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Build a Culture to Encourage Learning, Creativity and Collaboration

Date post: 21-Jan-2018
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  1. 1. Presenting Today Eve Ash Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur Seven Dimensions @EveAsh Krista Brubaker Content Marketing Specialist BizLibrary [email protected] Mark Bowles Training Executive Seven Dimensions
  2. 2. www.bizlibrary.com/free-trial BizLibrary helps organizations succeed by improving the way employees learn.
  3. 3. Some people are not motivated to learn or improve
  4. 4. POLL Is your culture at work one that encourages learning, creativity and collaboration? A. Yes absolutely B. Usually/mostly C. Hard to say/unsure D. A little/inconsistent E. Definitely not
  5. 5. POLL Are you able to influence the culture at your workplace? A. Yes absolutely B. Usually/mostly C. Hard to say/unsure D. A little/inconsistent E. Definitely not
  6. 6. Discover your inner motivation Help others discover what motivates them
  7. 7. Is your comfort zone holding you back? Learn to question Dont be afraid to try
  8. 8. Where is your curiosity?
  9. 9. Not just what is going on in your head What makes sparks fly? Connect to your feelings
  10. 10. How do we help ourselves? How do we help others uncover inner career passion? Mindset open to exploration and feelings we can tend to block ourselves, sabotaging discovery Choose friends, colleagues and mentors that inspire, energize, support Whats been exciting in the past? peak moments in your work find the linking theme How do you balance income/interest? e.g. part-time job/income and alternate interest?
  11. 11. Benjamin Todd TEDexYouth presentation 80000hours.org (80,000 hours in your career) If you follow your passions not necessarily successful Current interests dont matter so much, they always change not solid for career choice Do whats valuable! Focus on getting good at something that genuinely helps others and makes the world a better place = the secret to passion and a fulfilling career
  12. 12. Benjamin Todd 1. EXPLORE go out and try things 2. BUILD YOUR SKILLS in demand, flexible 3. SOLVE SOCIAL PROBLEMS help in a neglected area Focus on What can you do for other people?
  13. 13. Corporate social responsibility / Pro bono project strategy Kathleen Zellner Chicago lawyer wrongful convictions 18 innocents exonerated Steven Averys new lawyer @zellnerlaw The wrongful conviction of Sue Neill-Fraser for the murder of her partner Bob Chappell
  14. 14. The power of success starts with the way we think
  15. 15. If the workplace culture is not positive, people often develop a protective shell and become robotic, disappointed and lose connection with themselves.
  16. 16. (c) Eve Ash eveash.com contagious, keep you stuck in the past Impact team culture PEOPLE DO NOT achieve their potential Negative Scripts
  17. 17. Positive messages and affirmations make us feel good, help us communicate effectively, respect rights and achieve results. Set a goal Do it!
  18. 18. Help ourselves and others to change scripts Positive thoughts usually underpin positive actions and enhance wellbeing at work
  19. 19. We need to find the raw delight we sometimes lose this at work
  20. 20. Sometimes you have to close one door to open another. Delight comes in surprising ways.
  21. 21. SLOW DOWN CALM YOURSELF Time each day to do something you like A walk, a catchup with a friend, a game, music Quality time with loved ones. Quality time with work colleagues. Rediscover treasure the moments and memories Feel gratitude
  22. 22. EXPLORE: Bravery vs safety What works for you, what risks will you take?
  23. 23. Respectful behaviors at work are essential for cohesive teams
  24. 24. Our attitude and communication style impacts those around us
  25. 25. Managers must create a positive culture at work with respectful communication
  26. 26. From Creating a Respectful Workplace Cutting Edge Communication Comedy Series
  27. 27. Respect yourself!
  28. 28. Everyone has ideas for improvements exercise the team with one shared idea ever day. Create an Ideas Board or a Creative Corner Acknowledge good ideas. Review outcomes.
  29. 29. Enjoy new developments and ideas from great creators share with your team, discuss the future e.g. Elon Musks Hyperloop https://www.digitaltrends.com/cool-tech/hyperloop-news/ https://www.digitaltrends.com/cool-tech/mit-students-hyperloop-contest/ Set up relevant newsfeeds for your business and industry Highlight relevant TED talks
  30. 30. Malcolm Gladwell author The most transformative leaders had three things in common: Creativity | Conscientiousness | Disagreeableness Andrew Thorburn CEO of National Australia Bank Instigated a pipeline for ideas with a method of turning them into products and services. How does your business encourage ideas, improvements, innovation?
