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Build a Node.js Client for Your REST+JSON API

Date post: 27-Aug-2014
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In this presentation, Les Hazlewood - Stormpath CTO and Apache Shiro PMC Chair - will share all of the golden nuggets learned while designing, implementing and supporting a Node.js Client purpose-built for a real-world REST+JSON API. Further reading: http://www.stormpath.com/blog Stormpath is a user management and authentication service for developers. By offloading user management and authentication to Stormpath, developers can bring applications to market faster, reduce development costs, and protect their users. Easy and secure, the flexible cloud service can manage millions of users with a scalable pricing model.
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Building a Node.js Client for Your REST+JSON API Les Hazlewood @lhazlewood CTO, Stormpath stormpath.com
Page 1: Build a Node.js Client for Your REST+JSON API

Building a Node.js Clientfor Your REST+JSON API

Les Hazlewood @lhazlewoodCTO, Stormpath stormpath.com

Page 2: Build a Node.js Client for Your REST+JSON API

.com• User Management and Authentication

API• Security for your applications• User security workflows• Security best practices• Developer tools, SDKs, libraries

Page 3: Build a Node.js Client for Your REST+JSON API

Overview• Resources• Public / Private API• Proxy Design• Active Record• Fluent API• Configuration• Caching• Authentication• Pluggability• Lessons Learned

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• Hypermedia

• As

• The

• Engine

• Of

• Application

• State

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• Nouns, not verbs• Coarse-grained, not fine-grained• Support many use cases• Globally unique HREF

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Collection Resource

• Example: /applications

• First class resource w/ own properties:• offset• limit• items• first, next, previous, last• etc

• items contains instance resources

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Instance Resource

• Example:/applications/8sZxUoExA30mP74

• Child of a collection• RUD (no Create - done via parent collection)

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Translating to Code

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var util = require('util');

function Resource(...) { ... }util.inherits(Resource, Object);


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Instance Resourcefunction InstanceResource(...) {...}util.inherits(InstanceResource, Resource);

anInstanceResource.save(function (err, saved) { ...});

anInstanceResource.delete(function (err) { ...});

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Collection Resourcefunction CollectionResource(...) {...}util.inherits(CollectionResource, Resource);

aCollResource.each(function (item, callback) { ...}, function onCompletion(err) { ... });

aCollResource.eachSeriesaCollResource.mapaCollResource.filter... other async.js methods ...

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Example: ApplicationListapplications.each(function(app, callback){ console.log(app); callback();}, function finished(err) { if (err) console.log(‘Error: ‘ + err);});

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• Public API• Internal/Private Implementations• Extensions

• Allows for change w/ minimal impacthttp://semver.org

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Encapsulation in practice

• Use an underscore prefix: _• Super clear code comments:

mark @public or @private• Public API docs: don’t display private


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Public API

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Public API

• All non-@private functions/vars• Builder methods (method chaining)• Object literals (config) is public too!

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Public prototypical OO Classes

• Client• ApiKey• Application• Directory• Account• Group• etc

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Classes with static helper methodsClient client = Clients.builder() ... .build();

• Create multiple helper classesseparation of concerns

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Builder methods (method chaining)

client.getApplications() .where(name).startsWith(‘*foo’) .orderBy(name).asc() .limit(10) .execute(function (err, apps){ ... });

clients.getApplications() ApplicationRequestBuilder

Single Responsibility Principle!

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Private API

• Implementations + SPI interfaces• Builder implementations• Implementation Plugins

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Resource Implementations• Create a base Resource class:• Property manipulation methods• Dirty checking• Reference to DataStore• Lazy Loading

• Create base InstanceResource and CollectionResource implementations

• Extend from InstanceResource or CollectionResource

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Resourcevar utils = require(’utils');

function Resource(data, dataStore) { var DataStore = require('../ds/DataStore'); if (!dataStore && data instanceof DataStore){ dataStore = data; data = null; } data = data || {};

for (var key in data) { if (data.hasOwnProperty(key)) { this[key] = data[key]; } }

var ds = null; //private var, not enumerable Object.defineProperty(this, 'dataStore', { get: function getDataStore() { return ds; }, set: function setDataStore(dataStore) { ds = dataStore; } }); if (dataStore) { this.dataStore = dataStore; }}utils.inherits(Resource, Object);

module.exports = Resource;

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InstanceResourcevar utils = require(‘utils');var Resource = require('./Resource');

function InstanceResource() { InstanceResource.super_.apply(this, arguments);}utils.inherits(InstanceResource, Resource);

InstanceResource.prototype.save = function saveResource(callback) { this.dataStore.saveResource(this, callback);};

