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Build your brand on the job - Workfront LEAP 2016

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Build Your Brand On the Job Terri Trespicio WORKFRONT LEAP / May 2016

Build Your Brand On the Job

Terri Trespicio




Creating, maintaining, and refining your brand

is the most important investment of your career.

You already are a brand.

You’re just not using it in a way that benefits you.

But what is your brand?

It’s what you do & how you do it.

Promise. Presence. Practice.

Let’s talk about passion for one sec.

“Conventional wisdom on career success—follow your passion—is seriously flawed. It not only fails to describe how most people actually end up with compelling careers, but for many people it can actually make things worse: leading to chronic job shifting and unrelenting angst.”

—Cal Newport

“The thing that most people don’t

realize is that in today’s world your

business and your personal brand

need to be one and the same.”

—Gary Vaynerchuk, Crush It

Meet Shir. He teaches excel.

What does it do for me?

Stand out at work…and everywhere else.

Meet Dorie Clark.

“There’s a lingering cultural belief that if

you just work hard enough, you’ll be

lauded as an authority if your work merits

it. Unfortunately, that’s a recipe for

professional disaster.”

–Dorie Clark, Stand Out: How to Find Your

Breakthrough Idea and Build a Following Around It

With a great brand, you’re not just worth keeping; you’re indispensable.

“The indispensable employee brings

humanity and connection and art to the

her organization. She is the key player, the

one who’s difficult to live without, the

person you can build something around.”

–Seth Godin, Linchpin

Being indispensable is a skill you can learn.

“You can train yourself to matter.” —Seth Godin

Contribute in a bigger way.

No one wants you to play small.

Take me, for example.

Buildyour network.

You can be a LinkedIn slut…Just don’t be a one-night stand.

Your resume is your past. Your job is your present. Your network is your past, present, and future. It’s where you’ve been and where you’re going.

Starta side hustle, biz, project.

Why now?

• Working hard is not enough. • Being brilliant is not enough. •You will not be in this role forever. • Your company wants you to do it.


Your brand is how the world

sees you.

“It matters less how you see the world.

It matters more how the world sees you.

If you fail to understand what your

audience truly values, then you can’t

communicate yourself in a way that

makes people want to build connection

and loyalty.” –Sally Hogshead, How the World Sees You

Let’s talk about what makes you nervous.

Fear of self promotion


Not a team player Conflict of interest


Sending the wrong message

Looking like a douche

“What will they think?” “Who do I think I am?”

Why you?

If you can’t answer that without getting defensive, you haven’t

landed your brand.

“So, what do you do?”

Talk to me like a fifth grader.

Don’t sell the feature. Sell the face.

You are more than the tasks you do or the services you provide.

Ex: Every resume, ever.

You’re not just a professional; you’re an expert.

expert (noun)

a person who has a comprehensive & authoritative knowledge of or skill in a particular area.

“One of the mistakes I see new

business owners make is that they

don’t consider themselves experts.

They’re adamant that they’re not

ready yet.” —Scott Stratten, Unmarketing

Day jobs have an unfairly bad rep.

Meet Ramit Sethi.

“Most of my students still have a day job. A lot of them are planning to quit as soon as they make enough money to replace that income. But I also have plenty of students (and a number of employees) who make more than enough on the side that they could quit whenever they wanted. So why haven’t they? It’s not fear of going out on their own. It’s that they’ve found their Dream Job.”

–Ramit Sethi, creator of Zero to Launch & Find Your Dream Job

Meet Kabir Seghal.

Has a full-time job in finance. Likes to write. Enjoys playing music.

So here’s what he did.

Wrote a book about jazz. Wrote a book about money. Wrote a children’s book. Became a NY Times best-selling author. Grammy award-winning producer. …all while being full-time at JP Morgan

Master your brand at work

Don’t throw it into park. Stay in drive.

Don’t think like a freelancer.

• Waiting for people to give you work. • Waiting to be asked to do a thing. • Complain about low wages. • Afraid to do more than you’re paid to do. • Server mentality • Compete on price.

Freelancer mode

Even full-timers get stuck in freelancer mode.

• Waiting for people to give you work. • Waiting to be asked to do a thing. • Complain about low wages. • Afraid to do more than you’re paid to do. • Server mentality. • Compete on price.

Ummmm…it’s the same thing:

Put yourself in entrepreneur mode.

• Seek out opportunities. • Aim to do things differently, and better. • Be like no one else. • Overdeliver. • Be looking five steps ahead. • Stop waiting to be told what to do.

Be the chef,not the server.

Let’s talk about your niche.


Identify your favorite problemsand solve them—for everyone.

Meet Maggie Mistal

Don’t wait for your next job interviewto figure out what you do & why it matters.

Case in point: Lori

“Results driven marketing and brand management executive with over 10 years experience creating and implementing strategies that drive consumer engagements, sales and brand awareness.

Consultative and collaborative leader with strong business acumen working in a corporate or agency environment who brings independent thinking and fresh ideas.

Reputation for insight driven strategies that enhance the creative process. Proven ability to work with and lead cross-functional teams to deliver on budget and on time.”

Lori’s sweet spot“When marketing is done well, you shouldn’t see it at all.”

“Helping a brand get more traffic and attention—and a leg up on the competition.”

“Lousy websites.”

“When Target knocked off a product I created for Macys.”

“I don’t just pay lip service to a brand; I thrive at the intersection of product development and marketing, and develop the products and solutions that make a brand stand out.”

Industry insight:

I love:

Pet peeve:

Most proud of:


Be the resource—so people come to you.

Meet Paula Rizzo

Teach, share, socialize.Don’t keep your wisdom to yourself.

Don’t just have info. Have an opinion.

Here’s mine.

Ask yourself• What do people always come to me for? • What do I wish people came to me for? • What’s different about the way I work with someone? • What’s my professional “signature?” • How do people feel after any interaction with me? • Why do they come back?

Leave the bubble.Meet new people inside & outside of the organization.

Develop your signature work.

Patch up the holes in your power map.

(Check out Dorie Clark for more on powermapping)

Share your story.

(And please update your Linked In profile.)

“Withhold none of you and give

yourself without reservation.

–Grant Cardone, Sell or Be Sold

Thank you!

WHY YOU:Live online workshop

coming this summer!