  31. 31. TODAY: Growth of online collaboration Corporate collaboration tools groups Offer knowledge forums, social feeds, internal blogs knowledge sharing and support for projects across divisions employees are more willing to share knowledge barriers to collaboration have been eliminated productivity has increased
  32. 32. eg. Slack, Yammer, Jive can be customized for staff group use. Slack fastest growing workplace software world has ever seen https://www.technologyreview.com/s/600771/10-breakthrough-technologies-2016-slack/ Yammer Facebook for offices enables staff to collaborate and chat on a secure platform. There are even claims that Yammer enhances business IQ http://www.lawtechnologytoday.org/2015/11/a-review-of-yammer/
  33. 33. Julia Carpenter & Alex Laughlin social media editors started Pay Up online group for tech industry (for now) Q&As with negotiation experts, and roundtable discussions. Provides a space for individual conversations among several hundred users. Channels for women in different cities e.g. help with wording to ask for a promotion! https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/business/womens-wages/salary-negotiation-guide- women/?tid=womens-wages&utm_term=.304f205e7587
  34. 34. Listen Focus on facts
  35. 35. Problem solving should be respectful and constructive
  36. 36. Problem Solving requires good listening
  37. 37. Dont take sides and assume INSTEAD Listen supportively to both parties Dont allow emotions to escalate INSTEAD Control respectful exchanges Dont bulldoze with your opinions INSTEAD Use questions to clarify and summarize Dont leave problems unresolved INSTEAD Facilitate solutions and agree actions SKILLS: MEDIATING FOR RESOLUTION From Mediating for Resolution Cutting Edge Communication Comedy Series
  38. 38. 1. Identify and clarify the issue or problem Dont prejudge 2. Understand and respect all stakeholder interests Get the facts! 3. Consider the options Evaluate possible options 4. Determine your path and set your deadline whats do-able 5. Document specific plans Describe actions and responsible people 6. Know the back-up plan Consider delays. Monitor and evaluate. What worked, what didnt work? 7. Go back to step one if solution did not succeed "A leader must never view a problem as a distraction, but rather as a strategic enabler for continuous improvement". https://www.forbes.com/forbes/welcome/?toURL=https://www.forbes.com/sites/glennllopis/2013/11/04/the-4-most-effective-ways-leaders-solve- problems/&refURL=https://www.google.com.au/&referrer=https://www.google.com.au/ SOLVE PROBLEMS METHODICALLY
  39. 39. Tim Brown Ideo founder Change by Design problem-solving a process for creating new choices Managers may have sophisticated methods for making choices, but making choices out of a prevailing set of options is a very limiting thing to do. Innovation culture exists anywhere the managers are taking an interest in all the ideas and a variety of problem-solving approaches https://www.strategy-business.com/article/09309?gko=2be54
  40. 40. Shortcuts 2 types 1. Improve efficiency and productivity (celebrate) 2. Those that cost you, someone didnt go through the fine print in agreements and understandings (learn!) Some believe shortcuts can kill an enterprising new business https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/274209
  42. 42. Stress is often caused by overload LOOK FOR AN EASIER WAY!
  43. 43. Licensed for this PowerPoint for one year through Conde Nast. Not for reuse. CONSIDER HOW YOU DO THINGS WHAT IS BEST PATH?
  44. 44. Identify the GOOD SHORTCUTS Sometimes we are blind to our outdated habits and procedures. Review often. Look for smarter ways. Effective practical shortcuts that save time and money lead to improvements and innovation. Then you have reason to celebrate!
  45. 45. Kaamran Hafeez enabled me to license his New Yorker cartoon for this PowerPoint for one year through Conde Nast. Not for reuse.
  46. 46. Dont just talk about the great idea reward the person or team with the idea!
  47. 47. Tim Brown Allow people to present works-in-progress without fear of criticism. If someone has a rough idea (not yet streamlined) and it gets shot down by critical peers thats not conducive to innovation or problem-solving. https://www.strategy-business.com/article/09309?gko=2be54
  48. 48. Most people want to feel acknowledged for their work and ideas Companies and organisations need to make it clear that ideas are welcomed and can often be put to practical use. What can be offered? Bonuses, awards, celebratory events, days off. Whichever the reward route, always publicly acknowledge the originators and give credit where its due.
  49. 49. So what can we learn from this? What changes going forward?
  50. 50. We need to have fun at work! Physical benefits of laughter Releases endorphins feel good! Boosts immune system Improves blood flow to heart Lowers blood pressure Stress reliever Eve Ash eveash.com www.7d-tv.com
  51. 51. Laughter universal language Inspires hope and optimism Makes us happy and engaged People are friendlier and more open Binds people together Its contagious! Eve Ash eveash.com www.7d-tv.com
  52. 52. POLL Can you apply some strategies from this webinar to help you and/or others to build a positive culture for learning, creativity and collaboration? A. Yes definitely B. Most likely C. Hard to say/unsure D. Unlikely
  53. 53. Questions?
  54. 54. Cutting Edge Communication: Developing Successful Mindsets Video lesson from Seven Dimensions 1. Make a Great Impression 2. Communicate Effectively 3. Be Confident and Assertive 4. Set and Achieve Goals 5. Prioritize and Organize 6. Contribute to the Team 7. Appreciate Feedback 8. Build Employability Skills 9. Demonstrate Strengths 10.Impress at Job Interviews
  55. 55. Igniting Creativity video course 11-part video course from BizLibrary Productions 1. You Can Be Creative! 2. Creativity vs. Logic 3. The Creative Process: Part 1 4. The Creative Process: Part 2 5. Adopting a Creative Mindset 6. Conducting a Brainstorming Session 7. How to be Innovative 8. Innovating with SCAMPER 9. Idea Generation Techniques 10. Becoming a More Creativer Thinker 11. Fostering Creativity at Work
  56. 56. Try out these video lessons and more! Let us know through the poll if youd like a free trial of BizLibrarys online course collection. www.bizlibrary.com/free-trial
