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- P w- ———' —IP •*•• •' ••••••.» —•" -••'•"»' •^-rwp^p^|RPP|F1^^^"™" ,, •-• ,,w ^^ ,, ~ , , •^^ 1*1 Hi JIJW.li ikl!HM) —-w If ——. Minn | iiipiii.ni W! »»*-••* Uli , H l | | f P P W ! « P P P «.•»• " ' BUFFALO COUEIEE, WEDN] ,/' PLUMB IS F I S T . ' & !p ' ft f IN AERIAL DERBY Others Yet to Complete Round Trip, However, May Be Winners. ACTUAL FLYIH6 TIME COUNTS Heavy Winds Handicapped Airmen Yesterday on Way to Toronto. . (Continued From Page One.) Cabana May Call oh Court to Prevent Milk Probers From Canceling Records * « Unconfirmed Report Is to Effect Buffalo Stock Man Will Ask for Injunction Restraining Holstein-Friesian Asso- ciation From Invalidating Records. INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE FOLDS TENTS AND QUIETLY STEALS AWAY |DAY, AUGUST 27, 1919. WILL HOLD MAIDEN FID FETE TODAY FAIL) Union) Inj, Candidates Will Woo Votes at Outing at Braun's . Park. ] O OPPOSE IN ON PICKETS } ermit Hotel Men's fction to Stand by Default. hare C ot in aere sooner tlwn you expected. J bana. Jr.. of Pine Groves farms, near if I sad not been tossed around in a gale J of wind." I Elma. quietly adjourned shortly after After baring some hot coffee. Maj. S«-nroeder. Cul. Brandt and a number of other American amy pilots deckled not to venture on the return trip tonight, hut to stay in Toronto and start back in their machines for the American side, leaving Leaalde about H:W a. m Maintaining secrecy to the last the, Justice Lftins and published yesterday. Cole recanton every Word of his previ- ous statement reflecting upon the rec- ords of prise Holstein stock at the Ca- bana farms. / "I never knew or heard that Cole had any such device for producing fake records." said Hicks. He never men- tioned such a thing to mc. though I was his partner for some time." Cole was not called as a witness. The investigators say they can get him when wanted. John Arfmann of Middleport. X. Y.. testified that he acted as agent for the association when he bought Cole's "cow helper." Talk of Injunction. STAGE ALL SET committee representing the directors of the Holstein-Friesian association which has been investigating charges in Buffalo based on a so-called "con- fession" by Charles K- Cole, former herdsman in the employ of Oliver Ca- noon yesterday not to meet again for two weeks. James A. Reynolds„» of Cleveland. chairman of the investigating commit - Cant. C. H. Reynolds, who left Mine- tee. before leaving the Lafayette hotel, ola in a DeHaviland "four" at »:04 and other members of the committee. a. m., arrived here at 5:13 this after noon, taking eight hours and nine min- utes to complete the first half of the race. Lieut. P. H. Logan, in a I-aPere ma- chine, who left Mineola at 9:43 a. m.. arrived a short time later. Smash Speed Records, One Flier Breaking Down, Going Bach and i\C~eniCFing MaCe ute/ ranees made by him in Chicago ! and Cleveland reflecting on the honesty and vadili^y of milk tests at declined to make any statement re- garding the investigation which they say has not been completed. Nor would they say when or where the nest meeting would be held. * No Return Fire. It was expected that the published statement of Oliver Cabana. Jr. and the recantation by Cole of his so-called confession denying every one of the The granted Genesee ing unio their ho county them Daniel the Hote terday. The in 19. It I from wa | at the si hotels, ori i i r * A i i manner .. Look for Large Attendance I JJ^Si marks to enter the "I belief opposed ii that has said yest< not presei themselv< peared mJ Unless tenders' boys' unk he said, permanent hitherto of Men at First Feminine Fling. All is in readiness, it was announced last night, for the first field day of the Democratic women's organization to be held today at Braun's park in Gene- see street. The women expect a large attend- ance of men at their maiden outing, a general invitaiton of Democrats hav- It was rumored last night that Mr Cabana has retained Judge Daniel J. . . . ... ,. , . Kenefick and Henrv W. Killeen for the | in * been » S8Ued - A11 r ,art > candidates purpose of starting injunction proceed- i for nominations this fall will be on ings to restrain the association from throwing out or doing anything to in- validate the records of prize Holsteins in New York state, on the ground that the Cole affidavit leaves the association without a particle of evidence on which to base such drastic action. None of the members of the committee had been hand and will be given an opportunity to speak during the day. .J Here Are Committles. The committees have bee% enlarged to cope with the work and are nows as follows: Reception committee: Mrs. "William served with papers up to the hour of j Conners, Mrs. Norman E. Mack, their adjournment and departure. | ^irs. Mary A. Morse, Mrs. Charles Judge Devoe P. Hodson. who repre- J Kcrmctt Smith. Mrs. William Fitz- sented Mr. Cabana before the invest!- patrick, Mrs. Charles Boine. Mrs. gat ion. was asked about a rumor cur- I Joseph' Zenser. Mrs. John Cameron, rent "that hist client would collect an-jji rs Louis P. Fuhrmann, Mrs. Cath- other herd and reopen Pine Groves for| pr j ne Moulter. Mrs. Frank Georger, Speed, thrills and beautiful weather greeted the first airman to alight yes- terday at the Buffalo control station, I Curtiss field, on the third lap of his first inning of the Hotel Commodore international airplane race and handi- cap contest, and from early morning Pine Groves farms would draw from the committee a counterstatenient. This expectation "did not materialize. "We have nothing to say for publica- tion until our investigation is com- pleted." was Mr. Reynold's reply to all questions for some statement of the as- «intil nearly dark the fences around the . . field were lined with people and auto- l soc ' a * ion i* P««tK>n. mobiles . ! While tt was not definitely stated, it Some of the fastest time in the race was rumored that the next meeting was made during the afternoon. Two mi * nt be held somewhere outside of minor accidents tinctured the atmos- phere with a piquant thrill, since they were not disastrous. Twenty-eight machines were regis- tered at the Buffalo control station by the American Flying club officials. Five pilots remained until this morning be- • ., ... cause of lack of night landing facilities' in * 8 ** SM » n Wa » M. w New York state. Most of the members of the committee are westerners, men who believe in the "long-distance" test covering a period of one year as against the short seven days' test in favor of j the east. The only witness called at the morn- Hicks of Gran- at Syracuse. The first is scheduled to **"*• N - J - * tor ™*r partner of Cole. start on his flight toward New York at J ^T" 080 »"««« d ' confession regarding 9 o clock this morning. *"« "?•..«* a rubber-milk-bottle-and- ^_, _, ,». , j hose device at Pine Groves farms aenreeder cneered. I stirred up the tempest. In his sworn Cheers of welcome arose fromJ affidavit made before Supreme Court throngs at the fences at 4:15 o'clock! E S S E ' S M ? ? IT ! Twh„ Ia H ro f!: ™* Sphering about the Curtiss field E?„^2L P ,2 ill* __•»__ . dr ?* e fence, and when the first machine. No. his machine 130 miles an hour in the 43 operated by Lieut. M. J. Plumb. face of a heavy gale, reaching the lo-j h ove into sight a cheer of welcome rose cal control station before any of the j from t he throats of two thousand peo- the purpose of demonstrating the base- lessness of charges founded on the un- supported "confession" of Cole by re- producing milk records equal to and possibly surpassing those impugned. "That has not been determined." re- plied Judge Hodson. "But it is within the bounds of possibility inasmuch as he has a nucleus of a tine herd at Pine Groves." One reason assigned for the silence*' if not the secrecy maintained by the committee in the face of the tire drawn ! the proprietor of from the proprietor of Pine Groves farms, is that the investigators are merely members of a committee with- Mrs. L. A Patrzykowski. Mrs. William Leonard, Mrs. William Hunt. t Mrs. Kred Rode. Mrs. Mathew Danahy, Mrs. Simon *Adolph. Mrs. Julia O'Con- nor. Mrs. Charles Sherry. Akron; Mrs. Hastings, Hamburg, and the following assembly leaders: Mrs. Frank Garvin. Mrs. William Madigan. Miss Rosa, Kirsch, Mrs. Robert Burns. Mrs. Francis Fronezak. Mrs. K. M. Hender- son. Mrs. James Kcane and Miss Mary I L. Mbrgan. Tee cream committee: Miss Mabel MrGavis. chairman: Miss Theresa I Rogers, vice-chairman: Miss Catherine Fitzgerald, ^ . ... , ,, i Sheffler. cashier: Miss out power. *It is our duty to .collect Helancv Mrs. .lames Didley the evidence and report to the associa- tion," said Secretary Houghton. In Mrs. George Diebokl. Miss Charlotte ,.,, ,... . ~* i .- , Bogold. Miss Anthony Roctzer. Miss the «^cnt of drastic action being taken Barbara T ict, Miss G. Fitzpatrick, Miss by the western wing of the association ( T.