiietounul I r ncll il Interinedlate stnllnus Con- - ci nectn for lUjtlliu- - nn I llirrlahure'. Chair car to V blHItlletoll V JlJO P VI taltv for IU IFUO. NIAGARA FALLS. Jr ant ail ptlnta -i Putl unn sleeptr vellbuled train N i tochli iko s itirat rturfalonndToronto. htilo I' 31 diliv . it i tit tiutUv, slopping only nt Mlblll PIV1NHHU IV.TOV, IlIinLFIIhlf, t ilAll HllllMa I vl UN HON SAYltL ObNE-- ,, IV ItOCUtstllt 1IV1 VI V. and DUHALO. PulU m ii at i per ft r I lift tt OiOOl VI .lil. f r ITI1ACA orNEVA, nOCHKS- - g TU, nl!H.li N ,V1.A J VI.Lb and all points S West Piilinuiii au i rr io Chlcako nnd Duffslo. bl l per to VMIkivltirr Atl.lltlnn.il c il ' in dally, except Sunday, for A IKiUNli ItKOOK ai I ut rmidtnte plnts leaveusfol- - r lows U 00 V M . 10 4 211 and ll JO P. 31 i II kt inantl pull i titoinmottatlon! at 213, 271, ;;'. PI4 nn I I l.'l I r ti iv II nst 14lh st iruE-U5l- i n urilowtr) n . ork. biiu lullon it 4 Court su, 1 vtHrllawnv an i Uronklvn nnex. Ilrooklyn f N . Trnu-rfi- r tli sail for anil LhnX baggngs K front hotel or r i me through todeatin itlon y l.trKAW VN.IA AND SOJ V I - I I UN IC. IE X Stations In 'vv 1 in lv, Tout ol llnr-cln- r nnd Jf tlrtfltntltrr S.I- -. U TESTIIII I I I It IN- -. VI I.I.1I1N HCr. J lilt Vlt-4- , IM.N le.l II I.ItJII r. ii Dlreet nni i Neworn. Ilioaiitti d i mtelalr, thai j Oriuces en i mil lit mardsvllle llnskliik Itl Igo 3tadl- - i son, VlorriM n Passiic. Pot rsou Iitnnion Dover, 'c btnntiope ni . ion liiidtla Lakt lake HoitatcoiiK, 1 llaikitlaiown H hoolt-- s Mouutnli U ailllllKloa, W 1 llllltl . ir. I avion Water Onp btrouttiliurg rocono Moumi n -- er niton Pltistou Wilkes irre Nantlcoket, j Danvlli n liijintii rlsntl Montro.t lllnzhamton, v. Oirord Norvl .in rvllle, Vtl a Itlclilli bprlngs, . t'orlliintl stn use. Oavvt co Itlu a Owego llmlra. I romllik Hu lunsvllle HutTa'o and all points Welt. Norliiwtbt nn I ollthwevl f HlOO . II liliiEhumton Kill, btopi nt principal (V I ii. I IOiOO 1, II Cnfocnr.) liiifTalo brranton. Ding- - & l i tin pinnae nntl Otitii.ii Ixpnaa. PullmaiTi y Inilti t ittrir i uri Ctniiititliik it Hurfalo vvitli kij . ni f r i ikti ind i oinu Wiat . ii lifiit I. II. faro Cur I rrinton lllngliamton. V Ji tt tl I lin r 1 v it av ullninll nrloriara r ' lioo P. VI - r inn. ii Wllki-iliir- nn I Plymouth miii a I uIlniMii Inifi l p ir or i ira. ' Si ll 1 II - iilivl Itllh ihiVt atll nil- - I llllltetir- - ir a. Inr .irnii ttt IIIiil niiiiiiitn llmlra ItilfTalra. Piiliiii iii I ui'ei al t pliu ear i ttiiutt tltuut Duffalo 4A wMhiritnf rlltlitiku it I po nls v tau rf tlilol". II, liiiilyi IlulTnlo Krnnlon Itlnglinm it it tin ii i tn i b)ruiuat, mid uswiko Ki prill. g. Piilliiitui It iif t -- In p ra Q lltktta iiiil Piilliiiin iircommnlntlous at Ilenry -- (inr v. s ui- - Mi 11 I r itiilw t) 14 Park place, ana t 4li Jliitiiilwii) lltkilaut rirrt st tloiit H..4 lin nil- - il' vvn III 4lliuv ,inr. IJtn st ft l e.l IMtli st , 2Ji "' ( o tiuitii.rinv Sfivli.rk, tr. nnd 71 ulton n .and I0il llnniliviy HrookDn rime lahlis giving full In- - S fuiu ttttnii itl l'l atnt oinc 7 VVe.ttott a I x ri a t mpnn) vv 111 call for nnd check i. Iniiu hot I or n al li'iiio to di.ilnatlon. .i New York and Boston All Rail. f N ,s 11 . II It It nn onnrctlous rrom Gr in It i titrnl btillon. N I tain II win of Dun I n no VI .sprliiklli uu V or ester. 1 JO P Jt. '? Hit iA M us w I on louniitl I rovldeuee, .1 to P. it In MA 31 New I i I in till Provl lenve, 4 SO P W. ' II ii A M,siruistii lliiiid Wnreiatvr. 4 40 P It M J lonP VI ir i tut nntl N 1 ll It. noil P. II. i. P 31 N w I on Ion nu I Providence 7 3 P M, A, I on I' l 'Nt iv I i ii loii iiiil I'mvltlinie, ll 00 I' l a: 4 OO P M '.nrlwltll 111 I orcatt r 10 00P.lt, 1 no p. vi "s t niiilii iiiiifi Prnvlduiue, 11 imp 3L II l II P H , S.r ptillt I I nil I .r. e.ler, 0:15 A. H. t? 1.' OOP 31 ,! o idunuiitl I'rovldunce, UaSA.lt. 1, lllISllil ll 111 Hi Mllltl iv I HI ni Malt. I iii iii tt nil ptrlor cars, fare 7, la-- ft cliul ni: l ar or t ar .e ti v- - JA i r Hi" I mini nrrlrmnlnnil depart! ftumPsrlt Bparn btillon ll ivion Li turn servleu sain, hour ami liy antin r itt $K 1 .iruukU arl. rnii'i alei plmr cars by ( ach train. tM 11 III v'Mr Ml i, ill l'nt Agent. Wm IJltoIM-- ll s ftiri i iia i indenii it milk, fresh cons' ijl i p u tut wm iiu uiened at ths Vl itfllit t f ii t in i nt t titiiittun Vu 14N hail Jit mull ai i iHiunb i -- J. inuo 1 or particular!, io. T , i City 11 i r I lll.i lu VI lnlt"l.llOt I lTlT"s. FIOI it fte- -, WILL f J lu i ueliittli firfie of thu Dti,) iriinent of Cor. ; rt."i ii - li"l usi.utbit . on liav.uibcr Vlst, UM, 4;i tor p.itivuiuri se. City lucoid. J ' i TT03IA. X1JOir.V JtXO HIE SNOW. ller Assailant Escapes, but She Is Arrested nnd Fined lor Drunkenness. With her face covered by her hands, a young woman who had given her natno as Isabello Drowsier was arraigned before Magistrate Kud-llc- h In the Jefferson Market Police Court les-tcrd- morning on a charge of Intoxication and disorderly conduct preferred by Policeman Stedman of tho West Thirtieth street station. Sheworo a black sailor straw bat, a thin and fra) od brown cape, a rugged black serge skirt, and a cheap waist of gray canton flannel. A pair of rubbers served for shoes. "Ob, I am ao 111. My head aches, my tooth aches, and I am so cold," said the woman, weeping. "This Is no theatre," said Magistrate Endlleh, who helloed the girl was shamming. "Let mo see your faco." After coaxing, tho girl Anally was Induced to remove her hands from In front of her face, so the Magistrate could see her features. "I thought so," said tho Magistrate. "You were beforo mo about six months ago, and acted In the same manuer then." "1 am so blck." replied the girl, with a moan. "It is all u mistake now. as it was all a mistake then. Oh, my head aches so!" "! guess It Is a kalzenjammer." said Magis- trate lvudllch, grimly. Policeman stedmiin said he had seen tho girl standing forsever.il hours ednesday night In front of a saloon at Mxth nvunue and tortleth street. He had ordered her to inoo on several times and shu had gone away, but had alwas returned. At. I A. M , btedman said, he saw a man run out of tho saloon and throw tho girl into the p snow piled In the gutter. btedman chased the man, but he escaped. Then he w enl back to tbo girl, who was still ljtng In the snow, and took her to the station. 1 here tho matron Inund that tho girl had no shoes, bbe said that she had been discharged from a hospital that day, but refused to say what hospital. She admitted that her name wai fictitious. " I bellevo if j oa left Honor alone," said Mag- istrate Kuilllch, "you would not be In such bad shape 1 II lino you SJ, and If ou are really sick you can be sent to tho hospital and receive medical attintlon " "My Uod! it will kill me to hao to go to Jail," cried tbo girl, as she was led away to prison. A OtORIOVS tO KG Ell DEAD. ISenlcke or the Xlrcker-Crcen- n Osbe Dies In the Albuny County lull. Ar.nANI. Dec. 17. Tte most notorious gang of forgers that eer operated In the United States is now broxen up. No longer will tbe mention of the names lienlcke, Becker, and Crcgan causo terror In the banking world, lienlcke died on Tuesday, and his associates, Decker and Cregan, are serving life terms In a ban Francisco penitentiary. Joe McClusky and A. II Dean were also members of the Decker-Denlck- o gang. McClusky Is In prison, ana It was through Dean's Information that Decker and Cregan were arrested In New York and convicted, lienlcke was known as "Tbo King of Forgers." and he died on Tuesday mornlugln the Albany county jail, death being due to chronic diarrhoea. Until y Chief of Police Wll'ard did not know that Denlcko was dead. For some unknown reason bberlll Thajer kept the matter secret. He has been confined here slnco April tl af tbe present year awaiting trial oa an indictment charging liim with forgery found ui.lnst him b the Grand Juri in April. 1811 1 lie specific charge agalutt Mm was that on Nov. 4, 18'IJ. he bad raised a draft on the National Commercial Dank or this city from S1U to $1,1)00. Ha was arrested In New ork cltj just before leaving this country for hiiroponnd brought to Alban). lienlcke w as urlously known as "William Walworth." " I) ivid Johnson." "Frank " David Holcn," " Daniel lienlcke." and "HlgDan." Hu was .18 J ears old. Hit mother Is Mrs l.ewlt S oungof Sandj Hill. N Y whore ho rciluYd until he went out Into tho world and learned his bail tricks, the disease of w hlrh he del v us contracted In prison In Tennessee, w here he was cohfint d prlot to his incarceration Inlhlscitt. He claimed to hato nought his liberty The ltnne"e authorities disregarded tbe claim of New fork's Governor to the cus- tody of the forger. Dutcctite Nolan was despatched to New York to limit him up. He found him on Mnnduy, April II, as be was starding on the dock of the Cunard steamship line, anil, walking up to him with a pistol in his right hand. Nilan placed his left hand unon tbe shoulder uflhedesiii rate man, wt oiu back was toward him. and told him that he was under arrest, beelng that "the game was up " as he expressed It, " Dig Dan " allowed himself to be handculfed and was taken to Jail. Denicke was burled )esterday at Sandy Hill. RAISES COMMITTEE J-- V SYRACUSE. Chief or rollee lVrlclit Hays a. sfajorltr or Hrracusnne I.Ike User and ulsker, SritACLSE. Dec. 17. Tho Haines Investigating Committee met in this city with Senator John Haines. Senator Frank Hlgglns, and Sena- tor John lord of tho committee present. Chler of Police Charles It. Wright said that there had been a slight decrease In the number of saloons In Syracuse under the new law. The drawing of the curtains during closed hours was a great advantage. "The liquor business lu biracuse." he said, "Is a puzrle, A large majority of thu people In this city like beer and whliko). A Jury generally finds a verdict for tbe defendant." Ho was of thu opinion that tho present law was faulty. Polite Justice hredcrick W. Thompson, In re-p-lj to Senator Hlgglns, said that the only umrndmont ho would suggest was that the salu of liquor should bu pluceil in the hands of men with brnlnH enough to sell It rightly. "in whom would jou Invest the power to grim llcmses?" ' ilh any reprcsontatlvo body -- tbe Chamber of Cuiumene, for instance," "How would ou determine who would havo tho power to sell ;" "1 think that overy cltleu should have the inner to sell llio liquor traffic ought not to I le regulated by the Mttlo with the rolo object nf getting the grrati st retinue, but with tho lde uf huvlng only such men in the business as wuio competent to conduct it." Victim or the Clcurette Habit. MtliDt (town, N. Y Dec, 17. An Investiga- tion of the death of Percy Mlddlebrook, the joungmnnof Morlda, N. Y., who was found dead in his wimon Tuesday night, from causes supposed lo havo rcMillct Irom a nprce. has ro vi nidi the tact that hu was a slavunf thu cigiirttte liuliil. which produced heart disease, A cigarette half Mnokut was in .Mltldlebrook'H mnuili when found u hulf hour ulter hu had beendeuil. Do Fare and Grout Heparate. The law firm of Grout, Do Faro A. Mayer of Brooklyn lias been dissolved by tho retirement of Mr. Paul I', do Fare, who has been uctlvo In Ilepubllcan politics It Is said that Counnel Aim it I'. Jenks mai now Join tho firm, Justice Wlillam J, Uuvuur was lormcily ui the head of thu ilrm. l.lrctrlo MlocL quotations. nosTo. Dec, lio eloilu.- - quotations or electric stocks werut 7KI, MUd. I dlson Electrlo lllumlnatlnt. 140 (JriirralLlfctrle .. . 3ltj 32W (lenemll leetrlcpf . (j 7 ijiiiooiiConiiolidutedhtoreServlce Q0H 22 UtsltnrfhouiieUectrlcpf. 5 CS lonWayne Heelrlc ... 1 1M lort WayneLIectrloTruitdsrlciA) 3 3H Thomsou Houston (series C) 3 ThoaisonUoustou tMrletU),,,,,,,,,, ge, 4u IJtEAZ. ESTATE AVCTIOS SALES. lUetiard V. Harnett ft Co., In partition, sold No. 1P1 William street, four story tenement, lot 33. tx co.T, to Sprues street z sa.lxOa. to Ottlnger it Korn, for S1C.030. Also sold In foreclosure No. OT0 i:it 17011- - street, three story frsmo dwelling, lot runs w est SBx north uu.ttH east ttox smith loo, tn the plalntirr, William Hchuster. as exeoutor, for I I.UU0, rnillp A. Smyth sold In forectoiure, No. 304 tcst Twenty.slxtn street, three storir brlcx dwell, l.n a. lot IHxMs.ii, to Thomas Thetrord, tor tli.OBU. Iiryau I, Kennelly sold In roreeloture No. HU Fast llinth stnet, five story Prick tenement, lot vaxofi.ll, to the plaintiff, Caroline 3Iaey. for tlO.VOU. Also lu roreclosure. No. 4M0 Oram! street, four ntory touement, lot 17x04, to tho plalntirr. Herman itetdt, fo, SI. 1, 000. William Kennelly sold In forecloturs No. 230 west Thlrtv ninth stieet. five story dwelling, lot 10 8XUH V, 10 lienjsmtn Hnrker, Jr., for tla.Otm. Also sold in roreclosure, East Ninety eighth street, south side 01.1.4 roet east or Third avenue, 14.SX kli.V., to William ltoone), for tii;s. Iteal Kstnte Private Sales. Pin cm Iiwenrelil and William Praceer sold to TXarrls Cohen & tiro. No. 100 Stanton streot. front nd rear, old buildings, Vax7S Also No, 11)4 Stan, ton street, four story brick building, lot k'3x7a, to Bsmuul ureunncld on private tn ins Also pur chased from the Edgar estate. No St Columbia street, old brl'k stable, lot KOxlUO, on prlvato terms. Lionel Fro-htl- has sold for William D. Nich- ols tho Moot front on tho east side or Islington avenue, runiiliiK rroni Seventy ninth to KiRhtleth street", S04.4X31.4, to riser Pros Trenliolm it Simmons have sold tho riot, 00x 102, on tho smith slue or ijevent) third street, 111) hot tailor Itlvorsldo urlve, to a clliut, tor slxmt J3,00v. Ileal Eatnte Transfers. EriiKcomb av, es 72 11 n 13-t- st, tSiHSs Tno J sutton and wire to Ueo Sehseppen- - bsiiser ... $1 4th st, w ror tordham av toix Uixiuix40 I tiinia h liennei etal toVVm li Itote 1 Sdar, sweor leuth st, 0i31xJUmli sanis to same ..... . 