InstanceResource.prototype.delete = function deleteResource(callback) { this.dataStore.deleteResource(this, callback);};

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Applicationvar utils = require(‘utils');var InstanceResource = require('./InstanceResource');

function Application() { Application.super_.apply(this, arguments);}utils.inherits(Application, InstanceResource);

Application.prototype.getAccounts = function getApplicationAccounts(/* [options,] callback */) { var self = this; var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); var callback = args.pop(); var options = (args.length > 0) ? args.shift() : null;

return self.dataStore.getResource(self.accounts.href, options, require('./Account'), callback);};

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Usage Paradigm

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Account JSON Resource{ “href”: “https://api.stormpath.com/v1/accounts/x7y8z9”, “givenName”: “Tony”, “surname”: “Stark”, …, “directory”: { “href”: “https://api.stormpath.com/v1/directories/g4h5i6” }}

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Proxy PatternString href = “https://api.stormpath.com/v1/....”;

client.getAccount(href, function(err, acct) { if (err) throw err;

account.getDirectory(function(err, dir) { if (err) throw err; console.log(dir); });


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Proxy Pattern

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Component Architecture

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Component Architectureaccount .save()

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Component Architectureaccount .save()


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Component Architectureaccount .save()



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Component Architectureaccount .save()




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Component Architectureaccount .save()




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Component Architectureaccount .save()







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Component Architectureaccount

API Server








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Component Architectureaccount

API Server


RequestExecutor ResourceFactory JSON Resource






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Cachingvar cache = cacheManager.getCache(regionName);

cache.ttl //time to livecache.tti //time to idlecache.get(href, function(err, obj) { ...});

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Cachingclient.getAccount(href, function(err, acct) {...});

// in the DataStore:var cache = cacheManager.getCache(‘accounts’);cache.get(href, function(err, entry) { if (err) return callback(err); if (entry) { ... omitted for brevity ... return callback(entry.value); } //otherwise, cache miss – execute a request: requestExecutor.get(href, function(err, body) { //1. cache body //2. convert to Resource instance //3. invoke callback w/ instance }}

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Queriesaccount.getGroups(function(err,groups){...});//results in a request to://https://api.stormpath.com/v1/accounts/a1b2c3/groups

• What about query parameters?

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Queriesaccount.getGroups( { name: ‘foo*’, description: ‘*test*’, orderBy: ‘name desc’, limit: 100 }, function onResult(err, groups) { ... });

//results in a request to:

https://api.stormpath.com/v1/accounts/a1b2c3/groups? name=foo*&description=*test*&orderBy=name%20desc&limit=100

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Use a Fluent API!

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Queriesaccount.getGroups().where() .name().startsWith(“foo”) .description().contains(“test”) .orderBy(“name”).desc() .limitTo(100));//results in a request to:

https://api.stormpath.com/v1/accounts/a1b2c3/groups? name=foo*&description=*test*&orderBy=name%20desc&limit=100

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Authentication• Favor a digest algorithm over HTTP Basic• Prevents Man-in-the-Middle attacks (SSL won’t guarantee


• Also support Basic for environments that require it (Dammit Google!)• ONLY use Basic over SSL

• Represent this as an AuthenticationScheme to your Client / RequestExecutor

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Authentication• AuthenticationScheme.SAUTHC1• AuthenticationScheme.BASIC• AuthenticationScheme.OAUTH10a• ... etc ...

Client client = new stormpath.Client({ //defaults to sauthc1 authcScheme: ‘basic’});

Client/RequestExecutor uses a Sauthc1RequestAuthenticator or BasicRequestAuthenticator or OAuth10aRequestAuthenticator, etc.

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• Plugins or Extensions module• One sub-module per plugin• Keep dependencies to a minimum

plugins/|- request/|- foo/

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Lessons Learned

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Lessons Learned

• Recursive caching if you support resource expansion

• Dirty checking logic is not too hard, but it does add complexity. Start off without it.

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Lessons Learned: Promisesvar promise = account.getGroups();

promise.then(function() { //called on success}, function() { //called on error}, function() { //called during progress});

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Lessons Learned: async.jsasync.waterfall([ function(callback){ callback(null, 'one', 'two'); }, function(arg1, arg2, callback){ // arg1 now equals 'one' and arg2 now equals 'two' callback(null, 'three'); }, function(arg1, callback){ // arg1 now equals 'three' callback(null, 'done'); }], function (err, result) { // result now equals 'done' });

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$ git clone https://github.com/stormpath/stormpath-sdk-node.git

$ cd stormpath-sdk-node

$ npm install$ grunt

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Thank You!

[email protected]• Twitter: @lhazlewood• http://www.stormpath.com

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