-i«i.» i-niirn to invalidate Holstein records in New! York and other eastern states, the talk last night in the hotel lobby was that the easterners would withdraw from the Holstein-Friesian association and form an association of their own. other Toronto-New York and return contestants. Ralph Sidway. Buffalo sportsman pie. He arrived at 10:18 o'clock and was greeted by a large party of friends. He made the trip to Toronto and re- was first to greet the major after his j turn, including the time which he was machine had been taxied Into the: in To/onto for fuel replenishment, in narking space. Harry McCarry. rep-| two Hours and thirty minutes. resentative of the American Flying club, also congratulated him on his great success. The detailed police of various organisations were kept busy during Sehrocder's short stay at the local field to keep Ute crowd from surging into the field to greet the pilot after they had recognized his ma- chine In the air. Consternation and surprise generally voiced arou Capt. Steinhle. "The Old Chief," pilot tag an 8£-a machine, after a perfect binding, struck a slight knob in the field which broke fate landing strut and running gear, letting the right wing of his plane hit the ground with such force that it waa disabled. With true sportsmanship. Capt. Steinhle would not withdraw from the race, hoping that repairs could be made here in time for him to finish. The accident happened at 2:30 o'clock, but the efficient field force of -mechanics supplied by the Curtiss ''Airplane corporation and the army had the field cleared for the next machine to reach the field. However, it w a s later learned that the center strut was cracked. The machine will be shipped to Hazclhurat after the race. Remarkable speed was shown by sev- eral of the drivers returning from To the duty on hi any du machine if there were Wiener table, Mrs. Arthur Buckley, chairman. Mrs. Albert Duman. Mrs. John Murphy. Mrs. James Leonard. Cigars, Mrs. F. J. Reidy. chairman; Mrs. IX O'Shea. Mrs. John McDowell, Mrs. L. Fountain, Mrs. M. Maloney. Miss K. Murray. Mrs. Robert McDon- ald, Mrs. Frank Garvin, Mrs. Steve Al- len. Mrs. John Maloney. Mrs. Katherine The first accident of the day occured at 11:52 o'clock in the morning when . the little DH4 machine No. 24, piloted | in * c,ub that any .«« K^_ i the race would b it is expected that he will leave today The machine is being stored at the fly- ing field in one of the hangers under customs control until the affair is straight had ar machine entered in Miss Elizabeth Springstead, Miss Margaret Wall, Mrs. James Fee. Mrs. Adela Gilligan. Mrs. William Ward. Mrs. Harry Leonard. Mrs. Joseph But- mes ergast. Mrs. tt. Keist; Mrs. E. Shaffer is chairman of the flower booth, "r TjT i" _r/ «i - ! Mrs. Harrv Leonard. .Mrs. josepn I .tened out-. The customs officials , Mrs Hanna ciapham. Mrs. Jai ranged with the American *ly- p e m 1 s t > A , rs _ , { _ Feist; Mrs> by W. F. C. Brown, leveled too soon be- fore touching the ground and struck with such a force that both tires on his landing gear were blown and his ma- chine swayed almost to the ground from the strong under pressure of a side wind. However, after his car was i surprise were taxied into the parking space it was local organizations as present .Mon- z j C nd the field when learned that the Curtiss inner tubes' dav were on hand early yesterday and pf le race wouia be permitted to cross | Mrs Kuward j. K oth. vice chairman; the border and return without duty or | Miss Mabe i i ) ana i, v . Miss Helen Laing. hcadtax." but that any Canadian ma-| Miss Anna Hannan. Miss M. Rogers, Miss Dorothy Di Maio. Mrs. Gerhard j Lang. Mrs. Frank Georger, Miss Julia Practically the same staff of pub- O'Connor. Miss Mary Delaney, Miss lie-spirited women from the various j Marv Cullinan. Miss Rachel Amatuz- present Mon- j z i 0 , Mrs. Frederic C. Meyer, Alias Stella fohl. Miss Marie Pfohll and Miss chine remaining in this country would be liable to arrest. would fit the DeHaviland casings, the I every effort extended to comfort the repairs were made and he was again ; pilots and their assistants, as well as on his way making good time in both the details of field assistant*'. The Florence Hannan. v Supper—Mrs. Stanley Dropik, Mrs. Nettie Ernewein, Mrs. Charles Shef- directions. women of the National League of fler, Mrs. S. Plec, Mrs. C. Schmidt. An illustration of the splendid nerve! vJ"omens Service did much to buck up| Mrs. William Adams. Mrs. F. L. Boos, which is common in the "folk'of'the air" the spirit of Capt Steinhle. the pilot Mrs. James Sweeney, Mrs. Ct Woep- is the case of "Jones of the Splitdorf" ' wnose car was "cracked up" at the W . h i, te f i !°.V n « :a . CU f ti ! 8 .? ,an T- "* *!!: I field of landing, and after rived at this control station last night from Syracuse after the local station was closed and parked his machine. a cup of pel. Mrs. James W. Dailey, chairman country store, assisted by Mrs. Will- iam Gulerich. Mrs. i James Heffern, Mrs. H. Kelly. Mrs. Gail Danford, Mrs. trical company" at Jhe flew"unufihis I * « i c h he wore in from the field where j Kroning Mrs I. Snyder, Mrs^ J Plec. he flew to Toronto and ; he left his plane, utterly useless. Mrs. William Tat^r. Mrs. J. McMahon. ; their coffee and plenty of sandwiches, mixed with a general flow of optimism. Whieh'iirS^^J^ihi'a^lltd^^^}^}^ 1 ^^ ang«T-and disgusted look trical company, at the field until this morning when he flew to Toronto and entered the race, leaving for the start at practically the same time as the first pilot to complete the" round trip was ar-! SM»4»£» " IWonAerinif" Filler riving in Buffalo. Jones left for Syra- ! OCC JC ¥V onaenng i lycr With Engine Searchltght j "***>•. ^ Irs _}*• "°f an ** iss Mar y ww . *-» -, «* I O Day, Mrs. P. Scalia, Mrs. Anna i North Collins: Miss Florence Weis [ beck, Alden; Mrs. Edward Sheehan, j Miss Mollie Dugan. Mrs. Walter Gib- I bons. Mrs. Thomas Egan, Miss Anna cuse in the afternoon and hoped to reach Albany before dark. * Order of Arrival. j Cnief Kdward P. Murphy of the fire _ The arrival of the machines at the I department and Capt. John G. Maloney. ronto during the day and the time made j local station during the day was in j m command of Engine Co. No. 34. Main bv Coombs Monday was excelled by: *"• following order: No. 43. Lieut. M. 'and Woodbridge streets, went to the Lieut. Maynard, pilot of a DH-4 ma- Plumb, pilot, arrived at 10:18*? o'clock i Curtiss aviation field shortly after 9 chine, who made the flight of eighty and left for Toronto at 10:46; arriving o'clock last night after iieraons living miles in 27^4 minutes from the time he | again en route to New York at ll':29*4 i j n the vicinity had telephoned tire hopped off at ISxhibitlon city. Lieut. and ,eft tor Syracuse at 1:06% o'clock; j headquarters that an aviator had been M. J. Plumb, pilot of a DH-4 was sec- No. 12, DH4, Capt. O. E. Simonin. ar- j flying over the field for-almost an hour ond in speed records for the dav. mak- rived, at 10:21, left for Toronto at and had not been able to make a land- ing the flight in 37% minutes. W. C. F ! 11:01, returned at 1:08, and left for j ing. The person on the telephone llrown. also piloting a DH-4, who made Xew York at 1:45; ^fo. 9. DH4. Lieut, told Chief Murphy that the noise of the the trip In an even thirty minutes Maynard. pilot, arrived at 11:01, left {aviator's engine had been buzzing for C A. Logan, pilot of No. 4 machine, a I^ePere. although his antual time could not be determined at the local field, is believed to have smashed several rec- ords during the day. Logan experienced trouble with the generator and the con- denser of his machine after leaving Al- bany sad waa foreed to bind in a field to make temporary repairs. Then be returned to Albany and announced that he bad withdrawn from the race aad would return to N e w York and re- F I After returning to New York early this morning Logan removed a genera- tor and condenser from a DH-4, which was smashed at Mineola Monday, and replaced the one la bis ear. Then he re-entered the race and arrived in Buf- falo at 5:5* o'clock and loft for To- ronto a t • : » . P Be arrived at Toronto kmg before dark and wanted to return to this city before calling It off for the day. but the committee refused to allow him to leave Toronto. Comparing his speed with that mads by Maj. Schroeder it Is probable that the little LePere sver- sged over ISO miles an hour during the day. . Charles Rohlfs, father of Roland Rohlfs. a Curtiss pilot, one of the Buf- falo contestants for a part of the $10.- •00 prises, watched every machine coming from the east during the after- noon. He went away disappointed but happy, after it had been reported that Rohlfs was being held over at Syra- cuse. Early in the morning the crowds for Toronto at 11:34, returned at 1:08 and left for New York at 1:56 o'clock. No. 24, DHL W. C. Brown, pilot, ar- rived at 11:52, was held for repairs on wheela and tires until 1:41, returned at 3:27 and left for New York at 4:02. No. 44, DH4, Lieut. R. Midkiff. pilot, ar- rived at 12:13%. left for Toronto at 12:45 and returned at 2:42, leaving for New York at 3:30; No. 21. SE5. Capt. Hary Smith, pilot, arrived at 12:25 and left for Toronto at 1:19% remaining there over night. No. 41, DH4, Maj. J. W. Simmons, pilot, arrived here at 12:36%, left for Toronto at 1:34% and will return this morning; No. 2. SE5. Lieut.