1 Jllntoril p'ace, n, lot 74, map section O, ysoertatn Ward I and Improvement Co to Win J Tucker 10 2d av.sw cor 4iitreit. 74 lx71i AitallneM Siiedoker to t bCarmati. Hpsrt 1 Madison av, 11 e i or 11d tl, tooHxIU.H, rredk Kltnitiiiaii to I ernhard I I.udwii; 1 47th st, ss J47.4 e llttl av 2 MxlUO H. Chfls 3 ltlndtkoptetal to l. lie Ullnnirs 47,600 Usiimou av, neior Hutu t, luux&n Harris klauUelbsumet al to lurniau Colitmnn , 1 100 wVAitt av, '.'3xtUU.ll; laioli lawsnn to Win II 1'lcken 10 1331li st, ns, .ou w .id av, JillOO; Huie Combiet al tollvhaell)w ii r . 8,000 Broad Kt es, p irllon lot 42 map lalrtuount, 2i)xlU0x.2tilu0tt, ltlchaid J I.miiii to Bllchael Murray . 1 Ilroailst.es lortlon lot 21, same map, Jas Colli r to ttlonaril J 1 vons ... . . 1 ltlvtrtlk Iirlw.i't ,2.i n iimii st, clirlsto- - iil, ( r It Hob rt anil n lfe to W in K Aston , 100 lutlthst. 117 Last, LeuaJovishot to Jcnnls Ixiewenberg . 1 Setou av, es 201) s JotTerfon a, 30x100, Laut Co A of rUrnwald to John J linu. .. 600 3dav, srstas wldined) at s n bound iry line IlUtlllo neluiul tin n,rtv. run w UA a 9,2.11, f crotuna l'arkxue Hiti.x n w miiiw '101.10 iu iciiunim:. li. rnnrJ Jla- - hou and wife to Itantlotpti uuKuenhetmer . 1 1211 st, SS.H4 nnlexlnginiiav, ja,nxluo 11: KstherlneMarluuio Mary vi(iue . 2000 Manila it. w , luon koihiith av. 4 3HU0, John Callander and wire to Katie Wil- 1, 300 James st w s lots Mil and H7, between Oak on 1 2Iadlon sts, 30xlou. Lllza ua&llnand alio toMkhrlm.i Manltcilco 17,300 8Jt st ss Uo a Ams er.lani av, .'oxlll tlx 20 lxlO'.is. IKruhsrdJ Ludwh-au- wlfuto tredx KltuRinan. . ,. 1 lluihst in 137 e Lenox ar INxiooll; W'm riek.cn and wife tosarahl Walters and alio 100 Lot 01. niapnr Wllllanihrtds Milage, (.has l bclilnner to Msrr tl Doilaud .. 1,400 Brook av 343, Joicpll A lliomilon to td- - wardCHoytrs . ... . 1 Lenox av n e cor mm at 73 1tx Irre, Is on I wire to John Kehoe. 63000 117lliat.il s 10ei! lisnn av 01 tliloall. Geo II Itavniunil and nirxto W m II Jackson 1 02 1st, ss luu w tit av, 23x100 8. Julius K Strlbirloltosa'stelbtr .. . 1 Bnalnay. w s lul n 3Sd it 23 2x Irreg . Jeremiah W Cliutck. Jr. et al to New ork Ilealtyco 100 Christie st, w s, .73 Cansl St. 23x100, (lenln II Iluckbec tn Wni 1 elnliers and alio 18 730 rtlnt. 7 hi last, Wmil Hull to H W Hull U.UU0 Av c, rOI. I ugenu A t'hlltilu. retiree, to XMar J Hodln . . 14,200 .",!, fl e eor 13th st, same to Henrr Hawerkami 13 700 Aril itlt same to tame 7,400 Av 11 .'47, rame tn Marv J tlodln . .. b,450 3.' I t li s I J- - u w At av. 17 IllxlKD, Edward llsgorrv lolellx Mulorrr . .. 19,700 Utti t li es 40o.Jav 20x40 S, John L Morton and wife to Jordan L Molt ... 1 Taj lor av w i so n Clay av. 3x100. Cath erlno M Osten ami aim lo Katie IIIkks .. 1 lb3th r, ns 117 n w Washington av. laslx 100 Jnbn r DovvdtoMaicnrut lllearoti 4 400 South t 70 s w cor !) Pe)-- r t. JilxSO, Htrb rtSU;1en.rer to Idwsrd ssavaue C0.300 et llroidua). es 73s West 3d st V.'vl.'a. AltHrt J Laj pin, as exor. to llelolte L loufTret . . . . 2fl 100 2dav ieeoriltht..'4 1x33 4, Charles Koss, asexor. to Hrnr I llTcl 24.200 Av 11 n 4JJ ti lltn t, 20xwail 1 ugeno A 1'hilbln referee to Henry Jaeger 17 000 77th M.SJt Wet John EWard, referee, to lteruiird l,oo Iwln . 10.300 mtn st. ns mso I'srlt av lx75i Llliabeth lleCitaetnl tilrleda Mashblr1 3,150 lSUttist ss 2.'3 t a av, 23iv Hi Sidney J Lonen. refrne, to I nro'.lue I. Maej 13 900 WMhsl. us too v. .th av 173XJH 11, John M Held loJixebhMurt hj Jr 1 Sithst sn 173 vv ttm End sv J'.xluOll, Islellv Jaiotsand alio to vv m II riikt-- 1 tMh st, si, 00 w Wetlndiv Oxloull, LewUohn to W'm 11 I'kken 10 tMh II. ss iiiw Wel I n lav, .'3x100 II, Minn Kotcnberger to sanie 10 llhthst ss I30w Wet iv. JSxlUO 11, kliza Jacobs Indlv a id exlrx, to same .. .. 10 000 1 cu Mono eons. Adams. Albert J. and w lfe to r rt dertc J Mid fllibroo" m w tor 7th av and J3th si, 2 )rs 123 000 Alliro I wis IC an I ivir,- - to I'atk II Olihooly tru ISI uraiidit 1. to lent ilnton stand Uan I 13 Attnrmy kt 17art Jjr-- 1,050 Anlorson, Win s and wir to Julia V Dick- ers m ns IJ.it st. 150 vv I enox av, l yrand 3jri, J mtrfv , 13 000 liuikli lwreuce to Geo It chrlntman X co m liitth :. 4o7 t v. toluint us av imoii 2,000 Laririt Jaiiie all I wife to John A Stewart etal. trui, tc of t ib I Ivi riool an I nation an Ulobtt ImCn In N i, us sth st, 170 w W evt 1 nt av, I j is 20,000 Same to aine, n fti at, IWj w Wesllnd av, I vr. 4 inn. . . 00 000 bum. to Win Halls bu ii n s esth al, 421 0 e Itlrersldu drive. 1 vr 21,000 Corller Tnto and wife to W m Halls' Sons, li vv cor I exiuctnn v and JTlh st yr 13 000 Cunenan, viiryaud ptiinii' to the Mate Hank. 7, lait 11 I list not it ino 1,000 Cauldtvil). Wu to i. Hoe ( o. w a lit Morris av J3 11 u l.Ht ft notes 1 and rt months 11,000 Caiiln.ton. Hitut elhM to tie l)r Hock suv. Insi luvtu n a 1. M at, .14 it ith av. 1 vr. 1,000 Churchl I All, n I an lf to W alter r Kluij land u a 115th at IJjw7thav lrs . 10 000 Curtlu Fllen toMarn I irliler, 1C0. Int. n s. 131 e Washlimtoo av ivr 1,000 Dolln Mary J loLUaehc 1 1 elbln, nferce. V47AVII Jyra . fj 070 lame, to name, 1 II veC yrs . t 3i0 Dovvna Jos-lh- to Wm li Derrlsn, nw a viar on st lot Jll, injp of Waablntilonvllle, J yrs . 1,000 Dallty Martha A to Henri A C Taylor, a s lttllhat I5lf?lhav Jri 4,000 linn. John J, to Laud ( oinpiny or Iten vvald t a belou av, .'10 9 It tit ron av, J yrs 400 Fnunr Mary A, to Mar) W l'o;tr. ',in st 83oi 11th av. J vrs 0,000 llovo lainei It to liivny Svvk s liulu. , n a 20th at, ..'5 o 11th av, r 33,000 Fsv llithuel. and W m Mntom to Harris MantlelbdUiu an llalier Ihmoiio, 57 can lion st. II innntha . 2 300 lelnurK Win an 1 Joa l'olteln to tlrorfle 11 Uuckbte. )7Ctirvstlet. r 10.000 Goolwln. Ptrmtrl. to lttiu ituarantee and IruslLo J21 W J7lh it 3rs . 7,000 Coepei Lias, to Marx and Mosei Otllnger. Isidore b and Max b Koru n e s 13th it, 173 UV 11 sv, hast. Hula Is 7 coo Garland bamuel auilvvlfu tu Mary Hill, ua lit at, lotle Waahlhkion av, .tyri . 000 Hawurkaii ic Hinry, toluatuiuA l'hllbln, referee J il Av 11 .Ivra . H 20 Same to aalne, J III Av II Ivra 4 44U Hi rsoHlt,llimlt,and wlfo to Jonaa Well and iternliart Matr. 104 owlaai Inatalli 1,000 Ireland, John II anil wife to the rtiilinhle I tfn Atiurance boclely of the Us, n w cor West II wuy and 3d st. 1 r . . , . 03.000 Jacitr. Hi nrj, to Geo tlerlach, w s Av II, 4 I 3 II tllhat. Jjrs .... . 1.000 Saint' to satnu and wife, w s Av II, 4 J. J u 11 lit at..lra . , 12.000 JouiTri t, llelotie I and lienjn, to the Mutual 1 1ft luiurnmel ,iof N . os Writ II way, 7s Win at J vra .. 13,000 Klinuiiati 1 redk, to liernhard J I tidwlg, ss H Ml at, 1,10 u Alnaler lam uv, notia 1,300 Kihoc. .loan to Irani la 1' Tilruall, u u lur 1 14lh si an 1 1 onov av, ileinan I ,, so 000 hauie to laiue iihiiio prop ihnianl . . bj 000 Krone, Ahraliaiu.aii 1 wife lo Geo It t hrlvt- - luan and cur allau Woeiiuer, ns llsth at, M w Ainaieriiaiii av. 1 uu nth 330 I yons Hit hard J, 10 Jainta an I Aunle rills. V a Pro id at. part ot lot 41, map of IDOIllll. Illl ward Jyra 1,300 Same to Jns toller e s llrin 1 it, part of lot 4.' same map I yr 2,000 fcamn 10 tto, selfi rtl art nf lot 4.' aamo iniiu and or lot 4, I r u'mortsi . . 0 000 Hsiiiu tu en Hj ft rd, t s Ilruail it, part of lot i suuit map I yr , . . . 1.250 Mii.urj.nilx.io Altlntl Miller, ns J.' it I 15 w .tl av ,4 moiit is 2 000 Mnsiiliir, I rittla to Jaiobinel Minrnlh, us lllthkt. inuo 1'nrk av J jrs , 3 300 Mlllt r t atlurlue.Xo llio l.iainroiit Indus Kav IllllslUllk IU llrtlfordlt, yr . 10,000 Miller, Kiinia'unda and John to llnrrletto V, Coikt. I t 11 U lilo ,. 11, luapMapesuatate. IliuUon 1'ltosv lvr 1300 New 'it rk Ittally ( n led c J Mhlillrbrook v a tlroa livay. Kill II 11 Al'at lra 14 000 O'Ntli. Mur to the lawyers viortKaso In ' atlrauceCu -- 3J Ma lloii at ivri 10.000 I'Kktii, Wm II, to Minnie. Itoaenberitor, ss Vstliat U"i iv West 11 av, a )ra 0 000 bame to onsrd evvlaohn, s s tlhlh v. 150 w Wt At I n av I v is p QQo Uatue In iHtillo tori 111 Jacobs s 1 llblh hi, 17o w Wi t I n av dyrt . 0 000 batin to Itoiiiht 1 awlaoliu, a 8 tlblh it,J00w Wi st n I av, 'lra 10,000 llttiif)ii Hnrriitii b li. toJoaipnlnu Win ilt II 1 aMienlnbs Pain road or Aipleiliiet av 515 0 11 bt James st, about J aires, J yrs 11,000 bamo tu t arollno W'anilutl, o a Matniubd I am road or Aqueduct av, 16un bt Janus st, J aires Ivra 13 000 llmiit,ii Ilarnelteb II tnbmlth M Wet tl, e a Mat ml, a Hum roal or Aqueduct av, 333 3 II M J111111 at Jr . , 0,550 to aatiie h a Miitumbs Ham road or Aiiiiidiiiiav nil nM Jaiiui at, I )r 0,000 bavui.e L.lisil s, to u in v Muirt etal, Inn, At or Niriilnlan Mackay Miiltn.s wcor lie I'ejslirniidbouthns, J vrs , 88,000 Tucker, Wm J, to 23d Ward Land Impo't Co, lot 744, map section C, Vyaeeatato lyr .. 000 Same and wife to lliomis h Greaceti, lot 744, same map .1 yrs... , .... 2,750 Wabltrr, cnai and trunk V, and irhes ti Msry II Moore, n s 144th st, 173 v Clifton v. Jyra ... . . 10,000 Same to tredsrlck llruc , asionitulttee, &c. U s 144th it, SOU vv uinonnv, Jn . . 10 000 UEVOKbUi LLASkS Callet, Joieph to Geo Wallavch se cor Park av and 34th st. store. c, ' jrs . tilOO 7.'0 Flchbaudler. Cheam, to eto Lt.rtnzo, 3t Ha aril tt stori , Ac 111 1J vrs 640 Gootlateln, Harry, to Harris Mayer. 113 lies terst lyrv . .1 030 GreienttaR-e- Jacob H. and anu to lluito Sclimelz, sw corner Lenox av and U7th at. 7 yrs . Si sou 1 000 Baikmaun. Marcaret, to Jacob Itottmanu, 17IU liiiattrdamav, "t yrs 693 Tovvnatind HandolphW.to Iilav Uahut ot at J104 .'lU02d av, atorea, dc, t) rs . 000 t'onrt Cavlendarta This Day. Appellato Division Supreme rourt viotlons. Or ders Sos 3. 21. 17. lit. 13, 10, II, 111, ij, it. 23, .li. .'7. -- ', .'U, JO, J.', 33 Supremo Court speclsl Term Part I. Motion calendar called at 11 A. M. Part II Ex pvrle mat ters. Part HI Clear. Motions Via. 1 to 1 in elusive. Preferred causes So livjs, JUJU. Part I Caae unhnlsbed. Ivvv an 1 ftct Sos. 107. 677. 3IJ7, J77J. M30M. 1815 .1100, 11 I7n , .'1150, J1U5. JJ1J, J77J, a UI7, J7UJ, J77D, Jill", Jtltl, 88111, J1J, J.13-)- , .IJ3U, 2011. UJ.'a, 'JJ4I, JWI, yjs, .'75.', .'U7, .'310, Joi4 I 'ait V Caao unfln she l. Caacs from 1 art I . Part I Caae untln Ished. casts front Part IV. 1 art V ll.-- Ca tiullu Ivhed Elevated rallroatl caatv part Mil. Ad Journed ror tie term. Trial Term 1'vrt II Case unfinished 1'referred Ul'li, vi.'ll, bOU3, U37U, U4U7, II3.'4, U5.'7. U717. U. 14, UI4i, H'107, U004, 0103, U3JM. Pari III Caie uunulvhe I No. I33J. .'403, .'274, IU, .I07J, SO-- .', btllll, 44B7, J3D3, ,1370. 3149, Ul 1M, 40'0, 3H1U, 4JJ7, 41J.', 43U, 4J.'3, 4414. J1U0, leOH, 1HU7. J131 Part IV Case uullnlahed. caaes rrom Part 111 Part Cato unnulthed. Caves from Part III. l'art M Caae unniilsheJ. Cavts front Part HI l'art MI Clear. Nos. HMD. 4U5J. sou, Jiiaa, lent, ihU2, Jiou, loeo, J270, juii, .uv3, 3HI. 2.'3, lbJ4, 3UI2, 301I, 330, 4U17, 457, 4.191! 41U1, J4, InqnoitS "vo 4UU4. 4Uo3 art V1II Cato to be lUfttmed up. Casta from l'art MI. I art I. Case unnnlsbed. Cues rrom Part MI iaitX Clear. Caaesrrom rartMI. 1 art XI. dJoiirned ror the term burroiatti'a Court Trial Terra Vo day calendar Chambcra Motion calendar called at lu 30 A. 31. W 111 of John 11 Ha.kiti al J 1'. 31. Tor probate Wills of Harriot . Iietn. Charle. ;s. Clark, Jame. It an, Jay i. Luis, Lung at 10 JO A. M., Henry Illume, Ktlen Campion at J V. 31 City Court Special Term Motlona. Trial Term Pirt I. Caie unnnl-he- hoi. 1439. .1447, 8 111, 4 SO. J13ti letS-- l, 14.'D, 14b, 4JI, 1407, 2710, 14SJ, 303, JOS, J033, 2043, .'770, 411.', 1.03 1030, 33J, lOItt 38b, 400. 1441, 14 I J JOIOCj, 103i, 11)113, 1383 .'SI, 384, 04e, 14 1, 1412, 1404, 14J7, 143J, J304, 2.'.1.', 134, 400 ''', 140 1448, 374. l'art II. Case unflntsiicl ho. l.'S, UJ8, 100U, 371, IJ44 lutlB, 7J7, 83, 837, 83s, 80U, 8B1, b(18, 8011, 07J, e73, 880 881, 731, 3031, 1J33 184. Part III Clc-i- No., nltin, BOO, II3J. 172. aa.'Otd. .15111,701, s.'l, 301, OI17, .148, 074, 403, 4 18, 733, 7117, OUOCJ, UU.', ,1S7, 4.W, 731), 11.', 114. 113. Hit, 4J7. 3UZ, 13.'. 130, 10.'. l'art IV Caie unflnUhed bhort cau.ta Nm 8HU8, .IJ4, .'041, J8I7, 3U02, JJ03, 3UJ4, 3UU0, 40, '10 13.