-Col. H. Hartney. pilot, arrived at 1:37, left at 1:02 and remained at Toronto; No. 5. 8E5 Charles Colt, pilot, arrived at 1:47%. left at 2:38 and remained at Toronto. No. 17. SE5. Capt. R. Brown, pilot, arrived here at 1:51 1-4, left for Tor onto at more than fifty minutes. Chief Murphy went to Engine C o . .'14 and Capt. Maloney took the engine which is equipped with a powerful searchlight to the aviation field. The rays of the searchlight were tfirown skyward but no trace of the aviator was seen. The noise of the buzzing engine had stopped'by the time Chief Murphy reached the field. It is believed that the aviator was able to make a landing somewhere in the vicinity. Bobn. Mrs. Henry Raitt. chairman of the dance committee: Mrs. Mary Brown. Miss Mary Navagh, Mrs. George Dunn. Mrs. Charles Farrell, Mrs. James Martin. Mrs. Walter Weise, Miss M. Fohlc. Mrs. William H. Schwinger is chair- man of the automobile committee. Mrs. John Carroll has charge of the ticket committee. Sandwiches and coffee. MrSi Clara- Thries, chairman. Mrs. M. Jjauser; candy, Mrs. John Roesser; dishes, Mrs. John Traufler. chairman: fish pond, Mrs. Walter McBury, chairman; dolls. Miss Helen Furlong, chairman. INOUSTRI The tca< featured ii tion. that tion. givei vocational] manent it its develd social int« It is des knowledge that will workmen, which thej is made situation, for labor capital and masses slavery at trade guilt Three h< schools ar« being pecially rel these schl The aim oi tern is tur| and at the the industl tion sure It was heavy al schools wl 2 is most all parts known theii schools tj trades whU schools are! falo's educf and natioi toward tl AUGl Gil iBy.Spef Hornell, sun was : treated to in August. for five mil struck the fall ever j-eq final injunction orders mers of the Lafayette, McLeod hotels, restrain- |from picketing in front of will be filed with the rk this morning, making lanent unless opposed, [McCarriagher. counsel for ten's association, said yes- :tion was obtained August rained striking employes lg up and down in front, or in the vicinity of the tying or writing or in any resenting that the houses to organized labor. It also nusive or threatening re- asons entering or about, to Mels. this is the broadest un- inction involving picketing ;n granted," McCarriagher ty. "The defendants have M an> proof to defend md thus far have not ap- lurt," Waiters' Alliance, Bar- krbers', Cooks, and ( Bell- Ipresent proof to the 1 court, ban on picketing would be Peaceable picketing has held legal. HISTORY FEATURE NON-TECHNICAL COURSE |ng of industrial history is the non-technical instruc- |rms a part of the educa- every boy who attends a ;hool. The thing of per- >rtance in this course is lent of industrial |and fence. Id that the pupils acquire )t the rights and duties Jtheirs when they become Id of the conditions under rill find themselves. Study Jhe present day industrial (factory systems, occasions lions, the relationship of (labor, the history of the M upward struggle from feudalism, craftsmen and River Road Happenings Coming Before Tonawanda Judge for Probing. e I CUT, BRUISED IN AUTO COLLISION Girl Showered With Glass When Machines Crash in Avenue. of each day in the trade |ven to studying, the time kd between subjects es- »d to the trades taught in and general studies. the vocational school sys- out finished mechanics, le time to send them into m with general informa- Irove helpful to them. led that the outlook for lance at the vocational they open on September SOuraging many boys, in the city having made itention of entering these [perfect themselves for they wish to follow. The »e and are a part of Buf- )nal system. The stab? governments contribute Isupport. Hearing of Arthur W. H;j wley, No. 285 West Tupper street, charged with criminal assault on Lillian Werner last Friday night on the Fiver road has been postponed until tomorrow. The hearing was to have been held be- fore Justice of the Peace Cherry at Tonawanda Monday, Ernest W. ;Mc- Intyre has been retained jto defend Hawley. - Sheriff Bradley, who vipited the scene of the crime with Hawley and R. J. Green, No. 292 Connecticut street, the occupant of the rear seat of the automobile with another girl at the time of the alleged assault, (examined the locality thoroughly, but!found no evidence of a struggle, he sjaid. Nor did he find the hatpin . wl^ich Miss Werner said she used to deffend her- self. Hawley admitted, however, that he got out of the car with Miss Wer- ner while the other couple remained in the car, the sheriff said. KEY WORKERS FAIL TO 6ET AUTO, STEAL WATCH, ORACELET August C. Smith yesterday) reported* to the police that his garage 4* No - 85 ° Humboldt parkway was entered about 3:45 o'clock yesterday moaning by- three men with a duplicate |key who attempted to steal his five-passenger automobile. When discovered by Smith the burglars fled, takjing with] them a rain coat and tools. He was un- able to describe them in detafil. The police are on the lookout for two young men who, they say, entered the home of Mrs. Tony Lipczjfnski, No. 27 Churchill street, Monday j forenoon with a duplicate key. A wrijst watch and a gold bracelet are reported miss- ing. :".• . ,./-- •: Nata FJHs, eleven years old, daughter of Frank Ellis, No. 276 Parkdale avenue, was injured yesterday afternoon at Del- avan and Linwood avenues when an auto- mobile driven by her father in which she was riding collided with a machine driven by Morris Koch, No. 114 Lancaster avenue. The girl was taken to the Homeopathic hospital, where physicians said she is suf- fering from cuts and bruises on the head and body. Koch was driving north in Linwood ave- nue and was turning west into Delavan avenue when his machine was struck by ElliS' car. it is said, which 'was being driven east in Delavan avenue. Mr<j. Ellis was riding with her husband and daughter. ' When the machines collided the glass of the Ellis car windshield was showered on the occupants and Nata was cut in sev- eral places. Both automobiles were badly damaged. Police of the Cold Spring sta- tion made an investigation. Twenty-five New Farmers Come to Produce Curb —Sales Brisk. '-% FEDERAL WORKERS Capt. Todd and H. A. Avery to Attend Con* vention Next Month. $400,000 IS BUFFALO'S j QUOTA IN JEWISH DRIVE To aid the stricken nations of Kurope by raising millions for relief is the aim of the Aj»eriea.n Jewish relief |omraittee which will start a nation-wide! drive in October. The quota of New York state is £ir>.000,000. l^uch of this 0'Jota has already been subscribed but the real drive will not start until early in October and the drive will continue for one week. Buffalo hind Eric county are expected to raise ?400Jl)0u. Miles M. Goldberg, a former Rufnlonian who has been interested in Jewish welfare and i community work, wlil be campaign direc- tor in the Buffalo district. The rlrive will be non-sectarian and evers'Oiie will be ap- pealed to for aid for the war sufferers. SNOW •,S HORNELL :OPLE SHOCK Wire to The Courier.) \, Aug. 2«.—Although the Ing brightly, Hornell was |odd sight of a snow storm morning. Light snow fell ^s. melting as rapidly as it ind. It is the earliest snow led in this- section. m BARROOM PALS UNGRATEFUL Stanley Brokzinski, nineteen years old. No. 19 Goodyear avenue, ^reported to the police early yesterday smorning that he was beaten and robbejd of $20 by threesmen with whom he wfas riding in an automobile. . At a dark] spot in Tifft street, near the New York Cen- tral railroad tracks, they threw him from the car. He said he metj them in a saloon at Oak and Clinton streets and had a few drinks with them. De- tective Sergeant Leary investigated. Rec*d of Fires pa-f PRAISES BUFFALO SLEUTHS FOR RECOVERY OF WATCH Acting Inspector John K. Ryan, In charge of the detective bureau at police headquarter!!, received a highly compli- mentary letter yesterday from J*. T. Wood- •»«• Vn ii iviH rant I man. » well known lumber man of Paines- _». .-so. n . J.>«t. ^apt. I TIU# 0 ,„ wWeh the latter stated that he Chandler, pilot, arrived at 2:20'1-2^*" j T. forever Indebted to the Buffalo polhe for Toronto at 3:22: No. 3». 