o'BJSxnitKBAaA imouoiiAtr, crofta nvuor, jxicions a cae.

Oroii Inert or 8.10,000 In the SnlnrieaAscovmt Dsrcnted A Grctst Blush ofthe Estlmntf, for Atlerntlona nnd Ilr.a.ntrs-Bia.0- 00 Kconamlzeil Altogether.

President Croft of tho Charities Departmentslted tho Board of Estimate yesterday for

83.000 for the par of a central Inspector nf nilthe city hospitals. Comptroller fitch wantedto know why the Commissioners did not dotheir own Inspecting.

"Ttyiy havon't the time," replied Mr. Croft." Mr Croft," enld the Comptroller, suddenly.

" who rides around In the brougham which youbought for $540 J"

"Kr-O- en. O'Bolrne." replied the Commit-- Jloner." And who uses the coup which cost the city

$350 "I " The medical staff of Bellerne Uospllal.""And thoothor coupA which nlso cost $350?""That Isn't a coup. It's a buggy," said Mr.

Croft, brightening up a bit. "I use It myself."Returning to tho Item of goneral Inspector for

tho hospitals, Presldont Croft admitted, undera rapid fire of question by tho Comptroller,that tho board had already created tho office),and that James S. Know les had held It for sixweeks, his pay being drawn from tho appropria-tion for salaries.

"So vnu created tho office wltl nut consultingthis board ?" asked the Comptroller.

" We did, Mr. Knowles pat-i- d a clrll. serviceexamination nfter lie was appointed."

" Havo nu created mil other oflkes since youwere here last ycarV" asked Mr. 1'ltch sarcasti-cally.

" No," replied Mr. Croft, but later when thoappropriation for tho outdoor poor was takenup ha admitted Hint an was appointedaiaealar) of SU00 a eir without the knout-dgon- r

the Hoard nf tlmate. Ho naked for$000 for tho pay of thu cnulnter for the rear.

"I submit, jour Ilnnnr," suld Mr. ritcn to theMajor, "tint If the Chnrltles Commissionerscan go ahead and ere ite nniios at n ill. tho orkof this board In passing upon their ustlmnte ludetail Is merely pirfunctory. I am sure thai noother city department e cr did It, and I consldorIt a very clangorous precedent."

The Mayor said lie it as In favor of the appro-priation for General Inspector, as be consideredIheofUeoa very neeisaary one.

"In fact. I think I suggested Its creation my-self." he snil. "I think, thai If the commis-sioners could get on unbiassed report of all thoctt) liospllBl urery day there would bo butterfood, better dicorum, and better mauagemuntIn those lntltutlons."

The appropriation, was allowed, but theComptroller opposed the gross increase of SoO,-00- 0

In theoalar) nccoiint and it was defeated.Mr. Croftuskid forSO.100 for the stable ac-

count, against SJ.-M- 0 last ear."Why tho largo Increase?" asked tho Cor--

rporatlon Counsel.for O'Uelrne's nrougham and Croft's

snld tho Comptroller, 'lhe ltom wascut down to last year's figure

Mr. Croft asked for JH51.000 for supplies Heraid the department had spent S7SL',U7o 41 forsupplies last leur, and the price of all staplearticles was rising

" That Is not so," said the Comptroller. "Yougot $710,000 last ear, and there It still an un-expended balance of $14.' 000 to the credit ofthat account In my office."

UookLetper Price, who made up the estimate,explained that hu had figured from Jul) 1,1803,to Jul) 1. 1H00, for the !lcol year.

"Well, there is no such llscal jear," said Mr.Fitch wearily. "Mr. .Major," he added, "Ivv Ish ou would send the Commissioners of Ac- -counts to the Island to straighten out the char--

books."do so at once," said the Mavor.Croft asked for SUlt-YIO-S for alterations

repairs, against S100.000 last rar. Theaskt-- t for a detailed statement ofIlties expenditures from this item for last year,

wben he glanced It ov v r ho snld :I sea that all Dut ?. 18,000 of this amount wisbidding?"

without advertising or withoutcontracts wero all under $1,000,"

Mr. Croft." I am noposed to granting so largo an appro-

priation on the chanco that It will bo spent,"said Corporation Counsel trott. and the itemwas cut down to $t0.000. The amount finallydecided unon for President Croft's departmentwas S1.2S-.04- S. or $4 J.055 less than last car.

nir.i orcu am3ioj:tai.i.t is.juh.ej).afcCartby Wan Ilelplns to Extricate a

Track from a ttnow Sunk.A heavily loaded four horse truck, owned by

ilenry LIndenmeir & Sons of 35 East Houstonstreet, and drhea by Henry Hlgglns of 18Marlon stree', got stuck In the anon last nightIn Prince street, near Marlon street. Prlncostreet attbat point Is very narrow, and highsnowbanks on each side of tho car tracks leftonly a narrow lane for the passage of ehlcles.Passengers from the cars which were blockedand passers by gathered in a crowd aboutHigglns's truck. Among several wno volun-teered to assist the driver was Dennis Mc-

Carthy 47 years old, of 412 West Thirteenthstreet. McCarthy crabbed tho leaders andurtcd them on, while other men tugged at thowheels. The horses bounded forward suddenlywith thu truck, and McCarthy leaped hickwardto get out of tl o waj.

Uls feet slipped on the car track and he fell Infront of the truck. Tho wheels passed overhis right leg, fracturing it above and below theknee. McCarthy was carried Into the hall of anear-b-y building, where he was attended bjhurgeon Malonejr of bt. Vincent's Hospital, whosaid that he was bleeding Internally and that hewould probably die in u few hours.

A priest was then sent for, and FatherO'Brlenof bu Patrick's Church came and administeredextreme unction to tho Injured man. McCarthywas taken to St. Vlnccul's Hospital. DriverHlgglns. although nut to blaraefortheacrldent,was arrested nnd locked up In tho Mulberrystreet station.

iwur auos, aonii toe case.lire. Health Max Collect on Her L.to Ha

bund's Accident Policy.St. Louis Mo , Dec. 17. In the United States

fl Circuit Court yesterday. Judge Adams bandeddown a decision giving Sarah T. Smith a Judg-ment against tho Western Commercial Travel-lers' Association for $3,105. This Is tho " tightshoe, sore toe case."

The plaintiff Is the widow of Treeman O.Smith, who was a member of the association,and she was bis beneficiary. Tho policy pro-vided for the pa mentof an amount not exceed-ing $5,000 in the ovent of death bj "externalviolence and accidental means." Up to August,18U5, Smith was an exceptional!) healthy andstroDg person. Early In that month he beganwearing a pair of new shoes, and, "breakingthem In," produced friction, and there remind"unexpectedly." as the Judge finds, "and notaccording to the osual course of things, anabrasion of the skin of one of Ills toes, therebycausing a sore."

Although hu gave reasonable attention to theInjury, the sore rrew worse, and by the latterpart of beptember blood poisoning set In, and onOct, 3 he died from the effects of tho blood poi-soning, which Judge Adams concluded was adirect result nf the abrasion nf the toe causedbr the tight shoe. Judge Adamsconcludos thatdeath was occasioned b "external. violent,and accidental means" within there.il meaningof the certificate.


The Bursting nf na Ammonia Cjllader HetsFir to the Place.

PlTTSBUimil, Dec, 17,Tie Casino buildingthe bridge which spanned Four Mile Hun

main entrance to fclienley Park,were destroyed by 11 ro at 1:45 o'clock this

Iand The Casino building and contentsan Investment of about S40,000. 1 he

does not exceed $50,000. llio park

$00,000.wes a temporary structure which cost

Tho tlntm-f- t originated in tho Casino from thobursting of a large ammonia c Under In tho Icomachine under thu skating rink. 'I hu force oftho explosion blew oui llio unt end ut the build-ing In which were tho lurLo engluts urid ro.fri.cratltis machinery, setting Hie to thu wroil- -

work. Thu lire spreutt with i.ipl'lltl, and atIntel nls the ammonia pints and tanks exploili dfrom the lieat, hurling grialcolumni of II ro umldebt Is In various fllnttions. 'llio intense lieul

ft and the fumes f i urn the ammonia madultlm- -II possible for the firemen to work effectively.

Sirs. Adeline J. tioadrlcb Berks Divorce.New Haves, Dec. 17. Mrs. Adeline J. Good-

rich has brought suit for divorce against JohnJ. Goodrich, on the ground of liiteinpornnco andintolerable cruelty. Mrs. (loodrlch is a duugh-to- rI of tho Into liiseiin. t'lark. who was u n

mail in New Haven and who left uuestate valued at SHOO.OOO, Mrs. (nodrlch re-

ceived a third of tho estate, hut It Is said she Isnow lompurHtholi poor. one alleges that herhusband bus spent it good deal of tier money,'llio Good rluhes wero married lu 1 8lltl and havethmi children.

r coWflfl';it'rs)iwm',i!,ROlidbiO All bright, uuwr irooils atCaraets. th0 oUl l0W prUx3- -

LONG t'UinilT.10 West 14UU Blrs.t,

fry,, 2--jjfoti 1 a ,,fr1jL2J2ZZi

Every DayI r round In yotir lntldc or Ufo I Youknow how many step" you hiwo climbedbut how many nro there left 1

Do you know tlmt jour life depends onyour supply of health, mid do you renllzothnt tired fccllnKB nnd other symptom ofweakness nro nnturo's nrnltiRs.

If o, remember thnt strength Is restoredbv tho prompt uso of

Duffy's Pure

Malt WhiskeyInvnlunblo as a stimulant and tonic, appe-tizer nnd general hcnlth-bulldo- A boon tothousands of wenry men and women wholack energy nnd nmbltlon. The sttmulntlonourishment contained In the puroninlt hnsn wonderfully beneficial effect In consump-tion nnd all other wasting diseases. Itquickens the circulation, nnd nets as a suroeuro and procntlvo for coughs, colds, thogrip nnd pneumonia.

FLINTS HNE FURNITURE.Attractive and Usolul

Slmvins Stands . . . 87. OO

Give Woodbury's Facial Soap fiWa trial and you will use do oilier, fffnU ! pure. DruKi.ts sell it. X

' TO" jMjfy?

Mr. F. A. Franklin, a traveling salesman, says :

" About six months ago I bought my first box of

Rip&ns Tahulesand was so pleased with the result that I have sincebought them in various parts of the State. Beinga traveling man, and compelled to drink all kindsof water and eat all kinds of food, I find the RipansTabules are the best aid to digestion I have evertried."


Meckweur. S3


08 to



Hen's Hats."SlTle" and little prices.

Derbys, In Itlnek, Drown, avnd Russet,41.00 to S3 UU,

Alpines In I'enrl, with blnok band, 01.OO toS2 0O.

C'oavchmen's Hats, OolfCnp.lints, BO OO. Sl.BO, B5.SO.

Operav Huts, SI.SO.

Men's Shoes.Wo nre the larcest retailers or Men's

Hliors. Htudy tbe stnek. avnd price nod j ou'llknow why.

--. Imported KsnmelfcSplliisjs Hliarii llonhlo Hole

Sava. (Hand Writ),Vl3jjrv 02.U7 and Wt OS.Vrtjfc- - "Winter Ilusaets,

"a.5rw Cnlf lined,

fTa-- ' V Imporled

jJ e n ' X.ether,VaaaaaaaaBBaa slnltle oi dou-

ble soles, 83 07to Sta08 prime Culf, dnnbte sole, ftt 07to 81 Of.

H'nntrii jrtmaies.

AHTII It IAI, l'l OW I IIS Hands wanted, workonloo croab at

hFWHtS laperlotlCld Bills wanted, mo".McKlltlll.S, 74 Duaiiual

Jt untril Itlnlrs liTrrliaiuw, v"c."

11S-- W anted ouiib mau who underatamta vvnrklni' lu a sIivlI room J C. A!Kv

1IM . Jt'iMiilmrry stMAN In tililnicrooin on nu u's flno slices Ad"

' ,lltB 1111 It box 17J hull nnke

WANTI D Ivvu l"'ik iiIrii tillilera mi flue work,work and ki od a. Aldrisib, box luu

bun otlUe

S iH.Uit JHTalrs 2Hi5rcUincouc.tCCUBATh SPANISH TltANSI ATJIt. IDlrtNAI

J IM, ANHf llllltl blONIH M arm experience!exieptlonal referclicia MlhllNA, ' 104 uox av,

rill Anldia Who inn think uf aomuaiinWAN inline lo mteui Protect )t.nr Id n Hitvmay brinlfou wealth rile JOHN U LIIHI Itltl lift&ro, pan nt atlorneys. asliliutou, I). C , for tliulrtl.etiuprlzu

itunuciw li'imtcd StmnXto.

S1ENOt,IAl'IIIIlunl upert l)pevvrltrr lltemlnBrtftnntt Aihtnav ansa .,box 103 Situ uptown ofllu , lnl liruiulvtiu

rGUNU Al d airt a pnaltiou aai unit anion or allendiini incldi rly lad) urliivill I: would are fi ranil Initruit luiaiid tllld, tdueated. speciallytrained ror teachliiit, rt rerun fa.

P O Ilux .'18, Haiiliur), Cnnu

ijitnuom ttinnte.1 maun.AltlSl'lcrAIII.I- 0"NH MAHltlll) MAN ilcslrilcapable and rtlutie,can furnl.li A No 1 refereiue, i.Hlliitr. porltr,"Jack of all trades, ' uwilul aaam uiral utlllt mainvrliiinit to work. Address JAMtu HAY, UU Oliver St..New Vorlc city.

M . y 'St ,V y, t j,!-- ? l' ff-Vl--

tSituiitioin Wantrrt tUnlcis.

A MAN wanirt a position In hotel or restaurant aature-ktM'- ir, Jian i xi rlcnre In this ilty; A

o 1 tifpriin.1 AiflresH 1 S. ,40 Woat lfithLUAMI-D- , Ity y.tuiiL' man Pinion In wholesaleu lljurirttnl nr m er more, four jor' r rrcnefromUkt placi AtldrttiaK 1, 1B7 .J st , llrooklyn

TQl so MlN-8- 1, tluilrM iltuatlon: llRht porterustTiil mau.nrulovAior runner, o uploed Bt lait

place tUht years, ton i n com nun lnlloiikAur ItHAUIM. Jiaet60thtt

''OUSO 1IA 2? i nr of ace MeMrei employment. oTanv kind rapl 1 ami accurate, at tlguret can

do paiklns and asiiit nt itilpplnz lr Uox UUbunotlUu. IVJtli HroaOuaj

Select 3oartt.lait IMtlo.

"I fTXl RTH U FAST --Warm, nunny. connwctlntTJ. ) double, aliiRlo ruonii, excellent board i ereryconvenience, mo lerntt

hTTiyI-AS- Iteautirul, tpaclout roomi;O superior taole inar I fioifs.1 convenleniei. prl

at Odtliolli famll roffreiicpsI KT1 hT Jl5 AST fronTroom.XmU ixcell nt board U for tno, table boardersaccommodated

Aci rt.do.

ST , 271 I.5T -- Handsomely furnishedrooms axcclleut buird, eptelal rates to tbre

or four frit tn

fcTsr bT. 3rWSTnfftrno.rr7ront room(X Ijeatid, runntnif wultr, exctlknt board

JOI si . U WEST beLonil floor nntl furnishedOO mite with j r itebtth iJiiRle rooms permmnt or transient board optional references0 iTll SI UV WI SI lluinliomily furnlslud frontIt J au Lac t Darlor lloor, Mtli alcoo, runnlnt;wuter rench cuJuiut,i HI sf 2)i Wt ST -- Ijirit7Ielrab e rooms.ji ticillenl board, tviry ion w ttrms

rtaoouu e n AcHIlTI5:,ircri il . i.00 Wt ST Comfortably furnishedlu niaro room exctllent boarl. alt convenience,

omtliLu ter i niotlt-rsit- rtfereate-TllsT iflalWIST-Handsoin- eU furnt-she- lartrelti rooms sufrprlor board, every appointment,

mos'erate rererenct

( urutrShrd SoomeS:5pnrtincttW to 5ti uatSiat.

rItAMERCV PIIIK furnishedVI nvim an 1 mlt uf rooms both with prl rate bath,I reak.fat nferetn r.

I AllttLaud small rooms conviaient principal1 1 ottK clubi- 1UJ Madison a. ant - Lust-- altllht

lTTLXsT -- Nkdlv furnished squnre room,.aio hall room strictly prlvato family, with

nvwitrOMTIl stT-M3-

" nnd lit I sl -- Hcant rooms. $3OeJ to $7 vrrcKly, transient 51 to?i perdaj.

Went Side.

VT 5 UnlversJt placo (Washington wjaarellan ttiiii turiiia it rooms all conveulirnccs,

fo- - ( erm iu nt or transit nt gentlemenHI ST, sI5j WI-h- t Willi owner furnl.hed,

. i tated room, all luiprorctuents, fl-i- mealoptlonul

-- TUsT li UJ-s- Wilton lintel tose., home--I llko hteiiiii lieati d ro mis 2 pi r hi t upwird

J Til SI J'7 I sl IarKf, m l furnishedOkt room $i for two, st Utt appointments privatefamilyJ r h SI 11 M si Hamlioiui ly furuls'ied roomsfit) for Reutlfin u Otn.t for pli. slcla i Peferenr-e- .

001 II ST li WIST MirnUhed room For bach--tlors rt I rem t exihanki'l

till ST. r WbsT - Ilaud-- n in U fnrnltliertII 1 rooms api'ulntiuentj, ekci, fctutUmen. refer-ence

I "Til st! 1 47W --Han Uo tu furnKhM'I rooms etiuitt, sltiel. ri oiutinent select,private famll) term nottilnil r u rincdsA itTli stT-- 1' V ST Mceirfurnl-iTo- d frout pnr11) lor nut couple or two uentlomen, u'otn ill rooniii

,17m ST 177rSTia7nrondvv.iv lloTfTfrnrl 1 for tnislut purposes, other rooms, rtftrtners

rxriinnife 1 ri Ohoiiable,"17TH sr 2 J WJST -- Third lloorTen unite or single.i i prlvato hath private fatuity, con lU men onl),

finis nurt Apanmrnts Za Xct.II ATs AM) M'MtTMl NTS unr.irnMw furnished.iMndttirablolo Ulom. rem 3 tin t $ I onu

IOI som ltUHHHt hi llroadwa) tor HthsLI UUuVb M IIni. St;

4L all linprovHinents6&J TO H W 4JJ) ST

Apply to Janitor.

B AH HOU ST. 7T Three lUht ouul le ronnn threeMIHts nil sunny, nil Improvomi ids, ijulel bouse;


0111 K .44 I arpeniartmi iit, hef u rooms, hotcuM water, for llnht butlntiti or reshUnce

7TIIST .I'lKAST-l-ln- eat flat on the sixi ru uu. anl Ijaih all improvements, rent from thelot lujulry Jimltorj;IIIM Ml tlat four rooms nndOl) bath, all rk lily U coral. $.M.

JMTO.U'i" sT lu I AS r A floor of live rooms In a prltO it. limitc rt nt fin a month

Ll Tllhl SJill sr ttrtetv HatH 4 rooms,0 luth, prhaln h ill, nut 91tt, flu hteJhllJ. "

()UTU sr 4S I si HnmU inu'lj decorated sti aiii7t J leiu I Hit ruriilshut or uufuruUlitd, btvui

lltaht r iini" n iHintaiiltI ) "111 si iiN si Apirtiin ins or tnrto andI - four ro mis ill Uuht ru im t luapri 11U

Q f; TO Sl.i Mnttn Man with prlvAln hillj I Uno ui arm . n's t f vtii rooms and bath

room with ran : tub-- , in ati il lull- - to Injulro ofJnulfnr nil.1 I i;ili t timr Willi av or.1. l.IX.A It Isi: i It I T, 1T.17 ItroucUvaj-- .

4lnt nnd 3pnrtmrnto VantciU

rMM A small Mat etwotn J3 an 1 .MHli st..ti w c ai al It for a an I w i 110 child n 11, termsrtiiKoiiaitli Address H Al, ox l.'',suu otlln,

SurUinn Hou5 Ca rt City,

Tl slltMIl lim SI h fiiriil-h- nnd iinfurnlrhid,J In ib hlnil I lo. nil. n. run tf l,.'(i(ito f) t.iiUQI ol MIM llltcl t Hs hliiriailwa tor. I lit) st

JTo Xcx for "tiUMncoa Surpotfco,

A I mi! I IUlJl hroltr, III lltekmaiist., nearJootomct to bt

Itl I AM) A U IUTINO, 5 lekmajnstK 1'Ai ltH I ar av m r Ualil mionliooUIn i) i, fnm rvtoil a an bnMiiunt vvtjj

llkhti 1, t intlio Hint bo ti rs n nt reasonable Apply1. A ' Jr MNU.s inriii r 1 ark av , Hall (,, hruok

PLILIIIM'S atori s lofla oniisa and studios lo letII to Incttlolia.liilbOM Illinium-- . bJM!roudw),cor lltlnt.

1JM.I H to kt loimllty will populated atovu ail I

If ovt UHI Anialer Intn sv,, intir IJd st , low, mil lorlslit imrly JAMfult

l.'l'l ros bl S" sion 1111 lvvoliasaiiiriiiii7oaisJ alou Ininiiidl itn y r, ut mo li r itu

ItUl tMl v VAHIIIMjL6lln-a.lliatlt- .

I 1 Mini MOM',riionlni: tliroUkb lo rioalrt' nlliv, two fronts lentlovv Inquire 1. ri KOItN IJJ llroadvvay. room 10

7tHlUi lo 1st at il and J I Ann at., betiveciTrvaTJ sauuud Uroudtvnvi stinin liested, low nrleid

11ULA.SLI& W1UT1NU, 0 UotkuiiiasL

tvrttJJ ."- - t. .Iff. t1vi , . ,


WASHINGTON.Trip, I st Class, all oxponsca Included


For tickets nnd Dsrtli nlars apply toTIK11, tOlt .t HON,

UA1 and lii l'rmdAav, Now tnrlr.Conducted Ditrtlis nnd liideiieniloiil tickets Issued

for travel tnrouulioutttiu worldCODi'i'MIIVlnt Cholera Hanks. I Irat clsss steamer

I avt aare i nni'ortititt' steititi tieatod.Dally Irom I nut i.id st., 7iVU Hitter) ti 1, vvltn Halt.

jrtcnt (Ditatc J-o- r .Sale (fbuntrij.