8B5, Capt. , Apartment »«¥* particularly the detective Steinhle. pilot, arrived at 2:30 and I t >nrwi „, because of the fact that a valuable was crashed so as to prohibit further flying-. O. S. Jones, pilot of special Splitdorf machine, arrived from Toronto at 3:23 USE AXE-IN FIGHT, CHARGE. John Benedykt of No. 26 Person street was held for the grand jury by Judge Noonan in city court yesterday charged with assault, first degree. He is accused of having struck Frank Lubecki of No. 17 Wick street on the head with an axe during a gang fight on August 16. Benedykt denied the charge. These fl the twenty night: 1:43 a. Johnson rubbish in unknown; 12:17 p. house occ roofers tar THIRTY Bl VIE] Mack Set for complaii falo bathinf contest at tl During the; girls appeal them very costumes. Tl to vote on selection of J group. In chosen froi these girls regular Sen! night and ff gagement. cial feature the regular be photogr tyre camera sent on to able^the Si their choice vacancies it last night's twenty-five each group a total of sij •alarms were sounded in lr hours ended at mid- -Delawarfl avenqe and Touraine hotel: fire in |tl bin in basement; cause damage. -No. 502 Elk street; »d by Thomas Gray; roof; damage $20. FALO GIRLS . "OATHIHG" CONTEST ?tt will have no reason {about the way the Buf- rirls turned ut for his fShubert-Teck last night. ;o performances thirty I on the stage, many of j inning in their beach} audience was permitted regular ballot for the j three girls from each j is way six girls were lithe total number and prill appear with the tt Bathing Beauties to- the balance of the en- Friday night as a spe- entire group, including Innett bathing girls will ed for the motion pic- Those pictures will be Sennett studios to en- lett directors to make three girls for the next pic Sennett company. It Hups there were at least mere, but only three pf ltd be selected, making to be picked. gold watch which was stolen from his home about five years ago was recently j recovered tu a Buffalo pawnshop by the j local police Q and left for New York on the first j The recovery of the watch w*s due. It i» leg of his race at 4:06; No. 7, DH4, C. I "M. to the artful pawnshop system used u n.,- nA M* n iw -rrtvaH • » • • * • *.«i by the detective bureau, and when Wood- H. Reynolds, pilot arrived at 3:43 and left for Toronto at 4:33 o'clock, re- maining there: No. 57, VE7v Major Schroeder. pilot, arrived on last leg of round trip at 4:14 and left for Toronto at 1:34 1-2. No. 1. DIN. Col. Brandt, pilot, ar- rived at 4:28 and proceeded to Toronto at 3:11: No. 4, LeRere, C. H. Logan.! man's watch, which was stolen on Septem ber 10. 1012, was pawned in Buffalo, the bureau records showed when It was stolen and gave the name of the owner. Inspector Ryan mailed the watch to Woodman several days ago. TONtOftlALIST8 TO CONVENE, pilot, arrived at 5:59. and left for Tor- ! Fifteen hundred barbers will gather opto at 6:39; No. 23. JN4H. Lieut, [in Buffalo from September 9 to Sep- tember 22. at the annual convention of the Journeymen Barbers' International Union of America, which will hold its sessions in Broadway auditorium. President Herman Hints of Local No. 141. announced today that the head- quarters will be in Hotel Niagara, and the arrangements - are In charge of Peter Schaefbuch of this city. Ant ITIVE MEMBRANES quickly relieved by using as spray or douche. Follow directions in our booklet (with every bottle). Highly recom- mended by doctors and dentists. Steves. 3*e. '.Be. Taylor, pilot, arrived at 6:01 1-2 and left for Toronto at 6:44; No. 11. SE5 Capt. J. Donaldson, pilot, arrived at 6:40 and No. 32. JN4D. Richard Depew, 'pilot -were forced to remain here over night. Must Pay Quty. Wilson Campbell, pilot of machine No. 66. a Canadian JN. which was withdrawn from the race voluntarily I on his arrival here Monday afternoon. is to be compelled to pay duty on the ? machine. It developed that Campbell But (he »ol«Jicr» aad.MiiI<>r» will never »t»p talk purchased the machine in Toronto be- ' ing about the <-oerf«rt tliey got from tlie Allen'* ! fore the race and Was intending to I Foot-Case, the anti--;tir iwwder U> BtTTlmlicu y withdraw at Schenectady. Campbell ! into the *i»«x-.. whi.-h th«-ir twewtlieart*, mother approached the staff of omcials on the «> r sb**™ >»-«t th«-in. rntil It in tried UR.- tleld when he landed Monday and ask- •, tf, " l i, whu J * * ,U S i'" ,J w "«*"**• >"«*•* A i i - n s , . I Foot-K»«e i> to ltaiiiliil. uHiing. swollen. ti-n.|.i '-'•''•' fi-rt. t ••rn>. Blinioii4 Mini I'alluUM-*. It ujakt-s j walking a detigut. **M «»eo»b«re. ( THE WAR IS OVER uick remittance! serv- ice to all parts EUROPE Delivery or refund] guaranteed All Languages Spofa FOREIGN DEPART] (Entrance—Lafayette Sqt Capt. Juunes W. Todd of No. 87 Putnam street and H. A. Avery, Xo. 230 Federal htiildiiijr, renpectively president and treas- urer of Buffalo union, No. 19, of the Na- tional Federation of Federal employes, have been chosen to represent the local at the annual convention of the Federation la San Francisco, September S. W.i| unions iu New York state are at Albany, Buffalo, Iona Island, Leweston, New York, Niagara Falls, Rochester, Wa- terrliet. The Federation is affiliated with the American Federation'of Labor. It includes {jdvernment workers of all occupations asid grades not exclusively eligible to other national trade union organizations char tered by the American Federjtion of Labor. Thus its membership reaches into all departments of the U. S, government, both in the District of Columbia and the field sen ice. such as customs, internal revenue, immigration, light house, coast guard, In- dian, forestry, fisheries, animal and plant industry, steamboat inspection, peniten- tiary guards, cusro.^an service in pobli:* buildings, navy yard, ordnance stations and all other civil branches of the govern- ment. Now at the close of the third year of its existence, the National Federation of Fed- eral Employes includes 142 lor-ais in 42 states, with a total membership of nearly 130,000. (By Special Wire to The Courier.) Lockport. Aug. 26. — Sixty-six pro- ducers are on the public curb market here today, twenty-five registering for the first time. Buying was brisk for a time, and the producers with variety loads were seen cleaned out, while of- ten those with loads of single products soon unloaded at lower prices. Peaches and tomatoes were the most plentiful, the former selling at a reduced price, while the latter .went as low as ten cents per basket, without the basket. The golden batam corn, which has sold at prices ranging from fifty cents down to the present price of twenty cents, is becoming scarce, while ever- green corn is becoming plentiful. Black Mexican corn made its first appearance this morning. Potatoes were more plentiful at $3 per bushel or seventy- five cents per peck. HOLD 5 0 - 5 0 CLUB WILL HOLD OUTING The Dsld-Quality 50-50 club will mo- tor to Wheatfield farms grove at Wheatfield-on-Niagara Labor day for an outing and picnic. JThirty-five cars, will carry the employes and their fam- ilies to the grove, leaving Dold Welfare hall'netwcen 8 and 9 o'clock. A ball game between the office and plant teams will be a feature of the outing. The large dancing pavilion erected by J. C. Dold will be officially opened that day. Joe Armbruster's jazz band will furnish the latest rag- time tor the dancers. J. P. Dold is chairman of the com- mittee in charge and will be assisted by R. S. Dold, G. Voltz, C. V. Horan, J- P . Morgan. J. Mueller, C. Red lien; J. A. Setter, H. DuQuinn, J. Mache, B. Bap- rows, G. Havlish and Dr. Brauns. ACCIDENT VICTIMS STILL IN SERIOUS CONDITION The condition of three men severely injured in an automobile-trolley car col- lision at Seneca street and Inger avenue Monday night was reported unchanged last night. Thomas Doyle is at Emergency hospital, where doctors hold out hope %f his recov- ery. Frank Woodey, taken to Columbus hospital and whose injuries it was feared might prove mortal, was reported still in a critical condition. Arthur Webster, also at Columbus hospital, was Said tj be do- ing well. | ( FLEEING THEM, POLICE SAY, WHEN MORTALLY INJURED Frank Rydonzyk, forty-six years old. No; 35 Titus street, who, the police say, jumped off the Krie viaduct over William street, near Babeock. Monday afternoon, died at the Emergency hospital yesterday morning of a fractured skull and internal injuries. Rydnzyk was walking along the trestlo when Patrolman Patrick Ring saw him. and tried to have him come down. When Ring and two trainmen went up on the trestle after him the patrolman said that Rydonzyk jumped, landing on a pile of stones. ANNUAL ROTARY OUTING. The Buffalo Rotary club will hold ftjp annual outing at Clarence Thursday, September 11, the date set by the board of directors. Members will motor to. Clarence and be entertained by Howard M. Heston, president of the Buffalo Automobile club. —-U.—-JS3K "Lit Car.ii put your books iiortor" Carlin Accountants INCOME TAX t»PKCIATISTS tlei. 6801 621-S23 Kllicatt Square t 5!? AdaiiLMeIdrinnc?AridersoiT£Q Mall and Telephone Orders Filled Promptly. Phone: Seneca 4060. Store Hours: 9 4 BL to 5:30 P. M. Shop in the Morning: for Most Comfort Closed All Day Saturdays daring August >NT ! , V \ t ' 455 Main Street » No Branches \ ed if it were possible to locate | custom* officials aa he warned to pay Unusual Offer One thousand pairs of lovely Plaid BlarAjets pink, blue and grey plaids-Blankets of splendid quality uble Bed Size $5.50 Pair Very desirable kind of Blankets in hand- some colors and durable quality, and worth much more. X^* Really these Blankets are a great bargain and every pair should he sold today. u,_ A, Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