Ht'Mli:it IHIUI.H BT T1IK HK I.I ACRE &3ferfF&PLOTS 9iL-P-a

Miiniirba of flrenler New York.Iluy dtrei t fnim cotiipanv an 1 nvold rliknnd an

noyanco of denim with nnsuthnrUcd ngents. Callatonicpnn I nit frco tlikcts to ten tho property.TUi: M.W OUK AM) IIHOOK1AN HUI1U1U1AN


.Viv ork city.

cf ov atc ov Co g;ct Jtrooltlyn.fV-- ITT forlkht minufarturlnir nurpoves bulldlnt

1 nnd - stalls, with yard roomj In oritur low rent,Clusson and lork nvs, McKKuV " lkdtord nr.

Seal estate or ,9ale Sonji Inland.lIMZAC'Ri: TrvCTfl nt Hoi brook, 8130, IntallX iiienlsi also lots -- xl00. 41Ti 91 down, samemonthly t circulars sent, cnosp LKWIS, SO- - llroadway

glcal (Bjstate or 5ale $cv Sicwcy.

HFItn IS A LPrsFSDID OPronTUNITV-Sne- rofor Invtumnt orociupntlon lu ewJer

scj, tier rblladi Iphla $ll)ll btivit It, payable on Iun tall mint If Uuslred, tltie Immtdlate povSrfion firtlli IhihI, hrnlth; nelnlrorhofwl. s. n I aton co for particulars to ItlbLbi, New".ork."l'AUHliFH IllHTIIKTt lots $73.terms,.-- 6u monthly, hkh Kroundi near hnus.

WEATliritm.-?- ! IIroaday.(t0 Qn7l-- 100 cash, balance 20 uionthU and0wjOUU Interest, nevr house. 7 rooms all improvitmnti furnarp, toncrpted cellar. raUKe, stattnnary tubs bath n om lotnpb t. tliandcllnra man-tel mirrors hainlnomriy tlcrorited' sewirtd strictTrolley pasrs the door Mftten minutes' ride totcrr). Om lolc from ouh varl

CUSDlLl.l Montgomery St., Jersey City.

25rnt &$UU --for nU (Callfornin.

(MIJFIUCMA Income property, mlnlna; propertr mo.t relldblo land oflkf in Amtrlcu. Koud proposltlonsor all kinds. ntaloue fn n

1 IILTNCE 17 llllitn st., Ulens Falls, N. YlOOSltroadwny. Oakland Cal

gtcnl fox i$alc Vtrniuia.IOIV OUH COIONV nt Itelgate a, two hours'f ride from Norfolk, conventfnt tn schooU

chur.his stons Tost (inter an 1 railroad station, JOacre farm 1 jo avablt $10 down an 1 $1 or moreweekly, dtltfthtful climate, pure wattr, drslrablon iKiibors coll MXLlall adapt d fur raisins fruit,truck, (.ottoii, and tonacco, splendid markets anratln a For fuld r d. tall apply to ltlbLhV,U Chanil ersht., New ork.

glral Cstntf nt Auction.

ADRAM HYATT. Auctioneerwill sell at public auction

on the premlne.II O It It H F i: 11 R Y ,

SATLltUAY, HFC ID lKUbnt J JO o elock P. M ,


lltll'Hi: ANU LOTCorner of Wnlnut &t. and tthth M

tlou.e Is ft ur aturies irame 18 rooms,sire about 110x45 with exteuilon ?uxJ3

This sale will atfor a rare opportunity to puroha.e.eltheraa nil tnvestiiiint or lo but il r. home The lotswill be sol heparan bv their numbers povlllvelyto thelllbtu.i til Idir, and there will bo no postponetn en t.

lor particulars apply toAUUAVI HYATT SON.

Terms made known at sale- - SlncSlnff, N Y.

(Drcaa Steamers.

EGYPT AND PALESTINE.The membership of onr first Oriental Tarty

this season leaving Now '.ork b HamburcAmerican line tttt tmshlp 'Columbia Jan 0,Is now almost lo npletv.

Tni Ittnerar. li i ludes TIIIIKE WLEKS trioon tho ML1 WELKS in PAI LSTIiNF,vlsltn toConstautiu )ple. Atheu-- ltai tc loiHur .5commwlailon Immediate applleatlnn

ihould be niadu to

THOS. COOK & SON,C11S5 nrtmdnray. New Tor



bHlllnxai in A.M.PARIS .. i.c " rKIb Jan. 13NhW ".onie liee JOStVV UKK ....Jan 20ST I Ol'ls Jan n T toils Jnn '7RED STAR LINE TO ANTWERP.

sl.liu evry WidtiPviavFrlesland Die -- J noon Wi ti mland Jan ri noonKensington Dei to l 1 M Jan IU, I M.

IMHtNUH'NU NAMOUIUN CU3II1N.lMem 14 an I 1" North Itlver Ofllct , Ol'owltmc (Ireen.


I ncan'i Dec 10 2PM Campania Jan 2. 1 V M.Krurlu Dti. tt io ! uranln Jan . 10 A. M

Vroni !er 4ii North Hlw r, fo it of Clarkson hi1! IlllOU N CO, (if u IjBlP 41iowHnrtorcen

HAmBURG-AMERICA- N LINE.TVV It, soitl W I l'ltIsfroni New 'i ork to

ChertMiuri: ar a Southampton (lindon) nnd HamInirj S rliik w ion l alua Mnreh IK, li.T

lliiniliurat-ni- f rlcua l.lnr. U? llroivdvva).XTOIITH i.lltvivs IIOlD s o

i hllOHT 1 Ol rr TO IOSIlON AM) CONTINENT.vast rMtl-i:-- . STI.VMI Its

I shn.Tues.n, e j 111 vi Alter Tu s, an 1 10A Mllavci.luea ll,i U.1IIA SL Trm.Tuia. Jau U 10.1 M.

Ol I lllell' . Coj! Itoivllimilreon

"OLD DOHINION LINE.iiAii.v sr.itv ur.

ror Oil Point Comfort Norfolk Newport News,I'eterit tire, Portsmouth Pinner a Point 1th htnou tMr, Inln 11,'ich, n nnd Washington l C lill)i u 1 sunda), from Pier -- ll Norlh Mvi r sal Idkever wei k dvv, eicipl Siturday, at 111' 31 , and :suunliv ut t M

tf. I. UUII At'DFU. Vice l'rei and Traffic Mcr

viiits: staii i.iS'i:.fiermatilc Hec J I noon Hrltannlc Ian o noonTeiilonie Ibc lo nonni Majesltc Jau I noonNOCOTION-CVHUi- 11Y PsKNnHl Ml Wlfclls.

Pier 16, North ltivir OftV. 8ll Ilroi lnnyII UtlTI,AM Kl lisri M,iuU


MA SOUND I.INIS.MIHIVItll I.I.M:, via New I .union from Pier

40 N 11 next lo Piauroaaes it , wei k days ouli, atn in I' vi

FA 1. 1. KIVI.lt I.INC via Newport and Fallluvir from Iter le, N li., foot Murray st , weekill) a onlv 1 10 I' M.

h 1 M .J ION LINE, vln RoiiitiHinpton, fromrJit N It ono block above Can il at , wees; days

out), in il 1" M

M. IIAtr.N.-K- w. 1, IM t'USlON. 1 SO.ruat ati aim ra It iv' Pit r F lt..il illv (huiidn)seriptidi I' 31 m IW inlillililhl.nrrlvlliif III tllilefortrains I i li rl iiu liurtford spriniii 1, and north

KAMslil I I, I INK tiniiii rs lenve I'll r .') S Itrntiktlii ir foi t r iii.to i a Hiat Point e old

tl nt K f'ornvvnll I lahklll I aliittint. and Nevvburgh,vviel dl). i I' VI hliillu II M


ER3E RAILROAD.Thrniuh ir iliu leavt Ni vv o k, i 01 of I h ambern jih rollovMi and tlvo uiliiut.tf tnrller fit in West

J d t(i.iA A, 1,- - cHtlbtilei xprrsN dally for Unverly,rf.UV UU i aiidou Hinln Ituilitlo lira Iford,anlvt Kit ifU'oa 'dp M J'arlnnur to HufT ilo.),tt 1. I,etitlliuIe llinlti". at Mall (lill).M.Usiiil triln f r thUako via riiauiati'iia1 aKe irrtvtxt nvelat. lat 7 4U thUHKoriP ilh it to Dili aro (,tilaud and Lluilnuull Dinluu rT.!n ' IltiffaJoaii I ( levelaud ektlbulefi ,OU i n rt duly ornvtfi nt Ituiialn 7 II A M

Krailfor 7 li M Jarm Mo u U fil A M tlevi landI ,'tl' M pirn tu I uflalo audfl linl) luailin. .Unit Kuiuitlou for Dilrolt, ihUato, nu tno

WMv.. 1 " ' 1. DMI Ma ( l.autaiiit'A iLe nndD, I,) m..m. I all, holid train tot iko Siep- -

r I Hutfilu t hi i,.i and t Im luujtl DininctarTIVCIvl 1UI l, T1MI ( Mil s AND PI M MAS'

1 . l t MI lUA I (HNS A I .HI 401 till V7Ir iy Mowerv 16n U't'i n , and i I

ill tht ( hanib r and Wt ! .Ml ni Itrr't'.Niw ru Mi aid 7 Jti u ton ft, lbd Uroalway,lroWIu .On Hu 1m.ii kt. llobokini an Ury(liyMill u Wt Hi nil t .vprt si ) fur and i hi i k babiatw ironi h di Iand li hMi it ttiod mniitlnn

BALTIMORE & OHIO.I i Nit, S or i fo ii u I it i rt it , il illi

I IIU A ll l oil P 31 and I.' Iftnl- - I

I Illrtiil ltd I ijiiiivvii .' iism IS 11 nliht.t INI INN VTI.Sr I Dt 10 10 n i VI no P M

.TON IIAI.riMOKI H UO III IHluuisr)II in A 31 ill nioKinri i on I Hi (I Inini; an It)')il'llllllhl'iri P M i Mlll.lt) li no (lllllliiKmri II 10 A 31 illlnliiB tar) i uo ilUuliu ear),o i i liiiiliiiimr) I.' in iii,ihi

Ntllt Ol I, II to A M dil )M OHUI A.NS(ihroulislvcpcr), 3o P. 31 . Sun

111) ' U I' lAll IriliKlUunilnvlsd nltti I lut ' I hil filet III IT. .'1)1.41.1 lllll llr ilnuv 31 KnitHlli. I UTIlmery New urk m Hi

liioiklyu foot 1 llieri) at ' ' It It of N.J.Huaujue checked from uotol or rosMvueo to dcstluatlou- -


- I - ,';9HgnUyoatfg. lil"'"AMBRIOA'S OREATMT RAILROAD. H'


&. HUDSON RIVER R. R. HFrom Orsnd Ccntrsl station. 42 1 .street. 'BBiSO A.M. I scept tjiuidav. Iro Slate Express, H

raatesi train In lhe world Htnps nt Alhanr, Utloa. CHsvnt ii and llnche.tir Hue lltifTAlo i lo P. )LI HNIsBiirnfnlisn Oh P.3I This train Is lltnltDd tglM ijH

Oi'lti A, M, Kallv last mail for Poiiehkeepite.AI- - 'j--B

tiiv t tlcii S)rnouse, llotncilcr, UuiTalo, Niagara fssH1 alia t hlrnito .... taflKliIU A, M. I 'rcpt express, for all iBt oirtiniN vvori sittiiolnts. 'Mliflis I". M Hi lv hout wi .tern I Imltcd, for Co HhiiiiIhis cmclntiiiti, Indlntitpnlis, and St. Louis. VHMip.nt lointi knpsii, Albany. Utica, Syracuse, 'HItielieattr mid Hiitlalo ,ali1 too I'. M. Hall) tlilrseo Fprclal for Detroit, "ilHi le'vtltiu 1, loloio ami t hltairo, Stops at PouRn-- Vlk . t,.. Mlinnv Utka, Syrncuia. 1!HItoclH'itcr ntnl llunslo rHflliu 1. 1, Ixctpl humla). West Tolnt, roafB jHsie Minn). Iroi tiailllll. II. 1'illy North Shorn Limited. Dn D ; vaHir .It i --mi A M OhlciRoJ SOP M. Stops at Albany, U ,Ht t i ami ) nu uai, SrHOHIO 1 vil. Hull) Tor Allmny. Troy, Utlcn. A ill tHiitiuls k 3'otintnliis Montr ui. Mvractiie, HitffatOa tAalM,tt rnattlta I .li Vi llllltl. lulttttiv iKtrntt. ChlCSITOk ' "Jaali iiiitinml st I mils CsHniJ.a I. M. Pill), lor All. mi), Troy, Burlington, Sams!i' iittahurtf 31outrtal, ami otiavvn. H

7 1 to I', II, Hull), lor IlulTnlo, Nlnrara Falls, t'sli a w Inml InitlaiiiipoIM st. I outs, Chleaco Stops lijslm l'i.iul.kl.1 l , vinsnv Itlcn rfHUlOU I. 11. lull) Cirrlrsslciiilnncsr pssienger lMtiitv inr lointi on liul Iirook luilwuy, vULyons,- - ;"aHunit tor Ho In aler vsH(III. 1. M, lisllv. lorMyraruee. Oivveco, IVatert ..Htown, tur li iislmri Ititffnlo Matrnra lalls. Clevo-- 3sHlaul joiiilo. Ihlin.o ixci nt Saturday, lor Cops A .IsHt lmr anil llio Vtilinrn ro nl 4Hl'Jiir train for Clilcnco snd prln I fHilpi Jailntsoii Nt vv tork Lintrnl, rviry nlilit,ex V HtllKht. Iltlllila) IlluUt UltcUaO sleepers. VaaaaaaalItiiv on li II P. 31 trnn BsHai

OiOU A. 11. mid tti.I". 1. 11. Hnlly except Snn IHto I'lttsllel I, via lit r i in lilvlalnn VHOtlf. A. mil) to l'lttsleld and the Derk- - eeaHaiilro Hill., vl i II irloiii litvi.lon - rHam .1 mi ritviNt ro ionuhv--i l.M" AlltUht ' trnlimrtiiiletiveii, initht. and points J H

on thn Piittmiit lxtlaion sv far ns onkers, Inconueo- -tloti with iho ilovatitl road llio only lluo ruunlnfr Iv'ai"uiliilitht ' trnin-- t nut of New iork. wHVV aKner P ilm u t'nra on ill through trains. M ffj