— - P — w - — — — ' — I P •*•• •' • • • • • • .» — • " - • • ' • " » ' • ^ - r w p ^ p ^ | R P P | F 1 ^ ^ ^ " ™ " , , • - • , , w ^ ^ , , ~ , • , • ^ ^ 1 * 1 Hi JIJW.li ikl!HM) —-w If — — . M i n n | i i i p i i i . n i W ! » » * - • • * Uli ,H l | | fPPW!«PPP «.•»• " '






' ft


IN AERIAL DERBY Others Yet to Complete

Round Trip, However, M a y B e Winners.


H e a v y W i n d s Handicapped Airmen Yesterday on

W a y to Toronto.

. (Continued From Page One.)

Cabana May Call oh Court to Prevent Milk Probers

From Canceling Records * • «

Unconfirmed Report Is to Effect Buffalo Stock Man W i l l A s k for Injunction Restraining Holstein-Friesian Asso­ciation From Invalidating Records.


|DAY, A U G U S T 27, 1919.



Union) Inj,

Candidates W i l l W o o Votes at Outing at Braun's .

Park. ]


}ermit Hotel Men's fction to Stand by


hare Cot in aere sooner tlwn you expected. J bana. Jr.. of P ine Groves farms, near if I sad not been tossed around in a gale J of wind." I Elma. quiet ly adjourned shortly after

After baring some hot coffee. Maj. S«-nroeder. Cul. Brandt and a number of other American a m y pilots deckled not to venture on the return trip tonight, hut to stay in Toronto and start back in their machines for the American side, leaving Leaalde about H:W a. m

Maintaining secrecy to the las t t h e , Justice Lftins and published yesterday. Cole recanton every Word of his previ­ous statement reflecting upon the rec­ords of prise Holstein stock at the Ca­bana farms. /

"I never knew or heard that Cole had any such device for producing fake records." said Hicks. He never men­tioned such a thing to mc. though I was his partner for some time."

Cole was not called as a witness. The investigators say they can get him when wanted. John Arfmann of Middleport. X. Y.. testified that he acted as agent for the association when he bought Cole's "cow helper."

Talk of Injunction.


commit tee represent ing the directors

of the Hols te in-Fr ies ian associat ion

w h i c h h a s been inves t igat ing charges

in Buffalo based on a so-ca l led "con­

fession" by Charles K- Cole, former

herdsman in the employ of Oliver Ca-

noon yesterday not to meet aga in for

t w o weeks .

J a m e s A. Reynolds„» of Cleveland. chairman of the inves t igat ing commit -

Cant. C. H. Reynolds, w h o left Mine- tee. before leaving the Lafayet te hotel, o la in a DeHaviland "four" at »:04 and other members of the committee . a. m., arrived here at 5:13 th i s after noon, taking eight hours and nine min­utes to complete the first half of the race.

Lieut. P. H. Logan, in a I-aPere ma­chine, w h o left Mineola a t 9:43 a. m.. arrived a short t ime later.

Smash Speed Records, One Flier Breaking Down, Going

Bach and i\C~eniCFing MaCe ute/ ranees made by him in Chicago ! and Cleveland reflecting on the honesty

and vadili^y of milk t e s t s at

declined to make a n y s ta tement re­garding the invest igat ion which they s a y h a s not been completed. Nor would they say when or where the n e s t meet ing would be held. *

No Return Fire. It w a s expected that the published

s tatement of Oliver Cabana. Jr. and the recantat ion by Cole of h is so-cal led confession deny ing every o n e of the

The granted Genesee ing u n i o their ho county them Daniel the Hote terday.

The in 19. It

I from w a | at the si

hotels, ori i i r * A i i manner ..

Look for Large Attendance I J J ^ S i marks to enter the

"I belief opposed ii that has said yest< not presei themselv< peared mJ

Unless tenders' boys' unk he said, permanent hitherto

of Men at First Feminine Fling.

All is in readiness, it was announced last night, for the first field day of the Democratic women's organization to be held today at Braun's park in Gene­see street.

The women expect a large at tend­ance of men at their maiden outing, a general invitaiton of Democrats h a v -It w a s rumored last night that Mr

Cabana has retained Judge Daniel J. . . . . . . ,. , . Kenefick and Henrv W. Killeen for the | i n * b e e n » S 8 U e d - A 1 1 r , a r t> candidates purpose of s tart ing injunction proceed- i for nominations this fall will be on ings to restrain the associat ion from throwing out or doing anyth ing to in­val idate the records of prize Hols te ins in N e w York state, on the ground that the Cole affidavit leaves the association without a particle of evidence on which to base such drastic act ion. None of the members of the committee had been

hand and will be given an opportunity to speak during the day.


Here Are Committles. The committees have bee% enlarged

to cope with the work and are nows a s fol lows:

Reception committee: Mrs. "William served with papers up to the hour of j Conners, Mrs. Norman E. Mack, their adjournment and departure. | ^irs. Mary A. Morse, Mrs. Charles

Judge Devoe P. Hodson. who repre- J Kcrmctt Smith. Mrs. Will iam Fi tz -sented Mr. Cabana before the invest!- patrick, Mrs. Charles Boine. Mrs. gat ion. w a s asked about a rumor cur- I Joseph' Zenser. Mrs. John Cameron, rent "that hist cl ient would collect a n - j j i r s Louis P. Fuhrmann, Mrs. Cath-other herd and reopen Pine Groves f o r | p r j n e Moulter. Mrs. Frank Georger,

Speed, thri l ls a n d beautiful weather greeted the first a irman to al ight y e s ­terday a t the Buffalo control station, I Curt iss field, on the third lap of his first inning of the Hotel Commodore international airplane race and handi­cap contest , a n d from early morning

Pine Groves farms would draw from the commit tee a counterstatenient . Th i s expectat ion "did not material ize.

"We have nothing to say for publica­tion until our investigation is com­pleted." w a s Mr. Reynold's reply to all quest ions for some statement of the a s -«intil nearly dark the fences around the . .

field w e r e l ined wi th people and a u t o - l s o c ' a * i o n i* P««tK>n. mobi les . ! While tt was not definitely stated, it

Some of the fas tes t t ime in the race was rumored that the next meet ing w a s made during the afternoon. T w o m i * n t be held somewhere outside of minor acc idents t inctured the a t m o s ­phere w i t h a p iquant thrill, s ince they were not disastrous.

T w e n t y - e i g h t mach ines were reg i s ­tered a t the Buffalo control s tat ion by the American F ly ing c lub officials. F ive p i lo t s remained unti l th i s morning be - • . , ... c a u s e of lack of n ight landing fac i l i t i e s ' in* 8 ** S M » n W a » M. w

N e w York state. Most of the members of the committee are westerners, men who believe in the "long-distance" test covering a period of one year as against the short seven days' test in favor of

j the east. The only witness called at the morn-

Hicks of Gran-at Syracuse . T h e first i s scheduled to **"*• N - J - * tor™*r partner of Cole. s tart on h i s flight toward N e w York a t J ̂ T"0 8 0 »"««« d ' confession regarding 9 o clock th is morning. *"« "?• . .«* a rubber-milk-bottle-and-

^_, _, ,». , j hose device at Pine Groves farms aenreeder c n e e r e d . I stirred up the tempest. In his sworn

Cheers of we lcome arose fromJ affidavit made before Supreme Court throngs a t the fences a t 4:15 o'clock! E S S E ' S M ? ? I T ! T w h „ I a H r o f ! : ™ * S p h e r i n g about the Curtiss field E ? „ ^ 2 L P , 2 i l l * __•»__ . d r ? * e fence, and when the first machine. No. h i s machine 130 mi les an hour in the 4 3 operated by Lieut. M. J. Plumb. face of a heavy gale , reaching the l o - j h o v e into s ight a cheer of welcome rose cal control s tat ion before any of the j from t h e throats of two thousand peo-

the purpose of demonstrat ing the base­l e s sness of charges founded on the u n ­supported "confession" of Cole by re­producing milk records equal to and possibly surpassing those impugned.

"That has not been determined." re­plied Judge Hodson. "But it is within the bounds of possibility inasmuch a s he has a nucleus of a tine herd at Pine Groves."

One reason ass igned for the silence*' if not the secrecy maintained by the commit tee in the face of the tire drawn !

the proprietor of from the proprietor of Pine Groves farms, is that the invest igators are merely members of a committee wi th -

Mrs. L. A Patrzykowski. Mrs. William Leonard, Mrs. Will iam Hunt. t Mrs. Kred R o d e . Mrs. Mathew Danahy, Mrs. Simon *Adolph. Mrs. Julia O'Con­nor. Mrs. Charles Sherry. Akron; Mrs. Hast ings , Hamburg, and the following assembly leaders: Mrs. Frank Garvin. Mrs. Wil l iam Madigan. Miss Rosa, Kirsch, Mrs. Robert Burns. Mrs. Francis Fronezak. Mrs. K. M. Hender­son. Mrs. James Kcane and Miss Mary

I L. Mbrgan. Tee cream committee: Miss Mabel

MrGavis. chairman: Miss Theresa I Rogers, v ice-chairman: Miss Catherine

Fitzgerald, ^ . ... , ,, i Sheffler. cashier: Miss out power. *It is our duty to .collect Helancv Mrs. . lames Didley the evidence and report to the assoc ia­tion," said Secretary Houghton. In

Mrs. George Diebokl. Miss Charlotte , . , , ,... . ~* i .- , Bogold. Miss Anthony Roctzer. • Miss the «^cnt of drastic action being taken B a r b a r a T i c t , Miss G. Fitzpatrick, Miss by the western w i n g of the association ( T.-i«i.» i-niirn to invalidate Holstein records in N e w ! York and other eastern s tates , the talk last night in the hotel lobby w a s that the easterners would withdraw from the Holste in-Fries ian associat ion and form an associat ion of their own.

o ther T o r o n t o - N e w York a n d return contestants .

Ralph S idway . Buffa lo sportsman

pie. H e arrived at 10:18 o'clock and w a s greeted by a large party of friends. H e made the trip to Toronto and re-

w a s f irst t o greet the major after h i s j turn, including the t ime which he w a s m a c h i n e had been taxied Into t h e : in To /onto for fuel replenishment, in narking space . Harry McCarry. r e p - | t w o Hours and thirty minutes. r e sen ta t ive of the American F ly ing club, a l s o congratulated him on his great succes s . T h e detai led police of var ious organisat ions were kept busy dur ing Sehrocder's short s t a y at the local f ield t o k e e p Ute crowd from surg ing into the field t o greet the pilot after they had recognized h i s m a ­chine In t h e air .