Trains llluii Inatetl with tho Plutrcl llcclit. mfMllekitaund vni-i- i ronins at i. ran I Central Bta- - ISJHt ton 111 vol, itl lro.ul.vay II lust I4ihst ,u 1 7HItriimlvvn), J li Coliimhu. nv ,111 VVe'at IMtli at,. and i 4f,H1 Inth i atntlon N i, lork. ! llantl 70 Kulloatt, .' Hi.il toil llrtii.lv. ii). V. li Ilruoklvii viRliitBKiuoeiiet from hotel or residence, by ths amlIVimi tit I xt rt aPriuipan) ftHJohn m im ci , nroitai. ii damflb " fHileneral 31ninifer Oetieriil Pssvt nicer Aj.ent. ''jjH

PeonisragiBi; 1IXj033. 'fl

SIATIONh foot o lieabroav s ami cortiaudt streets ?HIII. ITiCt Niivemli r 10 Ist'il it-- SMHlOO A. II. 1ASI MAlU-1'llllll- inu Mil (let Sleeping N.U tTHi Ntvv i ork lot hliakti Nuioielus "a H

OiOOA, , nil ll'.l. P irlor Cor lo Pittsburgh. aaHlutOO A. II. PI N'.sYl.V NIV I.IMIIKD-1- 'U Hiii ii Co iiturtni in. Weep ns lilnlnt: moklinr and tloiivt rviititni ur. vrrivLa chiL ino u A. 31 clever , lBtBffHlanlljUA 31 llitelntiitl il II A 31 IndlnQAt'oile Mh in A VI I .tu Mill.. 11 4 A. 31. tbt. Louis J 24 aKsHI M nil I lull Itia '..". v .afrHSlOU I. II. llllr M.O VNDST I OCH IvM'UESS altsaiMet pit l, nuil lltn uc ( nrs to SI Louts Loulivllls, 'WVklllll I It raeo Airlvc Onttlliatl IU 45 A. 11. St. V ussaalI tins Tt ' V) i ti us-- 4 ,nl' v; , , M VfH

Oioo l. II. WIsilliN IM'I'Lss-sieepl- mt and tw .CrHiiiiiliitt t ira tn cnltniio and euvelanil Arrives f lliliviiantll .'.A v i hititjn ii 1' vi nextdiy. ' 1H7llS I. II. hi LTI1VVISIH N I M'HLbS --6leepln VHitud liltiiii. eura tu tine nuntl ntid'-.-t Inula. Arrives aaaiClnellitinll it ll'V 1' VI I, dt inapullj 10. ISP. 31 , SU i ?3bHI i til 'i K I aeton 1 tiiortittlK laHHlOO I". ii. t'ACIHCLM'r. ss -- Pullman Kleepln ' 'Hcurio Pitiai urtrh i oniifeis fori hicneo dally, and uHCI velmitt an tin, n i tr( , t t s tiirilny 4.H11 tl)N AN' I) TIIKhUl'TO. ilH8, n ill tl J 111 111 ii.I1.1iik- - can 11 I 31 . I. 'J 10 illsaaalla Jil lonnreaitional I 1m nil Pvrlor and Dlnlnff ?sllrl 4 in lUlnlnw l irl r. I.u Iilnliu Car) 0 P. 31 , vlM1J I't lllkllt Mllltl t) 1 tl 10 II A 31. I'ili e?:Hloiiuie..ionnl 1 iii 'nil Pir't ran t Dining Cars!. i'H4 ll Illtilu, Can, 0 DOiU nltli Corj, UP. SI. iu. 13 tgBnleht fiHSOl'TIIIIlN IHH.WAV 4 10 P JI dill). Sleeper Mto Nnv one ma 31 tnpMs Jacksonville Tampa, tfsiAalavilt and Ho: s ,riiu---e K' IS nlgbt dally. ttlvHUttr. tn lain i and Jniksonvllli )iHAILAMIC Cuvsi I INI -- tt M A 31 dally. Sleepers aHtoJacx onvtiie lirt Tampa an 1 3!ncon 0 00 P. IL Hrlull) lti tt rs to l.lehmoii nntl Tut ksonvllle. '4HCltisvnvKJ NI) OHIO ltlLWA -- IxpressS 00 MI' 31 dim 1 rt lull bleei tnc anil Iilnuiti Cars. sbb1

HU'. Ol I) POINT CU3IHJ1.1 mil NOUHJLK. via Cap SaHCl ar en limit rl A vi. ncelcda), and, with ThrougU 'laalMe. r m p vi ,!ai!) HATLANTIC C'I1 100 P. SI vvcet daya TbrougbI mr t Parlor Car vAsasI

FOlt CVI'L 3!V OOP M week dovs fMlor Loiu llriiiut Vabtir) Park Ocean Grove, and aaiI olnt lltaaiur ll 10 A 31 I.' 10 40 0 111 and raalII SUP 31 vN,,kiliys suuda)s istoput luterlakea lslror Aaourv I vrk t I . t n ' .JO I' VI 'bb1

IIIIC I'lIII. 1111 f.I'HIA. '..6 20 T 10. h X III II, II .HI 111' l't nn u Limited). 10 10 ,'aaillllnlllRlai 11 V 1 ' 1 2 10 J 4 4 JO 4 10 -Hlllhi nt' ir s I'lnlucCiirl. o I'lr.lngCnr) 7 50. H. ,UP VI 12 15 nli.lt biiudli)., O IS, S v.0 V. V 30 ')IU. l.linli tli Itl ll v vi. 2 fltlnlnz Cirl, 4, 4 30 tiBlUInln.-Cnr-) iluiiing Car). 0 (UluimCar), 7 48, b. xtsaaiHP II . I J llrl.ht MTicket olllt is Nn. 411.044 11 0.1 1J'3 111, and SSI .'HIroad.Mi) I vetor Hoove and foot or Dnhrolies CHan cnrl an It t 4 eourt at, lullon st. OHllr..... t, tilt ll.utalf.lrtutll. ntlott e TWSBal

tontt Irwikvn mitlon-Jers- i v l it) lin NevvlorX: - laHrnnartrl oinpiny will call fur an I elitik baegsgs alfrtini i "(-- It " ii J r sldtuc s itiroua'i todrstlnatlon !slS 31 PltlMltl J It. WOOD. jH

in neril vtiinirer lien 1 as r Afrent- -

"LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. Ikintloll. foi t o eon in it an I Dral,rnses Sta. vHOlio M dail) sji dav 7 A 31 ) .tor MADCB ?BCltt Me anil meruit dint sintlons. YtaaalMil. M 'HU for U II klSIlAIinr ITHACA, B

Ol s I til HlSirit IIIM .!' MAtiAKArAILH. -- MSllPIN-ltI- N I PI1M I iilld the e.t mil principal Uslhi i t ula el ti , ir iiitlchilriurto Uuffalo ssml

lllilo V VI da lv txetrtt buuda), for 3IAUC1Z taaalCllt . Ii lot ro Iiu inlntt tHiiOOiiotindativ ni.i -- nn 1ay vrHivi. vtie iiMiitiMi r.xritcss ;.Harrlxa liunilo t "j P Jt Ptillniau tanbiil Day .''Bcon lies an I I nrlor Car Tlin Uku nr In Itoeheater. (HU lin? lar-trv- ke 3Ioals ilneirlo. Connects at asalUuiTitlo with thro iilh sleep rtol ikica

12iIO P M .mil) evetit sunla). for 1IAUCH 'StMCli i. nu lint rtm llati uints Sllilo P M. Inlv txupt for WIIKESlu i.i llTI-n- N scuvNin nu i principal Inter- - "anit Hit a'lilit nv loutitota lir all points III coal &ro.io't. t tiatr ear to v I p

(tlO v lal) t xi tl unrti). Tor WtLKn3- - "ftItvltitr IT1-D- N --CltvNrvN mil princlpil Inter ft?ineitm atiithni- - i inni w fornll p tli ts Incoal ro-- V:

cl n Pilliiiitli IlulTit Ptrlor ar to tv llkeibarre ii.111.. ' 31 call) fori ston mil utt rmcdlato stsv Jt

tlo i"OilO P 31 tlnll) except sun in). Express for ,y

bliuiiietounul I r ncll il Interinedlate stnllnus Con- - ci

nectn for lUjtlliu-- nn I llirrlahure'. Chair car to V

blHItlletoll V

JlJO P VI taltv for IU IFUO. NIAGARA FALLS. Jrant ail ptlnta -i Putl unn sleeptr vellbuledtrain N i tochli iko s itirat rturfalonndToronto.

htilo I' 31 diliv . it i tit tiutUv, slopping onlynt Mlblll PIV1NHHU IV.TOV, IlIinLFIIhlf, tilAll HllllMa I vl UN HON SAYltL ObNE-- ,,IV ItOCUtstllt 1IV1 VI V. and DUHALO. PulUm ii at i per ft r I lift tt

OiOOl VI .lil. f r ITI1ACA orNEVA, nOCHKS- - gTU, nl!H.li N ,V1.A J VI.Lb and all points SWest Piilinuiii au i rr io Chlcako nnd Duffslo.bl l per to VMIkivltirr

Atl.lltlnn.il c il ' in dally, except Sunday, for AIKiUNli ItKOOK ai I ut rmidtnte plnts leaveusfol-- rlows U 00 V M . 10 4 211 and ll JO P. 31 i

II kt inantl pull i titoinmottatlon! at 213, 271, ;;'.PI4 nn I I l.'l I r ti iv II nst 14lh st iruE-U5l- in urilowtr) n . ork. biiu lullon it 4 Court su, 1

vtHrllawnv an i Uronklvn nnex. Ilrooklyn fN . Trnu-rfi- r tli sail for anil LhnX baggngs K

front hotel or r i me through todeatin itlon yl.trKAW VN.IA AND SOJ

V I - I I UN IC. IE XStations In 'vv 1 in lv, Tout ol llnr-cln- r nnd Jf

tlrtfltntltrr S.I- -. UTESTIIII I I I It IN- -. VI I.I.1I1N HCr. Jlilt Vlt-4- , IM.N le.l II I.ItJII r. ii

Dlreet nni i Neworn. Ilioaiitti d i mtelalr, thai jOriuces en i mil lit mardsvllle llnskliik Itl Igo 3tadl- - ison, VlorriM n Passiic. Pot rsou Iitnnion Dover, 'cbtnntiope ni . ion liiidtla Lakt lake HoitatcoiiK, 1llaikitlaiown H hoolt-- s Mouutnli U ailllllKloa, W1 llllltl . ir. I avion Water Onp btrouttiliurg roconoMoumi n -- er niton Pltistou Wilkes irre Nantlcoket, jDanvlli n liijintii rlsntl Montro.t lllnzhamton, v.Oirord Norvl .in rvllle, Vtl a Itlclilli bprlngs, .

t'orlliintl stn use. Oavvt co Itlu a Owego llmlra. Iromllik Hu lunsvllle HutTa'o and all points Welt.Norliiwtbt nn I ollthwevl fHlOO . II liliiEhumton Kill, btopi nt principal (V

I ii. I

IOiOO 1, II Cnfocnr.) liiifTalo brranton. Ding- - &

l i tin pinnae nntl Otitii.ii Ixpnaa. PullmaiTi yInilti t ittrir i uri Ctniiititliik it Hurfalo vvitli kij

. ni f r i ikti ind i oinu Wiat . iilifiit I. II. faro Cur I rrinton lllngliamton. V Ji

tt tl I lin r 1 v it av ullninll nrloriara r 'lioo P. VI - r inn. ii Wllki-iliir- nn I Plymouthmiii a I uIlniMii Inifi l p ir or i ira. '

Si ll 1 II - iilivl Itllh ihiVt atll nil- - I llllltetir- -

ir a. Inr .irnii ttt IIIiil niiiiiiitn llmlra ItilfTalra.Piiliiii iii I ui'ei al t pliu ear i ttiiutt tltuut Duffalo 4A

wMhiritnf rlltlitiku it I po nls v tau rf

tlilol". II, liiiilyi IlulTnlo Krnnlon Itlnglinmit it tin ii i tn i b)ruiuat, mid uswiko Ki prill. g.Piilliiitui It iif t -- In p ra Qlltktta iiiil Piilliiiin iircommnlntlous at Ilenry --

(inr v. s ui- - Mi 11 I r itiilw t) 14 Park place, ana t4li Jliitiiilwii) lltkilaut rirrt st tloiit H..4 lin nil- - il'vvn III 4lliuv ,inr. IJtn st ft l e.l IMtli st , 2Ji "'( o tiuitii.rinv Sfivli.rk, tr. nnd 71 ulton n .andI0il llnniliviy HrookDn rime lahlis giving full In- - Sfuiu ttttnii itl l'l atnt oinc 7

VVe.ttott a I x ri a t mpnn) vv 111 call for nnd check i.Iniiu hot I or n al li'iiio to di.ilnatlon. .i

New York and Boston All Rail. fN ,s 11 . II It It nn onnrctlous

rrom Gr in It i titrnl btillon. NI tain II win of Dun I

n no VI .sprliiklli uu V or ester. 1 JO P Jt. '?

Hit i A M us w I on louniitl I rovldeuee, .1 to P. itIn MA 31 New I i I in till Provl lenve, 4 SO P W. 'II ii A M,siruistii lliiiid Wnreiatvr. 4 40 P It MJ lonP VI ir i tut nntl N 1 ll It. noil P. II. i.

P 31 N w I on Ion nu I Providence 7 3 P M, A,I on I' l 'Nt iv I i ii loii iiiil I'mvltlinie, ll 00 I' l a:

4 OO P M '.nrlwltll 111 I orcatt r 10 00P.lt,1 no p. vi "s t niiilii iiiiifi Prnvlduiue, 11 imp 3L

II l II P H , S.r ptillt I I nil I .r. e.ler, 0:15 A. H. t?1.' OOP 31 ,! o idunuiitl I'rovldunce, UaSA.lt. 1,

lllISllil ll 111 Hi Mllltl iv IHI ni Malt. I iii iii tt nil ptrlor cars, fare 7, la-- ft

cliul ni: l ar or t ar .e ti v- -

J A i r Hi" I mini nrrlrmnlnnil depart! ftumPsrltBparn btillon ll ivion Li turn servleu sain, hourami liy antin r itt $K

1 .iruukU arl. rnii'i alei plmr cars by ( ach train. tM11 III v'Mr Ml i, ill l'nt Agent. Wm

IJltoIM-- ll s ftiri i iia i indenii it milk, fresh cons' ijli p u tut wm iiu uiened at ths Vl

itfllit t f ii t in i nt t titiiittun Vu 14N hail Jitmull ai i iHiunb i -- J. inuo 1 or particular!, io. T , i

City 11 i r I

lll.i lu VI lnlt"l.llOt I lTlT"s. FIOI it fte- -, WILL fJ lu i ueliittli firfie of thu Dti,) iriinent of Cor. ;

rt."i ii - li"l usi.utbit . on liav.uibcr Vlst, UM, 4;itor p.itivuiuri se. City lucoid. J




ller Assailant Escapes, but She Is Arrestednnd Fined lor Drunkenness.