Consternat ion and surprise general ly voiced arou Capt. Ste inhle . "The Old Chief," pilot tag a n 8 £ - a machine , after a perfect binding, s truck a s l ight knob in t h e field which broke fate landing s trut and running gear, l e t t ing t h e right w i n g of h i s p lane hit the ground wi th such force that it waa disabled. With true sportsmanship . Capt. Ste inhle would not wi thdraw from the race, hoping that repairs could be made here in t i m e for h im to finish.

T h e accident • happened at 2:30 o'clock, but the efficient field force of

-mechan ic s supplied by the Curt iss ' ' A i r p l a n e corporation and the army had

t h e field cleared for the next m a c h i n e t o reach the field. However , it w a s later learned that the center strut w a s cracked. T h e mach ine will be shipped to Hazclhurat af ter the race.

Remarkable speed w a s shown by s e v ­eral of the drivers returning from To

the duty on hi any du

machine if there were

Wiener table, Mrs. Arthur Buckley, chairman. Mrs. Albert Duman. Mrs. John Murphy. Mrs. J a m e s Leonard.

Cigars, Mrs. F. J. Reidy. chairman; Mrs. IX O'Shea. Mrs. John McDowell , Mrs. L. Fountain, Mrs. M. Maloney. Miss K. Murray. Mrs. Robert McDon­ald, Mrs. Frank Garvin, Mrs. Steve Al­len. Mrs. John Maloney. Mrs. Katherine

The first accident of the day occured a t 11:52 o'clock in the morning when . the little DH4 machine No. 24, piloted | i n * c , u b that any

.«« K^_ i the race would b

it is expected that he will leave today The machine i s being stored at the fly­ing field in one of the hangers under customs control until the affair i s straight had ar

machine entered in

Miss Elizabeth Springstead, Miss Margaret Wall, Mrs. James Fee. Mrs. Adela Gilligan. Mrs. Wil l iam Ward. Mrs. Harry Leonard. Mrs. Joseph But-

m e s ergast. Mrs. tt. Keist; Mrs. E.

Shaffer is chairman of the flower booth,

"r TjT i" _r/ «i - ! Mrs. Harrv Leonard. .Mrs. j o s e p n I .tened out-. The cus toms officials , M r s H a n n a c i a p h a m . Mrs. Jai ranged with the American * l y - p e m 1 s t > A , r s_ ,{_ F e i s t ; M r s >

by W. F. C. Brown, leveled too soon be­fore touching the ground and struck with s u c h a force that both t ires on his landing g e a r were blown and his m a ­chine swayed a lmost to the ground from the s trong under pressure of a side wind. However , after his car w a s

i surprise were taxied into the parking space it w a s local organizat ions as present .Mon- z j C nd the field w h e n learned that the Curt iss inner t u b e s ' dav were on hand early yesterday and pf

le race wouia be permitted to cross | M r s K u w a r d j . K oth . vice chairman; the border and return without duty or | M i s s M a b e i i ) a n a i , v . Miss Helen Laing.

hcadtax." but that any Canadian m a - | Miss Anna Hannan. Miss M. Rogers, Miss Dorothy Di Maio. Mrs. Gerhard

j Lang. Mrs. Frank Georger, Miss Julia Practically the same staff of pub- O'Connor. Miss Mary Delaney, Miss

l ie-spirited women from the various j M a r v Cullinan. Miss Rachel Amatuz-present Mon- j z i 0 , Mrs. Frederic C. Meyer, Alias Stel la

fohl. Miss Marie Pfohll and Miss

chine remaining in this country would be liable to arrest.

would fit the DeHavi land cas ings , the I every effort extended to comfort the repairs were made and he w a s again ; pilots and their ass i s tants , as well a s on h i s w a y m a k i n g good time in both the detai ls of field assistant*'. The

Florence Hannan. v Supper—Mrs. Stanley Dropik, Mrs.

Nett ie Ernewein, Mrs. Charles Shef-directions. women of the National League of fler, Mrs. S. Plec, Mrs. C. Schmidt.

An i l lustration of the splendid nerve! vJ"omens Service did much to buck u p | Mrs. Wil l iam Adams. Mrs. F. L. Boos, wh ich is common in the "folk'of'the air" the spirit of Capt Steinhle. the pilot Mrs. J a m e s Sweeney, Mrs. Ct W o e p -i s the c a s e of "Jones of the Splitdorf" ' w n o s e car w a s "cracked up" at the W . h i , t e f i ! ° . V n « : a . C U f t i ! 8 . ? , a n T - " * *!!: I field of landing, and after r ived a t this control s tat ion last night from Syracuse after the local s tat ion w a s c losed a n d parked h i s machine .

a cup of pel.

Mrs. J a m e s W. Dailey, chairman country store, assisted by Mrs. Wil l ­iam Gulerich. Mrs. i James Heffern, Mrs. H. Kelly. Mrs. Gail Danford, Mrs.

trical company" a t Jhe flew"unufihis I * « i c h he wore in from the field where j Kroning Mrs I. Snyder, Mrs^ J Plec. he flew to Toronto and ; he left his plane, utterly useless . Mrs. Will iam Tat^r. Mrs. J. McMahon.

; their coffee and plenty of sandwiches , mixed with a general flow of opt imism.

Whieh'iirS^^J^ihi'a^lltd^^^}^}^1^^ ang«T-and disgusted look trical company, a t the field unti l this morning w h e n he flew to Toronto and entered the race, l eaving for the start a t practical ly the same t ime a s the first pilot t o complete the" round trip w a s a r - ! SM»4»£» " IWonAerinif" Filler riving in Buffalo. Jones left for Syra- ! O C C J C ¥V onaenng i lycr

With Engine Searchltght j "***>•. ̂ Irs _}*• "°fan **iss Mary ww . *-» -, «* I O Day, Mrs. P. Scalia, Mrs. Anna

i North Collins: Miss Florence Wei s [ beck, Alden; Mrs. Edward Sheehan, j Miss Mollie Dugan. Mrs. Walter Gib-I bons. Mrs. Thomas Egan, Miss Anna

cuse in the afternoon and hoped to • reach Albany before dark. *

Order of Arrival. j C n i e f Kdward P. Murphy of the fire _ The arrival of the mach ines at the I department and Capt. John G. Maloney.

ronto during the day and the time made j local s tat ion during the day w a s in j m command of Engine Co. No. 34. Main bv Coombs Monday w a s excelled b y : *"• fo l lowing order: No. 43. Lieut. M. 'and Woodbridge streets, went to the Lieut . Maynard, pilot of a DH-4 ma- Plumb, pilot, arrived at 10:18*? o'clock i Curtiss aviat ion field shortly after 9 chine, w h o made the flight of e ighty and left for Toronto a t 10:46; arriving • o'clock last night after iieraons l iving mi le s in 27^4 minutes from the time he | aga in en route to N e w York at ll':29*4 i j n the vic inity had telephoned tire hopped off at ISxhibitlon city. Lieut. a n d , e f t tor Syracuse at 1:06% o'clock; j headquarters that an aviator had been M. J. Plumb, pilot of a D H - 4 w a s sec- N o . 12, DH4, Capt. O. E. Simonin. ar - j flying over the field for-almost an hour ond in speed records for the dav. mak- rived, at 10:21, left for Toronto at and had not been able to make a land­i n g the flight in 37% minutes . W. C. F ! 11:01, returned at 1:08, and left for j ing. T h e person on the telephone l l rown. a l so piloting a D H - 4 , who made X e w York a t 1:45; ^fo. 9. DH4. Lieut, told Chief Murphy that the noise of the t h e trip In an e v e n thirty minutes Maynard. pilot, arrived at 11:01, left {aviator's engine had been buzzing for

C A. Logan, pilot of No . 4 machine, a I^ePere. a l though his antual t ime could not be determined a t the local field, is bel ieved t o h a v e smashed several rec-ords during the day. Logan experienced trouble with the generator and the con­denser of h i s machine after leaving Al­bany s a d waa foreed to bind in a field t o m a k e temporary repairs. Then be returned t o Albany and announced tha t h e bad withdrawn from the race a a d would return to N e w York a n d re -


After returning t o N e w York early t h i s morning Logan removed a genera­tor and condenser from a D H - 4 , which w a s smashed at Mineola Monday, and replaced the one l a b i s ear. Then he re-entered the race a n d arrived in Buf­fa lo a t 5:5* o'clock and loft for T o ­ronto at • : » .

P B e arrived at Toronto k m g before dark and wanted t o return to th i s c i ty before call ing It off for the day. but the committee refused t o al low him to l eave Toronto. Comparing h i s speed with that m a d s by Maj. Schroeder it Is probable that the little LePere s v e r -sged over ISO miles an hour during the day. .

Charles Rohlfs , fa ther of Roland Rohlfs. a Curt iss pilot, one of the Buf­fa lo contes tants for a part of the $10.-•00 prises, watched every machine coming from the eas t during the a f ter ­noon. He went a w a y disappointed but happy, after i t had been reported that Rohlfs w a s b e i n g held over a t S y r a ­cuse.

Ear ly in the morning the crowds

for Toronto at 11:34, returned a t 1:08 and left for N e w York at 1:56 o'clock.

N o . 24, D H L W. C. Brown, pilot, a r ­rived a t 11:52, w a s held for repairs on wheela and t ires unti l 1:41, returned a t 3:27 and left for N e w York at 4:02. No. 44, DH4, Lieut. R. Midkiff. pilot, ar ­rived a t 12:13%. left for Toronto a t 12:45 and returned a t 2:42, leaving for N e w York a t 3:30; N o . 21. SE5 . Capt. Hary Smith , pilot, arrived a t 12:25 and left for Toronto a t 1:19% remaining there over night .

N o . 41, DH4, Maj . J . W. S immons , pilot, arr ived here a t 12:36%, left for Toronto a t 1:34% and will return th i s morning; No. 2. SE5 . Lieut.-Col. H. Hartney . pilot, arrived a t 1:37, left a t 1:02 a n d remained a t Toronto; N o . 5. 8 E 5 Charles Colt, pilot, arrived a t 1:47%. left at 2:38 and remained a t Toronto.

N o . 17. SE5. Capt. R. Brown, pilot, arrived here at 1:51 1-4, left for Tor o n t o a t

more than fifty minutes . Chief Murphy went to Engine Co. .'14

and Capt. Maloney took the engine which i s equipped with a powerful searchlight to the aviation field. The rays of the searchlight were tfirown skyward but no trace of the aviator w a s seen. The noise of the buzzing engine had s topped 'by the t ime Chief Murphy reached the field.

It is bel ieved that the aviator w a s able to make a landing somewhere in the vicinity.

Bobn. Mrs. Henry Raitt. chairman of the

dance committee: Mrs. Mary Brown. Miss Mary Navagh, Mrs. George Dunn. Mrs. Charles Farrell, Mrs. James Martin. Mrs. Walter Weise , Miss M. Fohlc.

Mrs. William H. Schwinger is chair­man of the automobile committee . Mrs. John Carroll has charge of the ticket committee .

Sandwiches and coffee. MrSi Clara-Thries, chairman. Mrs. M. Jjauser; candy, Mrs. John Roesser; dishes, M r s . John Traufler. chairman: fish pond, Mrs. Walter McBury, chairman; dolls. Miss Helen Furlong, chairman.


The tca< featured ii tion. that tion. g ive i vocational] manent it i ts develd social int«

It is des knowledge that will workmen, which thej i s made situation, for labor capital and masses slavery at trade guilt

Three h< schools ar« being pecially rel these schl The aim oi tern is t u r | and at the the industl tion sure t«

It w a s heavy al schools wl 2 i s most all parts known theii schools tj trades whU schools are! falo's educf and natioi toward tl

AUGl Gil

iBy.Spef Hornell,

sun was : treated to in August. for five mil struck the fall ever j-eq

final injunction orders mers of the Lafayette ,

McLeod hotels , restrain-| from picket ing in front of

will be filed with the rk this morning, making lanent unless opposed,

[McCarriagher. counsel for ten's association, said y e s -

:tion w a s obtained August rained str iking employes lg up and down in front,

or in the vicinity of the tying or writ ing or in a n y resenting that the houses

to organized labor. It also nusive or threatening re­

a s o n s entering or about, to Mels.

this is the broadest u n -inction involving picketing ;n granted," McCarriagher ty. "The defendants have

M an> proof to defend md thus far have not a p -

lurt," Waiters ' Alliance, Bar -

krbers', Cooks, and ( Bel l-Ipresent proof to the1 court, ban on picketing would be

Peaceable picket ing has held legal.


| n g of industrial history i s the non-technical instruc-

|rms a part of the educa-every boy who at tends a

;hool. The thing of per->rtance in this course i s lent of industrial |and fence. Id that the pupils acquire )t the rights and duties

Jtheirs when they become Id of the condit ions under rill find themselves . Study

Jhe present day industrial (factory systems, occasions lions, the relationship of

(labor, the history of the M upward struggle from feudalism, craftsmen and

River Road Happenings Coming Before Tonawanda

Judge for Probing. e I


Girl Showered With Glass W h e n Machines Crash

in Avenue.

of each day in the trade |ven to studying, the time kd between subjects e s -»d to the trades taught in

and general studies . the vocational school s y s -

out finished mechanics , le time to send them into

m with general informa-Irove helpful to them. led that the outlook for lance at the vocational they open on September

SOuraging m a n y boys, in the city having made

itention of entering these [perfect themse lves for they wish to follow. The »e and are a part of Buf-)nal sys tem. The stab? governments contribute


Hearing of Arthur W. H;j wley, No. 285 W e s t Tupper street, charged with criminal assault on Lillian Werner last Friday night on the F iver road has been postponed until tomorrow. The hearing w a s to have been held be ­fore Just ice of the Peace Cherry a t Tonawanda Monday, Ernest W. ;Mc-Intyre has been retained jto defend Hawley. -

Sheriff Bradley, who vipited the scene of the crime wi th Hawley and R. J. Green, No. 292 Connecticut street, the occupant of the rear seat of the automobile w i th another girl a t the t ime of the alleged assault , (examined the locality thoroughly, but ! found n o

evidence of a struggle, he sjaid. Nor did he find the hatpin . wl^ich Miss Werner said she used to deffend her­self. Hawley admitted, however, that he got out of the car wi th Miss Wer­ner while the other couple remained in the car, the sheriff said.

KEY WORKERS FAIL TO 6ET AUTO, STEAL WATCH, ORACELET August C. Smith yesterday) reported*

to the police that his garage 4* N o - 8 5 ° Humboldt parkway w a s entered about 3:45 o'clock yesterday moaning by-three m e n with a duplicate |key who attempted to steal his five-passenger automobile. When discovered by Smith the burglars fled, takjing w i t h ] them a rain coat and tools. He w a s un­able to describe them in detafil.

The police are on the lookout for two young men who, they say, entered the home of Mrs. Tony Lipczjfnski, No. 27 Churchill street, Monday j forenoon with a duplicate key. A wrijst watch and a gold bracelet are reported m i s s ­ing. :".• . ,./-- •:

Nata FJHs, eleven years old, daughter of Frank Ellis, No. 276 Parkdale avenue, was injured yesterday afternoon at Del-avan and Linwood avenues when an auto­mobile driven by her father in which she was riding collided with a machine driven by Morris Koch, No. 114 Lancaster avenue. The girl was taken to the Homeopathic hospital, where physicians said she is suf­fering from cuts and bruises on the head and body.

Koch was driving north in Linwood ave­nue and was turning west into Delavan avenue when his machine was struck by ElliS' car. it is said, which 'was being driven east in Delavan avenue. Mr<j. Ellis was riding with her husband and daughter.

' When the machines collided the glass of the Ellis car windshield was showered on the occupants and Nata was cut in sev­eral places. Both automobiles were badly damaged. Police of the Cold Spring sta­tion made an investigation.

Twenty-five N e w Farmers Come to Produce Curb

— S a l e s Brisk. '-%


Capt. T o d d and H . A . Avery to Attend Con*

vention Next Month.


To aid the stricken nations of Kurope by raising millions for relief is the aim of the Aj»eriea.n Jewish relief |omraittee which will start a nation-wide! drive in October. The quota of New York state is £ir>.000,000.

l^uch of this 0'Jota has already been subscribed but the real drive will not start until early in October and the drive will continue for one week. Buffalo hind Eric county are expected to raise ?400Jl)0u. Miles M. Goldberg, a former Rufnlonian who has been interested in Jewish welfare and

i community work, wlil be campaign direc­tor in the Buffalo district. The rlrive will be non-sectarian and evers'Oiie will be ap­pealed to for aid for the war sufferers.


Wire to The Courier.) \, Aug. 2«.—Although the

Ing brightly, Hornell was |odd sight of a snow storm

morning. Light snow fell ^s. melting as rapidly as it ind. It is the earliest snow led in this- section.

m BARROOM PALS U N G R A T E F U L Stanley Brokzinski, nineteen years

old. No. 19 Goodyear avenue, ^reported to the police early yesterday smorning that he w a s beaten and robbejd of $20 by threesmen with whom he wfas riding in an automobile. . At a dark] spot in Tifft street, near the N e w York Cen­tral railroad tracks, they threw him from the car. He said he metj them in a saloon at Oak and Clinton streets and had a few drinks with them. D e ­tect ive Sergeant Leary invest igated.

Rec*d of Fires



Acting Inspector John K. Ryan, In charge of the detective bureau at police headquarter!!, received a highly compli­mentary letter yesterday from J*. T. Wood-

•»«• Vn i i i v i H r a n t I man. » well known lumber man of Paines-_». .-so. n . J . > « t . ^apt . I T I U # 0 ,„ w W e h the latter stated that he

Chandler, pilot, arrived a t 2 : 2 0 ' 1 - 2 ^ * " j T. forever Indebted to the Buffalo polhe for Toronto a t 3:22: N o . 3». 8B5 , Capt. , Apartment »«¥* particularly the detective Ste inhle . pilot, arrived at 2:30 and I t > n r w i „, because of the fact that a valuable w a s crashed s o a s t o prohibit further flying-.

O. S. Jones , pilot of special Splitdorf machine , arrived from Toronto a t 3:23

U S E A X E - I N FIGHT, CHARGE. John Benedykt of No. 26 Person

street w a s held for the grand jury by Judge Noonan in city court yesterday charged with assault , first degree. H e is accused of having struck Frank Lubecki of No. 17 Wick street on the head with an axe during a g a n g f ight on Augus t 16. Benedykt denied the charge. „

These fl the twenty night:

1:43 a. Johnson rubbish in unknown;

12:17 p. house occ roofers tar


Mack Set for complaii falo bathinf contest at tl During the ; girls appeal them very costumes . Tl to vote on select ion of J group. In chosen froi these girls regular Sen! night and ff gagement . cial feature the regular be photogr tyre camera sent on to a b l e ^ t h e S i their choice vacancies it last night's twenty-f ive each group a total of sij

•alarms were sounded in lr hours ended a t mid-

-Delawarfl avenqe and Touraine hotel: fire in

|tl bin in basement; cause damage. -No. 502 Elk street;

»d by Thomas Gray; roof; damage $20.