With her face covered by her hands, a youngwoman who had given her natno as IsabelloDrowsier was arraigned before Magistrate Kud-llc- h

In the Jefferson Market Police Court les-tcrd-

morning on a charge of Intoxication anddisorderly conduct preferred by PolicemanStedman of tho West Thirtieth street station.Sheworo a black sailor straw bat, a thin andfra) od brown cape, a rugged black serge skirt,and a cheap waist of gray canton flannel. Apair of rubbers served for shoes.

"Ob, I am ao 111. My head aches, my toothaches, and I am so cold," said the woman,weeping.

"This Is no theatre," said Magistrate Endlleh,who helloed the girl was shamming. "Let mosee your faco."

After coaxing, tho girl Anally was Induced toremove her hands from In front of her face, sothe Magistrate could see her features.

"I thought so," said tho Magistrate. "Youwere beforo mo about six months ago, and actedIn the same manuer then."

"1 am so blck." replied the girl, with a moan."It is all u mistake now. as it was all a mistakethen. Oh, my head aches so!"

"! guess It Is a kalzenjammer." said Magis-trate lvudllch, grimly.

Policeman stedmiin said he had seen tho girlstanding forsever.il hours ednesday night Infront of a saloon at Mxth nvunue and tortlethstreet. He had ordered her to inoo on severaltimes and shu had gone away, but had alwasreturned. At. I A. M , btedman said, he saw aman run out of tho saloon and throw tho girlinto the p snow piled In the gutter.

btedman chased the man, but he escaped.Then he w enl back to tbo girl, who was stillljtng In the snow, and took her to the station.1 here tho matron Inund that tho girl had noshoes, bbe said that she had been dischargedfrom a hospital that day, but refused to saywhat hospital. She admitted that her namewai fictitious.

" I bellevo if j oa left Honor alone," said Mag-istrate Kuilllch, "you would not be In such badshape 1 II lino you SJ, and If ou are reallysick you can be sent to tho hospital and receivemedical attintlon "

"My Uod! it will kill me to hao to go to Jail,"cried tbo girl, as she was led away to prison.


ISenlcke or the Xlrcker-Crcen- n Osbe DiesIn the Albuny County lull.

Ar.nANI. Dec. 17. Tte most notorious gangof forgers that eer operated In the UnitedStates is now broxen up. No longer will tbemention of the names lienlcke, Becker, andCrcgan causo terror In the banking world,lienlcke died on Tuesday, and his associates,Decker and Cregan, are serving life terms In aban Francisco penitentiary. Joe McClusky andA. II Dean were also members of the Decker-Denlck- o

gang. McClusky Is In prison, ana Itwas through Dean's Information that Deckerand Cregan were arrested In New York andconvicted, lienlcke was known as "Tbo Kingof Forgers." and he died on Tuesday mornluglnthe Albany county jail, death being due tochronic diarrhoea. Until y Chief of PoliceWll'ard did not know that Denlcko was dead.

For some unknown reason bberlll Thajerkept the matter secret. He has been confinedhere slnco April tl af tbe present year awaitingtrial oa an indictment charging liim withforgery found ui.lnst him b the Grand Juriin April. 1811 1 lie specific charge agalutt Mmwas that on Nov. 4, 18'IJ. he bad raised a drafton the National Commercial Dank or this cityfrom S1U to $1,1)00. Ha was arrested In New

ork cltj just before leaving this country forhiiroponnd brought to Alban).

lienlcke w as urlously known as "WilliamWalworth." " I) ivid Johnson." "Frank" David Holcn," " Daniel lienlcke." and"HlgDan." Hu was .18 J ears old. Hit motherIs Mrs l.ewlt S oungof Sandj Hill. N Y whoreho rciluYd until he went out Into tho world andlearned his bail tricks, the disease of w hlrh hedel v us contracted In prison In Tennessee,w here he was cohfint d prlot to his incarcerationInlhlscitt. He claimed to hato nought hisliberty The ltnne"e authorities disregardedtbe claim of New fork's Governor to the cus-tody of the forger.

Dutcctite Nolan was despatched to New Yorkto limit him up. He found him on Mnnduy,April II, as be was starding on the dock of theCunard steamship line, anil, walking up to himwith a pistol in his right hand. Nilan placed hisleft hand unon tbe shoulder uflhedesiii rate man,wt oiu back was toward him. and told him thathe was under arrest, beelng that "the gamewas up " as he expressed It, " Dig Dan " allowedhimself to be handculfed and was taken to Jail.Denicke was burled )esterday at Sandy Hill.


Chief or rollee lVrlclit Hays a. sfajorltr orHrracusnne I.Ike User and ulsker,

SritACLSE. Dec. 17. Tho Haines InvestigatingCommittee met in this city with SenatorJohn Haines. Senator Frank Hlgglns, and Sena-tor John lord of tho committee present.

Chler of Police Charles It. Wright said thatthere had been a slight decrease In the numberof saloons In Syracuse under the new law. Thedrawing of the curtains during closed hourswas a great advantage. "The liquor businesslu biracuse." he said, "Is a puzrle, A largemajority of thu people In this city like beer andwhliko). A Jury generally finds a verdict fortbe defendant." Ho was of thu opinion that thopresent law was faulty.

Polite Justice hredcrick W. Thompson, In re-p-lj

to Senator Hlgglns, said that the onlyumrndmont ho would suggest was that the saluof liquor should bu pluceil in the hands of menwith brnlnH enough to sell It rightly.

"in whom would jou Invest the power togrim llcmses?"

' ilh any reprcsontatlvo body -- tbe Chamberof Cuiumene, for instance,"

"How would ou determine who would havotho power to sell ;"

"1 think that overy cltleu should have theinner to sell llio liquor traffic ought not toIle regulated by the Mttlo with the rolo object

nf getting the grrati st retinue, but with tholde uf huvlng only such men in the business aswuio competent to conduct it."

Victim or the Clcurette Habit.MtliDt (town, N. Y Dec, 17. An Investiga-

tion of the death of Percy Mlddlebrook, thejoungmnnof Morlda, N. Y., who was founddead in his wimon Tuesday night, from causessupposed lo havo rcMillct Irom a nprce. hasro vi nidi the tact that hu was a slavunf thucigiirttte liuliil. which produced heart disease,A cigarette half Mnokut was in .Mltldlebrook'Hmnuili when found u hulf hour ulter hu hadbeendeuil.

Do Fare and Grout Heparate.The law firm of Grout, Do Faro A. Mayer of

Brooklyn lias been dissolved by tho retirementof Mr. Paul I', do Fare, who has been uctlvo InIlepubllcan politics It Is said that

Counnel Aim it I'. Jenks mai now Join thofirm, Justice Wlillam J, Uuvuur was lormcilyui the head of thu ilrm.

l.lrctrlo MlocL quotations.nosTo. Dec, lio eloilu.- - quotations or electric

stocks werut7KI, MUd.

I dlson Electrlo lllumlnatlnt. 140(JriirralLlfctrle .. . 3ltj 32W(lenemll leetrlcpf . (j 7ijiiiooiiConiiolidutedhtoreServlce Q0H 22UtsltnrfhouiieUectrlcpf. 5 CSlonWayne Heelrlc ... 1 1Mlort WayneLIectrloTruitdsrlciA) 3 3HThomsou Houston (series C) 3ThoaisonUoustou tMrletU),,,,,,,,,, ge, 4u


lUetiard V. Harnett ft Co., In partition, sold No.1P1 William street, four story tenement, lot 33. txco.T, to Sprues street z sa.lxOa. to Ottlnger itKorn, for S1C.030. Also sold In foreclosure No.OT0 i:it 17011- - street, three story frsmo dwelling,lot runs w est SBx north uu.ttH east ttox smith loo,tn the plalntirr, William Hchuster. as exeoutor, forI I.UU0,

rnillp A. Smyth sold In forectoiure, No. 304tcst Twenty.slxtn street, three storir brlcx dwell,l.n a. lot IHxMs.ii, to Thomas Thetrord, tor tli.OBU.

Iiryau I, Kennelly sold In roreeloture No. HUFast llinth stnet, five story Prick tenement, lotvaxofi.ll, to the plaintiff, Caroline 3Iaey. fortlO.VOU. Also lu roreclosure. No. 4M0 Oram! street,four ntory touement, lot 17x04, to tho plalntirr.Herman itetdt, fo, SI. 1, 000.

William Kennelly sold In forecloturs No. 230west Thlrtv ninth stieet. five story dwelling, lot10 8XUH V, 10 lienjsmtn Hnrker, Jr., for tla.Otm.Also sold in roreclosure, East Ninety eighth street,south side 01.1.4 roet east or Third avenue, 14.SXkli.V., to William ltoone), for tii;s.

Iteal Kstnte Private Sales.Pin cm Iiwenrelil and William Praceer sold to

TXarrls Cohen & tiro. No. 100 Stanton streot. frontnd rear, old buildings, Vax7S Also No, 11)4 Stan,

ton street, four story brick building, lot k'3x7a, toBsmuul ureunncld on private tn ins Also purchased from the Edgar estate. No St Columbiastreet, old brl'k stable, lot KOxlUO, on prlvatoterms.

Lionel Fro-htl- has sold for William D. Nich-ols tho Moot front on tho east side or Islingtonavenue, runiiliiK rroni Seventy ninth to KiRhtlethstreet", S04.4X31.4, to riser Pros

Trenliolm it Simmons have sold tho riot, 00x102, on tho smith slue or ijevent) third street, 111)hot tailor Itlvorsldo urlve, to a clliut, tor slxmt


Ileal Eatnte Transfers.EriiKcomb av, es 72 11 n 13-t- st, tSiHSs

Tno J sutton and wire to Ueo Sehseppen- -

bsiiser ... $14th st, w ror tordham av toix Uixiuix40

I tiinia h liennei etal toVVm li Itote 1Sdar, sweor leuth st, 0i31xJUmli sanisto same ..... . 1Jllntoril p'ace, n, lot 74, map section O,

ysoertatn Ward I and ImprovementCo to Win J Tucker 10

2d av.sw cor 4iitreit. 74 lx71i AitallneMSiiedoker to t bCarmati. Hpsrt 1

Madison av, 11 e i or 11d tl, tooHxIU.H, rredkKltnitiiiaii to I ernhard I I.udwii; 1

47th st, ss J47.4 e llttl av 2 MxlUO H. Chfls 3ltlndtkoptetal to l. lie Ullnnirs 47,600Usiimou av, neior Hutu t, luux&n Harris

klauUelbsumet al to lurniau Colitmnn , 1100 wVAitt av, '.'3xtUU.ll;

laioli lawsnn to Win II 1'lcken 101331li st, ns, .ou w .id av, JillOO; Huie

Combiet al tollvhaell)w ii r . 8,000Broad Kt es, p irllon lot 42 map lalrtuount,

2i)xlU0x.2tilu0tt, ltlchaid J I.miiii toBllchael Murray . 1

Ilroailst.es lortlon lot 21, same map, JasColli r to ttlonaril J 1 vons ... . . 1

ltlvtrtlk Iirlw.i't ,2.i n iimii st, clirlsto- -iil, ( r It Hob rt anil n lfe to W in K Aston , 100

lutlthst. 117 Last, LeuaJovishot to JcnnlsIxiewenberg . 1Setou av, e s 201) s JotTerfon a, 30x100,

Laut Co A of rUrnwald to John J linu. .. 6003dav, srstas wldined) at s n bound iry line

IlUtlllo neluiul tin n,rtv. run w UA a9,2.11, f crotuna l'arkxue Hiti.x n wmiiiw '101.10 iu iciiunim:. li. rnnrJ Jla- -hou and wife to Itantlotpti uuKuenhetmer . 1

1211 st, SS.H4 nnlexlnginiiav, ja,nxluo 11:KstherlneMarluuio Mary vi(iue . 2000Manila it. w , luon koihiith av. 4 3HU0,John Callander and wire to Katie Wil- 1, 300

James st w s lots Mil and H7, between Oakon 1 2Iadlon sts, 30xlou. Lllza ua&llnandalio toMkhrlm.i Manltcilco 17,300

8Jt st ss Uo a Ams er.lani av, .'oxlll tlx20 lxlO'.is. IKruhsrdJ Ludwh-au- wlfutotredx KltuRinan. . ,. 1

lluihst in 137 e Lenox ar INxiooll; W'mriek.cn and wife tosarahl Walters and alio 100

Lot 01. niapnr Wllllanihrtds Milage, (.hasl bclilnner to Msrr tl Doilaud .. 1,400

Brook av 343, Joicpll A lliomilon to td- -wardCHoytrs . ... . 1

Lenox av n e cor mm at 73 1tx Irre,Is on I wire to John Kehoe. 63000

117lliat.il s 10ei! lisnn av 01 tliloall.Geo II Itavniunil and nirxto W m II Jackson 102 1st, ss luu w tit av, 23x100 8. Julius K

Strlbirloltosa'stelbtr .. . 1Bnalnay. w s lul n 3Sd it 23 2x Irreg .