?tt will have no reason {about the w a y the Buf-rirls turned ut for his

fShubert-Teck last night. ;o performances thirty I on the stage, many of j

inning in their beach} audience w a s permitted

regular ballot for the j three girls from each j i s way s ix girls were lithe total number and prill appear with the tt Bathing Beaut ies to -the balance of the en -Friday night a s a spe -entire group, including

Innett bathing girls will ed for the motion pic-Those pictures wil l be Sennet t studios to en-

lett directors to make three girls for the next

pic Sennett company. It Hups there were at least mere, but only three pf ltd be selected, making to be picked.

gold watch which was stolen from his home about five years ago was recently j recovered tu a Buffalo pawnshop by the j local police

Q a n d left for N e w York o n the first j The recovery of the watch w*s due. It i» leg of h i s race a t 4:06; N o . 7, DH4, C. I " M . to the a r t f u l pawnshop system used u n . , - n A M * n i w -rrtvaH • » • • * • *.«i by the detective bureau, and when Wood-H. Reynolds , pilot arrived a t 3:43 and left for Toronto at 4:33 o'clock, r e ­m a i n i n g there: N o . 57, VE7v Major Schroeder. pilot, arrived on last l eg of round trip at 4:14 and left for Toronto a t 1:34 1-2.

N o . 1. D I N . Col. Brandt, pilot, a r ­rived a t 4:28 and proceeded to Toronto a t 3 :11: N o . 4, LeRere, C. H. L o g a n . !

man's watch, which was stolen on Septem ber 10. 1012, was pawned in Buffalo, the bureau records showed when It was stolen and gave the name of the owner.

Inspector Ryan mailed the watch to Woodman several days ago.

T O N t O f t l A L I S T 8 T O C O N V E N E , pilot, arrived at 5:59. and left for Tor- ! Fifteen hundred barbers will gather op to a t 6:39; No . 23. J N 4 H . Lieut, [ in Buffalo from September 9 t o S e p ­

tember 22. a t the annual convention of the Journeymen Barbers' International Union o f America, wh ich will hold its ses s ions in Broadway auditorium. President Herman H i n t s of Local No. 141. announced today that the head­quarters will be in Hotel Niagara, and the arrangements - are In charge of Peter Schaefbuch of this city.



quickly relieved by using as spray or douche.

Follow directions in our booklet (with every bottle). Highly recom­mended by doctors and dentists.

Steves. 3*e. '.Be.

Taylor, pilot, arrived a t 6:01 1-2 and left for Toronto at 6:44; N o . 11. SE5

Capt. J. Donaldson, pilot, arrived a t 6:40 and N o . 32. JN4D. Richard Depew,

'p i lo t -were forced to remain here over night.

Must Pay Quty. Wi l son Campbell , pilot of machine

No. 66. a Canadian JN. which w a s wi thdrawn from the race voluntarily I on h i s arrival here Monday afternoon. • is to be compelled to pay duty on the ? machine. It developed that Campbell But (he »ol«Jicr» aad.MiiI<>r» will never »t»p talk purchased the machine in Toronto be- ' ing about the <-oerf«rt tliey got from tlie Allen'* ! f o r e t h e r a c e a n d Was i n t e n d i n g t o I Foot-Case, the anti--;tir iwwder U> BtTTlmlicu y

withdraw at Schenectady. Campbell ! into the *i»«x-.. whi.-h th«-ir twewtlieart*, mother approached the staff of omcials on the «>r sb**™ >»-«t th«-in. rntil It in tried B» UR.-tleld when he landed Monday and ask- •,tf," li,whuJ * * , U S i'",J w"«*"**• >"«*•* Aii-ns,

. I Foot-K»«e i> to ltaiiiliil. uHiing. swollen. ti-n.|.i '-'•''•' fi-rt. t ••rn>. Blinioii4 Mini I'alluUM-*. It ujakt-s j

walking a detigut. **M «»eo»b«re. (


uick remittance! serv­ice to all parts

EUROPE Delivery or refund]


All Languages Spofa

FOREIGN DEPART] (Entrance—Lafayette Sqt

Capt. Juunes W. Todd of No. 87 Putnam street and H. A. Avery, Xo. 230 Federal htiildiiijr, renpectively president and treas­urer of Buffalo union, No. 19, of the Na­tional Federation of Federal employes, have been chosen to represent the local at the annual convention of the Federation la San Francisco, September S.

W . i | unions iu New York state are at Albany, Buffalo, Iona Island, Leweston, New York, Niagara Falls, Rochester, Wa-terrliet.

The Federation is affiliated with the American Federation'of Labor. It includes {jdvernment workers of all occupations asid grades not exclusively eligible to other national trade union organizations char tered by the American Federjtion of Labor.

Thus its membership reaches into all departments of the U. S, government, both in the District of Columbia and the field sen ice. such as customs, internal revenue, immigration, light house, coast guard, In­dian, forestry, fisheries, animal and plant industry, steamboat inspection, peniten­tiary guards, cusro.^an service in pobli:* buildings, navy yard, ordnance stations and all other civil branches of the govern­ment.

Now at the close of the third year of its existence, the National Federation of Fed­eral Employes includes 142 lor-ais in 42 states, with a total membership of nearly 130,000.

(By Special Wire to The Courier.) Lockport. Aug . 26. — S i x t y - s i x p r o ­

ducers are on the public curb marke t here today, twenty- f ive reg is ter ing for the first t ime. B u y i n g w a s brisk for a time, and the producers w i t h var i e ty loads were seen c leaned out, whi le o f ­ten those w i th loads of s ing le product s soon unloaded a t lower prices . P e a c h e s and tomatoes were the mos t plenti ful , the former se l l ing a t a reduced price, whi le the latter . w e n t a s low a s t e n cents per basket , w i thout the b a s k e t .

T h e golden batam corn, w h i c h h a s sold a t prices ranging from fifty c e n t s down to the present price of t w e n t y cents , i s becoming scarce, whi le e v e r ­green corn is becoming plentiful . B l a c k Mexican corn made i ts first appearance th is morning. Pota toes were m o r e plentiful a t $3 per bushel or s e v e n t y -five cent s per peck.


The Ds ld-Qual i ty 50-50 c lub will m o ­tor t o Wheatfield f a r m s grove a t Wheat f i e ld -on-Niagara Labor d a y for an out ing and picnic. JThirty-five cars, will carry the employes and their f a m ­i l ies to the grove, l eav ing Dold W e l f a r e hal l 'netwcen 8 and 9 o'clock.

A ball g a m e between the office a n d plant t eams will be a feature of the outing. The large dancing pavi l ion erected by J. C. Dold will be officially opened that day. Joe Armbruster ' s jazz band will furnish the la tes t r a g ­t ime t o r the dancers.

J. P . Dold i s chairman of the c o m ­mi t t ee in charge and will be as s i s t ed by R. S. Dold, G. Voltz, C. V. Horan, J- P . Morgan. J. Mueller, C. Red lien; J. A . Setter, H. DuQuinn, J. Mache, B . B a p -rows, G. H a v l i s h and Dr. Brauns .


The condition of three men severely injured in an automobile-trolley car col­lision at Seneca street and Inger avenue Monday night was reported unchanged last night.

Thomas Doyle is at Emergency hospital, where doctors hold out hope %f his recov­ery. Frank Woodey, taken to Columbus hospital and whose injuries it was feared might prove mortal, was reported still in a critical condition. Arthur Webster, also at Columbus hospital, was Said t j be do­ing well. | (


Frank Rydonzyk, forty-six years o ld . No; 35 Titus street, who, the police say, jumped off the Krie viaduct over William street, near Babeock. Monday afternoon, died at the Emergency hospital yesterday morning of a fractured skull and internal injuries.

Rydnzyk was walking along the trestlo when Patrolman Patrick Ring saw him. and tried to have him come down. When Ring and two trainmen went up on the trestle after him the patrolman said that Rydonzyk jumped, landing on a pile of stones.

A N N U A L ROTARY O U T I N G . „ The Buffalo Rotary c lub will hold ftjp

annual out ing at Clarence Thursday , September 11, the date s e t by the board of directors. Members wil l motor to. Clarence and be entertained by H o w a r d M. Heston , president of the Buffalo Automobi le club.


"Lit Car.ii put your books iiortor" Carlin Accountants

INCOME TAX t»PKCIATISTS t l e i . 6801 621-S23 Kllicatt Square

t 5!?

AdaiiLMeIdrinnc?AridersoiT£Q Mall and Telephone Orders Filled Promptly. Phone: Seneca 4060.

Store Hours: 9 4 BL to 5:30 P . M. Shop in the Morning: f o r Most Comfor t Closed All Day Saturdays daring A u g u s t


! , V \ t '

455 Main Street »

No Branches \ ed if it were possible to locate | c u s t o m * officials aa he warned to pay

Unusual Offer One thousand pairs of lovely Plaid BlarAjets — pink, blue and grey plaids-Blankets of splendid quality

uble Bed Size

$5.50 Pair

Very desirable kind of Blankets in hand­some colors and durable quality, and

worth much more.

X ^ * Really these Blankets are a great bargain and every pair should he sold today.

u,_ A ,

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