Jeremiah W Cliutck. Jr. et al to New orkIlealtyco 100Christie st, w s, .73 Cansl St. 23x100,(lenln II Iluckbec tn Wni 1 elnliers and alio 18 730rtlnt. 7 hi last, Wmil Hull to H W Hull U.UU0Av c, rOI. I ugenu A t'hlltilu. retiree, toXMar J Hodln . . 14,200

.",!, fl e eor 13th st, same to HenrrHawerkami 13 700

Aril itlt same to tame 7,400Av 11 .'47, rame tn Marv J tlodln . .. b,4503.' I t li s I J- - u w At av. 17 IllxlKD, Edwardllsgorrv lolellx Mulorrr . .. 19,700Utti t li e s 40o.Jav 20x40 S, John L

Morton and wife to Jordan L Molt ... 1Taj lor av w i so n Clay av. 3x100. Cath

erlno M Osten ami aim lo Katie IIIkks .. 1lb3th r, ns 117 n w Washington av. laslx100 Jnbn r DovvdtoMaicnrut lllearoti 4 400South t 70 s w cor !) Pe)-- r t. JilxSO,

Htrb rtSU;1en.rer to Idwsrd ssavaue C0.300et llroidua). es 73s West 3d st V.'vl.'a.AltHrt J Laj pin, as exor. to llelolte LloufTret . . . . 2fl 100

2dav ieeoriltht..'4 1x33 4, Charles Koss,asexor. to Hrnr I llTcl 24.200

Av 11 n 4JJ ti lltn t, 20xwail 1 ugenoA 1'hilbln referee to Henry Jaeger 17 000

77th M.SJt Wet John EWard, referee, tolteruiird l,oo Iwln . 10.300mtn st. ns mso I'srlt av lx75i LlliabethlleCitaetnl tilrleda Mashblr1 3,150

lSUttist ss 2.'3 t a av, 23iv Hi Sidney JLonen. refrne, to I nro'.lue I. Maej 13 900

WMhsl. us too v. .th av 173XJH 11, JohnM Held loJixebhMurt hj Jr 1

Sithst sn 173 vv ttm End sv J'.xluOll,Islellv Jaiotsand alio to vv m II riikt-- 1tMh st, si, 00 w Wetlndiv Oxloull,

LewUohn to W'm 11 I'kken 10tMh II. ss iiiw Wel I n lav, .'3x100 II,

Minn Kotcnberger to sanie 10llhthst ss I30w Wet iv. JSxlUO 11,

kliza Jacobs Indlv a id exlrx, to same .. .. 10 0001 cu Mono eons.

Adams. Albert J. and w lfe to r rt dertc J Midfllibroo" m w tor 7th av and J3th si, 2 )rs 123 000

Alliro I wis IC an I ivir,- - to I'atk II Olihoolytru ISI uraiidit 1. to lent ilnton standUan I 13 Attnrmy kt 17art Jjr-- 1,050

Anlorson, Win s and wir to Julia V Dick-ers m n s IJ.it st. 150 vv I enox av, l yrand3jri, J mtrfv , 13 000

liuikli lwreuce to Geo It chrlntman Xco m liitth :. 4o7 t v. toluint us av imoii 2,000

Laririt Jaiiie all I wife to John A Stewartetal. trui, tc of t ib I Ivi riool an I nationan Ulobtt ImCn In N i, u s sth st, 170 wW evt 1 n t av, I j is 20,000

Same to aine, n fti at, IWj w Wesllndav, I vr. 4 inn. . . 00 000

bum. to Win Halls bu ii n s esth al, 421 0 eItlrersldu drive. 1 vr 21,000

Corller Tnto and wife to W m Halls' Sons,li vv cor I exiuctnn v and JTlh st yr 13 000

Cunenan, viiryaud ptiinii' to the Mate Hank.7, lait 11 I list not it ino 1,000Cauldtvil). Wu to i. Hoe ( o. w a lit Morris

av J3 11 u l.Ht ft notes 1 and rt months 11,000Caiiln.ton. Hitut elhM to tie l)r Hock suv.

Insi luvtu n a 1. M at, .14 it ith av. 1 vr. 1,000Churchl I All, n I an lf to W alter r Kluij

land u a 115th at IJjw7thav lrs . 10 000Curtlu Fllen toMarn I irliler, 1C0. Int. n s.

131 e Washlimtoo av ivr 1,000Dolln Mary J loLUaehc 1 1 elbln, nferce.

V47AVII Jyra . fj 070lame, to name, 1 II veC yrs . t 3i0Dovvna Jos-lh- to Wm li Derrlsn, n w a

viar on st lot Jll, injp of Waablntilonvllle,J yrs . 1,000Dallty Martha A to Henri A C Taylor, a slttllhat I5lf?lhav Jri 4,000

linn. John J, to Laud ( oinpiny or Itenvvald t a belou av, .'10 9 It tit ron av, J yrs 400Fnunr Mary A, to Mar) W l'o;tr. ',in

st 83oi 11th av. J vrs 0,000llovo lainei It to liivny Svvk s liulu. ,

n a 20th at, ..'5 o 11th av, r 33,000Fsv llithuel. and W m Mntom to Harris

MantlelbdUiu an llalier Ihmoiio, 57 canlion st. II innntha . 2 300

lelnurK Win an 1 Joa l'olteln to tlrorfle 11Uuckbte. )7Ctirvstlet. r 10.000

Goolwln. Ptrmtrl. to lttiu ituarantee andIruslLo J21 W J7lh it 3rs . 7,000

Coepei Lias, to Marx and Mosei Otllnger.Isidore b and Max b Koru n e s 13th it, 173UV 11 sv, hast. Hula Is 7 coo

Garland bamuel auilvvlfu tu Mary Hill, ualit at, lotle Waahlhkion av, .tyri . 000

Hawurkaii ic Hinry, toluatuiuA l'hllbln,referee J il Av 11 .Ivra . H 20Same to aalne, J III Av II Ivra 4 44U

Hi rsoHlt,llimlt,and wlfo to Jonaa Welland iternliart Matr. 104 owlaai Inatalli 1,000

Ireland, John II anil wife to the rtiilinhleI tfn Atiurance boclely of the Us, n w corWest II wuy and 3d st. 1 r . . , . 03.000

Jacitr. Hi nrj, to Geo tlerlach, w s Av II, 4 I 3II tllhat. Jjrs .... . 1.000

Saint' to satnu and wife, w s Av II, 4 J. J u 1 1 litat..lra . , 12.000

JouiTri t, llelotie I and lienjn, to the Mutual1 1ft luiurnmel ,iof N . o s Writ II way,7s Win at J vra .. 13,000

Klinuiiati 1 redk, to liernhard J I tidwlg, ssH Ml at, 1,10 u Alnaler lam uv, notia 1,300

Kihoc. .loan to Irani la 1' Tilruall, u u lur1 14lh si an 1 1 onov av, ileinan I ,, so 000

hauie to laiue iihiiio prop ihnianl . . bj 000Krone, Ahraliaiu.aii 1 wife lo Geo It t hrlvt- -

luan and cur allau Woeiiuer, n s llsth at,M w Ainaieriiaiii av. 1 uu nth 330

I yons Hit hard J, 10 Jainta an I Aunle rills.V a Pro id at. part ot lot 41, map ofIDOIllll. Illl ward Jyra 1,300

Same to Jns toller e s llrin 1 it, part of lot4.' same map I yr 2,000

fcamn 10 tto, selfi rtl art nf lot 4.' aamoiniiu and or lot 4, I r u'mortsi . . 0 000

Hsiiiu tu en Hj ft rd, t s Ilruail it, part of loti suuit map I yr , . . . 1.250Mii.urj.nilx.io Altlntl Miller, ns J.' itI 15 w .tl av , 4 moiit is 2 000

Mnsiiliir, I rittla to Jaiobinel Minrnlh, uslllthkt. inuo 1'nrk av J jrs , 3 300Mlllt r t atlurlue.Xo llio l.iainroiit Indus Kav

IllllslUllk IU llrtlfordlt, yr . 10,000Miller, Kiinia'unda and John to llnrrletto V,

Coikt. I t 11 U lilo ,. 11, luapMapesuatate.IliuUon 1'ltosv lvr 1300

New 'it rk Ittally ( n led c J Mhlillrbrookv a tlroa livay. Kill II 11 Al'at lra 14 000

O'Ntli. Mur to the lawyers viortKaso In 'atlrauceCu -- 3J Ma lloii at ivri 10.000I'Kktii, Wm II, to Minnie. Itoaenberitor, ssVstliat U"i iv West 11 av, a )ra 0 000

bame to onsrd evvlaohn, s s tlhlh v. 150 wWt At I n av I v is p QQo

Uatue In iHtillo tori 111 Jacobs s 1 llblhhi, 17o w Wi t I n av dyrt . 0 000

batin to Itoiiiht 1 awlaoliu, a 8 tlblh it,J00wWi st n I av, 'lra 10,000llttiif)ii Hnrriitii b li. toJoaipnlnu Winilt II 1 aMienlnbs Pain road or Aipleiliietav 515 0 11 bt James st, about J aires, Jyrs 11,000

bamo tu t arollno W'anilutl, o a MatniubdI am road or Aqueduct av, 16un bt Janusst, J aires Ivra 13 000llmiit,ii Ilarnelteb II tnbmlth M Wet tl, e aMat ml, a Hum roal or Aqueduct av, 333 3II M J111111 at Jr . , 0,550

to aatiie h a Miitumbs Ham road orAiiiiidiiiiav nil nM Jaiiui at, I )r 0,000

bavui.e L.lisil s, to u in v Muirt etal, Inn,At or Niriilnlan Mackay Miiltn.s wcor lieI'ejslirniidbouthns, J vrs , 88,000

Tucker, Wm J, to 23d Ward Land Impo't Co,lot 744, map section C, Vyaeeatato lyr .. 000

Same and wife to lliomis h Greaceti, lot 744,same map .1 yrs... , .... 2,750

Wabltrr, cnai and trunk V, and irhes tiMsry II Moore, n s 144th st, 173 v Cliftonv. Jyra ... . . 10,000

Same to tredsrlck llruc , asionitulttee, &c. Us 144th it, SOU vv uinonnv, Jn . . 10 000

UEVOKbUi LLASkSCallet, Joieph to Geo Wallavch se cor Park

av and 34th st. store. c, ' jrs . tilOO 7.'0Flchbaudler. Cheam, to eto Lt.rtnzo, 3t

Ha aril tt stori , Ac 111 1J vrs 640Gootlateln, Harry, to Harris Mayer. 113 lies

terst lyrv . .1 030GreienttaR-e- Jacob H. and anu to lluito

Sclimelz, s w corner Lenox av and U7th at.7 yrs . Si sou 1 000

Baikmaun. Marcaret, to Jacob Itottmanu,17IU liiiattrdamav, "t yrs 693

Tovvnatind HandolphW.to Iilav Uahut ot atJ104 .'lU02d av, atorea, dc, t) rs . 000

t'onrt Cavlendarta This Day.Appellato Division Supreme rourt viotlons. Or

ders Sos 3. 21. 17. lit. 13, 10, II, 111, ij, it. 23,.li. .'7. --', .'U, JO, J.', 33

Supremo Court speclsl Term Part I. Motioncalendar called at 11 A. M. Part II Ex pvrle matters. Part HI Clear. Motions Via. 1 to 1 inelusive. Preferred causes So livjs, JUJU. PartI Caae unhnlsbed. Ivvv an 1 ftct Sos. 107.677. 3IJ7, J77J. M30M. 1815 .1100, 11 I7n , .'1150,J1U5. JJ1J, J77J, a UI7, J7UJ, J77D, Jill", Jtltl,88111, J1J, J.13-)- , .IJ3U, 2011. UJ.'a, 'JJ4I, JWI,yjs, .'75.', .'U7, .'310, Joi4 I 'ait V Caao unflnshe l. Caacs from 1 art I . Part I Caae untlnIshed. casts front Part IV. 1 art V ll.-- Ca tiulluIvhed Elevated rallroatl caatv part Mil. AdJourned ror tie term. Trial Term 1'vrt II Caseunfinished 1'referred Ul'li, vi.'ll,bOU3, U37U, U4U7, II3.'4, U5.'7. U717. U. 14, UI4i,H'107, U004, 0103, U3JM. Pari III Caie uunulvhe INo. I33J. .'403, .'274, IU, .I07J, SO-- .', btllll,44B7, J3D3, ,1370. 3149, Ul 1M, 40'0, 3H1U,4JJ7, 41J.', 43U, 4J.'3, 4414. J1U0, leOH, 1HU7.J131 Part IV Case uullnlahed. caaes rrom Part111 Part Cato unnulthed. Caves from PartIII. l'art M Caae unniilsheJ. Cavts front PartHI l'art MI Clear. Nos. HMD. 4U5J. sou,Jiiaa, lent, ihU2, Jiou, loeo, J270, juii, .uv3,3HI. 2.'3, lbJ4, 3UI2, 301I, 330, 4U17, 457,4.191! 41U1, J4, InqnoitS "vo 4UU4. 4Uo3art V1II Cato to be lUfttmed up. Casta from l'art

MI. I art I. Case unnnlsbed. Cues rrom PartMI iaitX Clear. Caaesrrom rartMI. 1 art XI.

dJoiirned ror the termburroiatti'a Court Trial Terra Vo day calendar

Chambcra Motion calendar called at lu 30 A. 31.W 111 of John 11 Ha.kiti al J 1'. 31. Tor probateWills of Harriot . Iietn. Charle. ;s. Clark, Jame.It an, Jay i. Luis, Lung at 10 JO A. M.,Henry Illume, Ktlen Campion at J V. 31

City Court Special Term Motlona. Trial TermPirt I. Caie unnnl-he- hoi. 1439. .1447,8 111, 4 SO. J13ti letS-- l, 14.'D, 14b, 4JI, 1407,2710, 14SJ, 303, JOS, J033, 2043, .'770, 411.', 1.031030, 33J, lOItt 38b, 400. 1441, 14 I JJOIOCj, 103i, 11)113, 1383 .'SI, 384, 04e, 14 1,1412, 1404, 14J7, 143J, J304, 2.'.1.', 134, 400 ''',140 1448, 374. l'art II. Case unflntsiicl ho.l.'S, UJ8, 100U, 371, IJ44 lutlB, 7J7, 83, 837,83s, 80U, 8B1, b(18, 8011, 07J, e73, 880 881, 731,3031, 1J33 184. Part III Clc-i- No., nltin,BOO, II3J. 172. aa.'Otd. .15111,701, s.'l, 301, OI17,.148, 074, 403, 4 18, 733, 7117, OUOCJ, UU.', ,1S7, 4.W,731), 11.', 114. 113. Hit, 4J7. 3UZ, 13.'. 130, 10.'.l'art IV Caie unflnUhed bhort cau.ta Nm8HU8, .IJ4, .'041, J8I7, 3U02, JJ03, 3UJ4, 3UU0,

40, '10 13.
